2004 Reprobate Party Convention: Nuremburg Revisited

August 20, 2004

“The preparations for Hate Week were in full swing, and the staffs of all the Ministries were working overtime. Processions, meetings, military parades, lectures, waxworks, displays, film shows, telescreen programmes all had to be organized; stands had to be erected, effigies built, slogans coined, songs written, rumours circulated, photographs faked..”.

– George Orwell’s 1984

“They all came to look for America”

– Simon and Garfunkel


August 2004: They came from throughout this great and mighty land, the patriotic and the God fearing, the disenfranchised, the bigots, the healers, the hopeful, the hopeless, the wealthy and the poor alike: they were legion.

A grotesquely obese black bearded man rolled along in a motorized cart, his legs unable to support his colossal bulk. He was decked out in red white and blue, his tunic like a patriotic circus tent, he wore a Dr. Seuss style star spangled hat. His patriotism was on obvious display, his patriotism made possible by his lifetime of overindulgence on junk food, television and a sedentary lifestyle, a consumer of great magnitude, another denizen of the land of the obese and stupid: God bless the salt of the earth. A large sign adorned the back of his scooter, Abortion is Murder in red blood dripping letters, a miniature American flag flying from each handlebar, a Trust Jesus, Support President Bush super-sized button on the front of his clothing. He motored his way through the crowds, attracting little or no attention from security police more concerned with old ladies dressed in democratic blue, the scooter could have been packed with C-4 but the biggest patriot of them all kept on rolling, then he was consumed by the crowd.

In a flashback to The Exorcist, or a sleazy promo tie in for Exorcist 4: The Beginning, Dorthea, a prostitute from the Bronx screamed “LET JESUS FUCK ME” as she fornicated with a delegate from South Carolina who ironically happened to be a lay minister for the Charleston chapter of the Southern Baptist Convention, a family man with a wife and three children (all girls) and a Border Collie, he adamantly supported a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage given its heinous potential for destroying the nuclear family. Dorthea’s come slicked ass bounced against the plexiglass partition in Ahmed Hakim’s taxi, leaving greasy streaks and jolting his head forward from the impact, amplifying his already throbbing headache. A naturalized citizen and devout Muslim, Ahmed was sickened by the hate and perversity of these invaders of his adopted city. Ahmed had a bad day yesterday, swept up in a racial profiling operation by the NYPD he had missed out on an entire day’s fares during the Republican extravaganza, he had a family to feed, his three children were American citizens, his head ached from being slammed into a brick wall by a young white policeman who called him a dirty goat fucking dune coon. Dorthea had already fucked three other GOP delegates today, two who wanted anal sex.

The streets in front of Madison Square Garden resembled a war zone, cordoned off with razor wire. Hundreds of black clothed police in riot gear ringed the facility, ready to unleash a barrage of tear gas and rubber bullets at any faggot ACLU types who may show up to defile the impending coronation of the greatest president in the history of the United States. Hail to Augustus Bush, Praise God!. Vendors were hawking t-shirts of John Kerry in a turban, buttons of a red hued Kerry with horns and a pitchfork, rubber fetuses on sticks, posters of Bush in front of the smoldering remains of the World Trade Center emblazoned with “You’re with us or against us in large red letters”, cds of archived shows by Michael Savage, G. Gordon Liddy, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, Regnery Publishing had a kiosk as did American Opinion Books, both would do have brisk sales. A small mob had earlier hung Michael Moore in effigy to the cheers of a youth church group from Wichita Falls. Even the private arena security contractors got in on the fun, violently smacking the stuffed figure in the private area with their billy clubs. The Moore figure was then set ablaze to the cheers and catcalls of hundreds.

Despite terror warnings and heightened security the MSG parking area was home to numerous recreational vehicles that were rented by local entrepreneurs to serve as mobile brothels, some had barbecues set up in front, like tail gate parties. Some were even subsidized by party loyalists and power brokers, of course this was kept out of the range of the television cameras lest people get the wrong idea. Some rocked up and down as the smell of roasting meat and the sound of Toby Keith’s Shock and y’all boomed from loudspeakers and GOP delegates mingled as they waited their turns. There was a wet bar set up, cold beer flowed from kegs.

The pogrom was under way in the free speech zones.

Firehoses were being used to spray the screaming protestors in the razor wire topped free speech pen, they were caught by the high-pressure streams and thrown back violently. Police and security contractors marched abreast behind shields, closing the distance rapidly.

A young black man lay supine on the sidewalk, he was motionless, blood pooling around his head, chaos around. The private security contractor who had delivered the killing blow sneered to his partner “He was unpatriotic, and he was a nigger” as he sheathed his club.

A middle aged woman from Minneapolis who had lost her only son in Fallujah and who was protesting for the first time in her fifty four years had her head split open, she will never again recover normal brain functionality as a result.

A pregnant teenager from Dayton was shot in the belly by a rubber bullet fired by a riot cop, she would eventually miscarry, Randall Terry and Operation Rescue will not bother showing up to protest the NYPD for performing the abortion.

A group of young gay men from Rochester were set upon with rarely seen savagery by beer drinking young thugs in flannel shirts, jeans and cowboy boots, three were hospitalized, one lost both eyes, all would require months of therapy after the broken bones were set and the wounds stitched closed. A veteran triage attendant would be so disturbed over the mangled bodies that she would later need counseling. No arrests were made.

“Gas them all ” said Ashcroft, the sneer on his face was like a horizontal vaginal opening as obscenely lascivious as any shown in a multitude of pornographic publications that the A.G. sought to outlaw. “They are enemies of God, they are anarchists”.

Those rounded up were forced to endure humiliations, forced to strip naked and stand in cold rooms in front of leering cops and security contractors, body cavity searches, women were made to spread the lips of their vaginas and spread their ass cheeks so as to accommodate views into their most private of all areas while flashlights were shined into the orifices, the former National Socialist Party in Berlin used similar tactics in order to dehumanize. The cops and security goons hadn’t had it this good since Times Square was cleaned up by the invasion of corporate greed several years ago.

Several homeless men were set afire in Central Park , the breezes bore the stench of their charred flesh and reminded some city residents of the horrors of 9-11, some would say that this played into the hands of the party leaders who sought to exploit the tragedy through the very timing and location of this gathering.

Ground Zero was hallowed ground, secured in a joint effort by Promise Keepers, Birchers and Young America’s Foundation activists. A perimeter was set up; murals of George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan and Jesus Christ were plastered on area structures. A platform was festooned with bunting, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth led a rally, rescued from their pathetic, indignant, middle aged lives of simmering resentment and drunken obscurity for a highly compensated moment of glory, a chance to repudiate the drug addled sixties and to bask in the patriotic pride and nationalism that they never enjoyed after the Nam thanks to fucking commies like Kerry and the goddamned dope smoking peaceniks from faggot infested Berkeley. Their benefactors had been generous, prime accommodations at the plaza, catered prime rib feasts, champagne, Viagra and hookers delivered like room service, FOX interviews, speaking engagements, celebrity…hallelujah, a heroes welcome thirty-five years belated.

Fundamentalist Christian leaders were not extended formal invitations to speak during the tightly choreographed, sanitized televised convention but instead appeared at rallies throughout the city.

General Jerry Boykin, sans Army uniform addressed tens of thousands at a rally in Giants Stadium.

“This is a war for God, for American providence against evil, against Islam, against secularism, for family, we will be victorious”.

The fire was lit and rapidly exceeded 451 degrees Fahrenheit, books by Michael Moore and Al Franken were thrown in, bales of the New York Times fed the pyre, Bruce Springsteen and Linda Ronstadt compact discs melted and blackened, the smoke rose through the air, the true believers eyes burned with an inner fire that was all consuming, a righteous fire…a fire to cleanse the sodomites, the liberal secularists, they would all burn for eternity when thy kingdom come.

The throng cheered, the throng exalted.

God’s vengeance on queers, read a banner.

Praise Jesus, Re Elect President Bush!!

The rapture was coming soon, the end justified the means.

The streets were under control….God bless America.

Karachi, Pakistan:

Word was brought to Osama on the proceedings in New York, all was going exactly as planned, let Americans know the meaning of fear, of repression, of an elitist heathen ruling class family that exploited the masses, who crushed insurrection and dissent, who hid behind a deity to justify their hatred and oppression. Soon the time would be right for the war against Islam and in turn the Islamic jihad against the infidels, he would be ready to meet his destiny as the leader of the Islamic world against the Christian crusader who would do more to unite the Muslim world from without than would ever have been possible from within.

Allah Bless America!!