Kewpie Katie’s Dead Jew Porn

October 3, 2009

The TV business is uglier than most things. It is normally perceived as some kind of cruel and shallow money trench through the heart of the journalism industry, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs, for no good reason.

-Hunter S. Thompson

One of the most devastating indictments of the American media and the decline into crass commercialism, tabloid cheese, Wall Street and Pentagon propaganda, lurid pervert of the week tales and moronic dumbed down swill that passes for the news of the rotting empire is America’s Sweetheart Katie Couric. That this dimbulb, morning infotainment maven could be sitting in the anchor chair at CBS (See B.S.) that was once occupied by titans of American journalism like Edward Murrow, Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather is as bizarre and inconceivable as the long lines of outright poltroons who have found as their hero and champion Glenn Beck, a shameless, media whore lunatic whose latest ghostwritten hunk of shit best selling book has him on the cover in a fucking Stasi uniform.

Couric has been on somewhat of a roll lately, scoring an interview with the aforementioned icon of the neo-Confederacy of dunces Beck in which the great one uttered the blasphemy that the Obama presidency is better for the country (as well as Herr Beck’s bank account) than the treacherous old dog from the cactus state John McCain would have been. Astonishingly, Beck even speaks the truth sometimes, he actually has drawn the wrath of the neocons by GASP speaking out about U.S. imperialism, I could imagine how great that it would be if somehow a spell was cast on Beck where he became like the Jim Carey character in the movie Liar Liar where he suddenly found himself unable to fib but that is as much a fantasy as Kewpie being a reputable journalist.

Last week, during the ceaseless propaganda blitz, leaked reports of nuclear death labs embedded in mountains that are straight out of fucking James Bond movies and the rancid and sordid lies and fearmongering that the right loves to spew whenever the need arises Katie scored again. This time during the visit of the ‘New Hitler’ Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to the United Nations where along with the over the top batshit exploits of Moammar Gadhafi and the melodramatic apocalyptic smaltz of Bibi Netanyahu they might as well have been auditioning for the rollout of an updated Three Stooges movie Kewpie Katie interviewed Mad Mahmoud. The pride of See B.S. was out of her league not lobbing softballs to anti-intellectual assclowns like Beck or pinhead populists like Sarah Palin. I excerpt from the AP story Ahmadinejad 1, Couric 0:

Last week, Katie Couric had the tables turned on her. During an interview with Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Couric asked about Neda Soltan, the Iranian female who was shot and killed by Iranian security back in June.

After expressing his regret for the loss of life, Mr. Ahmadinejad pulled out a photo of another woman. He showed it to Ms. Couric and asked if she knew who the woman was. Couric said she didn’t, and that’s when Ahmadinejad pounced.

Ahmadinejad explained that the woman in the photo is Marwa Ali El-Sherbini. She was stabbed to death in a German court by a neo-Nazi. The Iranian president then asked why the death of Ms. El-Sherbini wasn’t being publicized by the media in the same way as Neda’s. Ahmadinejad “suggested that the western media — who turned Neda into a martyr — ignored Marwa’s story.”

Then…..THWAP! Out came the pictures of the dead Jews, Katie, the reigning queen of American McNews played it like a trump card and a powerful one at that when it comes to furthering militarist propaganda and hyping an attack on Iran to the masses of asses, the Rapturheads and teabagger fraidy cats. Legions cheered Xena the warrior queen’s smackdown of the Iranian devil, Zionist freaks the same ones who took to the streets outside the hated U.N. with their Bircher cohorts in protest rejoiced. He who dares to deny the Holocaust and wants to incinerate God’s chosen land was slain right here in America, and by a woman no less. Granted, it is evident that Ahmadinejad is an ass, his mocking denials of the Holocaust are pure schlock shoveled out by a master shit salesman. The man just knows that it is nails on a chalkboard to the neocons and the foaming at the mouth Likud lunatics but Americans should temper their outrage and check their idiocy at the door for once and get in line with the ugly truth.

Of course Kewpie Katie would rather pass a kidney stone than utter the word Goldstone, as in Goldstone Report but she like the rest of dumbass America have a serious problem with their own form of Holocaust denial. I mean when is the blasphemy ever uttered that capitalist icon and American hero Henry Ford, a rabid anti-Semite adapted the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and beginning in 1920 serialized it and published it in the paper that he owned, The Dearborn Independent? Ford’s blaming of every existing problem on the Jews was an eerie precursor to the Limbaughs and Becks (and their legions of devotees who would eat peanuts and corn out of their shit) demagoguery against the hated liberals. Ford’s series, which also featured other railings against Jews ran for 91 weeks and Ford dealers were made to buy and sell subscriptions to the Dearborn Independent as a part of their business agreements. The Ford series eventually was made into a widely distributed publication of booklets entitled The International Jew and became a huge hit in Germany, drawing accolades from Hitler himself who was a big fan of Ford whose work was a valuable resource for the devil’s bible that would become the infamous Mein Kampf.

Now Henry Ford isn’t the only individual or American corporation that gave a helping hand to Hitler’s cult of carnage, IBM provided the Nazis with the machines that were used to keep track of the victims of the death camps, General Motors assisted in putting wheels under the Nazi’s asses. The eugenics craze of Nazi Germany that resulted in the mass exterminations and grotesquely inhuman medical experiments on helpless victims had their roots in America and a guy named Prescott Bush helped launder the Reich’s money here in the USA and Coca Cola created the drink Fanta to be marketed in Germany. There were actually hundreds of corporations that did business with the Nazis (the only loyalty is to money to the banksters and oligarchs) but God forbid that any poor sap in this lemming colony ever learns the truth about that one. I would suggest Edwin Black’s book Nazi Nexus as a good example of some of the more complicit American villians and their role in laying the ground for the actual Holocaust. Perhaps someone should do Kewpie Katie a great service and send her a copy as a gift.

So the usage of Holocaust porn by Couric is just another example of the bizarre, Mad Hatter’s psilocybin mushroom tea party view of the event itself and the appropriation of it by every sleazy operator and front group for imperialist conquest, Israeli genocide, political power and religious indoctrination seeking to have the most kick ass club in the bag. America itself exists in a permanent state of Holocaust denial for not only refusing to recognize the role of so many domestic capitalists and corporations for their roles in it but also in the strange Murkan reverse Holocaust denial of only recognizing the poor dead 6 million Jews (who are exhumed and corpse fucked by necrophiliac scum like Couric, Netanyahu and their ilk on a daily basis) and NOT the millions of other victims who were slaughtered by Hitler’s regime.

Just my two cents over the mornin’ cup o’ joe