King Turd

March 11, 2011
Let The Inquisitions Begin! Apologist for I.R.A. Murder Grabs A Gavel

Let’s not deal with the formalities, why not cut to the chase right away and say the obvious, that Republican Congressman Peter King is not only a world class son of a bitch, a shameless demagogue and a terrorist supporting hypocrite (as long as they’re Irish and NOT Muslim) but a brilliant example of the ongoing moral rot that has eaten away at America from within. Another of the fascist fifth columnists that have since the end of World War Two deeply embedded themselves into our now terminally unhinged society, an element of die hard bigots, haters and Nazi worshippers, flag-wrapped goons and God kissed gauleiters that have with the ascent of this diseased vermin risen to prominence in Der Heimat. The propaganda mills are churning and dumping their blood-soaked flotsam and jetsam into the public consciousness as Herr King prepares his dirty little pack of rat-fuckers for their magnum opus of institutionalized hatred that are the anti-Muslim inquisitions, the serendipitous ‘discovery’ of NEW 9/11 footage sounds the arena horn for the grand poobah’s parade of incandescent, distilled into a potent toxin relaunch of right-wing icon Senator Joseph McCarthy, revamped and updated for the modern media era. That King has a massive bureaucratic fascist monstrosity like The Department of Homeland Security providing the police power for his roundup of dirty brown skinned devils and white al Qaeda sympathizers causes nary a twitching among the sheep as they blissfully and contentedly shuffle off towards the steel chutes.

King will bray like King Kong, that much is assured, his fat face shaking like an arsenic laced jello mold as his Bushmill’s and  cabbage reeking breath will pollute the chamber like acid rain from the smokestacks of a Koch Industries environmental hazard as he holds his kangaroo court. The hearings which begun Thursday are already being given a deserved amount of scorn as a new McCarthyism, at least by any of those who have any decency. The spin-machine is of course set on high, churning out a plethora of polls that produce the typical “most Americans” are in favor of hauling some damned dirty A-rabs up in front of a state sanctioned tribunal for the sole purpose of creating scapegoats. The babbling asses of the right-wing echo chamber of highly paid shills are engaged in typical bigotry, demagoguery and fear-mongering as they peddle their nonsensical horseshit to the types of half-wits who actually (according to another poll) that whites are a persecuted majority! That unbelievable little story is so completely detached from reality that when really taking it in you have to be terrified that on any given day that one is surrounded by these types. The poll, by something called the Public Religion Research Institute and hyped by both CNN and Stormfront is a serious example of just how close the lumpen Republican scumbagger swine are to being ready to don their red, white and blue uniforms that will be provided once the fascist right manages to find that charismatic leader who will lead the battle to take their country back.The haters eat it up though, and to the true believers, the ongoing wave of anti-Muslim hatred that is drowning America is like a piece of Heaven on Earth. Hell, I bet that Brigitte Gabriel’s pussy hasn’t been this wet since the IDF was unleashed on Gaza to stomp on the heads of infants.

While they wait for their future Führer to rise to prominence there will be no shortage of self-interested pigs like Peter King to define the enemy, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker to smash the unions (which Hitler was doing before he got down to the serious business of rounding up Jews) and FOX to spread the propaganda and dehumanize opponents. I often catch hell for comparing the modern day Republican party to the German Nazis but come on now, one would have to be fucking blind to NOT see the similarities, it’s not like they are being done covertly, the rise of these jack-booted, perverted, snake-mean slobs is straight out of Hitler 101. Now with that said, history may always repeat itself but never in exactly the same manner. As former New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison once said:

“In a very real and terrifying sense, our Government is the CIA and the Pentagon, with Congress reduced to a debating society. Of course, you can’t spot this trend to fascism by casually looking around. You can’t look for such familiar signs as the swastika, because they won’t be there. We won’t build Dachaus and Auschwitzes; the clever manipulation of the mass media is creating a concentration camp of the mind that promises to be far more effective in keeping the populace in line.”

If anything, the new American Reich will be a less ostentatious one than the cruder German prototype, the parallels have been evident for quite some time now. The new Gestapo is already here in Homeland Security, the economic crisis that continues to ravage unabated despite the constant reassurances of the corrupt, in bed with Wall Street media that things are getting better, rights are being eroded, torture has become acceptable and in many cases revered, war and militarism are so deeply embedded within the American psyche by now that they are practically genetic traits, the large segment of the populace has been brainwashed to believe that supporting right-wing thugs will result in a return of American exceptionalism, the churches have been co-opted and on it goes. Never underestimate the use of religion as a unifying factor that provides moral cover and justification from on high for savagery and bloodletting, after all, the German Army had belt buckles inscribed with Gott Mit Uns or “God is with us”, the Republicans have brilliantly used this particular factor in their war on America. Continuing the comparisons with Weimar/Nazi Germany there is a feckless and easily cowed opposition in the Democrats, any real ideological opposition to fascism was eradicated when King’s role-model Joseph McCarthy and his Commie fighting minions like the filthy bastard Ronald Reagan for all intents and purposes destroyed whatever remained of the real Socialist, hard-fighting left that escaped the earlier government led purges during the great wars. There is the corporate and industrialist support of the movement because such thuggery is good for the bottom line and there is even a flush with cash backer of it all, Hitler had Fritz Thyssen and the Republicans have the Koch Brothers. Regular Americans themselves are now ready to be reeled in since the low-hanging fruit of the Tea Party is already on board. In a nation of the type that demonized professor Ward Churchill once referred to as “Little Eichmanns” perhaps it’s fitting to crib a bit from Hannah Arendt who studied Eichmann himself and the banality of evil:

The trouble with Eichmann was precisely that so many were like him, and that the many were neither perverted nor sadistic, that they were, and still are, terribly and terrifyingly normal. From the viewpoint of our legal institutions and of our moral standards of judgment, this normality was much more terrifying than all the atrocities put together.

Right about now if I were a Muslim I would be seriously thinking about getting the fuck out of America.