Charlie Sheen Killed Natalee Holloway

March 8, 2011
“The preparations for Hate Week were in full swing, and the staffs of all the Ministries were working overtime. Processions, meetings, military parades, lectures, waxworks, displays, film shows, telescreen programmes all had to be organized; stands had to be erected, effigies built, slogans coined, songs written, rumours circulated, photographs faked..”.

 -George Orwell

But of course he didn’t, although that is about the only fucking thing that the parasites in the corporate media haven’t accused him of, at least not yet anyway. Americans love nothing better than wallow in the sleaze of the lurid sort of celebrity scandals that are a fixation to a doomed people as they slowly rot from the inside out. Nothing sells in America like scandal and celebrity scandal is even better. Celebrity, you see is the coin of the realm on this planetary blight of a lemming colony. Despite global political uprisings, gas prices on the way towards $5 a gallon, food prices similarly skyrocketing thanks to the greed crazed speculators on Wall Street and in the commodities trading pits, wars without end, the ongoing eradication of our civil liberties, a political system that has miserably and completely failed, a shameful poverty rate, a mockery of a health care system and a burgeoning police state the really important thing is the two-minute hate over Charlie Sheen, fallen star. The vultures in the pocket media haven’t had this much fun since they picked the diseased flesh from Mel Gibson’s bones, fucked the bleached corpse of Michael Jackson, bathed in the toxic offal of the circus maximus of the O.J. Simpson industry or salivated over the semen stain on Monica Lewinsky’s blue dress. 

The troubled Sheen, whose recent personal problems landed him in the hospital and led to the debacle where he was subsequently entered into rehab (hey, Sheen is a party monster but isn’t that his business?) which placed his megahit sitcom Two and a Half Men in limbo officially became public enemy number one when he appeared on the Alex Jones Show on February 24th. The interview, during which the actor babbled insanely in a nonsensical manner about absurdities (it was like Michelle Bachmann on raw tequila and crack cocaine) alternately blasting his one of his fuck bunny “goddesses”, the entire system, the show, the paparazzi vultures who feed off the carcasses of fallen stars and peppering the interview with movie quotes, notably Colonel Kurtz from his father’s Apocalypse Now. The interview was of course picked up nationally and affixed to Sheen’s head like a crown of thorns, a scourging of biblical proportions would ensue as he was driven to the cross by the lazy scum corporate carrion mockingbirds, taking advantage of the prurient nature of Boobus Americanus for more fodder for their daily mental masturbation. The interview was painful to listen to but Sheen had his money shots, he launched one out of the park when he referred to the TV honchos who judged him for his lifestyle but”… lay down with their ugly wives in front of their ugly children and just look at their loser lives”, not that must have hurt. The wide ranging rant had Sheen jabbering self-references to doing “strafing runs in his underwear”, being a “Vatican assassin” and calling Thomas Jefferson a “pussy” and nicely calling out the magnet for the terminally fucked that is Alcoholics Anonymous but the final straw was when he referred to producer Chuck Lorre who is Jewish by his Hebrew name “Chaim Levine”. Now it was war.

Despite Lorre’s own references to “Chaim Levine” on one of his stupid little vanity cards the firestorm of ugly denouncements rained down like the air strike on Colonel Kurtz’s compound at the end of Apocalypse Now. Unsurprisingly the overly shrill and always self-serving Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League was all too quick to throw his yarmulke into the ring. Guys like Foxman and his ilk are truly putrid in that their constant knee-jerk accusations of anti-Semitism only serve to minimize REAL anti-Semitism, so useful has that particular little nasty pejorative been in stigmatizing those who run afoul of the Israel Lobby octopus that it actually began to use some of its effectiveness as of late. Perhaps it was the ongoing vilification of poor old Jimmy Carter who dared to compare the ongoing Israeli oppression of the Palestinians to South Afrincan Apartheid, the overkill of the savage pack bludgeoning of 89 year old Helen Thomas for practicing her right to free speech or more recently the attacks on former Pink Floyd leader Roger Waters whose recent tour to perform The Wall was attacked for purportedly anti-Semitic imagery but the term has been overused to the point of rendering it a mockery. And there is nothing that the bullies of Israel’s U.S. fifth column and their on call Nazis hate more than someone standing up and pushing back, I am sure that Waters who recently gave a great interview to Al Jazeera and has now announced plans to promote a musicians against Israel boycott will be next in line to be marched up the hill at Golgotha.The line will be long too as the haters try to regroup after Hillary Clinton’s surprising admission that Al Jazeera was beating that shit out of the lying, propaganda machine of the U.S. corporate media. Capitalizing on Hillary’s endorsement and the news that thinking Americans are tired of celebrity bullshit, lies and war mongering demagogy Al Jazeera has posted a link to implore American cable providers to add their network. Click Here. This is going to get that three-chinned Irish terrorist worshipping toad Peter King all hot and bothered as he gins up his anti-Muslim tribunals, I will be addressing this filthy sack of fascist horseshit in my upcoming piece, the very appropriately titled “King Turd”.

But I digress…

The 9/11 Truth Movement has for a good time been a high-value target for the Israel Lobby smear merchants and perhaps at least some of the relentlessly nasty animosity towards Sheen stems from the matter of his being associated with it. The role of the American Neoconservatives and Israel in what occurred on that game changing day when the reset button was hit on any sort of definition of American civil liberties and freedom by traditional means has always been a serious mystery. Not to go whole hog and accuse elements of the state of Israel in participating in the American Reichstag Fire but there are legitimate questions and no better way to leave them unanswered is a torrent of abuse and anti-Semitic diatribes, of course percolated through the sewer of the American corporate media system. I strongly suspect that a good deal of the cannonade of ugly vitriol is being hurled at Mr. Sheen for his unabashed views on the false flag terror attacks that were pulled off with devastating precision by forces unknown and have since served as blanket justification for planetary warfare, an increasingly iron-fisted domestic fascist police state serving the financial oligarchs, the corporatists and the blood barters at the Pentagon who are hellbent at enslaving a once free people. Sheen is a good buddy with big time radio personality Alex Jones who has had such rats nests as the ADL, the Southern Poverty Law Center (always looking for demons just like the National Security State) and left-gate keepers and neocon spear carriers to boot. The very idea of the audaciousness of a public figure questioning what really happened puts a serious burr up the asses of those who control the establishment both here in Der Heimat and abroad with our ‘friends’ in The Kingdom and in the occupied territories. Sure as hell can’t give the black sheep in the flock any ideas now can we? They may start asking some very serious questions, like just what the fuck was up with those Israeli art students?

Again I digress…..

So the scarlet letter of anti-Semitism had to be carved into Sheen’s head as well as the indignity of having to be fed into the tabloid money machine, Hell, look at what O.J. did for all of the bottom-feeding, ambitious shits who couldn’t get a real job….like the insipid harpy Greta Van Susteren to pick a prime example of the sort of travelers who cashed in on the masses of the fucked, cheated and electronically lobotomized as they chased their dreams hitched behind a white Ford Bronco. Charlie Sheen ran across this type of a dirty pack of rat-fucking pigs and dared to fight back, not only against the blood-sucking leeches of the cult of celebrity, the cheese pimps like TMZ, Entertainment Weekly and every other magnet for losers without lives but against the power of the Lobby, a thing that would have once been unthinkable in the not so long ago halcyon days before the one-two punch of the Mearshimer/Walt expose and their own over the top ridiculousness as they descended upon Carter like a plague of locusts and had a collective orgasm when that reprobate pig Alan Dershowitz successfully scalped a good man like Norman Finkelstein and paraded about with the once tenured professor’s bloody scalp on a stick. The truly shameful thing about the Sheen takedown that just really pisses me off is the anti-Semitic slander, if only because I have seen that movie too many times before. It only pisses off those pit vipers more too now that they have been somewhat neutered,  depleted, mocked by people with any decency or common sense as scoundrels and swine abusing the 6 million dead Jews of the Holocaust for their own shameless benefits and a shadow of it’s former self the Lobby still has some clout. Just ask Julian Assange, despite an increasingly ugly and difficult U.S. travesty of international kidnapping that will possibly end in a CIA hit the Wikileaks frontman has recently been hit with the Jew Hater label as well. Shit, the entire anti-Semitic defamatory circus is as ridiculous as it has been dastardly, perhaps one of their victims will just do the right thing and sue the motherfuckers for slander, libel, defamation of character and every other rotten violation of basic decency that they have long represented. Fuck them all, there would be nothing like a carpet bombing of libel and slander lawsuits against the agents of The Lobby, let’s hope that Sheen finds a place to squeeze them in when he starts suing motherfuckers. 

Hell, I am not even a fan of Charlie Sheen, I loved Platoon, Wall Street and that underrated flick No Man’s Land where Sheen was running a chop shop for stolen Porsches but I quite honestly hate regular TV. Not only do I hate TV (other than pro football which is my one serious jones) but I hold the stupid and mockingly moronic sitcoms like Two and a Half Men in special contempt, just above that heinous, high-profit margin product reality television. Word has now come that CBS (Corporate BullShit) has officially fired Sheen from the Chaim Levine money machine, early buzz is that they are looking for a former brat-packer with a better image and that Rob Lowe may be the man, been awhile since that ugly sex video scandal and Robert Downey Jr. is even money to end up in rehab on any given week, but he probably wouldn’t insult the arrogant, vindictive Hollywood Jew with ugly wives and borderline retarded kid bastards like Chuck Lorre, especially after this mess. Who gives a fuck anyway? CBS has already committed far too many mortal sins to have any credibility, there was the feeding of the great Dan Rather into the wood-chipper over the blatant Karl Rove setup over George W. Bush’s military records, the failure to land the NFC NFL broadcasting rights by getting outbid by that foreign pigfucker Rupert Murdoch that then allowed FOX to become legitimate and the foisting off of that silly, kewpie doll bitch Katie Couric as if she were some sort of legitimate news figure deserving of sitting in the anchor seat previously occupied by titans of journalism like Rather, Walter Cronkite and Edward R. Murrow have put a bigger dent in the CBS eye than Sheen ever could hope to do. As the great American social critic George Carlin remarked: “When you’re born you get a ticket to the freak show, when you’re born in America you get a front row seat.”

So Charlie Sheen should just say fuck you to all of the judgmental TV addicted celebrity sucklers, the hard-core professional haters and the rest of the idiot nation by just upping the ante and screwing on the full-blown freakitude. Think Dennis Rodman dude, just take out that freak flag and let the fucker fly. Go and snort dunes of coke off of the tits of legions of hookers and porn starlets, engage in orgies of gross depravity guaran-fucking-teed to offend the snotty, phony moralists. Shit, they have a serious problem with how you spend YOUR money because your behavior is obscene, yet they revel in their dumbness, anger and wear their willful ignorance upon their holier than thou chests as though they were gold-plated medals of honor. Yet they are NOT offended in the least by the stench of the decaying flesh of the war dead, of the deformed, disfigured and sad children whose mothers were either raped and tortured to death or had Uncle Sam’s (or Israeli for that matter) munitions dropped on them by our “blessed heroes” fiddling with their drone guidance joysticks from thousands of miles away as if they were their flaccid penises. There is nothing quite as American in 2011 as the bravery of being out of range now is there?  

Then there is a certain carcinogenic idea of the reverence of anti-intellectualism that has eaten through this society over the last three decades or so that is so poisonous, so dangerous and so destabilizing that there are no longer enough souls to feed into the machine. So much fuel does it need while it devours perpetually, like some giant sucking black hole of monstrous stupidity and we are all on the Rapture bus with the pedal to the medal as it careens driverless towards the event horizon. And as a horrified witness to the coming of one of humanity’s darkest historical periods and who fully understands the ramifications of this all-consuming cannibalistic ignorance I must say that I sure as fuck sucks to be trapped on that bus. 

Just my two cents