Militarist Masturbation

November 9, 2009

FOX NFL crew in Afghanistan.
Maybe Terry Bradshaw wasn’t really so dumb that he couldn’t spell cat if you spotted him the first two letters after all, as former Dallas Cowboy and lottery winner Thomas ‘Hollywood’ Henderson once said but like all chickenhawks he can’t resist the allure of the uniform even if though he never have the guts to wear one in service to anything other than the Pittsburgh Steelers. Much to my horror I turned on the electronic crackpipe for my weekly fix of NFL football on Sunday only to see the pregame jockocracy for FOX in Afghanistan where our fine young men are being blown to bits while the CIA supports the illegal heroin trade. You have to hand it to that vile Aussie roo-fucker Rupert Murdoch, he is nothing short of the modern melding of William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Goebbels and by fucking GOD can he furnish the pictures for the wars.

Hitler dabbled in crude forms of television back in his heyday, it never amounted to much given the lack of modern technology and the grim reality that the entire Red Army was about to descend on Berlin with all of the viciousness of the Dick Armey of Darkness leaving Der Fuhrer with other things to deal with but imagine what could have been had the Nazis actually managed to WIN the war. It would be exactly like FOX’s flag sucking NFL pregame show today, a miracle of propaganda for millions of unemployed drooling, beer-addled slobs looking for meaningful work and wantin’ to open a giant can of Murkan whup ass on them sand niggers after the terrurst [sic] raghead ran amok at Fort Hood and gunned down a bunch of our precious little green Army men. It’s another strange contradiction in this land of stupidity and nationalism that were they blown up by the Taliban or whatever druglord’s CIA backed army that they happened to stumble upon it wouldn’t merit a mention, Americans don’t want to know much about their cannon fodder unless their deaths can be used to justify more murderous war crimes and profiteering. Shit, stuff like this must even make an aesthetic like renegade General Stan McChrystal’s dick get hard. It is the most overtly fascist thing that I have seen since General Petraeus goose-stepped out in full dress regalia to flip the coin at last year’s Super Bowl.

It was the most despicably grotesque immersion in the barrel of shit that is war pornography propaganda since George W. Bush danced the two step like Danny Fucking Kaye with his plastic turkey in Baghdad on Thanksgiving. And it’s only getting worse from the looks of it, as this disgustingly phony Barack Obama administration pimps ‘CHANGE’ while bestowing the power of the state upon insurance industry parasites to force the peasants into buying into the big scam, the coming escalation of the Afghanistan heroin protection racket is coming. Just look at this Newsweek revisionist history swill about how Vietnam could have been WON to float the idea out there again like a Bouncing Betty. It’s almost like we are back in the 80’s and John Rambo is going back to whup ass, followed by Chuck Norris and Dolph Lundgren. And you wonder why I am pissed off at chrome domed, privileged establishment lapdog Terry Bradshaw dressed up like fucking George S. Patton jacking off into the mouths of moron America during halftime, even whaleshit eventually settles on the bottom of the sea, for the war pornographers at Fuckin Fox they only set up a Halliburton rig and start drilling.

The one thing that I really didn’t understand about the NFL’s radioactive treatment of the Grand Poobah of white populist propaganda was how hypocritical it is of a sports league to bar Limbaugh from the fraternity of assholes while reducing itself to nothing more than a nationally televised regular recruiting venue for the ruinous illegal wars that have destroyed this country both morally and financially over the past eight or so years. The creeping militarism that has so debased us as a society should not be something that in any sane country would be viewed as some sort of holy virtue but it should rather serve as a pox upon us, a scarlet letter of shame on our foreheads scribbled by Satan’s claw dipped in the blood of a freshly decapitated Palestinian or Iraqi child. Were we less sophisticated there would just be parades of missiles and tanks and planes and trains and automobiles and thousands and thousands of precious little green men, after all, that’s the way that it is done in any dictatorship and by fucking GOD it is worshipped by all in the OPEN. Here in the star spangled land of misfit toys it is somehow treated as though it’s dirty, has to be sanitized and delivered by smooth talkers like Jimmy Johnson, it’s the moral equivalent of lurking in alleys to score blow jobs from foreclosed soccer moms turned crack ho’s. Does FOX know any shame? Then again, would Jack Bauer crush the testicles of a child with a pair of pliers?

FOX, the slime dispenser that it is used Veteran’s Day as an excuse for their worshipping of war but it was only a convenient excuse, one wonders if there will soon be a day when the NFL pregame studio is festooned with Birther, Deather and teabagger paraphernalia with good ole Terry Bradshaw and the others dressed up like Redcoats. I have to give CBS credit, they were just true to their corporatist ways by trotting out Jared Fogle for the thousandth something time, a manufactured celebrity selling shit sandwiches. On FOX there was Howie Long with that big shit-eating grin as he preened in his cammies thinking that he was back on the set of Broken Arrow again, all that was missing was George W. Bush strutting across the deck of the aircraft carrier in full Maverick regalia and Chris ‘Pinky’ Matthews drooling over his codpiece.

Today the propaganda mills are in full throated roar, the alleged Fort Hood ‘shooter’ is being tied to the Iman of the mosque of the alleged 9/11 ‘hijackers’ (black ops patsies) that was allegely visited while they were being trained for that oh so glorious day in American history that must be remembered, seared into our little lemming consumerist consciousness and revered for it as nothing else has justified the transformation of a democracy into a corrupt police state as well as justified the wars without end. If there has been a bigger disappointment with the Obama administration than the ongoing wars, corporate sellouts and failure to hold the Bush regime criminals accountable then it has been the use of their phony War on Terror rhetoric to justify the continuation of this shit. These are dangerous times of mass insanity, when Goldman Sachs executives like the reptilian Lloyd Blankfein have the audacity to proclaim that his usurious tower of moneychangers is doing God’s work while using their ownership of the government to stockpile flu virus vaccine while the poor, dumb, impoverished military worshipping. Jesus juicing schmucks go without and it’s not universally denounced then we truly live in Never, Neverland.

Now from all indications of late, as the long belated Iranian attack is pushed forward by Israeli fifth columnists and the treasonous military brass that they are allied with and with the REAL unemployment rate around 20 percent with the jobs permanently gone, the corporate plunders having cut the flesh to the bone for the sake of the filthy dollar we shall have our holiday stockings filled with fear and the jolly fat bearded man who is the avatar of American capitalism, Santa Claus will be replaced with visions of another bearded man dancing along with sugarplum grenades in the sleeping heads of babes. Osama bin Laden is coming a callin’ just in time for Christmas and the holiday stockings will be filled with fear, that you can count on and FOX’s demonic elves are already working overtime in their little shop of horrors to fill his sleigh.

As Roy Baty once said, “quite an experience to live in fear isn’t it?, That’s what it is to be a slave.”

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe


Rove’s Tingler

August 10, 2006
“Quite an experience to live in fear, isn’t it? That’s what it is to be a slave”

-Roy Batty 
One of my all time favorite horror movies is William Castle’s 1959 classic The Tingler starring the great Vincent Price. The Tingler is a large, ugly centipede like creature that lives inside a victim’s body as a parasite and grows larger as it is fed by fear, attaching itself to the spinal cord. The Tingler literally becomes stronger as the fear level is ratcheted up. The studio even had a promo gimmick where at the end of the flick when the creature is on the loose in a theatre that certain seats in the real theatre had electric devices implanted that would then activate for an additional scare value to moviegoers.

Karl Rove has his own Tingler and it’s name is 9/11, ready to be loosed upon the American subconscious at any time and on days like today with the breaking up of the latest and greatest alleged terrorist plot (and one day after the national release of Oliver Stone’s World Trade Center – what wonderful serendiptiy or was it just another convenient coincidence?) this time ten planes departing from Britain to blow up while traveling to various U.S. destinations. Whether legitimate or another phony, overhyped conspiracy designed to invoke fear like the Miami ‘Cornrow Qaeda’ and their ridiculous plot to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago the timing of this media fed monstrosity is suspect to say the least. According to an article on the website of the London Guardian Bush’s ‘poodle’ Tony Blair had reportedly informed our hallowed king of the coming crackdown on the plotters as early as Sunday. “Yo Blair”…Thanks for the assist….again.

The terrorists have obviously become more sophisticated since dipshit loser Richard Reid tried to light his shoes on fire and this time they were allegedly going to use a liquid explosive that was cleverly concealed in a sports drink bottle. Der Department of Homeland Security honcho that is the Boo Radley lookalike Michael Chertoff (the same guy who only a bit less than a year ago presided over the monumental fuckup in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina which was briefly an American outrage until the new season of American Idol premiered) flew into action announcing our first ever national RED ALERT terror warning and babbling on incoherently that it was ‘Suggestive of an al-Qaida plot’ despite having at the time no official linkage from the Brits who did the actual police work. In Chertoff’s case this was just likely more of the same idiotic incompetence that has marked his tenure but it served the purpose of sending an alert to the Rove psychological SWAT team that immediately flew into action to work on pounding out the talking points that could once again elevate George W. Bush to stature of the man that stood on top of the rubble of the WTC with a bullhorn while the smell of rotting flesh hung in the New York City air mingling with the fetid musk of Rove’s own ambition.

Airports went into full panic mode. Any sane society would have used far more discretion in putting the out the news but in the empire that is Bushland they just threw the bloody chunks of meat into the feeding pit prior to dusk when full spectrum dominance of the news cycle for at least 24 hours and with any luck the entire weekend would be ensured. The renewed push for the latest re-launch of 9/11 would completely blow away any serious coverage of the civil war in Iraq, the Israeli murdering of Palestinian children with American bombs, the growing hissing sound coming from the housing bubble and the smackdown of DLC kingpin Joe Lieberman by the increasingly aggressive bloggers who are kicking the living fuck out of the MSM cocktail party pundits. Flights were cancelled, airports are jammed with stranded travelers and all liquids and gels are being confiscated from passengers. Note to Rush Limbaugh, you had better chuck that tube of KY Jelly into a wastebasket before passing through security if you plan on visiting the Dominican Republic again this week in order to have sex with poverty stricken third world persons forced into prostitution. Another ugly public incident may dethrone you from being the self- proclaimed champion of values with “talent on loan from God” that you would probably gladly swap for the ability to get an erection without the little blue pill.

The utterly worthless sacks of shit in Congress sought to redeem themselves for their most pathetic tenure during which only coming to the rescue of poor Terri Schiavo was a sufficient reason for them to move with any sense of urgency interrupted their vacations today to run for the nearest cameras in front of which they would issue their rhetoric and sanctimonious statements in well prepared sound bytes. They pandered and pontificated and waved the flag tarring each other as traitors or terrorist collaborators and thanking God and Karl Rove for the fortuitously timely change of subjects with the all out terrorism onslaught by the Republicans, the oligarchy and their state controlled media today as they sought to regain the initiative.

“Freedom is never free, and we must never be complacent in defending it,”

-Fat Denny Hastert

“We must be on alert so that our nation does not suffer another attack like 9/11.”

-Bill Frist -the Peckerwood Pimpernel

“should serve as the latest, most serious evidence that we are in a war against a brutal enemy that intends to attack us over and over again in the most indiscriminate way.”

-Joe Lieberman – Loser, AIPAC mouthpiece and Bush administration shill.


And of course Bush himself used the bully pulpit set up on the tarmac of a Green Bay airport to say:

”The American people need to know we live in a dangerous world, but our government will do everything we can to protect our people from those dangers”

Now call me a cynic but I just watched the movie V For Vendetta over the weekend and this is amazingly similar to the rhetoric of the fascist chancellor Adam Sutler as his repressive rule was beginning to crumble under the inconvenient truths that facilitate totalitarianism:

“I want this country to realize that we stand on the edge of oblivion. I want everyone to remember why they need us!”

Incidentally I hope that all free thinking Americans will see this movie now that it is on DVD, it’s a good sign that it was selling like hotcakes at my local Wal Mart last week.

We have come a long way since 9/11 and today is unequivocal proof of just how far so. Now nothing even has to fucking blow up in order to cause a mass panic, a sensationalist media spectacle and an opportunity for politicians and pundits alike to make hay. The pathetically timorous, fearful, sheeplike drones who watch far too much television revert to their basest primal instincts of cowering in abject horror, quivering and whimpering for protection from their strong daddy leader. The bewildered herd are no more capable of controlling their innermost dread than Pavlov’s dogs were able to keep from salivating when they heard their master’s bells.

Rove has this down to a science now and his fat ass is atop the bell tower pulling the cords with all of his might.

One more thing about ‘The Tingler’ the host could kill it by screaming and releasing the FEAR once and for all and therefore destroying the destructive parasitical creature.

So why do so many choose to remain silent in the face of duplicity and demagoguery while a tyrannical junta dismantles the very constitution that serves as a guarantor to their rights and freedoms?
Don’t fall victim to the propaganda and mindset of:

Remember, Remember the Eleventh of September

that will perpetuate itself throughout the land in the next three months as the immoral war criminals and their illicit regime desperately seek to retain their positions of power lest they face an accountability moment for their own negligence and complicity in the same terrorist acts which they so decry.

Fuck Newt and Other Ruminations

August 8, 2006
If you notice a foul and fetid stench in the air it is that of Newton McPherson Gingrich running off at the mouth again. First it was taking to the airwaves to pontificate on the coming of World War III and dispensing tips on how exactly the Bush administration and the neocon fascists could use Middle East unrest as a cudgel with which to bludgeon liberals and Democrats with for the coming elections.

Gingrich recently has been spouting off that the bloggers constitute an “insurgency”. Hey this isn’t entirely incorrect and in fact is rather complimentary coming from someone other than this little Machiavellian fruitbag with a worse hairpiece than fellow sexual degenerate Marv Albert. When an ideologue and FOX regular like Newton introduces language like that it is intention is to paint a Rovian picture of any dissenters as the same sort of ‘terrorists’ who are currently burning out the body count scoreboard in Baghdad. Here is the link to the post courtesy of the Progressive Daily Beacon.

As for Gingrich is an enduring wonder why this high priest in the cult of douchbaggery has any credibility whatsoever. After all isn’t this pompous piece of shit the same ‘man’ who once dumped his wife while she was in the hospital recovering from cancer surgery? And wasn’t he actually engaged in a sexual affair with an intern of his own when he brought the wrath of the entire wicked theocratic right down upon Bill Clinton for his dalliances with chunky little Monica Lewinsky? I can easily imagine him getting a chubby while reading ‘The Starr Report’ and feeling envy that he couldn’t lick the cigar.

Newton certainly got his panties in a bunch after Clinton allegedly snubbed him on Air Force One on the way back from poor Yitzhak Rabin’s funeral. So Newton threw a hissy fit and teamed up with grumpy old Bob Dole to shut down the government, and when that didn’t work he jumped onto the moral outrage wagon despite engaging in his own covert sexual operations with a woman young enough to be his daughter. I wonder, did he fantasize about sloppy seconds with Monica when he was fucking her? So, Newton couldn’t close the impeachment deal and was eventually replaced in a purge that cleared the path for the totalitarianism of Tom DeLay.

He went and wrote books on revisionist history, some horseshit about the South winning the Civil War. Good politics for a yankee charlatan from Pennsylvania who had so successfully fooled the rubes and peckerwoods in Georgia that he was one of them. Then Newt became a FOX regular and plotted his return while throwing in with the neocons and their doomsday fascist fever dreams and very recently joining forces with Hillary Rodham Clinton last year in a bizarre dance that brings to mind the mating dance of poisonous spiders.

Now he is tarring Americans who dare to use their First Amendment rights to protest against the decidedly anti-American wet dreams of global hegemony and empire and a more refined version of the Third Reich’s master plan for a thousand year reign.

Little Lord Fauntleroy wants to be a player again despite that fact that he has little more credibility than the average used car salesman.

All Over But the Spinning Now:


Today is the big day. The vastly over-hyped Connecticut primary where the so called future of the Democratic party is up for grabs. That slimy little GOP mole Joe Lieberman is on the ropes. The Daily Kos led bloggers have been screaming like banshees for blood and the entire corporate DLC establishment and their elitist bought media mounting a furious defense of Holy Joe. The results of this first referendum on the party elite’s support of the war, unchecked Israeli aggression and across the board capitulation and boot licking of George W. Bush will soon be coming in….and then what?

Would anybody truly be surprised if ‘The Wandering Jew’ pulls off a miraculous comeback? Does anybody really think that AIPAC is going to let their favorite son be hung out to dry by Gingrich’s ‘insurgents’? Maybe, we will see if it is close enough for more election chicanery.

If not expect Lieberman to run as an independent as promised instead of being the honorable statesman that he should be expected to be. A win by the nice, family friendly and well packaged product Ned Lamont today will likely only unleash a concerted offensive for the coming steel cage death match. Rove and the GOP are certainly interested parties in the outcome and the Swift Boat brigade is on high alert..

That much is evident by Lieberman’s claims that his campaign website was hacked. This should evoke memories from any informed blogger of Karl Rove’s alleged bugging of his own office back in his Texas days prior to latching onto GWB as a meal ticket.

Joe ain’t going down quietly and there is nothing like a threat against the existing order of the protectors of the oligarchy to ensure that all hands will be on deck if and when the time comes to beat down the peasants.

FOX has been running the following as polls in Connecticut begin to close:


Hopefully they have finally learned that the cynics and amoral swine who are in power will continue to feed FEAR to the masses as long as there is a vacuum that is unfilled by those who are fearlessly willing to invoke the great words of a true democrat who is reviled by the Jacobins and neocon fascists who now control all three branches of our government and the state controlled media:

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

-President Franklin D. Roosevelt