Allen West: Tea House Negro

March 10, 2011

You have to give it to the Republican hijacking of the Tea Party Movement, from an original pro-American, pro-civil liberties, anti-interventionist grass roots uprising that coalesced around Ron Paul and the libertarian vision for America…they have their bases masterfully covered. When that greasy little pig Rick Santelli, a CNBC Republican shill went into a carefully choreographed rant against the evil black Muslim devil Obama back in early 2009 it activated an American Gladio style network of right-wing dead-enders, the dregs of Karl Rove’s GOP base and gravy trainers looking to hitch a ride on the war wagon. You have to give it to Allen West when it comes to shameless, self-centered, stars-in-the-eyes cynical opportunism that puts even Sarah Palin to shame, the rising star and one of the few blacks admitted into the carnival of perversion of the GOP big tent this is one motherfucker that has the act down, a real Uncle Tom cum flag-wrapped Uncle Sam and as the Reggie Hammond once remarked…””You know what I am? I’m your worst fucken’ nightmare, man. I’m a nigger with a badge, that mean I got permission to kick your fuckin’ ass”!!!!

West has become the blackfaced minstrel of the Tea Party freak show, a tough as nails Iraq war veteran who meshes nicely with the 2012 strategy of turning American Muslims into the Juden of the 21st century here in Der Heimat. West earned points when during a February town hall meeting he responded to a question about just were in the Quran showing where Muslims were formally mandated by Allah “to carry out attacks against Americans and innocent people.” West, in typical GOP Nazi defense mode did not answer the question but rather snarled “don’t try to blow sunshine up my butt”, Christ forbid that anything might dislodge the stick that is embedded there. West, not a minority who would be bothered by the vagaries of not calling the kettle black mocked fellow House member Keith Ellison, the Muslim from Minnesota as one who is “the antithesis of the principles upon which this country was established.” West, like all Republicans seems to be a bit fuzzy on the actual historical details and conveniently ignores slavery as one of those founding principles. It’s all talking points to these moronic miscreants though, after all, it’s not like the low hanging fruit of the GOP base that has been magically rebranded as the suddenly patriotic and anti-government (hands off my Medicare and Social Security you fucking Socialists!) Tea Party.

The Tea Party, as I have repeatedly emphasized is as phony as Allen West and thanks to legions of low information voters and a corrupt corporate media that has turned the Dick Armey of Darkness into some sort of faux populist insurgency it has been a masterful snow job…not that it takes much at all to fool the average, trembling with fear, American sheep these days. The original Tea Party was began in the waning days of the Bush administration and counter to the new narrative was actually against costly foreign wars (even against those damned dirty sand nigger Muslims who hate us for our freedom), was against the parasitic tool of the finance oligarchs that is the Federal Reserve and in a real contradiction to the current Palinazi version was PRO CIVIL LIBERTIES not obsessed with using the law to strip a demonized minority group of their rights and to torture the hell out of anyone who dares to complain. That’s the thing with the authoritarian minded, jackbooted jellyfish of the now thoroughly hijacked and rotten to the core Tea Party, they absolutely love their sadism and when that sadism is sado-sexual, well it just tickles their fancy all the more. Look at Abu Ghraib prison, the entire Tea Party movement and their token toadies like West are ALL peckerwood princess Lynndie Englund dragging dirty nasty nekkid Muslim men around on a leash, or demented good ole boy Charles Graner kicking the living shit out of those gut-dammed A-rabs.

Chucky and Lynndie: Just Good Ole Teabaggers Kickin Muslim Ass

Allen West has recently toured the shrine of worship for the new Republican reich that is Guantanamo Bay, a heinous blight on what America used to be back in the days before the Neocon’s “New Pearl Harbor”. In another of the broken promises that multiply like little white trash redneck babies in some Alabama trailer park, the feckless wonder Barack Obama reneged on his campaign promise to close the house of horrors. Of course that is NEVER going to happen, Gitmo is so symbolic of the new era of American fascism that it’s only a matter of time until it replaces the U.S. Treasury on the back of currency notes. It was a fitting stage on which a preening pig like West could strut across that filthy home of brutality, human experimentation and the cruelest sort of advanced torture attacks that put Hitler and Stalin’s goons seem like rank amateurs. On his return from the anti-American hellhole of legal limbo for those damned dirty brown skinned devils (and soon the white al Qaeda liberals, gays and other dissenters who will inevitably take up residence there) West gave his blessing and even boasted of seeingĀ  “one very popular individual” (no mention was given of whether he then retreated into a private area and masturbated) which will surely make him an even bigger hero to the dregs of American society that populate the Tea Party.

That Allen West holds office in Florida, the diseased penis of America is only natural. This state is a low wage haven for carpetbaggers, greed heads on the lam seeking to take advantage of the generous homestead law protecting their mansions, religious fanatics, hot-headed Cuban itching to support a Republican Bay of Pigs II against the hated Castro, stone-crazy freaks, hardened racists and charlatans looking to get into the business of politics. It is a state that recently elected as Governor (under the Tea Party banner of course) a ghoulish, skin-headed flim-flam man named Rick Scott who while running Columbia/HCA was a part of the largest Medicare fraud in U.S. History. Scott, who left HCA engulfed in a plague of scandal used his personal fortune to run some of the dirtiest ads in Florida campaign history, some accounts say as much as $78 million and to laughably sell himself as some sort of outsider whose ace corporate management skills and experience would make him a natural to restore the rapidly setting Sunshine State to some of it’s former glory and bring in JOBS JOBS JOBS!. Scott did bring JOBS, snow jobs and blow jobs and in his capacity of the big time CEO and his no-nonsense approach to state business promptly told that dirty, birth certificate challenged black man in the WHITE House to stick a 2.4 billion grant for high-speed rail up his Muslim asshole. That really created jobs alright, likely in California or any of the other states who are lined up for the money now that Scott has shown that he is all about business…HIS business and the business of right wing sugar daddies like the Koch Brothers.

Florida is an ugly place right now, with obvious charlatans like West and Scott being the high-profile reps while the opportunistic little Jeb Bush protege Senator Marco Rubio wisely lays low, likely laughing his slimy little back-waxed ass off at how easy it was to hornswoggle the scumbaggers into punching his ticket, the right-wing fascist nonsense is only beginning, now we have some peckerwood legislators pushing to have a law passed that would ban Sharia law, the newest model of the bogeyman and slam dunk vote getter to roll off of the Neocon propaganda shop production line. It all meshes very nicely with the ongoing campaign to use Muslims as some sort of national scapegoat for all of the misery that the Republican doomsday machine has wrought (a good deal of credit goes to their Democratic collaborators too) as America descends into a shit pool of a banana republic third world dictatorship. One giant plantation/gulag with a hardened perimeter of Tea Party thugs to guard the massah’s quarters, and Allen West has certainly earned his place within.