The Tea Party: America’s Khmer Rouge

July 20, 2011

While I remain unconvinced that the ongoing Punch and Judy show over the raising of the national debt ceiling is nothing more but a gambit to destroy Social Security and Medicare, leading to their theft and redirection to the depraved gamblers on Wall Street there is one thing that is certain – the Republican party is a terrorist organization. I have long maintained this very simple truth about this deranged pack of anti-American fascist jackals and their relentless army of neo-confederates, Rapture zombies, teabagger freaks whose blistering hatred for traditional American values is every bit as advanced and savage as their 1930’s German historical counterparts once was. They are looking for the conditions where the system can be damaged to the point where the berserkers can be loosed, goaded on to engage in pogroms and the smorgasbord of scapegoats that are regularly served up by the likes of Rush Hudson Limbaugh III, Glenn Beck and thousands of even more vile although lesser paid instigators until the streets run red with blood. Providing that the debt ceiling “debate” isn’t anything more than another deceptively promoted by a corrupt media shearing of the sheep to keep the Wall Street predators ensconced in their mansions in the Hamptons and partying on their yachts and private jets this may be the time that the shit really does hit the fan.

The phony grass roots Tea Party, a post -Bush re-branding of the most rotten, ignorant and vicious elements of the Republican base conjure up comparisons with the Cambodian Khmer Rouge. So intent are these white skinned crybabies at “getting their country back” from the black man in the WHITE House that they clamor for the destruction of the entire country, as the infamous Vietnam saying goes “we had to destroy the village in order to save it”. While the actual effects of not raising the debt ceiling are unknown other than it would blow a hole in the ongoing Wall Street pillaging it would vastly affect the average American schmuck on a far greater level. Assuredly interest rates would rise which the finance industry shills say would hurt lending, as if these scumbags were in the money lending business anyway with banks and corporations hoarding cash but the trickle down effect would likely be devastating. In our uniquely American brand of fascist country trickle down economics aka cutting taxes for the rich has zero benefit for the working class. But as Bush in his waning months and then OBushma in his first two and a half years such schemes are wonderful little hooks to sell the rubes so that the gambling losses of the big Wall Street banks are socialized through government confiscation of taxpayer dollars is just one more knife in the backs of Boobus Americanus. I am amazed at how, on a weekly basis that prices at the local grocery stores continue to rise, gas prices are on the way back to 4 bucks a gallon again and the GOP pledges to focus on job creation have devolved into the standard treasonous pledges to not raise taxes on wealthy chiselers, keep the gays from getting married and out of the military, Muslim bashing and here in the diseased penis of America otherwise known as Florida – anti-bestiality laws. Not that the latter would be a necessarily bad thing were it to encourage the scumbaggers to not reproduce.

But I digress ….

The fascist Republican party as it exists today in the advanced stages of it’s mutation would be nothing more than an object of mockery were it not for the dregs of society that comprise the party base, the serious haters and jacked up on religion crusaders who are hellbent at destroying America from within. They have very serious ideas about the type of society that they desire and would use every bit of law enforcement power of the very government that they so proclaim to despise in order to ensure that their hated enemies, gays, libruls [sic], feminists, Muslims and assorted other non-white, non-Christians. The blacks can be put back in their place because Christ knows that Obama cannot be allowed to reassemble his ACORN forces to mount an assault to enslave the white race and that would happen save the useful boot licking uncle Toms like Allen West, the savage anti-Muslim bigot Herman Cain and Clarence Thomas. The teabaggers and their religious right brothers in arms though have a particular hatred for intellectualism that borders on sheer fanaticism. As I stated earlier, this sort of hard core focused rage and the need to crush all who do not conform under their jack-boots is as vigorous and as unyielding as that of the Khmer Rouge along with their Year Zero social reform policy.

A came across a very horrifying bit from a 1974 Chicago Tribune account on the Khmer Rouge:

“I was very frightened when I saw the Khmer Rouge [Tea Party] saw off the neck of a civilian [gay, Muslim, liberal etc] with the sharp edge of sugar palm leaves,” said Preap, standing amid a cluster of refugees beside a row of flimsy huts.
“They spent three days cutting his head off,” said Preap. “They sawed a little one morning, and then in the evening, and finally the following day in the morning and then in the evening, and finally the following day in the morning and night.
“They made the victim stand up while there were cutting in front of hundreds of people living in the Khmer Rouge area. Then they held him up when he could stand no longer.”
The episode was not just an isolated case but one of many I heard during visits to refugee camps. Khmer Rouge soldiers also have used the knife-like edges of sugar palm leaves to lop off the heads of Cambodian officers captured while overrunning nearby towns and military installations.
“They want the victims to suffer more and to serve as examples for people,” said one informant. “They denounce them as traitors before the crowd.”

“I had to join the Khmer Rouge army or they would have killed me,” said Preap. “Those who refuse to serve they send to their deaths. They walk thru villages telling the people to follow them, and the people must obey.”

When the shit does inevitably hit the fan, exactly what the fascist Republican party wants, these will be the enforcers to hunt down dissenters to the privatization of all that remains, the roads already paid for by the taxpayer will be sold to corporations and plutocrats and the tolls will be crippling to those who travel upon them. Public water systems will be hijacked by profiteers and as in Bolivia, the collection of rainwater will become against the law, the populace has already been largely converted into a nation of rats and snitches courtesy of the fear mongering after 9/11 and if you are found in violation you will be subject to having a pack of foaming at the mouth lunatics wearing tri-corner hats, Captain America costumes and waving Gadsden flags show up at your door to cart you off to the public head-sawing. This makes for one hell of a hedge for the oligarchy and their Republican stooges. And this is exactly why I have recommended that progressives start very seriously rethinking their non-violent tendencies, the street thugs will be the first to be unleashed when the whole thing implodes for the regular folks and a failure to be ready to organize and to respond appropriately will only result in your own heads becoming trophies upon the pyramids of human skulls that they will so enjoy building as a tribute to their fascist leaders.

Dancing With The Corpses

March 25, 2011

“If you’re losing your soul and you know it, then you’ve still got a soul left to lose”

-Charles Bukowski

Kirstie Alley glided across the dance floor, shaking her stuff, her gracefulness belied her girth and made her the early favorite to become the new avatar of all that is right in America, Dancing With the Stars is finally back. ABC, learning a lesson after last season’s near fiasco when waves of Teabagger activists stormed the online polls and nearly voted Bristol Palin America’s as favorite dancing queen, potentially alienating millions of non-Sarah Palin worshippers. The redultant big ratings turd that would have been floated in the punchbowl had the less talented teenage birther of bastards been allowed to steal the title. Opting for a lineup of less politically divisive ‘stars’ this time around DWTS gave Americans just the sort of sweet, sweet spike of mental morphine delivered digitally through the electronic crackpipe. The two-minute hate directed at whore-mongering cokehead Charlie Sheen has abetted for at least the time being, Obama’s new war and the nuclear travesty in Japan stealing most of the airplay. Americans love this stuff, it’s one hell of a distraction, I am waiting for some savvy entrepreneur to contract out to the oligarchy and start manufacturing giant balloons of Sheen’s head to fill with helium and fly in front of gas station price signs. Such is life on the big star spangled lemming farm , where the inhabitants graze away placidly in front of their big screen living room gods while awaiting the big culling of the herd. 

Ordinary Americans you see can’t be bothered with the reality of the corporate wars waged under the big lie of spreading democracy and taking the fight to those who hate us for our freedoms and way of life. Truth is that we really aren’t as free as advertised (just take a good look around someday) nor is U.S. democracy any other thing than what H.L. Mencken once remarked as that “every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods”. Democracy in Der Heimat today is voting on American Idol and Dancing With the Stars, the real elections are nothing other than a Hobson’s choice between two compromised, corrupted and amoral charlatans who were chosen precisely because of these traits by the oligarchy. Elections in American you see are a win-win situation for the pigs that run the system, given a false sense of legitimacy by a naive, childlike belief that change can still be realized at the ballot box/electronic voting machine when the entire democratic process is an illusion in itself. Sure there are the standard cultural populist issues that pollute the ballot and ensure that the most enormously stupid and hateful among us show up in sufficient numbers so as to make it a good show but when it all comes down to it there is no substantial difference between America’s two rotten and irredeemably debased and venal political parties. There is really no substantive differences in the policies of the state itself no matter which party ‘wins’ control over the spoils system, the corporate giveaways only accelerate, impoverishing millions in the process, the police state continues to metastasize as the cancer on a once much more free society that it is and most importantly of all …the wars continue. Not that Americans want to hear about them rather than the standard idiotic jingoist hogwash smothered in patriotic bullshit, there are dancing and talent contests to watch, ballgames to enjoy and the daily Vulcan style mind meld with their beloved telescreens to continue uninterrupted by any sort of reality lest their exoskeleton of denial be punctured. 

Death Came From The Skies: In Kurt Vonnegut’s classic novel Slaughterhouse Five the author uses the books of a fictional science fiction writer named Kilgore Trout to insert social commentary into his overall story. One of ‘Trout’s’ tales addressed the strange contradictions of a society that will accept with open arms one who kills civilians with state sanction during wartime while ostracizing one for silly, superficial reasons:

This, too, was the title of a book by Trout, The Gutless Wonder. It was about a robot who had bad breath, who became popular after his halitosis was cured. But what made the story remarkable, since it was written in 1932, was that it predicted the widespread use of burning jellied gasoline on human beings. It was dropped on them from airplanes. Robots did the dropping. They had no conscience, and no circuits which would allow them to imagine what was happening to the people on the ground.

Trout’s leading robot looked like a human being, and could talk and dance and so on, and go out with girls. And nobody held it against him that he dropped jellied gasoline on people. But they found his halitosis unforgivable. And then he cleared that up, and he was welcomed to the human race.

Vonnegut was actually present at Dresden on the night that allied bombers laid waste to the ‘Florence of the Elbe’, a historic city as well as a non-military target with little or no air defense system that was packed with refugees and prisoners and was targeted by bombers that incinerated over one hundred thousand civilians. Vonnegut spoke of seeing the boiled bodies of schoolgirls floating in a water tower through his character Billy Pilgrim and also of being forced to dig through the wreckage in the aftermath to find “corpse mines” and described the odor of the bodies:

“They didn’t smell bad at first…but then the bodies rotted and liquefied, and the stink was like roses and mustard gas”

He also spoke of a character, another soldier who died of the dry heaves from having to go down into a corpse mine and being overcome by the stench:

“He tore himself to pieces, throwing up and throwing up”

Dresden doesn’t get much mention when it comes to the history of the ‘good war’, neither does the decimation of the Japanese homeland by the fire-bombing of civilian areas. Before Fat Man and Little Boy were dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima the land of the rising sun had been brought to it’s knees by a long-running series of B-29 incendiary bombings led by General Curtis LeMay a ruthless efficiency obsessed madman with the nickname of “Bombs Away LeMay”. LeMay led a withering series of bombings on 64 Japanese cities with the worst being the flaming hell from the skies unleashed on Tokyo on March 9-10, 1945 when nearly one hundred thousand human beings were incinerated. So intense was that bombing that according to one writer, Nicholas Von Hoffman, that the heat “boiled the water in lakes and ponds, cooking those who fled to safety there like human lobsters”. LeMay once said that “killing Japanese didn’t bother me very much at that time… I suppose if I had lost the war, I would have been tried as a war criminal”. The murderous actions of the U.S. government against the non-caucasian enemy du jour in any of our great imperialist wars and conflicts including Barack Obama’s humanitarian bombardment of Libya as well as the financial windfall that the destruction of lives and infrastructure reap for the moneychangers and blood barters rarely if ever intrude on the consciousness of the masses of asses who couldn’t be bothered with the slaughter that is carried out on their taxpayer dime. Kilgore Trout’s’ The Gutless Wonder is a perfect metaphor for the apathetic and dumbed-down  philistines who allow for the murder of innocents to take place in their name as long as the reality doesn’t intrude upon their futile pursuit of happiness. I know people who regularly flock to local air shows when they take place every year to marvel at the military planes, drool over the displays of armaments, eat, drink and be merry with that one big disconnect from reality ensuring their pleasure. Aerial bombardment and cruise missiles are not only extraordinarily expensive but also representative of the sanitized killing and innate gutlessness of modern drone warfare where airstrikes can be launched from a distance in the comfort of air conditioned command centers by men with video screens and joysticks. Roger Waters accurately described it as the Bravery of Being out of Range:

In something more contemporary than World War II atrocities one needs only to read Chris Hedges’ latest gut-wrenching essay The Body Baggers of Iraq. In the piece, Hedges who is the preeminent moral voice in this feculent cadaver of a republic pulls back the red, white and blue bunting on the blessed glory of war that is revered by armchair patriots. He details the story of Jess Goodell, a worker in the Marine Corps Mortuary Affairs unit whose job was to “collect and catalog” the corpses and possessions of those poor, fucked-over “heroes” who paid the ultimate price so that Americans could remain free to be decadent, slothful, timorous, self-obsessed nitwits whose only Earthly purpose is to be ready to bare their jugulars whenever the monsters that are the corporate vampire class are ready to feed. The piece is not for anyone possessing either a weak stomach nor an animal instinct to remain in denial about the glamorous and noble nature of war that they have been sold through movies and television. War is a vile, stinking morass of human misery, blood, vomit, dead babies, shattered lives and those who have gotten obscenely wealthy and powerful in turning the filth, fury and soul-sucking degradation into just more revenue flows that they use to gamble in the markets on more defense stocks that feed the demon that can never be full enough of the gore and gold upon which it feeds. To once again quote the late, great Hunter S. Thompson..”All political power comes from the barrel of either guns, pussy, or opium pipes, and people seem to like it that way.” It has worked wonders for the psychotics who run this place now and while that precious nugget of real truth is an even bigger bout of skull-fuckery that is best left to the hard core truth-seekers and cynics…

But I digress….

The Body Baggers of Iraq is just awesome in it’s sustained intensity and you will never see anything even remotely resembling something like this in even the most ‘liberal’ bastions of the corporate propaganda system that serves as the media here in Fortress USA. I excerpt the following from that piece:

The unit processed about half a dozen suicides. The suicide notes, she said, almost always cited hazing. Women, she said, were constantly harassed, especially sexually, but it often did not match the systematic punishment and humiliation meted out to men who were deemed to be inadequate Marines. She said that Marines who were overweight or unable to do the physical training were subjected to withering verbal and physical abuse. They were called “fat nasties” and “shit bags.” The harassed Marines would be assigned to other individual Marines and become their slaves. They would be sent on punishing runs in which many of them vomited. They would be forced to bear-crawl—walk on all fours—the length of a football field and back. This would be followed by sets of monkey fuckers—bending down, grabbing the ankles, crouching down like a baseball catcher and then standing up again—followed by a series of other exercises that went on until the Marines collapsed.

“They make these Marines do what they call ‘bitch’ work,” Goodell said. “They are assigned to be someone else’s ‘bitch’ for the day. We had a guy in our platoon, not in Iraq but in California, and he was overweight. He was on remedial PT, which meant he went to extra physical training. When he came to work he was rotated. One day he was with this corporal or this sergeant. One day he was sent to me. I had him for an hour. I remember sending him outside and making him carry things. It was very common for them to dig a hole and fill it back up with sand or carry sand bags up to the top of a hill and then carry them down again.”

The unit was sent to collect the bodies of the Marines who killed themselves, usually by putting rifles under their chins and pulling the trigger.

“We had a Marine who was in a port-a-john when he blew his face off,” she said. “We had another Marine who shot himself through the neck. Often they would do it in the corner of a bunker or an abandoned building. We had a couple that did it in port-a-johns. We had to go in and peel and pull off chunks of flesh and brain tissue that had sprayed the walls. Those were the most frustrating bodies to get. On those bodies we were also on cleanup crew. It was gross. We sent the suicide notes home with the bodies.”

“One of the first convoys we went to was one where the Army had been traveling over a bridge and an IED had exploded,” she said. “It had literally shot a seven-ton truck over the side and down into a ravine. Marines were already going down into the ravine. We were just getting out of our vehicles. We were putting on our gloves and putting coverings over our boots. I was with a Marine named Pineda. I was coming around the Humvee and there was a spot on the ground that was a circle. I looked at it and thought something must have exploded here or near here. I went over to look at it. I looked in and saw a boot. Then I noticed the boot had a foot in it. I almost lost my lunch.”

“In the seven-ton truck the [body of the] assistant driver, who was in the passenger seat, was trapped in the vehicle,” she said. “All of his body was in the vehicle. We had to crawl in there to get it out. It was charred. Pineda and I pulled the burnt upper torso from the truck. Then we removed a leg. Some of the remains had to be scooped up by putting out hands together as though we were cupping water. That was very common. A lot of the deaths were from IEDs or explosions. You might have an upper torso but you need to scoop the rest of the remains into a body bag. It was very common to have body bags that when you picked them up they would sink in the middle because they were filled with flesh. The contents did not resemble a human body.”

The members of the mortuary unit were shunned by the other Marines. The stench of dead flesh clung to their uniforms, hair, skin and fingers. Two members of the mortuary unit began to disintegrate psychologically. One began to take a box of Nyquil tablets every day and drink large quantities of cold medicine. He was eventually medevaced out of Iraq.

“Our cammies would be stained with blood or with brains,” she said. “When you scoop up the meat it often would get on the cuffs of our shirts. You could smell it, even after you took off your gloves. We weren’t washing our cammies everyday. Your cuff comes to your face when you eat. Physically we were stained with remains. We had a constant smell like rotten meat, which I guess is what it was since often the bodies had been in the sun and the heat for a long time. The flesh had gone bad. The skin on a body in the hot sun slides off. The skin detaches itself from the layer beneath and slides around on itself.”

Her unit once had to recover two Marines who had drowned in a lake. It appeared one had leapt in to save the other. The bodies, which were recovered after a couple of days by Navy divers, were grotesquely swollen. One of the Marines was so bloated and misshapened that the body was difficult to carry on a litter.

“His neck was as wide as his bloated head, and his stomach jutted out like a barrel,” she writes in the book. “His testicles were the size of cantaloupes. His face was white and puffy and thick. Not fat, but thick. It was unreal. He looked like a movie prop, with thick, gray, waxy skin and the thick purple lips. We couldn’t stop looking at these bodies because they were so out of proportion and so disfigured and because, still, they looked like us.”

It was hardest to look into the faces of the dead. She and the other members of the mortuary unit swiftly covered the faces when they worked on the bodies. They avoided looking at the eyes of the corpses.

Once, the unit had to process seven Marines killed in an explosion. Seven or eight body bags were delivered to the bunker.

“We had clean body bags set up so we could sort the flesh,” she said. “Sometimes things come in with nametags. Or sometimes one is Hispanic and you could tell who was Hispanic and who was the white guy. We tried separating flesh. It was ridiculous. We would open a body bag and there was nothing but vaporized flesh. There were not four hands or a whole leg in a bag. We tried to distribute the mush evenly throughout the bags. We were trying to do the best we could sorting it out. We had the last body bag come in. We opened up the body bag and it was filled with the heads. I looked at four before looking away. Not only did we have to look at them, we had to pick them up and figure out who it belonged to. The eyes were looking back at us. We got used to a lot of it. But the heads worked the other way. They affected us more strongly as time passed. We saw on the heads the expressions of fright and horror. It made us wonder what we were doing here.”

She processed one Marine whose face was twisted at the moment of death by rage. The face of this Marine began to haunt her.

“I had this feeling that something awful had occurred,” she said. “The way he had come in and stiffened he had this look to his face that made my stomach curl. It looked angry. Often expressions on bodies would look fearful and hurt. The faces looked as though they had received death. But this face looked like he had given death.”

She and the other members of the unit became convinced they could feel and hear the souls of the dead Marines they had processed and housed in their reefers.

The pernicious nature of war not only destroys flesh and buildings, it destroys lives of those who survive and then must cope with the horrific and immoral acts that their government has ordered them to participate in. Those with a conscience like Goodell are haunted by the experience and are able to channel it into some sort of action that is redemptive, such as speaking out with the truth. Others, take for example Army Specialist Jeremy Morelock of Wasila, Alaska (how ironic) and the “Kill Team” who was just sentenced to 24 years in prison for his murdering for fun of Afghan civilians. While Morelock becomes the example and the sacrificial lamb for the ongoing carnage in America’s wars. How many other Jeremy Morelocks are not going to be brought up on charges and will return home one day, trained killers with sociopathic personality disorders and who will be absorbed into the police state apparatus as law enforcement personnel? Food for thought isn’t it?

Outback’s Shameless Corporate War Profiteering

To borrow from the Marine Corps vernacular referenced in the Hedges’ piece one could accurately peg the majority of Americans as “shit bags”, “fat nasties”, “money fuckers” and “slaves” so worthless and pathetic they have been during the rise of the fascist state. More of the lemmings here in God’s chosen land of plenty pour our their emotions in acts of lunacy like mourning the death of multi-millionaire movie stars like Elizabeth Taylor, a woman who lived the good life and through her the inhabitants of idiot nation lived vicariously, just as they do when it comes to all of the false idols that they sanctimoniously deify while the wallow in the shame, cowardice and willful ignorance that passes for their pitiful little lives. I remember back in the days after the prior vainglorious Emperor George W. Bush unleashed the full fury of the Military Industrial Congressional Complex on Saddam Hussein’s Iraq back in 2003, at that time gas was still cheap, the grand fraud of the Wall Street housing bubble was years from reaching critical mass and piggish and still traumatized by the ‘terrorist’ attacks on 9/11 were braying for blood. The roads were filled with mega-sizes SUV’s and goddammit if there wasn’t one of those idiotic fucking yellow ribbon magnets on the ass end of each one. It was futile trying to convince the average American dumbass that their over-consumption of the precious black gold was what our heroic military ‘heroes’ were being sent into the meat-grinder to kill, be maimed for life or die for. Back in that day those who dared to question were shouted down as “traitors”, “terrorist-appeasers”, “enemies of the state” and the worst of all pejoratives…”unpatriotic” back when it was scary to dissent against Bush’s maniac crusades for neocon doctrine. Those were disturbing times for those of us who were only starting to come to the realization (as with me) that it was all bullshit, before the early internet insurgents….after years of relative ‘peace’ it was a total war of civilizations. Eventually though the truth became to seep out, the internet gave many of us a place to organize and educate ourselves and the always greed-crazed corporate carnivores latched onto the wars as another marketing tool. 

The wars have not only not been televised to Americans but are now shamelessly used by corporations who equate patriotic fervor with profits. The participation of national restaurant chains like Outback Steakhouse in Operation Homefront are cynically used to sell steaks and blooming onions to blooming idiots (I wonder how that meat would taste if Chris Hedges’ piece were slipped into the menus), Wal-Marts are festooned in the red-white and blue despite an inventory of poorly constructed garbage made in China and “support the troops” has become a guaranteed money maker to lure consumers. The worst offenders of course is FOX and nothing is more indicative of their cheerleading for murder than the NFL coverage, take for example the use of Veterans Day weekend in 2009 to promote the ‘patriotism’ of the foreign pig Rupert Murdoch. FOX’s pregame show was held on a set in Afghanistan (see Militarist Masturbation) where ex jocks and grinning shit salesmen like Howie Long and Terry Bradshaw immersed the FOX brand in the sort of glorification of the war machine that would do Leni Riefenstahl proud. There is no important football game that doesn’t feature a tax dollar wasting flyover and this year’s Super Bowl in Jerry Jone’s gauche Texas temple of avarice was vomit inducing so soaked in red-meat flag waving and war worshipping hyperbole was it. It goes over real well with those who in the true modern American way love to park their fat asses on their couches in front of their big screen televisions and cheer for others to die just as long as they don’t have to do the fighting.

I will close with this excerpt from the classic antiwar book by Dalton Trumbo, Johnny Got His Gun:

You can always hear the people who are willing to sacrifice somebody else’s life. They’re plenty loud and they talk all the time. You can find them in churches and schools and newspapers and legislatures and congress. That’s their business. They sound wonderful. Death before dishonor. This ground sanctified by blood. These men who died so gloriously. They shall not have died in vain. Our noble dead.


But what do the dead say?

Did anybody ever come back from the dead any single one of the millions who got killed did any one of them ever come back and say by god I’m glad I’m dead because death is always better than dishonor? Did they say I’m glad I died to make the world safe for democracy? Did they say that I like death better than losing liberty? Did any of them ever say it’s good to think I got my guts blown out for the honor of my country? Did any of them ever say look at me I’m dead but I died for decency and that’s better than being alive? Did any of them ever say here I am I’ve been rotting for two years in a foreign grave but it’s wonderful to die for your native land? Did any of them say hurray I died for womanhood and I’m happy see how I sing even though my mouth is choked with worms?

Nobody but the dead know whether all these things people talk about are worth dying for or not. And the dead can’t talk. So the words about noble deaths and sacred blood and honor and such are all put into dead lips by grave robbers and fakes who have no right to speak for the dead. If a man says death before dishonor he is either a fool or a liar because he doesn’t know what death is. He isn’t able to judge. He only knows about living. He doesn’t know anything about dying. If he is a fool and believes in death before dishonor let him go ahead and die.

So it goes…

Kristol and Palin Reap the Whirlwind in Arizona

January 10, 2011
“They that sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind”,

Hosea 8:7

The least surprising act of violence in this increasingly unraveling wormball of a republc should be Saturday’s brutal and tragic shooting rampage in Tuscon, Arizona. Democratic Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was savagely gunned down along with a sitting Federal Judge and a nine year old girl when the latest pathetic human time bomb went off in spree of carnage that has sent shockwaves through the land. Whether or not the vicious little creep Jared Lee Loughner was influenced by the ongoing poisonous rants of right-wing payroll demagogues like Glenn Beck and his ilk still has to be determined, that such a brutal and senseless mass murder would occur in the hellhole of cacti, gila monsters and racist Sherrif Joe worshipping freaks that is the asshole of America (Arizona of course) was inevitable. Loughner, a one-man death panel walked into a local Safeway store where the hated Giffords, mortal enemy of the GOP co-opted Tea Party was making a public appearance and opened fire with the ice-cold, remorseless manner of a highly skilled assassin, once deemed too fucked up for the Army but he could have a hell of a future with some private mercenary army of brutes like Xe, Triple Canopy or any of the other ‘contractors’ that leech off of the taxpayer dole to murder brown people in the name of almighty mammon and American hegemony.

The only thing more dispicable than the cowardly and brutal ambush was the standard right-wing spin that went into overdrive before the bodies were even cold. Loughner’s name has barely been released when already, the Der Stürmer of the American political press, arch neocon William Kristol’s Weekly Standard, a fully subsidized print arm of the American fascist propaganda machine and a prized posession of the foreign parasite Rupert Murdoch was denouncing the shooter as a liberal lunatic. The apropos “lunatic” tag puts him right in the fine company of the publishers and their ilk but the idiotic canard that Loughner was some sort of leftist guerilla by linking the mention as a favorite book on the diseased little scumbag’s MySpace page of Karl Marx’s The Communist Manifesto along with Hitler’s Mein Kampf was a perfect little bullshit nugget that is sure to go over with all of the scumbaggers and Palinazis. That Communism and Nazism have anything in common would only appeal to the flag-sucking, synapse-challenged sluggards whose mental laziness, internal ugliness and perpetual state of electronically induced confusion are drawn to the Palin-Beck cult as horseflies are to fresh dogshit. Only, in our degenerate, violent and ingorance worshipping culture could such idiocy be swallowed – Hitler hated Commies which is a fact that is pretty much well documented in any history of The Third Reich not produced by Glenn Beck’s think tank employed ghostwriters. Long before the Jews were being hunted down like dogs by the Nazis the only serious opponents of Hitler’s death cult, the Communists had to be eradicated. Not that the nitwits in our deteriorating dumbocracy bother with reading anything much in 2011. Interestingly enough, there were other notable works in the MySpace profile that are curious enough to call the whole damned thing into question, Orwell’s Animal Farm, Huxley’s Brave New World and Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 are often invoked by many in this era of a rapidly closing and dangerously hellbent on authoritarian society, it’s pretty convenient in my personal opinion to include those works on this maniac’s alleged MySpace page. In a year when the criminal U.S. government is about to launch the full fury of the contemptibly corrupt Justice Department on a huge international witch hunt for Mr. Wikileaks Julian Assange and anyone who has remotely sympathized with him should perk up the hairs on the backs of the necks of those who really get it. Of course this leaves out the teabaggers doesn’t it?

But I digress….

The Arizona slaughter is just the logical progression for the seething rancor in this once upon a time land o’ plenty that has been putrifying the air since the inital launch of the neocon Project Sarah Palin. Long before the doddering old war criminal John McCain (a faux patriot who sold out his fellow prisoners at the Hanoi Hilton for favorable treatment in Nam and made propaganda films for the Commies) in an ill-thought out act of political desperation plucked her from obscurity and sent her rocketing to stardom as the kewpie doll of a virulent and deeply entrenched American fascism, she had been the apple of the eye of the once discredited, anti-American neocons. According to a 2008 London Telegraph article, Neoconservatives plan Project Sarah Palin to Shape the Future of American Foreign Policy and an in depth article by Jane Mayer from The New Yorker magazine entitled The Insiders, it was during a 2007 Weekly Standard Alaskan cruise that the smirking little chimp William Kristol met the silly, babbling bitch and in very short order achieved an erection that could crack a human skull. According to one neocon who out of fear of Billy Bad Ass declined to be named stated that Herr Kristol had a “schoolboy like infatuation” with the darling of the American dumb and from that moment he was determined to promote her as the high priestess of apple pie authoritarianism to the nigger hating, Jesus juicing, brokedick and busted out flat American peckerwoods who made up the Republican party base. With the ascension of the extremely disappointing corporate sellout Barack Obama as an antidote to the ruination of the Bush-Cheney-Rove Axis of Evil the cunning Kristol would have the perfect operating environment for the restoration of the neocons. By working through Palin to rebrand standard mouth-breathing Republicanism into something bold and fresh by hijacking the libertarian Tea Party movement Kristol and this fellow polemacists, fifth columnists and greed obsessed media moguls such as Murdoch the scorched Earth campaign of cultural destabilization began in earnest.

From the earliest Palin bund rallies in the runup to the 2008 presidential election the meme of “taking our country back” was promulgated by Kristol’s rat-fuckers, the feverish intensity of those October rallies where Obama was denounced as a secret Muslim, a traitor and in more than one instance were worked into such a dervish by Palin that they were screaming for his murder was a flashing danger sign for what was to follow. Once Palin and the Tea Party had been hijacked and melded (along with some help from a greasy little CNBC shill named Rick Santelli) with the perpetually angry and willfully ignorant GOP base as some sort of cultural populist insurgency the game was on. Now admittedly there is much jusifiable rage in this country, with two never-ending and costly imperialist wars, a zombie financial system where the politically connected criminals on Wall Street are bailed out by their whores in D.C., rapacious corporations that offshore former American jobs by the millions and the now obvious myth of the American Dream being exposed people should be as mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. But the sheer ludicrousness of the Tea Party and the cult status of Sarah Palin and how it could somehow be successful is stunning even to a hardened cynic like myself. That millions of Americans who have been given the shaft by the plutocracy that owns the entire government lock, stock and smoking gun barrell can be duped into actually supporting a movement fueled by corrupt insiders like Dick Armey and billionaire tax chiselers like the Koch Brothers seems like Bizarro planet. The entire phony Tea Party insurgency is less fueled by any sort of ideology than by the perfect storm of economic collapse, cynical political operators like Kristol and America’s first black president, an absolute irresistable target for the bigots, haters and dregs of society. Kristol and the neocons have very obviously been trolling for a shooter for years now, finally they got their wish.

That the American left has failed to capatilize on the righteous indignation in this society, ceding the opportunity to build an actual movement for social and economic justice to the stone crazy fascist element also has played a role in the toxicity but that is a story for another time. Once Kristol and Company had successfully turned the shrill Alaskan hockey mom and pride of white trash Wasilla, the great northern meth mecca into a celebrity, fueled by a pathetically lazy and venal media the angry army had gained legitimacy, so much that the entire Palin family was able to ride the gravy train. America has long had an infatuation with horribly fucked up, dysfunctional, dipshit families, I mean where else could The Osbournes become a megahit and FOX’s cartoon series The Simpsons which is now poisioning the minds of a third generation remain on TV for 20 + years? And now Bob’s Burgers is coming to FOX to join the electonic lobotomy fest. With Palin’s mass cultural popularity providing cover for the real message of seething cultural hate, dog whistle politics and race baiting that has been the bread and butter of the neocons since founding father Leo Strauss perfected the formula the destabilization of the hated BLACK man in the WHITE House’s regime was on. I don’t know if anyone recalls those nasty little anti-Muslim DVDs of the lurid trash entitled Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West, 28 million of which ended up in newspapers back during the runup to the 2008 election but that was a neocon job all the way. The rise of the idiotic Birther movement, the Republican Tea Party’s browhshirt storming of congressional town halls to ensure that there would be no legitimate health care reform and the ongoing demonization of Muslims, gays, illegal aliens fueled by cynical multimillionaires like the insidious Glenn Beck all have fomented the hatred leading to Saturday’s mass murder, that it would come in Arizona is only natural.

The Copper State as Arizona has as a moniker which is much more benign than befitting of a colony of bigots, fascists and armed to the teeth paranoid freaks that would make Barry Goldwater puke has been at the forefront of the rising tide of hate in America. With the embittered old goat John McCain being slowly pushed out of the limelight as Arizona’s preeminent public face and replaced by the psychologically unstable and butt ugly Jan Brewer the state has been on the cutting edge of the new normal in America. An ugly and uncontrollable problem with cross-border crime thanks to Mexico’s drug wars and Arizona’s Guns R’ Us culture along with the economic decimation courtesy of corporate America has ratched up the heat to the next level. With a publicity starved and shameless fascist Sheriff Joe Arpaio being exalted as some sort of folk hero among the haters for his Meskin’ bashing style of law enforcement and a degenerate like Brewer leading the way with a racial profiling law straight out of Nazi Germany the state has been a shining example of Palin’s America and the frontlines for the war against Obama’s militant Negro socialist army. When Jared Loughner opened fire at the Giffords rally it was nothing short of an escalation of that war. In an armed to the teeth, paranoid land of fear and anger, the flames fanned by Kristol, Murdoch and their stooges would it surprise anybody if librul [sic] huntin’ season soon opens across the land? There will be calls for a national discussion on the vitriolic nature of our politics, mostly by cynical swine like John Boehner and Eric Cantor who had no problem with it all as long as it delivered votes and nine year old girls weren’t being murdered by lunatics, they are even putting their ridiculous farce of a vote to repeal Obamacare on hold for a few days, of course their complicity in ginning up the lies about death panels spread by Palin to her droogs on TWITter and Facebook is ignored.

There will also be calls for a government crackdown on the internet and more surveillance, Michael Chertoff must be absolutely drooling over how much money that he is going to make when the Giffords shooting is used as justification to force already cash-starved local governments to further cut down on essential services in order to put those great naked body scanners in malls and stores. Not that it matters to Kristol and Palin and the dopes with Gadsden flags shrieking about the evils of big government, they are perfectly down with a mass expansion of state power if it is oppressive power that they can use to crush their enemies and the more money that gets shovelled into the police state is great because after all, they are doing nothing wrong and have nothing to fear from a government run amok, eaten throughout by the cancer of corruption and building an iron-plated firewall to put down a citizen uprising if and when people stop being duped. Just as long as that big government money isn’t going into anything that helps minorities, the poor or drags America back from the brink of becoming the world’s largest banana republic, something like a stimulus program that creates jobs or a real national health care single payer system. The hate feeds them and those who encourage that hate in order to benefit politically have just as much blood on their hands as Jared Loughner does.

If and when this country ever awakens, reforms and begins to punish the fascists it should be noted that Julius Streicher was hanged at Nuremburg despite his never personally killing one Jew. Kristol, Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, Savage, Hannity, O’Reilly, Goldberg, Gabriel, Levin and their ilk should keep that historical analogy in mind the next time that they sow the seeds of hatred.


Palin in the U$A

November 23, 2010


As a proud, self-proclaimed anarchist there is no way that I could ever hope to see in my lifetime the systemic damage that a Palin presidency would bring.  Palin is like Hitler in post-WW I Germany, a growing force that taps into a national rage and cannot be stopped. Even Republicans like Karl Rove are beginning to understand this as they now begin to desperately bring under party control the monster that they created and now will be unable to stop. With the catastrophic failure of the Obama presidency and the economic doom that it, through the bailouts of Wall Street criminals it has embraced there is a very serious viciousness boiling today. You can occasionally see it with small things like the outrage over the TSA “pat downs” (newspeak for sexual assault that would get a person jailed anywhere other than an airport) and the sinister glee that the madder than hell teabaggers are getting from fixing the beloved Dancing With The Stars latest season in favor of teen slut Bristol Palin as vengeance against the hated liberals. The most hilarious thing about this is that American morons are finally outraged, just not at what they should be outraged about.
We are now into post-Reagan generation 2 and post 9/11 generation 1 and the change from when I was growing up, my parents and my grandparents is like a different planet. The incessant babbling of religious nonsense, it’s manipulation by a cynical political class (half of whom drink the Jesus juice themselves), the amazing dumbing down, the corporations having driven small businesess out of business and the endless fascination with money, the markets and idiotic nonsense like Dancing with the Stars and American idol is truly something. In the future (provided there is one) historians are going to have to haul this rotting carcass of a nation onto the autopsy table and thoroughly examine it. I am quite happy to day that I am ashamed to be an American and damned proud of it. After our final transformation, which WILL include a more virulent police state and in my opinion internment camps, let us serve as a warning for the rest of time of WHAT NOT to be. All is pretty much lost now, there was some hope that Obama would have actually changed things but the rot is too deep, the entrenched elite too dug in and the masses of asses reduced to quivering fear-filled lemmings chattering like monkeys into their smart phones while maxing out their plastic for stuff they don’t need but have been indoctrinated into buying by the mental manipulators in the mass media.
Hell, I am actually starting to desire a Palin Presidency in 2012, strip away the veneer of false legitimacy that this massive lemming colony still has. The uprisings in the airports against the molesters will pass as the next celebrity scandal diverts attention, the surveillance will continue and any outrage generated by the DWTS protests will only briefly harm the network because it will find some other braindead form of reality tv that can be fed to viewers.
Living in the U$A is pretty sick these days and I can’t understand how anyone can view this place as sophisticated, only the idiots who live here can do that and only because their friends and families are also idiots and incapable of presenting any alternative that is rooted in reality.
Sarah 2012! Yeah Baby!
I WANT a Palin presidency, we could then once and forever rightfully assume our status as a pariah nation of idiots, religious fanatics, mean spirited and historically ignorant war freaks with a self-destructive bloodlust that would only further encourage Prez Palin and her neocon backers like Bill Kristol to escalate the violence in the middle East in order to advance Israeli expansionism. That would kill more Muslims and make the U$A more susceptible to ‘terrorists’ and provide further justification for pigs like Michael Chertoff to sell his porno scanners to malls etc.
And maybe just maybe, the nukes will be unleashed and the chosen can fly up to Heaven dirty nasty nekkid and bypass the TSA porno scanners on the way up to join God for front row seats to Armageddon.

So let it roll, damn the TSA “pat downs”, bring out the full body cavity searches and to anyone who complains, it’s off to Camp FEMA. We the people deserve whatever happens. We are a nation of dumbed down, cringing, scared to death, bigoted, self-indulgent and over indebted fatsos and philistines. Put on the TV, go out to the mall and parade up and down chattering like moneys into smart phones and please DON’T THINK! Just buy, buy stocks and most importantly vote Palin in 2012.

John Tyner: A REAL American Hero

November 17, 2010

More dangerous to the fascist cabal that has justified turning the United States of America into some sort of bastardized melding of Israel-Nazi Germany and the USSR would be John Tyner. This is the guy who in the last several days rocketed to national stardom for daring to have the stones to stand up to the glorified door shakers, failed mall cops and degenerate pedophiles of the TSA. Tyner has made himself into a true hero (unlike the phony and overused corporate state term “hero” that is attached to every soldier, cop, firefighter and rescue dog) for the oppressed masses by not only refusing the naked body scanners but keeping his cool, playing out the situation, telling the goons to basically stick it and leaving rather than subject himself to the humiliation and fondling of submission to the petty authoritarians who have taken over the airports in this once great nation turned into something ugly, diseased and just plain un-American that is now called the HOMELAND.

Not only did Mr. Tyner have the stones to just say no at the San Diego airport Gestapo checkpoint  but he actually has a blog where he went home and put it all online where it has gone viral. This certainly has Big Sister Janet Napolitano’s anal orifice puckering as the harassment and retaliation by the government run amok has begun, Tyner is going to be targeted by a TSA investigation for his insubordination and most importantly for standing up to these protofascist bastards. You have to wonder whether or not  the poor bastard  will he be extraordinarily rendered, held without habeas corpus and have his toenails pulled out by Jack Bauer worshipping goons who have graduated TSA and are now fully credentialled state torturers. Make no mistake, Tyner is a very dangerous man to the fascist police state, in fact he is more dangerous then even a thousand Joe Stacks because it is a very disturbing blip in the maxtrix of control and institutional social conditioning to submit that has worked to perfection since the day that the coup d’etat was piggybacked onto the false flag terror attacks on September 11,2001.

For the first time this is an incursion of what used to be the cherished American right to privacy that was at one time our birthright, that for which our ancestors spilled their blood and sacrificed all when fighting tyrants on foreign soil. It was all wrested away with one extremely suspicious ‘terrorist’ attack that provided exactly the jusfification for all of the pillage, plunder, resource wars, tax money extracted by the man to fund our own enslavement and the gropings in our airports (will rape rooms be next?) and coming soon to shopping malls near you. The establishment and the oligarchy that their filthy fucking police state has been erected to protect knows damned well the potential for the interruption of their plans if Tyner serves as an inspiration to others to finally say ENOUGH!. This is like Omaha Beach to those Nazis, they have to stop it, nip it in the bud and do so with extreme prejudice. Let enough people raise hell about their prepubescent kids being felt up by video game addicted washed out loser TSA swine who couldn’t cut it in real law enforcement or the military and the GAME IS OVER.

SO..KEEP IT UP…TELL THESE PIGS EXACTLY WHERE TO STICK IT. Especially during the busy holiday flying season. Spread the word not your cheeks, do everything that you as Americans can do to not only encourage revolt against this petty tyranny but also to hit the bastards where they REALLY live, airline stocks. Stop flying, withhold your dollars, hit the airline and tourism industries hard because truly, other than the raw abuse of power what else to the swine understand?

The fascists jumped the shark, overreached and who the fuck knows where this is going from here. Just imagine a population force fed years and years of tabloid cheese child molestation stories, the pervert of the week, Michael Jackson taking liberties with little boys after making them drink Jesus Juice etc. The bastards have used fear of pedophilia to justify a blanket crackdown on civil liberties, censorship of the internet and the pushing of tracking chips all in the name of protection from the pedophiles and ain’t it ironic that the most nasty of the nasty are under the protection of Der Department of Heimat Security fondling little children with the full seal of approval of the rotten to the core United States Government in airports today.

Hell, the irony is brilliant, the blowback would be like the sweetest vintage of Schadenfreude ever.

ENOUGH is ENOUGH and goddamn it, when something like this sort of fiendish abuse of our police state rulers actually fucking CONNECTS with the masses of asses it gives even a hardened, doomsayer and cynic like myself just a little spark of hope that maybe, just maybe these cocksuckers can finally be called out for their hijacking of our country. For the Nazi transformation of America in the aftermath of that holiest of holy days that was September 11th 2001, the day when every cheaply bought, rotten politician, amoral thug and looking to get rich quick snake that parlayed in Orwellian security apparatus hit the lottery, and it was fucking POWERBALL with 911 coming up big.

THIS could strike a blow to the very heart of the empire of fear.

Which is why the corporate media is so desperate today to drown it out in the cranked up cacophony of cum soiled celebrity panties, tales of the glorious British monarchy with jolly old Prince William and the potential queen to be trophy fuck bunny Kate Middleton, the new Harry Potter movie and the damning story that the avenging queen of the mass of moronic masturbators that in a more humane and intelligent era was dubbed by the great H.L. Mencken as Boobus Americanus but now passes for the Tea Party has actually had one of her mispronunciations introduced into the English lexicon in the actual fucking dictionary.

There isn’t enough whiskey in Texas to get me drunk enough to actually belch out a slurred piece of the King’s English like “refudiate’ but in the 2010 Idiocracy that is America it is worshipped by the masses of asses as a profound feat of intellectual production right up there with the finest works of Shakespeare. I wouldn’t be half surprised of a collection of Palin’s off key and largely incoherent warbles could be packaged into a synchronized mix and then sold as Christmas songs ala Alvin and the Chipmunks to the dumber than dirt teabaggers who will soon be clued into just how they were used and duped to the Judas goats that they just elected, their saviors will be laughing all the way around the security checkpoints while their own brood will be felt up and drooled over by TSA freaks. This is a land so steeped in stupidity that George Fucking W Bush’s ghostwritten book has already sold 775,000 copies for Christ’s sake!!

Sweet Jesus Fucking Palomino are we doomed, to borrow from the now infamous Vietnam reference to the insanity of it all maybe it’s time to feed in the coordinates for all major American cities, unleash the nukes and destroy the fucking place in order to save it.

Jesse Ventura on Fusion Centers, FEMA Camps and the Police State

November 14, 2010

Yesterday I happened to catch the most recent episode of Jesse Ventura’s compelling TruTv series, this one on the Police State. The series, Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura is an amazing piece of work not only for the taboo subject matter (God forbid that Americans really understand exactly what the fuck is going on) but for the host himself. It’s not often that a major media figure with credentials like Ventura’s, Governor of Minnesota, Navy Seal, actor, athlete, commentator would dare to venture into the darkest bowels or this now thoroughly rotted through empire of blood and corruption. The safe bet would be to either sell out and become a shill for official conspiracy theories such as the laughable government tale of the accounts on that holiest of holy days, September 11, 2001 when the reset button was hit on America, the coup cemented into place and our tickets to the fascist state punched or to suffer the slings and arrows of media mockingbirds and payroll pundits who would perform their standard electornic character assassinations. Ventura is a different breed though, he gets it and as a patriotic American does his duty to get at the real nasty stuff that crawls beneath the paper thin facade of our God-kissed, flag-swaddled, John Wayne can of red, white and blue whup ass version of history.

This week’s edition of Ventura’s show, the fourth installment of the second season (previous installments were on Plum Island, Area 51 and Wall Street) got right into the most obvious and dangerous issue of the transformation of America into a police state. The process has been ongoing, when you really bother to think about the ongoing and incessant indoctrination to worship the law through vicarious exposure to head bashing and door kicking police and paramilitary television shows, movies and even video games and combined with the ginned-up hysterics of the “terrorist” plot du jour, most recently the alleged print cartridge bomb plot delivered with Bushian timing a few days prior to the latest elections or more appropriately, the latest churn of our political cesspool – Americans are conditioned like lab rats to surrender, grovel and submit. Not that the fear-mongering is any sort of recent phenomena, our entire fucking history (or at least our entire histroy since Kennedy’s head was blown off by rogue elements of the shadow government) has this malevolent and poisonous undercurrent snaking through it. A few years back I stumbled across an interesting little book on the entertainment industrial complex and the necessity to promulgate the narrative of FEAR in order to justify American imperialism. It was called American Terminator: Myths, Movies and Global Power from which I am going to excerpt the following:

Fear is essential: ‘Be afraid, be very afraid’ is the American condition. To live in America is to be beset by fear, anxiety and insecurity, to be surrounded by potential harm, enemies and evil intent. And the wolf is always at the door. A nation of optimists is the more usual self-representation of America. Repetitively, Hollywood films conclude with a resolution, a rescue, and the winners ride off into the sunset or snuggle into a warm embrace that reassures us they will live happily ever after. The formulaic ending, however, is necessary because the plot, the narrative, is founded on and propelled by fear and anxiety, the dark essential underpinning of the American condition. For America fear is an original, natural condition, the inescapable birth rite (and birth right), the inherited condition of a fragile existence that must constantly be defended. Without fear there is no America; constant recourse to fear is the motivating force that determines its actions and reactions

True to the nth degree. Fear is the coin of the realm in the new American century, the land of the free and the home of the brave is no longer the brand associated with life in Der Homeland. Fear of joblessness, fear of homelessness, fear of that secret Muslim in the White House and his militant Negro army ACORN cutting a brutal swarth of rape and pillage through lilly white Murka as announced by Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and the rest of the imperial propagandists and rabble rousers…and most importantly fear of the dread Islamofascism (a masterful piece of marketing churned out of one of those neocon think tanks) and the swarthy Arab terrorists. Never mind that it’s all bullshit, contrived to justify illegal wars for resources, oligarchical plundering and the enablement of the corporate vampires and Wall Street parasites to use their corrupt government subsidized schemes to enslave the sheep and to get them to not only tolerate but to enjoy their enslavement. It is a brilliant and long term implementation of a fascist state across the fruited plain, conceived by traitors and thieves and carried out with stunning precision by the CIA, the Military Industrial Complex and their profiteering partners. As Aldous Huxley described this Brave New World in this speech given at Berkeley:

“And it seems to me perfectly in the cards that there will be within the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods.”

Sound familiar? Prozac, Viagra and their counterparts, 46 inch plasma televisions, bread and circuses, junk food, electronic gadgetry, porn on demand and most importantly Dancing With The Stars….praise the lord, pass the remote and please line up for your full body cavity search before entering those wonderful naked body scanners brought to you by another one of our fine Israeli ‘friends’, dual citizen Michael Chertoff and the Chertoff Group. Another insider using his government connections to peddle the wares of another one of the corporate behemoths cashing in big on the FEAR that is now a by God American birthright. Shit, the bastards were already cashing in while the crisp fall breezes in lower Manhattan were still carrying the stench of rotting flesh back in 2001.

But I digress…

Been away for awhile, so just stretching my legs with that little rant. What I really wanted to talk about was the Ventura episode. While I have not seen every episode of Conspiracy Theory those that I have watched in their entirety have been powerful (although a bit silly with the team angle but you have to have a hook to draw in viewers I guess) but none quite so as the most recent installment. It starts out with a conversation with a young woman named Catherine Bleish whose work on behalf of the Ron Paul campaign landed her on one of those growing government watchlists that anyone who is reading this is no doubt on as well. When she dared to pursue the reasoning for being classified as a potential enemy of the state for exercising her first amendment rights she quickly discovered that such activity can get one in big trouble in the land where Habeas Corpus and the Posse Comitatus Act have already been dismantled and the Obama administration has not only escalated the programs of Bush-Cheney (and further back to Reagan and Ollie North) but have forever legitimized them by failing to enforce the Constitution. The wars continue and Gitmo remains open, the torturers continue their sadistic perversions and the police state infrastructure continues unabated despite the forgotten campaign rhetoric of our weasel in chief and soon it will be handed off to the next puppet who will undoubtedly find a reason to take it to the next level.

The wettest of dreams of this now despotic state has always been rooted in total control, ubiquitous and ever present surveillance and if necessary martial law. Gun running, drug dealing uber patriot Ollie North dabbled in the rounding up of dissidents with the REX 84 program that would have enabled FEMA to pick up and intern American citizens. There was also Garden Plot, Cable Splicer and a myriad of other anti-American schemes to do away with meddlesome citizens who may not be down with the scum that have hijacked the country (see Ed Encho’s series on the shadow government) and can no longer be troubled with anything as quaint as constitutional law or democracy. This must is documented, but never has any of it been as dangerous, or as readly to be rolled out as what is currently in process. The police state conspiracy as examined in the Ventura program looks into the metastaziing growth of Fusion Centers, command and control centers coordinating local law enforcement, military, private intelligence corporations and the Gestapo Department of Homeland Security. These well-funded high tech and unaccountable spy shops were an outgrowth of 9/11 (what isn’t?) and with the American Reichstag Fire as justification to combine state, local and federal agencies ostensibly to prevent terrorism. What they are in actuality are antennae of the tyrannical state using data-mining, profiling and sophisticated pattern analysis to keep tabs on potential threats to the power of a system run amok, as capitalism continues into the final states, come to home to roost and now in full cannibalistic mode it is only a matter of time until the inevitable economic collapse, food shortages and civil unrest similar to what is occurring in Europe. Now in full regonition that the vast majority of slothlike, dumbed down and wretchedly cowardly Americans will remain parked in front of the flat-screened electronic living room gods that they worship it scares the bejesus out of the establishment that the 1-2 percenters who still give a damn may revolt. What better way to keep tabs on them than by Big Brother style surveillance?

There are at least 72 of these fusion centers in operation at this time and that number will continue to grow as the day of judgement gets closer.

That a woman like Catherine Bleish can be sucked into this monstrous and oppressive system for nothing more than political activism should illustrate the true nature of the bottomless rabbit hole that our country has been dragged into. While Ventura’s show uses imagery of the co-opted teabaggers waving their Gadsden flags as visuals of the sort who are subject to being guilty without the pretenses of a trial as well as singles out Obama’s diabolical adviser Cass Sunstein (he of the now infamous Conspiracy Theories white paper) this needs some context. During the Bushreich protesters were routinely rounded up and herded into “free speech zones” (I seem to remember when the entire fucking country was a free speech zone), interned in temporary prisons during the virulently fascist 2004 Republican National Convention in New York or the 2003 WTO protest and crushing of dissent in Jeb Bush’s Miami not to mention the transformation of Pittsburgh into a martial law zone during the 2009 G20 meetings giving a new meaning to the term Iron City. What is and has been occurring in America to political dissent is an abomination and is not limited to anything out of the bogus left-right paradigm, it is directed at ALL who dare to question the establishment. In fact if anything, the Tea Party being a plutocratic backed hijacking of the original Ron Paul libertarian based movement it represents not so much a threat to the established order but rather useful idiots and shocktroops to defend it.

Ventura goes on to team with Alex Jones of (a man who I have mixed feelings about regarding some of the material that he covers) to actually visit some of the detention facilities or U.S. concentration camps that are currently operational. That such facilities are so often dismissed out of hand as being only the delusions of the paranoid fringe is indicative of the deep denial that Americans hide in as though it were a coccoon, and the raw cynicism of the politicians who are supposed to work for them but instead are fully complicit in the construction of these camps/detention facilities (there is a real hoot in the program where a P.R. woman at one of the facilities states that it is a residential center). Not only are these camps documented in mainstream news on occasion like the 2006 New York Times story on the $ 385 million in taxpayer money given to Haliburton subsidiary KBR to build detention centers. Americans are not only funding their own enslavement but seem to be incapble of understanding that it could happen here. If these facilities aren’t enough to prove what is coming then just Google Manzanar. To his credit Ventura addresses the FDR order to intern over 100,000 Japanese Americans during World War II. This is one of the most shameful stories in our national history yet it is largely unknown, another of the great sins of ommission when it comes to teaching America’s real history.

The show also draws attention to the Obama administration’s recent executive order that establishes the Council Of Governors, 10 executives who will rule over 10 regions in the always vaguely worded event of the “national emergency” that previous executive orders, such as Bush’s NSPD-51, all laying down the legal parameters for the declaration of martial law. Interestingly the 10 zones overlap nicely with FEMA’s. It is late in the episode where Jones and Ventura film a huge repository of plastic coffins/graveliners in Madison, Georgia and speculate on whether there will be a controlled release of a biological warfare agent or some other form of virus to create a pandemic that would trigger the roundups and the filling of the camps with those who try to fight it and don’t end up in one of the plastic coffins. I have always been a bit skeptical of this but have read a good deal of material that offers a glimpse into the sort of thinking that drives the pigs who run this system and despite my skepticism that they would actually trigger this sort of event it does fit within their worldview. When thugs and servants of the elite like war criminal Henry Kissinger can come out and refer to people as “useless eaters” it is obvious that there are only two lifeforms in America, vampires and cattle. Being aware of the military and intelligence experimentations with biowarfare and the rumored but not to this point proven existence of race specific bioweapons it would be foolish and naive to not believe that those who are able to conceive of this stuff don’t have the stones to use it to further their agendas. There was much hysteria over last year’s H1N1/Swine Flu potentially being this event but rather it was in all likelihood the result of greed with Big Pharma rushing to sell as much untested vaccine to a terrified public as they possibly could to juice their stock prices. Again, I am skeptical that the elite would actually carry out such a thing but given the real problems of overpopulation and the need for a big culling don’t reject it as paranoia. It would likely be blamed on Iran and then used like 9/11 was to start another war.

Finally, the best part of the show was when Ventura confronted Tennessee Congressman Steve Cohen on the existence of the camps. Cohen is a perfect example of the corrpution and amoral elitism that has taken control of our government. Initially the smarmy little bastard is dismissive and mocking, talking about green martians, paranoia and other talking points used to equate honest questioning with the real black helicopter types (even they don’t seem to be quite as crazy anymore in this terminally diseased society) and UFO freaks. But when Ventura had a copy of the bill, H.R. 645: National Emergency Centers Establishment Act that was a co-sponsor of the condescension quickly evaporated and this cringing little rat gave up the ghost, being reduced to a quivering blog of jelly when confronted with the truth and disingenuously claiming that he didn’t know what was in the bill.  Pretty ironic that Cowen is Jewish, it would seem that of all people that he should have an appreciation of the dangers of allowing such facilities to be built by an out of control regime under the pretense of security. That this vile piece of fascist legislation was produced by the so-called liberal Democratic Congress is just another indictment of our thoroughly rancid and compromised two-party game of three-card Monte that passes for American democracy.

The trap my friends has already been built and is rapidly closing, have no illusions that you will be able to resist when the orders are given to pick up the future residents of the camps, there is no match for raw power and serious military weaponry. The only hope, given that it is not too late already is to espose the bastards, Ventura has done a damned good job of it but it’s not enough. I am going to post the segment with the camps, coffins and Cohen below.

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I was not a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.

– Pastor Martin Niemöller

Geithner And Government Protect Wall Street And Dump Main Street For India

April 11, 2010

Geithner And Government Protect Wall Street And Dump Main Street For India

By William Cormier (featured with our good friend Bill’s permission – Just Another Coverup)

In a speech that will not surprise anyone, Timothy Geithner, while on a two-day visit to India, pledged that our government would “not (to) harm India’s IT outsourcing sector as it battles to create jobs at home in the worst labour market since the Great Depression of the 1930s.” He went on to state that “protectionist measures to prevent jobs from migrating outside the country would do more harm to the US than good.” As he rambled on, placing international relations and Wall Street profits ahead of millions of unemployed American workers, Geithner dug in his heels and stated:

“protectionist measures to prevent jobs from migrating outside the country would not seek to curb the investments of US companies overseas as “our fortunes are tied with the world”.”

“We are not going to go down that path,” promised Mr Geithner. “We know that it would make us weaker, not stronger.” LINK

To make matters worse, Timothy Geithner stated that the Obama Administration:

“would not seek to curb the investments of US companies overseas as “our fortunes are tied with the world”.

Who exactly is Timothy Geithner speaking for when he states that “We know that it would make us weaker, not stronger?” We need to press the White House and Mr. “Globalist Geithner” to explain exactly who he is referring to when speaking about “us.” We also need to know how and why it would make the United States weaker if we quit outsourcing American jobs and pay our citizens decent wages rather than supporting the economies of other nations throughout the world.

It is obvious the us Mr. Geithner is speaking of is Corporate America and Wall Street investors, not millions of highly qualified American workers that have had their livelihoods stripped from them by greedy corporations who have placed profit above the health and welfare of the American people. The Obama Administration’s acquiescence to corporate profits and power is nauseating and directly conflicts with his campaign promises. This is the most outrageous and misleading statement that Geithner has made to date, IMO, and we must challenge this need of President Obama to support Corporate America while stating that his administration is doing their best to prop-up our jobs market. You can’t do both Mr. President; our work force is competent and to pull us out of this “jobless recovery,” we have to create more high-tech jobs and quit outsourcing our economy and future to other countries.

How much has corporate greed aided other nations while helping to destroy our own economy? Just in India, the article referred to herein states:

IT outsourcing, which is heavily dependent on business from the US, is one of India’s flagship economic sectors. Companies such as Tata Consultancy Services, Infosys and Genpact helped propel the economy to growth rates of 9 per cent before the global financial crisis and was responsible for creating 45 per cent of new jobs over the past 10 years.

I haven’t seen these statements circulated in our Mainstream News Media, and as usual, they are reporting upon anything and everything other than what concerns the welfare of our own country. We need to spread the word that President Obama is selling out American workers and pledging to support other economies rather than our own, and this is absolutely unacceptable!

William Cormier

Original Source Link

Editor’s Note – The story referenced from the Financial Times requires registration, for those who cannot afford to subscribe to this most important economic news in this time of national crisis I am posting the article below:

Geithner vows to block protectionism
By James Lamont in New Delhi

Published: April 7 2010 10:39 Last updated: April 7 2010 17:31

The US government has vowed not to harm India’s IT outsourcing sector as it battles to create jobs at home in the worst labour market since the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Tim Geithner, US Treasury secretary, said during a two-day visit to India that protectionist measures to prevent jobs from migrating outside the country would do more harm to the US than good.

“We are not going to go down that path,” promised Mr Geithner. “We know that it would make us weaker, not stronger.”

He also said that the administration of Barack Obama, president, would not seek to curb the investments of US companies overseas as “our fortunes are tied with the world”. There have been proposals to trim the tax privileges of US companies that operate internationally.
“American companies are long in the world,” Mr Geithner told Indian business leaders at a discussion hosted by the Confederation of Indian Industry.

“They are good at what much of the world needs. A huge part of the basic economic challenge we face is to give stronger in- centive for private investment, help support innovation and try to make sure there is more investment and stronger exports globally.”

Mr Geithner said Mr Obama was “deeply committed” to trying to build a consensus among Americans for more open trade to support the recovery.

“We have got the worst labour market since the Great Depression,” the Treasury secretary said. “Most Americans are still going through an incredibly difficult economic series of challenges and yet we’ve been very successful in working to keep our markets open under all that pressure.”
IT outsourcing, which is heavily dependent on business from the US, is one of India’s flagship economic sectors. Companies such as Tata Consultancy Services, Infosys and Genpact helped propel the economy to growth rates of 9 per cent before the global financial crisis and was responsible for creating 45 per cent of new jobs over the past 10 years.

Last year the global IT outsourcing market was estimated to be worth as much as $250bn (€187bn, £164bn).

“Some of the sounds coming out of the US have caused concerns here,” said Tarun Das, the president of the Aspen Institute in India. Local businesses were wondering whether “the authors of globalisation are turning to protectionism”.

Senior policymakers say that the Indian economy is fast becoming more export-oriented and more vulnerable to protectionist action by other large economies.

“If we want to get to 9-10 per cent growth it’s in our interest that the US should get back to growing as soon as possible,” said Montek Singh Ahluwalia, deputy chairman of India’s powerful planning commission.

“It’s also [important] that [the] market remain open.”

Tea and Prostrage: A Requiem for the Tea Party

March 30, 2010
“Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge”

-Horace Mann

Prostrage: Involuntary emptying of bowel after anal sex or insertions of large objects into the anal passage.

-The Urban Dictionary

So this is it for the Tea Party, it is a spent force and will soon (although not soon enough) pass into our national history. It will go kicking and screaming epithets as yet another of those horrific, herpetic blights that always seem to plague many of those who should know better and the rest of the perpetually angry, broke-dick, knuckle-dragging fuckups who quite simply don’t give a rat’s ass. I predict that within the next year it will no longer exist, not because the passage of the tepid jar of vomit health ‘reform’ bill that was Christmas Day for the insurance parasites that shook the fascist Republicans to their roots and according to none other than Mr. Axis of Evil himself, David Frum was the party’s Waterloo. The career lickspittle Frum’s denunciation of the embarassment brought upon the Republican house of shame from throwing in with the likes of the Beckers, Dittoheads and Palinazis earned him scorn and the loss of his nice gig over at that roiling spring of neocon fascist filth The American Enterprise Institute.

The abomination of the health care ‘reform’ bill is just another serving of more woe for the rest of us peasants in being a bailout for an industry that should be dismantled and outlawed but when history is written it will also be seen as the grand rallying cause to return the criminal GOP to power. The thug caste, the lumpen Republicans and the Jesus juiced racist freaks that comprise much of the tea party movement were mustered using the help of corporate Astroturf public relations fronts like Freedomworks (another of those brilliant Orwellian monikers that these ratholes annoit themselves with) and despite organized semi-pogroms designed to bully and intimidate still lost out. Despite being as advertised in a corrupt media as legitimate resistance to a government run amok and hellbent on implementing full blown Communism right here in Der Heimat it doesn’t take a social scientist to look at the overall demographics and their signs and standards and conclude that much of the rabble couldn’t give a tinker’s damn about government health care at all but the head nigga in charge residing in the White House. Despite the failure of the anti-health care reform jihadists and the idea that they actually were representative in raising hell to bring about the desperately needed national enema that our smoking crater of a political system requires they will soon splinter like so many cancer cells. The new Frank Luntz contrived “repeal and replace” rallying cry is just not going to do it as the Republicans search for a new holy grail, a Roe v. Wade 2.0 that they can exploit the schmucks for on multi-generational levels.

As for the teapartiers, the large percentage who have been sucked in absent any sort of protest movement on the pathetic left but who haven’t undergone electronic lobotomies courtesy of Glenn Beck will simply drop out, slink away and get on with their lives. The serious dead enders however will be increasingly juiced up by the coming RepubliKKKan defense of the ramparts of the Alamo, at least that is what it will be painted as by the FOXed up media and the Dick Armey of Darkness when round two comes and the opponents aren’t the socialist Democrats and the Weasel Queen Pelosi but the damned dirty Meskins, La Raza and the brown menace invading American from the south. Tom Tancredo is probably already masturbating his palms raw over the very though of scrambling his misfit army of Beckers, Birthers, Palinazis and assorted other vermin for an all out war for the god-kissed and traded on Wall Street American way of life. With the Republicans now in balls out survival mode there is nothing to lose in continuing to exploit racism and jack up the rhetoric until some freak blows up a federal building with a nursery full of kids in it. After today’s news about the Christian freak militia plotting to blow up a bunch of cops it could be coming much sooner than one could imagine.

So much of the Republican scheme to return to power laid in duping the teabaggers into actually believeing that THEY would be better custodians of the national interest instead of the greed crazed, pathologically perverted, drunk on power and ready to wage global thermonuclear war as if they were playing Avalon Hill board games or Risk. There has of course been the racist undercurrent, it has worked ever since Nixon’s infamous southern strategy and the hallowed Gipper’s sneering at Cadillac driving welfare queens and having a bunch of pissed off southern fried motherfuckers with a lot of time on their hands and ready to rumble it was a stroke of genius to turn them into a Dick Armey of Darkness to wage their war against America’s first black president. It was the utmost of cynical tricks (as well as a dead giveaway) to bring in their token black man to lead the attack against Obama.

Michael Steele has very obviously made it his personal mission in life to redefine the old term “house nigger”, hell, Steele has taken it to the next level. His shameful yearlong fornication with the scumbaggers hit a new low with his defense of John Boehner’s cynical jerking off of the Raptureheads in calling the new health care bill an “apocalypse” and then defended the virulent racism of the co-opted army of white supremacist GOP shock troops on display outside the Capitol on Sunday. Now I use the term “hitting a new low” very scrupulously because after all, we are talking about the head of the RNC.Whit the way that the anti-Obama tries to be so hip would it really be a surprise were Steele to break out in a rap version of the Horst Wessel song at some point in the near future? And this was largely written before the revelations that Steele or his minions were blowing RNC money on lesbian bondage shows…the values people, or so we are told. So the anti-Obama attack will continue, and the violence and threats against elected officials will continue, the broken windows will lead to beatings and even worse as the hate junkies get their fixes. The already sanctioned vandalism and goon tactics will soon escalate, kind of like jerking off over porn, at first it’s just the ordinary stuff that makes the nut but then it takes kinkier and raunchier stuff to get off and before you know it there is full blown sexual deviation. This is a fitting analogy for the right-wingers (other than a large amount of the angry white Dittoheads and Beckers who ARE compulsive masturbators) because their mentality is that of a pathology, like pederasts, they just can’t help themselves.

So naturally there are going to be elements of the teabaggers who will soon cease to want to be affiliated with the S.A. types. Hey, I know some of these folks, they really aren’t bad people but they are frustrated and easily led astray by a highly sophisticated, very expensive and long running psyops campaign to create an American version of Operation Gladio. They like the same things as most people do only their priorities are skewed, their information streams poisoned by Fox propagandists and their justifiable anger at being fucked over by a system gone to seed has no legitimate outlet on the left so they turn to Beck, Bachmann and Palin as though their words are treating lepers at Lourdes, giving them scapegoats….especially BLACK scapegoats like Mr. Obama and ACORN. Sure they are hypocrites, some of the ones that I know rail against the demon socialism but have government jobs or on social security and the women have had the abortions that their movement seeks to deny other women the rights to but they are not the fascist, racist red state droogs that the GOP relies on for shocktroops. The idiots are being played, culled and will soon be on the same pickup lists that others are…the now marginalized dummies are going to be culled, the most vicious will end up on the FBI and NSA watchlists and the FOX addicted morons will not even recognize the switch out when they are assimilated into the GOP Borg.

So in recognizing that not ALL teabaggers want to continue to be used as human penis extensions for Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey I would like to implore the saner elements to defect and let the berserkers go on without them towards their inevitable moment of glory when the full fury of the state will be used against them.

Now, little boy lost, he takes himself so seriously
He brags of his misery, he likes to live dangerously

-Bob Dylan

Going forward: An appeal to the sane tea partiers (not an oxymoron) – I will be posting this at many places where such folks hang out so the responses could be interesting.

1: DO NOT LISTEN TO GLENN BECK: Despite his appeal that is more a result of sly mass-marketing by wealthy interests and his Fox News soapbox (be aware that Fox mogul Rupert Murdoch has no qualms about dealing with the Communist Chinese and is only interested in the accrual of money and power) Beck is a Judas goat. Follow him and you are going to be led to the slaughter. Joining a cult of personality is not the answer, follow nobody and be your own leader. There are principled conservatives who believe in limited government and base their values on an actual belief system rather than bizarre rants like the dry drunk Beck whose ravings are more akin to those of a batshit crazy speed freak. I would recommend H.L. Mencken, Murray Rothbard, Justin Raimondo, Paul Craig Roberts or even old Pat Buchanan who despite having overdosed at the Republican Kool-Aid vat actually is a learned man who respects our nations institutions. You should also consider that Glenn Beck is a multi-millionaire who will be insulated in his gated mansion if and when all hell breaks loose, your purchasing of his books and merchandise fuel his opulent lifestyle while you are losing day by day as the system itself collapses. Think about it.

2: DO NOT USE VIOLENCE: It doesn’t work, is self-defeating and will be crushed by the state once it gets out of hand. Also it will give the government justification to use their police state powers to crack down on dissent – ALL dissent. Once violence is used you lose, have no illusions that you have a chance against the state no matter how many guns that you may have because their guns are bigger, their forces more trained and they have tanks, helicopters and bombs in addition to sophisticated crowd control devices such as LRAD. To any of your militia types who actually believe that an armed insurrection against the sitting government is possible just keep it in the back of your mind that a platoon of heavily armed marines would very quickly turn hundreds of you into something resembling low-grade hamburger meat. The state has already had dry runs at implementing martial law in cities, note the G20 meetings in Pittsburgh last year where the entire city was in lockdown. A much more effective method to fight tyranny is civil disobedience, just imagine what millions of you could do if instead of protesting you just stayed home one day on a weekday, it would bring the system to a halt. An additional word of advice is to not mimic the rabble who showed up in Washington for the GOP pogrom against Congress on the day the health care bill passed – threatening (including menacing and harassing) elected officials is a federal crime for which you are at risk of being arrested and prosecuted for. I realize that Herr Beck is calling out the shocktroops to raise Cain for repeal and the pigs like John Boehner and Newt Gingrich are egging it on but consider very seriously if you want to be around if something ugly goes down.

3: REALIZE THAT OBAMA IS NOT A SOCIALIST: that is Obama is not a socialist in the true sense of the word in that the people are getting anything but the shaft. The only socialism in this rotting country is socialism for the rich (mammoth, deficit killing tax cuts), for bankers whose illicit gambling schemes have destroyed the economy and then received a taxpayer bailout from their cronies in both the Bush and Obama administrations and for catastrophic business failures, for example General Motors. The game is rigged folks and until you are able to break free of the phony left vs. right paradigm it will stay rigged. As robber baron industrialist Jay Gould once famously remarked “I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half”- he was absolutely correct, just look at yourselves. The health care ‘reform’ bill is about the farthest thing from socialized medicine possible as it forces already busted out citizens to purchase protection from the insurance racketeers, if you want to see socialized medicine that actually works look at the Veteran’s Administration. If anything Obama is a fascist simply because he is the chief executive of a fascist country, labeling him as a socialist is absurd but not surprising considering the perversion of language in the U.S.A.

4: REALIZE THAT YOU ARE BEING USED BY THE REPUBLICAN PARTY: so that they can return to power. It is of the utmost importance that you recognize that the Republicans and the Democrats are both criminal organizations and do not care about you. Sarah Palin urges you to join the Republican party, Dick Armey of Freedom Works is a longtime Washington insider who is exploiting you and your movement, originally a more libertarian one along the lines of Ron Paul’s policy views has been hijacked by cynical big government Republican neocons. You turn to ‘saviors’ like Florida’s Marco Rubio but fail to realize that he is an opportunist and Jeb Bush’s protégé. You need to reject outright the Republican party – a legitimate independent movement is the ONLY hope for change. The neocon influence on the tea partiers is very great and rather than get into the nuances of how toppling or discrediting Obama serves their foreign policy goals just realize that the leading thinkers of these fifth columnists is rooted in their adulation of Communist Leon Trotsky. As for big government be mindful that George W. Bush presided over the biggest increase in the federal government since Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society programs only that Bush’s expansionism was in implementing a massive police state infrastructure that could be used against you at any minute…that is if it isn’t being used against you already. The Republicans are not the answer despite what the celebrity Palin says when urging you to support that criminal organization, they are every bit as vile as the DemocRATs. To quote a man named Professor Carroll Quigley who some of you are probably familiar with:

“The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy”
5: OBAMA IS NOT THE PROBLEM- THE SYSTEM ITSELF IS THE PROBLEM: Shift your focus and energies from a monstrously bad health care ‘reform’ bill because it is a done deal no matter how the Republican operatives running the tea party try to spin it. This bill was the product of a corporate system that is rotten to the core. The enemy is the system itself no matter how Glenn Beck and other shills for the oligarchy try to spin it and pin the blame on Obama. It is the system that evolved over years under BOTH Republican and Democrat administrations and Congresses that has been responsible for shipping well paying American jobs out of America, building a police state and waging expensive wars that are destroying the future of America by burying in debt to China and allowing the Federal Reserve and the corrupt gangsters on Wall Street to print money non-stop and use it to engage in reckless gambling that creates nothing but debt. The current system must be replaced entirely, simply returning Republicans to power is not the answer.

6: UNDERSTAND THAT YOU ARE BEING MARGINALIZED: Like the antiwar hippie left you are slowly being turned into cartoons. The corporate media will always find the most extreme and embarrassing element in your crowd to feature in news stories. Despite the wide resistance to the Vietnam war that included mainstream Americans it was always some peace sign festooned, acid-juiced hippie freak that would be singled out by the media. The same thing is happening now with every racist freak and mentally unbalanced dead ender who runs amok in an isolated incident being used to produce a guilt by association effect. Also, elitist pig columnist David Brooks over at the damned librul [sic] New York Times has already snarkily pegged you as Wal-Mart Hippies. Look to become a mockery just like the peaceniks and dopehead Che Guevera and Chariman Mao worshipping types who were burning their draftcards way back in the day…it’s already happening and only you are to blame for it though you tolerance for white supremacist crazies and religious zealots.

7: CRYING BLOODY MURDER ABOUT DEFICTS IS HYPOCRISY: Other than the Ron Paul folks I didn’t see anyone out at tea parties until CNBC’s Wall Street pimp Rick Santelli’s little snit that activated sleeper cells. First and foremost where was your revolt when Bush and the Republicans were maxing out the national credit cards? Also, what is missing from any outrage over the massive Chinese financed debt is that there is ZERO acknowledgement that U.S. military spending is by far the biggest, most wasteful and most expensive contributor to the impoverishment of future generations. There is zero credibility in denouncing jobs programs, extensions of unemployment benefits and any program that actually gives something to the peasants when totally ignoring the effects of the Military Industrial Complex. I would stongly recommend all to view Dwight Eisenhower’s warnings of the ruinous effects of massive military spending. The phony war on terror is now being used as justification for this unsustainable abomination but something had to replace the Soviet Union as the evil enemy. I would also suggest that you start to protest the billions of dollars in both military and foreign aid that is sent outside out borders rather than used to shore up our crumbling infrastructure, to promote re-industrialization that would put Americans back to work and pay down the deficit. You will never hear this taboo truth from Glenn Beck, Barack Obama, the DemocRATs or the Republicans but it is the chief reason that we are slouching towards bankruptcy as a nation, both financially and morally.

8: REACH OUT TO OTHERS: Realize that there are many on the left who agree with you on many issues and while you will not hear it on Fox there are liberals and progressives who hate the massive giveaway to the insurance industry as much as you do. It is also unacceptable to be forced to buy expensive insurance from the same parasites who have destroyed the system. The mandate to buy private insurance was originally a Republican idea that has been picked up by their criminal counterparts the Democrats and sold to Americans by Obama as legitimate reform rather than state sponsored redistribution of wealth to politically connected cronies and the corporations that finance their campaigns.

Just a question, how many of you were out there protesting Bush and Cheney and the neocons when they were destroying the constitution and blurring the definition of what it means to be a ‘terrorist’? I bet not too many participated in the demonstrations against the illegal wars or for that matter against torture, illegal surveillance and the secret prison gulags. Nope, it took Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and a black man in the White House who is called everything from a Communist to the AntiChrist.

This is your wake up call now, principled civil libertarians have been outraged at how our civil liberties have been destroyed for years and none of you seemed to care when Bush was setting up the police state, or ‘free speech’ zones, or spying on Americans. Now you are getting what you deserve having thrown in with the violent browshirt scum of the fascist Republican base instead of following Ron Paul and the principled non-violent message.

The next knock at your door may be Homeland Security.

Those are my words of advise to those of you who are able to save yourselves from the eventual plunge into the abyss that you are being dragged into by your worst elements and the cynical, crazed Republicans who are using you all in their desperation to return themselves to control of the spoils system. This thing is not going to end well for most of those people, it is inevitable that there is going to be an incident (y’all are notorious for blowing up government buildings filled with women and children) that will trigger the USA PATRIOT Act (that none of you opposed) to be used against you as domestic terrorists. Heed my words of warning and you can save yourselves from the conflagration of violence that will arrive when the berserkers that you have affiliated yourselves with cross that line. Last week it was bricks and broken windows, cursing and spitting on black people and mob intimidation that to no surprise already has your movement on the FBI and Homeland Security’s radar. And as for the Republicans who are stoking the rage and using your numbers and anger to their advantage just what do you think is going to happen if they are successful in using angry and violent mobs to return to power? Given your ignorance of history considering that your tea parties are actually in a true historical context supporting the rule of the British monarchy I would doubt that many of you have heard of the Night of the Long Knives.

Just my two cents


“Hang The Robes” and Other Ruminations

March 25, 2010

As to the evil which results from a censorship, it is impossible to measure it, for it is impossible to tell where it ends.

-Jeremy Bentham

An ominous trend is beginning to creep into the so-called progressive blogosphere, it is the now common censorship of more radical expression that at one time was acceptable in many areas yet has become taboo in the era of Obama. The recent swarm attack against Dennis Kucinich by phony liberal organizations like for his holdout on the insurance industry windfall that is your new national healthcare ‘reform’ bill was evidence of the purge of heretics from the Rahm Emanuel corporate co-opted ‘left’. I am certain that everyone reading anything that I do has been subjected to some form of censorship, banning, troll-rating or comment hiding at what are cynically foisted off as free speech oriented liberal/progressive or for that matter inclusive independent blogs for being critical of our God chosen very special friends in Israel, that goes with the territory. It is pretty commonly understood that the genocidal Zionists have for years recruited operatives to blogswarm, bully and tar as anti-Semitic those who dare to shine the light on human rights abuses, war crimes and atrocities that should have the Israeli leaders in the dock at the Hague, that is just something that has to be dealt with when blogging. As my old southern buddy Mikey used to say “if you’re going to play in NASCAR you should expect to get more than a few dings” but the siege has often resulted in the even more chilling self-censorship in the fear that ANY conversation regarding Israel and the Palestinians is verboten. Take for example a place called Docudharma where I have occasionally posted, to venture into calling out Zionist aggression in any way, shape or form will nearly instantaneously have one ostracized. I single DD out because I have witnessed it there, it was a spinoff from Markos Moulitsas-Zuniga’s (who is as left wing as Stalin) Daily Kos which is notorious for the policing of cynics, skeptics, doubters and above all else – critics of Israel.

But I digress…

The creeping menace of liberal/progressive blog censorship has hit me again this week, I only bring this up because it was over at OpEd News, a forum that I have been a regular at for years, have contributed articles to and have commented on many. It was always an open forum albeit since it gets a good deal of exposure there needed to be a bit of discretion used in using certain terms which is an understandable tradeoff for the exposure that an article could get due to the crossover appeal of OEN – my series on Main Core, PROMIS and the Shadow Government as well as some things that I did on 9/11 received attention elsewhere due to OEN.

This week though, I ran afoul of the censors for a comment that I had posted on a Rob Kall article entitled: Will Supreme Court Kill the Obama Health Care Reform Plan? which addressed the possibility that the fascist John Roberts and his Federalist Society and Opus Dei cronies would in activist fashion overturn Obamacare in much the way that they inistalled George W. Bush in the White House by oveturning a Gore victory in 2000. I posted a sardonic reply suggesting a bumper sticker slogan of “Hang The Robes” which turned into an extended flame war with a traveler who in his third reply or so admitted to being a Birther. The thing was ultimately flagged and deleted by one of OEN’s Daily Kos styled ‘editiors’ in charge of selecting what to flush down the memory hole. I certainly wasn’t advocating the murder of federal judges, just their impeachment but a scumbagger got his star-spangled panties in a bunch and enough of them cried when confronted with someone who didn’t roll over for their brownshirt bullying. I would have posted the entire thread but it’s been disappeared so I have to settle with the my final response:

So What Will You Scumbaggers Do Now?

After all of your embarrassing and disgusting rabble rousing you still went down in defeat to a bill that is horrible across the board and a giveaway to the parasitical insurance industry. Thanks to you schmucks we are ALL screwed but the big money boys are laughing all the way to the bank on your easily exploited gullibility AGAIN!

That is what you get for allowing yourselves to be used as human penis extensions for hard core Republican swine like Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey.

My advice to you is to forget about the Birther fantasies and get a life along with the rest of your moonbat buddies.

Now the whole thing was pretty mild, certainly not the high octane Encho rants that have been launched elswhere but the fascist bullies and the jelly-spined OEN editors succeeded in getting the comment and all subsequent comments removed. Again, this is but one example of what is going on right now and it’s alarming because it is occurring in forums where free speech had at one time been sanctified….and this isn’t the only time of late that I have been stomped on by administrators who decided that towing the line, not offending those who lack the intestinal fortitude to realize that we are at war, a cold civil war that could turn hot at any moment given the Republican Gladio droogs of the teabagger movement – which is becoming violent in a similar way that the Sturmabteilung did all those years ago. Maybe this is just a personal bug up my ass, it sure bothers me though because now is the time when we must become more vocal, more angry, more passionate in denouncing the fascist takeover of America.

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe


P.S.: I would like to post this from principled conservative Paul Craig Roberts, himself a regular contributor at OEN and a longtime critic who from this G.B.C.W. article looks to be hanging it up, it’s a shame when truthtellers like this become so revulsed that they simply withdraw and let us hope that he will reconsider.

Truth Has Fallen and Taken Liberty With It


There was a time when the pen was mightier than the sword. That was a time when people believed in truth and regarded truth as an independent power and not as an auxiliary for government, class, race, ideological, personal, or financial interest.

Today Americans are ruled by propaganda. Americans have little regard for truth, little access to it, and little ability to recognize it.

Truth is an unwelcome entity. It is disturbing. It is off limits. Those who speak it run the risk of being branded “anti-American,” “anti-semite” or “conspiracy theorist.”

Truth is an inconvenience for government and for the interest groups whose campaign contributions control government.

Truth is an inconvenience for prosecutors who want convictions, not the discovery of innocence or guilt.

Truth is inconvenient for ideologues.

Today many whose goal once was the discovery of truth are now paid handsomely to hide it. “Free market economists” are paid to sell offshoring to the American people. High-productivity, high value-added American jobs are denigrated as dirty, old industrial jobs. Relicts from long ago, we are best shed of them. Their place has been taken by “the New Economy,” a mythical economy that allegedly consists of high-tech white collar jobs in which Americans innovate and finance activities that occur offshore. All Americans need in order to participate in this “new economy” are finance degrees from Ivy League universities, and then they will work on Wall Street at million dollar jobs.

Economists who were once respectable took money to contribute to this myth of “the New Economy.”

And not only economists sell their souls for filthy lucre. Recently we have had reports of medical doctors who, for money, have published in peer-reviewed journals concocted “studies” that hype this or that new medicine produced by pharmaceutical companies that paid for the “studies.”

The Council of Europe is investigating the drug companies’ role in hyping a false swine flu pandemic in order to gain billions of dollars in sales of the vaccine.

The media helped the US military hype its recent Marja offensive in Afghanistan, describing Marja as a city of 80,000 under Taliban control. It turns out that Marja is not urban but a collection of village farms.

And there is the global warming scandal, in which NGOs. the UN, and the nuclear industry colluded in concocting a doomsday scenario in order to create profit in pollution.

Wherever one looks, truth has fallen to money.

Wherever money is insufficient to bury the truth, ignorance, propaganda, and short memories finish the job.

I remember when, following CIA director William Colby’s testimony before the Church Committee in the mid-1970s, presidents Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan issued executive orders preventing the CIA and U.S. black-op groups from assassinating foreign leaders. In 2010 the US Congress was told by Dennis Blair, head of national intelligence, that the US now assassinates its own citizens in addition to foreign leaders.

When Blair told the House Intelligence Committee that US citizens no longer needed to be arrested, charged, tried, and convicted of a capital crime, just murdered on suspicion alone of being a “threat,” he wasn’t impeached. No investigation pursued. Nothing happened. There was no Church Committee. In the mid-1970s the CIA got into trouble for plots to kill Castro. Today it is American citizens who are on the hit list. Whatever objections there might be don’t carry any weight. No one in government is in any trouble over the assassination of U.S. citizens by the U.S. government.

As an economist, I am astonished that the American economics profession has no awareness whatsoever that the U.S. economy has been destroyed by the offshoring of U.S. GDP to overseas countries. U.S. corporations, in pursuit of absolute advantage or lowest labor costs and maximum CEO “performance bonuses,” have moved the production of goods and services marketed to Americans to China, India, and elsewhere abroad. When I read economists describe offshoring as free trade based on comparative advantage, I realize that there is no intelligence or integrity in the American economics profession.

Intelligence and integrity have been purchased by money. The transnational or global U.S. corporations pay multi-million dollar compensation packages to top managers, who achieve these “performance awards” by replacing U.S. labor with foreign labor. While Washington worries about “the Muslim threat,” Wall Street, U.S. corporations and “free market” shills destroy the U.S. economy and the prospects of tens of millions of Americans.

Americans, or most of them, have proved to be putty in the hands of the police state.

Americans have bought into the government’s claim that security requires the suspension of civil liberties and accountable government. Astonishingly, Americans, or most of them, believe that civil liberties, such as habeas corpus and due process, protect “terrorists,” and not themselves. Many also believe that the Constitution is a tired old document that prevents government from exercising the kind of police state powers necessary to keep Americans safe and free.

Most Americans are unlikely to hear from anyone who would tell them any different.

I was associate editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal. I was Business Week’s first outside columnist, a position I held for 15 years. I was columnist for a decade for Scripps Howard News Service, carried in 300 newspapers. I was a columnist for the Washington Times and for newspapers in France and Italy and for a magazine in Germany. I was a contributor to the New York Times and a regular feature in the Los Angeles Times. Today I cannot publish in, or appear on, the American “mainstream media.”

For the last six years I have been banned from the “mainstream media.” My last column in the New York Times appeared in January, 2004, coauthored with Democratic U.S. Senator Charles Schumer representing New York. We addressed the offshoring of U.S. jobs. Our op-ed article produced a conference at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C. and live coverage by C-Span. A debate was launched. No such thing could happen today.

For years I was a mainstay at the Washington Times, producing credibility for the Moony newspaper as a Business Week columnist, former Wall Street Journal editor, and former Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury. But when I began criticizing Bush’s wars of aggression, the order came down to Mary Lou Forbes to cancel my column.

The American corporate media does not serve the truth. It serves the government and the interest groups that empower the government.

America’s fate was sealed when the public and the anti-war movement bought the government’s 9/11 conspiracy theory. The government’s account of 9/11 is contradicted by much evidence. Nevertheless, this defining event of our time, which has launched the US on interminable wars of aggression and a domestic police state, is a taboo topic for investigation in the media. It is pointless to complain of war and a police state when one accepts the premise upon which they are based.

These trillion dollar wars have created financing problems for Washington’s deficits and threaten the U.S. dollar’s role as world reserve currency. The wars and the pressure that the budget deficits put on the dollar’s value have put Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block. Former Goldman Sachs chairman and U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson is after these protections for the elderly. Fed chairman Bernanke is also after them. The Republicans are after them as well. These protections are called “entitlements” as if they are some sort of welfare that people have not paid for in payroll taxes all their working lives.

With over 21 per cent unemployment as measured by the methodology of 1980, with American jobs, GDP, and technology having been given to China and India, with war being Washington’s greatest commitment, with the dollar over-burdened with debt, with civil liberty sacrificed to the “war on terror,” the liberty and prosperity of the American people have been thrown into the trash bin of history.

The militarism of the U.S. and Israeli states, and Wall Street and corporate greed, will now run their course. As the pen is censored and its might extinguished, I am signing off.

The Pigman and the Pigskin

October 7, 2009

Hitler was good in the beginning, but he went too far.

-Marge Schott
In a bit of breaking sports news this week it has been announced that Rush Hudson Limbaugh III is considering a purchase of the woeful St. Louis Rams of the NFL. This must be just wonderful news to all of the fat, beer-swilling slobs who march in the angry army of Dittohead dopes in full team regalia, their populist everyman who has soooo much in common with their downtrodden and busted out asses has the coin to pony up to buy an NFL franchise. The utter sardonic humor in this is that the ignorant fucks do not begrudge the gas giant the mega millions that he has parlayed their decades of mass stupidity into because under the grand sham of capitalism they too may one day be the ones who are successful enough to be rich enough to buy a football team.
If this goes down, and there are serious questions whether an image conscious global marketing colossus such as the NFL would want such an openly racist fiend as an owner, if for no other reason than the league is drooling at the prospect of going global in the fairly near future. He would certainly be a good fit with the fraternity of assholes who are the league owners, good ole boys like Jerry Jones, Daniel Snyder and Al Davis among others, high-rolling pricks who if they do happen to be racists at least don’t wear it on their sleeves. Limbaugh would actually be the most amusing sports owner since Nazi apologist Marge Schott ran the Cincinnati Reds and once referred to star players Eric Davis and Dave Parker as her “million dollar niggers”. This would be a natural for the pigman, having lost prestige with the clueless dumbasses to the savage meld of Jimmy Swaggert/Lonesome Rhodes that is Glenn Beck it may finally be time for the big fat drug addled swine to move on to luxury suites and golf courses with his fellow multi-millionaires. The modern Republican party that he helped to built has taken a turn towards outright Weimar era Nazism with the embracing of Palin pinhead populism and the merger with the Birthers and Deathers and their future blood purges of the wealthy may just include a certain lard assed phony with purported talent on loan form God but who is unable to get an erection without the help of Big Pharma products. They may just storm his Palm Beach castle like the Columbian hit squad at the end of Brian DePalma’s Scarface and mount his ass-lookalike head on a pole like in the Lord of the Flies.
The Rams are a mess these days, having been rolled over the weekend by the juggernaut San Francisco 49ers 35-0 in which they surrendered three defensive touchdowns. Other than the hapless Tampa Bay Buccaneers and their penny pinching owners with their bargain basement coach Raheem Morris who could easily be replaced by some half smart wino found sleeping off a drunk under an I-275 overpass, the Rams just may be the worst team in football right now. The two don’t meet this season so there is a realistic chance that the 2008 Detroit Lions 0-16 may be matched by both teams this year. It’s been a long time since the greatest show on turf in St. Louis when Jesus Warner and his fleet of quicksilver fast wide receivers became media darlings with their potent and prolific offense and to many the potential ownership of the Grand Poobah himself would assuredly sell lots of tickets even in these rotten economic times.
In addition to being an iconoclast here in the blogosphere I must admit that my one serious jones in life other than politics and the study of the decay of the American empire is pro football. Being from Denver it’s in the blood, rumor has it that my first words were “fuck the Raiders” and in the future I may slip in some Enchoized sports writing just for the hell of it. I must admit that I am impressed in the 4-0 start by the Broncos and the much maligned Baby Belichick who was practically run out of town before his first game for trading the overrated piss baby quarterback Jay Cutler to the Chicago Bears. Denver never got over that whole John Elway thing and has been on a Captain Ahab like quest to find his successor ever since at the expense of the rest of the team. Brian Griese, Jake Plummer and now Kyle Orton have followed up ole horseface and have probably one playoff win combined. Rest assured that Orton is not going to add to that total, especially with a Bataan death march of a schedule the rest of the way that features road games against the Ravens, Colts and Eagles as well as two contests with the Chargers, and one each with the Patriots, Giants, Steelers. That 4-0 is likely to be 7-9 or 8-8 with the only real locks being two games with the Chiefs, the Raiders at home and the pathetic Redskins in the District of Criminals. Still though, it’s right up there with many of the late Shanahan years and the rid themselves of the next Jeff George in the process.
Ahhh but I digress…
We will see what comes of the pigman’s Rams bid, there will likely be revisits of the ill fated ESPN experiment when Lord Limbaugh was undone by his racist comments against Donovan McNabb – to this day I still can’t understand why former Bronco great Tom Jackson didn’t just take down the swine with one of the savage, bone-crunching tackles that he made while wearing the orange – shock perhaps? But the outcry will be limited in post 9/11 Murka, Limbaugh is of course a celebrity and therefore untouchable in the corporate media, he was featured on the new Jay Leno show the other night and was the darling of the audience, in dumbass America you can sell anything, look at that oily little greaseball Tom DeLay on Dancing With the Stars…
Perhaps Limbaugh can one day succeed ala Jerrah Jones down in Dallas in building a mammoth television screen in the future taxpayer financed Dittohead Dome where he can have a captive audience for the two minute hate.
Just my two cents over the mornin cup o’ joe