April Fools: The Tea Party Jumps the Shark

April 6, 2011
The kind of man who wants the government to adopt and enforce his ideas is always the kind of man whose ideas are idiotic.

– H.L. Mencken

It is exactly as I predicted. The gaggle of angry Americans suffering from collective insanity, willful ignorance and a raw and seething fury over the audacity of a black man being elected President are being thrown under the bus by their cynical Republican saviors. It was always ludicrous to the nth degree that the assclowns, haters, perverts, greedballs and rubber fetus crowd of the Republican base could hope that a re-branding along with the hijacking of a libertarian based pro-American values movement would end up as anything but a mockery. The other day when a few hundred (a generous count from eyewitnesses accounts) pasty white fat old people, a pack of costumed loons dressed up like Captain America or in the ridiculous colonial American garb gathered in the rain to listen to the rancid Rand Paul and moonbat Michelle Bachmann wail in ginned up outrage outside of Congress that the movement had truly jumped the shark. While the majority of the cretins don’t get it yet they are as radioactive as Fukashima and as they have slowly evolved into a gross parody of themselves the only aspiring politicians still attracted to the lamentable overly hyped Astroturf uprising are egomaniacs and charlatans like newly minted champion of the Birthers that is the aggravating and slimy parasite named Donald Trump. I can hardly wait until next year when the greatest freak show on the planet will descend upon the Tampa Bay area when the Republican National Convention comes to town. It’s gonna be the biggest magnet for the deranged this area has seen since the great angry hordes descended on Pinellas Park to gang rape the brain dead living corpse that was Terri Schiavo.

The teabaggers never would have been taken seriously to begin with were not the establishment plutocrats enamored with the idea of fielding their very own Sturmabteilung to bully, intimidate, harangue and mislead as they acted to put  the post-Bush disgraced GOP back into power. The Dick Armey of Darkness was an Operation Gladio style stay-behind network to sabotage any meaningful effort at systemic reform that would potentially rollback fascist right-wing gains of the past three decades. With a corrupt media spinning ever increasingly insane demand by the scumbaggers into a wag the dog style of populist uprising the useful idiots served their purpose in returning Republicans to power in 2010. The big assists must be given to not only corporate propaganda organs like Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal, in which NO serious challenge to the power structure would ever be referred to in such reverence as the tea party but to the raw cynicism and gross fecklessness of the Obama administration which alienated the traditional Democratic party base and kept them home in droves on election day. Now that the Koch Brothers have their hand picked governors in place in numerous states where whatever remains of the regulatory structure and social safety net will be destroyed with extreme prejudice the buffoonish teabaggers are going to understand exactly what happens when such a collection of vicious goons lose their usefulness to the party leadership – just think Night of the Long Knives.

I happen to actually know several of the suckers who suddenly, after years of George W. Bush racking up the national credit card with not a peep became shrieking, talking point spewing deficit hawks, howling about how Barack Obama’s wee wee isn’t circumcised which proved he was a secret Muslim/Commie out to send forth his militant black army ACORN to enslave the good ole white working folks. They began to harp on the Kenyan anti-colonialist worldview of Obama, raved about death panels, unions and did their damned level best to pour as much money into Glenn Beck’s bank account by buying his ghostwritten tripe that subsidizes his millionaire faux populism. When I asked one about how could he possibly compare and contrast the reputed Kenyan anti-colonialism of Obama with the anti-colonial worldview of the Founding Fathers that they so like to selectively quote he got that thousand yard stare and quickly changed the subject to George Soros. One has to have somewhat of a sick sense of humor to remain sane in this rotting empire these days, were those who actually subscribed to the horseshit peddled by the Koch Brothers network of think tanks, extreme radical Christian domination of the churches and are convinced that we are engaged in a steel cage death match crusade to halt the coming of Sharia law and the Islamic caliphate not legion they would be easier to dismiss. Now that they are being peeled off of the Republican elephant’s ass like blood-sucking leeches they are only going to become more desperate. How long will it be until some freak Christian group or militia sets off a mass casualty attack here in the USA? Of course it isn’t terrorism if the white people do it, like the white supremacist yahoo who left a backpack bomb along a Martin Luther King day parade route in Spokane . The enablers of the angry white army who benefit from using them as droogs sure has zero interest in examining the threat of domestic white terrorism. But Herr Liebermann and the Irish Republican Army supporting turd Peter King preside from on high against the hated scapegoated Muslims.

Never have I seen such a credulous collection of saps in my lifetime. The teabaggers will believe anything which they hear from the payroll propagandists, haters, fifth-columnists and demonic false prophet preachers with their slime campaigns out to paint Obama as an anti-American at best and the Antichrist himself at worst. Now this may seem sick but I have this twisted little fantasy, I wish that Obama did have a huge nefarious conspiracy to rid America once and for all of Raptureheads, Teabaggers, Deathers, red state fascists and assorted outher dumbasses. I would love it if he had the balls to just give the order to round up and relocate these vicious swine to some sort of reeducation camps, if they could be saved great, do the necessary lobotomies and send them back into society to pick beans and clean toilets, the jobs that after all ‘Americans just won’t do’ according to the talking points. And if not just march them into an industrial sized Soylent Green style meatgrinder and puree their asses up into a fine pulp (omitting the children from their dead-ender loser parents of course whose removal from their lives would free them from a lifetime of willful ignorance and bible study) mix it with plenty of bean sprouts, soy sauce and water chestnuts and sell it to the Chinese as egg roll stuffing or something. Baby Trig and his football shaped head could be auctioned off on EBay to some degenarate high rolling Asian cocksuckers like the ones in Faces of Death who revel in eating fresh monkey brains directly out of the poor creature’s skull. Sadly, given the pathological nature of American corporations to trade shit and shinola back and forth it would all likely end up as 2.99 per pound sausage on a stick at your local big blue smiley Wal-Mart superstore. Christ only knows what sort of raw agricultural waste and human sewage ends up being made into coleslaw at their delis. Just don’t gas them in the camps, it may spoil the flavor of their diseased flesh that could otherwise be passed off to the Meskin’ hating Becker bottom feeders as chorizo sausage in their frozen breakfast burritos.

Of course the sheer hypocrisy has contributed much to the downfall of the teabaggers, while howling and dancing around like a bunch of buffoons waving their Gadsen flags about the evils of the deficit, the needed purity rituals to take their country back and the growth of big government they are truly full of shit. Were the teabaggers concerned about big government and the deficit they would surely call for the immediate end of the imperialism of the Military Industrial Corporate Complex which these diseased, death worshipping bumpkins just adore, hell, carpet bombing sand niggers is nearly as good as NASCAR. The big government that they denounce with bogus passion that is only outwardly projected self-loathing (deservedly) is just fine with them as long as it consists of a gargantuan police state apparatus that they can one use to round up gays, libruls [sic], Muslims and illegal immigrants. A police state that has a high tech capability to allow the bible thumping prudes and ignoramuses to spy on the private behavior of others, and the more that it is about sex the better because with the crowd there is nothing that has more clarity than the two ideas of the vengeful bloodthirsty omnipotent God and that poking Mr. Wiggly into the dirty place isn’t anything that Jesus would approve of. Which just doesn’t seem so outrageous to them when it is pederast priests and pedophile preachers doing the poking. The lack of outrage towards Wall Street also defines the scumbagger schmucks, were they anything less than the malleable dolts and dupes that they always have been they would be marching with pitchforks and torches towards the swanky headquarters of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Citi and Bank of America and storming the barricades of the corrupt high-rolling swine responsible for the economic collapse. It is a strange dichotomy that the dumb bastards regularly rail against teachers and their weakened unions but have zero qualms about the oligarchy grinding their bones to make their bread but you just can’t put lipstick on a pig or polish a turd, the Tea Party is what it is, the dregs of American society and the product of the war against the public education system. I really makes one wonder whether the early 20th Century elite just may have been onto something when they championed eugenics (yes, Hitler actually got a good deal of his ideas from the USA) and sterilization to keep the mentally inferior from reproducing. In retrospect, just how many of these fucking flag-waving borderline retards would have been born had that idea gotten more traction in it’s time?

I will be watching with much interest to see if the Republican dog is wagged by the Tea Party tail will have the gonads to actually shut down the government this week. The orange man John Boehner is feeling the heat as the angry army is getting more restive by the day that there hasn’t been legislation to make Obama cough up his birth certificate and is backed into a corner now. Any capitulation would potentially doom this career hack and allow an ambitious little pit viper like Eric Cantor to harness the uncontrollable monster of the cultural populist uprising that has been fed by the Kochs and their ilk. The latest jagoff to overstate his importance is some nitwit from Wisconsin named Paul Ryan who yesterday rolled out a budget proposal to cut over 4 trillion from big gubmint spending over the next decade. Of course military spending is ok as are tax cuts for the rich but anything that helps the poor is of course under the ax. Ryan, like so many of these other right-wing pigfuckers looks amazingly like a Nazi, just check out some old WWII footage and you will notice that there is an amazing resemblance between nearly all of these dipshits and their historical predecessors, just slap a Colonel Klink hat on Ryan and he’d fit right in. The GOP budget, with the typical Orwellian sounding name The Path to Prosperity is being touted by the moneychanger’s gospel that is Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal, then again so was the Tea Party and all of the other frauds.

Me, I say shut it down too. Let these pasty fat haters practice what they preach and not receive their medicare and social security checks, see how popular that the Beckers find that one. Boehner, Ryan and their ilk may find out very quickly that the Tea Party platform can be easily converted into a gallows.

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe


April Fools: The Tea Party Jumps the Shark

April 6, 2011
The kind of man who wants the government to adopt and enforce his ideas is always the kind of man whose ideas are idiotic.

– H.L. Mencken

It is exactly as I predicted. The gaggle of angry Americans suffering from collective insanity, willful ignorance and a raw and seething fury over the audacity of a black man being elected President are being thrown under the bus by their cynical Republican saviors. It was always ludicrous to the nth degree that the assclowns, haters, perverts, greedballs and rubber fetus crowd of the Republican base could hope that a re-branding along with the hijacking of a libertarian based pro-American values movement would end up as anything but a mockery. The other day when a few hundred (a generous count from eyewitnesses accounts) pasty white fat old people, a pack of costumed loons dressed up like Captain America or in the ridiculous colonial American garb gathered in the rain to listen to the rancid Rand Paul and moonbat Michelle Bachmann wail in ginned up outrage outside of Congress that the movement had truly jumped the shark. While the majority of the cretins don’t get it yet they are as radioactive as Fukashima and as they have slowly evolved into a gross parody of themselves the only aspiring politicians still attracted to the lamentable overly hyped Astroturf uprising are egomaniacs and charlatans like newly minted champion of the Birthers that is the aggravating and slimy parasite named Donald Trump. I can hardly wait until next year when the greatest freak show on the planet will descend upon the Tampa Bay area when the Republican National Convention comes to town. It’s gonna be the biggest magnet for the deranged this area has seen since the great angry hordes descended on Pinellas Park to gang rape the brain dead living corpse that was Terri Schiavo.

The teabaggers never would have been taken seriously to begin with were not the establishment plutocrats enamored with the idea of fielding their very own Sturmabteilung to bully, intimidate, harangue and mislead as they acted to put  the post-Bush disgraced GOP back into power. The Dick Armey of Darkness was an Operation Gladio style stay-behind network to sabotage any meaningful effort at systemic reform that would potentially rollback fascist right-wing gains of the past three decades. With a corrupt media spinning ever increasingly insane demand by the scumbaggers into a wag the dog style of populist uprising the useful idiots served their purpose in returning Republicans to power in 2010. The big assists must be given to not only corporate propaganda organs like Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal, in which NO serious challenge to the power structure would ever be referred to in such reverence as the tea party but to the raw cynicism and gross fecklessness of the Obama administration which alienated the traditional Democratic party base and kept them home in droves on election day. Now that the Koch Brothers have their hand picked governors in place in numerous states where whatever remains of the regulatory structure and social safety net will be destroyed with extreme prejudice the buffoonish teabaggers are going to understand exactly what happens when such a collection of vicious goons lose their usefulness to the party leadership – just think Night of the Long Knives.

I happen to actually know several of the suckers who suddenly, after years of George W. Bush racking up the national credit card with not a peep became shrieking, talking point spewing deficit hawks, howling about how Barack Obama’s wee wee isn’t circumcised which proved he was a secret Muslim/Commie out to send forth his militant black army ACORN to enslave the good ole white working folks. They began to harp on the Kenyan anti-colonialist worldview of Obama, raved about death panels, unions and did their damned level best to pour as much money into Glenn Beck’s bank account by buying his ghostwritten tripe that subsidizes his millionaire faux populism. When I asked one about how could he possibly compare and contrast the reputed Kenyan anti-colonialism of Obama with the anti-colonial worldview of the Founding Fathers that they so like to selectively quote he got that thousand yard stare and quickly changed the subject to George Soros. One has to have somewhat of a sick sense of humor to remain sane in this rotting empire these days, were those who actually subscribed to the horseshit peddled by the Koch Brothers network of think tanks, extreme radical Christian domination of the churches and are convinced that we are engaged in a steel cage death match crusade to halt the coming of Sharia law and the Islamic caliphate not legion they would be easier to dismiss. Now that they are being peeled off of the Republican elephant’s ass like blood-sucking leeches they are only going to become more desperate. How long will it be until some freak Christian group or militia sets off a mass casualty attack here in the USA? Of course it isn’t terrorism if the white people do it, like the white supremacist yahoo who left a backpack bomb along a Martin Luther King day parade route in Spokane . The enablers of the angry white army who benefit from using them as droogs sure has zero interest in examining the threat of domestic white terrorism. But Herr Liebermann and the Irish Republican Army supporting turd Peter King preside from on high against the hated scapegoated Muslims.

Never have I seen such a credulous collection of saps in my lifetime. The teabaggers will believe anything which they hear from the payroll propagandists, haters, fifth-columnists and demonic false prophet preachers with their slime campaigns out to paint Obama as an anti-American at best and the Antichrist himself at worst. Now this may seem sick but I have this twisted little fantasy, I wish that Obama did have a huge nefarious conspiracy to rid America once and for all of Raptureheads, Teabaggers, Deathers, red state fascists and assorted outher dumbasses. I would love it if he had the balls to just give the order to round up and relocate these vicious swine to some sort of reeducation camps, if they could be saved great, do the necessary lobotomies and send them back into society to pick beans and clean toilets, the jobs that after all ‘Americans just won’t do’ according to the talking points. And if not just march them into an industrial sized Soylent Green style meatgrinder and puree their asses up into a fine pulp (omitting the children from their dead-ender loser parents of course whose removal from their lives would free them from a lifetime of willful ignorance and bible study) mix it with plenty of bean sprouts, soy sauce and water chestnuts and sell it to the Chinese as egg roll stuffing or something. Baby Trig Palin and his football shaped head could be auctioned off on EBay to some high-rolling degenarate  Asian cocksuckers like the ones in Faces of Death who revel in eating fresh monkey brains directly out of the poor creature’s skull. Sadly, given the pathological nature of American corporations to trade shit and shinola back and forth it would all likely end up as 2.99 per pound sausage on a stick at your local big blue smiley Wal-Mart superstore. Christ only knows what sort of raw agricultural waste and human sewage ends up being made into coleslaw at their delis. Just don’t gas them in the camps, it may spoil the flavor of their diseased flesh that could otherwise be passed off to the Meskin’ hating Becker bottom feeders as chorizo sausage in their frozen breakfast burritos.

Of course the sheer hypocrisy has contributed much to the downfall of the teabaggers, while howling and dancing around like a bunch of buffoons waving their Gadsen flags about the evils of the deficit, the needed purity rituals to take their country back and the growth of big government they are truly full of shit. Were the teabaggers concerned about big government and the deficit they would surely call for the immediate end of the imperialism of the Military Industrial Corporate Complex which these diseased, death worshipping bumpkins just adore, hell, carpet bombing sand niggers is nearly as good as NASCAR. The big government that they denounce with bogus passion that is only outwardly projected self-loathing (deservedly) is just fine with them as long as it consists of a gargantuan police state apparatus that they can one use to round up gays, libruls [sic], Muslims and illegal immigrants. A police state that has a high tech capability to allow the bible thumping prudes and ignoramuses to spy on the private behavior of others, and the more that it is about sex the better because with the crowd there is nothing that has more clarity than the two ideas of the vengeful bloodthirsty omnipotent God and that poking Mr. Wiggly into the dirty place isn’t anything that Jesus would approve of. Which just doesn’t seem so outrageous to them when it is pederast priests and pedophile preachers doing the poking. The lack of outrage towards Wall Street also defines the scumbagger schmucks, were they anything less than the malleable dolts and dupes that they always have been they would be marching with pitchforks and torches towards the swanky headquarters of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Citi and Bank of America and storming the barricades of the corrupt high-rolling swine responsible for the economic collapse. It is a strange dichotomy that the dumb bastards regularly rail against teachers and their weakened unions but have zero qualms about the oligarchy grinding their bones to make their bread but you just can’t put lipstick on a pig or polish a turd, the Tea Party is what it is, the dregs of American society and the product of the war against the public education system. I really makes one wonder whether the early 20th Century elite just may have been onto something when they championed eugenics (yes, Hitler actually got a good deal of his ideas from the USA) and sterilization to keep the mentally inferior from reproducing. In retrospect, just how many of these fucking flag-waving borderline retards would have been born had that idea gotten more traction in it’s time?

I will be watching with much interest to see if the Republican dog is wagged by the Tea Party tail will have the gonads to actually shut down the government this week. The orange man John Boehner is feeling the heat as the angry army is getting more restive by the day that there hasn’t been legislation to make Obama cough up his birth certificate and is backed into a corner now. Any capitulation would potentially doom this career hack and allow an ambitious little pit viper like Eric Cantor to harness the uncontrollable monster of the cultural populist uprising that has been fed by the Kochs and their ilk. The latest jagoff to overstate his importance is some nitwit from Wisconsin named Paul Ryan who yesterday rolled out a budget proposal to cut over 4 trillion from big gubmint spending over the next decade. Of course military spending is ok as are tax cuts for the rich but anything that helps the poor is of course under the ax. Ryan, like so many of these other right-wing pigfuckers looks amazingly like a Nazi, just check out some old WWII footage and you will notice that there is an amazing resemblance between nearly all of these dipshits and their historical predecessors, just slap a Colonel Klink hat on Ryan and he’d fit right in. The GOP budget, with the typical Orwellian sounding name The Path to Prosperity is being touted by the moneychanger’s gospel that is Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal, then again so was the Tea Party and all of the other frauds.

Me, I say shut it down too. Let these pasty fat haters practice what they preach and not receive their medicare and social security checks, see how popular that the Beckers find that one. Boehner, Ryan and their ilk may find out very quickly that the Tea Party platform can be easily converted into a gallows.

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe


Allen West: Tea House Negro

March 10, 2011

You have to give it to the Republican hijacking of the Tea Party Movement, from an original pro-American, pro-civil liberties, anti-interventionist grass roots uprising that coalesced around Ron Paul and the libertarian vision for America…they have their bases masterfully covered. When that greasy little pig Rick Santelli, a CNBC Republican shill went into a carefully choreographed rant against the evil black Muslim devil Obama back in early 2009 it activated an American Gladio style network of right-wing dead-enders, the dregs of Karl Rove’s GOP base and gravy trainers looking to hitch a ride on the war wagon. You have to give it to Allen West when it comes to shameless, self-centered, stars-in-the-eyes cynical opportunism that puts even Sarah Palin to shame, the rising star and one of the few blacks admitted into the carnival of perversion of the GOP big tent this is one motherfucker that has the act down, a real Uncle Tom cum flag-wrapped Uncle Sam and as the Reggie Hammond once remarked…””You know what I am? I’m your worst fucken’ nightmare, man. I’m a nigger with a badge, that mean I got permission to kick your fuckin’ ass”!!!!

West has become the blackfaced minstrel of the Tea Party freak show, a tough as nails Iraq war veteran who meshes nicely with the 2012 strategy of turning American Muslims into the Juden of the 21st century here in Der Heimat. West earned points when during a February town hall meeting he responded to a question about just were in the Quran showing where Muslims were formally mandated by Allah “to carry out attacks against Americans and innocent people.” West, in typical GOP Nazi defense mode did not answer the question but rather snarled “don’t try to blow sunshine up my butt”, Christ forbid that anything might dislodge the stick that is embedded there. West, not a minority who would be bothered by the vagaries of not calling the kettle black mocked fellow House member Keith Ellison, the Muslim from Minnesota as one who is “the antithesis of the principles upon which this country was established.” West, like all Republicans seems to be a bit fuzzy on the actual historical details and conveniently ignores slavery as one of those founding principles. It’s all talking points to these moronic miscreants though, after all, it’s not like the low hanging fruit of the GOP base that has been magically rebranded as the suddenly patriotic and anti-government (hands off my Medicare and Social Security you fucking Socialists!) Tea Party.

The Tea Party, as I have repeatedly emphasized is as phony as Allen West and thanks to legions of low information voters and a corrupt corporate media that has turned the Dick Armey of Darkness into some sort of faux populist insurgency it has been a masterful snow job…not that it takes much at all to fool the average, trembling with fear, American sheep these days. The original Tea Party was began in the waning days of the Bush administration and counter to the new narrative was actually against costly foreign wars (even against those damned dirty sand nigger Muslims who hate us for our freedom), was against the parasitic tool of the finance oligarchs that is the Federal Reserve and in a real contradiction to the current Palinazi version was PRO CIVIL LIBERTIES not obsessed with using the law to strip a demonized minority group of their rights and to torture the hell out of anyone who dares to complain. That’s the thing with the authoritarian minded, jackbooted jellyfish of the now thoroughly hijacked and rotten to the core Tea Party, they absolutely love their sadism and when that sadism is sado-sexual, well it just tickles their fancy all the more. Look at Abu Ghraib prison, the entire Tea Party movement and their token toadies like West are ALL peckerwood princess Lynndie Englund dragging dirty nasty nekkid Muslim men around on a leash, or demented good ole boy Charles Graner kicking the living shit out of those gut-dammed A-rabs.

Chucky and Lynndie: Just Good Ole Teabaggers Kickin Muslim Ass

Allen West has recently toured the shrine of worship for the new Republican reich that is Guantanamo Bay, a heinous blight on what America used to be back in the days before the Neocon’s “New Pearl Harbor”. In another of the broken promises that multiply like little white trash redneck babies in some Alabama trailer park, the feckless wonder Barack Obama reneged on his campaign promise to close the house of horrors. Of course that is NEVER going to happen, Gitmo is so symbolic of the new era of American fascism that it’s only a matter of time until it replaces the U.S. Treasury on the back of currency notes. It was a fitting stage on which a preening pig like West could strut across that filthy home of brutality, human experimentation and the cruelest sort of advanced torture attacks that put Hitler and Stalin’s goons seem like rank amateurs. On his return from the anti-American hellhole of legal limbo for those damned dirty brown skinned devils (and soon the white al Qaeda liberals, gays and other dissenters who will inevitably take up residence there) West gave his blessing and even boasted of seeing  “one very popular individual” (no mention was given of whether he then retreated into a private area and masturbated) which will surely make him an even bigger hero to the dregs of American society that populate the Tea Party.

That Allen West holds office in Florida, the diseased penis of America is only natural. This state is a low wage haven for carpetbaggers, greed heads on the lam seeking to take advantage of the generous homestead law protecting their mansions, religious fanatics, hot-headed Cuban itching to support a Republican Bay of Pigs II against the hated Castro, stone-crazy freaks, hardened racists and charlatans looking to get into the business of politics. It is a state that recently elected as Governor (under the Tea Party banner of course) a ghoulish, skin-headed flim-flam man named Rick Scott who while running Columbia/HCA was a part of the largest Medicare fraud in U.S. History. Scott, who left HCA engulfed in a plague of scandal used his personal fortune to run some of the dirtiest ads in Florida campaign history, some accounts say as much as $78 million and to laughably sell himself as some sort of outsider whose ace corporate management skills and experience would make him a natural to restore the rapidly setting Sunshine State to some of it’s former glory and bring in JOBS JOBS JOBS!. Scott did bring JOBS, snow jobs and blow jobs and in his capacity of the big time CEO and his no-nonsense approach to state business promptly told that dirty, birth certificate challenged black man in the WHITE House to stick a 2.4 billion grant for high-speed rail up his Muslim asshole. That really created jobs alright, likely in California or any of the other states who are lined up for the money now that Scott has shown that he is all about business…HIS business and the business of right wing sugar daddies like the Koch Brothers.

Florida is an ugly place right now, with obvious charlatans like West and Scott being the high-profile reps while the opportunistic little Jeb Bush protege Senator Marco Rubio wisely lays low, likely laughing his slimy little back-waxed ass off at how easy it was to hornswoggle the scumbaggers into punching his ticket, the right-wing fascist nonsense is only beginning, now we have some peckerwood legislators pushing to have a law passed that would ban Sharia law, the newest model of the bogeyman and slam dunk vote getter to roll off of the Neocon propaganda shop production line. It all meshes very nicely with the ongoing campaign to use Muslims as some sort of national scapegoat for all of the misery that the Republican doomsday machine has wrought (a good deal of credit goes to their Democratic collaborators too) as America descends into a shit pool of a banana republic third world dictatorship. One giant plantation/gulag with a hardened perimeter of Tea Party thugs to guard the massah’s quarters, and Allen West has certainly earned his place within.


Do Anarchists Dream of Electronically Lobotomized Sheep?

February 1, 2011

Man, I see in Fight Club the strongest and smartest men who’ve ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see it squandered. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables – slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need. We’re the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression is our lives. We’ve all been raised on television to believe that one day we’d all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars, but we won’t. We’re slowly learning that fact. And we’re very, very pissed off.

– Tyler Durden

Late January, 2011: Still waiting for the system to collapse, the inevitable cannot be prolonged much longer. Prices at the pump are once again over 3 bucks a gallon, the Pope of Hope has caved and extended the Bush tax cuts for the rich, grocery prices spiking, coffee costs more for smaller cans, the low end bread is so dry that you have to suspect that the wheat is mixed with sawdust and yet the schmucks are still enshrouded warmly in their cocoons of denial. Every day the man grows stronger, the police state countermeasures continue to be rolled out for the one day when the sheep will no longer be content to remain entranced by their beloved 50 inch living room gods, the day when finally, in the final leg of their journey to the steel chutes they will realize that they are doomed, have always been doomed and the only real choice is to just meekly submit or go out thrashing, striking in every direction. Uprisings are increasing throughout the world, most recently in Egypt yet on the great American lemming farm there is nothing, that is unless one believes that the ludicrous, co-opted Tea Party is anything other than an assemblage of useful idiots and a corporate endorsed pressure valve to prevent any real sort of insurrection.

While the streets of Egypt are filled with open revolt, people who finally had enough of the despotic regime of Hosni Mubarak, U.S. puppet strongman the news media here only seems to be concerned with how the uprising will affect the precious fucking stock market. The same stock market that destroyed the economic prospects of millions while the politically connected criminals of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase and Citi are propped up by a corrupt government that runs a torture state. The Wall Street criminals will not only not be prosecuted for their illicit financial schemes, their usury and their use of fraud as a daily tool of just doing business but the corrupt U.S. government will continue to shakedown whatever remains of the once mighty working class to foot the bill for the high-rolling, four-flushing flim-flam men of Wall Street. It is largely the result of the obscene bailout of the big banking casinos by Obama men Tim Geithner and Ben Bernanke that has contributed to setting the world ablaze with the genocidal fallout of balls out commodities speculation.

The rising tide of food prices will contine to fuel global unrest because there is no way on God’s green Earth that the Obama administration is going to do anything to shackle the greedheads, eventually the rising tide will become a tsunami and there will be one king hell day of reckoning. Look at Egypt, despite the caterwauling of the garden variety Neocon swine that it is all the fault of those terrible swarthy fanatics in the Muslim Brotherwood fewer and fewer are lining up to gobble up the Empire’s self-serving bullshit. Al Jazeera online has provided Americans with real coverage of the ongoing events in the streets of Alexandria and Cairo while the big-titted teleprompter readers with the thousand yard stares and valley girl voices babble on and on about some nonsensical national epidemic of baby theft. CNN has been going absolutely fucking apeshit over one infant being snatched despite around four million newborns who weren’t rudely stolen away by some TV addled mentally deficient moron. For the added benefit of the viewing public there is the latest chapter in the lurid life of Charlie Sheen, party monster. CNN has the scoop on the Los Angeles rager that landed poor Charlie in rehab. The prized official source, some hose-monster porn actress bemoaned the epic spree of binge drinking and drug use – shit, sounds like the good ole days to me but then again before the descent into Idiocracy courtesy of the Reagan years and the worm hole in reality that we were all sucked into with the decade of greed, decadence and the transformation of the entire goddamned society into drooling TV addicts, Raptureheads and moral reprobates. So thanks to CNN we get all of the real news, former AIPAC lobbyist Wolf Blitzer has a lifetime gig over there masquerading as the straight man to the rest of the ass clowns.

But I digress…

This is very serious business, this revolution stuff and it’s spreading. With any luck, one day it will even manifest itself in some sort of open revolt in our very own bunting-bedrecked armed madhouse. The news just gets worse by the day, the economy sure as hell isn’t getting better and now the Duke and Duke wanna be commodities speculators are on depraved binges like Charlie Sheen bearing down on a mountain of pure Peruvian flake cocaine. MSNBC, the preferred viewing network for limousine liberals who hated the wars back when Bush was Commander in Chief just rolled out this headline from the no-fucking shit department “An era of cheap food may be drawing to a close” and now the word is coming down that scientists are in the process of growing meat in laboratories, watch the fuck out Taco Bell! How much longer until the pigs who run the system get around to catching reruns of Soylent Green on the Science Fiction Channel? Yep, in 2011 the land of plenty has turned into the land of plenty of misery and I want y’all to just get one thing in your minds straight: today is the best day that you are ever going to have for the rest of your life. Now that is some heavy shit isn’t it? Face it, the US of A is bankrupt, running on fumes and the big time grifters on Wall Street, in D.C. and in the commodities pits are fixing to extract the last drop of blood for the rocks. Get ready for Soylent Red, White and Blue, comin’ soon to a Wal-Mart near you. The food crisis has roots in our very own cancerous looter capitalist U.S.A, thanks to Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke whose QE2 is far more devastating to humanity than any of Stalins’ ‘reforms’ ever could be. Shit, Helicopter Ben could very easily surpass the body counts of the ‘great ones’ like Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot when it comes down to it..

But because he doesn’t wear a uniform and has is lifelong pampered poopy-hole cleansed with a bidet he is somehow excepted from the stinking mounds of dead bodies that are on his tab…..you can dress up a dork Ivy League elitist in a suit but when it really comes down to it he is still a genocidal maniac. Just watch the bloated bellies of the starving children thanks to now unaffordable food, what is really going to get ugly is the coming gambling in rice prices, just watch the porkers in the pits and penthouses on this one! I am sure that it is going to do wonders for global political stability, rice is the staple food for roughly 3 billion humans, most of whom live in Asia. What is the old warning about letting pyromaniacs play with matches…..?

But here in Murka we are not starving YET anyway, it’s just that food prices are skyrocketing but shit, since food and energy costs are omitted from Core Inflation figures you know, just pony up, take a hit of the Super Bowl E-Crack-E-Trade commercials and plow your money into our blessed markets…enjoy the game, suck down a couple of dozen Coors lites and enjoy the show. Shit the Tostitas are coming in a smaller sized, higher priced bag which most of the idiots don’t realize since the bags are pumped up with more air inflation, the still employed are getting ass-ended AGAIN thanks to commodities speculators drunk on taking straight shots of Sweet Brent Crude without a beer chaser and a system rotten to the core and beholden to a filthy oligarchy driven mad by centuries of incestuous breeding…You Da Man Ben!!!!! In America they have it all figured out, give the sheeple just enough to get by and allow the electronic lobotomies to continue to do the job. The oligarchy and it’s servants may be greedballs but they are smart enough to outwit the average tea bagging boobus Americanus any day of the week. The police state hasn’t been so painstakingly built on the fake bait and switch about the existential crisis of those damned dirty brown Islamists hating us for our way of life now has it? Those in the heavily fortified gated compounds, the ivory towers and their mansions are going to whatever they can to stay rich, revolt is for the peasants, especially when right here in Der Heimat we have a torture state extraordinaire that is largely hidden from view.

One day fairly recently, in a big box retailer I had a bone-chilling moment of clarity on just how easy it would be to be swallowed whole by the American torture state. A routine purchase of cold medicine led to the seizure of my drivers license by an overly zealous Target team member who ran into the back of the pharmacy to enter me into a federal database. It could be so easy to be disappeared and rendered, a call to store security and minimum wage goons would drag me into an office, the local police would be called, the local fusion center notified…you betcha, they sure have good reason to hate us for our way of life.The crackdown is coming and soon, the rotten to the core Justice Department, chock a block full of fascists and criminals, an overflowing jar of vomit along with our political prostitutes are working 24/7 to revamp and update the 1917 Espionage Act which will then be used to silence dissent. Wikileaks and the mysterious Mr. Assange while providing little of interest (so far) have put a burr up the establishment’s asses as well as justification for he next step. Bradley Manning is being starved, tortured and coerced into giving a confession for which Assange then will be hauled in for his sins, all of our sins actually for those who realize the rogue state’s criminality. There will be a massive show trial, the likes of which hasn’t been seen since America jacked itself off dry over the O.J. Simpson legal circus, a travesty that puked up a cottage industry of cable media flotsam and jetsam that will hit the lottery anew with the Assange electronic lynching.

It’ll be a spectacle for the ages and will even top the standard bread and circuses, what Americans really need now is a good old scapegoat, someone who the devil horns can be affixed to and trotted out for an ugly public eviseration, a long-running one of course….gotta keep those ratings up. Move along, nothing to see here folks, just pay no attention to those terrible anti-American brown people running amok in the streets in the uncivilized world. Rest assured that the sawdust filled bread and mystery meat at Taco Bell will still be in supply albeit at a much higher price, thanks to Chairmen Ben and QE 3, 4 and more the fun’s only beginning, soon you will need the proverbial wheel-barrow full of Reichmarks to buy a fucking chalupa. The real stuff is gonna start when the oil prices hit escape velocity on the way past 200 bucks a barrel and into the that rarified air of the stratosphere where only the real eagles like the Koch Brothers the Rockefeller clan and all of the lesser known plunderers breathe. Once the oil prices go up up and away and the food trucks stop rolling just how long till those supermarket shelves go barren…even at hyperinflationary prices? My advice is to start stocking up now and arm yourselves to the teeth because the last place that you ever want to be is in the midst of a marauding horde of American morons whose credit cards were long ago maxed out and whose idea of serious preparation for a potential food shortage doesn’t extend past a twelve pack of Busch, three cans of Beefaroni and a bag or two of borderline stale chips. Once the shelves run bare then what?
Cannibalism??? Cormack McCarthy’s “The Road” only with iPads and HDTV….I’m not joking either.

So, where to go from here. Why not just start planning for a real REVOLUTION of our very own. I mean come on now, just think of the national catharsis that a series of million man marches on Wall Street could be, especially if we bring along the guillotines. Why can’t we do it here?

I would like to now recommend a nice little book by my favorite outlaw cartoonist and serious social critic Ted Rall entitled The Anti-American Manifesto. I happened to catch an interview with Mr. Rall on the hilarious and balls nasty Sirius Radio show Lyin’ Cocksuckers with Mojo Nixon (Thursday nights at 8 pm EST on Sirius Rawdog Comedy) about this wonderful little tract which is without a doubt the most radical tract unleashed since the infamous Anarchist Cookbook. While the imbecile Tea Party continue to be duped by lyin’ cocksuckers like multi-millionaires Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh to mount their phony little S.A. style stunts while singing the praises to national dimwits hit it big like Sarah Palin and moonbat Michelle Bachmann the real ideas are in books like this one.

Rall opens with this classic bit of truth:

The great triumph of Reaganism is that it has convinced Americans to stop demanding that their government do anything for them. This is absurd. Any government, regardless of its political orientation ought to provide the necessiteis of life- the things everybody needs to live and thrive – for free. Well, not free – in return for paying taxes.

Nice advice now that the rotting carcass of the Gipper is being exhumed anew for some bizarre ritual of national worship thanks to the Reagan Centennial, a fully funded by greedy pigs orgy of fraud that is a testament to the old fraud himself. Reagan’s ascension to the throne (thanks to the October Surprise bag over the head kick in the balls to poor ole Jimmy Carter) will be marked by historians one day as the official beginning of the end of America, it was when we reached the demarcation point from anything even remotely resembling reality. The golden-tonsiled fascist, mobbed up, opportunist Reagan, a man who once did campaign commercials to Harry Truman curried much favor by ratting out his fellow actors to the rabid Red baiters in order to further his career. The B-movie actor who once adoringly sniffed the bung of Bonzo became the regular pitchman for critical Military Industrial Complex lynchpin GE from which he used the forum of a weekly show to pitch his form of friendly facism. Reagan then used his clout with mafia infiltrated MCA to rise through the ranks, collecting chits and eventually making Barry Goldwater look like some sort of peacenik, weak on crime, limp-wristed sissy…but the entire Reagan fraud is a story for another time and trust me, with what I have seen in recent days in the grocery store checkstand touting the great Gipper’s 100th birthday celebration (they act like he is fucking Jesus Christ or something) any American with any semblance of decency will be sickened.

Rall’s book is great reading though, even more so with events evolving in Egypt, Tunisia and hopefully soon to the very doorstep of the House of Saud whose complicity in creating this monstrous system cannot possibly be understated. I will exerpt a bit here:

You can feel it. Or maybe you can’t.

It doesn’t matter whether you feel it or not. It’s happening. The story of the United States of America as we know it — not merely as the world’s dominant superpower, but as a discrete political, economic, and geographic entity — is drawing to a close due to a convergence of emerging economic, environmental, and political crises.

Nothing lasts forever, empires least of all. And this one, which only began to expand in earnest circa the year 1900, doesn’t feel like it has the staying power of ancient Rome.

Not at all.

But we’re not here to talk about the vague possibility of collapse at some point in the future. We are here — in this book and within this historical moment — because the collapse feels as though it is currently in progress.

We are here because the U.S. is going to end soon. There’s going to be an intense, violent, probably haphazard struggle for control. It’s going to come down to us versus them. The question is: What are you going to do about it?


Us: Hard-working, underpaid, put upon, thoughtful, freedom-loving, disenfranchised, ordinary people

Them: Reactionary, stupid, overpaid, greedy, shortsighted, exploitative, power-mad, abusive politicians and corporate executives.

Sums it up pretty much right there. The choice is ours now because as as now apparent history is actually taking place, outside of our little warped lemming colony of course but there is hope…provided that we can get our shit together and get off of our asses. Rall is often a bit too charitable towards Barack Obama, the man to me is nothing but a footstool for Wall Street and a corporate product, a teflon-coated bullshit salesman just like The Gipper who he gushes admiration for on a regular basis. Here is a bit more of Rall:

Obama inevitably come too late to actually accomplish anything. Even if a leader like Obama were inclined to push for the sweeping reforms that might save American late-stage capitalism from itself, as did Franklin D. Roosevelt — and there is no evidence that the thought has crossed Obama’s mind — his fellow powerbrokers, fixated on quarterly profit statements and personal position, would never allow it.

The media talks a lot about reform. But it’s too late for nips and tucks. Reform can only fix a system if the system is viable and open to change. Neither is true about the United States of America.

A veneer of normalcy slapped — sloppily slapped — on top of a stinking pile of obviously out-of-control unsustainability can no longer disguise the ugly truth: The United States of America is finished. Shopkeepers still take our dollars, foreigners still fear our bombs, but watching the crazy federal deficits, the wildly expanding international military presence, the putrid joke that is our healthcare/education/employment system, and a natural world in free fall (mainly due to the crap pumped into the air and water by the people and corporations of the United States) makes the debate over whether Democrats are better than Republicans feel surreal.

Government exists to serve economic power. In the U.S. and globally, economic power is concentrated in business, namely the large corporations whose profits account for more than ten percent of the nation’s gross domestic product. Corporations can’t operate without the government. They are codependent, yet independent of and barely responsive to the nation. A nation goes on with or without its government, with or without the big businesses we take for granted.We are not the government that serves those companies. They are parasites, vampires, hideous monsters that underpay and overcharge us and get fat on the spread. Who are we then?

We are their victims. We are weak and pathetic. But only by choice.

We can wait for the system to collapse of its own accord, for the rage of the downtrodden and dispossessed to build, for chaos of some sort to expose and destroy it. But implosion might take a long time. And when it happens, we may find ourselves even more powerless than we are now. They — the hardcore, racist, undereducated, fundamentalist Christian, anti-civil liberties Right — are preparing to step into the breach, to seize power. They can’t wait to unleash their venomous hatred on the city-dwelling commie hipster fags they despise. They are armed. They recognize that the system is doomed. They’ve seen this coming. They’re organized and willing to merge their disparate brands of conservatism under a common

leadership. Most importantly, they get it. They don’t need to be convinced that everything is in play. They’re putting it in play.

Christian fundamentalists, the millennial end-of-the-worlders obsessed with the Left Behind series about the End Times, neo-Nazi racists, rural black-helicopter Michigan Militia types cut from the same inbred cloth as Timothy McVeigh, allied with “mainstream” gun nuts and right-wing Republicans, have been planning, preparing, and praying for the destruction of the “Godless,” “secular” United States for decades. In the past, they formed groups like the John Birch Society and the Aryan Nations. Now the hard Right has a postmodern, decentralized non-organization organization called the Tea Party.

Right-wing organizational names change, but they amount to the same thing: the reactionary sociopolitical force — the sole force — poised to fill the vacuum when collapse occurs. The scenario outlined by Margaret Atwood’s prescient novel The Handmaid’s Tale — rednecks in the trenches, hard military men running things, minorities and liberals taken away and massacred, setting the stage for an even more extreme form of laissez-faire corporate capitalism than we’re suffering under today — is a fair guess of how a post-U.S. scenario will play out unless we prepare to turn it in another direction.

Although the U.S. has fascist tendencies, it is unlikely that an ascendant American right would embrace fascism in its classic form. But a post-collapse reactionary government would likely have some attributes of fascism. Robert Paxton, who was my history professor at Columbia and is widely regarded as the nation’s leading expert on the field, wrote the book on the subject (The Anatomy of Fascism). As Professor Paxton told me in 1991, the United States is the nation that is the most likely to go fascist, the one that has the most of the necessary ingredients — including distrust of parliamentary democracy, extreme militarism, and a highly industrialized society — required for a true fascist state. As things stand, there will be no one to prevent this nightmare.

So this book is a call to arms. And an appeal to self-preservation to those who know we can do better.

If Not Now, When?

A war is coming. At stake: our lives, the planet, freedom, living. The government, the corporations, and the extreme right are prepared to coalesce into an Axis of Evil. Are you going to fight back? Will you do whatever it takes, including taking up arms?

Hell, this is America isn’t it? The Egyptians are infinetly more civilized than us as a people, they have managed to shake the world without violence, but I repeat myself, they are civilized, never mistake being busted out, impoverished and neutered and beggared by decades long roaming torture squads. We here on the wild frontier, fed a daily diet of video violence and armed to the teeth will take to the streets like John Fucking Wayne, Rambo or a loosely organized band of rednecks like something out of the old Patrick Swayze flick Next of Kin. Now I certainly don’t advocate armed insurrection, I am smart enough to know that the guns and ammo belonging to the average militia schmuck is no match for what the government has. Hell, you can take two-hundred of the most ardent teabaggers with their Gadsden flags, think tank slogans and popguns and a squad or two of U.S. Marines would turn them into hamburger within minutes. But that is the way it’s gonna be in a culture that has been indoctrinated to revere gun violence and it’s coming soon too.

Best be prepared folks, history is coming. Turn off CNN, turn on Al-Jazeera and get ready for the day when Hell comes to America.

Just my two cents


The Day After Yesterday and the Road Ahead

November 4, 2010

As promised, Helicopter Ben Bernanke and the temple of avarice at the Marriner S. Eccles Building officially launched QE2 yesterday afternoon. The propaganda pimps in the corporate media are bandying bout the sort of hyperbole like BOLD and UNPRECEDENTED to spin this soon obvious catastrophe. Not that any of the average shmucks give a flying fuck, the elections are over, the scumbaggers have minted their new champions and sent them to D.C. with a mandate to do some serious nigger hunting. More on that in a bit but QE2 will provide the temporary hit that the crack ho economy needs and keep the zombie banks shuffling along just a bit longer allowing chumpland USA to be strip-mined while the finance oligarchs enter the final stages of their imminent relocation to heavily fortified compounds in countries without extradition treaties. I was over at one of my favorite blogs this morning, the wonderful Zero Hedge and found this interesting little tidbit that by the end of November or before the last piece of Thanksgiving sweet potato pie has been eaten that Bernanke’s Fed will have surpassed China as the biggest holder of U.S. debt.  Yessir, the coordinates have now been locked in for the final descent into the abyss, the Palinazis will soon control the gulags, camps and crematoriums that will be used to deal with the rabble once the shit hits the fan and hit it it will. I really liked this comment on the linked post by “putbuyer”:

WHAM! The stock market collapses because there is no one to buy any of the stock for sale, at any price. It happens in the morning and the word gets out quickly. People know that something big is going on. By noon Eastern Standard Time the whole country is awash in the news. By two o’clock in the afternoon the big box stores are starting to sell out of groceries. All gasoline, food, and ammo are sold out that day. The unthinkable has happened. America has gone to her bunkers and awaits the anarchy that is sure to come. And the next day it begins. Those too stupid or unheeding are out and about looking for what they did not have to begin with. Violence breaks out all over the country, with warehouses in major cities being especially abused. Within a couple of days there is organized looting and robbing taking place. The bigger the marauding gang the more vicious they are. Power begets cruelty and lack of compassion.

The total social breakdown is something that I and others have been talking about for quite some time now, what happens when this putrescent, rotten and bloated to straining corpse known as the American Empire finally bursts and unleashes the maggots. Maggots whose viciousness is about to be fully protected by the state itself which will through it’s multimillionaire media demagogues like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh and of course Hitlerina Palin will begin issuing the orders for the pogroms. Bernanke’s QE2 which will be followed by more and more conterfeiting will ultimately result in the hyperinflation that will trigger anarchy in the streets as the average American idiot typically doesn’t have more than a day or so’s worth of groceries on hand at any given time. Once the balloon goes up and the commodities speculators bid oil, corn, wheat and porkbellies to the fucking moon Alice the trucks will stop rolling in all but the essential zones were strategic Military Industrial Complex operations are housed. Gonna be a bad winter when there is no way to afford heating oil or food and substitutes like the furniture and the animals begin to be used instead. It’s not much of a reach to see that in many rural or economically gutted rust belt areas that the family dog will be deep fried in one of those big turkey cookers that rednecks dig so much and served for Christmas dinner. Gonna get real ugly, butt ugly and I would advise Americans of two things 1) stock up on non-perishable foods, batteries, over the counter meds and ammo and …2) like Clint Eastwood as the outlaw Josey Wales once famously remarked …

“Now remember, things look bad and it looks like you’re not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. ‘Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That’s just the way it is.”

And that is what it is going to take to hold off vicious swine like the scumbaggers along with the otherwise criminal elements of society who will use the coming descent into barbarism to install themselves as warlords over local fiefdoms. The key is to be able to hunker down long enough to let the mass chaos and looting play out and with any luck at all a good amount of the motherfuckers will end up slaughtering each other, let’s face it, the scumbaggers really don’t like the darkies to begin with and I am sure that the feeling is mutual. Let them go to war in the early days after collapse. It is I suppose too much to hope for that dumbass Americans of all colors and creed would finally get a clue and see the big picture and instead of looting the local neighborhood they could join up and head towards the gated communities and the McMansions to conduct their raping and pillaging. It may sound like Marxism to some but goddammit, what the fuck is wrong with expropriating and stealing back that which was stolen to begin with? So fuck it, it’s gonna be a big whoop de doo when the time comes, it would absolutely wonderful to see Bernanke’s head on a pike and every lightpost and tree limb in Manhattan and Washington used to hang bankers, swindlers and politicians.

As far as the so-called Republican wave election goes there are a few things to ponder as the alternative to the fake story that the yellow dog punditry already has as their narrative in place. The mid-terms were indeed a referendum on OBushma but NOT because he is a Commie, Muslim, Socialist Kenyan Manchurian Candidate who seeks to use his militant negro army ACORN to enslave the white race. OBushma and his feckless Democrats were sent packing NOT only because of the plutocrat funded and sanctioned Tea Party uprsings but because he and his administration are garden variety charlatans, liars, cheats and scum – in short they are politicians. While the corporate cash funnelled into negative advertising thanks to the fascist Roberts SCOTUS was astronomical, equally critical was the inconvenient fact for the corporate capitalist system that anyone who is predisposed to sympathizing with the REAL left and not the fag worshipping, butterflies, moonbeams, zebras and fairy tales wimps and nuke Iran for women’s rights types that make up the pathetic excuse for the U.S. left – stayed home. The Obama betrayals are many and substantial, from his annoting of the insipid Rahm Emanuel as his top aide (translation: handler) to the lying about the closure of Gitmo, the escalation of the wars, the refusal to hold the Bushreich war criminals accountable, the phony health care reform charade that only benefitted the insurance parasites, the failure to back out of NAFTA and GATT and the tepid jar of leftover vomit that was the financial reform package were just too much for too many to swallow so they just said fuck it and didn’t vote. Perhaps the one thing that we all can thank Mr. Hope and Change for is that he is living proof that the entire system is a sham and the game is rigged.

Not that any of this is going to matter when Bernanke’s doomsday device has us all on a course straight out of Cormack McCarthy’s The Road, just trying to stay alive in a ruined country and one step ahead of the cannibals.

Mr. Obama’s Chump Change

June 17, 2010
Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss

Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.

H. L. Mencken
By now it should be painfully apparent to all but the most befuddled, celebrity worshipping O-Bots and their asinine counterparts in the malodorous and fraudulent Tea Party movement that there is really very little actual difference between the regimes of President Barack Obama and those of his predecessors. While I admit that the Bush-Cheney regime and the neocon ghouls that filled it has a special place in historical infamy and while there is little substantive policy difference Obama is an improvement over that confederacy of dunces, he has slid very easily into the suit of the American Emperor. Some of my more cynical friends on the far left called it as it was and I regret alienating them during the primary process. If I could take back my words on Hillary Rodham Clinton as being the “Joan of Arc of the dry pussy demographic” and other nasty comments I would do so today. Not that Mrs. Rodham-Clinton isn’t a corporatist warmonger of the highest order but at least there is some semblence of being qualified while Mr. Obama is clearly not up to the task. Fortuately for him the real power in the US of A rests with the financial oligarchy, the big energy cartels and the uber rich and of course the state of Israel and it’s hordes of fifth-columnists in the Pentagon, Christian churches and most importantly the U.S. mainstream media.
During the first year and a half of the Obama administration, the Pope of Hope has presided over the largest and most obscene taxpayer funded bailout of Wall Street criminals, hedge fund hyenas and the degenerate gamblers who have detroyed the global economy with their derivatives. There is nothing that Obama could have possibly done, short of beheading small children on the front lawn of the White House that could even remotely top the gross criminality of the Wall Street swindler bailout. Granted that it began in the final months of the Bush administration under Henry Paulson, another of the Goldman Sachs financial predators who are allowed to regularly slither into the halls of government power no matter who the president or party in control is but it was Obama’s ongoing failure to hold any of the thieves accountable. Not that accountability is very big with any U.S. leader, were this a sane and moral country Richard B. Cheney would currently be rotting in a prison cell, Clinton would have never allowed the Iran-Contra traitors to get off of the hook to save the ass of Poppy Bush and Ford would have never pardoned Nixon. But this is not any sane (not even remotely so) or decent society rooted in any sort of a moral value system. That being said, prepare for the screws to continue to be put to the average American schmuck by the likes of Wall Street moles like Timothy Geithner and Helicopter Ben Bernanke.

Obama has made it very clear that he understands who he represents and despite the lip service that he and others in his position pay to the little guy the average American is shit out of luck when it comes to expecting any sort of a level playing field when it comes to the mockery that is democracy. The corporations long ago bought and paid for this place and to borrow from the late, great George Carlin “it’s called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it. Face it people, the game is rigged! Any resistance has been co-opted, for example the media suckling of the ridiculous teabaggers who are nothing more than a bunch of pissed-off white people completely assimilated by the criminal Republican party to in a true historical context take to the streets in protest to support the British Monarchy. Obama’s second term is practically guaranteed unless he gets some kind of wild hair up his ass about actually going FDR and goes off of the reservation but that ain’t gonna happen. While his popularity rating will soon be plunging there is zero real alternative and a bunch of fish-belly white, pig-headed, racist idiots dancing around with their Gadsden flags isn’t any sort of a real political movement, tens of thousands of angry white males may want to cum on Sarah Palin’s tits but the oligarchy has no use for an idiot like that. Obama will be our Herbert Hoover, his bailout of the banking criminals has the economy on the precipiece of a double-dipper as the phony stock bubble pimped by Vikram ‘the Bandit’ Pandit, Helicopter Ben and armies of payroll pundits like the jackass Jim ‘Mad Money’ Cramer will eventually pop and after so much electronically created funny money has been pumped into the already rotting corpse of American capitalism that there will be nothing left save hyperinflationary measures and crushing austerity to save the blessed Wall Street banksters. We here in Der Heimat will need the proverbial wheelbarrow full of Reichmarks to buy a loaf of fucking bread. The global economy is unsustainable, Europe’s financial system is continuing to come unwound and already there is social unrest unlike anything that is seen here on the world’s biggest lemming farm.

Obama’s reign will be just one more downgrade in the once great prestige of America, the brand name has been so thoroughly dipped in shit even the ultimate product as president can’t save it. Hello third world status! The imperialist, budget busting wars of choice not only continue but have been escalated by Obama who has neither the balls nor the experience to stand up to the war freaks in the Pentagon. I have already spoken of the Wall Street strip-mining, there is a mega-enviornmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico thanks to the dicking around by the Obama administration in bringing B.P. to heel and it’s only going to get worse as the precious black gold spreads thoughout the Gulf and out into the Atlantic. It’s ironic in a very funny sort of way that the Republican party convention has picked Tampa for the site of their 2012 convention, the “Drill, Baby, Drill!” chickens are coming home to roost in the soon to be oil-coated diseased penis of America that is the state of Florida. Still there is zero chance of a legitimate contender rising from that pack of swine, rats and roaches to challenge Obama. He has about six and a half more years now to finish the job that Bush and Reagan started, Clinton abetted and has been blessed by bankers, polluters and war criminals everywhere.

And when all is said and done, the economy is in depression, the police state is in place, half the planet is occupied by U.S. troops and mercenaries and the ability of the biosphere to support human life has been damaged beyond repair Americans can be left to do that one thing that they have always been able to do so well: blame it on the nigger.

Next up: Jeb Bush in 2016 – to be coronated in front of an army of Tea Party brownshirts

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ Joe


Another Fine Day in the Land of Fear

May 5, 2010

Quite an experience to live in fear, isn’t it? That’s what it is to be a slave.

-Roy Batty

Another day in the kingdom of fear, the land of the lemmings and the trap continues to close, largely unnoticed by the too busy to care inhabitants. The average American attention span these days is something short of that of a gnat and there is always more celebrity to suckle, tainted sports heroes to cheer upon and reality television shows through which one can live vicariously. If ignorance, as has been said is truly bliss then the population of Der Heimat are the most blissful bitches and bastards on the planet – just like the cattle milling about at the entrance to the steel chute. In playing their true role as guardians against democracy, the pocket media mockingbirds are in full-throated roar as they in unison electronically bludgeon the American sheeple into a quivering pulp over the latest and greatest terror attack that wasn’t.

The thing that both horrifies and amazes me is just how easily that the Obama administration has co-opted the rhetoric of the Bushreich in ratcheting up the dread and feeding the panic monster. Faisal Shahzad, the latest addition to the 21st century pantheon of non-Christian bogeymen is being portrayed as a sinister deep cover saboteur, another tentacle of the global Islamic hydra that hates us for our way of life (as if being mean, obese, willfully ignorant debt slaves electronically lobotomized by our beloved televisions is anything to fight to preserve) and sweet Jesus we were lucky that the amateurish car bomb in Times Square didn’t detonate. Of course this is just more of the same bullshit that has been mainlined into our national carcass like the sweet spike of a heroin fix of fear since the day that the American Reichstag fire, that holiest of holy days that was September 11, 2001 punched our national ticket towards our rendezvous with destiny and the stamp of infamy that will only be fully appreciated with history.

This guy was a boob, a bumbler, a piker and a loser. He was just another underwear or shoe bomber, a phony threat of what could have been were there actual terrorists that serves as grist for the propaganda mills that ensure that the two minute hate remains a truly American institution. Hell, just the construction of the bomb should tell any halfway astute inhabitant of this childlike alternate universe that this is another manufactured incident. Any serious terrorist posessing a semblance of skill and integrety would have packed that fucking vehicle with semtex or some other military grade explosive, hundreds of pounds of poison-dipped nails, nuts and screws for shrapnel and a maximum casualty count and used a real detonator instead of some cheap shit made in China alarm clock bought off the shelf at the local Wal-Mart. But that of course is lost on the schmucks, too much television, too many episodes of ass-kickin’ Jack Bauer or whatever other paranoid, paramilitary propaganda piece designed to ensure that the suspension of disbelief kicks in whenever one of these incidents crop up. Remember the idiots who were allegedly going to storm Fort Dix and kill all of our precious green army men? The ones who were going to gain access masquerading as pizza deliverymen and then take on hundreds of heavily armed trained soldiers on their own turf? Or there were the Miami morons who were allegedly planning to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago, of course the pertinent fact that they were borderline retards whose gross incompetence was only surpassed by the Bush propagandists need to convince the rubes that there were al CIAda sleeper cells everywhere and by god they could be next door to you! Look at Shahzad, his neighbors reported that he didn’t like sunlight…whooooooo, now that is spooky or what? If that is what it takes to be tabbed as an international terrorist in Murka then we are all more fucked than even the most paranoid fraidy cat could ever imagine.

The aftermath of the failed Times Square bombing is predictable, the Palinazis will have yet another one of them damned dirty Muslims to trot out as evidence of the great war of civilizations, more reason to force them all to convert to Christianity or kill them as one of Palin’s dim-witted demagogic predecessors once put it. There will be an increased drive to further implement fascist police state laws and sell more of those wonderful naked body scanners to the government and in keeping with tradition in the land of the cowardly, stick taxpayers with the bill for building their own systems of oppression and slavery which they will inevitably be controlled by. There is already the cacophony of ginned up righteous indignation by Republicans in braying for a military tribunal for Shahzad as well as greasing the rails for the McCain-Lieberman Hitlerian masterpiece that is the Enemy Belligerent Act. Oh, and Bibi is clicking his heels today because the attack on Iran, the wettest of wet dreams of the Zionist genocide machine is a bit more likely…just give the William Kristol propaganda shops ample time to find a link to the devil Ahmadinejad that can be propelled into the national consciousness via the FOX echo chamber by Glenn Beck’s golden tonsils. The xenophobic idiots already richly intoxicated by Arizona’s new diktat to put down those dirty Meskins will be shrieking anew for Barack Obama’s birth certificate, if nothing else the moron minority is very predictable. During my recent hiatus I have studied my local version of the tea party group and have found a very interesting fragility mixed in with the woeful ignorance and garden variety racism but that will have to be a story for another time. Let’s just say that the people that I found were more fragile than formidable.

Now of course in getting back to the media spin cycle there is always the jabbering jackass that is the beloved sound byte spewing weapon of mass deception that is John McCain. Fresh off of his spirited defense of allowing neo-fascist goons like Sheriff Joe Arpaio to harass and bully brown skinned American citizens of Hispanic heritage the man is in rare form – Again. Maverick McCain was blowing geysers of mud into his grampers when he denounced the standard American legal requirement of the reading of the Miranda rights to Shahzad. The old bastard was practically hyperventilating in an exhibition of animation rarely seen from a walking corpse, it was his most exciting pronouncement since he sang songs for Charlie for a room upgrade at the Hanoi Hilton or more recently practically performing cunnilingus on Sarah Palin during an unnofficial public Klan rally. All of the Republican Nazis are jumping onboard this beast and it’s only gonna get worse as the oppo researchers are able to unearth fallacious leads tying the Times Square dufus to the great Islamofascist conspiracy.

And of course in these sorry assed days of imperial decline there is the always reliable asshat on call that is Newton Leroy “Newt” Gingrich (born Newton Leroy McPherson) who has been an active fifth columnist both in front of the cameras and behind the scenes. Gingrich, his snakelike skin as shiny as a freshly stuffed link of shit sausage continues to act as chief mouthpiece for the neocons. His ludicrous tirades denouncing Obama as a secular socialist are so ridiculous that only the teabaggers could believe them. Long a tool of the neocons and their PNAC/Clean Break doctrine for global dominance as well as one of the most vile political figures EVER produced by the American system Gingrich is pulling out every dirty trick, lie and preposterous piece of folderol from his lard-assed academic carcass. The plan to destroy Obama by using the teabaggers as shock troops to take down the loathsomely inadequate health care reform in a variation of what he was able to do to the Clintons back in 94 went up like a flaming bag of dogshit in his meaty paws and as for DRILL BABY DRILL…with a looming environmental catastrophe heading right for the U.S. gulf coast well, that hasn’t turned out too well either for the philandering little fascist dwarf. The natives are getting restive here in the diseased penis of America more formally known as the state of Florida as millions of gallons of oil are heading directly towards the beaches and will be the final nail in the state’s economic coffin after the real estate bubble collapse and the nightmare of Jeb Bush’s crony capitalist privatization scams, now the tourism industry is soon going to go bye bye everywhere outside of the land of the mouse in the time share capital of America Orlando or the still to be built holy shrine to Tim Tebow.

Gingrich will surely be chiming in with his declarations of treasonous atheist commies like Obama and his ilk turning the country over to the ‘terrorists’ despite the fact that they are so fucking incompetent that they couldn’t blow their noses much less bombs that go off as advertised. One thing is for certain though, the line at the all you can eat bullshit buffet will be long, white and moving rapidly through the turnstiles towards the Kool Aid vats.

Just my two cents


Republican Droogs

April 19, 2010

That the Obama administration’s piss-warm financial reform plan is now going to be round two in the war against America courtesy of the Republican fascists and their vicious army of thugs, buffoons and useful idiots was entirely forseeable. I have to give it to the scumbaggers, their vast and unstoppable stupidity is a force of nature and will only escalate the vitriol and continue to poison the political atmosphere in Der Heimat even as it begins to splinter and spin off those who finally are able to see the light about their colleagues in Newt’s Sturmabteilung. Friday’s suprise announcement that the Great Satan, Goldman Sachs is being sued by the SEC should have had the Beckers, Palinazis and other white populist warriors reveling in a blow against the oligarchy but instead it is just going to be the next great rallying cry as the wagons are circled to protect the interests of Lloyd Blankfein and the rest of the thieves on Wall Street, Republikkkan Senate leader Mitch McConnell met with a pack of hedge fund hyenas last week and is now out railing against Obama’s reform efforts with a vigor renewed and the wind in his sails soon to be powered by billions of FIRE segment dollars greenlighted but the Roberts SCOTUS decision that corporte cash is king.

Pretty soon it is no doubt that Sarah Palin, the avatar of assholiness and darling of the wretched and electronically lobotomized dregs of fucked over white America will concoct some new line of rabble rousing horseshit like the death panels that were used to send the brownshirts screaming into town halls last fall. There is already a massive rally planned of beer swilling, pistol packing peckerwood slobs and slobettes gathering outside the District of Criminals to display their anger at that horrible black man who is destroying this god-kissed imperial lemming colony and to display their political impotence by waving their fully loaded blue steel penis extensions. Were the dumb and destitute truly serious about sending a message to the real terrorists they would be holding their gathering on Wall Street but that might not jibe with con artist extroardinaire Glenn Beck who bilked the jabbering jackasses in the tea party for $32 million last year – now there is a man who is watching out for the interests of the common folk! In an interview with the gospel for the moneychangers that is Forbes Magazine, Beck stated that “I could give a flying crap about the political process” which of course would be shouted down as a liberal media lie by the droogs who worship him and make him filthy rich. And there is of course no point in sharing the wonderful story that the father of the Koch brothers who fund the Republikkkan tea partiers made his family fortune off of Stalin. Then it really didn’t bother the swine that their hero George W. Bush’s grandpa was laundering money for Hitler either.

That there is such a state of denial in the now fully co-opted by neocon Republican tea party that reality has been chucked through the looking glass and down the rabbit hole where the Red Queen Palin is serving psilocybin mushroom tea to the minions in vats straight out of the Rev. Jim Jones compound in Guyana. Palin represents a zealotry and dangerous anti-intellectualism that is on a par with only the Khmer Rouge who brutally enforced the doctrine of Year Zero when they sacked Cambodia. With such a disconnect and a complete inability to comprehed the most basic tenets of what constitutes reality such a violent and recalcitrant subsection is now metastazing into the sort of disease that eats away at the pillars of a society (even one as lost and decadent and morally repugnant as ours) like termites and a damned good solution at least in my opinion would be gas the more rotten and violent elements and I don’t mean tear gas.

Then I do like to think outside of the box and I am ahead of the curve on this one, it will soon be more obvious when a few of them go Timothy McVeigh and blow up a building full of innocent women and children and Palin and Beck will find a way to make a buck off of it all. But these idiots need to be put down like the rabid dogs that they are.

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe