The Big Chunks Float to the Top: The Time 100

April 25, 2011
Not that I would ever consider Time Magazine which is one of America’s preeminent mouthpieces for the status quo to be anything other than a credentialed propaganda organ but the latest issue is an abominable disgrace. The special double issue dated May 2, 2011 pays homage to the “World’s Most Influential People”, a who’s who of warmongers, fascists, lunatics, bigots, corporate stooges, media hacks and opportunistic shits that is truly astonishing to behold. While a smattering of individuals of moral character and some redeeming social value are thrown in, for example Joseph Stiglitz, one of the few economists who called the ongoing depression in advance and the besieged and soon to be murdered by the CIA or locked up in Gitmo and tortured six ways from Sunday Wikileaks founder Julian Assange they are few indeed and their inclusion among the pigs, crooks, thugs and bitches and bastards who are revered in mini hagiographies is more of a big middle finger – a true fuck you to the peasants.
This is some of the worst garbage conceivable but in a land where in true Orwellian style has collectively accepted the maxims that “freedom is slavery” and “war is peace” and the National Football League is bitching about a prolonged labor dispute that could postpone their shameless exploitation of the 9/11/2001 dead with a special tenth anniversary kickoff tribute to the American Reichstag Fire it is yet another sorry-assed example of a society that sucks and is damned proud of it.
Some of the honorees:
His Highness Barack Obama – Or more precisely “Brand Obama”, “” or “Judas Obama”. Never has one so disappointed so many in so little time. The shining beacon of transformational change to lead American out of the fetid dungeons of the Bush-Cheney torture state has proven to be even worse than his predecessors. Whether escalating the financially ruinous and immoral wars of aggression in Iraq, Afghanistan and dialing up drone strikes from afar in Pakistan the Pope of Hope is every bit the war freak and murderer that the office calls for. Obama has now thoroughly destroyed the economy to finish up the job started during the Bushreich, the appointment of Turbo Tax Timmy Geithner as a guardian to avaricious Wall Street interests and the reappointment of genocidal maniac Ben Bernanke as Federal Reserve Chairman should leave zero doubt as to whose side that Barry O. is truly on. As hardened criminals like Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs and his minions continue to loot with impunity Bernanke’s QE2 monetary policy to keep the casino going is contributing to a deadly upwards spike in food prices, fueling global unrest and ultimately starvation. One day Helicopter Ben will rank right up there with Mao, Pol Pot and Stalin when it comes to genocide by famine and Obama is down with it all. Say what you will about George W. Bush but at least he sent me $600.00. The corporate product in chief later weighs in with a piece of his own on Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords entitled “A Symbol of Civility” – quite an honor for someone who was shot in the head by a deranged gunman.
Hillary Rodham Clinton – The Secretary of State and the traveling saleswoman for U.S. imperialist policies. While much less obnoxious since the derailing of her Presidential ambitions Bubba’s better half radiated pure malevolence as she traipses the globe and ensures compliance or there will be war. Clinton along with Samantha Rice and the shrill harpy Susan Rice were instrumental in the latest unaffordable war in Libya. A few of the dubious achievements of Mrs. Rodham-Clinton was the leaked embassy cable showing that she ordered U.S. diplomats to spy on United Nations leaders (not that this didn’t occur under the Bush-Rove-Cheney Axis of Evil) and allowing retired CIA analyst Ray McGovern to be dragged away by goons and beaten up for standing up and turning his back on her during a speech where she was exalting freedom and democracy. Particularly embarrassed by the Wikileaks data dump Rodham-Clinton may personally administer the waterboarding of Julian Assange once he has been kidnapped and rendered into one of America’s secret torture black site prisons. 
John Boehner – Sadly the inclusion of Boehner, the orange-hued, chain-smoking, boozy Republican House Majority Leader is an improvement over say, Tom DeLay. While Tom of Texas was a ruthless bastard with an ideological agenda, an American Stalin who ruled with a relish for cruelty Boehner is strictly an “old school’ just plain corrupt politician. As well as a history of graft, lies and typically swinish behavior Boehner likes to go into these insanely over the top crying jags at the most opportune times. I would be hard pressed to think of a more nauseating spectacle than the unctuous fraud Bohner’s breaking into a blubbery jag of crocodile tears during any political debate nor a more hypocritical one, just think if the deposed Nancy Pelosi (who I am no fan of) would have broken down bawling and the attacks would be unrelenting.  Boehner’s act has always reminded me of that scene in the movie Used Cars where Toby the dog plays along with one of the lot lizard scams by playing dead to generate sympathy and guilt that would cause the prospective buyer to shell out money for the overpriced lemon that he would drive off the lot (the door fell off on the way out) – “that price is just too fucking high”! (I just had to slip that line in). Boner’s [sic] waterworks were right up there in terms of rank cynicism and in sneering insincerity as the tactics of any of the sleazeballs employed by the Fuchs Brothers on their competing lots and God knows in America there are ALWAYS buyers for that sort of lame horseshit – a land of suckers who breed like fucking rabbits and are ever proud to call themselves Republicans.
Paul Ryan – The neo-fascist Wisconsinite Bircher who is coming for your Medicare so that the real death panels can commence while the greedy pigs on Wall Street will be given the money to gamble with. The media fascination with the slimy little prick Ryan is just another example of just how much of a threat that the ruling class truly views the GOP co-opted Tea Party movement as. When featured in fawning front-page pieces in the Wall Street Journal the costumed clown army of pasty, fat, old white folks who are the true targets of scoundrels like Ryan and his ilk are the ultimate of useful idiots. In a true historical context the Tea Party is out protesting in FAVOR of the iron-fisted, tyranny of rule by the British Monarchy. Oh, and the homage to Ryan is written by none other than the extremist reactionary Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker who tabbed the rat-faced Ryan as “the Prophet of Republican Economics”.. you just couldn’t make shit like this up!
Charles and David Koch – After being outed as top financiers for the hostile fascist takeover of America the previously subterranean Koch Brothers have been working furiously to launch a public relations blitz for damage control. Their inclusion in the Top 100 is evidence of this but their images as some sort of misunderstood America loving patriots is about as dishonest and ridiculous as BP’s recent ad blitz featuring a parade of Louisiana residents inviting tourists to eat their contaminated shrimp.
General David Petraeus – None other than Defense Secretary Robert Gates contributed the gut-wrenching tribute to our very own General James Mattoon Scott. Nothing much needs to be said about Petraeus, the four-star bullshit artist who was pegged by his one time superior office Admiral James Fallon as an “ass-kissing little chickenshit”. King David is truly a disgrace to the uniform, for more in depth coverage see the Rolling Stone piece entitled King David’s War detailing how Petraeus cuts deals with murdering drug-lords as he promotes Surge II.
Joe Scarborough – That a guy who while a sitting congressman in Florida once had an ugly little inconvenience of a dead female intern being found in his office “morning Joe” has certainly carved out a place for himself that is very dear to the ruling elites is a textbook example of real American values.
Michelle Bachmann/Rush Limbaugh – The Minnesota moonbat Bachmann has replaced the deposed Sarah Palin as the leader of the wave of reactionary right-wing anti-intellectualism that is the equivalent of that of the Khmer Rouge and is the spokeswoman for the scumbagger mouthbreathers. The “conservatives delight” (of course there is nothing even remotely conservative about these fascists) is hailed by none other than that paragon of moral values Rush Limbaugh who claims to have “talent on loan from God” yet can’t achieve an erection without pharmaceutical assistance. While Glenn Beck was the sort of demagogue that would have made Der Sturmer proud it was the pigman whose pioneering rise as the voice of angry white male animosity poisoned the American heartland after Reagan fucked over the farmers and facilitated the early destruction of all that once made this county great. When Poppy Bush was riding high it was Limbaugh who he credited for his success, so much so that the diseased pig was invited to sleep overnight in the Lincoln Bedroom at the White Hose where he probably jacked off under the sheets.
Jamie Dimon – I have to say that I admire Time’s restraint here in honoring only one of the degenerate gamblers of Wall Street who have destroyed the economy and are still paying out millions in bonuses as the reassemble their toxic shit into more speculative instruments to finish the job. Only in America.
Arianna Huffington – Dubbed the Baroness of the blogosphere for her callous selling of her website Huffington Post (second only to the cyber den of iniquity of the great orange satan Markos Moulitsas-Zuniga’s Daily Kos as the most disingenuous and exploitative ‘liberal’ site) to corporate behemoth AOL for $315 million. You would figure that after a payday like that Der Baroness could scrounge up some change from her couch cushions to pay for the content that others contribute to the Huff Po but she exhibits the same sort of sneering sense of entitlement and disdain for those lower than her exalted status as Leona Helmsley. I must say that I consider it a badge of honor that in my six years as a blogger that I NEVER stooped to trying to get any of my work published at the Huffington Post.
Oprah Winfrey – Any serious honoring of the swine of American society would be incomplete without Oprah Inc. whose charismatic cult leader mass appeal could induce millions to eat a bowl of fresh dogshit on command. Oprah is the avatar of a colony of television lobotomized zombies who are slaves of the mind in Murka, as media critic Danny Schechter so aptly puts it “the more they watched, the less they knew”, if TV induced psychosis were a religion Oprah Winfrey would be its messiah.
Marine Le Pen – Daughter of uber-fascist Jean Marie Le Pen, the French counterpart to the U.S. Republican party when it comes to anti-gay, xenophopic, hatemongering anti-Semitic politics that are the bred and butter of leaders of the international klaven of Tea Baggers.
Benjamin Netanyahu – By definition every head of state is a war criminal, Bibi, the vicious and cunning overlord of the human rights abusing rogue state Israel whose mastery of the American fifth column of Christian Zionist extremists is truly a master of war.Now revving up for another incursion into Gaza that will be greeted with cheers by devotees of Israel’s off with their heads style of diplomacy.
Joe Biden – At least the picture of the veep didn’t have him with his nose embedded up Netanyahu’s ass. The piece, written by the ultra slimy and foul mouthed political hack Rahm Emanuel exalts Biden as “America’s Counselor in Chief” for the wonderful guidance that he has provided Obama during the third Bush term (or is it Clinton’s fifth?).
Noticeably absent was the 2009 Man of the Year Ben Bernanke, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck or the Donald for that matter…

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe


American Insurgency: Let’s Roll

February 19, 2011
The most astonishing thing so far in this month of global unrest that has the Middle East and North Africa ablaze with the passions of revolution is that for the first time, and much to my total shock, real Americans have gotten off of their asses and are out in the streets. With the protests in Wisconsin, an uprising against the despotic Governor Scott Walker’s war on labor now entering the weekend the oligarchy is getting restive. Now the word is out that the goons are going to be bussed in by the thousands courtesy of the insipid, right-wing dipshit Andrew Breitbart we could be on the brink of a new era of American insurgency, or with any luck at all, a full blown civil war. In Wisconsin, before the euphoria of the beloved publicly owned Green Bay Packers emerging victorious from the opulent and ice-covered Jerry Dome with the Vince Lombardi trophy in hand had abetted, the fight was on with Governor Walker whose flagrant union busting budget enraged state workers and sent them to the streets. Members of the Super Bowl champion Packers were also coming forth as outspoken critics of Governor Hosni Walker. While the corporate pocket media desperately tried to ignore the unrest lest any others start getting the idea that like in Egypt, revolutions sometimes succeed the lack of coverage was overcome by the internet and social media. Now that the toothpaste is out of the tube there is nothing left to do but send in the thugs. Now I wouldn’t personlly encourage anything like putting a real bounty on Breitbart’s butt-ugly head but were there to be someone who did I would be more than happy to kick something into the kitty.
Andrew Breitbart is a particularly obnoxious and nasty little son of a bitch, real degenerate scum. Fresh off his recently being bitch-smacked with a civil lawsuit for his defamatory, racist smearing of former Agriculture Department head Shirley Sherrod, he has to be in a particularly ill-tempered mood as he leads the Republican Sturmabteilung into Madison. Breitbart, who rose to prominence in the neocon ratpack of vomit spewing propagandists largely due to his years of servitude to the pole-smoking internet gossip monger Matt Drudge (Breitbart probably got tired of having to suck the stale farts out of the great one’s computer chair seat cushion, this is speculation on my part of course) is not only ready to rile but is suddenly in very serious need of some money from his sugar daddies the Koch Brothers. Breitbart is also one of the key players in promoting that little termite James O’Keefe whose fake pimp video sting was instrumental in the early Republican plan to define Barack Obama as a racist who would use his presidency to enslave the white race or some horseshit like that that only appeals to the dumb and angry, both of which are in abundance in this once great country. O’Keefe is an interesting story, primarily for his involvement and arrest in the a bridge too far bugging of Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu’s phones. This story is bizarre in that it seems to indicate that there is more behind the actions of Breitbart and O’Keefe than just right-wing ideology and fraternity boy pranks, something like an actual intelligence operation but that is a story for another time. 
Also being trotted out onto the FOX box to engage in the propaganda war is none other than the as of late, strangely reclusive wild Alaskan moonbat Sarah Palin to attack the unions. Palin, after the huge public relations debacle of having her bufoonish creator William Kristol and neocon speechwriters allow her to denounce the reputedly librul [sic] media by using the term “blood libel” to describe those who somewhat accurately alluded to the influence that the idiot queen had amongst the mentally unstable with her thinly veiled and violent rhetoric. While it still has yet to be determined whether Jared Lee Loughner was a right-winger despite the Weekly Standard led hogwash that he had BOTH the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf listed on his MySpace page (could two ideological works possibly be more diametrically opposed?) which was eaten up by the mouth-breathers in the Dick Armey of Darkness, the lock and load references don’t exactly contribute to peaceful discourse. With the bottom of the barrel, dumber than buckets of shit sort of human waste that are the rock solid Republican haters of the hijacked Tea Party movement it doesn’t take much to incite violence. Match that sort of seething animosity and hair trigger tempers, combine dog whistle encouragement from Breitbart, Palin the cynical multi-millionaire phony populist Glenn Beck and King Fatso Rush Limbaugh and you have a recipe for some serious ugliness in Wisconsin today. Especially since the targets are a bunch of silly, pacifist, holier than thou, anti-second amendment, soft as butter liberals. It could get really, really ugly and don’t count on Governor Walker to call off the skull cracking once it gets going. Here is hoping that the Teamsters will be mustering thousands of their own to protect against a right-wing pogrom.
Really though, this is nothing new, throughout the history of this sordid and rotting by the minute star-spangled lemming colony violent goons have ALWAYS been brought in to put down challenges to their precious looter capitalist system. Some of the more notable historic incidences are the infamous Ludlow massacre, the Johnson County War, the bloodbath at Matewan, the putdown of the Bonus Army and many, many other occasions where acts of sanctioned violence were the tool out of the box rather than the last resort to putdown threats to entrenched money and power. Wisconsin’s scumbagger backed fascist dictator Scott Walker has already put the state National Guard on notice, perhaps today will be his moment of glory when he can have them fix their bayonets and with the help of Breitbart’s goons crush the uprising, nip it in the bud before a full blown revolt against the looter capitalist pigs, their police state and the plutocrats that it serves begins to catch on and give the legions of jobless something constructive and redemptive to do.

Down here in Florida, the diseased penis of America we have our own problems. A bald-headed, money-sucking, egotistical fanatic and corporate ghoul named Rick Scott (whose Columbia/HCA corporation was responsible for the largest Medicare fraud in U.S. history and who admitted to 14 counts) has just upped the ante by making a big public showing of refusing 2.4 billion dollars of big gubmint [sic] money for a high-speed rail system and in doing so already reneged on his promise to bring jobs to the state. Instead of acting in the best interests of the state, the megalomaniac Scott is hellbent on continuing to pander to the scumbagger miscreants who are easily hoodwinked into easy conscription  into the angry army, led by their leader Rick “General Bethlehem” Scott in the ongoing jihad against that uppity, Muslim, Commie black man in the White House. In these parts they really don’t grow them very smart to begin with but today’s Florida is a hodgepodge of humanity running the gamut from multi-generational Cuban right-wing fanatics in Miami all the way up to the Raptureheads and Jesus juicers in Jacksonville, the strip mall church capital of America. Mix in longtime rural Floridians who proudly refer to themselves as “crackers”. Then there are well heeled retirees (most of the regular old folks got run out of the state during the real estate bubble when greedy developers bought their humble trailer park land out from under them for their condo projects)  whose animosity towards any idea that is remotely progressive is rooted in their 1950’s myopia when Joe McCarthy was riding high and fightin’ those damned Commie agents in Murka and the colored folks knew their place in the back of the bus, the Archie Bunker worshippers, you know,‘those were the days’. Also there are the lam greedheads who despite being crooks to the nth degree they are able to shelter their ill-gotten gains thanks to the state’s extremely favorable homestead laws and filthy, swindling carpetbaggers like Rick Scott who slimed his way here from elsewhere and you have on seriously fucked up and dysfunctional roiling cauldron of a very potent witches brew that with a bit more stirring of the pot could turn into pure nitroglycerin.
Now fortunately, although being in the south, Florida is pretty so far south that it really isn’t south, nothing like Judge Roy Moore’s Alabama or Bull Connor’s Mississippi where they are still fighting the fucking Civil War. I also happen to live in a major metropolitan area that is pretty diverse although it’s only about a 45 minute drive to Yahooville and the entrenched peckerwoods whose devotion to the racist Republican party is second only to God himself. Here in Tampa, on the outskirts of town we have the world’s largest Confederate flag flying on glorious display and there are sporadic fights in some areas to have Martin Luther King’s name stripped from streets and schools. This is the land of plenty for the low-hanging fruit that the Koch Brothers and the other sponsors of the Tea Party are easily able to pluck by the bushel load and while Madison may right now be the battleground for the war that the pigs who run this shithole just can’t lose it could easily break out here at any given time with hostility running high. Florida is teeming with teabagger rats and the Republican strategists like Karl Rove and his ilk fully understand that. The fact that Tampa also happens to be the proud host city for the 2012 Republican Party Convention, a neo-Nazi lollapalooza means that the ugliness is coming very soon and very likely I will be at ground zero when the local Gauleiters muster their Becked up and armed to the teeth bund members for a gathering that could be America’s very own Nuremberg. If the GOP is capable of finding a charismatic Führer (or Führeress) in time to engage in battle royale against Barack Hussein Obama to save the righteous from the deeply embedded servants of the Islamofascist Caliphate (like ACORN) before they allow the Antichrist to consolidate his power by gaining a second term in the White House.
Given that Scott has in less than two months alienated not only any sane person who happens to live here but also key Republicans who don’t line up at the Tea Party Kool Aid vat to shuck and jive with pissed off white niggers but also key business interests who had much invested in the rail plan. While the legislature is working furiously to override Saddam Scott the teabagger terrorists are busy in coercing any sort of honorable conservatives (not an oxymoron) to fall into line. Scott, like that oily little prick Marco Rubio benefited greatly when the ambitious empty suit that is Charlie Crist decided that his gig as Governor of Florida was not high profile enough and decided to run for U.S. Senate. The ensuing debacle which serendipitously coincided with the well financed and impeccably choreographed Republican co-opted Tea Party uprising against Obama’s death panels was largely responsible for Scott’s ascension. With Crist run out of the GOP on a rail for not passing the ideological purity purge of decrying Obamacare as socialism (as if enacting that backdoor bailout of the insurance industry parasites is anything other than the worst sort of crony capitalism) and was forced into a third party candidacy for the seat which was doomed from the start. Scott, like the pathological grifter that he is rode the wave of dumbed down and FOXed up scumbaggers and still only barely beat out a Rachel Maddow lookalike named Alex Sink for the governorship. While Sink’s ties to the banking industry was no assurance that she would have done anything other than continue to enrich the Wall Street economy destroyers at least she wasn’t psychotic. There are already whispers of a recall against Scott and such a move could have a good deal of crossover appeal given the shamelessness of the Governor and a broad based enemies list that is more inclusive with each and every idiotic decree that he issues.
Barring that there is always a possibility of a march on Tallahassee by a pitchfork bearing mob determined to chase that scoundrel from power just as Hosni Mubarak was ousted.
This is why a successful working class insurgency is so very dangerous to these pricks and must be crushed at all costs.