December 31, 2009

“Those who sacrifice freedom for temporary security deserve neither.”

— Benjamin Franklin

The Christmas Day underwear bomber, courtesy of the pocket media kingmakers, the neocon filth, the Republican rump (aka Cheney’s stay behind network) and the rotten whore political operation that is the great Obama fraud run by Rahm Emanuel has now been the final cog snapping into place for the new American police state. As Mr. Obama’s standard rhetoric increasingly resembles that of his idiot predecessor (minus the shit salesman with a mouth full of free samples style syntax of course) with references to that holy day 9/11 and threats against the ‘terrorists’ so America once more begins to resemble that fear-stricken land of scared little rabbits from back in the day when George W. Bush rode tall in the saddle, dissent was treason and honest questions were shouted down by political lynch mobs and propagandists as terrorist appeasement.

Be proud Americans, honor your heritage with the blissful knowledge that you can now shit in your pants during the last hour of your flights, wallow in your own filth for it is your collective cowardice and ignorance that has dragged those of us who have a fucking backbone and give a rat’s ass about civil liberties and freedom into that river of shit that you lovingly wallow in, it is your natural habitat you stupid motherfuckers, you rotten, shallow, yellow, spineless, willfully ignorant, fat, drunk and stupid bitches and bastards. Cowardice has spread like a virulent and terminal disease through this world’s largest lemming colony, it is nurtured by a willful ignorance that would be seen as shameful in any advanced civilization but here in Murka it is a virtue and a terrified and dim-witted populace is a tyranical system’s wettest of wet dreams. What has happened to this place?

Be proud of your legacy for the graves of your ancestors have been pissed on by your quivering bladders and your children and grandchildren have been sold like whores into lives of slavery by your ongoing capitulation to this horseshit. Where was the outrage when the Wall Street looters escaped with nary a slap on the wrist and the key to the U.S. Treasury to finance their gambling and Ponzi schemes while Americans were stripped of their jobs, lost their homes and then had the indignity forced upon them of having to actually pay for the lavish bonuses of the banksters this holiday season, the same fiends who sucked the marrow from the rotting carcass that was the once mighty American economy? Where is the outrage over the coming forced purchase of coverage from the insurance parasites with failure to comply being a crime? Where was the outrage when the Obama administration refused to release pictures of children being sodomized by sadistic military monsters at Abu Ghraib? Where was the outrage when Bush and Cheney’s domestic spying operations were left in place to serve the interests of the new Emperor and his minions, drunk on powers that they at one time denounced but learned to love once they controlled them? Where was the moral indignation at the escalation in Afghanistan? The cowardly use of drones to blast civilians into hamburger to protect the narcotics trade that has for so long served the interests of the elite in financing off the books black operations?

It wasn’t fucking there, that’s where it was and it isn’t there now that this mentally unstable dupe is allowed onto an airplane with a mini-bomb sown into his Fruit of the Looms. The panic was immediate, calculated and spread like poisoned pollen by a media propaganda machine that has no peer. On Christmas night Americans were wakened from their slumbers and taught to fear again, oh, it is that sweet, sweet fear that this filthy, rotting from the inside corpse of a democracy needs like the kiss of the dragon, the sweet taking of the spike into the vein, the megahit of adrenaline to the nervous system that revs the engine of the police state. Commandment Number One: There SHALT BE FEAR and let it ring from sea to shining sea while the inquisitions are prepared, the watch lists drawn up and the full body scanners installed so that surly failed policemen and the glorified door shaker security guards empowered by the state can sit and peek at cowed travelers in their full dirty, nasty, naked glory. How they will fantasize at the little boy penises and ripe little twats of prepubescent teen girls, there will no doubt be the sound proofed rooms where the chosen plucked fruit will be hauled off for private ‘screening’ and those lovingly conducted body cavity searches. This is the way it works in any dictatorship and these same procedures will one day be in your local shopping malls too because we must be kept safe from those dirty Satanic Muslims who want to kill us all for our blessed, God kissed, star-spangled freedoms. It’s just like 9-11 all over again and the irony that this greatest gift of them all to the fascists who run this corrupt cesspool would come on Christmas Day, it couldn’t be sweeter if jolly fat capitalist Santa had dropped off long haired liberal Jesus to be crucified for our sins anew.

Decades of Hollywood propaganda have successfully imbedded the image of the Arab male as a swarthy, foaming at the mouth, sneaky, America hating savage and therefore the image is all too easily conjured forth whenever the government decides that it becomes necessary to use as a tool for manufacturing consent. The fairly new slogan of ‘Islamofascism’ serves to perfectly illustrate this strategy. I reference a fine little book that I read quite awhile back called American Terminator which examines the affects of movies in shaping and reinforcing the basis for a mythical American exceptionalism and its desire for Empire, an Empire that now with a bankrupt society (both financially and morally) MUST have a police state to continue to exist. The following passage is from that book which I strongly recommend to everybody with an interest in just how celluloid serves as a delivery device that is very useful in the indoctrination process.

Fear is essential: ‘Be afraid, be very afraid’ is the American condition. To live in America is to be beset by fear, anxiety and insecurity, to be surrounded by potential harm, enemies and evil intent. And the wolf is always at the door. A nation of optimists is the more usual self-representation of America. Repetitively, Hollywood films conclude with a resolution, a rescue, and the winners ride off into the sunset or snuggle into a warm embrace that reassures us they will live happily ever after. The formulaic ending, however, is necessary because the plot, the narrative, is founded on and propelled by fear and anxiety, the dark essential underpinning of the American condition. For America fear is an original, natural condition, the inescapable birth rite (and birth right), the inherited condition of a fragile existence that must constantly be defended. Without fear there is no America; constant recourse to fear is the motivating force that determines its actions and reactions.

And might I add that the ongoing demonization/dehumanization of Muslims is very like what Hitler and the Nazis did to the Jews back before the gas chambers and blast furnaces were running at full capacity.

So wallow in your own shit you little patriotic soon to be pickled piggies, twiddle your thumbs and above all obey authority whether it be legitimate or not for your number is coming up for your big ride to the steel chute. Enjoy your last moments of blissful ignorance, of your rotten fence sitting acquiescence, your sniveling consent, the luxury of your stupidity and bask in the smell of your feces, you shall soon be forced to eat it. And most of all enjoy the most putrid stench of them all, the stench of denial because like your historical brethren in Krautland who just didn’t notice the smell emanating from the smokestacks at Auschwitz and the other state liquidation facilities neither shall you when your neighbors are turned into so much human smoke.

You best of intentioned crusader liberals, you goddamned ignoramus Beckers, Palinazis and teabaggers, so intent are you at your little games where you are manipulated like the brainless meat puppets that you have always been can now continue to squabble while the yokes are prepped for the slaves who have been deprived of freedom due to your ignorance, your rotten abandonment of the most basic of duties that would make you informed participants in a functional country. You have all failed, don’t blame the billion dollar indoctrination machine that is the media, as there is free will so you too are free to not jettison your minds, you spines, your civic responsibilities. Shit, why am I even wasting my time, it’s like pearls before swine….ignorant fucking swine shitting on each other as they near the chutes.

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe


The Cherry On Top of the 2009 Shit Cake

December 29, 2009

Sweet Jesus, could the bankster’s hostile takeover be any more blatant than this? The national ‘news’ rag Time Magazine has chosen Mr. Green Shoots himself as the 2009 Man of the Year. Helicopter Ben will join such luminaries who were previously honored by Time as Adolf Hitler, Joe Stalin, the Ayatollah Khomeini and George W. Bush. One must marvel at the sheer lunacy and corruption that has overtaken America in the first decade of this foulest of centuries, that this financial terrorist is now being lionized in phase two of the greatest propaganda campaign since General Petraeus’s SURGE shows the utter lack of regard that the ruling oligarchy has towards us peasants. Shit, why not just feature Lloyd Blankfein or Wall Street water carrier Tim Geithner?

It is notable that Mr. Barack Obama did not adorn the cover, then again he isn’t up for Senate confirmation for a second term. The Senate along with the dirty little vermin Lieberman will surely enthrone King Ben now that they have finished dismantling any hope of health care reform and thrown the full force of the state behind the insurance vampires. While there is some opposition to Helicopter Ben’s ongoing reign of terror and 24/7/365 counterfeiting it is largely going to be swept away, you know that the deal is done when an unprincipled showboat like John McCain is making noises about Benanke, the penultimate liar, cheat and political con artist whose desperation nearly single handedly created the Frankenstein monster that is Sarah Palin has never met an opportunity to sleazily hijack an issue for political gain and opposing Ben (d’over) Bernanke is yet another of those times for Mr. Keating Five.

Anyway, the Time puff piece should serve as notice to all who are awake that the dollar crash is coming and that soon it is going to take the proverbial wheelbarrow full of Reichmarks to buy a bag of potato chips so start stocking your pantries with non-perishible food items, buy ammo like there is no tomorrow and prepare to hunker down for the day when the shit hits the fan, the bailout bubble bursts and the rabble is in the streets like zombies from some B horror flick looking to eat. Hyperinflation is coming as surely as the jobs aren’t coming back all thanks to the Man of the Year.

The Cherry On Top of the 2009 Shit Cake

December 17, 2009

Sweet Jesus, could the bankster’s hostile takeover be any more blatant than this? The national ‘news’ rag Time Magazine has chosen Mr. Green Shoots himself as the 2009 Man of the Year. Helicopter Ben will join such luminaries who were previously honored by Time as Adolf Hitler, Joe Stalin, the Ayatollah Khomeini and George W. Bush. One must marvel at the sheer lunacy and corruption that has overtaken America in the first decade of this foulest of centuries, that this financial terrorist is now being lionized in phase two of the greatest propaganda campaign since General Petraeus’s SURGE shows the utter lack of regard that the ruling oligarchy has towards us peasants. Shit, why not just feature Lloyd Blankfein or Wall Street water carrier Tim Geithner?

It is notable that Mr. Barack Obama did not adorn the cover, then again he isn’t up for Senate confirmation for a second term. The Senate along with the dirty little vermin Lieberman will surely enthrone King Ben now that they have finished dismantling any hope of health care reform and thrown the full force of the state behind the insurance vampires. While there is some opposition to Helicopter Ben’s ongoing reign of terror and 24/7/365 counterfeiting it is largely going to be swept away, you know that the deal is done when an unprincipled showboat like John McCain is making noises about Benanke, the penultimate liar, cheat and political con artist whose desperation nearly single handedly created the Frankenstein monster that is Sarah Palin has never met an opportunity to sleazily hijack an issue for political gain and opposing Ben (d’over) Bernanke is yet another of those times for Mr. Keating Five.

Anyway, the Time puff piece should serve as notice to all who are awake that the dollar crash is coming and that soon it is going to take the proverbial wheelbarrow full of Reichmarks to buy a bag of potato chips so start stocking your pantries with non-perishible food items, buy ammo like there is no tomorrow and prepare to hunker down for the day when the shit hits the fan, the bailout bubble bursts and the rabble is in the streets like zombies from some B horror flick looking to eat. Hyperinflation is coming as surely as the jobs aren’t coming back all thanks to the Man of the Year.

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe


A Happy Holiday Hosing to All

December 16, 2009

Christmas is coming and it will be a sad occasion in the tent cities and other homeless shelters that are a result of the mammoth, sans lube ass fucking delivered by the American oligarchy and it’s whores like that vile corrupt little bastard Joe Lieberman in D.C., Wall Street bagman Barack Obama has delivered a veritable sleighful of same old shit instead of the change that was promised, the worn and threadbare stockings are going to be as empty as his campaign promises and the souls of Wall Street bankers. In yet another of the craven cave-ins by the Vichy DemocRAT party the shit pit Senate commanded by one former Nevada Gaming Commissioner Harry Reid has gutted any sort of health care ‘reform’ short of arming the insurance parasites and empowering them to force the financially doomed to buy protection money, considering Harry’s rumored affiliation with organized crime is it really any surprise that it came to this? Yesterday it was Lansky Lieberman’s baseball bat strike to the kneecaps that killed the new 55 year old age lowering for Medicare eligibility (which would satisfy my personal needs – fuck everyone else and the public option too…I am going native in the land of ‘fuck you I got mine) and today it’s smacking down the importation of pharmaceuticals from Canada. Bring out the leeches! Oh, don’t bother, they’re already here.

So we once again arrive at the ‘most wonderful time of the year’, the right-wing freaks are again shrieking about the phony librul [sic] War on Christmas, this time plumbing the depths of the deranged mind of peckerwoods, Beckers and Palinazis with the ludicrous claim that phony librul Obama had scheduled his presidential address on December 1st to preempt that great American traditional holiday treat A Charlie Brown Christmas. This latest upchucking of fascist media bile even tops the typical Yuletide green vomit spew of Bill O’Reilly and the rest of the FOX Nazis, it seems to me that for one thing Obama was giving the speech to announce the escalation of the war in Afghanistan and we all know that war and murdering Muslim babies is as beloved to the savage chickenhawk cowards on the right as Grandma’s sweet potato pie and secondly wasn’t one of the big themes of A Charlie Brown Christmas the creeping commercialism that had taken over Christmas to begin with? I mean here in the near fully evolved Capitalist shithole of dog eat dog Murka Santa and the retailers, credit card companies and Madison Avenue pimps long ago triumphed over Jesus who has played second banana to the jolly fat man in the red suit for decades now. Gotta give it to the right wing freaks, their sense of history is as distorted as ever and it’s just more piss in the egg nog for everyone else.

So anyway, I want to throw out a few Christmas thoughts before my annual holiday hiatus from blogging (I will return after the first of the year) and foremost I want to give a nice big thank you to Citibank’s top flesh eating buzzard Vikram ‘the bandit’ Pandit. Your government subsidized den of usury and iniquity sent me out a nice little statement on my credit cards (which I had for year and NEVER missed a payment date on) that announced that I could either choose to keep your little plastic devil cards and agree to a 30 + percent interest rate or opt-out by a specified date and keep my old terms. Thanks for the warning fuckwad and thanks even more for this list of stuff that I, Ed Encho have put on your cards prior to my opting out and then advising my lawyer to send you my intention to file bankruptcy letters in the next few months:

1 – 2 year subscription to International Socialist Review
1 – digital camera
1 – Blu Ray player
1 – Inglourious Basterds Blu Ray
1 – Dark Knight Blu Ray
1 – Gladiator Saphire Edition Blu Ray
1 – V for Vendetta Blu Ray
1 – Acer Netbook mini-computer
1 – iPod nano 6th generation (16 gbs)
5 – cases Samuel Adams beer
4 – cases Budweiser
3 – 1.75 liter bottles of Captain Morgan’s Spiced Rum
1 – 1.75 liter bottle of Grand Marnier
2 – Quarts of Jack Daniels sippin’ whiskey
4 – Gallons assorted Gallo jugs of wine
3 – Spiral Sliced Hams (avg. 7 lbs)
2 – Butterball frozen turkey breasts
5 – lbs gourmet coffee
1 – programmable deluxe coffee maker
5 – Assorted Video Games
1 – Drive By Truckers CD
1 – REM Live CD
1 – Each remastered Beatles CD’s (Abbey Road, White Album, Sgt. Pepper)
5 – pounds fresh 20-25 shrimp
5 – pounds fresh snow crab legs
2 – Boxes of 48 miniature cordial chocolate liquor bottles
2 – Cheescake Factory 12 individual sliced cheesecakes
10 lbs – Planters Dry Roasted peanuts
5 lbs – Macadamia nuts
6 – Assorted dog chew toys (moose, duck, bobo, holiday bobo, raccoon, pig and hedgehog)
1 – Deluxe dog bed
1 – Dinner for four at the Outback restaurant along with appetizers (the coconut shrimp are just fucking great) and drinks.

So you little pigfucker, I would like to thank you from myself, my family and my friends for all of the great swag that I have run up in the last few weeks on Citi’s dole and I still have nine more shopping days to go, just under 2,000 left (can you say PARTY TIME) of available credit and thirteen more days until the opt out deadline. I would strongly encourage every other American who is on to the scam to do likewise. It’s a way to boost the economy by buying shit during the season and to shaft you sleazy pricks on the back end.

And if there is anything I hate more than the very concept of Christmas and what it has mutated into in Capitalist America – malls full of morons, political operatives using the season to pander to the angry white fuckwads who have been deprived of it all for their entire pathetic lives, having to be nice to people who you ordinarily would sooner rip their throats out, relatives straight out of National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation – it is the inconvenient little truth that it’s not even Jesus’s birthday, it is an arbitrary date plucked from the ass of the Roman Emperor Constantine in something like the Fourth Century, don’t tell that to the Palinazi zombies though. You see my friends, Christmas is bullshit, it has been eaten alive by Santa Claus and same pus filled, four-flushing scumbags who are arbitrarily altering the rules on credit card accounts in the aftermath of their bloodsucking feast at the taxpayer trough. It’s all phony and here in Chumpland the suckers eat it up.

And one of the most hypocritical and dishonest aspects of the holiday season is having to pretend to like people who are complete assholes, ignoramuses, blowhards, bigots and the worst of them all: Republicans. A wasted night, usually on a Saturday when there are the NCAA football conference championship games on and spent amidst a gaggle of boring, self-centered idiots who know nothing of history, economics, civics or a concept of what really goes on in the world that is more advanced than the cartoon bullshit that passes for the news in this rotting empire. I must qualify my disdain for these parties in that I do make a distinction between family gatherings and parties with close friends rather than co-workers or the even more dreadful spouse’s co-workers. These affairs are intolerable, the music sucks, the company is bad and often times since they are pot luck events the food is even worse.

A particularly embarrassing and rather disgusting experience that has haunted me for quite awhile comes to mind. One year despite knowing better I allowed myself to be dragged to a Christmas party despite having a gastrointestinal virus (not a good thing for those who suffer from the dreaded I.B.S. to begin with. Now at this party there were about thirty people crammed into a smallish two bedroom suburban house with one and a half bathrooms. Now when the beer and booze are flowing at these sort of soirees there is always a wait for the use of the facilities as the evening goes on. Now combine the aforementioned gastrointestinal virus, I.B.S. and some food that is served (I believe that it was some sort of dip that did it) are a seriously problematic combination. Now when you take into consideration the long lines to use the john, the perfect storm comes together, a category four bowel storm to put it more precisely.

By the time that I painfully winded my way down the hallway, doubled over in agony and feeling like the alien was gestating inside of me I was able to make it inside the bathroom. My pants were already down before the door was fully closed and I just managed to park upon the porcelain a split second before what felt like three cubic feet of volcanic mud erupted from my ass at terminal velocity. I know that this is pretty gross but now comes the truly horrifying part. The shitstorm was so fierce that it flew up the back of the throne and soaked the synthetic fur cover of the toilet seat. So now in addition to having a hallway full of angry revelers about to piss in their pants ready to break down the door it was necessary to work very quickly to wash out the toilet cover – unfortunately it was the half bath so the sink was the only place available. The best that I could do was to get the festive Christmas red and white fur toilet seat cover back to more of a maroon and beige and then still half dripping back onto the lid which I propped up again and slithered away hoping that nobody would make the connection and blame me for it. Then I immediately got into my car without saying goodbye and drove like hell away from the scene of the crime.

Now before anybody gets a really negative idea about my character I must admit that I made the whole thing up but you get the point. I did however attend a party once where a lady from the office got so shitfaced that she passed out on the boss’s bed and then once the room started spinning out of control vomited a malodorous mess of jungle juice punch, egg nog and half-digested mini-meatballs and little smokies all over what looked to be a very expensive white fur comforter. Since I loathed both of them I laughed so hard that I nearly really did shit my pants.

If there is a silver lining to the coming economic collapse it is that the caterwauling little monsters at the mall will no longer be able to get everything that they want because daddy and mommy’s plastic is maxed out once and for all. This country has been submerged in shit largely because of the ignorant toxic waste generation who were children during the Reagan years along with their greedy, self-indulgent, boorish materialism who have for too long been taught that ignorance is a virtue and who have been weaned suckling at the tit of instant gratification. For the first time in these little spoiled brat’s lives they are going to finally learn the meaning of the word NO because after the dismal results for this holiday season are announced there will be more store and restaurant closures, commercial property defaults and millions of additional lost jobs as corporations continue to cut deeper to the bone with no further vision than the quarterly earnings statement. The corporations who rigged the system to monopolize America are now going to have to deal with something entirely new – a beggared population who can’t afford a pack of fucking ramen noodles let alone the must have junk and gadgetry that all children ages 3 to 70 with an available line of credit have become accustomed to. I really hope that the coming hardship and era of austerity will make better people of the average American (and this starts with the children) ‘consumer’ (I hate that term, it’s so fucking dehumanizing) as they are forced to live within their means and to enjoy the simple things in life. Hell, my grandparents and their generation survived a depression, fought a world war, were civically active and well informed and managed to create the most advanced and wealthy society in modern history before the baby boomers and Generation Reagan fucked it all up.

So you happy hosed Murkans this is it for this morning’s rant and for the rat bastard plague year of 2010 when even the illusion of being fucked with a smile was shattered. HO HO HO and may your holiday be bright.

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe


ps: During a visit to my local Borders on last week’s Citibank sponsored shopping spree I was a bit aghast to see a pyramid built out of hundreds of Glenn Beck’s ghostwritten hunk of asswipe Arguing With Idiots (you know, the one with Dear Leader on the cover in a fucking East German Stasi uniform) along with smaller displays of Sarah Palin’s ghostwritten tome and for good measure another nice display of Glenn Beck’s Christmas Sweater book (a straightjacket would be far more appropriate). Borders and the rest of the retailers should just do the right thing and donate all of that overpriced, moronic drivel to the poor so that they can burn something in their fireplaces for heat this winter. Happy Holidays to All!

Wall Street to Obama: Go Fuck Yourself!

December 15, 2009

Monday’s White House meeting/public relations spectacle with the recalcitrant greedheads and other assorted banking miscreants was a mockery. As the orgy of American capitalist excess that is Christmas nears and millions of children won’t be visited by Santa Clause unless of course he is bearing a foreclosure notice on Daddy and Mommie’s overpriced, underwater shitbox the banksters are back in business big time thanks to Obama and Raht Emanuel. At some point last year when the financial services parasites were holding a gun to our collective heads and loudly threatening to ‘blow the roof’ like in Die Hard unless their bad bets were covered by taxpayer dough the overly cunning new administration, already funded by Wall Street looters made a calculated political decision to crucify the schmucks on a cross of Goldman Sachs. Hell, it’s no surprise, that is the way that it always works in an oligarchy and any O-Bots who are out there still defending this lying sack of shit administration are as clueless and morally challenged as those who swore on a stack of bibles that George W. Bush was the second coming of Jesus Fucking Christ and anyone who dared to question him was a terrorist sympathizer or traitor.

So the Pope of Hope’s vaunted White House meet with the destroyers of the country may have been good for the rubes and childish fools still drinking the Kool Aid of the Obamessiah to those of us that have been on to the big con can had our bullshit detectors going off full blast just as they have been doing often as the grifter in chief continues every fucking vile policy of the Bush junta only with a less ostentatious manner. Escalation of the war in Afghanistan to protect the energy and drug routes that are the lifeblood of the American ruling class, the continuation of torture as policy (although under Obama Jack Bauer is no longer the official spokesman), the ongoing Stasi style surveillance of law abiding citizens, shitting on gay rights, failing to pull the U.S. out of disastrous trade pacts and retaining Bush pigs like Robert Gates and Helicopter Ben Bernanke build a pretty damning case against Obama. Hell, after that speech last week in front of the Noble Prize Committee where the bastard actually had the chutzpah to get up and use the forum as a justification for neverending war it’s really only a matter of time until the neocons are back in the DemocRAT party where they came from. Oh, and about that health care reform? Face it suckers, you have just been buttfucked by the quisling Congress, the Israeli mole Joe Lieberman and the collective might of the insurance industry who are now about to strip out the only goddamned good thing – moving the Medicare age up to 55. Welcome to chumpland fools, thanks to the Obama administration and mobbed up Harry Reid the state is about to be empowered to force an impoverished citizenry to pay protection to the insurance gangsters or face the full fury of the law.

Were it not for legions of buffoons and Judas goat assclowns like Markos Moulitsas Zuniga on the so-called ‘left’ who provide cover for the gross criminality of the sitting government the Obama administration would be one and done but the cult of personality will be good enough to reelect the rotten bastard, especially since the only choice is Sarah Palin, Lou Dobbs or Glenn Beck any of whom are starting to look like better options than the Big O because shit, let’s face it, how much power would any of them be able to wield anyway? This lemming colony is owned lock stock and barrel by the Military Industrial Complex, the Wall Street cloud dwellers and Big Oil Nazis like the Koch Family and the Texas Mafia, always has been and always will be, the Prez is just a frontman and Mr. Obama is the most successful product since Ronald Reagan, another colossal phony whose acting ability was a cherished trait as he bamboozled our way into what is now the coming national bankruptcy.

So Monday’s sit down with the banking criminal elite, just like the rest of Obama’s putrid first year was just more stagecraft, especially considering that Lloyd ‘doing God’s work’ Blankfein and Shitibank’s top vulture Vikram ‘the bandit’ Pandit didn’t even bother to show up. That the entire bailout is now going up like a rancid flaming bag of dogshit parked on the front doorstep of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as the banksters aren’t lending but rather hoarding the money to fund more gambling and of course pay out those wonderful holiday bonuses is merely an ugly and slightly embarassing matter and only because the Republicans are suddenly screaming like stuck pigs about populism to rile up the rabble in the hope that they can return to running the spoils system – fat fucking chance. After Christmas has past and the teflon coated shit salesman that is Barack Hussein Obama and his fealty to Wall Street is forgotten by flea brained Americans it will be back to the business of finishing the job of implementing the new feudalism. Matt Taibbi who has been on Wall Street like a starving pitbull recently wrote about Obama’s Big Sellout and I would strongly recommend it to all.

Anyway, that’s it for now

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe


American Whup Ass!

December 2, 2009

We are the champions – my friends
And we’ll keep on fighting
Till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers

Cause we are the champions of the World

The brief interregnum is now over. The naive belief that things were gonna be different can now be shelved along with last year’s Christmas decorations and the change that was supposedly on the way was just another cynical ploy to keep the suckers in check. Last night, before one of the George W. Bush style military prop audiences at West Point the new emperor shed his sheep’s clothing and announced that yes indeed, America was back, bad to the bone and ready to whup some ass on those fucking sand niggas who attacked us on GAG – September 11, 2001. Now the Pope of Hope wasn’t strutting across the deck of an awesome war toy like the USS Abraham Lincoln in a flight suit and a bulging codpiece but it was vintage Bush nonetheless, dig this little line from the long awaited speech. “It is from here that we were attacked on 9/11, and it is from here that new attacks are being plotted as I speak”. And so once again we find more imperialism, murder and atrocity being predicated on the Hitlerian big lie of 9/11. As the old saying goes, the more things change the more they stay the same and in this diseased and nearly dead year of 2009 in the land of crushed hopes and broken dreams, after those filthy scum Wall Street bankers had rolled back the clock to the good ole days of big bonuses and endless casino gambling so has the establishment rolled back the clock to 2003. Bush Lite Obama and his dirty recycled Clinton rat cabal have put their seal of approval on a never ending crusade and will use the full power of the state to shakedown an already impoverished nation of subjects to fund it.

Of course the cruise missile liberals who are nothing other than apologists for this criminal rat bastard administration will spin the promised three year withdrawal as yet another masterplan by the Michael Jordan of politics who is just setting up that one big play…still. In reality though, the three year withdrawal is the equivalent of “baby, I promise to pull it out before I come” and in three years the military presence will be greater, the investment in blood and treasure will be used as yet more justification to continue escalation – like a degenerate gambler who continues to double down even after the mortgage payment has long been pissed away the answer will of course be to feed more human chattel into the meatgrinder. Hell, that’s just the way it is, it has ALWAYS been this way and Gen. Smedley D. Butler was goddamned right when he dared to utter the ultimate American blasphemy that “war is a racket”. And not only is war a racket but any goddamned fool who tries to say that the Democratic party is less hellbent on imperialism and war than the more overtly fascist Republicans is a know-nothing, chattering ass, a lemming in a land that has already been overrun by the insipid things and deserves nothing less than to be denounced and mocked. Woodrow Wilson was a Democrat, FDR was a Democrat and LBJ was a Democrat and they all three presided over monstrous wars. Bill Clinton missed out on the big one that would give him the necessary body count to burnish his credentials as a member of the fraternity of war criminals but he sure bombed the shit out of Belgrade and presided over the crushing economic sanctions that led to the misery of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi children just because Saddam had the temerity to piss off Poppy Bush.

The point is that as a Marxist acquaintance once told me is that both capitalist parties are killers, only one is better at pretending not to be than the other. It’s like comparing Hitler and Stalin and just because the Russians were WW II allies sure as shit didn’t mean that the butcher Stalin was a good guy. Barack Obama is just another charlatan, a cynical whore of a calculating politician and we were all played for fools for believing anything different (and I apologize to those who tried to tell me so), I should have voted for Nader or McKinney, not that it would have made any difference in the end though, the escalation would still be happening because this country is flat out fucking addicted to war. I have yet to see the response from the neo Nazi Republicans today, I am sure that the escalation won’t be enough, I did catch the imbecile McCain pontificating on the television again after the speech but turned it off. Why that filthy son of a bitch who is solely responsible for the plague that is Palinism is given ANY credibility by the corporate media is a testament to just how deep the rot runs. John Sidney McCain III cut his teeth making anti American propaganda videos for the Communist Vietnamese, he has certainly honed his skills as a longtime shill for the real empire of evil that is the Military Industrial Compex captured United States government.

I am sure that the caterwauling on the right will be loud today, we are now back in the morass of national insanity, fear and loathing that rolled out of 9/11 like the putrid cloud of rotting flesh and politically expedient lies belched forth by the Bush-Cheney-Rove Axis of Evil. The Beckers and the Palinazis will be like rabid starved dogs pouncing on a chunk of maggoty meat over Obama’s horseshit withdrawal flim-flammery and FOX will be blazing with bunting draped, faux patriotic warmongering. That much is assured, the diseased dogs of the Republican mass movement ‘conservatism’ will be howling and howling for the emperor’s head on a pike for not giving the blessed General McChrystal all the little green army men that he asked for. Barack Obama will be denounced for letting Osama bin Laden escape, after all, he has always been a secret Muslim who wasn’t even born in the US of A. I can hear it all now, in fact it’s starting to scare me because I know what the fuckers are thinking even before they do, it’s like a serial killer profiler and the lunatics are in my head. Too goddamned much for so early this morning.

I can say one thing however, whatever the Palinazis, Beckers and teabaggers throw at Obama over his lukewarm response to the war on terror that requires nothing less than total genocide he will deserve for it is he who is now invoking the terror talisman to justify his own depraved political agenda. Let the man be hoisted upon his own petard.

Just my two cents over the mornin’ cup o’ joe



December 1, 2009

All you zombies hide your faces
All you people in the street
All you sittin’ in high places
The pieces gonna fall on you

(Editor’s note – this piece was delayed from Friday due to a series of bizarre circumstances including the author having a bout with a particularly nasty strain of some sort of gastrointestinal virus…or perhaps too much sweet potato pie and deviled eggs)
It is the last hurrah before the economic catastrophe, thanks to the Obama bankster rescue and the multi-billion dollar propaganda blitz it has been coitus interruptus for the grand scale fucking that began with last fall’s collapse of capitalism. Better get it while the getting’s good folks, I would implore all Americans who are receiving those nice little interest rate gouging notices from the bloodsucking vampires like Chase, HSBC, Citi and the rest of those high fallutin whorehouses that will allow one to keep the generous 19 % interest rate being charged if they voluntarily opt out and close their accounts or else face 30 % and higher usury level rates to just go ahead and max those fuckers this holiday shopping season. Get everything that you want and then opt out and stiff the motherfuckers in 2010 when the blessed market illusions can no longer be maintained. The shit is on a collision course with the whirring blades and yes my friends, the fan is on high. The pre-Thanksgiving ‘shock’ of the Dubai World debt default was a nice big turd in the holiday punchbowl for the greedheads and more definitive proof that we are all still fucked and the next shockwave is coming soon.

Anyway, Ed Encho has received those dirty little notices from his own credit cards and has been in the process of spending like a drunken sailor on the first Friday in a new port. Not that I am one to hit the doorbuster sales, especially after last year’s bloody Black Friday Wal Mart mosh pit, quite honestly I don’t care about the deals nor the unwashed rabble who will be engaged in mortal combat in the aisles like something out of that $12.99 Braveheart Blu Ray. My mind is made up that all of the shit’s going to end up in bankruptcy court next year anyway (at least in my case) so it’s time to finish building the library, upgrade all of the electronics and lay in enough non-perishable goods, bullets and whiskey for the perfect storm (to borrow a term from the lovely and effervescent Diane G.) that is about to make landfall. I have no intention of paying those rancid cocksuckers (other than the ones who were honest and honored their end of the bargain who I will pay – hint – none of them got the Obama and Bush billions) nor should anyone else, fuck them, I piss down their throats. The joke’s on us folks, meet the new boss same as the old boss and the pigs won again…..at least for now.

Other than the stampede on Black Friday with the Door Buster deep discounts the holiday shopping season is going to be bleak indeed. When people are living hand to mouth (IF they have an income) they are not likely to spend their money on XBoxes, Blu Ray players or whatever silly toy of the year happens to be the big fad, other than Call of Duty Modern Warfare which is being hyped to no end and will program future killers for endless wars of imperialism. Nope, it’s gonna be a lean Xmas for maxed out Murkans, the credit cards are being cut off and it’s coming down to heat or eat with the cold weather bearing down. As always though the forced austerity doesn’t extend to Goldman Sachs who will be receiving their huge bonuses any week now and the management over at Lloyd Blankfein’s den of iniquity has put out the order through the public relations department that Great Satan employees are forbidden from gathering in groups of more than 12 for parties. Perhaps it’s damage control to tamp down an already outraged public that the moneychangers won betting with house money or perhaps they fear some sort of reprisals, funny that the financial terrorists are breaking up into cells.

For the peasants as you say there are always canned goods, my pantry has been filled up for over a year now and I would advise everyone to do likewise. The one place that you DO NOT want to be is out there fighting for food with the rabble Palinazis and Beckers when the shit really does hit the fan and the economic tsunami makes a direct hit that none of the shills in the corporate media will be able to spin. I would not want to be a dog or cat in an impoverished household this Christmas when the cupboard is bare and the stockings are on freezing feet instead of hung by the chimney with care and the furniture is taking the place of the yule logs in the fireplace to prevent the kiddies from freezing to death.

But I digress…
As always in Oceania the Ministry of Truth is putting out conflicting spin on the economic results from Black Friday, some say it was “encouraging” and others like the vaunted bible for the four flushing capitalist swine Wall Street Journal say what seems to be the opposite or “Ho-Hum”. I find it sardonically amusing that we now live in a country where the ‘media’ is not much different than some of the old Soviet territories where it all seems to be centrally produced, the prescence of the same variation of hyperbole in stories like “picking up steam”, “storms ahead”, “surging” yada yada yada are a dead giveaway. At least the dissidents understand that it’s ALL bullshit, just window dressing to keep the rubes from running amok before the police state is set up and the military in place domestically to quash rioting. Make no mistake, this fucker is still going to go down and Captain Ben Bernanke and First Mate Timmy Geithner are dialing down the engine room and calling for full power as the ship of fools picks up steam and nears ramming speed with a dead bead on that pesky iceberg that our arrogant and fat financial elitists are going to smash to smithereens with the bow.
I personally made a reconnaissance run to a few of the local stores on Friday, while I dared not venture out early to avoid the clamor by noon or so when the doorbuster sales had expired I felt that it was safe. First off I went to Best Buy, there was a mass of people there and the parking lot was jammed, people were circling waiting for cars to pull out but I was able to find a parking spot down by the Babies R’ Us, it was a nice hike to Best Buy but the day was pleasant and the exercise was nice. Once inside there was no chaos, full of people and the prized early sale items and cheapest Blu Rays (at least 5 per store as the ad said) were gone. Neither The Wrath of Khan or The Departed (both $7.99) were in stock and those were the ones I wanted so I just walked around and checked out the shoppers. There was strangely no sort of festive mood, more like zombies going through the motions, no hostility and an orderly GASP setup to lead the customers in a corral like setup of pylons (kind of reminded me of a cattle pen or whatever the setup is like where they lead sheep to the slaughterhouse), it wasn’t Wal Mart where being a greeter on the great American running of the pigs is only less dangerous than kicking in doors as a soldier in Afghanistan.
After I departed Best Buy I stopped by the Super Target, there was parking within about fifty yards from the door and the rest of the stores in the huge outdoor mall were really no busier than they normally are on any given Saturday. The same atmosphere pervaded inside where there was no chaos whatsoever although the 39.99 camcorder special was long gone there was plenty of other swag available at discount prices. They even had a $97 GPS tracker on sale (is this a great country or what? Now YOU can pay to buy the device that the NSA will use to track you), all in all though it was very underwhelming and nothing like last year. One report that I did get yesterday though was that many were paying with cash, it would actually be a good way to fight the banksters were everyone to start doing this as a blogger over at OpEd News suggests. It’s the way that I am going to be going once my plastic is maxed and my creditors told to go and fuck themselves, it’s harder to track and you can deprive the rotten bastards of their fees.
Anyway, that’s it for now, better late than never.