July 30, 2005

America has been duped once again in a masterful bait and switch by the Republican media machine. Just as a slumbering populace and previously toothless mainstream media establishment was being shaken awake by the critical story on the treasonous outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame by White House political apartchik goons, a breach of national security that could reach to the top levels of this most corrupt of administrations, the seamless segue to the Discovery space shuttle dilemma was grabbing headlines and television news time. This story immediately relegated any mention of Karl ‘Turd Blossom’ Rove to Doonesbury comic strips that could be easily censored by news corporations determined not to offend the hicks in the red states who are too juiced on GOP Jesus and whipped into a nationalist frenzy wrapped in the flag hell bent on unquestionably following their supreme leader while seeking to destroy those with the unpatriotic gall to dare to suggest that the emperor not only has no clothes but may be in fact be a stark, raving lunatic as well. This latest bit of chicanery is nothing more than a blatant attempt to obstruct justice by working to impede or otherwise destroy the ability of a special prosecutor and grand jury to investigate and enforce the law on a gravely serious matter that constitutes the most treasonous breach of national security in U.S. history. When an undercover operative working on WMD issues in a time of war when the threat of terrorism hangs over our heads for purely political reasons it is a matter that must be severly punished in order for the system itself to maintain legitimacy. Then again, matters of the law, just as with traditional domestic and international political protocol and the will of the people are just nuisances to the Bush-Cheney junta, trivial concepts to be swatted away as though they were flies and gnats pestering the elite at a family picnic and polo tournament on the shores of Kennebunkport.

You could see it coming as the death of beloved Star Trek character James ‘Scotty’ Doohan received far too much attention last week quickly followed by renewed space based activity among the vipers in the House snake pit who suddenly began debate on Bush’s manned space flights to the Moon and Mars that were earlier junked after little popular support and much ridicule. It was as though good ole Scotty was able perform one last daring rescue by finding enough juice in the dylithium crystals to kick off the transporter one final time as he himself beamed up for good and beamed the Bushies off of the firing line. This respite will allow just enough time for the GOP goon squad to work their black magic and lay the groundwork for the imminent wet work to be performed on U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald who just happens to conduct his operations in the jurisdiction of the House Speaker Dennis ‘Jabba the Hutt’ Hastert. ‘Denny’ is the fat, wheezy pig who acts as the front man for conniving bastard and pathological criminal Tom Delay, another Texan flim flam man seeking to use every dirty trick in the book in order to slither his way out of several ongoing investigations that could lead to his own indictment on criminal charges.

The drooling simpletons in this country have always been transfixed by space stories, from the fantastic writings of Jules Verne and H.G. Wells to the early days of cinema where Flash Gordon and other movie serials thrilled moviegoers, to the advent of the television era which produced the first classic shows that would forever plant the flag squarely in the center of the rapidly growing sci-fi geek subculture as well as claim a home base from which future missions into the increasingly desolate territory of the American mind would be conducted. The original Star Trek series became a pop culture phenomenon that has since spawned countless spinoffs, takeoffs and rip offs. The sales of sci fi memorabilia has made many a merchandiser wealthy beyond the wildest dreams of king Midas, they have reaped their riches through the obsessions of those childlike individuals who turn entire rooms into shrines to Captain James T. Kirk, Captain Jean Luc Picard, Darth Vader and Boba Fett. They descend en masse on cities holding sci-fi conventions dressed as Imperial Storm Troopers, Romulans and Jedi warriors and name their pets Tiberius (the T in Captain James T. Kirk) in order to escape their entrapment in the existential hell of lousy jobs, bad relationships, lack of health insurance, loneliness, fear and an overall declining standard of living facilitated by the destruction of the middle class. The geeks who didn’t devote their lives to indulging their space fascinations by living vicariously through earthbound space cults either grew out of it or splintered off into groups whose mania progressed into a far more dangerous sector of the galaxy once they discovered the apocalyptic ravings of Hal Lindsay and The Late Great Planet Earth. This bastardized melding of religion and sci fi generated its own spinoffs including today’s mega million dollar Left Behind franchise which would in and of itself become a mobilizing factor for millions seeking to kick off the rapture and the return of Jesus by becoming vocal advocates for global warfare and Armageddon itself.

It is the galactic curse of the intelligent life that remains (while slowly dwindling) here on this lovely blue orb of a planet that the modern day Republican party has captured both of these cults in it’s tractor beam and harnassed their power to assist in the building of the Deathstar. Having learned a lesson on the power of space travel and its effect on American mass culture when the 1969 Apollo XI lunar landing knocked both the nefarious machinations of Richard Nixon’s thug army as well as the horrors of Viet Nam off of the front pages and evening news broadcasts, the radical right would ensure that an entire section of their neo fascist playbook would consist of exactly the type of diversionary tactics proven to mesmerize the public. A public which in the 36 years since the voice of Neil Armstrong was broadcast from the surface of the moon has reached the event horizon of the black hole and is increasingly becoming so fixated on fantasy that it is difficult for most to separate it from reality. We may have nationally jumped the shark at the time that the words “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” were broadcast to the masses, Walter Cronkite himself teared up a bit during the broadcast as millions of others surely did. Little did we know at the time that the great leap would be into the abyss.

During my adolescent years in the 1970’s those who were among the biggest consumers of the epic tales of the space travel and infinite universal possibilities were derisively known as ‘the geek squad’, a bunch of brainy nerds who spent their free periods and lunch hours huddled over Avalon Hill board games in the school library and had their bedroom walls adorned with posters of Han Solo, R2-D2, C3PO and Chewbacca while the ‘normal’ kids tacked up pictures of the scantily clad Cheryl Tiegs and Farrah Fawcett, played football and listened to Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin. ‘The geek squad’ all wore horn rimmed glasses, had no interest in girls, sports or rock and roll and when not reenacting the D-Day invasion or the battle of Gettysburg with little multi-colored cardboard squares on a large map board, spent their days writing cryptic code for the extremely crude computers of the time. Now that everyone has grown up the little bastards are all likely tech millionaires or think tank neocons: exactly the type of people who are now running the country.

Knowing all too well the effectiveness of tales of interstellar wonder, the right wing echo chamber will undoubtably milk the shuttle story 24/7 until the next pervert scandal, missing WASP teenager or London terrorist suspect arrest occurs. Space shuttle foam will become as much a household term as shaving cream once the cable news shows do their job in gently redirecting the American public back onto it’s normal course: cruising along in the nebula of ignorance and stupidity. Once the coordinates have been set, then you can rest assured that Republican Klingons will begin to hunt down Patrick Fitzgerald with their phasers set to kill.

Return of the Queen

July 27, 2005

Hillary Clinton had her coming out party in a recent speech in front of the DLC cabal, the so called Democratic Leadership Council that is comprised of Washington elitists who are Republican lite. These pro corporate hacks represent policies that used to be considered right back in the days before the GOP became enamored with global fascism and dreams of a theocratic police state now they are merely the left wing of the one party government. These so called ‘moderates’ who are proponents of CAFTA, NAFTA and other American job destroying pacts worship at the same altar of globalization that has created the new Walmart economy, a job creation machine based on urban sprawl and the need for big box retail outlets that jack up profits by peddling foreign goods, chain restaurants that are becoming too expensive for an average family to dine at and other services for the enjoyment of those who are able to profit off of the ongoing destruction of the middle class. The DLC has formally anointed Mrs. Clinton with the prestige of a chair position that she can use as a forum from which to begin her 2008 presidential campaign, a campaign that has long been in the planning stages and aims to sucker America into buying yet another bill of goods that empowers the wealthy while enslaving the poor.

Hillary has spent a good amount of time lately moving rightward as quickly as possible while leaping over the supine bodies of those doormat dems who through their inaction and unwillingness to assert themselves (lest they become more popular than the queen) have facilitated the rise of the rogue power that is the neo conservative movement, a movement that has made America into the pariah of the world as well as laid waste to the very foundations of the mythical American dream from sea to shining sea in what is now known in the most un American of terms as the homeland. Hillary and the DLC have spent more time and effort attempting to placate the militant religious right through the softening of her stance on abortion as well as embracing SCOTUS nominee John Roberts, darling of hate groups masquerading as religious organizations, a Trojan horse who will play a crucial role in the eventual overturn of Roe v. Wade and the continued dismantling of the rights of the citizenry. If any principled groups seek to mount any sort of organized opposition to Roberts the support of Mrs. Clinton means that you are wasting your time and money, it’s better to redirect your efforts towards an organization that wants to reform the corrupt system, reverse the damage of the radical right’s power play and bring economic opportunity back to all Americans, not only those who play ball with the elite.

Hillary supports the stinking charnel house that is the bloody lie of Iraq. A war started through the use of propaganda and outright deception that has led to an occupation that breeds Islamic hatred toward America, bleeds our treasury and forces the country into borrowing more from foreign powers the likes of China, and casts our military into an increasingly futile quagmire that becomes more of a meat grinder with each passing day as the country descends into civil war with our youthful men and women caught in the middle. Her and her ilk have sought to become the latest badasses in the so called war on terror (a metaphoric conflict that is doing far more to destroy the civil liberties of law abiding American citizens through the USA PATRIOT and accompanying creation of a surveillance society/police state than constructively attack the root causes of what makes people so angry that they are willing to strap bombs to themselves to murder innocents) than in working to shore up the base of her own party.

The queen hath decreed from on high that a closing of ranks is needed, that for those members of the Democratic party who still cling to the values of the past when the donkey actually stood for something it is time to sit down and shut up, she wants unity for her impending coronation. “It’s high time for a ceasefire,” Clinton said. I guess this means that Howard Dean and the DNC are beginning to become effective at mobilizing the grass roots to become active and to see the game for what it is, a royal scam. A scam that is perpetrated by the Washington elite and the globalists who own them, a scam that makes losers of all of us as the wealthy profit off our inability to organize. Perhaps the DNC is finally beginning to shake the trees, wake up the sleeping majority and to show that we are being played as fools by the establishment who only seek to pit the lower classes against each other as a diversion by using bigotry and religion as tools. The DLC and the power elite also seek to marginalize the efforts of activist groups such as that are beginning to represent a threat to the oligarchy.

A Ceasefire? The Hell I Say!

The Democrats used to stand for something, but men the likes of the Kennedy brothers, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Martin Luther King are long gone, and their legacies are being wiped out by those who seek to exploit the masses by incrementally eliminating the progressive programs and causes that these courageous men were champions of. In today’s society where the word hero has been cheapened by its increasingly ubiquitous usage we collectively fail to recognize that which a hero truly is.

This country has endured far too much for this cold and calculated power play to be allowed to succeed. At least the radical fascist, right wing, militant ‘christian’, free market fanatic, nationalist Republicans are brutally up front about what their desires and ideologies are, as anti American as they may be. But Hillary Clinton? She is just another servant of the oligarchy that really holds the power in this country, an oligarchy that has deemed the current administration far too greedy, radical and dangerous to be good for business in the long run. The Clintons are members of the club as well as it’s servants and a Hillary Clinton presidency in 2008 would maintain the necessary illusion of a system that however flawed, however steeped in suppression of the masses and unleashing of corporate power to operate without regard to the rules, still works.

This is a lie of course, just as everything is these days. Why did John Kerry cave in so easily without contesting Ohio, a state rife with voting irregularities per the Conyers Report? Kerry, after all campaigned on the promise that EVERY VOTE WOULD BE COUNTED. In retrospect he should have qualified it with unless you are black. The stench of another fixed election was never allowed to escape the state, they learned their lessons well after Florida in 2000. A Kerry presidency would have obstructed the window of opportunity for Hillary, complicated things far too much.

Another fix? A bi-partisan one?

A Truce?

Go to HELL bitch!

Do not pass GO, do not collect $200.

Once you started hanging around with the likes of Newt Gingrich and lying down with the whores in the DLC your so called ‘liberal’ cover was blown and no amount of posturing will allow you to regain it, you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. You should have filed for divorce when it became apparent that your hubby was getting his stogie smoked by that fat little trollop in the White House, at least then you would have been able to go out with dignity.

It’s time to take America back, and you are a part of the status quo, not a savior.

Here is an excellent piece by David Sirota on the slime known as the DLC:

American Scum

July 26, 2005

The greatest disappointment of these times is that Americans are only too easily duped, suckered by the immoral finagling of con artists like the Bushes, a family that endures as a blight on the body politic, growing more indestructible and ingrained as they suck out our very lifeblood as well as facilitate the looters of the treasury. For generations this family has risen to dynastic power through deceit and subterfuge in inverse proportion to which the intellectual prowess of the American people has plummeted. How in the world can any straight thinking, logical individual buy into the fantastically ridiculous premise that George W. Bush is a plain spoken, humble, God fearing, unpretentious man of the people. WHAT UTTER BULLSHIT ! This entire image is nothing but meticulously constructed stagecraft, test marketed, falsified, choreographed, and created by media masterminds, special effects artists, marketing psychologists, public relations firms, right wing think tanks and the same magicians of subconscious imagery who sell you everything from your very social identity down to your toothpaste, your deodorant and your dog’s food.

The Bushes are a blue blood family whose power was built on investment banking, munitions, rampant market speculation, oil money, defense contracts and their symbiosis with the cash whores and criminals of the world who sought to place money above loyalty to the country. Senator Prescott Bush belonged to a firm that continued to profit from dealing with the blackness and evil of Adolph Hitler’s Third Reich even after the bombing of Pearl Harbor and a German declaration of war on the United States. FDR had to finally intervene under the trading with the enemies act, an obvious contributor to the enmnity toward the New Deal that the revenge minded Bush family has carried through the decades. Nothing matters to these people, only money and power. Prescott Bush gave way to Daddy Bush aka George Herbert Walker Bush who once led the CIA and then was one of the puppeteers pulling the strings of the first U.S. President cum product, Ronald Reagan as his administration engaged in criminal enterprises such as Iran Contra, building Saddam Hussein into a military power that had to be taken down and then subverting the congress to cover it all up, of course Poppy pardoned all of the criminals including the insipid traitor Col. Ollie North whose covert operations were allegedly melded with that of the very drug dealers who used the same planes that ran arms to Central America to bring cocaine back to those who would profit by devastating American youth on the Los Angeles streets.

Daddy Bush begat the Boys from Brazil, sons who would rise to political power to perpetuate the reach of the ‘Kennebunkport Corleones’ (to use NY Times columnist Maureen Dowd’s phrase) as they sought to advance their foul legacy. Son Neil’s ascent was halted when he got popped for his role in the massive fraud of the savings and loan scandals, but used his daddy’s influence to slime his way out of any serious legal problems. Now he just allegedly abuses oriental prostitutes who happen to show up at his hotel room where he is pimping on the family name for financial/geo-political gain. Son Jeb is now the governor of the great state of Florida, that diseased penis of corruption where religious fanaticism and crony capitalism are able to intermingle with political influence to rig elections and facilitate the rampant invasion of foreign investment capital that has driven up housing prices to the point where regular working people can no longer afford to purchase meager hovels where they will live in service to the ultra rich, often having to resort to using exotic mortgage schemes in order to finance their homes while their living standards decline daily.

The most prominent son of the Bush family, the heir to daddy’s power is none other than George W. Bush. The eldest son of the former president is the man currently presiding over the most corrupt enterprise in United States history, the modern day Republican party. The party of influence peddling by the snake pit of a corrupt congress headed by the ultra slimy Tom Delay and his toady Dennis Hastert. The senate is led by the ultimate weasel Bill Frist(he of the HCA Frists) and any other number of their minions who have been empowered by a nationally coordinated, fund raising apparatus that taps both the greedy and the overly ambitious theocrats to ensure that the precious lifeblood of tainted money keeps flowing. The graft and payola are the lifeblood of an essential transfusion into the corpselike being that was once precious American democracy and now would rival any banana republic for cash and carry influence peddling, the Karl Rove-Tom Delay-Grover Norquist GOP makes Boss Tweed’s infamous machine look like a girl scout cookie drive by comparision.

George W. Bush is the great protector, the strong daddy who will not be swayed, the avenger of the September 11, 2001 attacks that laid waste to not only the twin towers but also to the American spirit itself (the fact that it happened on his watch is insignificant and suggesting either incompetence or culpability is heresy). He has proclaimed that you are either with him or against him and the enemies are not only the Islamic fundamentalists but those who seek to question or otherwise impede his crusade against the evildoers. The 9-11 attacks canonized GWB in the eyes of millions, he had the whole world in his hands and along with it with the awesome might of the U.S. military and control of the entire government, thanks to the doormat democrats who laid down and ceded to him unopposed total power, lest they be painted by the GOP slime machine as enemies of America and co-facilitators of those who would seek to destroy us. Already cowed, the feckless opposition party rolled over like lapdogs going into hibernation while the power mad GOP didn’t even bother to give them the courtesy of a belly scratch, they had to be content to whimper softly while licking their own genitals absent any showing of approval or appreciation by their masters.

By the way, Marvin Bush, the last Bush brother just happened to be connected to the company that handled security for the World Trade Center, what a coincidence. Draw your own conclusions, there are plenty of inconsistencies and organizations seeking to draw public attention to them if you dare to seek the truth. Heresy? Given what is already known about their past machinations, is there anything that is truly beyond the Bush Family? They are greedy, corrupt, loathsome and perverse beyond any easy description, far more vile than even a jar of vomit. If you put anything beyond the capability or immorality of the pack of jackals you are not only chronically hobbled by an innate stupidity but likely beyond the redemption of either reason, logic or any acceptable definition of morality.

Random Sunday Thoughts

July 24, 2005

The Countdown’s On….Major Tom

U.S. Representative Tom Tancredo of Colorado drew headlines earlier this week for spouting off with a unique idea for handling militant religious extremists: blowing up their holy sites! Talk about thinking out of the box. I’m all for the USAF dropping a daisy cutter or two on the headquarters of Focus on Family and other like minded organizations.

It Depends on What the Meaning of Is Is.

Isn’t it ironic that Karl Rove’s massive South Carolina smear campaign launched against Senator John McCain in spring 2000 which sought to portray the maverick Arizonan and former POW as being mentally unstable due to his time in captivity in Nam is now looking more like prophecy than propaganda. McCain seeking to triangulate, obfuscate and otherwise disseminate in order to curry favor with GOP radicals for an imminent 2008 presidential run apparently rose to Rove’s defense during an appearance on This Week with George Stephanopoulos. When pressed on the Valerie Plame leak as to whether a crime was committed McCain said, “That depends on the meaning of negligent. I mean was he knowingly negligent?”. With ass-kissers like McCain who put towing the party line above the best interests of America as a whole covering his flanks it is no wonder why George W. Bush is able to get away with his pathological lying to the American people.

God’s Own Rottweiler Growls Off Message

Herr Joseph Ratzinger, aka Pope Benedict XVI took time off from his attacks on the demonic texts of J.K. Rowling in order to condemn the recent spate of terrorist attacks that have rocked London and Egypt as blowback from Bush’s illegal war continues to spread in an increasingly violent world riven apart by religious fanaticism. It’s certainly refreshing for a change to see the panzercardinal pontificate from beneath his pointy hat and Vatican throne on a matter that is truly an important world issue in need of a serious moral dialogue instead of trashing Harry Potter, abortion and homosexuality.


Add one more entry to the list of parasites seeking to cash in on the Terri Schiavo tragedy: Ave Maria University, a fledgling Catholic school looking to gain national publicity by offering a scholarship in her name. The list is a long one indeed and every rubber fetus waving, profit smelling opportunist is hitching a ride on the gravy train including those seeking to curry political favor with the militant religious right, disgraced racist cops who have moved on to become bad writers, former national figures seeking one last chance at recapturing previous glory, her own father who has become nothing more than a cheap pimp who sells his deceased daughter’s name to every yahoo with a national direct mail campaign and a legion of other hucksters looking to turn a quick buck on a figure who they seek to anoint with sainthood for the sake of profit, some idiot is even selling keychains of her tombstone for God’s sake! Would the last person to fuck Terri Schiavo please turn off the lights?

And Finally:

Pro football training camps open this week, despite that fact that the NFL has become yet another crass example of the cancerous corporate greed which infects our society, a business that values merchandising revenues to the extent that they allegedly are profitting from the sale of jerseys made in Honduran sweatshops , it sure as hell beats the sleep inducing boredom of baseball and the Tour De France.

Not In Texas Anymore

July 22, 2005

The only person in America who is likely more stunned than I am at the emersion from the diversion is good ole Turd Blossom himself. The Bush administration’s cynical, sleazy gambit of announcing the next radical rightwing SCOTUS justice on prime time national tv on Tuesday night has failed miserably. Treasongate was back on the front page of Dubya’s hometown paper, The Washington Post by Thursday morning and the trickle of even more damaging information is starting to show signs of becoming a flood that threatens to engulf not only the capos of the ruling crime family but quite possibly the Don himself, or more appropriately The Dick. Rove’s grand jury testimony was rife with inconsistencies (total bullshit in layman’s terms) regarding where exactly he obtained the information that was leaked on undercover CIA WMD specialist Valerie Plame and the RNC is spinning like a top, right wing propagandists are bloviating with foaming at the mouth aplomb and White House hacks are dissembling straw man talking points that are rapidly pushed over. It gets even better, Scooter Libby, chief assistant to The Dick, John ‘the high flying mustache’ Bolton and even Karen ‘Nurse Ratched’ Hughes are being dragged into this morass, each becoming more entangled as they desperately punch away at the tar baby to defend B’rer Bush at all costs. This is looking more and more like a full blown conspiracy the likes of which this country has never seen and this may only be the beginning of the troubles for the Bushies. There are still matters such as the stolen elections, the entire corrupt GOP influence peddling network of Tom Delay, Grover Norquist and the rest of the scum whose immorality will be legendary once the history of this sad period has been written as well as the grand daddy of them all, the peculiar motivations behind doing everything humanly possible in order to prevent an honest full fledged investigation into the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and what part that Bush family cronies in the Saudi royal family played in the horrible event that has sent America spinning into national insanity. In an interesting footnote, longtime Saudi Ambassador Prince Bandar aka Bandar Bush is stepping down from his high profile position as the theocratic monarchy’s chief bagman in the U.S. This could become very interesting indeed and could eventually shake the very foundations of that cash and carry business that our one time democracy has become. It is entirely appropriate that special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald specialized in organized crime, he is now on the verge of exposing the biggest criminal organization of all time. This entire story is a perfect example of how every bully, no matter how intimidating, how powerful, how ruthless, how legendary eventually picks a fight with the wrong guy and Joe Wilson is exactly that. Maybe Rove and company didn’t bother to pay attention to the fact that this man risked death by having the guts to stand up to Saddam Hussein when he actually was a threat back in the days leading up to Gulf War I and a piker punk like Rove is out of his league when it comes to matching wits with a man of integrity who is a true patriot, one who dared to actually tell the truth about the neo con lies that have led America into the bloody morass of post Saddam Iraq. As for Turd Blossom it is especially nice to see the Mayberry Machiavelli finally in the place where he belongs, floating exposed in the water waiting for someone to pull the flush handle.

The Murderer

July 19, 2005

Evil is easy, and has infinite forms.

Blaise Pascal

Eric Rudolph, mad serial bomber and hero to many in the extremist religious right was sentenced to life for bombing a Birmingham, AL abortion clinic yesterday. He has yet to face the music for his role in at least two other bombings, one the infamous 1996 Atlanta Olympic park blast which is as notorious for its heinous intent as it is for the manner in which the bungling FBI and sensationalist media ruined the life of an innocent man, Richard Jewell.

This self righteous murderer is nothing more than a domestic terrorist despite his holier than thou posturing about abortion. Rudolph defiantly pontificates in front of the media and courts, attempting to use his so called morality as a shield for his criminal activity. This man is a sociopathic coward and so are those who seek to glorify his evil deeds, ironically many of these are the same people who mindlessly cheerlead for the incarceration, sadistic sexually perverse torture and killing of brown skinned men in the state sponsored war on terror. Rudolph is every bit the terrorist as any Islamic fundamentalist…you see, religious fanatics are all cut from the same cloth no matter which god that they choose to invoke as a justification for their atrocities.

This man is guilty of murder, and should be put to death, for a state like Alabama where so much effort has gone into ensuring that the ten commandments be prominently displayed in courtrooms it is sadly ironic that one of the actual two commandments that do form a foundation for our law is ignored by those seeking to glorify this terrorist or to otherwise make him into a martyr: Thou Shalt Not Kill. Rudolph is just another example of the blatant hypocrisy of the radical religious right.

The War

July 14, 2005

Bush wanted this war to avenge poppy

Rove wanted this war to make political hay

Cheney wanted this war for profiteering

Rummy wanted this war for empire

Republicans wanted this war for hegemony

Fundamentalists wanted this war for rapture

Multi-nationals wanted this war for greed

All of the suffering and death is for the sake of their desires, over 100,000 dead Iraqis, a large amount of them women and children and this is only an estimate on the low end, it does not include those injured, crippled, left homeless or otherwise ruined for life as the result of Bush’s display of Karl Rove induced bravado . Depending on which account you read, at least 18 children were blown apart yesterday while accepting candy from U.S. servicemen, they are among those who have so far paid with their lives for the callous selfishness and hubris of those who desired this war, and yet the butcher’s bill has been assigned no limit by the accounting department which has been awarded free reign to rack the credit limits to the extent of homeland American fear and resentment. At least 1,750 (and there is every reason to suspect that this figure has been grossly lowballed by political and military hacks seeking to minimize public outrage) American servicemen and women are dead, tens of thousands more maimed, their lives changed forever due to the desires of the evildoers within our own borders who lied to the public, who exploited their fears and distrust of the brown skinned, non Christian residents of foreign lands so that they may gain and their benefactors be rewarded in blood money. Wives have lost their husbands, husbands have lost their wives, parents have lost their children, children have lost their parents, the nation is losing it’s soul.

These desires have divided the country, we are polarized as never before in my lifetime. Brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor, friend against friend, all in the name of party loyalty and faux patriotism. This polarization, God forbid, will perhaps even one day leadto our own domestic civil war, a terrible thought but given that the level of frustration of the economically displaced as well as their heightened level of misdirected hatred that is stoked and manipulated daily by propagandists for political gain is slowly guiding us along the primrose path to Balkanization. When we are killing each other and suffering, living like animals, those who have exploited our fears will be living on a beach, cashing in on the profits of their misbegotten deeds and laughing at how easily they were able to exploit the masses. These desires of the political and corporate powerbrokers are also now bankrupting the country, we are now the largest debtor nation in the world, how does it feel now that countries the likes of China and Saudi Arabia are holding our economic fate in their hands? I am especially interested in hearing the response from the so-called conservatives on this one. These desires have destroyed our nation’s stature and moral authority within the world, how many Americans who gave their lives and limbs in foreign wars, spilt their precious blood and grievously interruped their family lineage so that America could be that shining city on the hill, a beacon of freedom and righteousness, would be proud to see the rampant corruption of the military industrial complex, the corrosive sexual perversion of ‘interrogation techniques’ used on prisoners at Abu Ghraib and Gitmo, the denouncement by our so called government of the Geneva Convention, the United Nations, the International Red Cross, of international law itself?

Terrorism is on the rise, the war has sent out a rallying cry to the next generation of Islamic militants to take up the cause and to wage jihad, the fact that evangelical groups are allowed to spread their version of the gospel to the suffering populace of Iraq while American troops are protecting them sends a message that this is a modern day version of the crusades, a concept ignored by those in charge of the right wing political machine who kowtow to fundamentalist zealots for their influence over large blocs of voters. Do not underestimate those not living in post 9-11 America, they know history. We did at one time as well but are now subjected to concerted efforts of the radical right here to either rewrite it or to otherwise ignore it, and if all else fails to persecute the teachers and professors and lobby for supression of views held to be unpalatable by the ruling class. The world is less stable and less safe due to this lie of a war sold to the public by traitors seeking to usurp democracy at home while using it as a façade to spread their globalist empire abroad. Just ask a Londoner how safe that they feel today, they are reaping the seeds that this administration has sown, the seeds of discontent.

Where will you be when the next bombs go off?

Pray that one is not a nuke that Valerie Plame’s outed CIA network could have prevented from falling into the hands of terrorists.

We will yet reap the whirlwind for our descent into national insanity.

And if we are to remain silent while it happens we have only ourselves to blame.

Thick As Thieves

July 13, 2005

“Any individual who works here at the White House has the confidence of the president”

– Scott McClellan- W.H. Public Relations Flack

“Even though I’m a tranquil guy now at this stage of my life, I have nothing but contempt and anger for those who betray the trust by exposing the name of our sources. They are, in my view, the most insidious, of traitors.”

-George H.W. Bush- Former U.S. President

Let us hope that the woefully unintelligent populace will soon awaken from their slumber to get a look at the massive coordinated shell game that is about to be conducted by the ruling fascist party in order to circle the wagons in a show of support for the embattled traitor Karl Rove. The GOP slime machine is cranking into hyperdrive to denounce the ‘vicious liberal smear campaign aimed at their very blackest heart of darkness. Considering that wannabe nazi soldiers must march in lockstep to the drumbeat of their strong daddy who this crime may eventually bring down along with the rest of the oily thugs what choice do they really have? And speaking of slimy little criminals, none other than golf nut and resident congressional crime capo Tom DeLay will also be throwing down in defense of turd blossom, no surprise at all given the overwhelming Texas connection to the ruling junta and the fetid stench of corruption that has wafted northward from the Lone Star state along with this administration and it’s acolytes.

It should also come as no surprise that those who place party loyalty over justice choose to callously protect the dirtiest man in American politics and the main hub in the right wing machine over taking the appropriate action against a vermin who weakened national security and allowed the terrorists to become stronger, the next attack when it happens may or may not be a result of the diminished capability of the outed asset’s network being compromised. These people are unbelievable…this is your wake up call America! They are planning the biggest counter offensive since the Battle of the Bulge, keep your eye on the ball and let it be their Waterloo.

Treason is a death penalty offense, as I previously mentioned, there is not a gallows big enough for all of the traitors involved with this administration and their crime syndicate to marched to.