At the Tip Of The Spear: Moonbat Bachmann Hits Iowa

August 14, 2011


With the conservative culture of perpetual victimhood having spent the week raging at the hideous liberal conspiracy behind the Michele Bachmann Newsweek cover photo they should be absolutely delighted with her act of simulated fellatio on a corndog in Iowa. The picture, which could prove to be the Minnesota moonbat’s Michael Dukakis in the tank iconic image is already going viral even as the news about the big win in the land of corn and rubes is being hyped as the latest triumph of the fascist brownshirt Dick Armey of Darkness that is the Tea Party.

Right-wing activists are in full damage control mode today, squealing about “sexism” which has come to be the standard defense against any criticism directed towards Bachmann or her evil twin Sarah Palin. The charges of sexism are absurd coming from a party that has built a movement based on denying women the right to choose what to do with their own bodies. But the right-wing is well known for such hypocrisy and no amount of spin is going to make this delightful and hilarious picture go away. Hell, I nearly pissed in my pants laughing at it when I saw it last night.

The story accompanying the picture is also being decried, a damning look at the idiocy of Republican politics. Take Toby Harnden’s piece for the Daily Telegraph Fried Food and Retail Politics at the Iowa State Fair from which I excerpt the following:

On the eve of the Ames Straw Poll, the Republican candidates made a last push for votes at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines — a huge spectacle in which cattle, pigs and horses are on display as well as politicians and Iowans queue to for fairground rides and some of the most unhealthy food on the planet (I was going to try the Fried Twinkies but the queue was,alas, too long).

Sarah Palin, who is not on the Straw Poll ballot, made a high-profile appearance, as is her wont every time it seems she’s slipping out of the limelight, and was duly mobbed by the press. “There is still plenty of room for a common sense conservative,” she said, deliberately fuelling yet another round of speculation that she might after all enter the 2012 fray.

And –

Michele Bachmann, Iowa born and the favourite to win the Straw Poll, arrived half an hour late for her slot and then spoke for just over two minutes, saying that Iowans were “going to send the signal” to the rest of America just as they had in 2008. “This is where Barack Obama got his start. This is where he’s going to come to his end, in Iowa.”

she beat a hasty retreat after being aggressively heckled by a young man who shouted that she believed homosexuals were “second-class citizens” and that she should not try to “pray away the gay”.

Driving away on a golf cart with her husband Marcus beside her, Mrs Bachmann stopped to buy a foot-long corn dog — a chicken and beef sausage in deep-fried batter. After applying mustard and allowing Mr Bachmann to take the first bite, she chomped into it with gusto.

Ironically Bachmann has recently been proclaiming that she has been “the tip of the spear”, a declaration that will likely accompany that great corndog photo as it continues to proliferate across the blogosphere.

Just one more example of why the United States of America is now a laughingstock throughout the civilized world.