Seven Willie Hortons

June 24, 2006

The Corn Row Qaeda
“Racism is a refuge for the ignorant. It seeks to divide and to destroy. It is the enemy of freedom, and deserves to be met head-on and stamped out. “

-Pierre Berton

“This is a racist country.”
– Charles Evers
In the mass media frenzy over the alleged domestic terrorist plot of seven Miami based losers who would be lucky to be able to knock off a grocery story to launch an Islamic jihad in America that would include bringing down the 108 story, 1,729 foot tall Sears Tower in Chicago one little thing has been ignored.

The entire thing stinks of a mass media setup to go along with the GOP push to utilize Iraq/The GWOT as the `Us vs Them’ issue come November and prevent the possibility of an angry Democrat controlled congress with subpoena power for George W. Bush’s final two years in office but there is one thing that is not being addressed.

Karl Rove has very subtly played the race card. People miss the point, this isn’t about terrorism at all but about stirring the long simmering pot of American racism that is only more spicy now due to a growing anger and a need for traditional scapegoats.

Now we have the corn-row very, very convenient.

Before most major websites took them down in favor of panoramic photos of the Sears Tower itself there were mugshot style displays of seven black dudes that adorned many of the major MSM sites this afternoon, then they of course disappeared as quickly as the case that these losers were any sort of a real threat to American security was rejected by any thinking person, but the point was made and the peckerwoods were engraged as planned. Nobody ever notices the retraction which is often placed on an inner page but they ALWAYS notice the original and often wrong accusations and this one is a motherfucking work of genius by the Republican gangstas.

Just follow the Rovian logical snake:

· Terrorists are Muslims
· Muslims are Evil
· Some Muslims are Black
· Black Muslims are Terrorists
· Blacks Are Evil

What a beautifully executed way to play the race card, just look at the words of the deceased and if there is any justice in this world now rotting in Hell former Rove teammate and mentor Lee Atwater:

“You start out in 1954 by saying `Nigger,nigger,nigger.’ But by 1968 you can’t say `nigger’ – that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now [that] you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites.

“And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I’m not saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me – because obviously sitting around saying `we want to cut this’ is much more abstract than the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than `nigger, nigger.”

Well this entire little charade screams ‘NIGGER’ louder than a KKK choir singing Christmas carols in front of an illuminated cross at a Republican holiday get together at Trent Lott’s new Mississippi mansion. You just have to know how the slithering snakes of the GOP operate to see it. This is a fucking work of art because of it’s effectiveness on two levels:

1: Fear stricken Americans who have been brainwashed by the incessant linkage of Saddam Hussein to 9/11 who also happen to be regular viewers of the FOX torture opus `24′ and sing the praises of our great and mighty `strong daddy’ protective leader.

2: Americans who just plain hate black folks.

It’s like Tyler Durden of Fight Club splicing porno clips into family films, it’s there but it’s not really there in plain sight but it registers subliminally. Rove and company are so fucking good at these sort of black propaganda ops that Bernays and Goebbels themselves would be in envy.

Shit, for all you know Rove’s operatives are pissing in your soup too.

The Black Van Cometh

June 19, 2006

Domino’s isn’t the only one that delivers, if reports out of China are true a specially equipped ‘Death Van’ could soon be headed to your very own home. In a particularly macabre story it was recently revealed that the Chinese government is now utilizing mobile execution units or ‘death vans’ to dispatch with criminals and more than likely in keeping with tradition, other enemies of the state including any dissidents that are not destined for slave labor factories to produce cheap shit for export to your local Wal Mart.

The Russians sent out bread trucks at night to haul off dissidents, the Nazi’s used buses with non-threatening silhouettes of people painted onto the windows so as to not appear menacing in order to more easily lure their victims into vehicles that were specially designed to asphyxiate the occupants with exhaust fumes, could it be that there will be big yellow smiley faces painted on the vans when they are rolled out here in the USA? As with Google and Microsoft who are currently using China as a market in which they can beta test internet censorship software before the imminent US rollout it is probably only a matter of time until there is a death van coming to a location near you.

On being confronted with the gruesome truth about the new state fleet Chinese officials were positively Rovian in their shameless explanation that the vans actually represented a more humane means of performing executions rather than the traditional use of firing squads and for good measure further justified the new program by saying that it actually benefits the poor per the following excerpt from the USA Today story:

Makers of death vans say they save money for poor localities that would otherwise have to pay to construct execution facilities in prisons or court buildings. The vans ensure that prisoners sentenced to death can be executed locally, closer to communities where they broke the law. 


My God that sounds so Republican that it sends a cold chill running up my spine. Just how quickly do you think that the one party rulership of this country would jump at the opportunity to introduce legislation to roll out the newest weapon in the ‘Global War on Terror’ to deal with all of those sleeper cells of secular humanist, al-Qaeda worshipping, godless, gay loving liberals? And guess which company will probably get the no-bid contract? If you guessed the same one that was recently awarded $385 million to construct ‘temporary detention facilities’ you are already more of a danger to the state than you might realize.

But wait, there’s more. The truly ghoulish part of this horrible tale is that the death vans are staffed with medical professionals who after performing the execution by lethal injection then proceed to harvest the victim’s organs which are put up for sale and the bodies are being driven immediately to a crematorium before relatives are allowed to view the decesaed or otherwise investigate. According to Amnesty International, the same world human rights organization that incurred the wrath of the Bushist government for their condemnation of our new national right to torture and maintain a gulag system:

Injections leave the whole body intact and require participation of doctors. Organs can “be extracted in a speedier and more effective way than if the prisoner is shot,” says Mark Allison, East Asia researcher at Amnesty International in Hong Kong. “We have gathered strong evidence suggesting the involvement of (Chinese) police, courts and hospitals in the organ trade.

Executions in death vans are recorded on video and audio that is played live to local law enforcement authorities — a measure intended to ensure they are carried out legally.
China’s refusal to give outsiders access to the bodies of executed prisoners has added to suspicions about what happens afterward: Corpses are typically driven to a crematorium and burned before relatives or independent witnesses can view them.

Chinese authorities are sensitive to allegations that they are complicit in the organ trade. In March, the Ministry of Health issued regulations explicitly banning the sale of organs and tightening approval standards for transplants.

Even so, Amnesty International said in a report in April that huge profits from the sale of prisoners’ organs might be part of why China refuses to consider doing away with the death penalty.


What a great idea for the mutated form of capitalism/fascism that is so popular in the world among the globalists today and the vans can also one day be used to facilitate the elimination of the unfit so that the entire Social Darwinist process can be accelerated. The organ market represents yet another opportunity for money to be made, you can bet that Wall Street will go absolutely bonkers over the profit potential and the futures market will explode faster than you can say Thurston Howell III. Isn’t the free market grand?

There is a marvelously sick serendipity in the possibility of the death vans hitting the domestic market at exactly the same time when civil liberties are disappearing, secret arrests are looming, the death penalty is being expanded and Haliburton is constructing concentration camps for ‘future programs’ yet to be defined.

What’s next….Soylent Fucking Green?

Pentagon PsyOps Chicanery: The Great Zarqawi’s Demise

June 9, 2006

“Let’s not start sucking each others dicks just yet”

-Winston Wolf

Given the mass media coverage of near Lewinsky proportions and the accompanying pomp and circumstance of our ‘elected’ government over the last two news cycles you would have thought that Osama Bin Laden himself had finally been taken out. Desperate to gain traction and to rapidly tamp down on the public outrage over the massacre of civilians in Haditha (both Time and Newsweek actually featured real news on their covers simultaneously this week) the Psy-Ops bogeyman that is dreaded the Al Zarqawi had been sacrificed but can you kill what may not have ever existed in the first place?

The greatest villain in recent history, a man who became the very personification of the ugly, bloody, unexpected (if you actually believe the Machiavellian acolytes that are Leo Strauss enthralled neocons) insurgency and the only Al Qaeda franchisee who could be positively placed in Iraq in the run up to the invasion has reportedly been killed in a bombing attack, there was no immediate word as to whether there was any `collateral damage’ as far as women and children but who would really give a rat’s ass anyway? Things are getting pretty fucking bad when the Pentagon finds it necessary to blow up their poster boy in order to one more time reach a `turning point’ in Iraq (gag) and begin to restore some of the luster to the metaphorical never-ending `war on terror’ to juice Republicans for the upcoming mid-term elections and justify further intrusions on American civil liberties.

The news came fast and furious and just in time for the morning news cycle where it was a dead bang certainty that it would dominate the coverage throughout the day. Pictures of the dead body were proudly displayed like a trophy much the same way that the sons of Saddam were a few years back and video of the two 500 pound bombs blowing up the location where the dreaded uber-terrorist was finally cornered like a rat were available online and on demand on and others. The question that cynics such as myself are likely asking is why in the hell was there any corpse to display after these bombs destroyed the building that he was in? Hmmm. And as usual once an inconvenient question came up the Bushists and their propaganda machine did what they always do best:



Today’s spin is that while the Zarqawi’s corpse was not reduced to so much low-grade hamburger meat is that he survived the bombing and actually tried to escape from the stretcher as his ass was being hauled out of the rubble of the safehouse that was otherwise completely destroyed! Jesus, we knew the guy was good but how did we ever manage to kill Superman without fucking Kryptonite? This is one tough motherfucker if he survived the attack that killed him only to die later while trying to escape!
Jesus Pete, is there any lie that is too shameless for these shape shifters and reality benders?

George W. Bush’s renewed swagger was apparent and the latest attempt to recapture the halcyon days as national strong daddy and `the war president’ was at least for one day a smashing success as the MSM was on this story as though it were the second coming of Natalee Holloway. While Bush pumped out his chest and enjoyed his moment in the limelight now that he could proudly re-launch his previously failed product `Can-O-Whoop Ass’ the news conferences of others were sprinkled with caveats and qualifiers:

“Given the nature of the terrorist networks, really a network of networks, the death of Zarqawi, while enormously important, will not mean the end of all violence in that country”

Said Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld by golly.

US Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalizad stated:

“This was a significant success which should have a positive impact, but at the same time, it would be a mistake to assume that violence will go down immediately because of this”

Bush’s Poodle Tony Blair yapped:

“The death of al-Zarqawi is a strike against Al-Quaida in Iraq, and therefore a strike against Al-Quaida everywhere. But we should have no illusions. We should know that they will continue to kill.”

Even Bush himself conceded:

“We can expect the sectarian violence to continue. Yet the ideology of terror has lost one of its most visible and aggressive leaders”


You mean that after all of the hoopla and posturing over killing Zarqawi that they are saying that basically nothing’s changed right? And oh, by the way, the bombs kept exploding and the body count continued to ratchet upward after the news came out.

Of course the big winners were the `Dukes of Douchbaggery’ that are the fascist goon squad of right-wing pundits and propagandists who mercilessly harangued and hectored the pitiful Democrats for not being happy enough and the left in general for not groveling at the feet of the victory that was further proof of the imminent greatness of King George.

I am going to go out on a limb here and say that this is a planned culmination to a massive coordinated operation to restore some of the sheen to Bush’s waning aura and put lipstick on the pig that is the meat grinder of Iraq. Other than the obvious suspicious timing to pull the shell game and hide the peas that are war atrocities from the dimwitted public with saturation coverage of the killing of `Al-Zarqawi’ was I the only one who happened to notice the recent abundance of live video of a man who was as elusive as a ghost for years (unless of masked and performing executions on hostages) with only the same stock, grainy black and white mugshot available? In recent weeks Zarquawi has been as ubiquitous as Bradgelina, Anna Nicole Smith or the latest American Idol.

Recent reports indicated that Al-Zarqawi was beginning to become a hindrance to the movement and was being demoted due to being a fuckup unfit to milk Osama’s goats and the planners in Rove and Rummy’s Reichstag probably decided that now was the time to pull the trigger on `Operation Save GOP Asses’ before the word began to spread that their phantom menace had been largely a creation of hype and PR from day one and what better time than to terminate the bastard with extreme prejudice than as a capper on a week of gay marriage amendments, estate tax cut votes, foiled alleged terrorist plots and other assorted red meat chunks thrown to the Bushists to shore up the regime’s flagging support.

My good ole friends from the great state of Texas have an expression for a mass fuckcluster like this:



And the evil rodeo clowns just keep making us take our pratfalls for their ongoing amusement at the great role reversal where democracy is turned into the will of the few rather than the many. The greatest tragedy in all of this is that we are only too willing to wallow in the bullshit while they laugh and laugh and enjoy the show.

6/6/06 – A Day From Hell?

June 6, 2006



Not one to allow her ideological cronies to cash in on the big trifecta that is 6/6/6, a marketing bonanza for every business entity from the radical clerics who control the GOP to the woeful Tampa Bay Devil Rays who are playing the Los Angeles Angels (the Colorado Rockies whose proclamation that they were God’s Team came too late for the MLB schedule makers to capitalize on that titanic clash) to the yet another inevitably shitty Hollywood remake of a classic in the 2006 version of The Omen to the ruling dominatrix of irrational hostility and demonic Succubus Ann Coulter’s release of her latest dark grimore of anti- American psychotic rantings (DSM-IV certifiable…just check it out yourself) subtly and modestly entitled Godless: The Church of Liberalism and should be entitled Brainless: I Am Getting Rich off of Stupidity. The queen of mean is definitely not above pandering to the masses with today’s exploitative release of this tome of dementia and I am sure that somewhere on the internet some right-wing website is selling autographed and laminated copies….what’s the sense in plunking down 25 bucks for something that you can only use once guys? If Coulter really wanted to walk the walk as a paragon of ‘moral virtue’ for the ‘protecting the sanctity of marriage crowd’ she could get hitched herself… a member of the opposite sex. Thank God that she’s an arch-conservative, were she a ‘godless liberal’ she would be inundated with innuendo that being 40 something and single may make her……GASP….gay!
Anyway, today is the big day, 6/6/6 and the snake handlers in the GOP base of fundamentalist, gay-bashing red state regressives will no doubt be breaking out the Tim LaHaye books as well as their other talismans and screeching like demented banshees over the signs of the coming Rapture. I happened to drop by one of my local convenience stores over the weekend and my purchase of a six pack of Bud Ice Light and a bag of peanut M & M’s just happened to come to a total of GASP….6.66! The funny thing is that the clerk on duty, a mousy blonde girl in her mid-twenties with a look of about four kids in the past and a lifetime of we in the future suddenly froze and stared at the register muttering something unintelligible although I think that I could vaguely make out the word Jesus but then again I am not much of a lip reader. After ten or so seconds that seemed like a hell of a lot longer she shoved my stuff at me and backed away as if I somehow had caused her machine to product that dreaded combination of numbers. Knowing all to well the irrational tendencies of the local members of the God Squad I grabbed my shit and got the hell out of the place very quickly before she was able to reach under the counter for a gun seeing that in Florida it is now legal to kill people if you feel threatened (praise be upon the lord and Governor Jeb Bush) and I wasn’t about to stick around to see if that little trailer park hoochie mama was going for the gun loaded with silver bullets to dispatch a damned secular earthly agent of Lucifer himself.

As the masses of the mythical Antichrist in the south (he was known as the great deceiver after all but you NEVER hear this angle from the turn the other cheek pansies on the so-called religious left) gather in anticipation of the coming assault on Christo-American values that has once again been juiced by a renewed crusade against honest, taxpaying loyal American gay people Karl Rove and the other maestros of manipulation are rubbing their little cloven hooves together and cackling with demonic glee at yet another clever distortion that will keep the morons focused on winning the Civil War through a theocratic takeover and the subsequent inquisition where the elimination of torture protections and the prurient desires of the flock will allow them to bend us all over backwoods logs like poor Ned Beatty in the classic Deliverance. The GOP has hit the big trifecta by exploiting greed (the repeal of the estate tax), fear and loathing (the gay marriage amendment) and racism (the anti-Mexican crackdown disguised as a crusade against illegal immigration) and succeeded in changing the subject from Iraq, Iran, the schizophrenic stock market, government corruption, global warming and the myriad of other crimes of the Bushists including covert efforts to modify the military manual to downplay the importance of Geneva Convention as well as the discussion for mandatory conscription to provide more cannon fodder for the wet dreams of the PNAC boys.

I happen to listen to C-SPAN and Washington Journal in the mornings, you know the show where no matter the issue the hosts have split the callers into two camps which depending on which day that it is are broken down as Democrats vs Republicans or callers For or Against George W. Bush. Nice little gig but it is alas a rigged game as well. The ‘Republicans for The President’ line is often stacked with very articulate, on message callers armed with the daily talking points and a mandate to hog as much airtime as possible while the ‘Democrat line’ seems to be carefully screened to allow only the true dunces to get through on most occasions and when there is a well spoken caller armed with the facts they are either dumped due to the always suspicious ‘cell phone interference’ or given as little airtime as possible.

Anyhow I digress…

This morning the featured guest was none other than Senator Wayne Allard, he of the insidious anti-gay amendment that the GOP has chosen as the most important crisis in America this week (and the elimination of the estate tax on the unearned incomes of the wealthiest of the rentier class misleadingly named ‘the death tax’ by Republican think tank propagandists) rather than acknowledge the mounting body count in Iraq or….you get the picture, basically anything that really matters. Allard did his duty carrying the water for Karl Rove and Bill Frist by using his airtime to filibuster and regurgitate the standard RNC talking points repeatedly invoking terms like “the people’s will”, “activist courts” and the always successful when used in reference to racism and discrimination “state’s rights” is a wonderful quote from a column by the great Bob Herbert of the New York Times (sorry, the link is unavailable unless you plunk the money to subscribe to Times Select) called Impossible, Ridiculous, Repugnant that pegs it dead on in the words of the late GOP strategist and Rove mentor Lee Atwater the man who was behind the infamous Willie Lee Horton racist ads that attacked Daddy Bush’s 1988 opponent Michael Dukakis:

“You start out in 1954 by saying ‘Nigger,nigger,nigger.’ But by 1968 you can’t say ‘nigger’ – that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now [that] you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites.

“And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I’m not saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me – because obviously sitting around saying ‘we want to cut this’ is much more abstract than the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than ‘Nigger, nigger.”

There you have the states rights thing and the coded racism and if you extrapolate it forward to include the wide net cast for the fundamentalist red state rabble by the substitution of gays for blacks although the war against civil rights and entitlements is still on you have the current GOP strategy of demonizing a convenient scapegoat for all societal ills while the right-wingers and their fascist lackeys pick the public pocket and manipulate those who are the most ignorant into making the worst choices possible in supporting policies that ultimately destroy their own living standards. Allard was right on in pontificating from the electronic pulpit this morning in getting the message out, ‘Dullard’ as he is nicknamed according to a Time Magazine story was the perfect pitchman for this message of hate, Adolf Eichmann was also a nondescript, ordinary type of guy but always a loyal servant to an evil system as is ‘Dullard’. He and his ilk love to invoke the constitution and the intent of the founders and always find the First Amendment a useful shield whenever they are cowering behind it in order to tear down the rights that are guaranteed to all and not only those with their particular ideology and fealty to the elitists who run the system. He actually came across as a sort of a more refined version of former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan, a much smoother dissembler but the key job requirement of a Senator is exactly to be a highly polished liar and in this Allard fit the bill and was a perfect representative of a Republican Congress that is such an unrepentant mass of crooks and cheats gathered together in a house of ill repute that it is only a matter of time until a constitutional amendment is introduced to ban the display of Flying Spaghetti Monsters to appease the bible thumping yokels who may as well be screaming “RAPE ME” to their elected representatives as “PRAISE JESUS”! Personally I would love to see these rebel flag waving Neanderthals just secede from the union or even make a mass exodus to Texas where they can install George W. Bush as their Moses and Earthly king in two and a half years after he finally leaves the White House but it isn’t that simple, unfortunately we have to live with these idiots for better or worse, like a really bad marriage.

Maybe we have finally found something for which we can all pray together for: separation!

Anyway, enough of that tangent for the time being. Tonight is the big night…6/6/6 and I would strongly advise any and all free thinkers, liberals and most especially gays to lock yourselves inside safely and barricade the doors….the vampires and werewolves will be out in force tonight along with the freaks. They will gather together in their megachurches and board buses to the pastures where they can watch for the sky turning red and parting for the return of Jesus Christ and the opening kickoff of the Rapture. They will dance and cavort while smearing themselves in goats blood and feces while singing in strange tongues, thumping their dog-eared copies of Glorious Appearing and braying psychotically at the full moon in anticipation that the long-awaited end times will begin and their pathetic, wretched little lives on Earth will end and they will all be summoned up (minus the XXL Dale Earnhardt T-shirts) to sit at the right hand of God and watch their bosses, the liberals, the gays and the Clintons forced to endure plague after plague and unspeakable violence during the tribulation.

All of this is highly unlikely and pure hokum to any with a smidgen of intelligence, but wouldn’t it be extremely amusing (at least to me) to actually see following two things:
1: Jesus Christ actually returning to Earth and the subsequent horror of the red staters in realizing that he is actually a LIBERAL who is disdainful toward the corrupting influence of wealth, decries the indiscriminate bombing and execution of children of a darker complection than our lilly white asses, preaches tolerance towards your fellow man, disdains those who turn worshipping into a spectacle in garish and gauch mega-churches and their accompanying pomp and circumstance and loathes hypocrisy.
2: Seeing the ignorant peckerwood worshippers of the pulp fiction gospel of Tim LaHaye run as fast as they possibly can to their pickup trucks in order to scrounge up enough wood and a big assed nail gun to have another crucifixion.

The Abyss Looks Back

June 3, 2006

“Extreme positions are not succeeded by moderate ones, but by contrary extreme positions.”

– Friedrich Nietzsche

Blindness is a modern American tradition. I was once blind myself until the day that the scales fell from my eyes and I was finally able to see the entire system for what it truly is – a passel of interrelated myths, fallacies and outright lies. The system you see is designed to suppress any individual thought; keep you bewildered and buying commodities, consumer goods and a accpting a colossal line of bullshit as truth. You are to believe in the trappings of a parallel reality while shuffling brainwashed through an all consuming matrix of extremely well orchestrated and financed make-believe. A world where America is exceptional and just, where a radical reinterpreted Jesus is lord and capitalism is king; where vices are virtues and virtues likewise are vices. This is a ‘reality’ in which up is down, black is white, war is peace, freedom is slavery and most importantly father always knows best. From cradle to grave there is an onslaught of sly, subliminal persuasive techniques that are constantly driven into our brains so subtly and so overwhelmingly that we don’t even notice them.

The simple fact is that the majority of the boiling frogs that are Americans are unable to comprehend even the most rudimentary concepts that they are living a meticulously fabricated lie that serves as a control mechanism with which to stigmatize or otherwise ostracize any who would dare to rise above the herd in order to speak out against the television culture that is the post-Reagan American fantasyland where it is always back to the future in search of a return to the ‘good old days’. Our society is a perfect example of the slaves in the great allegory of Plato’s cave, today’s Americans have undergone such a successful collective electronic lobotomy that they are completely unable to understand that their entire lives are nothing more than carefully formulated and constructed illusions, exactly like the shadow creatures that were projected on the walls of the cave to those who were physically restrained and unable to turn to see that what they believed was reality was merely the projection of shadow figures on the rock wall in front of them. Unlike those in the cave there are no physical restraints, save obesity and a constant exhaustion from overwork to restrain the slaves…it is all mental, the result of an illusory version of reality that has been fed to us since the earliest stages of our cognitive consciousnesses. As Earling Carothers ‘Jim’ Garrison once prophetically stated:

“In a very real and terrifying sense, our Government is the CIA and the Pentagon, with Congress reduced to a debating society. Of course, you can’t spot this trend to fascism by casually looking around. You can’t look for such familiar signs as the swastika, because they won’t be there. We won’t build Dachaus and Auschwitzes; the clever manipulation of the mass media is creating a concentration camp of the mind that promises to be far more effective in keeping the populace in line.”

We are in that concentration camp of the mind now, we have been for quite some time and God help us all for what we have become in the aftermath of that terrible Tuesday in September 2001 when the gates of hell swung open and beckoned us to step inside. We were driven insane by our thirst for vengeance, deceived by our leaders into untertaking wars of conquest wrapped in the bloody cloak of righteous revenge and the always underlying but unspoken crusade for the cross, divided into factions and pitted against our very own families, friends and neighbors all under the watchful eye of a surveillance state controlled by monstrously insane war-hungry immoral men with a terrifying vision for the future.

Our contemptible media is at the root of all evil. It is obsessed with market share, controlled by corporatists and manipulated by the state to do it’s bidding. Herr Goebbels would be proud of the power of the all encompassing world of celebrity, sleaze and disinformation that underwrites our empire. Most Americans are blissfully ignorant of the real world and perfectly content to stay that way like cows grazing in a pasture unaware that they one day are destined for the slaughterhouse. Many have a tendency to overly spoil and deify their children often trying to live vicariously through their young ones who represent a chance at salvaging something from their own failed lives. Do you really think that even the most ignorant and insulated of all parents would still support illegal wars of imperialism with their accompanying ruthless psychopathic counter insurgency tactics if they were able to see the truth? How long do you think that it would take to pull out of Iraq if Americans were allowed to see the beloved babies of their dark complected third world counterparts brutalized, maimed and murdered, their mothers gang raped in front of their families? Real life shit like that may be too much to handle for happy consumer occupants of fantasyland but it is a daily occurrence as well as standard operating procedure for the good squads that walk point for the army of God’s capitalist crusaders.

The horror, the horror

Those who have flirted with the creatures that dwell in the darkness of the abyss and found them to be seductive can understand the dangers of such an embrace. When vengeance becomes as wonderfully exhilarating as a lover’s passionate kiss, when the corrosiveness of pure ideological hatred and the accompanying wrath become an obsession, all consuming, energizing then is when one is in most danger of losing one’s soul, or of finding it.

Unless you have been there you can’t understand.

Some pull back when there is what an alcoholic would call a moment of clarity and a glimpse at the destructive nature of frolicking with those demons is suddenly seen…it is shocking. Perhaps the worse thing to occur when flirting with the darkness of the abyss is that it is all too easy to drag others down into it as well, others who are not equipped to handle it. Some are driven insane, some go into deep denial and simply hit the disconnect switch while going about their daily lives as though the netherworld does not exist. The rulers of this country know all too well the sweet allure of the siren songs of the devils that dwell in the abyss, they embrace them, they love them and while engaging in orgies of great debauchery with them they drag the rest down into its ever blackening maw along with them.

In Steven Spielberg’s Munich the consequences of violence for the sake of revenge as well as the human costs are examined in a movie far more reminiscent to the serious and provocative films of the 1970’s when Americans were questioning institutions that had so badly gone awry leading to the devastating and bloody defeat of Vietnam and the scandal plagued administration of Richard M. Nixon and his thugs. I have always personally felt that the movies of that decade were far more real than what the social engineers pulling the levers of society have sold us as their version of reality today. We once openly questioned authority in this country and were sickened at what we were misled into accepting as true and just by the criminals who were our leaders. Munich is as unrelenting as it is courageous and the numerous denunciations by the extreme right and their Israeli lobbyist counterparts that the movie received through either disputes of the accuracy of the material or the demagoguery that it somehow offered sympathy to terrorists are a testament to it’s message. Munich is brutal in it’s graphic portrayal of violence but it is also brutally honest in presenting the idea that violence only feeds upon itself and builds to levels that will ultimately destroy the souls of men and nations, as Nietzsche famously said “if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.” The quest for revenge in the aftermath of the botched rescue of the 1972 Israeli Olympic team who were the doomed victims of a spectacular hostage crisis that played out on the world screen and that lead to a massacre by the Black September terrorist group as well as the mission of the government sponsored covert assassination squad to exact revenge that is portrayed in the movie shows the escalating toll on their humanity as well as ability of the opposition to also escalate their tactics in a bloody tit for tat tango that never ends until one side or the other is ultimately annihilated once and for all.

In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks we are trapped in this same cycle of violence and are too easily becoming monsters as a result. The simplistic wasteland that is the American mind is unable to conceptualize or otherwise draw any sort of correlation to the simple fact that violence always begets more violence which is then used as justification for even more violence and further bloodshed by both ‘terrorist’ groups as well as governments. It’s a fucking brutal dance and it only perpetuates itself with each further escalation. Older societies know this, they have seen it throughout their histories, America being a relatively new nation and still naive in the belief that we are somehow different do not understand this most basic aspect of human nature. Every action has the potential for a reaction, often one of unintended consequences or what is defined as blowback by the CIA. 9/11 was (if you buy the official story) an attack by Islamic fundamentalist terrorists on God’s chosen land ostensibly because they hate us for our freedoms, at least so goes the party line peddled by the propaganda pimps. What is never addressed by our craven and corrupt media is that the true reason why we are so reviled in much of the world is the result of our immoral foreign policy which is one of empire, exploitation and the choosing of sides in the ongoing Middle East conflict but even if we had an honest media it is doubtful that our pathetic and ignorant populace would be able to comprehend what it was told, the damage is just too great now, it will take several generations to correct and to even begin to do so will be to halt the momentum of our national descent into the flames of Perdition and our imminent rendezvous with historical infamy.

Reaping the whirlwind of an immoral lie of a war

As with the watershed event of the Vietnam war that was the exposure of the atrocities committed by our own soldiers in the earthly hell of a charnel house that was ‘Pinkville’ or as it is more infamously known My Lai, the massacre in Haditha may finally drive home the caustic effects on a nation’s soul caused by an illegal war sold to both the soldiers and to the public on another pack of government lies. In March of 1968 an American company of soldiers crazed and drunk on vengeance ran amok and slaughtered hundreds of civilians in the village of My Lai. Women were raped, children including babies brutalized….they dragged it out, turned it into sport. The villagers who were not killed during the ‘festivities’ were eventually herded into a trench and murdered en masse by an deadly barrage of automatic rifle fire the ditch was filled with bodies and blood and the men who perpetrated the slaughter had become renegades. Once the story eventually leaked out, the public either went into denial that this sort of rampage could never be commited by our own always just military, rationalized that the communists did worse things or were outraged, ashamed and betrayed. Back then the media brought the horrors home into America’s living rooms and stories appeared in the newspapers when more than a wretched eleven percent of the populace bothered to read them but that was before the first amendment became a pejorative to large segments of the population and writers were real journalists and not public relations flacks or overly ambitious hacks determined not to let trivial matters like integrity or ethics block their career paths.

The government then as now with the Haditha massacre attempted to cover it all up and against the odds despite our woeful, dumbed down, homogenized corporate media the true story of Iraq attrocities are slowly seeping out and growing legs on the internet the last bastion for free speech in this sad country and one that has been targeted for extinction in its current form by the ruling party. It may be far too much to hope for but perhaps this time the carnage and horror of killing innocents may finally awaken a credulous, timorous self-centered American public out of their long, fear wracked post 9/11 fever dream which has been seized upon and cynically manipulated by a ruthlessly corrupt illegitimate junta with a festering contempt for liberty, truth and American values. The terror factor has been exploited at every opportunity, the propaganda incessant, the lies and deceit in using the weapons of mass destruction myth and the apocalyptic conjecture of smoking guns in the form of mushroom clouds within our cities became a constant drumbeat. In the run up to shock and awe debate was stifled, the legislature, itself irredeemably corrupt was cowed by their fear of being tarred as unpatriotic, upset with the lack of France’s backing for war they decreed that the capitol cafeteria would serve only freedom toast and freedom fries, god damn any country who would dare question American intent or stand of the way of our vengeance. The media became cheerleaders, the few honest news reporters who attempted to be true to their trade and to report to the public the news were smeared and subsequently banished from the airwaves. Big names the likes of Peter Arnett, Ashleigh Banfield and Phil Donahue had their careers damaged, their loyalty called into question while government PR shops pumped out feel good, nationalism wrapped in the flag, they peddled tales of wonder like the miraculous saving of Pvt. Jessica Lynch the all American femme fatale fighting machine; the staged toppling of Saddam’s statue in a mostly empty square and the ultimate sacrifice by former Arizona Cardinal safety Pat Tillman who gave up the holy grail of celebrity that is the dream life of an NFL star to serve his country in a time of crisis. All were eventually debunked as the garbage that they were and Tillman whose honest intent and dignity were exploited for propaganda purposes before he was killed by the guys on his own side in what as perfect a metaphor for this bloody clusterfuck war as it is an American tragedy. All were used as a cover for the intentions of an evil and treasonous government that is as hellbent on the spread of uber-capitalist imperialism abroad that it is on the robbery and incremental increases of its power at the expense of the very freedoms and civil liberties for the poor, dumb serfs here in the homeland.

The incredulity over Haditha that is expressed is as outrageous as it is unbelievable and in most cases ultimately insincere. The one that I most commonly hear is “but American’s don’t do things like that” followed by the stock lie of blaming the liberal media for blowing the whole thing out of proportion and as the insidiously stupid armchair patriots have a tendency to say “things happen in war” not that they would ever be bothered to get off of their asses and join the military to see for themselves . The truth is that it is all crap, Americans are as capable of atrocities as any other civilization in the history of man and the denial of this is the ultimate in arrogance. The myth of our exceptionalism must be taken down if we are ever to return to semblance of sanity in this morally deteriorating empire. Once Haditha became national news the typical coordinated damage control offensive was rolled out as it always is to provide cover for this criminal administration. Donald Rumsfeld’s personal military flack Gen. Peter Pace hit the Sunday morning electronic PR circuit to bandy about the latest talking point that the Haditha murderers acted in a rogue manner that is inconsistent with that of “99-point-nine percent of their fellow Marines.”

Bullshit I say!

The Haditha slaughter is only the very tip of a huge iceberg of immoral and illegal conduct by American personnel and thousands of mercenaries in the conduct of a vicious campaign of counter insurgency and ethnic cleansing and more will begin to escape the central control of the government information chop shops to seep out into the public domain. The true story of the razing of Fallujah has yet to be told along with the military’s use of incendiaries on civilians, it briefly leaked out but the information warfare pros quickly coaxed the genie back into the bottle but the devastation and human toll is too great to stay hidden forever. Just this past Wednesday a pregnant woman was killed by U.S. troops for failing to stop at a roadblock while rushing to the hospital. Such collateral damage is a given in a chaotic urban environment where there is no way to definitively identify ‘the enemy’ who could truly be anybody but didn’t the strategists learn this lesson by studying the guerilla morass of Vietnam? The ones who did were quickly given their walking papers in the run up to the bombing and invasion of Baghdad. Rummy, Cheney, Rice, Wolfowitz, Feith and the rest of the finely dressed war criminals who would prefer to fight their wars in the relative comfort of air-conditioned situation rooms filled with television screens and computer monitors instead of sweltering filthy streets stinking of rotting bodies, feces and garbage didn’t want to hear it.

Who is to blame?

The political forces whose misjudgment of the reaction of the locals in the aftermath of the original invasion…hey you pompous fucking assholes, they didn’t come waving flowers after all did they? Once the deteriorating situation on the ground in Iraq became became a detriment to maintaining sufficient political support for their Social Darwinist homeland policies to be implemented and allow for the fulfillment of the pathological determination to destroy all elements of the New Deal and Great Society it became apparent that the insurgency had to be crushed at all costs for the glory of the emperor. There was also a hurry to begin to expand the war throughout the Middle East working in a silent partnership with Israeli hardliners and it became necessary to ratchet up the intensity of excessively violent Phoenix Program style counter insurgency tactics including the covert sponsorship of death squads. Command should
certainly certainly bear the brunt of the blame but they are far from alone, immoral wars breed depravity and atrocity which are attracted like maggots to the corpses of the disappeared who are tortured and murdered and then left to lie decomposing in shallow graves.

The American people themselves should bear at least as much guilt as the marines whose fingers pulled the triggers for after all it was they who were led to believe that an illegal and immoral war like this could be fought on the cheap without the need for compromise or sacrifice on their part. Whipped into a xenophobic rage by the attacks on the WTC and Pentagon and continually by fed the mainline high of nationalism exhorted by the Republican party operatives and the neocons who wanted this war each for their own reasons we allowed ourselves to become disinterested and were fed distorted information in the form of carefully constructed public relations pieces in place of honest war reporting. We kept shuffling like George Romero’s zombies through our shopping malls and mega marts, exhorted the warlike Jesus of the Left Behind series en masse in our taxpayer subsidized mega-churches, gassed up our SUV’s and slapped yellow ribbon magnets on their asses and went about our daily lives oblivious to the long term consequences of our government’s actions that are being undertaken in our name.

After Abu Ghraib and the perversion of the sado-sexual horrors that occurred there made the world realize that not only were Americans misguided but something far worse, something more akin to evil, the malevolent decomposition of our damnable souls was momentarily glimpsed and then quickly hidden away by spin doctors who descended on Baghdad to hermetically seal the area to contain the bad news…and the truth. When Lyndie Englund, that ignorant little peckerwood slut dragged a naked Arab man around on a leash it was all of us Americans who where holding the end in the eyes of the world. There was much horror and outrage expressed over Abu Ghraib but it was quickly forgotten domestically, we had better things to do. There was American Idol, there was shopping, there were summer blockbuster movies and sports, there was fear of the terrorists, there was the Rapture to prepare for, Big Macs to be devoured, you know, the really important stuff.

The general American lack of truly serious outrage over Haditha is a result of our ‘freedoms’, we are free to remain ignorant, free to practice bigotry, free to gorge ourselves while the poor starve, free to be as mean as are capable of being, free to shop, free to remain detached, free to create our own little t.v. based realities, free to remain in denial, free to hate, free to worship the favored God of the state, free to empower George W. Bush and his extremists to act as our agents. Well here is something for the ‘free’ to contemplate for a bit of much needed perspective:

Just imagine yourself at home with your family. Say one day the front door is kicked open, your elderly father or grandfather who is confined to a wheelchair is the first to confront the heavily armed intruders, he is torn to shreds by a hail of automatic gunfire. Yourself and the rest of your family is terrified, shocked, confused, women are screaming, children crying, infants wailing, shouted orders and profanity in a foreign language fill the air. Furniture is thrown, heirlooms broken, your spouse, children, siblings, parents along with yourself are herded into a central room, violently handcuffed and forced to kneel. The pets are killed first…the tableu is dragged out for the sake of inflicting the most cruelty, maybe there are rapes first but certainly there are beatings, then the executions begin….you are forced to watch your family slaughtered like animals in front of you, it is agony watching them suffer, you want to die to be spared the horror but they are saving you for last.

Get the picture?

If we are hated as we are so often told by our government by the ‘terrorists’ for our ‘freedom’ and our selfish way of life with so many choosing to pursue their own ‘freedom’ to remain free of outrage or responsibility is it any wonder why this is so? We are free to our ignorance and callousness but we are no longer innocent once a certain line has been crossed. When we choose to remain ‘free’ of outrage when our soldiers begin murdering civilians the Rubicon has been crossed, morally it is the equivalent of the same type of butchery that occurred in My Lai, El Mozote, Srebrenica or the Warsaw Ghetto. And if we fail to act and hold criminals to account for their actions we are no better than the unquestioning good Germans who lived downwind of Auschwitz, Dachau or Treblinka.

The administration and our depraved government of WASP millionaires for WASP millionaires fear Haditha and they have every reason to. As with Abu Ghraib there is pictorial evidence in nothing is able to convey an idea to a badly educated, poorly informed populace like an image.

The truth is what is feared most, the lies have been so incessant in weaving the tapestry of evil that once a tread is pulled it could all potentially unravel and what then? Institutions such as governments and churches fear the truth as a vampire fears sunlight, once questions begin to be asked their entire control structure is threatened. The lies are exposed and the criminals in charge held accountable by a suddenly aroused and transformed mass angry at being duped. Once the myriad lies come to be known one with an inquisitive mind begins to wonder if it is ALL a lie.

Therein lies the danger with building a temple on a foundation of lies, noble or ignoble, it makes no difference because the truth is the ultimate trump card…. but will sheeple so long accustomed to living in the decadence of ignorance, materialism and irrational fear ever muster up the courage to play it?

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter”

-Martin Luther King Jr.