The Loudening Drumbeat

September 24, 2009
The sleazy, subversive campaign to incite some demented loser to actually go out and take a shot at President Obama continues. As with JFK the fascist forces that really run this country are working desperately at setting into place conditions to mount another ‘intervention’ against one who threatens their war machine, their empire, their God given ability to loot and plunder with masturbatory glee. The above Pat Oliphant cartoon is brilliant in its audacity at calling it out as it is with the filthy Rupert Murdoch’s FOX News being the chief force in instigating a dupe to start to plan an assassination (which will of course be used as cover for the REAL plot that is likely being hatched in the darkest bowels of the institutions of the shadow government now). It is all so much like those days of Camelot interruptus, the Obama Joker poster is a modern day copy of the now infamous Bircher JFK Wanted For Treason posters only updated for modern moron society by cribbing from pop culture.

Was Hitler in Uniform on Cover of Mein Kampf?
The warning signs are ominous, ammunition shortages are at a record as angry white dumbasses arm themselves to the teeth for the coming race war against ACORN and Obama’s secret army and did you see…..why the nigger bastard was sitting within FEET of Moammar Qadaffi at the UN, you know, the UN, the ones who are going to carry out the implementation of the NWO, the one world government and the eugenics programs that will kill Christian white babies and rip God away from history. With the armed freaks ready to rile, their heads filled with FOX agitprop and dittohead dementia and marshalled by the beloved Glenn Beck (a man whose latest ghost written hunk of asswipe actually has him on the cover in a fucking fascist uniform), the man that a weird movement against Obama has coalesced. There is massive anger and unrest in Murka today and it’s not getting any better, each and every lie by the pundits and their whores in DC to prop up their bailed out stock market casino only exacerbates the fury as the Liliputiuns realize that trickle down economics only means that they are once again being pissed on by Gulliver.

This movement, due to the fecklessness of the left, the selling out by the Raht Emanuel wing of the Democrat party of the antiwar movement and the ongoing betrayal of labor only ensures that the victims of looter capitalism are ripe for the picking and the fascist element of this rotten empire of avarice and stinking viscera is running the harvest. I refer to my favorite blogger for a few comments on these folks, Glenn Greenwald from Glenn Beck and Left-Right Confusion:

Far more interesting than Beck himself is the increasingly futile effort to classify the protest movement to which he has connected himself. Here, too, confusion reigns. In part, this is due to the fact that these “tea party” and “9/12” protests are composed of factions with wildly divergent views about most everything. From paleoconservatives to Ron-Paul-libertarians to LaRouchians to Confederacy-loving, race-driven Southerners to Christianist social conservatives to single-issue fanatics (abortion, guns, gays) to standard Limbaugh-following, Bush-loving Republicans, these protests are an incoherent mishmash without any cohesive view other than: “Barack Obama is bad.” There are unquestionably some highly noxious elements in these groups, but they are far from homogeneous. Many of these people despised the Bush-led GOP and many of them loved it.

Add to all of that the fact that this anti-Obama sentiment is being exploited by run-of-the-mill GOP operatives who have no objective other than to undermine Democrats and return the Republicans to power — manifestly not the goal of many of the protesters — and it’s impossible to define what this movement is or what is driving it. In many ways, its leadership (both organizationally and in the media) is fundamentally at odds with the participants. How can people who cheered on the Bush/Cheney administration and who want to re-install GOP leaders in power (i.e., Fox News, Limbaugh, the right-wing blogosphere, GOP House members) possibly make common cause in any coherent way with those who are in favor of limited federal government power, reduced debt, privacy, and Constitutional protections — all the things on which the GOP relentlessly waged war for years? In one important sense, the “tea party” movement is similar to the Obama campaign for “change”: it stays sufficiently vague and unspecific to enable everyone to read into what they want, so that people with fundamentally irreconcilable views believe they’re part of the same movement.

But all that said, there are some identifiable — and plainly valid — underlying causes to these protests that are neither Republican nor Democratic, or even left or right. That’s when conventional political language ceases to be useful.

Is opposition to the Wall Street bailout (supported by both parties’ establishments) left or right? How about the view that Washington is inherently corrupt and beholden to the richest corporate interests and banks which, through lobbyist influence and vast financial contributions, own and control our political system? Is hostility towards Beltway elites liberal or conservative? Is opposition to the Surveillance State and endless expansions of federal police powers a view of liberals (who vehemently opposed such measures during the Bush era but now sometimes support or at least tolerate them) or conservatives (some of whom — the Ron Paul faction — objected just as vigorously, and naturally oppose such things regardless of who is in power as transgressions of the proper limits of government)? Liberals during the Bush era continuously complained about the doubling of the national debt, a central concern of many of these “tea party” protesters. Is the belief that Washington politicians are destroying the economic security of the middle class, while the rich grow richer, a liberal or conservative view? Opposition to endless wars and bankruptcy-inducing imperial policy generally finds as much expression among certain quarters on the Right as it does on the Left.

It’s a pity that the ones who are out there who could be swayed into joining a REAL populist movement that in any sane society would be dragging Wall Street bankers from their ivory towers and hanging them in the streets is so easily co-opted by demagogues and their well paid stooges. In America after multiple coup d’etats (the Kennedy assassination, 9/11), the creation of the National Security State to serve as an enforcer for the oligarchy and the gutting of the real left, the labor left, the socialist left we have allowed the piss reeking miscreants of the extreme right to drag out their soapboxes and lay the ground work for the coming civil war. American will be killing American in order to distract and protect the money power, the gutters will be filled with blood and the looting spree will be completed come hell or high water.
The pigs in Pittsburgh at the G20 have implemented a state of lockdown in the Iron Fist City, even if they were inclined to do so you won’t see a teabagger or Becker within a hundred miles of this gathering of globalists protected by a military lockdown. No, they are too busy out hoarding bullets and plotting to take down the Manchurian Candidate, goddammit…..can’t anybody even unnerstan that he ain’t one of us????? As General Stan McChrystal has his intransigence printed on the front page of the Washington Post to prevent the pulling out of the already lost and phony war in Afghanistan by this latest administration it brings to mind the animosity festering in that den of war criminals, The Pentagon that has haunted the building like a malevolent spirit since that Communist Kennedy bailed out on the Bay of Pigs and caved in to Kruschev.
A storm is coming….
Just my two cents over the mornin cup o’ joe

Birthers: A Strong Argument For Retroactive Abortion

July 29, 2009

Show me a desperate white male in the economic and cultural diaspora of Murka and I will show you a person who is susceptible of being one of those yahoos that have been popping up like shrooms in cowshit after a fresh rain who claim that Barack Obama is not qualified to be U.S. President because he was born in Kenya.

Birthers as they have been tagged in the same snarky manner as the useful idiots who flocked to the GOP sleeper cell co-opted tea party events who were mocked as ‘tea-baggers’ after a certain sexual act in which a scrotum is inserted inside a partner’s mouth. Not that that child-fucking, drug addled pig Limbaugh doesn’t enjoy such things during his little Viagra fueled soirees in notorious fleshpots and Meccas for child prostitution like the Dominican Republic of course but that is beside the point. The Birthers are the remnants of the bitterest of those folks who The Pope of Hope dared to suggest during his campaign for the DemocRAT nomination clung bitterly to their guns and religious superstition against a world that they care nothing of even trying to expend their lizard brains in trying to understand. As someone who occasionally wallows in the sleazier corners of the blogosphere where I rub elbows with the real black helicopter types just because I like to walk on the wild side this was something that was being pimped hard in the runup to the 2008 elections by Jeff Rense and others. That it has resurfaced now with the GOP having been thoroughly devoured by the theocratic racist parasites and the Rahm Emanueal, Max Baucus, Harry Reid cash and carry Dems all too happy to cater to the whims of the country clubbers and Wall Street scum leaving the Republicans with the dregs of American society is no surprise at all. Rense, actually a talented radio show host (gotta do something bout that hairdo though) regularly provided a forum for the peddlers of the non-citizen myth sandwiched in with the insanity spewed by Larry Sinclair, a wretched little degenerate loser who claimed to have smoked the rock (as well as Obama’s cock) with the soon to be crowned reality TV prez as the horror of actually seeing a black man in the White House set the pointy heads on the far right spinning and spewing peasoup green vomit – most of them already speak in tongues.

Even Alex Jones of Infowars who has largely stayed out of the Birther garbage has now caught the scent and diverted from his global warming denial/gun grabber/Mexican bashing diatribes to engage – that was on Monday’s show. Now as I have mentioned above, I am one who actually visits a lot of the right’s websites and listens to the shows, once you sort out the corporate subsidized drivel from the chosen pit bulls of the establishment like Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Beck and their ilk there is some damned good information to be gleaned if you can stand the neighborhood. I admit that I have been and Alex Jones fan for quiet some time now, the guy can bring it and it’s entertaining radio that blows the shit out of most of the lame crap out there. The guests are occasionally great (although mixed in with the more extreme of the cretins and buffoons who are associated with the so-called Patriot Movement) and there is valuable intel to be had. There is also no greater monitor of the rise of the domestic police state than Jones but the foray into Birther territory is a bridge too far. I have been a bit suspicious of Jones as of late, primarily for an interview awhile back with Peter Dale Scott where the Council For National Policy (CNP) was brought up as a domestic counter to the internationalist Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) and Jones, a well-researched man who is obsessive with documentation claimed ignorance. So it’s the Yankee and Cowboy War all over again right? Dueling factions of the elite with the sunbelt oil magnates and military industrialists throwing down hard.

But I digress…

While the Birther movement has been kept alive largely through the efforts of many hard core activists and the wealthy interests that feed them like the attack dogs that they are it has largely been on the fringes where it belongs until lately when it has burst into the national discourse in what mysteriously coincides with Obama’s push for a public option and health care reform (as well as his rude insistence that the genocidal Israelis stop building those settlements) and a mega billion dollar effort by the medical industrial complex to derail anything resembling true change which would seriously fuck up their longterm plans for a new feudal police state. So the Birther bullshit has surfaced on more ‘respectable’ (and I use that term very loosely) outlets such as CNN (which incidentally is the longtime employer of a certain Mossad asset named Wolf Blitzer) where the painfully spent Lou Dobbs has incorporated it into his nightly anti-immigrant diatribes. Dobbs used to be a respectable personality back in the early days of cable news but with his ongoing descent into the most sleazy and malodorous swamp of shit inhabited by the demented right-wing nativist loons and now his fandango with the Birthers is likely his swan song, or his death knell.

Hey, the man is going to live large for the rest of his life by doing this and what do you really expect from corporate whore CNeNemy? Of course they are letting Dobbs go out in a blaze of embarassment, look at the other even more pathetic Pat Buchanan on MSNBC who literally was butt fucked by a strap-on fitted Rachel Maddow last week and exposed as the rambling and pathetic old white supremacist that the former Nixon henchman always has been although he did have some points occasionally before he was fitted with the drool bucket. The mastodons are braying like banshees in heat now that they are thrashing around in their tar pits, I even heard the poor old neo Nazi G.Gordon Liddy the other day and he is ready to have his jackboots taken from him and fitted with Grampers. These guys no matter whether you agree with them or not at least had some cred once..Now they are corpses being trotted out on scurvy broken down mules to tilt at those phantom librul conspiracists and their windmills. The idiots who buy into this bullshit are an embarassment in general, a sad and mangy bunch of dupes fucked over by the system and being mustered as a last line of defense by the protection racket that serves the oligarchy….were they not so instumental in dragging the rest of us down they wouldn’t even deserve a mention (even passing) in mockery.

Now that Sarah Palin, the Joan of Arc of the aggrieved white bible thumpers has slithered out of the Alaskan Governor’s mansion leaving a slime trail look for the Birthers to have a new leader, a bomb thrower who puts Bill Ayers to shame and who has no qualms about sly innuendos that will drive some bitterman looking for a scapegoat into taking a shot at Obama. This is just one more prong of the multi-faceted assault that would paint him as a secret Muslim, a terrorist or even the Antichrist. Miserable economic times breed the sort of discontent that can be tapped into by an ambitious populist without neither shame nor morals, note the rise of a scorned and fucked up loser named Adolf Hitler. Palin could be OUR Hitler and the Birthers will be a very useful corps from which to draw brownshirts from.

As for my personal message to the Birthers and others who are whipped into a ball-chewing rage by guys like Dobbs:

All that I can say is that old Lou will be collecting his millions laying on a beach while the suckers that he and his ilk have so successfully duped into scapegoating of the dreaded brown menace are standing in bread lines. Thanks idiots… have totally destroyed America, go and wrap that in your flags while you dance around like fools at the tea parties sponsored by the representatives of your own oppressors.

In a true historical context you are out there chucking tea into the dumpster to preserve the rule of the British Monarchy..

But you are all idiots and you wouldn’t know irony if it bit you in the ass.

That’s just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe.


UPDATE: For the record I was too quick to go off on Alex Jones for the failure to recognize the CNP and other whacko religious fronts for the empire. Since I podcast the Jones show there was no way of knowing when I posted this that he had Jeff Sharlet author of the book The Family on as a guest – see link here for download. It was an outstanding interview and Sharlet was on for about an hour, they discussed the Nazi links to this insidious organization that represents a very peculiar interpretation of the gospel of Jesus Christ run through the filter of global domination and the American empire. The admiration of leader Doug Coe of Hitler, Mao and Stalin as well as the power within the American political system of this cancerous group will make the hair on your neck stand up. Other than Sharlet however Jones was back to giving the ‘Birthers’ some credence as well as the standard Mexican bashing. This is what I find so maddening about Alex Jones, there is such brilliant information there at times but it makes me feel dirty wading into the muck to extract it. Just do yourself a favor, fast forward to the Sharlet interview and then stop listening afterwards. I have long suspected that the religious right through organizations like the CNP and The Family are fronts for the CIA and fascism and will be doing extensive research and writing on it in the future.