Civil War on the ‘Left’ as Decision Looms

April 11, 2010
The ideological inspiration for the modern American ‘left’

The level of sheer vitriolic nastiness, baseball cap to the knees tactics (aka Tonya Harding politics) and jackbooted enforcement of political correctness by the current American political left has been nothing short of astonishing as all divisions are bared by the current Hillary Rodham Clinton-Barack Obama steel cage death match (click here for a wonderful and fun little treat all too symbolic of what passes for politics any more in our Idocracy. I have not in my three years or so of blogging ever seen shuch shrillness, crying mommy, cyber bullying, censorship and caterwauling over assuaging the feelings of the identity based groups who have attached themselves to the gigantic hog at the feeding trough that is the Democratic party in the same spirit of their much savvier brethren in the Republican pig sty.

The carnage has been unbelievable as the surrogates of Mrs. Clinton and their angry army of post-menopausal crusaders hunt the blogosphere in packs swarming, intimidating and spreading outright lies and propaganda while enforcing pressure on blog owners and admins to stigmatize, censor and ban any who don’t use the utmost deference in planting big, wet sloppy kisses on the Queen’s ass. I have personally been a party to some of this and faced as withering an attack as anything that I ever faced when fighting the right and what made it so bizarre is that those who once were firmly aligned with those fighting to beat back the tide of American fascism are now reduced to the ‘my team vs your team’ identity based politics that the modern Democratic party milk to continue their con game in passing themselves off as any sort of legitimate opposition entity.

The most kick ass club in the bag for the legions of Hillemmings is the dreaded ‘misogynist’ card which has been dealt from the bottom of the deck most recently by that preening little British fag Elton John. ‘Sir’ John, the madman across the water is the abosolute last person who should be lecturing anybody on the finer points of gender based etiquette and lecturing Americans for their misogyny, it’s like being given an ethics lesson by Karl Rove or being taught table manners by Jeffrey Dahmer and it earned him a spot on Keith Olbermann’s Worst Person In The World list last night, jusfifiably so. We have enough problems with fanatical Zionists and the American high rolling Jews who largely back Clinton and meddling in our domestic political system and no advice from a pole smoking Englishman is necessary. Let’s face it, we have enough of our own fucking problems in retaining our national sovereignty in an increasingly hostile globalist world. Besides, the misogyny thing just doesn’t work with Mrs. Clinton no matter how much her stooges and public relations hacks want you to think so, this is a woman who is the penultimate elitist, was a high powered corporate lawyer, a Wal-Mart board member and currently a U.S. Senator so where exactly did she smack into that glass ceiling like a fly into a windshield?

The entire thing is just total horseshit and the Establishment is desperate to do anything that is possible to take out Obama and roll out the red carpet for the return of the globalist Clinton crime family. In some of the darker corners of the internet there are already sinister connections being made between Saint Barack and the dead homosexual choirmaster at Reverend Wright’s Chicago church (making it pretty evident that the pocket media continues to flail away at the Wright sideshow) that are largely being pimped by members of the Lyndon LaRouche network. The high priest of conspiracy (who occasionally does have points of some merit) has already come out in favor of Clinton and is throwing his very substantial weight behind what is going to be a coordinated smear campaign with the Rupert Murdoch/Richard Mellon Scaife media empires to savagely take down Obama when the time comes. He was only supposed to be a ringer designed to make this sham democracy look like the real thing for the rubes and buffons in idiot America but then he got bigger ideas and went off the reservation. Judging from the percolating of such slime I predict that the mother of all racist/anti-Semitic smart bombs is being put together to forever terminate the candidacy of Mr. Obama with extreme prejudice. I had this prediction result in censorship at another site that I immensely respect for it’s ability to be inclusive and open to all opinions but Clinton surrogates flooded the admins with cries of foul and it was hidden. We will see what happens and there is no fucking way in Hell that the Clintons are going to allow an usurper to that which they are entitled.

Hell, you saw what happened to Air America’s Randi Rhodes who was suspended by that faux left radio network for making reference to Mrs. Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro as “fucking whores”(at least she didn’t call them fucking fascist cunts) during a non-network sponsored appearance that exposed the ‘liberal’ network as nothing more than a propaganda arm of the corrupt Democratic party. Rhodes who had become increasingly critical of Rodham-Clinton was sold down the river much like Mike Malloy was a year or so ago by Air America and like Malloy managed to land another gig pretty quickly at Nova M Radio which is a bit more open minded when it comes to telling it like it is although I am not down with having to cough up the coin to subscribe not that I am a huge fan of the often obnoxious Rhodes anyway. Such is the state of free speech in Murka post 9/11 where every dissenter is a potential Al Qaeda member, war is peace, ignorance is knowledge and freedom is slavery.

I would rail on at length about the abomination that is the ‘left’ but will leave that for another time, suffice it to say that the real left was laid to waste by a long-running, coordinated fascist campaign that changed the language, erased our history, destroyed the unions and allowed a bunch of dope smoking, long haired, baby killing, sodomy worshipping, holier than thou identity based cliques to fill the vacuum and we as Americans have been suffering for it ever since.

Think about THAT the next time that you gas up your car or go buy groceries, what you are dealing with now is the triumph of fascism that only was made possible by the hijacking of the REAL left by the effete, politically correct snobs and cheese eating limousine liberals. I have made my break with the bitches and bastards, let them chew on each other until there is nothing left, I am finished with the bogus left-right paradigm.

Monkey See, Monkey Do: Nice to see our friends the money grubbing, communist, totalitarian Chinese playing the same fear cards of their American cohorts in attempting to distract from the international outrage over their brutal crackdown against Tibetian protestors with surprise, surprise – an Al Qaeda threat to the Olympics. The fucking chinks are going to use the Bejing games this summer to showcase what a wonderful country that they have much like Hitler did in Berlin back in 1936. I would strongly recommend boycotting anything related to the 2008 Olympics – which are antiquated, overly commercialized, boring and just plain suck to begin with – over the human rights abuses of the Chinese government. The paramilitary goon squad dubbed the men in blue who have been assigned to escort the olympic torch across the world and who have beaten protestors is an outrage and that such groups are allowed to operate on American soil is just another example of how the global criminals and Wall Street looters and their finely pefumed political whores have sold their souls to the company store.

Triumph Of The Willfully Ignorant

August 28, 2009

The American fascist would prefer not to use violence. His method is to poison the channels of public information.

-Henry A. Wallace

Now late August in his month of blistering hatred, Ted Kennedy goes in the ground tomorrow, by Sunday the Blue Dogs will be lining up to piss on his grave. The vicious offensive by Astroturf groups that was spliced together with neo Confederates, white supremacists, domestic terrorists like Randall Terry and full blown American Nazis on health care town hall meetings has been an astounding success in driving a spike through any meaningful sort of health care reform. The deals have been cut, the propagandists have earned every penny of their millions for serving as a protection racket for the elite, the public option is dead and the entire sordid mess is soon to be administered last rites. It’s been a month of foulness that hangs heavy in the air, you can breath it in, smell the growing anger, the hate is so thick that it seeps into your pores. Soylent Green is made out of grandma, death panels, eugenics, Stalinism in stars and stripes, they are going to abort the babies and Obama will enslave the white race in labor camps where they will work to pay slave reparations. Were Herr Hitler and Herr Goebbels alive today they would marvel at how much more sophisticated and refined that their model has evolved and developed, God and Glenn Beck willing there will soon be pogroms in the streets, blood in the gutters and then librul huntin’ season will be announced from on high by that doped up and batshit crazy fat man in the EIB Network bunker who brags about having talent on loan from the almighty yet who can’t get an erection without pharmaceutical assistance.

When the definitive account of the decline and fall of the American civilization is one day put together by a future historian it will no doubt include much on how a large segment of a country was driven mad by a decades long saturation bombing of fascist indoctrination and swill peddled by Republican party operatives and hate mongers who were able to convince a certain authority worshipping demographic block to foreswear their own economic self-interests and become shock troops for a corrupt and amoral overclass. The values of propaganda and mind control to socially engineer the masses really gained traction with the ideas of Edward Bernays, the overly ambitious nephew of Sigmund Freud who curried favor with the looter class and became their most influential mind molder. I would refer readers to Adam Curtis’ excellent documentary for the BBC The Century of the Self, and please pass it around. Bernays would go on to be a very good teacher of the technique to none other than Joseph Goebbels who was a huge fan and a model as were many early industrialists and eugenicists to the various leaders of the Nazi regime however that is a story for another time. The control of the American mind was critical for the long slouch into outright fascism and nobody did it better than those who demonized the communists in order to terrorize the populace into support for the illegal wars of conquest and imperialism.

With the end of WW II presenting a great opportunity for the hated New Deal programs of the class traitor Roosevelt the CIA was formed as the enforcement arm of Wall Street and would engage in secret wars both abroad and at home against the very concept of a liberal, egalitarian and just society. The efforts would result in the smashing of the real American left under the jackboot of McCarthyism and the nurturing of a mean spirited, exceptionalist, white nationalist creed as embodied by John Wayne, Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan and which would one day metastasize into the culture of right-wing sewage that has 2009 America on the brink of a hot civil war. I am not going to go into the history of all of this now as I choose to leave it for another day, the only intention of my even mentioning it was for context. You may want to listen to this interesting hour-long program by anti-fascist radio host Dave Emory on American Gladio for additional background. The level of hostility, racism, gay baiting, red baiting and insurrection pimping has reached an apex during this August as a result of the health care town hall invasions by outraged mobs, many of the attackers are the same detestable losers who flocked to Sarah Palin rallies last fall to call for Barack Obama’s assassination and rail against his secret Muslim background and purported plan to grab the guns and annihilate the white race.

But I digress…

Nowhere have the swine on the right been more vindictive than in manufacturing phantoms, in distorting reality and filtering it through their fully owned media prism to discredit the feckless opposition, the Vichy Democrats of Harry Reid who now no longer has to defend his failure to get anything done with a 60 seat majority now that Ted Kennedy is dead. Awash in the electronic vomit of the last few days when every cowardly fascist bitch and bastard has been flogging the corpse of the last Kennedy brother is a very sleazy little psyop, the exact type that these pigs are notable for. Earlier this week, the office of the Colorado Democratic Party headquarters in Denver was vandalized and certain elements of the liberal and progressive community onine were too quick (this time anyway) in shooting from the hip and blaming it on right-wing animals of the sort who have been raging across the country ala the Sturmabteilung. Not that similar acts aren’t the fault of the Republican brownshirts (note the defacement of this sign by vandals and any good cop knows that whenever a crime occurs that the first place to look for the perp is with the usual suspects) but this time the bloggers and others were wrong. Dead wrong and the well oiled machine that is the fascist fifth column was ready to pounce and declare it a false flag operation undertaken by the left to discredit their goon squads….as if there were any honor amongst those assclowns.

The putrid belching of right-wing outrage over the recent vandalizing of the Denver Democratic Party headquarters is stunning in both its mendacity and organization, you see, nobody plays the outraged victim card better than the fascist Republicans. There are no bigger tyrants when they are in power and no bigger crybabies when they are not, the entire movement is nothing more than a cacaphony of contrived grievances against a sweeping liberal conspiracy that does not now and never has existed. It was of absolutely no help though then that progressives were quick to label the breaking of the windows as another escalation of right-wing mayhem, one radio host Bob Kincaid even went so far as to invoke Kristallnacht.

Not that this sort of action in the climate that has been created by a party that long ago ceased to represent America and embraced a new fascism didn’t have tea baggers and town hall terrorists written all over it but the facts must be considered no matter that a pattern is repeated. To Kincaid’s credit he fully understands the dangerous nature of the foul shock troops of corporate America, he is an activist in the hot zone fighting the battle against mountaintop removal and this video is indicative of the sort of meanness that can be conjured up when moneyed interests are threatened. But this time he and the others were wrong and the full force of the fascists was ready to pounce and to seize the day to invoke their own bogeymen and phantoms of the mythical far left, just like they did in Seattle during the WTO protests back in ’99. The truth is that anything even remotely to the left of the right-center must be destroyed and destroyed with extreme prejudice.
The vandalism of the Denver Democrat office as it turns out was allegedly done by a transgender activist who blogs under the name Ariel Attack and who happened to work on helping to get Democrats elected back during the election. Now I do not know this particular activist, I had never even heard of her until this shitstorm in a teapot was whipped up by the GOP operatives so I am not going to attempt to speculate on motives (especially since this has not been decided in a court of law as to whether Ariel Attack even did it) other than to note that the LGBT community has a right to be angry over the betrayal by the Obama administration, a long slow stab in the back that began when that filthy, bigoted pig of a false prophet Rick Warren was invited to give the invocation during Obama’s coronation. That sort of thing really is a slap in the face to a group whose support was instumental until they were discarded.

As one who has been a member of the antiwar movement I totally understand being sold out by Democrats and there is a growing unrest out there that the Obama White House is desperately trying to quash lest a full blown revolt of the base occur. On reading this story I must say that some of the comments from the virulent rats on the right on what Ariel Attack is going to face in jail – especially rape and their masturbatory glee at transcribing their sick fantasies makes me disgusted to be an American. In this society it has become acceptable that our overfilled, for profit prison gulags have rape rooms every bit the equal of the big bad Saddam’s and our national obsession with punishment and torture are shameful in a civilized society. As Dostoyevsky once wrote “The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons” and we live in a land were brutality, rape and institutionalized sadism are the standards.

Of course the pigman weighed in with his offering to dittohead dope addicts on the so called false flag, mocking Ariel Attack: “Now, I don’t know if this was an addadictomy transgender or a chopadickoffamy transgender”. I must admit that I find the Republican, Birther, Deather, Teabagger, dead ender obsession with dicks to be rather mystifying in that their hatred of gays, lesbians and transgender Americans is so strident as to influence others to commit acts of violence (like Matthew Sheppard’s sadistic killers), dare I say that it’s positively Freudian and there are actual studies that back me up. The strange fascination over penises with male Republicans has taken a bizarre turn into the land of the Mad Hatter’s mushroom tea party as of late with this sordid little story that screams of the dangers of repressed homosexuality on the subconscious of the average American hate filled Birther courtesy of David Neiwert:

The fine Real Americans at the Free Republic have found Obama’s achilles heel: his Long Dark Staff of White Insecurity.

hoosiermama: The only other thing that hit me was that Sinclair said BO was not circumcised. When my son was born in a hospital that was done as a matter of routine without even consulting us. Would the same be for Hawaii? OTOH People born at home or in some other cultures are not circumcised.

thecodont: A relative of mine was born (in a hospital) a couple of years after BO’s alleged birth date. He was circumcised also (as a matter of routine, not according to any family request).

afraidfortherepublic: My son was born in June of 1961 in a hospital in CA, and the nurses released us because of miscommunication in a day and a half before the circumcision was done. We had to go back to the doctor’s office to have it done a week later, and the doctor was NOT HAPPY. My second son was born in the same hospital 4 years later. I don’t remember them asking me about it. Routine procedure for little boys.

hoosiermama:Wish we had someone to make a phone call to the hospitols in HI and ask if they routinely do circumcism and when that practice started.

MHGinTN: You might want to make that call to a Canadian hospital …

MHGinTN: No…it would have been in Kenya….not Canada.

Natural Born 54 : I am having a vision of a court room scene. The judge turns to O sitting in the witness chair to his left and says “I am sorry, Mr. President, but I am going to have to ask you to stand and drop trou …..”

Anyone remember how Republicans wound up obsessing over Bill Clinton’s Johnson, ad nauseam, even on TV? I remember Ann Coulter speculating over Paula Jones’ claims about the shape and behavior of the Mighty Clenis, as we came to call it.

Now, I guess, they get to do the same for Obama’s unit. This should get entertaining.

Oh My Fucking God….Clinton’s Penis: The Sequel!

I am sure that everyone remembers the days of the great Ken Starr blowjob inquisition when the the ultimate goal of the freaks was NOT to impeach and remove Clinton but to get him to drop trou in court and show Mr. Wiggley because after all, the unimpeachable testimony of that trailer park slut Paula Jones had vividly described Bubba’s member in lurid detail as being somehow deformed or otherwise ‘unique’. Now they are practically drooling over the possibility of peeking at Obama’s pee pee to determine whether it is a helmet or an anteater. The inner turmoil at repressed sexuality turned into a little alien chewing away the insides of star spangled God fearing folk is largely what drives them to rage against the non-white secular society, much of the repression is the result of religious indoctrination that makes all sex (and especially GASP gay sex) into a loathsome and feared form of sinful wretchedness. It’s ironic that so many of them end up becoming so warped by self loathing directed outwardly that when it finally finds an outlet it is in child molestation, violence and the lurid and sleazy extramarital affairs that they so denounce from their pulpits and bund halls. Jesus didn’t talk much about sex, could be that was all left behind in the early years of his mysterious life before he appeared as if beamed down from outer space in his thirties and threatening the corrupt moneychangers. He did however have much to say about hypocrites though and there is a serious hypocrisy in the morbid belief that when Jesus V.2 does come back to wreak his vengeance that a lot of holy rollers will be flying through they skies dirty nasty nekkid to their great reward.

Again, I digress…..

Rush the pigman is really not the authoritative source on anything that even resembles the straining at the seams sack of lemming shit that is pimped to the rubes and the peckerwoods as ‘values’. The $40 million a year guardian of the moneychangers may talk a good game to the idiots susceptible to being lobotomized by AM talk radio but let’s get real ok? For one the guy is a rich fat failure who just happened to be plucked from obscurity by a fascist political machine determined to find the next Father Coughlin to poison the minds of the fucked over farmers in the heartland who had been ruined by Reaganism. He raged forth on the airwaves and was adored by Poppy Bush so much that he was invited to the White House to stay in the Lincoln Bedroom where the fat piece of shit probably jacked off under the sheets. He is thrice-divorced (so much for the sanctity of marriage), not only was doctor shopping and eating mass quantities of Vicodin and Oxycontin but sent his maid out to score for him (so much for the railing against crackheads) is a die hard racist (a necessity to be a Repiglican) and was busted along with the freaks who were responsible for giving us Jack Bauer (America’s favorite Nazi) coming back from the notorious sex tourist mecca in the Dominican Republic with an illegal bottle of Viagra in his luggage (was he fucking little boys or little girls?) that were it not for the rigged courts would have resulted in his drug violation being revoked and his sweaty, corpulent ass being thrown in prison where he belongs. Oh and the big patriotic man was also a draft dodger like so many of the other Republican chickenshits, he got out because he had a cyst on his ass and it’s long since crawled up his spinal column into his cranium where it set up shop.

Other than Limbaugh the pigman, the August anarchy in the town halls has been facilitated by the rest of the corporate protection racket payroll cable television Nazis and groups like the uber lobbyist tax chiseler Dick Armey’s Orwellian sounding Freedomworks. There is of course the immensely popular Glenn Beck, an increasingly unstable babbling rabble-rouser who seems to have the most effect on the average American half-wit. His FOX program is a masterpiece theatre of how to destabilize a country from within by inciting an angry army of heavily armed fifth columnists. Beck is an interesting case, he was plucked from obscurity out of the Tampa Bay market where he specialized in emceeing ‘big eater contests’ to be the moonfaced spokesman for post 9/11 fascism. In an interesting side story he is a former alcoholic whose family has a history of mental disorders including multiple suicides (trivia tidbit: Karl Rove’s mother also killed herself, driving out to the edge of the desert and gassing herself in a car) so I it would hardly be too awfully surprising if Herr Beck does the full Howard Beale and actually blows his brains out on the air someday – it would like the exploding head in Scanners and would go fucking viral on You Tube! With any luck he can induce his cult following to do likewise, it’d be the greatest mass suicide since Jonestown and would go one hell of a a long ways towards getting our national rat infestation problem under control.

Michelle Maglalang (aka Malkin) is another of the more hideous inciters of violence and even has a brand new book Culture of Corruption that is rocketing up the charts courtesy of the same reich wing bulk buying that lands every other amateurish version of Mein Kampf on the bestseller list (hint – look for the little dagger) where it is given away to dangerous freaks like David Adkisson who then go out and kill liberals. Maglalang became known for her support of U.S. internment camps for Muslims in the aftermath of the Big Wedding and like the rest of the house propagandists plays to the fears of the brown menace in railing against illegal immigration. Ironic in that she was at one time the subject of rumors (never substantiated) on the internet that actually accused her of being an anchor baby herself. Hell, I was in the Philippines a few times back during my Navy days, for all that I know I could be her daddy.

I could continue naming names but why bother? They are all diseased and punched out with cookie cutters from the same rolled slab of shit. All that I can say is that once they have their little revolution courtesy of the secessionists and plotters to take over the government that show up at the town halls looking like the deranged assholes that they are and order is restored that all the propagandists will be herded up by whoever is left and made to stand in the dock just like Julius Streicher did at Nuremberg.

The right wing slime machine has now chosen as a target the blog Queers Against Obama since it is easy pickings and panders to the vilest homophobic derangement of the red state fascist base. In another alarming sign of the coming crackdown on free speech and classifying of blogs as anarchist, terrorist or subversive it is this blog, where Ariel Attack happened to be a regular that is being targeted as an example. Hell, I’m going to go on the record here that I have spoken to the founder of Queers Against Obama on several occasions on an internet radio show that I am a regular on, he also happens to post on a few blogs that I frequent and I can attest that he does not seem to be any sort of threat to anyone. He’s just a pissed off activist who is able to see through Obama’s phony bullshit act and as with many gay people who were used and abused by this latest flim flam man and then thrown under the bus when the votes were no longer needed. Far from the wild revolutionary anarchist hellbent on the violent over throw of the government (unlike Beck’s psychotic minions) that the blogswarmers and reich wing media are trying to sell as their latest painted up fake devil. He is actually a very well educated individual which makes it two strikes against from the degenerate fascist right scum.

The blog, much like my own blogs and many others maintained by those of us who are more activist and choose to rage against the machine rather than line up to eat shit behind the rest of the lemmings certainly has incendiary rhetoric but let’s just get a little perspective here – we are pretty much voices in the wilderness, too small to be even bothered with until the vicious right-wing ratfuckers need to make an example of someone. The schoolyard bully mentality of the fascist right (along with the co-opted O Bots on the pathetic excuse that passes for the left) is dangerously predatory, stupid and relentless – I would suspect that the malodorous gray goo that is the brain of a pederast functions the same way. I would advise those of use who are renegades to take a stand against the savage attacks against QAO because as the great wisdom dispensed by Pastor Niemöller during the most pitch black of days in late 1930’s Germany:

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn’t a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.

The double standard is as flagrant as it is a condemnation of the corporate media in all of its resplendent foulness. The nation’s journalism schools long ago ceased to produce any sort of courageous truth tellers able to hold power to account, instead the allure of money and the realization that the bucks were in throwing in with the oligarchy ensured that a steady flow of stenographers, public relations flacks, establishment shills and corporate toadies would be pumped out. Once honorable institutions where reporters were allowed to learn the craft had become nothing more than machines producing cover up artists like link sausage made with tainted skunk meat. The reason that we find ourselves today in a decaying society ravaged by terminal sloth, dumbness and a need for scapegoats is in no small part the fault of a media that long ago abrogated it’s constitutional responsibility to ensure that an informed populace would serve as a necessary check on systemic corruption. When news became a for profit commodity the charlatans, cheats and schemers saw an opportunity to exploit and in turning the media into a 24/7 sleaze machine populated by big haired bimbos with thousand yard stares reciting nonsense off of teleprompters and vicious demagogues and hate mongers like Limbaugh and his ilk.

Whatever happened in Denver and why, while it is being spun by the fascist noisemakers who have turned August into a roiling cauldron of filth and hate is more of an illustration at just how much that the Obama administration has betrayed the party base. While the GOP and conniving swine like Newt Gingrich give their knuckle dragging base nothing but shovels of bloody red meat and then send them forth to harangue, disrupt and threaten the democratic process by descending on health care town hall meetings like flesh eating zombies the new ‘liberal’ Obama administration under the stewardship of Raht Emanuel is happy to use the base to mobilize to win elections but when the rubber meets the road it’s nothing but more of the same catering to corporate interests and finance industry plunderers. I would also like to note that Cindy Sheehan has been protesting at Martha’s Vineyard against the wars that Obama has not only inherited but escalated. To this point there is absolutely zero media coverage, stunning when you consider the back of camera fitted vultures that were present at George W. Bush’s Crawford dude ranch.

The growing anger towards the Obama administration is understandable with liberals and progressives, specifically the GBLT community, organized labor, civil libertarians and especially the antiwar movement. For a man who ran promising change the only change has been chump change, once again we’ve been had by a silver-tongued devil preaching renewal, no surprise given Obama’s stated admiration of Ronald Reagan, the ultimate product as president….that was until November 2008. The great Australian journalist and filmmaker John Pilger summed it up perfectly in his piece Obama’s 100 days – the mad men did well from which I excerpt:

The BBC’s American television soap Mad Men offers a rare glimpse of the power of corporate advertising. The promotion of smoking half a century ago by the “smart” people of Madison Avenue, who knew the truth, led to countless deaths. Advertising and its twin, public relations, became a way of deceiving dreamt up by those who had read Freud and applied mass psychology to anything from cigarettes to politics. Just as Marlboro Man was virility itself, so politicians could be branded, packaged and sold.

It is more than 100 days since Barack Obama was elected president of the United States. The “Obama brand” has been named “Advertising Age’s marketer of the year for 2008”, easily beating Apple computers. David Fenton of describes Obama’s election campaign as “an institutionalised mass-level automated technological community organising that has never existed before and is a very, very powerful force”. Deploying the internet and a slogan plagiarised from the Latino union organiser César Chávez – “Sí, se puede!” or “Yes, we can” – the mass-level automated technological community marketed its brand to victory in a country desperate to be rid of George W Bush.

No one knew what the new brand actually stood for. So accomplished was the advertising (a record $75m was spent on television commercials alone) that many Americans actually believed Obama shared their opposition to Bush’s wars. In fact, he had repeatedly backed Bush’s warmongering and its congressional funding. Many Americans also believed he was the heir to Martin Luther King’s legacy of anti-colonialism. Yet if Obama had a theme at all, apart from the vacuous “Change you can believe in”, it was the renewal of America as a dominant, avaricious bully. “We will be the most powerful,” he often declared.

Perhaps the Obama brand’s most effective advertising was supplied free of charge by those journalists who, as courtiers of a rapacious system, promote shining knights. They depoliticised him, spinning his platitudinous speeches as “adroit literary creations, rich, like those Doric columns, with allusion…” (Charlotte Higgins in the Guardian). The San Francisco Chronicle columnist Mark Morford wrote: “Many spiritually advanced people I know… identify Obama as a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being who… can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet.”

Since our reality television show president entered the White House the absence of any sort of meaningful change has been stunning, the audacity of the one who preached hope and is now exposed as just another snake oil salesman blindsided many of those who worked so hard to ensure that he would be the man to turn the page on the horrors of the Bush-Cheney era. The marketing campaign that washed the Pope of Hope into power as is now apparent just more of the same high-powered public relations and image making that corporate America has so successfully utilized for so long to sell us all crap that we didn’t need for money that we didn’t have. It was magnificent in that it relied so heavily on the votes of uninformed youth who were neither well informed nor politically active and who would just one time go out and do their civic duty in punching the ticket of the Michael Jordan of the new American century. They would then go back to their video games, their bling-bling and their blissfully ignorant lives. The great moderate middle, having exorcised the devil Bush could then shuffle back into their prostrate positions in front of their televisions and go back to sleep again.

The betrayals continue to mount even as the ongoing fascist plot to overthrow the legitimately (although deceptively) elected government continue to breed operatives like cockroaches. The Obamessiah has succeeded in leading his Wall Street masters to the promised land of milk and honey and is going back to shepherd the insurance industry racketeers.

How dare anybody expect a few crumbs be scattered in front of their miserable hovels on the way.

Hillary Feeds Ugliness on ‘Left’ as Denver Looms

April 11, 2008
The ideological inspiration for the modern American ‘left’

The level of sheer vitriolic nastiness, baseball cap to the knees tactics (aka Tonya Harding politics) and jackbooted enforcement of political correctness by the current American political left has been nothing short of astonishing as all divisions are bared by the current Hillary Rodham Clinton-Barack Obama steel cage death match (click here for a wonderful and fun little treat all too symbolic of what passes for politics any more in our Idocracy. I have not in my three years or so of blogging ever seen shuch shrillness, crying mommy, cyber bullying, censorship and caterwauling over assuaging the feelings of the identity based groups who have attached themselves to the gigantic hog at the feeding trough that is the Democratic party in the same spirit of their much savvier brethren in the Republican pig sty.

The carnage has been unbelievable as the surrogates of Mrs. Clinton and their angry army of post-menopausal crusaders hunt the blogosphere in packs swarming, intimidating and spreading outright lies and propaganda while enforcing pressure on blog owners and admins to stigmatize, censor and ban any who don’t use the utmost deference in planting big, wet sloppy kisses on the Queen’s ass. I have personally been a party to some of this and faced as withering an attack as anything that I ever faced when fighting the right and what made it so bizarre is that those who once were firmly aligned with those fighting to beat back the tide of American fascism are now reduced to the ‘my team vs your team’ identity based politics that the modern Democratic party milk to continue their con game in passing themselves off as any sort of legitimate opposition entity.

The most kick ass club in the bag for the legions of Hillemmings is the dreaded ‘misogynist’ card which has been dealt from the bottom of the deck most recently by that preening little British fag Elton John. ‘Sir’ John, the madman across the water is the abosolute last person who should be lecturing anybody on the finer points of gender based etiquette and lecturing Americans for their misogyny, it’s like being given an ethics lesson by Karl Rove or being taught table manners by Jeffrey Dahmer and it earned him a spot on Keith Olbermann’s Worst Person In The World list last night, jusfifiably so. We have enough problems with fanatical Zionists and the American high rolling Jews who largely back Clinton and meddling in our domestic political system and no advice from a pole smoking Englishman is necessary. Let’s face it, we have enough of our own fucking problems in retaining our national sovereignty in an increasingly hostile globalist world. Besides, the misogyny thing just doesn’t work with Mrs. Clinton no matter how much her stooges and public relations hacks want you to think so, this is a woman who is the penultimate elitist, was a high powered corporate lawyer, a Wal-Mart board member and currently a U.S. Senator so where exactly did she smack into that glass ceiling like a fly into a windshield?

The entire thing is just total horseshit and the Establishment is desperate to do anything that is possible to take out Obama and roll out the red carpet for the return of the globalist Clinton crime family. In some of the darker corners of the internet there are already sinister connections being made between Saint Barack and the dead homosexual choirmaster at Reverend Wright’s Chicago church (making it pretty evident that the pocket media continues to flail away at the Wright sideshow) that are largely being pimped by members of the Lyndon LaRouche network. The high priest of conspiracy (who occasionally does have points of some merit) has already come out in favor of Clinton and is throwing his very substantial weight behind what is going to be a coordinated smear campaign with the Rupert Murdoch/Richard Mellon Scaife media empires to savagely take down Obama when the time comes. He was only supposed to be a ringer designed to make this sham democracy look like the real thing for the rubes and buffons in idiot America but then he got bigger ideas and went off the reservation. Judging from the percolating of such slime I predict that the mother of all racist/anti-Semitic smart bombs is being put together to forever terminate the candidacy of Mr. Obama with extreme prejudice. I had this prediction result in censorship at another site that I immensely respect for it’s ability to be inclusive and open to all opinions but Clinton surrogates flooded the admins with cries of foul and it was hidden. We will see what happens and there is no fucking way in Hell that the Clintons are going to allow an usurper to that which they are entitled.

Hell, you saw what happened to Air America’s Randi Rhodes who was suspended by that faux left radio network for making reference to Mrs. Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro as “fucking whores”(at least she didn’t call them fucking fascist cunts) during a non-network sponsored appearance that exposed the ‘liberal’ network as nothing more than a propaganda arm of the corrupt Democratic party. Rhodes who had become increasingly critical of Rodham-Clinton was sold down the river much like Mike Malloy was a year or so ago by Air America and like Malloy managed to land another gig pretty quickly at Nova M Radio which is a bit more open minded when it comes to telling it like it is although I am not down with having to cough up the coin to subscribe not that I am a huge fan of the often obnoxious Rhodes anyway. Such is the state of free speech in Murka post 9/11 where every dissenter is a potential Al Qaeda member, war is peace, ignorance is knowledge and freedom is slavery.

I would rail on at length about the abomination that is the ‘left’ but will leave that for another time, suffice it to say that the real left was laid to waste by a long-running, coordinated fascist campaign that changed the language, erased our history, destroyed the unions and allowed a bunch of dope smoking, long haired, baby killing, sodomy worshipping, holier than thou identity based cliques to fill the vacuum and we as Americans have been suffering for it ever since.

Think about THAT the next time that you gas up your car or go buy groceries, what you are dealing with now is the triumph of fascism that only was made possible by the hijacking of the REAL left by the effete, politically correct snobs and cheese eating limousine liberals. I have made my break with the bitches and bastards, let them chew on each other until there is nothing left, I am finished with the bogus left-right paradigm.

Monkey See, Monkey Do: Nice to see our friends the money grubbing, communist, totalitarian Chinese playing the same fear cards of their American cohorts in attempting to distract from the international outrage over their brutal crackdown against Tibetian protestors with surprise, surprise – an Al Qaeda threat to the Olympics. The fucking chinks are going to use the Bejing games this summer to showcase what a wonderful country that they have much like Hitler did in Berlin back in 1936. I would strongly recommend boycotting anything related to the 2008 Olympics – which are antiquated, overly commercialized, boring and just plain suck to begin with – over the human rights abuses of the Chinese government. The paramilitary goon squad dubbed the men in blue who have been assigned to escort the olympic torch across the world and who have beaten protestors is an outrage and that such groups are allowed to operate on American soil is just another example of how the global criminals and Wall Street looters and their finely pefumed political whores have sold their souls to the company store.

KOSFEST and The ‘New Rush’

August 4, 2007

Chicago (IL) – During the Kosapalooza lovefest the great one himself stood atop the dais, it was as though the savior himself was ascending the mount, the fingers of his apostles went flying in unison to their laptop keyboards, the noise was overwhelming, like that of the clacking mandibles of an advancing army of dung beetles. This was Markos Moulitsas Zuniga’s coming out party, on Friday morning he achieved crossover appeal from notorious mockingbird Howard Kurtz’ Media Notes column in the Washington Post to E.J. Dionne Jr.’s latest piece The Rise Of Kos where he was essentially proclaimed to be the ‘new Rush Limbaugh’. While I certainly would not be pleased to be compared to a racist, misogynist, drug addled, thrice divorced pig who can’t get a hard on without pharmaceutical assistance and whose sex tourist soirees of vile debauchery through the fleshpots and brothels of the Dominican Republic hardly make him a champion of ‘values’ I am sure that Zuniga is cackling with glee all the way to the bank and enjoying his moment in the spotlight as the Dems make their pilgrimage to kiss his ring. I do however give the devil his due for planting a gigantic bug up the ass of the state sponsored neocon FOX network’s chief fascist blowhard Bill O’Reilly.

While the normal tactics over at ‘Orange’ are very much like the cutting of microphones (locking of accounts), petty demagogy (troll ratings) and appeal to the same type of sycophantic retrograde morons (kossacks) that are utilized on The O’Reilly Factor the point is well made that Kos and his slithering minions are exactly the sort of squadrons of angry winged monkeys that have long been lacking as a counter to the Freepers, Dittoheads and other bullies and frustrated thumb sucking dipshits on the extreme right, as Dionne puts it:

Daily Kos is often described as liberal, but it is, more than anything, partisan. Its core assumption is that ideological conservatives made the Republican Party their vehicle and rallied in lock step against Democrats. The party of FDR and JFK needed to find the same discipline. The key litmus tests for Kos and his many allies in the blogosphere involve not long lists of issues developed by the American Civil Liberties Union or the AFL-CIO, but loyalty in standing up against Bush and doing what’s necessary to build a Democratic majority.

And just as Limbaugh aroused passionate opposition on the left, so has Kos become the object of conservative rage. In the lead-up to Moulitsas’s Chicago gathering, Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly, a right-wing showman who knows a threat when he sees one, has gone after Kos. “There’s no question that the most vile stuff imaginable is posted on this hate site and others like it,” O’Reilly said Tuesday.

O’Reilly is irate that the leading Democratic presidential candidates are showing up this weekend. “The far left wants a quasi-socialistic economy and a one-world foreign policy, where national security decisions are made only with the approval of other countries,” O’Reilly fumed. “So that’s the soup the Democratic presidential candidates will be dining on when they show up at the Kos convention.”

I’m not in the habit of giving advice to Bill O’Reilly, but there’s always a first time: Liberal rage at Rush Limbaugh not only was useless, but it actually strengthened his credibility with the right. (I speak from experience.) Bill, I bet Markos loves what you’re doing.

Personally, I dislike the use of obscenity on the Web, and many online posts are way too nasty. But the right wing, suddenly so concerned with the niceties of political discourse, did not worry much about what its militants said about Clinton, Al Gore or John Kerry. Limbaugh even blamed the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, on a president who had been out of office for eight months. I’m still waiting for his apology.

I have my own documented history of problems with Zuniga and Daily Kos, many are personal and the others are because I detest electoral politics, censorship sucking up to candidates to curry favoritism at the expense of ideology or a unifying mission to take back this country from the war pigs, Social Darwinists and Rapture freaks who have taken it hostage but as the saying goes, nothing unites like a common enemy and I would encourage everybody to take some shots of their own at that loudmouthed prick O’Reilly as well as the rest of the Republican noise machine moonbats to take their raving, anti-American asses down a peg or three. It’s time for total war against the fifth columnist filth that has polluted the airwaves in this country for far too long with their Gestapo tactics and uncanny ability to rouse the rabble.

Dionne put it pretty well that Zuniga and his masses of adoring asses have actually “started to beat Limbaugh and O’Reilly at their own game” which should be good news for all enemies of the Bushreich whether they are down with DK or not. So be sure and drop by O’Reilly’s boards, or Clownhall or anyplace else where the angry armies of reich-wing mental masturbators congregate and feel free to be real trolls. The bastards are finally getting a taste of their own medicine and the pressure tactics on sponsors have been working. Home Depot reportedly will no longer be advertising during The O’Reilly Factor as a result of a deluge of protests, now is not the time for mercy or to hold back as the initial defenses have been breached and it’s time to storm the beaches. We sure as hell can’t count on the quisling Democrats to do anything other than cave in to his majesty Bush and the illegal wars for empire and against America undertaken by those who employ O’Reilly, Limbaugh and the rest of their ilk. The goose stepping morons of the reich wing noise machine are now scared shitless which is one thing that they have in common with the feckless Pelosi-Hoyer-Reid triad in this most worthless and pathetic of cowardly Congresses that will forever bear the scarlet letter of shame in American history for their quisling refusal to stand up to bullies with glass jaws.

Blogswarmed by Cyber Stalin’s Soldiers of Orange

July 10, 2006
Bleating and babbling I fell on his neck with a scream,
Wave after wave of demented avengers
March cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.

Have you heard the news?
The dogs are dead!
You better stay home
And do as you’re told.
Get out of the road if you want to grow old.

Pink Floyd- Sheep
Over the weekend a balls nasty napalm flaming hot civil war broke out at hallowed liberal blog Daily Kos and spilled over onto the much more open to free speeech (and more respectful in general) My Left Wing over a highly controversial post by an influential (and might I add absolutely correct) voice and it was ugly.

The opening salvo by longtime contributor Maryscott O’Connor started out with:

“Sometimes I am embarrassed to call myself a member of DKos.

This is one of those times.

There is a sort of groupthink, Lord of the Flies kind of behaviour at DKos over certain issues that absolutely makes me nauseated.”


The author, an outstanding writer in her own right went on to call into question the behavior of many of the members of the hottest left wing blog going regarding their witch hunt mentality (personally I compare it a drunken lynch mob fired up by some ranting demagogue in a beer hall) and crushing of certain dissenting opinions. The treatment by the head honcho toward the Democratic Party’s sacrifice of Paul Hackett was also addressed and it sent shock waves reverberating throughout the Kos-O-Sphere. I wrote a piece back when Hackett was thrown under the bus by the slimy corporate fucks in the DLC and believe me, it still makes me want to throw up. Sleazy bastards like Rahm Emanuel and the rest of the reprehensible Vichy accommodators whose mortal fear of derailing the status quo far exceeds their will to participate in a true democracy are the real reason why the Republican menace has been running roughshod and is hell bent on unleashing their jack-booted armies of brownshirted thugs….there is no fucking opposition! The DLC sold out the working class long ago and until there is a serious move by the Democrats and their progressive mouthpieces to address this we will forever be trapped in an endless cycle of “GOD, GAYS & GUNS” and other inflammatory social issues that distract from the looting and crushing of dissenters.

That being said, the shit hit the fan on DK and the fan was on high sparing nobody from getting showered by the spray. The mindless rush to attack the messenger reminded me of nothing short than the Bushist Gestapo pouring out of their megachurches after a particularly ‘uplifting’ Hellfire and Brimstone anti-liberal sermon, the loyalty as intense as the dumb bastards stormed the beaches oblivious to the thundering artillery and whithering machine gun fire in order to wage total war for their leader even if they are cut to pieces in the process.

Here is a sample of some of the comments from the both fronts of the battle and I am not listing aliases nor changing names to protect the innocent just listing some of the more provocative or otherwise inane comments, there were between both sites nearly 1,650 of them (and of course the ones hidden or deleted by the Kostapo):

“One of the reasons I’m almost never at dKos anymore…I got tired of wading through reams of bullshit, usually of the order either of “Right on!” or “Fuck off!”, disguised as comments.” 


I certainly threw around my share of ‘Fucks’ during my tenure but there is no crying in baseball and blogging isn’t for sissies. I will however try to watch my fucking language in the future.

“I have been ordered by the hit squads at Kos to take more than one diary down. I have been threatened with ‘expulsion’. I have been told that my writings have been ‘reported to Kos’; as if he were going to pull an O’Reilly and send his acolyte division out after me. More than one Kos member has targeted me repeatedly. My commentary on other sites regarding this issue has also been affected; with certain people taking after me there as well. “


Key Word: O’Reilly!

“Since being banned from Kos a couple of months ago for warning that there will probably not be an election this year, the only time I go there now is when someone recomends a diary there on another blog. There are enough star bellied sneetches in the party, thank you. Glad I missed the latest snootfest.”

Sneetches? And as far as this guy’s prediction goes it isn’t officially false until after Nov. 8th.

“Blah blah me blah blah blah me me me. Me me blah blah me me me myself.
Blah blah me blah blah blah me me me. Me me blah blah me me me myself.
Blah blah me blah blah blah me me me.Me me blah blah me me me myself.
Blah blah me blah blah blah me me me.Me me blah blah me me me myself.
Blah blah me blah blah blah me me me.Me me blah blah me me me myself.
Blah blah me blah blah blah me me me. Me me blah blah me me me myself.”


I shit you not about that one.

“Dkos is rotten through and through. If you cannot smell that,.,..after the refusal to allow posts about the election fraud, after the pie fight brouhaha, the July 4th masscre/tinfoil hat thing, the gradual diminutiion of intelligence in most of the posts and comments and the concomitant ascendency of some sort of pack mind there, the tacit acceptance of the reign of cyberbullies like DHinMI and HIS blogmates, the various tactical shuffles of the leadership in an attempt to stay…stay WHAT, exactly, other than totally false…the disastrous symbolic choice of Las Vegas (The absolute WORST symbol of the corporate Disneyfication of America that could have possibly been chosen as a place to have a left wing meeting here in MediAmerica, 2006.), the ummasking of Armando as a conscienceless and aggressively unapologetic lawyer for the DisneyCorpse-ish motherfuckers that are turning this nation into a population of mindless, TV addicted serfs, let ALONE the “appearance of impropriety” in the buddy buddy, wink-wink/nudge-nudge support/non-support of Warner…

If you cannot smell THAT?

Then I got yer diatribe, right HERE!!!”


Now THAT’s a fucking diatribe!

“All this over a petty rivalry? Its clear that she who also tells people not to post in her diaries and calls them names and tells them to shut the fuck up doesn’t really believe in people saying what they want. I think she just wants to instill doubt in peoples minds about people here to bring people over to her site cause it isn’t getting enough attention. I don’t see anything worth discussing here. with all that’s going down in this world all people give a shit about is what she has to say about a blog? Now I know this country is fucked up beyond repair. how this got on the recommended list…wow.”

Nothing personal of course….

“Gazing in awe at the carnage*:

Un. Be. Lievable. It looks like WWIII in the comments and hidden comments section here. Congrats MSOC: you actually got an Armando flame war, a Kos flame war, and an MSOC flame war all on one thread (with a handful of trolls to boot!)!

Sorry I missed it.

FWIW, I almost never agree with Maryscott, but I’m tentatively with her on this one. Even the appearance of impropriety can do immeasurable damage to the netroots, and like it or not, we will be held to a higher standard.

Because people are looking for someone who upholds a higher standard.

Comment tentatively approved by Supreme Overlord Kos

For some reason I particularly liked that one.

“It’s the reason I did not post about my experience and take on YKos, which, as I’ve written here, was offensive to me. Unless big changes are made to include people of color and the poor, I’ll never attend Ykos again. But, I refrained from posting my feelings because I just didn’t want to deal with the “defenders.”

Dkos is just at a certain level in the evolution of organization. It is the nature of organization, and MLWers will have to work very hard to keep it from happening to that extent here. But, that would be the exception to the general rule. There will be a hierarcy, intolerance of independent thought, group think, and purging, purging, purging. It’s happened in every liberal organization to which I’ve ever belonged, and it’s fucking depressing. Liberals tend to become fascistic in their own little fiefdoms. Liberals eat their young.”


Meet the new boss…..same as the old boss!

“Agree with all comments except… the “influence” of the mighty Kos monster is still very presumptive, and very much in doubt…and frankly always will be…how do you verify his influence at the polls? I mean, Bush has been a much greater force for coalescing the reactive Democratic movement than Kos. As MSOC said, he, Armstrong and others were just lucky to be the sounding board in the time of the Great Reptublican Idiot.

Sure, if the Dems win something he can TAKE credit, but is it really his to take?

The liberal blogosphere is a great sounding board for the “disadvantaged”, but its still nothing more than a reactionary liberal chat room with fascist tendencies…well DKos has apparently slipped into full blown cyber fascism, apparently…this site and nowhere excepted.

Thanks MSOC for being reborn and keeping it real for a few of us, at least! I remember well your days of consciousness raised at the Kos.”



“Not to seem like I’m denigrating another forum, but, frankly, the few brief visits that I’ve made to DKos have given me the impression that that is a blog that brooks ABSOLUTELY NO DISSENT WHATSOEVER, and that they’re just about as bad as the right, in that respect. I’m also aware that many of my opinions would get me troll-rated, if not banned outright from DKos. At the same time, however, my opinions are not accepted on the RIGHT-wing blogs, either.”

Now there’s a great endorsement!

“Between you, edencho, and arthur, I’ve been about ready to put a bullet through my screen. And as I told Arthur, what a fucking waste of our time and yours this has been. We have much better things to do.”

Open mouth, insert gun…pull trigger. You will feel much better.

Jesus Fucking Christ!!! Carnage is the not the word for this electronic abattoir, if you think that this was bad you should see some of the other ones!

The ‘Troll Police’ led by their mighty community Gauleiter Armando manned their swift boats and flailed away at their laptops, hitting the delete key to smack down dissenters as though they were swinging rubber truncheons. Look if you want community and you can put up with ignorant little piss-ants with large egos and itchy trigger fingers who enforce discipline then DK is the place for you. There are a lot of good stories and posts there by a lot of intelligent minded people, Frederick Clarkson for one posts there and any place where you can get exposure to his great work on the menace of the fundamentalist zealots in the religious right is a good place no matter what sort of riff raff that you have to tolerate to be there.

If however you happen to be a free thinker who also happens to be an iconoclast then you had better stick with the lower profile blogs.

DK specifically forbids so called ‘conspiracy theorists’ and shows no quarter when inconvenient subjects may arise that show more than a lemminglike ability to follow along in parroting the official stories for many suspicious events.

This is their official statement:


Some people have been confused by the above discussion. Let me make it perfectly plain. Diaries advancing ‘Conspiracy Theories’ are subject to ridicule and derision from the community at the very least. Repeat offenders can and will be banned.

Here is what kos has to say-
The conspiracists by kos
Fri Jul 08, 2005

Today I did something I’ve never done before (not even during the Fraudster mess), and wish I’d never had to do.

I made a mass banning of people perpetuating a series of bizarre, off-the-wall, unsupported and frankly embarassing conspiracy theories.

I have a high tolerance level for material I deem appropriate for this site, but one thing I REFUSE to allow is bullshit conspiracy theories. You know the ones — Bush and Blair conspired to bomb London in order to take the heat off their respective political problems. I can’t imagine what fucking world these people live in, but it sure ain’t the Reality Based Community.

So I banned these people, and those that have been recommending diaries like it. And I will continue to do so until the purge is complete, and make no mistake — this is a purge.

This is a reality-based community. Those who wish to live outside it should find a new home. This isn’t it.

Update: I’ve been reinstating some of the banned accounts as they email me. Some people wondered why there wasn’t any warning. There have been warnings from others — repeated pleadings for people to ground themselves in reality.

It’s telling that I have NEVER done something like this before. Because this has been an extreme situation. This isn’t about disagreeing with what people are saying. If that was the case, everyone would’ve been banned by now. The myth of the “echo chamber” is just that. A myth.

But as for warnings, well, this has been my warning. I wanted it clear that I was serious, and I think that has come through. I am reinstating those who ask to be reinstated. But the message has been sent.

Straight from the Horse’s mouth and of course using the especially inflammatory Bush-Blair theory as an example…..hey assholes, you forgot to mention the UFOS! Never mind George and Tony’s alleged scheming, there are more important things that can be proven or are more easily questioned. The Downing Street Memo for example as well as the theft of the 2004 election that was addressed in the report by Congressman John Conyers as well as by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in a major piece in a recent issue of Rolling Stone.

So therefore, if you question the evidence of voter suppression, disenfranchisement, machine rigging and outright electoral fraud that is DOCUMENTED but unfortunately falls under the dreaded ‘conspiracy theory’ definition on DK then you will be run and run quickly. I am not even going to there as far as questions with the official explanation of 9/11 or any of the other myriad of stories that are out there that people who actually are capable of thinking for themselves are easily able to see don’t add up due to the inconsistencies and contradictions. Do not expect any sort of meaningful conversation on the Project For A New American Century (PNAC) and the “New Pearl Harbor” that it so specifically mentions.

Posting on these topics is verboten on DK, they are deathly afraid of being saddled with the dreaded ‘tin foil hatter’ label that they immediately censor any comments that relate to Deep Politics (thanks to Peter Dale Scott for that term) which is that there are always illicit and duplicitous activities going on in the background.

So any posts on election rigging, market fixing, drug running, collaboration to give amnesty to Nazi war criminals in the aftermath of WW II to use them as intelligence assets and research scientists, lingering questions over the JFK hit, the PNAC or any questioning of official explanations gets your ass run in a New York second from DK even if you have links to back it up from official reports.

I guess that for many that it’s better to remain an Ass Ostrich (my term) than a Tin Foil Hatter who dares to ask questions. Da KOS has made it very apparent that they need any sort of ‘conspiracy theory’ that could damage their cred like Kennedy needs another hole in the head.

The swarming of the Kossacks was so brutal that some of the blood spilled over onto other blogs:

Famous blogger Atrios hit it:

An Open Letter to the Daily Kos Community

Dear Kossacks,

It’s not your fucking blog.



Perhaps Bob Dylan said it best:
The Titanic sails at dawn…
And everybody’s shouting,
“Which Side Are You On?”
And this one sums up the frustration:

“Jesus… now i’m ashamed this is absolutely unbelievable. For shame. for shame. I don’t see much of a future for the political blogs… the heyday was over before it even began.”

As long as you have pathological assholes like Armando donning his Hitler hat and his lackeys and ilk controlling the discourse this is sadly coming true. Need of mainstream acceptance leads to self-censorship and agendas. As far as cred, hey show me some fucking electoral success instead of a lot of yappy, self-centered yada and sanctimonious bullshit and you’ll get my respect……I’m waiting! Absent winning shy don’t you get busy in advocating for some fucking social justice in this country, take on the class war…..the little guys are getting their asses kicked on a daily basis while you people are more interested in puppy love and humping the leg of whichever Democratic Party charlatan happens to be serving free booze.

And Finally A Little Love:
“Thank you MSOC for this diary. It gave me the opportunity I needed to say my piece about the lynching of Edencho on dkos by Armando. The reason I am so angry about it still is because I was stupid enough to listen to him. I gave him authority he didn’t have, and I have been chewing on this ever since. You gave me the opportunity to say my piece without ending up in dkos’ troll heaven. I absolutely agree about the persecution hysteria at dkos, and I wonder about the mental health/maturity of some of the people there.

Thank you, again, for opening the door for me.”


And a sincere thank you from the bottom of my heart to that particular comment because a lynching it was, so severe that the only way that I could possibly retaliate was by dropping a daisy cutter.

Look, the piece that I wrote ‘Peckerwood Nation’ that caused this whole fiasco at least from my standpoint was admittedly over the top even for myself and although it was true in portraying a lot of the so called stereotypes it offended some really good people as well.

My biggest sin was in lumping everyone in the South in together with those bigoted yahoos who have had us all bent over a log squealing like pigs much like poor old Ned Beatty in Deliverance for the past several years and have been giving us the business without the benefit of a lubricant.

That was a tactical error on my part, quite honestly I didn’t think that the fucking thing would be so controversial…it’s been on my site since last August.

Anyway…I posted a disclaimer here on my own site on the post but since DK has banned me they have the original version that caused so much outrage.

Believe me I have paid for it, I have been targeted by a well-connected white supremacist group and now fear that one of those fascists could show up on my doorstep as well as banished by those whom I once felt shared respect for free speech….they certainly had me fooled.

The problem that I have in all of this is not in catching the shit, I expect that….it was in the dastardly nature of the lynching itself. My comments were hidden or censored when I tried to respond.

What the fuck is that?

Gutless! Maybe Ann Coulter can write her next book about y’all who stabbed me and others who tried to defend me in the back.

Dispatch From Lago: I am a real bastard sometimes. A phantom returned from the grave after an ugly lynching just like Clint Eastwood rolling into the town of Lago in High Plains Drifter with a wagonload of red paint and a hankering for vengeance.

Using the screen name ‘Abu Grabb Ass’ I briefly reappeared to engage the Troll hunters with several mean-spirited and tantalizing posts which was fun but my own itchy finger blew my cover too soon. I think that the one entitled:



Was just a bit too obvious and gave me away, I was banned within two minutes after that outburst when Armando picked up the super-user rune and smited me down.

Damn it….I’m down to 14 logins now!

Maybe it’s time for Markos M. himself to climb down from his ivory tower for a Night of the Long Knives style purge against his troll hunting goon squad.

It may offer up a new perspective rubbing elbows with the lepers once in awhile.

By Ed Encho

Hannity and Kos

July 5, 2006

Not that the chaos and tumult over my short tenure as a member of the online community at the liberal blog Daily Kos where I posted occasionally and drew an onslaught of rabid flamers is the cause of this but I would like to make the following observations, not out of anger, desire for revenge or for any other reason than to state that which is true.

1: Da Kos is as quick to affix people with the dreaded ‘conspiracy theorist/tin foil hatter’ label as any right wing media outlet. I brought up something about a certain notorious media mogul’s past affiliation with the CIA and the Bush family and provided links to the story and it was denounced and scrubbed. I am also sure that any and all references to electoral fraud, the inconsistencies with the official story of 9/11, the JFK assassination and any other in the myriad of events with far too much remaining unexplained or left to coincidence and happenstance will be similarly treated. God forbid that the Democrats be affixed with the dreaded ‘tin foil hatter label’.

2: Every time that I sought to defend my position in the ruthless flame wars of my so called GBCW (Good Bye Cruel World – cute but not very original) posting I had my comments rapidly censored. Now I know what it must feel like to be a guest on Hannity and Colmes or the O’Reilly Factor. The left (at least on that particular site) is equally adept and quashing free speech if it doesn’t fit into their own interpretation of such. And by the way, the grammar police are always out in force there…frustrated teachers or something. The ‘Troll Police’ also enforce their frontier style justice and are eager to lynch whoever they desire.

My personal message to them, as Marshall Jed Cooper once said “when you hang a man you had better make that he’s dead” or something along those lines.

Blacklisting and Paranoia:
I have recommend he be banned and his diaries deleted.
He wrote diaries here so that the Right can use them to point out how “Crazy” Daily kos is.
by Armando
Blaming the messager:
this guy is a troublemaker
by buffalogirl

And too many more to list….it is sooooo Republican, but hatred eventually makes you become as bad as your enemy in many ways, it’s the looking into the abyss thing, trust me I know.

3: Some of those righteous individuals who sought to defend my stand were also harassed:

Anyone who uprated edencho’s comments, anywhere at dailykos should reconsider how they hand out their 4’s

Stop recommending the trolls!

Talk about enforcing discipline! It’s like the House under Tom DeLay

4: There are some on the left who are every bit as nasty as their counterparts: The flaming and distortion of my words was the sport of the day for the Kostapo, the one that I liked best was some little laptop wielding fruitbag who took the following words from one of my own bloggings totally out of context to state that my ultimate goal was to destroy the Democrats by telling voters to:

1: Stay Home
2: Vote Libertarian
3: Vote Green

And advise everybody else to do the same….

Unfortunately the dipshit ignored the entire fucking post up to that point where I railed against the corporate shithacks of the DLC and their continued lack of opposition to the GOP juggernaut as well as their failure to mount any sort of defense against GWB’s two fascist SCOTUS appointments to the high court’s bench.

The left wing blogosphere suffers from one thing other than a giant inferiority complex. That itself is pretty justifiable considering how the right has consistently made hay out of them due to the abysmal lack of leadership in the so called opposition party. Their problem is their stubborn unwillingness to take the time to look at any of the excellent sites or seriously discuss the opinions of principled conservatives or investigative reporters who could offer some context and insight that they could use for direction. If you are going to fight at least show up with as much information as you possibly can have about your opponent. The opinions and research that I immediately seek out are from conservatives that the right-wing slime machine itself decries and denounces. The left misses out on a lot of quality by ignoring the work of Paul Craig Roberts, Kevin Phillips, Lew Rockwell and his great libertarian site, Alex Jones of Infowars, Lou Dobbs, Wayne Madsen and even loose cannon Pat Buchanan who makes sense….at times. They are all outraged over the fascism of the Bushists and neocons.

Endnote: I do want to thank those who were cool enough to defend my right to say what I wanted to even if it did cross the line and piss a lot of people off, you know who you are and you are welcome here. A special shout out to those who really get it:

Mary Scott O’Connor whose excellent ‘My Left Wing’ blog has no similar problems with free speech or those who are opinionated. I also occasionally post there.

This following comment was very well put and very much appreciated.

Troll cops…anti-troll cops. Sigh. Really, there’s something kind of Republican about putting people into boxes like that. No offense, of course.

by alienabductee


I also want to apologize for offending people with ‘Peckerwood Nation’, this was a bit over the top even for me. If you were genuinely outraged by this diatribe I am sorry, I did not mean it as a blanket slur against EVERYONE in the south only those who fit into the stereotype and there are plenty of em! To everyone else I offer my sincere regret and assure you that I meant no injury to you or your families….honestly it got far more exposure than I expected.

There are a lot of good folks on KOS and it is blowing up to the point where the Republicans need to counter it….that is progress. My advice is to fight on against the right-wing machine but don’t become lemmings by tuning out the independents.

And don’t hitch your wagon to the DLC, use your megaphone to demand that we get the fuck out of Iraq IMMEDIATELY and then move the dialogue towards the CLASS WAR!

By Ed Encho