Why The Tea Party Loves Big Brother

July 24, 2010

I’m afraid, based on my own experience, that fascism will come to America in the name of national security.

-Jim Garrison

The falsely advertised anti-big government Republican Tea Party never utters a peep about the growth of the out of control police state that has been erected largely under the radar since 9/11. For a pack of GOP talking point spewing automatons seemingly concerned about massive growth of government, the ongoing pissing away of tax dollars on bloated bureaucracy, job creation and the huge deficits are totally down with the massive expansion of the Homeland Security Industrial Complex. This is just another one of the examples of the mass fakery of the Republican co-opting of the libertarian Tea Party movement. The biggest secret of all that the fascist leadership of the GOP doesn’t want to slip is that the original libertarian Tea Party (along with 9/11 Truth) were out in the streets protesting exactly that which the useful idiots of the Dick Armey of Darkness now fully embrace. As the storyline goes, the faux revolutionaries were incited to action by the staged tantrum of CNBC’s greasy derivatives pimp Rick Santelli, my local Tea Party bund chapter held a huge birthday celebration for the one year anniversary of the activation of the fifth-columnist sleeper cells that was Santelli’s orchestrated call to arms.  When it comes to being mortified at the  the rise of the police state, the unaccountable powers of government run amok and the incursions on civil liberties. The co-opted Tea Party of Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich and the rest of their ilk won’t utter one peep about America’s Stasi secret police. Instead, they will distract the Becked-up, FOX lobotomized zombies and their 9/12 bunds with more of the same smoke and mirrors about that horrible Negro in the White House, the coming black enslavement of whites, black revenge on the rightful white inhabitants of Der Heimat and the shrine to Islamofascism that is the mosque at the American Mecca that is Ground Zero and the despised secular socialist machine that will be used by the illegal aliens to put them all into prison camps.

Such is the state of our pitiful Idiocracy in the second decade of the new American century. While the country continues to be bankrupted by illegal wars sold by the lies of the charlatans in the ruling class, strip-mined by Wall Street gamblers and corporations that won’t be satisfied until millions more jobs are offshored to third world sewers where children work for pennies a day in sweatshops and the infrastructure is all sold off to foreign investors who will then tax Americans for driving on roads that they have already paid for, the buffoons that are the Republican jihadists joust at windmills while those who manipulate their feeble minds piss their selves from laughter on the way to the bank. The Founding Fathers feared the detrimental effect that a mass of poorly educated, indolent slobs would have on American democracy and are likely spinning in their graves today, especially galling is when said imbeciles adopt their language to in a historical context take to the streets and raise hell to ensure that the British Monarchy remains in power.

The truly big story of the week despite the bought and paid for corporate media’s insistence that the great Mel Gibson-Brittney Spears alliance is of critical importance or of Tiger Wood’s slow and painful climb down from the cross on Golgotha to regain his rightful place as America’s Christ is Dana Priest and William M. Arkin’s Top Secret America series in the Washington Post. This is a story that were the teabaggers to practice what they preach instead of merely regurgitating Frank Luntz/Newt Gingrich slow-cooked gruel that should justifiably have them descending on Washington en masse to protest REAL tyranny. But of course the Tea Party doesn’t have any firm footing in reality outside the mess of illogic, madness and pumpkin seeds that fill up the space inside of Sarah Palin’s noggin. Lenin (Vladimir, not John to your teabagger morons) labeled tools like yourselves as “useful idiots” and it is proven on a daily basis. Whether shrieking like demented banshees about the government keeping their dirty hands off of their Medicare or serving as human carrier pigeons for the racist propaganda of degenerate scum like Andrew Breitbart, a diseased swine embitterd by his years of apprenticeship more than likely spent sucking farts out of Matt Drudge’s seat cushion. You really have to give the scumbaggers one thing though, they are predictable which is what makes them so valuable to the Republican fascists and to a larger degree to the oligarchy that rules this shithole. For a group so supposedly opposed to tyranny, socialism and a Soviet style state led by the black Antichrist they sure as hell don’t seem to be bothered by the most menacing, out of control and costly system of surveillance in human history. Think Again!

There are no morals in politics; there is only expedience. A scoundrel may be of use to us just because he is a scoundrel.

-Vladimir Lenin

The new American police state never bothered Republicans under Bush and it doesn’t bother them under Obama, which it should. It’s another tell about just how fraudulent that the entire Republican Tea Party truly is, were they to despise and fear Obama as much as they do why in the fuck would they want the man to be allowed to preside over the most awesome surveillance colossus on the planet? Hell, you would think that they would be marching on Washington with their precious penis extensions (guns) to bring an immediate halt to a system that could be theoretically used by a dictator to haul their mangy, uneducated, unwashed asses to reeduction camps at any minute. But not in reality, the scumbaggers may have their litany of fallacious grievances that are funneled into their lizard brains by the electronic crack pushers like Glenn Beck n FOX but they don’t sweat the big stuff. Every reactionary party needs minions, stooges, thugs, spear carriers and shock troops. Like the Weimar era Germans who flocked to the Nazi Party the dregs of the country that are now the S.A. for the Republican party via the Tea Party are quite simply authority worshippers. There are  books that examine such a fanatical type of mentality, for example, Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer , Bob Altemeyer’s The Authoritarians, and John Dean’s Conservatives Without Conscience,  ross-reference those with any decent historical volume of Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia and it fits them to a Tea.. There is always a certain percentage of a population that are wired to worship authority, especially the sort of sociopathic type that uses demagoguery, slander, race-baiting and thinly veiled promises of blood revenge against those which the movement has been conditioned to hate and blame for the failures of both the system and their own pathetic, botched lives.

The allure of revenge is deeply embedded in the psyche of the authority worshipper and in actuality Obama is doing them a huge favor by failing to dismantle the police state, As the Washington Post series illustrates, the culture of surveillance is becoming even more deeply ingrained in America, the third installment which is entitled The Secrets Next Door describes the neighborhoods that surround the surveillance centers as affluent and with schools that:

The schools, indeed, are among the best, and some are adopting a curriculum this fall that will teach students as young as 10 what kind of lifestyle it takes to get a security clearance and what kind of behavior would disqualify them.

This is perhaps the most horrifying sentence in the story, the children are being prepped to become the next generation of the American fascist police state, more appropriately the managers and bureaucrats who will run the system. The low-rent, economically ruined types who populate the Republican Tea Party will be the enforcers. The typical American sheep, now completely conditioned to hate, fear and distrust will become the spies, snitches, sneaks and stool pigeons who will direct the watchers and the thugs to those with unseemly and dangerous ideas. The oligarchy will be preserved, Wall Street will reign supreme, the wars will go on and only those who dare to question why will be targeted with precision and ruthless efficiency by the savage armies of droogs that are the Republican Tea Party. The indoctrination of the young into the fascist society of post-9/11 America is now entering its second decade and future generations will have known nothing other than what is now the permanent surveillance state, Orwell was a prophet.

This whole scenario has worked to perfection, once it was done under the cover of religion with the Christian extremists, Raptureheads and theocrats being the primary enforcers for fascist Republican social engineering plans. This worked out perfectly well for awhile until the fall from grace of homophobe Pastor Ted Haggard for smoking rock and chugging cock in a seedy Denver hotel room, the exposure of de-facto leader of the Religious Right, President George W. Bush exposed as the incompetent dunce that he always was courtesy of Hurricane Katrina, the death of Jerry Falwell and the massive Tom DeLay led overreach during the Terri Schiavo circus. The Religious Right had too many built in limitations to become a vehicle for Karl Rove’s permanent majority. The easily duped dittohead dolts in the Tea Party however do not have such limitations, they are able to wrap themselves in the flag with the full blessing of the propagandistic, jingoism spewing corporate media. There have been several recent bumps in the road, such as the recent focus on the intense racism within the movement (a virus that was carried in by Republicans) but the spinners, public relations flacks and Congressional Republicans are already working desperately to circle the wagons. The racism, were it identified and focused upon would be the one thing that could blow the whole game wide open and send the fascist Republicans back to square one in finding a turnkey movement. Not to worry though, when Bibi Netanyahu’s bootlicker Joe Biden comes out and denounces charges that the scumbaggers are a racist movement and the demented harpy Michelle Bachmann sets up an actual Tea Party Caucus within Congress to legitimize protect the American brownshirts it’s official that the political system has been fully infected and minus any sort of a mass counter-movement on the left (fat chance, they are too obsessed with waging the culture war crusade to institutionalize gay marriage than be bothered with preventing fascism) the rabble will continue to be conscripted into service for the new Republican Reich.

As I stated in my recent piece – Tea Party Racist? You Betcha! – the Republicans have long used race-baiting as a path to political power. Historically, nothing works better, the Arizona test programs for the discrimination against illegal immigrants being used in order to justify laws that potentially green light the overly zealous type of personality that is often found in police forces to shakedown naturally born American citizens for the color of their skin are already proving to be a phenomenal success. Soon, if not stricken from the books and stigmatized as the tools for tyranny that they are they will spread, become more inclusive and expand to include more than alleged Mexican illegals. The Constitution was eviscerated during the Bush years and Humpty Dumpty has not been put back together by the increasingly inept Obama administration. Habeas Corpus is gone, Posse Comitatus is gone, NORTHCOM is already operating in the U.S., the airports are filled with naked body scanners manned by drooling TSA goons and as the Top Secret America series shows, the surveillance system is growing exponentially. How long is it going to take for the fascist Republicans, once back in power with all of these tools at their disposal decide to do what past totalitarian regimes always did and start to eliminate the opposition? As with the Third Reich the early targets weren’t so much the Juden (Tea Party translation: blacks, gays, Hispanics, liberals, Muslims) as they were all who were seen as potential threats to the final solution. Now wouldn’t that make Michelle Bachmann’s pussy get wet?

The Epitome of Sheer Irony

The Tea Party sign in Iowa that drew much attention to the sinister nature of the miscreants who comprise the majority of the movement comparing Obama to Lenin and Hitler was ironically somewhat accurate. While it will be lost on the standard mouth-breathing type of imbecile that is attracted to the Republican Tea Party, the historical analogy is pretty accurate in that Hitler had the Gestapo, Lenin gave way to Stalin who had the NKVD and Obama (at least for a brief period before he is ousted from office) has Homeland Security. The failure of Obama in holding the Bushreich criminals accountable instead of granting total impunity to all future torturers, war criminals and moral reprobates will ultimately prove to the the final nail in America’s coffin. The Democrats are about to be wiped off the face of the map thanks to the betrayal of what remained of the party base who isn’t about to turn out in sufficient numbers come November to counter the storming of the polls by the Republican Tea Party out to ‘take their country back’. With an even more repulsive and reactionary Congress than under either Gingrich or DeLay in place there will be a near immediate drive to impeach Obama over some bullshit on the trivial level of Clinton’s blow job, say for failing to produce his birth certificate. That will further embolden the vicious swine on the extreme right for 2012 as well as weaken the spineless and flaccid Obama for the full Republican restoration. Of course the oligarchy is down with it all too, big business backed Hitler and Mussolini’s fascism was openly touted as corporatism. As robber baron Jay Gould once so aptly put it: “I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half”. Let the streets run red with blood and the prisons be filled with the rational people, the real owners of this country will never let such trivialities get in the way of the perpetual profit machine.

The maneuvers by the fascists in this country are about three moves away from checkmate and they are unfortunately only becoming stronger and more deeply embedded. I am going to close with two articles that came out this week, the first from Ted Rall that is entitled Protofascism Comes to America and makes some important points about the fascist Republican Tea Party:

But racism is only one facet of a far more sinister political strain. It’s more accurate to categorize the Tea Party as something the United States has never seen before, certainly not in such large numbers or as widespread.

The Tea Party is a protofascist movement.

Robert O. Paxton defined fascism as “a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion.”

Typical Tea Party rants fit the classic fascist mold in several respects. America, Tea Partiers complain, is falling behind. Like Hitler, they blame leftists and liberals for a “stab in the back,” treason on the homefront. The trappings of hypernationalism–flags, bunting, etc.–are notably pervasive at Tea Party rallies, even by American standards. We see “collaboration with traditional elites”–Rush Limbaugh, Congressmen, Republican Party bigwigs (including the most recent vice presidential nominee)–to an extent that is unprecedented in recent history.

Tea Partiers haven’t called for extralegal solutions to the problems they cite–but neither did the National Socialists prior to 1933. Then again, they’re not in power yet. Wait.

Exactly. Read any serious history of the Nazis, William Shirer’s The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Richard J. Evans trilogy, The Coming of the Third Reich, The Third Reich in Power, The Third Reich at War or other notable accounts as Sebastian Hafner’s Defying Hitler or Milton Mayer’s They Thought They Were Free, and you can’t help but be terrified at the similarities to America today.

The second article is from the crusading blogger Glenn Greenwald, one of the first columns that I read each morning for information. This particular piece speaks of the deafening silence in the media, the establishment  and most importantly the government over the Top Secret America Series. While not exactly breaking new ground for most of us who follow the surveillance society one would have at least expected that this series, especially in a time of economic crisis as the massive waste of taxpayer money on a vast privatized spying apparatus could be better spent. The piece is entitled: Why has the Post series created so little reaction?:

Remember how The Washington Post spent three days documenting on its front page that we basically live under a vast Secret Government — composed of military and intelligence agencies and the largest corporations — so sprawling and unaccountable that nobody even knows what it does? This public/private Secret Government spies, detains, interrogates, and even wages wars in the dark, while sucking up untold hundreds of billions of dollars every year for the private corporations which run it. Has any investigative series ever caused less of a ripple than this one? After a one-day spate of television appearances for Dana Priest and William Arkin — most of which predictably focused on the bureaucratic waste they raised along with whether the Post had Endangered the Nation by writing about all of this — the story faded blissfully into the ether, never to be heard from again, easily subsumed by the Andrew Breitbart and Journolist sagas.


It’s not hard to understand why. Why would the political class possibly want to subvert or weaken their ability to exercise vast spying, detention, and military powers in the dark? They don’t. Beyond that, as the Post series highlights, Top Secret America provides not only the ability to exercise vast power with no accountability, but also enables the transfer of massive amounts of public wealth to the private national security and surveillance corporations which own the Government. Very few people with political power have the incentive to do anything about that. It’s probably best not to hold your breath waiting for Dianne Feinstein — the Democratic Chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee who lives in lavish wealth as a result of her husband’s investments in the National Security State (and whose Senate career has a way of oh-so-coincidentally bolstering their wealth) — to meaningfully address any of the issues raised by the Post series. Despite Feinstein’s rhetoric to the contrary, doing so is decidedly not in her interests for multiple reasons.


The secret, omnipotent National Security State highlighted by The Washington Post will endure and expand as is because those who control the Government (or, as Dick Durbin put it, who “own” the Government) benefit endlessly from it. Major scandals or citizen-infuriating crises can sometimes lead to some modest and easily circumvented restraints being placed on this power (as just happened with the recently enacted Financial Regulation bill), largely to placate public rage, but it’s simply impossible to conceive of the political class taking any meaningful steps to rein in a limitlessly powerful and unquantifiably profitable National Security and Surveillance State — at least in the absence of serious citizen revolts against it. That Post series produced so little reaction because what it describes — a Secret Government bestowed with the most extreme powers yet accountable to nobody — is something to which the nation, as part of our State of Endless War, has apparently acquiesced as a permanent and tolerable condition.

The most disturbing thing is that the people in this country do nothing to resist any of this, rather through their willful ignorance, their constant fear and their insistance on existing inside of state media enforced cocoons of denial they enable it. Some, in the case of the reactionary thugs, haters and fanatics in the Republican Tea Party embrace it as a weapon that will one day be theirs to use when it comes time for the cleansing. As Milton Mayer wrote of the rise of the Nazis to power: “Now I see a little better how Nazism overcame Germany – not by attack from without or by subversion from within, but with a whoop and a holler. It was what most Germans wanted – or, under pressure of combined reality and illusion, came to want. They wanted it; they got it; and they liked it.”

Just my two cents


Tea Party Racist? You Betcha!

July 20, 2010

Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a God, but never without a devil. Usually the strength of a mass movement is proportionate to the vividness and tangibility of its devil.

-Eric Hoffer

It took the NAACP to finally do that which was necessary by calling a spade a spade and the aftershocks of the resolution to recognize and call out racist elements within the Republican Tea Party was long overdue. This growing cancer on the American body politic is as dangerous as it is easily manipulated and it needs to be treated in the most aggressive manner possible lest it metastasizes. While I am certainly not falling into the trap of calling the entire movement racist which is the little linguistic hoop that the propagandists, shills and GOP operatives in the corporate media are trying (and successfully so) to do as the damage control efforts are furious. There definitely is an obviously racist component within the co-opted, once libertarian based movement and the virus of outright racism has been in carried by the massive influx of Republican operatives and opportunists as if it were smallpox borne upon blankets.

This has a very powerful allure to the angry and frustrated numbers of America’s growing economic diaspora, a growing tangle of wreckage of an economy sold as free market snake oil and erected on a foundation of sand during the Reagan era. As each passing day brings stock market bonanzas to the greedy players of the rigged game of American casino capitalism gotten fat on the busted backs of small business, the restiveness of jobless and foreclosed upon masses of asses are looking for scapegoats for their misery, most of which is largely self-inflicted as a result of willful ignorance and for supporting a party that sanctions their ignorant prejudices as though they were ministering to lepers being admitted to frolick in the fountains of Lourdes. One thing that needs to be recognized immediately is that the Tea Party is no real social movement nor is it a broad-based protest movement against the perceived evils of big government and the creeping menace of an imminent socialism. As most of us who have been watching this horrific blight on American society over the past year and a half already understand, and as a recent Gallup poll pointed out, the Tea Party is overwhelmingly comprised of card carrying and damned proud of it Republicans.

With the GOP brand name having been submerged in a vat of elephant shit by eight years of the George W. Bush debacle it was fairly obvious that there had to be some form of serious re-branding in time for the 2010 mid-term elections. It was recognized early on by party powerbrokers and strategists that there was no chance at regaining their control of the spoils system that serves the ruling oligarchy without a furious and dishonest attack on President Barack Obama who coincidentally happened to be America’s first black leader of state. The Congressional obstructionism has been constant and brutally enforced by party bosses to not only derail the Obama agenda but to dishonestly label the tepid and in over his head centrist deal-cutter as the second coming of Lenin. The putrid career reprobate Newt Gingrich attacked Obama’s “secular socialist machine” as he has been an integral part in plotting the overthrow of the Democratic Congress just as he did in 1994 with the Contract On America to Bill Clinton. Gingrich, a philandering little fascist dwarf has been one of the biggest turds in the Republican cesspool for decades and like the arrogant little twit that he always has been is making noises about a serious run for the White House (which according to many scumbaggers has become the “Black House.”

The Mayberry Machiavellis in the GOP and their tantrum throwing Tea Party base which was rolled out like the Nazi Sturmabteilung during last summer’s health care town halls to disrupt and intimidate have been immensely successful in ensuring that the country stays mired in an economic quagmire which plays very well into the plan to blame it all on that horrible negro in the White House. The town hall invasions were given full coverage by a corrupt and morally bankrupt corporate media and the ever timid and feckless Democrats were terrified into turning any sort of a serious health care reform into a back door bailout of the insurance industry parasites with the full power of the state behind forcing already financially busted out citizens to buy overpriced, lousy coverage with the threat of government fines.

The soon to be rolled out Wall Street reform has similarly been gutted and transformed into nothing more than a facade of regulation that would stop the degenerate gamblers from defrauding Americans and ripping off clients with their derivitave schemes. Due to the media-hyped, Republican backed Tea Party and the menacing brownshirt activists stomping around like deranged gerbils on chrystal meth the quisling Congress was able to turn any serious reform into more of the same corporate welfare and to badly damage Obama by pissing off liberals and progressives who will simply stay home in November while the Dick Armey of Darkness that are the teabaggers will be turning out in droves. The Republicans, as recently as a year and a half ago, a broken and disgraced party (at least in the minds of the clueless liberal elite) are full of piss, vinegar and posessed of that little gleam in the eye similar to a pederast sizing up his prey as they prepare to ride the backs of the angriest and dumbest motherfuckers in America into an encore performance come November. Shit, they will be so excited that maybe they can have the corpse of Terri Schiavo exhumed so that they can take turns gang-banging it just for old time’s sake.

This is why the NAACP’s resolution is so very troublesome to the Republicans who control the Tea Party, it is dangerously close to depriving them of the necessary political cover of being able to engage in the worst forms of demagogy and race-baiting while being able to have the Tea Party as a firewall. With the humiliation of the Bush presidency along with several ugly scandals tainting the GOP it was essential that they were able to roll out a new face prior to the 2010 mid-terms. That face of course belonged to KKK Kewpie Sarah Palin (an mentally deranged dimwit bimbo from Wasilla, Alaska who makes George W. Bush look like Albert Fucking Einstein) whose political rallies during the 2008 election set the gold standard for hatefests in America. Palin’s outdoor bund gatherings were nothing more than a mixture of a drunken Klan rally and the day that the welfare checks arrived at the local white trash trailer park in any seedy part of town that never gets the same sort of condemnation as the “ghetto” or “the hood”. They were extended versions of Orwell’s Two Minute Hate, the neocon line that Obama was some sort of secret terrorist, a closet MUSLIM and a Commie were shoveled to the dead enders like buckets of bloody chum to sharks. Chants of “Terrorist” and “Kill Him” were widely reported as McCain’s Frankenstein monster connected with the same sort of dopes, losers and borderline retards who had helped to put Bush into office because, well, he was just like them.

Palin’s ugly race-baiting was running concurrent with one of the most insidious propaganda campaigns in U.S. history when a secretive front group paid to have tens of millions of a filthy anti-Muslim DVD entitled Obsession: Radical Islam’s War against the West in the distribution of Sunday newspapers in swing states. The Palin ascenscion paralleled the coordinated slime campaign against Obama and eventually spun off the Idiotic sub-group Birthers whose ludicrouls claims that Obama was not born in America disqualified him from the Presidency. There are still ongoing efforts to get this idiocy into the courts and it’s a certainty that a GOP Congressional majority will use the Birther farce to manufacture propaganda in the form of legislation. Sarah the semi-literate was out via Twitter to defend the Republican Tea Party by decrying the NAACP and setting up the straw man of the dreaded inclusion of a mosque at the American holy land in New York City known as ground zero to roust the rabble. Palin attracts the same sort of morons who would fall for a story that the Taliban is using trained armed monkeys against U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

The real truth here is that the Republican party has relied on racism and pandering to the bigots at least since Richard M. Nixon’s Southern Strategy sought to harnass white southern discontent with the Civil Rights movement and as a part of a two-pronged attack against liberalism. That was the decade upon which nearly ALL of the cornerstones of the Republican temple of hatred were laid. Along with civil rights, women’s rights, liberalism, hippies, rock and roll music, sexual freedom and the need to smack down any who would dare to question corrupt and unprincipled authority if not the establishment itself all sprung from the Sixties. But that is a topic for another time – it is the insidious use of racism that we are going to look at here.

The Republicans have institutionalized racism since the days of Richard Nixon’s infamous Southern Strategy. It was a plan that sought to divide and conquer by fomenting racial enmity. It was immensely successful in charting the path to GOP power by capitalizing on the festering resentment in the deep south over their being forced to accept their ‘devils’ as equals instead of relegating them to subhuman status. The epitome of the charlatan as politician that was Ronald Reagan tapped into this when in 1980 he shamelessly pandered to the peckerwoods in Philadelphia, MS the site of the 1964 murder of three civil rights workers. The film Mississippi Burning was based on that tragic incident where animosity and raw hate combined in brutal murder that opened the eyes of a nation in torment to the cruelty and repression within. The Gipper used this carefully chosen forum to continue the sly peddling of the demagogy of race baiting that would form the cement for the next quarter century of disastrous conservative rule:

“I believe in states’ rights. I believe we have distorted the balance of our government today by giving powers that were never intended to be given in the Constitution to that federal establishment”

Preached doddering Dutch to the delight of hordes of sweaty, knuckle dragging peckerwoods who had gathered at the Neshoba County Fair.

The importance of Reagan’s speech was the inclusion of the code word ‘states rights’ being newspeak that fanned the flames of racism. The late Lee Atwater admitted as much in a 1981 interview with historian Alexander P. Lamis that was published in his book Southern Politics in the 1990s:

Atwater: As to the whole Southern strategy that Harry Dent and others put together in 1968, opposition to the Voting Rights Act would have been a central part of keeping the South. Now [the new Southern Strategy of Ronald Reagan] doesn’t have to do that. All you have to do to keep the South is for Reagan to run in place on the issues he’s campaigned on since 1964… and that’s fiscal conservatism, balancing the budget, cut taxes, you know, the whole cluster…

Questioner: But the fact is, isn’t it, that Reagan does get to the Wallace voter and to the racist side of the Wallace voter by doing away with legal services, by cutting down on food stamps…?

Atwater: You start out in 1954 by saying, ‘Nigger, nigger, nigger.’ By 1968 you can’t say ‘nigger’ – that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now [that] you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites.

And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I’m not saying that. But I’m saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me – because obviously sitting around saying, ‘We want to cut this,’ is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than ‘Nigger, nigger.’

Atwater incidentally was the man who as a campaign strategist for Poppy Bush was behind the lowball sleaze of the Willie Horton commercials that helped to bring down Michael Dukakis in the 1988 election. One of Atwater’s protégés was an ambitious and amoral man of some renown in recent history, a man named Karl Rove who continued Atwater’s legacy by using an orchestrated clandestine slime campaign based on innuendo that Senator John McCain had fathered a black child to lay waste to his momentum in the 2000 GOP primaries and catapult George W. Bush into a lead that he would never relinquish. Under the destructive influence of Bush’s Brain American politics have disintegrated into an orgy of slander, racism, religious discrimination, swift boating, slander, fear, hatred and animosity of a level that has now begun to feed upon itself, growing exponentially with each diatribe by a hired propagandist. Sarah Palin’s cohort, FOX millionaire Glenn Beck has denounced President Obama as a racist and none of the Republican payroll demagogues ever miss out on an opportunity to pander to the lowest common denominator of white resentment towards blacks and other non-whites.

In the aforementioned film, Mississippi Burning Agent Rupert Anderson played by Gene Hackman, a good ole boy who had renounced the racism of his upbringing mused aloud:

Where does it come from, all this hatred? You know, when I was a little boy… there was an old Negro farmer liveddown the road from us, name of Monroe. And he was… Well, I guess he was just a little luckier than my daddy was. He bought himself a mule. That was a big deal around that town. My daddy hated that mule. His friends kidded him that they saw Monroe ploughin’ with his new mule… and Monroe was gonna rent another field now that he had a mule. One morning that mule just showed up dead. They poisoned the water.

After that there was never any mention about that mule around my daddy. One time we were drivin’ past Monroe’s place and we saw it was empty. He’d just packed up and left, I guess. Gone up North or somethin’. I looked over at my daddy’s face….and I knew he’d done it. And he saw that I knew. He was ashamed. I guess he was ashamed. He looked at me and he said…”If you ain’t better than a nigger, son, who are you better than?”

The rejection of Bush and the temporary derailing of Rove’s Thousand Year Reich have escalated the tactics and in an economically collapsing America nothing works better for political purposes than scapegoats. Not how Arizona’s new Gestapo style racial profiling law has become a rallying point for fascist Republican teabaggers and desperate and cynical politicians in other states are now pushing for similar legislation to combine with the already widespread anti-gay marriage ballot measures to form a very toxic brew indeed. In Florida, Bill McCollum, one of the most prominent of the traitors who was a part of the great Clinton blowjob inquisition is down with a similar effort, along with a pissing away of state taxpayer funds to mount a campaign against Obamacare which he is able to do as the sitting Attorney General. These people are a pack of vicious swine with zero loyalty to an inclusive and economically functional America, they just want to pour gasoline on the fire and watch it burn.

Racism is a cancer and it ravages societies, destroying them from within. Yet at the same time racism is gospel preached to an endless supply of converts by demagogues with political agendas. The Republican perpetual hate machine is fueled by racism, that and the fear and without them it could not exist. The demagogues preach to the masses from their electronic pulpits. They seek to pander to those seeking an answer for all that has gone wrong in their pathetic and failed lives. Lives in most cases that have been made miserable by the power brokers behind the demagogues who they have come to worship.

The hatred, the fear, the racism it is their benediction. It is in the hate that they seek shelter, the ability to salvage something resembling self worth from the cruel world. Ultimately in choosing to affix their sins to scapegoats they find a sort of salvation, but ironically it comes at the cost of ultimate damnation as they are consumed by their anger and their victims made to suffer for the expedience of those who seek to make them outcasts. If you ain’t no better than a (insert epithet here) then who are you better than?

Lee Atwater died of an inoperable brain tumor in 1991, cut down in his prime. He did however experience something of an epiphany that brought about reflection and change. In an article published shortly before his death in Life Magazine he wrote:

My illness helped me to see that what was missing in society is what was missing in me: a little heart, a lot of brotherhood. The ’80s were about acquiring — acquiring wealth, power, prestige. I know. I acquired more wealth, power, and prestige than most. But you can acquire all you want and still feel empty. What power wouldn’t I trade for a little more time with my family? What price wouldn’t I pay for an evening with friends? It took a deadly illness to put me eye to eye with that truth, but it is a truth that the country, caught up in its ruthless ambitions and moral decay, can learn on my dime. I don’t know who will lead us through the ’90s, but they must be made to speak to this spiritual vacuum at the heart of American society, this tumor of the soul.

While I am highly skeptical of deathbed conversions it may be that facing the end of one’s mortal existence does provide an unprecedented opportunity for introspection. A self-analysis stripped bare of the deceits and hypocrisies of a daily existence for even a lifelong parasite like Atwater. Perhaps staring down the barrel at impending death is what it takes for a renunciation of the sins of a life spent sowing the seeds of hatred. Atwater is correct when he refers to it as a tumor of the soul. That it is, and as torn and frayed as this country is now that it has metastasized it may be terminal.

In closing, the Tea Party is not a racist movement per se but the GOP however has infiltrated it, wrested it from the original libertarian founders and has donned it as an-exoskeleton to harnass the racist sentiments of the dregs of American society as a way to regain political power. There are well intentioned people with the Tea Party but they are tainting themselves by associating with racists. So to y’all in the Tea Party who aren’t haters of people because of their skin color and religion:

Wake up, cleanse yourselves by kicking out the racists and be taken seriously. Even more importantly, peel off the Republican parasites like the bloodsuckers that they are and reach out to progressives and liberals who are just as pissed off over how this country is being destroyed as you are. Time to stop being manipulated by the race-baiting neocon scum of the GOP, return to your original libertarian roots, reach out and then, and only then will you be a formidable force. Oh, and tell the shameless millionaires Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin to go and fuck themselves and slime their way back into the sewers that they inhabited prior to 2008 and take that swine Gingrich with them.

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe


A Preponderance of Useful Idiots

June 6, 2010

Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.

-Robert A. Heinlein

One of the major reasons for my recent decision to retire from blogging is that I just became fed up with the ugly and unavoidable truth that we are living in a real life version of the movie Idiocracy. It’s not that this is any sort of a big surprise or anything it’s just how all-encompassing that it has become since the election of President Barack Obama. The mass delusion extends from both the ‘left’ or more appropriately the silly-assed utopians and thin-skinned political correctness Nazis that now comprise it as well as the ever more bizarre, ridiculous and living in a different fucking universe altogether teabaggers. In this time of horrendous woe, with the sheen finally coming off of the Green Shoots propaganda blitz that along with bogus bank stress tests, the elimination of the mark-to-market accounting rules that allowed the Wall Street criminals to value their asswipe derivatives at whatever the fuck they decided was necessary to keep the bonuses coming it is increasingly obvious that the only CHANGE since the Obama era began is that we as Americans have become even stupider than ever before.

Not only is the childish belief that the disemboweled economy is getting better being exposed as total bullshit in the aftermath of Friday’s catastrophic 3 % plunge in the DJIA (Dick Jammed In Ass) but the lies of B.P. and the corporate rats in the Obama administration about the environmental catastrophe that is the massive oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico (DRILL BABY DRILL!) that this biosphere destroying example of good old stick it to you American Capitalism being under control are just becoming a bit too audacious for all but the most delusional O-Bot to buy. The birds are coming home to roost my friends, and they will be coated in plenty of oil as they reach the shores of the Gulf states. Especially devastated will be the diseased penis of America better known as the state of Florida, I find it deliciously ironic that the GOP have decided to hold their 2012 convention in Tampa. By then the local beaches should be covered in oil, of course that won’t stop their diseased and wretched local teaparty activists from showing up by the thousands in acoration of that filthy little salsa-dipped Nazi prick Marco Rubio, the Joan of Arc of the bats in the belfry bible-thumping hockey moms (or Grizzlies or whatever the fuck it is this week) as well as the prophet of modern times that is Glenn Beck. The GOP high-rollers may not get the beach time but it is a goddamned written-in-stone guarantee that the bare pussy bars on Dale Mabry Hwy will be doing record business and the local hookers are already deliirious at the prospect of the family values crowd rolling into town. Hell, there is probably going to be a surge in underground lesbian bondage bars opening in anticipation of Michael Steele and his pigboys alone descending enmasse with RNC credit cards.

All of this though is immaterial, the good old U.S. of A is a failed state, so corrupted and broken and populated by the rankest of swine has our entire political process become that it’s only a matter of months until we at least unofficially become a banana republic. The news just keeps getting worse, the police state keeps expanding its powers and the corporate media is doing it’s bought and paid for duty in digging up the good old Natalee Holloway again to trot out for the masses of asses, of course this corpse-humping is no less dispicable than the typical spinning of the latest Israeli human rights atrocities, like murder in cold blood of those activists on the Gaza aid flotilla earlier in the week. Dogs bark, birds fly, pigs wallow in shit and the mainstream media lies – it is what they are supposed to do. They are today trumpeting the arrest of the latest “jihadists” The sanctioning of the criminal activities of the New Hitler Bibi Netanyahu’s genocidal regime by beloved neocon stooges like the insidious Washington Post propagandist Charles Krauthammer whose standard Jew baiting has reached the level of parody with his latest malodorous piece of garbage entitled Those Troublesome Jews are pumping out loads of horseshit  at even a faster volume than the ruptured pipe from the Deepwater Horizon is spewing black death. It’s going to continue too as the recalcitrant Netanyahu reportedly now has maniacally stationed Israeli nuclear subs off the coast of Iran and like the real Hitler in those dark and final days down in the bunker before he popped cyanide and fellated his Walther PPK is a man with nothing left to lose…only Hitler didn’t have nukes and Bibi does. The Rapture is coming you morons but you are just going to be incinerated with the rest of us heathens while God laughs his jolly white ass off at all of you buffoons.  

Jesus Fucking Christ, where was I?

Oh, back to the topic of useful idiots. We have been dealt a staggering loss in the war against stupidity in this pathetic shell of a country and we aren’t coming back. That much is a certainty. Just for the sheer hell of it I dropped by one of my old haunts back before I became convinced that much of the ‘left’ was as deranged and loopy as their more openly fascist right-wing counterparts and wandered into a pitiful defense of the moral coward Buddy Dharma’s jackbooted Daily Kos style of censorship over ANY discussion of the blatant inhumanity of the Israeli rogue state. I figured what the fuck and just let it all rip since the place is below anyone with any semblance of either dignity or a functional thought process to begin with. My very troublesome (but pragmatic) suggestion to threaten to nuke Tel Aviv to initiate a massive uprising against the Netanyahu-Lieberman government before they succeed in starting World War III was flushed down the memory hole within 30 seconds with Kosian efficiency. From that point on I just trashed that filthy overrated sleazeball Buddy and his minions until my account was terminated (it took about three minutes total) once and for all. The point of this is that the ‘left’ or the sorry remnants of what was once a strong, economically moral, pro-America and pro-labor movement is as responsible for the state of terminal rot that this country is now entrapped in as any of the idiot teabaggers (who I will get to in a minute). What passes for triumph with these people are the small victories, like mobilizing to fight for the revocation of the prejudicial “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy about gays serving in the military. Trust me idiots, this would NEVER be revoked if the military didn’t desperately need more cannon fodder for the great Obama’s Afghanistan crusade. The ‘left’ also finds it a huge victory when MSNBC corporate shill Rachel Maddow can successfully bait an abject moron like Rand Paul into making an asinine statement about the Civil Rights Act on cable television and then the DNC talking points can make hay out of yet another strawman. Incidentally, while I have often defended Ron Paul for his principles (many other things I am in serious disagreement on) I have no illusions that his son is anything other than a slightly more articulate version of George W. Bush. So really, while the useful idiots on the ‘left’ drive me to teeth-grinding frustration how can I really just walk away and let the worst of them continue to do their parts to administer the final fucking of America?

The answer is that I can’t….and so I am back.

In an attempt to make some sort of sense out of my disillusionment, a few months ago I signed up to receive emails and to post on our local Tea Party Meetup. It was my naïve hope that at least some of these people could be reached, that they could be peeled away from the shrieking berserkers, the dregs of our doomed society and the unrepentant bigots. What can I say? I was badly mistaken. In the beginning I actually had some hope as one of their honcho organizers was a local neurosurgeon who had run afoul of the press with his circulation of the infamous Obama witch-doctor cartoon (definitely racist) had sent me an email. I suspect that it was inadvertently a response to his email list that was captured when I had previously sent him a rant calling him out as a right-wing Nazi. He was actually a very nice guy and we exchanged emails for awhile discussing the sort of serious philosophical issues such as collectivism versus individualism that are lost on the average teabagger who couldn’t find his or her own ass without directions from Glenn Fucking Beck. The Doc was decent enough to me and was grateful for my respect so I figured that I’d see what the rest of them were like. After all, could I really judge the actions of an entire group based on the actions of the most vile of them? There had to be real people there whose shared frustrations could be reasoned with into some sort of a rational attempt to bring about systemic change.

I was at first welcomed and the administrator (a very nice lady) said that they could learn from me. After a while though it was obvious that this was no grass roots movement pissed off at the government but rather a fully owned subsidiary of the Republican party.

Get a load of some of these post titles and content:

New Meetup: National Day of Prayer


Brighthouse Field
601 N Old Coachman Rd
Clearwater, FL 33755

The 58th Annual National Day of Prayer (NDP) will be held May 6th at 7 p.m. at Brighthouse Field in Clearwater. In cities all around the country, people will gather to pray to God for the healing our great nation and the well-being of those that lead it.

Yes, PRAY.

Prayer has always been used in this country for guidance, protection and strength–even before we were a nation or a handful of colonies. The Pilgrims at Plymouth relied on prayer during their first and darkest winter.

In 1775, the Continental Congress designated a time for prayer to ask God’s intercession in forming a new nation. In our founding fathers’ eyes, our recently-created nation and freedoms were a direct gift from God. And being a gift from God, there was only one way to insure protection–through prayer.

In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln officially called for prayer in the midst of a crisis that was dividing our nation. It was his belief that, “it is the duty of nations as well as men, to owe their dependence upon the overruling power of God.”

As American troops stormed the beaches of Normandy in 1944, President Franklin Roosevelt called for our nation to unite in prayer. He also offered a prayer to prepare each citizen for the road ahead. “Let our hearts be stout, to wait out the long travail, to bear sorrows that may come, to impart our courage unto our sons wheresoever they may be. And, O Lord, give us faith. Give us faith in Thee.”

In 1952 President Harry S. Truman officially established an annual event by an act of Congress, and the National Day of Prayer was signed into law.

President Ronald Reagan amended the law in 1988, designating the first Thursday of May each year as the official NDP.

Historically, the most visible gathering of the NDP is held at our nation’s Capitol in Washington, D.C. The executive, legislative and judicial branches of government have been represented, along with the military. Unfortunately, this American tradition is yet another that Mr. Obama has chosen to ‘opt out’ of.

Mrs. Shirley Dobson, NDP chairman, reminds us: “We have lost many of our freedoms in America because we have been asleep. I feel if we do not become involved and support the annual National Day of Prayer, we could end up forfeiting this freedom, too.” How prophetic of her — just today (April 15) a federal judge in Wisconsin ruled the NDP unconstitutional, saying the government “cannot call for religious action”. Please join us to pray for our nation, while we are still allowed to do so!

So much for the Constitution lovin’ folks respect for the separation of church and state.The Jesus Nazis were there as well as the standard Republicans picking the low-hanging fruit. And if people are so fucking stupid to believe all of that Dobson Inc. hogwash about the Christian founders then any sort of association with them at all was going to be an exercise in stifling the gag reflex.

Here are more:

New Meetup: Marco Rubio & Mitt Romney (with this gruesome twosome any of that crap about a restoration of honest government is discredited)

New Meetup: Ladies Only – LOCK, LOAD, EAT (a bunch of sexually frustrated white old bats with guns and an infatuation with Sarah Palin.)

New Meetup: Flaunt the Flag Day (what would any gathering of right-wingers be without the inevitable flag worship, brings to mind Weimar Germany. Now as to the flag worship you do have to at least respect it and not use it to wipe your ass or burn it like so many of the hippie, Commie losers on the other side are prone to do. To quote the great Saul Alinsky who got it:

Even the most elementary grasp of the fundamental idea that one communicates within the experience of his audiende – and gives full respect to the other’s values – would have ruled out attacks on the American flag. The repsonsible organizer would have known that it is the establishment that has betrayed the flag while the flag, itself, remains the glorious symbol of America’s hopes and aspirations, and he would have conveyed this message to his audience.

It’s no wonder that Rules for Radicals by Alinsky is enjoying a resurgence of sales but to the Tea Partiers and NOT to the flag-burning pinkos on the fake left.

The place was pretty much a trolling ground for Republicans as every Tom, Dick and Marco was heralded as the second coming to these people. Finally, I had enough and I posted a scathing diatribe of how these self-proclaimed patriots were being hornswoggled by the same old crooks and that they were only being duped into thinking that it was the nasty black man in the White House who was taking over their country.

The response from the administrator was surprising, it was actually quite fragile considering the virulent nature of the Beckers and Palinazis and it certainly was more friendly than the champagne socialists and cruise missile liberators of oppressed women over at Docudharma.

I can’t write as beautifully as you but I think I can get my message across. We agree 100% with you that BOTH parties are responsible for the disasterous situation our country is in. Actually, I blame the Rep even more because I expect it from the Dems but truly didn’t from the Reps. 51% of this group are Democrats and Independents. I, like many others, are registered Rep. However, we are encouraging ALL members that are Independents to register as something so that they can vote in the

Primary. Have you gone to any of the PCREC meetings? You may find that a good place to discuss your opinions.

Ed, we are truly grassroots. We volunteer every spare minute we have from our jobs to run this group. We probably do a ton of things wrong but by God, we try so hard. When I think back to one year ago when, unfortunately, most of us were watching TV and shopping and I look at us now, I am so very proud. America is waking up. Hopefully, it is not too late. I have friends who think I am crazy. These are friends I have had for 50 plus years. They are STILL clueless. And when I try to talk to them, it falls on not only deaf ears, but they laugh at me. I feel closer to the people I have met this last year than I do to all of my old friends. Not all are awake yet. And some will never awaken. But, with people like you, we have a shot. Please recognize that the Tea Party/9.12 people are passionate, God fearing/loving individuals who are trying with every once in them to make a difference. We may not all be as bright as you but I guarantee we love our Country as much as you. Be patient. Let us all do our jobs. We can and we will make a difference. What we don’t need is to be put down by those people who are basically on the same side as us, just go about it in a different way.

I hope we can remain friends. I told you when you signed on that I thought we could learn a thing or two from you. I still believe that. But you can’t knock us down and then expect us to not fight back. That is no longer in our nature. Stick with us – calmly and respecfully tell us your thoughts and I think you just might be interested in what the members reactions might be. They may disagree with some of what you have to say but done correctly, we will learn from each other. Making them angry right off the bat will accomplish nothing.

Now this is a nice lady although misguided and my diatribe was obviously hurtful. She doesnt’ seem to post much over there having ceded the duties some real GOP cheerleader who has no shame in pimping the rotten party line to all of the hateful lemmings, dupes and just poor fucked over people with no other outlet for their frustrations. I did find some humor when some guy used his “WE THE PEOPLE” moniker to advertise for his local business and was castigated by the admins. Strange view for a collection of people whose sole goal in life is to sell Glenn Beck’s ghostwritten drivel in order to make him millions and to ensure that principled reformers like Marco Rubio and Bill McCollum can rise to power in order to preserve the tax breaks on yachts in Florida while pissing all over the poor slobs who are doing the legwork for them.

Sigh, that is just the way it is in America anymore. Is it any wonder that even one as stout as I can become disillusioned and just run away from the Brawndo vat as quickly as my legs can carry me?

Back in action my friends.

Just my two cents


Bravo Los Suns

May 6, 2010

“It’s hard to imagine in this country that we have to produce papers, It rings up images of Nazi Germany.”

-Phoenix Suns General Manager Steve Kerr
The sound of puckering assholes among the fascist filth that is the rabid American right brings to mind Ross Perot’s famous quote about a giant sucking sound. The scumbaggers and their GOP bund buddies are shrieking foul over the NBA’s Phoenix Suns doing the unthinkable for a sports team – making a political statement. In flipping the bird to their Arizona fanbase of cranks, losers and racist nutjobs who worship Sheriff Joe Arpaio as though he is the second coming of Jesus Fucking Christ only imbued with the full power of the rising American police state the Suns wore orange uniforms with the team name “LOS SUNS” across the front. Now this is ballsy in the rapidly closing society that used to be the United States of America post the 9/11 false flag attacks that turned us into a poverty ridden sewer of fear, loathing and stupidity.
I am sure that gasbag Rush Limbaugh, the shameless multi-millionaire moon-faced demagogue Glenn Beck and the scatterbrained but worshipped by a cult of millions of morons Sarah Palin will be railing at the traitors who dared to defile sports by going native. Not that any of the garden variety scum who will be screaming for their fifth columnist champion Joe Lieberman to hurry the fuck up and pass his filthy Naziesque bill to strip Americans of their citizenship so that LOS SUNS can be rounded up en-masse and packed off to the torture chambers at Gitmo. The pill-popping poobah of propaganda who may purportedly have talent on loan from God but can’t get an erection without pharmaceutical assistance will likely remind his legions of angry white losers that they already have the orange suits. As for the NBA, it’s not exactly popular among the nativists that fill the reich-wing anyway, as my old co-worker Stick once said “It’s full of goddamned niggers”.
The blazing hatred directed at Los Suns today over their daring political statement is really more than a bit hypocritical (a right wing standard) given that all of those pigs never seem to have a problem when the shit-salesmen on FOX’s NFL pregame show like the idiotic Terry Bradshaw and his ilk get to dress up like toy soldiers in their cammies and move their set to Afghanistan to promote the war. None of the armchair ‘patriots’ ever have a problem with the regular wasting of taxpayer dollars on the standard flyovers of NFL games nor to they do anything other than stand up and salute their beloved 50 inch plasma screens when General David Petraeus goose steps out in full dress uniform to flip the coin at the Super Bowl. That’s because those are all symbols of the white man with his bloated military kicking the living shit out of the ragheads, skinnies, sand niggers or gooks. White supremacy is what this is all about and sweet Jesus it is just downright un-American to not worship our imperialist military. The dastardly slander against Los Suns has already started, when I did a Google search of Steve Nash, one of the Suns players the first thing that popped up was some Tom denouncing him as an “overrated Canadian point guard” for daring not to bow down to Governor Jan Brewer’s institutionalized racism – the meme is going to be hot today, that much is predictable.
Not that you would know it by the corporate cowardice of the new American century, the iconic Michael Jordan once famously remarked “Republicans buy shoes too” but there is a long and rich history of sports and politics and the fight for social justice. There was the Muhammad Ali of old, denouncing racism and the Vietnam war, Roberto Clemente, Jackie Robinson, Paul Robeson, Dave Meggyesy and who knows what sort of stories that Pat Tillman would have told if he were allowed to return from Bush and Cheney’s illegal wars were he not murdered by his own troops, very likely on orders to silence a poster boy gone off the reservation. All of the stories of those who used sports for principled stands against the oppressive machine are untold, Americans would rather worship the crucifixion and resurrection of a freak like Tiger Woods than bother to read up on those with principles. For those who would, I would recommend the work of the outstanding Dave Zirin, his website is Edge of Sports and he has written three outstanding books on sports and social justice: What’s My Name Fool?, Welcome to the Terrordome and A People’s History of Sports in the United States.
Steve Nash and his team did more last night than beat the San Antonio Spurs and won a game, they won over the hearts of the silenced majority, those of us who have had a bellyful of the vicious racism and foaming at the mouth hatred of progress and diversity that is exemplified in the teabagger movement and the payrolled swine who goad it on. The anti-intellectualism that is championed by the Sarah Palin worshipping freaks in this country brings to mind the sort of fervor that drove the Khmer Rouge when they took over in Cambodia and implemented their Year Zero program of social change. They struck a blow for freedom of thought, inclusiveness and fairness and now are going to catch hell over it, with any justice though they just may emerge as America’s Team. And why doesn’t the teabagger filth just get the fuck out of MY country if they hate it so much? That is a question that more decent Americans should start to ask and ask LOUDLY.
So Viva Los Suns, in a land of cowardice, conformity and apathy your principled statement is one to be cherished and an inspiration to all who aren’t down with the creeping fascism that has for too long now suffocated our spirits and allowed the assclowns like the teabaggers and dittoheads to control the discourse. What would be truly inspiring would to see the Los Suns jerseys start to outsell those of theocratic Manchurian Candidate and new Denver Broncos third string QB Tim Tebow when it comes to sports merchandise. Now that would be a real sign of progress.
Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe

Naomi Wolf on the Tea Party

April 1, 2010

If you have known my work there are a few people who I immensely respect the opinions of, two of them being Chris Hedges and Naomi Wolf. Both have new pieces, Hedges gets right to it in his Is America “Yearning for Fascism” and Wolf’s provocative Tea Parties Help Fight Fascism (it is actually an interview done by a Justine Sharrock). I have been very clear since I have started doing this that my number one priority is fighting the new American fascism, that is it because truly, if we fail at that nothing else is going to ultimately matter. I have lately run afoul of some of my liberal friends for uttering the heresy that there are elements in the Tea Party movement that could be allies and who have been sucked in as a result of an absence of any sort of anti-oligarchy movement on the ‘left’. I truly believe this, the inconvenient truth of the Tea Party movement is that it originated long before greaseball Rick Santelli’s staged CNBC rant and had roots in 9/11 Truth and the Ron Paul movement. The Tea Parties were independent and largely libertarian before the Gingrichian scum, Beckers and Palinazis were used by the Republican fascist party to hijack the movement. What we are seeing with the racism, violence and other filth is really just the same old Republican dead ender base only re-branded. There are however lots of frustrated people who are turning to this movement because there is nowhere else to go, fault the liberals and progressives and their bullshit focus on ridiculous social issues, their abandonment of the antiwar movement and the reliance on the corporatist DemocRAT party and the teflon coated bullshit salesman that is Barack Obama.
I excerpt the following from Hedges who as been spot on in his recent attacks on the failure of liberalism (see Liberals are Useless) in serving as a counter to the fascist tide. This is from his latest piece:

The Democrats and their liberal apologists are so oblivious to the profound personal and economic despair sweeping through this country that they think offering unemployed people the right to keep their unemployed children on their nonexistent health care policies is a step forward. They think that passing a jobs bill that will give tax credits to corporations is a rational response to an unemployment rate that is, in real terms, close to 20 percent. They think that making ordinary Americans, one in eight of whom depends on food stamps to eat, fork over trillions in taxpayer dollars to pay for the crimes of Wall Street and war is acceptable. They think that the refusal to save the estimated 2.4 million people who will be forced out of their homes by foreclosure this year is justified by the bloodless language of fiscal austerity. The message is clear. Laws do not apply to the power elite. Our government does not work. And the longer we stand by and do nothing, the longer we refuse to embrace and recognize the legitimate rage of the working class, the faster we will see our anemic democracy die.

Dynamite stuff and true, the pompous asses of the liberal blogosphere like Zuniga, Huffington and their ilk have instead of harnessing the energy of their presence into true and lasting change have largely sold out to become propagand arms of a corrupt and morally repugnant Democratic party. Many of us who used to run with those folks have noticed the ostracism and disapproval now that we have begun to criticize the Democrats, they aren’t down with caustic and bombastic language when it is directed at their own shortcomings. There is no way in hell that Bush EVER could have gotten away with what Obama has to this point legitimized, especially the naked body scanners that will soon be everywhere. So with this being said I am going to feature the piece with Wolf’s commentary on the tea parties (or the saner elements that are NOT cookie cutter Republican racist scum) that is sure to put a bug up the perpetually puckering assholes of many liberals – it sure did it for Mike Malloy on his show the other night when he read it in it’s entirety – I have highlighted the most interesting and relevant parts:
Naomi Wolf Thinks the Tea Parties Help Fight Fascism — Is She Onto Something or in Fantasy Land?
By Justine Sharrock, AlterNet
In her bestselling End of America, Naomi Wolf outlines the 10 warning signs that America is headed toward a fascist takeover. Using historical precedents, she explains how our government is mimicking those of Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin through practices like surveillance of ordinary citizens, restricting the press, developing paramilitary forces and arbitrarily detaining people.

The book was lauded by liberals under Bush: the Independent Publishers gave it the Freedom Fighter Award; John Nichols at the Nation named it the most valuable political book of 2007. Now, under President Obama, Wolf’s book is providing ammunition for the Tea Partiers, Patriots, Ron Paul supporters and Oath Keepers, who also warn of impending tyrannical government. Even when the book first came out pre-Obama, Alex Jones, Michael Savage and Fox News invited her on their shows, and agreed with her.

It’s not just her message. She speaks their language, referring to the Founding Fathers and American Revolution as models, admitting to a profound sense of fear, warning of tyranny, fascism, Nazism and martial law. When Glenn Beck warns of these things we laugh. When Wolf draws those same connections, we listen. How can both sides be speaking the same language, yet see things so differently? Or are we just not listening to each other? I telephoned Wolf to ask her what it means when your book ends up bolstering policies you oppose.

Justine Sharrock: First off, is your book still relevant under Obama?

Naomi Wolf: Unfortunately it is more relevant. Bush legalized torture, but Obama is legalizing impunity. He promised to roll stuff back, but he is institutionalizing these things forever. It is terrifying and the left doesn’t seem to recognize it.

JS: Did you realize that your book is being lauded within the Tea Party and patriot movements?

NW: Since I wrote Give Me Liberty, I have had a new audience that looks different than the average Smith girl. There is a giant libertarian component. I have had a lot of dialogue with the Ron Paul community. There are [Tea Partiers] writing to me on my Facebook page, but I figured they were self-selective libertarians and not arch conservatives. I am utterly stunned that I have a following in the patriot movement and I wasn’t aware that specific Tea Partiers were reading it. They haven’t invited me to speak. They invited Sarah Palin.

JS: If they did invite you, would you speak at a Tea Party?

NW: I would go in a heartbeat. I’ll go anywhere to talk about the Constitution. I believe in trans-partisan organizing around these issues. When I went on Fox News people asked me why I was going on those shows. Are you kidding? You have to go, especially to people you don’t agree with. We need to get back into grappling with people we disagree with if we want to restore the Republic.

I was invited by the Ron Paul supporters to their rally in Washington last summer and I loved it. I met a lot of people I respected, a lot of “ordinary” people, as in not privileged. They were stepping up to the plate, when my own liberal privileged fellow demographic habituates were lying around whining. It was a wake-up call to the libertarians that there’s a progressive who cares so much about the same issues. Their views of liberals are just as distorted as ours are of conservatives.

JS: Why do you think the sides don’t understand each other?

NW: Frankly, liberals are out of the habit of communicating with anyone outside their own in cohort. We have a cultural problem with self-righteousness and elitism. Liberals roll their eyes about going on “Oprah” to reach a mass audience by using language that anyone can understand even if you majored in semiotics at Yale. We look down on people we don’t agree with. It doesn’t serve us well.

There is also a deliberate building up of two camps that benefits from whipping up home team spirit and demonizing the opposition. With the Internet there is even more fractioning since we are in echo chambers. With so much propaganda it is hard to calm down enough to listen.

JS: What do you think is the biggest misconception about the Tea Parties?

NW: The Tea Party is not monolithic. There is a battle between people who care about liberty and the Constitution and the Republican Establishment who is trying to take ownership of it and redirect it for its own purposes.

JS: In your essay, “Tea Time in America” you said that some of the Tea Party’s proposals are “ahead of their time.” What are some examples?

NW: I used to think “End the Fed people” were crackpots. The media paints them as deranged. But it turned out we had good reason to have more oversight. Or take their platform about states’ rights. Demographically, I’m a hippie from San Francisco and I’m not culturally inclined to be sympathetic to states’ rights. My cultural heritage is FDR and Medicare and federal government solutions. But if you think through the analysis, strengthening state rights is a good corrective of the aggregation of an over-reaching federal power. Take California’s challenge of the Patriot Act or states like Vermont leading the way with addressing the corruption of the voting system. It’s a good example of the Tea Party thinking out of the box on how to address a problem.

JS: That’s interesting because strengthening states’ rights is key to their entire platform, including protesting health care reform. Would you call yourself pro-Tea Party?

NW: Even though I’m appalled when racism surfaces, and I personally don’t agree with certain policy solutions and a lot of what they believe in, as someone who is very concerned about reinvigorating democracy the Tea Parties are an answer to what I asked for.

I was basically saying don’t sit around waiting for the two corrupted established parties to restore the Constitution or the Republic. The founding generation was birthed by the rabble of all walks of life that got fed up and did risky things because they were captivated by the breath of liberty. There is a looming oligarchy and it is up to the people to organize a grassroots movement and push back. You guys have to do it yourself. Their response is the most visible and the initiative they show is the most recognizable. People of all kinds are waking up. Even people passionate for Obama realize even that knight on a white horse isn’t enough to roll back the oligarchy. I’m seeing a lot of action on the left as well that is never reported. But the Tea Party response is the most visible and the initiative they show is the most recognizable.

JS: How do you feel about your books bolstering a fight for policies you don’t agree with?

NW: If people are taking my book seriously and organizing, getting into office, caring about the constitution, and not waiting for someone else to lead them, I think, God bless them. All of us should be doing that. The left should be doing that. There is always the risk in advocating for democracy that the first people to wake up might not be your team, but that is a risk worth taking. I would rather have citizens I don’t agree with organized and active than an oligarchy of people that I agree with.

JS: These days the kinds of comparisons you make in your book between America and Nazis and fascists are mostly coming out of the mouths of people like Glenn Beck and Alex Jones. What do you make of the commonality of the rhetoric?

NW: There is no question that the right-wing idea machine saw how that message was resonating in the run-up to the last election. A YouTube video of a speech I gave went viral and got 850,000 hits. I’m not saying that is the only thing that caused this, but there is no question that the Republican and the right wing are quick to co-opt the strategic language that’s resonating on the other side and turn it against itself.

JS: How is your comparison of Obama to Hitler any different from someone at a Tea Party holding up a placard of Obama with a Hitler mustache?

NW: Those signs are offensive. If only the Holocaust was just about imposing health care on my people. Obama has done things like Hitler did. Let me be very careful here. The National Socialists rounded people up and held them without trial, signed legislation that gave torture impunity, and spied on their citizens, just as Obama has. It isn’t a question of what has been done that Hitler did. It’s what does every dictator do, on the left or the right, that is being done here and now. The real fight isn’t left or right but between forces of democracy across the spectrum and the forces of tyranny.

JS: People criticize Beck’s use of that kind of language as incendiary and hyperbolic. Why is your use any different?

NW: Every time I use those analogies, I am doing it with a concrete footnoted historical context. When people like Glenn Beck throw around the word Nazi without taking that kind of care, they are engaging in demagoguery. There’s an important difference.

JS: What about your warnings about concentration camps and martial law? How do they compare to conspiratorial fears about FEMA concentration camps?

NW: With the FEMA rumor, I have heard some suggestive first-person accounts that some good reporters should follow up on. But until I see two well-documented sources of it, I can’t speak to it at all.

JS: Well, more generally, you talk about the possibility of concentration camps and martial law.

NW: I think we have gone very far down that road. I met Muslim immigrants in Brooklyn who were swept up in 9-11 raids, held in abusive conditions, beaten, denied rights. That’s how things started in Germany. Guantanamo was modeled after what Stalin developed for the Gulag. Why are we engaged in psychological denial that it’s not a concentration camp? In terms of martial law, my god. Since the book came out they deployed a brigade in the U.S. and suspended the Posse Comitatus Act. There is no question that it’s something to take seriously. People have a histrionic view of what martial law will look like.

I’m not worried that tomorrow there will be a battalion outside your Greenwich Village apartment. I’m worried about things like the McCain Liberman bill that would define enemy belligerents so loosely it would include Americans, which is just like Stalin and Hitler and Mussolini. If Obama tries people with military tribunals, setting that precedent, that is what a military state does. That is what martial law looks like. From a constitutional point of view Bush passing through the Patriot Act is no worse than Obama renewing it.

Tea and Prostrage: A Requiem for the Tea Party

March 30, 2010
“Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge”

-Horace Mann

Prostrage: Involuntary emptying of bowel after anal sex or insertions of large objects into the anal passage.

-The Urban Dictionary

So this is it for the Tea Party, it is a spent force and will soon (although not soon enough) pass into our national history. It will go kicking and screaming epithets as yet another of those horrific, herpetic blights that always seem to plague many of those who should know better and the rest of the perpetually angry, broke-dick, knuckle-dragging fuckups who quite simply don’t give a rat’s ass. I predict that within the next year it will no longer exist, not because the passage of the tepid jar of vomit health ‘reform’ bill that was Christmas Day for the insurance parasites that shook the fascist Republicans to their roots and according to none other than Mr. Axis of Evil himself, David Frum was the party’s Waterloo. The career lickspittle Frum’s denunciation of the embarassment brought upon the Republican house of shame from throwing in with the likes of the Beckers, Dittoheads and Palinazis earned him scorn and the loss of his nice gig over at that roiling spring of neocon fascist filth The American Enterprise Institute.

The abomination of the health care ‘reform’ bill is just another serving of more woe for the rest of us peasants in being a bailout for an industry that should be dismantled and outlawed but when history is written it will also be seen as the grand rallying cause to return the criminal GOP to power. The thug caste, the lumpen Republicans and the Jesus juiced racist freaks that comprise much of the tea party movement were mustered using the help of corporate Astroturf public relations fronts like Freedomworks (another of those brilliant Orwellian monikers that these ratholes annoit themselves with) and despite organized semi-pogroms designed to bully and intimidate still lost out. Despite being as advertised in a corrupt media as legitimate resistance to a government run amok and hellbent on implementing full blown Communism right here in Der Heimat it doesn’t take a social scientist to look at the overall demographics and their signs and standards and conclude that much of the rabble couldn’t give a tinker’s damn about government health care at all but the head nigga in charge residing in the White House. Despite the failure of the anti-health care reform jihadists and the idea that they actually were representative in raising hell to bring about the desperately needed national enema that our smoking crater of a political system requires they will soon splinter like so many cancer cells. The new Frank Luntz contrived “repeal and replace” rallying cry is just not going to do it as the Republicans search for a new holy grail, a Roe v. Wade 2.0 that they can exploit the schmucks for on multi-generational levels.

As for the teapartiers, the large percentage who have been sucked in absent any sort of protest movement on the pathetic left but who haven’t undergone electronic lobotomies courtesy of Glenn Beck will simply drop out, slink away and get on with their lives. The serious dead enders however will be increasingly juiced up by the coming RepubliKKKan defense of the ramparts of the Alamo, at least that is what it will be painted as by the FOXed up media and the Dick Armey of Darkness when round two comes and the opponents aren’t the socialist Democrats and the Weasel Queen Pelosi but the damned dirty Meskins, La Raza and the brown menace invading American from the south. Tom Tancredo is probably already masturbating his palms raw over the very though of scrambling his misfit army of Beckers, Birthers, Palinazis and assorted other vermin for an all out war for the god-kissed and traded on Wall Street American way of life. With the Republicans now in balls out survival mode there is nothing to lose in continuing to exploit racism and jack up the rhetoric until some freak blows up a federal building with a nursery full of kids in it. After today’s news about the Christian freak militia plotting to blow up a bunch of cops it could be coming much sooner than one could imagine.

So much of the Republican scheme to return to power laid in duping the teabaggers into actually believeing that THEY would be better custodians of the national interest instead of the greed crazed, pathologically perverted, drunk on power and ready to wage global thermonuclear war as if they were playing Avalon Hill board games or Risk. There has of course been the racist undercurrent, it has worked ever since Nixon’s infamous southern strategy and the hallowed Gipper’s sneering at Cadillac driving welfare queens and having a bunch of pissed off southern fried motherfuckers with a lot of time on their hands and ready to rumble it was a stroke of genius to turn them into a Dick Armey of Darkness to wage their war against America’s first black president. It was the utmost of cynical tricks (as well as a dead giveaway) to bring in their token black man to lead the attack against Obama.

Michael Steele has very obviously made it his personal mission in life to redefine the old term “house nigger”, hell, Steele has taken it to the next level. His shameful yearlong fornication with the scumbaggers hit a new low with his defense of John Boehner’s cynical jerking off of the Raptureheads in calling the new health care bill an “apocalypse” and then defended the virulent racism of the co-opted army of white supremacist GOP shock troops on display outside the Capitol on Sunday. Now I use the term “hitting a new low” very scrupulously because after all, we are talking about the head of the RNC.Whit the way that the anti-Obama tries to be so hip would it really be a surprise were Steele to break out in a rap version of the Horst Wessel song at some point in the near future? And this was largely written before the revelations that Steele or his minions were blowing RNC money on lesbian bondage shows…the values people, or so we are told. So the anti-Obama attack will continue, and the violence and threats against elected officials will continue, the broken windows will lead to beatings and even worse as the hate junkies get their fixes. The already sanctioned vandalism and goon tactics will soon escalate, kind of like jerking off over porn, at first it’s just the ordinary stuff that makes the nut but then it takes kinkier and raunchier stuff to get off and before you know it there is full blown sexual deviation. This is a fitting analogy for the right-wingers (other than a large amount of the angry white Dittoheads and Beckers who ARE compulsive masturbators) because their mentality is that of a pathology, like pederasts, they just can’t help themselves.

So naturally there are going to be elements of the teabaggers who will soon cease to want to be affiliated with the S.A. types. Hey, I know some of these folks, they really aren’t bad people but they are frustrated and easily led astray by a highly sophisticated, very expensive and long running psyops campaign to create an American version of Operation Gladio. They like the same things as most people do only their priorities are skewed, their information streams poisoned by Fox propagandists and their justifiable anger at being fucked over by a system gone to seed has no legitimate outlet on the left so they turn to Beck, Bachmann and Palin as though their words are treating lepers at Lourdes, giving them scapegoats….especially BLACK scapegoats like Mr. Obama and ACORN. Sure they are hypocrites, some of the ones that I know rail against the demon socialism but have government jobs or on social security and the women have had the abortions that their movement seeks to deny other women the rights to but they are not the fascist, racist red state droogs that the GOP relies on for shocktroops. The idiots are being played, culled and will soon be on the same pickup lists that others are…the now marginalized dummies are going to be culled, the most vicious will end up on the FBI and NSA watchlists and the FOX addicted morons will not even recognize the switch out when they are assimilated into the GOP Borg.

So in recognizing that not ALL teabaggers want to continue to be used as human penis extensions for Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey I would like to implore the saner elements to defect and let the berserkers go on without them towards their inevitable moment of glory when the full fury of the state will be used against them.

Now, little boy lost, he takes himself so seriously
He brags of his misery, he likes to live dangerously

-Bob Dylan

Going forward: An appeal to the sane tea partiers (not an oxymoron) – I will be posting this at many places where such folks hang out so the responses could be interesting.

1: DO NOT LISTEN TO GLENN BECK: Despite his appeal that is more a result of sly mass-marketing by wealthy interests and his Fox News soapbox (be aware that Fox mogul Rupert Murdoch has no qualms about dealing with the Communist Chinese and is only interested in the accrual of money and power) Beck is a Judas goat. Follow him and you are going to be led to the slaughter. Joining a cult of personality is not the answer, follow nobody and be your own leader. There are principled conservatives who believe in limited government and base their values on an actual belief system rather than bizarre rants like the dry drunk Beck whose ravings are more akin to those of a batshit crazy speed freak. I would recommend H.L. Mencken, Murray Rothbard, Justin Raimondo, Paul Craig Roberts or even old Pat Buchanan who despite having overdosed at the Republican Kool-Aid vat actually is a learned man who respects our nations institutions. You should also consider that Glenn Beck is a multi-millionaire who will be insulated in his gated mansion if and when all hell breaks loose, your purchasing of his books and merchandise fuel his opulent lifestyle while you are losing day by day as the system itself collapses. Think about it.

2: DO NOT USE VIOLENCE: It doesn’t work, is self-defeating and will be crushed by the state once it gets out of hand. Also it will give the government justification to use their police state powers to crack down on dissent – ALL dissent. Once violence is used you lose, have no illusions that you have a chance against the state no matter how many guns that you may have because their guns are bigger, their forces more trained and they have tanks, helicopters and bombs in addition to sophisticated crowd control devices such as LRAD. To any of your militia types who actually believe that an armed insurrection against the sitting government is possible just keep it in the back of your mind that a platoon of heavily armed marines would very quickly turn hundreds of you into something resembling low-grade hamburger meat. The state has already had dry runs at implementing martial law in cities, note the G20 meetings in Pittsburgh last year where the entire city was in lockdown. A much more effective method to fight tyranny is civil disobedience, just imagine what millions of you could do if instead of protesting you just stayed home one day on a weekday, it would bring the system to a halt. An additional word of advice is to not mimic the rabble who showed up in Washington for the GOP pogrom against Congress on the day the health care bill passed – threatening (including menacing and harassing) elected officials is a federal crime for which you are at risk of being arrested and prosecuted for. I realize that Herr Beck is calling out the shocktroops to raise Cain for repeal and the pigs like John Boehner and Newt Gingrich are egging it on but consider very seriously if you want to be around if something ugly goes down.

3: REALIZE THAT OBAMA IS NOT A SOCIALIST: that is Obama is not a socialist in the true sense of the word in that the people are getting anything but the shaft. The only socialism in this rotting country is socialism for the rich (mammoth, deficit killing tax cuts), for bankers whose illicit gambling schemes have destroyed the economy and then received a taxpayer bailout from their cronies in both the Bush and Obama administrations and for catastrophic business failures, for example General Motors. The game is rigged folks and until you are able to break free of the phony left vs. right paradigm it will stay rigged. As robber baron industrialist Jay Gould once famously remarked “I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half”- he was absolutely correct, just look at yourselves. The health care ‘reform’ bill is about the farthest thing from socialized medicine possible as it forces already busted out citizens to purchase protection from the insurance racketeers, if you want to see socialized medicine that actually works look at the Veteran’s Administration. If anything Obama is a fascist simply because he is the chief executive of a fascist country, labeling him as a socialist is absurd but not surprising considering the perversion of language in the U.S.A.

4: REALIZE THAT YOU ARE BEING USED BY THE REPUBLICAN PARTY: so that they can return to power. It is of the utmost importance that you recognize that the Republicans and the Democrats are both criminal organizations and do not care about you. Sarah Palin urges you to join the Republican party, Dick Armey of Freedom Works is a longtime Washington insider who is exploiting you and your movement, originally a more libertarian one along the lines of Ron Paul’s policy views has been hijacked by cynical big government Republican neocons. You turn to ‘saviors’ like Florida’s Marco Rubio but fail to realize that he is an opportunist and Jeb Bush’s protégé. You need to reject outright the Republican party – a legitimate independent movement is the ONLY hope for change. The neocon influence on the tea partiers is very great and rather than get into the nuances of how toppling or discrediting Obama serves their foreign policy goals just realize that the leading thinkers of these fifth columnists is rooted in their adulation of Communist Leon Trotsky. As for big government be mindful that George W. Bush presided over the biggest increase in the federal government since Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society programs only that Bush’s expansionism was in implementing a massive police state infrastructure that could be used against you at any minute…that is if it isn’t being used against you already. The Republicans are not the answer despite what the celebrity Palin says when urging you to support that criminal organization, they are every bit as vile as the DemocRATs. To quote a man named Professor Carroll Quigley who some of you are probably familiar with:

“The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy”
5: OBAMA IS NOT THE PROBLEM- THE SYSTEM ITSELF IS THE PROBLEM: Shift your focus and energies from a monstrously bad health care ‘reform’ bill because it is a done deal no matter how the Republican operatives running the tea party try to spin it. This bill was the product of a corporate system that is rotten to the core. The enemy is the system itself no matter how Glenn Beck and other shills for the oligarchy try to spin it and pin the blame on Obama. It is the system that evolved over years under BOTH Republican and Democrat administrations and Congresses that has been responsible for shipping well paying American jobs out of America, building a police state and waging expensive wars that are destroying the future of America by burying in debt to China and allowing the Federal Reserve and the corrupt gangsters on Wall Street to print money non-stop and use it to engage in reckless gambling that creates nothing but debt. The current system must be replaced entirely, simply returning Republicans to power is not the answer.

6: UNDERSTAND THAT YOU ARE BEING MARGINALIZED: Like the antiwar hippie left you are slowly being turned into cartoons. The corporate media will always find the most extreme and embarrassing element in your crowd to feature in news stories. Despite the wide resistance to the Vietnam war that included mainstream Americans it was always some peace sign festooned, acid-juiced hippie freak that would be singled out by the media. The same thing is happening now with every racist freak and mentally unbalanced dead ender who runs amok in an isolated incident being used to produce a guilt by association effect. Also, elitist pig columnist David Brooks over at the damned librul [sic] New York Times has already snarkily pegged you as Wal-Mart Hippies. Look to become a mockery just like the peaceniks and dopehead Che Guevera and Chariman Mao worshipping types who were burning their draftcards way back in the day…it’s already happening and only you are to blame for it though you tolerance for white supremacist crazies and religious zealots.

7: CRYING BLOODY MURDER ABOUT DEFICTS IS HYPOCRISY: Other than the Ron Paul folks I didn’t see anyone out at tea parties until CNBC’s Wall Street pimp Rick Santelli’s little snit that activated sleeper cells. First and foremost where was your revolt when Bush and the Republicans were maxing out the national credit cards? Also, what is missing from any outrage over the massive Chinese financed debt is that there is ZERO acknowledgement that U.S. military spending is by far the biggest, most wasteful and most expensive contributor to the impoverishment of future generations. There is zero credibility in denouncing jobs programs, extensions of unemployment benefits and any program that actually gives something to the peasants when totally ignoring the effects of the Military Industrial Complex. I would stongly recommend all to view Dwight Eisenhower’s warnings of the ruinous effects of massive military spending. The phony war on terror is now being used as justification for this unsustainable abomination but something had to replace the Soviet Union as the evil enemy. I would also suggest that you start to protest the billions of dollars in both military and foreign aid that is sent outside out borders rather than used to shore up our crumbling infrastructure, to promote re-industrialization that would put Americans back to work and pay down the deficit. You will never hear this taboo truth from Glenn Beck, Barack Obama, the DemocRATs or the Republicans but it is the chief reason that we are slouching towards bankruptcy as a nation, both financially and morally.

8: REACH OUT TO OTHERS: Realize that there are many on the left who agree with you on many issues and while you will not hear it on Fox there are liberals and progressives who hate the massive giveaway to the insurance industry as much as you do. It is also unacceptable to be forced to buy expensive insurance from the same parasites who have destroyed the system. The mandate to buy private insurance was originally a Republican idea that has been picked up by their criminal counterparts the Democrats and sold to Americans by Obama as legitimate reform rather than state sponsored redistribution of wealth to politically connected cronies and the corporations that finance their campaigns.

Just a question, how many of you were out there protesting Bush and Cheney and the neocons when they were destroying the constitution and blurring the definition of what it means to be a ‘terrorist’? I bet not too many participated in the demonstrations against the illegal wars or for that matter against torture, illegal surveillance and the secret prison gulags. Nope, it took Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and a black man in the White House who is called everything from a Communist to the AntiChrist.

This is your wake up call now, principled civil libertarians have been outraged at how our civil liberties have been destroyed for years and none of you seemed to care when Bush was setting up the police state, or ‘free speech’ zones, or spying on Americans. Now you are getting what you deserve having thrown in with the violent browshirt scum of the fascist Republican base instead of following Ron Paul and the principled non-violent message.

The next knock at your door may be Homeland Security.

Those are my words of advise to those of you who are able to save yourselves from the eventual plunge into the abyss that you are being dragged into by your worst elements and the cynical, crazed Republicans who are using you all in their desperation to return themselves to control of the spoils system. This thing is not going to end well for most of those people, it is inevitable that there is going to be an incident (y’all are notorious for blowing up government buildings filled with women and children) that will trigger the USA PATRIOT Act (that none of you opposed) to be used against you as domestic terrorists. Heed my words of warning and you can save yourselves from the conflagration of violence that will arrive when the berserkers that you have affiliated yourselves with cross that line. Last week it was bricks and broken windows, cursing and spitting on black people and mob intimidation that to no surprise already has your movement on the FBI and Homeland Security’s radar. And as for the Republicans who are stoking the rage and using your numbers and anger to their advantage just what do you think is going to happen if they are successful in using angry and violent mobs to return to power? Given your ignorance of history considering that your tea parties are actually in a true historical context supporting the rule of the British monarchy I would doubt that many of you have heard of the Night of the Long Knives.

Just my two cents


Jew Wars

March 24, 2010

He strode into the chambers with head held high, a spring in his step, he was now in his full glory, in conquered territory and it was glorious. Bibi Netanyahu had the red carpet rolled out for him by the U.S. Congress, it was an abominable display of fecklessness and fealty by a body that has approval ratings lower than whaleshit but with their royal treatment of the drunk on hubris Israeli Prime Minister showed that despite the rhetoric and histrionics over the malarkey that is health care reform that they can still come together for that which is truly important. Despite the travails of recent weeks after the ugly back-handed bitch-slapping of lapdog V.P. Joe Biden and the dirty war in the trenches of the Zionist saturated mainstream media it was a moment of triumph for Bibi, he was home and the shvatsa could just go and fuck himself.

It was a telling moment about the loyalties of our elected so-called representatives, there was unity towards a common cause and it wasn’t in rebuilding the American economy, putting the jobless back to work, fixing the abortion of a health care bill in which a forced mandate to buy protection from the same insurance parasites has been rammed up all of our asses by the state’s jackboot, repairing crumbling infrastructure, upgrading education or halting foreclosures. It was a unifier of the treacherous charlatans that only falls short of the adulation for baseball sterioids dog and pony shows and the accompanying witch hunts where muscular (albeit chemically enhanced) man children take to the stand to tearfully admit their sins and subject themselves to the tirades and hectoring of America’s must useless institution short of the judiciary.

Bibi has won for the time being, the key for the continuation of Zionist genocidal policies is in being able to keep the cash flowing from the U.S. taxpayer to finance the bombs to blow the dirty Arabs back to Allah so that God’s chosen people can be free to murder Palestinian women and children, steal their land and harvest their organs. Pat Buchanan had it dead on when he referred to Congress as “Israeli occupied territory” so dig deep, the taxman will continue to extract your money to support a war crazed paranoid colony of sand niggers hellbent on nuking Iran and kicking off a war that will ultimately make the body count from WW II seem like chump change. Their sleazy neocon propagandists have been busier than usual lately in prepping the battlefield for Bibi’s visit, Herr Kraüthaummmer among others is holding court at the WaPo and the insipid Abe Foxman of the McCarthyist smear shop ADL has been a prominent spear carrier after the Biden incident.

The most interesting aspect of this current “family feud” as deeply embedded Israeli mole Joe Lieberman called it is that a former neocon darling, General David Petraeus has gone rogue, it didn’t get much play here in our Tiger Woods obsessed media (to no surprise) but the bunker buster revelation that our real life General James Mattoon Scott actually came out AGAINST America’s one-sided worship of Israeli war criminals is stunning. In a January CENTCOM briefing Petraeus dared to blaspheme the nature of the special relationship:

In his prepared testimony, Petraeus, who until now has been hailed by many pro-Likud neoconservatives as the greatest U.S. military commander of his generation and possible presidential material 2012, argued that “Arab anger over the Palestinian question limits the strength and depth of U.S. partnerships with governments and peoples in the AOR [CENTCOM’s Area of Responsibility] and weakens the legitimacy of moderate regimes in the Arab world.”

“Meanwhile, al-Qaeda and other militant groups exploit that anger to mobilize support. The conflict also gives Iran influence in the Arab world through its clients, Lebanese Hezbollah and Hamas,” he added.

Elaborating on that theme, he said that “A credible U.S. effort on Arab-Israeli issues that provides regional governments and populations a way to achieve a comprehensive settlement of the disputes would undercut Iran’s policy of militant ‘resistance,’ which the Iranian regime and insurgent groups have been free to exploit.”

“[P]rogress toward resolving the political disputes in the Levant, particularly the Arab-Israeli conflict, is a major concern for CENTCOM,” he asserted, adding that the persistence of the Arab-Israeli conflict had an “enormous effect” on the strategic context in which we operate….”

Daniel Levy, an Israeli former peace negotiator based at the New America Foundation, said, “To the extent to which the latest events have given rise to a debate over whether there is linkage between a broader American security interest and a credible peace process, Petraeus weighed in today in the most unequivocal terms by articulating at some length not only the existence of that interest and linkage, but also just how front and center it is to the military.”

“What Petraeus made clear – and that should be a wake-up call for Israel – is that the unresolved Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the entrenched occupation are placing an increasingly unbearable burden on the U.S.-Israel relationship, and the best way to address it would obviously be to resolve that conflict,” he added.

The Petraeus flipping scrambled the squadrons of winged monkeys here in Der Heimat, notably the aforementioned Abe Foxman whose ADL launched a smear campaign against the wayward General and his vile anti-Semitic comments. I remember not so long ago when Petraeus was worshipped by the neocons, especially the three-headed monster of Lieberman, McCain and Graham so his speaking of the inconvenient truth had to be stomped on and hard before any other warmongers wandered off the ranch. This would seem like an indication that Obama may just have the military behind him (or at least a good part of it) and there could be one very serious rumble brewing between the two factions being the neocon shadow government and the actual elected government. I have long suspected hard core Zionist elements aligned with the U.S. Cheneyites in the cutthroat style of American Gladio campaign that is being waged against Obama utilizing the idiotic Beckers, the tea party turds and the previously mentioned weasels in the Israeli occupied U.S. Congress. What has been occuring is a pretty transparent campaign of destabilization and de-legitimization against what now appears (Biden’s shameful bootlicking aside) to be an administration that may finally be one that stands against Israeli genocide and human rights abuses. Whether the Netanyahu government backs down is yet to be decided but early indications are that the hostility in the alleged holy land will continue to be ratched up with illegal settlements until there is an eruption of state sponsored beatings, rapes and slaughter, napalming and running over people with bulldozers so the fanatical settlers can light their illicit cribs with light emanating from behind lampshades made of Palestinian skin and to drink the blood of dead babies for Passover wearing yarmulkes made out of hollowed out human skulls.

The ugliness of the Republican dirty war has gone to the next level following the humiliation of the passage of the malodorous health care bill on Sunday and accounts of Naziesque acts of right wing violence are already being reported like this pogrom inciting redneck yahoo from the asshole of America known as Alabama: Democratic Offices Vandalized Across the Country. This seems to be eerily reminiscent of a certain historical event that may ring a bell: Kristallnacht. I find it pretty ironic (and hypocritical as hell) that many Zionist right-wing Jews are down with this sort of despicable thuggery but it suits their agendas and that agenda of course is to take down the Pope of Hope with extreme prejudice and get on with the Palin administration and the PNAC global domination tour II. Don’t think for one second that Sarah Palin’s wearing of the Israeli flag pin during the grand scumbagger soiree in Nashville (or wherever in that fucking hick hellhole Tennesse) as well as recent comments goading Obama into attacking Iran aren’t carefully orchestrated by the Cheney shadow government and their influential propagandists like Herr Kristol. By rousting the domestic rabble with their vicious smear campaigns and S.A. Brownshirt Beckers out in full force it will also draw in the Rapturheads who need a Middle Eastern conflagration for Jesus to come back and for them to fly up to God dirty nasty nekkid to lovingly view the rest of us suffer. If the fascist swine RepubliKKKans are to retake Congress in November (as they likely will) look for impeachment proceedings to be launched against Obama.

That is if the whole shebang doesn’t blow sooner than that which is possible. In a disturbing bit of news there are shitloads of big fucking bombs being shipped to Diego Garcia right now for a likely strike against Iran that will bomb them back to the stone age and trigger the war that finally brings Jesus Fucking Christ back to avenge himself ala Timothy LaHaye’s Jesus V.2 and the Raptureheads can just stop dancing around like gerbils high on McChrystal meth at their idiotic Becker bund rallies and blissfully float dirty nasty nekkid up to sat at the food of God’s throne while the rest of us infidels are left to tear each other to shreds with our rotting from nuclear fallout teeth, pound each other into submission with our boil covered arms and be eaten alive by gigantic insects like something out of Starship Troopers (hey, it’s more realistic than that psilocybin and moldy goat cheese conjured fever dream that is the Book of Revelations) for their amusement. Then again maybe not, maybe we’ll all just perish in the ensuing ball of fire when everyone keys in the launch codes – The missiles are flying. Hallelujah, Hallelujah!

So as the Rapture clock continues to tick towards the witching hour and the Republicans and their droogs go into full battle mode in the hope that one of their idiotic militia types decides to undertake a mission from God against Obama the Antichrist maybe some of the more rational and pragmatic types versed in Realpolitik in the Pentagon should do as the immortal General Buck Turgidson in Dr. Strangelove suggested “If…we were to immediately launch an all-out and coordinated attack on all their airfields and missile bases we’d stand a damn good chance of catchin ’em with their pants down”. ….and launch a premptive strike on all Israeli nuclear facilities, airbases and military strongholds in order to prevent World War III and force a regime change in Tel Aviv where the maniacal zealots can be removed from power so that the path to peace will be unimpeded. Hey, it’s outside of the box thinking like this that made America great.

But of course any sort of thinking is of course a fantasy, just as likely as say many of the zany teabaggers reaching the literacy level of eighth graders, the Israeli embeds in the U.S. media will continue to treat borderline retards throwing temper tantrums as legitimate political opposition, the bought and paid for (and threatened and blackmailed) Congress will continue to rubber stamp weapons of mass destruction for Israel’s wars of aggression and the military will fall into line lest the obscene profits of neverending holy wars in the Middle East (and Eurasia) be cut off, there is much money in trafficking in death and after all, it is our top export these days. And of course Lieberman and McCain like the true maggots in the mix that they are will continue their ongoing destabilization of America while they are given cover by the FOX propagandists and the ongoing harvest of the low-hanging fruit that fills the kettles of the tea partiers. Next up for the dynamic duo is the Enemy Belligerent Act which is just one more nail in the coffin of liberty and is directed at folks like us, you know, the white folks out on the internet like Jihad Jane.

It would be nice to see DARPA and the Military Industrial Complex start spending more money on something a bit more forward thinking other than tanks, flechette bombs and the rest of that boondoggle bullshit – how about a real functional time machine? That would be wonderful, they could test it on Lieberman first, just strap his scrawny ass in and set the dials for Auschwitz.

Just my two cents


editor’s note: This post is a Manageable Ants exclusive because there is NOONE who would allow this fifty megaton bomb of freedom of speech to be posted in unedited form anywhere!

In Defense of Joe Stack

February 21, 2010

Joe Stack did more than just go to the window and scream “I’m as mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore”. He chose to make a statement against a tyrannical government long ago pried loose from any semblance of morality. Not that I would personally recommend flying an airplane into a government building full of people to make a statement but it takes a lot to shake the television lobotomized sheeple these days. Of course since Stack wasn’t one of those dirty Muslim devils, therefore making his ‘terrorist’ attack no asset to the Zionist coddling corporate media to fuel the frenzy for endless wars of imperialism his story was simply flushed down the memory hole in favor of the grand spectacle of Tiger Woods’ press conference the very next day.

Stack’s ‘manifesto’ was pure dynamite, the stuff that would represent a serious threat to the fascist oligarchy were it to get much play because quite frankly I agreed with a majority of it and so would millions of others who have gotten the shaft by this rotten to the core system. The authorized parrots for the establishment, Beck, Olbermann, Maddow, Limbaugh and their ilk did their jobs by spinning their gossamer webs of half-truths, obfuscations and outright balderdash to avoid addressing the real issues. They labeled him as a crank, a dangerous misfit who unbelievably hated our benevolent government and the patriotic and well-intentioned Internal Revenue Service. He was one of those foaming at the mouth rabid dog constitutionalists who dared to question those whose disdain for the Founding Fathers and their document protecting the people of the United States of America from the tyranny of a government that could too easily be subverted by the moneyed interests and used to suppress liberty. The reverence for the Constitution is evident in honorable men like George W. Bush who once referred to the document as “a goddamned piece of paper” or of former constitutional law professor Barack Obama who has failed to hold accountable the torturers, murderers, thieves and war criminals of the Bush administration.

At first some on the ‘left’ were trying to link Joe Stack to the insipid, long co-opted by neocon tea party movement, but Stack’s ‘manifesto’ didn’t fit nicely into the pre-defined cartoon stereotypes of the average Becker or Palinazi. Not to mention that the average ‘tea partier’ useful idiot only spouts talking points about small government and lower taxation, what they represent is just the reallocation of control of the massive government to serve THEIR needs, real or perceived and when outright totalitarian fascism does come to America it will be these shock troops who will be the first ones screaming for the torture and imprisonment of their enemies. Were this type of brutal, uneducated thug to ever gain control of the system then there will be no end to the stinking piles of naked, dead bodies of those that will provide the meat for their Caesar to feast upon.

Nor did the great Rush Limbaugh or the other multi-millionaire demagogues call him out as a ‘Socialist’ for daring to criticize our beautiful and blissful system of American ‘free-market’ capitalism that has eviscerated the free-enterprise system and busted the backs of small businesses. Joe Stack’s ‘manifesto’ could easily have been sold to the knuckle draggers as proof, yes my friends proof that the demon of communism was present in America. The ‘manifesto’ closed with “The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed” and red-baiting neo-McCarthyist scum like Limbaugh, Beck and O’Reilly would have had no problem rousing their rabble in the same manner that they did after the strange shooting incident at Fort Hood but Stack didn’t fit into their trite cookie-cutter storyline. The fiends in the corporate media and their paymasters understood that in hyping Stack’s ‘manifesto’ that they were playing with fire given the climate of fear, desperation, dread and rage that they have so merrily assisted in creating.

But what did Joe Stack really say?

He had problems with the IRS and the government just like millions of others do but who aren’t driven to violence out of pure desperation. Americans are ripped off by the IRS on a daily basis to provide the money to cover the blown-up schemes of the treasonous financial oligarchs, to finance illegal and immoral wars, CIA terrorism, foreign aid to Israeli to carry out genocide and to metaphorically dig our own graves and pay for the shovels to do so. The IRS and the tyranical government are currently extorting our money to implement a monstrous anti-American high-tech police state that provides food for a massive for profit prison system that any of you who are reading this could one day end up in.The nation’s airports are abominable examples of just how little privacy and the presumption of innocent until proven guilty matter in the new American century. Nude body scanners are now being funded with taxpayer dollars and the same scanners will in the future be coming to shopping malls as well, all under the big lie of fighting terrorism which will soon be defined to include even people with grievances against the IRS, the wars and the government who don’t fly airplanes into buildings.

And there is also Stack’s criticism of the loathsome Catholic Church, we sure as hell can’t have any sort of idea take root questioning the legitimacy of those in the God business to use their tax exempt status to weasel out of paying Caesar. The Catholic Church has for centuries been a murderous conclave of bloodthirsty power whores intent on enforcing their narrow-mindedness on the poor dupes who need religion as a crutch for their fear and innate savagery. Name me one institution with as long a history of slaughter, rape, theft and greed as the Catholic Church. The immorality of their former Nazi Pope and their pedophile priests is only surpassed by their worship of mammon and the tax exempt status pisses on the Ten Commandments rule of ‘Thou Shalt Not Steal’ as surely as their crusades and inquisitions spat upon ‘Thou Shalt Not Kill’. Stack’s condemnation of this pox on human history could not be tolerated for it may lead to similar questioning of the filthy ‘Christian’ churches and their like theft while the goat barn megachurches from where pulpits are used as perches where finely clothed charlatans preach political purely right-wing fascist Republican messages of hatred for the fellow man, exhortations to wage war and commit genocide in the name of Zionist Israel and to bastardize the holy book by twisting the message of Jesus Christ to transform him into nothing more than a pimp for the money changers and blood barters.

The right-wing ‘Christian’ churches in America are an obscenity and the blasphemy that is belched forth during the demonic sermons and over tax-exempt propaganda networks of hundreds if not thousands of television and radio stations is an abomination. Not only are these organizations able to benefit from avoiding the I.R.S. while ordinary Americans are taken to the wall over the slightest ‘violation’ they contribute to the foul rottenness of our corrupt political system by laundering and funneling money to demagogic stooges who are then sent to the big Washington D.C. whorehouse to serve corporate interests and stick it to the poor dumb bitches and bastards whose superstition and need for sanctioning of their hate and fear that bought into that swill and send them there. Not only should religious organizations be stripped permanently of their tax-exempt status but the Justice Department should send forth an army of investigators to enforce the RICO act against those found to be unfairly benefiting by acting as de facto arms of the criminal Republican party. But that would be an action of a government that serves the interest of the common good of the many instead of the corrupt few.

Joe Stack also called out the death panels that are the territory of the American insurance parasites and their bean counters who make the call on whether to pay or deny a claim and anyone familiar with the U.S. corporate communist collective knows all too well the hive mentality of boosting the blessed profits for the benefit of CEO pharaohs. Too much money has been spent in the past year by the lobbyists for big Pharma, the health care profiteers and the foulest of all, the insurance racket to upset the applecart. Obama and the DemocRAT party’s foul smelling bailout of the insurance industry marked as some sort of actual reform instead of just another massive fleecing of the American taxpayer to grease the wheels of the finance oligarch’s perpetual scam machine was an atrocity at best from the beginning. There was no chance that any humane form of a single payer system as could be expected in a civilized society was ever going to have a chance in hell, there is too much money to be made in profiting off of the misery of the sick and doomed. Even a piss-warm, watered down bill with some sort of public option was never going to happen and with lucrative post-politics lobbying jobs on the line our cowardly and corrupt Congress people and Senators would surely not dare to go against the financial interests of those who own them. What Obamacare really amounted to at the end is the use of the full force of the state as a threat to forcibly mandate an already beggared by the corporate looting spree populace to buy overpriced, shitty insurance from the same bloodsuckers that have destroyed the system. The teabaggers came in handy during the media circus of the ludicrous town hall meetings during last summer’s recess when they descended en masse like Hitler’s own Sturmabteilung to disrupt and threaten already gutless elected officials. The media of course played this into a full blown lie of some sort of great populist revolt when the elements that receive the most attention were in actuality Astroturf fronts for pigs like the scurrilous Dick Armey and the insipid neocons of Newt Gingrich. Most recently seen uniting behind neocon darling Sarah Palin who is exhorting them to sign up for lifetime membership in the Republican cult.

Joe Stack wrote of the rigged game that is American capitalism, anyone who has paid attention to the bailouts of the bankers by Federal Reserve and Goldman Sachs moles burrowed deeply into both the Bush and Obama administrations understands that the deck was stacked in favor of the pigs from the get go. You didn’t see any of the teabagger swine marching on Wall Street or reacting in outrage to the militarizing of the city of Pittsburgh to protect the global elite during last year’s G20 summit did you? The massive crimes by the speculators and banksters like AIG, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan Chase and the rest of the looters should have been punished, there should have been prison terms and expropriations of pilfered loot to return to the victims who these criminals fleeced to finance their extravagant lifestyles. Again, that is what would have happened in any decent society with a government that wasn’t thoroughly corrupted and hijacked and we poor, fucked-over and fucked-out Americans certainly don’t have the privilege of living in one, at least not anymore. The United States of America is going bankrupt, the choice between Empire and republic has been made and when Generals McChrystal and
Petraeus were given free reign to escalate in Afghanistan the Rubicon was crossed. There cannot be guns and butter and the ploughshares are worth nothing in comparison to the swords that can be sold by the Military Industrial Complex to all sides of any conflict, our top exportable commodity is death and our emperors fiddle while Der Heimat crumbles. Crumbling infrastructure, millions of sick, homeless and jobless, the sad and hollow-eyed diaspora of the zero sum game of ‘fuck you, I got mine’ capitalism and they are pissed off but so many are so easily given illogical scapegoats for their all too logical rage. Where were the teabagger swine when all of this went down, an even bigger question is where were the teabagger swine when Bush and Cheney had the national credit card and the keys to the war machine? The same place where the bleeding heart types were when the Obamessiah escalated the carnage in Afghanistan and were given cover by Medea Benjamin of Code Pink who was down with it all because it was now a war to liberate oppressed women, the myth of liberal pacifism is just another big lie when they are the ones who can bask in the glory of the latest and greatest imperialist war.

The government and the system it serves know all too well how much legitimate anger is currently out there, I can hear it daily whether it be in grocery store checkout lines, gas stations or restaurants, a growing realization that the system itself is the enemy. Joe Stack struck a blow against that system in the way that he hoped would shake it and awaken the zombies from their fitful sleep but sadly it won’t because the ever glowing televisions, the ultimate drug delivery device (the Nazis were in awe of the capabilities of TV and were experimenting with the medium when Berlin fell) for that sweet, narcotic E-crack will ensure that they will continue to shuffle one after another into the steel chute, they may or may not realize what has happened when they reach the end and the captive bolt pistol comes to rest between their thousand yard staring eyes to bring an end to their pathetic excuse for what passes for consciousness. Hell, in a land where any serious comprehensive definition of democracy has come to be exemplified by American Idol and Jack Bauer has become a national icon maybe the coming damnation is deserved. The Founding Fathers knew all too well the dangers of a willfully ignorant and easily duped populace and a perfect example of eugenics American style would be in a call that I heard Friday morning on the Bill Press Show during the morning commute in which some clueless ass proposed eliminating the First Amendment as a remedy to more Joe Stacks deciding that they are as mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.

Now in wrapping up this rant I want to unequivocally state that I do not agree with stack when he stated that violence is the “only” answer for that is NOT the solution. Firstly the government has bigger guns, armies of militarized police goons and a crackerjack high-tech police state that has been put into place using the phony ‘terrorist’ attacks of 9/11 as justification. If those who choose violence are numerous enough then it would be a simple matter of the president picking up the phone and invoking his powers to declare martial law, the power that the dumb bastard Republicans gave to George W. Bush and his NSPD51 that Barack Obama has not rescinded. If you choose violence you will be crushed, never, ever should you underestimate the ability of a tyrannical state to reciprocate with extreme prejudice and maximum brutality against those that threaten it with violence. The REAL answer is to delegitimize the state, withhold your willing consent, protest against the war machine and debunk the ultimate lie that is faith in this monstrous system. The political system is nothing more than two dueling and largely interlocking criminal parties that will grind your bones to make their bread in order to serve the oligarchs.

The politically connected scum like for example Goldman Sachs and GM get bailouts while regular Americans who have played by the rules get their jobs offshored to India, China or some lousy third world shithole where there are no labor unions nor laws to protect the slave populations. How many jobs have been lost since NAFTA started the ball rolling and the criminal Bush administration cloaked itself in the flag under the phony war on terror and escalated the strip-mining of the American economy in the name of greed? President Obama lied when he campaigned for the presidency by indicating that these rotten trade pacts that screw hard working, decent and honest Americans into lives of privation and strip away their dignity would be re-examined. Globalization has been a disaster for all but the wealthiest Americans and the pigs that run the corporations that are given more human rights by our putrid and corrupted to the core legal system that was long ago bought and paid for and now has sold out those that it was theoretically supposed to protect for pennies on the dollar. The change that Obama promised is chump change and those jobs are NEVER coming back just as the vile moneychangers on Wall Street will NEVER be held accountable for crashing the economy but rather bailed out with the pound of flesh from every American that is extracted by the Big Brother IRS man. That Obama is a liar should be a shock to nobody who is awake, a poison tree produces only poison fruit and in America in 2010 the entire fucking orchard is infected. Obama, like his predecessors is by every definition a war criminal and a tyrant, this is the system, the Empire and it is all wrapped in the flag and sent out carrying a cross to give it legitimacy when it has none. As George Santayana once famously warned “those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it” and anyone who knows anything at all about history understands that power ALWAYS corrupts and tyranny is the norm.

No, I do not agree with Joe Stack about violence, ideas are much more powerful than bullets and bombs or airplanes flown into buildings. To spread the truth, the idea that there is no legitimacy to be found in this monstrous system of greed, murder and a prison industrial complex that rivals that of Joseph Stalin’s gulags and that in America there are really only two life forms – vampires and cattle – is far more dangerous to the system. This is why Joe Stack’s words were washed away immediately by the truly relevant and all-important news of the holy words of Tiger Woods, the Jesus Christ of the American church of wonder-working celebrity crucified and arisen anew while the fires at the Echelon Building were still smoldering. The truth is what the political prostitutes, professional con-artists, schemers, butchers and bankers fear the most for it is the only thing that will end the reign of tyranny and allow the people to regain control over their own destinies, their own government and the future of their children.

Expose the bastards, the time is ripe for a non-violent revolution but it is running out…


Joe Stack’s ‘Manifesto’ fished out of the memory hole.

If you’re reading this, you’re no doubt asking yourself, “Why did this have to happen?” The simple truth is that it is complicated and has been coming for a long time. The writing process, started many months ago, was intended to be therapy in the face of the looming realization that there isn’t enough therapy in the world that can fix what is really broken. Needless to say, this rant could fill volumes with example after example if I would let it. I find the process of writing it frustrating, tedious, and probably pointless… especially given my gross inability to gracefully articulate my thoughts in light of the storm raging in my head. Exactly what is therapeutic about that I’m not sure, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

We are all taught as children that without laws there would be no society, only anarchy. Sadly, starting at early ages we in this country have been brainwashed to believe that, in return for our dedication and service, our government stands for justice for all. We are further brainwashed to believe that there is freedom in this place, and that we should be ready to lay our lives down for the noble principals represented by its founding fathers. Remember? One of these was “no taxation without representation”. I have spent the total years of my adulthood unlearning that crap from only a few years of my childhood. These days anyone who really stands up for that principal is promptly labeled a “crackpot”, traitor and worse.

While very few working people would say they haven’t had their fair share of taxes (as can I), in my lifetime I can say with a great degree of certainty that there has never been a politician cast a vote on any matter with the likes of me or my interests in mind. Nor, for that matter, are they the least bit interested in me or anything I have to say.

Why is it that a handful of thugs and plunderers can commit unthinkable atrocities (and in the case of the GM executives, for scores of years) and when it’s time for their gravy train to crash under the weight of their gluttony and overwhelming stupidity, the force of the full federal government has no difficulty coming to their aid within days if not hours? Yet at the same time, the joke we call the American medical system, including the drug and insurance companies, are murdering tens of thousands of people a year and stealing from the corpses and victims they cripple, and this country’s leaders don’t see this as important as bailing out a few of their vile, rich cronies. Yet, the political “representatives” (thieves, liars, and self-serving scumbags is far more accurate) have endless time to sit around for year after year and debate the state of the “terrible health care problem”. It’s clear they see no crisis as long as the dead people don’t get in the way of their corporate profits rolling in.

And justice? You’ve got to be kidding!

How can any rational individual explain that white elephant conundrum in the middle of our tax system and, indeed, our entire legal system? Here we have a system that is, by far, too complicated for the brightest of the master scholars to understand. Yet, it mercilessly “holds accountable” its victims, claiming that they’re responsible for fully complying with laws not even the experts understand. The law “requires” a signature on the bottom of a tax filing; yet no one can say truthfully that they understand what they are signing; if that’s not “duress” than what is. If this is not the measure of a totalitarian regime, nothing is.

How did I get here?

My introduction to the real American nightmare starts back in the early ’80s. Unfortunately after more than 16 years of school, somewhere along the line I picked up the absurd, pompous notion that I could read and understand plain English. Some friends introduced me to a group of people who were having ‘tax code’ readings and discussions. In particular, zeroed in on a section relating to the wonderful “exemptions” that make institutions like the vulgar, corrupt Catholic Church so incredibly wealthy. We carefully studied the law (with the help of some of the “best”, high-paid, experienced tax lawyers in the business), and then began to do exactly what the “big boys” were doing (except that we weren’t steeling from our congregation or lying to the government about our massive profits in the name of God). We took a great deal of care to make it all visible, following all of the rules, exactly the way the law said it was to be done.

The intent of this exercise and our efforts was to bring about a much-needed re-evaluation of the laws that allow the monsters of organized religion to make such a mockery of people who earn an honest living. However, this is where I learned that there are two “interpretations” for every law; one for the very rich, and one for the rest of us… Oh, and the monsters are the very ones making and enforcing the laws; the inquisition is still alive and well today in this country.

That little lesson in patriotism cost me $40,000+, 10 years of my life, and set my retirement plans back to 0. It made me realize for the first time that I live in a country with an ideology that is based on a total and complete lie. It also made me realize, not only how naive I had been, but also the incredible stupidity of the American public; that they buy, hook, line, and sinker, the crap about their “freedom”… and that they continue to do so with eyes closed in the face of overwhelming evidence and all that keeps happening in front of them.

Before even having to make a shaky recovery from the sting of the first lesson on what justice really means in this country (around 1984 after making my way through engineering school and still another five years of “paying my dues”), I felt I finally had to take a chance of launching my dream of becoming an independent engineer.

On the subjects of engineers and dreams of independence, I should digress somewhat to say that I’m sure that I inherited the fascination for creative problem solving from my father. I realized this at a very young age.

The significance of independence, however, came much later during my early years of college; at the age of 18 or 19 when I was living on my own as student in an apartment in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. My neighbor was an elderly retired woman (80+ seemed ancient to me at that age) who was the widowed wife of a retired steel worker. Her husband had worked all his life in the steel mills of central Pennsylvania with promises from big business and the union that, for his 30 years of service, he would have a pension and medical care to look forward to in his retirement. Instead he was one of the thousands who got nothing because the incompetent mill management and corrupt union (not to mention the government) raided their pension funds and stole their retirement. All she had was social security to live on.

In retrospect, the situation was laughable because here I was living on peanut butter and bread (or Ritz crackers when I could afford to splurge) for months at a time. When I got to know this poor figure and heard her story I felt worse for her plight than for my own (I, after all, I thought I had everything to in front of me). I was genuinely appalled at one point, as we exchanged stories and commiserated with each other over our situations, when she in her grandmotherly fashion tried to convince me that I would be “healthier” eating cat food (like her) rather than trying to get all my substance from peanut butter and bread. I couldn’t quite go there, but the impression was made. I decided that I didn’t trust big business to take care of me, and that I would take responsibility for my own future and myself.

Return to the early ’80s, and here I was off to a terrifying start as a ‘wet-behind-the-ears’ contract software engineer… and two years later, thanks to the fine backroom, midnight effort by the sleazy executives of Arthur Andersen (the very same folks who later brought us Enron and other such calamities) and an equally sleazy New York Senator (Patrick Moynihan), we saw the passage of 1986 tax reform act with its section 1706.

For you who are unfamiliar, here is the core text of the IRS Section 1706, defining the treatment of workers (such as contract engineers) for tax purposes. Visit this link for a conference committee report (http://www.synergistech.com/1706.shtml#ConferenceCommitteeReport) regarding the intended interpretation of Section 1706 and the relevant parts of Section 530, as amended. For information on how these laws affect technical services workers and their clients, read our discussion here (http://www.synergistech.com/ic-taxlaw.shtml).


(a) IN GENERAL – Section 530 of the Revenue Act of 1978 is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection:

(d) EXCEPTION. – This section shall not apply in the case of an individual who pursuant to an arrangement between the taxpayer and another person, provides services for such other person as an engineer, designer, drafter, computer programmer, systems analyst, or other similarly skilled worker engaged in a similar line of work.

(b) EFFECTIVE DATE. – The amendment made by this section shall apply to remuneration paid and services rendered after December 31, 1986.


· “another person” is the client in the traditional job-shop relationship.

· “taxpayer” is the recruiter, broker, agency, or job shop.

· “individual”, “employee”, or “worker” is you.

Admittedly, you need to read the treatment to understand what it is saying but it’s not very complicated. The bottom line is that they may as well have put my name right in the text of section (d). Moreover, they could only have been more blunt if they would have came out and directly declared me a criminal and non-citizen slave. Twenty years later, I still can’t believe my eyes.

During 1987, I spent close to $5000 of my ‘pocket change’, and at least 1000 hours of my time writing, printing, and mailing to any senator, congressman, governor, or slug that might listen; none did, and they universally treated me as if I was wasting their time. I spent countless hours on the L.A. freeways driving to meetings and any and all of the disorganized professional groups who were attempting to mount a campaign against this atrocity. This, only to discover that our efforts were being easily derailed by a few moles from the brokers who were just beginning to enjoy the windfall from the new declaration of their “freedom”. Oh, and don’t forget, for all of the time I was spending on this, I was loosing income that I couldn’t bill clients.

After months of struggling it had clearly gotten to be a futile exercise. The best we could get for all of our trouble is a pronouncement from an IRS mouthpiece that they weren’t going to enforce that provision (read harass engineers and scientists). This immediately proved to be a lie, and the mere existence of the regulation began to have its impact on my bottom line; this, of course, was the intended effect.

Again, rewind my retirement plans back to 0 and shift them into idle. If I had any sense, I clearly should have left abandoned engineering and never looked back.

Instead I got busy working 100-hour workweeks. Then came the L.A. depression of the early 1990s. Our leaders decided that they didn’t need the all of those extra Air Force bases they had in Southern California, so they were closed; just like that. The result was economic devastation in the region that rivaled the widely publicized Texas S&L fiasco. However, because the government caused it, no one gave a shit about all of the young families who lost their homes or street after street of boarded up houses abandoned to the wealthy loan companies who received government funds to “shore up” their windfall. Again, I lost my retirement.

Years later, after weathering a divorce and the constant struggle trying to build some momentum with my business, I find myself once again beginning to finally pick up some speed. Then came the .COM bust and the 911 nightmare. Our leaders decided that all aircraft were grounded for what seemed like an eternity; and long after that, ‘special’ facilities like San Francisco were on security alert for months. This made access to my customers prohibitively expensive. Ironically, after what they had done the Government came to the aid of the airlines with billions of our tax dollars … as usual they left me to rot and die while they bailed out their rich, incompetent cronies WITH MY MONEY! After these events, there went my business but not quite yet all of my retirement and savings.

By this time, I’m thinking that it might be good for a change. Bye to California, I’ll try Austin for a while. So I moved, only to find out that this is a place with a highly inflated sense of self-importance and where damn little real engineering work is done. I’ve never experienced such a hard time finding work. The rates are 1/3 of what I was earning before the crash, because pay rates here are fixed by the three or four large companies in the area who are in collusion to drive down prices and wages… and this happens because the justice department is all on the take and doesn’t give a fuck about serving anyone or anything but themselves and their rich buddies.

To survive, I was forced to cannibalize my savings and retirement, the last of which was a small IRA. This came in a year with mammoth expenses and not a single dollar of income. I filed no return that year thinking that because I didn’t have any income there was no need. The sleazy government decided that they disagreed. But they didn’t notify me in time for me to launch a legal objection so when I attempted to get a protest filed with the court I was told I was no longer entitled to due process because the time to file ran out. Bend over for another $10,000 helping of justice.

So now we come to the present. After my experience with the CPA world, following the business crash I swore that I’d never enter another accountant’s office again. But here I am with a new marriage and a boatload of undocumented income, not to mention an expensive new business asset, a piano, which I had no idea how to handle. After considerable thought I decided that it would be irresponsible NOT to get professional help; a very big mistake.

When we received the forms back I was very optimistic that they were in order. I had taken all of the years information to Bill Ross, and he came back with results very similar to what I was expecting. Except that he had neglected to include the contents of Sheryl’s unreported income; $12,700 worth of it. To make matters worse, Ross knew all along this was missing and I didn’t have a clue until he pointed it out in the middle of the audit. By that time it had become brutally evident that he was representing himself and not me.

This left me stuck in the middle of this disaster trying to defend transactions that have no relationship to anything tax-related (at least the tax-related transactions were poorly documented). Things I never knew anything about and things my wife had no clue would ever matter to anyone. The end result is… well, just look around.

I remember reading about the stock market crash before the “great” depression and how there were wealthy bankers and businessmen jumping out of windows when they realized they screwed up and lost everything. Isn’t it ironic how far we’ve come in 60 years in this country that they now know how to fix that little economic problem; they just steal from the middle class (who doesn’t have any say in it, elections are a joke) to cover their asses and it’s “business-as-usual”. Now when the wealthy fuck up, the poor get to die for the mistakes… isn’t that a clever, tidy solution.

As government agencies go, the FAA is often justifiably referred to as a tombstone agency, though they are hardly alone. The recent presidential puppet GW Bush and his cronies in their eight years certainly reinforced for all of us that this criticism rings equally true for all of the government. Nothing changes unless there is a body count (unless it is in the interest of the wealthy sows at the government trough). In a government full of hypocrites from top to bottom, life is as cheap as their lies and their self-serving laws.

I know I’m hardly the first one to decide I have had all I can stand. It has always been a myth that people have stopped dying for their freedom in this country, and it isn’t limited to the blacks, and poor immigrants. I know there have been countless before me and there are sure to be as many after. But I also know that by not adding my body to the count, I insure nothing will change. I choose to not keep looking over my shoulder at “big brother” while he strips my carcass, I choose not to ignore what is going on all around me, I choose not to pretend that business as usual won’t continue; I have just had enough.

I can only hope that the numbers quickly get too big to be white washed and ignored that the American zombies wake up and revolt; it will take nothing less. I would only hope that by striking a nerve that stimulates the inevitable double standard, knee-jerk government reaction that results in more stupid draconian restrictions people wake up and begin to see the pompous political thugs and their mindless minions for what they are. Sadly, though I spent my entire life trying to believe it wasn’t so, but violence not only is the answer, it is the only answer. The cruel joke is that the really big chunks of shit at the top have known this all along and have been laughing, at and using this awareness against, fools like me all along.

I saw it written once that the definition of insanity is repeating the same process over and over and expecting the outcome to suddenly be different. I am finally ready to stop this insanity. Well, Mr. Big Brother IRS man, let’s try something different; take my pound of flesh and sleep well.

The communist creed: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed.

Joe Stack (1956-2010)


Hey Rahm, Fuck You Too!

January 20, 2010

In a wonderful bit of good ole American ‘Up Yours Too’ that hasn’t been seen in quite some time the filthy corporate Democrats took it right up the butt in Massachusetts when poor old pickled Teddy Kennedy’s Senate seat was lost to GASP…the Republicans. This was beautiful and the shit rain is only on the horizon right now, the real fireworks are coming in November. After the ugly mocking embedding of a dagger between the shoulderblades of the party base I wonder if the Obama brainless trust and Raht Emanuel are having second thoughts this morning. This is what happens when CHANGE is promised and then ordinary working people lose their jobs and insurance to goose rapacious corporate profits, the banker scum on Wall Street is bailed out with taxpayer money and then goes right back to gambling and bestowing obscene bonuses on their criminal executives while millions are homeless and unemployed, the wars are escalated, the Bush criminals are not held accountable and in the latest indignity, a top Obama advisor, Cass Sunstein comes up with an idea to infiltrate ‘conspiracy’ groups that smacks of COINTELPRO.

Oh, and just how many people were finally done with the teflon coated bullshit salesman when he decided to adopt the phony 9/11 War on Terror rhetoric in the aftermath of the national panic that was the false flag underwear bomber incident on Jesus’s fake birthday? I guess that now the honeymoon is over for any thinking person who was quick to catch on to the ugly truth that Barack Obama is just a well packaged, supremely well promoted corporatist product whose sheen wore off in an amazingly short amount of time unlike the old fraud Ronald Reagan who is still conning gullible schmucks from the grave today. The O-Bots and their sycophantic swine co-opted bloggers and television show hosts will have blood in their eyes starting this morning as the purity purge begins and the dangerous far-left berserkers are cast out for not being ecstatic about the bailouts, sellouts and wars (of course Medea Benjamin, that Code Pink cunt is not included because of her Afghanistan war cheerleading). The coming war across the prog blogs is going to be ugly, wretched and brutal….a war of attrition between the entitled laptop thumping twits who frequent Daily Kos and the other fake left honeypots and the principled few who wear their criticism of Obama for the same things that they attacked Bush for like a badge of honor.

Now of course on the so-called right, especially the co-opted by Dick Armey, FOX and the RNC phony tea party movement there is joy this morning and deservedly so. It is always easier to harvest the low hanging fruit and the neocons have done a masterful job in hijacking the Ron Paul movement for their own political benefit. Trot out a brainless bitch like Sarah Palin, a loser like Glenn Beck and a fatass like Limbaugh to rouse the rabble and it’s easy to take over a larger entity, hey, the Bolsheviks weren’t a majority either. So there will be great joy in Republican bund meetings today and an increased vigor to wrestle back the controls over the massive government spoils system starting in November but like all idiots who lack both common sense or clarity they do not realize that in the Scott Brown win lie the seeds of their own demise. The anger in America is NOT going away and the Republicans are the default position in a rigged two party sham that only allows the incumbents to be punished when in all honesty every last one of these pigs should be run out of office and redirected to the nearest prison where they belong.

What will happen is that the millions of angry people who are drawn to the garish Astroturfed tea party spectacles, especially the cash cow National Tea Party Convention in Nashville in a few weeks that the shmoes can’t afford tickets for will soon find out that they have made their deal with the devil much like liberals did with Lord Obama. With the aforementioned Pope of Hope now officially a lame duck and once the secret Muslim, Communist Nigger has been run out of Washington on a rail in three years who is going to be the scapegoat then? I can forsee the Republicans playing with something that they really can’t comprehend other than that the worst of the dregs may be able to provide short term political gain but they are the minority in something much larger, and much more uncontrollable than they realize. It was largely Bush and the fascist Republicans who got us all into this mess to begin with and they sure as hell don’t have any solutions on how to make it all better.

What then? When both parties have been thoroughly and deservedly discredited, as they should be the angry teabaggers and fucked over leftists just may find something in common and then it will be time to roll out the guillotines.

Just my two cents over the mornin’ cup of joe


A Farewell to Arms: Why I Left ‘the Left’

January 9, 2010

Barack promised change — and sure enough, things changed for the worse

-Joe Bageant

To Hell with the ‘left’! I am finished, done, disillusioned and over it, the divorce papers have been filed and are now finalized and I am not going back. As of this day, I will no longer allow myself to be affiliated or endorse the ‘left’ in any way, shape or form. So long folks, it was real and it was fun but in the end it was unfulfilling and dare I say, a waste of time and effort. Is this overly harsh? Perhaps it is but the break has to be made and it can no longer be put off. I assure you, this was no hasty decision but rather something that has been a slow and agonizing process, a steady drip…drip…drip.., like Chinese water torture and suddenly the mind goes, the spirit breaks and the ugly reality of the situation cannot be denied or disguised. So to all of my good friends on the left I wish you the very best but I am no longer one of you and maybe I never was, it was never dogma to me only a desire for some sort of social fairness and a fair shot but the American left being a shell of it’s former self with labor broken and the DLC corporatists having taken over the Democratic party it has been reduced to shills for the Democrats and squabbling identity groups each with an agenda that prevents any sort of unity necessary for a mass movement for real change. Sucks but that is just the way it has to be.

During an extended break from over four years of constant writing, activism, some radio and a lot of anger that was being absorbed that was due to health reasons I had some time to reflect and reassess matters and I realized that a lot of what made it necessary to step back was at the root cause of my problems. It was no near death experience or anything but after four and a half years of balls to the wall, take no prisoners warfare against the deranged elements of the right, the Bushreich and the liars, crooks and war freaks who have destroyed this country it was an opportunity to observe for a change. And when peering into that abyss I saw much of what I despised as not unique to the right-wing extremists, they had their doppelganger counterparts who were every bit as cynical, corrupted and morally rotten their own special ways. While I have been heading in this direction anyway, the mass panic over the false flag underwear bomber and the renewal of post 9/11 bloodlust and fear is what finally did it. The ‘left’ and the Obama administration had the opportunity to exorcise these demons from America, to punish the war criminals, bail out the common folks and to stop the mass looting but didn’t so liberalism has failed. Leo Strauss was right after all, liberalism is an enabler of totalitarianism in that it allows it to grow by an utter failure to do what is necessary to behead the snakes on the hydra or to cut the cancer out prior to it metastasizing.

A man whose work I greatly admire and who has the actual credentials to call out anyone that he damned well pleases, author Chris Hedges made me realize that my decision to leave the failure of liberalism was absolutely the right thing to do. His fairly recent piece that earned him much scorn from the courtiers of Obama and the Rahm Emanuel corporatists and their apologists on the left entitled Liberals Are Useless brings it all home and I excerpt from this work by a longtime beacon of morality in our blood soaked and bogeyman infested Fantasy Land:

Liberals are a useless lot. They talk about peace and do nothing to challenge our permanent war economy. They claim to support the working class, and vote for candidates that glibly defend the North American Free Trade Agreement. They insist they believe in welfare, the right to organize, universal health care and a host of other socially progressive causes, and will not risk stepping out of the mainstream to fight for them. The only talent they seem to possess is the ability to write abject, cloying letters to Barack Obama—as if he reads them—asking the president to come back to his “true” self. This sterile moral posturing, which is not only useless but humiliating, has made America’s liberal class an object of public derision.


What is the breaking point? The criminal war of aggression in Iraq? The escalation of the war in Afghanistan? Forty-five thousand people dying a year because they can’t afford health insurance? The hollowing out of communities and sending the jobs to fascist and communist regimes overseas that know how to put the workers in their place? There is no breaking point. And when there is no breaking point you do not have a moral compass.”


I save my anger for our bankrupt liberal intelligentsia of which, sadly, I guess I am a member. Liberals are the defeated, self-absorbed Mouse Man in Dostoevsky’s “Notes From Underground.” They embrace cynicism, a cloak for their cowardice and impotence. They, like Dostoevsky’s depraved character, have come to believe that the “conscious inertia” of the underground surpasses all other forms of existence. They too use inaction and empty moral posturing, not to affect change but to engage in an orgy of self-adulation and self-pity. They too refuse to act or engage with anyone not cowering in the underground. This choice does not satisfy the Mouse Man, as it does not satisfy our liberal class, but neither has the strength to change. The gravest danger we face as a nation is not from the far right, although it may well inherit power, but from a bankrupt liberal class that has lost the will to fight and the moral courage to stand up for what it espouses.

Anyone who says he or she cares about the working class in this country should have walked out on the Democratic Party in 1994 with the passage of NAFTA. And it has only been downhill since. If welfare reform, the 1999 Financial Services Modernization Act, which gutted the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act—designed to prevent the kind of banking crisis we are now undergoing—and the craven decision by the Democratic Congress to continue to fund and expand our imperial wars were not enough to make you revolt, how about the refusal to restore habeas corpus, end torture in our offshore penal colonies, abolish George W. Bush’s secrecy laws or halt the warrantless wiretapping and monitoring of American citizens? The imperial projects and the corporate state have not altered under Obama. The state kills as ruthlessly and indiscriminately in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan as it did under Bush. It steals from the U.S. treasury as rapaciously to enrich the corporate elite. It, too, bows before the conservative Israel lobby, refuses to enact serious environmental or health care reform, regulate Wall Street, end our relationship with private mercenary contractors or stop handing obscene sums of money, some $1 trillion a year, to the military and arms industry. At what point do we stop being a doormat? At what point do we fight back? We may lose if we step outside the mainstream, but at least we will salvage our self-esteem and integrity.

I learned to dislike liberals when I lived in Roxbury, the inner-city in Boston, as a seminary student at Harvard Divinity School. I commuted into Cambridge to hear professors and students talk about empowering people they never met. It was the time of the leftist Sandinista government in Nicaragua. Spending two weeks picking coffee in that country and then coming back and talking about it for the rest of the semester was the best way to “credentialize” yourself as a revolutionary. But few of these “revolutionaries” found the time to spend 20 minutes on the Green Line to see where human beings in their own city were being warehoused little better than animals. They liked the poor, but they did not like the smell of the poor. It was a lesson I never forgot.
I was also at the time a member of the Greater Boston YMCA boxing team. We fought on Saturday nights for $25 in arenas in working-class neighborhoods like Charlestown. My closest friends were construction workers and pot washers. They worked hard. They believed in unions. They wanted a better life, which few of them ever got. We used to run five miles after our nightly training, passing through the Mission Main and Mission Extension Housing Projects, and they would joke, “I hope we get mugged.” They knew precisely what to do with people who abused them. They may not have been liberal, they may not have finished high school, but they were far more grounded than most of those I studied with across the Charles River. They would have felt awkward, and would have been made to feel awkward, at the little gatherings of progressive and liberal intellectuals at Harvard, but you could trust and rely on them.

I went on to spend two decades as a war correspondent. The qualities inherent in good soldiers or Marines, like the qualities I found among those boxers, are qualities I admire—self-sacrifice, courage, the ability to make decisions under stress, the capacity to endure physical discomfort, and a fierce loyalty to those around you, even if it puts you in greater danger. If liberals had even a bit of their fortitude we could have avoided this mess. But they don’t. So here we are again, begging Obama to be Obama. He is Obama. Obama is not the problem. We are.

Brilliantly driven home by Mr. Hedges, I will now excerpt from the great Joe Bageant whose piece The Devil and Mr. Obama is a must read:

As you may know, Obama’s public approval ratings are taking a beating. Millions of his former cult members have awakened with a splitting hangover to find their pockets turned inside out and eviction notices on the doors of their 4,000 square foot subprime mortgaged cardboard fuck boxes. Many who voted for Obama out of disgust for the Bush regime are now listening to the Republicans again on their car radios as they drive around looking for a suitable place to hide their vehicles from the repo man. Don’t construe this as support for the GOP. It’s just the standard ping ponging of disappointment and disgust that comes after the honeymoon is over with any administration. Most Americans’ party affiliations are the same as they were when Bush was elected. After all, Obama did not get elected on a landslide by any means; he got 51% of the vote.

Right now his approval ratings are in the 40th percentile and would be headed for the basement of the league were it not for the residual effect of the Kool-Aid love fest a year ago. However, millions of American liberals remain faithful, and believe Obama will arise from the dead in the third year and ascend to glory. You will find them at Huffington Post.

This frustrating ping pong game in which the margin of first time, disenchanted and undecided voters are batted back and forth has become the whole of American elections. That makes both the Republican and Democratic parties very happy, since it keeps the game down to fighting the enemy they know, each other, as opposed to being forced to deal with the real issues, or worse yet, an independent or third party candidate who might have a solution or two.

Thus, the game is limited to two players between two corporate parties. One is the Republican Party, which believes we should hand over our lives and resources directly to the local Chamber of Commerce, so the chamber can deliver them to the big corporations. The other, the Democratic Party, believes we should hand our lives and resources to a Democratic administration — so it alone can deliver our asses to the big dogs who own the country. In the big picture it’s always about who gets to deliver the money to the Wall Street hyena pack.

Americans may be starting to get the big picture about politics, money and corporate power. But I doubt it. Given that most still believe the war on terrorism is real, and that terrorists always just happen to be found near gas and oil deposits, there is plenty of room left to blow more smoke up their asses. Especially considering how we are conditioned to go into blind fits of patriotism at the sight of the flag, an eagle, or the mention of “our heroes,” even if the heroes happen to be killing and maiming Muslim babies at the moment. Patriotism is a cataract that blinds us to all national discrepancies.

The entire long-running reality show that was the Obama deception and his administration’s cold and calculated Judas betrayal also has eroded any sort of identity that I had with the ‘left’. This especially goes for the apologists for the same damned things that they wanted to string up Bush by his balls for by cruise missile liberals makes me want to vomit. Really, those who defend Obama for the continuation of most of Bush’s policies, or “kept the machine set on kill” are not very different than the glazed eyed monsters who canonized Bush, the only substantive difference being that they haven’t embraced full blown torture….yet and it’s coming with the mass hysteria that is creeping through this lemming colony.

By choosing to focus on wedge culture war issues no matter how noble the cause may, be the ‘left’ has failed abysmally in only providing gasoline on the fire that is being ignited on the extreme right and this is going to be costly in impossible to overstate terms in the future as a new, ultra-virulent strain of cult of personality, anti-intellectual, Christian fascist vengeful malignancy percolates throughout this country. There is an ideologically driven cataclysm coming and it will have every bit the force of the Nazis, Stalinists or Khmer Rouge and the gutters will be filled with blood, the streets with violence and no guarantee of personal or family safety by the law or militarized police who will protect the wealthy and elites only while the shock troops hunt down liberals, gays and today’s Juden, the Muslims who have been so easily demonized by the Pentagon and the Zionists who seem to have reasserted an ugly but more subtle form of control with the newest blown out of proportion ‘terrorism’. The king of the Israeli fifth column in America, Senator Joseph Lieberman will soon be using his position as head of the Senate Heimat Security Committee to launch witch hunts and hold show trials which will rival those of Stalin and McCarthy and people like you and I will be accused of being ‘terrorist sympathaziers’, the propagand about white al Qaida has already been getting some mileage as the creeping cat feet of fascism march onwards. Just how important are social issues when the task of rolling back American fascism renders all else irrelevant?

Myself and others have warned about the triumphal premature celebrations in the defeat of the extreme right, electoral victories and half measures at silly centrist governance have allowed this vicious hydra to regenerate. The failure of the ‘left’ to generate the cohesiveness necessary in order to form a viable political mass movement and the embracement (no matter how tepid by some) of the corrupted Democratic party and the amateur that is Barack Obama has set up the dominoes perfectly for the perfect storm once the economic collapse finally does occur. The plethora of gay marriage iniatives in the early days of the insipid Obama administration smacked of a sort of arrogance among limousine liberals, as though the enemy had been vanquished and it was time to exact that revenge which would both terrible and satisfying in rolling back the dark ages iniatives or the Religious Right roundheads. But that focus provided cover for the rats that are the corporatists, banksters and lobbyists that rode into power tucked away inside Obama’s Trojan Horse and whose plunder and subsequent fall into public disfavor have driven Democrat and Obama’s poll ratings down faster than whaleshit sinking to the bottom of the sea and allowed the American fascists to regroup and now in the aftermath of the underwear bomber false flag, with the fear fresh anew the sheeple will tolerate ANY police state measures to protect their putrid little lives as they cower and submit.

I have a lot of friends on the left and I mean them no malice or insult in my breaking ranks, they are good people, probably better than I in that they are pure of heart and always seek to build a better society, to nurture and to foster love instead of hate. Sadly though, in the real world butterflies, zebras, moonbeams and fairy tales are just that, illusions when confronted with an enemy that recognizes no rules, decorum, compassion or fairness and when the time comes will happily leave liberals and progressives with only their eyes to cry with..if they are even that generous. You see, my friends never understood the nature of this war, and it is war and only those of staunch spirits, strong stomachs and the righteous tenacity to climb upon that wall and fight the bastards on their own terms are ultimately going to have a chance. As the ‘left’ is comprised today it can be dismissed, laughed at and generally ignored by the rotten bitches, bastards and corporations that run this system and that is exactly what Rahm Emanual, his sock puppet ‘boss’ and the rest of the establishment are doing, they are doing. Liberals and the ‘left’ have this view that ‘we are better than they are so we don’t have to stoop to their level’, but in the end they always lose.

As Nietzsche spoke of fighting monsters and warned of the abyss well it does look back but ultimately humanity is doomed to war, it is out nature and to deny that is the ultimate form of self denial. The best resistance against militarism, the police state and war is coming from the libertarian front, for example Justin Raimondo’s Antiwar.com, I also have long admired the Ron Paul movement for calls for ending the Federal Reserve although I have been more than a bit dismayed to see it so easily co-opted by the corporate teabaggers and the Dick Armey of Darkness, the Palinazis and the idiot buffoon racist Birthers and religious fanatic Birthers and so has one of the founders of the movement. There is however a good deal of misdirected but righteous anger out there that is too easily hijacked and misdirected into the fascist brigades that the ‘left’ has failed to take advantage of to bolster it’s power and rally around some sort of real cause rather than the agendas of identity groups seeking government action to redress a history of injustice.

I have always been an independent with views more compatible with the old left, the labor left and the intense focus on social issues in which the activists ignore basic economic fairness, antiwar, pro-civil liberties matters in order to waste energy tilting at windmills. Let’s face it, no matter how moral that the crusade for gay marriage may be (basically another civil rights fight to eliminate the sad fact that in 21st century America that there are still people who are treated as second class citizens and face institutionalized persecution) – it’s a loser with large demographic blocks that nothing short of a mass die out over a period of a few decades is going to resolve and while it sucks, it’s the truth, shit, millions of morons are ready to launch a civil war because the fucking President is black and until the numbers of these anachronisms are reduced America will always be defined by the hatred of the other, which of course will always be exploited for maximum political gain by fascists. The younger generations do not care about whether one is gay or straight or has a different skin color, they are far more tolerant and acceptable than their parents or grandparents but the reality is that as America is currently constituted this is a loser for the ‘left’ and energy would be better spent in fighting imperialism, economic royalism, a vast for profit prison gulag and a militarized police that is determined to keep it full.

Also, global warming (the carbon footprint is akin to a carbon jackboot stomping up and down on a human face while the speculators get richer than Midas), immigration ‘reform’ and the ugly sort of imperialist liberalism that supports more war, military spending and murder to promote pet causes such as women’s rights and other emotional based malarkey is just intolerable. The Empire is broke, women are oppressed by institutions within our own borders and the cycle of militarism will not be seriously challenged as long as there are cruise missile liberals determined to use force to be Team America global police. I saw an ugliness among too many liberals and progressives during the past summer’s Iranian uprising, the ‘Green Revolution’ not to be confused of course with ‘Green Shoots, or ‘Green Energy’ and the ‘left’s’ piling on the regime of the devil Ahmadinejad only served to reinforce the incessant neocon propaganda and Zionist right-wing warmongering that has the doomsday clock ticking towards World War III. In all liklihood, Israel will attack Iran at some point in the coming year, Obama’s infatuation with the phony war on terror will ensure that the U.S. is sucked in which will be catastrophic but now that the antiwar movement has been marginalized by the foulness that is the Democrat party, now that Cindy Sheehan has served her purpose and been unceremoniously dumped and now that the ‘left’ has once again failed to mobilize around any serious issue that has crossover appeal we are all helpless to stop it.

I will devote my energies to trying to assist whatever remains of the antiwar movement (which isn’t much after most of the larger groups were co-opted by the filthy corporatist Democrats and Raht Emanual), continue to support the abolishment (or at the least auditing) of the Federal Reserve, fight for a reigning in of excessive corporate power, rail against the abuses of civil liberties, the police state, torture and surveillance and the menace of globalization. In a sad land of ignorance and hostility that has institutionalized torture with about half the population being down with it just how long is it going to be until they actually start to torture the other half?

The ‘left’ is too fragmented and there are far too many internal squabbles to mount any sort of a counter-movement against this irrational, ignorant and mean army of darkness that is suckled at the teat of the imperialist warfare state and lives in a world of unreality fed by a lifetime of indoctrination to illusions and lies and I am getting off of that woebegone merry-go-round once and for all before it either kills me or drives me totally fucking batshit.

Revisiting the Tea Baggers: If there has been one group that I have been especially critical of it is the Republican co-opted Teabaggers, as the movement is currently infested with the dregs of American society, foul racists, neo-Nazis, Dick Armey of Darkness operatives, Palinazis, Beckers and religious fanatics my derision of them is justifiable. However, this fails to take into account the fact that there are millions of real pissed off Americans who are mobilizing and just lack the right guidance and knowledge. If you recall, the original tea parties were being held in the darkest years of the Bush-Cheney Axis of Evil reign of terror and were largely comprised of Ron Paul and 9/11 Truth Activists, this already in existence movement was then used by the establishment Republicans as an exo-skeleton into which they installed the insipid Glenn Beck as the face and promoted relentlessly on RNC propaganda television network FOX. From the intel that I receive there is actually a struggle for identity going on within this movement although you would never know it from the Democrat controlled propaganda organs. So there is some promise in a mass movement that liberals and the left are incapable of producing if the bigots, ignoramuses and operatives can be cast out as misfits, charlatans and shameless opportunists and this seems to be as good a place as any for an independent minded anarchist like me. Hey, Jesus hung with prostitutes, lepers and losers because they could actually be saved right?

While this movement is at least temporarily under the control of the vilest of swine that the oligarchy right-wing faction can dig up and who are firing up the dead enders, TV lobotomized zombies and easily fooled and made into useful idiot joiners it must be emphasized that the whole thing is still in play. There is a lot of righteous anger out there and it’s growing by the day and this whole thing could blow up like a MOAB on those who are seeking to exploit it. My very good friend Diane G, a hard core leftist journeyed into the snakepit at a teabagger rally in her homeground up in Michigan last year and found a bunch of pissed off people afraid and being manipulated by veterans and RNC style stooges. The vitriol was real but it was easily misdirected, largely because most of us are nothing more than ignorant sheep and manageable ants but were this sort of energy ever be redirected, say at Wall Street, the Pentagon, the insurance bloodsuckers, the corporations and the real rapists of America then watch the fuck out. The Republicans are playing with dynamite, for every misbegotten and fucked over by the system soul that worship the phony Glenn Beck as though he were some sort of modern day prophet instead of a real life Lonesome Rhodes, a career loser on the ultimate stage whose shelf life is only limited by his own propensity for self destruction there are others who realize that the man is an assclown and a fraud. I have to hand it to Alex Jones who denounces Beck on a regular basis as a tool who has only stolen his shtick and distilled it down for the masses of asses. This is a volitale mix and any foolish GOP huckster who doesn’t realize it is a fool on a megalomaniac level right up there with Karl Rove and the cartoonish house nigger Michael Steele.

One who seems to understand, at least on the level that an elitist swine who has long made a damned good living as a shit salesman for the privileged and connected can is columnist and media figure David Brooks of the phony librul New York Times. While not quite as successful as the pimp of globalization Thomas Friedman, Brooks is a reliable little lap doggie who can always be counted on to yap upon command. His latest piece, The Tea Party Teens is a fine example:

The Tea Party Teens


The United States opens this decade in a sour mood. First, Americans are anxious about the future. Sixty-one percent of Americans believe the country is in decline, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey. Only 27 percent feel confident that their children’s generation will be better off than they are.

Second, Americans have lost faith in their institutions. During the great moments of social reform, at least 60 percent of Americans trusted government to do the right thing most of the time. Now, only a quarter have that kind of trust.

The country is evenly divided about President Obama, but state governments are in disrepute and confidence in Congress is at withering lows. As Frank Newport of the Gallup organization noted in his year-end wrap-up, “Americans have less faith in their elected representatives than ever before.”

Third, the new administration has not galvanized a popular majority. In almost every sphere of public opinion, Americans are moving away from the administration, not toward it. The Ipsos/McClatchy organizations have been asking voters which party can do the best job of handling a range of 13 different issues. During the first year of the Obama administration, the Republicans gained ground on all 13.

The public is not only shifting from left to right. Every single idea associated with the educated class has grown more unpopular over the past year.

The educated class believes in global warming, so public skepticism about global warming is on the rise. The educated class supports abortion rights, so public opinion is shifting against them. The educated class supports gun control, so opposition to gun control is mounting.

The story is the same in foreign affairs. The educated class is internationalist, so isolationist sentiment is now at an all-time high, according to a Pew Research Center survey. The educated class believes in multilateral action, so the number of Americans who believe we should “go our own way” has risen sharply.

A year ago, the Obama supporters were the passionate ones. Now the tea party brigades have all the intensity.

The tea party movement is a large, fractious confederation of Americans who are defined by what they are against. They are against the concentrated power of the educated class. They believe big government, big business, big media and the affluent professionals are merging to form self-serving oligarchy — with bloated government, unsustainable deficits, high taxes and intrusive regulation.

The tea party movement is mostly famous for its flamboyant fringe. But it is now more popular than either major party. According to the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, 41 percent of Americans have a positive view of the tea party movement. Only 35 percent of Americans have a positive view of the Democrats and only 28 percent have a positive view of the Republican Party.

The movement is especially popular among independents. The Rasmussen organization asked independent voters whom they would support in a generic election between a Democrat, a Republican and a tea party candidate. The tea party candidate won, with 33 percent of independents. Undecided came in second with 30 percent. The Democrats came in third with 25 percent and the Republicans fourth with 12 percent.

Over the course of this year, the tea party movement will probably be transformed. Right now, it is an amateurish movement with mediocre leadership. But several bright and polished politicians, like Marco Rubio of Florida and Gary Johnson of New Mexico, are unofficially competing to become its de facto leader. If they succeed, their movement is likely to outgrow its crude beginnings and become a major force in American politics. After all, it represents arguments that are deeply rooted in American history.

The Obama administration is premised on the conviction that pragmatic federal leaders with professional expertise should have the power to implement programs to solve the country’s problems. Many Americans do not have faith in that sort of centralized expertise or in the political class generally.

Moreover, the tea party movement has passion. Think back on the recent decades of American history — the way the hippies defined the 1960s; the feminists, the 1970s; the Christian conservatives, the 1980s. American history is often driven by passionate outsiders who force themselves into the center of American life.

In the near term, the tea party tendency will dominate the Republican Party. It could be the ruin of the party, pulling it in an angry direction that suburban voters will not tolerate. But don’t underestimate the deep reservoirs of public disgust. If there is a double-dip recession, a long period of stagnation, a fiscal crisis, a terrorist attack or some other major scandal or event, the country could demand total change, creating a vacuum that only the tea party movement and its inheritors would be in a position to fill.

Personally, I’m not a fan of this movement. But I can certainly see its potential to shape the coming decade.

Of course Brooks is playing the game, he is another Mockingbird, his suggestion of Jeb Bush protégé Marco Rubio as a potential leader of this movement is just more of the same mental masturbation that we are accustomed to and of course what is more important to the establishment than in keeping Nazi collaborators like the Bush Family and their operatives in power? It is no surprise that these stealthy elitist swine want that little greaseball Rubio, just like they trotted out Glenn Beck to co-opt the Ron Paul movement (and to a large degree crib from the Alex Jones show only run through a food processor for a better consistency of lemming food. This is the game people, Brooks like his cohorts over at the Washington Post like Howie Kurtz (hatchet job on Gary Webb) and Dana Milbank (Skull and Bones) ALWAYS side with the oligarchy all the while denying that such a thing even exists and poo poohing us commoners as so much rabble and tin foil hatters. ENOUGH ALREADY, the JIG IS UP.

The comments are great, Brooks is a country clubbing elitist swine masquerading as a journalist and I have long been on his case, check some of these out.

David, thank you for being honest in the last paragraph and admitting that you are not fond of what you call the tea party movement. Republican like you and Democrats like Obama are the same to most of us. You really think that your superior credentials grants you social wisdom and intelligfence. It doesn’t.


I, too, feel betrayed by “elite” institutions, policy makers and businesspeople! And I am a relatively well-educated individual.

Globalization has not been a force for good, has not raised poor foreigners, has not benefited average US people, has not benefited any western nations’ national security. Deregulation? Likewise.

Why? Well, I guess, you’d have to ask the “crème de la crème” who have used average limitations and foreign poverty to aggrandize themselves and, thus, lined their own pockets with money at the expense of the broader world. It is an exceedingly short-sighted goal; n’est-ce pas? You cannot fool even them all of the time.

Certainly, globalization and deregulation might have worked. But, really, it seems that something must be done before it is too late. If we do not act to protect our way of life, to prop up the western middle-class and assure our standing, we will cede our place to peoples in whom we cannot trust and invite violent conflict at home and abroad.


Who do you think the tea party voters are, Mr. Brooks? I am middle aged, post-graduate degreed and financially independent. I support full gay rights, including gay marriage. I believe in decriminalizing drugs, I believe in being a good steward to the environment, and to the less fortunate in my own community. But, I will probably vote with the tea partiers. I might even vote for one of their national candiates

You want to know why? The Bail-outs.

I will never support a political candidate who voted for or supported the bail-outs, and I will support any movement that is against the politicians who supported the bail-outs. I will donate money to candidate, even in other states, who loudly opposed the bail-outs.

I don’t consider myself a tea partier. I am not a joiner and I’ve never marched or demonstrated. But the bail-outs meant that capitalism and free market rules no longer applied in america. It meant that those with political connections were saved and allowed to grow and prosper, while those who had played by the rules suffered and paid.

This anger at the bail-outs will never go away for people like me. Obama supported the bail-outs. Most of the Democrats supported the bail-outs. Some of the Republicans supported the bail-outs. The real statesman; The politicans who cared enough to do right ; they loudly and vigourously opposed the bail-outs.

If the tea party people continue to be the people who oppose the bail-out people; then, the enemies of my enemies, are my new best friends.


I may add this self-serving oligarchy is picking winners (ask Blankfein of GS, and other bankers), seizing wealth by having their buddies in the right place (Bernanke, Paulson, Summers, etc), while unemployment keeps rocketing up and middle class gets decimated.

The other day I read somewhere that the bailouts under both Obama and Bush most likely transferred more wealth to the rich than the tax cuts under Bush. Just think about that!

Both parties are identical; only the names/ faces change. The nation is slowing waking up to it, which is reflected in the growing popularity of the tea party followers.

I just pray that this campaign don’t get hijacked by some Republican nutcase politician, because this is really about looking for a third voice, an independent voice.


The tea party folks and the political independents have at least one very significant thing in common: members of neither group want to be identified with either of the “established” parties. The rise of a third party is a possibility.

Disappointment with President Obama is clear and justified. There is a defacto war in Pakistan in addition to the fighting in Afghanistan and Irag. Health care reform looks to be a boon to the large drug and insurance companies. The opportunity for serious financinal reform seems to have been lost. The dire need for creating jobs is ignored. Why wouldn’t any movement the promises something different be growing in popularity?

And one VERY IMPORTANT COMMENT which illustrates the problem with this movement, it has been hijacked by elitist payroll swine and foul GOP operatives. Perhaps some principled folks who are disillusioned by the ongoing big con can assist in weeding these swine out.

As long as the Tea Party folks allow Glen Beck and Sean Hannity to be their chief spokesmen, they will remain an interesting but unimportant political footnote.

And those are just a sampling from the first 20 or so of the 400 + comments that were left on the so-called liberal, former Judith Miller employing NYT site. Now as anyone with any common sense understands, David Brooks is a fraud, a boot licking pecksniffian puke, a mangy lapdog and an on-call shill for the oligarchy for those bullshit Sunday morning bloviation circuit shows when the establishment trots out the ‘experts’ along with veteran whores like John McCain and his butt buddies Joseph Lieberman and Lindsay Graham to piss down the backs of clueless regular Americans and swear to got that it’s raining. The handful of Sunday morning inside baseball swill drive the weekly media spin on any given issue, ensuring that the now standard left vs. right paradigm stays in place despite the fact that there is NEVER any substantive change in policy nor shift away from the elitist based society that we exist in. It’s all a dog and pony show, a big game of three card monte played on Main Street in a Potemkin Village renamed The Homeland and David Brooks is one of the chief shit shovellers who provide cover for the oligarchy. A man named Carroll Quigley once wrote in his massive historical book Tragedy and Hope that:

And there may have at the time been some truth in that statement but I doubt that Quigley ever envisioned the thorough rottenness of the political system, especially here in the United States. The necessity to maintain stability in any civilized form of society is not something that can be argued, we have seen through history what happens absent order when demagogues and lunatics can bring violence and suffering to millions based on lingering ethnic grudges and delusions of grandeur. Quigley’s statement relies on the idea that there is some sort of dignity present within the system not the widespread corruption that has us all at the mercy of a predatory state that serves those who have worked with relentless precision for decades to gain a stranglehold on political power through bribery, blackmail, intimidation and even assassinations. Our current two-party system is in the process of branding and yoking us all for delivery into bondage to the bloodsuckers and fiends that have hijacked the republic and turned it into a rancid spoils system with order kept by a burgeoning police state and a veritable gulag system of for profit prisons for all who dare to complain about it.

The one unmistakable aspect of Brooks’ column is FEAR because there IS something in the air and the key is what will eventually come of the tea party movement once the scum has been purged. I have been extremely critical of these people in the past, mockingly critical but I am guilty of generalizations and falling for the media propaganda of finding the most extremist elements and then hyping them as being indicative of all who are involved. Remember the Nixon era and the Vietnam era, it was always easy for the media to find the most radical leftists, the real bomb throwers, dirty hippies and acid juiced freaks and to use them as symbols of the antiwar movement. This of course was a lie, there was widespread opposition to Vietnam throughout the nation and as Nixon found out it extended to none other than Walter Cronkite whose proclamation that the war was “unwinnable” was devastating to the war freaks who nonetheless continued to feed the youth of America into an immoral charnel house to kill and be killed for the benefit of the Military Industrial Complex, the rising shadow government of the rogue CIA and their profiteering off of the illegal narcotics trade in the Golden Triangle and the political expedience of the predecessors to the swine and vermin who are this very day deeply entrenched as enemies of the American people in Washington.

I have recently gotten a chance to correspond with some people who I had not long ago (before the great Obama betrayal and the removal of the scales from my eyes) considered to be foes, nemeses and enemies including a man who I vilified as a “right wing Nazi”. There is nothing like a dagger in the back to assist with a change in perception. While there will always be areas of disagreement ideologically there are common grievances that outweigh all else. Principled conservatives are against big government and with the rise of the Homeland Security state that is just getting warmed up it is easy to understand why. As Barry Goldwater once put it “… a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have” and really, considering the direction that this monstrously corrupt system is growing exponentially and the Caesars that need meat for their ongoing wars just how long do you think it is going to be until confiscations, imprisonment and executions (preceeded by that good ole Jack Bauer style tough love of course) will be reality? The belief that America should mind our own business (wrongly slurred by propraganda pimps as isolationism and equated with the rise of Hitler..yawn) and stay the hell out of the rest of the world is another common cause as is the meddling of the government in the economy (there is a difference here in that I would not oppose government leveling the playing field rather than rewarding the wealthy with political connections) which in the past year has only put Wall Street high rollers back in the gambling business only with house money. I believe that the ‘left’ is making a huge mistake in not reaching out, I mean if Jane Hamsher of Firedog Lake and Grover Norquist (for Christ’s sake) can team up to call for that slimy little prick Rahm Emanuel’s resignation and Alan Grayson and Ron Paul can join forces to demand an audit of the Federal Reserve why not put aside the differences and work together towards fighting something important to all of us?

I recently remarked that Obama is nothing more than Lyndon Baines Johnson without the social programs, I now believe that was wrong, he is more like a modern day incarnation of Woodrow Wilson, warmonger and domestic tyrant whose iron fisted opposition to dissenters destroyed many a life and unjustly imprisoned those who dared to challenge the divine right of American imperialism to murder in the name of God, mother, country and theapple pie authoritarianism that has again reared it’s ugly head in the past decade, not that it ever left.

But I digress, back to my break with the ‘left’….
I have had it with the ‘left’ or what passes for it today, all of the fighting, the activism, the hard work and the heartache and for what? So that the DemocRAT party can sell us all out with a ridiculous farce of a health care reform bill that does nothing but deliver all of our asses into bondage to the insurance industry parasites? So that not only can the war in Afghanistan be escalated at the expense of any domestic resuscitation of the dying economy but additional conflicts in Pakistan, Iran and now Yemen can be opened? So that the Obama administration behind arch-criminal Rahm Emanuel can sip from the gold-plated money spigots and bestow government largesse on their crooked buddies in the financial services industry and on Wall Street? So that the ultimate indignity of seeing the Pope of Hope, the Nobel Peace Prize winner who used his acceptance speech as a forum for justifying more imperialism, wars of aggression and murder now resort to the same phony war on terror rhetoric of the Bushreich in sowing the seeds of fear in this diseased country of cowards? Congratulations liberals, while sitting at the card table continuing to double down on a pair of threes in the hope that your pathetic grasp on political power can be preserved while you flush every principle down the toilet while leering TSA goons are salivating over the prospect of masturbating themselves into unconsciousness at the naked little boys and girls that they will be ogling on those fancy new airport full body scanners. Pat yourselves on the backs, your cultural crusades are garbage, just as much rot as your counterparts on the extremist right and you too have never met a war that you couldn’t justify when it served YOUR interests and all of that unchecked power that is massed in the surveillance state, well it’s just not so important to fight it when your guy’s ass is ensconced upon the throne at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

What is really the difference between Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly or Rush Limbaugh and Keith Olbermann, blow job loving pothead Bill Maher, Rachel Mad Sow [sic] or poor old Mike Malloy, slowly and painfully going mad, eaten alive by his anger at not being able to stop any of this, a veteran of the psychic wars who as the BOC song goes has used up all his weapons and is helpless and bereaved – and my two cents worth of free advice to him is to just get the fuck out of this all, raise your daughter, enjoy your family and fuck the left, it’s just not worth it. Now the degeneration of the media darlings of the ‘left’ into nothing more than shills for the new order is as pathetic as it is predictable, Markos Moulitsas Zuniga once allegedly wrote a book called ‘Crashing the Gates’, but that is just too much work for once full of piss and vinegar liberals and progressives, now that they have won a few elections it is far easier to just have the castle master install a doggie door. Maddow, a damned good reporter whose nightly gig at MSNBC is as telling for a former Air America queen as the exiles of Randi Rhodes and Malloy into the wilderness is now dependent upon her ability to use her nightly platform to denounce intolerant bigots and buffoons and rail against phantoms like the John Birch Society in the early 1960s. Now I am very aware of the JBS history and dare I say that the current incarnation isn’t the great satan that it is portrayed as by some on the left. Hell, I am actually a lesser member (I don’t pay for the full ride) because I see more action from the JBS against the incursions of the fascist police state than I do from MoveOn and many of the other co-opted organs of the Democrat party. They came out against Bush’s abuses of the constitution and they do the same against O-Bushma and when I send out letters to my ‘representatives’ through their website I get responses, unlike from anything on the left which is simply laughed at by those in office, so toothless, neutered and ineffective have they become. There are some damned fine people in the John Birch Society despite some of the misguided crusades of the past and might I remind the liberals that the Democratic party’s history is not simon pure with racism, wars, Woodrow Wilson’s jihad against dissent and FDR’s internment of loyal Americans of Japanese descent in camps.
Again I digress….
While I have never been accused of being politically correct by anybody I fully support total equal rights for gays including the right to marry, my only problem is the focus on this rather than in a full effort to defeat fascism. I have many gay friends and as a former military member I knew closeted gays during my time of service and would rely on them any damned time over some dipshit Republican chickenhawk but the Democrat establishment is cynical, transparent and exploitative in their treatment of gays. It is pitiful and patronizing and the way that the powers that be on the ‘left’ use gays (they shit all over them and roll out set for life Rachel as some sort of nightly balm as though it suffices for the lashes on their backs) is exactly how the Republican faction of the money/war party jerks the chain of the Jesus freaks for their support for a vicous agenda that would crucify the long-haired troublemaker in a New York second if he were to return to earth tomorrow. That much was apparent when Obama rolled out the false prophet Rick Warren for the inauguration, too bad that Strom Thurmond wasn’t still alive or he could have made an official appearance as well. It’s a big tent with the DemocRATs, and it’s filled with clowns, geeks and hucksters, I mean fucking fat Eddie Schultz for Senate? Can it get any more surreal – and the ‘left’ has the audacity to complain about Fred Thompson, Curt Schilling or Arnold ‘son of a Nazi’ Schwarzenegger?

In fact the entire bogus system is a veritable self-licking ice cream cone (I borrowed that term from somewhere but I can’t remember) whenever the inflammatory distraction that is abortion is thrown into the ring and both sides immediately revert to their primal selves like the fucking caveman in Altered States and forget everything but a craving for fresh bloody meat. A pox of terminal, knee-jerk idiocy in America is the coin of the realm, my time spent in blogmark has taught me that one very important lesson if nothing else.

The left is at this moment in history busy disintegrating into a pool of illogical, conflicted toxic goo, the stench of terminal denial is as thick as the skulls of those who still deceive themselves that Barack Obama, the chess-master is just setting it all up to fall exactly right, like Michael Jordan in his prime tearing down the Piston defense with a cold and methodical precision, going through them to borrow from General George S. Patton “like shit through a tin horn”, it isn’t going to happen chumps. You voted for change and all that you got was a slicker version of William Jefferson Clinton who presided over NAFTA and the other anti-American trade deals like some peckerwood kahuna in years of yore swindling Injuns out of vast amounts of land for beads and baubles made out of paste. Slick Willie, I might add was a key in the corporate media consolidation that has allowed for the most kick ass propaganda machine since Goebbels and along with his Wall Street buddies sowed the seeds for the economic catastrophe that Obama and his financial ‘dream team’ now shoveling money into at the expense of the peasants in order to fill their campaign coffers for 2012.

Bill Clinton never should have been impeached for that vendetta by fascist fanatics like Richard Mellon Scaife and Kenneth Starr and their ilk over a fucking blowjob, the list of actual impeachable crimes started with giving Poppy Bush and his Iran-Contra cohorts a get out of jail free card. That little failure to enforce the laws came back to haunt us all for the American Reichstag Fire – 9/11 and the PNAC and every bastard mutation that evolved out of the afterbirth of Iran-Contra resurfaced to ensure that their dirty little coup d’etat and the eternal wars and subjugation has been out screaming TERRORISM ever since and now Americans must submit to having failed police officers who are just competent enough to latch on with TSA drool over their naked bodies and have the full power of the state to haul whoever the fuck that they want to into a private ‘screening’ room.

So now in early 2010, the second decade of the New American Century we are once again being cowed into a state of perpetual fear by a tyrannical government long ago taken over by blood barters and moneychangers and forced to give up even more of our dwindling liberty for temporary ‘security’. What in the fuck happened to this country? In the space of a decade it has become the largest colony of cowards, sheep and lemmings in the history of the planet.

Loose the Rats: I remember once when I was in my early twenties, a certain restaurant that I had worked for had become so intolerable that there was a parting of the ways (mutual of course) regarding employment. Well, said restaurant naturally had a pretty high turnover rate so myself and a fellow former wage slave conspired one night over many a beer (and I must admit a bit of weed) to seek revenge against the owners. We would go in on a stealth mission and create a disturbance that would be guaran-fucking-teed to cause maximum chaos. So we went to a local pet shop and purchased two live rats which we smuggled in during peak hours in our backpacks and while we swilled a few beers in a booth in the back, ate chicken wings and were generally looked at as scum by our former co-worker wait staff we had a hard time not pissing our pants. Well, when we were finished, we paid our bills and let the rats out of the backpacks and just left the fucking place….we never knew what happened and that was the beauty of it. Maybe the rats caused a total scene and a mass evacuation and maybe business was forever wrecked for those satanic pricks who owned the goddamned place – somehow I doubt it because the damned place stayed in business. Perhaps though, the owners found the rats first before they ran off the paying customers and caused a pox of word of mouth advertising that was up there with the Bubonic Plague and changed their ways, I don’t know and shit, I really don’t know exactly were I am going with this little thread so I digress…..

Maybe the moral of the pet shop rats is that it was a shock that could have actually have been naïve enough to think that such a futile and stupid act would have changed hearts and minds but that was back in the 80’s when things were different and there was still some semblance of actual fucking sanity in this rotten shell of a country, back when it was STILL POSSIBLE to avoid the coming forced anal probes by militarized Darth Vader police goons in local shopping malls. Nothing that I was ever going to do on the left, much like loosing the rats on those miserable, skinflint, authoritarian pricks who ran that shithole of an eatery was going to do a damned thing to change anything or any body, it was just plaintive wails from planet shit directed at the choir…amen.

So to those on the ‘left’ who I have joined in battle with over the years only to realize that it is ultimately a futile struggle I say good luck and may your efforts bring fruit and some degree of satisfaction so long as they do not conflict with mine. I am going it alone from this point onward, bound by no loyalty to ideology, faction or any group, that only belongs to those who are allies the bigger fight at hand now. I would implore you who are able to transcend your past prejudices, ideals and indoctrinations to become a bit less dogmatic and much more pragmatic in reaching out to those who not only can be saved but who also are trying to break free from their own conditioning.

The future depends on it.

Just my two cents


The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extreme shifts in policy.”