A Defense of the Reverend Fred Phelps (sort of)…

March 3, 2011

In a blast-furnace hot ruling on Wednesday the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Westboro Baptist Church preserving their right to hold ugly protests at military funerals. The church (a Satanic den of iniquity and ignorance in my opinion) is headed by the infamous Reverend Fred Phelps who rocketed to stardom and adulation on the fascist Religious Right for his original protesting of the funerals of dead homosexuals, notably victims of AIDS. Phelps, a real piece of work, a fire-breathing demagogue of the highest order who once referred to our star-spangled, armed to the teeth and massively dysfunctional lemming colony as “a sodomite nation of flag-worshipping idolators”, a former civil rights attorney and a Democrat for God’s sake revels in the contempt hurled at him and his church. The ruling by an 8-1 margin that not included three of the four RATS (Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Scalia) but the so-called moderates must feel like a sucker punch to weepy, self-centered liberals and their holy crusade to institutionalize gay marriage throughout the land rather than focus their activism on more important matters, say stopping the fascist police state, ending the wars or throwing the Wall Street pigs who destroyed the economy into a Supermax prison. The one dissenting opinion, rendered by the newest RAT Samuel Alito, the little twerp whose public display of disrespect at Obama’s 2010 state of the union address earned the scorn of the victorious Phelps who commented:

“The only surprise is that Justice Alito did not feel compelled to follow his oath…. We read the law. We follow the law. The only way for a different ruling is to shred the First Amendment.”

Now let me be clear on one thing, free speech issues aside, Phelps and his rancid rat pack of psychotic thugs are the scum of the earth, were there anyone with any decency or balls left in America they would go old school on the whole bunch of them the next time that they show up waving their silly signs. What they represent is reprehensible, hateful, a distrotion of anything preached by Jesus Christ (this puts him in good company with the thousands of other charlatans posing as preachers to spew their hateful bile) and a publicity seeking monster who resembles a fat toad in a cowboy hat. The man is a reprobate, a moral degenerate and a menace to society but as long as the smoking ruins of what used to be America still maintains some sort of watered down pretense of being a constitutional republic he and his droogs are at least theoretically entitled to the right of free speech. The political correctness Nazis must be grinding their pointy little teet down into nubs today over this ruling but as is typical they are incapable of grasping onto larger issues that venture outside their little bubble worlds where dueling identity based groups jockey for preferential positioning to attempt to force the state to bestow special protections to sate their own selfish needs for attention. The SCOTUS ruling in Snyder v. Phelps protecting the protests of military funerals by Westboro Baptist is far more than the simplified sanctioning of anti-gay hate speech, it is a blow to the glorification of American militarism that has thoroughly corrupted and poisoned society since before the last shot was fired in WW II.

Reverend Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church really weren’t seen in much of a threatening light as long as they stuck to harassing the friends and relatives at the funerals of gay people, that was just fine with the status quo. It wasn’t until Phelps escalated and started dragging his bund of freaks to the funerals of our blessed heroes who were slaughtered for our freedoms (GAG) in the never-ending corporate wars that he became a threat. You see, hectoring gays and toting rainbow colored signs proclaiming that “God Hates Fags” serve the interests of the system, especially when that system, in this case, the Bush administration’s neocon agenda to conquer the planet and damn the consequences. Hell, were it not for the calculating and cynical gay baiting of Karl Rove (who according to some seedy internet rumors likes to swallow the pork sword on occasion himself) and the manipulation of the fucked over, embittered slugs of the Religious right to even get Bush into office (with a big assist from the SCOTUS and brother Jeb of course) in the first place a guy like Phelps, were he not so gauche would have normally have been honored with a White House visit and a night in the Lincoln bedroom. Now when Westboro Baptist wasn’t getting enough attention for their crazed, hate-fueled superstitions they started showing up when our hallowed little green army men were being planted with signs like “Thank God for 9/11”, “God Hates America”, “Thank God For Dead Soldiers” and other similar slogans it was just too much for Bush and Cheney’s bloodthirsty militarism. In 2006 as the bodies burned in the streets of Iraq, their flesh being piced at by feral dogs the cowards in the U.S. Congress passed the vomit inducing Respect For America’s Fallen Heroes Act which Bush signed into law as a counter to Phelps. No wonder that the Jesus freaks and the hard core right-wing freaks felt so betrayed by Dubya, in typical cynical Republican fashion they used the dumbest of the dumb to gain power and then cast them out like the snakes that they always were. See the ongoing dissing of the useful idiots of the Tea Party for a perfect example of this.

Anyway, it’s not like I am in any way down with the Reverend Phelps and his mob, personally I think that the local authorities should turn the firehoses on the scum and wash them all back into the sewers where they belong, then weld the lids shut to keep them there. What I AM down witih is any sort of serious protest of these ruinous, immoral and illegal fucking wars that have destroyed the country and with an incursion into Libya in the works will only continue to eradicate any sort of meaningful social reforms, not that any of the sheep in Der Homeland really give a fuck though, they are too busy doing the two-minute hate whenever the mug of Charlie Sheen, Public Enemy Numero Uno is flashed upon the screens of the electronic crackpipe.

Basking in their victory, Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church are now boasting of quadrupling their protests of military funerals, Christ knows there will be no shortage of them as corporate wars continue to pay off big time for defense contractors, the blood barters who speculate on death and a once proud and vibrant nation that only produces death and fraudulent financial instruments.

While Phelps and his clan may not the the best spokespeople for the antiwar movement at least they are out there raising some hell and not sitting in front of their televisions and computer monitors sucking their thumbs while the war machine eats America.

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe



Just a clarification as I have been admonished for not demonizing Phelps and the Westboro Den of Satan.

While Phelps and his minions are not driven by an anti war philosophy but rather one of bigotry and biblical ignorance their actions in protesting and carrying signs  like GOD HATES DEAD SOLDIERS, THANK GOD FOR 9/11 and THANK GOD FOR IEDS and the like to the funerals of U.S. Soldiers who were killed in the corporate wars are representative of a political statement that is decidedly antiwar.
I am fully cognizant of what Phelps represents but in this pathetic and rabidly militaristic country anything that draws attention to an antiwar message is welcome. Phelps is not an ally but neither is the self-righteous and deluded mass of goo that is the American ‘left’.
Shit, were the silly-assed liberals to get it together and start protesting the goddamn wars instead of waging a holy crusade to institutionalize gay marriage (which incidentally I have no problem with other than it is not a top priority) which only serves to fuel the divisiveness that allows the wars, bailouts, violations of civil liberties and raw tyranny to continue then a cheap substitute like the WBC would be overwhelmed and largely ignored.
Sad isn’t it that this is what passes for antiwar protesting, Hell I remember back in 2003-2005 when there WAS an antiwar movement but the conniving Democrats led by Rahm Emanuel splintered it, co-opted easily bamboozled groups and eradicated any mass movement entirely. Nothing was quite so illustrative of the Democrat’s corruption than in first turning on Cindy Sheehan and then turning her into a pariah, choosing instead to manipulate well intentioned but whimsically thinking morons into mobilizing behind idiotic culture war issues instead of the real wars and the class war.
So if Phelps and his clan bring attention to the illegal wars in this way more power to them.

And no matter how rotten that speech may be in theory such speech should be protected.