The Cherry On Top of the 2009 Shit Cake

December 29, 2009

Sweet Jesus, could the bankster’s hostile takeover be any more blatant than this? The national ‘news’ rag Time Magazine has chosen Mr. Green Shoots himself as the 2009 Man of the Year. Helicopter Ben will join such luminaries who were previously honored by Time as Adolf Hitler, Joe Stalin, the Ayatollah Khomeini and George W. Bush. One must marvel at the sheer lunacy and corruption that has overtaken America in the first decade of this foulest of centuries, that this financial terrorist is now being lionized in phase two of the greatest propaganda campaign since General Petraeus’s SURGE shows the utter lack of regard that the ruling oligarchy has towards us peasants. Shit, why not just feature Lloyd Blankfein or Wall Street water carrier Tim Geithner?

It is notable that Mr. Barack Obama did not adorn the cover, then again he isn’t up for Senate confirmation for a second term. The Senate along with the dirty little vermin Lieberman will surely enthrone King Ben now that they have finished dismantling any hope of health care reform and thrown the full force of the state behind the insurance vampires. While there is some opposition to Helicopter Ben’s ongoing reign of terror and 24/7/365 counterfeiting it is largely going to be swept away, you know that the deal is done when an unprincipled showboat like John McCain is making noises about Benanke, the penultimate liar, cheat and political con artist whose desperation nearly single handedly created the Frankenstein monster that is Sarah Palin has never met an opportunity to sleazily hijack an issue for political gain and opposing Ben (d’over) Bernanke is yet another of those times for Mr. Keating Five.

Anyway, the Time puff piece should serve as notice to all who are awake that the dollar crash is coming and that soon it is going to take the proverbial wheelbarrow full of Reichmarks to buy a bag of potato chips so start stocking your pantries with non-perishible food items, buy ammo like there is no tomorrow and prepare to hunker down for the day when the shit hits the fan, the bailout bubble bursts and the rabble is in the streets like zombies from some B horror flick looking to eat. Hyperinflation is coming as surely as the jobs aren’t coming back all thanks to the Man of the Year.

The Cherry On Top of the 2009 Shit Cake

December 17, 2009

Sweet Jesus, could the bankster’s hostile takeover be any more blatant than this? The national ‘news’ rag Time Magazine has chosen Mr. Green Shoots himself as the 2009 Man of the Year. Helicopter Ben will join such luminaries who were previously honored by Time as Adolf Hitler, Joe Stalin, the Ayatollah Khomeini and George W. Bush. One must marvel at the sheer lunacy and corruption that has overtaken America in the first decade of this foulest of centuries, that this financial terrorist is now being lionized in phase two of the greatest propaganda campaign since General Petraeus’s SURGE shows the utter lack of regard that the ruling oligarchy has towards us peasants. Shit, why not just feature Lloyd Blankfein or Wall Street water carrier Tim Geithner?

It is notable that Mr. Barack Obama did not adorn the cover, then again he isn’t up for Senate confirmation for a second term. The Senate along with the dirty little vermin Lieberman will surely enthrone King Ben now that they have finished dismantling any hope of health care reform and thrown the full force of the state behind the insurance vampires. While there is some opposition to Helicopter Ben’s ongoing reign of terror and 24/7/365 counterfeiting it is largely going to be swept away, you know that the deal is done when an unprincipled showboat like John McCain is making noises about Benanke, the penultimate liar, cheat and political con artist whose desperation nearly single handedly created the Frankenstein monster that is Sarah Palin has never met an opportunity to sleazily hijack an issue for political gain and opposing Ben (d’over) Bernanke is yet another of those times for Mr. Keating Five.

Anyway, the Time puff piece should serve as notice to all who are awake that the dollar crash is coming and that soon it is going to take the proverbial wheelbarrow full of Reichmarks to buy a bag of potato chips so start stocking your pantries with non-perishible food items, buy ammo like there is no tomorrow and prepare to hunker down for the day when the shit hits the fan, the bailout bubble bursts and the rabble is in the streets like zombies from some B horror flick looking to eat. Hyperinflation is coming as surely as the jobs aren’t coming back all thanks to the Man of the Year.

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe