Lourdes on the South Platte

August 27, 2008
Denver Police teargas demonstrators at DNC

“Fuck The New Deal” blurted out a large-boned, hog-jowled, bull dyke from Greeley who was wearing a Hillary 2008 T Shirt – that crippled cocksucker fucked around on Eleanor so just fuck him all to hell. She was in a pack of about thirty or so blue sign waving Hillary dead enders, the ones that the fucking disgrace of a national media was hyping as critical to sway the election, continuing to pimp the sucker bait trash that has so effectively been peddled by celebrity ‘journalists’ and their country clubbing, corporate boardroom masters who know the real score of the big con.


The teargas projectiles were causing quite a ruckus in a free speech zone, some of the die hard Hillary dead enders had made the mistake of mixing it up with a twenty something bunch of Obamacons who were offended when they called their savior “a nigger” in one of their well choreographed chants. Anti-abortion activists prayed and waved signs and rubber fetuses as though to exorcise that fake devil liberalism, some Rapturheads parked a truck outside of Michelle Obama’s hotel with a sign that “Abortion is an Obama nation.” The pathological haters on the right have been growingly increasingly desperate and are actually now out huntin’ libruls like that deranged, unemployed fuckhead James Adkisson who opened fire in a Tennessee church – several books by the likes of Bill O’Reilly were later found at his house, there was another loser who just gunned down the chairman of the Arkansas Democratic party. The propaganda is working beautifully, soon we may have organized lynch mobs boppin’ to the beat of that big bopper Rush himself as they take to the streets to rape, murder and pillage in the name of American fascism. They are the strongest possible arguments for abortion that exist outside of the White House.

The crowds were restive, the city was pregnant with fear and loathing, waiting for something very ugly to be birthed. The Blackhawks were on full alert. While the mini-Gitmo style converted warehouse – replete with Nazi concentration camp style concertina wire, cages for holding cells and an army of Kevlar coated pigs drooling for the chance to kick some ass had been exposed by the few independent journalists who were actually doing their jobs, forcing the removal of the Stalag 17 wire and the installation of an air-conditioner, a kinder and gentler gulag. An alleged assassination plot by three meth-headed, white supremacist, rocky mountain peckerwood punks had been exposed and ruled out as not being credible by local authorities. Alternative radio host Alex Jones and his entourage confronted and shamed neocon Michelle Malkin, calling her out for her support of concentration camps, death to dissidents and trashing free speech as the cunt hissed like a coiled cobra, defending vicious thug marines who reveled in the videotaped murder of puppies. Cindy Sheehan’s hotel room was bugged, I suppose it would have been an insult if it had not been, being on the shit list in Der Heimat is a matter of pride, much like being on Richard Nixon’s enemies list. The new American police state was resplendent as the true face of Amerika was shown to one and all, men in black wielding truncheons, tasers and tear gas canisters enforced a brutal order and it was only day two – a Code Pink protester was brutalized by a Denver cop, order was restored. The terrorist myths are never far beneath the surface, a local McCain campaign outlet received an envelope containing white powder, the reich wing pundits screamed it was anthrax, the tests proved negative. It was only samples of Metamucil.

Hillary herself spoke on Tuesday night, speaking of unity but the damage had already been done, the feminazis would willingly go down in a blaze of glory, supporting the Republican McCain, his dick smoking right-hand man Lindsey Graham and that filthy little Zionist operative Joseph Lieberman who will surely pack the Supreme Court with ideological clones to Tony Scalia and little Scalito who will once and for all turn back the clock on whatever social progress remains after the Bush-Cheney junta is smoked out of power. While the rejected queen preached coming together was there a little smirk that I noticed and then went away faster than the infamous Janet Jackson pierced nipple? I don’t have TIVO but with the shank already implanted to the hilt in Barrack’s back and the domain name for Hillary2012 already secured Mrs. Clinton can slime away from the house of shit before it collapses upon itself.

On Thursday, in a new chapter in Denver sports stadium history the anointed one will mount the stage in Invesco Field, another example of the hostile corporate takeover of America is this disgusting proclivity to sell naming rights to taxpayer funded sports facilities. Mile High Stadium, the storied venue that hosted the world champion John Elway Broncos, Lyle Alzado vs. Muhammad Ali, Bruce Springsteen, U2’s Zoo TV and the Pope had nothing on this. It will be as though the spirit of Leni Riefenstahl will again been conjured up by the yuppie idolmakers huddled around a Ouija board at after hours pizza and beer parties for another chance after being rudely finger-fucked in the ass by Republicans for so long, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned you know. Especially one who idolized Adolf Hitler a vicious bastard who as a dysfunctional rumored queer had more in common with the modern day sodomite cabal luminaries who have congregated around fascist Republicanism as though they were horseflies circling a bucket of fresh shit.

Being raised in Denver I had many memories of the old Mile High Stadium, a rusted out dump that leaked piss from the pipes into the already watered down Coors beer that was being sold by the vendors and that shook like a fucking earthquake during each and every John Elway led drive, courtesy of the stomping feet of tens of thousands. I remember fondly the great Broncos comeback over the Warren Moon led Houston Oilers in the NFL playoffs, the rise of the 1976-77 Orange Crush Broncos who finally shook free of fifteen years of jokes and mediocrity to beat the hated John Madden led Oakland Raiders in the AFC Championship game only to be trounced by the far more talented and flashy Dallas Cowboys.

I remember less fondly the Denver Bears baseball teams who used to pass out free tickets in Coke and Pepsi cartons only to have 60,000 (half of them piss drunk and mean) Mexicans who roamed the upper decks beating up honkies, or the day when high on grain alcohol jungle juice and blotter acid I passed out well before Ted Nugent took the stage in 1979 or when my old friend who I only knew as ‘Buzz’ fell down at least fifty rows after getting drunk on Mad Dog 20-20 and then pissed himself as a disgusted pack of Cub Scouts walked around him. In an interesting footnote “Buzz” was one of the most irresponsible rebels without clue that I have ever known (and in my nearly fifty years on Planet Shit I have known many) and one of the first, during our junior year in high school he undertook the fool’s quest of trying to see how many consecutive red traffic lights that he could run in his 74 Charger. He would gleefully chortle every time he made one more and the streak officially ended at something like 79 or 80 but memory fails me now. Pushing his luck, perhaps an omen to a young man of my age of the same sort of reckless, brain-dead fanaticism that has had the entire fucking country engaged in running red lights for so long that whenever our number comes up once and for all – and it will be very soon – there is going to be one hell of a ticket that needs to be paid.

The Democratic party is now on something like red light 77 and nothing that the great Obama can do is going to prevent it. The failure to actually challenge the real problems of the warfare state and the system of looter capitalism itself have charted a course for a November defeat against a babbling jackass of an elitist war freak, a man who made propaganda commercials for the communists while receiving favorable treatment in that Vietnamese concentration camp that he invokes whenever any real questions happen to be asked of him, an accomplice in the Keating Five financial corruption scandal, an adulterer who dumped his dutiful wife why stayed married to him during his stay at the Hanoi Hilton to marry into a beer queen’s fortune and now is so fucking fat and happy that he doesn’t even know how many houses he has, a serial flip-flopper with alleged mob ties and a self admitted “war criminal” – all while a Republican party that should be eradicated from the face of the planet like slicing off a festering boil on my ass will continue to survive against all odds despite a colossal history of failure, fascism and demagoguery of the most vile sort. Of course the system is off limits, the high rollers and their big con can continue to go on, any doubters or naysayers only need to look at the selection of Mr. MBNA Joe Biden for the most powerful office in the western world. The Senator from the ‘Usury State’ is a longtime benefactor of the credit card industry that has Americans in debt slavery with no chance at getting the key to the shackles with an incoming Obama administration (if it defeats history and the odds) because Biden was a key backer of that nasty little piece of work that stripped away bankruptcy protection for average Americans. Think how many fewer foreclosures would be happening right now if people were able to jettison their unsecured debt in order to concentrate on keeping the roofs over their heads despite how overpriced said roof is.

No, the Democrats are just flip sides of the same corrupt coin. As my Marxist buddy recently commented so accurately:

“No matter which of those parties win, the ruling class of owners of the big corporations and banks and big business and owners of the factories, mines, mills, banks, corporations, industries, big real estate companies, big financial and speculative capitalist companies, win. The dollar tanks, and we lose by inflation, but they win by speculative investment. The dollar goes up, and we lose by having to pay increased prices of goods from other countries, but they win again by the returns of their dividends held by them in their stockholdings in the big companies go up. Inflation goes up, and we lose by the high prices, but they win because that gives them an opportunity to speculate. Inflation goes down and deflation happens and we lose by lost jobs and layoffs and bankruptcies throwing workers out of work, but they win by investing and speculating in the new bankruptcy-based economy. It’s a rigged deck so long as the capitalist system remains intact. To them, politics is simply another investment. They invest in both sides — both parties — to keep their options open. That’s how the capitalist system operates.”

While Pelosi’s prostitutes, that crab-cake quaffing, glad-handing AIPAC stooge Steny Hoyer and that pathetic neutered little runt Harry Reid have so thoroughly reneged on every promise of 2006, shafting the antiwar base, enabling the Bushreich criminals to alter the laws to lock in their gains and pave the way for their clean getaway and line up to lick the jackboots of the Israel Lobby one only need to remember that the biggest wars in this country’s history were presided over by Democrats. That is the ugly little truth that gets lost in the bizarro universe of the post-9/11 Heimat.

The crowds in their glazed-eye fanaticism and fealty to the new Jesus (just a ringer and a new face for the empire) conjured up memories of the same sort of true believers who turned out en-masse for the 2004 New York City coronation of American Fascism that was the GOP convention of George W. Bush, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Zell Miller where the shrill denunciations of liberal and traditional American values were only drowned out by the constant invocations of 9/11. “Change” is 2008’s “9/11” But fanaticism is fanaticism and it is dangerous whether it is ‘liberal’, ‘conservative’ or the bizarro brand of both that exists in America today, a strange genetically spliced brand of incestuous bestial fuckery – think of it as being the middle person in a three-way buttfuck sandwiched between a horny snorting jackass and a fetidly stank and dirty unwashed elephant. Blind faith is exactly that.

I remember an old buddy named Rob, a hippie idealist druggie who bought just enough into the sixties to have felt anally raped when it all fell apart and who turned in his later years to smoking crack and listening to Rush Limbaugh used to put it like this in all of his bitter cynicism, “Life, Work and Shit are all Four Letter Words” – today in the ongoing circus maximus, that provides the comfort food for the sewer of the post-9/11 American mind I could elaborate on the old stoner sage’s words of wisdom by adding yet another four letter word to the list: HOPE. Rob in the early 90’s, a fellow victim of Reaganomics was sucked in by the siren song of the grand poopah of white populist propaganda who were looking for scapegoats as well as the blessing of their instinctive hatreds as though they were allowed to frolic naked in a mass rutting festival in the waters of Lourdes but for some reason this crowd that had descended upon the Mile High City like locusts were to me some sort of perverted, through-the-looking glass mirror image of their more easily duped brethren the dittoheads.

I don’t know exactly how to describe my feelings other than some sort of a visceral and primal urge to simultaneously defecate, vomit and masturbate – it was fucking surreal, bizarre and loathsome to the most basic and prehistoric levels of human nature.

‘Real Change’, just like ‘Compassionate Conservatism’ you see is just another of those famous two-word phrases that mean the same thing as BULL SHIT..

Planet Shit Dispatch: Hillary Hustle Edition

June 1, 2008

Denver, CO – At the main entrance to Denver International Airport there is a towering statue of a blue fiberglass bronco with blazing eyes. Mustang is the closest thing to a horse from Hell that I have personally ever seen and the fucker is eerily disturbing on a very basic level. It pops up visibly from miles away as you drive into that massive airport that is closer to the fucking Kansas state line than the Mile High City like some primitive warning to ward off warring tribes, very primal. The story behind the damned thing apparently is more than somewhat macabre as it fell upon the sculptor one Luis Jiminez, killing him prior to being finished which to the more superstitious amongst us is in and of itself enough to send chills up the spine and make the roots of hair follicles tingle. The brutal irony of this monstrosity guarding DIA with the coming war for the future of the Democratic party at the Denver convention this August is absolutely delicious. That Denver International Airport is an ill-planned abortion that somehow despite its marketing as essential for the future the planners never even considered the concept of $4 a gallon gasoline (which is one day going to evoke nostalgia about the good old days) and the effects on a local population that is spread out from Colorado Springs to damned near Fort Collins but the geniuses responsible for societal planning and engineering normally can’t be troubled with such silly pessimistic projections when there is money to be made. Former Denver Mayor and Bill Clinton cabinet member Federico Peña was sure to take care of his buddies on that one. But in giving credit where it is due it’s a damned good place if you are facing a layover, a fuck of a lot better than a lot of other airports.

The ironic thing about Mustang the metallic blue steed from Hades is that it tragically was responsible for the death of it’s creator (albeit accidentally) and the blazing shitstorm of an avenging army of Hillary Rodham-Clinton’s crusaders threaten to similarly topple the giant blue iconic jackass of the Democratic party. Crushing it to death like some deranged and blinded by rage feminist Frankenstein that has after being instrumental in transforming the party from a labor based bastion of middle class fairness into some sort of a hijacked craft turned into a missile of death along which they and the myriad of other bitchy, self-centered special interest groups that have been used to make political hay by a merciless Republican juggernaut. The GOP has largely run every election of the past three decades against Hanoi Jane, the party millstone of Roe v. Wade (the unconditional support of which in my opinion and this is going to get me fucking eviscerated here – needs to be rethought as it is a strategic disaster), socially deviant ‘America hating’ liberals who want to murder babies and sacrifice God on the altar of sexual perversion as exemplified by the great monolithic conspiracy of the damned evil homosexual agenda. The city of Denver is going to be the place where Gog throws down with Magog in a few months and the forces of the drooling Succubus Clinton are hellbent on waging a scorched Earth campaign that will likely leave “Mustang” in the rear view mirrors of their rental cars after the convention as a flaming pillar of salt.

That the entitled pasty white uber bitch Clinton won’t do the honorable thing and just step aside for the good of the country only means that the brutal cyber thuggery by the bastard alliance of the Hillemming-Dittohead factions of the establishment’s Praetorian Guard will continue to wreak havoc. They will allow lazy public relations shills and party hacks with vested interests in protecting the status quo to hog airtime in an thoroughly corrupt pocket media that is all to eager to continue to shovel shit to the electorate rather than focus on the REAL issues of true importance and further alienate anyone with any sort of intellectual ability from this garish and insulting process designed to perpetuate the biggest lie of all – that we live in an actual functional democracy instead of a rotting, blood soaked poverty ridden police state courtesy of arch criminals like the Clintons and the Bushes and the corporatists, the militarists and the energy and financial cartels which they serve. The sham democracy is just a pig that no amount of perfume is going to cover the stench of and each additional day of dicking around so that the Queen can ascend to her rightful place – and FUCK all you haters who would deny the post menopausal Tracy Flick what she is owed. This thing is an ongoing fucking horror and is only going to result in handing the keys to Bush’s throne room and the launch codes of the nuclear football to the maniacal John McCain and his filthy little Zionist dead ender butt buddy Joe Lieberman the Senator of Tel Aviv who will all too gladly reap the rewards of an October surprise massive bombing of Tehran.

The latest travesty in the ongoing Democratic carnival of perversion is the preposterous front group Countthevotescast.org now bringing pressure down on the DNC rules committee to allow Clinton to sashay into the Sunshine State ala the Bush 2000 shock troops and mug democracy in the heat and humidity of the bug and speculator infested diseased penis of America. They are continuing to foment divisiveness and bleat that poor little rich bitch Hillary has unfairly been discriminated against by the woman hating bully boys in America, this comes as the ultimate in black comedy (no pun intended) with the Clinton forces and their pick up drivin’ Rush Limbaugh lovin’ temps are doing everything but screaming ‘Dirty Militant Niggers’ at Barack Obama and his wife Michelle. It’s all the 60’s dynamic again, that is all that politics in time warp America has become. Get ready for another round of battles in the Vietnam war because baby burning war criminal McCain is already getting ready to roll out Operation Arc Light II once the Clinton piranhas have feasted on Obama for a few more months.

It’s the exact real life example of Rick Perlstein’s new book Nixonland where he examines how the dark master, Tricky Dick himself set into motion a perpetual hatred and resentment machine that has defined politics in America for the past 40 years. This same apparatus is being seized on by Clinton herself who should really be above such things given her tendency to wail and play the victim card. Nixon also perfected the demonizing of the so-called ‘elites’ which to the white niggers and other assorted morons in peckerwood nation are simply those who have some of that fancy book lernin’ and the real elitists, the high falutin’ frauds who are married to beer distributor heiresses, former U.S. presidents and rub elbows with the Superclass of Davos, the Bilderberg Group and the Council on Foreign Relations just keep riling up the rubes. The latest ridiculous sideshow about Obama quitting his church is another log on the fires of the racial and religious bonfires that are being stoked by the Dixiecrat Clintons.

I digress here but all of this religious horseshit is really getting to the point of no return. I do applaud Obama for quitting his church but only in the way that ALL of the bitches and bastards should also quit THEIR churches which are dens of iniquity for idiots and apostates. The more that modern man invokes God the more that we will de-evolve as a society to the point where we are nothing more than more corpulent, easily entertained and more easily controlled simple beasts as our cave dwelling ancestors. Let’s hear it for a constitutional amendment making it illegal for anyone other than an ATHEIST to run for public office so that we can start basing our discourse on rationality and Enlightenment ideas rather than the same simplistic swill that had our predecessors bashing in each other’s skulls, cutting off each others heads and burning people at the stake for. Religion is low minded drivel, superstitious nonsense and has been used as a tool of control for as long as man has walked on two feet, my two cents as an agnostic and a big…

A – fucking – Men!

Anyway, all of this elitist, misogynist caterwauling by the Clintons is nothing but the most cynical of all pandering to the most offended and victimized, I dare anyone to tell me how this is any different than Bush and Karl Rove’s standard demagoguery. I truly find it to be sardonically hilarious as well as bitingly ironic that the highest pitched keening emanating from the Clinton campaign has been that happy horseshit about misogyny and the terrible chauvinist pigs who are pillorying the champion of women’s rights, the same Hillary Rodham-Clinton who green lighted those reactionary fascist swine John Roberts and Sammy Alito to the SCOTUS. I also can’t stop laughing (or is it crying, sometimes I just don’t fucking know anymore) about their acceptance of support from the minions of Mr. Feminazi himself Rush Limbaugh to wage war against the hated brown skinned devil Obama. How in good conscious could ANYBODY or any GROUP who has been so consistently vilified for fun and profit by the fetid pied piper of faux white male populist propaganda fucking seriously even think about accepting assistance from he or his jagoff angry army? Come November when Operation Chaos has been successfully completed and the Republicans are able to do what was once thought of as not only inconceivable but impossible in staving off a landslide loss I would seriously like to hear some of the ladies who are buying into this bullshit explain with a straight face exactly what the FUCK they were thinking about.

Ladies, just ask yourselves a question: how many more American and Iraqi civilian lives have to be put on the tab in order to continue to play this game? Why not jut punt, do the right thing for the country and wait until a more suitable female candidate who isn’t a scheming, corrupt, warmongering corporate whore can make a legitimate run for the presidency minus the baggage of Mrs. Clinton? Things really CAN change if the politics of the 60’s are rejected and by default the only candidate with a legitimate chance of pulling it off and building that bridge to the future is Barack Obama, no matter how flawed that he is. Look, it’s not as if there isn’t misogyny in this society, there should be no illusions about that but Hillary is hustling American women and feminists with an amoral intent and fully understanding that she is taking advantage of a legitimate desire to see a woman president in this sordid shithole of lies and revisionist history written to obscure all the discrimination, fear, murder and ugliness of the past. It’s tantamount to mental rape and it should be recognized for the pandering that it is and unequivocally rejected while there is still time to avoid the oncoming train wreck. She has been playing women like a maestro with a Stradavarius, every tactic that she is using is straight out of the exploiting victim hood playbook used by Nixon, Rove, Atwater and every other dirty political thug who cares not jack shit about anything other than power.

Misogyny is pervasive in American culture and it extends far beyond flippant invocations of the pejoratives “cunt” and “bitch” and the accompanying knee jerk reactions to them. Let’s face it, it is as ingrained in our national DNA (“To The Moon Alice!”)as are the same primitive characteristics as homophobia, racism and jingoism and there are ways to address these things without rubbing raw the open sores of discontent of other groups who have suffered similar indignities. If there is a true way to attack misogyny it lies in taking on a culture that trades in the objectification of women to sell products, to reduce females to nothing more than a pair of tits and a vagina to be used by the beer sodden creeps who are target marketed by corporations during sporting events and whose often lackluster and pathetic lives only embitter them against women because of this false image that they have been indoctrinated with. It only breeds animosity, sexism and more of the type of scapegoating for monetary and political gain that Rush Limbaugh, Hillary Rodham-Clinton and their ilk parlay into money, influence and power.

Late breaking news, Mrs. Rodham-Clinton has just won the Puerto Rico primary so the spanking of the donkey continues, the spinners and professional bull shitters like James Carville, Terry McAuliffe and the rest of the Clintonite scum only pile more incendiary material onto the war wagon that is rolling every more quickly towards the Mile High City and gaining momentum.

By Ed Encho

Hillary Feeds Ugliness on ‘Left’ as Denver Looms

April 11, 2008
The ideological inspiration for the modern American ‘left’

The level of sheer vitriolic nastiness, baseball cap to the knees tactics (aka Tonya Harding politics) and jackbooted enforcement of political correctness by the current American political left has been nothing short of astonishing as all divisions are bared by the current Hillary Rodham Clinton-Barack Obama steel cage death match (click here for a wonderful and fun little treat all too symbolic of what passes for politics any more in our Idocracy. I have not in my three years or so of blogging ever seen shuch shrillness, crying mommy, cyber bullying, censorship and caterwauling over assuaging the feelings of the identity based groups who have attached themselves to the gigantic hog at the feeding trough that is the Democratic party in the same spirit of their much savvier brethren in the Republican pig sty.

The carnage has been unbelievable as the surrogates of Mrs. Clinton and their angry army of post-menopausal crusaders hunt the blogosphere in packs swarming, intimidating and spreading outright lies and propaganda while enforcing pressure on blog owners and admins to stigmatize, censor and ban any who don’t use the utmost deference in planting big, wet sloppy kisses on the Queen’s ass. I have personally been a party to some of this and faced as withering an attack as anything that I ever faced when fighting the right and what made it so bizarre is that those who once were firmly aligned with those fighting to beat back the tide of American fascism are now reduced to the ‘my team vs your team’ identity based politics that the modern Democratic party milk to continue their con game in passing themselves off as any sort of legitimate opposition entity.

The most kick ass club in the bag for the legions of Hillemmings is the dreaded ‘misogynist’ card which has been dealt from the bottom of the deck most recently by that preening little British fag Elton John. ‘Sir’ John, the madman across the water is the abosolute last person who should be lecturing anybody on the finer points of gender based etiquette and lecturing Americans for their misogyny, it’s like being given an ethics lesson by Karl Rove or being taught table manners by Jeffrey Dahmer and it earned him a spot on Keith Olbermann’s Worst Person In The World list last night, jusfifiably so. We have enough problems with fanatical Zionists and the American high rolling Jews who largely back Clinton and meddling in our domestic political system and no advice from a pole smoking Englishman is necessary. Let’s face it, we have enough of our own fucking problems in retaining our national sovereignty in an increasingly hostile globalist world. Besides, the misogyny thing just doesn’t work with Mrs. Clinton no matter how much her stooges and public relations hacks want you to think so, this is a woman who is the penultimate elitist, was a high powered corporate lawyer, a Wal-Mart board member and currently a U.S. Senator so where exactly did she smack into that glass ceiling like a fly into a windshield?

The entire thing is just total horseshit and the Establishment is desperate to do anything that is possible to take out Obama and roll out the red carpet for the return of the globalist Clinton crime family. In some of the darker corners of the internet there are already sinister connections being made between Saint Barack and the dead homosexual choirmaster at Reverend Wright’s Chicago church (making it pretty evident that the pocket media continues to flail away at the Wright sideshow) that are largely being pimped by members of the Lyndon LaRouche network. The high priest of conspiracy (who occasionally does have points of some merit) has already come out in favor of Clinton and is throwing his very substantial weight behind what is going to be a coordinated smear campaign with the Rupert Murdoch/Richard Mellon Scaife media empires to savagely take down Obama when the time comes. He was only supposed to be a ringer designed to make this sham democracy look like the real thing for the rubes and buffons in idiot America but then he got bigger ideas and went off the reservation. Judging from the percolating of such slime I predict that the mother of all racist/anti-Semitic smart bombs is being put together to forever terminate the candidacy of Mr. Obama with extreme prejudice. I had this prediction result in censorship at another site that I immensely respect for it’s ability to be inclusive and open to all opinions but Clinton surrogates flooded the admins with cries of foul and it was hidden. We will see what happens and there is no fucking way in Hell that the Clintons are going to allow an usurper to that which they are entitled.

Hell, you saw what happened to Air America’s Randi Rhodes who was suspended by that faux left radio network for making reference to Mrs. Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro as “fucking whores”(at least she didn’t call them fucking fascist cunts) during a non-network sponsored appearance that exposed the ‘liberal’ network as nothing more than a propaganda arm of the corrupt Democratic party. Rhodes who had become increasingly critical of Rodham-Clinton was sold down the river much like Mike Malloy was a year or so ago by Air America and like Malloy managed to land another gig pretty quickly at Nova M Radio which is a bit more open minded when it comes to telling it like it is although I am not down with having to cough up the coin to subscribe not that I am a huge fan of the often obnoxious Rhodes anyway. Such is the state of free speech in Murka post 9/11 where every dissenter is a potential Al Qaeda member, war is peace, ignorance is knowledge and freedom is slavery.

I would rail on at length about the abomination that is the ‘left’ but will leave that for another time, suffice it to say that the real left was laid to waste by a long-running, coordinated fascist campaign that changed the language, erased our history, destroyed the unions and allowed a bunch of dope smoking, long haired, baby killing, sodomy worshipping, holier than thou identity based cliques to fill the vacuum and we as Americans have been suffering for it ever since.

Think about THAT the next time that you gas up your car or go buy groceries, what you are dealing with now is the triumph of fascism that only was made possible by the hijacking of the REAL left by the effete, politically correct snobs and cheese eating limousine liberals. I have made my break with the bitches and bastards, let them chew on each other until there is nothing left, I am finished with the bogus left-right paradigm.

Monkey See, Monkey Do: Nice to see our friends the money grubbing, communist, totalitarian Chinese playing the same fear cards of their American cohorts in attempting to distract from the international outrage over their brutal crackdown against Tibetian protestors with surprise, surprise – an Al Qaeda threat to the Olympics. The fucking chinks are going to use the Bejing games this summer to showcase what a wonderful country that they have much like Hitler did in Berlin back in 1936. I would strongly recommend boycotting anything related to the 2008 Olympics – which are antiquated, overly commercialized, boring and just plain suck to begin with – over the human rights abuses of the Chinese government. The paramilitary goon squad dubbed the men in blue who have been assigned to escort the olympic torch across the world and who have beaten protestors is an outrage and that such groups are allowed to operate on American soil is just another example of how the global criminals and Wall Street looters and their finely pefumed political whores have sold their souls to the company store.

Clinton’s Mandingo

March 10, 2008
Know Your Place…Boy!

In the latest fusillade of degradation and swill coming out of Camp Clinton the nation’s foremost fucked-up couple has been pushing for Barack Obama to fall into line and accept a slot as the Queen’s running mate. This is all about the white woman on top though because let’s face it the Clintons are the plantation masters and an Obama Vice Presidency would be more the norm of attending state funerals and serving mint juleps to the gentry than exercising any of the raw power that Dick Cheney, Elliot Abrams and the neocons have amassed in the office that their parallel government uses as a nexus of evil. It is so condescending, insulting and such a slap in the face that it conjures up memories of the Dixiecrats who would spend their spare time toasting marshmallow over a burning cross and dressing like a bunch of fancy prancing faggots in cheap sheets dancing around drunk on ethanol grade pure moonshine hooch somewhere in a wooded area of peckerwood nation. It all just really conjures up memories of shit like Mandingo or some other rotten relic of the good ole boys down south of the Mason-Dixon line and their longtime traditions and debased social mores in the native habitat of the species chicken fried motherfucker americanus.

Mandingo was a shocking novel of southern repression, slavery, adultery, corruption, baby killing (a favorite of modern day Republicans if such babies are of a dark hued skin), torture (ditto) and of course enough raw bi-racial sex to virtually assure that it was universally scorned as some sort of taboo smashing stuff to be sold from under store counters where ‘decent folk’ didn’t have to see it, kind of like Naked Lunch. Anyway, Mandingo was made into one of those blaxploitation flicks that were so popular during the 70’s on the grindhouse circuit. It was a Dino DeLaurentis epic starring Perry King, Susan George (Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry) and boxer Ken Norton who was the prize buck engaging in steamy, nasty fucking with the blonde wench while hubby was out doing the nasty with the black girls. It was a real nasty piece of work that put a king sized burr up the asses of many in the deep south who were deeply offended at the all too accurate depiction of their lifestyles – it was like poor old Ned Beatty getting bent over that log and made to squeal like a pig while being bent over a lot and cornholed by Jim Bob and Jethro in the Georgia woods and it set back the image of our inbred southern cousins as much as that famous photo of Sheriff Lawrence Rainey stuffing his fat face with Red Man during the trial of the murdered civil rights workers that the movie Mississippi Burning was based on . I will never forget how viciously my grandmother fought to prevent my bad influence uncle from taking me to the drive in to see this thing, she went to the wall on this one to protect my innocence and purity and of course got played because I ended up going to see it anyway after being sworn to secrecy not to tell the truth that we didn’t go bowling that night after all.

Those were the days weren’t they? The old drive in movies that predated VCR’s, cable television and Ronald Fucking Reagan, back when things in this country were a lot closer to being ‘normal’ than in this sick era of the three second attention span, whopping sized plasma screens, the genius of Blu-ray (so the suckers can ditch their DVD collection and run out and replace it with the newest and more expensive discs much like they did the video tapes), the poisonous allure of the cult of celebrity and a fearful, dumbed down populace who things that Arab terrorists lurk under every bed and that they can one day all be millionaires like Donald Trump. Sigh, I have many fond memories of the good old drive ins from when we popped popcorn in a pan on the stove and mixed it with butter in brown paper grocery bags that were coated with grease and took a cooler full of our own drinks since my dad would never spring for any of the concession stand food especially those little orange shaped sippy things that were advertised before the previews. He would always take us to those great all night Clint Eastwood western marathons where it was The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (still the best western ever in my opinion), Hang ‘Em High, A Fistful Of Dollars and For A Few Dollars More.

Once I was in High School when we had our own cars and began to take girls out to the drive ins to make out and if lucky to round third base for a headfirst dive for home just like in Meatloaf’s “Paradise by the Dashboard Light” which of course rarely ever happened to most and resulted in many false stories that would paint the dates in a less than flattering manner lest any stature be lost with the boys. I certainly never had any luck getting laid at the drive-in, during my first date I was left with a serious case of blue balls during Saturday Night Fever and the closest that I ever came to actually having sex was with a pleasingly plump date that resulted in an exchange of a three fingered clitoral massage under the steering wheel (my fucking wrist hurt for a week or so) and a dry hand job in the cockpit of a Chevy Sprint during the break between Red Heat and Invasion U.S.A. and that is the closest thing to sex that I had a drive in. Why am I telling you this you ask? Christ fucking knows but the Mandingo thing stirred other memories related to the American institution that is the drive-in theater.

Post High School, my hooligan friends and I typically used the drive ins for partying, loading the car up with pot and alcohol and then parking towards the back out of the range of the scrutiny of more respectable folks who were actually there to watch the movie instead of getting stoned as the bejesus since most of us still lived in the parent’s basements and couldn’t do such things there. The marijuana smoke would roll out the windows in clouds which may have set off some alarms about the dopers in the midst of family moviegoers and that was largely why we parked in the back, besides, it was far easier to get out to take a piss rather than having to schlep a bursting bladder all the way to the concession stands and wait in line at the urinals. This was a setup that worked reasonably well until one of my friends who we called Buzz for the obvious reason that he was constantly stoned fuck up who made Jeff Spicoli look like a valedictorian drunkenly stumbled into a speaker cord and tore out some dude’s window which then resulted in him getting the living shit kicked out of him and all of us having to flee before the cops came and found a carload full of underage drinkers with enough dope and drugs to give even the “mobile narcotics lab” in Hunter S. Thompson’s trunk in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas a run for the money. Buzz was something, a true delinquent whose greatest contribution to society was his astonishing record of deliberately running 65 red lights in a row without getting caught by the cops and having his license suspended – he was truly proud of this, a rebel without a clue. Last I ever heard of Buzz he had stolen a car to make a pilgrimage to the 1984 Olympics (minus the Russians) in Los Angeles, drunkenly ran into a fence and spent the duration of the games in the local hoosegow. He may still be there for all I know..

But I Digress…..

The entire deal with floating the suggestion that Obama would potentially be welcomed as the houseboy on the Clinton restoration ticket is yet more of the rank, cowardly and dealt from the bottom of the deck racism that has allowed ‘the monster’ to dupe the elite media into the notion that she is once again the one in control and Obama should be happy to sit in the back of the bus lest he be run over it. The Clinton surrogate’s sleazy innuendos about cocaine use, Jesse Jackson and all of that other happy horseshit screams “NIGGER NIGGER” in the same manner as scrotumface Imus and his “nappy headed ho’s” did and is more of the usual sewage from the consorts of Dick Morris and James Carville (the Democrat whore who sleeps with the Republican whore, God does America love these sordid and fucked up family dramas) that is being belched up through the garbage disposal on that ballyhooed kitchen sink. The Clintons are nothing more than upwardly mobile peckerwood trash now ready to reoccupy Washington like some surreal version of the Clampetts in a sequel destined for smash hit status in Idiot Nation.

It fits in though with the entire covert Muslim storyline too, just like all that bullshit about Tony Rezko that the Clintonites and the right-wingers have been pounding the call in shows with while failing to mention the Clinton connection to Rezko. Of course Mr. Rezko is an Arab which of course offers yet another piece of damning circumstantial evidence in the case that Barrack Obama wants to usurp the entire government to launch the Islamofascist caliphate that is intent at basing it’s operations in the West Wing. The rank hypocrisy is always there too with the Clintons, nothing is mentioned of the close friendship with Denise Rich, the wife of the Jewish arch-criminal Marc Rich that Bubba pardoned (Scooter Libby was his lawyer) and whose ties to a global network of vicious looter capitalist thugs is the stuff of Keyser Soze style legendry. The Clintons are also never held to account for all of that cocaine that Ollie North’s Iran-Contra network flew through Arkansas then they made the governor’s mansion their residence but these things aren’t something that an establishment punditry and press trifles with now that they are once again on track to be queen makers and to maintain their proper places as shills and D.C. cocktail party circuit apologists for the political prostitutes.

The electronic lynching already having commenced is about to kick into high gear and Barack Obama is being fitted for one of those nifty white jackets for the inauguration ball.