Hey, Didn’t John McCain LOSE the Election?

October 29, 2009

I am a war criminal; I bombed innocent women and children”

-John McCain

From the treatment by the corporatist whore mainstream media you would think that John McCain was somehow still relevant. In the latest example the old loser and self-admitted war criminal is whoring himself out to the lazy cretins who masquerade as journalists in shilling for the escalation of the war in Afghanistan. McCain is ordering President Obama to make the decision on sending more troops into the meatgrinder NOW. I have to say that the ongoing forum for this asshat who has become a fixture on the Sunday morning bloviation circuit and as much a frontman for the Military Industrial Complex as the old phony Ronald Reagan was for the rising fascist tide is rather astonishing but not unpredictable. Anyone with any sense at all learned long ago not to trust a goddamned thing that the pocket media has to say even if they never even heard of Operation Mockingbird.

McCain of course is an amazing charlatan, his allure continues despite the ugly discrepancies in his personal story of the Vietnam war hero who returned home after getting the shit kicked out of him in the Hanoi Hilton. But there are inconsistencies, for example the inconvenient truth that many of his fellow prisoners hated his guts for cooperating with the enemy for some favorable treatment like the Admiral’s son that he was. The Hanoi Hilton songbird was I believe the term that is used in describing the old goat. The right wingers seem to have no problem that he made propaganda videos for the Communists that undermined the war effort but hey, when you have Hanoi Jane to spit on and kick around who needs the Make Believe Maverick? Also why is Mr. McCain never called out in the corporate press for his obstruction of the investigation into the POW’s that were left behind in the Nam? Perhaps they were knowledgable of the Golden Triangle heroin trade, or they were operatives under military cover? Lots of questions but in the fawning corporate clown media they go unasked.

A big question on Afghanistan that goes unasked is just what is the role of the CIA and black ops specialists in the heroin trade there? Puppet President Hamid Karzai’s brother has been linked with the drug trade and the CIA according to recent reports. So what does Mr. Keating Five have to say about that? Interestingly, according to Justin Raimondo’s latest piece over at the excellent Antiwar.com the leak of the sotry may have been deliberately undertaken to discredit the former UNOCAL ‘consultant’ who was sent to Afghanistan post 9/11 as our puppet leader. I excerpt from Raimondo’s Karzai as Diem (subtitled: Afghanistan as Vietnam) –

Whoever leaked this was trying to hurt Karzai. Why would certain US officials and military officers be eager to do that? Well, because Karzai’s corrupt administration is an obstacle to their war plans: with the Fashion Plate in the Afghan equivalent of the White House, and his brother collecting tolls from drug traffickers, selling the war in Washington is becoming increasingly difficult. The only way to win support for Obama’s planned escalation, and tamp down dissent in Congress and the general public, is to clean up the Afghan government’s act – and that means dumping Karzai & Co.

As the internal debate within the Obama administration heats up — with hawks centered in the military and the neo-neocon thinktanks (CNAS, the Center for American Progress, etc.) agitating for a full-scale “counterinsurgency” strategy, and “doves” (i.e. realists) opting for a focus on “counter-terrorism” aimed at al-Qaeda – the gung-ho escalators clearly want to ditch Karzai, while the realists posit he’s the best we can hope for in that environment.

The hawks are committed to a counterinsurgency theory which demands the US get down and dirty with the insurgents, with US troops mingling with “the people” and taking risks in order to “protect” them from the Taliban. But what if the people don’t want to be protected – or, instead, seek protection from the Americans? Such a question is never asked by these pompous “theorists,” who, like their neoconservative predecessors, are in thrall to a theory that cannot work and should never even be attempted.

So perhaps old man McCain will soon have something to say along with his fellow stooges Joe ‘the wandering Jew’ Lieberman and Lindsey Graham (whose Gomer Pyle singsong can’t be taken seriously can it?), the three headed monster that always ends up on the side of the militarist bastards and of course their war criminal proxy state Israel. There seem to be lots of mysterious leaks lately, for example this little breaking story about the Congressional ethics investigations that just happened to have been ‘mistakenly’ placed on a file sharing network by a low level staffer. Note that in this story the names all happen to belong to the jackass party. Not that I think that it’s a bad thing to weed out the filth from the Democrats but with the ongoing battle royale to kill health care reform (aka the lynchpin of dismantling the fascist capitalist slave state) and launch a gigantic regional escalation of military hostilities from Iran to Pakistan one must look at the cynical ulterior motives of every one of these leaks. Notably the name of one AIPAC whore Jane Harman appears in the story which will assuredly mean that there will be no really serious investigation as it involves Israeli espionage, bribery and blackmail that could if exposed take down at least one government. With any investigation of Harman and Israeli trickery sure to be quashed it’s a logical conclusion that one would suspect that the intention of the leak is only to embarass and discredit Democrats.

So of course the old war criminal won’t have a problem with that, it will give him something to talk about while his cock is in David Gregory’s mouth come Sunday morning. The bottom line is that it’s all about escalating the war, pouring in more troops to protect the energy and drug routes and McCain is the preeminent shill for industrialized slaughter and the spoils that it brings to the well connected. The man is so crooked that he has to screw his pants on every morning and only in a militarized lemming colony such as Murka could this Napalm sniffing swine be given the sanctimonious credibility that he is afforded let alone the time of day. The Obama administration’s waffling is starting to put a burr up the asses of the brass and the special operations killers, much in the way that John F. Kennedy once did. McCain will showboat, jump through flaming hoops and ensure that the quisling media is there to cover the whole bizarre flea circus so that Stan McChrystal can get his Operation Phoenix in gear and the decks can begin to be cleared for the imminent ascension of Emperor Petraeus.

Note: What is NOT leaked is the damning testimony of Sibel Edmonds that fingers arch neocons and McCain associates Richard Perle and Douglas Feith in a massive web of corruption, sexual blackmail and Israeli-Turkish espionage that reaches to the highest levels. Other than in some of the better areas of the alternative media and blogosphere this story is taboo for obvious reasons.