Teabagger Queen Palin Spits on Nation’s War Dead

May 30, 2011
In yet another of the now standard orgies of shameful behavior that charlatans engage in, Sarah ‘lock and load’ Palin has latched onto the Rolling Thunder Memorial Day rally as her latest public relations spectacle. Palin, out of the news as of late for her detestable national display of self-victimhood in the aftermath of the Tucson Arizona shooting rampage is back with a vengeance. The klavern of clowns that is the 2012 Republican party presidential field is bracing for the queen of the teabaggers and the ugly shrillness, race-baiting, rabble-rousing and insinuations of Obama the secret Muslim is going to be kicked up several notches. Palin, like a bad case of genital Herpes just isn’t going away, a parasite that refuses to detach from it’s host, Sarah Barracuda is poking her proboscis back into the national political scene and a shameful corporate media that has barely finished licking it’s wound after being played by “the Donald” is eagerly lapping it all up in all of their inept laziness.
Not that Sarah Palin, a Wasilla hillbilly piece of northern trailer trash who hit it big when John McCain, a real life war hero shockingly plucked her from obscurity in a desperate attempt to win the presidency is doing anything different. All of the Republicans and especially the teabaggers revel in shamelessly exploiting the nation’s war dead for their own political expediency. They are always the ones thumping their chests the hardest, shrieking the loudest for others to die on foreign soil for their slothful ignorance and waving the bloody flag of raw nationalism yet what they truly exemplify is a truly stupid form of cowardice unique to our star-spangled sheep colony. Today on Memorial Day, 2011 there are many a BBQ being fired up with the beer-sodden pigs that are the scumbaggers eating cheap hotdogs, waving their made in China replicas of Old Glory and praising chickenhawks like Palin and her ilk for their faux patriotism.
As a military veteran myself, there is nothing that I find more despicable and odious to me than those who cheer the wars and those who die in them while parking on their sofas playing Call of Duty on their XBoxes. Their support of tin pot Republican despots who also never served along with their fervor to destroy the very freedoms that so many paid with their lives for amounts to nothing less than spitting on the graves of those who are being honored today.
So a message to the nation’s war dead from the Palinazi teabagger fifth-column:
Other than a right-wing Koch Brothers underwritten Republican fascist political agenda hellbent on destroying America from with here is what you paid the ultimate price for:
So that law-abiding Americans could be spied on by their own government with the complicity of the corporate hacks in congress who lack the morality and the backbone to take a principled stand against such an egregious violation of the fourth amendment which specifically protects Americans against unwarranted invasions of privacy. All of the great totalitarians in the rogues gallery of the evil and the damned enjoyed the ability to conduct surveillance against their peoples so as to identify political opponents, quash dissent and suppress those who would seek to learn the truth about what sort of business is really conducted behind the closed doors of the Politburos, Reichstags and White Houses of the world. The rogue Bush administration’s use of the NSA in partnership with the telecom giants to electronically eavesdrop on law abiding citizens under the guise of protecting the cringing, servile, ignorant and apathetic populace of what was once justly referred to as ‘the land of the free and the home of the brave’ is an affront to every concept of freedom that you sacrificed so much to protect. Obama has not only continued the Bush Gestapo state but has reinforced it.
You perished before your time so that a rogue faction of extremist fascists could one day come to capitalize on mass public ignorance and apathy in order to rig not one but two national presidential elections, a bloodless coup that installed anti-American vermin like Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleeza Rice and a neo conservative junta whose ideologies were more influenced by the same thinkers who underwrote the Nazi regime. They are those who have far more in common with their brownshirted cousins than with the intentions of the founding fathers and whose seizure of the levers of power were manipulated by an utterly diabolical and ruthless Machiavellian traitor named Karl Rove to pit American against American using such age old tactics as race and religion baiting and feeding on nationalist frenzy so as to distort, deceive and mislead a cowed citizenry into surrendering the treasured liberties that you paid for with your lifeblood against enemies of the same sort of those who now shamelessly wrap themselves in the flag while waging war against the American people in the name of profiteering, empire and global hegemony. Obama has done not one goddamned thing to end these illegal wars and has now put yet another one on our tab in Libya.
You sacrificed so that America could one day become a torture state no better than the cruel and vicious enemies who you so valiantly fought against. The President of the United States and those who are the true power behind the throne have broken down barriers to inflicting cruel and unusual punishment against vaguely defined ‘enemies’ through the practices of acts so heinous that they are barred by the Geneva Convention which the axis of evil ensconced on the banks of the Potomac not only fail to recognize but hold in as much contempt as our very own constitution. Extraordinary renditions are used to transfer ‘enemy combatants’ to vile torture state nations where pesky courts do not act as an impediment to brutality and sadism. Our sexual perversion and wanton viciousness in acting out at Gitmo and Abu Ghraib has forever tarnished our people and our country in the eyes of the world outside of our brainwashed, self-indulgent fortress state. Neither history nor God will judge us favorably.
Gulag systems are currently being constructed right here in America by the same massive corporation that profits off of the blood and carnage in our latest illegal lie of a foreign war, Haliburton/KBR is the beneficiary of no bid government contracts facilitated by former CEO Richard Cheney, a five time draft deferment abusing chickenshit who dodged serving his country during the last bloody lie of a war in Vietnam. Who will ultimately be interned in these camps? Most likely the very Americans who choose to dissent against the tyranny of the cynical, amoral rulers of this sad, fading nation that once held so much promise but was betrayed by the enemies within whose disregard for democracy is surpassed only by their lust for power and riches. A heroic young whistleblower named Bradley Manning, an American citizen is being held in inhumane conditions and tortured right here in America as the pigs fire up their Memorial Day BBQs.
You served with honor so those who are the most dishonorable of all, those whose only loyalty is to money have destroyed the once mighty American manufacturing base and now this country is the world’s largest debtor nation, owing trillions to China and the same Arab countries whose tyranny towards their own people still surpass ours… barely.
Our foreign policy is now more concerned with defending the existence of the bellicose state of Israel, a country whose arrogant belief that it has been chosen for the glory of God’s favoritism mirrors our own deep seated and misguided belief in exceptional qualities and divine providence and acting as its Golem in securing the Middle East while unfairly ignoring it’s very own cruelty and inhumanity towards the Palestinians. This misguided support is against our very own self-interest and fuels the fires of hatred across the region towards our bestowing of special nation status upon the mortal enemy or the poverty stricken and oppressed, this only perpetuates animosity and leads to more ‘terrorism’, perhaps another 9/11 style attack is what is most desired because it will be the trigger event for the imposition of the dictatorial police state for which the infrastructure has already been built. With Bibi Netenyahu’s recent visit to the U.S. Congress which is most appropriately described as Israeli occupied territory there will be no serious change in policy as was evident by the thunderous applause that this Zionist war criminal received.
You forfeited your futures so that we could become the must uninformed, overly entitled, apathetic, ignorant, regressive, overindulgent, selfish, reckless, cowardly, decadent and just plain mean collection of bitches and bastards on the face of the planet. A people devoted to the accumulation of materialistic goods, the pursuit of hedonistic pleasures, gorged to the point at bursting at our groaning seams with the cheap products of consumerism, instant gratification and the fascination with the bread and circuses that distract from the rot of the empire. We as a people are so poorly versed in history that it is a safe bet that most of our young (and a good percentage of our mature) citizens cannot even identify the wars in which you spilled your blood or locate the countries in which you died on a map. Our disinterest in civics have led to a political system as corrupt as any in modern history and allowed for criminals and sociopaths to gain control of all of our institutions of power from which they loot and plunder and eat away at the pillars of American society like termites. Our regression into pre-Enlightenment religious dogma has only served to allow an intellectually lazy public to seek an easy answer to the complex problems of the modern world, our disdain for science as well as our increasingly destructive bent for fundamentalist religion has made us a laughingstock to the civilized world.
God Damn us all for betraying your honorable sacrifice, we sure as hell don’t deserve it.
I will close this little rant with a passage from Dalton Trumbo’s Johnny Got His Gun:
You can always hear the people who are willing to sacrifice somebody else’s life. They’re plenty loud and they talk all the time. You can find them in churches and schools and newspapers and legislatures and congress. That’s their business. They sound wonderful. Death before dishonor. This ground sanctified by blood. These men who died so gloriously. They shall not have died in vain. Our noble dead.
But what do the dead say?
Did anybody ever come back from the dead any single one of the millions who got killed did any one of them ever come back and say by god I’m glad I’m dead because death is always better than dishonor? Did they say I’m glad I died to make the world safe for democracy? Did they say that I like death better than losing liberty? Did any of them ever say it’s good to think I got my guts blown out for the honor of my country? Did any of them ever say look at me I’m dead but I died for decency and that’s better than being alive? Did any of them ever say here I am I’ve been rotting for two years in a foreign grave but it’s wonderful to die for your native land? Did any of them say hurray I died for womanhood and I’m happy see how I sing even though my mouth is choked with worms?
Nobody but the dead know whether all these things people talk about are worth dying for or not. And the dead can’t talk. So the words about noble deaths and sacred blood and honor and such are all put into dead lips by grave robbers and fakes who have no right to speak for the dead. If a man says death before dishonor he is either a fool or a liar because he doesn’t know what death is. He isn’t able to judge. He only knows about living. He doesn’t know anything about dying.
If he is a fool and believes in death before dishonor let him go ahead and die.
Shame on you chickenhawks, shame on all of you rotten fuckers!


Bravo Los Suns

May 6, 2010

“It’s hard to imagine in this country that we have to produce papers, It rings up images of Nazi Germany.”

-Phoenix Suns General Manager Steve Kerr
The sound of puckering assholes among the fascist filth that is the rabid American right brings to mind Ross Perot’s famous quote about a giant sucking sound. The scumbaggers and their GOP bund buddies are shrieking foul over the NBA’s Phoenix Suns doing the unthinkable for a sports team – making a political statement. In flipping the bird to their Arizona fanbase of cranks, losers and racist nutjobs who worship Sheriff Joe Arpaio as though he is the second coming of Jesus Fucking Christ only imbued with the full power of the rising American police state the Suns wore orange uniforms with the team name “LOS SUNS” across the front. Now this is ballsy in the rapidly closing society that used to be the United States of America post the 9/11 false flag attacks that turned us into a poverty ridden sewer of fear, loathing and stupidity.
I am sure that gasbag Rush Limbaugh, the shameless multi-millionaire moon-faced demagogue Glenn Beck and the scatterbrained but worshipped by a cult of millions of morons Sarah Palin will be railing at the traitors who dared to defile sports by going native. Not that any of the garden variety scum who will be screaming for their fifth columnist champion Joe Lieberman to hurry the fuck up and pass his filthy Naziesque bill to strip Americans of their citizenship so that LOS SUNS can be rounded up en-masse and packed off to the torture chambers at Gitmo. The pill-popping poobah of propaganda who may purportedly have talent on loan from God but can’t get an erection without pharmaceutical assistance will likely remind his legions of angry white losers that they already have the orange suits. As for the NBA, it’s not exactly popular among the nativists that fill the reich-wing anyway, as my old co-worker Stick once said “It’s full of goddamned niggers”.
The blazing hatred directed at Los Suns today over their daring political statement is really more than a bit hypocritical (a right wing standard) given that all of those pigs never seem to have a problem when the shit-salesmen on FOX’s NFL pregame show like the idiotic Terry Bradshaw and his ilk get to dress up like toy soldiers in their cammies and move their set to Afghanistan to promote the war. None of the armchair ‘patriots’ ever have a problem with the regular wasting of taxpayer dollars on the standard flyovers of NFL games nor to they do anything other than stand up and salute their beloved 50 inch plasma screens when General David Petraeus goose steps out in full dress uniform to flip the coin at the Super Bowl. That’s because those are all symbols of the white man with his bloated military kicking the living shit out of the ragheads, skinnies, sand niggers or gooks. White supremacy is what this is all about and sweet Jesus it is just downright un-American to not worship our imperialist military. The dastardly slander against Los Suns has already started, when I did a Google search of Steve Nash, one of the Suns players the first thing that popped up was some Tom denouncing him as an “overrated Canadian point guard” for daring not to bow down to Governor Jan Brewer’s institutionalized racism – the meme is going to be hot today, that much is predictable.
Not that you would know it by the corporate cowardice of the new American century, the iconic Michael Jordan once famously remarked “Republicans buy shoes too” but there is a long and rich history of sports and politics and the fight for social justice. There was the Muhammad Ali of old, denouncing racism and the Vietnam war, Roberto Clemente, Jackie Robinson, Paul Robeson, Dave Meggyesy and who knows what sort of stories that Pat Tillman would have told if he were allowed to return from Bush and Cheney’s illegal wars were he not murdered by his own troops, very likely on orders to silence a poster boy gone off the reservation. All of the stories of those who used sports for principled stands against the oppressive machine are untold, Americans would rather worship the crucifixion and resurrection of a freak like Tiger Woods than bother to read up on those with principles. For those who would, I would recommend the work of the outstanding Dave Zirin, his website is Edge of Sports and he has written three outstanding books on sports and social justice: What’s My Name Fool?, Welcome to the Terrordome and A People’s History of Sports in the United States.
Steve Nash and his team did more last night than beat the San Antonio Spurs and won a game, they won over the hearts of the silenced majority, those of us who have had a bellyful of the vicious racism and foaming at the mouth hatred of progress and diversity that is exemplified in the teabagger movement and the payrolled swine who goad it on. The anti-intellectualism that is championed by the Sarah Palin worshipping freaks in this country brings to mind the sort of fervor that drove the Khmer Rouge when they took over in Cambodia and implemented their Year Zero program of social change. They struck a blow for freedom of thought, inclusiveness and fairness and now are going to catch hell over it, with any justice though they just may emerge as America’s Team. And why doesn’t the teabagger filth just get the fuck out of MY country if they hate it so much? That is a question that more decent Americans should start to ask and ask LOUDLY.
So Viva Los Suns, in a land of cowardice, conformity and apathy your principled statement is one to be cherished and an inspiration to all who aren’t down with the creeping fascism that has for too long now suffocated our spirits and allowed the assclowns like the teabaggers and dittoheads to control the discourse. What would be truly inspiring would to see the Los Suns jerseys start to outsell those of theocratic Manchurian Candidate and new Denver Broncos third string QB Tim Tebow when it comes to sports merchandise. Now that would be a real sign of progress.
Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe

Republican Droogs

April 19, 2010

That the Obama administration’s piss-warm financial reform plan is now going to be round two in the war against America courtesy of the Republican fascists and their vicious army of thugs, buffoons and useful idiots was entirely forseeable. I have to give it to the scumbaggers, their vast and unstoppable stupidity is a force of nature and will only escalate the vitriol and continue to poison the political atmosphere in Der Heimat even as it begins to splinter and spin off those who finally are able to see the light about their colleagues in Newt’s Sturmabteilung. Friday’s suprise announcement that the Great Satan, Goldman Sachs is being sued by the SEC should have had the Beckers, Palinazis and other white populist warriors reveling in a blow against the oligarchy but instead it is just going to be the next great rallying cry as the wagons are circled to protect the interests of Lloyd Blankfein and the rest of the thieves on Wall Street, Republikkkan Senate leader Mitch McConnell met with a pack of hedge fund hyenas last week and is now out railing against Obama’s reform efforts with a vigor renewed and the wind in his sails soon to be powered by billions of FIRE segment dollars greenlighted but the Roberts SCOTUS decision that corporte cash is king.

Pretty soon it is no doubt that Sarah Palin, the avatar of assholiness and darling of the wretched and electronically lobotomized dregs of fucked over white America will concoct some new line of rabble rousing horseshit like the death panels that were used to send the brownshirts screaming into town halls last fall. There is already a massive rally planned of beer swilling, pistol packing peckerwood slobs and slobettes gathering outside the District of Criminals to display their anger at that horrible black man who is destroying this god-kissed imperial lemming colony and to display their political impotence by waving their fully loaded blue steel penis extensions. Were the dumb and destitute truly serious about sending a message to the real terrorists they would be holding their gathering on Wall Street but that might not jibe with con artist extroardinaire Glenn Beck who bilked the jabbering jackasses in the tea party for $32 million last year – now there is a man who is watching out for the interests of the common folk! In an interview with the gospel for the moneychangers that is Forbes Magazine, Beck stated that “I could give a flying crap about the political process” which of course would be shouted down as a liberal media lie by the droogs who worship him and make him filthy rich. And there is of course no point in sharing the wonderful story that the father of the Koch brothers who fund the Republikkkan tea partiers made his family fortune off of Stalin. Then it really didn’t bother the swine that their hero George W. Bush’s grandpa was laundering money for Hitler either.

That there is such a state of denial in the now fully co-opted by neocon Republican tea party that reality has been chucked through the looking glass and down the rabbit hole where the Red Queen Palin is serving psilocybin mushroom tea to the minions in vats straight out of the Rev. Jim Jones compound in Guyana. Palin represents a zealotry and dangerous anti-intellectualism that is on a par with only the Khmer Rouge who brutally enforced the doctrine of Year Zero when they sacked Cambodia. With such a disconnect and a complete inability to comprehed the most basic tenets of what constitutes reality such a violent and recalcitrant subsection is now metastazing into the sort of disease that eats away at the pillars of a society (even one as lost and decadent and morally repugnant as ours) like termites and a damned good solution at least in my opinion would be gas the more rotten and violent elements and I don’t mean tear gas.

Then I do like to think outside of the box and I am ahead of the curve on this one, it will soon be more obvious when a few of them go Timothy McVeigh and blow up a building full of innocent women and children and Palin and Beck will find a way to make a buck off of it all. But these idiots need to be put down like the rabid dogs that they are.

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe


Joe Stack, a Rising Tide and a Restless Oligarchy

March 1, 2010

Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats.

-H. L. Mencken

There is something in the air in America, something very big is happening. With the already lame duck Barack Obama administration having done more to delegitimize the myth that the government is there to serve the people and that the Bush years were but an aberration. Now after the Wall Street bailouts and the continuing exporting of American jobs to juice corporate profits, the undermining of serious health care reform and the escalation of both wars and the police state an extremely ominous undercurrent is rippling through the land and while still in the early stages it has the establishment terrified and circling the wagons.

The weekly column by Frank Rich of the damned librul [sic] New York Times is one of the first things that I read every Sunday morning and today’s offering is a mish-mash of conflation, myths and propaganda designed of course to protect the establishment. The piece, mockingly entitled The Axis of the Obsessed and Deranged starts off with the foreboding two paragraphs which I excerpt:

No one knows what history will make of the present — least of all journalists, who can at best write history’s sloppy first draft. But if I were to place an incautious bet on which political event will prove the most significant of February 2010, I wouldn’t choose the kabuki health care summit that generated all the ink and 24/7 cable chatter in Washington. I’d put my money instead on the murder-suicide of Andrew Joseph Stack III, the tax protester who flew a plane into an office building housing Internal Revenue Service employees in Austin, Tex., on Feb. 18. It was a flare with the dark afterlife of an omen.

What made that kamikaze mission eventful was less the deranged act itself than the curious reaction of politicians on the right who gave it a pass — or, worse, flirted with condoning it. Stack was a lone madman, and it would be both glib and inaccurate to call him a card-carrying Tea Partier or a “Tea Party terrorist.” But he did leave behind a manifesto whose frothing anti-government, anti-tax rage overlaps with some of those marching under the Tea Party banner. That rant inspired like-minded Americans to create instant Facebook shrines to his martyrdom. Soon enough, some cowed politicians, including the newly minted Tea Party hero Scott Brown, were publicly empathizing with Stack’s credo — rather than risk crossing the most unforgiving brigade in their base.

First off, I don’t really think that you can fairly lump all of the teabaggers into one group quite so easily, for example Glenn Beck, Ron Paul and Sarah Palin. Ron Paul is a consistently principled man who has done more to stand against the imperialist gangster state in the last several years than anyone elso other than maybe Dennis Kucinich who is much easier marginalized than Paul. Glenn Beck is a half batshit crazy multimillionaire former shock jock turned FOX propagandist and the faction of the Tea Party that he represents are largely igoramuses, racists and useful idiots who lack the principles of Ron Paul. Mega-star Sarah Palin is largely a creation of the Weekly Standard/Commentary crowd and has already come out to herd the teabaggers to the GOP and has the allure to reinvigorate the ‘Christian’ fascists of the Religous Right whose militant shocktroops served the Bush administration and the Republican party so well until the disastrous overreach of the Terry Schaivo debacle followed by the exposure of Ted Haggard’s secret life and the death of Jerry Falwell.

Hell, I guess you can count me in with the anti-government types now that the government no longer exists as an entity to maintain infrastructure, act in the common good and maintain a level playing field but instead has been hijacked and weaponized against the people as we can see in the police state that is being built. Any government that has become that poisoned really has to go in my opinion, the path that was taken after JFK’s execution has led us here and we can thank the internet for allowing those of use who are awake to rage against the machine. But the internet is soon going bye-bye, at least in its current incarnation and it will as usual be under the guise of protecting the sheeple from those big bad terrorists that are in actuality running our own government and have been doing so for a good long time now. I know of many liberals and progressives who are slowly starting to lose their idea of a big benevolent government and coming to the belated realization that in 2010 the government IS the enemy.

Per Rich’s column I also see the John Birch Society being dragged out again. The JBS has quite often been mentioned these days as a painted up fake devil. MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann, when not doing his moronic falsetto imitations of his opposite numbers on FOX and horseface Rachel Maddow have both been going after the JBS for months. I would not be understating it in saying the Birchers have been getting more free publicity from the comedians and corporate hacks on what passes for the liberal media than they have in decades, I would not be surprised if their membership numbers are up as well. Now as I have mentioned before, I have worked at times with the JBS in fighting intrusions on civil liberties which seem to scantly bother either the teabaggers who were nowhere to be found during the worst years of the Bushreich or the bleeding heart types whose great crusade in these times of tyranny, endless war and economic devastation seems to be forcing gay marriage initatives down the throats of a populace that just isn’t quite evolved enough to swallow it therefore only feeding the freaks on the extreme right more bloody red meat. But really, the JBS, while there are many things where I disagree with them are actually far more liberal than the Obama administration on civil liberties issues so perhaps therein lies the need to demonize them. God knows that we can’t have what was stripped away in the aftermath of the American Reichstag Fire by Bush and Cheney restored.

As for quoting off of anything from the Southern Poverty Law Center I would take that very warily. It is only natural for skeptics to question the agenda of the institution (just as that of the ADL) as any sort of a really legitimate source of information. They too are masters at conflation and depend on the presence of demons to exist, the more demons the better. The piece by Frank Rich in a prominent paper that builds on a previous New York Times Tea Party story by David Barstow entitled Tea Party Lights Fuse for Rebellion on Right that conjures up the specter of Timothy McVeigh shows that they are going to be conducting a witch hunt across the internet and chances are a good deal of the people who come to this site and many, many others are going to be the prey.

As I recall, the Tea Party actually began with the 9/11 Truth movement and then also the Ron Paul people, it was only after Obama’s election that the establishment hacks like Rick Santelli, Wall Street pimp and the insipid multi-millionaire Beck hijacked it with Republican backing. Now I would also suspect a certain level of hard-line Zionist infiltration like the laughably transparent Birthers (leader Orly Taitz is yet another Israeli right-wing shill) to discredit Obama for not nuking Tehran, you could see that when Sarah Palin appeared in Nashville for the high-roller version of the National Tea Party Convention wearing that Israeli flag pin and later said that Obama could be reelected were he to attack Iran. I know the way the Israelis operate and there is no way that they are not stirring the pot with at least the Beckers and Palinazis with lot of assistance from the American neocon propagandists but those useful idiots aren’t the ones that scare the bejesus out of the greedy swine who run this place.

Rich and the rest of the elite establishment seem to be extremely scared of the actions of Joe Stack who flew his plane into an IRS office. Now I am neither a right winger nor a teabagger but I did read the Stack ‘manifesto’ and it had a contempt for the entire rotten system as a whole and could not be easily stuffed into any pre configured cartoon character. I even wrote a piece called In Defense of Joe Stack where I condemned the use of violence but agreed with the anti establishment message. There is undeniably a growing sense of anger in America and with the left being pretty much a non-factor in directing the rage towards serious and constructive change it creates a vacuum which unfortunately has filled up with some of the worst type of miscreant that this country has to offer….along with a lot of others who just have nowhere else to go and are being used as human shields.

The fear of a Joe Stack whose grievances transcend the traditional left vs right paradigm by not only calling out the IRS but the the rancid piece of crap that is the national health care system, the crony capitalist government and closes with a line out of the Communist Manifesto sends shivers up the spines the real rulers of this country. The one thing about what Rich refers to as an inchoate movement is that it could very easily evolve into something that is a serious threat to the looters and blood barters and their tax the hell out of the rest of us to build their police state, fund their illegal wars and enrich their criminal buddies on Wall Street.

The thing about the guy killed in the IRS office, Vernon Hunter is also something that has been making the rounds a good deal lately, kind of reminds me the sort of raw cynicism when during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions was trolling the wreckage looking for a corpse that could bolster the case for the estate tax to protect multimillionaire chiselers. I had more than a few of the corpse humpers and ambulance chasers attack my piece on Stack over what was in essence collateral damage.

Maybe it makes me a bad person because I could give a rat’s ass about the guy who got killed in the building, just like the people who got blown up in 9/11 (I pretty much share Ward Churchill’s sentiment about the Little Eichmanns) whose deaths at the hand of the shadow government justified a new century of raw tyranny because in a way we are all guilty of participation in this monstrous system. Hell, I could get killed in my damned car on the way to or from work every day, I always had this problem with the big contradiction of the average American life being worth more than the brown and non-Christian women and children who have our tax dollar funded bombs dropped on them. Americans have a peculiar reverence for life, the trainer that got killed by the whale at Sea World is practically causing a national outpouring of mourning but how many people were eradicated by U.S. drone strikes, bombs gone off target or people who are dying right here in the good ole US of A due to poverty, starvation and lack of health care?

So basically the IRS is a representative form of a larger tyranny and Joe Stack happened to strike a blow against it , we can argue all day about ideology but when it all comes down to it there are only two life forms in America post 9/11, vampires and cattle. I do find it more than a bit cynical that the ‘left’ is canonizing poor Vernon as some kind of national victim in order to try to affix the ‘terrorist’ label that is used so often as a bludgeon against them by the fascist elements of the right. Failed crusades have a way of wearing people down especially when the pigs who run the system only care about who is yoking the slaves and delivering them to the man.

Rich seems to be keeping alive a certain storyline that is going to be used in order to justify Cass Sunstein style infiltrations, more police state measures (maybe even naked boy scanners in shopping malls) and a demonizing of many law abiding American citizens who are inadvertently being sucked into groups of potentially violent individuals including racist white supremacists that the GOP and the neocons have used as shock troops in the Tea Party Movement.

I believe that if it were cleaned up with a lot of the scum sent packing, Glenn Beck turned off and more of an anti-establishment, anti-war, anti-Wall Street and pro-restoration of civil liberties along the lines of a Ron Paul only with an acceptance of angry progressives and liberals who don’t drink the FOX fascist Kool Aid that the Tea Party Movement could become a formidable threat to the whole corrupt system.

Which is of course why it must be seen by a populace growing madder by the minute as nothing more than through a lens of demonizing the more ostentatious and vile elements.

Just my two cents


IOC Says BOHICA* to Obama

October 5, 2009
The BRIC’s Don’t Want No Pricks

The International Olympic Committee in a stunning display on the increasing prominence of the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, China) delivered a massive smackdown of the now obvious (to all but Murkans) illusionary American economic might of the Ponzi Wall Street machine when Chicago was eliminated from hosting the Olympics. This despite the Pope of Hope’s pilgrimage to Copenhagen, one of those damned Eurpoeen (sic) Socialist countries to pander for the awarding of the 2016 games to the Windy City where the inconvenience would totally fuck thousands of people trying to get to work for weeks like in Atlanta in 94….not that it matters, by then at the rate we are going thanks to the three headed monster of Geithner-Summers-Bernanke nobody will have fucking jobs anyway as the monthly unemployment figures (cooked as they are) only go up and Americans are on the road to serfdom and poverty.

Rio is as natural a choice as Bejing was, these are the emerging economic powers of the new century as American Capitalism and trickle down economics will in the next decade or so be as mocked and scorned as those who believed in the Earth being flat. It’s the denial of a greed crazed system, strangling on it’s own shit and the wide scale impoverishment that it tries to hide behind the 24/7 onslaught of bread and circuses that is piped into the living rooms of the stupidest fuckers on the planet and taken as gospel. The rest of the world is moving on while the U.S. ‘leadership’ continues to only be moved to save the fraudulent scum of the oligarchy and to ensure that the vampires on Wall Street will be allowed to continue to feed on us cattle. While more civilized countries see the writing on the wall and are passing regulations against market transactions that are as on the level as internet gaming the land of sloth, obesity and stupidity and our new idiot king are only manning the airpumps (and printing presses) to inflate the next bubble that will predictably burst with disastrous consequences.

And of course it’s business as usual with the Dittoheads, the Beckers and the rest of the rotten, mean-spirited, water carrying pigfuckers of the RepubliKKKan Nazi party with three cheers being given to the lastest black eye for America and that dirty commie Muslim nigger who had the audacity to usurp centuries of white supremacist power in Der Heimat. Paul Krugman writes about these assholes in today’s damned librul New York Times column:

“Cheers erupted” at the headquarters of the conservative Weekly Standard, according to a blog post by a member of the magazine’s staff, with the headline “Obama loses! Obama loses!” Rush Limbaugh declared himself “gleeful.” “World Rejects Obama,” gloated the Drudge Report. And so on.

So what did we learn from this moment? For one thing, we learned that the modern conservative movement, which dominates the modern Republican Party, has the emotional maturity of a bratty 13-year-old.

But more important, the episode illustrated an essential truth about the state of American politics: at this point, the guiding principle of one of our nation’s two great political parties is spite pure and simple. If Republicans think something might be good for the president, they’re against it — whether or not it’s good for America.

To be sure, while celebrating America’s rebuff by the Olympic Committee was puerile, it didn’t do any real harm. But the same principle of spite has determined Republican positions on more serious matters, with potentially serious consequences — in particular, in the debate over health care reform.

But Krugman sugarcoats it too much, the RepubliKKKans are anti-American to their very core, degenerate, cynical, fascist filth who have hijacked and destroyed this country for decades, the cherry on the top of their cake of shit was the Shock Doctrine writ large during the ruinous years of the Bush-Cheney-Rove Axis of Evil. Now, behind the lunatic fringe CNP onslaught and hero to millions of deadenders Glenn Beck they are whipping up the cretins and knuckledragging just plain mean rubbish of Peckerwood Nation about all sort of evil machinations of the enemy of the humanity Obama. Things like death camps, kill granny fear campaigns, imminent communism, alien DNA in H1N1 vaccinations, the AntiChrist crap yada yada yada…it’s all bullshit and these freaks buy into it hook, line and sinker while Beck’s bank account grows exponentially.

Now this may seem sick but I have this twisted little fantasy, I wish that Obama did have a huge nefarious conspiracy to rid America once and for all of Raptureheads, Teabaggers, Deathers, fascists and dumbasses. I would love it if he had the balls to just give the order to round up and relocate these vicious swine to some sort of reeducation camps, if they could be saved great, do the necessary lobotomies and send them back into society to pick beans and clean toilets, the jobs that after all ‘Americans just won’t do’ according to the talking points. And if not just march them into an industrial sized Soylent Green style meatgrinder and puree their asses up into a fine pulp (omitting the children from their dead ender loser parents of course whose removal from their lives would free them from a lifetime of willful ignorance and bible study) mix it with soy sauce and water chestnuts and sell it to the Chinese as egg roll stuffing or something. Then Baby Trig and his football shaped head could be auctioned off on EBay to some degenarate high rolling Asian cocksuckers like the ones in Faces of Death who revel in eating fresh monkey brains directly out of the poor creature’s skull. Sadly, given the pathological nature of American corporations to trade shit and shinola back and forth it would all likely end up as 2.99 per pound sausage on a stick at your local big blue smiley Wal-Mart superstore. Christ only knows what sort of raw agricultural waste and human sewage ends up being made into coleslaw at their delis. Just don’t gas them in the camps, it may spoil the flavor of their diseased flesh that could otherwise be passed off to the Meskin’ hating Lou Dobbs/Becker bottom feeders as chorizo sausage in their frozen breakfast burritos.

Anyway fuck the Olympics. I hate the goddamned Olympics, I always found them boring as watching paint dry or old people fuck but could actually tolerate them until the USA rolled out the Dream Team of NBA pros with huge contracts (endorsements that is) to kick the living fuck out of the poor bastards who would have to face down the likes of Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson in their prime. Crap, that is what the Olympics are to me, at least the winter games have hockey which is a redemptive quality.Who the fuck needs the Olympics anyway? Anymore it’s nothing more than a corporate showcase for their sweatshop manufactured shit, they might as well replace the rings in the logo with multi-colored Nike swooshes. And of course any sort of event of that scale in the USA would only be another justification for even more police state crackdowns, an LRAD in every city and more Darth Vader suited militarized ‘law enforcement’ personnel to beat down antiglobalization protesters.

So while not as particularly gleeful as the right wing scum and the Dittohead dopes I actually find it encouraging that the Pope of Hope was smacked down in Copenhagen, his magic spell that he is some sort of transformational figure doesn’t play quite as well outside of TV Nation. And let the ongoing job losses be a shot across Obama’s bow, his CHANGE is just more of the same bullshit lies that politicians are infamous for in American history. The politically savvy among us suspected that we had been had when Raht Emanueal, the most corrupt motherfucker in the Democratic party was his first announcement as the Chief of Staff aka Gatekeeper of Graft.

The Democrats are the new enemy now…..look at the Max Bacchaus bill to mandate the poor to pay insurance parasite at the threat of imprisonment, mix it in with the ongoing Wall Street love fest, Hell the CEO worship cult is back again, Newsweek is licking Jamie Dimon’s balls in their latest hagiography and of course the wars that never end. Obama is just LBJ without the social programs and in tying up this rant I must share this line from writer James Ellroy on Lyndon Baines Johnson that could describe the Pope of Hope as well….History will judge him as a tall man with big ears who needed wretched people to love him.
Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe
* – BOHICA acronym for Bend Over Here It Comes Again

Cultivating the Lone Nut

October 1, 2009

The meat of the matter is finally getting into the mainstream courtesy of the pimp of globalism that is the damned librul New York Times’ Thomas Friedman. In an astonishing column this week Friedman came right out and addressed the climate of viciousness and hate that certain elements of the far right are fomenting at their teabagger balls and compared it to the savage sort of societal hate that was present in God’s chosen land before Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was murdered for daring to threaten the Zionist genocide machine with such a simpering, wimpy thing as peace. That is exactly what the jackbooted pigfuckers who march in the army of Glenn Beck and jack themselves off dry over pictures of pinhead populist Sarah Palin stand for – they want Obama to be terminated with extreme prejudice. The overflowing toilets of the teabagger insurrections are teeming with virulent racism, lunacy, desperation and moral depravity. There is sooner or later some freak that will take matters into his own hands and decide to take out Obama, count on it and it is equally likely that deep in the bowels of the national security state or more likely some private intelligence corporation that plans are already being hatched, shooters are being trained, scenarios gamed and the lone nut of choice surveilled and set up to be the patsy.

Friedman’s column entitled Where Did ‘We’ Go was instantly pounced on by the legions of fascist Republican maggots like house nigger Michael Steele who dismissed the writer as a “nut job”, a token stooge like Steele or Clarence Thomas are always willing to fetch the water for the massas and it is a testament towards the GOP’s long, ugly slouch towards Nazism that slugs like he can frolick in the slime trail. I excerpt from Friedman’s piece below:

I hate to write about this, but I have actually been to this play before and it is really disturbing.

I was in Israel interviewing Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin just before he was assassinated in 1995. We had a beer in his office. He needed one. I remember the ugly mood in Israel then — a mood in which extreme right-wing settlers and politicians were doing all they could to delegitimize Rabin, who was committed to trading land for peace as part of the Oslo accords. They questioned his authority. They accused him of treason. They created pictures depicting him as a Nazi SS officer, and they shouted death threats at rallies. His political opponents winked at it all.

And in so doing they created a poisonous political environment that was interpreted by one right-wing Jewish nationalist as a license to kill Rabin — he must have heard, “God will be on your side” — and so he did.

Others have already remarked on this analogy, but I want to add my voice because the parallels to Israel then and America today turn my stomach: I have no problem with any of the substantive criticism of President Obama from the right or left. But something very dangerous is happening. Criticism from the far right has begun tipping over into delegitimation and creating the same kind of climate here that existed in Israel on the eve of the Rabin assassination.

What kind of madness is it that someone would create a poll on Facebook asking respondents, “Should Obama be killed?” The choices were: “No, Maybe, Yes, and Yes if he cuts my health care.” The Secret Service is now investigating. I hope they put the jerk in jail and throw away the key because this is exactly what was being done to Rabin.

I am certain that there are already Obama death pools with much money being thrown into the kitty at the right wing bund meetings that are commonplace now, this thing has just been allowed to get too far out of hand and the corporatist media has abetted it to the point that if and when Obama is assassinated then they should be charged as co-conspirators. The levels of animosity in America due to the massive thefts of the protected Wall Street looters, the ongoing fear that has seeped into every crevice since the false flag ‘terrorist’ attacks of 9/11, the ruination of lives by a corrupt political system that trancends partisanship and is hellbent on sucking the blood from the unborn children of a hopeless future and the need for a scapegoat has allowed the most sociopathic thugs to affix the horns upon the head of the Pope of Hope. When the health care ‘reform’ allows mandated extractions of more money from the poor to feed the insurance industry tapeworm with the full power of the state as the enforcer comes the roiling cauldron will boil over.

They shall be his crown of thorns when the motherfucker’s that are the bane of this society shit out the lone nut that is necessary and the official day of crucifixion finally arrives.

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe


Town Hall Troglodytes

August 11, 2009

The sweltering summer of betrayal just continued unabated, the grand scheme of the insurance industry and it’s bought and paid for lackeys in Congress enters the next phase. The August recess was always the time for the Battle of the Bulge of the usurers and schemers against any sort of meaningful health care reform. The stall tactics were ensured by the traitor Blue Dogs and the slimy and thoroughly corrupt Max Baucus from mighty Montana with all of it’s electoral clout, once the bill was pushed into the fall it was time to send out the goons.

Of course I refer to the town hall disruptions and the angry mobs who have been sent forth from their bund halls to poison any sort of reasonable discourse just as surely as the SA did in 1930’s era Germany. And it’s working too, of course the corporatist media does it’s part in portraying the beserkers as just citizens who are fed up with mounting debts (strange that they were nowhere to be found when Bush had the national credit card) and are out in true American fashion dissenting. This of course is bullshit, while there are a number of really disenfranchised and scared people showing up it is the agent provacateurs sent forth by phony Astroturf organizations and hotheads riled up by the fanatic Glenn Beck who are infiltrating and mixing in with the legitimate protesters. Now again, I emphasize that there was absolutely NO such sort of organized ‘protests’ against the Bushreich but hey, when the money is going to fund ChristoNazi outfits like Blackwater to kill the sand niggers to many of the mouthbreathers and haters it’s money well spent even if their grandkids kids will be going to bed cold and hungry for their present foolishness.

The biggest disconnect among Americans on social programs is that they themselves actually have benefitted from gubmint aid and I dare any of the red baiters to be true to their convictions (HAH!) and just refuse to collect Medicare and Social Security but that won’t happen. The red state fascists invoke Jesus Christ, probably the biggest long haired, librul, socialist troublemaker of the past two millenium yet ignore his preaching of compassion for the poor and his warnings of false prophets and hypocrisy. When in the fuck did Dick Armey last wash the feet of a beggar and you can be goddamned sure that Jesus wouldn’t own a gun were he to return today. The REAL Jesus, not the bastardized version worshipped by town hall trogs and their RepubliKKKan consorts was the one who chased the moneychangers out of the temple and not vice versa. Note that in regards to moneychangers that I just stumbled across the following link out on Reuters that there is yet another fleecing of taxpayers afoot, this time to prop up the toilet paper ‘assets’ of the bonus baby banks for their rapidly deteriorating commercial property portfolios. Any sort of seriously fucked over Americans should be grabbing their pitchforks and making a beeline for the office of Treasury Secretary and Wall Street protector Timothy Geithner’s office over this one becaus it’s gonna do far more harm to them than the bitter pill of a national health care plan that competes with insurance goliaths. Then to really get down to it all it’s not the looters at the Treasury and the Fed that are the problem, it’s the ‘nigger’ in the White House.

No matter what I personally think of Barack Obama’s abysmal failings to this point, largely the result of compromising, rolling over and playing footstool to Wall Street pigs and engaging in silly assed staged farces like the ‘beer summit’ the man is facing a king hell toxic stew of roiling racism in this country. The demagogues who serve as a protection racket for the oligarchy and the blood barters in the Military Industrial Complex are crafting their propaganda to capitalize on his skin color and with every invocation of reverse racism there are tens of thousands of Bruce Pardos and George Sodinis out there just getting more unstable, like wet sticks of dynamite and one of these days very soon one or more of them are going to show up at a town hall meeting or even better in the eyes of the white supremacist Palinist movement take a shot at Obama. There is already a report of firearms being carried into one of these gatherings in Tennessee (a land where William Jennings Bryan still is as popular as Jesus and Jack Daniels) and with the slow boiling pot of economic collapse (someone is killing and eating pet horses here in Florida) many more of the flotsam and jetsam of American looter capitalism are reaching the breaking point.

You can count on the deranged instigators like Glenn Beck to continue to egg them on until the day comes when there will be blood.

Just my two cents over the mornin’ cup o’ joe


Baby Trig: Just Punt the Little Fucker

August 8, 2009
Queen of Angry Quitters, Mother of Sluts and Retards

With the increasingly vicious invasions of health care town halls by angry lynch mobs of vile, racist, neo-Nazi filth offering an eerie glimpse of the coming ugly fall of Weimar America when the rapidly approaching hyperinflation turns us all into Germans circa 1933 you have to not be a bit surprised when the future Führess , Sarah Palin weighs in. Fresh off of her quitting as Alaska Governor and her rambling descent into Glenn Beck type of insanity with her bizarre resignation speech the vile cunt is now joining the rest of the brownshirts in attacking the Obama health care reform push. Palin goes back to the bread and butter exploitation of her mongoloid demon child that made her the darling of peckerwood nation in trotting out favorite prop Baby Trig one more time.

In going with the standard right-wing nutball talking point that has riled up all of those old folks on socialized medical programs that the gubmint is coming to ‘KILL GRANNY’ the white trash witch of Wasila is calling out Obama’s ‘Death Panel’ that once all of the geezers have been euthanized they will be coming for the retards next…like precious little Baby Trig. What is so troubling about the dead enders who embrace the rabid form of authoritarianism in storming town halls with SA like fury is that they are so easily suckered by this swill. Rush the child fucking drug addict is invoking the Nazi card as are insipid dipshits like the foul excretion belched out from the womb of Lucianne Goldberg, Jonah, the yuppie yutz who actually wrote a book called, get this…Liberal Fascism to fire up the knuckle draggers. Now anyone with any true sense of history and this of course excludes the ‘tea baggers’ who are essentially out making assholes of themselves in support of the contemporary version of the British Monarchy would immediately know that Hitler’s National Socialism had not one fucking commonality with actual socialism itself. In fact the Nazis hated the communists, trade unions and socialists to the extent that they were largely able to rise to power with the full backing of rapacious German corporations for driving down labor costs by killing and imprisoning socialists.

But as the saying goes, never waste your time trying to teach a pig to sing, it wastes your time and annoys the hell out of the pig therefore any rational thought process is so devoid of the teabaggers, birthers and assorted other scum that even attempting to educate them is an exercise in futility that makes Sisyphus look like a champ. Now I occasionally try to talk to some of them that aren’t too far gone, you may never convince them of the truth but my mission is to keep them from being sucked in by the Glenn Beck death cultists that have so successfully co-opted the Ron Paul movement. I must offer up my mea culpas now to those who thought my admiration of that bunch was foolhardy, now in retrospect, my optimism that an actual movement that no matter how misguided could actually challenge imperialism and the temple of the money changers aka the monolithic Federal Reserve was futile and silly. The type of pathetically naive folks who gravitated to that were very easily peeled off and turned into a raging army of idiots by the corporate funded protection racket that is hate TV and hate radio, now they have been led like sheep to go forth and be assimilated into the real Nazi fifth column that has been working like hell for decades to destabilize this country from within, very successfully I might add.

What these poor, dumb schmucks fail to understand is that Hitler took away the guns, hid behind God to dupe the flock and ultimately rolled out one hell of a euthanasia program that resulted in six million dead Jews along with five or so million others that never seem to get mentioned when discussing the Nazi horrors. The whole point of the monstrously stupid lumpen Republikkkans and their new allies from the Ron Paul movement over this Obama’s socialist (God that’s a hoot) takeover and the coming euthanasia programs are total horseshit, the ones who will march them into the coming gas showers or whatever less ostentatious form of mass murder (China offers a good prototype with the Death Vans and that land of goons is the new prototype for the new generation of American vulture capitalists) programs that pop up in America, likely including forced slave labor to really send those Wall Street stocks soaring will be perpetrated upon them by the very system that they are out cracking skulls, screaming nigger and hanging members of Congress in effigy to keep in power. Bereft of historical perspective and thinking brains the new American SA will meet the same fate of their German predecessors who eventually became such an ugly embarrassment to Hitler that he had them put down during the Night of the Long Knives. But when a raving and drooling lunatic like Glenn Beck, a man with a history of alcoholism, mental illness and suicide running in his family (the moon faced little twit probably fucked his own mother) you end up with scum like this.

Not that I wouldn’t be down with euthanasia, it would be a good solution to America’s rat problem and when the town hall terrorists incite one of their more uptight angry white male losers to open fire in one of them like George Sodini, the ugly chronic masturbator who couldn’t get laid and who shot up the fitness center, Bruce Pardo the Santa suit slayer, Dr. Tiller’s murderer or any one of thousands of other heavily armed, dumbed down and pissed off freaks I am sure that there will be no shortage of volunteers to drive the pick up vans.

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe


Even Their Dog Was Ugly

February 7, 2009
Panem et circenses XLIII

When fascism comes to America it will goosestep out to the fifty yard line in full dress regalia for the coin flip at the Super Bowl.

-Ed Encho

I strongly suspected that it was going to be trouble when they were cheering the flyover, an awesome display of a sky full of screaming state of the art weaponry (wasted tax dollars that could have been spent on schools, infrastructure or health care) that was brought large into the mecca of an American living room on a 64 inch high definition television with digitally enhanced sound that rattled the taco bar bowls and sent a chill up my spine, but I had no idea of the epic intensity of the three and a half hours of earthly hell that was to come.

Then when that ass-kissing little chickenshit General David Petraeus goose-stepped out to the giant red, white and blue NFL logo painted onto the midfield grass at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa for the ceremonial coin toss and they marveled at his greatness, patriotism and valor any doubt of a relaxing evening went right down the shitter. General Betray-us by the way is already barking at the President’s policies to withdraw from Iraq, according to this story by Gareth Porter, the great front man for the even greater bait and switch public relations campaign known as The Surge. Gen P, according to Porter, left the Oval Office meeting with Obama “visibly unhappy” and is said to be… get this, plotting to resist orders:

A network of senior military officers is also reported to be preparing to support Petraeus and Odierno by mobilising public opinion against Obama’s decision.

What we seem to have here is a real life version to General James Mattoon Scott, a reference to the Burt Lancaster character in the classic 1962 movie Seven Days in May who led a cabal of renegade brass in an abortive coup against a president who was perceived to be weak on that great phantom menace and predecessor of current national dread terrorism that was the scourge of communism. Petraeus crony General Ray Odierno who is also bucking the president was said in a New York Times story to have a different plan than Obama’s in Iraq withdrawal. I would seriously consider this a firing offense and if B.O. had any balls he would bust both of those intransigent assholes down to buck private and send them both off to the nearest stockade. I seem to recall such disagreement being referred to as treason when the royal ass of King George W. Bush was still parked upon the throne.

But I digress…..

I had allowed myself to be coerced by the spouse into attending a Super Bowl party over the weekend at a home of a good friend of hers who also happened to be a (gasp) Republican and a true one at that. Hoping that the big game would at least be able to hypnotize the vipers for a few hours was futile, the pit was teeming with animosity from practically the minute we walked through the door. I had been under savage pressure for months to meet the extended family and finally caved figuring the attention would be on the Super Bowl and not the painfully obvious ideological differences. Myself, I have no qualms in saying that I would rather eat with a pig than with a Republican because the pig after all can’t help being what it is so I just avoid them as if they were lepers. It’s quite obvious that they feel the same way because I was about as out of place as Gaylord Focker in Meet the Parents.

The game might have been the ‘official’ reason for the gathering but the thing that really jazzed up the hosts and their troglodyte friends were the commercials, not that this is an uncommon phenomenon in Dumbmerica, there is a reason that NBC charged $3 million for 30 seconds of ad time this year. The added joy that a large amount of said commercials were of an animated variety for ridiculous infantile dross that passes for entertainment was even more enjoyable to the gathering assembled in a large circle around the monster TV with their chips, beer and drool buckets. At first it went reasonably well but as the alcohol kicked in the banter about Governor Palin started intruding during the rather dull first half (but they shut right the fuck up during the commercials like the good little murkans that they were) and the racist Obama jokes were making the rounds during the second quarter. Things began to deteriorate after that and when the dipshit lord of the manor was fiddling around with his high tech entertainment command center (he had more gadgets on that thing than fucking NORAD) trying to record the amazing halftime epic 3D preview of Monsters vs. Aliens (since it never occured to numbnuts to pick up an extra set of those silly glasses for his better half) and crashed the entire system, with only minutes left in the second quarter. Fortunately for everybody there for the game he was able to get the entertainment industrial complex wall of electronics back up and running just as James Harrison was 20 yards or so from the goal line on what would be the longest play in the history of the big game. Score a touchdown for the Steelers and another triumph for the forces of stupidity. Jesus Fucking Christ!!!!

The animosity in the room was palpable as Bruce Springsteen (you know, that goddamned New York librul who campaigned for the darkie) delivered a spirited but lame halftime show (lame because other than Born to Run the setlist sucked but as even the Rolling Stones learned a few years back noone is going to float a turd in punchbowl at the NFL’s showcase by being allowed to sing anything even remotely controversial. They were the typical American Republican family, clueless, overfed, boring, mean-spirited but nice in eerie way that must have horrified many Jews in 1930’s Germany as they witnessed what were once thought to be normal people into malignant, blood thirsty automatons with an internal override ready to be triggered by any piss reeking miscreant demagogue with a big enough soapbox. Even their dog was ugly, a wretchedly whiny little rat terrier that was named after a fucking athletic shoe – it was like I had been teleported into Idiocracy: The Reality Show.

The youngest brother was the real piece of work though. You know the type, a smack talking, penciled necked, dough-faced geek in his mid-twenties endlessly fuddling with his Blackberry like a jacked up on caffeine version of Steve Buscemi and spewing the anti-Obama talking points as though they were being texted to him from Rush fucking Limbaugh himself. He was a one-man show, a legend in his own mind and he took particular delight in targeting Mrs. Encho who had once come out and admitted to being a GASP – librul. Now that ‘Sonny’ had no idea that directly behind the spouse sat one of the most vitriolic leftist bloggers on the internet was especially amusing in that I could have in a matter of minutes verbally stripped him naked and sent him wandering off into the desert of shame riding a donkey and wearing a giant Glenn Beck head like Mad Max in Beyond Thunderdome. But though inwardly seething as I was, I just let her continue to catch the flak, after all, she was the one who dragged me into this menagerie of mentally challenged masturbating monkeys in the first place.

His mother sat beside this progeny of Reagan’s generation of shit, sipping wine in a rocking chair and chiding sonny to not talk politics during the Super Bowl, little did she know that in true Bizarro world Republican fashion that her little boy through his very existence was the strongest argument in favor of abortion that I had personally seen. She should long ago have been cited by the EPA for dumping toxic waste and here’s the kicker, the craven little punk has aspirations to one day be a member of the CIA. Ladies and gentlemen, we have our newest death squad commander, it made me want to bolt from my chair like a jack in the box from hell, physically drag the pigfucker outside and go to work on him with a tire iron like Jack Bauer would do.
Were I not an agnostic I would be thanking God for giving me the strength to restrain myself.

As for the Super Bowl itself, it was what it always is, an over-hyped football game wedged in between millions of dollars of advertising directed at chumps, I found the obligatory E-Trade spot to be especially revealing of the innate nature of modern American stupidity, the vampire scum on Wall Street is still trolling for suckers to keep their Ponzi scheme going for just that little bit longer. When taken as a whole the commercials were the same vile potful of swill of smutty juvenille sexual jokes, random acts of violence only in a funny sort of way, enticements to buy more shit that you don’t need, high dollar attempts by Hollywood studios to hype the miserable failures that typically get dumped out right about now before the summer blockbuster season and the inevitable plugs for even more dumbed down sitcoms and new series (a strange new focus on the police state has all too often been materializing so as to subliminally enforce the concept of servility and snitching) which the host network enjoys the biggest viewing audience of the year to peddle their garbage.

From watching the commercials alone it is apparent that high fructose corn syrup is good for you, that T.V. does not rot your mind and anyone who dares to suggest otherwise has just been tagged as a paranoid lunatic courtesy of Alec Baldwin’s great turn in the Hulu spot that comes right out and equates such a heresy with a belief in an alien takeover (who the fuck would even want us?), there are still jobs to be had (the CareerBuilder ad was actually quite amusing to a corporate slave like myself) and there is money to be made in the stock market (according to E-Trade)….welcome to chumpland!! Time to go back to sleep now.
Other than the company and the mind melting barrage of commercials the game actually turned out to be quite a thriller in the fourth quarter with the Steelers cutting through the tissue paper thin Cardinal defense as though it were the Republican minority marching on Harry Reid’s Senate to pull off a 27-23 victory in which Arizona managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Fortunately it was over and I was able to go home and away from those people and may I never darken their doorstep again. I always prefer my own digs where the distractions are at a minimum and despite my paltry 25 inch RCA I can actually relax, enjoy the game and make the best use of the multi-million dollars of commercial time to do the really important things, like go take a leak and grab another beer.