Triumph Of The Willfully Ignorant

August 28, 2009

The American fascist would prefer not to use violence. His method is to poison the channels of public information.

-Henry A. Wallace

Now late August in his month of blistering hatred, Ted Kennedy goes in the ground tomorrow, by Sunday the Blue Dogs will be lining up to piss on his grave. The vicious offensive by Astroturf groups that was spliced together with neo Confederates, white supremacists, domestic terrorists like Randall Terry and full blown American Nazis on health care town hall meetings has been an astounding success in driving a spike through any meaningful sort of health care reform. The deals have been cut, the propagandists have earned every penny of their millions for serving as a protection racket for the elite, the public option is dead and the entire sordid mess is soon to be administered last rites. It’s been a month of foulness that hangs heavy in the air, you can breath it in, smell the growing anger, the hate is so thick that it seeps into your pores. Soylent Green is made out of grandma, death panels, eugenics, Stalinism in stars and stripes, they are going to abort the babies and Obama will enslave the white race in labor camps where they will work to pay slave reparations. Were Herr Hitler and Herr Goebbels alive today they would marvel at how much more sophisticated and refined that their model has evolved and developed, God and Glenn Beck willing there will soon be pogroms in the streets, blood in the gutters and then librul huntin’ season will be announced from on high by that doped up and batshit crazy fat man in the EIB Network bunker who brags about having talent on loan from the almighty yet who can’t get an erection without pharmaceutical assistance.

When the definitive account of the decline and fall of the American civilization is one day put together by a future historian it will no doubt include much on how a large segment of a country was driven mad by a decades long saturation bombing of fascist indoctrination and swill peddled by Republican party operatives and hate mongers who were able to convince a certain authority worshipping demographic block to foreswear their own economic self-interests and become shock troops for a corrupt and amoral overclass. The values of propaganda and mind control to socially engineer the masses really gained traction with the ideas of Edward Bernays, the overly ambitious nephew of Sigmund Freud who curried favor with the looter class and became their most influential mind molder. I would refer readers to Adam Curtis’ excellent documentary for the BBC The Century of the Self, and please pass it around. Bernays would go on to be a very good teacher of the technique to none other than Joseph Goebbels who was a huge fan and a model as were many early industrialists and eugenicists to the various leaders of the Nazi regime however that is a story for another time. The control of the American mind was critical for the long slouch into outright fascism and nobody did it better than those who demonized the communists in order to terrorize the populace into support for the illegal wars of conquest and imperialism.

With the end of WW II presenting a great opportunity for the hated New Deal programs of the class traitor Roosevelt the CIA was formed as the enforcement arm of Wall Street and would engage in secret wars both abroad and at home against the very concept of a liberal, egalitarian and just society. The efforts would result in the smashing of the real American left under the jackboot of McCarthyism and the nurturing of a mean spirited, exceptionalist, white nationalist creed as embodied by John Wayne, Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan and which would one day metastasize into the culture of right-wing sewage that has 2009 America on the brink of a hot civil war. I am not going to go into the history of all of this now as I choose to leave it for another day, the only intention of my even mentioning it was for context. You may want to listen to this interesting hour-long program by anti-fascist radio host Dave Emory on American Gladio for additional background. The level of hostility, racism, gay baiting, red baiting and insurrection pimping has reached an apex during this August as a result of the health care town hall invasions by outraged mobs, many of the attackers are the same detestable losers who flocked to Sarah Palin rallies last fall to call for Barack Obama’s assassination and rail against his secret Muslim background and purported plan to grab the guns and annihilate the white race.

But I digress…

Nowhere have the swine on the right been more vindictive than in manufacturing phantoms, in distorting reality and filtering it through their fully owned media prism to discredit the feckless opposition, the Vichy Democrats of Harry Reid who now no longer has to defend his failure to get anything done with a 60 seat majority now that Ted Kennedy is dead. Awash in the electronic vomit of the last few days when every cowardly fascist bitch and bastard has been flogging the corpse of the last Kennedy brother is a very sleazy little psyop, the exact type that these pigs are notable for. Earlier this week, the office of the Colorado Democratic Party headquarters in Denver was vandalized and certain elements of the liberal and progressive community onine were too quick (this time anyway) in shooting from the hip and blaming it on right-wing animals of the sort who have been raging across the country ala the Sturmabteilung. Not that similar acts aren’t the fault of the Republican brownshirts (note the defacement of this sign by vandals and any good cop knows that whenever a crime occurs that the first place to look for the perp is with the usual suspects) but this time the bloggers and others were wrong. Dead wrong and the well oiled machine that is the fascist fifth column was ready to pounce and declare it a false flag operation undertaken by the left to discredit their goon squads….as if there were any honor amongst those assclowns.

The putrid belching of right-wing outrage over the recent vandalizing of the Denver Democratic Party headquarters is stunning in both its mendacity and organization, you see, nobody plays the outraged victim card better than the fascist Republicans. There are no bigger tyrants when they are in power and no bigger crybabies when they are not, the entire movement is nothing more than a cacaphony of contrived grievances against a sweeping liberal conspiracy that does not now and never has existed. It was of absolutely no help though then that progressives were quick to label the breaking of the windows as another escalation of right-wing mayhem, one radio host Bob Kincaid even went so far as to invoke Kristallnacht.

Not that this sort of action in the climate that has been created by a party that long ago ceased to represent America and embraced a new fascism didn’t have tea baggers and town hall terrorists written all over it but the facts must be considered no matter that a pattern is repeated. To Kincaid’s credit he fully understands the dangerous nature of the foul shock troops of corporate America, he is an activist in the hot zone fighting the battle against mountaintop removal and this video is indicative of the sort of meanness that can be conjured up when moneyed interests are threatened. But this time he and the others were wrong and the full force of the fascists was ready to pounce and to seize the day to invoke their own bogeymen and phantoms of the mythical far left, just like they did in Seattle during the WTO protests back in ’99. The truth is that anything even remotely to the left of the right-center must be destroyed and destroyed with extreme prejudice.
The vandalism of the Denver Democrat office as it turns out was allegedly done by a transgender activist who blogs under the name Ariel Attack and who happened to work on helping to get Democrats elected back during the election. Now I do not know this particular activist, I had never even heard of her until this shitstorm in a teapot was whipped up by the GOP operatives so I am not going to attempt to speculate on motives (especially since this has not been decided in a court of law as to whether Ariel Attack even did it) other than to note that the LGBT community has a right to be angry over the betrayal by the Obama administration, a long slow stab in the back that began when that filthy, bigoted pig of a false prophet Rick Warren was invited to give the invocation during Obama’s coronation. That sort of thing really is a slap in the face to a group whose support was instumental until they were discarded.

As one who has been a member of the antiwar movement I totally understand being sold out by Democrats and there is a growing unrest out there that the Obama White House is desperately trying to quash lest a full blown revolt of the base occur. On reading this story I must say that some of the comments from the virulent rats on the right on what Ariel Attack is going to face in jail – especially rape and their masturbatory glee at transcribing their sick fantasies makes me disgusted to be an American. In this society it has become acceptable that our overfilled, for profit prison gulags have rape rooms every bit the equal of the big bad Saddam’s and our national obsession with punishment and torture are shameful in a civilized society. As Dostoyevsky once wrote “The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons” and we live in a land were brutality, rape and institutionalized sadism are the standards.

Of course the pigman weighed in with his offering to dittohead dope addicts on the so called false flag, mocking Ariel Attack: “Now, I don’t know if this was an addadictomy transgender or a chopadickoffamy transgender”. I must admit that I find the Republican, Birther, Deather, Teabagger, dead ender obsession with dicks to be rather mystifying in that their hatred of gays, lesbians and transgender Americans is so strident as to influence others to commit acts of violence (like Matthew Sheppard’s sadistic killers), dare I say that it’s positively Freudian and there are actual studies that back me up. The strange fascination over penises with male Republicans has taken a bizarre turn into the land of the Mad Hatter’s mushroom tea party as of late with this sordid little story that screams of the dangers of repressed homosexuality on the subconscious of the average American hate filled Birther courtesy of David Neiwert:

The fine Real Americans at the Free Republic have found Obama’s achilles heel: his Long Dark Staff of White Insecurity.

hoosiermama: The only other thing that hit me was that Sinclair said BO was not circumcised. When my son was born in a hospital that was done as a matter of routine without even consulting us. Would the same be for Hawaii? OTOH People born at home or in some other cultures are not circumcised.

thecodont: A relative of mine was born (in a hospital) a couple of years after BO’s alleged birth date. He was circumcised also (as a matter of routine, not according to any family request).

afraidfortherepublic: My son was born in June of 1961 in a hospital in CA, and the nurses released us because of miscommunication in a day and a half before the circumcision was done. We had to go back to the doctor’s office to have it done a week later, and the doctor was NOT HAPPY. My second son was born in the same hospital 4 years later. I don’t remember them asking me about it. Routine procedure for little boys.

hoosiermama:Wish we had someone to make a phone call to the hospitols in HI and ask if they routinely do circumcism and when that practice started.

MHGinTN: You might want to make that call to a Canadian hospital …

MHGinTN: No…it would have been in Kenya….not Canada.

Natural Born 54 : I am having a vision of a court room scene. The judge turns to O sitting in the witness chair to his left and says “I am sorry, Mr. President, but I am going to have to ask you to stand and drop trou …..”

Anyone remember how Republicans wound up obsessing over Bill Clinton’s Johnson, ad nauseam, even on TV? I remember Ann Coulter speculating over Paula Jones’ claims about the shape and behavior of the Mighty Clenis, as we came to call it.

Now, I guess, they get to do the same for Obama’s unit. This should get entertaining.

Oh My Fucking God….Clinton’s Penis: The Sequel!

I am sure that everyone remembers the days of the great Ken Starr blowjob inquisition when the the ultimate goal of the freaks was NOT to impeach and remove Clinton but to get him to drop trou in court and show Mr. Wiggley because after all, the unimpeachable testimony of that trailer park slut Paula Jones had vividly described Bubba’s member in lurid detail as being somehow deformed or otherwise ‘unique’. Now they are practically drooling over the possibility of peeking at Obama’s pee pee to determine whether it is a helmet or an anteater. The inner turmoil at repressed sexuality turned into a little alien chewing away the insides of star spangled God fearing folk is largely what drives them to rage against the non-white secular society, much of the repression is the result of religious indoctrination that makes all sex (and especially GASP gay sex) into a loathsome and feared form of sinful wretchedness. It’s ironic that so many of them end up becoming so warped by self loathing directed outwardly that when it finally finds an outlet it is in child molestation, violence and the lurid and sleazy extramarital affairs that they so denounce from their pulpits and bund halls. Jesus didn’t talk much about sex, could be that was all left behind in the early years of his mysterious life before he appeared as if beamed down from outer space in his thirties and threatening the corrupt moneychangers. He did however have much to say about hypocrites though and there is a serious hypocrisy in the morbid belief that when Jesus V.2 does come back to wreak his vengeance that a lot of holy rollers will be flying through they skies dirty nasty nekkid to their great reward.

Again, I digress…..

Rush the pigman is really not the authoritative source on anything that even resembles the straining at the seams sack of lemming shit that is pimped to the rubes and the peckerwoods as ‘values’. The $40 million a year guardian of the moneychangers may talk a good game to the idiots susceptible to being lobotomized by AM talk radio but let’s get real ok? For one the guy is a rich fat failure who just happened to be plucked from obscurity by a fascist political machine determined to find the next Father Coughlin to poison the minds of the fucked over farmers in the heartland who had been ruined by Reaganism. He raged forth on the airwaves and was adored by Poppy Bush so much that he was invited to the White House to stay in the Lincoln Bedroom where the fat piece of shit probably jacked off under the sheets. He is thrice-divorced (so much for the sanctity of marriage), not only was doctor shopping and eating mass quantities of Vicodin and Oxycontin but sent his maid out to score for him (so much for the railing against crackheads) is a die hard racist (a necessity to be a Repiglican) and was busted along with the freaks who were responsible for giving us Jack Bauer (America’s favorite Nazi) coming back from the notorious sex tourist mecca in the Dominican Republic with an illegal bottle of Viagra in his luggage (was he fucking little boys or little girls?) that were it not for the rigged courts would have resulted in his drug violation being revoked and his sweaty, corpulent ass being thrown in prison where he belongs. Oh and the big patriotic man was also a draft dodger like so many of the other Republican chickenshits, he got out because he had a cyst on his ass and it’s long since crawled up his spinal column into his cranium where it set up shop.

Other than Limbaugh the pigman, the August anarchy in the town halls has been facilitated by the rest of the corporate protection racket payroll cable television Nazis and groups like the uber lobbyist tax chiseler Dick Armey’s Orwellian sounding Freedomworks. There is of course the immensely popular Glenn Beck, an increasingly unstable babbling rabble-rouser who seems to have the most effect on the average American half-wit. His FOX program is a masterpiece theatre of how to destabilize a country from within by inciting an angry army of heavily armed fifth columnists. Beck is an interesting case, he was plucked from obscurity out of the Tampa Bay market where he specialized in emceeing ‘big eater contests’ to be the moonfaced spokesman for post 9/11 fascism. In an interesting side story he is a former alcoholic whose family has a history of mental disorders including multiple suicides (trivia tidbit: Karl Rove’s mother also killed herself, driving out to the edge of the desert and gassing herself in a car) so I it would hardly be too awfully surprising if Herr Beck does the full Howard Beale and actually blows his brains out on the air someday – it would like the exploding head in Scanners and would go fucking viral on You Tube! With any luck he can induce his cult following to do likewise, it’d be the greatest mass suicide since Jonestown and would go one hell of a a long ways towards getting our national rat infestation problem under control.

Michelle Maglalang (aka Malkin) is another of the more hideous inciters of violence and even has a brand new book Culture of Corruption that is rocketing up the charts courtesy of the same reich wing bulk buying that lands every other amateurish version of Mein Kampf on the bestseller list (hint – look for the little dagger) where it is given away to dangerous freaks like David Adkisson who then go out and kill liberals. Maglalang became known for her support of U.S. internment camps for Muslims in the aftermath of the Big Wedding and like the rest of the house propagandists plays to the fears of the brown menace in railing against illegal immigration. Ironic in that she was at one time the subject of rumors (never substantiated) on the internet that actually accused her of being an anchor baby herself. Hell, I was in the Philippines a few times back during my Navy days, for all that I know I could be her daddy.

I could continue naming names but why bother? They are all diseased and punched out with cookie cutters from the same rolled slab of shit. All that I can say is that once they have their little revolution courtesy of the secessionists and plotters to take over the government that show up at the town halls looking like the deranged assholes that they are and order is restored that all the propagandists will be herded up by whoever is left and made to stand in the dock just like Julius Streicher did at Nuremberg.

The right wing slime machine has now chosen as a target the blog Queers Against Obama since it is easy pickings and panders to the vilest homophobic derangement of the red state fascist base. In another alarming sign of the coming crackdown on free speech and classifying of blogs as anarchist, terrorist or subversive it is this blog, where Ariel Attack happened to be a regular that is being targeted as an example. Hell, I’m going to go on the record here that I have spoken to the founder of Queers Against Obama on several occasions on an internet radio show that I am a regular on, he also happens to post on a few blogs that I frequent and I can attest that he does not seem to be any sort of threat to anyone. He’s just a pissed off activist who is able to see through Obama’s phony bullshit act and as with many gay people who were used and abused by this latest flim flam man and then thrown under the bus when the votes were no longer needed. Far from the wild revolutionary anarchist hellbent on the violent over throw of the government (unlike Beck’s psychotic minions) that the blogswarmers and reich wing media are trying to sell as their latest painted up fake devil. He is actually a very well educated individual which makes it two strikes against from the degenerate fascist right scum.

The blog, much like my own blogs and many others maintained by those of us who are more activist and choose to rage against the machine rather than line up to eat shit behind the rest of the lemmings certainly has incendiary rhetoric but let’s just get a little perspective here – we are pretty much voices in the wilderness, too small to be even bothered with until the vicious right-wing ratfuckers need to make an example of someone. The schoolyard bully mentality of the fascist right (along with the co-opted O Bots on the pathetic excuse that passes for the left) is dangerously predatory, stupid and relentless – I would suspect that the malodorous gray goo that is the brain of a pederast functions the same way. I would advise those of use who are renegades to take a stand against the savage attacks against QAO because as the great wisdom dispensed by Pastor Niemöller during the most pitch black of days in late 1930’s Germany:

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn’t a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.

The double standard is as flagrant as it is a condemnation of the corporate media in all of its resplendent foulness. The nation’s journalism schools long ago ceased to produce any sort of courageous truth tellers able to hold power to account, instead the allure of money and the realization that the bucks were in throwing in with the oligarchy ensured that a steady flow of stenographers, public relations flacks, establishment shills and corporate toadies would be pumped out. Once honorable institutions where reporters were allowed to learn the craft had become nothing more than machines producing cover up artists like link sausage made with tainted skunk meat. The reason that we find ourselves today in a decaying society ravaged by terminal sloth, dumbness and a need for scapegoats is in no small part the fault of a media that long ago abrogated it’s constitutional responsibility to ensure that an informed populace would serve as a necessary check on systemic corruption. When news became a for profit commodity the charlatans, cheats and schemers saw an opportunity to exploit and in turning the media into a 24/7 sleaze machine populated by big haired bimbos with thousand yard stares reciting nonsense off of teleprompters and vicious demagogues and hate mongers like Limbaugh and his ilk.

Whatever happened in Denver and why, while it is being spun by the fascist noisemakers who have turned August into a roiling cauldron of filth and hate is more of an illustration at just how much that the Obama administration has betrayed the party base. While the GOP and conniving swine like Newt Gingrich give their knuckle dragging base nothing but shovels of bloody red meat and then send them forth to harangue, disrupt and threaten the democratic process by descending on health care town hall meetings like flesh eating zombies the new ‘liberal’ Obama administration under the stewardship of Raht Emanuel is happy to use the base to mobilize to win elections but when the rubber meets the road it’s nothing but more of the same catering to corporate interests and finance industry plunderers. I would also like to note that Cindy Sheehan has been protesting at Martha’s Vineyard against the wars that Obama has not only inherited but escalated. To this point there is absolutely zero media coverage, stunning when you consider the back of camera fitted vultures that were present at George W. Bush’s Crawford dude ranch.

The growing anger towards the Obama administration is understandable with liberals and progressives, specifically the GBLT community, organized labor, civil libertarians and especially the antiwar movement. For a man who ran promising change the only change has been chump change, once again we’ve been had by a silver-tongued devil preaching renewal, no surprise given Obama’s stated admiration of Ronald Reagan, the ultimate product as president….that was until November 2008. The great Australian journalist and filmmaker John Pilger summed it up perfectly in his piece Obama’s 100 days – the mad men did well from which I excerpt:

The BBC’s American television soap Mad Men offers a rare glimpse of the power of corporate advertising. The promotion of smoking half a century ago by the “smart” people of Madison Avenue, who knew the truth, led to countless deaths. Advertising and its twin, public relations, became a way of deceiving dreamt up by those who had read Freud and applied mass psychology to anything from cigarettes to politics. Just as Marlboro Man was virility itself, so politicians could be branded, packaged and sold.

It is more than 100 days since Barack Obama was elected president of the United States. The “Obama brand” has been named “Advertising Age’s marketer of the year for 2008”, easily beating Apple computers. David Fenton of describes Obama’s election campaign as “an institutionalised mass-level automated technological community organising that has never existed before and is a very, very powerful force”. Deploying the internet and a slogan plagiarised from the Latino union organiser César Chávez – “Sí, se puede!” or “Yes, we can” – the mass-level automated technological community marketed its brand to victory in a country desperate to be rid of George W Bush.

No one knew what the new brand actually stood for. So accomplished was the advertising (a record $75m was spent on television commercials alone) that many Americans actually believed Obama shared their opposition to Bush’s wars. In fact, he had repeatedly backed Bush’s warmongering and its congressional funding. Many Americans also believed he was the heir to Martin Luther King’s legacy of anti-colonialism. Yet if Obama had a theme at all, apart from the vacuous “Change you can believe in”, it was the renewal of America as a dominant, avaricious bully. “We will be the most powerful,” he often declared.

Perhaps the Obama brand’s most effective advertising was supplied free of charge by those journalists who, as courtiers of a rapacious system, promote shining knights. They depoliticised him, spinning his platitudinous speeches as “adroit literary creations, rich, like those Doric columns, with allusion…” (Charlotte Higgins in the Guardian). The San Francisco Chronicle columnist Mark Morford wrote: “Many spiritually advanced people I know… identify Obama as a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being who… can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet.”

Since our reality television show president entered the White House the absence of any sort of meaningful change has been stunning, the audacity of the one who preached hope and is now exposed as just another snake oil salesman blindsided many of those who worked so hard to ensure that he would be the man to turn the page on the horrors of the Bush-Cheney era. The marketing campaign that washed the Pope of Hope into power as is now apparent just more of the same high-powered public relations and image making that corporate America has so successfully utilized for so long to sell us all crap that we didn’t need for money that we didn’t have. It was magnificent in that it relied so heavily on the votes of uninformed youth who were neither well informed nor politically active and who would just one time go out and do their civic duty in punching the ticket of the Michael Jordan of the new American century. They would then go back to their video games, their bling-bling and their blissfully ignorant lives. The great moderate middle, having exorcised the devil Bush could then shuffle back into their prostrate positions in front of their televisions and go back to sleep again.

The betrayals continue to mount even as the ongoing fascist plot to overthrow the legitimately (although deceptively) elected government continue to breed operatives like cockroaches. The Obamessiah has succeeded in leading his Wall Street masters to the promised land of milk and honey and is going back to shepherd the insurance industry racketeers.

How dare anybody expect a few crumbs be scattered in front of their miserable hovels on the way.

Common Sense 2009

August 24, 2009

The word has come from on high, the economy is robust and recovering, Bernanke is GOD and the Obamessiah is well on the way to leading parasite health insurance companies to the promised land where they will join the usurers. Of course this is all nonsensical hogwash carefully shoveled like so much manure by a corrupt corporate media that primarily exists to protect the interests of the status quo. So as America now contines to sink into debt so as to preserve the status quo and the oligarchy, as Obama and Raht Emanuel have sold us all out for chump change and the screws keep getting tighter what is next? For one thing there is a huge oil price spike coming as speculators are driving up the price of the barrel proportionate to the reflation of the bailout bubble. Think of the economic devastation that $4.00 plus per gallon of gasoline and the accompanying upward spiral in food costs last year, this time there isn’t the phony dog and pony show election to keep the bastards in check. Soon it comes down to the people themselves. Today I am going to offer up this righteous piece by Hustler Magazine founder Larry Flynt, a crusader for civil liberties and freedom of speech and a man that stood up to the bastards and won.

Common Sense 2009
By Larry Flynt

The American government — which we once called our government — has been taken over by Wall Street, the mega-corporations and the super-rich. They are the ones who decide our fate. It is this group of powerful elites, the people President Franklin D. Roosevelt called “economic royalists,” who choose our elected officials — indeed, our very form of government. Both Democrats and Republicans dance to the tune of their corporate masters. In America, corporations do not control the government. In America, corporations are the government.

This was never more obvious than with the Wall Street bailout, whereby the very corporations that caused the collapse of our economy were rewarded with taxpayer dollars. So arrogant, so smug were they that, without a moment’s hesitation, they took our money — yours and mine — to pay their executives multimillion-dollar bonuses, something they continue doing to this very day. They have no shame.

They don’t care what you and I think about them. Henry Kissinger refers to us as “useless eaters.”

But, you say, we have elected a candidate of change. To which I respond: Do these words of President Obama sound like change?

“A culture of irresponsibility took root, from Wall Street to Washington to Main Street.”

There it is. Right there. We are Main Street. We must, according to our president, share the blame. He went on to say: “And a regulatory regime basically crafted in the wake of a 20th-century economic crisis — the Great Depression — was overwhelmed by the speed, scope and sophistication of a 21st-century global economy.”

This is nonsense.

The reason Wall Street was able to game the system the way it did — knowing that they would become rich at the expense of the American people (oh, yes, they most certainly knew that) — was because the financial elite had bribed our legislators to roll back the protections enacted after the Stock Market Crash of 1929.

Congress gutted the Glass-Steagall Act, which separated commercial lending banks from investment banks, and passed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which allowed for self-regulation with no oversight. The Securities and Exchange Commission subsequently revised its rules to allow for even less oversight — and we’ve all seen how well that worked out. To date, no serious legislation has been offered by the Obama administration to correct these problems.

Instead, Obama wants to increase the oversight power of the Federal Reserve. Never mind that it already had significant oversight power before our most recent economic meltdown, yet failed to take action.

Never mind that the Fed is not a government agency but a cartel of private bankers that cannot be held accountable by Washington. Whatever the Fed does with these supposed new oversight powers will be behind closed doors.

Obama’s failure to act sends one message loud and clear: He cannot stand up to the powerful Wall Street interests that supplied the bulk of his campaign money for the 2008 election. Nor, for that matter, can Congress, for much the same reason.

Consider what multibillionaire banker David Rockefeller wrote in his 2002 memoirs:

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Read Rockefeller’s words again. He actually admits to working against the “best interests of the United States.”
Need more? Here’s what Rockefeller said in 1994 at a U.N. dinner: “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order.” They’re gaming us. Our country has been stolen from us.

Journalist Matt Taibbi, writing in Rolling Stone, notes that esteemed economist John Kenneth Galbraith laid the 1929 crash at the feet of banking giant Goldman Sachs. Taibbi goes on to say that Goldman Sachs has been behind every other economic downturn as well, including the most recent one. As if that wasn’t enough, Goldman Sachs even had a hand in pushing gas prices up to $4 a gallon.

The problem with bankers is longstanding. Here’s what one of our Founding Fathers, Thomas Jefferson, had to say about them:

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation, and then by deflation, the banks and the corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their father’s conquered.”

We all know that the first American Revolution officially began in 1776, with the Declaration of Independence. Less well known is that the single strongest motivating factor for revolution was the colonists’ attempt to free themselves from the Bank of England. But how many of you know about the second revolution, referred to by historians as Shays’ Rebellion? It took place in 1786-87, and once again the banks were the cause. This time they were putting the screws to America’s farmers.

Daniel Shays was a farmer in western Massachusetts. Like many other farmers of the day, he was being driven into bankruptcy by the banks’ predatory lending practices. (Sound familiar?) Rallying other farmers to his side, Shays led his rebels in an attack on the courts and the local armory. The rebellion itself failed, but a message had been sent: The bankers (and the politicians who supported them) ultimately backed off. As Thomas Jefferson famously quipped in regard to the insurrection: “A little rebellion now and then is a good thing. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

Perhaps it’s time to consider that option once again.

I’m calling for a national strike, one designed to close the country down for a day. The intent? Real campaign-finance reform and strong restrictions on lobbying. Because nothing will change until we take corporate money out of politics. Nothing will improve until our politicians are once again answerable to their constituents, not the rich and powerful.

Let’s set a date. No one goes to work. No one buys anything. And if that isn’t effective — if the politicians ignore us — we do it again. And again. And again.

The real war is not between the left and the right. It is between the average American and the ruling class. If we come together on this single issue, everything else will resolve itself. It’s time we took back our government from those who would make us their slaves.

Blessed Be The Moneychangers

August 12, 2009

The town hall terrorism perpetrated by extreme right-wing goon squads is going to erupt into violence any day now, the front groups and fascist fifth columnists just keep pouring gasoline on the fire and soon it will be set ablaze. The American SA thugs have taken on an increasing aura of malevolence post the announcement by their beloved crazy queen Sarah Palin that that damn Muslim, nigger communist Obama would be creating death panels to snuff old folks and children with handicaps. Of course this sort of vile and perverse propaganda is best absorbed by those who already hate with the intensity of an apocalyptic fireball, are already conditioned to submit to authoritarianism through their religous indoctrination and whose understanding of the very complex nature of life is equivalent to that of a cave dweller – UGH – cause God did it….

So today, rather than go off on a rant what I want to do is to feature the talking points that were sent out to the flockers, mouth-breathers and gullible sheep by an ultra-fascist group that is affiliated with the late Reverend Jerry Falwell (still roasting on a spit in the bowels of Hades) with the standard Orwellian name The Liberty Counsel. I am posting it in its full vomitous entirety with the most outrageous morsels of lemming food:

Obama Administration’s Health Care Plan

HR 3200 currently under consideration in the House of Representatives

Reviewed, revised and adapted on July 29, 2009, by Liberty Counsel from the original authored by Peter Fleckenstein and posted on and his blog,

Sec. 113, Pg. 21-22 of the Health Care (HC) Bill MANDATES a government audit of the books of ALL EMPLOYERS that self-insure in order to “ensure that the law does not provide incentives for small and mid-size employers to self-insure”!

Sec. 122, Pg. 29, Lines 4-16 – YOUR HEALTH CARE WILL BE RATIONED!

Sec. 123, Pg. 30 – THERE WILL BE A GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE deciding what treatments and benefits you get.

Sec. 142, Pg. 42 – The Health Choices Commissioner will choose your benefits for you. You have no choice!

Sec. 152, Pg. 50-51 – HC will be provided to ALL NON-US citizens.

Sec. 163, Pg. 58-59 beginning at line 5 – Government will have real-time access to individual’s finances & a National ID health care card will be issued!

Sec. 163, Pg. 59, Lines 21-24 – Government will have direct access to your bank accounts for electronic funds transfer.

Sec. 164, Pg. 65 is a payoff subsidized plan for retirees and their families in unions & community organizations (ACORN).

Sec. 201, Pg. 72, Lines 8-14 – Government is creating an HC Exchange to bring private plans under government control.

Sec. 203, Pg. 84 – Government mandates ALL benefit packages for private Health Care plans in the exchange.

Sec. 203, Pg. 85, Line 7 – Specifications of benefit levels for plans means that the government will define your HC plan and has the ability to ration your health care!

Sec. 205, Pg. 95, Lines 8-18 – The government will use groups (i.e., ACORN & AmeriCorps) to “inform and educate” (sign up) individuals for government plan.

Sec. 205, Pg. 102, Lines 12-18 – Medicaid-eligible individuals will be automatically enrolled in Medicaid. No freedom to choose.

Sec. 223, Pg. 124, Lines 24-25 – No company can sue the government for price-fixing. No “administrative of judicial review” against a government monopoly.

Sec. 225, Pg. 127, Lines 1-16 – Doctors – the government will tell YOU what you can make. “The Secretary shall provide for the annual participation of physicians under the public health insurance option, for which payment may be made for services furnished during the year.”

Sec. 312, Pg. 145, Lines 15-17 – Employers MUST auto-enroll employees into public option plan.
Sec. 313, Pg. 149, Lines 16-23 – ANY employer with payroll $400,000 and above who does not provide public option pays 8% tax on all payroll.

Sec. 313, Pg. 150, Lines 9-13 – Businesses with payroll between $251,000 and $400,000 who do not provide public option pay 2-6% tax on all payroll.

Sec. 401.59B, Pg. 167, Lines 18-23 – ANY individual who does not have acceptable care, according to government, will be taxed 2.5% of income.

Sec. 59B, Pg. 170, Line 1 – Any NONRESIDENT alien is exempt from individual taxes. (Americans will pay for their health care.)

Sec. 431, Pg. 195, Lines 1-3 – Officers and employees of HC Administration (government) will have access to ALL Americans’ financial and personal records.

Sec. 441, Pg. 203, Lines 14-15 – “The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax.” Yes, it says that.

Sec. 1121, Pg. 239, Lines 14-24 – The government will limit and reduce physician services for Medicaid. Seniors, low income and poor are the ones affected.

Sec. 1121, Pg. 241, Lines 6-8 – Doctors, it does not matter what specialty you have; you’ll all be paid the same. “Service categories established under this paragraph shall apply without regard to the specialty of the physician furnishing the service.”

Sec. 1122, Pg. 253, Lines 10-23 – The government “validates work relative value units” (sets value of doctor’s time), professional judgment, methods etc. (defining the value of humans).

Sec. 1131, Pg. 265 – Government mandates and controls productivity for private HC industries. “Incorporating Productivity Improvements into Market Basket Updates that Do Not Already Incorporate Such Improvements.”

Sec. 1141, Pg. 268 – The government regulates rental and purchase of power-driven wheelchairs.

Sec. 1145, Pg. 272 – Treatment of certain cancer hospitals: Cancer patients and their treatment are open to rationing!

Sec. 1151, Pg. 280 – The government will penalize hospitals for what government deems preventable readmissions (incentives for hospital to not treat and release).

Sec. 1151, Pg. 298, Lines 9-11 – Doctors, treat a patient during initial admission that results in a readmission and the government will penalize you for that action.

Sec. 1156, Pg. 317, Lines 13-20 – “PROHIBITION on physician ownership or Investment.” Government tells doctors what/how much they can own.

Sec. 1156, Pg. 317-318, Lines 21-25, 1-3 – “PROHIBITION on Expansion of Facility Capacity.” The government will mandate that hospitals cannot expand (“number of operating rooms or beds”).

Sec. 1156, Pg. 321, Lines 2-13 – Hospitals have opportunity to apply for exception BUT community input required.

Sec. 1162, Pg. 335-339, Lines 16-25 – The government mandates establishment of outcome-based measures. Rationing.

Sec. 1162, Pg. 341, Lines 3-9 – The government has authority to disqualify Medicare Advantage Plans (Part B), HMOs, etc. This will force people into a government plan. “The Secretary may determine not to identify a Medicare Advantage plan if the Secretary has identified deficiencies in the plan’s compliance with rules for such plans under this part.”

Sec. 1177, Pg. 354 – Government will RESTRICT enrollment of special needs people! “Extension of Authority of Special Needs Plans to Restrict Enrollment.”

Sec. 1191, Pg. 379 – Government creates more bureaucracy – “Telehealth Advisory Committee.” HC by phone or the Internet – dial 1 for your health care advice?

Sec. 1233, Pg. 425, Lines 4-12 – Government mandates Advance (Death) Care Planning consultation. Think Senior Citizens and end of life. END-OF-LIFE COUNSELING. SOME IN THE ADMINISTRATION HAVE ALREADY DISCUSSED RATIONING HEALTH CARE FOR THE ELDERLY.

Sec. 1233, Pg. 425, Lines 17-19 – Government WILL instruct and consult regarding living wills and durable powers of attorney. Mandatory end-of-life planning!

Sec. 1233, Pg. 425-426, Lines 22-25, 1-3 – Government provides approved list of end-of-life resources, guiding you in death.

Sec. 1233, Pg. 427, Lines 15-24 – Government mandates program for orders for life-sustaining treatment (i.e. end of life). The government has a say in how your life ends.

Sec. 1233, Pg. 429, Lines 1-9 – An “advanced care planning consult” will be used as patient’s health deteriorates.

Sec. 1233, Pg. 429, Lines 10-12 – “Advanced Care Consultation” may include an ORDER for end-of-life plans – from the government.

Sec. 1233, Pg. 429, Lines 13-25 – The government will specify which Doctors (professional authority under state law includes Nurse Practitioners or Physician’s Assistants) can write an end-of-life order.

Sec. 1233, Pg. 430, Lines 11-15 – The government will decide what level of treatment you will have at end of life, according to preset methods (not individually decided).

Sec. 1302, Pg. 468, Lines 16-21 – “Community-Based Home Medical Services means a nonprofit community-based or state-based organization.”

Sec. 1302, Pg. 472, Lines 14-17 – PAYMENT TO COMMUNITY-BASED ORGANIZATION: One monthly payment to a community-based organization. Like ACORN?

Sec. 1308, Pg. 489 – The government will cover Marriage and Family therapy. This will involve government control of your marriage.

Sec. 1308, Pg. 494-498 – The government will cover Mental Health Services including defining, creating and rationing those services.

Sec. 1401, Pg. 502 – Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research Established. Big Brother is watching how your treatment works.

Sec. 1401, Pg. 503, Lines 13-19 – The government will build registries and data networks from YOUR electronic medical records. “The Center may secure directly from any department or agency of the United States information necessary to enable it to carry out this section.”

Sec. 1401, Pg. 503, Lines 21-25 – The government may secure data directly from any department or agency of the US, including your data.

Sec. 1401, Pg. 503, Lines 21-25 – The “Center” will collect data both “published and unpublished” (that means public & your private information).

Sec. 1401, Pg. 506, Lines 19-21 – An “Appointed Clinical Perspective Advisory Panel” will advise The Center and recommend policies that would allow for public access of data.

Sec. 1401, Pg. 518, Lines 21-25 – The Commission will have input from HC consumer representatives.

Sec. 1411, Pg. 524, Lines 18-22 – Establishes the “Comparative Effectiveness Research Trust Fund.” More taxes for ALL.

Sec. 1441, Pg. 621, Lines 20-25 – The government will define “NEW Quality” measures in HC. Since when does government know about quality?

Sec. 1442, Pg. 622, Lines 2-9 – To pay for the Quality Standards, government will transfer money from “qualified entities” (government Trust Funds) to other government Trust Funds. More Taxes.

Sec. 1442, Pg. 624, Lines 19-23 – Qualified Entities: “The Secretary shall ensure that the entity is a public, nonprofit or academic institution with technical expertise in the area of health quality measurement.”

Sec. 1442, Pg. 623, Lines 5-10 – “Quality” measures shall be designed to assess outcomes and functional status of patients.

Sec. 1442, Pg. 623, Lines 15-17 – “Quality” measures shall be designed to profile you, including race, age, gender, place of residence, etc.

Sec. 1443, Pg. 628 – The government will give “Multi-Stake Holders” pre-rulemaking input into selection of “quality” measures.

Sec. 1443, Pg. 630-31, Lines 9-24, 1-9 – Those Multi-Stake Holder groups include unions and groups like ACORN deciding what constitutes quality.

Sec. 1444, Pg. 632, Lines 14-25 – The government may implement any “Quality measure” of HC services that bureaucrats see fit.

Sec. 1444, Pg. 632-333, Lines 14-25, 1-9 – The Secretary may issue nonendorsed “Quality Measures” for physician and dialysis services.

Sec. 1251 (beginning), Pg. 634 to 652 – “Physician Payments Sunshine Provision” – government wants to shine sunlight on Doctors but not government. “Reports on financial relationships between manufacturers and distributors . . . and between physicians and other health care entities.”

Sec. 1501 (beginning), Pg. 659-670 – Doctors in Residency – government will tell you where your residency will be, thus where you’ll live.

Sec. 1503 (beginning), Pg. 675-685 – Government will regulate hospitals in EVERY aspect of residency programs, including teaching hospitals.

Sec. 1601 (beginning), Pg. 685-699 – Increased funding to fight waste, fraud, and abuse. (Like the government with an $18 million website?)

Sec. 1619, Pg. 700-703 – If your part of HC plan isn’t in the government’s HC Exchange but you qualify for federal aid, you don’t have to pay.

Sec. 1128G, Pg. 704-708 – If the Secretary determines there is a “significant risk of fraudulent activity,” on HC provider or supplier, the government can do a background check.

Sec. 1632, Pg. 710, Lines 8-14 – The Secretary has broad powers to deny HC providers and suppliers admittance into HC Exchange. Your doctor could be thrown out of business.

Sec. 1637, Pg. 718-719 – ANY Doctor who orders durable medical equipment or home medical services is REQUIRED to be enrolled in, or eligible for, Medicare.

Sec. 1639, Pg. 721 – Government MANDATES that Doctors must have face-to-face with patient to certify patient for home health services.

Sec. 1639, Pg. 723-24, Lines 23-25, 1-5 – The same government certifications will apply to Medicaid and CHIP (Children’s health plan: Your kids).

Sec. 1640, Pg. 723, Lines 16-22 – The government reserves right to apply face-to-face certification for patient to ANY other HC service.

Sec. 1651, Pg. 734, Lines 16-25 – Proposes, for law enforcement sake, that the Secretary of HHS will give Attorney General access to ALL medical data.

Sec. 1701 (beginning), Pg. 739-756 – The government sets guidelines for subsidizing the uninsured (and you have to pay for them).

Sec. 1704, Pg. 756-761 – The government will shift burden of payments to Disproportionate Share Hospitals (DSH) to states (your taxes).

Sec. 1711, Pg. 764 – The government will require preventative services – including vaccinations (no choice).

Sec. 1713, Pg. 768 – Government-determined Nurse Home Visitation Services (Hello union paybacks).

Sec. 1713, Pg. 768, Lines 3-5 – Nurse Home Visit Services – Service #1: “Improving maternal or child health and pregnancy outcomes or increasing birth intervals between pregnancies.” Compulsory ABORTIONS?

Sec. 1713, Pg. 768, Lines 11-14 – Nurse Home Visit Services include determinations of economic self-sufficiency, employment advancement and school-readiness.

Sec. 1714, Pg. 769 – Federal government mandates eligibility for State
Family Planning Services. Abortion and government control intertwined.

Sec. 1733, Pg. 788-798 – Government will set and mandate drug prices, therefore controlling which drugs are brought to market. (Goodbye innovation and private research.)

Sec. 1744, Pg. 796-799 – Establishes PAYMENTS for graduate medical education. The government will now control your doctor’s education.

Sec.1751, Pg. 800 – The government will decide which Health Care conditions will be paid. Say “RATION!”

Sec. 1759, Pg. 809 – Billing Agents, clearinghouses, or other alternate payees are required to register. The government takes over private payment systems too.

Sec. 1801, Pg. 819-823 – The Government will identify individuals “likely to be ineligible” for subsidies. Will access all personal financial information.

Sec. 1802, Pg. 823-828 – Government sets up Comparative Effectiveness Research Trust Fund. Another bottomless tax pit.

Sec. 4375, Pg. 828-832, Lines 12-16 – Government will impose a fee on ALL private health insurance plans, including self-insured, to pay for Trust Fund!

Sec. 4377, Pg. 835, Lines 11-13 – Fees imposed by government for Trust Fund shall be treated as if they were taxes.

Sec. 440, Pg. 837-839 – The government will design and implement Home Visitation Program for families with young kids and families that are expecting children.

Sec. 1904, Pg. 843-844 – This Home Visitation Program includes the government coming into your house and teaching/telling you how to parent!

Sec. 2002, Pg. 858 – The government will establish a Public Health Fund at a cost of $88,800,000,000 (That’s Billions).

Sec. 2201, Pg. 864 – The government will MANDATE the establishment of a National Health Service Corps.

o Sec. 2201 – “Fulfillment of Obligated Service Requirement”

o Sec. 2201, Pg. 864-875 – The NHS Corps is a program where Doctors perform mandatory HC for 2 years for partial loan repayment.

Sec. 2212, Pg. 875-891 – The government takes over the education of Medical students and Doctors through education and loans.

Sec. 340L, Pg. 897 – The government will establish a Public Health Workforce Corps to ensure an adequate supply of public health professionals.

Sec. 340L, Pg. 897 – The Public Health Workforce Corps shall consist of civilian employees of the United States as Secretary deems necessary.

Sec. 340L, Pg. 897 – The Public Health Workforce Corps shall consist of officers of Regular and Reserve Corps of Service.

Sec. 340M, Pg. 899 – The Public Health Workforce Corps includes veterinarians. Will animals have heath care too?

Sec. 2233, Pg. 909 – The government will develop, build and run Public Health Training Centers.

Sec. 2241, Pg. 912-913 – Government starts a HC affirmative action program under the guise of diversity scholarships.

Sec. 2251, Pg. 915 – Government MANDATES cultural and linguistic competency training for HC professionals.

Sec. 3111, Pg. 931 – The government will establish a Preventative and Wellness Trust fund, with initial cost of $30,800,000,000 (Billions more).

Sec. 3121, Pg. 934, Lines 21-22 – Government will identify specific goals and objectives for prevention and wellness activities. More control of your life.

Sec. 3121, Pg. 935, Lines 1-2 – The government will develop “Healthy People & National Public Health Performance Standards.” They will tell us what to eat?

Sec. 3131, Pg. 942, Lines 22-25 – “Task Force on Community Preventive Services.” More government? Under the Offices of Surgeon General, Public Health Services, Minority Health and Women’s Health.

Sec. 3141, Pg. 949-979 – BIG GOVERNMENT core public health infrastructure includes workforce capacity, lab systems, health information systems, etc.

Sec. 2511, Pg. 992 – Government will establish school-based “health” clinics. Your children will be indoctrinated and your grandchildren may be aborted!

Sec. 399Z-1, Pg. 993 – School-Based Health Clinics will be integrated into the school environment. More government brainwashing in school.

Sec. 2521, Pg. 1000 – The government will establish a National Medical Device Registry. Will you be tracked?

WOW! what a gene splicing of tin foil hats with white sheets, note how the devil ACORN appears frequently. While this is the textbook example of throwing out a monsterload of shit and seeing what sticks this can really be distilled down into it’s most potent message guaranteed to whip the rubes into a frenzy: The Commie Obama is going to use a nigger army to abort your babies, empower the homosexuals as government police and exterminate the white race.

Jesus fucking Christ, what a sick and twisted document, these freaks are the strongest argument for euthanasia that I have yet to see in my tenure on Planet Shit.

Town Hall Troglodytes

August 11, 2009

The sweltering summer of betrayal just continued unabated, the grand scheme of the insurance industry and it’s bought and paid for lackeys in Congress enters the next phase. The August recess was always the time for the Battle of the Bulge of the usurers and schemers against any sort of meaningful health care reform. The stall tactics were ensured by the traitor Blue Dogs and the slimy and thoroughly corrupt Max Baucus from mighty Montana with all of it’s electoral clout, once the bill was pushed into the fall it was time to send out the goons.

Of course I refer to the town hall disruptions and the angry mobs who have been sent forth from their bund halls to poison any sort of reasonable discourse just as surely as the SA did in 1930’s era Germany. And it’s working too, of course the corporatist media does it’s part in portraying the beserkers as just citizens who are fed up with mounting debts (strange that they were nowhere to be found when Bush had the national credit card) and are out in true American fashion dissenting. This of course is bullshit, while there are a number of really disenfranchised and scared people showing up it is the agent provacateurs sent forth by phony Astroturf organizations and hotheads riled up by the fanatic Glenn Beck who are infiltrating and mixing in with the legitimate protesters. Now again, I emphasize that there was absolutely NO such sort of organized ‘protests’ against the Bushreich but hey, when the money is going to fund ChristoNazi outfits like Blackwater to kill the sand niggers to many of the mouthbreathers and haters it’s money well spent even if their grandkids kids will be going to bed cold and hungry for their present foolishness.

The biggest disconnect among Americans on social programs is that they themselves actually have benefitted from gubmint aid and I dare any of the red baiters to be true to their convictions (HAH!) and just refuse to collect Medicare and Social Security but that won’t happen. The red state fascists invoke Jesus Christ, probably the biggest long haired, librul, socialist troublemaker of the past two millenium yet ignore his preaching of compassion for the poor and his warnings of false prophets and hypocrisy. When in the fuck did Dick Armey last wash the feet of a beggar and you can be goddamned sure that Jesus wouldn’t own a gun were he to return today. The REAL Jesus, not the bastardized version worshipped by town hall trogs and their RepubliKKKan consorts was the one who chased the moneychangers out of the temple and not vice versa. Note that in regards to moneychangers that I just stumbled across the following link out on Reuters that there is yet another fleecing of taxpayers afoot, this time to prop up the toilet paper ‘assets’ of the bonus baby banks for their rapidly deteriorating commercial property portfolios. Any sort of seriously fucked over Americans should be grabbing their pitchforks and making a beeline for the office of Treasury Secretary and Wall Street protector Timothy Geithner’s office over this one becaus it’s gonna do far more harm to them than the bitter pill of a national health care plan that competes with insurance goliaths. Then to really get down to it all it’s not the looters at the Treasury and the Fed that are the problem, it’s the ‘nigger’ in the White House.

No matter what I personally think of Barack Obama’s abysmal failings to this point, largely the result of compromising, rolling over and playing footstool to Wall Street pigs and engaging in silly assed staged farces like the ‘beer summit’ the man is facing a king hell toxic stew of roiling racism in this country. The demagogues who serve as a protection racket for the oligarchy and the blood barters in the Military Industrial Complex are crafting their propaganda to capitalize on his skin color and with every invocation of reverse racism there are tens of thousands of Bruce Pardos and George Sodinis out there just getting more unstable, like wet sticks of dynamite and one of these days very soon one or more of them are going to show up at a town hall meeting or even better in the eyes of the white supremacist Palinist movement take a shot at Obama. There is already a report of firearms being carried into one of these gatherings in Tennessee (a land where William Jennings Bryan still is as popular as Jesus and Jack Daniels) and with the slow boiling pot of economic collapse (someone is killing and eating pet horses here in Florida) many more of the flotsam and jetsam of American looter capitalism are reaching the breaking point.

You can count on the deranged instigators like Glenn Beck to continue to egg them on until the day comes when there will be blood.

Just my two cents over the mornin’ cup o’ joe


Chump Change

August 10, 2009

By now it should be pretty apparent to all but the most ignorant (this means you Birthers)that the only type of change that has come to America courtesy of the Obama administration is chump change. Oh, the Wall Street financial mafia, especially The Great Satan (Goldman Sachs) has seen plenty of change for the better (with the government assisted hit job of rivals Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers) and bonuses for the parasitical scum will be approaching record levels this year while the a good amount of the rest of the populace is still jobless, homeless, hungry and fucked but this a great country or what? In fact, what really has changed from the more honest version of Fuck You, I Got Mine attitude of the Bush-Cheney-Rove Axis of Evil? Obama’s Chief of Staff, a foul-mouthed, ass-faced, stab you in the back cocksucker named Rahm Emanuel has come out and called ads by liberal and progressive groups against the corrupt Blue Dogs as “fucking stupid”. Now this has naturally incurred the wrath of many bloggers and justifiably so, Emanuel is nothing but a malodorous, dual loyalist agent of supreme corporate corruption, think Al Capone was a bad dude, well he had nothing on Rahm Emanuel when it comes to being a Chicago gangster. I remember a few years back when our local entrenched Republican, C.W. ‘Bill’ Young was ripe for a takedown during the 2006 mid-term elections and was being challenged by a scrappy insurgency by a very progressive, anti-war, independent minded ‘democrat’ named Samm Simpson. At that time, the vermin Emanuel was head of the DCCC and didn’t give her one fucking dime, not a fucking dime choosing to instead stay with the Republican more in line with corporatist values.

Now that the Democrats have proven to be every bit as fascist as their foaming at the mouth counterparts – albeit in a less overt fashion it’s time that people just deal with the fact that the existing system is rigged, it’s a two party game of 3 Card Monte being conducted on Main Street of a Potemkin Village and we are all the rubes. However, the big scam of having two parties that are substantially different is so embedded in the ant sized brains of Murkans that they contribute to their own economic demise by continuing to buy the lies. Case in point, the vicious thugs who are attacking health care town hall meetings, largely organized by front groups for the medical industrial complex, Big Pharma and the lobbyists like Dick Armey work for the high rolling tax chiselers. Drawing heavily from the dumbed down for Jesus ‘Christian’ demographic, mixing in the unrepentent and downright savage haters who just will never be down with a ‘nigger’ livin’ in the White House because of their generationally inbred stupidity, neo Confederacy and just plain old southern fried motherfuckerism and catching in their net a bunch of folks who are seriously just pissed off and frustrated and looking for the scapegoats that the fascist fifth column is always so eager to provide. The knuckle draggers then rail against SOCIALISM although it is only the sort of socialism that would actually benefit their own sorry asses instead of the big state socialism for oligarchs that has easily jumped from the Bush administration to the Obama administration like a parasite to another host. That is why I posted BOTH Joker posters, since the Obama one seems to be drawing so much controversy, Bush was portrayed as the arch villian back before Obama was even elected.
Now the Joker is a nice little example of just how the system games pop culture figures to sell to the masses of asses. Back when the movie The Dark Knight came out last summer there were actually some idiotic neocons (Bill Kristol and his swinish sort) were, and I shit you not out there shamelessly comparing their hero George W. Bush to Batman. I wrote about that in a post that I did called Neo Con Nocturnal Emissions. I eventually got around to seeing the movie which I liked, actually I thought that Heath Ledger’s Joker was actually a heroic sort of character but then again I am an admitted anarchist. But America loves fiction just as much as celebrity so we have the comparison, the caricatures and the symbolism to appeal to the television addicted here on the world’s largest lemming farm. But purpose of this effort is to empasize that we were all sold out bBy the Pope of Hope and all of his phony hype about change. The only change that we are seeing is chump change.

The fix was in as soon as he named that ass-faced little weasel Rahm Emanuel his chief of staff…game, set and match.

The wars continue, the illegal spying continues, the economic numbers are cooked to a fine fricassee by liars whose sole job is to obfuscate, spin and confuse the public – actual unemployment is likely closer to 20 percent and the only thing that has occured is that the Obama administration has reinflated the bubble. The Wall Street traitors and crooks have been bailed out and are now gambling with house money – OUR money.

Health care reform is a fraud, the same crooked scum lobbists and their bought and paid for whores like Max Baucus and his ilk are going to come out with the worst possible bill with no public option and forced coverage so that the pigs who run the insurance industry and the medical industrial complex can continue to reap obscene profits at the expense of the peasants.

While the idiot and dupes are out storming townhalls at the command of the demented Glenn Beck, a man with a serious history of mental illness and suicide in his family as well as a hard core former alcoholic with delusions of grandeur (hell, for all that anyone knows he probably grew up fucking his mother although that’s no excuse) and there will soon be violence at one of the organized bund attacks. Goddammit, I would piss my pants laughing if it weren’t such a joke. How on God’s green Earth do these imbeciles get duped into believing that when Obama has bailed out the parasitical financial oligarchs, continued to shovel money into the lucrative wars of conquest, has done jack squat to close down America’s vast for profit prison gulag and is now going to fistfuck us all into a scam of a health care ‘reform’ con job written by the capitalist swine who run the game?
Frank Rich of the damned librul New York Times had a great piece on the betrayal by Barack yesterday entitled Is Obama Punking Us? from which I exerpt the following:

Yet there is real reason for longer-term worry in the form of a persistent, anecdotal drift toward disillusionment among some of the president’s supporters. And not merely those on the left. This concern was perhaps best articulated by an Obama voter, a real estate agent in Virginia, featured on the front page of The Washington Post last week. “Nothing’s changed for the common guy,” she said. “I feel like I’ve been punked.” She cited in particular the billions of dollars in bailouts given to banks that still “act like they’re broke.”

But this mood isn’t just about the banks, Public Enemy No. 1. What the Great Recession has crystallized is a larger syndrome that Obama tapped into during the campaign. It’s the sinking sensation that the American game is rigged — that, as the president typically put it a month after his inauguration, the system is in hock to “the interests of powerful lobbyists or the wealthiest few” who have “run Washington far too long.” He promised to smite them.

No president can do that alone, let alone in six months. To make Obama’s goal more quixotic, the ailment that he diagnosed is far bigger than Washington and often beyond politics’ domain. What disturbs Americans of all ideological persuasions is the fear that almost everything, not just government, is fixed or manipulated by some powerful hidden hand, from commercial transactions as trivial as the sales of prime concert tickets to cultural forces as pervasive as the news media.

It’s a cynicism confirmed almost daily by events. Last week Brian Stelter of The Times reported that the corporate bosses of MSNBC and Fox News, Jeffrey Immelt of General Electric and Rupert Murdoch of News Corporation, had sanctioned their lieutenants to broker what a G.E. spokesman called a new “level of civility” between their brawling cable stars, Keith Olbermann and Bill O’Reilly. A Fox spokesman later confirmed to Howard Kurtz of The Post that “there was an agreement” at least at the corporate level. Olbermann said he was a “party to no deal,” and in any event what looked like a temporary truce ended after The Times article was published. But the whole scrape only fed legitimate suspicions on the right and left alike that even their loudest public voices can be silenced if the business interests of the real American elite decree it.

You might wonder whether networks could some day cut out the middlemen — anchors — and just put covert lobbyists and publicists on the air to deliver the news. Actually, that has already happened. The most notorious example was the flock of retired military officers who served as television “news analysts” during the Iraq war while clandestinely lobbying for defense contractors eager to sell their costly wares to the Pentagon.

The revelation of that scandal did not end the practice. Last week MSNBC had to apologize for deploying the former Newsweek writer Richard Wolffe as a substitute host for Olbermann without mentioning his new career as a corporate flack. Wolffe might still be anchoring on MSNBC if the blogger Glenn Greenwald hadn’t called attention to his day job. MSNBC assured its viewers that there were no conflicts of interest, but we must take that on faith, since we still don’t know which clients Wolffe represents as a senior strategist for his firm, Public Strategies, whose chief executive is the former Bush White House spin artist, Dan Bartlett.

Let’s presume that Wolffe’s clients do not include the corporate interests with billions at stake in MSNBC and Washington’s Topic A, the health care debate. If so, he’s about the only player in the political-corporate culture who’s not riding that gravy train.

As Democrats have pointed out, the angry hecklers disrupting town-hall meetings convened by members of Congress are not always ordinary citizens engaging in spontaneous grass-roots protests or even G.O.P. operatives, but proxies for corporate lobbyists. One group facilitating the screamers is FreedomWorks, which is run by the former Congressman Dick Armey, now a lobbyist at the DLA Piper law firm. Medicines Company, a global pharmaceutical business, has paid DLA Piper more than $6 million in lobbying fees in the five years Armey has worked there.

But the Democratic members of Congress those hecklers assailed can hardly claim the moral high ground. Their ties to health care interests are merely more discreet and insidious. As Congressional Quarterly reported last week, industry groups contributed almost $1.8 million in the first six months of 2009 alone to the 18 House members of both parties supervising health care reform, Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer among them.

Then there are the 52 conservative Blue Dog Democrats, who have balked at the public option for health insurance. Their cash intake from insurers and drug companies outpaces their Democratic peers by an average of 25 percent, according to The Post. And let’s not forget the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee, which has raked in nearly $500,000 from a single doctor-owned hospital in McAllen, Tex. — the very one that Obama has cited as a symbol of runaway medical costs ever since it was profiled in The New Yorker this spring.

In this maze of powerful moneyed interests, it’s not clear who any American in either party should or could root for. The bipartisan nature of the beast can be encapsulated by the remarkable progress of Billy Tauzin, the former Louisiana congressman. Tauzin was a founding member of the Blue Dog Democrats in 1994. A year later, he bolted to the Republicans. Now he is chief of PhRMA, the biggest pharmaceutical trade group. In the 2008 campaign, Obama ran a television ad pillorying Tauzin for his role in preventing Medicare from negotiating for lower drug prices. Last week The Los Angeles Times reported — and The New York Times confirmed — that Tauzin, an active player in White House health care negotiations, had secured a behind-closed-doors flip-flop, enlisting the administration to push for continued protection of drug prices. Now we know why the president has ducked his campaign pledge to broadcast such negotiations on C-Span.

The making of legislative sausage is never pretty. The White House has to give to get. But the cynicism being whipped up among voters is justified. Unlike Hillary Clinton, whose chief presidential campaign strategist unapologetically did double duty as a high-powered corporate flack, Obama promised change we could actually believe in.

His first questionable post-victory step was to assemble an old boys’ club of Robert Rubin protégés and Goldman-Citi alumni as the White House economic team, including a Treasury secretary, Timothy Geithner, who failed in his watchdog role at the New York Fed as Wall Street’s latest bubble first inflated and then burst. The questions about Geithner’s role in adjudicating the subsequent bailouts aren’t going away, and neither is the angry public sense that the fix is still in. We just learned that nine of those bailed-out banks — which in total received $175 billion of taxpayers’ money, but as yet have repaid only $50 billion — are awarding a total of $32.6 billion in bonuses for 2009.

It’s in this context that Obama can’t afford a defeat on health care. A bill will pass in a Democrat-controlled Congress. What matters is what’s in it. The final result will be a CAT scan of those powerful Washington interests he campaigned against, revealing which have been removed from the body politic (or at least reduced) and which continue to metastasize. The Wall Street regulatory reform package Obama pushes through, or doesn’t, may render even more of a verdict on his success in changing the system he sought the White House to reform.

The best political news for the president remains the Republicans. It’s a measure of how out of touch G.O.P. leaders like Mitch McConnell and John Boehner are that they keep trying to scare voters by calling Obama a socialist. They have it backward. The larger fear is that Obama might be just another corporatist, punking voters much as the Republicans do when they claim to be all for the common guy. If anything, the most unexpected — and challenging — event that could rock the White House this August would be if the opposition actually woke up.

Admit it, we’ve been had. I have to admit, I voted for Obama and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t kick myself for not voting for Nader.

Hell, for what it’s all worth I miss Bush, at least everybody knew who the real enemy was.

Baby Trig: Just Punt the Little Fucker

August 8, 2009
Queen of Angry Quitters, Mother of Sluts and Retards

With the increasingly vicious invasions of health care town halls by angry lynch mobs of vile, racist, neo-Nazi filth offering an eerie glimpse of the coming ugly fall of Weimar America when the rapidly approaching hyperinflation turns us all into Germans circa 1933 you have to not be a bit surprised when the future Führess , Sarah Palin weighs in. Fresh off of her quitting as Alaska Governor and her rambling descent into Glenn Beck type of insanity with her bizarre resignation speech the vile cunt is now joining the rest of the brownshirts in attacking the Obama health care reform push. Palin goes back to the bread and butter exploitation of her mongoloid demon child that made her the darling of peckerwood nation in trotting out favorite prop Baby Trig one more time.

In going with the standard right-wing nutball talking point that has riled up all of those old folks on socialized medical programs that the gubmint is coming to ‘KILL GRANNY’ the white trash witch of Wasila is calling out Obama’s ‘Death Panel’ that once all of the geezers have been euthanized they will be coming for the retards next…like precious little Baby Trig. What is so troubling about the dead enders who embrace the rabid form of authoritarianism in storming town halls with SA like fury is that they are so easily suckered by this swill. Rush the child fucking drug addict is invoking the Nazi card as are insipid dipshits like the foul excretion belched out from the womb of Lucianne Goldberg, Jonah, the yuppie yutz who actually wrote a book called, get this…Liberal Fascism to fire up the knuckle draggers. Now anyone with any true sense of history and this of course excludes the ‘tea baggers’ who are essentially out making assholes of themselves in support of the contemporary version of the British Monarchy would immediately know that Hitler’s National Socialism had not one fucking commonality with actual socialism itself. In fact the Nazis hated the communists, trade unions and socialists to the extent that they were largely able to rise to power with the full backing of rapacious German corporations for driving down labor costs by killing and imprisoning socialists.

But as the saying goes, never waste your time trying to teach a pig to sing, it wastes your time and annoys the hell out of the pig therefore any rational thought process is so devoid of the teabaggers, birthers and assorted other scum that even attempting to educate them is an exercise in futility that makes Sisyphus look like a champ. Now I occasionally try to talk to some of them that aren’t too far gone, you may never convince them of the truth but my mission is to keep them from being sucked in by the Glenn Beck death cultists that have so successfully co-opted the Ron Paul movement. I must offer up my mea culpas now to those who thought my admiration of that bunch was foolhardy, now in retrospect, my optimism that an actual movement that no matter how misguided could actually challenge imperialism and the temple of the money changers aka the monolithic Federal Reserve was futile and silly. The type of pathetically naive folks who gravitated to that were very easily peeled off and turned into a raging army of idiots by the corporate funded protection racket that is hate TV and hate radio, now they have been led like sheep to go forth and be assimilated into the real Nazi fifth column that has been working like hell for decades to destabilize this country from within, very successfully I might add.

What these poor, dumb schmucks fail to understand is that Hitler took away the guns, hid behind God to dupe the flock and ultimately rolled out one hell of a euthanasia program that resulted in six million dead Jews along with five or so million others that never seem to get mentioned when discussing the Nazi horrors. The whole point of the monstrously stupid lumpen Republikkkans and their new allies from the Ron Paul movement over this Obama’s socialist (God that’s a hoot) takeover and the coming euthanasia programs are total horseshit, the ones who will march them into the coming gas showers or whatever less ostentatious form of mass murder (China offers a good prototype with the Death Vans and that land of goons is the new prototype for the new generation of American vulture capitalists) programs that pop up in America, likely including forced slave labor to really send those Wall Street stocks soaring will be perpetrated upon them by the very system that they are out cracking skulls, screaming nigger and hanging members of Congress in effigy to keep in power. Bereft of historical perspective and thinking brains the new American SA will meet the same fate of their German predecessors who eventually became such an ugly embarrassment to Hitler that he had them put down during the Night of the Long Knives. But when a raving and drooling lunatic like Glenn Beck, a man with a history of alcoholism, mental illness and suicide running in his family (the moon faced little twit probably fucked his own mother) you end up with scum like this.

Not that I wouldn’t be down with euthanasia, it would be a good solution to America’s rat problem and when the town hall terrorists incite one of their more uptight angry white male losers to open fire in one of them like George Sodini, the ugly chronic masturbator who couldn’t get laid and who shot up the fitness center, Bruce Pardo the Santa suit slayer, Dr. Tiller’s murderer or any one of thousands of other heavily armed, dumbed down and pissed off freaks I am sure that there will be no shortage of volunteers to drive the pick up vans.

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe


The Death Defying Plunge to the Depths of Dumbness

August 3, 2009

It’s another Monday morning in dumbass America, one of the top stories is that the remains of Captain Scott Speicher, the Navy pilot shot down during Daddy Bush’s Gulf War soiree has now been found. Now it seems that I recall, among all of the other lies being used to build the case for the attack on Iraq that would kick off the PNAC’s global domination tour the ‘fact’ that Capt. Speicher was being held in one of Saddam’s torture prisons was another one of the justifications. It turns out that Speicher’s body was buried by Bedouins in the desert after they saw the plane go down. So, the neocon propaganda was just that – bullshit, right up there with the infamous soldiers of Saddam ripping Kuwaiti babies out of their incubators and throwing them on the floor, perfect for the thumb-sucking saps in the USA that sold Gulf War I like it was the fucking Juicemaster or something. It was just as easy as lining up the rubes and whipping them into a frenzy over apocalyptic conjecture of smoking mushroom clouds and all of that other horseshit.

Today American troops are still bogged down in Gulf War II, Afghanistan and in too many other contries to count, a giant sucking black hole for money and a boon for defense stocks. Don’t ever count on any sort of meaningful reform for the national health care system as long as the pigs who run the system are engaged in the lucrative and bloody art of war profiteering. General Smedley D. Butler put it best, “War is a Racket”. Now if war is a racket then the selling of it is an art form to a public suckled at the teat of the goddess of war since their first breaths. Now throw in all of the ‘schooling’ which is really an indoctrination of American exceptionalism, a totally bogus version of history meant only to brainwash and then turn the babbling automatons loose in a militarized police state protected by a bought and paid for media and volla….WAR! So the Scott Speicher as a captive of the New Hitler’s torturers has been debunked but the ongoing corporate crusade against progressive society is ripping into overdrive.

The thing that really grabs my gonads are all of the ridiculous spin pieces about Barack Obama’s falling poll numbers on health care reform. Like all good propaganda these polls (not that I think polls are reliable to begin with, you can make a poll say anything just like a good accountant can produce miracles) are truth mixed in with outright falsehoods and given ZERO context. Of course the savior’s approval ratings are down, he has yet to live up to any of the hype, the wars go on and the only ones getting bailed out of the economic catastrophe are the banksters. Of course the imbeciles, the racist haters and the dead enders will always be against national health care because they are beyond saving. Pathetic wretches who believe anything that emanates from the foul pie hole of the porcine propagandist Rush Limbaugh and that moon-faced little Nazi vermin Glenn Beck. If the glimmer twins (and their goat barn preachers) say that Obama is a secret Muslim, a terrorist symp and a certified COMMIE then that is exactly what he is and there is nothing on earth that can override the FOX/EIB programming. It’s as embedded in their thick skulls as their thumbs are up their puckering assholes.

The real reason that national health care is losing popularity faster than say a typical season for the Detroit Lions is that liberals and progressives are recognizing it for what it is – another of the big con games in which corporate power uses the corrupted state as an enforcer. Get ready for forced mandatory coverage and the scum of the insurance industry writing the legislation. Now Americans are going to face the threat of punishment unless they buy insurance from the same swine who have really been killing Grannie by denying her care. The rest of the stupid scare tactics – get ready for an multi-billion dollar August onslaught since Max Baucus and the other pigs in the pocket of the industry were able to extend the game – with lies, pandering to the lowest common denominator and more racist filth to destroy any chance at the public option. It’s already a done deal and all over by the actual wetwork. I have already seen the most farcical type of fraud in that Obama’s plan would deprive the elderly (heard of fucking Medicare?) of necessary operations to fund abortions courtesy of Tony Perkins’ and the [Manson] Family Research Center and some stuff out there on the perimeter that the ‘racist’ Obama is using the health care reform drive in order to push slavery reparations.

The ‘Birthers’ will feed on the lies as they always do, the problem more than the violent idiots of the Republican base is the media that gives this crap credibility by even bothering to give it any publicity at all. In a country where the typical lemming has been conditioned to define ‘news’ as that boiled down bullshit that is seen on CNN in thirty second clips delivered by big haired, big titted bimbos who stare into teleprompters and mindlessly repeat the daily talking points any mention of the numbskulls and the neo Confederate knuckle draggers in the headlines is taken as legit. The corporate campaign to incite the morons, scare the shit out of the old folks and sow just enough confusion with the average American dumbass to drive a stake through any sort of health care reform is going to be shock and awe….and Harry Reid and his fellow traitors will be kicking back on another of their taxpayer funded vacations while the dirty work is done.

Oh, and the job just gets tougher for anyone who challenges the system, new is that MSNBC has now reigned in the sharp dressed man Keith Olbermann for his tirades against the idiot Bill O’Reilly (who in any decent society would be incarcerated in a padded dungeon), FOX you see was starting to interfere with the real business of defense contractor GE which employs K.O. and he was muzzled. I have been pretty up front in my criticism of Olbermann as of late and taken no small amount of flak for being that way and now it appears that my perception was correct and that he has changed. Look for GE to also now find more ways to apply pressure to Rachel Maddow (a good journalist with a bad gig) and that centrist pig Ed Schultz as the real agenda is out of the bag. Face it folks, this fascism, a more refined version so as to not upset the sheeple as they blindly shamble off to slaughter but fascism nonetheless. And look out for that coming forced Swine Flu vaccination, resistance will not only be futile but criminal as well.

And it’s just another day in the land of birthers, buffoons and bizarreness…have a happy Monday and be proud that you live in the land of the largest gulag system of for profit prisons in history.

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe