Rick Perry: There’s A New Neocon Sheriff In Town

August 23, 2011


“If everything isn’t black and white, I say, “Why the hell not?”

-John Wayne

Ever since dude ranch desperado George Felix Allen’s presidential ambitions were blown up back when he was caught on video taunting a dark skinned man with a racial slur the fascist Republican party has been missing that cowboy archetype that played so well to the masses of asses. The whole allure of the hallowed Ronald Reagan and later George W. Bush was to roll out the ass kicker in chief riding upon a trusty steed, Stetson cocked back and ready to enforce the rule of the west on opponents that evoked celluloid heroes such as John Wayne and Clint Eastwood. It worked too. George W. Bush, a man who was allegedly terrified of horses was somehow packaged into a real live Murkan cowboy. This despite his much touted Crawford, TX ranch being nothing more than a stage set which was rolled out in 2000 just prior to the election and conveniently put up for sale in late 2008 when Bush decided that a tony suburb of Dallas would be his future home. The western myth runs deep in this lemming colony where the real truths of greed, exploitation, violence and the genocide of the indigenous population are ignored while the John Wayne style of revisionist history has come to be the accepted ‘truth’. The neocons, being disciples of Leo Strauss who embraced the big fib or the “noble lie” as a cover story for raw imperialism had experimented briefly with tough talking harpies like Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann (last seen performing simulated fellatio on a corndog the size of a horse’s penis in Iowa) pandering to fat, ignorant, racist white assholes but it just didn’t resonate like the western iconography. So with the ridiculous Tea Party re-branding  of the party base along with it’s costumed freaks experiencing a downward spiral in it’s national perception it was time to go back to the well. The new sheriff in town would be Texas Governor Rick Perry, a silly and shameless buffoon who appeals to the dregs of society and can serve as the perfect bridge between the flagging teabaggers and the traditional Christian fascists who are the party’s shock troops. Perry also gets a bonus for already being a killer, his Texas reign has racked up a record number of executions, a big plus to the haters.

Perry is the perfect successor to George W. Bush. He is of course from the Lone Star State which is chock a block full of religious fanatics and Meskin’ hatin’ teabaggers as well as the home to the big oil money that has so toxically polluted our politics. Even with the Republican 2012 presidential field full of loons, crazies, frauds and one token Negro pizza king there is no way that any of the assclowns will be able to beat a weakened and self-destructive Barack Obama. Mitt Romney and John Huntsman have zero chance because they are Mormons trying to nail down the nomination in a party that is comprised of Christian bigots and Ron Paul is invisible as far as the media is concerned for  his antiwar, pro-civil liberties principles. With Perry, they have a bonafide southern fried motherfucker who will have the party base swarming like a plague of maggots over a five day old bowl of menudo. That Perry has been quietly groomed by none other than arch-neocon Douglas J. Feith, he of the former Pentagon Office of Special Plans or the “Lie Factory” that provided the Bushreich with the false information justifying the attack and occupation of Iraq, a country that posed no threat to the United States. Doug Feith is one of the slimiest bastards of the neocon cabal that included Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, propagandist William Kristol, Iran-Contra criminal Elliott Abrams, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and too many other vermin to waste any more time listing here who embraced the PNAC doctrine of global conquest that has mired this country in war for the rest of our lives. Feith, who along with many of the other dual citizens of the neocons is an ultra right-wing Zionist was instrumental in producing the notorious policy paper for Bibi Netanyahu entitled A Clean Break that would provide the ideological heft for the fascist transformation of Israel as it carved out lebensraum with the backing of the U.S establishment that continues to subsidize the butchery to this day.

With the Palin Project now on the rocks thanks largely to the idiosyncratic nature of the wild Alaskan dingbat that has turned her into a national punchline it was imperative that a new host be prepped for the parasites. With Netanyahu and the maniacal Avigdor Lieberman over in God’s chosen land itching to nuke Iran but opposed by the recalcitrant Obama administration a more pliant and receptive type who would eagerly follow orders from Givat Ram to launch WW III is needed. Perry is a natural and his appeal to the Rapture death cult that has so well served neocon and extreme right-wing Israeli war freaks is a huge asset. The neocon Whermacht that is the now fully jacked up on crazy tea served out of Kool Aid vats Christian cultural war machine will be mobilized and foaming a the mouth come the months leading up to next November. Hell hath no fury like a death-worshiping Christofascist who was recently burned by Harold Camping’s Rapture that failed to materialize and they are already in a masturbatory frenzy over the coming jihad against the infidel Obama. As I stated in my recent piece Norwegian Tea: Will Anti-Muslim Crusade Bring Blood to America For 2012? the GOP and their neocon backers and gearing up for an onslaught of hate unprecedented in American history. With Perry as their champion and operatives like Glenn Beck over in Israel honing his chops this week the beasts are ready to take to the streets here in Der Heimat on a blood scent and a scorched earth mandate.

Perry’s appeal to the crazy Christers provides the neocons with what they lacked since Bush left Washington, the new sheriff in town lookin’ to lead the posse and string up all those deemed to be their enemies for a public lynching. Despite the fact that he is just another useful idiot and fraud and is pegged as such by Antiwar.com’s always spot-on Justin Raimondo as such in his recent piece entitled Rick Perry, ‘Hawk Internationalist’ from which I excerpt:

Just look at who’s been giving him foreign policy advice: according to Josh Rogin, over at Foreignpolicy.com, he’s been in meetings “sometimes for hours” with the likes of former Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Doug Feith, former NSC “strategy guru” William Luti, and a host of other neocons from the last administration, many of whom were instrumental in lying us into war in Iraq. Feith and Luti were the nexus of a disinformation network which fed false “intelligence” to the Congress, the White House, and the public to justify a disastrous invasion which we are still paying for in lives and treasure.
Oh, and what a surprise: it turns out the Perry-neocon lash-up was brokered by disgraced former Defense Secretary Donald “Known Unknowns” Rumsfeld.

Another clueless Texas Governor surrounded by the same Praetorian Guard of conniving neocons who led us down the road to imperial overstretch and fiscal ruin last time around – isn’t that just what the GOP needs right now?

Raimondo is despised by the neocons. For years he has refused to back down while casting light on the entire fetid nest of neocon cockroaches that are the Israeli extremist right-wing’s American fifth column. This is likely why antiwar.com is now the subject of an FBI investigation, the true targets of the phony war on terror as I have been saying for years have ALWAYS been American dissidents who oppose the warfare state.

As for Rick Perry, the all-American cowboy archetype has led to nothing but trouble, revisionism and an excuse to engage in mayhem in lands where brown people live. Neocon imperialism as exemplified in the infamous PNAC manifesto Rebuilding America’s Defenses is just reverse engineered John Wayne who once remarked that:

“I don’t feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves.”

Just substitute “Indians” for Iraqis, Iranians or Afghans are as the right-wingers like to lump them all together A-rabs, mix in a holy Christian crusader narrative and you have the recipe for more ruinous and never-ending wars of murder and  resource theft. This is the American dogma that brought us our very own four horsemen of the apocalypse in George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, John Wayne and the Marlboro Man and Perry is sharpening his spurs as the next gun for hire. John Wayne also once remarked “life is tough but its tougher when you’re stupid”.

Perhaps he had the teabaggers and their ilk in mind….

Hey Old Man, Who The Hell Are You Gonna Kill Next?

February 13, 2011

Nice to see another mass murderer and war criminal from the Bush administration hit it big. The Donald has a new bestselling tome, Known and Unknown which is a runaway hit, rocketing up the sales charts (largely thanks to bulk buys from fascist organizations related to that foreign pig Murdoch and the normal right wing fascists). I want to give a big shout out to Donald Rumsfeld, just another example that crime pays in the USA as long as you have the important connections.

Very apropos to Rummy as a tribute is this brilliant song by Roger Waters to all of the war pigs entitled “The Bravery of Being Out of Range”

You have a natural tendency

To squeeze off a shot

You’re good fun at parties

You wear the right masks

You’re old but you still

Like a laugh in the locker room

You can’t abide change

You’re at home an the range

You opened your suitcase

Behind the old workings

To show off the magnum

You deafened the canyon

A comfort a friend

Only upstaged in the end

By the Uzi machine gun

Does the recoil remind you

Remind you of sex

Old man what the hell you gonna kill next

Old timer who you gonna kill next

I looked over Jordan and what did I see

Saw a U.S. Marine in a pile of debris

I swam in your pools

And lay under your palm trees

I looked in the eyes of the Indian

Who lay on the Federal Building steps

And through the range finder over the hill

I saw the frontline boys popping their pills

Sick of the mess they find

On their desert stage

And the bravery of being out of range

Yeah the question is vexed

Old man what the hell you gonna kill next

Old timer who you gonna kill next

Hey bartender over here

Two more shots

And two more beers

Sir turn up the TV sound

The war has started on the ground

Just love those laser guided bombs

They’re really great

For righting wrongs

You hit the target

And win the game

From bars 3,000 miles away

3,000 miles away

We play the game

With the bravery of being out of range

We zap and maim

With the bravery of being out of range

We strafe the train

With the bravery of being out of range

We gained terrain

With the bravery of being out of range

With the bravery of being out of range

We play the game

With the bravery of being out of range

Enjoy it while it lasts Rummy…Satan is sharpening the tongs on his trident as I write this.

Fourth of July on the Great American Lemming Farm

July 3, 2010

All governments are run by liars and nothing they say should be believed.

-I. F. Stone

Greetings to all you fellow prisoners trapped amongst the world’s largest lemming colony as the ship of fools continues to take on water, oily water that is.  Encho checking in, been ahwile since I have had the motivation to put anything out but as the man once sang, “the times they are a changing”. It’s been a nice form of hiatus and semi-retirement but given the sad state of affairs I feel that it’s time to get off of the bench and back into the game. I felt that a perfect time to relaunch would be flag-suckers weekend, the fetid stench of the hot air that will be belched out by Becked up faux patriots screwing up their misdirected outrage at the war criminal Obama government for all of the wrong reasons is in the air. The Fourth of July always brings out the biggest turds in the cesspool where they desecrate their beloved stars and stripes by wrapping their corpulent and idiotic carcasses in cheap Chinese made clothing adorned with it, overloading their red, white and blue picnic plates with potato salad, beans and fatty meats and flying it in front of profit starved retail outlets to lure the already maxed out consumers (Jesus, what an inhuman term) into their emporiums of marked-up, sweatshop produced wares. The Fourth has taken on an especially loathsome and menacing nature in 2010 that has been metastasizing like a cancer through this sickened society since the American Reichstag fire of September 11, 2001 and has confirmed for all time the words of Sinclair Lewis about fascism being delivered wrapped in the flag. The Teabaggers will be out in force this weekend, armed to the teeth and plotting their revolution or to those who are knowledgable of history their American Gladio. They will bray for the blood of the hated Muslims, Commies and Libruls [sic] in between stuffing food into their rancid pieholes, belching beer and singing God Bless America. That much is a given.

Yes, my friends, I have been away far too long and much has gone on that I have not been on record about, the one thing in Der Heimat that is consistent is the decline, the descent into morbid obesity, indolence, wrath and just plain dumbness has if anything since that helicopter hauled away George W. Bush like so much garbage only gained momentum. By now we can all see that Barack Obama is a fraud, an amateur, a pussy and a man in over his head. In the abysmal failure to use a substantial Democratic Congressional majority to produce anything even remotely resembling meaningful change OBushma will go down as one of history’s greatest fuckups, with a full head of steam coming out of the 2008 election, a nation hungering for a new direction after the ruination of the Bushreich and a world desperate for the United States to once again become a moral (more accurately a less trenchant bully) example the inexperienced usurper blew it. With the appoint of the sleazy operator Rahm Emanuel as the new Chief of Staff it was apparent early on that in reality, all that really happened is that the great whorehouse at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue was a bit of cosmetic cleaning and a new shingle that said “UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT”, the fucking would of course go on as it always does in the land of fuck you I got mine.


Obama’s regime has been an abject catastrophe, to such a degree that even a return of Bush and Cheney would be an improvement. In short order the feckless Obama administration and the even more pathetic Harry Reid led Senate were terrorized into capitulation by mobs of FOX sponsored teabagger brownshirts that descended enmasse to shriek incoherently at town hall meetings to ensure that any sort of health care reform would be D.O.A. The final bill was a mockery, a thinly concealed bailout of the rapacious insurance ghouls and the mandate by the state to use government power to force busted out Americans to purchase shitty overpriced coverage from the same diseased pigfuckers responsible for the worst health care system in the industrialized world. Obama followed up that gem with his escalation of the long since lost Afghanistan occupation, getting suckered into that murderous, money sucking black hole under the ludicrous premise that it was the “good war”. With the recently ugly cashiering of General Stanley McChrystal, Obama’s own hand-picked assassin over comments made in a Rolling Stone magazine expose that put a bug up the Commander in Chief’s ass for reasons that I am still unable to figure out after reading the damned thing twice the damned war has so obviously been lost that even an assclown like RNC Chairman Michael Steele is able to slime out from under whatever lesbian bondage club’s bar that he has been hiding under and calling out Obama for this growing mega-clusterfuck that is truthfully his war of choice. Obama is nothing more than Lyndon Baines Johnson without the progressive social agenda and the Afghanistan disaster will be his Waterloo.

“We’ve shot an amazing number of people and killed a number and, to my knowledge, none has proven to have been a real threat to the force.”

-General Stanley McChrystal

Back to the McChrystal firing. I realize that Stan da Man is a murderer, a hired thug and actively participated in the coverup of the murder ot Pat Tillman (if not carrying out the command of the assassination of the man who would prove to be a very embarassing voice against the wars were he allowed to return home) for which he should have been busted down to buck private and sent to Leavenworth over, however, the entire uproar over the Rolling Stone piece has a funny smell to it. Notice how nearly all of the establishment pundits and assorted press plants, mockingbirds and highly paid propagandist shithacks were universally down with it, it was something much more serious than mocking the morons running the war, including Joe “Bite Me” Biden, Bibi’s personal footstool. McChrystal’s guys were pretty much spot on from what I read but the most serious transgressions would appear to be that McChrystal had dialed down the rules of engagement in order to keep the civilian death toll down. Not popular with our trigger happy little green ‘heroes’ who want blood, most specifically the blood of Muslims given the presence of so many murderous ‘Christian’ fascist fanatics in the U.S. military to fight the new crusades. I seem to recall from back when I was running with the phonies on the ‘left’ that there was a lot of weeping and gnashing of the teeth tht General McChrystal was GASP an ascetic zealot but it would seem like the Rolling Stone article blows that little piece of agitprop away as so much horseshit, were he an ascetic he wouldn’t be getting fucking shitfaced drunk and then cutting loose in the presence of a reporter who was not on the official dole. According to some sources he banned FOX News from his headquarters, a cardinal sin for the drooling war freak neocons and according to another story was a flaming librul [sic] who was tolerant towards gays.  McChrystal also criticized the use of mercenaries, a big no-no in the third term of the Bush administration, especially when Blackwater/Xe just scored a big contract to conduct their unaccountable black ops duties in Afghanistan. It would seem like all of this would already had the general on the shitlist but the unspeakable blasphemy that the war was lost is what I truly suspect ultimately did him in. McChrystal was on record as referring to the territory of Marjah as a “bleeding ulcer”, eerily similar to remarks made by former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev who called Afghanistan a “bleeding wound” as it became increasingly apparent that it was sticking a fork in the ass of his Empire.


Are we any smarter than the Russians who never recovered from their disastrous Afghan misadventures? It would seem not with Obushma now having to turn to the sainted General David Petraeus to engineer a similar propaganda campaign to the now famous SURGE that turned the Iraq debacle from chicken shit into chicken salad in the eyes of the chronically misinformend and celebrity infatuated American sheeple. We may not be any smarter but thanks to the cancer that is American Capitalism we sure as fuck are more greedy than those damned godless Commies were. Not only has a recent New York Times ‘scoop’ revealed that the hills of Afghanistan are just filled with trillions of dollars of untapped mineral resources that the unscrupulous pigs who have stripmined the industrial capacity of America and eliminated countless millioins of jobs through labor arbitrage to third world shitholes but there is always the hidden agenda of the opium crops. Anyone who is at least somewhat competent in geopolitics fully knows that the U.S. of A has long been involved in the international narcotics trade. The Wall Street banks especially love drug profits and there is no way of being to accurately estimate the amount of drug money that is laundered through the same fiend-filled shithouses that the Obama administration just bailed out with trillions in U.S. taxpayer dollars that could have been better utilized in creating jobs for the poor schmucks at the bottom of the trickle-down economics outhouse hole but it is a lot. I will save that ugly, convoluted, dangerous and sordid tale for a future time but suffice it to say, the laundering of drug money through the big banks during the recent collapse in the massive ponzi scheme saved the bacon of the banksters. So Petraeus is now sent to Afghanistan, has already gone on record as saying that he is going to change the rules of engagement in order to allow for the implementation of the “kill em all and let God sort ’em out” American style of combat which will allow him to retain his media created heroic image and stick the final dagger into the back of the pathetically overmatched Obama in the process. Perhaps even wrapping it all up to return to glory and worship back here in Der Heimat in time to run against the Pope of Hope in 2012. The neocons are betting on it already, the Republicans already having ridden the co-opted Tea Party lightning to the point where the exoskeleton will be shed leaving the racist maggots to tear each other to shreds and for the leader of the New American Century to emergy like a chrysalis from the cocoon. Pat Buchanan’s recent post The Prisoner of General Petraeus hits it out of the park.


But enough about the lost war in Afghanistan, we here in between the shining seas have other wars to worry about that have more urgency. I primarily refer to the lopsided class war during which the state uses the full power of the militarized police to ensure that the upwardly redistribution of wealth continues. The ballyhooed Wall Street/Financial Reform bill is nothing more than a rotten, rigged and borderline criminal defense of the big banks whose Gordon Gekko worship and chronic gambler mentality have effecively nuked the entire global economy. What will remain of this travesty by the time that the bumbling boob Obama finally signs it will be the proverbial band aid on the sucking chest wound. The derivatives casinos will continue to hum along, there will be only the illusion of any sort of change that helps the average peasants and the stage is being set for the last catastrophic economic blowup of all time. The next one will be where the pigs retreat into their stocked and heavily fortified compounds, install a buffer zone of militarized police and private security thugs and then let the poor dumb bastard rabble rip each other’s throats out in what will be something of a cross between The Road Warrior and the savage battle for the last can of Milwaukee’s Best at a teabagger July 4th bund rally. The end is coming people and you all would do best to prepare yourselves for it by stocking up with canned food, water, batteries and guns with plenty of ammo. You are going to need to hunker down and try to survive while the less prepared are out beating each other into pulp with whatever they can find to use as a bludgeon. Do you really think that the average American asshole is cognizant enough of anything on any sort of a level where they are able to comprehend the implications of a Malthusian level catastrophe? Shit, during my time away from blogging the primary topics of conversation and news coverage all were about the exhuming and raping the corpse of poor Natalee Holloway with the story of some Dutch degenerate named Joran Van Der Sloot. It’s what works here in Murka, keep the monkeys fascinated with these idiotic lurid scandals while the entire fucking world collapses. Next up, Van Der Sloot will be trotted out on CNN, FOX and MSNBC as the latest suspect in the long-running Jon Benet Ramsey child murder case…that is if the shameless sequel to the great Clinton blowjob inquisitions involving the alleged semen stains of Al Gore doesn’t swallow them whole. So take my advice, these stupid bitches and bastards likely don’t have enough food in their refrigerators to get them through half a week let alone a prolonged collapse in the social structure. Food, Guns and Ammo….you will thank me for this advice one day. 


Lastly, since I have already been rambling on extensively today I will keep it short I am going to keep with the cheery news in that the speed of the collapse could be escalated. I speak of the colossal environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico courtesy of British Petroleum with a big assist to our corrupt American style of Capitalism that continues to worsen by the day. There is really no accurate way to assess the magnitude of this catastrophe, the media is only being given bits and pieces of the bad news – not that the suckers of the corporate and government elite would bother to report the fucking truth anyway. This is going to be a long term, life-altering event and there has been little to no mention of what is going to happen when one or two hurricanes roar into the gulf, pick up all of the toxic goo and deliver it inlands with 120 + mph winds and a massive storm surge. Think that New Orleans was devastated by Hurricane Katrina (ok, it was the chronic inability of anyone to build a modern levee system that magnified the damage) just wait until a heavily populated area is not only torn to bits by a savage storm but all of the property, vegetation, roads and other infrastructure, personal property, vehicles and animals wake up covered in oil sludge and deadly chemicals. That is coming and that is what the government is NOT telling anybody about. I don’t blame this all on Obama though, the gutting of the environmental protections began long before he found himself enscsonced upon the throne. Sure he has dicked aroud by coddling the corporations and his decision to not only retain corrupt officials (see Tim Dickinson’s great Rolling Stone article The Spill, The Scandal and the President) and playing nice with BP, probably due to the fact that they are a huge supplier of fuel to the Imperial U.S. military but at least he isn’t practically sucking the cocks of BP executives like the fascist Republican assholes in Congress are doing, retrograde goons the likes of Joe Barton of Texas (where else?) but it is still another massive fuckup on his watch.


So what now? I seriously considered wallking away from all of this shit forever for a good while because as I mentioned once before there is a chronic inability in America to hear the truth. The whole shittin’ shebang is all going to collapse anyway no matter what I do. I am pushing 50 now and given my lifestyle over the years have at best and realistically (optimistically too) around 25-30 years left on planet shit. I have no kids so I really don’t give a rat’s ass about anything other than getting out of here before the worst hits, just run out the clock you know. But I just can’t, damned as I may try to just stop caring, not that I am any great lover of humanity or anything, truthfully, I really dislike most people, they are stupid, selfish, mean-spirited and vain, they are believers in the most ridiculous things. Things like serious change, peace and justice in our time, that America is a great nation, exceptional and unlike every other empire in history that murdered, enslaved, pillaged and stole the resources of those of lesser strength, superstitious hogwash like the bible and worst of all faith in the wondrous economic system that is American Capitalism. I do not suffer fools kindly and Christ knows that I am seriously outnumbered by them. A grim sort of resignation is what I have and a serious case of revulsion and outright contempt for the majority of Americans. I can proudly say that I am ashamed to be an American so all of the flag swaddled, Becked up fucksticks can go out and gorge themselves on potato salad and patriotic nonsense this weekend, they deserve each other.

In closing I would like to bring attention to a man who is a modern day prophet, a writer extraordinaire and who has more compassion and wisdom in his little toenail than any randomly chosen 5 tons of junk food fed, obese and terminally fucked Americans. I speak of the great Joe Bageant and his tour de force essay that he just published entitled Live From Planet Norte. This is essential reading to all of use who are awake and aware. It has a poetic quality to it as does most of Joe’s stuff but it’s the closing that nails it and I will excerpt a short piece of the essay here – however do yourselves a favor and go read it at Joe’s place, and his other stuff too, it will help you make some sense out of all of this.

Turn off your mind, relax and float down stream

Informed and globally conscious people are sickened, heartbroken by the spectral truth. But to use the same Neal Cassady quote for the second time this year: “To have seen a specter is not everything.”

In fact, it even has a good side. Transformation. Once you honestly accept what you have seen, you are changed, released from the previous stress and fear. Like so many feared experiences, it is its own psychodynamic, and is about “coming out the other side” of the experience. Accepting such a truth — especially for pathologically optimistic, cheer stressed Americans — shatters many painfully held illusions. The chief one is that we are the animating force behind all significant change, and that the massive damage we do is “progress”). In their place grows a new inner awareness. Although it does not conform to any popular definition as such, the easiest way to describe it is “spiritual,” Who in these times, you may ask, believes in the spirit as an animating force of mankind? My answer is: Those who can be still enough to see that spirit moving.

With it comes the awareness and acceptance of forces far more powerful than our puny anthropocentric illusions of planetary authority. We can arrive at this understanding by way of thinking, logic and reason. The mind is a cumbersome and inefficient way to go about escaping traps you build with your mind, but yes, it can be done. Most educated people in this science worshipping age prefer the convoluted path of logic and rational exercise, over calmly opening one’s eyes and heart to the world before us, as wiser men have done for thousands of years.

There is more worthwhile in those two and a half paragraphs than others can write in volumes. You go Joe!

This is Ed Encho, signing off for now. I’ll be back soon with more.

A Farewell to Arms: Why I Left ‘the Left’

January 9, 2010

Barack promised change — and sure enough, things changed for the worse

-Joe Bageant

To Hell with the ‘left’! I am finished, done, disillusioned and over it, the divorce papers have been filed and are now finalized and I am not going back. As of this day, I will no longer allow myself to be affiliated or endorse the ‘left’ in any way, shape or form. So long folks, it was real and it was fun but in the end it was unfulfilling and dare I say, a waste of time and effort. Is this overly harsh? Perhaps it is but the break has to be made and it can no longer be put off. I assure you, this was no hasty decision but rather something that has been a slow and agonizing process, a steady drip…drip…drip.., like Chinese water torture and suddenly the mind goes, the spirit breaks and the ugly reality of the situation cannot be denied or disguised. So to all of my good friends on the left I wish you the very best but I am no longer one of you and maybe I never was, it was never dogma to me only a desire for some sort of social fairness and a fair shot but the American left being a shell of it’s former self with labor broken and the DLC corporatists having taken over the Democratic party it has been reduced to shills for the Democrats and squabbling identity groups each with an agenda that prevents any sort of unity necessary for a mass movement for real change. Sucks but that is just the way it has to be.

During an extended break from over four years of constant writing, activism, some radio and a lot of anger that was being absorbed that was due to health reasons I had some time to reflect and reassess matters and I realized that a lot of what made it necessary to step back was at the root cause of my problems. It was no near death experience or anything but after four and a half years of balls to the wall, take no prisoners warfare against the deranged elements of the right, the Bushreich and the liars, crooks and war freaks who have destroyed this country it was an opportunity to observe for a change. And when peering into that abyss I saw much of what I despised as not unique to the right-wing extremists, they had their doppelganger counterparts who were every bit as cynical, corrupted and morally rotten their own special ways. While I have been heading in this direction anyway, the mass panic over the false flag underwear bomber and the renewal of post 9/11 bloodlust and fear is what finally did it. The ‘left’ and the Obama administration had the opportunity to exorcise these demons from America, to punish the war criminals, bail out the common folks and to stop the mass looting but didn’t so liberalism has failed. Leo Strauss was right after all, liberalism is an enabler of totalitarianism in that it allows it to grow by an utter failure to do what is necessary to behead the snakes on the hydra or to cut the cancer out prior to it metastasizing.

A man whose work I greatly admire and who has the actual credentials to call out anyone that he damned well pleases, author Chris Hedges made me realize that my decision to leave the failure of liberalism was absolutely the right thing to do. His fairly recent piece that earned him much scorn from the courtiers of Obama and the Rahm Emanuel corporatists and their apologists on the left entitled Liberals Are Useless brings it all home and I excerpt from this work by a longtime beacon of morality in our blood soaked and bogeyman infested Fantasy Land:

Liberals are a useless lot. They talk about peace and do nothing to challenge our permanent war economy. They claim to support the working class, and vote for candidates that glibly defend the North American Free Trade Agreement. They insist they believe in welfare, the right to organize, universal health care and a host of other socially progressive causes, and will not risk stepping out of the mainstream to fight for them. The only talent they seem to possess is the ability to write abject, cloying letters to Barack Obama—as if he reads them—asking the president to come back to his “true” self. This sterile moral posturing, which is not only useless but humiliating, has made America’s liberal class an object of public derision.


What is the breaking point? The criminal war of aggression in Iraq? The escalation of the war in Afghanistan? Forty-five thousand people dying a year because they can’t afford health insurance? The hollowing out of communities and sending the jobs to fascist and communist regimes overseas that know how to put the workers in their place? There is no breaking point. And when there is no breaking point you do not have a moral compass.”


I save my anger for our bankrupt liberal intelligentsia of which, sadly, I guess I am a member. Liberals are the defeated, self-absorbed Mouse Man in Dostoevsky’s “Notes From Underground.” They embrace cynicism, a cloak for their cowardice and impotence. They, like Dostoevsky’s depraved character, have come to believe that the “conscious inertia” of the underground surpasses all other forms of existence. They too use inaction and empty moral posturing, not to affect change but to engage in an orgy of self-adulation and self-pity. They too refuse to act or engage with anyone not cowering in the underground. This choice does not satisfy the Mouse Man, as it does not satisfy our liberal class, but neither has the strength to change. The gravest danger we face as a nation is not from the far right, although it may well inherit power, but from a bankrupt liberal class that has lost the will to fight and the moral courage to stand up for what it espouses.

Anyone who says he or she cares about the working class in this country should have walked out on the Democratic Party in 1994 with the passage of NAFTA. And it has only been downhill since. If welfare reform, the 1999 Financial Services Modernization Act, which gutted the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act—designed to prevent the kind of banking crisis we are now undergoing—and the craven decision by the Democratic Congress to continue to fund and expand our imperial wars were not enough to make you revolt, how about the refusal to restore habeas corpus, end torture in our offshore penal colonies, abolish George W. Bush’s secrecy laws or halt the warrantless wiretapping and monitoring of American citizens? The imperial projects and the corporate state have not altered under Obama. The state kills as ruthlessly and indiscriminately in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan as it did under Bush. It steals from the U.S. treasury as rapaciously to enrich the corporate elite. It, too, bows before the conservative Israel lobby, refuses to enact serious environmental or health care reform, regulate Wall Street, end our relationship with private mercenary contractors or stop handing obscene sums of money, some $1 trillion a year, to the military and arms industry. At what point do we stop being a doormat? At what point do we fight back? We may lose if we step outside the mainstream, but at least we will salvage our self-esteem and integrity.

I learned to dislike liberals when I lived in Roxbury, the inner-city in Boston, as a seminary student at Harvard Divinity School. I commuted into Cambridge to hear professors and students talk about empowering people they never met. It was the time of the leftist Sandinista government in Nicaragua. Spending two weeks picking coffee in that country and then coming back and talking about it for the rest of the semester was the best way to “credentialize” yourself as a revolutionary. But few of these “revolutionaries” found the time to spend 20 minutes on the Green Line to see where human beings in their own city were being warehoused little better than animals. They liked the poor, but they did not like the smell of the poor. It was a lesson I never forgot.
I was also at the time a member of the Greater Boston YMCA boxing team. We fought on Saturday nights for $25 in arenas in working-class neighborhoods like Charlestown. My closest friends were construction workers and pot washers. They worked hard. They believed in unions. They wanted a better life, which few of them ever got. We used to run five miles after our nightly training, passing through the Mission Main and Mission Extension Housing Projects, and they would joke, “I hope we get mugged.” They knew precisely what to do with people who abused them. They may not have been liberal, they may not have finished high school, but they were far more grounded than most of those I studied with across the Charles River. They would have felt awkward, and would have been made to feel awkward, at the little gatherings of progressive and liberal intellectuals at Harvard, but you could trust and rely on them.

I went on to spend two decades as a war correspondent. The qualities inherent in good soldiers or Marines, like the qualities I found among those boxers, are qualities I admire—self-sacrifice, courage, the ability to make decisions under stress, the capacity to endure physical discomfort, and a fierce loyalty to those around you, even if it puts you in greater danger. If liberals had even a bit of their fortitude we could have avoided this mess. But they don’t. So here we are again, begging Obama to be Obama. He is Obama. Obama is not the problem. We are.

Brilliantly driven home by Mr. Hedges, I will now excerpt from the great Joe Bageant whose piece The Devil and Mr. Obama is a must read:

As you may know, Obama’s public approval ratings are taking a beating. Millions of his former cult members have awakened with a splitting hangover to find their pockets turned inside out and eviction notices on the doors of their 4,000 square foot subprime mortgaged cardboard fuck boxes. Many who voted for Obama out of disgust for the Bush regime are now listening to the Republicans again on their car radios as they drive around looking for a suitable place to hide their vehicles from the repo man. Don’t construe this as support for the GOP. It’s just the standard ping ponging of disappointment and disgust that comes after the honeymoon is over with any administration. Most Americans’ party affiliations are the same as they were when Bush was elected. After all, Obama did not get elected on a landslide by any means; he got 51% of the vote.

Right now his approval ratings are in the 40th percentile and would be headed for the basement of the league were it not for the residual effect of the Kool-Aid love fest a year ago. However, millions of American liberals remain faithful, and believe Obama will arise from the dead in the third year and ascend to glory. You will find them at Huffington Post.

This frustrating ping pong game in which the margin of first time, disenchanted and undecided voters are batted back and forth has become the whole of American elections. That makes both the Republican and Democratic parties very happy, since it keeps the game down to fighting the enemy they know, each other, as opposed to being forced to deal with the real issues, or worse yet, an independent or third party candidate who might have a solution or two.

Thus, the game is limited to two players between two corporate parties. One is the Republican Party, which believes we should hand over our lives and resources directly to the local Chamber of Commerce, so the chamber can deliver them to the big corporations. The other, the Democratic Party, believes we should hand our lives and resources to a Democratic administration — so it alone can deliver our asses to the big dogs who own the country. In the big picture it’s always about who gets to deliver the money to the Wall Street hyena pack.

Americans may be starting to get the big picture about politics, money and corporate power. But I doubt it. Given that most still believe the war on terrorism is real, and that terrorists always just happen to be found near gas and oil deposits, there is plenty of room left to blow more smoke up their asses. Especially considering how we are conditioned to go into blind fits of patriotism at the sight of the flag, an eagle, or the mention of “our heroes,” even if the heroes happen to be killing and maiming Muslim babies at the moment. Patriotism is a cataract that blinds us to all national discrepancies.

The entire long-running reality show that was the Obama deception and his administration’s cold and calculated Judas betrayal also has eroded any sort of identity that I had with the ‘left’. This especially goes for the apologists for the same damned things that they wanted to string up Bush by his balls for by cruise missile liberals makes me want to vomit. Really, those who defend Obama for the continuation of most of Bush’s policies, or “kept the machine set on kill” are not very different than the glazed eyed monsters who canonized Bush, the only substantive difference being that they haven’t embraced full blown torture….yet and it’s coming with the mass hysteria that is creeping through this lemming colony.

By choosing to focus on wedge culture war issues no matter how noble the cause may, be the ‘left’ has failed abysmally in only providing gasoline on the fire that is being ignited on the extreme right and this is going to be costly in impossible to overstate terms in the future as a new, ultra-virulent strain of cult of personality, anti-intellectual, Christian fascist vengeful malignancy percolates throughout this country. There is an ideologically driven cataclysm coming and it will have every bit the force of the Nazis, Stalinists or Khmer Rouge and the gutters will be filled with blood, the streets with violence and no guarantee of personal or family safety by the law or militarized police who will protect the wealthy and elites only while the shock troops hunt down liberals, gays and today’s Juden, the Muslims who have been so easily demonized by the Pentagon and the Zionists who seem to have reasserted an ugly but more subtle form of control with the newest blown out of proportion ‘terrorism’. The king of the Israeli fifth column in America, Senator Joseph Lieberman will soon be using his position as head of the Senate Heimat Security Committee to launch witch hunts and hold show trials which will rival those of Stalin and McCarthy and people like you and I will be accused of being ‘terrorist sympathaziers’, the propagand about white al Qaida has already been getting some mileage as the creeping cat feet of fascism march onwards. Just how important are social issues when the task of rolling back American fascism renders all else irrelevant?

Myself and others have warned about the triumphal premature celebrations in the defeat of the extreme right, electoral victories and half measures at silly centrist governance have allowed this vicious hydra to regenerate. The failure of the ‘left’ to generate the cohesiveness necessary in order to form a viable political mass movement and the embracement (no matter how tepid by some) of the corrupted Democratic party and the amateur that is Barack Obama has set up the dominoes perfectly for the perfect storm once the economic collapse finally does occur. The plethora of gay marriage iniatives in the early days of the insipid Obama administration smacked of a sort of arrogance among limousine liberals, as though the enemy had been vanquished and it was time to exact that revenge which would both terrible and satisfying in rolling back the dark ages iniatives or the Religious Right roundheads. But that focus provided cover for the rats that are the corporatists, banksters and lobbyists that rode into power tucked away inside Obama’s Trojan Horse and whose plunder and subsequent fall into public disfavor have driven Democrat and Obama’s poll ratings down faster than whaleshit sinking to the bottom of the sea and allowed the American fascists to regroup and now in the aftermath of the underwear bomber false flag, with the fear fresh anew the sheeple will tolerate ANY police state measures to protect their putrid little lives as they cower and submit.

I have a lot of friends on the left and I mean them no malice or insult in my breaking ranks, they are good people, probably better than I in that they are pure of heart and always seek to build a better society, to nurture and to foster love instead of hate. Sadly though, in the real world butterflies, zebras, moonbeams and fairy tales are just that, illusions when confronted with an enemy that recognizes no rules, decorum, compassion or fairness and when the time comes will happily leave liberals and progressives with only their eyes to cry with..if they are even that generous. You see, my friends never understood the nature of this war, and it is war and only those of staunch spirits, strong stomachs and the righteous tenacity to climb upon that wall and fight the bastards on their own terms are ultimately going to have a chance. As the ‘left’ is comprised today it can be dismissed, laughed at and generally ignored by the rotten bitches, bastards and corporations that run this system and that is exactly what Rahm Emanual, his sock puppet ‘boss’ and the rest of the establishment are doing, they are doing. Liberals and the ‘left’ have this view that ‘we are better than they are so we don’t have to stoop to their level’, but in the end they always lose.

As Nietzsche spoke of fighting monsters and warned of the abyss well it does look back but ultimately humanity is doomed to war, it is out nature and to deny that is the ultimate form of self denial. The best resistance against militarism, the police state and war is coming from the libertarian front, for example Justin Raimondo’s Antiwar.com, I also have long admired the Ron Paul movement for calls for ending the Federal Reserve although I have been more than a bit dismayed to see it so easily co-opted by the corporate teabaggers and the Dick Armey of Darkness, the Palinazis and the idiot buffoon racist Birthers and religious fanatic Birthers and so has one of the founders of the movement. There is however a good deal of misdirected but righteous anger out there that is too easily hijacked and misdirected into the fascist brigades that the ‘left’ has failed to take advantage of to bolster it’s power and rally around some sort of real cause rather than the agendas of identity groups seeking government action to redress a history of injustice.

I have always been an independent with views more compatible with the old left, the labor left and the intense focus on social issues in which the activists ignore basic economic fairness, antiwar, pro-civil liberties matters in order to waste energy tilting at windmills. Let’s face it, no matter how moral that the crusade for gay marriage may be (basically another civil rights fight to eliminate the sad fact that in 21st century America that there are still people who are treated as second class citizens and face institutionalized persecution) – it’s a loser with large demographic blocks that nothing short of a mass die out over a period of a few decades is going to resolve and while it sucks, it’s the truth, shit, millions of morons are ready to launch a civil war because the fucking President is black and until the numbers of these anachronisms are reduced America will always be defined by the hatred of the other, which of course will always be exploited for maximum political gain by fascists. The younger generations do not care about whether one is gay or straight or has a different skin color, they are far more tolerant and acceptable than their parents or grandparents but the reality is that as America is currently constituted this is a loser for the ‘left’ and energy would be better spent in fighting imperialism, economic royalism, a vast for profit prison gulag and a militarized police that is determined to keep it full.

Also, global warming (the carbon footprint is akin to a carbon jackboot stomping up and down on a human face while the speculators get richer than Midas), immigration ‘reform’ and the ugly sort of imperialist liberalism that supports more war, military spending and murder to promote pet causes such as women’s rights and other emotional based malarkey is just intolerable. The Empire is broke, women are oppressed by institutions within our own borders and the cycle of militarism will not be seriously challenged as long as there are cruise missile liberals determined to use force to be Team America global police. I saw an ugliness among too many liberals and progressives during the past summer’s Iranian uprising, the ‘Green Revolution’ not to be confused of course with ‘Green Shoots, or ‘Green Energy’ and the ‘left’s’ piling on the regime of the devil Ahmadinejad only served to reinforce the incessant neocon propaganda and Zionist right-wing warmongering that has the doomsday clock ticking towards World War III. In all liklihood, Israel will attack Iran at some point in the coming year, Obama’s infatuation with the phony war on terror will ensure that the U.S. is sucked in which will be catastrophic but now that the antiwar movement has been marginalized by the foulness that is the Democrat party, now that Cindy Sheehan has served her purpose and been unceremoniously dumped and now that the ‘left’ has once again failed to mobilize around any serious issue that has crossover appeal we are all helpless to stop it.

I will devote my energies to trying to assist whatever remains of the antiwar movement (which isn’t much after most of the larger groups were co-opted by the filthy corporatist Democrats and Raht Emanual), continue to support the abolishment (or at the least auditing) of the Federal Reserve, fight for a reigning in of excessive corporate power, rail against the abuses of civil liberties, the police state, torture and surveillance and the menace of globalization. In a sad land of ignorance and hostility that has institutionalized torture with about half the population being down with it just how long is it going to be until they actually start to torture the other half?

The ‘left’ is too fragmented and there are far too many internal squabbles to mount any sort of a counter-movement against this irrational, ignorant and mean army of darkness that is suckled at the teat of the imperialist warfare state and lives in a world of unreality fed by a lifetime of indoctrination to illusions and lies and I am getting off of that woebegone merry-go-round once and for all before it either kills me or drives me totally fucking batshit.

Revisiting the Tea Baggers: If there has been one group that I have been especially critical of it is the Republican co-opted Teabaggers, as the movement is currently infested with the dregs of American society, foul racists, neo-Nazis, Dick Armey of Darkness operatives, Palinazis, Beckers and religious fanatics my derision of them is justifiable. However, this fails to take into account the fact that there are millions of real pissed off Americans who are mobilizing and just lack the right guidance and knowledge. If you recall, the original tea parties were being held in the darkest years of the Bush-Cheney Axis of Evil reign of terror and were largely comprised of Ron Paul and 9/11 Truth Activists, this already in existence movement was then used by the establishment Republicans as an exo-skeleton into which they installed the insipid Glenn Beck as the face and promoted relentlessly on RNC propaganda television network FOX. From the intel that I receive there is actually a struggle for identity going on within this movement although you would never know it from the Democrat controlled propaganda organs. So there is some promise in a mass movement that liberals and the left are incapable of producing if the bigots, ignoramuses and operatives can be cast out as misfits, charlatans and shameless opportunists and this seems to be as good a place as any for an independent minded anarchist like me. Hey, Jesus hung with prostitutes, lepers and losers because they could actually be saved right?

While this movement is at least temporarily under the control of the vilest of swine that the oligarchy right-wing faction can dig up and who are firing up the dead enders, TV lobotomized zombies and easily fooled and made into useful idiot joiners it must be emphasized that the whole thing is still in play. There is a lot of righteous anger out there and it’s growing by the day and this whole thing could blow up like a MOAB on those who are seeking to exploit it. My very good friend Diane G, a hard core leftist journeyed into the snakepit at a teabagger rally in her homeground up in Michigan last year and found a bunch of pissed off people afraid and being manipulated by veterans and RNC style stooges. The vitriol was real but it was easily misdirected, largely because most of us are nothing more than ignorant sheep and manageable ants but were this sort of energy ever be redirected, say at Wall Street, the Pentagon, the insurance bloodsuckers, the corporations and the real rapists of America then watch the fuck out. The Republicans are playing with dynamite, for every misbegotten and fucked over by the system soul that worship the phony Glenn Beck as though he were some sort of modern day prophet instead of a real life Lonesome Rhodes, a career loser on the ultimate stage whose shelf life is only limited by his own propensity for self destruction there are others who realize that the man is an assclown and a fraud. I have to hand it to Alex Jones who denounces Beck on a regular basis as a tool who has only stolen his shtick and distilled it down for the masses of asses. This is a volitale mix and any foolish GOP huckster who doesn’t realize it is a fool on a megalomaniac level right up there with Karl Rove and the cartoonish house nigger Michael Steele.

One who seems to understand, at least on the level that an elitist swine who has long made a damned good living as a shit salesman for the privileged and connected can is columnist and media figure David Brooks of the phony librul New York Times. While not quite as successful as the pimp of globalization Thomas Friedman, Brooks is a reliable little lap doggie who can always be counted on to yap upon command. His latest piece, The Tea Party Teens is a fine example:

The Tea Party Teens


The United States opens this decade in a sour mood. First, Americans are anxious about the future. Sixty-one percent of Americans believe the country is in decline, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey. Only 27 percent feel confident that their children’s generation will be better off than they are.

Second, Americans have lost faith in their institutions. During the great moments of social reform, at least 60 percent of Americans trusted government to do the right thing most of the time. Now, only a quarter have that kind of trust.

The country is evenly divided about President Obama, but state governments are in disrepute and confidence in Congress is at withering lows. As Frank Newport of the Gallup organization noted in his year-end wrap-up, “Americans have less faith in their elected representatives than ever before.”

Third, the new administration has not galvanized a popular majority. In almost every sphere of public opinion, Americans are moving away from the administration, not toward it. The Ipsos/McClatchy organizations have been asking voters which party can do the best job of handling a range of 13 different issues. During the first year of the Obama administration, the Republicans gained ground on all 13.

The public is not only shifting from left to right. Every single idea associated with the educated class has grown more unpopular over the past year.

The educated class believes in global warming, so public skepticism about global warming is on the rise. The educated class supports abortion rights, so public opinion is shifting against them. The educated class supports gun control, so opposition to gun control is mounting.

The story is the same in foreign affairs. The educated class is internationalist, so isolationist sentiment is now at an all-time high, according to a Pew Research Center survey. The educated class believes in multilateral action, so the number of Americans who believe we should “go our own way” has risen sharply.

A year ago, the Obama supporters were the passionate ones. Now the tea party brigades have all the intensity.

The tea party movement is a large, fractious confederation of Americans who are defined by what they are against. They are against the concentrated power of the educated class. They believe big government, big business, big media and the affluent professionals are merging to form self-serving oligarchy — with bloated government, unsustainable deficits, high taxes and intrusive regulation.

The tea party movement is mostly famous for its flamboyant fringe. But it is now more popular than either major party. According to the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, 41 percent of Americans have a positive view of the tea party movement. Only 35 percent of Americans have a positive view of the Democrats and only 28 percent have a positive view of the Republican Party.

The movement is especially popular among independents. The Rasmussen organization asked independent voters whom they would support in a generic election between a Democrat, a Republican and a tea party candidate. The tea party candidate won, with 33 percent of independents. Undecided came in second with 30 percent. The Democrats came in third with 25 percent and the Republicans fourth with 12 percent.

Over the course of this year, the tea party movement will probably be transformed. Right now, it is an amateurish movement with mediocre leadership. But several bright and polished politicians, like Marco Rubio of Florida and Gary Johnson of New Mexico, are unofficially competing to become its de facto leader. If they succeed, their movement is likely to outgrow its crude beginnings and become a major force in American politics. After all, it represents arguments that are deeply rooted in American history.

The Obama administration is premised on the conviction that pragmatic federal leaders with professional expertise should have the power to implement programs to solve the country’s problems. Many Americans do not have faith in that sort of centralized expertise or in the political class generally.

Moreover, the tea party movement has passion. Think back on the recent decades of American history — the way the hippies defined the 1960s; the feminists, the 1970s; the Christian conservatives, the 1980s. American history is often driven by passionate outsiders who force themselves into the center of American life.

In the near term, the tea party tendency will dominate the Republican Party. It could be the ruin of the party, pulling it in an angry direction that suburban voters will not tolerate. But don’t underestimate the deep reservoirs of public disgust. If there is a double-dip recession, a long period of stagnation, a fiscal crisis, a terrorist attack or some other major scandal or event, the country could demand total change, creating a vacuum that only the tea party movement and its inheritors would be in a position to fill.

Personally, I’m not a fan of this movement. But I can certainly see its potential to shape the coming decade.

Of course Brooks is playing the game, he is another Mockingbird, his suggestion of Jeb Bush protégé Marco Rubio as a potential leader of this movement is just more of the same mental masturbation that we are accustomed to and of course what is more important to the establishment than in keeping Nazi collaborators like the Bush Family and their operatives in power? It is no surprise that these stealthy elitist swine want that little greaseball Rubio, just like they trotted out Glenn Beck to co-opt the Ron Paul movement (and to a large degree crib from the Alex Jones show only run through a food processor for a better consistency of lemming food. This is the game people, Brooks like his cohorts over at the Washington Post like Howie Kurtz (hatchet job on Gary Webb) and Dana Milbank (Skull and Bones) ALWAYS side with the oligarchy all the while denying that such a thing even exists and poo poohing us commoners as so much rabble and tin foil hatters. ENOUGH ALREADY, the JIG IS UP.

The comments are great, Brooks is a country clubbing elitist swine masquerading as a journalist and I have long been on his case, check some of these out.

David, thank you for being honest in the last paragraph and admitting that you are not fond of what you call the tea party movement. Republican like you and Democrats like Obama are the same to most of us. You really think that your superior credentials grants you social wisdom and intelligfence. It doesn’t.


I, too, feel betrayed by “elite” institutions, policy makers and businesspeople! And I am a relatively well-educated individual.

Globalization has not been a force for good, has not raised poor foreigners, has not benefited average US people, has not benefited any western nations’ national security. Deregulation? Likewise.

Why? Well, I guess, you’d have to ask the “crème de la crème” who have used average limitations and foreign poverty to aggrandize themselves and, thus, lined their own pockets with money at the expense of the broader world. It is an exceedingly short-sighted goal; n’est-ce pas? You cannot fool even them all of the time.

Certainly, globalization and deregulation might have worked. But, really, it seems that something must be done before it is too late. If we do not act to protect our way of life, to prop up the western middle-class and assure our standing, we will cede our place to peoples in whom we cannot trust and invite violent conflict at home and abroad.


Who do you think the tea party voters are, Mr. Brooks? I am middle aged, post-graduate degreed and financially independent. I support full gay rights, including gay marriage. I believe in decriminalizing drugs, I believe in being a good steward to the environment, and to the less fortunate in my own community. But, I will probably vote with the tea partiers. I might even vote for one of their national candiates

You want to know why? The Bail-outs.

I will never support a political candidate who voted for or supported the bail-outs, and I will support any movement that is against the politicians who supported the bail-outs. I will donate money to candidate, even in other states, who loudly opposed the bail-outs.

I don’t consider myself a tea partier. I am not a joiner and I’ve never marched or demonstrated. But the bail-outs meant that capitalism and free market rules no longer applied in america. It meant that those with political connections were saved and allowed to grow and prosper, while those who had played by the rules suffered and paid.

This anger at the bail-outs will never go away for people like me. Obama supported the bail-outs. Most of the Democrats supported the bail-outs. Some of the Republicans supported the bail-outs. The real statesman; The politicans who cared enough to do right ; they loudly and vigourously opposed the bail-outs.

If the tea party people continue to be the people who oppose the bail-out people; then, the enemies of my enemies, are my new best friends.


I may add this self-serving oligarchy is picking winners (ask Blankfein of GS, and other bankers), seizing wealth by having their buddies in the right place (Bernanke, Paulson, Summers, etc), while unemployment keeps rocketing up and middle class gets decimated.

The other day I read somewhere that the bailouts under both Obama and Bush most likely transferred more wealth to the rich than the tax cuts under Bush. Just think about that!

Both parties are identical; only the names/ faces change. The nation is slowing waking up to it, which is reflected in the growing popularity of the tea party followers.

I just pray that this campaign don’t get hijacked by some Republican nutcase politician, because this is really about looking for a third voice, an independent voice.


The tea party folks and the political independents have at least one very significant thing in common: members of neither group want to be identified with either of the “established” parties. The rise of a third party is a possibility.

Disappointment with President Obama is clear and justified. There is a defacto war in Pakistan in addition to the fighting in Afghanistan and Irag. Health care reform looks to be a boon to the large drug and insurance companies. The opportunity for serious financinal reform seems to have been lost. The dire need for creating jobs is ignored. Why wouldn’t any movement the promises something different be growing in popularity?

And one VERY IMPORTANT COMMENT which illustrates the problem with this movement, it has been hijacked by elitist payroll swine and foul GOP operatives. Perhaps some principled folks who are disillusioned by the ongoing big con can assist in weeding these swine out.

As long as the Tea Party folks allow Glen Beck and Sean Hannity to be their chief spokesmen, they will remain an interesting but unimportant political footnote.

And those are just a sampling from the first 20 or so of the 400 + comments that were left on the so-called liberal, former Judith Miller employing NYT site. Now as anyone with any common sense understands, David Brooks is a fraud, a boot licking pecksniffian puke, a mangy lapdog and an on-call shill for the oligarchy for those bullshit Sunday morning bloviation circuit shows when the establishment trots out the ‘experts’ along with veteran whores like John McCain and his butt buddies Joseph Lieberman and Lindsay Graham to piss down the backs of clueless regular Americans and swear to got that it’s raining. The handful of Sunday morning inside baseball swill drive the weekly media spin on any given issue, ensuring that the now standard left vs. right paradigm stays in place despite the fact that there is NEVER any substantive change in policy nor shift away from the elitist based society that we exist in. It’s all a dog and pony show, a big game of three card monte played on Main Street in a Potemkin Village renamed The Homeland and David Brooks is one of the chief shit shovellers who provide cover for the oligarchy. A man named Carroll Quigley once wrote in his massive historical book Tragedy and Hope that:

And there may have at the time been some truth in that statement but I doubt that Quigley ever envisioned the thorough rottenness of the political system, especially here in the United States. The necessity to maintain stability in any civilized form of society is not something that can be argued, we have seen through history what happens absent order when demagogues and lunatics can bring violence and suffering to millions based on lingering ethnic grudges and delusions of grandeur. Quigley’s statement relies on the idea that there is some sort of dignity present within the system not the widespread corruption that has us all at the mercy of a predatory state that serves those who have worked with relentless precision for decades to gain a stranglehold on political power through bribery, blackmail, intimidation and even assassinations. Our current two-party system is in the process of branding and yoking us all for delivery into bondage to the bloodsuckers and fiends that have hijacked the republic and turned it into a rancid spoils system with order kept by a burgeoning police state and a veritable gulag system of for profit prisons for all who dare to complain about it.

The one unmistakable aspect of Brooks’ column is FEAR because there IS something in the air and the key is what will eventually come of the tea party movement once the scum has been purged. I have been extremely critical of these people in the past, mockingly critical but I am guilty of generalizations and falling for the media propaganda of finding the most extremist elements and then hyping them as being indicative of all who are involved. Remember the Nixon era and the Vietnam era, it was always easy for the media to find the most radical leftists, the real bomb throwers, dirty hippies and acid juiced freaks and to use them as symbols of the antiwar movement. This of course was a lie, there was widespread opposition to Vietnam throughout the nation and as Nixon found out it extended to none other than Walter Cronkite whose proclamation that the war was “unwinnable” was devastating to the war freaks who nonetheless continued to feed the youth of America into an immoral charnel house to kill and be killed for the benefit of the Military Industrial Complex, the rising shadow government of the rogue CIA and their profiteering off of the illegal narcotics trade in the Golden Triangle and the political expedience of the predecessors to the swine and vermin who are this very day deeply entrenched as enemies of the American people in Washington.

I have recently gotten a chance to correspond with some people who I had not long ago (before the great Obama betrayal and the removal of the scales from my eyes) considered to be foes, nemeses and enemies including a man who I vilified as a “right wing Nazi”. There is nothing like a dagger in the back to assist with a change in perception. While there will always be areas of disagreement ideologically there are common grievances that outweigh all else. Principled conservatives are against big government and with the rise of the Homeland Security state that is just getting warmed up it is easy to understand why. As Barry Goldwater once put it “… a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have” and really, considering the direction that this monstrously corrupt system is growing exponentially and the Caesars that need meat for their ongoing wars just how long do you think it is going to be until confiscations, imprisonment and executions (preceeded by that good ole Jack Bauer style tough love of course) will be reality? The belief that America should mind our own business (wrongly slurred by propraganda pimps as isolationism and equated with the rise of Hitler..yawn) and stay the hell out of the rest of the world is another common cause as is the meddling of the government in the economy (there is a difference here in that I would not oppose government leveling the playing field rather than rewarding the wealthy with political connections) which in the past year has only put Wall Street high rollers back in the gambling business only with house money. I believe that the ‘left’ is making a huge mistake in not reaching out, I mean if Jane Hamsher of Firedog Lake and Grover Norquist (for Christ’s sake) can team up to call for that slimy little prick Rahm Emanuel’s resignation and Alan Grayson and Ron Paul can join forces to demand an audit of the Federal Reserve why not put aside the differences and work together towards fighting something important to all of us?

I recently remarked that Obama is nothing more than Lyndon Baines Johnson without the social programs, I now believe that was wrong, he is more like a modern day incarnation of Woodrow Wilson, warmonger and domestic tyrant whose iron fisted opposition to dissenters destroyed many a life and unjustly imprisoned those who dared to challenge the divine right of American imperialism to murder in the name of God, mother, country and theapple pie authoritarianism that has again reared it’s ugly head in the past decade, not that it ever left.

But I digress, back to my break with the ‘left’….
I have had it with the ‘left’ or what passes for it today, all of the fighting, the activism, the hard work and the heartache and for what? So that the DemocRAT party can sell us all out with a ridiculous farce of a health care reform bill that does nothing but deliver all of our asses into bondage to the insurance industry parasites? So that not only can the war in Afghanistan be escalated at the expense of any domestic resuscitation of the dying economy but additional conflicts in Pakistan, Iran and now Yemen can be opened? So that the Obama administration behind arch-criminal Rahm Emanuel can sip from the gold-plated money spigots and bestow government largesse on their crooked buddies in the financial services industry and on Wall Street? So that the ultimate indignity of seeing the Pope of Hope, the Nobel Peace Prize winner who used his acceptance speech as a forum for justifying more imperialism, wars of aggression and murder now resort to the same phony war on terror rhetoric of the Bushreich in sowing the seeds of fear in this diseased country of cowards? Congratulations liberals, while sitting at the card table continuing to double down on a pair of threes in the hope that your pathetic grasp on political power can be preserved while you flush every principle down the toilet while leering TSA goons are salivating over the prospect of masturbating themselves into unconsciousness at the naked little boys and girls that they will be ogling on those fancy new airport full body scanners. Pat yourselves on the backs, your cultural crusades are garbage, just as much rot as your counterparts on the extremist right and you too have never met a war that you couldn’t justify when it served YOUR interests and all of that unchecked power that is massed in the surveillance state, well it’s just not so important to fight it when your guy’s ass is ensconced upon the throne at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

What is really the difference between Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly or Rush Limbaugh and Keith Olbermann, blow job loving pothead Bill Maher, Rachel Mad Sow [sic] or poor old Mike Malloy, slowly and painfully going mad, eaten alive by his anger at not being able to stop any of this, a veteran of the psychic wars who as the BOC song goes has used up all his weapons and is helpless and bereaved – and my two cents worth of free advice to him is to just get the fuck out of this all, raise your daughter, enjoy your family and fuck the left, it’s just not worth it. Now the degeneration of the media darlings of the ‘left’ into nothing more than shills for the new order is as pathetic as it is predictable, Markos Moulitsas Zuniga once allegedly wrote a book called ‘Crashing the Gates’, but that is just too much work for once full of piss and vinegar liberals and progressives, now that they have won a few elections it is far easier to just have the castle master install a doggie door. Maddow, a damned good reporter whose nightly gig at MSNBC is as telling for a former Air America queen as the exiles of Randi Rhodes and Malloy into the wilderness is now dependent upon her ability to use her nightly platform to denounce intolerant bigots and buffoons and rail against phantoms like the John Birch Society in the early 1960s. Now I am very aware of the JBS history and dare I say that the current incarnation isn’t the great satan that it is portrayed as by some on the left. Hell, I am actually a lesser member (I don’t pay for the full ride) because I see more action from the JBS against the incursions of the fascist police state than I do from MoveOn and many of the other co-opted organs of the Democrat party. They came out against Bush’s abuses of the constitution and they do the same against O-Bushma and when I send out letters to my ‘representatives’ through their website I get responses, unlike from anything on the left which is simply laughed at by those in office, so toothless, neutered and ineffective have they become. There are some damned fine people in the John Birch Society despite some of the misguided crusades of the past and might I remind the liberals that the Democratic party’s history is not simon pure with racism, wars, Woodrow Wilson’s jihad against dissent and FDR’s internment of loyal Americans of Japanese descent in camps.
Again I digress….
While I have never been accused of being politically correct by anybody I fully support total equal rights for gays including the right to marry, my only problem is the focus on this rather than in a full effort to defeat fascism. I have many gay friends and as a former military member I knew closeted gays during my time of service and would rely on them any damned time over some dipshit Republican chickenhawk but the Democrat establishment is cynical, transparent and exploitative in their treatment of gays. It is pitiful and patronizing and the way that the powers that be on the ‘left’ use gays (they shit all over them and roll out set for life Rachel as some sort of nightly balm as though it suffices for the lashes on their backs) is exactly how the Republican faction of the money/war party jerks the chain of the Jesus freaks for their support for a vicous agenda that would crucify the long-haired troublemaker in a New York second if he were to return to earth tomorrow. That much was apparent when Obama rolled out the false prophet Rick Warren for the inauguration, too bad that Strom Thurmond wasn’t still alive or he could have made an official appearance as well. It’s a big tent with the DemocRATs, and it’s filled with clowns, geeks and hucksters, I mean fucking fat Eddie Schultz for Senate? Can it get any more surreal – and the ‘left’ has the audacity to complain about Fred Thompson, Curt Schilling or Arnold ‘son of a Nazi’ Schwarzenegger?

In fact the entire bogus system is a veritable self-licking ice cream cone (I borrowed that term from somewhere but I can’t remember) whenever the inflammatory distraction that is abortion is thrown into the ring and both sides immediately revert to their primal selves like the fucking caveman in Altered States and forget everything but a craving for fresh bloody meat. A pox of terminal, knee-jerk idiocy in America is the coin of the realm, my time spent in blogmark has taught me that one very important lesson if nothing else.

The left is at this moment in history busy disintegrating into a pool of illogical, conflicted toxic goo, the stench of terminal denial is as thick as the skulls of those who still deceive themselves that Barack Obama, the chess-master is just setting it all up to fall exactly right, like Michael Jordan in his prime tearing down the Piston defense with a cold and methodical precision, going through them to borrow from General George S. Patton “like shit through a tin horn”, it isn’t going to happen chumps. You voted for change and all that you got was a slicker version of William Jefferson Clinton who presided over NAFTA and the other anti-American trade deals like some peckerwood kahuna in years of yore swindling Injuns out of vast amounts of land for beads and baubles made out of paste. Slick Willie, I might add was a key in the corporate media consolidation that has allowed for the most kick ass propaganda machine since Goebbels and along with his Wall Street buddies sowed the seeds for the economic catastrophe that Obama and his financial ‘dream team’ now shoveling money into at the expense of the peasants in order to fill their campaign coffers for 2012.

Bill Clinton never should have been impeached for that vendetta by fascist fanatics like Richard Mellon Scaife and Kenneth Starr and their ilk over a fucking blowjob, the list of actual impeachable crimes started with giving Poppy Bush and his Iran-Contra cohorts a get out of jail free card. That little failure to enforce the laws came back to haunt us all for the American Reichstag Fire – 9/11 and the PNAC and every bastard mutation that evolved out of the afterbirth of Iran-Contra resurfaced to ensure that their dirty little coup d’etat and the eternal wars and subjugation has been out screaming TERRORISM ever since and now Americans must submit to having failed police officers who are just competent enough to latch on with TSA drool over their naked bodies and have the full power of the state to haul whoever the fuck that they want to into a private ‘screening’ room.

So now in early 2010, the second decade of the New American Century we are once again being cowed into a state of perpetual fear by a tyrannical government long ago taken over by blood barters and moneychangers and forced to give up even more of our dwindling liberty for temporary ‘security’. What in the fuck happened to this country? In the space of a decade it has become the largest colony of cowards, sheep and lemmings in the history of the planet.

Loose the Rats: I remember once when I was in my early twenties, a certain restaurant that I had worked for had become so intolerable that there was a parting of the ways (mutual of course) regarding employment. Well, said restaurant naturally had a pretty high turnover rate so myself and a fellow former wage slave conspired one night over many a beer (and I must admit a bit of weed) to seek revenge against the owners. We would go in on a stealth mission and create a disturbance that would be guaran-fucking-teed to cause maximum chaos. So we went to a local pet shop and purchased two live rats which we smuggled in during peak hours in our backpacks and while we swilled a few beers in a booth in the back, ate chicken wings and were generally looked at as scum by our former co-worker wait staff we had a hard time not pissing our pants. Well, when we were finished, we paid our bills and let the rats out of the backpacks and just left the fucking place….we never knew what happened and that was the beauty of it. Maybe the rats caused a total scene and a mass evacuation and maybe business was forever wrecked for those satanic pricks who owned the goddamned place – somehow I doubt it because the damned place stayed in business. Perhaps though, the owners found the rats first before they ran off the paying customers and caused a pox of word of mouth advertising that was up there with the Bubonic Plague and changed their ways, I don’t know and shit, I really don’t know exactly were I am going with this little thread so I digress…..

Maybe the moral of the pet shop rats is that it was a shock that could have actually have been naïve enough to think that such a futile and stupid act would have changed hearts and minds but that was back in the 80’s when things were different and there was still some semblance of actual fucking sanity in this rotten shell of a country, back when it was STILL POSSIBLE to avoid the coming forced anal probes by militarized Darth Vader police goons in local shopping malls. Nothing that I was ever going to do on the left, much like loosing the rats on those miserable, skinflint, authoritarian pricks who ran that shithole of an eatery was going to do a damned thing to change anything or any body, it was just plaintive wails from planet shit directed at the choir…amen.

So to those on the ‘left’ who I have joined in battle with over the years only to realize that it is ultimately a futile struggle I say good luck and may your efforts bring fruit and some degree of satisfaction so long as they do not conflict with mine. I am going it alone from this point onward, bound by no loyalty to ideology, faction or any group, that only belongs to those who are allies the bigger fight at hand now. I would implore you who are able to transcend your past prejudices, ideals and indoctrinations to become a bit less dogmatic and much more pragmatic in reaching out to those who not only can be saved but who also are trying to break free from their own conditioning.

The future depends on it.

Just my two cents


The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extreme shifts in policy.”

A Farewell to Arms: Why I Left ‘the Left’

January 9, 2010

Barack promised change — and sure enough, things changed for the worse

-Joe Bageant

To Hell with the ‘left’! I am finished, done, disillusioned and over it, the divorce papers have been filed and are now finalized and I am not going back. As of this day, I will no longer allow myself to be affiliated or endorse the ‘left’ in any way, shape or form. So long folks, it was real and it was fun but in the end it was unfulfilling and dare I say, a waste of time and effort. Is this overly harsh? Perhaps it is but the break has to be made and it can no longer be put off. I assure you, this was no hasty decision but rather something that has been a slow and agonizing process, a steady drip…drip…drip.., like Chinese water torture and suddenly the mind goes, the spirit breaks and the ugly reality of the situation cannot be denied or disguised. So to all of my good friends on the left I wish you the very best but I am no longer one of you and maybe I never was, it was never dogma to me only a desire for some sort of social fairness and a fair shot but the American left being a shell of it’s former self with labor broken and the DLC corporatists having taken over the Democratic party it has been reduced to shills for the Democrats and squabbling identity groups each with an agenda that prevents any sort of unity necessary for a mass movement for real change. Sucks but that is just the way it has to be.

During an extended break from over four years of constant writing, activism, some radio and a lot of anger that was being absorbed that was due to health reasons I had some time to reflect and reassess matters and I realized that a lot of what made it necessary to step back was at the root cause of my problems. It was no near death experience or anything but after four and a half years of balls to the wall, take no prisoners warfare against the deranged elements of the right, the Bushreich and the liars, crooks and war freaks who have destroyed this country it was an opportunity to observe for a change. And when peering into that abyss I saw much of what I despised as not unique to the right-wing extremists, they had their doppelganger counterparts who were every bit as cynical, corrupted and morally rotten their own special ways. While I have been heading in this direction anyway, the mass panic over the false flag underwear bomber and the renewal of post 9/11 bloodlust and fear is what finally did it. The ‘left’ and the Obama administration had the opportunity to exorcise these demons from America, to punish the war criminals, bail out the common folks and to stop the mass looting but didn’t so liberalism has failed. Leo Strauss was right after all, liberalism is an enabler of totalitarianism in that it allows it to grow by an utter failure to do what is necessary to behead the snakes on the hydra or to cut the cancer out prior to it metastasizing.

A man whose work I greatly admire and who has the actual credentials to call out anyone that he damned well pleases, author Chris Hedges made me realize that my decision to leave the failure of liberalism was absolutely the right thing to do. His fairly recent piece that earned him much scorn from the courtiers of Obama and the Rahm Emanuel corporatists and their apologists on the left entitled Liberals Are Useless brings it all home and I excerpt from this work by a longtime beacon of morality in our blood soaked and bogeyman infested Fantasy Land:

Liberals are a useless lot. They talk about peace and do nothing to challenge our permanent war economy. They claim to support the working class, and vote for candidates that glibly defend the North American Free Trade Agreement. They insist they believe in welfare, the right to organize, universal health care and a host of other socially progressive causes, and will not risk stepping out of the mainstream to fight for them. The only talent they seem to possess is the ability to write abject, cloying letters to Barack Obama—as if he reads them—asking the president to come back to his “true” self. This sterile moral posturing, which is not only useless but humiliating, has made America’s liberal class an object of public derision.


What is the breaking point? The criminal war of aggression in Iraq? The escalation of the war in Afghanistan? Forty-five thousand people dying a year because they can’t afford health insurance? The hollowing out of communities and sending the jobs to fascist and communist regimes overseas that know how to put the workers in their place? There is no breaking point. And when there is no breaking point you do not have a moral compass.”


I save my anger for our bankrupt liberal intelligentsia of which, sadly, I guess I am a member. Liberals are the defeated, self-absorbed Mouse Man in Dostoevsky’s “Notes From Underground.” They embrace cynicism, a cloak for their cowardice and impotence. They, like Dostoevsky’s depraved character, have come to believe that the “conscious inertia” of the underground surpasses all other forms of existence. They too use inaction and empty moral posturing, not to affect change but to engage in an orgy of self-adulation and self-pity. They too refuse to act or engage with anyone not cowering in the underground. This choice does not satisfy the Mouse Man, as it does not satisfy our liberal class, but neither has the strength to change. The gravest danger we face as a nation is not from the far right, although it may well inherit power, but from a bankrupt liberal class that has lost the will to fight and the moral courage to stand up for what it espouses.

Anyone who says he or she cares about the working class in this country should have walked out on the Democratic Party in 1994 with the passage of NAFTA. And it has only been downhill since. If welfare reform, the 1999 Financial Services Modernization Act, which gutted the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act—designed to prevent the kind of banking crisis we are now undergoing—and the craven decision by the Democratic Congress to continue to fund and expand our imperial wars were not enough to make you revolt, how about the refusal to restore habeas corpus, end torture in our offshore penal colonies, abolish George W. Bush’s secrecy laws or halt the warrantless wiretapping and monitoring of American citizens? The imperial projects and the corporate state have not altered under Obama. The state kills as ruthlessly and indiscriminately in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan as it did under Bush. It steals from the U.S. treasury as rapaciously to enrich the corporate elite. It, too, bows before the conservative Israel lobby, refuses to enact serious environmental or health care reform, regulate Wall Street, end our relationship with private mercenary contractors or stop handing obscene sums of money, some $1 trillion a year, to the military and arms industry. At what point do we stop being a doormat? At what point do we fight back? We may lose if we step outside the mainstream, but at least we will salvage our self-esteem and integrity.

I learned to dislike liberals when I lived in Roxbury, the inner-city in Boston, as a seminary student at Harvard Divinity School. I commuted into Cambridge to hear professors and students talk about empowering people they never met. It was the time of the leftist Sandinista government in Nicaragua. Spending two weeks picking coffee in that country and then coming back and talking about it for the rest of the semester was the best way to “credentialize” yourself as a revolutionary. But few of these “revolutionaries” found the time to spend 20 minutes on the Green Line to see where human beings in their own city were being warehoused little better than animals. They liked the poor, but they did not like the smell of the poor. It was a lesson I never forgot.

I was also at the time a member of the Greater Boston YMCA boxing team. We fought on Saturday nights for $25 in arenas in working-class neighborhoods like Charlestown. My closest friends were construction workers and pot washers. They worked hard. They believed in unions. They wanted a better life, which few of them ever got. We used to run five miles after our nightly training, passing through the Mission Main and Mission Extension Housing Projects, and they would joke, “I hope we get mugged.” They knew precisely what to do with people who abused them. They may not have been liberal, they may not have finished high school, but they were far more grounded than most of those I studied with across the Charles River. They would have felt awkward, and would have been made to feel awkward, at the little gatherings of progressive and liberal intellectuals at Harvard, but you could trust and rely on them.

I went on to spend two decades as a war correspondent. The qualities inherent in good soldiers or Marines, like the qualities I found among those boxers, are qualities I admire—self-sacrifice, courage, the ability to make decisions under stress, the capacity to endure physical discomfort, and a fierce loyalty to those around you, even if it puts you in greater danger. If liberals had even a bit of their fortitude we could have avoided this mess. But they don’t. So here we are again, begging Obama to be Obama. He is Obama. Obama is not the problem. We are.

Brilliantly driven home by Mr. Hedges, I will now excerpt from the great Joe Bageant whose piece The Devil and Mr. Obama is a must read:

As you may know, Obama’s public approval ratings are taking a beating. Millions of his former cult members have awakened with a splitting hangover to find their pockets turned inside out and eviction notices on the doors of their 4,000 square foot subprime mortgaged cardboard fuck boxes. Many who voted for Obama out of disgust for the Bush regime are now listening to the Republicans again on their car radios as they drive around looking for a suitable place to hide their vehicles from the repo man. Don’t construe this as support for the GOP. It’s just the standard ping ponging of disappointment and disgust that comes after the honeymoon is over with any administration. Most Americans’ party affiliations are the same as they were when Bush was elected. After all, Obama did not get elected on a landslide by any means; he got 51% of the vote.

Right now his approval ratings are in the 40th percentile and would be headed for the basement of the league were it not for the residual effect of the Kool-Aid love fest a year ago. However, millions of American liberals remain faithful, and believe Obama will arise from the dead in the third year and ascend to glory. You will find them at Huffington Post.

This frustrating ping pong game in which the margin of first time, disenchanted and undecided voters are batted back and forth has become the whole of American elections. That makes both the Republican and Democratic parties very happy, since it keeps the game down to fighting the enemy they know, each other, as opposed to being forced to deal with the real issues, or worse yet, an independent or third party candidate who might have a solution or two.

Thus, the game is limited to two players between two corporate parties. One is the Republican Party, which believes we should hand over our lives and resources directly to the local Chamber of Commerce, so the chamber can deliver them to the big corporations. The other, the Democratic Party, believes we should hand our lives and resources to a Democratic administration — so it alone can deliver our asses to the big dogs who own the country. In the big picture it’s always about who gets to deliver the money to the Wall Street hyena pack.

Americans may be starting to get the big picture about politics, money and corporate power. But I doubt it. Given that most still believe the war on terrorism is real, and that terrorists always just happen to be found near gas and oil deposits, there is plenty of room left to blow more smoke up their asses. Especially considering how we are conditioned to go into blind fits of patriotism at the sight of the flag, an eagle, or the mention of “our heroes,” even if the heroes happen to be killing and maiming Muslim babies at the moment. Patriotism is a cataract that blinds us to all national discrepancies.

The entire long-running reality show that was the Obama deception and his administration’s cold and calculated Judas betrayal also has eroded any sort of identity that I had with the ‘left’. This especially goes for the apologists for the same damned things that they wanted to string up Bush by his balls for by cruise missile liberals makes me want to vomit. Really, those who defend Obama for the continuation of most of Bush’s policies, or “kept the machine set on kill” are not very different than the glazed eyed monsters who canonized Bush, the only substantive difference being that they haven’t embraced full blown torture….yet and it’s coming with the mass hysteria that is creeping through this lemming colony.

By choosing to focus on wedge culture war issues no matter how noble the cause may, be the ‘left’ has failed abysmally in only providing gasoline on the fire that is being ignited on the extreme right and this is going to be costly in impossible to overstate terms in the future as a new, ultra-virulent strain of cult of personality, anti-intellectual, Christian fascist vengeful malignancy percolates throughout this country. There is an ideologically driven cataclysm coming and it will have every bit the force of the Nazis, Stalinists or Khmer Rouge and the gutters will be filled with blood, the streets with violence and no guarantee of personal or family safety by the law or militarized police who will protect the wealthy and elites only while the shock troops hunt down liberals, gays and today’s Juden, the Muslims who have been so easily demonized by the Pentagon and the Zionists who seem to have reasserted an ugly but more subtle form of control with the newest blown out of proportion ‘terrorism’. The king of the Israeli fifth column in America, Senator Joseph Lieberman will soon be using his position as head of the Senate Heimat Security Committee to launch witch hunts and hold show trials which will rival those of Stalin and McCarthy and people like you and I will be accused of being ‘terrorist sympathaziers’, the propagand about white al Qaida has already been getting some mileage as the creeping cat feet of fascism march onwards. Just how important are social issues when the task of rolling back American fascism renders all else irrelevant?

Myself and others have warned about the triumphal premature celebrations in the defeat of the extreme right, electoral victories and half measures at silly centrist governance have allowed this vicious hydra to regenerate. The failure of the ‘left’ to generate the cohesiveness necessary in order to form a viable political mass movement and the embracement (no matter how tepid by some) of the corrupted Democratic party and the amateur that is Barack Obama has set up the dominoes perfectly for the perfect storm once the economic collapse finally does occur. The plethora of gay marriage iniatives in the early days of the insipid Obama administration smacked of a sort of arrogance among limousine liberals, as though the enemy had been vanquished and it was time to exact that revenge which would both terrible and satisfying in rolling back the dark ages iniatives or the Religious Right roundheads. But that focus provided cover for the rats that are the corporatists, banksters and lobbyists that rode into power tucked away inside Obama’s Trojan Horse and whose plunder and subsequent fall into public disfavor have driven Democrat and Obama’s poll ratings down faster than whaleshit sinking to the bottom of the sea and allowed the American fascists to regroup and now in the aftermath of the underwear bomber false flag, with the fear fresh anew the sheeple will tolerate ANY police state measures to protect their putrid little lives as they cower and submit.

I have a lot of friends on the left and I mean them no malice or insult in my breaking ranks, they are good people, probably better than I in that they are pure of heart and always seek to build a better society, to nurture and to foster love instead of hate. Sadly though, in the real world butterflies, zebras, moonbeams and fairy tales are just that, illusions when confronted with an enemy that recognizes no rules, decorum, compassion or fairness and when the time comes will happily leave liberals and progressives with only their eyes to cry with..if they are even that generous. You see, my friends never understood the nature of this war, and it is war and only those of staunch spirits, strong stomachs and the righteous tenacity to climb upon that wall and fight the bastards on their own terms are ultimately going to have a chance. As the ‘left’ is comprised today it can be dismissed, laughed at and generally ignored by the rotten bitches, bastards and corporations that run this system and that is exactly what Rahm Emanual, his sock puppet ‘boss’ and the rest of the establishment are doing, they are doing. Liberals and the ‘left’ have this view that ‘we are better than they are so we don’t have to stoop to their level’, but in the end they always lose.

As Nietzsche spoke of fighting monsters and warned of the abyss well it does look back but ultimately humanity is doomed to war, it is out nature and to deny that is the ultimate form of self denial. The best resistance against militarism, the police state and war is coming from the libertarian front, for example Justin Raimondo’s Antiwar.com, I also have long admired the Ron Paul movement for calls for ending the Federal Reserve although I have been more than a bit dismayed to see it so easily co-opted by the corporate teabaggers and the Dick Armey of Darkness, the Palinazis and the idiot buffoon racist Birthers and religious fanatic Birthers and so has one of the founders of the movement. There is however a good deal of misdirected but righteous anger out there that is too easily hijacked and misdirected into the fascist brigades that the ‘left’ has failed to take advantage of to bolster it’s power and rally around some sort of real cause rather than the agendas of identity groups seeking government action to redress a history of injustice.

I have always been an independent with views more compatible with the old left, the labor left and the intense focus on social issues in which the activists ignore basic economic fairness, antiwar, pro-civil liberties matters in order to waste energy tilting at windmills. Let’s face it, no matter how moral that the crusade for gay marriage may be (basically another civil rights fight to eliminate the sad fact that in 21st century America that there are still people who are treated as second class citizens and face institutionalized persecution) – it’s a loser with large demographic blocks that nothing short of a mass die out over a period of a few decades is going to resolve and while it sucks, it’s the truth, shit, millions of morons are ready to launch a civil war because the fucking President is black and until the numbers of these anachronisms are reduced America will always be defined by the hatred of the other, which of course will always be exploited for maximum political gain by fascists. The younger generations do not care about whether one is gay or straight or has a different skin color, they are far more tolerant and acceptable than their parents or grandparents but the reality is that as America is currently constituted this is a loser for the ‘left’ and energy would be better spent in fighting imperialism, economic royalism, a vast for profit prison gulag and a militarized police that is determined to keep it full.

Also, global warming (the carbon footprint is akin to a carbon jackboot stomping up and down on a human face while the speculators get richer than Midas), immigration ‘reform’ and the ugly sort of imperialist liberalism that supports more war, military spending and murder to promote pet causes such as women’s rights and other emotional based malarkey is just intolerable. The Empire is broke, women are oppressed by institutions within our own borders and the cycle of militarism will not be seriously challenged as long as there are cruise missile liberals determined to use force to be Team America global police. I saw an ugliness among too many liberals and progressives during the past summer’s Iranian uprising, the ‘Green Revolution’ not to be confused of course with ‘Green Shoots, or ‘Green Energy’ and the ‘left’s’ piling on the regime of the devil Ahmadinejad only served to reinforce the incessant neocon propaganda and Zionist right-wing warmongering that has the doomsday clock ticking towards World War III. In all liklihood, Israel will attack Iran at some point in the coming year, Obama’s infatuation with the phony war on terror will ensure that the U.S. is sucked in which will be catastrophic but now that the antiwar movement has been marginalized by the foulness that is the Democrat party, now that Cindy Sheehan has served her purpose and been unceremoniously dumped and now that the ‘left’ has once again failed to mobilize around any serious issue that has crossover appeal we are all helpless to stop it.

I will devote my energies to trying to assist whatever remains of the antiwar movement (which isn’t much after most of the larger groups were co-opted by the filthy corporatist Democrats and Raht Emanual), continue to support the abolishment (or at the least auditing) of the Federal Reserve, fight for a reigning in of excessive corporate power, rail against the abuses of civil liberties, the police state, torture and surveillance and the menace of globalization. In a sad land of ignorance and hostility that has institutionalized torture with about half the population being down with it just how long is it going to be until they actually start to torture the other half?

The ‘left’ is too fragmented and there are far too many internal squabbles to mount any sort of a counter-movement against this irrational, ignorant and mean army of darkness that is suckled at the teat of the imperialist warfare state and lives in a world of unreality fed by a lifetime of indoctrination to illusions and lies and I am getting off of that woebegone merry-go-round once and for all before it either kills me or drives me totally fucking batshit.

Revisiting the Tea Baggers: If there has been one group that I have been especially critical of it is the Republican co-opted Teabaggers, as the movement is currently infested with the dregs of American society, foul racists, neo-Nazis, Dick Armey of Darkness operatives, Palinazis, Beckers and religious fanatics my derision of them is justifiable. However, this fails to take into account the fact that there are millions of real pissed off Americans who are mobilizing and just lack the right guidance and knowledge. If you recall, the original tea parties were being held in the darkest years of the Bush-Cheney Axis of Evil reign of terror and were largely comprised of Ron Paul and 9/11 Truth Activists, this already in existence movement was then used by the establishment Republicans as an exo-skeleton into which they installed the insipid Glenn Beck as the face and promoted relentlessly on RNC propaganda television network FOX. From the intel that I receive there is actually a struggle for identity going on within this movement although you would never know it from the Democrat controlled propaganda organs. So there is some promise in a mass movement that liberals and the left are incapable of producing if the bigots, ignoramuses and operatives can be cast out as misfits, charlatans and shameless opportunists and this seems to be as good a place as any for an independent minded anarchist like me. Hey, Jesus hung with prostitutes, lepers and losers because they could actually be saved right?

While this movement is at least temporarily under the control of the vilest of swine that the oligarchy right-wing faction can dig up and who are firing up the dead enders, TV lobotomized zombies and easily fooled and made into useful idiot joiners it must be emphasized that the whole thing is still in play. There is a lot of righteous anger out there and it’s growing by the day and this whole thing could blow up like a MOAB on those who are seeking to exploit it. My very good friend Diane G, a hard core leftist journeyed into the snakepit at a teabagger rally in her homeground up in Michigan last year and found a bunch of pissed off people afraid and being manipulated by veterans and RNC style stooges. The vitriol was real but it was easily misdirected, largely because most of us are nothing more than ignorant sheep and manageable ants but were this sort of energy ever be redirected, say at Wall Street, the Pentagon, the insurance bloodsuckers, the corporations and the real rapists of America then watch the fuck out. The Republicans are playing with dynamite, for every misbegotten and fucked over by the system soul that worship the phony Glenn Beck as though he were some sort of modern day prophet instead of a real life Lonesome Rhodes, a career loser on the ultimate stage whose shelf life is only limited by his own propensity for self destruction there are others who realize that the man is an assclown and a fraud. I have to hand it to Alex Jones who denounces Beck on a regular basis as a tool who has only stolen his shtick and distilled it down for the masses of asses. This is a volitale mix and any foolish GOP huckster who doesn’t realize it is a fool on a megalomaniac level right up there with Karl Rove and the cartoonish house nigger Michael Steele.

One who seems to understand, at least on the level that an elitist swine who has long made a damned good living as a shit salesman for the privileged and connected can is columnist and media figure David Brooks of the phony librul New York Times. While not quite as successful as the pimp of globalization Thomas Friedman, Brooks is a reliable little lap doggie who can always be counted on to yap upon command. His latest piece, The Tea Party Teens is a fine example:

The Tea Party Teens


The United States opens this decade in a sour mood. First, Americans are anxious about the future. Sixty-one percent of Americans believe the country is in decline, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey. Only 27 percent feel confident that their children’s generation will be better off than they are.

Second, Americans have lost faith in their institutions. During the great moments of social reform, at least 60 percent of Americans trusted government to do the right thing most of the time. Now, only a quarter have that kind of trust.

The country is evenly divided about President Obama, but state governments are in disrepute and confidence in Congress is at withering lows. As Frank Newport of the Gallup organization noted in his year-end wrap-up, “Americans have less faith in their elected representatives than ever before.”

Third, the new administration has not galvanized a popular majority. In almost every sphere of public opinion, Americans are moving away from the administration, not toward it. The Ipsos/McClatchy organizations have been asking voters which party can do the best job of handling a range of 13 different issues. During the first year of the Obama administration, the Republicans gained ground on all 13.

The public is not only shifting from left to right. Every single idea associated with the educated class has grown more unpopular over the past year.

The educated class believes in global warming, so public skepticism about global warming is on the rise. The educated class supports abortion rights, so public opinion is shifting against them. The educated class supports gun control, so opposition to gun control is mounting.

The story is the same in foreign affairs. The educated class is internationalist, so isolationist sentiment is now at an all-time high, according to a Pew Research Center survey. The educated class believes in multilateral action, so the number of Americans who believe we should “go our own way” has risen sharply.

A year ago, the Obama supporters were the passionate ones. Now the tea party brigades have all the intensity.

The tea party movement is a large, fractious confederation of Americans who are defined by what they are against. They are against the concentrated power of the educated class. They believe big government, big business, big media and the affluent professionals are merging to form self-serving oligarchy — with bloated government, unsustainable deficits, high taxes and intrusive regulation.

The tea party movement is mostly famous for its flamboyant fringe. But it is now more popular than either major party. According to the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, 41 percent of Americans have a positive view of the tea party movement. Only 35 percent of Americans have a positive view of the Democrats and only 28 percent have a positive view of the Republican Party.

The movement is especially popular among independents. The Rasmussen organization asked independent voters whom they would support in a generic election between a Democrat, a Republican and a tea party candidate. The tea party candidate won, with 33 percent of independents. Undecided came in second with 30 percent. The Democrats came in third with 25 percent and the Republicans fourth with 12 percent.

Over the course of this year, the tea party movement will probably be transformed. Right now, it is an amateurish movement with mediocre leadership. But several bright and polished politicians, like Marco Rubio of Florida and Gary Johnson of New Mexico, are unofficially competing to become its de facto leader. If they succeed, their movement is likely to outgrow its crude beginnings and become a major force in American politics. After all, it represents arguments that are deeply rooted in American history.

The Obama administration is premised on the conviction that pragmatic federal leaders with professional expertise should have the power to implement programs to solve the country’s problems. Many Americans do not have faith in that sort of centralized expertise or in the political class generally.

Moreover, the tea party movement has passion. Think back on the recent decades of American history — the way the hippies defined the 1960s; the feminists, the 1970s; the Christian conservatives, the 1980s. American history is often driven by passionate outsiders who force themselves into the center of American life.

In the near term, the tea party tendency will dominate the Republican Party. It could be the ruin of the party, pulling it in an angry direction that suburban voters will not tolerate. But don’t underestimate the deep reservoirs of public disgust. If there is a double-dip recession, a long period of stagnation, a fiscal crisis, a terrorist attack or some other major scandal or event, the country could demand total change, creating a vacuum that only the tea party movement and its inheritors would be in a position to fill.

Personally, I’m not a fan of this movement. But I can certainly see its potential to shape the coming decade.

Of course Brooks is playing the game, he is another Mockingbird, his suggestion of Jeb Bush protégé Marco Rubio as a potential leader of this movement is just more of the same mental masturbation that we are accustomed to and of course what is more important to the establishment than in keeping Nazi collaborators like the Bush Family and their operatives in power? It is no surprise that these stealthy elitist swine want that little greaseball Rubio, just like they trotted out Glenn Beck to co-opt the Ron Paul movement (and to a large degree crib from the Alex Jones show only run through a food processor for a better consistency of lemming food. This is the game people, Brooks like his cohorts over at the Washington Post like Howie Kurtz (hatchet job on Gary Webb) and Dana Milbank (Skull and Bones) ALWAYS side with the oligarchy all the while denying that such a thing even exists and poo poohing us commoners as so much rabble and tin foil hatters. ENOUGH ALREADY, the JIG IS UP.

The comments are great, Brooks is a country clubbing elitist swine masquerading as a journalist and I have long been on his case, check some of these out.

David, thank you for being honest in the last paragraph and admitting that you are not fond of what you call the tea party movement. Republican like you and Democrats like Obama are the same to most of us. You really think that your superior credentials grants you social wisdom and intelligfence. It doesn’t.


I, too, feel betrayed by “elite” institutions, policy makers and businesspeople! And I am a relatively well-educated individual.

Globalization has not been a force for good, has not raised poor foreigners, has not benefited average US people, has not benefited any western nations’ national security. Deregulation? Likewise.

Why? Well, I guess, you’d have to ask the “crème de la crème” who have used average limitations and foreign poverty to aggrandize themselves and, thus, lined their own pockets with money at the expense of the broader world. It is an exceedingly short-sighted goal; n’est-ce pas? You cannot fool even them all of the time.

Certainly, globalization and deregulation might have worked. But, really, it seems that something must be done before it is too late. If we do not act to protect our way of life, to prop up the western middle-class and assure our standing, we will cede our place to peoples in whom we cannot trust and invite violent conflict at home and abroad.


Who do you think the tea party voters are, Mr. Brooks? I am middle aged, post-graduate degreed and financially independent. I support full gay rights, including gay marriage. I believe in decriminalizing drugs, I believe in being a good steward to the environment, and to the less fortunate in my own community. But, I will probably vote with the tea partiers. I might even vote for one of their national candiates

You want to know why? The Bail-outs.

I will never support a political candidate who voted for or supported the bail-outs, and I will support any movement that is against the politicians who supported the bail-outs. I will donate money to candidate, even in other states, who loudly opposed the bail-outs.

I don’t consider myself a tea partier. I am not a joiner and I’ve never marched or demonstrated. But the bail-outs meant that capitalism and free market rules no longer applied in america. It meant that those with political connections were saved and allowed to grow and prosper, while those who had played by the rules suffered and paid.

This anger at the bail-outs will never go away for people like me. Obama supported the bail-outs. Most of the Democrats supported the bail-outs. Some of the Republicans supported the bail-outs. The real statesman; The politicans who cared enough to do right ; they loudly and vigourously opposed the bail-outs.

If the tea party people continue to be the people who oppose the bail-out people; then, the enemies of my enemies, are my new best friends.


I may add this self-serving oligarchy is picking winners (ask Blankfein of GS, and other bankers), seizing wealth by having their buddies in the right place (Bernanke, Paulson, Summers, etc), while unemployment keeps rocketing up and middle class gets decimated.

The other day I read somewhere that the bailouts under both Obama and Bush most likely transferred more wealth to the rich than the tax cuts under Bush. Just think about that!

Both parties are identical; only the names/ faces change. The nation is slowing waking up to it, which is reflected in the growing popularity of the tea party followers.

I just pray that this campaign don’t get hijacked by some Republican nutcase politician, because this is really about looking for a third voice, an independent voice.


The tea party folks and the political independents have at least one very significant thing in common: members of neither group want to be identified with either of the “established” parties. The rise of a third party is a possibility.


Disappointment with President Obama is clear and justified. There is a defacto war in Pakistan in addition to the fighting in Afghanistan and Irag. Health care reform looks to be a boon to the large drug and insurance companies. The opportunity for serious financinal reform seems to have been lost. The dire need for creating jobs is ignored. Why wouldn’t any movement the promises something different be growing in popularity?

And one VERY IMPORTANT COMMENT which illustrates the problem with this movement, it has been hijacked by elitist payroll swine and foul GOP operatives. Perhaps some principled folks who are disillusioned by the ongoing big con can assist in weeding these swine out.

As long as the Tea Party folks allow Glen Beck and Sean Hannity to be their chief spokesmen, they will remain an interesting but unimportant political footnote.

And those are just a sampling from the first 20 or so of the 400 + comments that were left on the so-called liberal, former Judith Miller employing NYT site. Now as anyone with any common sense understands, David Brooks is a fraud, a boot licking pecksniffian puke, a mangy lapdog and an on-call shill for the oligarchy for those bullshit Sunday morning bloviation circuit shows when the establishment trots out the ‘experts’ along with veteran whores like John McCain and his butt buddies Joseph Lieberman and Lindsay Graham to piss down the backs of clueless regular Americans and swear to got that it’s raining. The handful of Sunday morning inside baseball swill drive the weekly media spin on any given issue, ensuring that the now standard left vs. right paradigm stays in place despite the fact that there is NEVER any substantive change in policy nor shift away from the elitist based society that we exist in. It’s all a dog and pony show, a big game of three card monte played on Main Street in a Potemkin Village renamed The Homeland and David Brooks is one of the chief shit shovellers who provide cover for the oligarchy. A man named Carroll Quigley once wrote in his massive historical book Tragedy and Hope that:

The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extreme shifts in policy.”

And there may have at the time been some truth in that statement but I doubt that Quigley ever envisioned the thorough rottenness of the political system, especially here in the United States. The necessity to maintain stability in any civilized form of society is not something that can be argued, we have seen through history what happens absent order when demagogues and lunatics can bring violence and suffering to millions based on lingering ethnic grudges and delusions of grandeur. Quigley’s statement relies on the idea that there is some sort of dignity present within the system not the widespread corruption that has us all at the mercy of a predatory state that serves those who have worked with relentless precision for decades to gain a stranglehold on political power through bribery, blackmail, intimidation and even assassinations. Our current two-party system is in the process of branding and yoking us all for delivery into bondage to the bloodsuckers and fiends that have hijacked the republic and turned it into a rancid spoils system with order kept by a burgeoning police state and a veritable gulag system of for profit prisons for all who dare to complain about it.

The one unmistakable aspect of Brooks’ column is FEAR because there IS something in the air and the key is what will eventually come of the tea party movement once the scum has been purged. I have been extremely critical of these people in the past, mockingly critical but I am guilty of generalizations and falling for the media propaganda of finding the most extremist elements and then hyping them as being indicative of all who are involved. Remember the Nixon era and the Vietnam era, it was always easy for the media to find the most radical leftists, the real bomb throwers, dirty hippies and acid juiced freaks and to use them as symbols of the antiwar movement. This of course was a lie, there was widespread opposition to Vietnam throughout the nation and as Nixon found out it extended to none other than Walter Cronkite whose proclamation that the war was “unwinnable” was devastating to the war freaks who nonetheless continued to feed the youth of America into an immoral charnel house to kill and be killed for the benefit of the Military Industrial Complex, the rising shadow government of the rogue CIA and their profiteering off of the illegal narcotics trade in the Golden Triangle and the political expedience of the predecessors to the swine and vermin who are this very day deeply entrenched as enemies of the American people in Washington.

I have recently gotten a chance to correspond with some people who I had not long ago (before the great Obama betrayal and the removal of the scales from my eyes) considered to be foes, nemeses and enemies including a man who I vilified as a “right wing Nazi”. There is nothing like a dagger in the back to assist with a change in perception. While there will always be areas of disagreement ideologically there are common grievances that outweigh all else. Principled conservatives are against big government and with the rise of the Homeland Security state that is just getting warmed up it is easy to understand why. As Barry Goldwater once put it “… a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have” and really, considering the direction that this monstrously corrupt system is growing exponentially and the Caesars that need meat for their ongoing wars just how long do you think it is going to be until confiscations, imprisonment and executions (preceeded by that good ole Jack Bauer style tough love of course) will be reality? The belief that America should mind our own business (wrongly slurred by propraganda pimps as isolationism and equated with the rise of Hitler..yawn) and stay the hell out of the rest of the world is another common cause as is the meddling of the government in the economy (there is a difference here in that I would not oppose government leveling the playing field rather than rewarding the wealthy with political connections) which in the past year has only put Wall Street high rollers back in the gambling business only with house money. I believe that the ‘left’ is making a huge mistake in not reaching out, I mean if Jane Hamsher of Firedog Lake and Grover Norquist (for Christ’s sake) can team up to call for that slimy little prick Rahm Emanuel’s resignation and Alan Grayson and Ron Paul can join forces to demand an audit of the Federal Reserve why not put aside the differences and work together towards fighting something important to all of us?

I recently remarked that Obama is nothing more than Lyndon Baines Johnson without the social programs, I now believe that was wrong, he is more like a modern day incarnation of Woodrow Wilson, warmonger and domestic tyrant whose iron fisted opposition to dissenters destroyed many a life and unjustly imprisoned those who dared to challenge the divine right of American imperialism to murder in the name of God, mother, country and theapple pie authoritarianism that has again reared it’s ugly head in the past decade, not that it ever left.

But I digress, back to my break with the ‘left’….

I have had it with the ‘left’ or what passes for it today, all of the fighting, the activism, the hard work and the heartache and for what? So that the DemocRAT party can sell us all out with a ridiculous farce of a health care reform bill that does nothing but deliver all of our asses into bondage to the insurance industry parasites? So that not only can the war in Afghanistan be escalated at the expense of any domestic resuscitation of the dying economy but additional conflicts in Pakistan, Iran and now Yemen can be opened? So that the Obama administration behind arch-criminal Rahm Emanuel can sip from the gold-plated money spigots and bestow government largesse on their crooked buddies in the financial services industry and on Wall Street? So that the ultimate indignity of seeing the Pope of Hope, the Nobel Peace Prize winner who used his acceptance speech as a forum for justifying more imperialism, wars of aggression and murder now resort to the same phony war on terror rhetoric of the Bushreich in sowing the seeds of fear in this diseased country of cowards? Congratulations liberals, while sitting at the card table continuing to double down on a pair of threes in the hope that your pathetic grasp on political power can be preserved while you flush every principle down the toilet while leering TSA goons are salivating over the prospect of masturbating themselves into unconsciousness at the naked little boys and girls that they will be ogling on those fancy new airport full body scanners. Pat yourselves on the backs, your cultural crusades are garbage, just as much rot as your counterparts on the extremist right and you too have never met a war that you couldn’t justify when it served YOUR interests and all of that unchecked power that is massed in the surveillance state, well it’s just not so important to fight it when your guy’s ass is ensconced upon the throne at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

What is really the difference between Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly or Rush Limbaugh and Keith Olbermann, blow job loving pothead Bill Maher, Rachel Mad Sow [sic] or poor old Mike Malloy, slowly and painfully going mad, eaten alive by his anger at not being able to stop any of this, a veteran of the psychic wars who as the BOC song goes has used up all his weapons and is helpless and bereaved – and my two cents worth of free advice to him is to just get the fuck out of this all, raise your daughter, enjoy your family and fuck the left, it’s just not worth it. Now the degeneration of the media darlings of the ‘left’ into nothing more than shills for the new order is as pathetic as it is predictable, Markos Moulitsas Zuniga once allegedly wrote a book called ‘Crashing the Gates’, but that is just too much work for once full of piss and vinegar liberals and progressives, now that they have won a few elections it is far easier to just have the castle master install a doggie door. Maddow, a damned good reporter whose nightly gig at MSNBC is as telling for a former Air America queen as the exiles of Randi Rhodes and Malloy into the wilderness is now dependent upon her ability to use her nightly platform to denounce intolerant bigots and buffoons and rail against phantoms like the John Birch Society in the early 1960s. Now I am very aware of the JBS history and dare I say that the current incarnation isn’t the great satan that it is portrayed as by some on the left. Hell, I am actually a lesser member (I don’t pay for the full ride) because I see more action from the JBS against the incursions of the fascist police state than I do from MoveOn and many of the other co-opted organs of the Democrat party. They came out against Bush’s abuses of the constitution and they do the same against O-Bushma and when I send out letters to my ‘representatives’ through their website I get responses, unlike from anything on the left which is simply laughed at by those in office, so toothless, neutered and ineffective have they become. There are some damned fine people in the John Birch Society despite some of the misguided crusades of the past and might I remind the liberals that the Democratic party’s history is not simon pure with racism, wars, Woodrow Wilson’s jihad against dissent and FDR’s internment of loyal Americans of Japanese descent in camps.

Again I digress….

While I have never been accused of being politically correct by anybody I fully support total equal rights for gays including the right to marry, my only problem is the focus on this rather than in a full effort to defeat fascism. I have many gay friends and as a former military member I knew closeted gays during my time of service and would rely on them any damned time over some dipshit Republican chickenhawk but the Democrat establishment is cynical, transparent and exploitative in their treatment of gays. It is pitiful and patronizing and the way that the powers that be on the ‘left’ use gays (they shit all over them and roll out set for life Rachel as some sort of nightly balm as though it suffices for the lashes on their backs) is exactly how the Republican faction of the money/war party jerks the chain of the Jesus freaks for their support for a vicous agenda that would crucify the long-haired troublemaker in a New York second if he were to return to earth tomorrow. That much was apparent when Obama rolled out the false prophet Rick Warren for the inauguration, too bad that Strom Thurmond wasn’t still alive or he could have made an official appearance as well. It’s a big tent with the DemocRATs, and it’s filled with clowns, geeks and hucksters, I mean fucking fat Eddie Schultz for Senate? Can it get any more surreal – and the ‘left’ has the audacity to complain about Fred Thompson, Curt Schilling or Arnold ‘son of a Nazi’ Schwarzenegger?

In fact the entire bogus system is a veritable self-licking ice cream cone (I borrowed that term from somewhere but I can’t remember) whenever the inflammatory distraction that is abortion is thrown into the ring and both sides immediately revert to their primal selves like the fucking caveman in Altered States and forget everything but a craving for fresh bloody meat. A pox of terminal, knee-jerk idiocy in America is the coin of the realm, my time spent in blogmark has taught me that one very important lesson if nothing else.

The left is at this moment in history busy disintegrating into a pool of illogical, conflicted toxic goo, the stench of terminal denial is as thick as the skulls of those who still deceive themselves that Barack Obama, the chess-master is just setting it all up to fall exactly right, like Michael Jordan in his prime tearing down the Piston defense with a cold and methodical precision, going through them to borrow from General George S. Patton “like shit through a tin horn”, it isn’t going to happen chumps. You voted for change and all that you got was a slicker version of William Jefferson Clinton who presided over NAFTA and the other anti-American trade deals like some peckerwood kahuna in years of yore swindling Injuns out of vast amounts of land for beads and baubles made out of paste. Slick Willie, I might add was a key in the corporate media consolidation that has allowed for the most kick ass propaganda machine since Goebbels and along with his Wall Street buddies sowed the seeds for the economic catastrophe that Obama and his financial ‘dream team’ now shoveling money into at the expense of the peasants in order to fill their campaign coffers for 2012.

Bill Clinton never should have been impeached for that vendetta by fascist fanatics like Richard Mellon Scaife and Kenneth Starr and their ilk over a fucking blowjob, the list of actual impeachable crimes started with giving Poppy Bush and his Iran-Contra cohorts a get out of jail free card. That little failure to enforce the laws came back to haunt us all for the American Reichstag Fire – 9/11 and the PNAC and every bastard mutation that evolved out of the afterbirth of Iran-Contra resurfaced to ensure that their dirty little coup d’etat and the eternal wars and subjugation has been out screaming TERRORISM ever since and now Americans must submit to having failed police officers who are just competent enough to latch on with TSA drool over their naked bodies and have the full power of the state to haul whoever the fuck that they want to into a private ‘screening’ room.

So now in early 2010, the second decade of the New American Century we are once again being cowed into a state of perpetual fear by a tyrannical government long ago taken over by blood barters and moneychangers and forced to give up even more of our dwindling liberty for temporary ‘security’. What in the fuck happened to this country? In the space of a decade it has become the largest colony of cowards, sheep and lemmings in the history of the planet.

Loose the Rats: I remember once when I was in my early twenties, a certain restaurant that I had worked for had become so intolerable that there was a parting of the ways (mutual of course) regarding employment. Well, said restaurant naturally had a pretty high turnover rate so myself and a fellow former wage slave conspired one night over many a beer (and I must admit a bit of weed) to seek revenge against the owners. We would go in on a stealth mission and create a disturbance that would be guaran-fucking-teed to cause maximum chaos. So we went to a local pet shop and purchased two live rats which we smuggled in during peak hours in our backpacks and while we swilled a few beers in a booth in the back, ate chicken wings and were generally looked at as scum by our former co-worker wait staff we had a hard time not pissing our pants. Well, when we were finished, we paid our bills and let the rats out of the backpacks and just left the fucking place….we never knew what happened and that was the beauty of it. Maybe the rats caused a total scene and a mass evacuation and maybe business was forever wrecked for those satanic pricks who owned the goddamned place – somehow I doubt it because the damned place stayed in business. Perhaps though, the owners found the rats first before they ran off the paying customers and caused a pox of word of mouth advertising that was up there with the Bubonic Plague and changed their ways, I don’t know and shit, I really don’t know exactly were I am going with this little thread so I digress…..

Maybe the moral of the pet shop rats is that it was a shock that could have actually have been naïve enough to think that such a futile and stupid act would have changed hearts and minds but that was back in the 80’s when things were different and there was still some semblance of actual fucking sanity in this rotten shell of a country, back when it was STILL POSSIBLE to avoid the coming forced anal probes by militarized Darth Vader police goons in local shopping malls. Nothing that I was ever going to do on the left, much like loosing the rats on those miserable, skinflint, authoritarian pricks who ran that shithole of an eatery was going to do a damned thing to change anything or any body, it was just plaintive wails from planet shit directed at the choir…amen.

So to those on the ‘left’ who I have joined in battle with over the years only to realize that it is ultimately a futile struggle I say good luck and may your efforts bring fruit and some degree of satisfaction so long as they do not conflict with mine. I am going it alone from this point onward, bound by no loyalty to ideology, faction or any group, that only belongs to those who are allies the bigger fight at hand now. I would implore you who are able to transcend your past prejudices, ideals and indoctrinations to become a bit less dogmatic and much more pragmatic in reaching out to those who not only can be saved but who also are trying to break free from their own conditioning.

The future depends on it.

Just my two cents


The Antiwar Movement Needs A New Playbook

August 29, 2007

If ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain to be in peril.

-Sun Tzu

To fuck your enemies you’ve first have got seduce your allies

-Saul Alinsky

Tired of having your faces rubbed in shit? The antiwar movement is spinning its wheels while being outflanked by the bipartisan, international war machine – a juggernaut with limitless financial resources, millions of shock troops, a corporate controlled pocket media and generations of successful propaganda already deeply imbedded within the national psyche. Despite repeated poll numbers showing the American public turning against Bush’s wars and the increasing pressure being applied to lawmakers up for reelection the current antiwar surge is doomed to failure because let’s face it, what has really changed? Much lip service is paid but the body count in Iraq mounts, our moral standing continues to deteriorate with the ever more frequently emerging accounts of the brutality of an occupying army, the nation heads towards bankruptcy and the neocons continue their instigation in order to escalate the conflagration by attacking Iran (or Pakistan for that matter if you listen to neocon ideologue and top media shill William Kristol) while the Armageddon choir shrieks in adulation and anticipation of their next mainline hit off of the Rapture crack pipe.

It is time for a reality check and a realization that in order to have any chance at fighting the authoritarianism of the militarist war machine the left-right paradigm and the my team vs. your team politics needs to be discarded for a movement that unites rather than divides, and one that is able to identify the true enemy which is the cancerous system itself – a system that has come to poison our national mind with the big lie that war itself is as American as apple pie. I don’t have the time to go into a rant on the longterm effects of the incessant barage of violent, pro war, nationalist propaganda that Americans are bombarded with from their earliest days of cognition through television, movies, video games and in a less technologically advanced time toy guns and miniature plastic soldiers but it is a good topic that I will address in the future, this post is about the ability of the antiwar movement to adapt to an increasingly hostile battlefield environment.

I recently read former Marine officer, UN weapons inspector and principled conservative Scott Ritter’s new book: Waging Peace: The Art of War for the Antiwar Movement and I would strongly recommend that every American who is truly serious about saving this country take a look at what he has to say. I realize that many who read this post will not be down with it as Ritter recommends using military style tactics and the teachings of Sun Tzu and Clausewitz to in effect wage war against the war machine. This may fly in the face of certain aspects of modern liberalism but with the crisis rapidly worsening, our democracy sold to the highest bidder and the constitution in tatters it is now crunch time and dearly held principles need to be chucked in the name of the greater need which is that of survival and the only way that survival is possible is to take the battle right at the motherfuckers but more on the book in a little while.

With the complete betrayal of the Judas Democrats on bringing about an end to Bush’s war or to otherwise throw up adequate roadblocks towards an escalation into Iran that culminated in antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan’s arrest in the office of John Conyers ( a sad betrayal by a longtime fighter, a former lion turned lamb who is now in his old age kept on a short leash by party ‘leadership’) it is well past time for the antiwar movement to look for other alternatives to ending this madness before the entire world is aflame and Der Homeland is turned into a repressive police state due to Richard B. Cheney and his ultra slick legal eagle David Addington’s barrage of Executive Orders, the latest one arming the unitary executive/dictator/fuehrer with the power to seize property and to confiscate the assets of war protestors who dare to question the king’s divine providence to pillage, rape and plunder for the sake of expanding the empire. The complicity of the Democrats in the actions of the Bushreich to dismantle constitutional democracy are louder than bombs and exemplified by their silence and in their failure to halt the junta have ensured that their own fingerprints are on the dagger that has been planted in our backs.

In recently denouncing the Democrats as the collection of war addicts, abject failures, duplicitous backstabbers, bald-faced liars and pathological cheats that they truly are Sheehan has dealt a staggering blow to the DLC wing of the war party’s cloak of legitimacy and it is triggering an exposure and closing of ranks for the establishment with denunciations by fake left poseurs like the bastard snake Zuniga of the internet disinformation clearing house and vacuum cleaner operation Daily Kos (Sheehan was banned from posting there but hey, so were hundreds if not thousands of others who weren’t party hacks including myself twice) and a made into a mockery among the so-called anti-war progressives but it will soon reverberate, spread and with any luck at all go viral so that a chain reaction will be set off where a new awareness of the Democratic party complicity in this fucking bullshit war, the destruction of the middle class and the corruption of the system will deal a hopefully mortal blow to the entire rotten establishment. There is already a growing Hillary resistance movement on the ‘left’ along with a conservative backlash against the neocon invasion of the party snatchers that see the stars aligning for that rarest of things – common ground among Americans who have been pitted against each other over absolute bullshit wedge issues for far too long now and who are only now beginning to realize that they have been played for fools.

When it became obvious that the Democratic party as it exists today is more concerned with aligning itself with a foreign interest (AIPAC) operating within our borders than in doing what is right for America the deal was sealed. When you come right down to it the six-year reign of terror in Bush’s war on America wouldn’t have been possible. First they rolled over on the war by giving the emperor a blank check and they have been rolling over ever since. Nothing more exemplifies the unwillingness of the Judas Democrats than their shameless ability to pander to the lowest common denominators and ensure that they will never have to address any real issues than their appearances in fucking ridiculous farces like the recent faith forum and the upcoming gay rights forum which serve only to further cement and reinforce the right wing frames that have been so damaging to this country since the seizure of power by the Bushreich.

Note that the Pelosi-Reid-Hoyer triad has done absolutely fucking nothing to roll back the USA PATRIOT act, restore habeas corpus, ban torture, close the gulags, stop the illegal spying on American citizens or take a stand against the creeping fascism and are now using the trumped up “war on terror” for their own means. The establishment Dems are thoroughly corrupt, rotten to the core and have already accepted their thirty pieces of silver to shank the American people in the back in the name of perpetual war for perpetual peace. The failure of the Democrats should be a wake up call to any and all who had some faith, however naïve that the existing system can work as intended to maintain a system of checks and balances as envisioned by the founding fathers because it is all just too far gone. The pitter patter of the little cat feet that fascism creeps in on is getting more audible and the transformation of America into the Homeland becomes more obvious by the day. As Milton Meyer famously wrote in his study of Nazi Germany They Thought They Were Free:

What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if he people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security. And their sense of identification with Hitler, their trust in him, made it easier to widen this gap and reassured those who would otherwise have worried about it.

“This separation of government from people, this widening of the gap, took place so gradually and so insensibly, each step disguised (perhaps not even intentionally) as a temporary emergency measure or associated with true patriotic allegiance or with real social purposes. And all the crises and reforms (real reforms, too) so occupied the people that they did not see the slow motion underneath, of the whole process of government growing remoter and remoter.

To live in this process is absolutely not to be able to notice it – please try to believe me – unless one has a much greater degree of political awareness, acuity, than most of us had ever had occasion to develop. Each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, “regretted,” that, unless one were detached from the whole process from the beginning, unless one understood what the whole thing was in principle, what all these “little measures” that no “patriotic German” could resent must some day lead to, one no more saw it developing from day to day than a farmer in his field sees the corn growing. One day it is over his head.

The Democrats have even less interest in bringing about a halt to the wars of empire than they do in impeaching the criminals in the White House and the Pentagon who have done so much damage to America over the past six terrible years. AIPAC tool and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer was the latest to unequivocally state that impeachment was “off the table” during a recent appearance on the syndicated Ed Schultz Show meaning that the jackass party are now co-equals with their more thuggish and overtly fascist counterparts in ensuring that the war machine keeps running at all costs and to hell with Sheehan or the law because they sense that they will inherit the keys to the kingdom along with the dictatorial powers that the Bush-Cheney-Rove Axis of Evil have imbued the executive branch with very, very soon. Never mind that impeachment and removal is an absolute necessity to allow such a transfer of power to occur despite the false façade of legitimacy in the national dog and pony shows that our elections have become. In their short-sightedness and their lust for power the Democratic establishment perilously and repeatedly fails to understand exactly what they are dealing with.

What if the current junta has no intention of leaving and is only buying the necessary time until the next 9/11 takes place and the full provisions of NSPD-51 are implemented? Bush’s martial law master plan is so secretive, so onerous and so terrifying that Oregon Congressman and Homeland Security Committee member Peter DeFazio was denied the chance to examine it in a secure “bubbleroom” leaving him to say “Maybe the people who think there’s a conspiracy out there are right”. In their raw lust for power, their insatiable greed and their pathological desire to control the money spigots of the spoils system the DLC Democrats are making a grave strategic blunder that could be the final dagger in the back of the American people, the demise of the republic itself and the last nail in the coffin holding the constitution. They are allowing the neocon hydra to fully regenerate and to bring down the entire fucking house to ensure that their crazed global agenda is fulfilled. Israel has the Samson Option and the Bushreich has NSPD-51, the bastard love child of the authoritarian fascist military industrial complex and the next generation of Colonel Oliver North’s REX 84.

Conservative columnist Paul Craig Roberts who has become one of the most outspoken critics of the fascist strain of Republicanism nails it dead on in his most recent column entitled My Wake-up Call: Watch For Another 9/11-WMD Experience where which he predicts such an event:

The Bush administration is preparing us for more terrorist attacks. The latest intelligence report says that Al Qaeda has regrouped, rebuilt, and has the ability to come after us again. “Al Qaeda will intensify its efforts to put operatives here,” says the report.

Security operatives, such as Michael Chertoff, and various instruments of administration propaganda have warned that we will be attacked before next year’s election. Chertoff is not a person who wants to be known as Chicken Little for telling us that the sky is falling.

Bush has the Republican Party in such a mess that it cannot survive without another 9/11. Whether authentic or orchestrated, an attack will activate Bush’s new executive orders, which create a dictatorial police state in event of “national emergency.” [See here. ]

And most chillingly –

The Democrats’ strategy of doing nothing except making sure Bush gets his way will produce the landslide that they expect.

However, this assumes that Cheney, Rove, and their neoconservative allies have lost their cunning and their manipulative skills. It is difficult to imagine a more dangerous assumption for Democrats and the American people to make.

Once the US experiences new attacks, Bush will be vindicated. His voice will be confident as he speaks to the nation:

“My administration knew that there would be more attacks from these terrorists who hate us and our way of life and are determined to destroy every one of us. If only more of you had believed me and supported my war on terror these new attacks would not have happened. Our security efforts were impaired by the Democrats’ determined attempts to surrender to the terrorists by forcing our withdrawal from Iraq and by civil libertarian assaults on our necessary security measures. If only more Americans had trusted their government, this would not have happened.”

There is no such thing as politics as usual in post 9/11 Amerika and time is running out. The longer that the Democrats continue to fuck around and the antiwar movement is stuck in neutral the more emboldened that the cornered animals that are the neocon coup plotters will become and our worst fears will become reality as the final pieces of the fascist master plan lock into place with another attack. With a lawless administration and several influential Republicans now on record as eagerly awaiting the next ‘terrorist’ attack and Israeli mole Joe Lieberman uniting with the equally maniacal Reverend John Hagee to openly lead the cheers at the recent Christians United For Israel freak show for hitting Iran and therefore trigger Bush’s martial law enabling acts it is imperative that Americans begin to unite behind a rallying cause against the empire and it’s wars. This is where Scott Ritter’s little playbook for fighting back comes in and in the author’s own words:

This book is not for everyone. There will be those among the antiwar movement who will, out of misguided sense of principle, be repulsed by the notion of their movement embracing something as noxious as the Art of War.

In short, the antiwar movement has come face-to-face with the reality that in the ongoing war of ideologies that is being waged in America today, their cause is not just losing, but in fact ins on the verge of complete collapse.

It is high time for the antiwar movement to take a collective look in the mirror, and be honest about what they see: a poorly organized, chaotic, and indeed often anarchic conglomeration of egos, pet projects, and idealism that barely constitutes a “movement,” let alone a winning cause. I have yet to observe an antiwar demonstration that has a focus on antiwar. It often seemed that every left-wing cause took advantage of the event to promote it’s own particular agenda, so that “No War In Iraq” shared the stage with the environment, ecology, animal rights, pro-choice and numerous other causes that not only diluted the antiwar message that was supposed to be sent, but also guaranteed that the demonstration itself would be seen as something hijacked by the left, inclusive of only progressive ideologues, and exclusive of the vast majority of moderate (and even conservative) Americans who might have wanted to share the stage with their fellow Americans from the left when it comes to opposing war with Iraq (or even Iran), but do not want to be associated with any other theme.

The antiwar movement, first and foremost, needs to develop a laser-like focus on being nothing more or less than antiwar.

On a common cause – upholding the constitution.

It is now time to begin to look at things from a different perspective, to reach out to those who at one time were on the other side but who now have common cause in defeating a shared enemy. The fact that the one great rallying cause that should unite Americans is purely one of class and economic fairness has been essentially nullified by the concerted effort by the establishment that stretched from what Harry Truman referred to as the “slave labor” bill in the Taft-Hartley Act to the organized pogroms of McCarthyism to the Powell Memorandum to Reagan’s war against the middle class is other than the Israeli issue the one place that Congress will absolutely not go so as to not jeopardize the rigged game is at this point not feasible any efforts to attack the system as it is will have to be on those that utilize the anti-war, reinstate the constitution ideals as those that will be the most effective in halting the looting spree and ending the lopsided class war.

While not explicitly stating it Ritter references elements that the mainstream of America may have problems with when accepting a progressive agenda. He uses what he calls “the firefighter standard” and as he states “if you are trying to market something to mainstream America, if you can sell it to firefighters, whose profession is ranked number one in terms of jobs that garner the respect of the general public, then you can sell it to the majority of Americans as well”. In correctly identifying the major problem that plagues the current antiwar movement “While never shy when it comes to criticizing politicians who fail to do their jobs, firefighters bristle when the criticism crosses the line into what they feel to be an attack on their own values, which tend to revolve around love of country and community.” Ritter also assails the bullshit that is the impenetrable force field of the extreme right “Guns, God, and Gays” and while acknowledging its effectiveness as a rallying cry for the worst and most intolerant elements of society he offers up what is potentially the silver bullet to use against this ungodly monstrosity – the Constitution (which is included in a appendix along with the United Nations Charter) because what could possibly be more patriotic and American than honoring it.

Rtter is absolutely right on this point and my moment of clarity occurred when a local antiwar activism group who I frequently interact with called to recruit me to hold up signs at a gay rights parade where our local version of the reverend Fred Phelps had organized a flock of the usual sort of phony ‘Christian’ haters to harass and harangue the participants. While I personally find the scapegoating of gays to be reprehensible and on a par with the same sort of hate mongering that allowed Adolf Hitler to rise to power, the inconvenient truth is that much of the American mainstream is still at best wary of gay issues and often revolted by such parades. The local news media outlets always pick the most over the top characters to feature on television and in the morning papers in an effort to deliberately offend as many people as possible and one of our Tampa Bay area nespapers, the St. Petersburg Times took the dark art of yellow journalism to a new low with their dispicably biased coverage of transexual Largo City Commissioner Steve Stanton and the ensuing witch hunt that culminated with his firing (the local rag also inflamed readers with their Mother’s Day front page story on Susan Stanton – his new identity. The other problem with such parades is that as they face increasing persecution from the theocratic dead-enders and hateful lemmings is that the participants who are the most exhibitionist justifiably choose to dress to the nines and really put on a show to rub the faces of the haters in it all but this ultimately results in providing fuel for the fire the fascist right, it is like the saying cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face. There are still reverberations that Susan Stanton was the Grand Marshall of our local parade and the hateful lemmings are keening at the top of their lungs while ignoring more important issues like the poor local bastards coming back from Iraq with their limbs blown off or in body bags. Such is life in a rotting empire.

The lamentable fact that the antiwar movement has so often chosen to take their focus off of what should be their sole defining reason for existence – halting the forces that have created the empire and will be increasingly upping the repressive tactics necessary to ensure that it continues to exist and to bring death to brown people while turning ‘the homeland’ into a police state confirms Ritter’s ideas on organizing against them and why the progressives have failed. I realize that this is anathema to those liberals who have come to represent the left now that the real left, organized labor has been eradicated but it is what it is and a new game plan is badly needed. And there must be a movement that arises without the insurmountable burdens of the twin millstones: abortion and gay rights and is able to counter the mantra of “Guns, God and Gays”.

And the new left (since labor was shanked in the back and tossed away by the DLC) is too pacifist, let’s face it the majority of the people involved abhor conflict, do not own guns and are so idealistic about ensuring that their own preferences are included in the anti-war movement that they have absolutely no chance whatsoever in fighting the entrenched culture of war, greed and death that have brought this country to the brink of destruction from within. I couldn’t possibly put it more succinctly than Mr. Ritter does:

Bear in mind that in conflict you are in almost all occasions confronting an opponent who is determined to win as you should be. This opponent is looking for any sign of weakness on your part, and will be certain to exploit this weakness with as much decisiveness and ferocity that can be brought to bear. If you are not prepared to confront such an opponent, then don’t enter the field of battle. Conflict is not for the faint of heart. In conflict you must be prepared to knock your opponent down, and then, instead of offering a helping hand, hold your opponent down with the heel of your foot while you plunge a bayonet into his or her heart. You can be assured that your opponent would do the same to you.

This golden advice is absolutely when it comes to first slowing and then with any luck and a lot of hard work, eradicating the warmongering neocon cabal along with anti-American special interest groups that support it and the most extreme elements of the Christian right and without using economic inequality as a base with organized labor as footsoldiers then other methods need to be taken into consideration in forming that broad based coalition against the blood barters, looters, fascists, neocons, theocrats and imperialists. Again I refer to Ritter:

The American progressive movement has not always been this devoid of leadership and structure. One only need to study the life and achievements of Saul Alinsky, a Chicago-based former criminologist who revolutionized the grassroots movements of the 1950s and 1960s into genuine political movements possessing real political power.


Simply put, if the antiwar/peace and justice movement can attract more people to its cause than their opponents can to theirs, then the antiwar/peace and justice movement will emerge victorious. Therefore, a governing principle when waging peace is to creadt an ideological foundation that is capable of appealing to the broadest possible segment of a given democratic society.

If his advice is taken then what will emerge will be a diverse coalition of interests who now finally understand that the system as it exists is run by global criminals who have no loyalty to America and actively have attacked everything that was great about her while usurping our democracy and undermining our freedoms and economic prowess. Wall Street looters and industrialists have always hated America because there was a system of governance here that afforded rights to all people and not only those with money. It has been a long time coming and the time to act is yesterday.

Essentially I am fucking sick of all of the fake left all-inclusive bullshit, not that these people don’t have valid reasons but they are an impediment to the mass movement that is so sorely needed to drive these rapacious, fascist motherfuckers from power. I challenge anybody who disagrees with this to put aside their ego, swallow their pride – as Bob Dylan once sang “it’s not poison” and grab a ride on the riverboat because it’s time for some fucking unity and these bullshit wedge issues and pet projects have got to go because let’s face it – America has been under assault for far too long and the old girl is ready to buckle without a renewed focus on a unified attack on the bastards who have put us in this position.

Hey, I’m not asking you to love those who you have differences with but this is a far bigger threat and it demands unity – we can bicker about all of the other bullshit after we can unite against the common enemy that is the globalist corporate hostile takeover and the neocon militarist push for world domination. They work hand in hand, a bastard fuck of an unholy alliance and make no mistake, IF we are smart enough to unite it is going to take every goddamned bit of our efforts to beat it back – or at least slow it enough so that saner elements can use the political process to marginalize it until it can be eradicated once and for all. Our very survival depends upon it.

The Blood Barters

March 18, 2007

Let me ask you one question

Is your money that good

Will it buy you forgiveness

Do you think that it could

I think you will find

When your death takes its toll

All the money you made

Will never buy back your soul

-Bob Dylan “Masters of War”

Somewhere within that great morass of collective national ignorance are the great stories of our untaught and largely suppressed history and the real heroes who inhabit it. They are the real heroes whose sacrifice and efforts in building a great nation and a truly compassionate and progressive society are in direct conflict that those who have mounted a decades long drive to erase their efforts and to remake America into the cruel fool’s paradise of a militaristic, Social Darwinist, monopoly capitalist spoils system where the less fortunate are subordinated to be lesser humans, servants and cannon fodder for the never ending wars on which the engine of empire is fueled in the early days of this sordid new American century.

In our past lie the keys to our future but in the revisionist reworking perpetrated by the greatest propaganda machine that the world has ever known it will never be understood by the majority who take solace in tough talking cowboys and ‘plain spoken’ men who provide easy answers for an increasingly complex and dangerous world. History is always written by the victors rather than the vanquished and in a country where the victors have been corporatists, reactionary right-wingers and the military industrial complex it is no wonder that we are spoon fed distortions, oversimplifications and outright lies as history. The indoctrination into the warrior world of laissez-faire monopoly capitalism, the worship of the state and the acceptance of the grand destiny of God’s chosen empire begins with the constant onslaught of televised imagery, the war toys and the desensitization of violence and condoning of the exploitation of others from the earliest days of cognitive capability.

Television is the greatest tool for indoctrination and central programming that ever has been invented – bar none and to the corrupt oligarchy it is gospel. The tabula rasas of impressionable children have already been subjected to consumerism, class exploitation and the acceptance of a national mythology and the requisite violence by the time they even get to the classroom where the job will be completed by a system that no longer in any way encourages critical thinking and individualism – only acquiescence, obedience and conformity are desirable…those not adhering are then culled out and will face the lifelong stigmatism that has only two destinations, death or a place in the burgeoning network of privately owned, for profit prisons – another growth industry in America that nearly rivals that of the great war machine itself.

The blame for the dark cloud of willful ignorance upon the land over the true consequences of the waging of war lies not only with the purveyors of the immaculate Hollywood fantasies that transform industrialized slaughter into grand, glamorous adventured dripping with glory and valor but also with the media in its entirety (excluding the alternative media of course which lacks the firepower to compete with the corporate goliaths) that drums out the hypnotic cadence about the glorious potential that lies in the grand adventures that war brings along with that most precious of commodities that is American exceptionalism. Add a punditry composed of psychopathic hired guns who routinely decry pacifists and war critics as traitors while omitting the inconvenient truth that the vast majority of the luminaries of the right-wing attack machine have never worn a uniform in the service to the country.

The ongoing psyops campaign is relentless and has been far too successful in gene splicing Sinclair Lewis’ domestic fascism with a dystopian vision that not even Orwell himself could have imagined. Note this story citing a defense industry think tank that distorts the looting of the treasury and racking up of unpayable war debt like a plague upon the unborn by making the argument that the ongoing occupation of civil war ravaged Iraq as a “relative bargain”. I mean give me a fucking break, this is what happens when highly compensated ‘experts’, bean counters and paid public relations flacks are retained to use a shadowy, state run media apparatus to sow disinformation and outright lies.

The story that did not merit much in the way of real coverage from the media conglomerates, their boards packed with members of interlocking directorates who also serve the energy cabal and defense contractors is the scandalous news that Halliburton will soon be fleeing the USA to relocate it’s corporate headquarters to Dubai. When the potential for something even remotely resembling oversight on Dick Cheney’s former (and some may argue current) employer suddenly becomes possible with a Democratic Congress armed with subpoenas and questions on no-bid contracts, mismanagement, war profiteering and outright looting then HAL is outta here.

That is the way that it always goes with the blood barters in the defense industrial complex to whom the cynical jingoism and invocations of patriotism don’t mean jack shit when it comes to trafficking in human misery, death and pestilence. The blood barters only see the color of money and not red, white and blue like the miserable dupes who they always so easily exploit to send their young off to die in illegal wars fought for greed and the imperialism of a rapacious strain of militarist capitalism run amok. But hey, war is all about glory, John Wayne, apple pie and the shoveling of the big lie of spreading democracy as though it were so much manure.

And leave it to the media to play down or otherwise skew the coverage of anti-war protests and the anti-war movement in general by low balling crowd counts, giving equal time to dead ender, right-wing counter protests by giving representatives (often ditto head dopes whose bellicosity and twisted world views mimic those of Michael Savage and other fascist propagandists) space in stories for their statements even if they happen to be outnumbered 100-1 in the interest of being ‘fair and balanced’ and always finding the one burned out hippie stoner in the crowd who is festooned with peace signs and carrying a guitar.

Jack Booted GOP Brownshirt Thugs?
The Washington Post’s latest bit of sleazy yellow journalism in the aftermath of yesterday’s march on the Pentagon is a perfect example of this tactic (note that while the counter demonstrators were a minority that the piece is spun decidedly to the right). Here is a portion of the story of the sort of jack-booted Republican thugs that turned out to harass the protestors think back to the Tom DeLay sponsored goon squad that terrorized Miami-Dade County in 2000 and stopped the recount – all that was missing yesterday was the Horst Wessel Song as a battle hymn (note that while the story does say that they were a minority the spin is decidedly to the right).

As war protesters marched toward Arlington Memorial Bridge en route to the Pentagon yesterday, they were flanked by long lines of military veterans and others who stood in solidarity with U.S. troops and the Bush administration’s cause in Iraq. Many booed loudly as the protesters passed, turned their backs to them or yelled, “If you don’t like America, get out!”

Several thousand vets, some of whom came by bus from New Jersey, car caravans from California or flights from Seattle or Michigan, lined the route from the bridge and down 23rd Street, waving signs such as “War There Or War Here.” Their lines snaked around the corner and down several blocks of Constitution Avenue in what organizers called the largest gathering of pro-administration counter-demonstrators since the war began four years ago.

The vets turned both sides of Constitution into a bitter, charged gantlet for the war protesters. “Jihadists!” some vets screamed. “You’re brain-dead!” Others chanted, “Workers World traitors must hang!” — a reference to the Communist newspaper. Some broke into “The Star-Spangled Banner” as war protesters sought to hand out pamphlets.

“Bunch of hooligans in motorcycle jackets!” one war protester shot back.

The large turnout surprised even some counter-demonstrators. Polls show public opinion turning against the war in Iraq, and the November election was widely seen as a repudiation of the administration’s policy.

So well-coordinated has the pro-war media become in the aftermath of Vietnam and the placement of right-wing operatives in every news outlet in America to parrot think tank created, focus group tested messages that reduce the entire anti-war movement (even though it happens to be a veritable melting pot of every demographic segment of America) into the same cartoon figures and caricatures that have been used to deviously and often subconsciously manipulate mass opinion ever since the military industrial complex and the corrupt system upon which it depends upon was deal that very serious one two punch of the fall of Saigon and the outing of Richard M. Nixon as a malevolent criminal. Nixon alas was only a symptom of a virulent stain of neo-fascism that while having long existed in this country has grown increasingly powerful in an inverse relationship to the decreasing attention spans and chronic intellectual shortcomings of the pubic at large. In reference to the media I love this line from Charley Reese (a small part of a larger overall condemnation of power from his latest column that I am stealing a portion of for my own purposes) that: … just remember that money buys whores, and whores service their customers.

Such is the culture of the Bushreich, where the sanitized, misleading and dishonest portrayal of American virtues and our divine moral superiority are exalted and those heroes from the past who spoke out have been effectively lost in a time warp. There is one great voice that does not turn up in textbooks and his message was a condemnation of the callousness of the blood barters and his voice was one that spoke from experience. He is the highly decorated (two medals of honor) former USMC General Smedley Darlington Butler.

General Butler was one of the earliest critics of American intervention and the plundering of foreign countries for the benefit of Wall Street looters who were all too glad to trade lives for profit. Butler wrote the scathing War Is A Racket that was a no-holds barred indictment of the early military-industrial complex. Butler told it like it was, not a convenient thing for the revisionist historians who write the textbooks to indoctrinate the good little Americans in the religion of the always great, always righteous and blessed land of plenty.

“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902–1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested.”

“During those years, I had as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints. The best that he could do was operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”

Wall Street has always had a vested interest in dabbling in war and death, despite all of the rah- rah red meat exhortations of patriotism or more appropriately nationalism that serve to keep the masses energized those who operate behind the scenes only real loyalty is to wealth and in maintaining the interests of the elite – those who will never lose sons or daughters in any of the hellish wars that are waged primarily for their benefit. A connection that the overwhelming majority of the rest of the peasants will never be able to make due to an incessant barrage of propaganda and corporate brainwashing via the electronic crackpipe to keep the rabble in line.

I recently had an opportunity to catch Eugene Jarecki’s movie Why We Fight that offers a very serious and dare I say bi-partisan look into the corruption of the military industrial complex and the dangers that it poses to American values. President Eisenhower warned of this in his farewell address over four decades ago but it went unheeded and the ongoing wars, military actions, occupations, weapons sales to other countries that have become a constant of American life ever since are a growing blight on our nation’s soul.

The best thing about Why We Fight is that it is immune to the sort of Rovian swift boating that followed in the aftermath of Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 that had the weak kneed sissies on the DLC controlled ‘opposition party’ running for cover. The film features a cross section of neocon ideologues, politos and serious analysts including John McCain, Chalmers Johnson, Gore Vidal, Gwynne Dyer, William Kristol, Richard Perle, Karen Kwiatkowski among others and is inclusive to viewpoints from both sides of the ideological spectrum. This movie is not to be taken lightly and try as they may to discredit it the Republican slime machine will not be able to make hay so easily as it was when turning Moore into a caricature (a puppet terrorist in the ultra-sardonic and overly scatological Team America: World Police) or for the Democrats to find a convenient scapegoat for their fecklessness and inability to win elections. This is a powerful, truthful and enduring film that asks serious questions that the used car salesmen and charlatans that are our ‘elected’ representatives are not going to want to answer.

Why We Fight zeroes in on the bastard relationship between Dick Cheney and Halliburton – we essentially have a government contractor as Vice President, in the movie he is referred to as a “rolodex man” Outsourcing of military duties such as cooking, cleaning etc are outsourced for profit to private contractors like Halliburton. This is one of the fundamental ways in which the military had changed under the leadership of corrupt men like Cheney. When I did my time about a quarter of a century ago we had our own enlisted men performing the often dehumanizing duties like cleaning the ‘shitters’, cooking and working in support positions such as personnel and logistics.

This use of highly paid ‘contractors’ is a criminal scam designed to bilk the taxpayers into funneling more money to the parasitical firms in Cheney’s rolodex. Now all of these functions are spun off to contractors who then bilk the American taxpayers for billions in order to perform the same functions that our servicemen and women used to do. Talk about a royal scam, this is it. The disturbing rise of private mercenaries is also quite troubling, especially at a time when our own military is being destroyed and I’m sure that I’m not the only one in America questioning the true intent of the Cheney-neocons and unaccountable private armies for hire as provided by firms like Blackwater but that is a story for another time.

The movie is even more important today as the neocon madness is about to be escalated with an impending attack on Iran that is inevitable given the goading by Israeli hard-liners meddling with the U.S. political appartus. This great column by Antiwar.com’s Justin Raimondo along with it’s links is well worth your time in reading if only to see the extent of the danger of having a foreign government (and an extremist one at that) in the driver’s seat of the Rapture bus. Absent some very serious and immediate action by Congress to begin to reign in the monsters that have run amok then we are all in for some seriously troubling times with wars without end, continuing domestic unrest as the population is divided and pitted against one another as a diversion and the dead bodies on America’s tab piling as fast as the blood barter’s ill gotten gains. As Plato once famously stated: “Only the dead have seen the end of the war” and you can bet the house that there will be plenty of them as long as their deaths can be turned into another revenue stream.

The Abyss Looks Back

June 3, 2006

“Extreme positions are not succeeded by moderate ones, but by contrary extreme positions.”

– Friedrich Nietzsche

Blindness is a modern American tradition. I was once blind myself until the day that the scales fell from my eyes and I was finally able to see the entire system for what it truly is – a passel of interrelated myths, fallacies and outright lies. The system you see is designed to suppress any individual thought; keep you bewildered and buying commodities, consumer goods and a accpting a colossal line of bullshit as truth. You are to believe in the trappings of a parallel reality while shuffling brainwashed through an all consuming matrix of extremely well orchestrated and financed make-believe. A world where America is exceptional and just, where a radical reinterpreted Jesus is lord and capitalism is king; where vices are virtues and virtues likewise are vices. This is a ‘reality’ in which up is down, black is white, war is peace, freedom is slavery and most importantly father always knows best. From cradle to grave there is an onslaught of sly, subliminal persuasive techniques that are constantly driven into our brains so subtly and so overwhelmingly that we don’t even notice them.

The simple fact is that the majority of the boiling frogs that are Americans are unable to comprehend even the most rudimentary concepts that they are living a meticulously fabricated lie that serves as a control mechanism with which to stigmatize or otherwise ostracize any who would dare to rise above the herd in order to speak out against the television culture that is the post-Reagan American fantasyland where it is always back to the future in search of a return to the ‘good old days’. Our society is a perfect example of the slaves in the great allegory of Plato’s cave, today’s Americans have undergone such a successful collective electronic lobotomy that they are completely unable to understand that their entire lives are nothing more than carefully formulated and constructed illusions, exactly like the shadow creatures that were projected on the walls of the cave to those who were physically restrained and unable to turn to see that what they believed was reality was merely the projection of shadow figures on the rock wall in front of them. Unlike those in the cave there are no physical restraints, save obesity and a constant exhaustion from overwork to restrain the slaves…it is all mental, the result of an illusory version of reality that has been fed to us since the earliest stages of our cognitive consciousnesses. As Earling Carothers ‘Jim’ Garrison once prophetically stated:

“In a very real and terrifying sense, our Government is the CIA and the Pentagon, with Congress reduced to a debating society. Of course, you can’t spot this trend to fascism by casually looking around. You can’t look for such familiar signs as the swastika, because they won’t be there. We won’t build Dachaus and Auschwitzes; the clever manipulation of the mass media is creating a concentration camp of the mind that promises to be far more effective in keeping the populace in line.”

We are in that concentration camp of the mind now, we have been for quite some time and God help us all for what we have become in the aftermath of that terrible Tuesday in September 2001 when the gates of hell swung open and beckoned us to step inside. We were driven insane by our thirst for vengeance, deceived by our leaders into untertaking wars of conquest wrapped in the bloody cloak of righteous revenge and the always underlying but unspoken crusade for the cross, divided into factions and pitted against our very own families, friends and neighbors all under the watchful eye of a surveillance state controlled by monstrously insane war-hungry immoral men with a terrifying vision for the future.

Our contemptible media is at the root of all evil. It is obsessed with market share, controlled by corporatists and manipulated by the state to do it’s bidding. Herr Goebbels would be proud of the power of the all encompassing world of celebrity, sleaze and disinformation that underwrites our empire. Most Americans are blissfully ignorant of the real world and perfectly content to stay that way like cows grazing in a pasture unaware that they one day are destined for the slaughterhouse. Many have a tendency to overly spoil and deify their children often trying to live vicariously through their young ones who represent a chance at salvaging something from their own failed lives. Do you really think that even the most ignorant and insulated of all parents would still support illegal wars of imperialism with their accompanying ruthless psychopathic counter insurgency tactics if they were able to see the truth? How long do you think that it would take to pull out of Iraq if Americans were allowed to see the beloved babies of their dark complected third world counterparts brutalized, maimed and murdered, their mothers gang raped in front of their families? Real life shit like that may be too much to handle for happy consumer occupants of fantasyland but it is a daily occurrence as well as standard operating procedure for the good squads that walk point for the army of God’s capitalist crusaders.

The horror, the horror

Those who have flirted with the creatures that dwell in the darkness of the abyss and found them to be seductive can understand the dangers of such an embrace. When vengeance becomes as wonderfully exhilarating as a lover’s passionate kiss, when the corrosiveness of pure ideological hatred and the accompanying wrath become an obsession, all consuming, energizing then is when one is in most danger of losing one’s soul, or of finding it.

Unless you have been there you can’t understand.

Some pull back when there is what an alcoholic would call a moment of clarity and a glimpse at the destructive nature of frolicking with those demons is suddenly seen…it is shocking. Perhaps the worse thing to occur when flirting with the darkness of the abyss is that it is all too easy to drag others down into it as well, others who are not equipped to handle it. Some are driven insane, some go into deep denial and simply hit the disconnect switch while going about their daily lives as though the netherworld does not exist. The rulers of this country know all too well the sweet allure of the siren songs of the devils that dwell in the abyss, they embrace them, they love them and while engaging in orgies of great debauchery with them they drag the rest down into its ever blackening maw along with them.

In Steven Spielberg’s Munich the consequences of violence for the sake of revenge as well as the human costs are examined in a movie far more reminiscent to the serious and provocative films of the 1970’s when Americans were questioning institutions that had so badly gone awry leading to the devastating and bloody defeat of Vietnam and the scandal plagued administration of Richard M. Nixon and his thugs. I have always personally felt that the movies of that decade were far more real than what the social engineers pulling the levers of society have sold us as their version of reality today. We once openly questioned authority in this country and were sickened at what we were misled into accepting as true and just by the criminals who were our leaders. Munich is as unrelenting as it is courageous and the numerous denunciations by the extreme right and their Israeli lobbyist counterparts that the movie received through either disputes of the accuracy of the material or the demagoguery that it somehow offered sympathy to terrorists are a testament to it’s message. Munich is brutal in it’s graphic portrayal of violence but it is also brutally honest in presenting the idea that violence only feeds upon itself and builds to levels that will ultimately destroy the souls of men and nations, as Nietzsche famously said “if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.” The quest for revenge in the aftermath of the botched rescue of the 1972 Israeli Olympic team who were the doomed victims of a spectacular hostage crisis that played out on the world screen and that lead to a massacre by the Black September terrorist group as well as the mission of the government sponsored covert assassination squad to exact revenge that is portrayed in the movie shows the escalating toll on their humanity as well as ability of the opposition to also escalate their tactics in a bloody tit for tat tango that never ends until one side or the other is ultimately annihilated once and for all.

In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks we are trapped in this same cycle of violence and are too easily becoming monsters as a result. The simplistic wasteland that is the American mind is unable to conceptualize or otherwise draw any sort of correlation to the simple fact that violence always begets more violence which is then used as justification for even more violence and further bloodshed by both ‘terrorist’ groups as well as governments. It’s a fucking brutal dance and it only perpetuates itself with each further escalation. Older societies know this, they have seen it throughout their histories, America being a relatively new nation and still naive in the belief that we are somehow different do not understand this most basic aspect of human nature. Every action has the potential for a reaction, often one of unintended consequences or what is defined as blowback by the CIA. 9/11 was (if you buy the official story) an attack by Islamic fundamentalist terrorists on God’s chosen land ostensibly because they hate us for our freedoms, at least so goes the party line peddled by the propaganda pimps. What is never addressed by our craven and corrupt media is that the true reason why we are so reviled in much of the world is the result of our immoral foreign policy which is one of empire, exploitation and the choosing of sides in the ongoing Middle East conflict but even if we had an honest media it is doubtful that our pathetic and ignorant populace would be able to comprehend what it was told, the damage is just too great now, it will take several generations to correct and to even begin to do so will be to halt the momentum of our national descent into the flames of Perdition and our imminent rendezvous with historical infamy.

Reaping the whirlwind of an immoral lie of a war

As with the watershed event of the Vietnam war that was the exposure of the atrocities committed by our own soldiers in the earthly hell of a charnel house that was ‘Pinkville’ or as it is more infamously known My Lai, the massacre in Haditha may finally drive home the caustic effects on a nation’s soul caused by an illegal war sold to both the soldiers and to the public on another pack of government lies. In March of 1968 an American company of soldiers crazed and drunk on vengeance ran amok and slaughtered hundreds of civilians in the village of My Lai. Women were raped, children including babies brutalized….they dragged it out, turned it into sport. The villagers who were not killed during the ‘festivities’ were eventually herded into a trench and murdered en masse by an deadly barrage of automatic rifle fire the ditch was filled with bodies and blood and the men who perpetrated the slaughter had become renegades. Once the story eventually leaked out, the public either went into denial that this sort of rampage could never be commited by our own always just military, rationalized that the communists did worse things or were outraged, ashamed and betrayed. Back then the media brought the horrors home into America’s living rooms and stories appeared in the newspapers when more than a wretched eleven percent of the populace bothered to read them but that was before the first amendment became a pejorative to large segments of the population and writers were real journalists and not public relations flacks or overly ambitious hacks determined not to let trivial matters like integrity or ethics block their career paths.

The government then as now with the Haditha massacre attempted to cover it all up and against the odds despite our woeful, dumbed down, homogenized corporate media the true story of Iraq attrocities are slowly seeping out and growing legs on the internet the last bastion for free speech in this sad country and one that has been targeted for extinction in its current form by the ruling party. It may be far too much to hope for but perhaps this time the carnage and horror of killing innocents may finally awaken a credulous, timorous self-centered American public out of their long, fear wracked post 9/11 fever dream which has been seized upon and cynically manipulated by a ruthlessly corrupt illegitimate junta with a festering contempt for liberty, truth and American values. The terror factor has been exploited at every opportunity, the propaganda incessant, the lies and deceit in using the weapons of mass destruction myth and the apocalyptic conjecture of smoking guns in the form of mushroom clouds within our cities became a constant drumbeat. In the run up to shock and awe debate was stifled, the legislature, itself irredeemably corrupt was cowed by their fear of being tarred as unpatriotic, upset with the lack of France’s backing for war they decreed that the capitol cafeteria would serve only freedom toast and freedom fries, god damn any country who would dare question American intent or stand of the way of our vengeance. The media became cheerleaders, the few honest news reporters who attempted to be true to their trade and to report to the public the news were smeared and subsequently banished from the airwaves. Big names the likes of Peter Arnett, Ashleigh Banfield and Phil Donahue had their careers damaged, their loyalty called into question while government PR shops pumped out feel good, nationalism wrapped in the flag, they peddled tales of wonder like the miraculous saving of Pvt. Jessica Lynch the all American femme fatale fighting machine; the staged toppling of Saddam’s statue in a mostly empty square and the ultimate sacrifice by former Arizona Cardinal safety Pat Tillman who gave up the holy grail of celebrity that is the dream life of an NFL star to serve his country in a time of crisis. All were eventually debunked as the garbage that they were and Tillman whose honest intent and dignity were exploited for propaganda purposes before he was killed by the guys on his own side in what as perfect a metaphor for this bloody clusterfuck war as it is an American tragedy. All were used as a cover for the intentions of an evil and treasonous government that is as hellbent on the spread of uber-capitalist imperialism abroad that it is on the robbery and incremental increases of its power at the expense of the very freedoms and civil liberties for the poor, dumb serfs here in the homeland.

The incredulity over Haditha that is expressed is as outrageous as it is unbelievable and in most cases ultimately insincere. The one that I most commonly hear is “but American’s don’t do things like that” followed by the stock lie of blaming the liberal media for blowing the whole thing out of proportion and as the insidiously stupid armchair patriots have a tendency to say “things happen in war” not that they would ever be bothered to get off of their asses and join the military to see for themselves . The truth is that it is all crap, Americans are as capable of atrocities as any other civilization in the history of man and the denial of this is the ultimate in arrogance. The myth of our exceptionalism must be taken down if we are ever to return to semblance of sanity in this morally deteriorating empire. Once Haditha became national news the typical coordinated damage control offensive was rolled out as it always is to provide cover for this criminal administration. Donald Rumsfeld’s personal military flack Gen. Peter Pace hit the Sunday morning electronic PR circuit to bandy about the latest talking point that the Haditha murderers acted in a rogue manner that is inconsistent with that of “99-point-nine percent of their fellow Marines.”

Bullshit I say!

The Haditha slaughter is only the very tip of a huge iceberg of immoral and illegal conduct by American personnel and thousands of mercenaries in the conduct of a vicious campaign of counter insurgency and ethnic cleansing and more will begin to escape the central control of the government information chop shops to seep out into the public domain. The true story of the razing of Fallujah has yet to be told along with the military’s use of incendiaries on civilians, it briefly leaked out but the information warfare pros quickly coaxed the genie back into the bottle but the devastation and human toll is too great to stay hidden forever. Just this past Wednesday a pregnant woman was killed by U.S. troops for failing to stop at a roadblock while rushing to the hospital. Such collateral damage is a given in a chaotic urban environment where there is no way to definitively identify ‘the enemy’ who could truly be anybody but didn’t the strategists learn this lesson by studying the guerilla morass of Vietnam? The ones who did were quickly given their walking papers in the run up to the bombing and invasion of Baghdad. Rummy, Cheney, Rice, Wolfowitz, Feith and the rest of the finely dressed war criminals who would prefer to fight their wars in the relative comfort of air-conditioned situation rooms filled with television screens and computer monitors instead of sweltering filthy streets stinking of rotting bodies, feces and garbage didn’t want to hear it.

Who is to blame?

The political forces whose misjudgment of the reaction of the locals in the aftermath of the original invasion…hey you pompous fucking assholes, they didn’t come waving flowers after all did they? Once the deteriorating situation on the ground in Iraq became became a detriment to maintaining sufficient political support for their Social Darwinist homeland policies to be implemented and allow for the fulfillment of the pathological determination to destroy all elements of the New Deal and Great Society it became apparent that the insurgency had to be crushed at all costs for the glory of the emperor. There was also a hurry to begin to expand the war throughout the Middle East working in a silent partnership with Israeli hardliners and it became necessary to ratchet up the intensity of excessively violent Phoenix Program style counter insurgency tactics including the covert sponsorship of death squads. Command should
certainly certainly bear the brunt of the blame but they are far from alone, immoral wars breed depravity and atrocity which are attracted like maggots to the corpses of the disappeared who are tortured and murdered and then left to lie decomposing in shallow graves.

The American people themselves should bear at least as much guilt as the marines whose fingers pulled the triggers for after all it was they who were led to believe that an illegal and immoral war like this could be fought on the cheap without the need for compromise or sacrifice on their part. Whipped into a xenophobic rage by the attacks on the WTC and Pentagon and continually by fed the mainline high of nationalism exhorted by the Republican party operatives and the neocons who wanted this war each for their own reasons we allowed ourselves to become disinterested and were fed distorted information in the form of carefully constructed public relations pieces in place of honest war reporting. We kept shuffling like George Romero’s zombies through our shopping malls and mega marts, exhorted the warlike Jesus of the Left Behind series en masse in our taxpayer subsidized mega-churches, gassed up our SUV’s and slapped yellow ribbon magnets on their asses and went about our daily lives oblivious to the long term consequences of our government’s actions that are being undertaken in our name.

After Abu Ghraib and the perversion of the sado-sexual horrors that occurred there made the world realize that not only were Americans misguided but something far worse, something more akin to evil, the malevolent decomposition of our damnable souls was momentarily glimpsed and then quickly hidden away by spin doctors who descended on Baghdad to hermetically seal the area to contain the bad news…and the truth. When Lyndie Englund, that ignorant little peckerwood slut dragged a naked Arab man around on a leash it was all of us Americans who where holding the end in the eyes of the world. There was much horror and outrage expressed over Abu Ghraib but it was quickly forgotten domestically, we had better things to do. There was American Idol, there was shopping, there were summer blockbuster movies and sports, there was fear of the terrorists, there was the Rapture to prepare for, Big Macs to be devoured, you know, the really important stuff.

The general American lack of truly serious outrage over Haditha is a result of our ‘freedoms’, we are free to remain ignorant, free to practice bigotry, free to gorge ourselves while the poor starve, free to be as mean as are capable of being, free to shop, free to remain detached, free to create our own little t.v. based realities, free to remain in denial, free to hate, free to worship the favored God of the state, free to empower George W. Bush and his extremists to act as our agents. Well here is something for the ‘free’ to contemplate for a bit of much needed perspective:

Just imagine yourself at home with your family. Say one day the front door is kicked open, your elderly father or grandfather who is confined to a wheelchair is the first to confront the heavily armed intruders, he is torn to shreds by a hail of automatic gunfire. Yourself and the rest of your family is terrified, shocked, confused, women are screaming, children crying, infants wailing, shouted orders and profanity in a foreign language fill the air. Furniture is thrown, heirlooms broken, your spouse, children, siblings, parents along with yourself are herded into a central room, violently handcuffed and forced to kneel. The pets are killed first…the tableu is dragged out for the sake of inflicting the most cruelty, maybe there are rapes first but certainly there are beatings, then the executions begin….you are forced to watch your family slaughtered like animals in front of you, it is agony watching them suffer, you want to die to be spared the horror but they are saving you for last.

Get the picture?

If we are hated as we are so often told by our government by the ‘terrorists’ for our ‘freedom’ and our selfish way of life with so many choosing to pursue their own ‘freedom’ to remain free of outrage or responsibility is it any wonder why this is so? We are free to our ignorance and callousness but we are no longer innocent once a certain line has been crossed. When we choose to remain ‘free’ of outrage when our soldiers begin murdering civilians the Rubicon has been crossed, morally it is the equivalent of the same type of butchery that occurred in My Lai, El Mozote, Srebrenica or the Warsaw Ghetto. And if we fail to act and hold criminals to account for their actions we are no better than the unquestioning good Germans who lived downwind of Auschwitz, Dachau or Treblinka.

The administration and our depraved government of WASP millionaires for WASP millionaires fear Haditha and they have every reason to. As with Abu Ghraib there is pictorial evidence in nothing is able to convey an idea to a badly educated, poorly informed populace like an image.

The truth is what is feared most, the lies have been so incessant in weaving the tapestry of evil that once a tread is pulled it could all potentially unravel and what then? Institutions such as governments and churches fear the truth as a vampire fears sunlight, once questions begin to be asked their entire control structure is threatened. The lies are exposed and the criminals in charge held accountable by a suddenly aroused and transformed mass angry at being duped. Once the myriad lies come to be known one with an inquisitive mind begins to wonder if it is ALL a lie.

Therein lies the danger with building a temple on a foundation of lies, noble or ignoble, it makes no difference because the truth is the ultimate trump card…. but will sheeple so long accustomed to living in the decadence of ignorance, materialism and irrational fear ever muster up the courage to play it?

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter”

-Martin Luther King Jr.


Collateral Damage

February 20, 2006

Ooh, see the fire is sweepin’
Our very street today
Burns like a red coal carpet
Mad bull lost it’s way

War, children, it’s just a shot away
It’s just a shot away
War, children, it’s just a shot away
It’s just a shot away

Rape, murder!
It’s just a shot away
It’s just a shot away

– The Rolling Stones: Gimme Shelter

If Mick Jagger and the boys had any balls left whatsoever they would have opened the garish free market capitalist travesty that was the Super Bowl XL halftime show with the roiling menace of their classic Gimme Shelter followed by Sympathy for the Devil and Street Fighting Man despite their pre-arranged set. Once the anal retentive fuck-sticks who run the heavily censored corporate media were able to scrape their jaws off of the control room floor would they have cut the power to the entire set? If a line like “you can make a dead man come” is too provocative for the childlike minds of the year’s biggest infomercial what would a triple barreled blast of pure sixties rebellion do? A nation obsessed with graphic details about fucking but adverse to any similar graphic details about dying ugly….especially when the dying occurs in an illegal foreign war of intervention that is far more complicated than the bunting draped patiotic horseshit that is now so ubiquitious at national sporting events and other hoohah that distracts the simple minded.
In Kurt Vonnegut’s classic novel Slaughterhouse Five he uses the books of a fictional science fiction writer named Kilgore Trout to insert social commentary into his overall story. One of ‘Trout’s’ tales addressed the strange contradictions of a society that will accept with open arms one who kills civilians with state sanction during wartime while ostracizing one for silly, superficial reasons:
The Gutless Wonder: This, too, was the title of a book by Trout, The Gutless Wonder. It was about a robot who had bad breath, who became popular after his halitosis was cured. But what made the story remarkable, since it was written in 1932, was that it predicted the widespread use of burning jellied gasoline on human beings. It was dropped on them from airplanes. Robots did the dropping. They had no conscience, and no circuits which would allow them to imagine what was happening to the people on the ground.Trout’s leading robot looked like a human being, and could talk and dance and so on, and go out with girls. And nobody held it against him that he dropped jellied gasoline on people. But they found his halitosis unforgivable. And then he cleared that up, and he was welcomed to the human race.

Vonnegut of course was present at Dresden on the night that allied bombers laid waste to the ‘Florence of the Elbe’, a historic city as well as a non-military target with little or no air defense system that was packed with refugees and prisoners and was targeted by bombers that incinerated over one hundred thousand civilians. Vonnegut spoke of seeing the boiled bodies of schoolgirls floating in a water tower through his character Billy Pilgrim and also of being forced to dig through the wreckage in the aftermath to find “corpse mines” and described the odor of the bodies:

“They didn’t smell bad at first…but then the bodies rotted and liquefied, and the stink was like roses and mustard gas”

He also spoke of a character, another soldier who died of the dry heaves from having to go down into a corpse mine and being overcome by the stench:

“He tore himself to pieces, throwing up and throwing up”

Dresden doesn’t get much mention when it comes to our nation’s war history, neither does the decimation of the Japanese homeland by bombing of civilian areas nor the bombing of Viet Nam nor the brown skinned dead in any other foreign imperialist adventure undertaken by the politicians and their wealthy backers who cash in on the destroyed lives and flesh of those who become victims so that they may live opulent lives of carefree exploitation. I do want to make the statement that in doing so I am differentiating between ‘combatants’ and what is deemed to be acceptable ‘collateral damage’ to those dropping their bombs or launching their shells and missiles from far away lest they actually have to bear witness to the devastation. ‘Trout’s’ Gutless Wonder is a perfect metaphor for the apathetic and cruel philistines who allow for the murder of innocents to take place in their name as long as it doesn’t intrude upon their pathetic and selfish little lives.

I want to at this time take an opportunity to recognize it here for the sake of the memory of the dead and perhaps the hope of the living that we can one day finally recognize war for the profitable, industrialized slaughter that it is by listing a few accounts:

“The firestorm is incredible, there are calls for help and screams from somewhere but all around is one single inferno. To my left I suddenly see a woman. I can see her to this day and shall never forget it. She carries a bundle in her arms. It is a baby. She runs, she falls, and the child flies in an arc into the fire. Suddenly, I saw people again, right in front of me. They scream and gesticulate with their hands, and then – to my utter horror and amazement – I see how one after the other they simply seem to let themselves drop to the ground. (Today I know that these unfortunate people were the victims of lack of oxygen). They fainted and then burnt to cinders.” (Margaret Freyer: Dresden Resident)

“The elephants gave spine-chilling screams. The baby cow elephant was lying in the narrow barrier-moat on her back, her legs up in the sky. She had suffered severe stomach injuries and could not move. A 90 cwt. cow elephant had been flung clear across the barrier moat and the fence by some terrific blast wave, and stood there trembling. I had no choice but to leave these animals to their fate. I had known for one hour now that the most difficult task could ever bring was facing me. “Lehmann, we must get to the carnivores,” I called. We did what we had to do, but it broke my heart.” (Otto Sailer-Jackson: Dresden Zookeeper)

“We did not recognize our street any more. Fire, only fire wherever we looked. Our 4th floor did not exist anymore. The broken remains of our house were burning. On the streets there were burning vehicles and carts with refugees, people, horses, all of them screaming and shouting in fear of death. I saw hurt women, children, old people searching a way through ruins and flames. We fled into another cellar overcrowded with injured and distraught men women and children shouting, crying and praying. No light except some electric torches. And then suddenly the second raid began. This shelter was hit too, and so we fled through cellar after cellar. Many, so many, desperate people came in from the streets. lt is not possible to describe! Explosion after explosion. It was beyond belief, worse than the blackest nightmare. So many people were horribly burnt and injured. lt became more and more difficult to breathe. lt was dark and all of us tried to leave this cellar with inconceivable panic. Dead and dying people were trampled upon, luggage was left or snatched up out of our hands by rescuers. The basket with our twins covered with wet cloths was snatched up out of my mothers hands and we were pushed upstairs by the people behind us. We saw the burning street, the falling ruins and the terrible firestorm. My mother covered us with wet blankets and coats she found in a water tub”. (Lothar Metzger: Dresden Resident)

Among other things Vonnegut later wrote:

“You guys burnt the place down, turned it into a single column of flame. More people died there in the firestorm, in that one big flame, than died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.”
And of course he is correct, the dropping of Fat Man and Little Boy and whether it was ultimately necessary against a broken enemy or was merely an opening gambit in the Cold War will be debated until the end of our days but the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki will always be interpreted by most as necessary steps to end a long, cruel and far too bloody war and to spare even more American casualites. I can even see the validity of this argument although I am not a convert but these were only two events, albeit massive in the systematic destruction and the breaking of the will of the Land of the Rising Sun.
Regarding the bombing of Japan an excellent resource would be Errol Morris’ fine film the Fog of War during which he interviews at length former Secretary of Defense and Viet Nam war architect Robert McNamara who was Rumsfeld before Rumsfield in his arrogance. The film while not depicting the slaughter on the ground offered a glimpse into the methodology of industrialized mass murder. General Curtis LeMay, McNamara’s superior and the commander of the Twenty-First Bomber Command that devastated the Japanese Home Islands in the late days of the war plays a prominent part. In the film McNamara explains his role in the incendiary attack by chillingly reducing it to the banality of number crunching as to the potential casualty tally. LeMay, who was savagely lampooned in Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove as General Jack D. Ripper who kicks off nuclear Armageddon is featured in actual film clips that are among the most interesting parts of the movie.

In a precursor to modern corporate number crunching the bombing run efficiency was maximized to the point where stripped B-29s were sent in flying so low that they literally reeked of burning flesh, a good and short although militaristic account on LeMay and the bombing has been written by Victor Davis Hanson and entitled The Right Man, this piece is featured in the World War II compilation called No End Save Victory, a pretty good book of essays that you could likely pick up cheap online. The ruthless efficiency of the incendiary bombings even had LeMay himself to comment that “I suppose if I had lost the war, I would have been tried as a war criminal”.

On the nights of March 9 & 10 in 1945 Tokyo was subjected to an incredible incendiary bombardment that destroyed sixteen square miles of the city, boiling asphalt and cooking flesh. Although the true number will never be known it is estimated that nearly 100,000 were killed, most incinerated and most civilians including women and children and the helpless elderly. The fire consumed the city structures that were mainly built out of wood and the heat according to Nicholas Von Hoffman as published in Pat Buchanan’s Where The Right Went Wrong “boiled the water in lakes and ponds, cooking those who fled to safety there like human lobsters” But this is always the way that it is in war isn’t it? General LeMay was correct, the victors are never the war criminals and never the terrorists, the infamy as well as the true costs of agrression are not ultimately paid by the warmongers but suffered by the poor bastards who just happen to live under the rule of rogue governments or those that otherwise fall into disfavor with the most powerful of nations.
The graphic examples of civilian ‘collateral damage’ aren’t something that the public want to see or know about, they like their wars sanitized, neat, convenient, and morally clear along the lines of a John Wayne movie or other simplistic celluloid trash. Americans are mostly ignorant and express indifference at the true suffering of war and are generally the most mindless and unenlightened citizens of the world’s most dangerous of empires. We as a society gorge ourselves on violent fantasy on television, in movies and in video games reveling in every beheading, rape, dismemberment, shooting, knifing, incinerating and bludgeoning as long as we can remain safely detached and free from ever having to consider the actual consequences of violence. This is hypocrisy, a society so conditioned to accept the abominable as long as it is a part of the great American myth of righteousness and destiny glorifies death but when that death is real, nobody wants the gory details of what is perpetrated in our name. The exception being the near masturbatory glee that the mutilated and widely displayed corpses of Uday and Qusay Hussein elicited from a voyeuristic public addicted to sensationalistic cheap thrills. The bullet riddled bodies of the sons of Saddam were constantly and graphically displayed in order to feed the bloodlust necessary for rabid and continued support of the war against the Islamic savages.

The outrage over the images was made all the more conspicuous by it’s absence.

A while back, after the early afterglow of ‘Shock and Awe” had subsided and when the truth was slowly starting to seep out that “mission accomplished” was just another two word phrase along the lines of bull shit and cluster fuck I read a letter to the editor in my local newspaper that had dared to display the gruesome hanging of the charred corpses of four ‘contractors’ who were killed by a mob in the Iraqi city of Fallujah which would go on to be severely punished later. Some ridiculously dumb bitch had the audacity to write expressing her “outrage” that she actually had to explain this to her children. Americans love their wars as long as they don’t actually have to see what is being done in their names. As for the four ‘contractors’ I have no mercy and nothing but contempt for them, they were mercenaries, nothing but parasites that move from host to host preying on human misery for both the thrill and the money that comes with it but that alas is lost on those who shelter their spoiled children from all but electronic video violence. I doubt that she bothered to dash off a similar protestation over the bloody display of the war trophies that were the sons of Saddam.
What is lost in translation was the fact that the government was contracting mercenaries to do the wet work for the military. It is obvious that they were targeted for a reason, quite possibly the torture or murder of friends or family members of the rioters during one of the death squad raids that are now common in Iraq. I find the ongoing use of these ‘contractors’ to be repugnant and abhorrent, not only are they far more highly paid than the actual members of the military but they operate independent of any sort of congressional oversight and bear no accountability for their actions. I have no sympathy for bastards like that who are cruel violence junkies and arrogant psychopaths more into it for the thrill of the kill than the actual money. Just think of how great that a heroin addict would find it if he could be paid for riding the dragon. The assemblage and widespread use of private armies by the Pentagon is a very foreboding thing and may prove to have extremely grave consequences to us at home if their existence becomes acceptable to the general public and future domestic operations are commenced. Blackwater, one of the top mercenary firms was providing ‘contractors’ in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and no doubt these paramilitary goons already have contingency contracts lined up in the event of a ‘terrorist’ attack on the homeland.

I am not merely being callous over the violent fate of the ‘contractors’ , I just have far more sympathy for the innocent victims. Victims such as the Hassan family whose seventeen members were packed into a 1974 Land Rover in the early days of the invasion and were driving toward their dream of democracy and freedom from the evil savagery of Saddam. Instead of democracy, this family (the grandfather was dressed in his finest garment, a pin striped suit to look American for the celebratory occasion of their deliverance) was slaughtered in an unimaginably horrific manner by a nervous American soldier at a checkpoint who panicked and unloaded a barrage of military ordnance into the oncoming vehicle. Eleven members of the family were destroyed, not just killed but destroyed…as a veteran you can appreciate the power of military weaponry. Lamea, the pregnant wife of Bakhat Hassan survived the attack that turned the vehicle into an abattoir in which she described as follows:

“I saw the heads of my two little girls come off, my girls — I watched their heads come off their bodies. My son is dead.”

An army public relations officer stated that it was “A miscommunication with civilians” after which the surviving members of the family were offered monetary compensation for their loss. As Bob Dylan once sang “money doesn’t talk it swears” and the true obscenity in this tableau is that we as Americans are so ignorant of the culture of others and so empty in our very souls that anybody could possibly offer money as a remedy for this atrocity. Unfortunately things such as this don’t get much play in the American mainstream media, there is always a Michael Jackson, Laci Petersen, Tom and Katie, Bennifer or Kobe Bryant to exploit in order to save some pathetic cunt from having to explain the insanity and abhorrence that is a war being waged in her name to some pathetically spoiled child who is pampered and indulged on the now traditional journey to become a selfishly ignorant and obese adult in the land of plenty while the impoverished children of the third world are dying of starvation.
Fallujah would go on to perish for our sins, targeted for destruction by a series of brutal military operations to quell the insurgency and to avenge the deaths of the mercenaries and to wash the bitter taste of public humiliation from the mouths of war planners. In a series of sieges that reduced the city to rubble civilians as well as combatants were targeted, snipers targeted ambulances, access to the main hospital was blocked, hundreds of Iraqis were killed and the ‘collateral damage’ was significant. A foreign documentary entitled Fallujah: The Hidden Massacre was produced and showed that the U.S. military was using incendiary White Phosphorous in the assaults. The video is highly recommended although not for those without a strong stomach, the evidence is as brutal as the imagery of the burned bodies. Of course this would never be allowed to air in the homeland. The media downplays the truth that is the charnel house of Iraq, there is always a king’s crusade to glorify or a celebrity to worship or a lurid sex scandal to lasciviously salivate over. Just another day in the empire according to the corporate press of the ruling party.
For real journalism and truths about the bloody quagmire we must utilize foreign sources, a sick joke in a land where a free and unimpeded press is supposed to act as a vital check against the tyranny of madmen. Dahr Jamail is essential reading for those who seek to stay informed as is Robert Fisk whose brutal honesty would serve as a slap across the face were any domestic sources permitted to carry his columns on a regular basis. Were the corporate media to have any balls or the majority of the public have any brains this is what they would be reading:

So we are going to support the myth. As the headless bodies are found along the Tigris, as the mortuaries fill up, as the American dead grow far beyond 1,700 – and, let us remember, the Iraqi dead go into the tens of thousands – Europe and the rest of the world still support the American project. The smell of the dead pours into the street through the air-conditioning ducts. Hot, sweet, overwhelming. Inside the Baghdad morgue, there are so many corpses that the fridges are overflowing. The dead are on the floor. Dozens of them. Outside, in the 46C (114F) heat, Qadum Ganawi tells me how his brother Hassan was murdered. “He was bringing supper home for our family in Palestine Street but he never reached our home. Then we got a phone call saying we could have him back if we paid $50,000 [£27,500]. We didn’t have $50,000. So we sold part of our home and many of our things and we borrowed $15,000 and we paid over the money to a man in a car who was wearing a keffiyeh scarf round his head. “Then we got another phone call, telling us that Hassan was at the Saidiyeh police station. He was. He was blindfolded and gagged and he had two bullets in his head. They had taken our money and then they had killed him.” There is a wail of grief from the yard behind us where 50 people are waiting in the shade of the Baghdad mortuary wall. There are wooden coffins in the street, stacked against the wall, lying on the pavement.

The American public has neither the time nor the stomach to trouble themselves with vagaries as this and the absence of the widespread syndication of Fisk’s work is a testament to a nation of selfish, apathetic, timorous fools who are far more concerned with halitosis than the stench of burning and rotting corpses that is so commonplace in the wars fought in their name. The atrocities of course take place in any war, war is a horrible thing, not something of valor and honor but an exercise in sorrow, death, destruction and the piles of stinking corpses and shattered lives that are left in the aftermath, such is as it always has been and always will be in the future. A public too accustomed to the sanitized death and violence of their false little worlds of television and video games and never forced to confront the real thing.
And So It Goes…
The military industrial complex has a vested interest in hiding this from the general population and of perpetuating the myths through propaganda. Hiding behind impugning the patriotism of others and invoking empty sloganeering such as ‘support the troops’ is not only of the lowest form of morality but of the highest form of cowardice and in the case of those who turn their magnetic ribbon stickers sideways to represent the Jesus fish, hypocrisy and apostasy. A large number of Americans ignorantly spout the jingoist phrase “nuke them all” when referring to non-Caucasian, non-Christian countries, specifically those in the middle east. This only reinforces their stupidity and lack of knowledge of the true horrors of war borne by those whose only crime was in happening to be citizens of a regime deemed to be an enemy of the American state and therefore subject to the full wrath of the arsenal of democracy, an arsenal that will always be restocked by the merchants of death that are the defense contractors.
Our cultural priorities have become so fucked up, corrupted and polluted that a glimpse of a woman’s nipple shown on national television dominates all media coverage and elicits outrage while the illicit occupation in Iraq with women and children being blown apart into bloody bits in the name of the never ending and all encompassing ‘war on terror’ does not make it into the national psyche who are more interested in getting their next hit of vicarious celebrity living off of the electronic crack pipe. Our idiot king has alienated us from the rest of the world and the psychotic court jesters of his rogue administration only continue to conspire to lead us all down the path that will ultimately conclude with the destruction of the very ideals of a democratic society if not the lives of those not only here in America but throughout the world. The crack down on dissent is coming that much is certain, too many people are starting to become restless and beginning to ask questions for it not to.

The equilibrium of international relations has not only been upset by these fools and charlatans but sent off spinning into the depths of some bizarre parallel universe in which up is down, wrong is right, truth is ignorance and war is peace. We have begun the journey down the rabbit hole, let us hope that the rabbit hole does not eventually end up being a mass grave. We are now on the precipice of the new crusades, a war of civilizations and religions perpetuated by those both ignorant of history as well as world culture.

We are now playing for keeps.