The Tea Party: America’s Khmer Rouge

July 20, 2011

While I remain unconvinced that the ongoing Punch and Judy show over the raising of the national debt ceiling is nothing more but a gambit to destroy Social Security and Medicare, leading to their theft and redirection to the depraved gamblers on Wall Street there is one thing that is certain – the Republican party is a terrorist organization. I have long maintained this very simple truth about this deranged pack of anti-American fascist jackals and their relentless army of neo-confederates, Rapture zombies, teabagger freaks whose blistering hatred for traditional American values is every bit as advanced and savage as their 1930’s German historical counterparts once was. They are looking for the conditions where the system can be damaged to the point where the berserkers can be loosed, goaded on to engage in pogroms and the smorgasbord of scapegoats that are regularly served up by the likes of Rush Hudson Limbaugh III, Glenn Beck and thousands of even more vile although lesser paid instigators until the streets run red with blood. Providing that the debt ceiling “debate” isn’t anything more than another deceptively promoted by a corrupt media shearing of the sheep to keep the Wall Street predators ensconced in their mansions in the Hamptons and partying on their yachts and private jets this may be the time that the shit really does hit the fan.

The phony grass roots Tea Party, a post -Bush re-branding of the most rotten, ignorant and vicious elements of the Republican base conjure up comparisons with the Cambodian Khmer Rouge. So intent are these white skinned crybabies at “getting their country back” from the black man in the WHITE House that they clamor for the destruction of the entire country, as the infamous Vietnam saying goes “we had to destroy the village in order to save it”. While the actual effects of not raising the debt ceiling are unknown other than it would blow a hole in the ongoing Wall Street pillaging it would vastly affect the average American schmuck on a far greater level. Assuredly interest rates would rise which the finance industry shills say would hurt lending, as if these scumbags were in the money lending business anyway with banks and corporations hoarding cash but the trickle down effect would likely be devastating. In our uniquely American brand of fascist country trickle down economics aka cutting taxes for the rich has zero benefit for the working class. But as Bush in his waning months and then OBushma in his first two and a half years such schemes are wonderful little hooks to sell the rubes so that the gambling losses of the big Wall Street banks are socialized through government confiscation of taxpayer dollars is just one more knife in the backs of Boobus Americanus. I am amazed at how, on a weekly basis that prices at the local grocery stores continue to rise, gas prices are on the way back to 4 bucks a gallon again and the GOP pledges to focus on job creation have devolved into the standard treasonous pledges to not raise taxes on wealthy chiselers, keep the gays from getting married and out of the military, Muslim bashing and here in the diseased penis of America otherwise known as Florida – anti-bestiality laws. Not that the latter would be a necessarily bad thing were it to encourage the scumbaggers to not reproduce.

But I digress ….

The fascist Republican party as it exists today in the advanced stages of it’s mutation would be nothing more than an object of mockery were it not for the dregs of society that comprise the party base, the serious haters and jacked up on religion crusaders who are hellbent at destroying America from within. They have very serious ideas about the type of society that they desire and would use every bit of law enforcement power of the very government that they so proclaim to despise in order to ensure that their hated enemies, gays, libruls [sic], feminists, Muslims and assorted other non-white, non-Christians. The blacks can be put back in their place because Christ knows that Obama cannot be allowed to reassemble his ACORN forces to mount an assault to enslave the white race and that would happen save the useful boot licking uncle Toms like Allen West, the savage anti-Muslim bigot Herman Cain and Clarence Thomas. The teabaggers and their religious right brothers in arms though have a particular hatred for intellectualism that borders on sheer fanaticism. As I stated earlier, this sort of hard core focused rage and the need to crush all who do not conform under their jack-boots is as vigorous and as unyielding as that of the Khmer Rouge along with their Year Zero social reform policy.

A came across a very horrifying bit from a 1974 Chicago Tribune account on the Khmer Rouge:

“I was very frightened when I saw the Khmer Rouge [Tea Party] saw off the neck of a civilian [gay, Muslim, liberal etc] with the sharp edge of sugar palm leaves,” said Preap, standing amid a cluster of refugees beside a row of flimsy huts.
“They spent three days cutting his head off,” said Preap. “They sawed a little one morning, and then in the evening, and finally the following day in the morning and then in the evening, and finally the following day in the morning and night.
“They made the victim stand up while there were cutting in front of hundreds of people living in the Khmer Rouge area. Then they held him up when he could stand no longer.”
The episode was not just an isolated case but one of many I heard during visits to refugee camps. Khmer Rouge soldiers also have used the knife-like edges of sugar palm leaves to lop off the heads of Cambodian officers captured while overrunning nearby towns and military installations.
“They want the victims to suffer more and to serve as examples for people,” said one informant. “They denounce them as traitors before the crowd.”

“I had to join the Khmer Rouge army or they would have killed me,” said Preap. “Those who refuse to serve they send to their deaths. They walk thru villages telling the people to follow them, and the people must obey.”

When the shit does inevitably hit the fan, exactly what the fascist Republican party wants, these will be the enforcers to hunt down dissenters to the privatization of all that remains, the roads already paid for by the taxpayer will be sold to corporations and plutocrats and the tolls will be crippling to those who travel upon them. Public water systems will be hijacked by profiteers and as in Bolivia, the collection of rainwater will become against the law, the populace has already been largely converted into a nation of rats and snitches courtesy of the fear mongering after 9/11 and if you are found in violation you will be subject to having a pack of foaming at the mouth lunatics wearing tri-corner hats, Captain America costumes and waving Gadsden flags show up at your door to cart you off to the public head-sawing. This makes for one hell of a hedge for the oligarchy and their Republican stooges. And this is exactly why I have recommended that progressives start very seriously rethinking their non-violent tendencies, the street thugs will be the first to be unleashed when the whole thing implodes for the regular folks and a failure to be ready to organize and to respond appropriately will only result in your own heads becoming trophies upon the pyramids of human skulls that they will so enjoy building as a tribute to their fascist leaders.

Tea Party Khmer Rouge Will Break Rubio’s Rice Bowl

June 30, 2011

“The main problem in any democracy is that crowd-pleasers are generally brainless swine who can go out on a stage & whup their supporters into an orgiastic frenzy – then go back to the office & sell every one of the poor bastards down the tube for a nickel apiece. Probably the rarest form of life in American politics is the man who can turn on a crowd & still keep his head straight – assuming it was straight in the first place.”

– Hunter S. Thompson

You have to hand it to the Republicans, they are consistent. With the national media fervor over the demented theocratic shrew from Minnesota Michele Bachmann still blazing, they are already leaping like fleas from one rabid dog to another. Not that this should be any surprise but the buzz is starting over the newest “rock star” (Christ, what an unoriginal term coined by a lazy pack of mental masturbators) which would be one Marco Rubio of Florida, Jeb Bush’s very own protege. Now Rubio, a greasy little operator with a Tony Montana staccato as well as a Ricky Ricardo pompadour certainly has zero national experience but his place as potential Vice President on whichever assclown emerges from the GOP primary scrum would be Karl Rove’s wet dream in that the fascist Republicans would be banking on his appeal to a Hispanic demographic. This certainly shows that they are now reduced to smelling their own piss given the party’s heavily reliance on anti-Hispanic (eg: illegal alien bashing) demagoguery which feeds the berserkers of the base which has been re-branded as the “Tea Party” in an immensely successful effort spearheaded by FOX, the Wall Street Journal and the Koch Brothers network of think tanks. The problem is not with Rubio’s lack of experience, one Barack Obama was transformed from a junior Senator from a corrupt cesspool of a state into our current reality TV president but it is insanity to think that such a diverse candidate would sell to a party with a central tenet of fighting against diversity. The scumbaggers certainly won’t swallow a potential ticket of a Mormon AND a Hispanic and certainly not in 2012 which is going to resemble a Julius Steicher-Joseph Goebbels style blast furnace of hatred aimed at gays, Muslims and especially undocumented immigrants (the preferred term for the political correctness Nazis).

Despite the rancid state of the American economy Obama is not going to be beaten solely on the basis of lost jobs despite his administration’s shaking down of the taxpayer to funnel money by the billions into Wall Street gambling casinos because other than a complete sap who is really going to trust the fucking Republicans on fixing the economy? Tax cuts for the rich chiselers and rapacious corporate swindlers are now in reality thoroughly discredited, only being kept alive by the ongoing hammering of the talking points in their bought and paid for media and only affects those who still like tortoises with their heads inside of the shell mainly get their McNews fed to them in bite-sized chunks by said media. Now I certainly am suspicious that the GOP and big business are deliberately sabotaging the economy in order to beat Obama (something that in any real land that respects the rule of law would have the bastards brought up on charges of treason) but when their leaders are guys like Eric Cantor, the conniving little shit whose ambition is only exceeded by his greed and poor judgment is actively shorting the U.S. bond market to profit personally from a default as well as a couple of career hacks like John Boehner and Mitch McConnell they aren’t fooling anybody despite their ‘my dick is longer than your dick’ game that they are playing with OBushma over the debt ceiling.

The GOP’s only winning hand in 2012 is to go all in with the same racism, gay baiting, pandering to low I.Q. peckerwoods with religious nonsense and braying about Sharia Law that have been their bread and butter. The vaunted Supreme Court along with the R-A-T-S (Roberts-Alito-Thomas-Scalia) have in their ongoing politicizing of the judiciary decided to make gay marriage an issue nest year which only panders to the same type of mouth-breathers whose credulousness and misdirected anger over their fucked and pathetic lives have already enabled the looters who have destroyed America from within. Now that their beloved 9/11 talisman has been stolen from them with Obama’s taking out of the bad ass bogeyman Osama bin Laden look for the racist lies delivered by the billions of dollars that the Koch Brothers and their ilk toss into the electronic cesspool to be overwhelming. It’s the ONLY way that they can possibly win back the WHITE House with the woeful slate of candidates that they are fielding. Which is why Marco Rubio as a difference maker is so absurd.

Recently stories in the St. Petersburg Times and other Florida papers have focused on the growing angst within the lunatic fringe, racist, know-nothing pseudo movement formally known as the Tea Party towards their one time savior Rubio. To say that the honeymoon is just about over would greatly understate the truth in that the ideological purists of the American Khmer Rouge may just be starting to catch on that they were played by Jeb Bush’s little understudy from Miami. The Tea Party which is really just a spiffy way of referring to the  hard core haters and neo-Confederate Jesus juicers of a Republican base post the toxic George W. Bush name has a serious Year Zero style plan for a grand American right-wing social engineering project that anything but a cult like devotion towards seeing through will quickly be discarded and kicked out of the club. You see, taking their country back has always been all about destroying the social safety net, ridding the land of their hated enemies including liberals, gays, successful Hispanics and Blacks with any sort of power who aren’t toadies for the GOP, for example a glorified lawn jockey like Allen West or Herman Cain. The scumbaggers also want to strip women of privacy rights, round up and intern Muslims and while they bask in the glory of their political power to destroy they also eagerly enable the oligarchs and billionaire tax cheats like the Koch Brothers to destroy the regulatory structure and profit obscenely at the expense of the working class.

Seems like the Gadsden flag-sucking berserkers are getting a bit restive with their pet Hispanic Rubio, his stance on immigration is a bit too liberal for the disciples of Sheriff Joe Arpaio and they are demanding action from the son of Cuban immigrants, the same type of people that the Palinazis have no tolerance for. You have to admit that watching Rubio do the Mexican Hat Dance on this issue is a thing of beauty at least for those like myself who have always recognized that Dirty Marco despite his Tony Montana staccato was nothing but an opportunistic fraud. Unlike Governor Skeletor Marco Rubio isn’t an ideologue nor a pathological criminal. Rubio in a way is much worse, he is a low rent conniving charlatan with zero scruples who saw an opening and rode a wave of visceral hatred and racism courtesy of the GOP co-opted teabaggers to a Senate seat. Rubio is shifty, sneaky and as slick as Florida Koch Whore Governor PRick Scott’s slime trail but he isn’t a lunatic. It’s going to be fun watching him try to triangulate Clinton style to satisfy the beasts of the tea party as they bray for shovels of bloody meat. I personally think that Dirty Marco is just laying in the weeds like a hungry little animal watching Governor Skeletor destroy Florida so when the time comes he can sweep into Tallahassee and be seen as a savior.This may not be possible now as he betrays the useful idiots whose racism he relied on to slither his way into a U.S. Senate seat…and he is going to appeal to enough of these freaks nationally?

All of the angry racist northern transplant fatties sucking off the government dole in the Villages of Sumter or Tea Party Central have been crapping their star spangled Grampers now that their little pet isn’t quite the race baiting demagogue that he portrayed himself as. Though luck to the bluehairs living up in Copland, despite their deep seated bigotry you all put up with Ricky Ricardo as long as he sang and danced your tune (perhaps a Salsa version of the Horst Wessel Song) but once he is no longer the pocket Cuban they turn on him like the bitter old relics of a society long gone but one that they are dug in like Alabama ticks to try to restore. Yes indeed the haters so wanted a man like Dirty Marco who represented CHANGE, the teabaggers were going to transform the system and were mesmerized by the siren song of careerists like Rubio. The dumb bastards in the Tea Party are barely smart enough to change their underwear, accepting an insider like Rubio and expecting anything less than being sold down the river is evidence of their gullibility. Sure they will give Marco hell for anything less than supporting a total roundup and deportation of undocumented immigrants, building a fifty foot electric fence along the boarder along with an alligator infested moat, mining the harbors and gassing those who dare to come back.

Tough luck you schmucks you been had – welcome to Chumpland!.

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe