Slow Roasting Pork

October 6, 2006

The fat man is singing. He is dancing in the streets at a party in a nice neighborhood on the outskirts of Chicago. He is wearing the pancake makeup and costume of a clown, making balloon animals for children. He is the envy of many and he is a successful man, a Christian man whose family values and membership in respectful organizations like the Jaycees made him a role model to those unsuspecting of his dark side and hidden impulses.

Police investigating a series of disappearances of young men eventually came to suspect John Wayne Gacy and by the time that 29 bodies were dug up on his property his name was guaranteed to live in infamy for not only his sadistic cruelty and homosexual deviance in torturing and murdering 33 male victims who had been lured into the web of the evil sexual predator but for his banality.

I personally find it humorous for some bizarre reason that I am unable to explain that John Wayne Gacy’s suburban Illinois home where the corpses were excavated is not far from the stomping grounds of one John Dennis Hastert, another singing and dancing Chicago area fat man who today finds his acre of ass entrapped in a very ugly, burgeoning scandal that is turning into a media circus involving the cover-up of the conduct of a Republican Congressman and sexual predator for the sake of political expediency.

Despite his steadfast refusal to resign his post as Speaker of the House over the failure to adequately address warnings that Mark Foley was possibly just a little bit more than “overly friendly” John Dennis Hastert is running out of room to maneuver. His much ballyhooed at the time American Values Agenda has ignited in his chubby fingers like a prank bag of flaming dogshit and with each passing day more of those who had been previously duped and hornswoggled by GOP snake oil salesmen are beginning to slowly come to the realization that the only family with ‘values‘ along the lines of those of the Republicans is the Manson Family. It is hard to suppress guffaws of sardonic laughter when reading the following statement from Jabba the Hastert that was issued only a few short months ago:

“The American Values Agenda will defend America’s founding principles. Through this agenda, we will work to protect the faith of our people, the sanctity of life and freedoms outlined by our founding fathers. Radical courts have attempted to gut our religious freedom and redefine the value system on which America was built. We hope to restore some of those basic values through passing this legislative agenda and renewing our country’s commitment to faith, freedom and life.”That was back at the end of June when Republicans were getting their swagger back and braying their trademark nationalist outrage at ‘America haters’ who did not support the flag burning amendment that is normally rolled out just in time for the Fouth of July but a few months is an eternity in the game of politics where glory is fleeting and infamy long lasting.

Just like his master Tom DeLay did when he was going down, the porcine Hastert took the low road of a career scoundrel and in the true spirit of the culture of victimization that is the authoritarian hard right he blamed his own failings on somebody else. Pity the poor right-wingers, they are always the victims. If it’s not women, homosexuals, trial lawyers, Commies, judges, the ACLU it is the liberals fault and ABC too for not succumbing to bribery and pressure and going ahead with the Foley story. When a skunk is cornered it sprays in every direction seeking to contaminate the air so it can escape, the longtime Rovian strategy is to muddy the waters in order to confuse and distract and to smear and slime and hurl accusations at phantoms so the fat slob took to the airwaves on the pill popper’s show to get the message out to the angry army and circumvent the goddamned, fucking liberal media:

“We have a story to tell, and the Democrats have — in my view have — put this thing forward to try to block us from telling the story. They’re trying to put us on defense.”

Slobbered Hastert as blamed the great liberal conspiracy that has served as rocket fuel for the rise of authoritarian right-wing fascism. His multiple chins quivered like ripples of pink gelatin fraught with indignity as he spat out his invective and vitriolic words like carefully aimed daggers.

To borrow ultra-right wing lunatic David Horowitz’ revisionist reworking of the Clausewitz quote that “war is nothing but a continuation of politics by other means”, to apply to raw partisanship I must agree that today politics IS war. It is also deliciously ironic that the “story to tell” otherwise known as 9/11 and the accompanying fear mongering and slander that goes along with it that Hastert and his ilk are being undone by that one thing that it is even more precious to Americans than their cringing need for protection – their insatiable obsession with sex. It is the ultimate in schadenfreude that the party that not long ago shut the country down over a blowjob is now seeing their best laid plans disintegrate in a sea of prurient smut.

According to a recent Reuters story, the Bush administration’s political machinations have been stalled albeit temporarily by the same lurid sexual tabloidism that they have successfully traficked in for so long.And of course our national strong daddy figure himself George W. Bush came out to say that he is “standing by Hastert” along with all of the usual suspects who are now closing ranks and expressing satisfaction with an insincere apology. It is worth remembering that the same crowd once wanted to all but march Bill Clinton to the guillotine for a consensual affair with a member of the opposite sex who was of legal age at the time.

Of course this should surprise nobody at all who has any ablilty to engage in critical thinking; it would only be shocking if he would jettison a reprobate or an incompetent of significant power and any such action would be the first for a man adrift in a sea of immorality with a busted compass and a stuck rudder. Bush has an affinity for dishonorable men for he himself is among the most dishonorable of them all and like a crime boss bestowing a kiss on the cheek of one of f an underling so has he rallied to the defense of John Dennis Hastert.

John Dennis Hastert’s rote statements of pandering to ‘the base’ (Al Qaeda also means ‘the base’)under a vaguely defined umbrella of Rorschachian ‘values’ that are primarily manifested in partisan loyalty. Buzz words and scapegoats have now become so expansive so as to include not only defenses of the standard rank fixers, charlatans, thieves, shake down artists, false prophets, babbling asses, Bush sycophants and outright sleaze mongers but are now also is inclusive to degenerate sexual predators whose lusting after young males is so pathological that according to sources including ABC Foley once had to leave during a floor vote to go and run a batch over an impromptu session of cyber sex.

But Republicans as they have been so good at reminding us are the ‘values’ people and those who stand on that wall to defend society from the pitchfork bearing hordes of liberals run amok who hate us for our way of life. According to Vote Smart Hastert received a 100 percent rating from the Family Research Council in 2005 for his stance on family and childrens issues. FRC must have known something because they only saw fit to bestow upon Foley, and I kid you not with this number that is slang for inverted simultaneous oral sex a rating of 69!

The involvement of the House Ethics Committee is nothing more than window dressing, the committee is neutered and will be more interested in presenting the façade of a legitimate investigation when in essence it is only damage control and trying to run out the clock for desperate Republicans. Any findings by the committee should be treated with as much credibility as an internal audit undertaken by employees of the Corleone family into allegations of potential criminal activity within the Genco Olive Oil Company. Oh and then there is the FBI investigation, which I am sure will be performed with all the due diligence that longtime Bush toady Alberto Gonzalez can muster will leave no stone unturned in this latest egregious example of the corrupting influence of unfettered power.

John Wayne Gacy was such a malevolent monster, so irredeemably evil and unremorseful for his many sins that his last words before he was executed were reportedly “You can kiss my ass”. After his body was pumped full of a sufficient quantity of toxic chemicals to ensure that he had departed from this mortal coil his brain was removed to be studied by forensic pathologists for abnormalities that may have caused his inhuman tendencies and propensity for cruelty. Regarding his victims he sneeringly remarked that:

“They were just a bunch of worthless little queers and punks”.I would not be one bit surprised to hear the same words about Democrats and critics spew forth from the pie holes of Bush, Rove, Hastert, Gingrich, O’Reilly, Coulter, Cheney, Frist, Dobson or any one of hundreds of other members of the American Fascist Party, so intense is their disdain and contempt for the very concept of a constitutional republic and the democracy that Americans until only a scant half decade ago took for granted as their birthright.

Perhaps when John Dennis Hastert and all of his vile Republican cohorts die the same thing should be done with their brains so that we may one day understand what drives these monsters so as to be best able to prevent it for the sake of future generations.

George Felix Allen: Dude Rancher On the Roof

September 21, 2006

The rapidly snowballing troubles of George Felix Allen of Virginia continue to mount much to the chagrin of those political consultants who not long ago were drooling over their career making turns at transforming him into the second coming of Ronald Reagan as well the delight of those who have seen through the blatantly phony horsehockey of his dude ranch cowboy act from day one.

You can count me in with the latter.

The latest and perhaps most devastating blow to George Felix Allen’s presidential aspirations is not only the revelation that his Grandfather and namesake Felix Lumbroso was Jewish but his total freak out after it was brought up by a reporter causing Allen to blow his stack:

“Yesterday, I found it especially reprehensible that a reporter would impugn the attitudes of my mother, as Ms. Peggy Fox did in her first question at the Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce Senate debate. My mother and father both taught me to abhor bigotry, and Ms. Fox’s suggestion to the contrary was deeply offensive.”

George Felix Allen soon discovered that after his anger at the exposure of his Jewish heritage drew denouncements for his overreaction that he suddenly found himself flailing away at Tony Snow’s infamous metaphoric ‘tar baby’ by having to simultaneously defend himself against accusations that he was ashamed of rather than proud of acknowledging the Jews in his family closet as well as having to deal with this betrayal of the white supremacy of the most vile elements of the rebel flag waving, racist base that he has so carefully sought to curry favor with. The one thing that has me laughing my ass off is the indignity of Allen’s (inept and likely soon to be looking for work) campaign manager Dick Wadham’s apoplectic comments that:

“Introducing religion at all into the debate was inappropriate.”

Now there is a real knee-slapper, Dick Wadham’s outrage is priceless for the simple reason that the introduction of religion into the debate is exactly how Karl Rove always operates. Using religion has long suited Rove and the ruthless political operatives of the Republican one party fascist government and their allies amongst the hate-filled zealots of the ‘Christian’ right and is a subject that has been staked out for decades and used as a bludgeon on opponents who have been as helpless as baby seals before the trappers’ clubs. The crying criers of the right and their victimization industry are as quick to cry foul and threaten to take their toys home as the neighborhood bully who has finally picked on the wrong kid and gotten smacked in the chops by some nebbish child who resembles a young Alan Colmes.

You can certainly understand George Felix Allen’s desperate outburst; having for so long played up his faux cowboy ally of the confederacy image his political career is going down in catastrophic flames with the ugliness of a gruesome traffic accident that has rubber-neckers gazing in awe at the wreckage as they drive by. This was a man who was riding tall in the saddle as recently as two months ago and was in the process of ring kissing the holier than thou powerbrokers of the Council For National Policy in advance of his potential coronation as the inheritor of the keys to the White House from the current trail boss with the big-assed belt buckle George W. Bush and then was set upon by the dreaded curse of the macacca that was conjured up by his own tongue and ever since it’s been one long march towards the inevitable bloody doom of the confrontation at the OK Corral and no matter how hard that he tries to otherwise convince his base Allen is not on the side with the Earp Brothers and the Doc anymore.

It wasn’t that long ago that George Felix Allen was the steadfast John Wayne type riding in to protect the fort of ‘American values’ that has been under siege from the godless savages of a ruthless, godless, secular liberal enemy that could not be reckoned with that had aligned itself with the criminal ilk of the ‘welfare society’, a man who could be counted on to deliver the desired American apartheid and to wear the shining star of the town marshal who would serve as strong daddy protector to this great land.

I cannot help but enjoy the Schadenfreude that the same country folks who would have been honored to hook up his glorious, red, white and blue float in a victory parade for American Christian values to the chrome hitch of their battered pick-up trucks for a star spangled ride down Main Street turn on him like the treacherous pit vipers that they are. Now that he has been forced to acknowledge that his bloodlines included a Jew many of his former supporters would likely now be very happy to drag George Felix Allen down Main Street behind their Ford F/350’s at the end of a rope.

The perennially perturbed peckerwoods will now abandon George Felix Allen by the boatload, sadly not for his pathological fraudulence but rather for his newly perceived racial and religious impurity. What is even better is that he will now also be shunned by many of the high-rollers of the country club set who play golf and talk business in settings that explicitly frown upon having Jews as members and will from now on picture the man in the white Stetson on the fine horse as just another dude ranch imposter riding into town on a broken down jackass and wearing a threadbare yarmulke.

George Felix Allen’s ‘High Noon’ moment, his showdown, his saddling up on the back of that trusty steed of the legendary archetypical American western macho has been cut short as he will soon find that he will be shot in the back three or four steps short of that standard ten that true gunslingers that live by the Western code of honor take for granted during a duel.

George Felix Allen: Chickenhawk Down

September 20, 2006

A terrible month for dude ranch cowboy George Felix Allen just got worse after he was smacked around by Democratic opponent (and decorated combat veteran) James Webb on Sunday’s Meet the Press’ debate with Tim Russert. GFA was rode hard and put up wet continuing his ugly fall from grace in the aftermath of being called out and held up for public ridicule over his recent racist comments that referred to a non-Caucasian Webb campaign volunteer as a “macaca” which is a French slur right up there with the more well known South African ‘kaffer’ which both are invoked to trash those of a dark complexion in a similar manner to that most dreaded third rail of American political language that is the ‘N-Word’. One which a man such as George Felix Allen has likely often heard when keeping company with the same sort of folk who dig a tough talkin’ Ronald Reagan impersonator who happens to have a fondness for Confederate flags (despite not actually being from the south) and who once kept a noose in his office.

George Felix Allen showed up in his customary dime store cowboy costume of shit-kickin’ boots but minus the ten-gallon hat and was generally mocked by Webb who has used his status as a real life veteran who truly knows what it’s like to actually have have boots on the ground often. Webb has been great at contrasting real military service to the contrived standard chickenhawk talking points of the same Republican neocons who are all too anxious to send the children of others off to be blown to bloody bits in ill conceived wars while ensuring that their own brood get no closer to the front lines than watching ‘Saving Private Ryan’ on big screened plasma televisions in their gated community McMansions.

Webb has been cleaning George Felix Allen’s clock lately mainly because he is authentic. This is a trait which has sadly become an endangered species in the post 9/11 wasteland of what used to be America where the term ‘hero’ has been tainted and essentially rendered irrelevant due to its constant invocation and overuse by right-wing Republican propagandists seeking to claim that they have a monopoly on patriotism. They have been very good at using ‘heror’ to frame their fraudulence in a manner that is readily accepted by a populace far too accustomed to the fantasy of television, movies and video games which are all that they sadly have come to accept as our nation’s history despite the ratings and agenda driven revisionism that thoroughly permeates the medium.

The Meet The Press debate was excellent in that it allowed Webb to connect with several great shots that effectively defused Allen’s Republican talking points. My personal favorite was this exchange as chronicled in a Washington Post article:

Allen also lashed out at Webb, accusing him of failing to support the first Iraq war. “Heck, the French were even in favor of military action in 1991,” Allen said.

Webb responded aggressively, often returning to his experience as a Marine in Vietnam. Using a line from his son, Webb said, “George Allen didn’t fight in Vietnam. Even the French fought in Vietnam.”

Talk about having your face rubbed in Freedom Toast!

And in the ultimate shot across the bow the Webb campaign used footage of the hallowed ‘Gipper’ himself for a commercial praising the service of the man who was once Secretary of the Navy under Reagan. This naturally sent Allen campaign honcho Dick Wadhams into a frenzy and the GOP dipped into their smear war chest to dredge up a 27 year old article from Webb on women in combat as well as his writings that referred to the Naval Academy as: “a horny woman’s dream” and the dirt-digging will only continue in the run up to November 7th as the one party Republican fascist government pulls out all stops to keep the investigations at bay and the Bush crime family and their loyalists firmly in control. You can count on it that Rove will be sending his covert operatives to Virginia in the next month in order to slime Webb but he as a fighter will hopefully prove to be a wily and formidable opponent to business as usual.

As James Webb himself has so succinctly put it regarding the latest poseur saddling up ala American icon John Wayne for the Republican image makers who continue to go to the well in order to find the next Ronald Reagan who could sell ice to Eskimos as surely as he could sell the rugged western archetype to the rubes and suckers weaned on so much fantasy:

“There are no cowboys in Virginia.”

There only dude ranch desperados and I might add an increasing number of veterans who are running nationally as Democrats who all too well understand the cynicism of Allen and the elitist ideologues who see our brave military as only grist to feed into the mill of whatever war of convenience that they have chosen to use in order facilitate their perpetual hold on political power while they tell the silent majority to go straight to Hell. Back during our last divisive, corrupt quagmire of a war that was Vietnam an Arkansas Senator named J. William Fulbright came up with a term to describe those who blatantly disregard the will of the people. He called it “The Arrogance of Power” and never has it been as pervasive and as cancerous to the institutions of democracy as it is today.

George Felix Allen and every one of the Republican incumbents (as well as a good amount of the entrenched DLC Vichy who seek to appease the fascists to maintain their personal positions) are afflicted by this arrogance and it is well past the time to just back up the truck and start hauling off the garbage. Let November 7th be a day that Americans can always remember with pride as the day that we demanded that the whole pack of rat bastards finally be held accountable and began the much needed housecleaning that is necessary to return honesty and integrity to government.

2004 Reprobate Party Convention: Nuremburg Revisited

August 20, 2004

“The preparations for Hate Week were in full swing, and the staffs of all the Ministries were working overtime. Processions, meetings, military parades, lectures, waxworks, displays, film shows, telescreen programmes all had to be organized; stands had to be erected, effigies built, slogans coined, songs written, rumours circulated, photographs faked..”.

– George Orwell’s 1984

“They all came to look for America”

– Simon and Garfunkel


August 2004: They came from throughout this great and mighty land, the patriotic and the God fearing, the disenfranchised, the bigots, the healers, the hopeful, the hopeless, the wealthy and the poor alike: they were legion.

A grotesquely obese black bearded man rolled along in a motorized cart, his legs unable to support his colossal bulk. He was decked out in red white and blue, his tunic like a patriotic circus tent, he wore a Dr. Seuss style star spangled hat. His patriotism was on obvious display, his patriotism made possible by his lifetime of overindulgence on junk food, television and a sedentary lifestyle, a consumer of great magnitude, another denizen of the land of the obese and stupid: God bless the salt of the earth. A large sign adorned the back of his scooter, Abortion is Murder in red blood dripping letters, a miniature American flag flying from each handlebar, a Trust Jesus, Support President Bush super-sized button on the front of his clothing. He motored his way through the crowds, attracting little or no attention from security police more concerned with old ladies dressed in democratic blue, the scooter could have been packed with C-4 but the biggest patriot of them all kept on rolling, then he was consumed by the crowd.

In a flashback to The Exorcist, or a sleazy promo tie in for Exorcist 4: The Beginning, Dorthea, a prostitute from the Bronx screamed “LET JESUS FUCK ME” as she fornicated with a delegate from South Carolina who ironically happened to be a lay minister for the Charleston chapter of the Southern Baptist Convention, a family man with a wife and three children (all girls) and a Border Collie, he adamantly supported a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage given its heinous potential for destroying the nuclear family. Dorthea’s come slicked ass bounced against the plexiglass partition in Ahmed Hakim’s taxi, leaving greasy streaks and jolting his head forward from the impact, amplifying his already throbbing headache. A naturalized citizen and devout Muslim, Ahmed was sickened by the hate and perversity of these invaders of his adopted city. Ahmed had a bad day yesterday, swept up in a racial profiling operation by the NYPD he had missed out on an entire day’s fares during the Republican extravaganza, he had a family to feed, his three children were American citizens, his head ached from being slammed into a brick wall by a young white policeman who called him a dirty goat fucking dune coon. Dorthea had already fucked three other GOP delegates today, two who wanted anal sex.

The streets in front of Madison Square Garden resembled a war zone, cordoned off with razor wire. Hundreds of black clothed police in riot gear ringed the facility, ready to unleash a barrage of tear gas and rubber bullets at any faggot ACLU types who may show up to defile the impending coronation of the greatest president in the history of the United States. Hail to Augustus Bush, Praise God!. Vendors were hawking t-shirts of John Kerry in a turban, buttons of a red hued Kerry with horns and a pitchfork, rubber fetuses on sticks, posters of Bush in front of the smoldering remains of the World Trade Center emblazoned with “You’re with us or against us in large red letters”, cds of archived shows by Michael Savage, G. Gordon Liddy, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, Regnery Publishing had a kiosk as did American Opinion Books, both would do have brisk sales. A small mob had earlier hung Michael Moore in effigy to the cheers of a youth church group from Wichita Falls. Even the private arena security contractors got in on the fun, violently smacking the stuffed figure in the private area with their billy clubs. The Moore figure was then set ablaze to the cheers and catcalls of hundreds.

Despite terror warnings and heightened security the MSG parking area was home to numerous recreational vehicles that were rented by local entrepreneurs to serve as mobile brothels, some had barbecues set up in front, like tail gate parties. Some were even subsidized by party loyalists and power brokers, of course this was kept out of the range of the television cameras lest people get the wrong idea. Some rocked up and down as the smell of roasting meat and the sound of Toby Keith’s Shock and y’all boomed from loudspeakers and GOP delegates mingled as they waited their turns. There was a wet bar set up, cold beer flowed from kegs.

The pogrom was under way in the free speech zones.

Firehoses were being used to spray the screaming protestors in the razor wire topped free speech pen, they were caught by the high-pressure streams and thrown back violently. Police and security contractors marched abreast behind shields, closing the distance rapidly.

A young black man lay supine on the sidewalk, he was motionless, blood pooling around his head, chaos around. The private security contractor who had delivered the killing blow sneered to his partner “He was unpatriotic, and he was a nigger” as he sheathed his club.

A middle aged woman from Minneapolis who had lost her only son in Fallujah and who was protesting for the first time in her fifty four years had her head split open, she will never again recover normal brain functionality as a result.

A pregnant teenager from Dayton was shot in the belly by a rubber bullet fired by a riot cop, she would eventually miscarry, Randall Terry and Operation Rescue will not bother showing up to protest the NYPD for performing the abortion.

A group of young gay men from Rochester were set upon with rarely seen savagery by beer drinking young thugs in flannel shirts, jeans and cowboy boots, three were hospitalized, one lost both eyes, all would require months of therapy after the broken bones were set and the wounds stitched closed. A veteran triage attendant would be so disturbed over the mangled bodies that she would later need counseling. No arrests were made.

“Gas them all ” said Ashcroft, the sneer on his face was like a horizontal vaginal opening as obscenely lascivious as any shown in a multitude of pornographic publications that the A.G. sought to outlaw. “They are enemies of God, they are anarchists”.

Those rounded up were forced to endure humiliations, forced to strip naked and stand in cold rooms in front of leering cops and security contractors, body cavity searches, women were made to spread the lips of their vaginas and spread their ass cheeks so as to accommodate views into their most private of all areas while flashlights were shined into the orifices, the former National Socialist Party in Berlin used similar tactics in order to dehumanize. The cops and security goons hadn’t had it this good since Times Square was cleaned up by the invasion of corporate greed several years ago.

Several homeless men were set afire in Central Park , the breezes bore the stench of their charred flesh and reminded some city residents of the horrors of 9-11, some would say that this played into the hands of the party leaders who sought to exploit the tragedy through the very timing and location of this gathering.

Ground Zero was hallowed ground, secured in a joint effort by Promise Keepers, Birchers and Young America’s Foundation activists. A perimeter was set up; murals of George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan and Jesus Christ were plastered on area structures. A platform was festooned with bunting, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth led a rally, rescued from their pathetic, indignant, middle aged lives of simmering resentment and drunken obscurity for a highly compensated moment of glory, a chance to repudiate the drug addled sixties and to bask in the patriotic pride and nationalism that they never enjoyed after the Nam thanks to fucking commies like Kerry and the goddamned dope smoking peaceniks from faggot infested Berkeley. Their benefactors had been generous, prime accommodations at the plaza, catered prime rib feasts, champagne, Viagra and hookers delivered like room service, FOX interviews, speaking engagements, celebrity…hallelujah, a heroes welcome thirty-five years belated.

Fundamentalist Christian leaders were not extended formal invitations to speak during the tightly choreographed, sanitized televised convention but instead appeared at rallies throughout the city.

General Jerry Boykin, sans Army uniform addressed tens of thousands at a rally in Giants Stadium.

“This is a war for God, for American providence against evil, against Islam, against secularism, for family, we will be victorious”.

The fire was lit and rapidly exceeded 451 degrees Fahrenheit, books by Michael Moore and Al Franken were thrown in, bales of the New York Times fed the pyre, Bruce Springsteen and Linda Ronstadt compact discs melted and blackened, the smoke rose through the air, the true believers eyes burned with an inner fire that was all consuming, a righteous fire…a fire to cleanse the sodomites, the liberal secularists, they would all burn for eternity when thy kingdom come.

The throng cheered, the throng exalted.

God’s vengeance on queers, read a banner.

Praise Jesus, Re Elect President Bush!!

The rapture was coming soon, the end justified the means.

The streets were under control….God bless America.

Karachi, Pakistan:

Word was brought to Osama on the proceedings in New York, all was going exactly as planned, let Americans know the meaning of fear, of repression, of an elitist heathen ruling class family that exploited the masses, who crushed insurrection and dissent, who hid behind a deity to justify their hatred and oppression. Soon the time would be right for the war against Islam and in turn the Islamic jihad against the infidels, he would be ready to meet his destiny as the leader of the Islamic world against the Christian crusader who would do more to unite the Muslim world from without than would ever have been possible from within.

Allah Bless America!!