The Republican Perpetual Hate Machine

May 4, 2007

“What was behind that consuming hatred? At first I thought that it was mere evangelical passion. Evangelical Christianity, as everybody knows, is founded upon hate, as the Christianity of Christ was founded upon love”

-H.L. Mencken

Mounting war casualties, global warming, millions of uninsured, inability to control our borders, skyrocketing deficits, falling dollar, whopping trade imbalances, gas gouging, corporate corruption, wars and rumors of wars, a burst housing market bubble, illegal government spying, rampant systemic corruption, torture, war atrocities, the growing threat of a domestic mercenary army, a crumbling infrastructure, Bin Laden still on the loose, failing schools, loss of competitiveness, war profiteering, a shrinking middle class, health care crisis, rigged markets, terrorist plots, congressional scandals, traitors residing in the White House, politicizing the judicial system, creeping police state paranoia: BIG FUCKING DEAL!

Overturning Roe v. Wade as a step towards relegating women to their rightful subordinate places in a strong daddy ‘Christian’ nation – “a glorious day of human liberty and freedom” according to the zealotous Sam Brownback – now that is a major crisis deserving of all the energy that a potential future Republican president can muster. Thursday night’s shameful parade of dissembling shitheads assembled at the iconic Ronald Reagan’s presidential library was a stunning exhibition of just how low that Republicans will go in order to pander to the American fascists of the Bible Belt Taliban – with the notalbe exception of 9/11 fear pimp Rudy Giuliani whose hedged response drew the media as sharks to chum or more apropos as flies to shit. Secondary to propping themselves up as bulwarks to shore up that all important wedge issue as a barricade between the godly and the godless was near lockstep unison (with the exception of Texas Congressman Ron Paul who will be marginalized very,very quickly) in adhering to continuing to wage perpetual imperialist wars lest the Rapture be postponed and the return of whoop ass Jesus to smite the heathens and liberals be put off.

Can you give me one big fucking heartfelt “Hallelujah”?

Somewhat lost in the media saturation coverage of the anti-abortion cacophony of parasites during that dog and pony show featuring ten nattering nabobs of nonsense pandering to a dangerous fringe element was the Pelosi-Hoyer House passage of a new hate crimes bill that could potentially deprive the right wing perpetual hate machine of much of the fuel that it needs to run at peak level. As the parable goes you should judge a man by his deeds and not his words, and may the mass Republican rejection of the addition of gender and sexual orientation to federally protected categories under hate crimes law be exposed for all that it is. In another era another rogue regime and it’s vicious mobs took to the streets to scream “JUDEN” and to smash windows, loot, pillage and burn and who in the fuck knows what sort of mayhem will be unleashed with our naked emperor’s decree of a coming veto which will place his seal of approval on the rapidly metastasizing cancer that is eating away at our society courtesy of an overabundance of well paid, frothing at the mouth fascist demagogues.

And in keeping true to his ongoing appeasement of the rubber fetus crowd Le Enfant Terrible has also served notice that the next one of his onslaught of vetoes post condoning mass pogroms against gays will be to continue to wage no holds barred culture war by striking down any potential legislative measures that impede the progress of the replacement of the Constitution with the Malleus Maleficarum. I am unabashedly in favor of abortion which I personally feel is vastly underrated as if applied correctly we could nip the mass production of the progeny of these goose stepping theocratic tyrants in the bud since they are anyway doomed to a lifetime of hateful ignorance courtesy of the retrograde moron home schooling that is so popular among the dominionists. If you don’t think that the children of the corn are potentially dangerous – then look at the American madrassas like the one in the movie Jesus Camp where these impressionable young minds are being programmed exactly like their Islamic counterparts who are taught to shoot a gun as soon as they are capable of holding one and where hateful ephitets are learned as parts of the vocabulary right after mommy, daddy and potty. In fact since these fucking retards don’t believe in birth control to limit their dumping of their toxic waste on society mass abortion should seriously be considered. Hell, we can even make it retroactive as far as I am concerned because the more of these fuckers that can be eliminated the better – but I am rambling and babbling now so I digress.

The ongoing Republican tailoring of the message in order to appeal to these lunatics is like the Antichrist himself is sticking his flickering forked tongue out for a longing passionate kiss from the pathetic degenerates of the base -serpentine, lascivious, steamy, lustful, begging for an embrace. Go to him, give yourself over to your darkest urges, unleash your desires and press your lips to his – only do not open your eyes as you will discover that it is a fetid demon reeking of brimstone and rendered rancid and unholy by the hatred that it feeds upon and the souls that it has so easily seduced.

The base must be fed, their primal instincts oozing from their unkempt, savage pores and polluting the air in their immediate vicinity with a palpable stench. Karl Rove like Colonel Kilgore recognizes a smell that can be equated to ‘victory’ and therefore mans the parapets above the rabble in the courtyard and chucks down chunks of bloody red meat by the shovelful because they must feed in order to survive, like the dumb animals that they are. The yokels that are the ignorant, unwashed, uneducated, hate crazed, Jesus juicing, bible thumping, cross burning, NASCAR watching, knuckle-dragging red state fascists need constant nourishment to keep their strength up for when they are unleashed on decent society.

And with the renewed ‘culture war’ offensive we all can rest assured that those KBR detention camps that have been funded by YOUR tax dollars will soon be open for business. Much like the right-wing prototype Adolf Hitler the Republican Nazi Party are once again eager to emphasize they are determined to assign subhuman status to a large group of their own citizenry. Never mind that the real subhumans are the same south of the Mason-Dixon line knuckle draggers whose slothful existence is an affront to the concept of a progressive civilization as well as to the idea of the superior intelligence of mankind over such lesser creatures as swamp dwelling slugs much like our southern brethren.

The Bush administration however is all too happy to cast their lot once and for all with the same ignorant sons of bitches and bastards whose complete lack of anything within their inner selves that even remotely resembles an ability to think either critically or rationally have damned near turned ‘democracy’ into a pox on western civilization. When a bewildered herd of dirty, rebel flag waving, grit sucking mongrels are allowed so much leeway in determining the outcome of the very elections that at least in theory allow for a representative government that acts on behalf of and in the best interests of all of the people to enforce their Neanderthal will down the throats of normal Americans it may be time to rethink this whole fucking mess and look for a more effective system. Don’t count on the whores of the DLC to figure out how to build better mousetraps either, they are too busy collecting their regular installments of thirty pieces of silver from corporate greedheads who care even less about this fucking country than the GOP base or Al Qaeda for that matter – not that there is much difference as they share the same goals.

After all, these are the same goddamned idiots who gave us George W. Bush as their champion in the first place and subsequently turned us into both the enemy and the laughingstock of the entire civilized world. General Sherman shouldn’t have stopped with burning down Atlanta, he should have torched the entire fucking south and then sowed the fields with salt so that nothing could ever grow there again…we all make strategic blunders and unfortunately William Tecumseh Sherman couldn’t see into the future to where the rebel flag would fly again throughout the red states and the dumbest, most hateful, regressive toads in America would one day also hold the most political power. You see, to the peckerwood rubes of the south this is a continuation of the Civil War, a rematch and a chance to get even and their ancestors may have gotten their asses handed to them on the battlefield but they hold a mean-assed grudge that is passed down through each generation in a very European fashion and now they are determined to settle the score.

The fires of southern indignation are stoked by bigotry, religious intolerance, willful ignorance, belligerent nationalism, indignity over the loss of the civil war has been passed down through generations as well and the people have been turned mean. This cultural and intellectual malaise is further facilitated by poor educational opportunities, lack of upward mobility and by demagogues ranting about the evils of liberalism, the welfare state and those who would seek to remove god from their society. Being that a large portion of southerners are held in sway by the snake handlers in the pulpits of both strip mall and mega churches they are easily dominated and controlled by those who seek to exploit their regressive views and imbecilic mentalities to further their own abilities to hold power. Jim Crow is still alive and well in many areas of the south, only this time instead of being at the forefront of southern culture he exists just beneath the surface, like a killer shark lurking, waiting to feed and homosexuals are just the appetizer.

In Chris Hedges’ outstanding new book American Fascists the author often refers to his mentor Dr. James Luther Adams who had witnessed first hand the rise of the Nazis while in Germany in the 1930’s:

Adams, finally, told us to watch closely what the Christian Right did to homosexuals. The Nazis had used “values” to launch state repression of opponents. Hitler, days after he took power in 1933, imposed a ban on all homosexual and lesbian organizations. He ordered raids on places where homosexuals gathered, culminating in the ransacking of the Institute for Sexual Science in Berlin and the permanent exile of its director, Magnus Hirschfield. Thousands of volumes from the institute’s library were tossed into a bonfire. The stripping of gay and lesbian Germans of their civil rights was largely cheered by the German churches. But this campaign legitimized tactics, outside the law that would soon be employed against others. Adams said that homosexuals would be the first “social deviants” singled out and disempowered by the Christian Right. We would be the next.

Radical cleric James Dobson and the rest of the blasphemous cocksuckers who have stolen Jesus under the cover of a television projected electronic umbrella of mass national ignorance are taking to their goat barn pulpits to roar hellfire and damnation at the godless heathen liberals for daring to limit their spewing of hatred against the mythical and dreaded ‘homosexual agenda’. Dobson was among the first to threaten retribution against the White House if the hate crime bill wasn’t smacked down immediately. Herr Dobson was quoted in an Associated Press story as saying that the intention of the legislation was…:

“to muzzle people of faith who dare to express their moral and biblical concerns about homosexuality.” If you read the Bible in a certain way, he told his broadcast listeners, “you may be guilty of committing a ’thought crime.”’

I might elaborate in my own words that when it really comes down to it if you “read the bible in a certain way” you could also come to believe that Jesus is a bloodthirsty warmonger with a deep seated hatred of the poor and downtrodden that is only exceeded by his lust for war – and especially for the epic carnage of a bloodletting for the ages that would claim the lives of more Jews than were killed by Hitler so that the wet dreams of rapture pimps like Timothy LaHaye can come to pass.

Jesus Christ said not one fucking word about homosexuality but he did preach at length about that other dreaded H word that the right hates like a vampire hates garlic and a theocrat hates the constitution – HYPOCRISY! And what better example of this rampant hypocrisy than the notorious White House sex toy who is the phony reporter and gay prostitute Jeff Gannon ( show up for the yesterday’s National Day of Prayer on the Capitol lawn as a spokesman for the International Bible Reading Association. And then there is Pastor Ted and every other closet dwelling, two-faced lowlife who whores themselves out to the Republican party’s anti-American agenda. At least atheists also showed up in Washington too announcing a National Day Of Reason (which didn’t garner much media attention) to offer a counter to the freaks which while having lower attendance than even a typical Tampa Bay Devil Rays home game had the best line of the day as attributed to Rick Wingrove via the WA PO’s Dana Milbank:

“This is the beginning of a theocratic dictatorship, or maybe a better name is a holy dictatorship. “You might as well be reading the charter documents of the freaking Taliban”


But it isn’t about Jesus Christ at all now is it? It’s all about power and the ability to exploit the blind spots in democracy in order to obtain the slimmest of margins and to then exercise the tyranny of the majority to use the power of the government in order to crush all those deemed as lesser beings beneath the jackbooted heels of a theocratic fascist police state. Were Christ to return to earth tomorrow he would be decried as a treasonous liberal by the GOP state controlled media, would be denounced as a long haired, anti-American peacenik who supports the terrorists, hates freedom, is a commie and is unpatriotic. Then after the electronic crucifixion would be arrested as an enemy combatant and would be just another Middle-Eastern man in an orange jumpsuit locked up in a tiny cell in Gitmo. You see, GOP Jesus and today’s Pharisees and moneychangers have so successfully chased Jesus of Nazareth’s ass out of the temple and he sure as hell ain’t ever coming back as long as they have any fucking thing to say about it.

If there is such a place as hell then goddammit may all of these diseased pig-fuckers one day rot there and may they be forced to spend all of eternity blowing flock after flock of Satan’s personal pet goats all the while being heckled by the Reverend Fred Phelps and Rick Santorum. And when the goats are tired of being sucked off then may they all roast on spits until their rotten flesh boils and rolls off of their carcasses like tallow. But until then let there be legislation or whatever else that it takes to marginalize the utter vileness of these vomit spewing ass clowns. Let them be marginalized and mocked and chased from the public realm where they can conduct their black masses over the boiling and festering cauldrons of hate that are their congregations. Let them retreat to the confines of their taxpayer subsidized mega-churches where they hold their bund meetings and covet each other’s asses, wives and sports utility vehicles and let them stay there, stigmatized as the lepers that they are by a society that has no time for the psychopathic ravings of such scum. And let there be laws so that whenever they slime out for their thinly veiled pogroms that the police have the power to turn the fire hoses on them and to wash all of the rats into the sewers where they belong….and then weld the manhole covers shut to keep it down there forever.

Fetus Wars

March 12, 2007

An ugly intramural skirmish has broken out amongst the professional haters of the extremist ‘Christian’ right. The reactionary elements that have held sway over the blistering agenda of bigotry and hatred through the manipulation of phony moral issues like gay marriage and abortion are apoplectic that they are losing members of the flock to those who preach more rational, more traditional Christian values rather than the apostasy of the generations of strip mall and mega church fundies weaned on the ultra-violent Left Behind pulp fiction novels of Timothy LaHaye and their apocalyptic dementia that has transformed Jesus Christ into some sort of malevolent avenger intent at returning to earth to murder millions for the glory of the Rapture pimps.

Now for the first time being challenged in the ideological arena by Christians with true humanitarian values more in line with the prince of peace rather than the god of war the hucksters, hate mongers and goats among sheep are striking out. The usual fifth columnist, anti-American activist suspects including James Dobson, Gary Bauer, Tony Perkins, Donald Wildmon and Paul Weyrich recenty blasted National Association of Evangelicals director Rev. Richard Cizik in a letter reeking of brimstone for daring to suggest that taking a stand against global warming as a moral issue that –GASP – was destroying God’s earth.

The American mullahs called for Cizik’s head on a platter for daring to deviate from the more politically successful homosexual witch hunts and that wonderful 3 card monte scam that is the Orwellian named pro-life movement. God forbid that the hidden agenda of the well connected right-wing lynch mob’s true agenda is exposed which is evident by Tony Perkins’ comments: We’re saying what is being done here,” Mr. Perkins said, “is a concerted effort to shift the focus of evangelical Christians to these issues that draw warm and fuzzies from liberal crusaders.” Hitler hated liberals too, and in taking a look back at history homosexuals were only an appetizer for the Third Reich’s voracious appetite for human suffering…but I’m getting ahead of myself here.

The entire abortion farce is as essential a lure to victims as is candy to a schoolyard pedophile when it comes to the snake oil salesmen of the Religious Right. The animosity that fuels the movement is largely fueled by a highly organized, well-funded activist machine that uses the power of the so-called pro life crusade to tap into the inner anger of the economically disenfranchised who have been victimized by the ravages of years of Reaganaut greedheads conducting a take no prisoners looting spree and a savage war on the middle and lower classes.

This raw anger is then harnessed by opportunistic, power mad televangelists and assorted other shamans and is channeled into a vicious backlash against the perceived evils of liberalism and world that they blame for all of their misfortune and the demonizing of women’s rights that is represented by Roe V. Wade is an opportune and fat target. For abortion is a super charged emotional issue that can be cloaked in Manichean terms by propagandists and right-wing wordsmiths and it is especially successful in pandering to those who are the most ignorant and has spread like mutant kudzu through the red states in peckerwood nation.

Thomas Frank’s excellent book What’s The Matter With Kansas takes a hard look at the 1990’s rise of religious extremism on the basis of using abortion as a war cry against modern progressive society. Frank analyzes the nation’s hard rightward lurch by looking at that most mythical bastion of Americana that is the state of Kansas. Hell, what could be more reminiscent of the baseball, hotdogs, mom and apple pie version of that great white picket fence land of yore, Oz and Bob Dole than the crappy Midwestern state that has long been the most agonizing place that motorists have had to drive through to get to someplace else. Militant anti-reproductive rights vampire Randall Terry and Operation Rescue had made similar connections between Kansas and the American psyche and descended like a plague of locusts on Wichita for massive rallies and civil disobedience during the so-called ‘Summer of Mercy’ back in 1991 that was Mecca for the rubber fetus crowd – Pat Robertson, James Dobson and others gave fire and brimstone speechs at a Nuremberg style rally in Cessna Stadium (home of the Wichita State Shockers) to a fired up mob of culture warriors. Any resemblance between the huge rally and footage from Leni Riefenstahl’s Triumph Of The Will is purely coincidental.

As is evident from Newton McPherson Gingrich’s latching onto the Religous Right’s agenda like a barnacle on the bottom of a garbage scow it is a must for every neo-fascist political prick with a disdain for constitutional democracy and delusions of grandeur to curry favor with the American Taliban. Aspiring nominee and shameless phony Mitt Romney has been spending a fortune sucking up to the anti-democratic tendencies of the Religious Right extremists and Jerry Falwell is going to have to undergo surgery to remove Manchurian McCain’s nose from where it has been permanently imbedded between the fleshy cheeks of his big fat ass.

Then there is the savage anti-gay onslaught that is encouraged at every step by demagogues who won’t be happy until they incite pogroms and the streets are running red with blood. This has proven to be a big winner as a red meat issue to the pathetic losers looking for scapegoats for their own failed lives and has irresistible allure to the Republican party apratchik as well as their God squad Gauleiters. Even nice guy NFL Indianapolis Colts coach Tony Dungy’s luminous halo is being drawn over to the dark side and coming to resemble the light of the fires of hatred and intolerance rather than the beacon of Christlike compassion that the media would have you believe. The first black coach to win a Super Bowl is essentially spitting on the hard fought sacrifices by Civil Rights activists who rebelled against bigotry and won by making an appearance in front of a militant anti-gay group with an affiliation to Christian jihadist James Dobson’s Focus On Family. Maybe he and Ann Coulter can lead the choir in an inspiring rendition of Burn the Faggots at The Stake!

When defending Dungy’s visit to the temple of hate with a lame press release “Coach Dungy’s feelings on the importance of marriage and family are well known” the Colts themselves are as guilty of hypocrisy and endorsing these theocratic fascist groups through their lack of action. If there is a time when the NFL could and should make a serious example that they condemn discrimination of all sort then Dungy and the Colts should be slapped with a serious penalty – imagine the uproar if a white coach made a guest appearance at a Ku Klux Klan or similar white supremacist gathering.

I never did get a good handle on all of this cloaking of raw bigotry, vicious scapegoating and dehumanization in the language of “pro-family” and “pro-marriage”. If the Religious Right really gave a rat’s ass about family they would not be serving as brownshirts for a rapacious monopoly capitalist system that leaves families in disarray and children hungry, uninsured and entrapped in a desperation that will last a lifetime. Increasing poverty and hopelessness it seems is the desired result of the theocratic fascist movement which as Chris Hedges put it in his great American Fascists: The Christian Right And The War On America is necessary to create a “culture of despair” that makes recruitment to this most anti-democratic of movements much easier for the reptillian Elmer Gantry style preachers looking to build the strength of their local bunds.

The pro-marriage angle is just more of the same horseshit, economic problems are among the top contributors to stress on relationships and the Calvinistic attitude towards piling up Earthly rewards as a show of God’s favoritism is anathema to Christ’s work to minister to the poor, the sick and the downtrodden. When was the last time that Jerry Falwell or any of the maggots in the mix ever even pretended to give a tin shit about the plight of America’s homeless?

There is also nothing about divorce in the gospels of the hate mongers, it would seem to me that any movement that is truly interested in propping up the institution of marriage would look into strengthening the bonds of matrimony by offering financial counseling, community outreach and sermons and lessons accentuating the positive virtues of building a strong family structure by emphasizing the sacred vows. Of course such a focus would strongly condemn adultery, the practice of which the last time that I looked was actually one of the motherfucking Ten Commandments! This would of course be inconvenient for the serial philanderers amongst the flock including the politicians and the mega-church ringmasters. Hell, maybe a bit more focus on propping up the family rather than knee jerk phantom issues could even prevented a fine Christian man like Pastor Ted Haggard from wandering northward in search of anal sex and crystal meth.

The ugly truth is that the entire pro-family/marriage movement is as big a fraud as the culture of life that cares so much for it that it condones and does so with smugness and self-righteous glee at the wanton slaughter of brown skinned, Muslim children on the front lines of the battle of Armageddon. Save the fetus, slay the child – double bonus points said child happens to be incinerated in a blaze of napalm or white phosphorous.

It’s all nothing more of the same standard slick marketing, chicanery and fraud that has been so perfected by McCarthyist Republican trolls over the past half-century or so. It is all about power, and it is all about hate and anybody who dares to tell you anything else is pissing on your leg and telling you that it’s raining. In American Fascists Hedges often refers to his mentor Dr. James Luther Adams who had witnessed first hand the rise of the Nazis while in Germany in the 1930’s:

Adams, finally, told us to watch closely what the Christian Right did to homosexuals. The Nazis had used “values” to launch state repression of opponents. Hitler, days after he took power in 1933, imposed a ban on all homosexual and lesbian organizations. He ordered raids on places where homosexuals gathered, culminating in the ransacking of the Institute for Sexual Science in Berlin and the permanent exile of its director, Magnus Hirschfield. Thousands of volumes from the institute’s library were tossed into a bonfire. The stripping of gay and lesbian Germans of their civil rights was largely cheered by the German churches. But this campaign legitimized tactics, outside the law that would soon be employed against others. Adams said that homosexuals would be the first “social deviants” singled out and disempowered by the Christian Right. We would be the next.

I have always strongly suspected that George W. Bush was not really the one to be afraid of, that he was only a willing dupe who would allow the constitution to be gutted, torture to be codified, a police state infrastructure put into place and the ground sown for a true tyranny as vile and destructive as any since Hitler’s Reich.

This much has happened already and the kingmakers are still conducting auditions for the chosen one who will be the future Führer of the Fetus Wars and finish the job of swapping out the Constitution for the Malleus Maleficarum.

By Ed Encho