The Tea Party: America’s Khmer Rouge

July 20, 2011

While I remain unconvinced that the ongoing Punch and Judy show over the raising of the national debt ceiling is nothing more but a gambit to destroy Social Security and Medicare, leading to their theft and redirection to the depraved gamblers on Wall Street there is one thing that is certain – the Republican party is a terrorist organization. I have long maintained this very simple truth about this deranged pack of anti-American fascist jackals and their relentless army of neo-confederates, Rapture zombies, teabagger freaks whose blistering hatred for traditional American values is every bit as advanced and savage as their 1930’s German historical counterparts once was. They are looking for the conditions where the system can be damaged to the point where the berserkers can be loosed, goaded on to engage in pogroms and the smorgasbord of scapegoats that are regularly served up by the likes of Rush Hudson Limbaugh III, Glenn Beck and thousands of even more vile although lesser paid instigators until the streets run red with blood. Providing that the debt ceiling “debate” isn’t anything more than another deceptively promoted by a corrupt media shearing of the sheep to keep the Wall Street predators ensconced in their mansions in the Hamptons and partying on their yachts and private jets this may be the time that the shit really does hit the fan.

The phony grass roots Tea Party, a post -Bush re-branding of the most rotten, ignorant and vicious elements of the Republican base conjure up comparisons with the Cambodian Khmer Rouge. So intent are these white skinned crybabies at “getting their country back” from the black man in the WHITE House that they clamor for the destruction of the entire country, as the infamous Vietnam saying goes “we had to destroy the village in order to save it”. While the actual effects of not raising the debt ceiling are unknown other than it would blow a hole in the ongoing Wall Street pillaging it would vastly affect the average American schmuck on a far greater level. Assuredly interest rates would rise which the finance industry shills say would hurt lending, as if these scumbags were in the money lending business anyway with banks and corporations hoarding cash but the trickle down effect would likely be devastating. In our uniquely American brand of fascist country trickle down economics aka cutting taxes for the rich has zero benefit for the working class. But as Bush in his waning months and then OBushma in his first two and a half years such schemes are wonderful little hooks to sell the rubes so that the gambling losses of the big Wall Street banks are socialized through government confiscation of taxpayer dollars is just one more knife in the backs of Boobus Americanus. I am amazed at how, on a weekly basis that prices at the local grocery stores continue to rise, gas prices are on the way back to 4 bucks a gallon again and the GOP pledges to focus on job creation have devolved into the standard treasonous pledges to not raise taxes on wealthy chiselers, keep the gays from getting married and out of the military, Muslim bashing and here in the diseased penis of America otherwise known as Florida – anti-bestiality laws. Not that the latter would be a necessarily bad thing were it to encourage the scumbaggers to not reproduce.

But I digress ….

The fascist Republican party as it exists today in the advanced stages of it’s mutation would be nothing more than an object of mockery were it not for the dregs of society that comprise the party base, the serious haters and jacked up on religion crusaders who are hellbent at destroying America from within. They have very serious ideas about the type of society that they desire and would use every bit of law enforcement power of the very government that they so proclaim to despise in order to ensure that their hated enemies, gays, libruls [sic], feminists, Muslims and assorted other non-white, non-Christians. The blacks can be put back in their place because Christ knows that Obama cannot be allowed to reassemble his ACORN forces to mount an assault to enslave the white race and that would happen save the useful boot licking uncle Toms like Allen West, the savage anti-Muslim bigot Herman Cain and Clarence Thomas. The teabaggers and their religious right brothers in arms though have a particular hatred for intellectualism that borders on sheer fanaticism. As I stated earlier, this sort of hard core focused rage and the need to crush all who do not conform under their jack-boots is as vigorous and as unyielding as that of the Khmer Rouge along with their Year Zero social reform policy.

A came across a very horrifying bit from a 1974 Chicago Tribune account on the Khmer Rouge:

“I was very frightened when I saw the Khmer Rouge [Tea Party] saw off the neck of a civilian [gay, Muslim, liberal etc] with the sharp edge of sugar palm leaves,” said Preap, standing amid a cluster of refugees beside a row of flimsy huts.
“They spent three days cutting his head off,” said Preap. “They sawed a little one morning, and then in the evening, and finally the following day in the morning and then in the evening, and finally the following day in the morning and night.
“They made the victim stand up while there were cutting in front of hundreds of people living in the Khmer Rouge area. Then they held him up when he could stand no longer.”
The episode was not just an isolated case but one of many I heard during visits to refugee camps. Khmer Rouge soldiers also have used the knife-like edges of sugar palm leaves to lop off the heads of Cambodian officers captured while overrunning nearby towns and military installations.
“They want the victims to suffer more and to serve as examples for people,” said one informant. “They denounce them as traitors before the crowd.”

“I had to join the Khmer Rouge army or they would have killed me,” said Preap. “Those who refuse to serve they send to their deaths. They walk thru villages telling the people to follow them, and the people must obey.”

When the shit does inevitably hit the fan, exactly what the fascist Republican party wants, these will be the enforcers to hunt down dissenters to the privatization of all that remains, the roads already paid for by the taxpayer will be sold to corporations and plutocrats and the tolls will be crippling to those who travel upon them. Public water systems will be hijacked by profiteers and as in Bolivia, the collection of rainwater will become against the law, the populace has already been largely converted into a nation of rats and snitches courtesy of the fear mongering after 9/11 and if you are found in violation you will be subject to having a pack of foaming at the mouth lunatics wearing tri-corner hats, Captain America costumes and waving Gadsden flags show up at your door to cart you off to the public head-sawing. This makes for one hell of a hedge for the oligarchy and their Republican stooges. And this is exactly why I have recommended that progressives start very seriously rethinking their non-violent tendencies, the street thugs will be the first to be unleashed when the whole thing implodes for the regular folks and a failure to be ready to organize and to respond appropriately will only result in your own heads becoming trophies upon the pyramids of human skulls that they will so enjoy building as a tribute to their fascist leaders.

The Real Reason To Damn Obama

July 6, 2011

“They’ve got a set of Republican waiters on one side and a set of Democratic waiters on the other side, but no matter which set of waiters brings you the dish, the legislative grub is all prepared in the same Wall Street kitchen.”

-Huey P. Long

The only reason that I ever bothered with the so-called librul [sic] New York Times, a paper that mind you pushed as many falsehoods as others in selling the Iraq invasion was to read the regular Sunday column of Frank Rich. Rich was a prince among toads like the street pimp for globalization Thomas Friedman, the country club Jew snob David Brooks, the occasionally brilliant Paul Krugman, the bizarre Maureen Dowd and a cast of lesser bloviators. When Rich, after decades with the Times left this spring to become a regular at the less prominent New York Magazine I had little use for the NYT. The Times by the way despite the ongoing standard bitching and moaning from the fascist right-wing that has seized control of the media precisely because of the Hitlerian big lie of the liberal media is anything but liberal. The Times is just another propaganda organ of the status quo and like all newspapers are headed for the tar pits, shuffling off like the doomed dinosaurs that they all are. The dismal state of the media in this country is largely to blame for our collective march into the history books as an example of the latest empire to self-immolate, when news began to be managed so as to present “both sides” even when one side was obviously bullshit it ceased to be credible. The ongoing dismantling of investigative reporting, the closing of overseas bureaus and the necessity to dumb down reportage to appeal to a public (few of whom even bother to read anything) that continues to regress intellectually and the profit motive have all combined to push the newspaper industry toward it’s inevitable extinction. That however is a story for another time.

I haven’t read much from Rich until this week, just prior to the orgy of flag-sucking and raw gluttony that is the Fourth of July when he launched his own barrage of fireworks that is the dead-on piece that is entitled Obama’s Original Sin. Rich writing with his standard brilliance lays out the exact reason why Obama, despite the collection of brainless ass clowns who will spend the better part of the next year trying to out-Nazi each other to run against The Pope of Hope will likely be a one term president. Despite all of the moronic spew vomited up by the Koch Brothers funded band of costumed imbeciles that is the ridiculous Tea Party, the racist nonsense, the Israeli fifth column black propaganda about the secret Muslim horseshit and the even more absurd labeling Wall Street’s savior as some sort of Socialist or Commie the real reason why Obama is likely doomed is for his administration’s ongoing bailout and manipulating of the markets with Ben Bernanke’s funny money. Obama, from the beginning has been nothing more than a corporate media creation, a triumph of deceptive marketing right up there with the canonization of the old dunce that was Ronald Reagan and a foot stool for Wall Street’s avaricious gambling casinos. He had a historical opportunity to regulate these monstrous institutions of looter capitalist greed and failed utterly and abysmally, in the true Democratic party fashion.

Rich’s piece is about this very failure and I excerpt the following:

What haunts the Obama administration is what still haunts the country: the stunning lack of accountability for the greed and misdeeds that brought America to its gravest financial crisis since the Great Depression. There has been no legal, moral, or financial reckoning for the most powerful wrongdoers. Nor have there been meaningful reforms that might prevent a repeat catastrophe. Time may heal most wounds, but not these. Chronic unemployment remains a constant, painful reminder of the havoc inflicted on the bust’s innocent victims. As the ghost of Hamlet’s father might have it, America will be stalked by its foul and unresolved crimes until they “are burnt and purged away.”

After the 1929 crash, and thanks in part to the legendary Ferdinand Pecora’s fierce thirties Senate hearings, America gained a Securities and Exchange Commission, the Public Utility Holding Company Act, and the Glass-Steagall Act to forestall a rerun. After the savings-and-loan debacle of the eighties, some 800 miscreants went to jail. But those who ran the central financial institutions of our fiasco escaped culpability (as did most of the institutions). As the indefatigable Matt Taibbi has tabulated, law enforcement on Obama’s watch rounded up 393,000 illegal immigrants last year and zero bankers. The Justice Department’s bally­hooed Operation Broken Trust has broken still more trust by chasing mainly low-echelon, one-off Madoff wannabes. You almost have to feel sorry for the era’s designated Goldman scapegoat, 32-year-old flunky “Fabulous Fab” Fabrice Tourre, who may yet take the fall for everyone else. It’s as if the Watergate investigation were halted after the cops nabbed the nudniks who did the break-in.

Even now, on the heels of Bank of America’s reluctant $8.5 billion settlement with investors who held its mortgage-backed securities, the Obama administration may be handing it and its peers new get-out-of-jail-free cards. With the Department of Justice’s blessing, the Iowa attorney general, Tom Miller, is pushing the 49 other states to sign on to a national financial settlement ending their investigations of the biggest mortgage lenders. What some call a settlement others may find a cover-up. Time reported in April that the lawyer negotiating with Miller for Moynihan’s Bank of America just happened to be a contributor to his 2010 Iowa reelection campaign. If the deal is struck, any truly aggressive state attorneys general, like Eric Schneiderman of New York, will be shut down before they can dig into the full and still mostly uninvestigated daisy chain of get-rich-quick rackets practiced by banks as they repackaged junk mortgages into junk securities.

Those in executive suites at the top of that chain have long since fled the scene with the proceeds, while bleeding shareholders, investors, homeowners, and ­cashiered employees were left with the bills. The weak Dodd-Frank financial-reform law that rose from the ruins remains largely inoperative, since the actual rule-writing was delegated to understaffed agencies now under siege by banking lobbyists and their well-greased congressional overlords. The administration’s much-hyped Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is being sabotaged by Washington Republicans intent on blocking any White House nominee, whether Elizabeth Warren or some malleable hack, to lead it. “We can’t let special interests win this fight,” said Obama when he proposed the agency in October 2009. Well, he missed his moment to fight for both it and Warren, and the special interests won without breaking a sweat.

Rather than purge the crash’s crimes, Wall Street’s leaders are sticking to their alibi: Everyone was guilty of fomenting this “perfect storm,” and so no one is. Too-big-to-fail banks are bigger than ever, and ­Masters of the Universe swagger is back. Even Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase, about the only bank chief not to be caught with a suspect balance sheet or a $1,400 office trash can, has taken to channeling Schwarzman. In June, he publicly challenged Ben Bernanke about the intolerable burdens of potential regulation—this despite a 67 percent surge in JPMorgan’s first-quarter profits and a 1,500 percent raise in his own compensation from 2009 to 2010. As good times roar back for corporate America, it’s bad enough that CEOs are collectively sitting on some $1.9 trillion in cash—much of it parked out of the IRS’s reach overseas—instead of hiring. (How many jobs can you buy for $1.9 trillion? America’s total expenditure on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars over a decade has been $1.3 trillion.) But what’s most galling is how many of these executives are sore winners, crying all the way to Palm Beach while raking in record profits and paying some of the lowest tax rates over the past 50 years.

The fallout has left Obama in the worst imaginable political bind. No good deed he’s done for Wall Street has gone unpunished. He is vilified as an anti-capitalist zealot not just by Republican foes but even by some former backers. What has he done to deserve it? All anyone can point to is his December 2009 60 Minutes swipe at “fat-cat bankers on Wall Street”—an inept and anomalous Ed Schultz seizure that he retracted just weeks later by praising Dimon and Lloyd Blankfein as “very savvy businessmen.”

 AND –

personal Zelig, the former Clinton Treasury secretary and Harvard Corporation stalwart Robert Rubin. In The Audacity of Hope, published in late 2006, Obama called Rubin, then busily cheerleading the excessive risk at Citigroup, “one of the more thoughtful and unassuming people I know.” Two years later, when Citi cratered and threatened to take the economy with it, Rubin demonstrated his unassuming thoughtfulness by denying that he had anything to do with the toxic investments that cost taxpayers a $45 billion bailout and 52,000 Citi employees their jobs.

In his unseemly revolving-door career, Rubin not once but twice sped the Citi apocalypse—first in government, where he and his eventual successor as Treasury secretary, Larry Summers, championed the deregulatory policies that facilitated the consolidation of too-big-to-fail banks, and then in his $15 million-a-year role as Citi’s “guru,” where, by his own later account, he had no idea what was in the worthless paper the bank peddled to greedy dupes. You’d think Obama would have dumped him faster than he did the Reverend Wright, but that’s misreading him. Obama is preternaturally secure on thorny matters of race—as his magnificent speech on the subject made clear—and could distance himself from his preacher with no ambivalence. It’s “unassuming” braininess that’s his blind spot.

And so a parade of Rubin acolytes entered the White House, led by Geithner, a nearly lifelong civil servant so identified with the financial Establishment that even Mayor Bloomberg mistakenly introduced him as a Goldman alumnus at a public event in New York last year. It’s Geithner’s influence on policy, however, not his persona, that proved fateful. Not until March 2010 did the White House get its first explicit, modest jobs bill through Congress.

Obama had taken office at a true populist moment that demanded more than this. People were gagging over their looted 401(k)s and underwater homes, the AIG bonuses, and the bailouts. Howard Dean rage has never been Obama’s style—hope-and-change was an elegant oratorical substitute—and had he given full voice to the public mood, he would have been pilloried as an “angry black man.” But Obama didn’t have to play Huey Long. He could have pursued a sober but determined execution of justice and an explicit, major jobs initiative—of which there have been exactly none, the too-small stimulus included, to the present day.

By failing to address that populist anger, Obama gave his enemies the opening to co-opt it and turn it against him. Which the tea party did, dishonestly but brilliantly, misrepresenting Obama’s health-care-reform crusade as yet another attempt by the elites to screw the taxpayer. (The Democrats haplessly reinforced the charge with marathon behind-the-scenes negotiations with insurance and pharmaceutical-­industry operatives.) Once the health-care law was signed, the president still slighted the unemployment crisis. A once-hoped-for WPA-style public-works program, unloved by Geithner, had been downsized in the original stimulus, and now a tardy, halfhearted stab at a $50 billion transportation-infrastructure jobs bill produced a dandy Obama speech but nothing else.

Obama soon retreated into the tea-party mantra of fiscal austerity. Short-term spending cuts when spending is needed to create jobs make no sense economically. But they also make no sense politically. The deficit has never been a top voter priority, no matter how loudly the right claims it is. At Obama’s inaugural, Gallup found that 11 percent of voters ranked unemployment as their top priority while only 2 percent did the deficit. Unemployment has remained a stable public priority over the deficit ever since, usually by at least a 2-to-1 ratio. In a CBS poll immediately after the Democrats’ “shellacking” of last November—a debacle supposedly precipitated by the tea party’s debt jihad—the question “What should Congress concentrate on in January?” yielded 56 percent for “economy/jobs” and 4 percent for “deficit reduction.”


There’s not much Obama can do to alter the economy by 2012, given the debt-ceiling fight, the long campaign, and nihilistic Capitol Hill antagonists opposed to any government spending that might create jobs and, by extension, help Obama keep his own. But the central question before the nation couldn’t be clearer: Who pays? The taxpayers bailed out the elite; now it’s the elite’s turn to return the favor. Massive cuts to the safety net combined with scant sacrifice from those at the top is wrong ethically and politically. It is, in the truest sense, un-American. Obama knows this, and he hit a welcome note last week when he urged some higher corporate taxes for hedge funds and the like. But his forays in this direction are tentative and sporadic. You have to wonder why he isn’t seizing the moment to articulate and fight for the big picture instead of playing a lose-lose game of rope-a-dope with the Republicans on their budgetary turf.

Some Obama fans think it’s tactical genius that’s holding him back—his fabled long ball. Americans are no longer as angry as they were in January 2009 so much as they are defeated, depressed, and jaded by the slow recovery and by four decades of raging inequality that tells them the deck is stacked no matter who’s in Washington. Better, then, not to ruffle these still waters—or those easily rattled independents fetishized by political consultants—and instead scare seniors about imminent Medicare cutbacks and plot deep-think policy initiatives that (like health-care reform) might fix America over time. But the voters’ placidity hardly augurs well for Democratic turnout in 2012. And it may not last. All that’s required is one more economic panic to shatter the phony peace and whip the rage back to center stage, once again to the right’s advantage.

“A nation cannot prosper long when it favors only the prosperous,” Obama declared at his inauguration. What he said on that bright January morning is no less true or stirring now. For all his failings since, he is the only one who can make this case. There’s nothing but his own passivity to stop him from doing so—and from shaking up the administration team that, well beyond the halfway-out-the-door Geithner and his Treasury Department, has showered too many favors on the prosperous. This will mean turning on his own cadre of the liberal elite. But it’s essential if he is to call the bluff of a fake man-of-the-people like Romney. To differentiate himself from the discredited Establishment, he will have to mount the fight he has ducked for the past three years.

The alternative is a failure of historic proportions. Those who gamed the economy to near devastation—so much so that the nation turned to an untried young leader in desperation and in hope—would once again inherit the Earth. Unless and until there’s a purging of the crimes that brought our president to his unlikely Inauguration Day, much more in America than the second term of his administration will be at stake.

The Obama presidency has been one endless series of failures, cave-ins, half-measures, broken campaign promises, capitulations and pissed away opportunities for change. The only good moment for the man who failed to close Gitmo or even better yet send Lloyd Blankfein and the rest of the Wall Street criminals there was the hit on the bad assed bogeyman of the past decade Osama bin Laden, days after a blistering dressing down of the pompous ass that is Donald Trump. Even that was a failure in that Obama failed to use the bully pulpit once again to wave our Emanuel Goldstein’s bloody scalp, perhaps it had something to do with the missing body but you get the point. That the fascist GOP is actually looking like an alternative to Obama in the form of Mitt Romney prancing about I his magic red, white and blue underwear is a stunning example of how badly that Obama has been up to this point. I really loved Rich’s line about the O-Bots, those who are the same type of apologists for Barry O. that drove the left so batshit during the Bush years. Rich wrote “ Some Obama fans think it’s tactical genius that’s holding him back—his fabled long ball.” To this I quote myself from a previous post entitled Money Doesn’t Talk: It Swears:

There will be no help for anybody but the pigs at Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase coming from the Obama administration, face it people, the only change that the Pope of Hope really ever stood for was to provlde left cover for the gargantuan upwards redistribution of wealth. Obama is quite obviously even worse than Bush as the wars continue and mount in number (under the malarkey guise of humanitarian interventions), the torture never stops, the constitution continues to be disemboweled and the airports are filled with dooling thugs in TSA uniforms with the full blessing of the U.S. government to feel up pre-pubescent little boys and girls. Hell, Bush never could have gotten away with that one and when it comes to economic relief, Le Enfant Terrible did actually send people checks for $600. I always got a sardonic little kick out of the silly liberals who only made excuses for Obama (and still do) in that he was the chess master, or Michael Jordan just studying the opposing team’s defense and ready to explode at any moment into a whirling dervish of athletic daredeviltry as he broke down the formidable defense of the Bad Boys for the championship hardware. The truth, and it is as dark as the proverbial black steer’s tookus on a moonless prairie night is that Obama is the chessmaster, it’s checkmate for the working class and he is just like Michael Jordan, a greedy, amoral, selfish millionaire prick who once commented that “Republicans buy sneakers too” rather than doing the right thing in using his global celebrity to promote progressive social change.For some reason Jordan’s famous quote conjures up one of Obama’s, the one where he proclaimed that if Americans were being denied their right to collectively bargain that he would put on his own pair of comfortable shoes and join them on the picket lines. This alas like so many other things (wars,closing Gitmo, renegotiating trade pacts etc) was just more of the same bullshit about hope and change marketed by Wall Street’s soon to be new bagman at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Granted that Obama inherited a disaster from his predecessor but his leadership skills quite frankly suck, and I am being diplomatic here, he is a spineless weasel and just another Ivy League educated elitist who couldn’t give a rat’s ass about the little people. The image makers really hit it big with Obama, it was like the Huxtable family goes to Washington and it was lapped up by schmucks across America including this blogger who held his nose and voted for Obama instead of Nader or Cynthia McKinney. It was more the image that I saw of Hitler standing next to German Chancellor Paul Von Hindenburg that was juxtaposed with one of John McCain and Sarah Palin that sealed the deal for me personally. I wasn’t expecting much but what I didn’t expect was an escalation of the worst abuses of the Bushreich including the domestic spying, government sanctioned sexual abusers feeling up children in airports, more wars, attacks on whistleblowers and the obviously disgusting green light given to the capitalist predators on Wall Street to continue to suck the marrow from the bones of the dessicated remains of the middle class with their revolving door between government and their New York casinos.

Obama is going to have to be slicker than a greased hamster at Bohemian Grove to beat back the Romney challenge, fuck the teabaggers, do you honestly think that the real overlords of this lemming colony would EVER let Michele Bachmann anywhere near the nuclear launch codes? Romney is perfect and despite the cries of heresy that this may elicit from my progressive and liberal friends he, a Mormon if elected president on the Republican ticket could do more damage to the culture warriors than Pat Buchanan did during his infamous call to arms at the 1992 GOP convention in Houston. A strident diatribe that was so over the top that the great departed Texas gadfly Molly Ivins once pegged dead on as “it probably sounded better in the original German”. Romney would do a good job of giving the Republicans a badly needed mange dip, spanking the ferociously superstitious Christian Right base that soaked up the former libertarian Tea Party like a mop dragged through a pool of vomit.

I have zero faith in Obama ever doing the right thing, the lack of alternatives is a damning indictment of just how badly that the American political system has failed.


Mad Dog Motherfucking Mean

June 25, 2011

Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you’re not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. ‘Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That’s just the way it is.”

– Josey Wales

Been awhile friends but the bad man is back, back with a vengeance and like the avenging spirit that was the famous Clint Eastwood role in High Plains Drifter I am getting ready to paint the town red. Red with pigs blood that is, of course in post-democracy America, in our all-seeing fascist surveillance society I speak in purely figurative terms, lest the midnight knock come and the jackboot of Homeland Security kick down my door. This is what it has come to, it’s nut-cuttin’ time, time to throw down, stand up, be counted and dispense with whatever passes for resistance in this electronically lobotomized lemming colony. Face it, things are never going to get better for the average person in Murka, the entrenched rot of corruption is too deep, can’t be easily cut out, the financial system lies in smoking ruins thanks to a gangster government and the failed political system that has facilitated it. The swine and swindlers will continue to bleed this place until there is no blood left and then it will run in the streets, likely when the fascists and their propaganda pimps begin calling for the inevitable pogroms. Any moves to somehow ameliorate the suffering, take for instance yesterday’s surprise announcement of the tapping of the oil reserves to stop the psychotic speculators and their masturbatory greed will be harshly and immediately attacked by a corporate media machine determined to keep the game rigged at all costs. Enjoy today because today is the best day that you are going to have for the rest of your lives, each subsequent day will be a gradual erosion of living standards, whatever remains of your rights and one toehold deeper into the abyss. This is the new American birthright for to be an American is to be a fat bovine creature, swaddled in stars ‘n stripes ensconced in front of the precious television that provides the sweet, sweet spike for tens of millions of addicts.

I have been away from it all for awhile, just not much inclination to write much. The ‘death’ of our Emanuel Goldstein, Osama bin Laden felt like a good place to end it all, the closing of the circle of the big lie of 9/11 that I have railed against for the past six years since I have been doing this. I certainly did consider it and did so very seriously, there are other projects that I would like to do, maybe some fiction, a book, other forms of media but the situation is too grave and there are too few fighters. I have made the journey since mid-2005 when I first started to blog, primarily to keep my sanity as those were still the worst days of the Bushreich before the abhorrent little twit was exposed as the impotent borderline retard that he always was by the wrath of nature combined with capitalist greed that was Hurricane Katrina. Bush never was quite the same after that and it was hard to believe that the peak of the fascist right-wing freak show that was the siege over the still breathing corpse of one Terri Schiavo had only occurred a few months prior. Bush and Cheney continued to cut a category five swath of destruction through the country and the world but it was slowed and the ouster of the criminally psychotic Tom DeLay from power jammed up the machine albeit briefly. It was my outrage against the right-wing scum, the traitors that manifested itself in the Republican party that drove me to raging against the machine in the first place.

I originally identified with the left (or the putrid excuse that passes for it these days), still having some idiotic and naive sort of faith in the Democratic party being able to provide some semblance of a return to normalcy were it to regain political power. While I am and always have been a registered independent I bought into the lesser of two evils meme, especially when the greater of the evils was just a notch below Satan. I broke into blogging at a number of liberal sites, quickly learning my lesson that intolerance and censorship was not the sole domain of the right when I ran afoul of the turds at Daily Kos, when it all comes down to it, and I have said this before Markos Moulitsas-Zuniga, who built a perfect mousetrip, somehow being trotted out as the voice of progressives and liberals is when it all comes down to it about as left as Stalin and his rotten blog is a cesspool of idiotic political correctness, elitism and bad writing. I was run out of there very quickly as have been many others with the ability to transcend the bullshit and think for themselves. I bounced around on a number of lesser blogs as a regular contributor, one a fairly prominent one run by a self-proclaimed Democrat who wears her party alliance on her sleeve. I had a chance to become more widely read had I hewed to just doing political attacks and screeds on Republican Nazis but early on I understood that the entire fucking system was rotten, I was too much of a renegade to be mainstream. I made other alliances, the people who I worked with were passionate and devoted but few were able to grasp the bigger picture, with the election of Obama in 2008 there was no longer that common enemy and the ‘left’, basking in their imagined triumph rapidly began to fragment into the collection of competing identity based groups that they are in order to divvy up the spoils. They did not as I warned continue to wage war against the fascists and they came to embrace the ongoing murders of civilians, brown-skinned, non-Christian ones as long as their tolerance for immorality was cloaked in humanitarian bullshit like women’s rights, they became cruise missile liberals. I officially made my split from them with my blistering goodbye entitled A Farewell to Arms: Why I Left ‘the Left’ from which I excerpt the following at length:

To HELL with the ‘left’! I am finished, done, disillusioned and over it, the divorce papers have been filed and are now finalized and I am not going back. As of this day, I will no longer allow myself to be affiliated or endorse the ‘left’ in any way, shape or form. So long folks, it was real and it was fun but in the end it was unfulfilling and dare I say, a waste of time and effort. Is this overly harsh? Perhaps it is but the break has to be made and it can no longer be put off. I assure you, this was no hasty decision but rather something that has been a slow and agonizing process, a steady drip…drip…drip.., like Chinese water torture and suddenly the mind goes, the spirit breaks and the ugly reality of the situation cannot be denied or disguised. So to all of my good friends on the left I wish you the very best but I am no longer one of you and maybe I never was, it was never dogma to me only a desire for some sort of social fairness and a fair shot but the American left being a shell of it’s former self with labor broken and the DLC corporatists having taken over the Democratic party it has been reduced to shills for the Democrats and squabbling identity groups each with an agenda that prevents any sort of unity necessary for a mass movement for real change. Sucks but that is just the way it has to be.

And –

By choosing to focus on wedge culture war issues no matter how noble the cause may, be the ‘left’ has failed abysmally in only providing gasoline on the fire that is being ignited on the extreme right and this is going to be costly in impossible to overstate terms in the future as a new, ultra-virulent strain of cult of personality, anti-intellectual, Christian fascist vengeful malignancy percolates throughout this country. There is an ideologically driven cataclysm coming and it will have every bit the force of the Nazis, Stalinists or Khmer Rouge and the gutters will be filled with blood, the streets with violence and no guarantee of personal or family safety by the law or militarized police who will protect the wealthy and elites only while the shock troops hunt down liberals, gays and today’s Juden, the Muslims who have been so easily demonized by the Pentagon and the Zionists who seem to have reasserted an ugly but more subtle form of control with the newest blown out of proportion ‘terrorism’. The king of the Israeli fifth column in America, Senator Joseph Lieberman will soon be using his position as head of the Senate Heimat Security Committee to launch witch hunts and hold show trials which will rival those of Stalin and McCarthy and people like you and I will be accused of being ‘terrorist sympathaziers’, the propagand about white al Qaida has already been getting some mileage as the creeping cat feet of fascism march onwards. Just how important are social issues when the task of rolling back American fascism renders all else irrelevant?

Myself and others have warned about the triumphal premature celebrations in the defeat of the extreme right, electoral victories and half measures at silly centrist governance have allowed this vicious hydra to regenerate. The failure of the ‘left’ to generate the cohesiveness necessary in order to form a viable political mass movement and the embracement (no matter how tepid by some) of the corrupted Democratic party and the amateur that is Barack Obama has set up the dominoes perfectly for the perfect storm once the economic collapse finally does occur. The plethora of gay marriage iniatives in the early days of the insipid Obama administration smacked of a sort of arrogance among limousine liberals, as though the enemy had been vanquished and it was time to exact that revenge which would both terrible and satisfying in rolling back the dark ages iniatives or the Religious Right roundheads. But that focus provided cover for the rats that are the corporatists, banksters and lobbyists that rode into power tucked away inside Obama’s Trojan Horse and whose plunder and subsequent fall into public disfavor have driven Democrat and Obama’s poll ratings down faster than whaleshit sinking to the bottom of the sea and allowed the American fascists to regroup and now in the aftermath of the underwear bomber false flag, with the fear fresh anew the sheeple will tolerate ANY police state measures to protect their putrid little lives as they cower and submit.

I have a lot of friends on the left and I mean them no malice or insult in my breaking ranks, they are good people, probably better than I in that they are pure of heart and always seek to build a better society, to nurture and to foster love instead of hate. Sadly though, in the real world butterflies, zebras, moonbeams and fairy tales are just that, illusions when confronted with an enemy that recognizes no rules, decorum, compassion or fairness and when the time comes will happily leave liberals and progressives with only their eyes to cry with..if they are even that generous. You see, my friends never understood the nature of this war, and it is war and only those of staunch spirits, strong stomachs and the righteous tenacity to climb upon that wall and fight the bastards on their own terms are ultimately going to have a chance. As the ‘left’ is comprised today it can be dismissed, laughed at and generally ignored by the rotten bitches, bastards and corporations that run this system and that is exactly what Rahm Emanual, his sock puppet ‘boss’ and the rest of the establishment are doing, they are doing. Liberals and the ‘left’ have this view that ‘we are better than they are so we don’t have to stoop to their level’, but in the end they always lose.

And –

As Nietzsche spoke of fighting monsters and warned of the abyss well it does look back but ultimately humanity is doomed to war, it is out nature and to deny that is the ultimate form of self denial. The best resistance against militarism, the police state and war is coming from the libertarian front, for example Justin Raimondo’s, I also have long admired the Ron Paul movement for calls for ending the Federal Reserve although I have been more than a bit dismayed to see it so easily co-opted by the corporate teabaggers and the Dick Armey of Darkness, the Palinazis and the idiot buffoon racist Birthers and religious fanatic Birthers and so has one of the founders of the movement. There is however a good deal of misdirected but righteous anger out there that is too easily hijacked and misdirected into the fascist brigades that the ‘left’ has failed to take advantage of to bolster it’s power and rally around some sort of real cause rather than the agendas of identity groups seeking government action to redress a history of injustice.

I have always been an independent with views more compatible with the old left, the labor left and the intense focus on social issues in which the activists ignore basic economic fairness, antiwar, pro-civil liberties matters in order to waste energy tilting at windmills. Let’s face it, no matter how moral that the crusade for gay marriage may be (basically another civil rights fight to eliminate the sad fact that in 21st century America that there are still people who are treated as second class citizens and face institutionalized persecution) – it’s a loser with large demographic blocks that nothing short of a mass die out over a period of a few decades is going to resolve and while it sucks, it’s the truth, shit, millions of morons are ready to launch a civil war because the fucking President is black and until the numbers of these anachronisms are reduced America will always be defined by the hatred of the other, which of course will always be exploited for maximum political gain by fascists. The younger generations do not care about whether one is gay or straight or has a different skin color, they are far more tolerant and acceptable than their parents or grandparents but the reality is that as America is currently constituted this is a loser for the ‘left’ and energy would be better spent in fighting imperialism, economic royalism, a vast for profit prison gulag and a militarized police that is determined to keep it full.

Also, global warming (the carbon footprint is akin to a carbon jackboot stomping up and down on a human face while the speculators get richer than Midas), immigration ‘reform’ and the ugly sort of imperialist liberalism that supports more war, military spending and murder to promote pet causes such as women’s rights and other emotional based malarkey is just intolerable. The Empire is broke, women are oppressed by institutions within our own borders and the cycle of militarism will not be seriously challenged as long as there are cruise missile liberals determined to use force to be Team America global police. I saw an ugliness among too many liberals and progressives during the past summer’s Iranian uprising, the ‘Green Revolution’ not to be confused of course with ‘Green Shoots, or ‘Green Energy’ and the ‘left’s’ piling on the regime of the devil Ahmadinejad only served to reinforce the incessant neocon propaganda and Zionist right-wing warmongering that has the doomsday clock ticking towards World War III. In all liklihood, Israel will attack Iran at some point in the coming year, Obama’s infatuation with the phony war on terror will ensure that the U.S. is sucked in which will be catastrophic but now that the antiwar movement has been marginalized by the foulness that is the Democrat party, now that Cindy Sheehan has served her purpose and been unceremoniously dumped and now that the ‘left’ has once again failed to mobilize around any serious issue that has crossover appeal we are all helpless to stop it.

I will devote my energies to trying to assist whatever remains of the antiwar movement (which isn’t much after most of the larger groups were co-opted by the filthy corporatist Democrats and Raht Emanual), continue to support the abolishment (or at the least auditing) of the Federal Reserve, fight for a reigning in of excessive corporate power, rail against the abuses of civil liberties, the police state, torture and surveillance and the menace of globalization. In a sad land of ignorance and hostility that has institutionalized torture with about half the population being down with it just how long is it going to be until they actually start to torture the other half?

The ‘left’ is too fragmented and there are far too many internal squabbles to mount any sort of a counter-movement against this irrational, ignorant and mean army of darkness that is suckled at the teat of the imperialist warfare state and lives in a world of unreality fed by a lifetime of indoctrination to illusions and lies and I am getting off of that woebegone merry-go-round once and for all before it either kills me or drives me totally fucking batshit.

And –

Loose the Rats: I remember once when I was in my early twenties, a certain restaurant that I had worked for had become so intolerable that there was a parting of the ways (mutual of course) regarding employment. Well, said restaurant naturally had a pretty high turnover rate so myself and a fellow former wage slave conspired one night over many a beer (and I must admit a bit of weed) to seek revenge against the owners. We would go in on a stealth mission and create a disturbance that would be guaran-fucking-teed to cause maximum chaos. So we went to a local pet shop and purchased two live rats which we smuggled in during peak hours in our backpacks and while we swilled a few beers in a booth in the back, ate chicken wings and were generally looked at as scum by our former co-worker wait staff we had a hard time not pissing our pants. Well, when we were finished, we paid our bills and let the rats out of the backpacks and just left the fucking place….we never knew what happened and that was the beauty of it. Maybe the rats caused a total scene and a mass evacuation and maybe business was forever wrecked for those satanic pricks who owned the goddamned place – somehow I doubt it because the damned place stayed in business. Perhaps though, the owners found the rats first before they ran off the paying customers and caused a pox of word of mouth advertising that was up there with the Bubonic Plague and changed their ways, I don’t know and shit, I really don’t know exactly were I am going with this little thread so I digress…..

Maybe the moral of the pet shop rats is that it was a shock that could have actually have been naïve enough to think that such a futile and stupid act would have changed hearts and minds but that was back in the 80’s when things were different and there was still some semblance of actual fucking sanity in this rotten shell of a country, back when it was STILL POSSIBLE to avoid the coming forced anal probes by militarized Darth Vader police goons in local shopping malls. Nothing that I was ever going to do on the left, much like loosing the rats on those miserable, skinflint, authoritarian pricks who ran that shithole of an eatery was going to do a damned thing to change anything or any body, it was just plaintive wails from planet shit directed at the choir…amen.

So to those on the ‘left’ who I have joined in battle with over the years only to realize that it is ultimately a futile struggle I say good luck and may your efforts bring fruit and some degree of satisfaction so long as they do not conflict with mine. I am going it alone from this point onward, bound by no loyalty to ideology, faction or any group, that only belongs to those who are allies the bigger fight at hand now. I would implore you who are able to transcend your past prejudices, ideals and indoctrinations to become a bit less dogmatic and much more pragmatic in reaching out to those who not only can be saved but who also are trying to break free from their own conditioning.

Granted it was a long excerpt but it pretty much expressed my feelings at the time, for better or worse I struck out on my own.  For some reason that I still can’t quite understand myself I thought that I could actually work at trying to salvage some of the wretches from the media creation that is the Tea Party, really just a collection of pissed off people with reasons to be pissed off but nowhere to go thanks to the abysmal failure of ‘the left’ in this country that was hijacked by cynical political operatives and deep-pocketed, tax chiseling plutocrats like the Koch Brothers. Being that a good amount of the pseudo-movement, other than the re-branded browshirts of the GOP base are remnants of what used to be the Ron Paul revolution, which due to the anti-interventionist, pro-civil liberties and anti-Federal Reserve stance of Dr. Paul I long had been sympathetic to despite my loathing of libertarian economic theory. I got into this thing, writing and raising hell out of the need to stop fascism at all costs so I have always been of the opinion that a progressive-libertarian alliance would be sufficient to slow the machine, there was enough common ground and the other things could be hashed out later on after the fascist cancer was cut out. I followed up “A Farewell to Arms” with another piece entitled In Defense of Joe Stack that ensured that the break with the ‘left’ would be permanent. It was about as subtle as the attack on Colonel Kurtz’s compound at the end of Apocalypse Now.

I tried to work with the disaffected and even reached out to my local Glenn Beck teabagger klavern to try to talk sense but it was useless, those people are just too far gone, to propagandized, too angry and too deeply infiltrated by the dead enders of the the Republican base and the Religious Right, there is nothing left of what used to be the Ron Paul movement, like the party itself all non-adherents to the Ayn Rand doctrine of “Fuck You I’m Rich” and the Neocon dogma of imperial conquest and the sanctimonious place on the planet for the wart on the ass of humanity that is fortress Israel any who don’t drink the Kool Aid have been ousted. So much for that Idea. I have only worked sparingly on writing over the past year and a half, largely out of a sense of total disillusion and the absence of any sort of organized resistance to the ongoing destruction of what remains of the country that I was born into.

But the lone wolf thing just doesn’t work that well, not when the economy continues to collapse, with an assist to a fanatical Republican party that will block any effort by the extremely disappointing Obama to mediate and somehow get people back to work. The GOP has long been a bastion of a certain fascism, at least since the end of World War II and the tracks of the oligarchs along with their descent into gangster capitalism through their affiliations with rescued Nazi war criminals, rogue intelligence networks, stone cold military psychopaths and organized crime are easily traceable for one who devotes a bit of time to the job. What is ongoing in America today is a textbook example of how the capitalist mafia, the CIA operates abroad, Robert Parry’s recent piece entitled The GOP’s CIA Playbook: Destabilize the Country to Sweep Back Into Power is a must read and I excerpt the following:

Modern Republicans have a simple approach to politics when they are not in the White House: Make America as ungovernable as possible by using almost any means available, from challenging the legitimacy of opponents to spreading lies and disinformation to sabotaging the economy.
Over the past four decades or so, the Republicans have simply not played by the old give-and-take rules of politics. Indeed, if one were to step back and assess this Republican approach, what you would see is something akin to how the CIA has destabilized target countries, especially those that seek to organize themselves in defiance of capitalist orthodoxy.
To stop this spread of “socialism,” nearly anything goes. Take, for example, Chile in the early 1970s when socialist President Salvador Allende won an election and took steps aimed at improving the conditions of the country’s poor.
Under the direction of President Richard Nixon and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, the CIA was dispatched to engage in psychological warfare against Allende’s government and to make the Chilean economy “scream.”
U.S. intelligence agencies secretly sponsored Chilean news outlets, like the influential newspaper El Mercurio, and supported “populist” uprisings of truckers and housewives. On the economic front, the CIA coordinated efforts to starve the Chilean government of funds and to drive unemployment higher.
Worsening joblessness could then be spun by the CIA-financed news outlets as proof that Allende’s policies didn’t work and that the only choice for Chile was to scrap its social programs. When Allende compromised with the Right, that had the additional benefit of causing friction between him and some of his supporters who wanted even more radical change.
As Chile became increasingly ungovernable, the stage was set for the violent overthrow of Allende, the installation of a rightist dictatorship, and the imposition of “free-market” economics that directed more wealth and power to Chile’s rich and their American corporate backers.
Though the Allende case in Chile is perhaps the best known example of this intelligence strategy (because it was investigated by a Senate committee in the mid-1970s), the CIA has employed this approach frequently around the world. Sometimes the target government is removed without violence, although other times a bloody coup d’etat has been part of the mix.
Home to Roost
So, it is perhaps fitting that a comparable approach to politics would eventually come home to roost in the United States, even to the point that some of the propaganda funding comes from outside sources (think of Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s Washington Times and Australian media mogul Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp.)
Obviously, given the wealth of the American elites, the relative proportion of the propaganda funding is derived more domestically in the United States than it would be in a place like Chile (or some other unfortunate Third World country that has gotten on Washington’s bad side).
But the concept remains the same: Control as much as possible what the population gets to see and hear; create chaos for your opponent’s government, economically and politically; blame if for the mess; and establish in the minds of the voters that their only way out is to submit, that the pain will stop once your side is back in power.
Today’s Republicans have fully embraced this concept of political warfare, whereas the Democrats generally have tried to play by the old rules, acquiescing when Republicans are in office with the goal of “making government work,” even if the Republicans are setting the agenda.
Unlike the Democrats and the Left, the Republicans and the Right have prepared themselves for this battle, almost as if they are following a CIA training manual. They have invested tens of billions of dollars in a propaganda infrastructure that operates 24/7, year-round, to spot and exploit missteps by political enemies.
This vertically integrated media machine allows useful information to move quickly from a right-wing blog to talk radio to Fox News to the Wall Street Journal to conservative magazines and book publishing. Right-wing propagandists are well-trained and well-funded so they can be deployed to all manner of public outlets to hammer home the talking points.

It’s pretty simple to see that the Republican party, which IS by definition a terrorist organization is hellbent on letting it all burn, so intent are they at mobilizing their millions of haters to defend a system that quite simply is as much a failure as the Communism that they for the better part of a half-century used to justify their plunder of nations, drug trafficking and money laundering and racketeering scams. Now fully metastasized, the menace of full blown carnivorous capitalism has come home to feed, those who really run this lunatic funhouse will continue to exploit economic misery, racism and fear using their media messaging machine and Operation Gladio style entrenched stay behind network until Americans are in the streets killing each other while they continue to suck the blood from the dessicated carcass of what used to be a land of opportunity.  That day is coming, while our corporate media crawls around in the semen stained underpants of Anthony Weiner or peddles more tabloid pornography about dead children to the lemmings, electronically colonizing their brains the world is erupting outside of our borders, look at Greece, soon there will be a triggering event and the chaos will come home, progressives, liberals and non-politicized folks are going to have to make a choice, kill or be killed, it’s the law of the jungle and it has been embraced by those who run it. GABOS. – Game Ain’t Based On Sympathy.

Plumb Mad Dog Mean: The system has failed and the day of reckoning is coming, best saddle up and get prepared lest you be destroyed by it, read some history on what happens when the thugs are unleashed. If you happen to have children ponder how you would like to see them raped in front of you, the last thing that you witness before your own murder. The armies of darkness are already connected and are awaiting their orders from their handlers on the right-wing propaganda machine, the real economic conditions continue to create misery and the always convenient scapegoats are produced.The time has come to cast aside any notions of being able to rationalize with these people because it isn’t going to happen. One could always flee the country, much like the Jews who could see the writing on the wall fled Nazi Germany before Hitler’s murder machine was operating at peak efficiency but that is expensive, prohibitive and let’s face it, the rest of the world, save the Muslim countries is under the control of the same type of elitist rich pigs that America is and the war machine is hellbent on destroying the Muslim world as surely as the American Indians were laid to waste to make room for expansionism and capitalist greed. The time to fight is now, no more fucking around, especially with the political process – it just doesn’t work!

Embracing a New Radicalism: The only way to fight back against the fascist endgame is to return to our past, prior to the “New Left” that arose out of the protest movements of the Sixties and that which to this day far too many continue to embrace despite it’s outdated model. There will be no more mass protests, the days of turning out into the streets is over, the right-wing has ensured that not only will there be no media coverage but their goons ala the scumbaggers are drooling over the prospect of being unleashed, like the Rockefellers of yore who bussed in murderous freaks to break strikes so will the front groups of Koch Industries and their ilk bus in vicious haters to bust up the hated libruls [sic]. Those who cling to a resurgence of that form of mass protest are as delusional as those who still believe that change can be affected at the ballot box, While there continue to be suckups, sycophants and self-infatuated groupies who continue to buy Brand Obama and the even worse Brand Democrat a return to the radicalism of old, rather than the sign carrying, keyboard thumping ineffective form of activism that exists on the pathetic remnants of the “professional left” today. It is not effective and shooting a few marbles from a slingshot is not going to put a dent in the Deathstar that is the American fascist capitalist infrastructure, it’s militarized police state, high-tech surveillance and disinformation machine and legions of trained activists and spokespeople. For what is needed, I would suggest listening to Chris Hedges, a man as reviled by the “professional left” and it’s venal gatekeepers like HBO’s Bill Maher and his ilk as he is by the mouth-breathing fascist droogs on the right. Hedges has always been a hero of mine and his work has continued to rise in order to address the threat that we face today. Hedges, who recently wrote a scathing book entitled The Death of the Liberal Class is taking his game to the next level, his recent work and speeches, like this one on The Myth of Human Progress are essential for those who are serious about surviving. Hedges addresses the rancid putrescence of the failed liberal establishment and doesn’t mince words:

We will be saved only with the birth of a new militant radicalism, one that defies all formal power structures including the Democratic party.
The failure of the liberal class whose role in society is designed to prevent unchecked assault by centralized power is discovering what happens when you tolerate the intolerant. Let hate speech pollute your airwaves, let corporations buy up your courts and state and federal legislative bodies, let the Christian religion be manipulated by charlatans to demonize Muslims, gays and intellectuals, discredit science, sanctify unfettered capitalism and become a source of personal enrichment, let unions wither under corporate assault, let social services and public education be gutted and stripped of funding, let Wall Street carry out fraud, deception and plunder with impunity and you roll out the welcome mat for fascism.
The liberal class and much of the left has busied itself with the toothless pursuits of inclusiveness, multi-culturalism, identity politics and tolerance.. a word Martin Luther King never used and forgot about the primacy of justice. We chatter about something called the American Dream now that the oligarchic elite have regained control of all of the levers of power that dream is being exposed as a cruel hoax and we are being shoved back into the cage. Slick public relations campaigns, the collapse of public education .. nearly a third of the country is illiterate or semi-literate…the rise of amoral politicians such as  Bill Clinton and Barack Obama who pose as liberals while selling their souls and betraying basic liberal and democratic principles for corporate money have left us largely defenseless.
The last vestiges of unionized in the public sector are reduced to protesting in states like Wisconsin for collective bargaining – in short the right to ask employers for fair working conditions. This shows how far labor and the country has deteriorated and it looks as though even this basic right to ask as well as raise money through union dues has at least for the moment been successfully revoked in Madison. The Democratic party and the remnants of organized labor steered passions in Wisconsin away from a general strike where workers should have gone to tepid attempts to recall legislators. The public debate meanwhile dominated by corporate controlled systems of information, ignores the steady impoverishment of the working class and absence of legal and regulatory mechanisms to prevent our reconfiguration into a neo-feudal society. The airwaves are saturated with good looking and charming corporate apologists. They ask us why public sector employees have benefits sneeringly called entitlements while non-unionized and working class people are denied and the argument is ingenious, it pits desperate worker against desperate worker in a mad scramble for scraps. It is of course the wrong question, why we should ask don’t working men and women have health insurance, pension plans, job protection and living wages and until we again speak in the language of open class warfare, grasping as those who went before us did, that the elite will always promote itself at our expense, we are doomed to a 21st century serfdom. The elite with no check left on their greed and criminality are gorging on money, while they are slashing basic services, budgets for schools, fire fighters and assistance programs for children and the elderly so WE will pay for the fraud they committed when they wiped out 14 trillion dollars of housing wealth, wages and retirement savings.

Hedges is reviled by the same type of vapid, self-righteous cretins who I chose to disassociate myself from when I left ‘the left’, I refuse to be a “team player” in the “post-partisan era” and for those who would crucify one as myself on the cross of political correctness for my rhetorical flourishes – they can go and fuck themselves. I have been called everything: whack job, fascist, misogynist, Jew hater, homophobe, heretic and reactionary, coming from feckless weaklings with no stomach for the rough stuff I suppose that is a badge of honor. Being that I am now totally dispensing of all bullshit let it be known that first and foremost that I fucking hate everybody, spare me the pox of political correctness that is what drove me away from the butterflies, moonbeams, zebras and fairy tales crowd in the first place. Others should shun those who would negotiate with fascists who should be destroyed and tolerate the most intolerant in order to wear their high-hats, they would be arguing that “they are better than that” by not engaging those who wish to destroy them while they are in the cattle cars being trucked off to the gas chambers and forced labor camps.

So, it is with this that I now return to my roots, a rhetorical bomb-thrower hellbent on engaging and destroying the fascists, collateral damage be damned. Time to get plumb mad dog motherfucking mean because you don’t bring a protest sign to a knife fight. 
A nickel’s worth of my two cents

Let Them Eat War: Mr. Obama Joins the Club

March 21, 2011
The moment the first explosions rocked Libya I knew that Barack Obama had just locked down another four years in the White House. This was his initiation, his right of passage, just like laying in a mock coffin and sucking off upperclassmen in the Skull and Bones tomb. By definition every U.S. President is a war criminal and our very own proud owner of the Nobel Peace Prize finally has that most precious of things, a war that he can claim as his own. Not that Afghanistan and Iraq which continue to burn, bankrupt and morally pollute didn’t qualify Obama for the exalted title of war criminal in chief but they are really Bush’s wars, now the Pope of Hope has pissed his name into the snow. Of course there is all of the happy horseshit about the international seal of approval including that of the United Nations but ultimately is is more war for a nation that remains to become weary of such bloody and ultimately futile adventures. The national credit card was long ago maxed out on wars of choice, the monstrous sword of Damocles that is the national debt hangs over the heads of every American currently alive and whomever happens to be born here over the next fifty years but there is always more support for America’s favorite pastime – killing brown people.  
Eight years to the day after the abortion that was George W. Bush dialed up the attack on Iraq Mr.Obama took time off from his NCAA tournament bracket and green-lighted the attack on the devil Col. Gadhafi who like the earlier version of the “New Hitler”, Saddam Hussein is killing his own people. Now there is change that you can believe in! Never mind the blatant hypocrisy of not launching a similar attack in support of those seeking ‘democracy’ in Bahrain courtesy of our great friends in the House of Saud (the irony that 15 of the alleged 19 September 11th ‘hijackers came from Saudi Arabia is lost on the American sheeple) seeking to preserve their tyrannical and corrupt regime. Now that the warfare state has become the preeminent power in America, only nosing out the genocidal Wall Street speculators whose taste for rotting flesh that they can pick for their daily sustenance and who right now are in an orgy of mania on the level of hardened pederasts as they rut with each other in the commodities pits placing futures bets on crude. The D.J.I.A. (Dick Jammed In Ass) was up 178 points today despite the lack of positive real economic news that benefits the ordinary fucked-over schmuck who is now left to contemplate the coming of five-dollar a gallon gasoline and has yet to get a handle on the accompanying hyper-spike in food prices that will follow like a category five blast of an economic hurricane after the initial tidal surge. In a bit of news that I find both somewhat encouraging for a bizarre reason and terrifying the first signs of violence and rage connected to double digit food inflation manifested itself at a San Antonio, Texas area Taco Bell where a customer named Ricardo Jones went batshit over a price hike on his bag of Beefy Crunch Burritos and engaged in a potentially deadly standoff with local police after he fired an assault rifle at police. Such incidents are to be expected in a culture where gun violence is revered but somehow it seems to be crossing a line when an extra 3.50 tacked onto a bag of burritos could lead to a Heat style shootout with the blue boys.
Think that Obama is going to save you from the rapacious looter capitalist flesh-eaters? Think again, not only is the Pope of Hope now a real live War President but he got the message from the 2010 elections that anything other than boot-licking obedience to the banksters, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce outsourcing pimps and the rest of the corporate pigs will not be tolerated. Look for Obama to assume the traditional position for commander in chief when it comes to the finance oligarchs, assume the position of footstool and don’t ever think of fucking with them again and they will be very kind to his reelection campaign. Barry O. is assured of another term for his willingness to have all of America take a haircut so that the Wall Street casinos can have plenty of comp chips to gamble with. Not even Wall Street and the Chamber are insane enough to tolerate even in moments of amusement the possibility of a Sarah Palin presidency leaving the rapidly fading star of the scumbaggers to embark on some sort of world tour to pitch the virtues of entrenched American stupidity, gross ignorance and xenophobia, today’s stop will be in Israel where she will do Wasilla style crack-ho style lapdances for Bibi Netanyahu who likely only is going to spare the time wasted in bothering with her out of some sense of honor among thieves and a gift to his most reliable fifth-columnist William Kristol. Hell, Bibi entertained Fred Fucking Thompson in the run-up to the 2007-2008 GOP primaries so maybe hosting Palin is for sheer entertainment value, it has to be more exciting than trying to converse with a cadaver like that marble-mouthed lug of a bad actor.
The most disgusting thing of all regarding Obama and his wars, both in terms of military ordnance dropped on civilians and the ongoing war on civil liberties at home is just how down with it all that the liberals are with it all. Liberals, especially liberal Democrats LOVE war, as long as it can be wrapped up in some sort of a self-righteous humanitarian guise.The Libyan adventure gives them one that they can line up and salute for. It has been a long and sad regression on the ‘left’ since Rahm Emanuel and the conniving Democrats were able to successfully ostracize the anti-war movement back in the run-up to the Pelosi-Reid majority in 2006. Not only was impeachment of the Bushreich war criminals off the table but the law was laid down that any such criticism of the wars was taboo. Afghanistan was embraced by the Democrats as ‘the good war’ while the Iraq debacle was chained to Bush’s neck like an albatross. Cindy Sheehan was excommunicated after she served her purpose to the corrupt and cynical DLC/Corporatist Democrats, was bitch-slapped after they dared to question the motivations of the great General Petraeus and the assemblage of sycophants and travelers the likes of Ariana Huffington, Cyber Stalin Markos Moulitsas Zuniga and their ilk all fell into line and for the sake of political (and lucrative career enhancing) expedience all learned how to just stop worrying and love the bomb. Obama was elected in a landslide, reneged on his implied promises to close Guantanamo Bay, restore accountability and the rule of law and draw the wars down and the useful idiots on the ‘left’ all got onboard. Whether it was the silence over matters that would have in years past had them screaming for Bush’s head on a pike or a rethinking of antiwar stances to now make supporting the obviously neocon ginned up Iran Green Revolution or biting on the bait of Time Magazine’s cover of the Afghan woman with her nose cut off (see above picture) the once pacifist ‘left’ became apologists for Obama’s murderous actions. Even Code Pink renounced their principles and whored out to the war machine once their guy had the keys.
And today as the bombs and cruise missiles continue to rain down on Libya there is more of the same sort of fatheaded liberal apologists, whether it be the insipid Bill Press who is on Sirius/XM morning drive time radio with the daily DNC talking points or the windbag Juan Cole on Radio the support for this latest filthy, anti-constitutional attack on a country that didn’t do one goddamned thing to threaten America was as vomitous as it was definitive as to the true character of the state worshipping hypocrites that they are. Chris Hedges pegged the liberals dead on for the cheese-eaters that they have become, first in his savage and dead bang diatribe Liberals are Useless and later on in his book The Death of the Liberal Class. Hedges, who has come to be the moral voice of these most immoral and diseased of times hits it spot on again in his recent piece Power Concedes Nothing Without a Demand that speaks to the abject failure of American liberal institutions as they have been subverted with nary a whimper by a decades running coordinated and now unstoppable fascist/militarist element juggernaut:

The liberal class is discovering what happens when you tolerate the intolerant. Let hate speech pollute the airways. Let corporations buy up your courts and state and federal legislative bodies. Let the Christian religion be manipulated by charlatans to demonize Muslims, gays and intellectuals, discredit science and become a source of personal enrichment. Let unions wither under corporate assault. Let social services and public education be stripped of funding. Let Wall Street loot the national treasury with impunity. Let sleazy con artists use lies and deception to carry out unethical sting operations on tottering liberal institutions, and you roll out the welcome mat for fascism.

The liberal class has busied itself with the toothless pursuits of inclusiveness, multiculturalism, identity politics and tolerance—a word Martin Luther King never used—and forgotten about justice. It naively sought to placate ideological and corporate forces bent on the destruction of the democratic state. The liberal class, like the misguided democrats in the former Yugoslavia or the hapless aristocrats in the Weimar Republic, invited the wolf into the henhouse. The liberal class forgot that, as Karl Popper wrote in “The Open Society and Its Enemies,” “If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.”
Why is it that there is never any money to find socially beneficial programs, education, the rebuilding of a crumbling infrastructure, renewable energy programs or anything that is useful to actual human beings in America but there is always money for war? This speaks to a deep cancer in our society, our precious green and camouflage clad ‘heroes’ have been glorified through movies, television shows, print media, toys and video games that worship war. Ike knew what the hell he was taking about when he warned of the rise of the Military Industrial Complex and the accompanying costs to a society that at the time was filled with wonderful capability, economic and scientific advantage and a gold plated reputation coming out of World War II that was only beginning to be tarnished by the rise of the CIA, the brutal public murder of President Kennedy and the subsequent Vietnam War. Something went terribly awry in America around the time of the JFK killing and the same institutional elements behind that coup d’etat are still calling the shots. All else is subservient to the agenda of the American war machine,
As if any more confirmation that Obama was just a lightweight version of  Lyndon Baines Johnson without the social programs was needed the attack on Libya makes any more argument on that one moot. Mr. Obama was nowhere to be seen in Madison during the mass protests that none of the corporate media deemed worthy of coverage, choosing instead to focus on created news like a few dozen or so geriatrics, losers and deluded and easily duped freaks flying Gadsen flags and wearing those faggy Revolutionary War style wigs and tri-color hats descending on town hall meetings to vent their frustration at the mythical death panels that in real life reside inside insurance claims departments. He will however be seen pimping his manhood over the ongoing attacks on Libyan civilians. Hey, Bill Clinton bombed the shit out of Belgrade and contributed to the starvation and misery of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children with his bombings and sanctions, cruelty that his own Secretary of State Madeline Albright went on 60 Minutes to obscenely justify as acceptable.
I have to agree with Chris Hedges, Liberals ARE Useless….take my word for it, I ran with the pack for long enough before I was shunned as a leper for daring to say the obvious that if it was wrong under Bush, then it is also wrong under Obama. But being excommunicated from the world of the dueling cults of the jackass and the elephant is just fine with me. 
Meet the New Nazis, Same as the Old Nazis
The corporate media on Sunday sought to play on both the gullibility, the emotions and the misplaced sense of patriotism of the public when launching this bullshit biscuit into the lemming feeding trough. Gadhafi said the strikes were a confrontation between the Libyan people and “the new Nazis,” and promised “a long-drawn war.”
“You have proven to the world that you are not civilized, that you are terrorists — animals attacking a safe nation that did nothing against you,” Gadhafi said in a televised speech.
The Colonel might just be onto something there. The Homeland (formerly the USA) is currently engaged in an endless series of wars of conquest, employs a blitzkrieg style of attack strategy (shock and awe) in the initial attacks of target countries, is currently engaging in a campaign of ruthless persecution of a religious minority (the anti-Muslim hysteria), runs a gulag of secret prisons and torture facilities, has a government that not only spies on ordinary citizens but encourages them to spy on each other and rat out disloyal or bad citizen type behavior, employs a kangaroo court justice system in which ordinary citizens can be brought up on vague charges (terrorism) or just disappeared (the stripping of Habeas Corpus) and disappeared. All of this is facilitated by a pack of vicious thugs who worship state power (teabaggers and Christian Zionists) and was set into motion by a modern day Reichstag Fire (9/11). Then there is that magnificently efficient system of state propaganda in the corporate media that Herr Goebbels would have been proud of. In Der Heimat versus Hitler’s Nazi regime though at least the trains ran on time and the German infrastructure was the advanced envy of the world, so much that Eisenhower modeled the intrastate highway system after it. Today, in 2011 the roads are pocked with automobile chewing potholes and other defective surfaces, the bridges are crumbling and even when the government tries to do something to shore it up and look to the future as in the national high-speed rail initiatives American Nazi apparatchik in waiting like Florida Governor Rick Scott turns town the money in order to nurture the hatred of his own personal S.A. the teabaggers. Make no mistake, with the coming wave of hyperinflation and dollar devaluation there is going to be plenty of opportunity for the real goons to assert themselves after Obama’s piss-warm and utterly feckless regime which has failed to change anything falls and then the pogroms will begin.
When taking into consideration the OSS/CIA (Wall Street’s enforcement arm) post-WW II assimilation of thousands of Nazis, including serious war criminals into the service of American finance capitalism under the guise of waging the Cold War it’s apparent that the Third Reich didn’t really lose the war, it just changed venues.

Just my two cents


Fourth of July on the Great American Lemming Farm

July 3, 2010

All governments are run by liars and nothing they say should be believed.

-I. F. Stone

Greetings to all you fellow prisoners trapped amongst the world’s largest lemming colony as the ship of fools continues to take on water, oily water that is.  Encho checking in, been ahwile since I have had the motivation to put anything out but as the man once sang, “the times they are a changing”. It’s been a nice form of hiatus and semi-retirement but given the sad state of affairs I feel that it’s time to get off of the bench and back into the game. I felt that a perfect time to relaunch would be flag-suckers weekend, the fetid stench of the hot air that will be belched out by Becked up faux patriots screwing up their misdirected outrage at the war criminal Obama government for all of the wrong reasons is in the air. The Fourth of July always brings out the biggest turds in the cesspool where they desecrate their beloved stars and stripes by wrapping their corpulent and idiotic carcasses in cheap Chinese made clothing adorned with it, overloading their red, white and blue picnic plates with potato salad, beans and fatty meats and flying it in front of profit starved retail outlets to lure the already maxed out consumers (Jesus, what an inhuman term) into their emporiums of marked-up, sweatshop produced wares. The Fourth has taken on an especially loathsome and menacing nature in 2010 that has been metastasizing like a cancer through this sickened society since the American Reichstag fire of September 11, 2001 and has confirmed for all time the words of Sinclair Lewis about fascism being delivered wrapped in the flag. The Teabaggers will be out in force this weekend, armed to the teeth and plotting their revolution or to those who are knowledgable of history their American Gladio. They will bray for the blood of the hated Muslims, Commies and Libruls [sic] in between stuffing food into their rancid pieholes, belching beer and singing God Bless America. That much is a given.

Yes, my friends, I have been away far too long and much has gone on that I have not been on record about, the one thing in Der Heimat that is consistent is the decline, the descent into morbid obesity, indolence, wrath and just plain dumbness has if anything since that helicopter hauled away George W. Bush like so much garbage only gained momentum. By now we can all see that Barack Obama is a fraud, an amateur, a pussy and a man in over his head. In the abysmal failure to use a substantial Democratic Congressional majority to produce anything even remotely resembling meaningful change OBushma will go down as one of history’s greatest fuckups, with a full head of steam coming out of the 2008 election, a nation hungering for a new direction after the ruination of the Bushreich and a world desperate for the United States to once again become a moral (more accurately a less trenchant bully) example the inexperienced usurper blew it. With the appoint of the sleazy operator Rahm Emanuel as the new Chief of Staff it was apparent early on that in reality, all that really happened is that the great whorehouse at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue was a bit of cosmetic cleaning and a new shingle that said “UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT”, the fucking would of course go on as it always does in the land of fuck you I got mine.


Obama’s regime has been an abject catastrophe, to such a degree that even a return of Bush and Cheney would be an improvement. In short order the feckless Obama administration and the even more pathetic Harry Reid led Senate were terrorized into capitulation by mobs of FOX sponsored teabagger brownshirts that descended enmasse to shriek incoherently at town hall meetings to ensure that any sort of health care reform would be D.O.A. The final bill was a mockery, a thinly concealed bailout of the rapacious insurance ghouls and the mandate by the state to use government power to force busted out Americans to purchase shitty overpriced coverage from the same diseased pigfuckers responsible for the worst health care system in the industrialized world. Obama followed up that gem with his escalation of the long since lost Afghanistan occupation, getting suckered into that murderous, money sucking black hole under the ludicrous premise that it was the “good war”. With the recently ugly cashiering of General Stanley McChrystal, Obama’s own hand-picked assassin over comments made in a Rolling Stone magazine expose that put a bug up the Commander in Chief’s ass for reasons that I am still unable to figure out after reading the damned thing twice the damned war has so obviously been lost that even an assclown like RNC Chairman Michael Steele is able to slime out from under whatever lesbian bondage club’s bar that he has been hiding under and calling out Obama for this growing mega-clusterfuck that is truthfully his war of choice. Obama is nothing more than Lyndon Baines Johnson without the progressive social agenda and the Afghanistan disaster will be his Waterloo.

“We’ve shot an amazing number of people and killed a number and, to my knowledge, none has proven to have been a real threat to the force.”

-General Stanley McChrystal

Back to the McChrystal firing. I realize that Stan da Man is a murderer, a hired thug and actively participated in the coverup of the murder ot Pat Tillman (if not carrying out the command of the assassination of the man who would prove to be a very embarassing voice against the wars were he allowed to return home) for which he should have been busted down to buck private and sent to Leavenworth over, however, the entire uproar over the Rolling Stone piece has a funny smell to it. Notice how nearly all of the establishment pundits and assorted press plants, mockingbirds and highly paid propagandist shithacks were universally down with it, it was something much more serious than mocking the morons running the war, including Joe “Bite Me” Biden, Bibi’s personal footstool. McChrystal’s guys were pretty much spot on from what I read but the most serious transgressions would appear to be that McChrystal had dialed down the rules of engagement in order to keep the civilian death toll down. Not popular with our trigger happy little green ‘heroes’ who want blood, most specifically the blood of Muslims given the presence of so many murderous ‘Christian’ fascist fanatics in the U.S. military to fight the new crusades. I seem to recall from back when I was running with the phonies on the ‘left’ that there was a lot of weeping and gnashing of the teeth tht General McChrystal was GASP an ascetic zealot but it would seem like the Rolling Stone article blows that little piece of agitprop away as so much horseshit, were he an ascetic he wouldn’t be getting fucking shitfaced drunk and then cutting loose in the presence of a reporter who was not on the official dole. According to some sources he banned FOX News from his headquarters, a cardinal sin for the drooling war freak neocons and according to another story was a flaming librul [sic] who was tolerant towards gays.  McChrystal also criticized the use of mercenaries, a big no-no in the third term of the Bush administration, especially when Blackwater/Xe just scored a big contract to conduct their unaccountable black ops duties in Afghanistan. It would seem like all of this would already had the general on the shitlist but the unspeakable blasphemy that the war was lost is what I truly suspect ultimately did him in. McChrystal was on record as referring to the territory of Marjah as a “bleeding ulcer”, eerily similar to remarks made by former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev who called Afghanistan a “bleeding wound” as it became increasingly apparent that it was sticking a fork in the ass of his Empire.


Are we any smarter than the Russians who never recovered from their disastrous Afghan misadventures? It would seem not with Obushma now having to turn to the sainted General David Petraeus to engineer a similar propaganda campaign to the now famous SURGE that turned the Iraq debacle from chicken shit into chicken salad in the eyes of the chronically misinformend and celebrity infatuated American sheeple. We may not be any smarter but thanks to the cancer that is American Capitalism we sure as fuck are more greedy than those damned godless Commies were. Not only has a recent New York Times ‘scoop’ revealed that the hills of Afghanistan are just filled with trillions of dollars of untapped mineral resources that the unscrupulous pigs who have stripmined the industrial capacity of America and eliminated countless millioins of jobs through labor arbitrage to third world shitholes but there is always the hidden agenda of the opium crops. Anyone who is at least somewhat competent in geopolitics fully knows that the U.S. of A has long been involved in the international narcotics trade. The Wall Street banks especially love drug profits and there is no way of being to accurately estimate the amount of drug money that is laundered through the same fiend-filled shithouses that the Obama administration just bailed out with trillions in U.S. taxpayer dollars that could have been better utilized in creating jobs for the poor schmucks at the bottom of the trickle-down economics outhouse hole but it is a lot. I will save that ugly, convoluted, dangerous and sordid tale for a future time but suffice it to say, the laundering of drug money through the big banks during the recent collapse in the massive ponzi scheme saved the bacon of the banksters. So Petraeus is now sent to Afghanistan, has already gone on record as saying that he is going to change the rules of engagement in order to allow for the implementation of the “kill em all and let God sort ’em out” American style of combat which will allow him to retain his media created heroic image and stick the final dagger into the back of the pathetically overmatched Obama in the process. Perhaps even wrapping it all up to return to glory and worship back here in Der Heimat in time to run against the Pope of Hope in 2012. The neocons are betting on it already, the Republicans already having ridden the co-opted Tea Party lightning to the point where the exoskeleton will be shed leaving the racist maggots to tear each other to shreds and for the leader of the New American Century to emergy like a chrysalis from the cocoon. Pat Buchanan’s recent post The Prisoner of General Petraeus hits it out of the park.


But enough about the lost war in Afghanistan, we here in between the shining seas have other wars to worry about that have more urgency. I primarily refer to the lopsided class war during which the state uses the full power of the militarized police to ensure that the upwardly redistribution of wealth continues. The ballyhooed Wall Street/Financial Reform bill is nothing more than a rotten, rigged and borderline criminal defense of the big banks whose Gordon Gekko worship and chronic gambler mentality have effecively nuked the entire global economy. What will remain of this travesty by the time that the bumbling boob Obama finally signs it will be the proverbial band aid on the sucking chest wound. The derivatives casinos will continue to hum along, there will be only the illusion of any sort of change that helps the average peasants and the stage is being set for the last catastrophic economic blowup of all time. The next one will be where the pigs retreat into their stocked and heavily fortified compounds, install a buffer zone of militarized police and private security thugs and then let the poor dumb bastard rabble rip each other’s throats out in what will be something of a cross between The Road Warrior and the savage battle for the last can of Milwaukee’s Best at a teabagger July 4th bund rally. The end is coming people and you all would do best to prepare yourselves for it by stocking up with canned food, water, batteries and guns with plenty of ammo. You are going to need to hunker down and try to survive while the less prepared are out beating each other into pulp with whatever they can find to use as a bludgeon. Do you really think that the average American asshole is cognizant enough of anything on any sort of a level where they are able to comprehend the implications of a Malthusian level catastrophe? Shit, during my time away from blogging the primary topics of conversation and news coverage all were about the exhuming and raping the corpse of poor Natalee Holloway with the story of some Dutch degenerate named Joran Van Der Sloot. It’s what works here in Murka, keep the monkeys fascinated with these idiotic lurid scandals while the entire fucking world collapses. Next up, Van Der Sloot will be trotted out on CNN, FOX and MSNBC as the latest suspect in the long-running Jon Benet Ramsey child murder case…that is if the shameless sequel to the great Clinton blowjob inquisitions involving the alleged semen stains of Al Gore doesn’t swallow them whole. So take my advice, these stupid bitches and bastards likely don’t have enough food in their refrigerators to get them through half a week let alone a prolonged collapse in the social structure. Food, Guns and Ammo….you will thank me for this advice one day. 


Lastly, since I have already been rambling on extensively today I will keep it short I am going to keep with the cheery news in that the speed of the collapse could be escalated. I speak of the colossal environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico courtesy of British Petroleum with a big assist to our corrupt American style of Capitalism that continues to worsen by the day. There is really no accurate way to assess the magnitude of this catastrophe, the media is only being given bits and pieces of the bad news – not that the suckers of the corporate and government elite would bother to report the fucking truth anyway. This is going to be a long term, life-altering event and there has been little to no mention of what is going to happen when one or two hurricanes roar into the gulf, pick up all of the toxic goo and deliver it inlands with 120 + mph winds and a massive storm surge. Think that New Orleans was devastated by Hurricane Katrina (ok, it was the chronic inability of anyone to build a modern levee system that magnified the damage) just wait until a heavily populated area is not only torn to bits by a savage storm but all of the property, vegetation, roads and other infrastructure, personal property, vehicles and animals wake up covered in oil sludge and deadly chemicals. That is coming and that is what the government is NOT telling anybody about. I don’t blame this all on Obama though, the gutting of the environmental protections began long before he found himself enscsonced upon the throne. Sure he has dicked aroud by coddling the corporations and his decision to not only retain corrupt officials (see Tim Dickinson’s great Rolling Stone article The Spill, The Scandal and the President) and playing nice with BP, probably due to the fact that they are a huge supplier of fuel to the Imperial U.S. military but at least he isn’t practically sucking the cocks of BP executives like the fascist Republican assholes in Congress are doing, retrograde goons the likes of Joe Barton of Texas (where else?) but it is still another massive fuckup on his watch.


So what now? I seriously considered wallking away from all of this shit forever for a good while because as I mentioned once before there is a chronic inability in America to hear the truth. The whole shittin’ shebang is all going to collapse anyway no matter what I do. I am pushing 50 now and given my lifestyle over the years have at best and realistically (optimistically too) around 25-30 years left on planet shit. I have no kids so I really don’t give a rat’s ass about anything other than getting out of here before the worst hits, just run out the clock you know. But I just can’t, damned as I may try to just stop caring, not that I am any great lover of humanity or anything, truthfully, I really dislike most people, they are stupid, selfish, mean-spirited and vain, they are believers in the most ridiculous things. Things like serious change, peace and justice in our time, that America is a great nation, exceptional and unlike every other empire in history that murdered, enslaved, pillaged and stole the resources of those of lesser strength, superstitious hogwash like the bible and worst of all faith in the wondrous economic system that is American Capitalism. I do not suffer fools kindly and Christ knows that I am seriously outnumbered by them. A grim sort of resignation is what I have and a serious case of revulsion and outright contempt for the majority of Americans. I can proudly say that I am ashamed to be an American so all of the flag swaddled, Becked up fucksticks can go out and gorge themselves on potato salad and patriotic nonsense this weekend, they deserve each other.

In closing I would like to bring attention to a man who is a modern day prophet, a writer extraordinaire and who has more compassion and wisdom in his little toenail than any randomly chosen 5 tons of junk food fed, obese and terminally fucked Americans. I speak of the great Joe Bageant and his tour de force essay that he just published entitled Live From Planet Norte. This is essential reading to all of use who are awake and aware. It has a poetic quality to it as does most of Joe’s stuff but it’s the closing that nails it and I will excerpt a short piece of the essay here – however do yourselves a favor and go read it at Joe’s place, and his other stuff too, it will help you make some sense out of all of this.

Turn off your mind, relax and float down stream

Informed and globally conscious people are sickened, heartbroken by the spectral truth. But to use the same Neal Cassady quote for the second time this year: “To have seen a specter is not everything.”

In fact, it even has a good side. Transformation. Once you honestly accept what you have seen, you are changed, released from the previous stress and fear. Like so many feared experiences, it is its own psychodynamic, and is about “coming out the other side” of the experience. Accepting such a truth — especially for pathologically optimistic, cheer stressed Americans — shatters many painfully held illusions. The chief one is that we are the animating force behind all significant change, and that the massive damage we do is “progress”). In their place grows a new inner awareness. Although it does not conform to any popular definition as such, the easiest way to describe it is “spiritual,” Who in these times, you may ask, believes in the spirit as an animating force of mankind? My answer is: Those who can be still enough to see that spirit moving.

With it comes the awareness and acceptance of forces far more powerful than our puny anthropocentric illusions of planetary authority. We can arrive at this understanding by way of thinking, logic and reason. The mind is a cumbersome and inefficient way to go about escaping traps you build with your mind, but yes, it can be done. Most educated people in this science worshipping age prefer the convoluted path of logic and rational exercise, over calmly opening one’s eyes and heart to the world before us, as wiser men have done for thousands of years.

There is more worthwhile in those two and a half paragraphs than others can write in volumes. You go Joe!

This is Ed Encho, signing off for now. I’ll be back soon with more.

Mr. Obama’s Chump Change

June 17, 2010
Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss

Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.

H. L. Mencken
By now it should be painfully apparent to all but the most befuddled, celebrity worshipping O-Bots and their asinine counterparts in the malodorous and fraudulent Tea Party movement that there is really very little actual difference between the regimes of President Barack Obama and those of his predecessors. While I admit that the Bush-Cheney regime and the neocon ghouls that filled it has a special place in historical infamy and while there is little substantive policy difference Obama is an improvement over that confederacy of dunces, he has slid very easily into the suit of the American Emperor. Some of my more cynical friends on the far left called it as it was and I regret alienating them during the primary process. If I could take back my words on Hillary Rodham Clinton as being the “Joan of Arc of the dry pussy demographic” and other nasty comments I would do so today. Not that Mrs. Rodham-Clinton isn’t a corporatist warmonger of the highest order but at least there is some semblence of being qualified while Mr. Obama is clearly not up to the task. Fortuately for him the real power in the US of A rests with the financial oligarchy, the big energy cartels and the uber rich and of course the state of Israel and it’s hordes of fifth-columnists in the Pentagon, Christian churches and most importantly the U.S. mainstream media.
During the first year and a half of the Obama administration, the Pope of Hope has presided over the largest and most obscene taxpayer funded bailout of Wall Street criminals, hedge fund hyenas and the degenerate gamblers who have detroyed the global economy with their derivatives. There is nothing that Obama could have possibly done, short of beheading small children on the front lawn of the White House that could even remotely top the gross criminality of the Wall Street swindler bailout. Granted that it began in the final months of the Bush administration under Henry Paulson, another of the Goldman Sachs financial predators who are allowed to regularly slither into the halls of government power no matter who the president or party in control is but it was Obama’s ongoing failure to hold any of the thieves accountable. Not that accountability is very big with any U.S. leader, were this a sane and moral country Richard B. Cheney would currently be rotting in a prison cell, Clinton would have never allowed the Iran-Contra traitors to get off of the hook to save the ass of Poppy Bush and Ford would have never pardoned Nixon. But this is not any sane (not even remotely so) or decent society rooted in any sort of a moral value system. That being said, prepare for the screws to continue to be put to the average American schmuck by the likes of Wall Street moles like Timothy Geithner and Helicopter Ben Bernanke.

Obama has made it very clear that he understands who he represents and despite the lip service that he and others in his position pay to the little guy the average American is shit out of luck when it comes to expecting any sort of a level playing field when it comes to the mockery that is democracy. The corporations long ago bought and paid for this place and to borrow from the late, great George Carlin “it’s called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it. Face it people, the game is rigged! Any resistance has been co-opted, for example the media suckling of the ridiculous teabaggers who are nothing more than a bunch of pissed-off white people completely assimilated by the criminal Republican party to in a true historical context take to the streets in protest to support the British Monarchy. Obama’s second term is practically guaranteed unless he gets some kind of wild hair up his ass about actually going FDR and goes off of the reservation but that ain’t gonna happen. While his popularity rating will soon be plunging there is zero real alternative and a bunch of fish-belly white, pig-headed, racist idiots dancing around with their Gadsden flags isn’t any sort of a real political movement, tens of thousands of angry white males may want to cum on Sarah Palin’s tits but the oligarchy has no use for an idiot like that. Obama will be our Herbert Hoover, his bailout of the banking criminals has the economy on the precipiece of a double-dipper as the phony stock bubble pimped by Vikram ‘the Bandit’ Pandit, Helicopter Ben and armies of payroll pundits like the jackass Jim ‘Mad Money’ Cramer will eventually pop and after so much electronically created funny money has been pumped into the already rotting corpse of American capitalism that there will be nothing left save hyperinflationary measures and crushing austerity to save the blessed Wall Street banksters. We here in Der Heimat will need the proverbial wheelbarrow full of Reichmarks to buy a loaf of fucking bread. The global economy is unsustainable, Europe’s financial system is continuing to come unwound and already there is social unrest unlike anything that is seen here on the world’s biggest lemming farm.

Obama’s reign will be just one more downgrade in the once great prestige of America, the brand name has been so thoroughly dipped in shit even the ultimate product as president can’t save it. Hello third world status! The imperialist, budget busting wars of choice not only continue but have been escalated by Obama who has neither the balls nor the experience to stand up to the war freaks in the Pentagon. I have already spoken of the Wall Street strip-mining, there is a mega-enviornmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico thanks to the dicking around by the Obama administration in bringing B.P. to heel and it’s only going to get worse as the precious black gold spreads thoughout the Gulf and out into the Atlantic. It’s ironic in a very funny sort of way that the Republican party convention has picked Tampa for the site of their 2012 convention, the “Drill, Baby, Drill!” chickens are coming home to roost in the soon to be oil-coated diseased penis of America that is the state of Florida. Still there is zero chance of a legitimate contender rising from that pack of swine, rats and roaches to challenge Obama. He has about six and a half more years now to finish the job that Bush and Reagan started, Clinton abetted and has been blessed by bankers, polluters and war criminals everywhere.

And when all is said and done, the economy is in depression, the police state is in place, half the planet is occupied by U.S. troops and mercenaries and the ability of the biosphere to support human life has been damaged beyond repair Americans can be left to do that one thing that they have always been able to do so well: blame it on the nigger.

Next up: Jeb Bush in 2016 – to be coronated in front of an army of Tea Party brownshirts

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ Joe


Wall Street to Obama: Go Fuck Yourself!

December 15, 2009

Monday’s White House meeting/public relations spectacle with the recalcitrant greedheads and other assorted banking miscreants was a mockery. As the orgy of American capitalist excess that is Christmas nears and millions of children won’t be visited by Santa Clause unless of course he is bearing a foreclosure notice on Daddy and Mommie’s overpriced, underwater shitbox the banksters are back in business big time thanks to Obama and Raht Emanuel. At some point last year when the financial services parasites were holding a gun to our collective heads and loudly threatening to ‘blow the roof’ like in Die Hard unless their bad bets were covered by taxpayer dough the overly cunning new administration, already funded by Wall Street looters made a calculated political decision to crucify the schmucks on a cross of Goldman Sachs. Hell, it’s no surprise, that is the way that it always works in an oligarchy and any O-Bots who are out there still defending this lying sack of shit administration are as clueless and morally challenged as those who swore on a stack of bibles that George W. Bush was the second coming of Jesus Fucking Christ and anyone who dared to question him was a terrorist sympathizer or traitor.

So the Pope of Hope’s vaunted White House meet with the destroyers of the country may have been good for the rubes and childish fools still drinking the Kool Aid of the Obamessiah to those of us that have been on to the big con can had our bullshit detectors going off full blast just as they have been doing often as the grifter in chief continues every fucking vile policy of the Bush junta only with a less ostentatious manner. Escalation of the war in Afghanistan to protect the energy and drug routes that are the lifeblood of the American ruling class, the continuation of torture as policy (although under Obama Jack Bauer is no longer the official spokesman), the ongoing Stasi style surveillance of law abiding citizens, shitting on gay rights, failing to pull the U.S. out of disastrous trade pacts and retaining Bush pigs like Robert Gates and Helicopter Ben Bernanke build a pretty damning case against Obama. Hell, after that speech last week in front of the Noble Prize Committee where the bastard actually had the chutzpah to get up and use the forum as a justification for neverending war it’s really only a matter of time until the neocons are back in the DemocRAT party where they came from. Oh, and about that health care reform? Face it suckers, you have just been buttfucked by the quisling Congress, the Israeli mole Joe Lieberman and the collective might of the insurance industry who are now about to strip out the only goddamned good thing – moving the Medicare age up to 55. Welcome to chumpland fools, thanks to the Obama administration and mobbed up Harry Reid the state is about to be empowered to force an impoverished citizenry to pay protection to the insurance gangsters or face the full fury of the law.

Were it not for legions of buffoons and Judas goat assclowns like Markos Moulitsas Zuniga on the so-called ‘left’ who provide cover for the gross criminality of the sitting government the Obama administration would be one and done but the cult of personality will be good enough to reelect the rotten bastard, especially since the only choice is Sarah Palin, Lou Dobbs or Glenn Beck any of whom are starting to look like better options than the Big O because shit, let’s face it, how much power would any of them be able to wield anyway? This lemming colony is owned lock stock and barrel by the Military Industrial Complex, the Wall Street cloud dwellers and Big Oil Nazis like the Koch Family and the Texas Mafia, always has been and always will be, the Prez is just a frontman and Mr. Obama is the most successful product since Ronald Reagan, another colossal phony whose acting ability was a cherished trait as he bamboozled our way into what is now the coming national bankruptcy.

So Monday’s sit down with the banking criminal elite, just like the rest of Obama’s putrid first year was just more stagecraft, especially considering that Lloyd ‘doing God’s work’ Blankfein and Shitibank’s top vulture Vikram ‘the bandit’ Pandit didn’t even bother to show up. That the entire bailout is now going up like a rancid flaming bag of dogshit parked on the front doorstep of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as the banksters aren’t lending but rather hoarding the money to fund more gambling and of course pay out those wonderful holiday bonuses is merely an ugly and slightly embarassing matter and only because the Republicans are suddenly screaming like stuck pigs about populism to rile up the rabble in the hope that they can return to running the spoils system – fat fucking chance. After Christmas has past and the teflon coated shit salesman that is Barack Hussein Obama and his fealty to Wall Street is forgotten by flea brained Americans it will be back to the business of finishing the job of implementing the new feudalism. Matt Taibbi who has been on Wall Street like a starving pitbull recently wrote about Obama’s Big Sellout and I would strongly recommend it to all.

Anyway, that’s it for now

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe


American Whup Ass!

December 2, 2009

We are the champions – my friends
And we’ll keep on fighting
Till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers

Cause we are the champions of the World

The brief interregnum is now over. The naive belief that things were gonna be different can now be shelved along with last year’s Christmas decorations and the change that was supposedly on the way was just another cynical ploy to keep the suckers in check. Last night, before one of the George W. Bush style military prop audiences at West Point the new emperor shed his sheep’s clothing and announced that yes indeed, America was back, bad to the bone and ready to whup some ass on those fucking sand niggas who attacked us on GAG – September 11, 2001. Now the Pope of Hope wasn’t strutting across the deck of an awesome war toy like the USS Abraham Lincoln in a flight suit and a bulging codpiece but it was vintage Bush nonetheless, dig this little line from the long awaited speech. “It is from here that we were attacked on 9/11, and it is from here that new attacks are being plotted as I speak”. And so once again we find more imperialism, murder and atrocity being predicated on the Hitlerian big lie of 9/11. As the old saying goes, the more things change the more they stay the same and in this diseased and nearly dead year of 2009 in the land of crushed hopes and broken dreams, after those filthy scum Wall Street bankers had rolled back the clock to the good ole days of big bonuses and endless casino gambling so has the establishment rolled back the clock to 2003. Bush Lite Obama and his dirty recycled Clinton rat cabal have put their seal of approval on a never ending crusade and will use the full power of the state to shakedown an already impoverished nation of subjects to fund it.

Of course the cruise missile liberals who are nothing other than apologists for this criminal rat bastard administration will spin the promised three year withdrawal as yet another masterplan by the Michael Jordan of politics who is just setting up that one big play…still. In reality though, the three year withdrawal is the equivalent of “baby, I promise to pull it out before I come” and in three years the military presence will be greater, the investment in blood and treasure will be used as yet more justification to continue escalation – like a degenerate gambler who continues to double down even after the mortgage payment has long been pissed away the answer will of course be to feed more human chattel into the meatgrinder. Hell, that’s just the way it is, it has ALWAYS been this way and Gen. Smedley D. Butler was goddamned right when he dared to utter the ultimate American blasphemy that “war is a racket”. And not only is war a racket but any goddamned fool who tries to say that the Democratic party is less hellbent on imperialism and war than the more overtly fascist Republicans is a know-nothing, chattering ass, a lemming in a land that has already been overrun by the insipid things and deserves nothing less than to be denounced and mocked. Woodrow Wilson was a Democrat, FDR was a Democrat and LBJ was a Democrat and they all three presided over monstrous wars. Bill Clinton missed out on the big one that would give him the necessary body count to burnish his credentials as a member of the fraternity of war criminals but he sure bombed the shit out of Belgrade and presided over the crushing economic sanctions that led to the misery of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi children just because Saddam had the temerity to piss off Poppy Bush.

The point is that as a Marxist acquaintance once told me is that both capitalist parties are killers, only one is better at pretending not to be than the other. It’s like comparing Hitler and Stalin and just because the Russians were WW II allies sure as shit didn’t mean that the butcher Stalin was a good guy. Barack Obama is just another charlatan, a cynical whore of a calculating politician and we were all played for fools for believing anything different (and I apologize to those who tried to tell me so), I should have voted for Nader or McKinney, not that it would have made any difference in the end though, the escalation would still be happening because this country is flat out fucking addicted to war. I have yet to see the response from the neo Nazi Republicans today, I am sure that the escalation won’t be enough, I did catch the imbecile McCain pontificating on the television again after the speech but turned it off. Why that filthy son of a bitch who is solely responsible for the plague that is Palinism is given ANY credibility by the corporate media is a testament to just how deep the rot runs. John Sidney McCain III cut his teeth making anti American propaganda videos for the Communist Vietnamese, he has certainly honed his skills as a longtime shill for the real empire of evil that is the Military Industrial Compex captured United States government.

I am sure that the caterwauling on the right will be loud today, we are now back in the morass of national insanity, fear and loathing that rolled out of 9/11 like the putrid cloud of rotting flesh and politically expedient lies belched forth by the Bush-Cheney-Rove Axis of Evil. The Beckers and the Palinazis will be like rabid starved dogs pouncing on a chunk of maggoty meat over Obama’s horseshit withdrawal flim-flammery and FOX will be blazing with bunting draped, faux patriotic warmongering. That much is assured, the diseased dogs of the Republican mass movement ‘conservatism’ will be howling and howling for the emperor’s head on a pike for not giving the blessed General McChrystal all the little green army men that he asked for. Barack Obama will be denounced for letting Osama bin Laden escape, after all, he has always been a secret Muslim who wasn’t even born in the US of A. I can hear it all now, in fact it’s starting to scare me because I know what the fuckers are thinking even before they do, it’s like a serial killer profiler and the lunatics are in my head. Too goddamned much for so early this morning.

I can say one thing however, whatever the Palinazis, Beckers and teabaggers throw at Obama over his lukewarm response to the war on terror that requires nothing less than total genocide he will deserve for it is he who is now invoking the terror talisman to justify his own depraved political agenda. Let the man be hoisted upon his own petard.

Just my two cents over the mornin’ cup o’ joe


Tortureland U.S.A.

October 21, 2009


Flies all green ‘n buzzin’ in his dungeon of despair
Prisoners grumble and piss their clothes and scratch their matted hair
A tiny light from a window hole a hundred yards away
Is all they ever get to know about the regular life in the day;
An’ it stinks so bad the stones been chokin’
‘N weepin’ greenish drops
In the room where the giant fire puffer works
‘N the torture never stops
The torture never stops

Slime ‘n rot, rats ‘n snot ‘n vomit on the floor
Fifty ugly soldiers, man, holdin’ spears by the iron door
Knives ‘n spikes ‘n guns ‘n the likes of every tool of pain
An’ a sinister midget with a bucket an’ a mop where the blood goes down the drain;

An’ it stinks so bad the stones been chokin’
‘N weepin’ greenish drops
In the room where the giant fire puffer works
‘N the torture never stops
The torture never stops
The torture
The torture
The torture never stops.

-Frank Zappa: The Torture Never Stops


Hail to the Chief! Much to the delight of befuddled, fear-stricken Americans and the heinously sadistic neocons whose grotesque perversion ensured that along with that nifty little nickname The Homeland that the good ole USA would become a torture state it has been announced that there will be no enforcement of the law by the incoming Obama administration. The foul mouthed, weasel eyed little prick Rahm Emanuel slammed down his jackboot resoundingly on the Sunday morning bloviation circuit and decreed that there will be no prosecution of the war criminals from the Bush administration for their engaging in torture. Hell, the gangster Emanuel – a danger to America that must be reigned in – even flippantly compared this week’s release of the torture manuals as something was basically irrelevant and that the information could be found – and I shit you not…in the New York Review of Books. Here is a piece of the transcript from his ever smarmy former Clinton administration crony George Stephanopoulos’s show that shit eyes Emanuel appeared on Sunday morning:

EMANUEL: It’s kind of a — let me say this. One of the reasons the president was willing to let this information out was that already the information was out. So if they’re saying that you basically have exposed something, it’s been written. Go get the New York Review of Books. It’s there.

So the notion that somehow, we’re exposing something — it’s already been out. In fact, President Bush let — allowed — let it — allowed a lot of this information out. So the notion that somehow this all of a sudden is a game changer doesn’t take cognizance of the fact that it’s already in the system and in the public domain. Therefore, it’s not new. So the notion that that is something we’ve built in — it’s already been there.

Number two, it’s one of the key tools Al Qaida has used for recruitment. There has been a net cost to America. By changing the way America is seen in the world, which means banning this technique and practice, we have actually stopped them and prevented them from using it as a rallying cry.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Final quick question. The president has ruled out prosecutions for CIA officials who believed they were following the law. Does he believe that the officials who devised the policies should be immune from prosecution?

EMANUEL: What he believes is, look, as you saw in that statement he wrote, and I would just take a step back. He came up with this and he worked on this for about four weeks, wrote that statement Wednesday night, after he made his decision, and dictated what he wanted to see. And Thursday morning, I saw him in the office, he was still editing it.

He believes that people in good faith were operating with the guidance they were provided. They shouldn’t be prosecuted.

STEPHANOPOULOS: What about those who devised policy?

EMANUEL: Yes, but those who devised policy, he believes that they were — should not be prosecuted either, and that’s not the place that we go — as he said in that letter, and I would really recommend people look at the full statement — not the letter, the statement — in that second paragraph, “this is not a time for retribution.” It’s time for reflection. It’s not a time to use our energy and our time in looking back and any sense of anger and retribution.

While I have been early on the record with my criticism of the incoming Obama administration (Hell, it would be the utmost in hypocrisy in not holding him to the same standards I held Bush to although the sycophantic O-bots would disagree) for what at first appeared to be a backdoor Clinton restoration. The very early escalation of the war in Afghanistan was bad enough, the ongoing capitulation to Republican Nazis out of some insane fantasy of bipartisan ship was worse, then it took an even more outrageous turn when it became apparent that the Wall Street pigs would find their troughs full of taxpayer loot under Summers and Geithner and now has become something much more dark and sinister with the refusal to restore the law and punish the torturers. I can certainly understand that slimy little cocksucker Emanuel’s reluctance to adhere to international law, his dual citizenship certainly doesn’t compel him to act in any manner that would potentially draw attention to participation of Israeli intelligence in criminal acts conducted under the blanket of the bogus war on terror. A former IDF man and son of a militant Zionist terrorist couldn’t possibly be expected to set a precedent that may legitimize international outrage over Israeli war crimes including killing babies and any sort of Obama led attempt to restore a sense of morality could come back to bite a pack of war criminals in the ass.

Now I am obliged to also note that one of those who are guilty of war crimes – at least according to the Spanish court that had considered indictments of the Bush Six is one certain filthy little neocon rat named Douglas J. Feith, a member of the Richard Perle-Bibi Netanyahu report on carving out a nice chunk of Israeli Lebensraum (never mind the brutality and body count) that was entitled A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm as well as one of the little dark elves that toiled in Cheney and Rummy’s notorious propaganda chop shop the Office Of Special Plans that lied us into the Middle East wars of aggression. Feith’s daddy, Dalk was a member of the extremist Betar youth movement that was a precursor to the Likud. It is really quite impossible to take any sort of serious look at the American human rights abuses and war atrocities of the new American century without taking into account the longtime corrosive moral degradation that comes from being the handmaiden to the rogue Zionist realm of dark and bloody oppression.


This entire thing reeks of the same different set of standards regarding human rights atrocities that has so metastasized in recent years. And the big stinky kosher pig in the middle of the living room is Israel and the ongoing capitulation of yet another administration that at least in theory is supposed to be serving the American people but let’s face it, when annoiting Rahm Emanuel is the first act of Obama the fix is once again in. There will be a slow ratcheting up of pressure on B.O. to ‘see the light’ on the necessity of attacking Iran…it is coming. For example the Zionist propagandists are already calling Obama’s policies a threat to God’s chosen land see Haaretz story – MI Chief: Obama Mideast policy threatens Israel. Then there was yesterday’s ridiculous and obviously planned sideshow of envoys walking out of the U.N. anti-racism conference when the ‘New Hitler’ Mahmoud Ahmadinejad dared to call that racist genocidal shithole Israel a racist state that practices genocide. As Orwell once said, “in a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act” and god knows we sure as shit can’t handle the truth in lemming land. A further note on the dog and pony stunt at the U.N. racism conference (the exalted champion of human rights and TORTURE that is the USA was crudely bullied into not attending by the usual vermin) is that the sainted Elie Wiesel was among the leaders and who came out and called for the jailing of Ahmadinejad. In all sympathy for Wiesel, a survivor of the Nazi horrors in the death camps the constant invocation of The Holocaust as blanket justification to out Nazi the fucking Nazis in murder, torture, terror and violence is bullshit and he knows it. Having been fleeced by Bernie Madoff it is sad to see the Nobel Peace Prize laureate having to stoop to such cheapjack publicity stunts, were it not so dangerous to world peace it would be pitful.

I certainly didn’t intend for this to be an anti-Israel rant but since I am on the topic I also would like to opine that America’s transformation into a police/torture state could never have occurred without that fascist goon colony as a blueprint. The intimidation and perception management apparatus that Israel has implemented here is something that is both wondrous to behold and monstrous at the same time. The war on terror used as a post 9/11 excuse to justify the transformation was greeted with glee by the real New Hitler Bibi Netanyu who openly stated that 9/11 was good for Israel. It has become common practice to use the Israeli model of the hyping of horror to justify even more horror and repression and with Rahm Emanuel as Batman to Obama’s Robin we haven’t seen anything yet. In an important sidenote regarding Israeli bribery, blackmail and espionage that will soon disappear down the memory hole. Jane Harman, the whore of AIPAC was caught by an NSA wiretap colluding to peddle influence in what should be a huge scandal the reaches into the very bowels of the Bush White House and the torture man himself Alberto Gonzales. Here is the link to Glenn Greenwald’s piece on this explosive story, I would strongly recommend readin it. It’s nice to see a sow like Harman ensnared in her own trap but don’t expect anything to be done with this by our illustrious leader.

That however, is another story so I digress…


The abysmal moral failure of Barack and the Obamanauts with their refusal to hold accountable those responsible for these acts of evil is astonishing, as we are all sitting here right now we are witnessing something far worse than Ford pardoning Nixon. After all, Nixon never signed off on torture and damned as he tried he was never able to get anywhere near the disembowelment of the Constitution that the Bush-Cheney Axis of Evil pulled off along with their legal eagles like Addington, Bybee and Yoo. As much of a shock that this may be to those who exalted in the scenes in Chicago’s Grant Park on that November 4th evening or in the historic festival of euphoria that was Washington D.C. on inauguration day we are now seeing our great champion of change putting his own seal of approval on some of the most disgusting acts of flagrant fascism in this country’s history. This is more than just turning a blind eye for the sake of unity, or as the propagandists push their Pollyanna version of public relations derived drivel of a grand and cleansing national rejuvenation of “looking forward’, this is the Barack Obama administation’s assumption of complicity in these horrors. Imagine the Nuremburg Trials only with the most insidious of Nazi mass murdering scum lectured, given suspended sentences and sent about their merry torturing way…but this is worse. As skidrow poet Charles Bukowski once wrote; “if you’re losing your soul and you know it, then you’ve still got a soul left to lose”, what does it say of the majority of Americans, especially the O-bots if they can’t muster any outrage over this? It makes them the moral equivalent of their counterparts who worshipped George W. Bush under the Fuhrerprincip that was the unitary executive theory that turned the presidency into a dictatorship after 9/11.

They were just following orders…that’s what the sleazy little douchebag Rahm Emanuel and the Clinton sockpuppet reality TV show prez would want us to believe…that was no excuse at Nuremberg nor is it now. The management may have changed but this is still an outlaw nation and until every last fucking one of Bush’s laws is eradicated, the torturing vermin who have pissed away America’s moral high ground and ensured that every time that a U.S. serviceman or woman is captured that there will be nothing to restrain their captors from peeling their fucking skin off inch by agonizing inch because they are just doing as the Americans do….well…just God Damn them all to Hell. This is fucking intolerable and outrage is justifiable, Jesus NOT be outraged is a mortal sin.

Now that it’s their guy practicing (for the time being anyway) an enlightened despotism in which none of the previous administration’s vastly expanded powers that had previously been anathema to the so called left as well as the all important police state infrastructure that has been put into place…well they are just down with it. This stinks, it really stinks and if the masses of asses who accept this flagrant abuse of human decency well their souls stink too….but they already have sold them to the company store.


Flies all green ‘n buzzin’ in his dungeon of despair
An evil prince eats a steamin’ pig in a chamber right near there
He eats the snouts ‘n the trotters first
The loin’s ‘n the groin’s is soon dispersed
His carvin’ style is well rehearsed
He stands and shouts
All men be cursed
All men be cursed
All men be cursed
All men be cursed
And disagree, well no-one durst
He’s the best of course of all the worst
Some wrong been done, he done it first

The Torture Never Stops

A Brief Interlude: In Jack’s Country

The pain was immense for the crumbled heap on the concrete floor, the sweaty blond man just didn’t stop…”ok you fucker…you goddamned filthy sand nigger, you fucking piece of shit…I am going to peel you before Allah”

Not enough jagoff?? I’m gonna bring your son in here, fuck him in the ass, whack him into pieces, make him into soup and make you eat him goddammit…now one more time…WHERE the fuck is it???

Where sandnigger? Where is the fucking bomb, the ticking fucking time bomb….

“Fuck you heathen” hissed jack as he grabbed a steel chair, twisting like a ballet dancer as he pirouetted seamlessly and smashed the chair into the man’s back….sending him crashing into the reinforced concrete wall, a Rorschach spot of dark arterial blood was upon the wall as the man bounced back to land at the feet of the avenging angel in black.

“For God”…screamed Jack as he brought the chair down again. The man was now only whimpering….

“For Country”…..Jack executed a powerhouse karate kick that snapped the man’s neck and separated the jaw, teeth skittered across the piss and blood slicked floor, the jaw sort of flip flopped in place, held on by a piece of flesh….

“For John Wayne” shrieked Jack with spittle flying from his lips, hyperventilating he brought the chair down again….again….again….the sick sound like wet smacking meat, like Rocky using the beef carcasses for workout bags….he brought it down fifteen more times then dropped it….fell to his knees in a pool of blood and viscera.

Then, panting and drooling he undid his belt, opened his pants and masturbated into the mess before him. God bless America, our safety is once again assured by our courageous guardians.


Dialogue from a 2005 debate with former Bush Justice Department official and coauthor of the torture memos John Yoo.

Cassel: If the President deems that he’s got to torture somebody, including by crushing the testicles of the person’s child, there is no law that can stop him?
Yoo: No treaty.

Cassel: Also no law by Congress. That is what you wrote in the August 2002 memo.Yoo: I think it depends on why the President thinks he needs to do that.

The torture memos just leave me breathless and sickened. It’s not like I didn’t know what was going on, I live in the real world and refuse to be spoonfed by the corporate media machine. The unbelievable brutality and the codifying of it into law makes me want to vomit, it makes me truly ashamed to be an American. The thing that I can’t get over though is the part about the bugs. The waterboarding of the phony 9/11 ‘terrorist’ attack mastermind 138 fucking times in one month is bad enough, the nakedness and the beatings too, the sadomasochistic perverts that are drawn to the authoritarian right like coffin flies to fresh shit is a given. I mean, what the fuck is up with the goddamned torture by insects? That is something so macabre that it is out of a Dr. Phibes flick and would be hard to believe if not for the history of MKULTRA and other diabolical torture and mind control programs underwritten by the American taxpayer. Sick motherfuckers these neocon bastards are, I mean if there is any justice (and that is a fantasy) then the likes of David Addington, John Yoo, Douggie Feith and that Federalist Society Nazi and now Federal Judge Jay Bybee then they would be made to endure a fitting punishment: death by scaphism. I can understand if this is too much for the squeamish but it is the least that these pricks deserve:

Scaphism, also known as the boats, was an ancient Persian method of execution designed to inflict torturous death. The name comes from the Greek word skaphe, meaning “scooped (or hollowed) out”.

The naked person was firmly fastened within a back-to-back pair of narrow rowing boats (or a hollowed-out tree trunk), with the head, hands, and feet protruding. The condemned was forced to ingest milk and honey to the point of developing severe diarrhea, and more honey would be rubbed on his body so as to attract insects to the exposed appendages. They would then be left to float on a stagnant pond or be exposed to the sun. The defenseless individual’s feces accumulated within the container, attracting more insects, which would eat and breed within his or her exposed and increasingly gangrenous flesh. The feeding would be repeated each day in some cases to prolong the torture, so that dehydration or starvation did not provide them with the release of death. Death, when it eventually occurred, was probably due to a combination of dehydration, starvation and septic shock. Delirium would typically set in after a few days.

In other recorded versions, the insects did not eat the person; biting and stinging insects such as wasps, which were attracted by honey on the body, acted as the torture.
Death by scaphism was painful, humiliating, and protracted. Plutarch writes in his biography of Artaxerxes that Mithridates, sentenced to die in this manner for killing Cyrus the Younger, survived 17 days before dying.

This system is being preserved because despite whatever the new frontman for the empire might say to the contrary it is imperative that the ability to torture remain as one of the most kick ass clubs in the bag. The economy is in freefall and despite what the spinners try to tell us the jobs are NEVER coming back, there is also a growing desperation and the agent provocateurs of the oligarchy are whipping the knuckle draggers up into a full blown murderous frenzy – another Nazi tactic adapted for the American Homeland. The establishment would like nothing more than some sort of violent response, perhaps a new Timothy McVeigh style strike that provide the justification for the lockdown of the police street control grid. Then the paramilitary thugs weaned on the exploits of Jack Bauer could truly go into action. The Stasi style surveillance system will ensure that when the time comes that the lists will be ready for those designated to do the pickups. While the filthy torturers have been allowed the ideological cover of cracking the skulls, busting the spleens and waterboarding only suspected ‘terrorists’ it will be very soon that people who are outspoken, patriotic Americans will become increasingly tempting targets for a state run amok. I have always maintained that the torture was being beta tested for the day that it will be turned on political dissidents and there is nothing on earth that will convince me otherwise.


Not to go on All-Fours; that is the Law. Are we not men?
Not to suck up Drink; that is the Law. Are we not men?
Not to eat Fish or Flesh; that is the Law. Are we not men?
Not to claw the Bark of Trees; that is the Law. Are we not men?
Not to chase other Men; that is the Law. Are we not men?

-The Sayer of the Law

Laws have been broken, America’s good name has been defiled and dragged through the darkest alleys of torture states, the treasury has been looted and the entire system plundered and rigged for the benefit of the elitists to the point where the legitimacy of every institution in this land is now questionable in regard to its ability to function.

This is not revenge as the corrupt mainstream mockingbird pundits and the feckless corporate beholden gatekeeping whores like Rahm Emanuel would have you believe…this is about justice. It is necessary to relentlessly investigate, prosecute and pursue these bastards to the ends of the Earth if necessary for their myriad of crimes against humanity that have led to hundreds of thousands of deaths abroad as well as the gutting of the constitution here at home. Then there is the looting and the stinking torture state that has been put into place to protect the looters and the rest of the bastards.

If we are unwilling and unable to exist under a system of laws than ultimately we are no better than beasts.

When looking at today’s social and political trends it is fairly easy to extrapolate forward several years and when taking into consideration our new style fascist bent as well as the desire of theocrats to roll back the clock to the good old days of the Inquisition and along with an abundant supply of desperate, destitute, dumbed down, reality television addicted zombies and it could only be a matter of time until some cable televisioni network smash hit reality show will be American Torquemada where any influential government critic could become the featured guest. It would be a huge ratings pull for sweeps week.

America needs to scream now and scream loudly in unified righteous outrage in order to stop this decline into despotic barbarism. Silence only increases the chances that you will be screaming much louder if it is ever you who finds yourself strapped to the torture table.


Ah, the suffering. The sweet, sweet suffering.


Chump Change

August 10, 2009

By now it should be pretty apparent to all but the most ignorant (this means you Birthers)that the only type of change that has come to America courtesy of the Obama administration is chump change. Oh, the Wall Street financial mafia, especially The Great Satan (Goldman Sachs) has seen plenty of change for the better (with the government assisted hit job of rivals Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers) and bonuses for the parasitical scum will be approaching record levels this year while the a good amount of the rest of the populace is still jobless, homeless, hungry and fucked but this a great country or what? In fact, what really has changed from the more honest version of Fuck You, I Got Mine attitude of the Bush-Cheney-Rove Axis of Evil? Obama’s Chief of Staff, a foul-mouthed, ass-faced, stab you in the back cocksucker named Rahm Emanuel has come out and called ads by liberal and progressive groups against the corrupt Blue Dogs as “fucking stupid”. Now this has naturally incurred the wrath of many bloggers and justifiably so, Emanuel is nothing but a malodorous, dual loyalist agent of supreme corporate corruption, think Al Capone was a bad dude, well he had nothing on Rahm Emanuel when it comes to being a Chicago gangster. I remember a few years back when our local entrenched Republican, C.W. ‘Bill’ Young was ripe for a takedown during the 2006 mid-term elections and was being challenged by a scrappy insurgency by a very progressive, anti-war, independent minded ‘democrat’ named Samm Simpson. At that time, the vermin Emanuel was head of the DCCC and didn’t give her one fucking dime, not a fucking dime choosing to instead stay with the Republican more in line with corporatist values.

Now that the Democrats have proven to be every bit as fascist as their foaming at the mouth counterparts – albeit in a less overt fashion it’s time that people just deal with the fact that the existing system is rigged, it’s a two party game of 3 Card Monte being conducted on Main Street of a Potemkin Village and we are all the rubes. However, the big scam of having two parties that are substantially different is so embedded in the ant sized brains of Murkans that they contribute to their own economic demise by continuing to buy the lies. Case in point, the vicious thugs who are attacking health care town hall meetings, largely organized by front groups for the medical industrial complex, Big Pharma and the lobbyists like Dick Armey work for the high rolling tax chiselers. Drawing heavily from the dumbed down for Jesus ‘Christian’ demographic, mixing in the unrepentent and downright savage haters who just will never be down with a ‘nigger’ livin’ in the White House because of their generationally inbred stupidity, neo Confederacy and just plain old southern fried motherfuckerism and catching in their net a bunch of folks who are seriously just pissed off and frustrated and looking for the scapegoats that the fascist fifth column is always so eager to provide. The knuckle draggers then rail against SOCIALISM although it is only the sort of socialism that would actually benefit their own sorry asses instead of the big state socialism for oligarchs that has easily jumped from the Bush administration to the Obama administration like a parasite to another host. That is why I posted BOTH Joker posters, since the Obama one seems to be drawing so much controversy, Bush was portrayed as the arch villian back before Obama was even elected.
Now the Joker is a nice little example of just how the system games pop culture figures to sell to the masses of asses. Back when the movie The Dark Knight came out last summer there were actually some idiotic neocons (Bill Kristol and his swinish sort) were, and I shit you not out there shamelessly comparing their hero George W. Bush to Batman. I wrote about that in a post that I did called Neo Con Nocturnal Emissions. I eventually got around to seeing the movie which I liked, actually I thought that Heath Ledger’s Joker was actually a heroic sort of character but then again I am an admitted anarchist. But America loves fiction just as much as celebrity so we have the comparison, the caricatures and the symbolism to appeal to the television addicted here on the world’s largest lemming farm. But purpose of this effort is to empasize that we were all sold out bBy the Pope of Hope and all of his phony hype about change. The only change that we are seeing is chump change.

The fix was in as soon as he named that ass-faced little weasel Rahm Emanuel his chief of staff…game, set and match.

The wars continue, the illegal spying continues, the economic numbers are cooked to a fine fricassee by liars whose sole job is to obfuscate, spin and confuse the public – actual unemployment is likely closer to 20 percent and the only thing that has occured is that the Obama administration has reinflated the bubble. The Wall Street traitors and crooks have been bailed out and are now gambling with house money – OUR money.

Health care reform is a fraud, the same crooked scum lobbists and their bought and paid for whores like Max Baucus and his ilk are going to come out with the worst possible bill with no public option and forced coverage so that the pigs who run the insurance industry and the medical industrial complex can continue to reap obscene profits at the expense of the peasants.

While the idiot and dupes are out storming townhalls at the command of the demented Glenn Beck, a man with a serious history of mental illness and suicide in his family as well as a hard core former alcoholic with delusions of grandeur (hell, for all that anyone knows he probably grew up fucking his mother although that’s no excuse) and there will soon be violence at one of the organized bund attacks. Goddammit, I would piss my pants laughing if it weren’t such a joke. How on God’s green Earth do these imbeciles get duped into believing that when Obama has bailed out the parasitical financial oligarchs, continued to shovel money into the lucrative wars of conquest, has done jack squat to close down America’s vast for profit prison gulag and is now going to fistfuck us all into a scam of a health care ‘reform’ con job written by the capitalist swine who run the game?
Frank Rich of the damned librul New York Times had a great piece on the betrayal by Barack yesterday entitled Is Obama Punking Us? from which I exerpt the following:

Yet there is real reason for longer-term worry in the form of a persistent, anecdotal drift toward disillusionment among some of the president’s supporters. And not merely those on the left. This concern was perhaps best articulated by an Obama voter, a real estate agent in Virginia, featured on the front page of The Washington Post last week. “Nothing’s changed for the common guy,” she said. “I feel like I’ve been punked.” She cited in particular the billions of dollars in bailouts given to banks that still “act like they’re broke.”

But this mood isn’t just about the banks, Public Enemy No. 1. What the Great Recession has crystallized is a larger syndrome that Obama tapped into during the campaign. It’s the sinking sensation that the American game is rigged — that, as the president typically put it a month after his inauguration, the system is in hock to “the interests of powerful lobbyists or the wealthiest few” who have “run Washington far too long.” He promised to smite them.

No president can do that alone, let alone in six months. To make Obama’s goal more quixotic, the ailment that he diagnosed is far bigger than Washington and often beyond politics’ domain. What disturbs Americans of all ideological persuasions is the fear that almost everything, not just government, is fixed or manipulated by some powerful hidden hand, from commercial transactions as trivial as the sales of prime concert tickets to cultural forces as pervasive as the news media.

It’s a cynicism confirmed almost daily by events. Last week Brian Stelter of The Times reported that the corporate bosses of MSNBC and Fox News, Jeffrey Immelt of General Electric and Rupert Murdoch of News Corporation, had sanctioned their lieutenants to broker what a G.E. spokesman called a new “level of civility” between their brawling cable stars, Keith Olbermann and Bill O’Reilly. A Fox spokesman later confirmed to Howard Kurtz of The Post that “there was an agreement” at least at the corporate level. Olbermann said he was a “party to no deal,” and in any event what looked like a temporary truce ended after The Times article was published. But the whole scrape only fed legitimate suspicions on the right and left alike that even their loudest public voices can be silenced if the business interests of the real American elite decree it.

You might wonder whether networks could some day cut out the middlemen — anchors — and just put covert lobbyists and publicists on the air to deliver the news. Actually, that has already happened. The most notorious example was the flock of retired military officers who served as television “news analysts” during the Iraq war while clandestinely lobbying for defense contractors eager to sell their costly wares to the Pentagon.

The revelation of that scandal did not end the practice. Last week MSNBC had to apologize for deploying the former Newsweek writer Richard Wolffe as a substitute host for Olbermann without mentioning his new career as a corporate flack. Wolffe might still be anchoring on MSNBC if the blogger Glenn Greenwald hadn’t called attention to his day job. MSNBC assured its viewers that there were no conflicts of interest, but we must take that on faith, since we still don’t know which clients Wolffe represents as a senior strategist for his firm, Public Strategies, whose chief executive is the former Bush White House spin artist, Dan Bartlett.

Let’s presume that Wolffe’s clients do not include the corporate interests with billions at stake in MSNBC and Washington’s Topic A, the health care debate. If so, he’s about the only player in the political-corporate culture who’s not riding that gravy train.

As Democrats have pointed out, the angry hecklers disrupting town-hall meetings convened by members of Congress are not always ordinary citizens engaging in spontaneous grass-roots protests or even G.O.P. operatives, but proxies for corporate lobbyists. One group facilitating the screamers is FreedomWorks, which is run by the former Congressman Dick Armey, now a lobbyist at the DLA Piper law firm. Medicines Company, a global pharmaceutical business, has paid DLA Piper more than $6 million in lobbying fees in the five years Armey has worked there.

But the Democratic members of Congress those hecklers assailed can hardly claim the moral high ground. Their ties to health care interests are merely more discreet and insidious. As Congressional Quarterly reported last week, industry groups contributed almost $1.8 million in the first six months of 2009 alone to the 18 House members of both parties supervising health care reform, Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer among them.

Then there are the 52 conservative Blue Dog Democrats, who have balked at the public option for health insurance. Their cash intake from insurers and drug companies outpaces their Democratic peers by an average of 25 percent, according to The Post. And let’s not forget the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee, which has raked in nearly $500,000 from a single doctor-owned hospital in McAllen, Tex. — the very one that Obama has cited as a symbol of runaway medical costs ever since it was profiled in The New Yorker this spring.

In this maze of powerful moneyed interests, it’s not clear who any American in either party should or could root for. The bipartisan nature of the beast can be encapsulated by the remarkable progress of Billy Tauzin, the former Louisiana congressman. Tauzin was a founding member of the Blue Dog Democrats in 1994. A year later, he bolted to the Republicans. Now he is chief of PhRMA, the biggest pharmaceutical trade group. In the 2008 campaign, Obama ran a television ad pillorying Tauzin for his role in preventing Medicare from negotiating for lower drug prices. Last week The Los Angeles Times reported — and The New York Times confirmed — that Tauzin, an active player in White House health care negotiations, had secured a behind-closed-doors flip-flop, enlisting the administration to push for continued protection of drug prices. Now we know why the president has ducked his campaign pledge to broadcast such negotiations on C-Span.

The making of legislative sausage is never pretty. The White House has to give to get. But the cynicism being whipped up among voters is justified. Unlike Hillary Clinton, whose chief presidential campaign strategist unapologetically did double duty as a high-powered corporate flack, Obama promised change we could actually believe in.

His first questionable post-victory step was to assemble an old boys’ club of Robert Rubin protégés and Goldman-Citi alumni as the White House economic team, including a Treasury secretary, Timothy Geithner, who failed in his watchdog role at the New York Fed as Wall Street’s latest bubble first inflated and then burst. The questions about Geithner’s role in adjudicating the subsequent bailouts aren’t going away, and neither is the angry public sense that the fix is still in. We just learned that nine of those bailed-out banks — which in total received $175 billion of taxpayers’ money, but as yet have repaid only $50 billion — are awarding a total of $32.6 billion in bonuses for 2009.

It’s in this context that Obama can’t afford a defeat on health care. A bill will pass in a Democrat-controlled Congress. What matters is what’s in it. The final result will be a CAT scan of those powerful Washington interests he campaigned against, revealing which have been removed from the body politic (or at least reduced) and which continue to metastasize. The Wall Street regulatory reform package Obama pushes through, or doesn’t, may render even more of a verdict on his success in changing the system he sought the White House to reform.

The best political news for the president remains the Republicans. It’s a measure of how out of touch G.O.P. leaders like Mitch McConnell and John Boehner are that they keep trying to scare voters by calling Obama a socialist. They have it backward. The larger fear is that Obama might be just another corporatist, punking voters much as the Republicans do when they claim to be all for the common guy. If anything, the most unexpected — and challenging — event that could rock the White House this August would be if the opposition actually woke up.

Admit it, we’ve been had. I have to admit, I voted for Obama and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t kick myself for not voting for Nader.

Hell, for what it’s all worth I miss Bush, at least everybody knew who the real enemy was.