Righteous Kill

September 12, 2009

A Fascist Bully Finally Pisses off the Wrong Person

The cold civil war is about to go hot, in an astounding but in my opinion commendable shooting on Friday a hateful, vile pornographer named James Pouillon was removed from this mortal coil. In another of those increasingly frequent incidents in this roiling cauldron of hate known as Der Homeland a worn down, pushed to the limit, fucked over and stressed out man went on a rampage – another human time bomb exploded in Owosso Michigan. Responsible for blowing away Pouillon, a real piece of human (and I use the term extremely loosely) filth was one Harlan James Drake who killed at least one other person and was likely going to go on a score-settling rampage were he not caught. Drake was offended at the pornographer Pouillon and his display of obscene imagery (had he whipped out and wiggled his dick it would have been less offensive)in front of children so he pulled up in front of the old lard ass and sent him on to his great reward. If there is such a place as Hell may the devil already have his pitchfork three-quarters up porky Pouillon’s ass.

Not that I am advocating acts of violence or anything but it just brings me great delight to see one of these rotten fuckers finally get his. Of course the Christofascists, the rubber fetus army, the Beckers, Deathers, Birthers, peckerwoods, haters and assorted other miscreants who are the strongest argument for retroactive abortion that I could ever conceive of are all shrieking in outrage, an emotion that they just can’t muster when a doctor is murdered in his own goddamn church, jackbooted thugs deliver stompings to gays or a black man is dragged behind a pickup truck until his body comes apart. Goddamned hypocrites are they and yesterday’s righteous kill of the vermin in Michigan is only going to make them increasingly angry and looking to settle the score with the damned libruls. While perusing the darker corners of the internet this morning I have already seen FREEPERS, Stormfronters and their ilk braying for blood. And today is of course the day of the fascist march on Washington – eerie how history always repeats itself although not exactly. Look for more of this sort of treason as there is no short supply of morons, dupes, walking retards and FOX lobotomized zombies showing up like jagoffs at these ridiculous fucking tea parties and in a historical context throwing their bodies in front of liberty in order to protect the interests of the British Monarchy. Hell, if Obama had any balls he’d call out the guard and have them turn the firehoses on the scum, wash em back into the sewers where they belong and then weld the manhole covers shut to keep em therse. Maybe chuck in a few cannisters of cyanide gas to exterminate the rats.

But this is Amerika and the oligarchy and corporate rulers must ensure that they stay in power so their neutered little puppet president will continue to dance and the useful idiots in the streets whose insipid and pathetic little lives allow them to be used as tools by the highly paid stooges and propagandists who serve as the oligarchy protection racket. I would bet that at least 3/4 of them have good intentions but as sheep being led to the slaughter haven’t a clue on who the true enemy is, but of coure the Democrats turned their back on such folks long ago for political expedience and corporate graft. The poor, stupid dopes actually believe the garbage that they watch on television and are fed a diet of feckless liberal scapegoats who are scared of their own fucking shadows, reek of cowardice and decry the Second Amendment when they should be arming themselves to the teeth for the day that the hordes are unleashed and General Bethlehem Beck decress that it’s open season on them. It’s coming soon too idiots and the gunning down of Porky Pig Pouillon may very well be the spark that sets the whole fucking thing ablaze. The fascist scum have already canonized Gerbil Joe Wilson for his “You Lie!” breach of etiquitte during the Pope of Hope’s address on Wednesday and neoNazis like Randall Terry will surely be plotting a counter response while turning the pornographer Pouillon into a martyr.

I predict that the marches on Washington will increase and that if the Beckers don’t succeed in doing a JFK on Obama that there will be similar conditions to those back in 1933 when economic despair was channeled by corporatists and oligarchs to attempt a fascist coup against FDR, they made the grave mistake of trying to get the wrong man to lead it and General Smedley D. Butler instead ratted them out like the loyal American that he was – this won’t appear in any history books that preach the revisionist gospel of John Wayne’s America and indoctrinate our youth to be little Eichmanns, good Germans who will grow up to be perfect workers in the bloody bidness of expanding the Empire abroad and smashing dissent at home.

Just my two cents over the mornin’ cup o joe