Rick Perry: There’s A New Neocon Sheriff In Town

August 23, 2011


“If everything isn’t black and white, I say, “Why the hell not?”

-John Wayne

Ever since dude ranch desperado George Felix Allen’s presidential ambitions were blown up back when he was caught on video taunting a dark skinned man with a racial slur the fascist Republican party has been missing that cowboy archetype that played so well to the masses of asses. The whole allure of the hallowed Ronald Reagan and later George W. Bush was to roll out the ass kicker in chief riding upon a trusty steed, Stetson cocked back and ready to enforce the rule of the west on opponents that evoked celluloid heroes such as John Wayne and Clint Eastwood. It worked too. George W. Bush, a man who was allegedly terrified of horses was somehow packaged into a real live Murkan cowboy. This despite his much touted Crawford, TX ranch being nothing more than a stage set which was rolled out in 2000 just prior to the election and conveniently put up for sale in late 2008 when Bush decided that a tony suburb of Dallas would be his future home. The western myth runs deep in this lemming colony where the real truths of greed, exploitation, violence and the genocide of the indigenous population are ignored while the John Wayne style of revisionist history has come to be the accepted ‘truth’. The neocons, being disciples of Leo Strauss who embraced the big fib or the “noble lie” as a cover story for raw imperialism had experimented briefly with tough talking harpies like Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann (last seen performing simulated fellatio on a corndog the size of a horse’s penis in Iowa) pandering to fat, ignorant, racist white assholes but it just didn’t resonate like the western iconography. So with the ridiculous Tea Party re-branding  of the party base along with it’s costumed freaks experiencing a downward spiral in it’s national perception it was time to go back to the well. The new sheriff in town would be Texas Governor Rick Perry, a silly and shameless buffoon who appeals to the dregs of society and can serve as the perfect bridge between the flagging teabaggers and the traditional Christian fascists who are the party’s shock troops. Perry also gets a bonus for already being a killer, his Texas reign has racked up a record number of executions, a big plus to the haters.

Perry is the perfect successor to George W. Bush. He is of course from the Lone Star State which is chock a block full of religious fanatics and Meskin’ hatin’ teabaggers as well as the home to the big oil money that has so toxically polluted our politics. Even with the Republican 2012 presidential field full of loons, crazies, frauds and one token Negro pizza king there is no way that any of the assclowns will be able to beat a weakened and self-destructive Barack Obama. Mitt Romney and John Huntsman have zero chance because they are Mormons trying to nail down the nomination in a party that is comprised of Christian bigots and Ron Paul is invisible as far as the media is concerned for  his antiwar, pro-civil liberties principles. With Perry, they have a bonafide southern fried motherfucker who will have the party base swarming like a plague of maggots over a five day old bowl of menudo. That Perry has been quietly groomed by none other than arch-neocon Douglas J. Feith, he of the former Pentagon Office of Special Plans or the “Lie Factory” that provided the Bushreich with the false information justifying the attack and occupation of Iraq, a country that posed no threat to the United States. Doug Feith is one of the slimiest bastards of the neocon cabal that included Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, propagandist William Kristol, Iran-Contra criminal Elliott Abrams, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and too many other vermin to waste any more time listing here who embraced the PNAC doctrine of global conquest that has mired this country in war for the rest of our lives. Feith, who along with many of the other dual citizens of the neocons is an ultra right-wing Zionist was instrumental in producing the notorious policy paper for Bibi Netanyahu entitled A Clean Break that would provide the ideological heft for the fascist transformation of Israel as it carved out lebensraum with the backing of the U.S establishment that continues to subsidize the butchery to this day.

With the Palin Project now on the rocks thanks largely to the idiosyncratic nature of the wild Alaskan dingbat that has turned her into a national punchline it was imperative that a new host be prepped for the parasites. With Netanyahu and the maniacal Avigdor Lieberman over in God’s chosen land itching to nuke Iran but opposed by the recalcitrant Obama administration a more pliant and receptive type who would eagerly follow orders from Givat Ram to launch WW III is needed. Perry is a natural and his appeal to the Rapture death cult that has so well served neocon and extreme right-wing Israeli war freaks is a huge asset. The neocon Whermacht that is the now fully jacked up on crazy tea served out of Kool Aid vats Christian cultural war machine will be mobilized and foaming a the mouth come the months leading up to next November. Hell hath no fury like a death-worshiping Christofascist who was recently burned by Harold Camping’s Rapture that failed to materialize and they are already in a masturbatory frenzy over the coming jihad against the infidel Obama. As I stated in my recent piece Norwegian Tea: Will Anti-Muslim Crusade Bring Blood to America For 2012? the GOP and their neocon backers and gearing up for an onslaught of hate unprecedented in American history. With Perry as their champion and operatives like Glenn Beck over in Israel honing his chops this week the beasts are ready to take to the streets here in Der Heimat on a blood scent and a scorched earth mandate.

Perry’s appeal to the crazy Christers provides the neocons with what they lacked since Bush left Washington, the new sheriff in town lookin’ to lead the posse and string up all those deemed to be their enemies for a public lynching. Despite the fact that he is just another useful idiot and fraud and is pegged as such by Antiwar.com’s always spot-on Justin Raimondo as such in his recent piece entitled Rick Perry, ‘Hawk Internationalist’ from which I excerpt:

Just look at who’s been giving him foreign policy advice: according to Josh Rogin, over at Foreignpolicy.com, he’s been in meetings “sometimes for hours” with the likes of former Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Doug Feith, former NSC “strategy guru” William Luti, and a host of other neocons from the last administration, many of whom were instrumental in lying us into war in Iraq. Feith and Luti were the nexus of a disinformation network which fed false “intelligence” to the Congress, the White House, and the public to justify a disastrous invasion which we are still paying for in lives and treasure.
Oh, and what a surprise: it turns out the Perry-neocon lash-up was brokered by disgraced former Defense Secretary Donald “Known Unknowns” Rumsfeld.

Another clueless Texas Governor surrounded by the same Praetorian Guard of conniving neocons who led us down the road to imperial overstretch and fiscal ruin last time around – isn’t that just what the GOP needs right now?

Raimondo is despised by the neocons. For years he has refused to back down while casting light on the entire fetid nest of neocon cockroaches that are the Israeli extremist right-wing’s American fifth column. This is likely why antiwar.com is now the subject of an FBI investigation, the true targets of the phony war on terror as I have been saying for years have ALWAYS been American dissidents who oppose the warfare state.

As for Rick Perry, the all-American cowboy archetype has led to nothing but trouble, revisionism and an excuse to engage in mayhem in lands where brown people live. Neocon imperialism as exemplified in the infamous PNAC manifesto Rebuilding America’s Defenses is just reverse engineered John Wayne who once remarked that:

“I don’t feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves.”

Just substitute “Indians” for Iraqis, Iranians or Afghans are as the right-wingers like to lump them all together A-rabs, mix in a holy Christian crusader narrative and you have the recipe for more ruinous and never-ending wars of murder and  resource theft. This is the American dogma that brought us our very own four horsemen of the apocalypse in George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, John Wayne and the Marlboro Man and Perry is sharpening his spurs as the next gun for hire. John Wayne also once remarked “life is tough but its tougher when you’re stupid”.

Perhaps he had the teabaggers and their ilk in mind….

Joe Stack, a Rising Tide and a Restless Oligarchy

March 1, 2010

Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats.

-H. L. Mencken

There is something in the air in America, something very big is happening. With the already lame duck Barack Obama administration having done more to delegitimize the myth that the government is there to serve the people and that the Bush years were but an aberration. Now after the Wall Street bailouts and the continuing exporting of American jobs to juice corporate profits, the undermining of serious health care reform and the escalation of both wars and the police state an extremely ominous undercurrent is rippling through the land and while still in the early stages it has the establishment terrified and circling the wagons.

The weekly column by Frank Rich of the damned librul [sic] New York Times is one of the first things that I read every Sunday morning and today’s offering is a mish-mash of conflation, myths and propaganda designed of course to protect the establishment. The piece, mockingly entitled The Axis of the Obsessed and Deranged starts off with the foreboding two paragraphs which I excerpt:

No one knows what history will make of the present — least of all journalists, who can at best write history’s sloppy first draft. But if I were to place an incautious bet on which political event will prove the most significant of February 2010, I wouldn’t choose the kabuki health care summit that generated all the ink and 24/7 cable chatter in Washington. I’d put my money instead on the murder-suicide of Andrew Joseph Stack III, the tax protester who flew a plane into an office building housing Internal Revenue Service employees in Austin, Tex., on Feb. 18. It was a flare with the dark afterlife of an omen.

What made that kamikaze mission eventful was less the deranged act itself than the curious reaction of politicians on the right who gave it a pass — or, worse, flirted with condoning it. Stack was a lone madman, and it would be both glib and inaccurate to call him a card-carrying Tea Partier or a “Tea Party terrorist.” But he did leave behind a manifesto whose frothing anti-government, anti-tax rage overlaps with some of those marching under the Tea Party banner. That rant inspired like-minded Americans to create instant Facebook shrines to his martyrdom. Soon enough, some cowed politicians, including the newly minted Tea Party hero Scott Brown, were publicly empathizing with Stack’s credo — rather than risk crossing the most unforgiving brigade in their base.

First off, I don’t really think that you can fairly lump all of the teabaggers into one group quite so easily, for example Glenn Beck, Ron Paul and Sarah Palin. Ron Paul is a consistently principled man who has done more to stand against the imperialist gangster state in the last several years than anyone elso other than maybe Dennis Kucinich who is much easier marginalized than Paul. Glenn Beck is a half batshit crazy multimillionaire former shock jock turned FOX propagandist and the faction of the Tea Party that he represents are largely igoramuses, racists and useful idiots who lack the principles of Ron Paul. Mega-star Sarah Palin is largely a creation of the Weekly Standard/Commentary crowd and has already come out to herd the teabaggers to the GOP and has the allure to reinvigorate the ‘Christian’ fascists of the Religous Right whose militant shocktroops served the Bush administration and the Republican party so well until the disastrous overreach of the Terry Schaivo debacle followed by the exposure of Ted Haggard’s secret life and the death of Jerry Falwell.

Hell, I guess you can count me in with the anti-government types now that the government no longer exists as an entity to maintain infrastructure, act in the common good and maintain a level playing field but instead has been hijacked and weaponized against the people as we can see in the police state that is being built. Any government that has become that poisoned really has to go in my opinion, the path that was taken after JFK’s execution has led us here and we can thank the internet for allowing those of use who are awake to rage against the machine. But the internet is soon going bye-bye, at least in its current incarnation and it will as usual be under the guise of protecting the sheeple from those big bad terrorists that are in actuality running our own government and have been doing so for a good long time now. I know of many liberals and progressives who are slowly starting to lose their idea of a big benevolent government and coming to the belated realization that in 2010 the government IS the enemy.

Per Rich’s column I also see the John Birch Society being dragged out again. The JBS has quite often been mentioned these days as a painted up fake devil. MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann, when not doing his moronic falsetto imitations of his opposite numbers on FOX and horseface Rachel Maddow have both been going after the JBS for months. I would not be understating it in saying the Birchers have been getting more free publicity from the comedians and corporate hacks on what passes for the liberal media than they have in decades, I would not be surprised if their membership numbers are up as well. Now as I have mentioned before, I have worked at times with the JBS in fighting intrusions on civil liberties which seem to scantly bother either the teabaggers who were nowhere to be found during the worst years of the Bushreich or the bleeding heart types whose great crusade in these times of tyranny, endless war and economic devastation seems to be forcing gay marriage initatives down the throats of a populace that just isn’t quite evolved enough to swallow it therefore only feeding the freaks on the extreme right more bloody red meat. But really, the JBS, while there are many things where I disagree with them are actually far more liberal than the Obama administration on civil liberties issues so perhaps therein lies the need to demonize them. God knows that we can’t have what was stripped away in the aftermath of the American Reichstag Fire by Bush and Cheney restored.

As for quoting off of anything from the Southern Poverty Law Center I would take that very warily. It is only natural for skeptics to question the agenda of the institution (just as that of the ADL) as any sort of a really legitimate source of information. They too are masters at conflation and depend on the presence of demons to exist, the more demons the better. The piece by Frank Rich in a prominent paper that builds on a previous New York Times Tea Party story by David Barstow entitled Tea Party Lights Fuse for Rebellion on Right that conjures up the specter of Timothy McVeigh shows that they are going to be conducting a witch hunt across the internet and chances are a good deal of the people who come to this site and many, many others are going to be the prey.

As I recall, the Tea Party actually began with the 9/11 Truth movement and then also the Ron Paul people, it was only after Obama’s election that the establishment hacks like Rick Santelli, Wall Street pimp and the insipid multi-millionaire Beck hijacked it with Republican backing. Now I would also suspect a certain level of hard-line Zionist infiltration like the laughably transparent Birthers (leader Orly Taitz is yet another Israeli right-wing shill) to discredit Obama for not nuking Tehran, you could see that when Sarah Palin appeared in Nashville for the high-roller version of the National Tea Party Convention wearing that Israeli flag pin and later said that Obama could be reelected were he to attack Iran. I know the way the Israelis operate and there is no way that they are not stirring the pot with at least the Beckers and Palinazis with lot of assistance from the American neocon propagandists but those useful idiots aren’t the ones that scare the bejesus out of the greedy swine who run this place.

Rich and the rest of the elite establishment seem to be extremely scared of the actions of Joe Stack who flew his plane into an IRS office. Now I am neither a right winger nor a teabagger but I did read the Stack ‘manifesto’ and it had a contempt for the entire rotten system as a whole and could not be easily stuffed into any pre configured cartoon character. I even wrote a piece called In Defense of Joe Stack where I condemned the use of violence but agreed with the anti establishment message. There is undeniably a growing sense of anger in America and with the left being pretty much a non-factor in directing the rage towards serious and constructive change it creates a vacuum which unfortunately has filled up with some of the worst type of miscreant that this country has to offer….along with a lot of others who just have nowhere else to go and are being used as human shields.

The fear of a Joe Stack whose grievances transcend the traditional left vs right paradigm by not only calling out the IRS but the the rancid piece of crap that is the national health care system, the crony capitalist government and closes with a line out of the Communist Manifesto sends shivers up the spines the real rulers of this country. The one thing about what Rich refers to as an inchoate movement is that it could very easily evolve into something that is a serious threat to the looters and blood barters and their tax the hell out of the rest of us to build their police state, fund their illegal wars and enrich their criminal buddies on Wall Street.

The thing about the guy killed in the IRS office, Vernon Hunter is also something that has been making the rounds a good deal lately, kind of reminds me the sort of raw cynicism when during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions was trolling the wreckage looking for a corpse that could bolster the case for the estate tax to protect multimillionaire chiselers. I had more than a few of the corpse humpers and ambulance chasers attack my piece on Stack over what was in essence collateral damage.

Maybe it makes me a bad person because I could give a rat’s ass about the guy who got killed in the building, just like the people who got blown up in 9/11 (I pretty much share Ward Churchill’s sentiment about the Little Eichmanns) whose deaths at the hand of the shadow government justified a new century of raw tyranny because in a way we are all guilty of participation in this monstrous system. Hell, I could get killed in my damned car on the way to or from work every day, I always had this problem with the big contradiction of the average American life being worth more than the brown and non-Christian women and children who have our tax dollar funded bombs dropped on them. Americans have a peculiar reverence for life, the trainer that got killed by the whale at Sea World is practically causing a national outpouring of mourning but how many people were eradicated by U.S. drone strikes, bombs gone off target or people who are dying right here in the good ole US of A due to poverty, starvation and lack of health care?

So basically the IRS is a representative form of a larger tyranny and Joe Stack happened to strike a blow against it , we can argue all day about ideology but when it all comes down to it there are only two life forms in America post 9/11, vampires and cattle. I do find it more than a bit cynical that the ‘left’ is canonizing poor Vernon as some kind of national victim in order to try to affix the ‘terrorist’ label that is used so often as a bludgeon against them by the fascist elements of the right. Failed crusades have a way of wearing people down especially when the pigs who run the system only care about who is yoking the slaves and delivering them to the man.

Rich seems to be keeping alive a certain storyline that is going to be used in order to justify Cass Sunstein style infiltrations, more police state measures (maybe even naked boy scanners in shopping malls) and a demonizing of many law abiding American citizens who are inadvertently being sucked into groups of potentially violent individuals including racist white supremacists that the GOP and the neocons have used as shock troops in the Tea Party Movement.

I believe that if it were cleaned up with a lot of the scum sent packing, Glenn Beck turned off and more of an anti-establishment, anti-war, anti-Wall Street and pro-restoration of civil liberties along the lines of a Ron Paul only with an acceptance of angry progressives and liberals who don’t drink the FOX fascist Kool Aid that the Tea Party Movement could become a formidable threat to the whole corrupt system.

Which is of course why it must be seen by a populace growing madder by the minute as nothing more than through a lens of demonizing the more ostentatious and vile elements.

Just my two cents


Dirty Brown Skinned Devils

September 16, 2008

When I opened the advertising section of my Sunday newspaper I was much surprised to find the above little treasure mixed in with the circulars from chain stores hawking more of the same cheap made in China crap that has replaced American manufacturing and to a large degree had a big hand in our current economic disaster. A nice little mongering racist DVD with what else? A picture of old glory at half mast among the ruins of the World Trade Center. The DVD in question is some piece of propagandistic drivel called Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against The West.

Living here in the south, a bastion of strip mall churches, Raptureheads, ever declining living standards, a legacy of bigotry and an education system that should rightly be the shame of a more advanced state or a different era, my first thought was that either some zealot at the main distribution center or the carrier himself had inserted this insidious little bomb and while I was on hold to the circulation department to lodge a complaint I noticed that some mysterious right wing group called the Clarion Fund had been responsible for the paid advertisement. It wasn’t only my paper that got it either, the verbiage on the card that the DVD was attached to listed no fewer than 74 national newspapers that this thing was included in. So curious to find out what was behind this other than the obvious pre-election fear mongering to whip up the peckerwoods that swarthy Arab terrorists may be lurking under their beds waiting to slit theirs and their children’s throats I did a bit of research.

The Clarion Fund paid is a pro-McCain/pro Zionist aggression group who circulated a whopping 28 million of these little plastic motherfuckers in swing states! That would have taken some serious coin as well as organization because it takes clout to put such a politically charged and obvious fear mongering piece in this many newspapers. Could you imagine a group that was interested in promoting an agenda for a lasting Middle East peace and speaking of Muslims as actual human beings instead of portraying them as the typical cartoon devils being able to get such a thing accomplished no matter how much they were willing to pay? Fat chance! Here is a brief sample of the information on the DVD:

Obsession is a film about the threat of Radical Islam to Western Civilization. Using unique footage from Arab television, it reveals an ‘insider’s view’ of the hatred the Radicals are teaching, their incitement of global jihad, and their goal of world domination. The film also traces the parallels between the Nazi movement of World War II, the radicals of today and the western world’s response to both threats.

The Nazi reference is a dead giveaway that this piece of crap has ties to militant ultra right wing Zionist groups and their sympathizers in the American military industrial complex, hell it could have been put together in the bowels of the American Enterprise Institute so insipid and over the top is the neocon agenda. According to Christian News Wire this particular video was to be widely promoted at the Republican National Convention and activists were encouraged to use it as an informational tool to work the political aparatchik for support. The actual quote from the action alert was that it was a: Documentary about radical Islam will challenge RNC to make national security top priority. The neocons are back and back with a vengeance. The fanatical Sarah Palin who will be the new face of the neo-Nazi agenda of the American theocratic movement along with her (?) Downs sticken stage prop of a demon love child, her fucking moose chunk stew, her entire putrid tabloid storyline and her affiliation with the most extreme hardliners has energized the movement as much or more as the presense of hated she devil Hillary-Rodham Clinton ever cold have hoped for.

Further research into this putrid effort at hatemongering in order to influence the upcoming election with the ‘low information voters’ (God, do I love that term – the politically correct way to say lazy, stupid, snake-mean motherfucker) and it’s the same film that that piss-reeking little troll David Horowitz was showing as he barnstormed the country on his Joe Lieberman-Lynne Cheney crusade to nazify the nation’s campuses. I half expect the Zionist warmongers and their foaming at the mouth Dominionist shock troops that comprise the real dregs of Republican party dead enders – folks like the Palin freak family to co-opt the Ku Klux Klan in mailings shrieking over the sheer anti-American concept of that negro being uppity enough to actually think that he can be president. But even the KKK has some standards unlike the neocon Nazi Christian Zionist army of ignorance and moral depravity.

Kudos though to The Greensboro News and Record though, the newspaper actually refused to include the 9/11 pimp’s pornography disc in their newspaper – and it’s as encouraging as hell that it happened in North Carolina, previously a bastion of resistance in Peckerwood Nation.

This from Editor and Publisher:

One Newspaper Refuses to Distribute ‘Islam Terror’ DVD

By Greg Mitchell

Published: September 15, 2008 10:00 PM ET

NEW YORK As explored here this past weekend, the Clarion Fund has paid dozens of newspapers across the country — almost solely in “swing” election states — and The New York Times to distribute the “Islam terror” DVD “Obsession” with their home delivery packages. Among the larger cities where this has taken place: Miami, Philadelphia, Denver and Pittsburgh.

An estimated 28 million copies have been distributed so far, also through the mails and other magazines. An article at the group’s site, http://www.radicalislam.org, all but endorsed John McCain this past week, then was pulled down.

But at least one newspaper turned away the money and refused to distribute it, calling it “divisive.”

It’s the Greensboro News & Record in North Carolina.. The longtime editor, John Robinson, explained his reasoning in a column yesterday.

“Many newspapers across the country distributed a controversial DVD today about Islam, titled ‘Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West.’….We did not distribute it. I was not involved in the decision; it was an advertising call, in keeping with advertising policies.

“I asked our publisher about it. He said it was divisive and plays on people’s fears and served no educational purpose. The revenue it would have brought in was not a motivator.

“As I’ve said on other occasions about news decisions, just because you can publish doesn’t mean you should.”

It’s nice to see an example of real American values in this rotting land of cowardly feckless swine, moribund clueless lemmings and the oligarchy that they serve all while under the watchful eye of the rapidly closing trap of the police state.

And today has been one hell of an interesting day to put it mildly, the fetid, rotting carcass of the creature known as Reaganomics is rapidly disintegrating, leaving thousands of high fallutin’ Wall Street yuppies out of work, the same slimy little pricks who quote Gordon Gekko, masturbate over Alec Baldwin’s classic Glengarry Glen Ross “third place – you’re fired!” routine and who are now left to mill around in confusion and panic like a bunch of piss ants whose hill has just been kicked in by an inbred red state third grader. This is history folks, the fall of looter capitalism and we should all be ready to dance drunkenly in the streets and celebrate as if the Berlin Wall came down….better party now though because once Americans truly understand the real meaning of ‘trickle down economics’ we will be fighting to the death over food scraps in the streets or if we can just manage to get our shit together forming organized mobs to lay siege to the swells in their fortified gated communities that were built by greed. It is the opinion of this blogger that perhaps Marxism needs to be given a really serious look in the aftermath of this debacle or at least the heady days of the French Revolution, we can park the guillotine in the atrium at Goldman Sachs.

And finally, Hillary Rodham-Clinton donor Lynn Forester de Rothschild on the very day that the entire world banking system is further exposed as the biggest con game on the planet has formally announced that she would be coming out in support of John McCain. If the last name sounds familiar to some it is because she is an heiress to the great Rothschild banking dynasty and I’ll leave any further analysis to the New World Order folks who are already being smeared as conspiracy theorists by none other that Washington Times Moonie shill Robert Stacey McCain (no relation) who gets his kicks out of hanging around with southern white supremacists who get their thrills about dancing around like packs of drunken faggots in sheets in front of flaming crosses.

Methinks Lady Rothschild may feel a bit of anxiety that centuries of farting through silk may be coming to an end now that the big con of fractional reserve banking, debt slavery and central banks that serve the real economic royalists may be coming to an end.

The Sweltering Summer Of Fear

August 11, 2007

If it is to be, then let it be. It will take another attack on the homeland to quell the chattering of chipmunks and to restore America’s righteous rage and singular purpose to prevail.

-Stu Bykofsky

Baseball, hotdogs, apple pie and jackbooted government thugs kicking down your door after your name turns up on the hit list after the illegal spying and data mining just given a seal of approval by the Vichy Dems, this is the vision of the grand experiment of the dismantling of democracy in the post-9/11 through the looking glass world of The Homeland. It is now mid-August, the sweltering heat and dread of the summer of fear combine to choke off reason and logic as the grand house of cards that is the stock market teeters precariously and those strange words of Rick Santorum that “a lot of things are going to happen” resonate with each and every terror warning like the latest threatening a reported plot that there is chatter about a pending dirty bomb attack in New York City.

Dick Cheney and the neocon junta are also ratcheting up the rhetoric and pushing their plans for the looming attack on Iran that will take the bastard conflagration that is the wet dream of madmen global and turn the United States into pariah of Nazi like proportions. Hitting Iran would be like Hitler invading Poland and you can bet that any justification such as a false flag attack will be just as steeped in utter bullshit as the Gleiwitz incident was back in 1939. The PNAC boys and Clean Breakers have obviously studied Operation Himmler and how in your face would it be if the next ‘terrorist’ attack to take place within the borders of Der Heimat were to occur on August 31st? Then again, who would care because in a nation of mindless drones and hateful lemmings it is incomprehensible that anything resembling recall of history extends past the latest bust involving Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan or the most recent winner of the American Idol.

Many Republicans are already on record longing for another terrorist attack with the same sort of uncontrollable lust that drives degenerate pederasts, the same sort of bad wiring in the head that drugs just can’t cure and nothing short of removal from civilized society (or this mortal coil itself for that matter) can remedy. The latest example of this sort of mass dementia is exemplified in the recent column of one Stu Bykofsky entitled and I shit you not –“To save America, we need another 9/11”. Sweet Fucking Jesus, what has happened to us as a country when these sick, demented ghouls can wrap themselves in old glory and openly cheer for the deaths of thousands of innocent people for the sake of political expediency and some twisted version of nationalism that more fittingly belongs in the Weimar Republic than in the sad mockery of the remnants of what was once the land of the free and the home of the brave.

One of the most often misquoted and abused statements in the brutal word wars that pass for political discourse these days is that of Carl Schurz who in 1872 said:

“My country, right or wrong.” In one sense I say so too. My country; and my country is the great American Republic. My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right”

Of course in the attention deficit disorder afflicted land of suckers that is the post 9/11 wasteland that is mid-2007 America it is much more familiar in its shortened form-“My Country, Right or Wrong” and is regularly bandied about for political purposes. This has become a standard denunciation for the extremist right in its diluted form and serves the same purpose as the standard “Love it Or Leave It”. Either one is absolutely guaranteed to get the backs of ‘patriots’ up and the red, white and blue blood flowing for another round of rousing demagoguery. If the nationalist ranting of our beleaguered national fascist party in this latest round of bunting draped vitriol is any indication the Republicans won’t be satisfied until there are brutally violent pogroms being conducted and the blood of liberals and gays is flowing in the streets.

There is something very dark locked away in the American psyche that makes for fertile territory for sick fascist fucks like Bykofsky seeking to catch that good ole 9/11 style lightning in a bottle for a renewal of the foaming at the mouth, dissent quashing, authoritarian tyranny that ruled the land in the direct aftermath of that day of infamy now nearly six years past. Those were the good old days when rallies were held to destroy Dixie Chicks CD’s and every home was festooned with American flags (many made in China) that were the requisite talisman to prevent the owners from having visited upon them a terrible pox of ‘unpatriotic’, it was as necessary as the blood of the lamb on doorposts in biblical times to keep the angel of death at bay. There has always been a considerable segment of the population susceptible to the siren song of authoritarianism, a good study on this is John Dean’s outstanding book Conservatives Without Conscience” which examines the mutant strain of virulent ‘conservatism’ that exists today. From the days when Father Charles Coughlin railed against the New Deal to the heir to his throne of hatred Rush Limbaugh who has the benefit of high technology and a king hell infrastructure to back him the need for scapegoats and a return to days of yore have hooked those that I refer to very easily.

A childhood friend who I will call ‘Rocky’ fell under the spell of the grand poobah of white populist propaganda years ago. The last times that I talked to him was immediately after the news of his hero’s taste for Vicodin and Oxycontin had broken and Rocky this with a line of crap along the lines that at “any given time that at least half of the population was high on something or the other”. He of course became quite angry when I told him that thrice divorced, racist, drugged out hypocrites who hold others to higher standards by proclaiming that they are morally superior deserve exactly what they get. Then again Rocky never really did get it. He always was dumber than a bucket of shit and to borrow a line from Matt Taibbi was “a total zero, a loser and 200-odd pounds of the world’s purest pussy repellent” although in Rocky’s case it was far closer to 300.

‘Rocky’ always had a low sense of self esteem as well as a wide yellow streak bordering on neocon chickenshit and had an irrational fear of dogs. When we were going around door to door soliciting donations for whatever charitable cause we were tasked with doing by our school (which we did quite often as kids) he could be confronted by a toy poodle and would practically shit in his pants out of pure primal fear, he acted as though it were the crazed, rabid monster canine ‘Cujo’ himself bearing down on him with a blood scent. It was a good thing that he had the fear though because it made for good exercise both for myself and the little pudgeball who would often make us walk blocks out of our way so as to avoid any yards where there were barking dogs.

After about thirty years of cowardice and shame ‘Rocky’ found Rush in much the same manner that some diehard losers turn their lives around by finding Jesus. It was as though he became possessed by an evil spirit because practically overnight he was transformed into a blowhard, ditto-head bully, parroting Limbaugh in going off on anti-liberal, Clinton bashing diatribes and visiting the gathering places that were then known as ‘Rush Rooms’ that were areas set aside in local dining and drinking establishments where fans of the great one with borrowed talent from the heavens could gather and network while his radio show was played every day to the cheers of the aspiring beer hall putschers. As it is with other conscripts in ditto head angry army, my buddy was a mass of contradictions, a bigot of immense proportions both in girth and flawed ideology, you see he became one of those angry white man without a clue as to the true reason for their anger but the big fat bastard who was of Hispanic descent really wasn’t white at all.

In retrospect my old buddy was a latent dittohead from his earliest days. He once tried to coax me into participating in a mutual jack-off session back when we were in our early teens one night when I was sleeping over at his house which was something that I did often due to the fact that my parents were going through a very ugly divorce and it was a refuge from their fighting. So there you have the latent homosexual tendencies that drive many of those angry Alpha males into outwardly projected self-loathing and ripe for the picking for the high and mighty Limbaughs and lesser stooges like Bykofskys of the world. I know that his parents who are devout Catholics would be absolutely horrified at this revelation so hopefully they will never read this blog. They are really very nice people who still send me a Christmas card every year and I certainly wouldn’t ever want to give them any idea that their son may in fact be a repressed closet queen who may have been far more qualified for the priesthood than they ever would have otherwise imagined. Given the mass appeal of Limbaugh it is an absolute certainty that there are millions out there just like ‘Rocky’ who are all too easily ensnared by their tentacles.

Author Kevin Phillips is a longtime conservative whose most recent book American Theocracy is a must read as it offers an excellent analysis of the triple threat that radical religion, foreign oil and massive debt pose to our nation’s future. This is his follow-up to the equally excellent American Dynasty that stripped away the veneer of respectability and shined a light into the foul den of iniquity that is the House of Bush and the family ability to discard that pesky morality which far too often serves as an impediment to the accumulation of wealth and power. Phillips wrote another book back in 1982 that accurately and prophetically forecast many of the contributing factors to today’s poisonous political environment.

Post Conservative America was bold and daring in the examination of the caustic effects of the triumphal ascendancy of Ronald Reagan as the heir to Barry Goldwater style conservatism and made the comparison between the U.S. in the 1980’s and the Weimar Republic of Germany that preceded the rise to power of the Nazi Party and Adolf Hitler. Phillips noted that there were certain similarities in the legacy of a nation reeling from the effects of a “lost war, diminished faith in institutions, the gap between an elite ‘cabaret culture’ and the beliefs of the more traditional masses”. The combination of these as well as the Reagan political machine’s reliance on the seductive siren song of nostalgia that fed off of a longing for a better time that although itself a myth was widely accepted due to the fantasy world of television. For years there were shows and movies that presented a distorted version of white picket fenced, small town Americana that was overly simplistic and totally lacking in the portrayal of the complexities and contradictions of life itself in regards to human history in general and our own revisionist American history in particular. Phillips theorized that such mass misconceptions as well as their cynical exploitation by amoral political operatives could potentially result in an “apple-pie authoritarianism” in our society.

Phillips stated that such fantasy and a growing influence of the south in the political arena could result in a country in which:

“Corporatist policies would manage the economy more than is being done today, mobilizing a U.S.A. Inc. to cope with France Inc. or Japan Inc. The morality of the majority would be upheld and enforced, though with politically convenient lapses; “The Star-Spangled Banner” would wave with greater frequency and over many more parades; increased surveillance would crack down on urban outbreaks and extreme political dissidents”.

Sound familiar? I find it strange that some of the biggest defenders of American liberties are disenchanted principled conservatives like John Dean, Kevin Phillips, Vic Gold and the spot on Paul Craig Roberts among others. In Post Conservative America the author also addresses the foul aftertaste of Vietnam that has lingered in the mouths of so many whose bitterness at the first lost war in American history would remain so firmly lodged in their exceptionalist craws and be embodied as huge chips on their shoulders that the propagandists could exploit to the maximum value when it came to promoting the ultra-right movement’s agenda. Phillips very accurately predicted not only the increasing radicalism of the religious right (which is covered in depth in American Theocracy) and the backlash against the perceived excesses of the 1960s but he also warned of the open wounds left by the lost war in Vietnam. These wounds have lingered, never being able to completely heal due to their value to certain elements of the political realm who relish not only tearing away the scabs but in rubbing salt into them for good measure as well as added impact. He warned of revisionism in re-fighting this war, a devastating blow to the national psyche and never a political party to continue to exploit divisive tactics like the infamous Southern Strategy the Reagan administration wasted no time in capitalizing on simmering resentment when the ‘Gipper’ himself stated in a speech shortly after taking office:

“Several years [ago], we brought home a group of American fighting men who obeyed their country’s call and fought as bravely and well as any Americans in our history. They came home without a victory not because they had been defeated but because they had been denied permission to win”

The war was then re-fought at cinemas with vengeful fantasies like Rambo II, Chuck Norris’ Missing In Action series, Uncommon Valor and a number of lesser films all featuring the same theme…winning it this time! Vietnam era resentment is still alive and well, ready to be sprung like a bouncing betty from the subconscious whenever the Republican party needs to tap into it. And when our loss in Iraq is firmly established in history then Karl Rove and his minions will use the exact same tactics to blame the loss on the clueless and cowardly Democrats who can only be counted on to roll over repeatedly while Americans are stripped of their civil liberties and a dictatorial police state becomes more deeply entrenched.

It has already started, don’t take my word for it though. Just look around.

The summer of fear is entering the dog days now and the scent of blood is dangerously close to wafting in on the breeze much to the delight of the apple pie authoritarians and dangerous demagogues who are coiled and ready to strike whenever the next ‘terrorist’ attack provides them with the opportunity that they have been slavering for.

Another Day In Der Heimat: Captain America Snuffed

March 8, 2007

In a star spangled bummer Marvel comic book icon Captain America, a stalwart of good ole fashioned head smashing patriotism since the days when he opened a can of whip ass on Nazis, the Red Skull and Hitler himself is reputedly being killed off in a perfect example of how art so often imitates life here in Der Heimat. Times change, it was about a year ago that DC comics rolled out their grand red meat project Holy Terror Batman pitting Batman against none other than the nefarious Osama Bin Laden – the caped crusader was likely summoned by George W. Bush himself by a secretive bat signal beamed out from the White House roof since the ‘war president’ had failed to smoke him out as promised and who better to call in than millionaire Republican donor Bruce Wayne’s alter ego. But those were the days when 9/11 was still the most ass kicking club in the bag for Rove and the fear-mongering Republican neo-fascist swine and national disillusionment hadn’t turned into festering outrage over the mounting body count in Iraq, the despicable treatment of the politically inconvenient wounded as exposed by the great recent Washington Post stories on Walter Reed Hospital (grumpy old GOP lackey Bob Dole has just been summoned to the rescue in order to save face for the king)….and before the neocons were cutting deals with Bin Laden’s buddies to use as proxies against Iran but more on that later. Cap’s reported demise is a perfect metaphor for these sick times in this sorry land of the doomed, the apathetic, the greed heads and the terminally fucked. But I digress…

It sure as shit isn’t a perfect world like the one in which comic book heroes roam, dispense frontier justice and good and evil are strictly defined – that much we know but would it really take one to look at the long awaited day of reckoning for I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby and the office of the treasonous Vice President as a damned good start? Now that Cheney’s lackey Scooter has been convicted for perjury and obstruction for his role in the extremely convoluted process of leaking CIA agent Valerie Plame’s name to a myriad of media elitists in a setup full of blinds, double-blinds, cutouts and smokescreens that would put Tom Clancy, John le Carré and Robert Ludlum to shame it would be nice if the establishment press would do it’s fucking job for once and use yesterday’s verdict as a jumping off point for a flurry of investigations that could for once return some measure of dignity to a once honorable profession long ago taken over by self-interested, career oriented whores, shills and flacks for the metastasizing social cancer of zero sum corporatism and the ruling oligarchy.

As Libby juror Denis Collins let loose in yesterday’s prominent interviews Scooter was the “fall guy” (or more appropriately put a firewall to Cheney and the neocons) for a much bigger, far more sinister network operating to undermine American security, cut deals with foreign governments hostile to American interests and implement a fascist police state on the back of a bogus, never ending war on terror. Collins stated that which was so painfully obvious when he was quoted as saying:

“It was said a number of times, ‘What are we doing with this guy here? Where’s Rove … where are these other guys?”This could be a perfect opportunity to go straight for the throat of the fascist monster that has been gnawing away at American values since long before the passel of utopian parasites jumped aboard their addle brained, brand name host George W. Bush.

Congress should immediately announce hearings (rumors are already flying to that effect) into the real extent of the neocon lies that have mired this country in the life-sucking, blood soaked quagmire that is Iraq. Cheney should be ousted, Addington should be ousted, Rove could be frogmarched out in handcuffs and slimy Iran Contra pricks like Elliot Abrams who resurfaced like a colossal shit sucking leech in this criminal administration could finally be held accountable. They would have to build an entire new wing at Gitmo to house all of the felons and traitors who could be exposed. That roiling spring of filth The American Enterprise Institute could be investigated and the dual-loyalist agents of a foreign government exposed as the disloyal, traitors that they always have been. Maybe it is too much to hope for but wouldn’t it be nice to see the mainstream media focusing on the actions of PNAC instead of the headline grabbing exploits of Brittney Spears and her shaved dome…what the fuck’s the difference anyway to the moron vassals and serfs in the rotting empire when it comes to their next hit off of the electronic crackpipe?

The Libby verdict could also serve to expose the Iran Contra style Secret Government that has long since operated in the shadows and which is anathema to the very concept of America. The restoration of the House of Clinton could be prevented, the imminent rise of Jeb Bush to the presidency could be stopped dead in it’s tracks as both crime families have links to the clandestine networks that subvert congress, form bastard alliances with foreign governments, run drugs and guns and carry out brutal search and destroy campaigns against ‘leftists’ who stand in the way of a rapacious global capitalism that rapes, pillages and destroys in the name of imperialism, crusade and avarice.

It’s a veritable Pandora’s Box of nightmares for the oligarchy – if it is opened that is and that is against the odds given the current level of systemic corruption that infects both the government and the major media outlets in the Heimat as it could blow the lid off of the entire rigged game and peel back the facade of legitimacy that is used to conceal the duplicity of some of America’s so-called allies. Was the Plame outing and the subsequent shutdown of the WMD intelligence brass plate shop Brewster Jennings only a simple act of revenge against a war critic or was it a part of something far darker? Conservative pundit Pat Buchanan brought this up on Tuesday’s Scarborough Country that the real story is actually the forged Niger documents themselves and exactly what purpose did that clumsy act of espionage serve? Here is the transcript:

SCARBOROUGH: … there are people on both sides that are afraid to open up this can of worms, afraid to investigate what Libby did, what Cheney did, what Rove did, what the president did because it will reflect badly on everybody up there.

BUCHANAN: It will reflect badly on those who gave those guys a blank check. But one question which is really relevant, Joe. Why did Cheney ask the CIA to look into Niger? Because they had a report out of Italy, forged documents saying the Iraqis were going for yellowcake, which meant they‘re working on a nuclear program, which would frighten every American into going to war. Who forged those documents? Why don‘t we have the answer to that? Some foreign agents or foreign intelligence agents forged those things to get us into war with another country. That‘s what I want to know, not that Scooter Libby foolishly went up there and lied in his teeth.

Craig Unger did a good piece on this very question in Vanity Fair that examined the documents last year called The War They Wanted, the Lies They Needed. He also recently wrote another very revealing piece on the hidden agendas of the neocon madmen and the Israeli hard liner connection to the planned and now ready to rip attack on Iran that will kick off World War III called From the Wonderful Folks Who Brought You Iraq from which I will offer up a few relevant paragraphs below:

The neoconservatives have had Iran in their sights for more than a decade. On July 8, 1996, Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s newly elected prime minister and the leader of its right-wing Likud Party, paid a visit to the neoconservative luminary Richard Perle in Washington, D.C. The subject of their meeting was a policy paper that Perle and other analysts had written for an Israeli-American think tank, the Institute for Advanced Strategic Political Studies. Titled “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm,” the paper contained the kernel of a breathtakingly radical vision for a new Middle East. By waging wars against Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, the paper asserted, Israel and the U.S. could stabilize the region. Later, the neoconservatives argued that this policy could democratize the Middle East.

“It was the beginning of thought,” says Meyrav Wurmser, an Israeli-American policy expert, who co-signed the paper with her husband, David Wurmser, now a top Middle East adviser to Dick Cheney. Other signers included Perle and Douglas Feith, the undersecretary of defense for policy during George W. Bush’s first term. “It was the seeds of a new vision.”

Netanyahu certainly seemed to think so. Two days after meeting with Perle, the prime minister addressed a joint session of Congress with a speech that borrowed from “A Clean Break.” He called for the “democratization” of terrorist states in the Middle East and warned that peaceful means might not be sufficient. War might be unavoidable.

Netanyahu also made one significant addition to “A Clean Break.” The paper’s authors were concerned primarily with Syria and Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, but Netanyahu saw a greater threat elsewhere. “The most dangerous of these regimes is Iran,” he said.

Ten years later, “A Clean Break” looks like nothing less than a playbook for U.S.-Israeli foreign policy during the Bush-Cheney era. Many of the initiatives outlined in the paper have been implemented—removing Saddam from power, setting aside the “land for peace” formula to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, attacking Hezbollah in Lebanon—all with disastrous results.

The usual defenders of the Bushreich media mockingbirds in the Money Changer’s Gospel (The Wall Street Journal) and the Neo Con Gazette (National Review) are already in full Pardon Scooter mode with Rupert Murdoch’s shitrag New York Post bringing up the rear and the loose cannon on deck that is the boorish Chris ‘Pinky’ Matthews is featuring another juror by the name of Ann Redington who is sympathetic to Libby and imploring Bush to pardon the little traitor – war is good for GE and cleaning the neocon house isn’t conducive to keeping the stock prices up, especially with a market that is going schizo. A presidential pardon would be right in line for a piece of shit like Scooter, Daddy Bush and Bill Clinton have already set the precedent on granting amnesty to global criminals like Iran Contra operators Caspar Weinberger, Robert McFarlane and Eliott Abrams, terrorists like Orlando Bosch and tax cheating double agents of foreign governments and manipulators of global capital and commodities like the ultra-sleazy scoundrel Marc Rich – in an interesting bit of trivia Scooter Libby was Rich’s lawyer – such are the nature of the incestuous relationships within the oligarchy.

Sleeping With The Devil: Speaking of incestuous and dangerous relationships with allies of dubious intent Seymour Hersh’s latest bombshell in the New Yorker entitled The Redirection is an absolute must read for a look at the sheer audacity of the Bush-Cheney-Rove Axis of Evil and the neocon operators who treat foreign policy as though it were a game of Risk. According to Hersh’s piece the cloak and dagger types in the neocon mafia are funneling money to militant jihadist groups with sympathies towards Al-Qaeda and the sectarian violence that is killing and maiming American soldiers by the day and that sleazy little rat fucker Prince Bandar (aka Bandar Bush is back as a player). The House of Saud, Bandar and Israeli hard-liners are now working in concert with Cheney’s goon squads and other Sunni regimes to foment anti-Shiite violence in the region. American Enterprise Institute fellow and dual loyalist thug Michael Ledeen has a term for such Iran-Contra style subterfuge: Creative Destruction. Here is a sampling of the article:

Some of the core tactics of the redirection are not public, however. The clandestine operations have been kept secret, in some cases, by leaving the execution or the funding to the Saudis, or by finding other ways to work around the normal congressional appropriations process, current and former officials close to the Administration said.

A senior member of the House Appropriations Committee told me that he had heard about the new strategy, but felt that he and his colleagues had not been adequately briefed. “We haven’t got any of this,” he said. “We ask for anything going on, and they say there’s nothing. And when we ask specific questions they say, ‘We’re going to get back to you.’ It’s so frustrating.”

The key players behind the redirection are Vice-President Dick Cheney, the deputy national-security adviser Elliott Abrams, the departing Ambassador to Iraq (and nominee for United Nations Ambassador), Zalmay Khalilzad, and Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi national-security adviser. While Rice has been deeply involved in shaping the public policy, former and current officials said that the clandestine side has been guided by Cheney. (Cheney’s office and the White House declined to comment for this story; the Pentagon did not respond to specific queries but said, “The United States is not planning to go to war with Iran.”)

The policy shift has brought Saudi Arabia and Israel into a new strategic embrace, largely because both countries see Iran as an existential threat. They have been involved in direct talks, and the Saudis, who believe that greater stability in Israel and Palestine will give Iran less leverage in the region, have become more involved in Arab-Israeli negotiations.

The new strategy “is a major shift in American policy—it’s a sea change,” a U.S. government consultant with close ties to Israel said. The Sunni states “were petrified of a Shiite resurgence, and there was growing resentment with our gambling on the moderate Shiites in Iraq,” he said. “We cannot reverse the Shiite gain in Iraq, but we can contain it.”

“It seems there has been a debate inside the government over what’s the biggest danger—Iran or Sunni radicals,” Vali Nasr, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, who has written widely on Shiites, Iran, and Iraq, told me. “The Saudis and some in the Administration have been arguing that the biggest threat is Iran and the Sunni radicals are the lesser enemies. This is a victory for the Saudi line.”

Martin Indyk, a senior State Department official in the Clinton Administration who also served as Ambassador to Israel, said that “the Middle East is heading into a serious Sunni-Shiite Cold War.” Indyk, who is the director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, added that, in his opinion, it was not clear whether the White House was fully aware of the strategic implications of its new policy. “The White House is not just doubling the bet in Iraq,” he said. “It’s doubling the bet across the region. This could get very complicated. Everything is upside down.”


The Administration’s effort to diminish Iranian authority in the Middle East has relied heavily on Saudi Arabia and on Prince Bandar, the Saudi national-security adviser. Bandar served as the Ambassador to the United States for twenty-two years, until 2005, and has maintained a friendship with President Bush and Vice-President Cheney. In his new post, he continues to meet privately with them. Senior White House officials have made several visits to Saudi Arabia recently, some of them not disclosed.

Last November, Cheney flew to Saudi Arabia for a surprise meeting with King Abdullah and Bandar. The Times reported that the King warned Cheney that Saudi Arabia would back its fellow-Sunnis in Iraq if the United States were to withdraw. A European intelligence official told me that the meeting also focussed on more general Saudi fears about “the rise of the Shiites.” In response, “The Saudis are starting to use their leverage—money.”

In a royal family rife with competition, Bandar has, over the years, built a power base that relies largely on his close relationship with the U.S., which is crucial to the Saudis. Bandar was succeeded as Ambassador by Prince Turki al-Faisal; Turki resigned after eighteen months and was replaced by Adel A. al-Jubeir, a bureaucrat who has worked with Bandar. A former Saudi diplomat told me that during Turki’s tenure he became aware of private meetings involving Bandar and senior White House officials, including Cheney and Abrams.


The Saudi said that, in his country’s view, it was taking a political risk by joining the U.S. in challenging Iran: Bandar is already seen in the Arab world as being too close to the Bush Administration. “We have two nightmares,” the former diplomat told me. “For Iran to acquire the bomb and for the United States to attack Iran. I’d rather the Israelis bomb the Iranians, so we can blame them. If America does it, we will be blamed.”

Interviews with Hersh about the explosive revelations of The Redirection are all over the internet including at Democracy Now and Antiwar.com just to name a few – if you don’t have time to read the piece at least download the programs and listen to them.

This could get really ugly very, very quickly unless the brakes are applied to the neocon express that is careening towards Armageddon much to the delight of the royal order of the rubber fetus in the rapture death cult. Outing the entire global conspiracy could be huge if the mainstream media finally has been shamed into doing it’s fucking job – bigger than diapered astronauts, Brittney, Anna Nicole or even the holiest of holies that is the latest daily pedophile story.

It is highly unlikely that any of this will be afforded the proper scrutiny by the media and the political hacks that is essential to maintain a functional democracy but with Captain America dead and America itself not far behind even the most cynical amongst us have to find something to hope for.

by Ed Encho

Yellow Jew Badges in Iran = Journalism as Yellow as it Gets

May 24, 2006

Iran Jew Badges=Black Propaganda
The drumbeat of anti-Iranian propaganda rolls on with of course more inflammatory Jew bashing attributed to the regime of president Machmood Ahmadinejad. This time a false and extremely scurrilous story has been making the rounds in the blogosphere and right-wing websites and even receiving editorial placement in some papers by staffers with dubious intent and an obvious ideological agenda. The story states that the Iranian parliament, at the command of Ahmadinejad has recently passed a law requiring Jews and “other religious minorities” aka fundamentalist Christians to begin to wear colored strips of cloth on their clothing as a form of indentifying themselves. Shades of the Third Reich, the story practically screams Holocaust and all that is missing are the concentrations camps. The covert operation to transform the Iranian hardliner into the newest version of the ‘New Hitler’ is as the think tank phrase goes “picking up steam” and now that Saddam Hussein has been dispatched somebody has to take the place of the modern incarnation of Der Fuehrer and expecting the MSM to pin the label on George W. Bush is as realistic of expecting Joseph Goebbels to call Onka Dolph ‘The New Satan’.

My local newspaper which long had been independent, a rare and vanishing breed in the days of media consolidation, corporate greed, yellow journalism, government propaganda disguised as news and sensationalism that belongs in checkout stand tabloids has slowly been taken over by the disease of newsless news and unsubstantiated conjecture through a losing battle of attrition given retirements and reassignments of key members of the editorial and news staffs. Yesterday morning it has officially joined the club of state run corporate press propaganda organs when a prominently placed editorial ran comparing the recent allegations on Iranian anti-Semitism to what else, Nazi Germany and the Holocaust while referring to the story on the mandatory wearing of badges as an identifier. This is entirely consistent with the anti-Israel message that is being attached to Iran and it’s democratically elected president, the U.S. media takes quotes out of context and hypes any insinuation that Iran has declared that the state of Israel is an enemy as if that comes as any big surprise when it comes to any other country in the Middle East…they ALL hate Israel ! The cynical choice to callously and shamefully exploit the Holocaust to further foreign policy initiatives shows an amazing lack of regard to the true victims of anti-Semitism which thanks to Bush’s war is enjoying a resurgence everywhere and dishoners the memory of the millions of Jews who were murdered by Hitler’s Nazi regime.

The fact of the matter is that the story is such an obvious piece of black propaganda (along the same lines as the babies in incubators’ yarn back in the leadup to the first Gulf War) that most mainstream news outlets (other than the usual sensationalism driven cable channels like FOX) found it to be so problematic and riddled with red flags that they wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot pole. Rupert Murdoch’s Newsmax and The Drudge Report were on it like flies lighting on dogshit though and the reactionary right wing hate bloggers were pounding their keyboards with a frenzy usually reserved for pounding their puds over pictures of Ann Coulter to disseminate this story that was nearly immediately debunked. The original source, The National Post of Canada was rapidly backing away from the story as though it were an unexpectedly encountered rattlesnake on a nature trail.

There has been an onslaught of attempts to paint Ahmadinejad as a dangerous anti-Semite who is on a divine mission to ensure the destruction of the state of Israel for months now which of course could be expected given the neocon alliance with hard core elements within the Israeli government who want to see Iran eradicated and are all too willing to trade in the currency of the Holocaust for their own nefarious purposes by exploiting American sympathy and guilt in order to bolster public support for another bloody, ruinous foreign misadventure that Bush in his messianic mindset and the influential support of a Christian Zionist base of fundamentalist loonies bent on inciting a nuclear conflagration and therefore kicking off the events leading to the absurdity that is the Rapture will buy into it and nuke Tehran.

I was so pissed off that I did a rare thing, I wrote a scathing letter to the editor of my local paper, not that it will likely see the light of day, the bastards don’t like to be called on their bullshit especially when it was their lead editorial despite the story not appearing elsewhere in the paper. It reeks of the activity of an inside operative on their editorial board and conjures up comparisons with the infamous Operation Mockingbird where the CIA utilized paid plants throughout the domestic press to disseminate agency propaganda. There was an excellent story done back in 1977 by Carl Bernstein the Washington Post Watergate reporter who didn’t sell out. This is hard to find anywhere so hopefully the following link works, it did yesterday but you know how it goes with the creeping censorship of the internet:


I am even more pissed right now due to the double dipping, first my tax dollars are used to finance covert propaganda and then I have to pay to read it through subscribing to my newspaper. Nice Racket!

Incidentally, the incessant lying, the court packing, the NSA being used to spy on journalists and just all of the creeping fucking fascism that we are having rammed down our throats by Bush’s jackbooted thugs also pisses me off.

But of course I am in the minority in a nation of sheeplike drones.

And besides, even if the story had contained more truthfulness than disinformation regarding the Iranian parliament passing such a bigoted and hateful measure wouldn’t the act be at least somewhat morally equivalent to those of our own domestic demagogues in congress who are seeking to defile our constitution with discriminatory amendments targeting taxpaying American citizens based on a deep seated loathing of their lifestyle?