Tebow Agonistes & Palin’s Taste for the Dark Meat

September 21, 2011

Denver Ravaged By Tebola Virus

The national holy war, the cultural crusade and the right-wing fascist cancer that has fed on this country for decades, flying under the radar has poked up it’s ugly, devil-horned head in Denver. The ongoing crusade to bully the NFL’s Broncos into making the Manchurian Candidate that is Tim Tebow the staring quarterback is as evil as it gets from our domestic terrorist Christian jihadists. Of course Tebow can’t accurately throw the ball but hey, he is a nice kid, loves Jesus, has a best-selling book and once appeared in an anti-abortion Super Bowl commercial sponsored by the venomous, just downright un-American gay hating organization headquartered in Colorado Springs that is Focus On The Family. Radical cleric Jame Dobson’s hate group has much to do with the Denver demagoguery.
In an update on a previous post of mine, The Great Tebow Crusade: A Sports Metaphor for a Delusional Nation that was done prior to the opening kickoff I thought that it would be interesting to drop in on my old hometown once again. The entire sordid Tim Tebow affair is typical of the bullying and harassment of the American fascist political movement that is manifested in the Religious Right. What is going on in Denver right now is a rare opportunity for this sort of pernicious behavior to cross over into the mainstream for all to see. It is very similar to the Bristol Palin Dancing With The Stars shenanigans when the teabaggers/religious zealots nearly blew up ABC’s cash cow with their activism. Sad that in America that unless something happens to be disruptive to pro football or silly reality television it doesn’t get noticed, such is life in a sad land where celebrity is the coin of the realm and being butt-fuck stupid has risen to the level of dogma in one of the two major political parties.

While I largely passed for the most part on the NFL’s opening week 9/11 nationally televised carnivals of perversion I have as a longtime Broncos fan been watching the Tebow sideshow closely. With little boy Jesus relegated to the third string due to his inferior professional football skills (hell, if you can’t beat out Brady Quinn you have problems) the fervor of the cult has raged unabated. During the season opener in the recently renamed Sports Authority Field in Denver the home team laid a whopper of an egg against the hated Oakland Raiders, this being at least the third straight home loss to Al Davis’ team. Incumbent starter Kyle Orton once again couldn’t make a play down the stretch or in the red zone to save his life and during one drive had one of the most idiotic fumbles that I have seen in 45 years of watching football – he just dropped the fucking ball! The final score was only 23-20 this time, a huge improvement on last year’s 59-14 battering or the prior years ultimate humiliation on having Jamarcus Russell lead a team from behind but it was still a winnable game. The Tebow contingent, and naturally the pocket media that promotes the imbecility that he is a quality starting QB in the NFL. By the fourth quarter, when a homefield advantage led by a 80,000 fans making noise was for the most part erased by Tebow fans braying for their boy and booing Orton’s every move the deal was done and the season started out with the loss. I remember when the old Mile High Stadium was one of the most hated and feared venues in the league to play in. Opponents were intimidated by the din of Broncos (not Tebow) fans all cheering their team, making noise to discombobulate the opposition and stomping their feet on the old steel stands to rock the place as if it were in an earthquake. Not so anymore, as long as the Christers show up to try to cram their religious avatar and their political agenda down everyone’s throats the home field edge for a Denver team desperately in need of any help that they can get while rebuilding will be negated.

Disney Corporation’s Sportscenter on ESPN led off their Tuesday NFL coverage with one of their standard dim-witted, big-titted pretty girls spinning the Broncos v. Raiders game into an epic illusion that completely ignored the game, focused entirely on Orton’s fumble and then cut to shots of Aryan youth looking Tebow fans decked out in their orange number 15 jerseys chanting TEEEEE-BOWW juxtaposed with shots of Orton’s deer in the headlights look. More dishonest and out of context reporting by a network that had long ago jumped the shark and exists solely off of it’s past before it was devoured by Disney. I will grant the Tebowistas one thing, Orton does suck and more often than not exhibits all of the grace of a stork that is high on quaaludes while in the pocket. He can’t run, has to deal with a porous offensive line, has no running game to support him and the next clutch play that he makes will be the first yet he must feel like the Christers of old when they were trotted out by the Romans to be eaten by lions. In my opinion while overly sadistic and very gory it is a practice that deserves another look given the increasing militancy of American Christendom today.

But on and on it goes, the next big thing is that an out of state group is going to be spending money to put up two pro-Tebow billboards in Denver, taking their experience from the ruinous and ongoing culture war into the sports arena. These swine are pros when it comes to distraction, deceit and divisiveness and I can guarantee you that it won’t stop with the billboards. I am sure that Jesus would cough up the 10 k, it’s not like there are poor and starving children in Denver who could be better helped where the money donated to an organization that ministers to their needs. In a way though the team has nobody to blame but themselves for the Tebow thing, after all, ousted coach Josh McDaniels was given free reign over personnel decisions and he was duped into trading up and down to get Timmy to begin with. They also were completely happy to feature  those expensive number 15 jerseys that are made in other countries by sweatshop labor (really patriotic NFL merchandise) and promoted Tebow heavily in their marketing campaign for season ticket renewals despite the lockout. Pat Bowlen if nothing else is a shrewd businessman who understood that despite the season in limbo due to the lockout that the Jesus juicers being the suckers, rubes and schmucks that they are and always have been could be counted on to shell out their money for the second coming of Christ.

As it sits today, mid-week after Sunday’s latest game Tebow actually got onto the field against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday, which had thousands of his flock roaring their approval. But in a cruel crushing of their hopes and dreams numero 15 was only in the game as an emergency receiver, the Broncos had lost two more pass catchers to injury and needed a decoy. Tebow didn’t catch a pass nor was he targeted by the maligned Orton, I am sure that this week the Tebow cult will be crying that it was a devious trick by hated infidel coach John Fox who may soon find himself the target of one of those trademark right-wing whisper campaigns about his alleged fondness for Sharia law. The Broncos mercifully hit the road this week after eking out a 24-22 win, it will be a welcome departure from the ongoing distraction of the Tebow cancer.

Stay tuned for further developments in this ongoing saga.

“I know that white woman want some black dick”

When it comes to the Republican dogma of butt-fuck stupid there is no better face for the anti-intellectual movement that is America’s Khmer Rouge than Sarah Palin. The wild Alaskan moonbat is a modern day fable of white trash hitting it big in a way that the Clampett’s never could have imagined. Palin rocketed to national media stardom when she was selected in an amazing act of desperation by former presidential candidate and longtime blowhard John McCain as his vice presidential running mate during the 2008 campaign. Palin, a sly little Kewpie doll with Nixonian delusions of grandeur was a perfect head of the nascent know-nothing Tea Party Astroturf movement. She traveled the land saying the things that McCain just couldn’t or wouldn’t say about the BLACK man running on the Democratic party ticket. Palin’s rallies attracted the real dregs of society, the uber-bigoted religious rabble who sure as fuck weren’t about to tolerate a Negro in the WHITE House. Of course Palin began to get under the notoriously sensitive McCain’s skin and in an amazing act of raw hubris sought to give a concession speech/call to arms when Obama’s electoral landslide swept aside the “maverick” once and for all.

Palin had staying power though, the suckling corporate media, always looking for a cheap story that appealed to the morons and living off of the government dole shut ins and rarely a news cycle went by without some sort of Palin update. She parlayed her fame with the peckerwoods and knuckle-draggers into a reality show, book deals and speaking engagements, quitting her real gig as Alaska’s governor to chase the money. She even starred in a bizarre movie version of her kampf unbelievably called “The Undefeated” which was even less popular than the idiotic adaptation of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged that was launched earlier this year.  While suffering a huge ding in her image largely due to the sleazy insinuations of violence and killin’ that was a feature of her ongoing campaigns and accumulation of dough with the tragic attempted murder of Arizona congresswoman Gabby Giffords – the asshats in Palin’s org. had featured a nifty map with a gunsite on top of Giffords’ district she actually dropped off of the media screen – temporarily of course. She was soon back on a heavily hyped bus tour just in time for Memorial Day where in true Republican fashion she could hijack the day from the war dead for her own political agenda like the greedy, disrespectful narcissist that she is.

Palin being the divisive figure and insatiable media whore that she is would naturally compile a long list of enemies, a good many in the GOP establishment who likely resented having to kiss her ass for two plus years. Palin also has a past and the dirty little secrets are starting to seep out. This spring saw a book launched by a former ally named Frank Bailey entitled Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin which portrayed Palin as vindictive, driven, immoral and unethical in her pursuit of power. The book unfortunately was lost in the cacophony of crap when the Palin bus tour was launched at a suspiciously coincidental time so as to swallow the revelations in Bailey’s book. Now there is a new book on flag-draped, dumb-ass America’s sweetheart that is far uglier than the first. Author Joe McGinniss trots out The Rogue which has assholes all along the teabagger right puckering for allegations of drug use and even better yet that Palin had a yearning for fucking black men back in her younger days. Notably an alleged fling with former NBA basketball player Glen Rice during his college career with Michigan when Palin was covering the team and that she had a “fetish’ for black men.

The Palin-Glenn Rice allegation (which hasn’t been denied) conjures an image of Michelle Bachmann going around the world on that Iowa corndog. One has to wonder just how much these third generation Phyllis Schafly’s just have this primal urge to deep throat twelve plus inches of hot meat. Schlafly’s gay son could certainly appreciate it that’s for sure.Sarah Palin just has that twinkle in her eye that makes one believe that she can do more tricks with a six-inch prick than a monkey on a grapevine, the teabaggers see it too which contributes to her enormous popularity with the angry white male masturbator demographic.


Back when I was much younger I knew a  black fellow named Lenny Stokes who was quite the cocksman, servicing bored metropolitan Denver area suburban housewives while working for a cable television company. This was back during the cable explosion of the 80’s when every house in America was being wired into Reagan’s propaganda machine. He worked with a partner who was a beer alcoholic Mexican named Hector Olivas with a serious jones for the devil weed. Hec’s favorite brew was Mickey’s Big Mouth malt liquor or as we used to refer to it due to the glass bottles “little green grenades”. He would show up for work in the mornings with his eyes blood red and reeking of dope, it cut the edge of the previous night’ hangover. Hec’s specialty was to cut under the table deals with those so inclined to participate in order to add the additional channels like Showtime, The Movie Channel, Cinemax etc for extra party money.


Lenny Stokes was more into “white pussy”, his favorite saying was “I know that white woman wants some black dick”.  I would say that he put more shots through the hairy hoop than Glenn Rice and who knows, had that gig lasted he may have even given Wilt the Stilt a run for his money in bedding women. Lenny always had the rap with the Christian “bitches’, his daddy back when he was growing up in Enid, Oklahoma had been a preacher and he talked the talk. For some reason that I can only speculate they were the most receptive and sexually frustrated and Lenny was able to connect.


I will always remember Lenny and Hec for their sheer luck, one might say, if they are prone to believing in religious nonsense superstition that a higher power had intervened when an outer Brighton area husband happened to get home early while Stokes was delivering the beef and Pete was passed out in the cable truck after a liquid lunch. The hubby went fucking berserk and went for his gun, putting several bullet holes into the back of the escaping white cable truck. I never heard how they managed to explain that to their bosses.


Hell, I don’t where I am even going with this other than the Palin-Rice fuckery conjured up memories of an old acquaintance… so I digress…


Todd Palin naturally screamed LIES..LIES..LIES. It would be too much for that northern, secessionist, white supremacist to accept that every time that he kissed America’s most well-known hockey mom that he was planting his smackers on a black man’s crank by proxy.


The one thing about the whole Palin fucked Glen Rice tale isn’t that she being a young single woman was into hot and nasty sex or that she did some blow on occasion it is the sheer hypocrisy of it all. Palin presents herself as some sort of chaste and holier than thou champion of those “family values” that the debauched Christers in the Republican party have been spouting for decades. Really, if you are going to talk the talk, walk the walk and Sarah Barracuda’s history doesn’t match the rhetoric of the all-American Mama Grizzlie.

Then there is the thing with fucking a black basketball player, not that any sort of interracial sexual activity is any sort of an issue and I personally tend to believe what Senator Jay Bullington Bulworth proposed in that we should all just start fucking one another until everyone looks the same. But whenever one of these pigs from the GOP end up being caught fucking a black man or woman or are caught in an airport bathroom with a cock in their mouth they need to be appropriately vilified. After all, the Republican party is nothing but a neo-Confederate, racist to the bone, anti-gay pack of vicious haters and bullies who would be as in their element in a 1930 German beer hall as they are in their opulent megachurches or local teabagger bund meetings.


The book “Rogue” has the right-wing swine in the sort of circle the wagons, attack mode that hornets or WASPS typically instinctively conjure as they scramble when someone has whacked the hive and according to the author the rhetoric is getting close to inciting violence against his person. Hell, it’s sheer hypocrisy once again from these degenerate, fake Christian, fascist pigs. Where the fuck was the outrage over the Regnery Publishing shit that had Hillary Clinton having Satanic lesbian orgies in the White House basement and hanging miniature glass crack pipes from the Clinton’s Christmas tree? I’ll tell you where, it was in the same place where all of this anger and indignation was when Bush was running up the national credit card.


Perhaps There is something deeper with Palin’s Obama obsession…. if I cold locate Lenny Stokes, if he is still alive and didn’t get the Steve McNair treatment maybe I could ask him.

The Latest Churning of the Cesspool

November 3, 2010

Last night, as predicted by the corporate hack punditry since OBushma even took up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue the Republican party is once again ascendant. There are many a hung-over scumbagger this morning from the celebration to take the country back (unfortunately the imbeciles don’t seem to give two shits where it goes now – right to the banks and corporations) from that horrible BLACK man in their WHITE House. Down here in the diseased penis of America more formally known as the state of Florida it is like Christmas, Thanksgiving and Confederate Memorial Day all rolled into one. It never ceases to amaze me how an oily little snake like the newly crowned Senator Marco Rubio along with his Ricky Ricardo style pompadour could so easly bamboozle so many into believing that he was some sort of insurgent outsider when in actuality he was the protege of none other than Jeb Bush of the Bush Crime Family. The Governor of this state today is expected to be announced as a ghoulish looking scoundrel named Rick Scott, his resume shows that as head of HCA that he was forced out for participating in the largest case of Medicare fraud in history. As I write this the ballots are still being counted in where else but Palm Beach County, scene of the 2000 con job where the infamous butterfly ballots were blamed for elderly Jews voting for Pat Buchanan which was a marvelously effective cover story for the Bush Crime Family’s election theft.

The breathless will be reaffirming to the brainless that this is the first win in the war against Socialism coming to America, nevermind that none of these wastes of flesh will have anything to say about the massive and ruinous updwardly directed Socialism later today when Helicopter Ben Bernanke sticks the sweet, sweet spike into the arm of the junkie banking system with is 1-4 trillions worth of monetary E Crack. The point is that the dimwits who went out and put the criminal Republican party back into official control of the cash spigots at the head of the trough of our putrescent political system are further confirmation that this country is finished. Stick a fork in our asses, we are done. There is not a dime’s worth of difference between these two criminal entities that are the DemocRATs and the Republicans, one is only more fascist than the other and as is evident after Hope and Change was exposed as Bullshit and Lies. The neocons and the Republicans waged a crackerjack propaganda war as well as a textbook example of how to destabilize a country from within sans actual violence. Latching onto the disorganized Ron Paul/9-11 Truth Tea Party movement and then turning it into an exo-skeleton from which the deranged (but not too deranged to become a millionaire many times over) FOX demagogue Glenn Beck was able to climb into and rouse the peckerwoods who would then co-opt what really was a grass roots movement. Once hijacked by Beck and the ubiquitous Bill Kristol creation Sarah Palin the haters had a new vehicle that allowed them to rebrand the dregs of the base of the GOP, wrap the turd in the flag and get about trying to dislodge the nigger from their WHITE House.

And it worked, nearly to perfection too. The Republican criminals took back the House pretty easily (which will be churned again in two years) and could have seized the Senate were it not for some of the more crazy Palinistas such as anti-masturbation jihadist Christine O’Donnell and the demented Sharon Angle losing, the latter allowing good ole mobbed up Harry Reid to keep his job. The one truly great thing however was the takedown of the Weasel Queen Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House, she can now ascend up the hills in San Francisco and retire to her mansion and you have to admit, John Boehner along with his fake crying jags is one hell of a lot more entertaining that shrill, squeaky shrew. As the great H.L. Mencken once remarked, “nobody ever lost money overestimating the intelligence of the American people” or something along those lines and Tuesday November 3, 2010 is proof of the pudding. Not that OBushma and the DemocRATs did themselves any favors, the compromising and corporate dealings took what could have been serious and lasting health care reform and turned it into a backdoor bailout of the insurance parasites (helped along by well-funded and well-organized Astroturf invasions of Congressional town halls by raving brownshirts) with the full power of the state directed against those who don’t purchase their shitty products. Gitmo was never closed as promised, the wars have expanded into Pakistan and Yemen, the false flag terror plots that now seem standard tools for a U.S. President since the Bushreich have been used to justify more Draconian invasions of privacy and stripping of civil liberties – Bush could NEVER have gotten away with putting those naked body scanners into the nations airports. There was also the bailout of Wall Street, the phony stress tests, Tim Geithner and Larry Summers and of course the mega rat Rahm Emanuel. There was also the smugness of liberals, many of whom I know and am laughing at this morning over their post-Obama election frenzy to instantly attack that most important of issues in these most terrible of times – institutionalizing gay marriage on a national level. Now I have nothing against gay people nor their getting married but get a clue you smarmy libs, there just ain’t enough cod liver oil to make a huge amount of Americans who vote to swallow that one. Credit the pathetic remnants of the left with the churning,once they and their flagship party shanked unions and the working class in the back to cater to corporations and the endless aggrieved identity groups seeking to use the government to redress social ills they would forever have those millstones chained to their necks.

The DemocRATs did everything to fuck themselves and they were so good at it that the fucking was right up their collective poopers with Tabasco flavored lube. Take our political race here in Florida, they rolled out some dikey looking broad to run for Governor named Alex Sink whose ties to the banking industry seemed to not matter one bit over her resemblance to fake left heroine Richard Maddow on MSNBC and their choice to run against the criminally diseased Rubio was a black dude named Kendrick Meek who was once one of those trooper guards for Bubba Clinton when he visited the state. Call me a raving cynic but isn’t the choice of two identity based minority groups as fodder to voters just a more elitist version of the Republicans pandering to the unwashed trailer trash and zoned out Jesus freaks? Why am I even writing about this crap? To vent I guess, I am certainly not childish enough to believe that it really matters much which of the two entrenched political parties actually is in power, nothing is going to ever change in this rotting country land of greed, sorrow and stupidity until the people get off of their fat asses, detach said fat asses from their living room sofas, unplug the umbilical cord leading to the television and take to the streets to purge this rancid system once and for all. Hell, look at the French and their recent uprising over the government’s TWO YEAR change in retirement age. Meanwhile, here in Der Heimat, their civic duty completed, Americans can go back, pick up the remote and dial up the ballgame of the day or Dancing With the Stars.

What the fuck has happened to this country?

The Latest Churning of the Cesspool

November 3, 2010

Last night, as predicted by the corporate hack punditry since OBushma even took up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue the Republican party is once again ascendant. There are many a hung-over scumbagger this morning from the celebration to take the country back (unfortunately the imbeciles don’t seem to give two shits where it goes now – right to the banks and corporations) from that horrible BLACK man in their WHITE House. Down here in the diseased penis of America more formally known as the state of Florida it is like Christmas, Thanksgiving and Confederate Memorial Day all rolled into one. It never ceases to amaze me how an oily little snake like the newly crowned Senator Marco Rubio along with his Ricky Ricardo style pompadour could so easly bamboozle so many into believing that he was some sort of insurgent outsider when in actuality he was the protege of none other than Jeb Bush of the Bush Crime Family. The Governor of this state today is expected to be announced as a ghoulish looking scoundrel named Rick Scott, his resume shows that as head of HCA that he was forced out for participating in the largest case of Medicare fraud in history. As I write this the ballots are still being counted in where else but Palm Beach County, scene of the 2000 con job where the infamous butterfly ballots were blamed for elderly Jews voting for Pat Buchanan which was a marvelously effective cover story for the Bush Crime Family’s election theft.

The breathless will be reaffirming to the brainless that this is the first win in the war against Socialism coming to America, nevermind that none of these wastes of flesh will have anything to say about the massive and ruinous updwardly directed Socialism later today when Helicopter Ben Bernanke sticks the sweet, sweet spike into the arm of the junkie banking system with is 1-4 trillions worth of monetary E Crack. The point is that the dimwits who went out and put the criminal Republican party back into official control of the cash spigots at the head of the trough of our putrescent political system are further confirmation that this country is finished. Stick a fork in our asses, we are done. There is not a dime’s worth of difference between these two criminal entities that are the DemocRATs and the Republicans, one is only more fascist than the other and as is evident after Hope and Change was exposed as Bullshit and Lies. The neocons and the Republicans waged a crackerjack propaganda war as well as a textbook example of how to destabilize a country from within sans actual violence. Latching onto the disorganized Ron Paul/9-11 Truth Tea Party movement and then turning it into an exo-skeleton from which the deranged (but not too deranged to become a millionaire many times over) FOX demagogue Glenn Beck was able to climb into and rouse the peckerwoods who would then co-opt what really was a grass roots movement. Once hijacked by Beck and the ubiquitous Bill Kristol creation Sarah Palin the haters had a new vehicle that allowed them to rebrand the dregs of the base of the GOP, wrap the turd in the flag and get about trying to dislodge the nigger from their WHITE House.

And it worked, nearly to perfection too. The Republican criminals took back the House pretty easily (which will be churned again in two years) and could have seized the Senate were it not for some of the more crazy Palinistas such as anti-masturbation jihadist Christine O’Donnell and the demented Sharon Angle losing, the latter allowing good ole mobbed up Harry Reid to keep his job. The one truly great thing however was the takedown of the Weasel Queen Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House, she can now ascend up the hills in San Francisco and retire to her mansion and you have to admit, John Boehner along with his fake crying jags is one hell of a lot more entertaining that shrill, squeaky shrew. As the great H.L. Mencken once remarked, “nobody ever lost money overestimating the intelligence of the American people” or something along those lines and Tuesday November 3, 2010 is proof of the pudding. Not that OBushma and the DemocRATs did themselves any favors, the compromising and corporate dealings took what could have been serious and lasting health care reform and turned it into a backdoor bailout of the insurance parasites (helped along by well-funded and well-organized Astroturf invasions of Congressional town halls by raving brownshirts) with the full power of the state directed against those who don’t purchase their shitty products. Gitmo was never closed as promised, the wars have expanded into Pakistan and Yemen, the false flag terror plots that now seem standard tools for a U.S. President since the Bushreich have been used to justify more Draconian invasions of privacy and stripping of civil liberties – Bush could NEVER have gotten away with putting those naked body scanners into the nations airports. There was also the bailout of Wall Street, the phony stress tests, Tim Geithner and Larry Summers and of course the mega rat Rahm Emanuel. There was also the smugness of liberals, many of whom I know and am laughing at this morning over their post-Obama election frenzy to instantly attack that most important of issues in these most terrible of times – institutionalizing gay marriage on a national level. Now I have nothing against gay people nor their getting married but get a clue you smarmy libs, there just ain’t enough cod liver oil to make a huge amount of Americans who vote to swallow that one. Credit the pathetic remnants of the left with the churning,once they and their flagship party shanked unions and the working class in the back to cater to corporations and the endless aggrieved identity groups seeking to use the government to redress social ills they would forever have those millstones chained to their necks.

The DemocRATs did everything to fuck themselves and they were so good at it that the fucking was right up their collective poopers with Tabasco flavored lube. Take our political race here in Florida, they rolled out some butch looking broad to run for Governor named Alex Sink whose ties to the banking industry seemed to not matter one bit over her resemblance to fake left heroine Richard Maddow on MSNBC and their choice to run against the criminally diseased Rubio was a black dude named Kendrick Meek who was once one of those trooper guards for Bubba Clinton when he visited the state. Call me a raving cynic but isn’t the choice of two identity based minority groups as fodder to voters just a more elitist version of the Republicans pandering to the unwashed trailer trash and zoned out Jesus freaks? Why am I even writing about this crap? To vent I guess, I am certainly not childish enough to believe that it really matters much which of the two entrenched political parties actually is in power, nothing is going to ever change in this rotting country land of greed, sorrow and stupidity until the people get off of their fat asses, detach said fat asses from their living room sofas, unplug the umbilical cord leading to the television and take to the streets to purge this rancid system once and for all. Hell, look at the French and their recent uprising over the government’s TWO YEAR change in retirement age. Meanwhile, here in Der Heimat, their civic duty completed, Americans can go back, pick up the remote and dial up the ballgame of the day or Dancing With the Stars.

What the fuck has happened to this country?


The Republican Crybaby Culture

May 31, 2009

Breaking news of the latest right-winger incited to commit acts of violence in support of the most virulent political party since the Nazis. A Kansas abortion doctor was gunned down in cold blood today in a Wichita, Kansas church, just another example of how these religious fanatics that dare to call themselves Christians would make Jesus puke were he return to earth tomorrow – then the same bastards would crucify his liberal ass. Here we have yet another example of the sort of mayhem that unstable, armed-to-the teeth freaks are capable of when their buttons are pushed by the malignant filth the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and the rest of the house propagandists for the American fascist state. Nothing is sacred to these miscreants, murdering their whole families and then committing suicide is commonplace, the same houses of worship that they claim to be places of sanctity are now legitimate shooting galleries, shit some lunatic right-winger not long ago dressed up as Santa Claus and massacred a houseful of former relatives including children. A terminally diseased political philosophy breeds this type of scum and they should all be subject to euthanasia for the good of society. If you consider that to be overly harsh just imagine how many of these human time bombs that you in your normal daily doings encounter, they hate liberals, gays, minorities and even going to the grocery store becomes a dangerous endeavor when surrounded by them.

The ongoing fomenting of animosity, racism, sedition and the dehumanization that has become an institution since the rise of the post WW II fascist movement is reaching a level of dangerous proportions – and the drumbeat of hatred goes on. Which brings me to the Republican slime machine’s filthy attack on Obama SCOTUS nominee Sonia Sotomayer, the spectacle a pack of racist swine playing the reverse race card in order to derail her confirmation is beyond the pale. Even more despicable is the way that the corporate media play right into it, giving credibility to the cowardly rhetoric of reverse discrimination that has been bandied about by the red-assed right. Perhaps the worst aspect of what appears to be a long and drawn out melodrama by the titans of truth who brought us all the O.J. Simpson circus, Michael Jackson’s ongoing saga over a flurry of allegations of pedophilia, Natalee Holloway, Jon Benet and the amazing adventures of Laci and the fetus is that a career reprobate like Newton LeRoy Gingrich is given one ounce of credibility. Gingrich is a fiend, a serial adulterer, a liar, a cheat, a pathological degenerate with the psychological makeup of a pederast and a charlatan whose Herculean ego is the embodiment of short man syndrome.

Newt barks, Media Salivate. The proclivity of Gingrich to rebuild his political career from the ashes of embarrassment and failure in a Nixonian fashion has been spayed across cable television ‘news’ and the rapidly collapsing under the weight of their own bullshit newspaper industry is an affront to the intelligence of America. Whoops, better strike that last comment, considering that we live in a burgeoning idiocracy were trash TV is king and the lepers bathe in the electronic stream of foulness as though they were lepers swimming in the waters of Lourdes I certainly don’t mean to give the average American moron too much credit. To qualify that, it is an affront to the senses of those of us with finely tuned bullshit detectors in our brains, more than a semblance of decency and humanity and a reality based view of history that outlasts the meteoric rise and fall of the beautiful and talented beacon of inspiration that is Susan Boyle.

Gingrich calls Sotomayer a “Latina woman racist”. What the fuck? Can’t we just flush down this rotten turd once and for all? What a horse’s ass! Might I remind people that this philandering little fascist dwarf was engaged in some serious adulterous fornication himself while he waged an ugly public jihad against Bubba Clinton for getting his stogie smoked. By the way, while Gingrich the fat, oversexed swine with the bad ‘do was bringing the full power of the snake infested Republican Congress down on our horny hillbilly prez, Osama bin Laden, the Cheney cabal, the Wall Street plunderers and the rest of the real threats to American safety were using the prurient salivating to plot their coming attacks.

Knowing the laws, I would never call for the assassination of a public figure but were I to be a Republican that has no such qualms about these things I would love to see that phony hairpiece that adorns Gingrich’s pathologically horny, conniving, demon-infested dome nailed to a fencepost someplace – feed the body to the pigs, who the fuck really cares as long as he is gone. He can usually be located in a FOX ‘News” studio – a target rich environment for anyone who may be sincere about cleaning up America and downsizing the fascist quotient. If I were to win Powerball this weekend there would certainly be less worthy things to use the money for than posting a bounty on that little douchebag, normally you can just call the Orkin man when the rats are massing but eliminating a world class, anti-American swine with a soapbox as dangerous as this would take some serious coin. Then again, once his hatemongering racism in spreading vindictive virulence to derail the Sotomayer nomination along with the growing backlash against Republican fomenting of violence in their ranks against the ‘brown menace’ it would probably take less than a hundred bucks and a bottle of good tequila to provide encouragement for some real victim if institutionalized racism Republican style to give this fat little prick a Columbian necktie in the name of justice.

This swine should be hung from his fucking balls…..no the pudgeball little twat should be fucking ignored, the media hacks who afford this foul little cocksucker time should be the ones who are hung. Oh and did I forget to mention that his get his rocks off by jerking off over the ongoing wars while he and the rest of his Republican chickenhawks never had the fucking nuts to serve in the military? Shit, Dick Cheney, the man who is openly cheering for another ‘terrorist’ attack on Obama’s watch and tens of thousands of dead Americans just to prove a fucking point about the grotesque torture state that he was the embodiment for took five goddamned draft deferments!

Why the fuck don’t the human time bombs for once target the true perpetrators of their fucked up lives? The stinking sacks of snake shit who are responsible for rigging the game so that their jobs can be sent overseas? Or their houses are in foreclosure? Or their health is in terminal decline due to the massive systemic corruption of the medical industrial complex? Or why gas is going back towards four bucks a gallon now that the Wall Street speculators have been given a new lease on life on the taxpayer dole?

If there is anything that disgusts me more than the Republican vermin who run this gone to dogshit system it is the moronic, angry white males who think with their dicks (if at all) and don’t have a motherfucking clue as to why they are angry. They are debauched, disgraced, degenerate, diseased, dicked-in-the-ass, demented, dumb, devoid of decency, borderline retarded, credulous, easily manipulated, stupid, stinky,wretched, pathetic, malignantly worthless, chronically moronic, mean-spirited, godless, guileless, slothful, treacherous, violent, putrid, rancid, stinking, filthy, syphilitic, short sighted, entitled, indolent, arrogant, perverse, four-flushing, cheapjack, dog kissing, spineless, dickless, malodorous, cowardly, chickenshit, retrograde, knuckle-dragging pieces of jaundiced, scabies ridden, scaly-skinned, protoplasmic slime that have for too long oozed into every crevice of this society, sucking out it’s life and vitality as the shit eating parasites that they are and always will be as long as they allow high rolling drug addicted perverts like Limbaugh and the rest of the neo Nazi Republican party do their thinking for them.


And I hate them, oh sweet fucking Jesus to I hate them. The fires of my hatred burns internally like white phosphorous munitions dropped upon brown skinned civilians out of the sky by our [snicker] ‘heroes. They are human excrement (and I use the term human very loosely) who are no good to themselves or to anybody else as they flail about outwardly as blind beasts in agony at the wretched and abysmal failures of their pathetic and botched little lives.

Simpering losers, saplings for trees of tyranny that find fertile rooting material in the mass failures of the dead enders on the extreme right. And there are always the demagogues, the servants of the oligarchy who so successfully sow the seeds of discontent so as to divide and conquer, dominate and rape not with force, but through the willing acquiescence of the dregs of society. They allow themselves to be defiled, to be showered with the come of those who only hold them in the most seething of contempt, the most curious forms of bemusement. They don’t get it that their heroes like the $50 million child-fucking, dope addicted vat of shit flavored jello that is Rush Hudson Limbaugh III and his fellow country clubbers laugh and snicker at them as the white niggers that they fully understand them to be.

And for fuck’s sake, just how long until the next human time bomb goes off as their fears and desperation are exploited by the type of scum that should be hanged from their mangy necks until dead like Julius Streicher was at Nuremburg.

An Entrenched Culture of Crying:

But the very existence of the brazenly anti-American Republican party wouldn’t be possible without the support of the mouth-breathing, perpetually-pissed off, Jesus juicin’, knuckle-dragging retrograde morons that are the party base. These are the real dregs of society who are wired to salivate on command to demagogues, it was from this percentage of the population (an authoritarian element that exists in nearly every society) that ensured that Adolf Hitler would rise to power (see Bob Altemeyer’s study The Authoritarians), it is plain for all to see that despite the punditry that is speaking of the political demise of the GOP that the true fascists like Cheney, Rove, Gingrich and the rest of the treasonous scum is only seeking to radicalize and purify the dead enders, molding them into an effective and violent brownshirt force for when the time is ripe.

The fucking grievances are endless, they are played upon, exploited and the caterwauling nonsense of the culture of victims that the extreme right is made out of (FUCKING LOSERS) is like nails on a goddamned chalkboard but the pitch is right up there with the dog whistles that these moronic fuckers are conditioned to salivate over.

WAAAAA: The Queers are getting married! The evil homosexual agenda is destroying the nuclear family. This one is a real hoot given the proclivity of all of the latent little boy buggerers to burrow deeply into the Republican party (not to mention the Catholic church of course). The vicious and sustained campaign to deny the rights of marriage to a group of American citizens using the law as a bludgeon is insidious and has no place in a so-called free country. Why is it that the Republicans always want to snoop into the private bedrooms of people to play peekaboo at wee wees and pee pees? This is the nature of the repressive slavery of institutionalized religion (Evangelical Christianity in my opinion should be outlawed and their fucking churches taxed out of existence, if they can’t pay then just tear em down and build something useful like marijuana plantations in their palaces) and another prime example of how the abuse of the ‘GOD said it’ scam enables the persecution, dehumanization and murder of others. Were I a believer in Hell I have no doubt that it would be full of Republican ‘Christians’. Also the justification against the jihad against gays seems to me to be an outwardly expressed version of self loathing. Hell, there are plenty of gay Republicans, just get over it, do what is natural, cast aside your religious hokum and leave everybody else the fuck alone. Of course the ongoing demonizing of gay people is a boon to fascist Republicans, it is as consistent with their Hitler 101 playbooks as any of the rest of their disgusting horseshit.

WAAAAA: Obama’s a socialist, a godless Muslim, he wasn’t born in America, even Bo, his Portuguese water dog is un American, just pick your poison. “I work damned hard and don’t want to give my tax money to lazy minorities who just want to live off of the government dole”. It’s amazing at how some pea brained moron who works at Walmart (provided he still has a job at all) will so vociferously defend the right of the rich to bilk the poor through the massive redistribution of wealth, elimination of the progressive income tax system and the endless font of corporate welfare that flows through Washington. Think tankers and right wing money moguls are going back to the future to the glory days of McCarthyist red baiting. The positive aspect of this though is that there is actually a return of sorts to a discussion of the merits of democratic socialism versus predatory capitalism. Of course the Obama administration with the bestowment of trillions to the grifters of Wall Street and the hedge fund hyenas will only ensure that any sort of socialism will be heavily slanted towards the rich, the corporations and those who have hijacked the political system to protect their ability to remain the fuckers and keep the other 99 percent of the populations in their proper places as fuckees. But try to tell this to one of the imbeciles at one of those fucking tea parties. It just doesn’t register to the simian minded poltroons that they are out there essentially defending the rights of King George and the redcoats, that puts it in a bit of historical perspective.

WAAAAA: “They’re killing the babies, life begins at conception, Roe V. Wade is a an atrocity, it’s all the fault of the liberals, they don’t respect the culture of life.” And on and on it goes on the reigning champion for one issue voters which the GOP has grabbed by the tits and milked for years however in an interesting contradiction the so called pro lifers compassion extends neither to eliminating the death penalty or in showing any sort of outrage over civilian collateral damage in Iraq and the absence of any outcry over the recent revelations regarding the use of chemical white phosphorous on civilians is sorely missing from the public discourse. The hypocritical bitches and bastards don’t give one tin shit about the sanctity of life, once the kid is out of the womb it’s on it’s own to be fed upon by predatory capitalists with a better chance at becoming either permanent sources of income for the for profit prison system or in being sent off to be chopped into hamburger in another of the fucking imperialist wars that this criminal government is addicted to. This is bullshit, total bullshit and is more of the same misogynist domination games and double standards that the lumpen Republican are acclimated to sitting up on command for. Once again, Jesus would fucking puke over the ongoing use of Christianity to continually underwrite the warfare state and the oppression that sustains it.

WAAAAAA! On Gun Control: “The liberals are coming to take my guns away!” The NRA has milked this baby to death and otherwise sane progressive people who have nothing whatsoever in common with any other part of the right wing agenda will turn out in droves on election day to preserve their second amendment right to stockpile military style assault weapons and cop killer body armor piercing bullets. This is an essential lure to a fringe element exactly the same as gay marriage or abortion, another phantom issue. And do any of these wanna be Rambos who are arming themselves to the teeth to fight against the government when that damned Obama comes to pry my penis extension (with the 50 round magazine) from my cold dead hands ever bother to contemplate that their arsenals are fucking popguns when the state has tanks, bombs and a king hell surveillance system? More idiots. I am on record myself of course for arming yourselves to the teeth but I am far less afraid of the government than I am of the violent yahoos in the militias who I need to defend myself against.

WAAAAAA! On Taxes and Big Government: “The government is too big, I don’t want to pay taxes”. The war against ‘big government’ and taxes in general is a masterful dissemination of pro elitist propaganda in which the very people who benefit from progressive taxation are the lower and middle classes and who through their support of Grover Norquist style ‘starve the beast’ tax cutting are slowly committing mass suicide through the evisceration of the public school system, medicare, medicaid, social security and other essential ‘entitlement’ programs so that the wealthy can have their tax cuts and increasingly become the freeloaders that the indignant but proud ‘working man’ so despises. Then again, committing suicide is what lemmings usually do and always in mass. If you idiotic pig fuckers don’t like what the government does with your tax money don’t bother to call your local fucking fire department when you light your mattress on fire and you discover that lighting farts in bed is no more of a joke than your idiotic crusades in favor of the richest 1 % and the corporations who use and abuse your mental shortcomings so that they may forever be unburdened by paying their fair share to keep the fucking system running.

The litany of whining is far too long to list in depth, but it includes so many references to the removal of religion from the public realm and the perceived persecution of fundamentalists that additional decalogues on which they could be inscripted would reach higher than the Tower of Babel if stacked on top of each other. The piss babies of the right are as full of contradictions and hypocrisy as they are of bullshit. I could keep on writing but sadly I have only so much time for blogging and do have a real job unlike so many of the conservative activist blogger losers who live at home in daddy and mommy’s spare room, garage apartment or basement and wage electronic war against the very rigged game and backlash cultural environment that landed them there.

Cry me a river you big babies! Rush and Newt can buy a yacht and party all the way downriver in high style, floating downstream with booze and cooze on the current of your collective tears.


Stick A Fork In Reagan’s Ass

February 16, 2009

The Bastard’s Dead

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them.

-Grand Prophet Ronald Reagan (mystically foreseeing TARP)

With the passage of the massive economic stimulus plan set to be signed into law by President Obama on Tuesday in Denver the dying squeals of Republican piggies grown fat on the failed policies of Ronald Wilson Reagan are becoming more shrill, psychotic and deafening. The stimulus plan, even as diluted as it is by the inclusion of all of those great tax cuts that have resulted only in proving that trickle down economics is nothing more than Gulliver pissing on the heads of the Lilliputians (translation: the working class) and doing so with sadistic mirth. What the stimulus package represents more than anything even including the ridiculous fucking tax cuts is that the end of an era is nigh and that the machinery of government is being slowly redirected to a previous form where it was not weaponized by overly wealthy pigs, Wall Street looter capitalists and avaricious corporations who only stand for, to borrow form the words of the late Hunter S. Thompson:

… the systematic destruction of everything this country claims to stand for except the rights of the rich to put saddles on the backs of the poor and use public funds to build jails for anybody who complained about it.”

It is the entire American fascist system that has been so painstakingly and expensively constructed over the last half-century this is now at stake, the bullshit war on the American middle class that was cloaked in anti-communism, sanctified by Senator McCarthy’s witch hunts, cemented into place by the resentment politics of Richard M. Nixon and writ into religion by the cult or Reagan is in serious jeopardy. The withering attacks of the minority Republicans along with their ugly public tantrums promoted by a plethora of pocket media kingmakers and a propaganda machine still owned by the ruling classes are nothing more than a siege on the Alamo battle to preserve the false legacy of their false prophet Saint Ronnie of Pleasantville, USA.

I: The Cult of Reagan Idolatry

He was always a fraud! There wasn’t a legitimate bone in the man’s body, he was a failed movie star who hit the political jackpot when he slithered into the Republican party and onto the ultimate stage of national politics. From the beginning Ronald Reagan was a phony, a bad B movie actor who found his place as a pitchman for the conservative movement. Reagan was a rat bastard and a fink who sold out his Hollywood peers to the anti Communist rage of the McCarthy witch hunts of the fifties and used his tenure as leader of the Screen Actors Guild as a springboard to launch his political career.

His presidency was the result of an America struggling against itself to come to terms with societal contradictions brought on as a result of the civil rights movement, the counterculture of the sixties, Vietnam and Watergate and none other than William F. Buckley himself put it best when he used the following description in a column regarding Saint Ronnie: .. “a bumpkin with oratorical gifts pandering to American self-esteem”. Reagan was a man who put forth a strong daddy image and was able to reduce complex issues to their simplest terms, the better for a populace slowly undergoing the chronic dumbing down perpetuated by the cable and satellite television explosion of the 1980s.

Nearly every one of the serious problems that America faces today and that newly crowned President Barack Obama faces had its roots during the Reagan era. The rich got richer and the rest, well let them go eat some fucking government surplus cheese, especially the goddamned welfare queens. The Reagan administration was a breeding ground for the delusional, non-reality based crony capitalists and Ayn Rand worshipping ‘free-market’ fanatics whose worship at the altar of laissez-faire economics still has them out prospecting for fool’s gold in Galt’s Gulch. It was Reagan appointee Alan Greenspan who actually hung out with Rand along with a gaggle of ghouls and assorted other weirdos in a group known as The Collective during the period that the holy tome Atlas Shrugged was being written. The canonization of Rand and the greedy and callous selfishness called objectivism and the absorption of the absurd crock of horseshit came to become dogma in America where monopoly and the destruction of economies are the end result of this sort of sociopathic behavior. When boiling all of this misbegotten and ultimately ruinous junk science down to its very essence it is an unwritten rule that for every fucker there are tenfold of fuckees, that is what capitalism is when it becomes cancerous and co-opted by the rentier class and the sleazy operators who rapaciously wring every last penny of profitability out even if it means offshoring millions of jobs and creating a permanent underclass who are born into this world without any shot at the mythical American Dream.

Now as the entire big con game becomes more apparent, we can all thank Ronald Reagan and the slavish devotees to the grand myth for the era of sloth, stupidity and scumbags that produced a generation of toxic shit that has set America back a century and set the nation on a course towards insolvency. The ugly lie of Reaganism must be exposed, stripped naked and laid out on an autopsy table, a bit of skillful use of a scalpel utilized to peel back the rotten flesh and expose the diseased organs. In less graphic terms, the legend itself needs to be debunked. The signs of desperation in the Republican ranks are encouraging as well as the books that are beginning to be written, books like Will Bunch’s Tear Down This Myth, the first of what I hope will be an attempt to strip away the revisionist history of the past three decades or so and allow for a national rejuvenation along to a return to true American values of economic fairness, equality and compassion that have been buried under a mountain of manure.

In order to roll back the creeping tide of fascism that has become so much a part of all that is American in early 2009 it is of utmost importance that Reaganism be recognized as the product of right-wing crackpots who in a mere quarter century have gutted this country in the name of voodoo economics and promoted an authoritarian dogma that served as a springboard for the rule of the Bush-Cheney-Rove Axis of Evil and the corruption of every relevant institution that has been staffed by fascism enabling cronies, zealots, crooks, grifters, con-artists, jack booted thugs and flim flam men. Such is the system as it exists today and as we now slowly begin to sift through the wreckage it is the mutated capitalist strain virus of Reaganism that infected the body, destroyed the immune system once known as checks and balances and then metastasized further into the global financial system which is now in freefall and widespread unrest threatens to bring down entire governments.

As with alcoholics and drug addicts, the recognition of a problem is the first step to recovery and the canonization of doddering Dutch as some sort of iconic national father figure needs to be exposed as the heretical think tank folderol that it always has been since its initial rollout as a product in the aftermath of one of the darkest and most tumultuous eras in our history. The Reagan administration went for the throat right out of the gates, organized labor was attacked with vigor with the firing of striking air traffic controllers and destruction of their union, the Sherman antitrust act became irrelevant and the fairness doctrine was eliminated to allow for the right-wing to use their limitless resources to propagandize the media. The return of the wealthy elite and robber barons to power and prominence was facilitated by the ability to distract and deceive. Karl Marx was only partially right when he stated that religion was the opiate of the masses, it is but that was prior to the advent of television and when the two are combined the potency is jacked up to the highest possible level. The power brokers knew this and with his Hollywood background Ronald Wilson Reagan was the perfect front man for the myriad of their ideological schemes that would wage war on progressive society and deal a staggering blow to economic fairness and equality in the land of plenty.

The 1980’s and the coming of Reagan’s cutthroat neoliberalism gave rise to the mantra of Gordon Gekko’s “greed is good” in a decade where corporate raiders became role models and unfettered Wall Street uber capitalism became the driving force of our social order. It was the great national regeneration decade and that fabulous and almighty leader was our champion, the iconic president who would make things right, who would deal harshly with those bastards in Iran unlike his milquetoast predecessor, who would restore the national glory and make us that shining city on the hill.

It was morning in America again.

A couple of ambitious young Republican gangsters Grover Norquist and Jack Abramoff who would contribute largely to the decimation of America long after the hallowed Ronnie had left the building. The story of these two scumbags who would along with a cast of thousands turn the entire government into a spoils system with a ruthless cadre of fixers to ensure compliance is told very well by author Thomas Frank (What’s the Matter With Kansas?) in his latest book called The Wrecking Crew: How Conservatives Rule. I excerpt the following from Frank’s lengthy piece in a recent issue of Harpers Magazine similarly entitled The wrecking crew: How a gang of right-wing con men destroyed Washington and made a killing:

The story begins in 1980, the year of the “Reagan Revolution,” when there appeared on the national scene a phenomenon that bewildered political observers: legions of politicized, energetic college students who were conservatives rather than liberals or radicals, as had been typical in the two decades previous. And not only were their politics deeply square but the idol of this unlikely youth craze was the oldest president ever. Reagan’s entire Pennsylvania campaign, for example, was run by a lad of twenty. In 1984, the aged actor won 60 percent of the college-student vote. The historical turnabout was irresistible, and Reagan Youth became one of the great journalistic clichés of the period, powering hundreds of newspaper columns and at least one beloved TV sitcom.

These sons of Reagan had a strong sense of generational self-awareness, and they loudly told the world how they had come by it. In the midst of the interminable Iran hostage crisis, a crowd of them at one college campus were supposedly so moved by a showing of Patton that they demonstrated spontaneously in favor of a nuclear attack on that country, shaking the ivory tower with chants of “First strike now!” Another well-known story of the era was how a bunch of privileged kids at Dartmouth College, a traditional fortress of privilege, decided that embracing the traditional politics of privilege and mimicking the traditional manners of the privileged were actually acts of great daring, exposing them to persecution by tyrannical liberals. Then there was Jack Abramoff, a College Republican leader in the Boston area who gained, according to the John Birch Society’s Review of the News, a “reputation as one of the most innovative of the national Conservative youth leaders” after he mounted such a massive grassroots push for Reagan in 1980 that he almost single-handedly shifted Massachusetts into the Republican column.

Abramoff, a burly fellow from Beverly Hills, came to Washington in 1981 to assume the chairmanship of the College Republican National Committee. Back in the Vietnam days it had been leftists who fought the power, he explained to reporters. But “now we’re the campus radicals.” His newly energized College Republicans (CRs) fanned out across the nation, instructing clean-cut kids on how to use the tactics of the Sixties left for their own causes. A snapshot of Abramoff using a bullhorn to rally a conservative throng was proudly reproduced in the CRs’ Annual Report for 1983, just across the page from a photo of Ralph Reed, who was then Abramoff’s right-hand man, pumping his fist at the head of a swarm of angry, sign-waving conservatives. In both instances the young men had gone into action wearing neckties.

It was Abramoff’s friend Grover Norquist, then a recent graduate of Harvard Business School, who came up with a plan for changing the very nature of the College Republicans. Norquist made a study of the CRs, developing a scheme to transform them from “a resume-padding social club,” as one account puts it, into “an ideological, grassroots organization.” Abramoff made Nor-quist the College Republicans’ executive director, and the two put Norquist’s theory into action. They purged the “old guard.” They amended the group’s constitution, establishing a structure that made the Washington office more powerful, and rewarded proselytizing on campus.

What the rising conservative sensibility of those years treasured above all else was “confrontation” with the left. It called for a quasi-military victory over liberalism; it would have no truck with civility or fair play; and it made heroes out of outrage-courting lib-fighters like Reagan’s communications director Pat Buchanan, the organizer Howard Phillips, and the young Jack Abramoff.

The first and most noticeable characteristic of this new militancy was an air of swaggering truculence. There are, of course, bullies from every walk of life and every political persuasion, but on the right bullying holds a special, exalted position. It is no accident that two of the movement’s greatest heroes—Tom DeLay and Oliver North—had the same nickname: “the Hammer.”

Jack Abramoff filled this bill perfectly. He had reportedly been something of a bully in high school and had now grown into a “hard-charging” and “dynamic” leader, in the assessment of conservative magazines, an ass-kicking weight lifter who could quiet the commies with his fists if they got out of line. The gangster fetish of his later years is by now familiar to the whole world—his constant references to The Godfather, his black trench coat and fedora, his Meyer Lansky memorabilia, the murderer argot that will no doubt serve him and his friends well during their prison years.

Abramoff himself derided the moderates he had ousted from control of the CRs as “wishy-washy country-clubbers” and insisted that he had transformed the organization into an “ideological, well-trained, aggressive, conservative” outfit. “Fighting the Left with a goal of victory” became the official, stated purpose of his College Republican cadres, according to an essay Abramoff wrote for the group’s 1983 Annual Report. The CRs were “fighting America’s last stand,” he blustered; they would “defund the enemy wherever possible,” one of his lieutenants added. According to the journalist Nina Easton, CR officers had their underlings memorize the gory opening monologue from the movie Patton, only with the word “Demo crat” standing in for the word “Nazi.” Other young rightists of the period went a step further. J. Michael Waller, the editor of the Sequent, a student paper at George Washington University, actually took breaks from red-baiting professors in order to zip down to Central America and hang out with the Nicaraguan Contras and the death-squad faction in El Salvador.

War was the order of the day, from President Reagan’s fight with the air-traffic controllers right down to the college campus, where Abramoff became famous for his declaration: “It is not our job to seek peaceful coexistence with the Left. Our job is to remove them from power permanently.” War plus revolution, actually. Abramoff liked to describe his CRs as “the sword and shield of the Reagan Revolution,” and in 1984 the young firebrand used his moment at the rostrum of the G.O.P. convention in Dallas to lecture the assembled small-business types on revolutionary theory.

That notorious chickenshits like Abramoff and Norquist sought to cloak their assault on America in militarist terms while not serving themselves is basically a requirement for entry into the fascist Republican party. Hell, what could be more Republican than using whatever means possible to weasel out of actual military service and then send others to die for your smug arrogance and the freedom to shit on all that is American. The list is long, too long of those sort of neocons, the adult versions of the nerd pack who used to huddle in the high school library conquering the world by Avalon Hill board games and the always popular Risk. Sure there are some who actually have served such as George W. Bush who flew a desk in a reserve unit until his coke habit got out of hand and the media creation that is John McCain whose recklessness as a Make Believe Maverick ironically resulted in his being shot down in Vietnam and winning a stay in the infamous Hanoi Hilton that he would use as the launch pad for his national political career – but the list of those who have actually had the guts to serve and serve honorably is short and bereft. Of course there is General David Petraeus but that ass kissing little chickenshit is a story for another time and ties into a much deeper and more disturbing fixation with the culture of the glorification of militarism here in the Homeland.

II: Adrift in the Land of the Angry White Male

It was always absurd, this idea of a savage campaign against “elites” being led by a poofy wordsmith like Rush Limbaugh, a Harvard fatty like Grover Norquist, a dickless academic like Newt Gingrich, and a diaper-dumping oligarch like George W. Bush. They were just another band of mischievous aristocrats who played at being the voice of the common man – these new wingers sold themselves as the champions of the fucked-over little guy, in this case the terminally frustrated boobus Americanus, who for decades had been made to sit idly by while ethnics stole his job, evil liberals mocked his religion and his simple way of life, and media “elitists” shut out his views and sent porn and married queers into his living room via the television set.

-Matt Taibbi

In their rise the brink of conquest the Republican party became masters at harnessing backlash politics or the politics of resentment as a basis for duping befuddled and angry Americans into voting against their own economic self-interests out of a need for revenge against minorities and the great liberal conspiarcy of the cultural elites. The dark master Richard Nixon was of course a criminal mastermind and practically wrote the book on the politics of divsion. Tricky Dick excelled in using red-baiting, race-baiting and whatever divisive tactic would allow him to rise to power. The best study of Nixonian tactics is in Rick Perlstein’s brilliant Nixonland where it is also noted that Ronald Reagan built his own political career on a similar strategy. It was during Reagan’s reign as Governor of California during the tumultuous period of societal unrest during the 1960s that Reagan became a right-wing hero. His denunciations of the hippies, “look like Tarzan, walk like Jane, and smell like Cheetah” and the hated University of Cal-Berkeley, “a hotbed of communism and homosexuality” made him into a rising star. When the now infamous Powell Memorandum laid the blueprint for the think tanks, the media takeover and the preservation of the status quo it was only a matter of time until the actor Reagan could be rolled out as the smooth talking frontman for the product of oligarchy and imperialism.

Of course the hippies would have to be demonized, turned into cartoon characters as would the effete snob liberals who would stand in the way of the new fascism and it’s avuncular face, that of the great communicator, the strident anti-communist warrior king. The failure of the Vietnam war would be blamed on the liberals and the media and the seeds of white populist resentment would be sown as the farm crisis decimated the American heartland and a porcine loser named Rush Hudson Limbaugh III was plucked from obscurity and transformed into a modern day Father Coughlin. Evangelical Christian churches would be subverted by well financed, politically connected fanatics to wage the culture wars and to become the foot soldiers of the Reagan (and later Bush) Revolution. The hostility level had to be cranked up in order for the Republicans to succeed in remaking America in the image of the same jokers who once glorified the uber fascist Benito Mussolini by featuring him on the cover of Fortune Magazine while singing the praises of the efficiency of his business model. There was the ugly and some might say outright treasonous takedown of Bill Clinton over his sexual dalliances which provided rocket fuel for the extremist reactionary right’s hate machine, and on the morning of September 11th 2001 that fuel became nuclear.

But I digress….

The conditions on the ground in early 2009, the beginning of the era of Barack Obama and the end of the lie of Reaganism are those of unmitigated fury as the right confronts the greatest threat to the supremacy of their cancerous capitalism since the days of the hated Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The battlefield is overrun by the defenders of failed dogma and by the well paid servants who stand to lose their meal tickets. Already, in the early weeks of the Obama administration the Republicans have squealed like stuck pigs, outraged at the massive jacking up of the debt to somehow staunch the bleeding and to create jobs for the jobless. Of course they never gave a rat’s asshole when Lord Bush was robbing from their grandchildren to build the police state infrastructure, wage illegal wars of aggression where trillions of dollars were sucked down a black hole inhabited by the slime creatures that are blood barters and war profiteers.

One would figure that the Republican fascist party would have been somewhat humbled after their mangy asses were taken to the woodshed by voters back in November but that would be naïve. Hitler never stopped after his failed beer hall putsch and neither will the devil-spawn of McCarthy, Nixon Reagan and the Bush family. Despite a silly and childish attempt at crafting some sort of bi-partisanship by the Obama administration they were shanked in the back by a dirty pack of double-dealing, jack-booted, America hating vermin who damn near succeeded in derailing the stimulus. Not that it won’t fall anyway after the king of capitulation Harry Reid and his fellow Democrat assclowns in the Senate allowed the poison pill of hundreds of billion dollars in those wonderful tax cuts that have worked so well at destabilizing the country by destroying the middle class to be inserted into the goddamned thing. The most unsurprising kick in the balls to Obama came from media darling and reputed ‘maverick’ John McCain (you may remember him as Sarah Palin’s running-mate) who spat on the new president’s outstretched hand. Of course McCain is also the self-admitted former war criminal who dropped napalm on civilians and then when his plane was shot down in Nam went on to make propaganda pieces for those dirty communists. But yet in this land of the dumb it is Jane Fonda who is still vilified decades after that filthy illegal murderous war ended with America slinking off after igniting the entire region, killing millions and allowing a rogue faction of the intelligence sector to establish a massive drug trafficking network, some of the profits of which would fund Reagan’s bloody little soirees into Central America to prop up despots and their vile torturing regimes.

The Republican party has long been a haven for reactionary thugs, neo-Nazis, out and out fascists, perverts, pederasts, braggarts, loudmouths, authority worshippers and the same sort of immoral degenerates, the dregs of society that Hitler used to much success in populating the ranks of his Sturmabteilung (SA). It worked out so well that Der Führer had to ultimately undertake an intervention to prevent them from turning on him that is famously known as the Night of the Long Knives. In any sort of normally functioning political system a similar purge would have occurred in a failed reactionary party after having their clocks cleaned but America post-9/11 is anything but a normally functioning society. If nothing else the remnants of the disciples of the false god Reagan have dug in even deeper, real dead enders, like the Japanese who had to be literally burned out of their caves and tunnels even after defeat was a certainty. One gets an idea of just how demented that this particular party is when one member, Pete Sessions of Texas proudly compared his party to the Taliban when being interview about strategy during the Obama era. What the fuck is up with that? Didn’t the Taliban become the enemy after that oh so glorious and politically serendipitous day of 9/11/01? Isn’t America at war with the Taliban for allegedly aiding and abetting the great bogeyman Osama bin Laden? Did Sessions really just come out and say that he and his party are studying the methods of terrorists? Such a thing would have been cause for an extraordinary rendition under the Bush-Cheney junta, perhaps closing Gitmo is premature because we have an admitted fifth column waging war against America from within and being far more successful than al-CIAda could have ever hoped to be in even their wildest of wet dreams.

And there is also opportunity in undermining Obama and allowing the economy to continue to deteriorate so that he can be blamed in 2010. A rising star is a guy named Eric Cantor, a bespectacled little snake whose role model is none other than Newt Gingrich is a rising power in the neo-Confederate rump that is still beholden to the preservation of the Reagan temple of greed and has emerged as a particularly virulent critic of President Obama’s attempts to save capitalism from itself. Hanoi John along with his loyal sidekick Lindsey ‘five rugs for five bucks’ Graham, the South Carolina Senator least likely to surprise anyone were he found in the men’s room of a rest area off of I-95 with a cock in his mouth ala Larry Craig.“If this is going to be bipartisanship, the country’s screwed” lisped Graham in his Gomer Pyle singsong, a longtime trademark of the three headed monster of McCain-Lieberman-Graham (although the wandering Jew has been somewhat chastened after his fall betrayal didn’t result in the loss of his Heimiat Security Committee chair). You have to love the way that the fascist Republican party is now crying like stuck pigs, wasn’t this the criminal syndicate that once boasted as a national leader a slimy little greaseball from Texas named Tom DeLay who once allegedly said on bi-partisanship “Fuck that, it’s time for all out war?”.

The losers of November’s election were out hitting the Sunday morning horseshit circuit in force decrying the lack of deference from Obama and the supine twits in Harry Reid’s Senate when it came to honoring the spirit of Reaganism, what’s next, they exhume the old bastard’s rotting corpse and haul it around like some ghoulish sequel to Weekend at Bernie’s? The house still sets the rules too, the media is still bought and paid for, this much is already evident with this beautiful little example: Obama’s use of fear card may backfire. So Obama is now a fear-monger despite not one fucking peep about the eight year reign of terror by the Bush regime during which Americans were conditioned to see swarthy Arab terrorists in every dark corner, under their beds and as a result turned into the world’s largest coward colony courtesy of apocalyptic conjecture about smoking mushroom clouds, manipulation of the infamous threat level matrix for political means and the canonization of Jack Bauer, a man who would rip the testicles off of a toddler with a pair of pliers in front of it’s mother for god and country. Obama is going to have a rough time taking on the consolidated fascist media colossus and the highly paid celebrity whores who pass themselves off as journalists. Operation Mockingbird is alive and well and even more dangerous now that the entire national media is owned by a handful of corporations with interlocking directorates. Now there has been talk about reinstating the Fairness Doctrine which might not be a bad idea in leveling the playing field against the sort of fascists that former Roosevelt Vice President Henry A. Wallace once so accurately pegged:

The American fascists are most easily recognized by their deliberate perversion of truth and fact. Their newspapers and propaganda carefully cultivate every fissure of disunity, every crack in the common front against fascism.

But any reinstatement of such rules in the current era of systemic rot and deterioration would only be selectively enforced to keep out those who question the state and the system itself. You will never see the Fairness Doctrine used to offset Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly and any number of other demagogic clones. While this is a popular idea with many liberals it is only going to be eventually turned on them and other alternative media voices including bloggers who dare to question the legitimacy of the oligarchic status quo. The guardians of big money and the oligarchy will suffer nary one bit – at least not until changes are made and the Bush criminals are prosecuted. But back to the fact the media is a huge problem and the onslaught of propaganda pumped out to prevent even a diluted bucket of horse piss of a stimulus package illustrates that any sort of return of the government from its current role of protector of corporate interests and the wealthy will be fought tooth, fang and claw in a destructive battle of attrition that will continue to transform families and friends into warring factions that can be exploited by the same ruthless scum who have rigged the tables so successfully, some could say too successfully.

How this is all going to end up is impossible to tell, the American eugenics project to create the perfect Idiocracy, a reverse master-race has any sort of reformer like Obama facing some seriously nasty odds, just think of the Detroit Lions hoisting the Lombardi Trophy after next year’s Super Bowl and you get the general idea. Frank Rich of the damned liberal New York Times wrote a piece this weekend entitled They Sure Showed That Obama that would tend to create some optimism in those readers less cynical than I. It was this line that killed me though and only further underlines the ongoing demographic problems facing Obama and anyone else who tries to change the system. Rich refers to: The beefy, beer-drinking, deer-hunting white guys — incessantly interviewed in bars and diners — would never buy the skinny black intellectual. Herein lies the problem, despite what may have happened during the election this is a nightmare block of the population and not one to be trifled with because old prejudices die hard and as always liberals have shown a proclivity in overestimating their ability to reach those who within their thick, Neanderthal skulls have banned logic and reason. I’ll put in a plug for a big favorite of mine, the moral beacon in this sick land of denial and dumbness and that would be for the brilliant writer Joe Bageant and his book Deer Hunting With Jesus, trust me, it’s a must read.

Now I may not be a hunter (personally I think it’s fucking slaughter) but I am one hell of a beefy, beer-drinking white dude, a military veteran and have 11 tattoos as well if that is any sort of an added qualification to the shithack D.C. conventional wisdom. Despite that I am smart enough to not be hoodwinked by a bunch of pampered, elitist, chickenhawk charlatans trying to bait folks like American Me into voting against my own economic self interests. My grandfather was a Romanian immigrant who joined a union to go work at a meat packing house (but only after at 15 he filled his pockets full of ball bearings to qualify for the job required weight), fought in World War II in the Pacific in some of the most vicious of cleanup operations and as an FDR democrat hated the sleazy, fascist snake oil salesmen that were Republicans. Thank God that he died before that fraudulent piece of crap Ronald Reagan was President but my grandmother who survived him by nearly thirty years cursed the Gipper and that punk assed borderline retard George W. Bush until her dying breath. The point is that most people from that particular era (never mind the ‘greatest generation’ hogwash) weren’t so easily duped, and their ability to own a home, raise a family, take vacations on one income are a testament to they way that things used to be in this country before the rats and chiselers hijacked the system.

So as one of the manly men who are largely supposed to buy into the anti-elite propaganda peddled by the fifty-million dollar a year degenerate child fucking dope addict I have always taken great offense at just how fucking stupid that the average American beer swilling, swinging dick angry white male can be. Hell, I love drinking beer (and lots of it), shooting guns (although not at unarmed animals), watching football, driving fast, hating the insipid tyranny of political correctness and ogling nekkid women but I also don’t get suckered into that anti-intellectual horseshit that makes one of those clueless, testosterone and alcohol fueled dopes who are as mad as hell but too fucking dumb to realize that they should be really mad at the millionaire lardasses like Limbaugh who are very well paid to dupe these knuckle-draggers into consistently voting AGAINST their own economic well being. Listen dudes, there is nothing macho in being stupid and unless y’all get a clue your sex lives will continue to be comprised of drinking a twelve pack of cheap malt liquor and whacking off over the latest issue of Penthouse or whatever other fuckrag that you pick up at your local convenience store’s jack rack. Stop fantasizing about coming on Sarah Palin’s tits, stop reveling in the falsehood that everyman Joe the Plumber is a working class hero and pick up a book once in awhile, the mind that you save may be your own.

And maybe, just maybe the inhabitants of this land of shame, sin and sorrow can finally shrink the legacy of Ronald Wilson Reagan to the size where it can be drowned in a bathtub. In a time when even the maestro Greenspan openly admits that he fucked up big time then I suppose that anything is possible.

By Ed Encho

Neocon Nocturnal Emissions

July 31, 2008

“They (sic) are a superstitious cowardly lot so my disguise must be able to strike terror into their hearts, I must be a creature of the night, black, terrible…a…a…”

-Nocturnally fixated millionaire GOP donor Bruce Wayne

The needle on the good ole puke-o-meter got buried early this week when it came to my attention that certain fascist propagandists (chiefly that foreign pig Rupert Murdoch’s recently acquired shit rag WSJ) were – get this – actually comparing the comic book hero Batman in the new mega-blockbuster The Dark Knight to George W. Bush and his phony war on terror.

I just can’t make shit like this up so here you go:

What Bush and Batman Have in Common

By Andrew Klavan

July 25, 2008; Page A15

A cry for help goes out from a city beleaguered by violence and fear: A beam of light flashed into the night sky, the dark symbol of a bat projected onto the surface of the racing clouds . . .

Oh, wait a minute. That’s not a bat, actually. In fact, when you trace the outline with your finger, it looks kind of like . . . a “W.”

There seems to me no question that the Batman film “The Dark Knight,” currently breaking every box office record in history, is at some level a paean of praise to the fortitude and moral courage that has been shown by George W. Bush in this time of terror and war. Like W, Batman is vilified and despised for confronting terrorists in the only terms they understand. Like W, Batman sometimes has to push the boundaries of civil rights to deal with an emergency, certain that he will re-establish those boundaries when the emergency is past.

And like W, Batman understands that there is no moral equivalence between a free society — in which people sometimes make the wrong choices — and a criminal sect bent on destruction. The former must be cherished even in its moments of folly; the latter must be hounded to the gates of Hell.

“The Dark Knight,” then, is a conservative movie about the war on terror. And like another such film, last year’s “300,” “The Dark Knight” is making a fortune depicting the values and necessities that the Bush administration cannot seem to articulate for beans.

Conversely, time after time, left-wing films about the war on terror — films like “In The Valley of Elah,” “Rendition” and “Redacted” — which preach moral equivalence and advocate surrender, that disrespect the military and their mission, that seem unable to distinguish the difference between America and Islamo-fascism, have bombed more spectacularly than Operation Shock and Awe.

Why is it then that left-wingers feel free to make their films direct and realistic, whereas Hollywood conservatives have to put on a mask in order to speak what they know to be the truth? Why is it, indeed, that the conservative values that power our defense — values like morality, faith, self-sacrifice and the nobility of fighting for the right — only appear in fantasy or comic-inspired films like “300,” “Lord of the Rings,” “Narnia,” “Spiderman 3” and now “The Dark Knight”?

The moment filmmakers take on the problem of Islamic terrorism in realistic films, suddenly those values vanish. The good guys become indistinguishable from the bad guys, and we end up denigrating the very heroes who defend us. Why should this be?

The answers to these questions seem to me to be embedded in the story of “The Dark Knight” itself: Doing what’s right is hard, and speaking the truth is dangerous. Many have been abhorred for it, some killed, one crucified.

Leftists frequently complain that right-wing morality is simplistic. Morality is relative, they say; nuanced, complex. They’re wrong, of course, even on their own terms.

Left and right, all Americans know that freedom is better than slavery, that love is better than hate, kindness better than cruelty, tolerance better than bigotry. We don’t always know how we know these things, and yet mysteriously we know them nonetheless.

The true complexity arises when we must defend these values in a world that does not universally embrace them — when we reach the place where we must be intolerant in order to defend tolerance, or unkind in order to defend kindness, or hateful in order to defend what we love.

When heroes arise who take those difficult duties on themselves, it is tempting for the rest of us to turn our backs on them, to vilify them in order to protect our own appearance of righteousness. We prosecute and execrate the violent soldier or the cruel interrogator in order to parade ourselves as paragons of the peaceful values they preserve. As Gary Oldman’s Commissioner Gordon says of the hated and hunted Batman, “He has to run away — because we have to chase him.”

That’s real moral complexity. And when our artistic community is ready to show that sometimes men must kill in order to preserve life; that sometimes they must violate their values in order to maintain those values; and that while movie stars may strut in the bright light of our adulation for pretending to be heroes, true heroes often must slink in the shadows, slump-shouldered and despised — then and only then will we be able to pay President Bush his due and make good and true films about the war on terror.

Perhaps that’s when Hollywood conservatives will be able to take off their masks and speak plainly in the light of day.

Mr. Klavan has won two Edgar Awards from the Mystery Writers of America. His new novel, “Empire of Lies” (An Otto Penzler Book, Harcourt), is about an ordinary man confronting the war on terror.

Well there it was. I just had to post that gut-wrenching piece of shit in it’s entirety, how fitting that the hack who wrote it has a novel called “Empire of Lies” but of course it’s not the only one, far be it from neocons to actually use anything remotely resembling originality (note the hysterical commercial from the war criminal McCain comparing Jesus Obama to the ubiquitous Paris Hilton and that twisted little fuck bunny Brittney Spears – only in America), the Bush-Batman comparisons are rapidly spreading through the reich wing brain dead blogosphere and accompanying fascist media machine like freshly torched gas from a lighted Heineken fart. Even Spanky Limbaugh weighs in on it (no pun intended) as he panders to his addle brained dittohead dipshit co-dependent audience. In a strange bit of irony that largely goes unmentioned (especially in conservative circles) the guy who played Batman was recently arrested for beating his mother – real swell for the ‘values’ volk but certainly not surprising that the bottom feeders identify with such behavior. As with George W. Bush the Oedipus Complex seems to run deep with the sort of deviant fucks who gravitate the the fascist Republican party.

I haven’t actually seen The Dark Knight myself as of yet although I plan on it. I loved the first one and am a big Christopher Nolan fan (you have just got to fucking see The Prestige if you haven’t already) and even better it is supposed to have the trailer for my favorite graphic novel of all time, Watchmen premiered before it. The Dark Knight’s reviews have been spectacular and I tend to like movies that are more than a bit on the dark side, after all, the world is certainly not a candy-coated apple like far too many ass ostriches and Pollyannas skipping down their white picket fence lined primrose paths to perdition would like to believe it is. It is a serious morality play in which Batman must cross the lines of morality to take down a psychotic and vicious enemy in Heath Ledger’s Joker. who is pretty much a ‘terrorist’ in this one (actually a chaos loving anarchist would be a better description but in the post-Orwell era of 2008 what the fuck are words really worth?) and the think tankers have brilliantly seized on the plotline to unbelievably try to plant their freak flags right in the middle of Gotham City as justification for their ongoing war on American ideals and their savage stealing away of our freedoms under the cover of darkness.

It should come as no surprise that I feel the same tactics and worldview is merited when confronted with those who don’t play by the rules and the neocons and their ilk are the real life villains who I speak of. To hell with peering into Nietzsche’s abyss because sometimes you really DO have to become a monster to fight one and the fascist Republican war on America has certainly been waged by immoral monsters against a largely innocent albeit woefully ignorant public. I have always said that if you are going to deal with the large scale extermination projects that really rid us of our rats and cockroaches that you can’t be afraid to get your hands dirty, in order to deal with slime you have to be willing to climb down into the gutter in which it resides. I dig Batman but really V For Vendetta is much more my bag when it comes to getting down and dirty with the scum and it is a much more serious depiction of the neocons and their perfect society as laid forth by Leo Strauss, Karl Schmidt and the rest of the fucking Nazis who so have so inspired them as they have hijacked America using their dirty little coup d’etat that 9/11 provided cover for.

Despite all the adoration of the extra-legal tactics utilized by the Batman as he throws down with the Joker an important point that is missed by the neocon goofballs is that while Batman may engage in illegal surveillance, random beatings and renditions, hard core vigilantism and a general willingness to operate outside the pesky confines of the law like Dirty Harry or any other stock action figure of the past thirty years he is doing so for a good reason – trying to save Gotham City from evil and the existential threat that the Joker represents. The key distinction however that is missed is that he is not engaging in these sort of end runs around the law for the purpose of illegally eavesdropping and blackmailing journalists and political opponents, thumping those who may be nuisances to the looting spree, imprisoning without trial members of an opposition political party and providing protection for the racketeers who pay the Republican crime machine for their mob style tactics. Also Batman doesn’t engage in torturing naked Muslim men in gruesomely sadistic, sexually perverse tableaus which are then presumably filmed for the enjoyment of the sick fucks who run this big time con game that by now has become more revolting than even a jar of fresh vomit. The Rovian revisionism and use of movies and pop culture to manufacture consent for a very anti-American agenda would really be approaching parody if it weren’t so dangerous.

These neocons are very strange people, one would speculate that they are fixated on black leather batsuits which would indicated a serious kink factor leaning towards BDSM, I can only imagine them going gaga over George Clooney’s nippled bat suit and codpiece in the colossal failure Batman and Robin. There was also GOP hero and son of former Nazi goon Arnold Schwarzenegger in that one so the orgasm accelerator must have been irresistible. Then again, in this idolatry of Batman’s crusade against the Joker maybe they are still more than a little pissed off at the late Heath Ledger for putting a burr under the saddle of the great American macho John Wayne archetype by playing a gay cowboy in Brokeback Mountain. There are certainly a lot of seriously conflicted folks over in the Cult of the Elephant and for every Larry Craig that is exposed trying to suck a cock in a public toilet stall there are many more who are smart enough to keep a lower profile.

For those who are buffs of both history and American pop culture you may remember a certain Dr. Fredric Wertham who wrote a book called Seduction of the Innocent on the dangerous effects of comic books on America’s youth that was then used as justification for a Congressional inquiry into the comic book industry back in the heyday of the good ole Joseph McCarthy era. Wertham’s gaydar went off when he speculated that Batman and Robin may have indeed (and I shit you not) been homosexual partners and that Batman comics were a potential endorsement of such heinous and deviant lifestyles (I speak tongue in cheek of course, the water fountains in much of the country were still in many places still labeled as “colored” back in those days), he also inferred that Wonder Woman was a lesbian and railed against lurid depictions of murders in the popular horror comics of that day that ultimately resulted in the Comics Code Authority which was created as a form of self censorship by the industry.

Could it be that Wertham may actually have been onto something real? Perhaps Batman did trigger latent, prurient impulses in some – one can imagine the little wimpy Jewboy Billy Kristol beating off over Batman comic books in a darkened coat closet in daddy’s upper east side digs, his Joker like grin already present as the demons in his noodle that would one day lead him to become a shill for mass murder on a grand scale feasting on the darkness of those little psychological cues that were sinisterly implanted in the stories. Normal dudes jacked off to hard and soft core porn, semi-normal (although sheltered dudes like boy Kristol) at least jacked off to Catwoman but now we are living in the PNAC world of sick freaks and fantasy as reality so who the fuck knows that the fuck people jack off to anymore…Armageddon perhaps?

I don’t know, as freaky as it may be it is possible that Dr. Wertham is right about the leather fetishes and shit and perhaps the Murdoch Journal has a point that that bat cowl could fit squarely on King George’s pointy little head – after all, Jeff Gannon was sitting on someone’s face during all of those back door White House visits that he made awhile back.

Jesus Fucking Christ, is nothing sacred to these diseased pigfuckers

Pissing In The Neocon Holiday Punchbowl

December 8, 2007

Chalk up a rare score for the real government against the usurpers and traitors in Dick Cheney’s shadow government and their Pentagon and media moles who piggybacked their filthy little coup d’etat onto the ‘terrorist’ attacks of 9/11 using Edward Luttwak’s model and their parallel COG (Continuity Of Government) infrastructure. Monday’s surprise release of the explosive National Intelligence Estimate bombshell on Iran’s nuclear weapons program continues to reverberate with the usurpers of the levers of American power desperately scrambling to keep the attack plans for a strike on Iran in play. This running drop kick to the groin of the war mongers in their run up to another war also sadly put a damper on the return of the prodigal Wolfowitz as well not exactly the welcome back gift that the comb sucking freak would have expected. Junta leader George W. Bush in trying to polish the turd that is his neocon kill em all and let God sort em out laterforeign policy trotted out for a press conference and in his typical stuttering and inarticulate style like some drunken loser of a salesman who just can’t close the deal badgered reporters and reinterpreted the NIE to continue Cheney’s PNAC agenda:

“And so, you know, kind of Psychology 101 ain’t working. It’s just not working, you know? I am — I understand the issues. I clearly see the problems and I’m going to use the NIE to continue to rally the international community for the sake of peace.”
But the real questions have yet to be seriously asked by the lapdog press corps and the national pocket media – why have the Bush-Cheney-Neocon Axis of Evil continued to mount a massive international propaganda campaign to gin up an attack on Iran if the conclusions of the NIE have been known for months?
The constant barrage of apocalyptic conjecture on the same level with the smoking guns as mushroom clouds that led to the disaster in Iraq has been broadcast by every one of the same corrupt media outlets that were accomplices in allowing the Bushists to lie the country into that war and now the same brazen fabrications and outright fibs are being peddled again. Dan Froomkin did a good piece the other day on Le Enfant Terrible’s press conference in his White House Watch column over at the Washington Post online entitled Neck-Snapping Spin From the President and has been hot on the follow up all week so check it out. MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann has also been hot on Bush’s deliberate ramping up of the rhetoric to attack Iran despite knowing the NIE’s conclusions and were Congress to have either a spine or a willingness to stand up to the 800 pound gorillas of the Israel Lobby there would be preparations for impeachment on the table right now as well as a serious investigation into how deep that the rabbit hole really goes when it comes to the infiltration and influence of the American political apparatus. Another wing would need to be added at Gitmo to imprison all of the traitors who have colluded to lure this country into wars against America’s self interests. Right now The Lobby is in overdrive working to keep the game rigged in their favor and given that it is an election year and our corrupt politicians grovel at their feet for the campaign contibutions that are like crack cocaine to any seeking to be competitive my money is on them.
It should be no surprise that some of the loudest bitching outside of the usual snake pits and mole nests like the American Enterprise Institute and the National Review Online naturally comes from that shitty little oasis of corruption, violence and paranoia that has been the bane of our existence over the past seven fucking years of one sided Muslim smashing foreign policy. The right-wing extremists who control the state of Israel are apoplectic as the selling of their war as America’s war is now openly being called out as the bullshit that it always has been. Iran is not an existential threat to America, never has been and never will be no matter how much the neocon propaganda mills churn out fake stories about Iranian Jews being forced to wear yellow badges , that Ahmadinejad was one of the hostage takers at the American embassy back in 1979 (this one resonates especially well with members of the Reagan cult), that Iran had dispatched suicide bomb teams to the U.S. and Europe, that Ahmadinejad threatened to “wipe Israel off the map” which was a mistranslation (likely intentional) that has been used to launch the entire Iran as Nazi Germany product line, that Iran was behind a buildup of Hezbollah in South America to strike the U.S. and in what truly is designed to appeal to the prurient interests of lurid sex obsessed America that Iran was going to start executing porn stars – this one was so embarassing that CNN has since taken it down. After the NIE, the cable ‘news’ network that boasts Glenn Beck as one of their top stars was forced to cancel their planned holiday fear mongering opus “We Were Warned — Iran Goes Nuclear.”These are but a few examples of the hundreds if not thousands of the gigantic propaganda campaign to demonize Iran in preparation for the attack at the behest of that parasitic police state, but I digress….
From Mc Clatchy’s story Israeli officials reject U.S. findings on Iran Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert (who Bush leaked the NIE to two days prior to it’s release) whined that:
“Even after this report, the American stance will still focus on preventing Iran from attaining nuclear capability,” Olmert said. “We will expend every effort along with our friends in the U.S. to prevent the Iranians from developing nuclear weapons.”
WE? Now this may cause me to be labelled as the boor at the party by some readers but isn’t it time to ask the obvious question: Just WHO is fucking dictating U.S. policy?
When the tail begins to wag the dog it then it is a cancer and cancer needs to be cut out or cut off – from funding that is. The United States gives away billions of taxpayer dollars per year with no strings attached in military aid to Israel to finance Apartheid, ethnic cleansing and the bombing of civilians and there shouldn’t be another red fucking cent given to them until they get their asses to the peace table and get down to some good faith negotiations that could lead to the end of the slaughter. I can’t think of anything that I personally hate seeing my tax dollars (and I hate a lot of they ways that they are used to promote war and violence)spent on more than on than funding a militant foreign regime that represents and ongoing threat to world peace, is hell bent on using genocidal killing sprees to carve out Lebensraum and is armed to the teeth with hundreds of nukes. These weapons of mass destruction if and when push comes to shove could be unleashed in some lunatic plan called “The Samson Option” that is eerily reminiscent of General Jack D. Ripper’s maelstrom of madness in Dr. Strangelove where he locked down an Air Force base and sent the nuclear armed B-52’s on a renegade mission to nuke Russia. Those crazy fucking bastards in the extremist right wing circles of the Israeli government according to their Samson Option would actually unleash a massive final strike against the entire Arab population of the Middle East and as has become evident to anybody who can recognize stark raving mad fanaticism may even include Europe and quite possibly America. Hell, could anyone even put it past them that they could be using actual nuclear blackmail (as well as the long rumored sexual blackmail traps that have been ongoing) against the United States right now? How many of those Israeli nukes are targeted at American cities? It takes someone with one hell of a lot of chutzpah to come right out and publicly override the results of the entire U.S. intelligence community that has now emphatically gone on record as saying that Iran halted their nuclear weapons program in 2003. Just who in the fuck do these arrogant pricks think that they are – God’s chosen people or something?
Time for Israel to go it alone, it is neither cost effective nor in the long term interests of America to continue to play golem for a pack of hostile, illogical and indignant warmongers so let them for once go forth and fight their own battles. May they attack Natanz with the same vicious, no quarter savagery that they unleashed on the USS Liberty four decades ago and then let them deal with the blowback – it’s not our problem. Israel is like that freeloading drunken relative who insists on ‘blessing’ the family with his/her presence during the holidays and then proceeds to destroy everything that was planned by loving but naïve family members with good intentions and an ill placed sense of loyalty and tolerance towards a maladaptive idiot who fucks up everything on an annual basis and turns what should be a joyous time of peaceful enjoyment into a cross between National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
And let them for once reap the whirlwind for their militarism and insanity as America renounces their unconscionable favoritism for Israeli extremists over Palestine and everyone else in the region. Time to reclaim the moral high ground by ousting the moral reprobates and their destructive ideologies and to act as an honest broker for peace. After the grand fucking that the world has been given by the criminal junta that seized power with an iron fist on 9/11 it is imperative that the war pigs be brought to heel once and for all and for the USA to cast off the garish costume of an empire of fear to once again become that shining city on the hill. Maybe like other rogue states Israel can just be threatened to be carpet bombed back to the Stone Age, kind of along the lines of what they tried to do to Beirut last summer – now THAT would level the playing field against their neighbors and their mutual festering centuries old religious hatred, let them all fight it out with sticks and fucking stones just like in the good old days.

The hard liners are still determined to have their goddamned war and suck the U.S. into it so to put it as Winston Wolf so eloquently once said “Well, let’s not start sucking each other’s dicks quite yet” because dark forces are scrambling to regain the iniative, the NIE is a brief reprieve that only buys a bit of time to further damage the doomsday machine. The American neocons and their right-wing whacko Israeli cohorts will now redouble their efforts to avenge this embarassing poke in the eye and barring the long overdue total explosion of Dick Cheney’s black heart the full force of the shadow government will be thrown behind a desperation fourth down all out blitz. The pocket media will be brought to heel, the public will be relentlessly bludgeoned into a near catatonic state of fear and the entire fucking playbook will be emptied to regain the initiative for their escalation of the war of civilizations. The Republican presidential candidates for 2008 (with the exception of Ron Paul) will also jack up their already bombastic rhetoric to the next level. Look for the next ‘debate’ to be a testosterone fueled, muscle flexing, Muslim bashing, torture drenched infomercial for Armageddon that will at worst provide the heretofore fractioning knuckle dragging lumpen Republican base with a unifying cause to let slip the dogs of war (not to mention the allure of a crusade against the she devil Rodham-Clinton) and at best will induce mass madness as the lunatic fringe take to the streets with blood curdling shrieks to launch a series of pogroms against liberals, pacifists and the usual scapegoats for their pathetic fucked up lives.

In any sane country the legislature, the courts and those still loyal and sane within the military command structure would be compelled to launch an immediate decapitation strike against an administration that has reached the end of the river and immediately arrest and frog march both George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney out of the White House and leg irons, restore control of the war machine to rational forces and weed out the moles, party hacks and fanatics before we are all in concentration camps sucking in nuclear fallout because that is the endgame to all of this lunacy for anyone not salivating over their seat assignment for the Rapture. This however is post 9/11 America and we only have the Vichy Democrats as a toilet tissue paper thin firewall against fullblown fascism and World War III. As for our elected officials now is the time to stop worrying about who was videotaped with someone’s dick, fist or rubber dildo in their mouth, asshole, vagina (or elsewhere) or whatever other unspeakable acts of debauchery and sodomy may be being held over their heads like the proverbial Sword of Damocles, or even if it is something as trivial of common corruption (hell, we expect that of politicians) it’s time to come clean in the best interests of America and reject the threats of The Lobby, people are catching on and pretty soon there will be far greater worries than appeasement of foreign agents – like trials for treason. As Pat Buchanan once correctly put it Congress is Israeli occupied territory and it’s way past time that a thorough housecleaning is done so those who are sworn to defend the Constitution start putting America first because all of the rest of it is just rot and corruption and runs counter to our own national interests.

I am sure that this post could potentially land me on Jane Harman’s shitlist as well as a place in a database for the day that the treacherous little fucking rat Lieberman consummates the anti-American H.R. 1955: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 and commences the traveling carnival of perversion of McCarthyist modern day ‘red baiting’ and blacklisting but just fuck them all nonetheless.
All I want for Christmas is to wake up from this fucking long-running nightmare.

The Hairshirt

October 24, 2007

Roosevelt is DEAD! His policies may live on, but we’re in the process of doing something about that as well

-Rush Hudson Limbaugh III

A while back at my local grocery store I noticed that there was a big sign with red letters taped to the front of the service desk that emphatically stated: WE NO LONGER ACCEPT ROLLED CHANGE. Sad to think that things are now so bad inflation wise that people are having to pay for food using scavenged rolls of pennies but some enterprising genius is going around down here in Florida putting in machines that convert such coinage to an easy to debit card – for a fee of course. Of course the official government line is that inflation is not a problem but most lies are of course comprised of half-truths mixed with outright lies and and one of the great lies is that core inflation doesn’t include either food or energy costs, it’s right up there with capitalism and democracy being interchangable.

People are having to dig deeper these days, much deeper now that oil prices are setting records, a gallon of milk is even more than a gallon of gas and the dollar is falling faster than the test objects for Newton’s law of gravity. The financial sector has been gamed to the point of collapse by the economic chicanery of the same sort of scoundrels who George Washington once referred to as a “squadron of corrupt paper dealers” and Frankin D. Roosevelt called out the same unscrupulous bandits as “economic royalists”. There are of course other more profane things we can call them the pack of greed-headed traitors who sold out America for chump change like unscrupulous slumlords bleeding a depressed property before dumping it to find more suckers to leech off of but it was America’s delusional worship of such rapacious, monstrous psychopaths that allowed the grand fucking to occur.

An unwritten law of nature is that for every fucker there must be at least one fuckee and in a country in which the idolization of money and wealth for the sake of the worship of false gods as Donald Trump, J.R. Ewing Jack Welch there is no shortage of either. With the rise of Reagan and the rolling out of that shining gold plated calf Americans lined up to suck it’s poisonous cock, maxing out the credit cards, being sucked into debt slavery by a sham system set up for that express purpose and by withdrawing into self-contained atmospheres of toxic greed and covetousness while ignoring those things that really and truly matter in order to pursue that cheap television electronic crack high of the pursuit of the mythical American dream. The greatest bait and switch in American history was that period after the Powell Memorandum laid out the game plan for the Reagan juggernaut that would destroy the unions, gut the regulatory agencies for fun and profit and produce a mutant generation that now believed that the path to success and prosperity came courtesy of the lottery and grotesquely insidious scams like “Who Wants to be A Millionaire” rather than the unspoken traditional pact of loyalty and hard work between employee and employer mapped out a path to prosperity and created a middle class that was the envy of the world and made dreams possible of a unique national destiny to change the world for the better. Then the festering nest of fascist vipers that has always existed in this country hijacked that dream and turned it into a nightmare.

The seeds have been sown and very soon we will be reaping the whirlwind for a quarter century of disastrously corrupt and fundamentally flawed neoliberal economic philosophy that rode in on the coattails of the great Ronald Reagan, or maybe it was the opposite but make no mistake, the average American will be the one left holding the proverbial flaming bag of dogshit while the looters laugh all the way to their offshore tax shelters and foreign banks. Americans have been indoctrinated to blame themselves for their lack of wealth and to view the poor as lazy lepers and the wealthy as superior human beings.

Howard W. Campbell Jr. from Kurt Vonnegut’s classic Slaughterhouse Five:

America is the wealthiest nation on Earth, but its people are mainly poor, and poor Americans are urged to hate themselves. To quote the American journalist Kin Hubbard “It ain’t no disgrace to be poor, but it might as well be.” It is in fact a crime for an American to be poor, even though America is a nation of poor. Every other nation has folk traditions of men who were poor but extremely wise and virtuous, and therefore more estimable than anyone with power and gold. No such tales are told by the American poor. They mock themselves and glorify their betters. The meanest eating or drinking establishment, owned by a man who is himself poor, is very likely to have a sign on its wall asking this cruel question: “If you’re so smart, why ain’t you rich?” There will also be an American flag no larger than a child’s hand glued to a lollipop stick and flying fom the cash register.

Americans, like human beings everywhere believe that many things are obviously untrue. Their most destructive untruth is that it is very easy for any American to make money. They will not acknowledge how in fact hard money is to come by, and therefore those who have no money blame and blame and blame themselves. This inward blame has been a treasure for the rich and powerful, who have had to do less for their poor, publicly and privately, than any other ruling class since, say Napoleanic times. Many novelties have come from America. The most startling of these, a thing without precedent, is a mass of undignified poor. They do not love one another because they do not love themselves.

And just who are our national role models and heroes? Who is there that Americans should hold in the highest of esteem? Brittney and Lindsay and Tomkat and the Donald and Paris don’t do it. Our history has been scrubbed and sanitized by the economic royalists and the fascists to eliminate any mention of true heroes of the working class and of a real democratic society. The vast majority of those compliant little consumers that have for too long been churned out by a starved for funds and battered into submission school public school system that has been turned into a nationwide network of drone factories (one of the only things that we mass produce in America anymore) have never heard of those who sacrificed for those things that came to be taken to granted to the point where they are now being taken away.

Where is there any mention given of Eugene Debs or of Joe Hill or of Saul Alinsky or of Mother Jones? What about General Smedley D . Butler who called out the blood barters with his tract War Is A Racket and his exposure of the Business Plot where wealthy traitors schemed about a coup against FDR? What is taught about Huey Long? I mean other than the widely accepted narrative of a power mad, corrupt tyrant instead of the man who scared the living shit out of the elitist establishment with his “Share Our Wealth” program that made the New Deal look like Reaganomics. Long stood up to entrenched interests and the moral rottenness of looter capitalism, he built roads, bridges, hospitals and schools as well as provided free textbooks and he even dared to take on the almighty Rockefellers and Standard Oil. Long railed against institutionalized corruption with his “Every man a king” type of populism and he was making dangerous noises about running for president. The ending of the Huey Long story is all too predictable and familiar: he was of course assassinated.

And what of Hellen Keller? The little girl who overcame blindness and deafness and whose struggles with her handicaps are taught to American children as an example of how to overcome adversity as they are indoctrinated to the lies of a society that demands sacrifice and backbreaking work from the lesser classes as unquestioning slaves to the whims of the modern pharaohs on Wall Street. She has been sanitized, turned into a Horatio Alger version of the little engine that could while her later life as a social activist goes ignored. Hellen Keller would grow up to be a champion of women’s suffrage, she would join the Industrial Workers of the World and to help to found the American Civil Liberties Union. She was a socialist who dared to speak out against the power base and their exploitation and for that sin her life has been through revisionist history turned into a perverse fairy tale and yet another myth to bolster the system that would make slaves of us all. The little engine that could was very quickly uncoupled from the rest of the train once the narrative switched tracks from one of inspirational value to one of social justice.

And there are others, there are many others who risked all to end child labor, to fight for equality and the forty-hour work week and unemployment protection and workers rights, workplace safety and a right to basic human decency but they go largely unheard of. A good and easy to read book about the working class American labor movements that I recommend is Sharon Smith’s excellent Subterranean Fire because let’s face it, it is a hell of a rock that has to be rolled up that hill and education is necessary in order for the necessary deprogramming to occur. Official history is always written by the victors rather than the vanquished and because most of lying is through omission the banishment of American progressives from our history is a calculated and cynical effort to distort and distract until the final goal of a massive redistribution of wealth upwards and offshore has been completed and the country has been bankrupted and beggared by the economic royalists. Then the looters will either retreat behind the walls of their gated communities, hire private security firms for protection from the unwashed masses or flee this goddamned husk of a once great economic power altogether, their loyalty has always been to green and gold rather than red, white and blue.

And they have run their game plan to perfection, here is a snippet of the transcript of a recent Democracy Now interview with economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman:

AMY GOODMAN: Paul Krugman, can you talk — I mean, in your book, The Conscience of a Liberal, you’re talking about the growth of the whole neoconservative movement over the years. Give us some historical context here and in parallel with the growth of the economic disparity between rich and poor.

PAUL KRUGMAN: Yeah. A big discovery I made in doing the research for Conscience of a Liberal is that politics has actually led the economics. It’s not that we evolved into a new Gilded Age and we developed a right wing to support that. It’s that we developed a right wing that wanted a new Gilded Age, and they got it. Really, you know, a lot of this goes back — there was always a back — there were always people who hated FDR, who hated the New Deal, hated Social Security, but in the ’50s, they couldn’t get anywhere. Eisenhower once wrote a letter to his brother saying that this is a tiny minority and they are stupid.

But in the ’60s, they found their feet. Goldwater is actually less of a — I mean, he seized the Republican nomination, but much more important is first Reagan is the first central figure, because he found a way to exploit, found a rhetoric to exploit the white backlash against civil rights without actually being explicitly racist. So he talked about welfare queens driving Cadillacs. He talked about welfare cheats. He talked about — but he became governor of California largely by campaigning against the fair housing law. Nixon found the tactics. Nixon — you know, the dirty tricks, and it’s amazing how many, not just the sort of legacy, but actually the people of the Bush administration are coming from the Nixon years. I mean, Roger Ailes of Fox News was Nixon’s media adviser, right? They found these tactics. They found the moneyed interests wanted — supported the takeover of the Republican Party by people who really wanted to roll back as much of the New Deal as they could, but they were able to win elections by exploiting other issues, primarily race. And they were able to achieve about twenty-five years of political dominance in this country, largely by flipping the South and, to a certain extent, winning over, you know, the sort of Reagan Democrats in the North who were really upset about what amounts to the backlash against the Civil Rights Movement. It’s an extraordinary story.

And they were able to transform the way — look, my favorite example is just how much politics has mattered. We think of the decline of the union movement, which has all kinds of consequences, as being something — well, you know, the world economy changed and unions just didn’t have a place anymore. But that’s actually not true. Every place else in the advanced world, unions are still a powerful force. In the 1960s, Canada and the United States had the same rate of unionization. Canada still has about the same rate of unionization that it had in the 1960s. In the United States, the movement has been — you know, is a shadow of its former self, and that’s because of union busting, which was made possible by a permissive political environment, Ronal Reagan firing the air traffic controllers. The National Labor Relations Board turning hostile toward union organizers creates the possibility for massive union busting, and that, not the global economy, is why we are what we are.

A New Time For Heroes: In an era of institutional decay wrought by a coordinated unrelenting assault on America by the looter ideology of the cult of Milton Friedman and the symbiotic relationship with the worst sort of domestic fascists it is imperative that heroes are either remembered or created to provide inspiration for a working class that has been herded into the chute by Judas goats before the kill shot is delivered. The very term heroes has been so cheapened and tarnished by constant invocation to serve the political needs of the corrupt, treasonous and morally devoid charlatans who run the scam and use it to describe everyone from victims of terrorism to the always expediently exploited troops so it also needs to be rescued and returned to it’s rightful place in the American lexicon. A hero is a person of morality, achievements and noble qualities, one who often sacrifices his/her own reputation or safety in order to pursue that which is right and those things that truly matter. It is time to reclaim history from the oligarchs, the looters and the blood barters and to recognize those from the past who took stands against power no matter how badly that the deck was stacked against them. They often suffered greatly but their cause prevailed and for a time, until the consolidated effort by a highly organized and deep pocketed fascist fifth column chipped away at progressive victories that built America into the envy of the world they made life better for subsequent generations who have now forgotten them. It is up to us, me and you dear reader to work together to return hope for positive change to this great country. It doesn’t take much, just a bit of courage, some knowledge on how things really work, a bit of a chip on your shoulder and a burning desire to set things right again.

But heroes aren’t limited to only those who achieved or paid the most, they include all who took a stand against injustice. They are largely anonymous but they numbered in the thousands if not millions. Their mettle is lacking in an America gone fascist and populated by fearful sheeple and hateful lemmings. While the economic diaspora of the looting spree and the ravages of globalization number in the millions there is no unity, no organization and until there is quite frankly there is little hope. It is up to us all to be heroes even if as David Bowie once sang “just for one day” and to educate, inform, prop up and instill some self-esteem in others. We must all work together in order to cast off the hairshirt and to take back that which has been stolen from us.

I am going to close with a poem by Marge Piercy called Each Day One More:

What can they do
to you? Whatever they want.
They can set you up, they can
bust you, they can break
your fingers, they can
burn your brain with electricity,
blur you with drugs till you
can’t walk, can’t remember, they can
take your child, wall up
your lover. They can do anything
you can’t stop them
from doing. How can you stop
them? Alone, you can fight,
you can refuse, you can
take what revenge you can
but they roll over you.
But two people fighting
back to back can cut through
a mob, a snake-dancing file
can break a cordon, an army
can meet an army.

Two people can keep each other
sane, can give support, conviction,
love, massage, hope, sex.
Three people are a delegation,
a committee, a wedge. With four
you can play bridge and start
an organization. With six
you can rent a whole house,
eat pie for dinner with no
seconds, and hold a fund raising party.
A dozen make a demonstration.
A hundred fill a hall.
A thousand have solidarity and your own newsletter;
ten thousand, power and your own paper;
a hundred thousand, your own media;
ten million, your own country.

It goes on one at a time,
it starts when you care
to act, it starts when you do
it again after they said no,
it starts when you say We
and know who you mean, and each
day you mean one more.

Also posted to the front page of MyLeftWing.

Fred Thompson? Why Not Fred Flintstone?

May 22, 2007

Still desperately seeking to reincarnate the right-wing crackpot, commie basher, fink and phony western hero turned Social Darwinist pitchman Ronald Reagan the flailing remnants of the juggernaut that was the Republican party is casting a longing eye towards that little glass screen and getting high off of the fumes of that sweet opiate high that emanates from the national cult of celebrity. After last week’s national fucking embarrassment of the South Carolina GOP debate exposed the gaggle of goofballs competing for a shot at King George’s throne and all of the powers of the unitary executive as a bunch of amoral hucksters, charlatans and fear pimps the Republicans need to rapidly find a plan B. Outside of Texas Congressman Ron Paul’s daring to bring up the real stuff and not the sideshows of fear, abortion and those damned homosexuals the bunch that was trotted out in Columbia were just more of the same finely suited shills for a nation gone to seed.

Rudy Giuliani: His pompous grandstanding and misinformed smackdown of dark horse Paul’s introduction of the unwelcome and alien concept known as reality was a testament to both his shameless pandering to the red state fascists as well as his sole ownership of that holy grail of Republican politics that is 9/11. After all, he did happen to be the mayor when the fucking attacks took place and he was in the streets as he likes to boast primarily because the oily ass clown had his command center in WTC7 – you know, the building that just happened to fall down hours after the twin towers were hit? And did I forget to mention that his wife was once employed by a company that murdered dogs?

Mitt Romney: Another Massachusetts flip-flopper with the looks of a matinee idol and the charm of a repo man but make no mistake, Romney is a slithering snake who will sell out everybody in his quest for the White House. Hell, John ‘Frenchy’ Kerry rode the straight talk express compared to this ‘Bean Town’ bullshit artist who is the most conniving rat outside of Martin Scorsese’s Academy Award winner “The Departed”. Romney is a triangulating flim flam man trying to parlay his anchorman good looks into landing the GOP nomination by advocating expanding Gitmo because we just aren’t fucking torturing enough people already. Would you buy a car from this man?

John McCain: Another flip-flopper trying to have it both ways on every issue while at the same time sucking up the black ops political fixers of the Bushreich who laid him low with slander and push poll insinuation in South Carolina in 2000 and recently departed radical cleric Jerry Falwell. McCain is as corrupt as they come despite the ‘maverick’ media hype, don’t forget the Keating Five scandal and his unholy alliance with that bloodsucking little prick Joe Lieberman. There was the great Baghdad market photo op where he needlessly exposed our troops to harm and that likely resulted in the abduction and slaughter of 21 of the market workers whose lives were sacrificed for the Manchurian candidate’s vainglorious stroll through the Mesopotamian charnel house.

Duncan Hunter, Tommy Thompson, Manny, Moe and Jack are irrelevant and I won’t even bother including in the group the three retrograde moron poltroons who proclaimed that they didn’t believe in evolution or Ron Paul who as a man who dared to bring up that inconvenient about the disastrous blowback that occurs due to our longstanding foreign policy of stealing resources, propping up murderous dictatorial regimes and spreading ‘democracy’ at gunpoint. He has already been mocked and marginalized by the fifth columnist shills in the pocket media and will very soon be unceremoniously dumped from the ‘debates’. The LAST thing that the Republicans or the establishment in general wants is a party pooper who could give away the whole game.

To further stack the deck for mass consumption (aka lemming food) the ‘debate’ was held in front of a Foxed up, carefully screened audience of Neanderthals, outright sadists and red state fascists and knuckle-dragging peckerwood morons straight out of Mississippi Burning who would be certain to whoop it up for the cameras whenever the designated fascist talking points were spewed. Take the raucous applause when the goodfella Guiliani tried to shank Paul for his comments on bombing and blowback which would form the basis for the operatives and FOX fifth-columnists to launch their swift boat attack, or the hoots of approval during mentions of torture which in the pre-9/11 world was something that the bad guys resorted to, back before America the land of the free and home of the brave took that dark journey through the looking glass and emerged as Amerika land of the fearful and home of the slaves.

The latest American hero, psychotic torturer Jack Bauer’s name was mentioned with only slightly less reverence than that of the Gipper during the previous get together showing with ever more clarity the blurring of the lines between fantasy and reality in TV nation.

I already looked at the dangerous influence of FOX’s smash hit 24 in one of my recent posts entitled Jack Bauer: America’s Favorite Nazi and the barrage of references to torture and Bauer by men seeking to wield the power of what is arguably the world’s greatest military machine and intelligence network should terrify any sane citizen of this rapidly deteriorating republic as well as those who it targets as it’s enemies: both foreign and domestic and if I were Michael Moore I would be seriously looking into applying for citizenship in a country without an extradition treaty with Der Heimat, but more on him later.

It is quite obvious that none of the buffons onstage stands a snowball’s chance in hell against the long pre-selected candidate of the financial oligarchs, the blood barters and AIPAC to carry the day in a general election (presuming that it hasn’t already been fixed by Karl Rove’s chicanery) against Queen Hillary. The philandering fascist dwarf Newt Gingrich is still threatening to slime his way into the race like a starving rat crawling into a house through a dryer vent but his liabilities far outweigh his massive ego so he is toast even if he did appear on James Dobson’s national brainwashing network to give a mea culpa over his adulterous ways. None of this had to happen either, but the carefully cultivated successor to that great phony western hero iconography George Felix Allen went down in a blaze of ugly public racial comments, hubris and lurid tales of stuffing deer heads into black folks’ mailboxes during a Senatorial reelection campaign so completely bungled and mismanaged by the lamentable Dick Wadhams that it could have been Bob Schrum in disguise. But alas, when the dude ranch desperado went down to James Webb last November the GOP was left in the lurch without the next Reagan. As the day is getting later and the situation more dire it is now time for the great man on horseback to ride to the rescue and turn back the hordes of secular liberal varmints and renegade paleoconservatives.

Here comes Fred Dalton Thompson to continue to drag America back to the future.

After the GOP hype machine and the pocket media echo chamber gets finished pushing the supposed virtues and credentials of yet another bad actor as Reagan redux the neocons will have their champion. Personally I have always thought that Thompson sucked as an actor. He spends the majority of his onscreen time towering, glowering and mumbling in a voice that is reminiscent of a man with a mouthful of marbles or Mushmouth from those old Fat Albert cartoons. His performances are totally unimpressive and devoid of any actual thespian skills to all but the red state yokels who are still addicted to reruns of The Dukes of Hazard. But that is strictly my opinion, others see him much differently.

Take Liz Garrigan of the ‘Nashville Scene’ writing at Mockingbird Central more formerly known as The Washington Post. By the time that she gets done building up Fred with her slavering columns like ‘He Sure Can Act The Part’ Thompson will be right up there behind Jesus and Jack Daniels in the Volunteer State and on the rise nationally. Here is a few paragraphs of Garrigan’s nauseating tripe:

Like voters everywhere, we Tennesseans want our politicians to be part professor, part John Wayne. But the top-tier candidates in the GOP field so far — John McCain, Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney — somehow lack that magic merger of smarts and swagger, which is probably why nearly half of Republican voters say they’re still waiting for the right candidate. Well, their John Wayne is standing just outside the corral.

He is Fred Dalton Thompson, and while he’s no admiral, he has played one in the movies. The former senator is also the third man from our humble horizontal Southern state to be touted as presidential material in the past year, after former Senate majority leader Bill Frist and former vice president Al Gore. Thompson has yet to raise a nickel — or a presidential posse — but grass-roots Republicans from the East Coast to the West already see the man with the low drawl and the towering stature as their political savior. But is he?

It wouldn’t be the first time a B-list actor united the country. In fact, part of what this former ladies’ man has going for him is widespread Ronald Reagan nostalgia. That, and he’s a refreshing contrast to the calculating likes of Gore and even Frist: He’s a guy with a Senate legacy of bipartisanship and even-handedness. (When he led the Senate investigation into 1996 campaign-finance irregularities, he targeted not just the Clinton-Gore White House but Republicans, too.)

And he knows how to play the political game. At the start of his Senate race in 1994, Thompson was a high-dollar Washington lawyer and lobbyist who drove a Lincoln Continental, lived in a condo and wore dark suits and ties to even the most folksy barbecue-and-beans Tennessee campaign appearances. But nobody — nobody with an echo, anyway — accused him of being phony when he eventually decided to prop up his flailing bid with, well, props: a getup of jeans and work shirt and some down-home locomotion in the form of a used cherry-red Chevy pickup truck that he drove across the state and featured in television ads to transform his campaign.

All of which makes him some combination of brilliant and lucky as hell.

But there’s more to it than that. Unlike his Democratic native-son counterpart Gore, who was picked apart like so much Tennessee roadkill in 2000 for his campaign-consultant-directed wardrobe transformation from dark suits to warmer tones, Thompson was rewarded for his makeover from slick silk-stocking lawyer to accomplished hayseed. In 1996, when he won election to his first full term, more Tennesseans voted for Thompson than for any other politician in state history.

RETCH! To cut through the party line bullshit and put it in layman’s terms Fred Dalton Thompson is just the latest version of a bad product made palatable by a crackerjack marketing campaign. Thompson has also endeared himself to the angry hordes of white male loser Michelle Maladong/Glenn Beck watching miscreants with his attacks on Michael Moore for his visit to Cuba during the filming of his new movie SiCKO. Moore’s last movie Fahrenheit 9/11 went far too easy on the fourth generation criminal George W. Bush for my liking but it was effective and exposed some ugly truths to millions of Americans who had been kept in the dark. Attacking Bush and the war is one thing but SiCKO goes after the very paymasters of Thompson and his ilk – the health care lobbying leviathan that finances the legislative fornication at the Washington whorehouses where business is conducted. Look for lots of cash to come sluicing into Thompson’s campaign from that particular group of johns.

Thompson also has the trick of feeding red meat to the jihadists of the Republican base down as he is the lead attack basset hound going after the hated Moore. The GOP vendetta against Moore for his trip to Cuba is just more of the same standard use of the government as an arm of the Republican party Gestapo that has become commonplace during the reign of the Bush-Cheney-Rove Axis of Evil. Thompson is just reading from the same tired old script in flogging that old Cold War nag that just doesn’t get too many folk outside of the most dug in enclaves of dead ender members of the John Birch Society or the raving lunatic Cubans in the Miami area who have already tried once to book the Orange Bowl for an orgy of ghoulishness when Fidel does kick or the mental midgets who watch FOX. Thompson and Moore have had a go round with Freddy spewing invective about internment and Moore challenging the big man to a debate on national health care. Thompson of course did the manly Republican thing – he declined. “I have been looking at my schedule Michael and you know I don’t have time for you” during a staged photo op where the new Reagan was smoking a Cuban cigar.

Ironically Michael Moore is being targeted for prosecution by the Bushist junta under the Trading With The Enemies Act which those who don’t rely on the corporatist pocket media for their information will instantly recognize that this is the same law under which the assets of George W. Bush’s grandfather, Prescott Bush’s company were seized by FDR for doing business with Hitler’s Nazis. And if what I have heard about the Cuban footage in SiCKO is true then Moore has really done it by daring to rub Rudy and the 9/11 party’s noses in a big pile of the same bullshit that they have been shovelling down the throats of Americans for the past five and a half fucking years. The first responders on 9/11 who are suffering from inhaling toxic substances – which Rudy and the government tried to cover up – were taken to Gitmo by Moore to find that the terrorists interned there get better health care than they do. This is going to be a bomb that will detonate in theatres across the land next month unless the Bushists are able to get their way and suppress it which will be a public relations disaster of unprecedented proportions that even Big Fred won’t be able to overcome.

The Republicans are going to learn pretty quickly that you can’t make chicken salad out of chicken shit. Instead of continuing to cling to a failed set of anti-American ideologies like a life preserver adrift in a sea of shit it is time to just come clean and admit what is obvious – Reaganism, neoliberalism, imperialism and globalism along with the tapeworm economy that they are all dependent upon DO NOT FUCKING WORK! They have been robbing us blind, dismantling the middle class, selling off the national infrastructure to foreigners, looting the treasury, eradicating the Constitution, setting up a police state, turning the USA into a world pariah and now with the importation of unregulated food ingredients from China just to make a few more fucking bucks they are poisoning us. When in the Hell is enough enough? Do babies have to start dying from the same tainted imported shit additives that have already killed thousands of pets before Americans get off their fucking asses, put down their goddamned remote TV controls and take to the streets to scream “I’m as mad as Hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!!”?

So instead of rolling out Franken Freddy as yet another pitchman for the same disastrous shit isn’t it time for the Republican party to try something different while there is still an existing framework for a political system in America?

How About – Be Like Ike? For a party so steeped in the past it would refreshing for a change if they would pick another era other than the stone age to emulate.

Slow Roasting Pork

October 6, 2006

The jolly fat man is singing. He is dancing in the streets at a party in a nice neighborhood on the outskirts of Chicago. He is wearing the pancake makeup and costume of a clown, making balloon animals for children. He is the envy of many and he is a successful man, a Christian man whose family values and membership in respectful organizations like the Jaycees made him a role model to those unsuspecting of his dark side and hidden impulses.

Police investigating a series of disappearances of young men eventually came to suspect John Wayne Gacy and by the time that 29 bodies were dug up on his property his name was guaranteed to live in infamy for not only his sadistic cruelty and homosexual deviance in torturing and murdering 33 male victims who had been lured into the web of the evil sexual predator but for his banality.

I personally find it humorous for some bizarre reason that I am unable to explain that John Wayne Gacy’s suburban Illinois home where the corpses were excavated is not far from the stomping grounds of one John Dennis Hastert, another singing and dancing Chicago area fat man who today finds his acre of ass entrapped in a very ugly, burgeoning scandal that is turning into a media circus involving the cover-up of the conduct of a Republican Congressman and sexual predator for the sake of political expediency.

Despite his steadfast refusal to resign his post as Speaker of the House over the failure to adequately address warnings that Mark Foley was possibly just a little bit more than “overly friendly” John Dennis Hastert is running out of room to maneuver. His much ballyhooed at the time American Values Agenda has ignited in his chubby fingers like a prank bag of flaming dogshit and with each passing day more of those who had been previously duped and hornswoggled by GOP snake oil salesmen are beginning to slowly come to the realization that the only family with ‘values‘ along the lines of those of the Republicans is the Manson Family. It is hard to suppress guffaws of sardonic laughter when reading the following statement from Jabba the Hastert that was issued only a few short months ago:

“The American Values Agenda will defend America’s founding principles. Through this agenda, we will work to protect the faith of our people, the sanctity of life and freedoms outlined by our founding fathers. Radical courts have attempted to gut our religious freedom and redefine the value system on which America was built. We hope to restore some of those basic values through passing this legislative agenda and renewing our country’s commitment to faith, freedom and life.”

That was back at the end of June when Republicans were getting their swagger back and braying their trademark nationalist outrage at ‘America haters’ who did not support the flag burning amendment that is normally rolled out just in time for the Fouth of July but a few months is an eternity in the game of politics where glory is fleeting and infamy long lasting.

Just like his master Tom DeLay did when he was going down, the porcine Hastert took the low road of a career scoundrel and in the true spirit of the culture of victimization that is the authoritarian hard right he blamed his own failings on somebody else. Pity the poor right-wingers, they are always the victims. If it’s not women, homosexuals, trial lawyers, Commies, judges, the ACLU it is the liberals fault and ABC too for not succumbing to bribery and pressure and going ahead with the Foley story. When a skunk is cornered it sprays in every direction seeking to contaminate the air so it can escape, the longtime Rovian strategy is to muddy the waters in order to confuse and distract and to smear and slime and hurl accusations at phantoms so the fat slob took to the airwaves on the pill popper’s show to get the message out to the angry army and circumvent the goddamned, fucking liberal media:

“We have a story to tell, and the Democrats have — in my view have — put this thing forward to try to block us from telling the story. They’re trying to put us on defense.”

Slobbered Hastert as blamed the great liberal conspiracy that has served as rocket fuel for the rise of authoritarian right-wing fascism. His multiple chins quivered like ripples of pink gelatin fraught with indignity as he spat out his invective and vitriolic words like carefully aimed daggers.

To borrow ultra-right wing lunatic David Horowitz’ revisionist reworking of the Clausewitz quote that “war is nothing but a continuation of politics by other means”, to apply to raw partisanship I must agree that today politics IS war. It is also deliciously ironic that the “story to tell” otherwise known as 9/11 and the accompanying fear mongering and slander that goes along with it that Hastert and his ilk are being undone by that one thing that it is even more precious to Americans than their cringing need for protection – their insatiable obsession with sex. It is the ultimate in schadenfreude that the party that not long ago shut the country down over a blowjob is now seeing their best laid plans disintegrate in a sea of prurient smut.

According to a recent Reuters story the Bush administration’s political machinations have been stalled albeit temporarily by the same lurid sexual tabloidism that they have successfully traficked in for so long.And of course our national strong daddy figure himself George W. Bush came out to say that he is standing by Hastert along with all of the usual suspects who are now closing ranks and expressing satisfaction with an insincere apology. It is worth remembering that the same crowd once wanted to all but march Bill Clinton to the guillotine for a consensual affair with a member of the opposite sex who was of legal age at the time.

Of course this should surprise nobody at all who has any ablilty to engage in critical thinking; it would only be shocking if he would jettison a reprobate or an incompetent of significant power and any such action would be the first for a man adrift in a sea of immorality with a busted compass and a stuck rudder. Bush has an affinity for dishonorable men for he himself is among the most dishonorable of them all and like a crime boss bestowing a kiss on the cheek of one of f an underling so has he rallied to the defense of John Dennis Hastert.

John Dennis Hastert’s rote statements of pandering to ‘the base’ (Al Qaeda also means ‘the base’)under a vaguely defined umbrella of Rorschachian ‘values’ that are primarily manifested in partisan loyalty. Buzz words and scapegoats have now become so expansive so as to include not only defenses of the standard rank fixers, charlatans, thieves, shake down artists, false prophets, babbling asses, Bush sycophants and outright sleaze mongers but are now also is inclusive to degenerate sexual predators whose lusting after young males is so pathological that according to sources including ABC Foley once had to leave during a floor vote to go and run a batch over an impromptu session of cyber sex.

But Republicans as they have been so good at reminding us are the ‘values’ people and those who stand on that wall to defend society from the pitchfork bearing hordes of liberals run amok who hate us for our way of life. According to Vote Smart Hastert received a 100 percent rating from the Family Research Council in 2005 for his stance on family and childrens issues. FRC must have known something because they only saw fit to bestow upon Foley, and I kid you not with this number that is slang for inverted simultaneous oral sex a rating of 69!

The involvement of the House Ethics Committee is nothing more than window dressing, the committee is neutered and will be more interested in presenting the façade of a legitimate investigation when in essence it is only damage control and trying to run out the clock for desperate Republicans. Any findings by the committee should be treated with as much credibility as an internal audit undertaken by employees of the Corleone family into allegations of potential criminal activity within the Genco Olive Oil Company. Oh and then there is the FBI investigation, which I am sure will be performed with all the due diligence that longtime Bush toady Alberto Gonzalez can muster will leave no stone unturned in this latest egregious example of the corrupting influence of unfettered power.

John Wayne Gacy was such a malevolent monster, so irredeemably evil and unremorseful for his many sins that his last words before he was executed were reportedly “You can kiss my ass”. After his body was pumped full of a sufficient quantity of toxic chemicals to ensure that he had departed from this mortal coil his brain was removed to be studied by forensic pathologists for abnormalities that may have caused his inhuman tendencies and propensity for cruelty. Regarding his victims he sneeringly remarked that:

“They were just a bunch of worthless little queers and punks”.

I would not be one bit surprised to hear the same words about Democrats and critics spew forth from the pie holes of Bush, Rove, Hastert, Gingrich, O’Reilly, Coulter, Cheney, Frist, Dobson or any one of hundreds of other members of the American Fascist Party, so intense is their disdain and contempt for the very concept of a constitutional republic and the democracy that Americans until only a scant half decade ago took for granted as their birthright.

Perhaps when John Dennis Hastert and all of his vile Republican cohorts die the same thing should be done with their brains so that we may one day understand what drives these monsters so as to be best able to prevent it for the sake of future generations.