The Hagee-Farrakhan Paradox

March 1, 2008

In yet another of those great contradictions that plague this rancid and rotting empire Barack Obama has been brutalized over favorable statements made about his historic candidacy by the infamous Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan who has been made into that most unholy of all monsters – an Anti-Semite (also known as one who makes comments critical of Israeli aggression). During Tuesday’s latest fucking disgrace of a Democratic party ‘debate’ beltway elitist hack Tim Russert went straight for Obama’s throat over Farrakhan that was straight out of the neocon attack manual and part of an obvious clandestine Clinton operation to mount a dirty smear campaign of whispers and allegations linking the insurgent candidate not only to radical Islam but also to those who have been deemed by the elitists and agents of The Lobby as Jew haters. Leave it to the always outstanding Glenn Greenwald to bring out the obvious hypocrisy that Manchurian McCain faces no similar criticism for his effusive praise and loving acceptance of the support of a man whose ideology if taken to it’s logical conclusion would seem to make him a real Jew hater far dangerous than Farrakhan. Radical cleric John Hagee of the Rapture death cult who openly advocates an event that would incinerate more Jews than even Hitler would have been capable of had he stayed in business until a ripe old retirement age.

Greenwald’s pieces are always spot on when it comes to getting at the real meat of the issues and Thursday’s “Some hateful, radical ministers — white evangelicals — are acceptable” was a masterpiece in calling out this sleazy attempt to judge Obama under different rules than those deemed to be acceptable to the neocons are. I will excerpt a few bits of this here but recommend checking out the entire thing:

One of this week’s hysterical press scandals was that Minister Louis Farrakhan praised Barack Obama’s candidacy even though Obama had previously denounced numerous Farrakhan remarks and the Obama campaign did nothing to seek out the Farrakhan praise. Nonetheless, Tim Russert demanded that Obama jump through multiple hoops to prove that he has no connection to — and, in fact, “rejects” — the ideas espoused by Farrakhan deemed to be radical and hateful.

Yesterday, though, the equally fringe, radical and hateful (at least) Rev. John Hagee — a white evangelical who is the pastor of a sprawling “mega-church” in Texas — enthusiastically endorsed John McCain. Did McCain have to jump through the same hoops which Russert and others set up for Obama and “denounce” Hagee’s extremism and “reject” his support? No; quite the opposite. McCain said he was “very honored” to receive this endorsement and, when asked about some of Hagee’s more twisted views, responded: “all I can tell you is that I am very proud to have Pastor John Hagee’s support.”

McCain’s sainted supporter, Joe Lieberman, last year spoke to Hagee’s group and lavished him with such obsequious praise that Lieberman actually compared Hagee, favorably, to Moses. Why is Louis Farrakhan deemed by our political establishment to be so radioactive as to not be fit for good company — black candidates are required to repudiate his support even when they haven’t sought it and denounce his views even when they’ve never advocated anything close to those views — but John Hagee is a perfectly acceptable figure whom mainstream GOP politicians are free to court without any consequences or media objections?

Here is just a small sampling of the belief system of this welcomed McCain supporter:

* All Muslims are programmed to kill and we can thus never negotiate with any of them. From an NPR interview Hagee gave to Terry Gross in 2006:


Hagee believes that “the president’s support for Israel fulfills a biblical injunction to protect the Jewish state,” which “will play a pivotal role in the second coming.” These views are not unrelated to Hagee’s support for McCain. Quite the contrary; Hagee cited McCain’s so-called “pro-Israel views,” his belligerence towards Iran, and his social conservatism as reasons for the endorsement. And in critical contrast to Obama and Farrakhan, McCain actually seems to share some of Hagee’s more twisted views, as evidenced by McCain’s joyful singing about dropping bombs on Iran.

The GOP has long been given a pass on courting the most warped and twisted religious figures around. George Bush spoke regularly with Pat Robertson — never once forced to “denounce” or “reject” him. In 2006, Rev. Hagee had a private meeting with uber-White House neocon (and convicted criminal) Elliot Abrams, who just happens to run Middle East policy in the Bush administration, and afterwards, Hagee gushed that he and Abrams (like he and Lieberman) shared similar views towards the Middle East: “we felt we were on the right track.”

Watching the media’s treatment of Farrakhan and Hagee, is it possible to imagine a more transparent, and grotesque, double standard? In the framework of the Russert-led establishment press, white evangelical Christians are, by definition, entitled to great respect no matter how radical, extreme and hateful their professed views are. These are, after all, religious Christians — People of Faith — and, as such, it is wrong, even bigoted, to suggest that they should be repudiated. There is nothing ever radical, hateful or dangerous about the views of white evangelical Christians like Hagee.

When it comes to flaming bags of pus preaching hatred towards Muslims (and Catholics) – which the McCain campaign is going to carpet bombing fearful Americans with as though he were dumping napalm on women and children back in Nam – John Hagee has no equal. His radical Christian Zionist militant group Christians United For Israel although only two years old has proven to be reliable boots on the ground shock troops for extremist right wing Israelis and their dual loyalist agents that are deeply embedded in the American media, military and government. Hagee who is also the author of books like Jerusalem Countdown that builds on the cultist Left Behind series of pulp fiction Armageddon books read by millions (and could have been written by Israeli intelligence itself so vitriolic are they to Muslims, liberals and the United Nations) caught the eye of the nuke Iran war freaks who have always preyed on rube bible thumpers and is now being used as a shill for the PNAC agenda of world dominance. His audacious pep rallies for a holy war to end all wars are orgies of the same sort of iconography and demagoguery that Leni Riefenstahl immortalized on film in Triumph Of The Will and the glazed eyes and thousand yard stares (see video here) of the hateful lemming CUFI followers and those of the German people are so similar that they send a chill up my spine. McCain’s object of everlasting man love Joe Lieberman is a Hagee favorite and has even gone so far as to compare the hatemongering minister to the fucking Moses himself. It is no small coincidence that CUFI came into existence at precisely the same time that the drive for nuking Iran was gathering momentum.

McCain of course being the straight shooter that he has thrown in with the same agents of intolerance that he once denounced before he found Jesus after that Karl Rove induced mugging in South Carolina back in 2000. McCain is a pathological war freak and wants to exact his brutal revenge on any proxy target of the Viet Cong so throwing in with the agents of extremist Israeli ideology like Lieberman and a flaming lunatic who wants to influence U.S. foreign policy to bring about the beloved Rapture and therefore the immolation of all Jews who don’t convert to Christianity makes perfect sense. The real issue though is why none of this gets any play in the mainstream media while Obama is practically crucified on national television just because Louis Farrakhan has mentioned him in a favorable manner. In another recent piece Greenwald gets at this strange concept of a media that constantly obscures any semblance of any sort of negative commentary on the role of Israel in world politics which is an absurdity that goes largely unnoticed here in our flag swaddled, god kissed lemming colony:

On virtually every issue concerning Israel, views that are held by substantial minorities or even majorities of Israelis themselves are deemed prohibited in the U.S., ones that inevitably subject the advocate to accusations of animus towards Israel or even anti-Semitism. There are very few issues in mainstream American political discourse with a narrower range of mandated orthodoxies than those which relate to Israel.

The pressure is being placed on Saint Barack now to seek atonement and he is already being forced to pander and suck up to the small but influential Jewish voting bloc that has for all intents and purposes no real reason to throw in with Obama given the win-win situation that a Clinton vs. McCain choice in November would represent to ensuring that U.S. foreign policy is largely dictated by the neocon fanatics like the aforementioned Elliot Abrams. Now Abrams is a real piece of work and his influence as a big gun operating out of Dick Cheney’s shop is the son in law of the shrillest of the Middle Eastern conflagration pimps Norman Podhoretz who just had his manifesto with the subtle title of World War IV published much to the delight of adherents to the neoconservative philosophy. Abrams actually wrote his own little strident manifesto that arguably should have disqualified him from holding any serious government position that had anything to do with setting American policy in regards to the Middle East even if his status as a pardoned Iran-Contra felon didn’t. Abrams’ book that is entitled Faith or Fear: How Jews Can Survive in a Christian America exhibits that the man has an ideology that borders on zealotry when it comes to Israel and even goes so far as to make an argument for advocating that Jews enforce the practice of eugenics by not participating in any sort of intermarriage that could produce children who are not pure – sounds very much like the ideas of a guy named Hitler was once shilling on racial purity. Check out this link to a New York Observer story written by Phillip Weiss on Abrams.

Now what is really problematic and a question that is even more taboo than the Farrakhan vs Hagee paradox is the presence of a guy like Abrams in Dick Cheney’s office which has been acting as a defacto shadow government for the past seven years. While many of the other very dangerous neocons like Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz and Doug Feith have been forced out in disgrace over their Iraq debacle Abrams is still figuring prominently and provides a valuable link to the dark bowels of the Reagan administraton which is a long story and I am not even going to attempt to get into it here because it takes us in a completely different direction and can’t be addressed without looking into REX84, Continuity of Government (COG) and Ollie North’s gun and drug running so I will leave that for a different time. All the trains run through Abrams’ office and Seymour Hersh’s New Yorker article The Redirection speaks of this in some detail:

The Bush Administration’s reliance on clandestine operations that have not been reported to Congress and its dealings with intermediaries with questionable agendas have recalled, for some in Washington, an earlier chapter in history. Two decades ago, the Reagan Administration attempted to fund the Nicaraguan contras illegally, with the help of secret arms sales to Iran. Saudi money was involved in what became known as the Iran-Contra scandal, and a few of the players back then—notably Prince Bandar and Elliott Abrams—are involved in today’s dealings.

Iran-Contra was the subject of an informal “lessons learned” discussion two years ago among veterans of the scandal. Abrams led the discussion. One conclusion was that even though the program was eventually exposed, it had been possible to execute it without telling Congress. As to what the experience taught them, in terms of future covert operations, the participants found: “One, you can’t trust our friends. Two, the C.I.A. has got to be totally out of it. Three, you can’t trust the uniformed military, and four, it’s got to be run out of the Vice-President’s office”—a reference to Cheney’s role, the former senior intelligence official said.

So while I began this posting to be a look at the Hagee-Farrakhan paradox it really leads into so much more and the media’s pouncing on one while ignoring the other speaks of something that is much larger than just simple bullying of corporate news organizations by well organized agents of the Israel Lobby and their Christian Zioinist winged monkeys and it runs deep within our most powerful institutions. It is just impossible to ignore the influence that neocons like Abrams and many others exert and the access to the most important national security secrets that such zealots of not only questionable loyalty but morality enjoy with an astonishing lack of oversight. It is only when placing the different standards that Barack Obama and John McCain are held to by the pocket media kingmakers in a much larger context that it all begins to make sense.

It all tacks towards a one sided foreign policy of skullduggery, heavily abetted by moles like the ones referred to in this great series on Sibel Edmonds that ran in the London Times on selling U.S. nuclear secrets to Pakistan via Turkey and Israel. The moles and other inside operatives are bribed, blackmailed and then utilized to set up false fronts to infiltrate and gather intel that can then be sold on the black market. This is the story that NO media outlet in the U.S. will touch with a fifty foot pole and it’s easy to see why, this is volcanic stuff that could set up tectonic shifts in U.S. foreign policy. Edmonds has been under gag order on this after coming across it while acting as an FBI translator after 9/11 and has been trying desperately to get the story out despite every legal roadblock being thrown up in her path by the establishment. At first that it appeared that her story was about funding for the attacks but now it has apparently uncovered a gigantic network of neocons and it wouldn’t be too much of a reach to think that some of those sold secrets may have included codes, NORAD procedures or even the legendary PROMIS software that all could have facilitated the attacks. This is TREASON at the highest levels of the government and nobody wants to touch it including the Vichy Democrats who are likely also involved, this thing is rotten throughout.

Check these out if you haven’t already: For Sale: The West’s Deadly Nuclear Secrets , FBI Denies File Exposing Nuclear Secrets Theft and Tip Off Thwarted Nuclear Spy Ring Probe. This last one is particularly notable because of the outing of Valerie Plame’s nuclear counterespionage front Brewster Jennings years before the Karl Rove-Scooter Libby-Bob Novak operation that it became so famous for which could potentially be a main reason for the vehement propaganda to discredit Joe Wilson and Plame, the breadcrumbs lead back to this secret network that is and has been operating inside the government dating back to before the Bush-Cheney junta seized power illegitimately by rigging Florida in 2000 and throwing the election into a stacked Supreme Court. The silence of the American media on any of this is deafening and to my knowledge the only real mention that it has received was in a Philip Giraldi column published a couple of weeks ago in the Dallas Morning News.

Edmonds has already hinted that there is more to come and considering the government’s collusion with the media on the ongoing stonewalling and silence over the AIPAC espionage trial against Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman that could blow the lid off something so huge that it is beyond comprehension when it comes to illegal surveillance, bartering of state secrets and systemic corrpution of a level never before seen in this country.

Everything is connected and if and when any serious digging ever occurs we are all going to find that it is a snakepit without a bottom.

Pissing In The Neocon Holiday Punchbowl

December 8, 2007

Chalk up a rare score for the real government against the usurpers and traitors in Dick Cheney’s shadow government and their Pentagon and media moles who piggybacked their filthy little coup d’etat onto the ‘terrorist’ attacks of 9/11 using Edward Luttwak’s model and their parallel COG (Continuity Of Government) infrastructure. Monday’s surprise release of the explosive National Intelligence Estimate bombshell on Iran’s nuclear weapons program continues to reverberate with the usurpers of the levers of American power desperately scrambling to keep the attack plans for a strike on Iran in play. This running drop kick to the groin of the war mongers in their run up to another war also sadly put a damper on the return of the prodigal Wolfowitz as well not exactly the welcome back gift that the comb sucking freak would have expected. Junta leader George W. Bush in trying to polish the turd that is his neocon kill em all and let God sort em out laterforeign policy trotted out for a press conference and in his typical stuttering and inarticulate style like some drunken loser of a salesman who just can’t close the deal badgered reporters and reinterpreted the NIE to continue Cheney’s PNAC agenda:

“And so, you know, kind of Psychology 101 ain’t working. It’s just not working, you know? I am — I understand the issues. I clearly see the problems and I’m going to use the NIE to continue to rally the international community for the sake of peace.”
But the real questions have yet to be seriously asked by the lapdog press corps and the national pocket media – why have the Bush-Cheney-Neocon Axis of Evil continued to mount a massive international propaganda campaign to gin up an attack on Iran if the conclusions of the NIE have been known for months?
The constant barrage of apocalyptic conjecture on the same level with the smoking guns as mushroom clouds that led to the disaster in Iraq has been broadcast by every one of the same corrupt media outlets that were accomplices in allowing the Bushists to lie the country into that war and now the same brazen fabrications and outright fibs are being peddled again. Dan Froomkin did a good piece the other day on Le Enfant Terrible’s press conference in his White House Watch column over at the Washington Post online entitled Neck-Snapping Spin From the President and has been hot on the follow up all week so check it out. MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann has also been hot on Bush’s deliberate ramping up of the rhetoric to attack Iran despite knowing the NIE’s conclusions and were Congress to have either a spine or a willingness to stand up to the 800 pound gorillas of the Israel Lobby there would be preparations for impeachment on the table right now as well as a serious investigation into how deep that the rabbit hole really goes when it comes to the infiltration and influence of the American political apparatus. Another wing would need to be added at Gitmo to imprison all of the traitors who have colluded to lure this country into wars against America’s self interests. Right now The Lobby is in overdrive working to keep the game rigged in their favor and given that it is an election year and our corrupt politicians grovel at their feet for the campaign contibutions that are like crack cocaine to any seeking to be competitive my money is on them.
It should be no surprise that some of the loudest bitching outside of the usual snake pits and mole nests like the American Enterprise Institute and the National Review Online naturally comes from that shitty little oasis of corruption, violence and paranoia that has been the bane of our existence over the past seven fucking years of one sided Muslim smashing foreign policy. The right-wing extremists who control the state of Israel are apoplectic as the selling of their war as America’s war is now openly being called out as the bullshit that it always has been. Iran is not an existential threat to America, never has been and never will be no matter how much the neocon propaganda mills churn out fake stories about Iranian Jews being forced to wear yellow badges , that Ahmadinejad was one of the hostage takers at the American embassy back in 1979 (this one resonates especially well with members of the Reagan cult), that Iran had dispatched suicide bomb teams to the U.S. and Europe, that Ahmadinejad threatened to “wipe Israel off the map” which was a mistranslation (likely intentional) that has been used to launch the entire Iran as Nazi Germany product line, that Iran was behind a buildup of Hezbollah in South America to strike the U.S. and in what truly is designed to appeal to the prurient interests of lurid sex obsessed America that Iran was going to start executing porn stars – this one was so embarassing that CNN has since taken it down. After the NIE, the cable ‘news’ network that boasts Glenn Beck as one of their top stars was forced to cancel their planned holiday fear mongering opus “We Were Warned — Iran Goes Nuclear.”These are but a few examples of the hundreds if not thousands of the gigantic propaganda campaign to demonize Iran in preparation for the attack at the behest of that parasitic police state, but I digress….
From Mc Clatchy’s story Israeli officials reject U.S. findings on Iran Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert (who Bush leaked the NIE to two days prior to it’s release) whined that:
“Even after this report, the American stance will still focus on preventing Iran from attaining nuclear capability,” Olmert said. “We will expend every effort along with our friends in the U.S. to prevent the Iranians from developing nuclear weapons.”
WE? Now this may cause me to be labelled as the boor at the party by some readers but isn’t it time to ask the obvious question: Just WHO is fucking dictating U.S. policy?
When the tail begins to wag the dog it then it is a cancer and cancer needs to be cut out or cut off – from funding that is. The United States gives away billions of taxpayer dollars per year with no strings attached in military aid to Israel to finance Apartheid, ethnic cleansing and the bombing of civilians and there shouldn’t be another red fucking cent given to them until they get their asses to the peace table and get down to some good faith negotiations that could lead to the end of the slaughter. I can’t think of anything that I personally hate seeing my tax dollars (and I hate a lot of they ways that they are used to promote war and violence)spent on more than on than funding a militant foreign regime that represents and ongoing threat to world peace, is hell bent on using genocidal killing sprees to carve out Lebensraum and is armed to the teeth with hundreds of nukes. These weapons of mass destruction if and when push comes to shove could be unleashed in some lunatic plan called “The Samson Option” that is eerily reminiscent of General Jack D. Ripper’s maelstrom of madness in Dr. Strangelove where he locked down an Air Force base and sent the nuclear armed B-52’s on a renegade mission to nuke Russia. Those crazy fucking bastards in the extremist right wing circles of the Israeli government according to their Samson Option would actually unleash a massive final strike against the entire Arab population of the Middle East and as has become evident to anybody who can recognize stark raving mad fanaticism may even include Europe and quite possibly America. Hell, could anyone even put it past them that they could be using actual nuclear blackmail (as well as the long rumored sexual blackmail traps that have been ongoing) against the United States right now? How many of those Israeli nukes are targeted at American cities? It takes someone with one hell of a lot of chutzpah to come right out and publicly override the results of the entire U.S. intelligence community that has now emphatically gone on record as saying that Iran halted their nuclear weapons program in 2003. Just who in the fuck do these arrogant pricks think that they are – God’s chosen people or something?
Time for Israel to go it alone, it is neither cost effective nor in the long term interests of America to continue to play golem for a pack of hostile, illogical and indignant warmongers so let them for once go forth and fight their own battles. May they attack Natanz with the same vicious, no quarter savagery that they unleashed on the USS Liberty four decades ago and then let them deal with the blowback – it’s not our problem. Israel is like that freeloading drunken relative who insists on ‘blessing’ the family with his/her presence during the holidays and then proceeds to destroy everything that was planned by loving but naïve family members with good intentions and an ill placed sense of loyalty and tolerance towards a maladaptive idiot who fucks up everything on an annual basis and turns what should be a joyous time of peaceful enjoyment into a cross between National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
And let them for once reap the whirlwind for their militarism and insanity as America renounces their unconscionable favoritism for Israeli extremists over Palestine and everyone else in the region. Time to reclaim the moral high ground by ousting the moral reprobates and their destructive ideologies and to act as an honest broker for peace. After the grand fucking that the world has been given by the criminal junta that seized power with an iron fist on 9/11 it is imperative that the war pigs be brought to heel once and for all and for the USA to cast off the garish costume of an empire of fear to once again become that shining city on the hill. Maybe like other rogue states Israel can just be threatened to be carpet bombed back to the Stone Age, kind of along the lines of what they tried to do to Beirut last summer – now THAT would level the playing field against their neighbors and their mutual festering centuries old religious hatred, let them all fight it out with sticks and fucking stones just like in the good old days.

The hard liners are still determined to have their goddamned war and suck the U.S. into it so to put it as Winston Wolf so eloquently once said “Well, let’s not start sucking each other’s dicks quite yet” because dark forces are scrambling to regain the iniative, the NIE is a brief reprieve that only buys a bit of time to further damage the doomsday machine. The American neocons and their right-wing whacko Israeli cohorts will now redouble their efforts to avenge this embarassing poke in the eye and barring the long overdue total explosion of Dick Cheney’s black heart the full force of the shadow government will be thrown behind a desperation fourth down all out blitz. The pocket media will be brought to heel, the public will be relentlessly bludgeoned into a near catatonic state of fear and the entire fucking playbook will be emptied to regain the initiative for their escalation of the war of civilizations. The Republican presidential candidates for 2008 (with the exception of Ron Paul) will also jack up their already bombastic rhetoric to the next level. Look for the next ‘debate’ to be a testosterone fueled, muscle flexing, Muslim bashing, torture drenched infomercial for Armageddon that will at worst provide the heretofore fractioning knuckle dragging lumpen Republican base with a unifying cause to let slip the dogs of war (not to mention the allure of a crusade against the she devil Rodham-Clinton) and at best will induce mass madness as the lunatic fringe take to the streets with blood curdling shrieks to launch a series of pogroms against liberals, pacifists and the usual scapegoats for their pathetic fucked up lives.

In any sane country the legislature, the courts and those still loyal and sane within the military command structure would be compelled to launch an immediate decapitation strike against an administration that has reached the end of the river and immediately arrest and frog march both George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney out of the White House and leg irons, restore control of the war machine to rational forces and weed out the moles, party hacks and fanatics before we are all in concentration camps sucking in nuclear fallout because that is the endgame to all of this lunacy for anyone not salivating over their seat assignment for the Rapture. This however is post 9/11 America and we only have the Vichy Democrats as a toilet tissue paper thin firewall against fullblown fascism and World War III. As for our elected officials now is the time to stop worrying about who was videotaped with someone’s dick, fist or rubber dildo in their mouth, asshole, vagina (or elsewhere) or whatever other unspeakable acts of debauchery and sodomy may be being held over their heads like the proverbial Sword of Damocles, or even if it is something as trivial of common corruption (hell, we expect that of politicians) it’s time to come clean in the best interests of America and reject the threats of The Lobby, people are catching on and pretty soon there will be far greater worries than appeasement of foreign agents – like trials for treason. As Pat Buchanan once correctly put it Congress is Israeli occupied territory and it’s way past time that a thorough housecleaning is done so those who are sworn to defend the Constitution start putting America first because all of the rest of it is just rot and corruption and runs counter to our own national interests.

I am sure that this post could potentially land me on Jane Harman’s shitlist as well as a place in a database for the day that the treacherous little fucking rat Lieberman consummates the anti-American H.R. 1955: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 and commences the traveling carnival of perversion of McCarthyist modern day ‘red baiting’ and blacklisting but just fuck them all nonetheless.
All I want for Christmas is to wake up from this fucking long-running nightmare.

Message From Neocons: Up Yours Baker!

December 16, 2006

“I will not withdraw even if Laura and Barney are the only ones supporting me”

-George W. Bush

Now that it is painfully obvious that the Bush administration is going to treat the much-hyped Iraq Study Group report with as much disdain as they have for the U.S. Constitution it becomes increasingly obvious that the Middle East pressure cooker that is Vietnam Redux to many, the chance to kick off Armageddon in preparation for the glorious reappearing of Jesus to millions of others and the much desired clash of civilizations (religions) is only going to become costlier and more dangerous. You see the Rapture Bus is now headed for the end of the cliff with the lunatic in chief and his enablers intoxicated by their lust for blood and power.

The reich wing neocon freaks have gone into full attack mode in the aftermath of the James Baker-Lee Hamilton public spanking to Le Enfant Terrible and the winged monkeys have taken to the media as this story from Sunday’s New York Times (subscription required) states:

The Wall Street Journal’s editorial page described the report as a “strategic muddle,” Richard Perle called it “absurd,” Rush Limbaugh labeled it “stupid,” and The New York Post portrayed the leaders of the group, former Secretary of State James A. Baker III and Lee H. Hamilton, a former Democratic member of Congress, as “surrender monkeys.”

As to why in the hell that the ‘liberal’ NY Times even bothers to legitimize that horse’s ass Rush Limbaugh by quoting that thrice divorced, hopped up sex tourist and longtime bigot who is unable to get an erection without pharmaceutical assistance is as damning a testament to exactly how low that our national discourse has sunk but also exposes the liberal media lie as exactly that.

As former Vice President Henry A. Wallace once stated:

“The American fascist would prefer not to use violence. His method is to poison the channels of public information. “With the inclusion of the Limbaughs, Coulters, O’Reillys and the rest of their poisonous ilk as though they are actually purveyors of truth and wisdom rather than insidious demagoguery and propaganda the American fascists have accomplished their mission and a television addicted, ignorant and perpetually befuddled and fear filled flock of sheep that are the general public are their facilitators. The corporatists that control the media are well served by their shills who seek only to divide and conquer in the name of the glory of the almighty dollar and then there are the other interested parties in sowing the seeds of world chaos.

Iraq’s puppet president Jalal Talibani did the bidding for his neocon masters by rejecting the ISG report outright and snarling derisively that the it was an “insult” and that “we can smell in it the attitude of James Baker”, no comment has yet been issued by Ahmed Chalabi. Granted that James Baker is a snake and a corrupt one at that but the ‘Velvet Hammer’ is nobody’s fool and as a representative from the more pragmatic of the elite his primary duty is not to end the war in Iraq but rather to prevent one in Iran. The oligarchy knows that their cover has been blown by Junior and the neocons, news of their incestuous relationship with hard line Zionists is slowly seeping out (not in the corporate media of course) and they are killing the goose that laid the golden egg by exposing the entire rotten, rigged system for the fraud that it is through their insane determination to take down Iran next and kick off the war of civilizations that is as all consuming a desire so as to be pathological.

The Israeli Lobby as usual has their panties in a huge twist over the ISG report and Le Enfant Terrible is digging in his heels after Ehud Olmert’s acting like a spoiled child who threatens to hold his breath until he dies by ratcheting up the rhetoric on the coming joint venture with the neocons attack on Iran by responding to questions asked in Germany’s Spiegel on whether a strike on Tehran was imminient with an all too Bushian “I rule nothing out” and balked at the report’s suggestions that the Israeli-Palestinian issue was a large contributor to regional unrest. The remnants of the Bush-Cheney-Rove Axis of Evil have taken their share of punches, appeared to be on the ropes but have staggered to their feet and are coming out with bared fangs like cornered garbage rats and the emperor will present his own plan just in time for Christmas like a big ole lump of coal in the stockings for the already overstretched military and the maxed out national debt. After initially appearing receptive to the Baker-Hamilton group, Rove and Cheney and the dark ideological forces that drive them have successfully gotten Junior back on his feet and from early indications (and after Olmert’s hissy fit) are clawing and scratching their way back into the game with an assist from an accommodating and cowed media that is all too willing to poo poo the suggestions of Baker et al.

It all comes down to the egos and agendas of the crazed Bush and Cheney, the dual loyalist neocons and the Israeli hard liners and the bodies are just going to keep piling up while irrational warmongers are allowed to continue to call the shots. Isn’t it time to stop supporting callous arrogance and apartheid? The intransigence of Israeli hard liners needs to stop being underwritten in American blood and taxpayer dollars because we are just being used by these zealots as though we are some unthinking Golem that can be unleashed as a proxy warrior. Just note the tone in a Reuters piece entitled: Israelis piqued by nuclear “confirmation” . This is regarding new Defense Secretary Robert Gates’ acknowledgement that Israel is a nuclear power:

“It’s quite unprecedented,” a retired Israeli diplomat told Reuters on Thursday when asked about Gates’s testimony. “I can only assume he has yet to get to grips with the understandings that exist between us and the Americans.”

Come to grips with the understandings? Just what in the hell kind of crap is that? Isn’t the dog supposed to be the one that wags the tail and not the other way around?

The Bush administration is now in lockstep with Olmert and the Israel Lobby who are unable to swallow the poison pill of accommodating Palestine and opening dialogue with Iran and Syria for the greater good of stability as well as allowing the U.S. to extricate itself from the Mesopotamian meat grinder that is now set on high. In fact if anything the Iraq Study Group report has ramped up the Israeli push for all out war and the propaganda is already being manufactured in stories like Syria preparing for war with Israel and the ultra inflammatory Iranian Holocaust Conference and will soon reach the saturation point once it seeps into the domestic media, you see the window of opportunity for hard line Zionist dreams of conquest and murder thy neighbor rather than engage in negotiating political solutions is about to close.

And Jimmy Carter, a man who does more in ten minutes for this good of this country than George W. Bush could achieve in ten lifetimes of his disrespectful, indolent existence is of course having to weather the storm of the dual loyalist swine and GOP operatives who have launched a withering barrage of vitriolic attacks against the former president for his very frank and honest book: Palestine: Peace, not Apartheid.

To hell with Israel! No, better yet fuck Israel and I am speaking as an American taxpayer who is sick of getting my blood sucked out by those vile warmongering parasites who exploit the red state fundamentalist knuckle draggers into uniting with them in an unholy alliance against democracy in America. It is a sad day indeed when being pro-American and anti-foreign influence makes one an enemy of their own fucking government but that is life in the post 9/11 through the looking glass version of Amerika and goddamn it, if the bought and paid for media would ever dare to speak the truth millions of others would similarly renounce those duplicitous, manipulative scumbags in Tel Aviv who yank our politicians around like puppies on chains due to their history of blackmail, bribery and outright thuggish tactics.

And if their American agents in AIPAC and other components of the Israel Lobby are offended by Mr. Carter’s book which they obviously are considering the amount of slander that they are engaging in then they should just get on a fucking plane or a boat bound for Israel and get the hell out of this country before any more American boys have to die in wars largely being waged for their benefit.

Unless they are prepared to abandon their abysmal human rights abuses then America needs to cut them loose like the petulant children that they are throwing temper tantrums now that the neocon agenda has been exposed and their influence over U.S. foreign policy threatened. If Americans had any semblance of an honest media they would be horrified if given an opportunity to glimpse the true faces of the wolves that they have been bedding down with against our own national best interest.

With the media cone of silence over any legitimate debate on the Israeli-Palestinian issue as well as the knee jerk attacks by the activists and operatives Israel Lobby against any and all critics of the brutal tactics of the regime as they continue to give the rest of the world the finger it is time for Bush-Cheney-Rove to face the most severe judgments possible under the law for their myriad of crimes against the constitution and humanity.

It is also time to call a spade a spade and until saner elements are able to wrest control from the Likudnik lunatics it is time to hang the nuclear armed rogue state Israel out to dry lest they drag America further into the hell of their own creation. As dangerous and influential arch-neocon ideologue Michael Ledeen so eloquently put it:

“Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business”

I personally couldn’t think of a better country to throw against the wall (or more appropriately under the bus) than Israel, the Judas Iscariot of U.S. ‘allies’ (remember the USS Liberty) and there would be no better way to show the world that we mean business by ceasing to provide weaponry and financial support to that crappy little country until they begin to see the light that their actions are unacceptable and have consequences.

It’s time to show the world that this nation is the United States of America and not the United States of Israel.

Support peace and not war and call your congressmen and senators, you can be damned sure that legions of Israel Lobby connected activists are.