The Beckers: A Dick Armey of Darkness

September 6, 2009

“The preparations for Hate Week were in full swing, and the staffs of all the Ministries were working overtime. Processions, meetings, military parades, lectures, waxworks, displays, film shows, telescreen programmes all had to be organized; stands had to be erected, effigies built, slogans coined, songs written, rumours circulated, photographs faked..”.

– George Orwell

The angry, shrieking hordes came forth this weekend in the nation’s capitol, waving their racist placards, their bagged birth certificates, their Gadsden flags and their Nancy Pelosi Nazi signs. The were legion and they got media coverage, unlike the massive antiwar demonstrations during the darkest days of the Bushreich when these phony patriots, aggrieved citizens and authority worshipping swine were content the ‘Bomb Em All and Let God Sort Em Out’ foreign policy of their Jesus kissed emperor. It was a gathering of blistering hatred, many smaller ‘tea parties’ were being staged across the fruited plain on that marvelous day, the day after the hallowed 8th anniversary festivities that marked the coming of the glory of the lord on that historic Tuesday morning when the American Reichstag Fire dragged us kicking, screaming and swaddled in the almighty stars-n-stripes into the New American Century.

Hey, Rube” is an old-timey phrase, coined in the merciless culture of the traveling carnival gangs that roamed from town to town in the early 20th century.

Every stop on the circuit was just another chance to fleece another crowd of free-spending Rubes – Suckers, Hicks, Yokels, Johns, Fish, Marks, Bums, Losers, Day Traders in Portland, fools who buy diamonds from gypsies, and anyone over the age of nine in this country who still believes in his heart that all cops are honest and would never lie in a courtroom.

These people are everywhere. They are Legion, soon to be a majority, and 10,000 more are being born every day. It was P.T. Barnum, the Circus man, who explained the real secret of his vast commercial success by repeating his now-famous motto, “There’s a sucker born every minute,” in this country, ahd his job was to keep them amused, with a zeal that has never been equaled in the history of American show business.

Barnum knew what people wanted: Freaks, Clowns, and Wild Animals. The Barnum & Bailey Circus came to town only once a year, and those days were marked as sacred holidays on the John Deere calendars of every Rube in America…. Those dates were special; many schools closed when the Circus came to town, and not every student returned when the public frenzy was over. “Running away with the Circus” was the dream of every schoolboy and the nightmare of every mother with a bored and beautiful daughter.

– Hunter S. Thompson

The slow roiling boil on the cauldron of hate that is 2009 America was on full display over the weekend, the crazed, bug-eyed masses engaged in a cacophony spittle filled invective at the nigger socialist who would kill granny, enslave the white race and tax hard working Murkans to pay for abortions and sex changes for queers was like the racket of thousands of braying goats in a briar filled pen. They marched to the orders of the deranged FOX demagogue General Glenn Bethlehem Beck and devious Dick Armey, a veteran lobbyist so crooked that he has to screw his pants on every morning. They all had one thing in common, they wanted revenge, blood revenge against a system that long ago fucked them over and left them for dead, never mind that it was the bankers, the blood barters of the military industrial complex (they NEVER protest the wars), the free traders who long ago booked their passage on a ship of fools sailing down a river of shit with the final destination being the cesspool of Ayn Randian Fuck You, I Got Mine Capitalism. And of course we can’t forget their false prophet preachers, the ones who are on the dole and take graft from Zionist lunatics and American militarists alike to peddle Tim LaHaye and Hal Lindsey’s apocalyptic drivel that so nicely coincides with American Imperialism and the drive for Israeli Lebensraum. Suckers all and sheep being led to the slaughter.

The problem is that these particular sheep are heavily armed, have a king hell sized axe to grind and have been indoctrinated for decades, perhaps for their entire miserable existence on this rapidly combusting orb that is Planet Shit. They have a fascist propaganda system that has made the term liberal into what Juden was in Weimar Germany and the well paid demagogues who are there to ensure that when the shit does hit the fan that the scapegoats will be the usual victims rather than the evil oligarchy that only exists because the rubes, peckerwoods and dopes can so easily be fed lies and divided against each other. Note the power of the media, a vile and pernicious institution that exists solely to protect the status quo, an unruly idiot named Joe Wilson from South Carolina was rewarded for bad behavior (a speciality in this rotting society) when he shouted “YOU LIE” during the Pope of Hope’s Wednesday address before Congress. He has become a new figurehead, a hero and thanks to the idiots in the Pelosi-Hoyer House who will be censured and his ticket punched as a hero to the angry hordes of Birthers, Deathers, Birchers and Beckers.

Of course much of this fifth column uprising is nothing more that another version of Nixon’s Southern Strategy or in layman’s terms Blame it on the Niggers, a huge portion of the recent animosity is being driven by a large number of racists and veteran haters who just cannot come to terms with a black President. There would be no gun totin’ neoConfederates out in force had the President been white, you can be sure of that. Note that in the crowd shots of these fools that there are no black faces, no Hispanics or anything other than angry white people and their handlers. What is most troubling though is that a large amount of people at these Astroturfed uprisings are not just racists but are legitimately angry at a system that sees them as no more than debt slaves, corporate chattel and useless eaters. They are just well meaning but confused people who still believe the sewage that flows forth from their television sets, still believe that the mainstream corporate media is their biggest enemy and are confused. The problem is that due to a complete lack of organization they are easy pickings for carnival barkers like Beck who in any sane society would be hawking tickets outside the geek tent for the feces eating contest somewhere in the deep south.

My good friend Diane who is the proprietor of the blog The Wild Wild Left actually attended one of the local gatherings the other week, she writes about it here and in talking to her last week she confirmed that the lunatic fringe was not the majority at these orchestrated flea circuses, a good many of the people could be reached if there were any sort of organizing force on the left that still existed in this country long ago sold out for chump change at the company store. There is something in the American conscience that is all too willing to blame their growing misfortune, especially when it comes to economic terms on THE OTHERS and the great independent blogger Glenn Greenwald, a man who puts the MSM to shame ans is hated gets at it in his recent piece: Who are the undeserving “others” benefiting from expanded government actions? from which I excerpt the following:

That’s what accounts for the gaping paradox of these protests movements: genuine anger (over the core corruption of Washington and the eroding economic security for virtually everyone other than a tiny minority) is being bizarrely directed at those who never benefit (the poorest and most downtrodden), while those who are most responsible (the wealthiest and largest corporations) are depicted as the victims who need defending (they want to seize Wall St. bonuses and soak the rich!!). Several months ago, Matt Taibbi perfectly described the bizarre contradiction driving these protests:

After all, the reason the winger crowd can’t find a way to be coherently angry right now is because this country has no healthy avenues for genuine populist outrage. It never has. The setup always goes the other way: when the excesses of business interests and their political proteges in Washington leave the regular guy broke and screwed, the response is always for the lower and middle classes to split down the middle and find reasons to get pissed off not at their greedy bosses but at each other. That’s why even people like [Glenn] Beck’s audience, who I’d wager are mostly lower-income people, can’t imagine themselves protesting against the Wall Street barons who in actuality are the ones who fucked them over. . . .

Actual rich people can’t ever be the target. It’s a classic peasant mentality: going into fits of groveling and bowing whenever the master’s carriage rides by, then fuming against the Turks in Crimea or the Jews in the Pale or whoever after spending fifteen hard hours in the fields. You know you’re a peasant when you worship the very people who are right now, this minute, conning you and taking your shit. Whatever the master does, you’re on board. When you get frisky, he sticks a big cross in the middle of your village, and you spend the rest of your life praying to it with big googly eyes. Or he puts out newspapers full of innuendo about this or that faraway group and you immediately salute and rush off to join the hate squad. A good peasant is loyal, simpleminded, and full of misdirected anger. And that’s what we’ve got now, a lot of misdirected anger searching around for a non-target to mis-punish . . . can’t be mad at AIG, can’t be mad at Citi or Goldman Sachs. The real villains have to be the anti-AIG protesters! After all, those people earned those bonuses! If ever there was a textbook case of peasant thinking, it’s struggling middle-class Americans burned up in defense of taxpayer-funded bonuses to millionaires. It’s really weird stuff.

This is largely why the system is ultimately so successful in playing us off against each other and in race baiting (my theory is that it is just the latest adaptation of the Nazi 101 playbook) but in the Becker movement there has been the added variable that they have very easily hijacked and assimilated the Ron Paul movement, it was already there as an exo-skeleton and the demented Beck with his populist shtick has been able to appeal to the basest and most vile instincts of the fucked over masses and insert his worm-filled brain into the control center of the exo-skeleton. The movement was already there, I have in the past mentioned my being impressed with it as a counter force to fascist imperialism and the rapacious Federal Reserve but was mocked and shunned by many liberals. Now with the danger of this headless movement being hijacked I can see how it was so dangerous. I blogged about this yesterday in Nice Job Ron Paul Schmucks so check it out.

Of course the day of the maggot invasion of D.C. (the non-indigenous maggots that is) was planned to take advantage of that holiest of holies 9/11 and the filthy exploitative 9/12 Project of Beck (when in the fuck is someone going to start a 9/10 Project aimed at restoring civil liberties, ending illegal wars and denouncing torture and domestic spying?, the fine Murkans marching in the Beck Apartheid Army don’t seem to mind that sort of thing. The fear filled pants shitters in The Homeland got a big scare on fraidy Friday when reports of a Coast Guard exercise on the Potomac had white knuckle America on the brink of DEFCON 4. The damned liberal New York Times covered the Becker Bund yet could give a rat’s ass when it comes to antiwar marches of legitimacy instead of garish sideshows like the teabagger freaks. It was nice to see the obvious debunking of the crowd estimates shame the right wingers but they don’t give up.

Just for the hell of it over the weekend I weekend I dropped by Alex Jones’ Infowars blogs to denounce the alliance of Ron Paul, 9/11 Truth and others with the Becker fascist uprising. I want to say that I like Jones’s work but he offsets the excellent 25 percent of it with nationalist tripe, fear mongering, Bircher paranoia and other bizzare shtuff. I went on for awhile but eventually my posts began being censored whenever I posted that if anyone is a Commie it is that foreign wombat fucker Rupert Murdoch for his tangos with the authoritarian Communist Chinese regime. A sleazy, country destroying parasite like Murdoch has just about sucked the U.S. dry and is moving on to more lucrative markets. For some reason this was deserving of being smacked down by the so-called info-warriors whose ill advised fornication with the Beckers is only going to result in them being blamed when Batshit Beck succeeds in goading one of his minions into an assassination attempt on Obama or a Timothy McVeigh style domestic terrorist attack.

Don’t say that I didn’t try to warn them. But alas, I am out of time for now so I will resume this at a later time.

Just my two cents over the mornin’ cup of joe


American Dumbass

July 31, 2009

With all that is so terribly wrong in this sordid and rapidly decomposing empire the amount of fixation on the White House ‘Beer Summit’ offers a crystal clear glimpse through the looking glass at WHY we are all fucked. The media fueled racial circus of the story of the rogue cop James Crowley and Professor Henry A. Gates led to yesterday’s sit down with The Pope of Hope and the V.P. from the Usury State over a few beers in a symbolic conference that was given the importance of say The Yalta Conference. In our cheapened, dumbed-down, busted-flat in Baton Rouge and fucked up the ass with no lube by the oligarchy lemming colony it’s media manufactured horseshit like this that gives me zero hope that anything will ever be fixed in my lifetime. With healthcare reform pretty much dead other than the certainty that the insurance corporations will be rolling in the dough from the coming mandated coverage, the wars still raging and the phony recovery setting up millions of suckers for the next fleecing it’s drivel like this that serves as news. Oh and Michael Jackson is still dead.
As far as Gates goes the REAL story that is not being covered anywhere is we now live in a country where the police can come into an American home and arrest the owner even if no laws were broken. We have learned to kiss the whip and to love the taste, conditioned to worship the police and military by decades of propaganda, cop shows (I must admit that I actually really liked the first Dirty Harry and Magnum Force), paramilitary torture infomercials like 24 and the militarization of culture. I am giving away my age here but when I was a kid we had wonderful little plastic soldiers, tanks, howitzers etc in green and gray that we could refight the good war daily in sandboxes and on dirtpiles. Now there are the videogames and the realistic scenarios where a player can stalk and blow away ‘the enemy’ in full graphic bloodiness. Not only have we been desensitized to the violence and weaned on war but in the bloody videogames the military industrial complex has begun training for the coming resource conflicts at the formative ages, a good amount of today’s children have thousands of simulated kills before they hit puberty. I am not going to go into a diatribe here but the gore-flecked fingers of the military are everywhere, I recommend Nick Turse’s book The Complex to all for a look at how the Pentagon invades our every day lives.
But I digress….
For this overflowing sewer of immorality, dumbness and sloth that is 2009 America to continue to exist as it does there must be internal strife, factionalization and demagoguery. Which is why the ‘Beer Summit’ is big news. The throbbing undercurrent of racism in this country is as strong as ever and now that angry white peckerwoods are running amok because there is a black man in the White House all that the oligarchy, the MIC and the tax chiselers need to do is pour a bit of gasoline on the fire here an there. It is this phenomenom that gives us the Birthers and their fanatic denial that despite evidence that Obama was born in Hawaii, these are not rational folks and their racism has been generational to the point where it is now a part of their DNA. The more vile elements of the fascist faction of the two-party game of three card monte won’t be satisfied until there are pogroms or someone poor demented busted out angry white loser takes a shot at Obama. The majority of moron America though lives in the ether, swaddled in their cocoons of denial and nurtured by the 24/7 babysitter that is the electronic crackpipe (TV). I am always reminded of the brilliant satire Idiocracy by our stupified inhabitants of the planet’s largest lemming colony.
Idiocracy is a movie that is more outright horrifying than Soylent Green, Blade Runner, Brazil or any other dystopian vision because it is already happening. I don’t know if anyone has seen the movie (which could just as easily be titled Eugenics American Style) but it’s become a cult classic since it’s release was quietly sabotaged by FOX, who produced it. The movie was at the time of release and since also completely ignored by a fat and happycorporatist media obviously uncomfortable with the message. They have reason to be afraid because Idiocracy just fucking mocks the dumbing-down of American society that is largely the result of the deterioration of mass media, the rise of southern fried religion and the relentless war on the human condition by the rapacious plague of corporatization and a form of looter capitalism that has become cancerous. I have never seen a movie that is so in your face and that obviously made the Fox honchos very uncomfortable because they are largely a culprit in the ongoing process that has stupified what was once a well informed country with real values. The movie is a bit juvenile and overly loaded with scatological references but that is the point it is trying to make and those who don’t get it bring to mind the famous poker saying that if you don’t recognize the rube at the table it’s you.

The plot features Army dullard Joe Bowers, a man of completely average intelligence and a prostitute named Rita who are the subjects of a secret military hibernation experiment of limited duration. Well things go awry and the officer in charge is ensnared by a sex scandal bringing shame and a base closure and a much longer nap for Joe and Rita who don’t wake up until they are freed from their test chambers during the great garbage avalanche of 2505. They wake up to find a world that is FUBAR, the infrastructure is crumbling and looks as though it were designed by idiots (or privatized out to greedy contractors skimming their cut at the expense of quality), the commercialization of society is complete with corporate logos everywhere and characters named after fast food and commercial products “Dr. Lexus”, “Frito” and “Beef Supreme” among them who speak in crude tongues, hurl insults and pejoratives and berate Joe for “talking like a fag”. It’s as though red state social engineering has created a Republican dream of a reverse master race of abject morons with hair trigger tempers and a birthright of simplicity – George W. Bush and Sarah Palin’s anti-intellectualism on steroids. The entire population has become twentieth generation trailer trash who in a gross parody of Social Darwinism have outbred those with any intelligence or discretion. The opening few minutes that show how this happened are as classic as they are painfully true with the educated putting off reproduction while the rednecks breed like rabbits.

Centuries of consumerism and too much television have dumbed down the populace to the point of borderline retardation and the greatest advances in technology are huge multi-screened televisions, huge devices that allow for multiple reality trash programs to be presented simultaneously while the viewer is ensconced on a huge plush chair sucking down goo from a tub while reveling in the delights of shows the likes of Ass, Ow! My Balls and the Masturbation Channel. Those three examples are the descendents of current era moronic programming like American Idol, Jackass, The Biggest Loser, Survivor and all that reality trash along with the explosion of potty humor as entertainment provided by movies featuring such Earthly delights as diarrhea daquiris, cacophonies of farts and belches, flying wads of semen used as hair gel and horny teenager boners buried in mom’s homemade apple pie that have made the society dumb and dumber as well as ruder and coarser. Corporations like Starbucks now offer handjobs as an enticement to buy a latte and Fuddruckers has become Buttfuckers – the corporate satire is as hilarious as it is mostly absent from the media and society today and the part of the movie that takes place at St. God’s Memorial Hospital with the health care system being reduced to a combination fast food joint/casino is down and out classic.

The society that Joe finds himself in is mean, greedy and stupid and the police are drooling overly aggressive thugs. After a series of mishaps and an IQ test he is summoned to the White House by President Camacho because he is now the most intelligent man on the planet and up to the task of solving the food crisis that plagues America. The crops are dying because instead of using water (that stuff in the toilet) they are irrigated by mega selling sports drink Brawndo: The Thirst Mutilator. Joe suggests using H2O and is met with incredulity by the mantra of “It’s got electrolytes.” After causing massive social unrest and unemployment with replacing Brawndo which happens to be the nation’s biggest employer with his idea Joe is taken to an arena for a gladiatorial style event that is a wild combination between Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome and the local monster truck extravaganza that is televised on FOX which to no surprise is much the same as it is today other than the appearance of the anchors. Joe eventually triumphs and saves the day when the crops grow again and becomes a truly honored hero of Uh-merica. His best advice is to turn off the TV and read something once in awhile and everyone lives happily ever after.

It’s good advice and should be heeded by a nation gone to seed whose idiot inhabitants rarealy bother to pick up a book because the remote for the mind vacuum is much easier to heft and actually reading is just too much of a strain. An astonishing amount of the population don’t even read one book a year let alone a newspaper.

To people like that, a flock of dumbasses who continually are duped into voting against their own self intrests to intstall the for hire agents of corporate vampires it’s no wonder that the Beer Summitt has become the most important topic of discussion.
Just my two cents over the mornin’ cup o’ joe

American Dumbass

July 31, 2009

With all that is so terribly wrong in this sordid and rapidly decomposing empire the amount of fixation on the White House ‘Beer Summit’ offers a crystal clear glimpse through the looking glass at WHY we are all fucked. The media fueled racial circus of the story of the rogue cop James Crowley and Professor Henry A. Gates led to yesterday’s sit down with The Pope of Hope and the V.P. from the Usury State over a few beers in a symbolic conference that was given the importance of say The Yalta Conference. In our cheapened, dumbed-down, busted-flat in Baton Rouge and fucked up the ass with no lube by the oligarchy lemming colony it’s media manufactured horseshit like this that gives me zero hope that anything will ever be fixed in my lifetime. With healthcare reform pretty much dead other than the certainty that the insurance corporations will be rolling in the dough from the coming mandated coverage, the wars still raging and the phony recovery setting up millions of suckers for the next fleecing it’s drivel like this that serves as news. Oh and Michael Jackson is still dead.
As far as Gates goes the REAL story that is not being covered anywhere is we now live in a country where the police can come into an American home and arrest the owner even if no laws were broken. We have learned to kiss the whip and to love the taste, conditioned to worship the police and military by decades of propaganda, cop shows (I must admit that I actually really liked the first Dirty Harry and Magnum Force), paramilitary torture infomercials like 24 and the militarization of culture. I am giving away my age here but when I was a kid we had wonderful little plastic soldiers, tanks, howitzers etc in green and gray that we could refight the good war daily in sandboxes and on dirtpiles. Now there are the videogames and the realistic scenarios where a player can stalk and blow away ‘the enemy’ in full graphic bloodiness. Not only have we been desensitized to the violence and weaned on war but in the bloody videogames the military industrial complex has begun training for the coming resource conflicts at the formative ages, a good amount of today’s children have thousands of simulated kills before they hit puberty. I am not going to go into a diatribe here but the gore-flecked fingers of the military are everywhere, I recommend Nick Turse’s book The Complex to all for a look at how the Pentagon invades our every day lives.
But I digress….
For this overflowing sewer of immorality, dumbness and sloth that is 2009 America to continue to exist as it does there must be internal strife, factionalization and demagoguery. Which is why the ‘Beer Summit’ is big news. The throbbing undercurrent of racism in this country is as strong as ever and now that angry white peckerwoods are running amok because there is a black man in the White House all that the oligarchy, the MIC and the tax chiselers need to do is pour a bit of gasoline on the fire here an there. It is this phenomenom that gives us the Birthers and their fanatic denial that despite evidence that Obama was born in Hawaii, these are not rational folks and their racism has been generational to the point where it is now a part of their DNA. The more vile elements of the fascist faction of the two-party game of three card monte won’t be satisfied until there are pogroms or someone poor demented busted out angry white loser takes a shot at Obama. The majority of moron America though lives in the ether, swaddled in their cocoons of denial and nurtured by the 24/7 babysitter that is the electronic crackpipe (TV). I am always reminded of the brilliant satire Idiocracy by our stupified inhabitants of the planet’s largest lemming colony.
Idiocracy is a movie that is more outright horrifying than Soylent Green, Blade Runner, Brazil or any other dystopian vision because it is already happening. I don’t know if anyone has seen the movie (which could just as easily be titled Eugenics American Style) but it’s become a cult classic since it’s release was quietly sabotaged by FOX, who produced it. The movie was at the time of release and since also completely ignored by a fat and happycorporatist media obviously uncomfortable with the message. They have reason to be afraid because Idiocracy just fucking mocks the dumbing-down of American society that is largely the result of the deterioration of mass media, the rise of southern fried religion and the relentless war on the human condition by the rapacious plague of corporatization and a form of looter capitalism that has become cancerous. I have never seen a movie that is so in your face and that obviously made the Fox honchos very uncomfortable because they are largely a culprit in the ongoing process that has stupified what was once a well informed country with real values. The movie is a bit juvenile and overly loaded with scatological references but that is the point it is trying to make and those who don’t get it bring to mind the famous poker saying that if you don’t recognize the rube at the table it’s you.

The plot features Army dullard Joe Bowers, a man of completely average intelligence and a prostitute named Rita who are the subjects of a secret military hibernation experiment of limited duration. Well things go awry and the officer in charge is ensnared by a sex scandal bringing shame and a base closure and a much longer nap for Joe and Rita who don’t wake up until they are freed from their test chambers during the great garbage avalanche of 2505. They wake up to find a world that is FUBAR, the infrastructure is crumbling and looks as though it were designed by idiots (or privatized out to greedy contractors skimming their cut at the expense of quality), the commercialization of society is complete with corporate logos everywhere and characters named after fast food and commercial products “Dr. Lexus”, “Frito” and “Beef Supreme” among them who speak in crude tongues, hurl insults and pejoratives and berate Joe for “talking like a fag”. It’s as though red state social engineering has created a Republican dream of a reverse master race of abject morons with hair trigger tempers and a birthright of simplicity – George W. Bush and Sarah Palin’s anti-intellectualism on steroids. The entire population has become twentieth generation trailer trash who in a gross parody of Social Darwinism have outbred those with any intelligence or discretion. The opening few minutes that show how this happened are as classic as they are painfully true with the educated putting off reproduction while the rednecks breed like rabbits.

Centuries of consumerism and too much television have dumbed down the populace to the point of borderline retardation and the greatest advances in technology are huge multi-screened televisions, huge devices that allow for multiple reality trash programs to be presented simultaneously while the viewer is ensconced on a huge plush chair sucking down goo from a tub while reveling in the delights of shows the likes of Ass, Ow! My Balls and the Masturbation Channel. Those three examples are the descendents of current era moronic programming like American Idol, Jackass, The Biggest Loser, Survivor and all that reality trash along with the explosion of potty humor as entertainment provided by movies featuring such Earthly delights as diarrhea daquiris, cacophonies of farts and belches, flying wads of semen used as hair gel and horny teenager boners buried in mom’s homemade apple pie that have made the society dumb and dumber as well as ruder and coarser. Corporations like Starbucks now offer handjobs as an enticement to buy a latte and Fuddruckers has become Buttfuckers – the corporate satire is as hilarious as it is mostly absent from the media and society today and the part of the movie that takes place at St. God’s Memorial Hospital with the health care system being reduced to a combination fast food joint/casino is down and out classic.

The society that Joe finds himself in is mean, greedy and stupid and the police are drooling overly aggressive thugs. After a series of mishaps and an IQ test he is summoned to the White House by President Camacho because he is now the most intelligent man on the planet and up to the task of solving the food crisis that plagues America. The crops are dying because instead of using water (that stuff in the toilet) they are irrigated by mega selling sports drink Brawndo: The Thirst Mutilator. Joe suggests using H2O and is met with incredulity by the mantra of “It’s got electrolytes.” After causing massive social unrest and unemployment with replacing Brawndo which happens to be the nation’s biggest employer with his idea Joe is taken to an arena for a gladiatorial style event that is a wild combination between Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome and the local monster truck extravaganza that is televised on FOX which to no surprise is much the same as it is today other than the appearance of the anchors. Joe eventually triumphs and saves the day when the crops grow again and becomes a truly honored hero of Uh-merica. His best advice is to turn off the TV and read something once in awhile and everyone lives happily ever after.

It’s good advice and should be heeded by a nation gone to seed whose idiot inhabitants rarealy bother to pick up a book because the remote for the mind vacuum is much easier to heft and actually reading is just too much of a strain. An astonishing amount of the population don’t even read one book a year let alone a newspaper.

To people like that, a flock of dumbasses who continually are duped into voting against their own self intrests to intstall the for hire agents of corporate vampires it’s no wonder that the Beer Summitt has become the most important topic of discussion.
Just my two cents over the mornin’ cup o’ joe

They Hanged Julius Streicher Didn’t They?

March 1, 2009

Editor’s Note – I would like to take an opportunity to recommend a piece from a friend of mine, William Cormier who has written today on the complicity of the mouthpieces in the fascist propaganda machine in the crimes that they so eagerly encourage. Such an essay is especially important to bring awareness to with the $40 million a year ‘populist’ spokesman for the anti-American virulent Republican party form of dead-ender fascism that is the last bastion of scoundrels trying to save their think tank paymasters, the malefactors of great wealth who have subsidized their careers and purchased the media from which they belch their hate and bile. Now with the paymasters of the extremist right in The Homeland doing their damn level best to incite violence, revolution and a crusade against the hated libruls, brown-skinned devils, commies, gays and every other scapegoat that could be invoked at the snakepit of sin and stupidity that was this week’s CPAC bund conference it is imperative that we ask the forbidden question.

How complicit are the establishment hatemongers in the crimes that they have done so much to endorse and in many cases encourage? In my personal opinion, and I have brought this up recently in my own writings – the propagandists and the whores in the media should no longer be able to cower behind the defense of free-speech as a shield as they and the oligarchy that employs their sordid services use the First Amendment as a shield from behind which they can use their money as ‘free speech’ while seeking to destroy the rights of everybody else.

So without further adieu, I present the following with the request that it be taken into account just how complicit that the purveyors of hatred are in the crimes of those that they encourage to commit.

Denial is no excuse, not any longer, not when the stakes are this high. The smell from those smokestacks downwind from Auschwitz wasn’t from freshly baked apple pie.

Nuremberg Trials Provide Legal Precedent For Prosecuting Purveyors Of Hate

By William Cormier

During the Nuremberg Trials after World War II when Julius Streicher was convicted and subsequently hung for “Jew Baiting” we were provided with the legal precedent for prosecuting those that incite others to violence. I have been contemplating this essay for quite some time, but today I read a revealing article on Op-Ed News that provides direct proof that purveyors of hate can and are directly responsible for the deaths of innocent Americans! Those who agitate and constantly spew their hate and prejudice in print and on America’s airwaves constantly hide behind “Freedom of Speech.” However, it is already an established rule of law that if you yell “fire” in a crowded theater, Free Speech can and will not protect those who abuse this right which results in the harm of innocent civilians. Below is an excerpt from Wikipedia which details the trial of Julius Streicher, and please remember the circumstances of his conviction as you read the remainder of this essay:

Trial and execution

Julius Streicher was not a member of the military and did not take part in planning the Holocaust, or the invasion of other nations. Yet his pivotal role in inciting the extermination of Jews was significant enough, in the prosecutors’ judgment, to include him in the indictment of Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal – which sat, ironically, in Nuremberg, where Streicher had once been an unchallenged authority.

During the trial, Gustave Gilbert, an American Army psychologist, was allowed to examine the Nazi leaders who were tried at Nuremberg for war crimes. Among other tests, a German version of the Wechsler-Bellevue IQ test was administered. Julius Streicher scored 106, the lowest among the Nazi leaders tested.

During his trial, Streicher displayed for the last time the flair for courtroom theatrics that had made him famous in the 1920s. He answered questions from his own defense attorney with diatribes against Jews, the Allies, and the court itself, and was frequently silenced by the court officers. Streicher was largely shunned by all of the other Nuremberg defendants, who thought him a vulgar, despicable man (Göering’s hostility toward him was well-established). He also peppered his testimony with references to passages of Jewish texts he had so often carefully selected and inserted (invariably out of context) into the pages of Der Stürmer.

Streicher was found guilty of crimes against humanity at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial and sentenced to death on October 1, 1946.[13] The judgment against him read, in part:

“…For his 25 years of speaking, writing, and preaching hatred of the Jews, Streicher was widely known as ‘Jew-Baiter Number One.’ In his speeches and articles, week after week, month after month, he infected the German mind with the virus of anti-Semitism, and incited the German people to active persecution… Streicher’s incitement to murder and extermination at the time when Jews in the East were being killed under the most horrible conditions clearly constitutes persecution on political and racial grounds in connection with war crimes, as defined by the Charter, and constitutes a crime against humanity.”

Streicher was hanged in the early hours of October 16, 1946, along with the nine other condemned defendants from the first Nuremberg trial (Göering, Streicher’s nemesis, committed suicide only hours earlier). Streicher’s was the most melodramatic of the hangings carried out that night. At the bottom of the scaffold he cried out “Heil Hitler!” When he mounted the platform, he delivered his last sneering reference to Jewish scripture, snapping “Purim-Fest 1946!” The Jewish holiday Purim celebrates the escape by the Jews from extermination at the hands of Haman, an ancient Persian government official. At the end of the Purim story, Haman is hanged.[14] [15] Streicher’s final declaration before the hood went over his head was, “The Bolsheviks will hang you one day!” MORE

Below is an excerpt from an excellent article authored by Rady Ananda. Please note the similarities, and in this instance, we can directly correlate the murder of innocent Americans based on the publication authored by Bernie Goldberg:

O’Reilly’s Hate Factor: ‘Venom Boys’ Blamed for Shooting Spree

The right wing hate machine fails to recognize its own hypocrisy. Even worse, its hate speech has been directly linked to a mass shooting.

Bernie Goldberg’s list of fans includes Jim David Adkisson, the nutjob who last year shot up a liberal church during a children’s musical. The killing was “symbolic” because he really wants to kill everyone mentioned in Goldberg’s Screwing up America book. I can’t imagine writing something that would inspire murder, but the right wing hatemongers do it all the time. Knoxville News Sentinel published the full manifesto, excerpted below:

“Know this if nothing else: This was a hate crime. I hate the damn left-wing liberals…. This was a symbolic killing. Who I wanted to kill was every Democrat in the Senate & House, the 100 people in Bernard Goldberg’s book.”

Sara Robinson provided this analysis, noting that “police searched Adkisson’s apartment and found it filled with books and newsletters penned by Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, and other right-wing hate talkers.”

She goes on to say: “Nicely done, Messrs. Hannity, Goldberg, Limbaugh, Savage and O’Reilly — and all your lesser brethren who keep the hate speech spewing 24/7/365 across every field and into every shop in the country. There is no more debate to be had, no more doubt about it: What you did in the name of ‘entertainment,’ and for the sake of the almighty ratings, raised and animated a monster like Jim Adkisson, gave him a list of targets … and was directly responsible for the deaths of two brave and decent people. Adkisson was clearly angry and crazy — but his ‘manifesto’ draws the clearest, brightest line possible between the media he consumed and his actions that terrible Sunday morning.” MUCH MORE

Furthermore, we must not forget the case of Matthew Shepard and other gays that have been beaten and murdered, often incited by America’s chief “hate purveyors, and sadly, that includes some of our most radical Evangelicals:”

10 Years After His Death, Matthew Shepard’s Mother Fights On

Ten years ago this month, University of Wyoming student Matthew Shepard was severely beaten, tied to a fence and left to die near Laramie, Wyoming. He died only a few days later from his injuries on October 12, 1998. His attackers, Russell Arthur Henderson and Aaron James McKinney are now serving consecutive life sentences. But although Judy Shepard, Matthew’s mother, says justice was served against her son’s killers, she still continues to fight on to protect the gay sons and daughters of other parents across the nation.

Matthew Shepard, son of Judy Shepard and Dennis Shepard, was a political science major at the University of Wyoming in October of 1998. On the night of October 6, Shepard accepted a ride from Russell Arthur Henderson and Aardon James McKinney, whom he had met in a local bar. McKinney and Henderson drove Shepard to a remote area, where he was beaten, tortured, robbed and finally tied to a fence and left to die. A passing cyclist discovered Shepard still tied to the fence 18 hours later. On October 12, Shepard was pronounced dead, never having awakened from a coma.

During the trial against McKinney and Henderson, both defendants attempted to claim a “gay panic” defense, claiming they had acted under “temporary insanity” in killing Shepard. They alleged that Shepard had made sexual advances toward them and they had reacted by killing him. However, their stories were inconsistent and the men’s girlfriends testified under oath that Henderson and McKinney had previously plotted to rob a ‘gay man.’ The prosecutor in the case claimed that McKinney and Henderson had pretended to be gay in order to lure Shepard into their car to be robbed. MORE

How many gays have been murdered or severely beaten because of the constant hate being espoused by Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and rabid right-wing Evangelicals? We have laws against “hate crimes” and I am asserting that those who constantly “gay-bait” their respective audiences are complicit in the subsequent crimes that occur directly because of their public venting of their hatred and loathing of the Gay Community. I wrote an Op-Ed which was extremely popular titled: “Evidence Supports Reverend Wright’s Claim That AIDS Was Created By The Government.” I wrote this article for informational purposes, and then received comments that Justanothercoverup was a “Gay Site” and that I was also gay. I’m heterosexual, but to be honest, I really don’t care what people think – and if I were gay, I’d say so.

One thing is certain; I’m an American and believe in equal protection under the law, and that includes everyone, Black, Brown, Gay, Lesbian, you name it! People have a right to choose their own lifestyles, and regardless of whatever the purveyors of hate may say – if you support the rule of Law and our Constitution, then all people, no matter what their lifestyle is, as long as it’s legal, have the right to worship as they choose, and someone’s sex life is no one’s business except for that individual. In the same breath, we don’t have to approve of another individual’s lifestyle; however, when that disapproval becomes public and incites violence against any segment of our population, I believe that it’s an actionable crime against humanity.

One of the most shocking instances of fear-mongering and inciting people to violence was a segment on Fox News by Glenn Beck. Read it yourself and you be the judge; do we need this type of propaganda that incites people to violence? We do not need a civil war or a “revolution” to bring forth change – and in my opinion, Fox News is advocating revolution in America which will supply the Neo-conservatives with the violent actions they seem to advocate that will usher in martial law in the United States:

FOX News Suggests America is Doomed, Civil War May Be Justified

by News Hound Ellen Brodsky

Those “we like America” folks at FOX News sure have a funny way of showing their esteem sometimes. Take, for example, Glenn Beck’s February 20, 2009 show in which he did his darnedest to scare viewers into thinking that the country is on the road to Apocalypse. In a paranoid fantasy spun out over several segments, Beck and a series of guests set forth a number of dire “worst-case scenarios” for the United States in 2014. During each segment, Beck gave viewers the disclaimer that the apocalyptic visions he and his guests presented were not predictions of what would happen but merely what could happen. And yet Beck and his guests spoke as though the doomsday scenarios, including civil war, were a likelihood, if not a fait accompli.

In “Worst-Case Scenario” No. 1, Beck and his experts imagined the impact of a complete financial meltdown. In this scenario, as Beck described it, all the banks were nationalized, the Dow was at 2800, unemployment at 12%, the commericial real estate market collapsed, the USA’s credit rating was downgraded and government and unions control most businesses.

Again, the guests bumped up “maybe” to “likely.” Former CIA officer Bob Baer described the “probability” scenarios as “prolonged depression,” and warned of trouble with Iran. According to Baer, the Gulf countries would suffer and Iran therefore would “move into the Gulf and take it. We have a hostile regime in control of our resources. That is not that far away (my emphasis).” A MUST READ ARTICLE!

Fox News is the propaganda arm of the GOP, and now that we know Republicans that have crossed the line to vote in favor of President Obama’s stimulus package are being punished by their own party, it is obvious that the Republicans in Congress are attempting to sabotage the Obama administration and are acting like a gang of criminals rather than responsible members of Congress. It is vital for the American public to remember that it was the Republican Congress that allowed the Bush administration to rob America blind – and now that their “Criminal in Chief” is out of office, they are stating that the stimulus was irresponsible; at best they are hypocrites – at worst, they are co-conspirators in helping to destroy the economy of the United States and allowed their corporate banking cronies to indulge themselves in the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the United States:

GOP punishing members who cross party lines

by Rachel Oswald

Determined to enforce the party line, the GOP has taken new steps to punish those members who have crossed the aisle in recent weeks to vote in support of the federal stimulus package and to send the message to any party moderates – turncoats will not be tolerated.

In a Monday interview with Fox News’ Neil Cavuto, Republican National Committee Chair Michael Steele said he was open to primary challenges to the three Republican senators who voted in favor of the federal stimulus package –Arlen Spector of Pennsylvania and the two senators from Maine, Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe. Spector is up for re-election in 2010.

“My retribution is the retribution of the voters in their state. They’re going to have to go through a primary in their state,” Steele said, adding that the RNC would follow the lead of the state parties in choosing which Republicans to back with campaign money. “When the state party says we’re going to endorse a candidate, the RNC is behind them. When the state party says we have a problem with them, so does the RNC.” <a href="

/GOP_punishing_members_who_cross_party_0224.html”>MUCH MORE

There is a difference between free speech and inciting people to violence. Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and Bill O’Riley are prime examples of those who constantly agitate and promote hate in print and on our national airwaves. There are also several rabid “Evangelicals” who also promote hate and actually promote war in the Middle-East to bring forth the second coming of Christ so they can be “raptured” while the rest of us are “Left Behind.” Their religious beliefs are OK with me; however, some of these Evangelicals promote the violent takeover of the United States if they cannot achieve it through politics – and in my book, that’s treason! LINK LINK LINK LINK LINK

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a Republican, Democrat, or an Independent; if you promote violence and hate and attempt to incite violence in these United States, in my opinion, you’re committing an actionable crime, and hiding under “Free Speech” should not be allowed! I vividly remember several statements made by Ann Coulter, and the article below lays-out another legal strategy and cites laws that are already on our books to prosecute those who promote violence; I am only posting a brief part of the article, however, it is excellent, and demonstrates why we need to stop the hate purveyors in our country before they can incite more violence and as Fox News seems to advocate, a civil war:

The True THREAT Of Ann Coulter And Her Ilk

by thepen

Judging intent in a criminal case often turns on a pattern of behavior. And here the record is not friendly to Ms. Coulter’s stance. She has a HISTORY of such statements, having previously cracked these other “jokes”, targeted at those she disagrees with politically:

“We need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice Stevens’ creme brulee.”

“My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building.”

“We need to execute people like (John Walker Lindh) in order to physically intimidate liberals.”

The last quote is especially significant in the climate of fear which has deliberately been inflamed by the Cheney administration and the vast right wing echo chamber that the corporate media has become. We are constantly bullied with name-calling of the most offensive sort, for the sin of having a differing political opinions. And people like Coulter well know that their physical threats are a form of intimidation. ANOTHER MUST READ ARTICLE

I don’t want to sound like a broken-record. However, I cannot emphasize enough that violence is counter-productive to America in general, and falling into that trap is a guarantee of the Obama administration being forced to declare Martial Law. That act alone will guarantee that Americans will never again enjoy their personal freedom or liberties as guaranteed by our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

-William Cormier

I am nothing more than a patriotic American that is doing whatever I can to further the cause of democracy, the rule of law, and am absolutely outraged on how the Bush administration is defying our Congress, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights! (more…)

Soylent Red, White and Blue

February 27, 2009

Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats.
-H. L. Mencken

I: Republican Ratfucker Dead-Enders

“May you live in interesting times” goes the familiar and eerily relevant Chinese curse and America circa 2009 is an eerie example of what whomever came up with that one had in mind. The economic collapse is gaining in momentum with the fraudulent markets in freefall, the ripple effects of the implosion of the FIRE economy now spreading into the real economy and the system desperately trying to save itself even if it must destroy the country itself in order to do so. In a land gripped by growing madness the dead-enders of the fascist Republican party become more angry, irrational and outright seditious with each passing day. The latest outrage this week is the ugly public tantrums of several Republican governors who are shamelessly and publicly balking at accepting funds for some programs from the diluted economic stimulus package that was signed into law last week by President Barack Obama. It is once again political party before country for these miscreant thugs, the whores of the oligarchy and their religion of tax cuts for the wealthy, an endless fountain of corporate welfare and a dumbed-down and desperate populace that is more easily controlled.

A bitter and recalcitrant bunch led by a red state rat pack including career scoundrel and now the overly corpulent governor Mississippi Haley Barbour. The cornerstone of peckerwood nation that Barbour reigns over deserves recognition as the 2008 winner of the dubious honor of being the fattest state in America that is Mississippi, their third title in a row. Just think of the 1970’s Pittsburgh Steelers and Joe Montana era San Francisco 49ers in terms of NFL football dynasties and you get an idea at exactly where Mississippi (answer to the joke: what has four eyes and can’t see?) ranks in the obesity hall of fame. With leadership like Barbour, the Magnolia State may yet see a Bill Russell era Boston Celtics decade long stranglehold on the title were it not for the economic decay that threatens to bring widespread hunger to the Homeland. Along with Barber were Gov’s Mark Sanford of South Carolina (who did offer to pray for the people needing the aid), the oily Rick Perry of Texas and GOP rising star Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, a glad-handing little twerp of a deceitful charlatan who looks like he could be a rug merchant in the Mumbai slums. After B.J.’s embarassing response to Obama’s rousing speech on Tueday night perhaps he should consider whether or not such a career change is in order, there is nothing like being butt-fucked live on national television that is the kiss of death for political aspirations, other than that there is always American Idol or Dancing With the Stars. He reminded me of a talking Pinocchio style puppet version of Bob Denver, only with a much better tan and without Gilligan’s trademark hat.

The raw cynicism of the fascist RNC in trotting out whatever minority mouthpiece of the week (before Jindal it was Michael Steele) as a counter to Obama is as transparent and ridiculous as them trying to put lipstick on the pig of the McCain campaign by seeking to tap into the bitter PUMA demographic by pimping that wolf murdering moron Sarah Palin. Jindal is just the latest in a long and storied line of Louisiana flam flam-men in the tradition of Edwin Edwards but the stench of desperation is as palpable as it is fetid. Personally I would have far more respect for the fascist rump party of dead enders had they rolled out another Louisianan of note, David Duke as their official spokesman. At least he actually believes in something and no matter how vile that it may be he is genuine and that makes him unlike the gravy train riding flea-market bargains like Bobby J. and Ichabod Cantor. Just peer beneath the surface of every one of these preening and preaching Republican ass-clowns and there is the leering visage of that philandering little fascist dwarf Newt Gingrich and his fellow anti-American right-wing jihadists.

Now goaded on by the oligarchs, the bankers and the blood barters, the paid shills and stooges are increasingly turning to some old bread and butter tactics like red baiting (so much of an anachronism in 2009 that it would be piss in your pants funny were so many of the knuckle dragging lumpen-Republikkkans not buying it) and an increasing virulent form of blatant racism as was evident with last week’s Ruppert Murdoch owned New York Post’s kill the monkey cartoon. How comical is it when a Wall Street subsidized punk like CNBC’s Rick Santelli can get up and demagogue about a ridiculous Chicago Tea Party protest over an Obama administration plan to help homeowners and not the criminal scum bankers that he works for. The Santelli’s of this world have a lot riding on continuing to carry water for the robbers and banksters – their fucking jobs! The hew and cry against the dreaded nationalization of the insolvent banks by the keening carnival barkers like Santelli and the insipid, screaming lunatic Jim Cramer (who more appropriately belongs outside the geek tent pimping a feces eating contest or better yet in a padded cell at his local insane asylum) and the legions of other paid shills is only guaranteed to grow louder and in some cases, as I am going to mention, much more dangerous as the grand scale financial crooks look to lock in their gains and escape with nary a consequence for their thievery.

The gumption of the reactionary fascist bloc is indicative of a savage and rabid cornered rat, still stinging over the massive public rejection of last November the red-ass party is now unified in opposing the impending nationalization of the failed banking system. I say impending because despite lobbyist pressure, a vast media propaganda apparatus, right-wing think tanks that pop up like incurable herpes genital warts and a frothing at the mouth underclass looking for scapegoats because the chain reaction has already been set off and nothing is going to stop the collapse of the Ponzi economy. Game’s up jack, it ain’t ever comin’ back and the planet killer asteroid that are the derivatives aren’t even on the radar screen yet. The derivatives are the doomsday machine coming home like the prodigal son of looter capitalism turned Hannibal Lecter and with Oedipal revenge on the mind to fuck mommy up the ass and whack daddy into McNugget sized snack treats for later on when watching The O’Reilly Factor on TIVO.

The derivatives are the insanely complicated hedges, side bets, grand scale financial chicanery that should be illegal so dangerous are they. The wizards and masters of the universe like their scientific madman geniuses who build machines that could create an Earth destroying black hole have in their greed, arrogance and the smugness that could only come from having the entire political and judicial system in their pockets along with the trump card of a bought and paid for media built what capitalist hero Warren Buffett once called financial weapons of mass destruction. We aren’t even hearing about these fuckers yet and that my friends should scare the shit out of everyone. As the muckraker Upton Sinclair once remarked “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”, and the derivatives monster albeit insanely complex and convoluted will no sooner be addressed by the “experts” and “many economists” that you regularly see mentioned in financial news than the fact that the house of cards of the Ponzi economy was in the crosshairs of a category five shitstorm. Always remember that these same “experts” and “economists” failed to acknowledge the problem in the first place, choosing to mock the experts like Nouriel Roubini who dared to call bullshit and earned the nickname Dr. Doom as a result of his heresy. It was as recently as nine or so months ago that the carnival barkers and shit salesmen were saying that the economy was still “fundamentally sound”.

There will of course always be distractions and the suckers in ample supply as always will continue to bite. In the great 1980’s Bruce Willis movie Die Hard an international group of thugs invade and take over Nakatomi Plaza, holding hostages and all under the pretense of terrorism. The real truth is that the terrorist ploy was designed to provide cover for a massive robbery and in the end all the hostages would be marched up to the roof of the building which mined with C4 explosives would be blown up, killing all of the hostages and allowing the perps to escape to their beaches of choice where they could bask in the sun collecting interest on their plundered loot. What is going on now with the terrified oligarchy and the manufactured distractions from their propaganda parrots is reminiscent of exactly that.

II: Games Without Frontiers, War Without Tears

The fascist controllers are in full recognition of the rising tide of anger that is the result of economic despair brought on by a rotted and failed system. I would suggest that any who may have some degree of doubt about the coming reaping of the whirlwind her in Der Homeland only take a look around them for signs. In a couple of recent articles that I personally find relevant, Michael Klare’s A Planet On The Brink and Chris Hedges’ Bad News From America’s Top Spy. The observation that the political unrest that is currently occurring outside our little flag draped cocoon of ignorance and denial will soon be coming to America. An additional reading assignment is this article from The Guardian entitled Summer of Rage.

Hedges’ piece is particularly disturbing in that he speaks of the Obama administration’s newly minted Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Dennis Blair. During testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee Blair spoke gravely of the repercussions of the financial meltdown that could lead to domestic riots, mass protests and widespread civil disobedience. Blair, a man with a bit of a history of disregard for human rights (note his involvement in East Timor attrocities) as well as the monstrous, ever intrusive police state apparatus at his disposal. The latter surveillance and repression complex that still operates with total impunity and is not subject to any form of legitimate oversight or accountability despite the change in management at the Washington whorehouse.

Mr. Hedges in his aforementioned piece also links to a U.S. Army War College report entitled Known Unknowns: Unconventional “Strategic Shocks” in Defense Strategy Development that specifically recommends that the military be prepared to respond within U.S. borders against American citizens for the coming backlash as the economic deterioration quickens and the rising tide of anger reaches the boiling point. The big boys know that the cataclysm is coming and are ready to respond to it with extreme prejudice.

In layman’s terms, the state is soon going to be weaponized by the very parasites who have sucked the country dry and sold us all out for chump change and are going to make damned sure that the rabble is put down like rabid dogs when the time comes. Now that Posse Comitatus has been rendered irrelevant and the new programs that grew out of the shadow government’s prototype REX 84, Cable Splicer and Garden Plot martial law plans are ready to be implemented. The trap is about to slam shut just at the time that a growing number of the general public is finally starting to get the point that the late, great George Carlin articulated so greatly in his epic rant about who really owns America:

Forget the politicians. They’re irrelevant. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls. They’ve got the judges in their back pockets. They own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls!

They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying. Lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else. But I’ll tell you what they don’t want. They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. That’s against their interest. That’s right.

You know something? They don’t want people who are smart enough sitting around the kitchen table to figure out they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard thirty fucking years ago. They don’t want that. You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paper work, and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it.

And now they’re coming for your Social Security money. They want your fucking retirement money. They want it back, so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street. And you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you sooner or later. Because they own this fucking place. It’s a big club… and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club.

By the way, it’s the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long, beating you over the head in their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy.

The table is tilted folks. The game is rigged. And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care. Good, honest, hard working people. Blue collar, white collar, doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on. Good honest hard working people continue… these are people of modest means… continue to elect these rich cocksuckers who don’t give a fuck about them. They don’t give a fuck about you. They don’t give a fuck about you. They don’t care about you. At all. At all. At all. And nobody seems to notice. And nobody seems to care.

That’s what the owners count on, the fact that Americans will remain wilfully ignorant about the big red, white and blue dick that is being shoved up their ass every day. Because the owners know the truth. It’s called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.

Of course the ownership society always meant one thing and one thing only, they own our asses, the game is rigged alright and the oligarchy is going to ensure that it stays rigged even if they have to call in the jackbooted thug paramilitary types, the militarized police and even the fucking military itself to protect the looters. Anyone who has read Naomi Klein’s brilliant and seminal book The Shock Doctrine knows how the game works. The oligarchy could always count on massive public ignorance as long as the lemmings watched T.V. and went shopping, then there was the element of constant fear implemented post 9/11 by the Republican neo-Nazi thugs and their tool George W. Bush (himself the grandson of a Nazi enabler). Now though with the cataclysm still only in the early innings the zeitgeist is starting to turn on the pirates of plunder. This stunning ‘joke’ by comedian Bill Maher on HBO’s Real Time With Bill Maher series is as viciously audacious as it is dangerous to those who have presided over the biggest robbery in history:

Now I am saying…I don’t think we should put all the bankers to death, just two. I mean maybe it’s not technically legal but let’s look at the upside – if we killed two random greedy pigs…I mean KILLED – like blew them up at halftime of next year’s Super Bowl or left them hanging on the big board of the New York Stock Exchange with their balls in their mouths – I think it would really make everyone else sit up and take notice.

I can guarantee you that the ruling class is taking notice and is putting their protectors on notice, the horrifying little National Guard urban warfare training exercise in Arcadia, Iowa is an example of what is really going on, largely in a cone of media enforced silence, you don’t want the cattle to know that when they reach the end of the chute that the pneumatic air-hammer is going to smash their brains into jelly prior to the slaughter. The creation of NORTHCOM and the now infamous Army Times story about battle hardened troops being brought home from Iraq are puzzle pieces that are falling into place. Rob Kall, editor of the great website Op Ed News did a piece earlier this week called Coming Soon – Riots in America?, in which he speaks of many of the same things that I am addressing in this posting but this is the truly ominous piece from Mr. Kall:

I just spoke to a friend who knows someone who is trying to get out of the military because they are training returning troops for riot control to take over US cities and he doesn’t want to be a soldier dealing with US citizens. On top of that, these returning Iraq vets are burned out and “fried” with PTSD and exhaustion. And he doesn’t want to pick up arms against his own country.

This same source says the military is setting up a separate communication system. In the military, securing or taking out communications is one of the first steps. If you are an invader, you need to bring your own communication system because you have to assume that the existing system will be destroyed or compromised.

The future, as Leonard Cohen once put it, is murder. The Army War College study that I referenced earlier is reminiscent of a British Ministry of Defense report from back in 2007 that was written about in the London Article with the title: Revolution, Flash Mobs and Brain Chips and among many other extremely troubling predictions this one particularly seems to be of an increased degree of relevance given the current breakdown in the global social order:


“The middle classes could become a revolutionary class, taking the role envisaged for the proletariat by Marx,” says the report. The thesis is based on a growing gap between the middle classes and the super-rich on one hand and an urban under-class threatening social order: “The world’s middle classes might unite, using access to knowledge, resources and skills to shape transnational processes in their own class interest”. Marxism could also be revived, it says, because of global inequality. An increased trend towards moral relativism and pragmatic values will encourage people to seek the “sanctuary provided by more rigid belief systems, including religious orthodoxy and doctrinaire political ideologies, such as popularism and Marxism”.

Pressures leading to social unrest

By 2010 more than 50% of the world’s population will be living in urban rather than rural environments, leading to social deprivation and “new instability risks”, and the growth of shanty towns. By 2035, that figure will rise to 60%. Migration will increase. Globalisation may lead to levels of international integration that effectively bring inter-state warfare to an end. But it may lead to “inter-communal conflict” – communities with shared interests transcending national boundaries and resorting to the use of violence.

The article is subtitled A Grim Vision of the Future, that is the future for those who happen to be on the receiving end of the grand ass-fucking of globalization. Note that the MOD report ties the social upheaval due to the anger of those robbed by the globalists to that old devil Karl Marx whose writings have provide so much ideological cover in the past to those seeking to strip mine the planet. It is especially notable that any progressive or leftist attempts to take over the power structure are always painted up like the fake devil Marx when it comes to having to justify the systematic use of torture, murder and illegal internment that is the basis for fascist capitalism. We have seen this game before, we have seen it in Latin America, Africa, across Europe and the Asian continents, we have seen it in the Arab world and now it is being used to put down the citizens of the Anglo-American empire itself who are now victims of this corrupt system of institutionalized rape and thievery. Imperialism is nothing more than murder and slavery, it has always been that way.

III: The Summer of Rage – Hijacking the Revolution

Divide and conquer is the oldest tactic in the book. This strategy is playing out right now as the guardians of the oligarchy use their bought and paid for corporate media pulpits to propagandize and deceive. Notable is FOX News’ involvement in fomenting violence and seeking to splinter and confuse the victims of the grand Ponzi scheme into attacking each other rather than the real cause of their misery. Glenn Greenwald addressed this in his recent piece entitled Fox News “war games” the coming civil war.

In a flaming Fox News extravaganza, bursting at the seams with more than the usual fascist bullshit dime store demagogue Glenn Beck (the former local Tampa Bay hack who used to specialize in staging ‘big eater’ runs prior to being called up to the hatemongering big leagues) spoke of a coming civil war. The GOP Gladio (the reference is to a famous fascist WW II stay behind operation) will be led by get this – “bubba” militias aka the dregs of WASP society out to get some payback against that Commie, Muslim ‘nigger’ in the White House, armed to the teeth and jacked up on a mixture of Jesus juice, horny goat weed and home brewed methamphetamine. The really slick and Rovian shrewdness of this dastardly black propaganda operation is the intent to fragment the growing resistance movement by attempting to peel off the anti-imperialist, anti-globalist, anti-Federal Reserve types that have most recently found a haven in the Ron Paul libertarian camp. The same sort of folks that Herr Beck had previously decried as kooks, dangerous extremists, terrorist sympathizers and anarchists back when the Bushreich was still in power.

Now Beck, the cheapjack opportunist that he is sees a golden opportunity to appease his war-freak masters and catapult the already bloated, putrescent and rotting carcass of Rush Limbaugh into a primo position as field marshal of the angry white army. It’s like the copy machine salesman turned conqueror General Bethlehem in the movie The Postman only with the moon-faced one being the fucking lunatic in this one. Beck has designs on grabbing a ride on the gravy train of think tank subsidized fascism with his national cable soapbox being the perch from which he can deliver his strident and inflammatory rhetoric and seduce the ignorant fucking bastards who are too goddamned dumb to realize WHO has really fucked them over into joining his dead-ender, zombie remnants of the armies of 16, all that remains of Republican power after a three and a half year train wreck that began at Terri Schiavo’s hospice, spilled over into a seedy hotel where Pastor Ted was smoking dicks, took a turn for the worst in the horrendous national fuckup that was the Bush administration’s response to Hurricane Katrina, stalled further when Satan finally had an opening spot to call Jerry Falwell’s fat ass home and was splattered across the deflector shields with the insane, paranoid babbling of Mr. 9/11 Rudy Giuliani, the somnolent Fred Thompson and the disastrously botched McCain-Palin campaign.

The opportunity is there for a new face, and the jackboots are a very good fit on Beck, Rush is about ready to pick up his golden briefcase and spend the rest of his years stalking child prostitutes in the Dominican Republic and feeding his Oxycontin jones – the facists have grabbed that big fucker by his man tits and milked him dry. Glenn Beck is the future.

FOX’s War Games project has in addition to Beck recruited a veritable rogues gallery of racists, operatives and military industrial complex information warriors like the ‘former’ CIA agent and Osama bin Laden groupie Michael ‘kill ‘em all’Scheuer, on call Pentagon pimp Tim Strong and a gaggle of other so-called ‘experts’ who wear their fascism on their sleeves. Fox also cannily offers airtime to Congressman Paul along with trends forecasting guru and self proclaimed “political atheist” Gerald Celente (who I happen to be a big fan of) in order to launder their disinfo through a cheesecloth thin guise of semi-legitimacy. Make no mistake though, these people are the modern day heirs to the same fascist traitors who once tried to overthrow Roosevelt by recruiting former Marine Corps General Smedley D. Butler to lead a coup d’etat (known as the Business Plot) against the legitimately elected government of the United States. Butler, a loyal American played coy, gathered intel and then ratted those disloyal scum out as the enemies within that they were then and their legacy remains to this day.

Glenn Beck is nothing more than a descendant to the sort of fascist pocket propagandist of which the prototype was a vicious demagogue named Father Charles Coughlin who was bought off during an economic crisis to foment violence, support the system of exploitation and lead an angry army that in all likelihood included the grandfathers and great-grandfathers of the modern day dittoheads. Now as history repeats itself in a slightly different manner as it is wont to do the economic royalists are using the same old methodology in the creation of a counter-progressive movement loyal to the oligarchy and the forces of American fascism. I excerpt the following from a 1939 pamphlet by Joseph Hansen –Father Coughlin: Fascist Demagogue:

Fascism is a combination of two things.

First, it is a wide mass movement of farmers and small businessmen who face bankruptcy, of youth denied a future under capitalism, of sections of the unemployed. All these layers of the oppressed who are seeking desperately to put their hands on the surrounding plenty become hypnotized by the silver-plated promises of a demagogue who regiments them into blindly obedient shock troops.

Secondly, it is financed and controlled by the very capitalists who above all are anxious to keep the revolutionary violence of the masses from turning against them. In America – the DuPonts, the Morgans, the Rockefellers – the Sixty Families.

To the rank and file followers of fascism, at first it seems a genuine revolutionary way out of their misery. They discover the truth too late.

The capitalists provide the money. The dictator provides the powerful slogans, the stirring names, the demagogic program, the organization, the lieutenants and the oratory.

That the fascist Republican rat-fuckers are unified in opposing the reforms of President Barack Obama, a man whose chief shortcoming is in failing to as yet realize the doomed naïve futility of a bi-partisan peace with those whose goal is the further destruction of the American working classes is likely to make him a one term wonder – if that long given the recent uptick in racism and violent threats coming from the extreme right. Charisma will only take a man so far as John F. Kennedy so brutally learned as a large chunk of his skull was blown off by the bullets of assassins, especially true when facing a relentless and driven enemy, a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy of fascist fifth columnists. The goal of the Republican neo-Nazis is nothing other than an aborted or otherwise botched Obama presidency which will then give way to a resurgence of their new dictator, this time they won’t choose a fool like George W. Bush and the full powers of a police state that the star-crossed Democrats are failing to dismantle at his or her disposal with which to utilize in a god-kissed, flag-wrapped version of a final solution. The deranged apple pie authoritarians are now plotting their resurrection, the failure to act now and with an iron will to destroy them will only result in a misery and suffering unheard of in this once great land of plenty.

The dupes who are recruited as shocktroops are always the last ones to get it and with these dopes it will be no different, they won’t realize that they have been played until they are broken and eventually targeted by those who had used them for being too dangerous – permanent revolution is not what the fascist pricks are looking for and these useful idiots will be expendable as history shows that they always have been. With reliable fascist tools like Beck and FOX revving up the shock troops, Admiral Blair openly musing about using the military in putting down the rabble and the job losses mounting could it be long before the four flushing looter capitalist oligarchs who run this shithouse put two and two together and realize that dissidents could be very easily converted into Sweeney Todd meat pies? Hell, the prototype for a pilot program already exists in China, the land of goons where greedy and amoral transnational corporations go to beta test their products for the day that they will be rolled out in Der Heimat. The gruesome and macabre Death Van story comes to mind, could it be long before these are painted up in red, white and blue, affixed with a big yellow smiley face and sent to pick YOU up?

IV: Revolutionary Moi

When the shit really doe shit the fan you can count me in with the folks who are smarter than the ones who are duped by the tinpot despots, their drooling demagogues and the ‘bubba’ militias who will be out there targeting libruls as the new Juden. Hell, bring the cocksuckers on, they will get a twelve-gauge enema form me and many others who are not too stupid to be suckered by the rulers of chumpland. Count me in with the people who pumped their fists in the air over Bill Maher’s ‘joke’ about killing two bankers. But as a sworn enemy of tyranny, fascist oppression and the looting bastard parasites that Thomas Jefferson warned of:

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

And I might say…why only two?

Were George Washington, Jefferson and the rest of the revolutionary patriots who founded this country in casting off the yoke of slavery of the king and his paper merchants still around there wouldn’t be enough lampposts and trees to hang these fuckers from. Hell, let’s have a full-blown, storm the Bastille French style REVOLUTION!! Eat the rich, roll out the guillotines and let the fun begin. We can even ‘invite’ Glenn Beck, Rick Santelli and the other fascist stooges to help with the testing process. I mean, don’t we want to get the guillotine settings just right in regards to calibrating the blade drop for maximum efficiency before we get to the filthy looters themselves? Shit, why not ‘invite’ ALL of the mouthpieces for the four-flushing bastards who have destroyed this country and now are trying to implement their police state to ‘blow the roof’ while they slither off to Dubai or some other refuge with no extradition treaty? They hanged Julius Steicher at Nuremberg didn’t they? Did he really ever personally kill any Jews or did his propaganda rag Der Stürmer only make him an accomplice to the mass murders? Shit, Charles Manson killed fewer people than George W. Bush and one is on spending his fourth decade on death row while the other is already racking up future appearances on the speaking circuit.

What the fuck?

I will close now with this, I am not exactly sure of where exactly where it came from but I really like it:

There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:


Please Use in that order

(editor’s note, be sure to stockpile #4)

This is a revolution call, a call to arms and the scourging of the fascists, the conniving banksters and the oligarchy that has declared war on US, the American people. Heed this call and we can reclaim our legacy as a free people as well as our cherished birthright –


By Ed Encho

Planet Shit Dispatch: Cry ‘Nigger’! Edition

April 28, 2008
Clinton supporters celebrate after big Pennsylvania win

The living hell of the 21st Century continues with the increased focus on stoking racial tensions in Der Heimat through a Clinton-Republican joint venture to make “Negro” into the new “Juden” and goddamn it if there is blood running in the streets, that’s just what it takes to fuel the war machine. Hitlery Rodham-Clinton’s seizure of command of the perverted circus of the Democratic nomination fight largely on conjuring up images of the dangerous, dick swinging black man lurking like the big bad wolf ready to pounce on our nation’s innocent, red riding hoods is as down and dirty as it gets and in the ongoing narrative to continue re-fighting those 1960’s style battles over Vietnam and the Civil Rights Movement is working to perfection for the fucking moron populace.

The Clintons have played the race card and dealt it from the bottom of the deck with the precision of the O.J. Simpson Dream Team trotting out that delightful little gift that never stopped giving in Detective Mark Furhman and all wrapped up with that nice little rhyme “if the glove don’t fit, you must acquit” by the race baiting Johnny Cochrane. The O.J. Simpson circus maximus was a perfect precursor to the post 9/11 wasteland and the intellectual regression that have made the Bushreich and the return of the Clinton slime creatures possible. In a bizarre replay the Clintons and the Establishment are the Dream Team pouring gasoline on smoldering racial tensions by the gallon with Barack Obama, the pathetically easily divided and conquered antiwar movement and the non corporatist pockets of resistance within the Democratic party playing the foil. It’s the Washington Generals getting their asses handed to them by the Harlem Globetrotters, Ground Hog Day and the thoroughly inept Los Angeles District Attorney’s office who wouldn’t have been able to convict had the cops rolled up to find ‘The Juice’ with his dick in the mouth of Nicole’s decapitated head all rolled into one. The only people who truly benefited from the “trial of the century” were the tabloid media and rising stars like Greta Van Susteren (who owes O.J. a lifetime of blowjobs for her long running television career that came out of that carnival of perversion) and Marcia Clark who after fucking up the biggest case in her lifetime was able to be reincarnated among the other cultural flotsam and jetsam that bumps around on the electronic crackpipe.

What a fucking disaster this abysmal sham democracy is rolling out for the 2008 auction of bought and paid for meat once again resorting to the bread and butter of race baiting and fear-mongering to dupe enough idiots into showing up in November so the Diebold fix isn’t so obvious. That Bill Clinton “America’s first black president” (God, isn’t THAT offensive to blacks) is out throwing elbows in the mosh pit of shit and offal comes as no surprise. Despite being some sort of iconic celebrity to many on the so-called new left the man is a fucking degenerate pig and has been for long before the began poking his crooked ‘mister wiggly’ into the cooze of whatever lowlife tramp that he could use his power to seduce outside of his maniacally ambitious frigid spouse and sucking on cigars marinated in the vaginal fluids of chubby little thong wearing trollop interns. Bill Clinton sat in the Arkansas Governor’s mansion when Ollie North was running his cocaine and gun-running operations out of Mena, slithered into office only because of the presence of Ross Perot (who by the way was right, just like Ralph Nader) where he promptly pandered to the knuckle dragging racists by ‘reforming’ welfare, cutting deals with Wall Street looters the culminated in the elimination of the Glass-Steagall Act (largely responsible for the ongoing economic catastrophe of today), signed off on middle class destroying ‘free trade’ pacts like NAFTA, deregulated the telecommunications industry which led to our current state run propaganda machine and used the military against his own citizens. He is a pedigreed scoundrel and perfectly comfortable in doing the wet work for wifey as a payback for the humiliation she suffered as a result of his public philandering.

Sure the Clintons were the victim of the great right-wing conspiracy largely led by the megalomaniac exterminator Tom DeLay who tried to overthrow the government from within as well as the sleaze merchants like Rupert Murdoch and Richard Mellon Scaife who cashed in on the biblical plague of scandals (and in a perfect example of blowback created that cocktail dress wearing ringer for a haggard horse faced crack whore Ann Coulter) but they were far from the innocent victims that they portrayed themselves as and the lowball pandering to the peckerwoods and gun-totin’, bible thumpin’ bitter rubes make this evident to all but those whose eyes are filled with scales.

The great Clinton restoration will be enabled by the reincarnation of the Dixiecrats who have learned that nothing succeeds in American politics like crying “nigger”! Racial tensions are at a new high and the Clintons and their more overtly fascist cronies on the Republican side of the D.C. whorehouse would like nothing more than a series of ugly and destructive race riots like those of four decades past which is a distinct possibility considering the travesty of the get out of jail free card given to those pigs in New York who offed Sean Bell in an overly excessive rain of bullets on Friday. This is going to be very ugly and since the Homeland Security Gestapo in the Big Apple have announced that they will now be toting machine guns we could very soon have a bloodbath unseen in this country.

You can count on the Clintons and their right-wing race baiting cronies to all swim in it as though they were frolicking through the surf on a beach at the Hamptons.

By Ed Encho