What Progressives Fail to Understand: This Is War

July 11, 2011
If ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain to be in peril.

-Sun Tzu

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.

-Ezra Pound

While America continues along the evolution into an authoritarian, fascist state that stands for nothing more than eternal war, upwards redistribution of wealth and the eradication of the social safety net it is imperative that progressives understand one thing – this is and always has been a war. The opposition, being the thug Republican right-wing machine that has seized the levers of control of the state has realized this from the outset and their victories have been legion. Despite the premature victory celebrations and naïve triumphal spirit after the 2008 election of Barack Obama amongst the sad detritus that passes for the “left” in this new American century it should be obvious to all but the most myopic and steeped in denial that nothing has really changed. The Democrats, a failed and compromised political party that long ago left behind any semblance of decency, concern for the working class, liberalism and morality have after only a brief period of holding huge governing majorities capable of enacting real change crumbled, without so much as a whimper. Obama came into office, riding a wave of energized voters, a crackerjack efficient political machine and a mandate, yes a mandate to set things right after eight years of rule by the Bush-Cheney-Rove Axis of Evil. It is all gone now, timorousness (and amateurish bungling) on the part of the new president, cowardice among the Democrats in Congress and a series of mind-boggling capitulations, retreats and triangulations somehow allowed a fascist political party in the Republicans, seemingly discredited only two years earlier and on the ropes to regain the initiative and control of the government Not only did the Republicans seize control of Congress but it did so with a with a newly energized wave of monstrous animosity, racism and riding upon a pale white horse named blood revenge that the new wave was determined to leave their enemies with nothing but their eyes to cry with.

That the fascist Republicans were able to so easily set the agenda during the first two years of the Obama administration leading up to the “shellacking” suffered by the Pope of Hope in November 2010 should surprise nobody. The chronically weak and pathetic leadership of the Senate by Harry Reid , the former boxer turned politician was instrumental in the failures to attain even minimal change and one has to wonder exactly what forces truly drive the agenda of the one time Nevada Gaming Commissioner. Obamacare, is an abject joke, a backdoor giveaway to the blood-sucking insurance industry parasites who now have the power of the state backing them to strong-arm Americans into buying their overpriced, crappy product but it is what valuable time, energy and political capital was wasted on. With the Senate already being a collection of largely corrupt, venal, pompous and entitled tools of banks, corporations, the military and in at least one highly visible case Israel it was simple to ensure that no meaningful health care reform would ever be created, given that the top Senator in charge of the legislation was one Max Baucus who was in the hip pocket of the health care industry it was all a charade. The selling out of America has become a bipartisan effort and campaign cash or in layman’s terms bribery is the coin of the realm. With the thorough hijacking of the political system by big money, a stacked judiciary and a Supreme Court that has even less respect for the U.S. Constitution than George W. Bush with their landmark Citizen’s United decision to further enable the buying of government by plutocrats and corporations, backed by a media machine that peddles lies, sensationalism and legitimizes dangerous highly paid demagogues as though their ‘opinions’ actually are serious we simply must admit that the game has already been lost. The extreme right-wing, being big money, energy and finance cartels, avaricious corporations and their millions of shock troops brainwashed by a bizarre doppelganger dogma of Christianity along with the twenty percent or so in the society who are authoritarian personality types have near total control now and are soon coming for the rest of it.

That the left and progressives have failed and failed miserably is not shameful, especially when understanding the decades long, enormously costly and coordinated with military style precision efforts to thoroughly destroy all meaningful change that has occurred in America since the early 20th Century. To comprehend the concerted effort to undermine New Deal programs and liberal ideals one must first realize that the spawn of the Robber Barons never went away gracefully into the good night after hard-fought and often costly in terms of life and liberty wins by organized labor. Despite the decades long onslaught of predatory capitalist propaganda the unions that helped to build this country into an economic powerhouse with a middle class that was the envy of the civilized world, a progressive education system, a mighty infrastructure and public institutions that actually acted in the interests of the American people and the betterment of the society as a whole. When you see the smoldering wreckage that we have been reduced to in 2011, thanks to he hijacking of the system by fascists, the decimation of organized labor, the assault on public education, rampant historical revisionism and the erosion of our public institutions by right-wing termites eating away from within it is hard to suppress the urge to vomit.

The war that so many denied even existed has been lost and the primary reason why it has been lost is that liberals and progressives have failed to realize that it was always a war in the first place. Not only a class war but also a war against American freedoms, values and basic human dignity. It took decades to destroy the country and it would be magical thinking to believe that it isn’t going to take decades to beat back the fascists and take the country back, many of us will not see the completion of this in our lifetimes but it is time to organize and to begin the formation of a resistance. The political system is no longer functional, we live in a failed state that has succumbed to the cancer of fascism, writing letters to Congress, wasting time on boycotts, engaging in internet campaigns with the self-centered, ipad wielding twerps that congregate at grand galas of collective masturbation like Netroots Nation and carrying signs in the streets does not work. It is time to fight back, as the writer and social activist Chris Hedges says: “We will be saved only with the birth of a new militant radicalism, one that defies all formal power structures including the Democratic party.”

It is time to find a stomach for a donnybrook, the time for debate and hope for change at the ballot box has passed, the corruption is too deeply entrenched and there is too damned much at stake for anything less. As I previously stated, the right-wing and the fascist fifth columnists have ALWAYS treated the battle for America as a WAR, as arch-conservative political activist Ralph Reed once remarked: “I want to be invisible. I do guerilla warfare. I paint my face and travel at night. You don’t know it’s over until you’re in a body bag. You don’t know until election night.” 

“Give me just two or three men in a village and I will take the village.”

-Mao Tse-tung

The American fascists are most easily recognized by their deliberate perversion of truth and fact. Their newspapers and propaganda carefully cultivate every fissure of disunity, every crack in the common front against fascism.

-Henry A. Wallace

Part II: A Rigged Game

Make no mistake about it that the attack on progressive and traditional liberal ideals in this country has been a long running, ideologically fueled, dog eat dog jihad dating back to at least the era of the despised “class traitor” Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his New Deal policies. The pigs who run this filthy sty, many of them descended from elitist stock have opposed every bit of social and labor progress that was won at such a cost by our forebears. There were once Americans who organized and did so at great risk of injury, imprisonment and their very lives who fought to implement a system that eventually resulted in a strong middle class, largely the result of the clout of the labor unions, unions that are now in the final stages of eradication. That such progress was allowed to be rolled back to the darkest days of worker exploitation and the excess of rapacious greed that thrives in an unequal society is our enduring tragedy, that it was done without a fight is our enduring shame. Now in 2011 the final stages of the great dismantling are to borrow a treasured propaganda nugget of a corrupt media – picking up steam. The ongoing battle over raising the debt ceiling is garbage as is the sudden panic over the national credit card and the deficit, none of the swinish squealers who bleat in phony sanctimony about “the future of our children” gave a rat’s ass when the Bush administration had the national credit card and was maxing it out like a stoned teenager on ruinous wars, tax cuts for the rich and giveaways to the financial fraudsters whose worthless mortgage backed securities and derivative instruments blew a hole in the economy. The real goal of the “new normal” and the crushing austerity that will be enforced is to eliminate what remains of Roosevelt’s New Deal and Johnson’s Great Society programs. They are coming for Social Security and Medicare and as the brilliant social critic George Carlin pegged it dead bang in one of his most scathing rants The American Dream:

And, now, they’re coming for your Social Security. They want your fucking retirement money. They want it back, so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street. And you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all, sooner or later, because they own this fucking place. It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club.”

The intention of the fascist looter class has always been to impose a new feudalism on those who are not in “the big club”.  The great wars of the 20th Century provided the oligarchy with the cover needed to dismantle dissent and movements for economic justice in this country. With the Woodrow Wilson administration determined to feed Americans into the charnel house that was Europe during World War I, a conflict that the United States had no business being involved in and that made industrialists and Wall Street speculators obscenely rich there was the Espionage Act of 1917 (currently in the process of being revamped in order to use against Wikileaks’ Julian Assange) and the Sedition Act of 1918. Promulgated by the state to stomp on criticism of the blessed war the power of the state was marshaled into also putting down the hated by the establishment American  Socialists, notable Eugene Debs who was imprisoned for his blasphemy of the capitalist war machine. The laws were used to justify the rounding up, persecution and deportation of radical leftists, notably during the Palmer Raids by an already thoroughly rotten to the core Justice Department.  The economic collapse triggered by criminal plunderers on Wall Street leading to the Great Depression eventually led to the social reforms of Roosevelt and their institutionalization. World War II, “the good war” fought by “the greatest generation” was sold as a great conflict of good versus evil for the fate of the future of human civilization itself but the war was essentially a clash of empires with the greatest spoils being won by the United States of America. Few bother to consider the hypocrisy of destroying the devil that was Hitler through an alliance with a man who was possibly an even greater tyrant, mass-murderer and evil incarnate that was Josef Stalin.

When the war was over and much to the delight of the looter class, Roosevelt finally dead, it was a seamless transition to carve up the spoils and then turn on Stalin, he was on longer useful as an ally but would provide a malevolent figurehead for the enduring menace that was Communism, a true enemy of fascism and would be used as blanket justification for the wars, witch hunts, bloated defense budgets and societal transformation until the day when the U.S.S.R. imploded. The 1950s saw the decimation of the remnants of the real left with the inspiration for today’s debauched harassment of MuslimsMcCarthyism. Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin (likely a personal hero of current fascist Governor Scott Walker) holding hearings, law abiding Americans being harassed into taking loyalty oaths, the carnival of perversion that was the red-baiting House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) serving as a vehicle for a vicious, conniving shit named Richard M. Nixon to slime his way into power by publicly kicking in the spleen of a needed blood sacrifice named Alger Hiss. Nixon’s trademark shamelessness and anti-Commie demagogy greatly contributed to the rise of a virulent, flag-swaddled fascism that was exemplified in the John Birch Society and the new wealth of the western sunbelt. This toxic movement would vomit up Ronald Wilson Reagan, the avatar of a savagely anti-American fifth column who to this day is canonized as a saint, the Lenin figurehead for the great revolution of which we now find ourselves as victims of as it nears the endgame.

The tumultuous 1960s with the heinous atrocity of the Vietnam War following the brutal and still unsolved assassination of President John F. Kennedy would prove to be a boon to the fascists, especially those that are now concentrated in the Republican party. The Civil Rights Movement would ensure that unrepentant racists, especially southerners would shun the Democratic party for generations, the chicken-fried version of bastardized Christianity would act as an accelerator and preserve the region for the GOP for going on four decades now. The antiwar movement was a bonus and during the political resurrection of Richard Nixon that culminated in his 1968 election until his fall a young ideological media wizard named Roger Ailes would ensure that the social upheaval that marked the era would be given a black face or adorned with hippie beads and peace signs. The 1960s were going to be the last time that the establishment would ever be confronted with a serious threat to the status quo and the lessons of that era were well learned by the fascist right. The revolt against the war and the demand for economic and social justice just may have succeeded were it ever to be allowed to have serious leadership. The movement was efficiently and mercilessly decapitated in little more than two months in 1968 when both Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy were both conveniently taken out, victims of the same sort of “lone nut” that always is able to circumvent security, escape surveillance and show up at the exact optimal moment of opportunity when a threat to the status quo has to be eliminated.

The Vietnam War, social unrest associated with it and later the Watergate scandal that brought down Nixon, the at the time high priest of politics as war set the stages for the crusade against social justice that would follow. The fascist right-wing and American big business fully understood the importance of controlling the media, Ailes taught Nixon of the potent tool of television, a medium that had yet to explode into its full potential as a method of social indoctrination and brainwashing as it did with the advent of cable and satellite technology. The 24/7, hundreds of channels television revolution would nicely coincide with the coronation of Ronald Reagan as America’s founding father, hell, how could anyone ever imagine anyone else being president? The Powell Memorandum, which laid out the blueprint for the media takeover and establishment of propaganda organs and “policy” organizations, known as think tanks was already being implemented. The post-Vietnam era saw the creation of a legitimized network of institutions devoted solely to ensuring that corporate power and those who would be tools of the oligarchy would be served. Nixon was a master at exploiting the resentments of others, of pushing the right buttons, of lies and scurrilous attacks that pitted American vs. American that would come to define the future of American politics. I highly recommend the great book Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of America by Rick Perlstein to those who may be interested in a fascinating chronicle of the Nixon years that birthed the present.

The Heritage Foundation, one of the most prominent of the right-wing think tanks was funded by money from Robber Baron descendent Richard Mellon Scaife and the John Birch Society influenced Coors family. The Manhattan Institute was founded by longtime Wall Street/CIA/OSS figure William Casey. The Cato Institute was founded by the Koch Brothers (their great family fortune came from building oil refineries for Stalin) whose longtime influence is only now finally coming to light. Cato was a part of a fascist right-wing project to clean up libertarianism, transforming it in the public eye from a loose collection of true anarchists, antiwar and anti-state, pot smoking, free spirits who had to be brought to heel to promote the true party agenda which would mirror Koch and the other plutocrats’ financial interests.  These 1970s organizations joined the already established American Enterprise Institute, a prolific pro-war, looter capitalist advocacy snakepit along with all of it’s Neocon spinoffs, The Hoover Institute , The John M. Olin Foundation and a myriad of others, tentacles of the fascist right-wing octopus. Rather than get bogged down in this particular area I would refer readers to the fine David Brock book entitled The Republican Noise Machine: Right Wing Media and How itCorrupts Democracy. Brock heads up one of the lone the progressive counterparts in the hated Media Matters for America, a watchdog group so loathed by the right-wing that it has been demonized incessantly on the Rupert Murdoch terrorist FOX network. Brock by the way is no stranger to right-wing lowball dirty tactics and strategy, he was a former operative who developed a conscience and joined the battle against fascism. Brock is also gay and was ostracized by the virulent elements of the GOP who years later likely rue the day that they persecuted the wrong man.

The most dangerous as well as the most secretive of the think tanks is the Council For National Policy. The CNP, is where the shadow government types or to those who on the left who may be typically squeamish of such a term – the intelligence agency rogues, the ends justify the means types who waged the dirty wars against the commie devils in Southeast Asia and Central and South America joined forces with John Birch Society veterans, big Texas oil money, right-wing media moguls and Christian theocrats. Real hard-liners such as General John Singlaub and Lt. Colonel Oliver North joined other ‘luminaries’ such as Nelson Bunker Hunt, the right wing beer magnate Coors Family, Paul Weyrich, Edwin Meese, Jesse Helms, Phyllis Schafly, revered by teabagger swine Glenn Beck’s idol Cleon Skoussen and a roster of members continually updated to include influential right-wingers of the day, and movement types as John Ashcroft, Grover Norquist, DeVos Family members including mercenary kingpin Erik Prince, Birther propagandist Joseph Farah, Rick Santorum and even possibly even former DHS head Michael Chertoff  the man who has been instrumental in putting naked body scanners into the hands of authoritarian, sexual molester TSA goons in our national airports who was a prominent speaker at a CNP gathering in 2006 along with North, John Bolton and Robert Bork. Unfortunately, the current member list is guarded like the crown jewels themselves and the organization shuns questioners. 

The fascist Republican takeover of America could not have been successful without a militant, dedicated army of activists and shock troops. Before there the phony grass roots corporate media darling Tea Party existed there was the mobilization of the true believers that are the Religious Right – America’s own Taliban. CNP was founded by the Reverend Timothy LaHaye, the creator of the Rapture death cult bible that is the multi-million dollar franchise of the Left Behind series and eerily seems to be adaptable to promote a crusader’s view of the Middle East and the need to promote the policies of Israel and the American empire’s control of the key oil producing regions. Joining LaHaye is a who’s who of Christian zealots, the late Rousas J. Rushdoony, widely acknowledged as the father of Christian Dominionism, James Dobson, Pat Robertson, Gary Bauer and D. James Kennedy. The CNP and the think tank networks are little understood by most progressives and liberals who still believe that change can be effected at the ballot box, they know nothing of the organizational structure that they are up against in a war for America. The CNP by the way vetted and gave their blessing to Sarah Palin as John McCain’s 2008 Republican party presidential  running mate. The Council For National Policy seems to be far more than a think tank, it smacks of being the serpent’s head of a serious fifth column fascist element, the presence of Singlaub and North, both no strangers to black ops would seem to give that idea some credence, much deeper investigation of this organization needs to be undertaken, I would refer readers to this recent piece by Robert Parry: The GOP’s CIA Playbook: Destabilize Country toSweep Back Into Power.

Rather than further spend time on the fascist right-wing infrastructure I am not going to bother with the thoroughly controlled and corrupt corporate media, this in and of itself presents the largest obstacle to any sort of derailing of the fascist juggernaut. Following the model established by Father Charles Coughlin the fascist right hit it big with Rush Hudson Limbaugh III, his hectoring demagoguery was broadcast to tens of millions at the crucial time when the early stages of Reagan’s dismantling of the system had to be sold. There was nothing like the pigman’s rubbing salt into the raw wounds of those whose farms had been busted out, whose lives who had been destroyed and who were easily duped into finding scapegoats in order to protect those who were responsible. Limbaugh bred an industry of strident electronic hatemongers who fulfilled the warning of the reviled liberal former WW II era Vice President Henry A.Wallace:
The American fascists are most easily recognized by their deliberate perversion of truth and fact. Their newspapers and propaganda carefully cultivate every fissure of disunity, every crack in the common front against fascism. They use every opportunity to impugn democracy. They use isolationism as a slogan to conceal their own selfish imperialism. They cultivate hate and distrust of both Britain and Russia. They claim to be super-patriots, but they would destroy every liberty guaranteed by the Constitution. They demand free enterprise, but are the spokesmen for monopoly and vested interest. Their final objective toward which all their deceit is directed is to capture political power so that, using the power of the state and the power of the market simultaneously, they may keep the common man in eternal subjection.

With the aforementioned Powell Memorandum stressing the importance of the control of the media to control the future of America this mission has been accomplished, give a big assist to neoliberal Bill Clinton and his Telecommunications Act of 1996 for the dismantling and consolidation spree that has allowed for the majority of Americans to be woefully under informed and mesmerized by lurid local stories foisted as great national crises while the country is gutted by the fascists. There may yet be some hope that the Rupert Murdoch media empire will take a big hit with the still breaking British hacking scandal, a rancid illustration of the collusion of government figures with kingmakers like Murdoch but despite tactics that undoubtedly pale next to what FOX and other components of the right-wing Republican machine are doing in America. With new revelations on the attempted exploitation of 9/11 victims phone calls this could be a spear jammed into the belly of the beast but it is not likely to get much play in our media. There will always be another dead child, sex scandal or ginned up terrorist plot to deliver the electronic opiate to the masses of asses, and perhaps NFL season will soon open after the union has been busted – move along, there’s nothing to see here.

The fascist right-wing and the corporate state have already won, our political system has been reduced to nothing more than political theatre and an ongoing duel between two criminal entities in the full blown fascist Republicans and the fascist lite Democrats to control the spoils system and obtain the regal privilege of being the ones that get to yoke the slaves and deliver them to the man.Were the RICO laws to ever be seriously enforced then the two money parties and their Wall Street and corporate owners would be targeted, then that would be in a society that respects the rule of law, unfortunately we don’t live in one.

There is no hope to dismantle this machine, it’s even money that it will self-destruct though but not until every last bit of blood is extracted from the average American, every bone has been ground to provide sustenance to the machine and then there is the high-tech, militarized police state that has been constructed since September 11, 2001 to deal with matters once it happens. At this point it is no longer anything but a silly fantasy to expect that the system can be changed through the calculatedly eroded process that was once called democracy, too much damage has been done for too long a period. America is in a very dark place today, it is not often that I am in agreement on anything at all with the Neocons but I must say that their intellectual father Leo Strauss was onto something when he blamed liberal Weimar Germany and the feckless opposition to the Nazis for the horrors that would follow, he was right. Philosopher Karl Popper hit the target as well:

“If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.” 

The time has come for progressives to realize that this is war, always has been war and their naivete to realize this has led us to this point.

Let the resistance begin. 

I don’t want to get any messages saying, “I am holding my position.” We are not holding a Goddamned thing. Let the enemy do that. We are advancing constantly and we are not interested in holding onto anything, except the enemy’s balls. We are going to twist his balls and kick the living shit out of him all of the time. Our basic plan of operation is to advance and to keep on advancing regardless of whether we have to go over, under, or through the enemy. We are going to go through him like crap through a goose; like shit through a tin horn!

-General George S. Patton

Part III: Fighting Back

I have long drawn much scorn from those who should have been allies during my affiliation with the ‘left’, those who insist on never lowering themselves to the levels of those that seek to destroy them, they would still be arguing that even as they were on the cattle cars being trucked to the gas showers. I have long advocated for a counterattack against the fascists on their own terms, they understand nothing other than raw aggression, eye for an eye, frontier style ‘justice’. You cannot reason with them, especially those who are the zealots that comprise the shock troops, the brownshirts, the rabble and the street thugs. They need to be dealt with in the harshest of manner and if the time comes they need to be met with an appropriate level of violence that they themselves are fully prepared to use. There is really no other way, as an old Marxist acquaintance of mine liked to say, “you don’t debate fascists, you destroy them”, the fascist right, outside of their pederast style obsession with cannibalistic capitalism feared the unions because they understood this and confronted power with power. Were the real left still around today instead of the namby pamby collection of weaklings, sissies. utopian talkers and bleeding heart types that comprise the ‘left’ we would not have been overrun and crushed by sociopaths and their goons. As I previously referenced Neocon Leo Strauss he did understand one thing, that you cannot negotiate with those who would just as soon use your skull for a salad bowl. I encountered this failure to come to terms with this most basic of facts in terms of our current situation far too often with those of otherwise good intent who refused to view contemporary America in historical terms, particularly in comparison with Nazi Germany. I am fully aware of Godwin’s Law damning Nazi analogies and to me it’s just more of the same lame liberal bullshit. Not only are the Nazi’s the predecessors of today’s American fascists, specifically those who fly the Republican party’s bloody red flag perfect examples for the obvious reasons but everyone knows who the Nazis were and other comparisons would be wasted on ignoramuses such as those who are commonplace in Der Homeland circa 2011. Sadly too many of them are also entirely ignorant of the level of complicity that capitalist American interests including prominent industrialists and Wall Street bankers had in the building of Hitler’s death machine, that is going to have to wait for another time though. 

While I detest Neoconservatism and it’s merger of worship of the warfare state, it’s manipulation of religion, fear and nationalism in order to justify conquest and oppression both abroad and at home I find a good deal of merit in Strauss’s argument that it was liberalism that failed to halt the Nazi horror by not confronting it on it’s own remorseless rules of engagement while the movement was still nascent. Were the populist anger that was masterfully harnessed by Hitler and his minions been redirected back against his death cult with white hot vengeance how much suffering could have been averted? Human nature is not virtuous and good and beneath a very thin veneer lurks a pitch black innate need for destruction, an instinct in which survival trumps all else and the inconvenient truths of human history have proven time and again that our better angels will ultimately be overcome by our internal demons. History is also not linear, history repeats itself but never in exactly the same way and there will likely never be any sort of a murderous state that will be as ostentatious in it’s cruelty and cult mentality like the Nazis ever again. But the similarities are there between Weimar Germany and the America of the new century, the economic futility, the failed political system, the eroded civil liberties, the codification of torture, the disembowelment of the Constitution, the pollution of the judiciary, the militarizing of the national mind, the need for an enemy and most importantly of all, a right-wing movement already in a high state of readiness that is only awaiting their very own Führer.

But I Digress…..

With my differences with many progressives and liberals already well documented it was with much surprise that when on one of the radio shows that I listen to on a fairly regular basis, a regular caller got it. During the Bob Kincaid Show on the HORN, which stands for the Head On Radio Network (brilliant radio, listen and if you like it please kick a few bucks into the kitty for these people who are fighting the good fight, they need to pay the bills) on June 14th at around the 1 hr 19 min mark David in Maine, a cutting edge thinker hit the mark. David, understanding the futility of the current system, the stacking of the deck and the need for both urgency and assertiveness among progressives blew away guest host John Fox with his proposal for what he called a “universal progressive discipline camp”.  This was sheer brilliance, what David proposed was straight out of the Republican playbook, a hiring of the finest strategic minds from around the globe, military types to instill an iron hard brand of discipline into those who would attend. David was inspired by the Louis Theroux BBC documentary entitled Miami Mega Jail and the concept of GABOS an acronym for Game Ain’t Based on Sympathy. GABOS is the law of the jungle, as the subheading of the Guardian article that I linked to puts it so aptly – Want the bottom bunk? All you have to do is beat another inmate half to death. I was stunned, this concept in all of it’s primitive, remorseless honesty illustrates exactly the strategy of the fascist Republican right-wing. It is so simple, so astonishingly eloquent in it’s bumper sticker type of message that it could have been conceived by Frank Luntz (or Goebbels for that matter) himself. In the land of fuck you I got mine that is America the rich will reign and the rest of the peasants will in the streets engaging in knife fights for the daily ration of bootstraps that they are provided by their rulers. To the losers go the blade and to the ‘winner’ go to the for-profit prison system. 

The one key aspect of Miami Mega Jail that David referred to was a boot camp for inmates in which hard ass military professionals are brought in to give the prisoners one last chance. David talked about how a program such as this was necessary to confront the right, it would provide “toughness” and “discipline”, the sort of character traits that are absolutely critical to winning a war of attrition, building “an Army” so to speak. Mr. Fox was like most progressives more than a bit taken aback by the idea. Whether people want to admit it or not the Republicans have total control of the country now, they have utilized this very strategy, through their activist base organizations, their churches and their tea party bunds, their militias and their prayer groups they have already built an army and again, this has always been a war to them. David referenced spending some time at West Point during his call, it would take a veteran to appreciate this sort of thinking, as one who spent some time in the military myself I get it. In order to overcome a much more determined enemy, one that utilizes up to date strategy, is relentless and absolutely hates America as it is it is imperative to do likewise in order to combat it. He equated it with war college, but taking it to the next level…. this is a concept that I have long found alien to the ‘left’ with their small protests, emails, phone calls and letter writing, none of which is effective against an entrenched enemy who understands what it takes to win. There was a silence and then some fear, and it was palpable from fill-in host Fox who worried more about what Limbaugh and Beck would do were they to hear the show rather than how their ilk should be hunted down like rats. Were this a country with nads there would be a Scarface style hit team enroute to Limbaugh’s tony Palm Beach compound to scale the walls once the shit really hit the fan, they could saw off his ugly fat fucking head and mount it on a pike like something out of Lord of the Flies.

Let’s face it, the ‘left’ as it exists now are pussies, when they chased labor out of the new ‘left’ they discarded their backbones. Old labor, especially returning World War II veterans who belonged to unions would make very short work of the fascists who despite their numbers, their animosity and their braggadocio are as yellow as their silly-assed Gadsden flags and most of all they are stupid and blinded by their meanness. They are pack animals who have no taste for a fair fight and their leaders know this which is why they use their media to put a certain noble sheen on proto-fascist loudmouths like the vastly overhyped Tea Party, the remains of what was once a libertarian based antiwar movement. The ‘left’, once again proving that the one thing that they truly understand is failure never bothered to attempt to tap into the righteous anger in this country over the offshoring of millions of American jobs, the bailouts of financial terrorists on Wall Street who destroyed the economy and thanks to Obama, have been allowed to go back to their looting with impunity.  There was a serious attempt for an alliance between progressives and principled libertarians such as those who backed Ron Paul but have been chased out of their own movement by savvy Republican operatives. Alas, it never happened as if it ever could happen. One other thing that I fell out of favor with my progressive friends for was my advocacy for just that sort of broad-based coalition, we can argue about the differences later but the first and foremost priority needed to be restoring the rule of law and destroying fascism in America. 

As the great radical Saul Alinsky once put it, To fuck your enemies you’ve first have got seduce your allies. Former Marine and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter, in his book Waging Peace: The Art of War for the Antiwar Movement laments the demise of opposition to the wars during the Bush years, wars that continue to this day absent any form of resistance, the ‘left’, other than principled and consistent critics who have largely been relegated to the fringes of discourse are predictably missing in action. This from Ritter:

Bear in mind that in conflict you are in almost all occasions confronting an opponent who is determined to win as you should be. This opponent is looking for any sign of weakness on your part, and will be certain to exploit this weakness with as much decisiveness and ferocity that can be brought to bear. If you are not prepared to confront such an opponent, then don’t enter the field of battle. Conflict is not for the faint of heart. In conflict you must be prepared to knock your opponent down, and then, instead of offering a helping hand, hold your opponent down with the heel of your foot while you plunge a bayonet into his or her heart. You can be assured that your opponent would do the same to you.


The American progressive movement has not always been this devoid of leadership and structure. One only need to study the life and achievements of Saul Alinsky, a Chicago-based former criminologist who revolutionized the grassroots movements of the 1950s and 1960s into genuine political movements possessing real political power.


Simply put, if the antiwar/peace and justice movement can attract more people to its cause than their opponents can to theirs, then the antiwar/peace and justice movement will emerge victorious. Therefore, a governing principle when waging peace is to creadt an ideological foundation that is capable of appealing to the broadest possible segment of a given democratic society.


If his advice is taken then what will emerge will be a diverse coalition of interests who now finally understand that the system as it exists is run by global criminals who have no loyalty to America and actively have attacked everything that was great about her while usurping our democracy and undermining our freedoms and economic prowess. Wall Street looters and industrialists have always hated America because there was a system of governance here that afforded rights to all people and not only those with money. It has been a long time coming and the time to act is yesterday.

Sage advice from a man who is a military strategist, the type that David’s “universal progressive discipline camp” suggestion would likely welcome with open arms, note that Ritter advocates the OODA Loop Theory, something that progressives and liberals can chew on while they ponder how they could possibly have ever allowed Saul Alinsky to be stolen from them by the teabagger brownshirts? Pearls before swine I guess… 

As for the progressive-libertarian joint effort, it isn’t as far out as it sounds, Ron Paul and Ralph Nader get it as did 1960s radical activist Carl Oglesby but Paul is a “nutcase” despite his anti-interventionist, antiwar, pro-civil liberties, anti-Federal Reserve stance and he wants to abolish the Gestapo TSA as well. Nader is poison to the Democrats and progressives/liberals who still believe in the functioning system despite watching Bush family operatives steal the 2000 election in Florida and then have not do a goddamned thing other than jerk off and point fingers at Nader when the Supreme Court put George W. Bush into the White House. Oglesby is a “conspiracy theorist” the dreaded pejorative that is used by all establishment lackeys and those enshrouded in comfortable cocoons of denial when they dare to ask serious questions. For even suggesting such a thing, even temporarily I was shunned as a leper, mocked and derided as much for that as for my inability to suck it up, turn the other cheek and be a pacifist. I must admit that I always had a bit of sympathy for the Jack Nicholson character, Colonel Nathan Jessep in the movie A Few Good Men, his methods were unsound and his arrogance was his undoing but he had it right when he barked that:

You don’t want the truth because deep down in places you don’t talk about at parties, you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline.

The liberals and progressives are impotent and on the verge of extinction, of being hunted and persecuted in their own country simply because they never understood that there had to be someone on that wall to beat back the hordes.  Better get a clue folks, they are closing in now.


The Petraeus Dog and Pony Show

September 14, 2007

With King George’s shameless proclamation last night that things have improved so much in Iraq that he can start bringing some troops back home(just like a pickpocket giving you ten bucks as a gift after lifting your wallet) Petraeus Week is now in the books. The “Surge” has received due credit as a heaven sent panacea for the blood soaked debacle in the desert and the PNAC plans for regional conquest (or as loony Ledeen likes to call it “creative destruction” are back on track. Even Osama bin Laden made yet another of those amazingly serendipitous appearances that always happen to occur just when the Bush-Cheney junta needs to pull a bogeyman out of the hat although skeptics are wondering just how the big spooky was able to get ahold of O.J.’s fake beard. Of course ‘The Juice’ could probably use it himself right about now given the coming 24/7 media feeding frenzy over an alleged hotel room theft that will knock every relevant event out of the next few news cycles. The sixth anniversary of 9/11 came and went and was amazingly subdued compared to the vast orgy of right wing demagoguery and bombast used to exploit the victims in the past and other than the few memorials the day’s biggest event was the congressional testimony of ‘Potemkin’ Petraeus. Now, perhaps I am being overly cynical but there just may be a coincidence in scheduling the sales pitch on that particular day to once more time shore up the big lie that Iraq is somehow related to 9/11. Hell, I know that I’m a cynic but I have nothing on the rotten bastards who actually run the circus.

It has been a thoroughly disgraceful week that exemplifies how America has come to rot, our institutions infected with the terminal disease of systemic corruption, rampant perversion and raw hubris of Republican rule. The bin Laden video was just so over the top that it allowed what alcoholics often refer to as a ‘moment of clarity’ on just how far down the rabbit hole that we have gone since 9/11. The neocon’s on call fiend has actually managed to get younger since his last really big appearance when he endorsed the Bush-Cheney ticket mere days before the 2004 election. Of course much of idiot nation that is already flying low with broken radar in an all encompassing fog of TV torpor buys this bag of horse manure lock, stock and smoking barrel like the good little fearful lemmings that they are supposed to be.

The hew and cry of the Republicans and their fifth columnist media shills screaming like the big authoritarian piss babies that they are over Move On’s General Betray Us ad is par for the course for the red team to whom decorum and rules are of no consequence when they don’t apply to their own tactics. The American Il Duce, Rudy Giuliani even deviated from his pathological ghoulish exploitations of 9/11 long enough to shriek with indignity that Hillary Rodham Clinton had smeared General Petraeus and attempted to tie her to Move On’s blasphemy of America’s newest military hero. The schoolyard bully mentality of a party of punks who go running to tattle to the teacher when they can’t keep the game sufficiently rigged in their favor makes the utter failure of the Democrats to fight back even more infuriating. The irony is that they would enjoy approval ratings much higher than inflamed hemorrhoids if they would embrace their base and Move On whose message is far more in line with the wishes of the American people than the crap shoveled out by the elitist filth and their pocket media. Another of this week’s big lies is that the centrist (aka Reagan Republican) Democrats who are denounced as though they were the second coming of Karl Marx are not nearly as outspoken about illegal wars as paleocons like Pat Buchanan and Paul Craig Roberts and most libertarians. Some of the most withering criticism of Petraeus, a PR flack with political ambitions masquerading as a soldier who was once described by his superior as an “ass kissing little chickenshit” and the off the chain criminal conduct of an administration run amok comes from the principled right who have been marginalized by the neocons. In fact two of the most outspoken blogs/websites against the Bush regime’s reign of terror are libertarian: Lew Rockwell and the outstanding Antiwar.com but they don’t get the establishment’s panties in a wad for the obvious reasons that the entire bogus left-right paradigm that pits us all against each other with sideshow ‘issues’ would be threatened and the sham democracy corporate status quo must be protected at all costs. There is a natural alliance with these people who are equally fed up Americans just waiting to bloom and any seriously minded politicians who sincerely are for reform would be foolish not to reach out.
The Dems are of course posturing and puffing about getting tough on Bush and Iraq and even threatening to block Alberto Gonzales’ likely replacement in rabid Republican ideologue Ted Olson but it’s all just window dressing and only suckers continue to fall for the same con over and over. By now we all know exactly what happens next with these feckless toadies, they just roll over and cave with nary a whimiper. Maybe they should just take Bobby Knight’s infamous advice that “if rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it” rather than to continue insult our intelligence with meaningless rhetoric. While the charlatans are seeking capitulation and compromise American troops and dollars will continue to be fed into the meat grinder that is Iraq. Iran will also likely soon be attacked much to the delight of a certain highly influential special interest group that gives marching orders to the Dems (and that for the sake of argument shall remain nameless) and the Bush crime family will be free to continue their disembowelment of the constitution for another year and a half. It says one hell of a lot about the Democratic leadersheep when even the fucking John Birch Society is more of an advocate for the restoration of civil liberties than the Pelosi-Hoyer-Reid triad.

The elitist mentality of our beltway kings and queens was on full display during the Petraeus love fest. Not only did the entrenched establishment Democrat from the Show Me State Ike Skelton neglect to swear in the four star suck-o-matic for his testimony (Ray McGovern was ousted for bringing this up) but he was reportedly overheard referring to protesters as “assholes” This is the prevailing attitude by the Washington elitists to whom the First Amendment is just another annoying inconvenience. The real asshole is the entire stinking toxic waste dump inside the beltway and the rotten to the core gaggle solons who reside there. They are thoroughly vile, cowardly, corrupt and could give a rat’s ass about either the constitution or the people that they are at least in theory supposed to serve. Given the disgraceful conduct of this new Congress who were given a mandate for change it is long past time to stick an enema nozzle into the festering asshole that is the nation’s capitol and give the bulb a good hard squeeze.

The total failure to end this damned war or prevent the next one as well as the reluctance of any of the presidential candidates to take an aggressive antiwar, pro-worker stance shows why there is so much crossover appeal for a guy like Ron Paul who despite his problematic stance on other issues will END THE WAR. Americans are overwhelmingly against this crap, the illegal wars, the widespread looting, the plague of offshoring, the importation of low wage labor to take jobs that can’t be offshored, the subprime fiasco, unaffordable health care, a creeping police state and all the rest of the indignities of the past six and a half years and they want change.Sadly to this point the Democratic leadersheep and their inept strategists have been loathe to offer up anything other than fascism lite and that just isn’t going to cut it anymore.

Dems Play Croquet While Iraq Burns

March 4, 2007

“Off With Their Heads!”
-The Red Queen

Vacation’s over and I’m back with a vengeance! While it is certainly nice that Iran has not yet been attacked the shoddily constructed house of cards that is Wall Street and the global economy is in trouble, the stock market is having a panic attack, gas prices have gone up by nearly forty fucking cents a gallon in the last goddamned week here in South Central Florida and the horrifying ongoing fascination over that disgusting pig Anna Nicole Smith’s sordid and trashy existence is coming to an end leaving the mass media maggots to find another carcass to feast upon now that her body has been planted.

While bombs the haven’t been dropped on Tehran the big stink bomb that is the new and as some would like you to believe improved version of the Democratic party is ticking ready to detonate and spray a deluge of the same foul shit mist that it has basked in ever since the DLC corporatists latched onto the coattails of Saint Ronnie Reagan for a ride on the gravy train of Gordon Gekko style monoply capitalism.

The feckless bunch from the jackass party just can’t seem to get a grip. The pathetic excuse for an opposition party is so terrified of the stigma of the right-wing manufactured cartoon stereotypes of their past (hippies, Vietnam era peaceniks and college protestors, civil rights marches and most importantly of all principle) that they have gone to the extent of cutting off their noses to spite their faces by junking the legacy of their true greats like Roosevelt and Kennedy. Hell, they have even let that conniving little shit George W. Bush steal Harry Truman from them!

Now after having won both houses of Congress by riding a wave of anti-war sentiment the fumbling, stumbling, bumbling Democrats have chosen to punt, dithering away precious time with ridiculous non-binding resolutions and dog and pony shows like the 100 hour agenda. At this rate it won’t be long until minority status beckons again – really though, what’s the difference? The Dems are still played like a Stradivarius by Karl Rove and generally bullied by Republicans who are such masters of hypocrisy that they can get away with filibustering with aplomb only months after threatening to torpedo the procedure. . What is the difference between now and when DeLay and Frist were running the Capitol Hill con game??

Spineless, morally vacant ass clown Democrats refuse to exercise their constitutional obligations and control of ‘the purse’ by cutting off war funding to end the debacle that they were complicit in creating through their complete roll over before giving the war party a blank check in the first place. Either they are afraid of being called on the carpet by such brave patriots who have so well served their country like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity or the fear of upsetting the AIPAC apple cart and disrupting the ample flow of easy campaign cash from The New York money people” as Wesley Clark called the high rolling Zionists who are down with the regional brutality espoused by Bibi Netanyahu, Likudnik hard liners, their winged monkeys on the Christian right and the ideologue neocon moles within the U.S. policy making apparatus. Carl Levin is even calling for action against Syria for God’s sake, when will this long national nightmare end? The Democratic party establishment has only served to use the recent elections to further reinforce the Praetorian guard around the emperor and in order for any real change as well as a return to sanity they too must be taken out come November 2008 and replaced by progressive or third party candidates who are not slaves and lackeys to the cartels of powerful anti-American, anti-labor, pro-war special interest groups. The dog and pony shows and half measures in the face of the destruction of America from within would be laughable if the stakes weren’t so high and we all deserve better than DLC frauds dicking around to protect their stake in the rigged game while the streets in Baghdad run red with blood and the streets of America are increasingly filled with those who have been chewed up and spat out by the compassionate conservatives.

So thoroughly gutless are the Democrats, so timorous and so browbeaten into being called out for their lack of ‘patriotism’ for something like the millionth time that the majority party won’t even block funding for a looming attack on Iran. Once the missiles and bombs start to fly we will be Germany invading Poland, the bad guys, the aggressors, the new Nazis. History will not be kind to us nor should it be. But with our national reputation already long since flushed down the toilet by a neo-fascist junta that is assisted in destroying this country from within by the sad shell of what was once a party of the people that fears stealing the limelight from their thin-skinned queen in waiting more than the historical infamy of being accessories to the ruination of America and the slaughter and pestilence of the coming World War.

But with our reputation already long since flushed down the toilet by a feckless opposition party that fears stealing the limelight from their thin-skinned queen in waiting more than the historical infamy of being accessories to the ruination of America what’s a few trillion more dollars and hundreds of thousands of more bodies. Hell, by the time that this Vichy bunch gets done they can stack the dead all the way up to fucking Jesus.

The sad reality is that a one-time acquaintance of mine who happened to be a rabid Marxist is right, both parties are just corrupt factions of a rotting capitalist system, one is only more outright fascist than the other which is only better at pretending not to be killers. The efforts made by the corporatist wing of the Democrat party to go out of their way to withhold support from anti-war, progressive candidates in the run up to the November elections prevented an enormous landslide and kept out reformers intent on taking on the rigged game of a system itself.

The Republican slime machine is churning again while the defenseless Dems are stuck in neutral as a result of their deferential treatment to Hillary, AIPAC, Wall Street, corporate America and the defense/surveillance industrial complex. Uber-cunt Ann Coulter has emerged from her spider hole of shame after last year’s embarrassing plagiarism incident to call John Edwards a “faggot” at the grand fascist fiesta that is formally known as the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) where the movers and shakers of the reactionary filth that is the neoconservative movement rub elbows and plot the further destruction of all that is decent and moral.

Such despicable comments by one of more prominent members of the stable of neo-Nazi mouthpieces of course gets no traction in the pocket media that has long held double standards when it comes to neo-fascist hate speech. I am always amused at Man Coulter’s playing of the homosexual card (previously invoked by the bitch goddess to slime the Clintons and Al Gore) because if person’s sexuality could be called into question it would be that of a horse-faced, forty something woman whose bread and butter is to portray herself as macho and whose whiplike tongue could dance on a G-Spot like an angel on the head of a pin. The Republicans always love to cast the first stone despite being a haven for pathological perverts, pedophiles, garden veriety queers and incorrigible sodomites whose numbers are legion and I don’t have the two days to devote to this post to list them all here. As with Hitler’s brownshirts there is some sort of alluring pull to the GOP that makes it a magnet for degenerate cocksuckers (and closet dykes for that matter), while I am not a psychologist there certainly seems to be a similarity between the deep seated needs by extreme right-wingers to dominate and humiliate, much like the uncontrollable urges of the vilest of pederasts.

Then there was Friday’s great story of the hidden college thesis of the Queen of Hearts herself that broke on MSNBC just as Ms. Rodham was getting her panties unknotted over the spot on comments of David Geffen. So utterly silly is the Hillary thesis story that it is of the utmost in fucking hilarity, only the complete imbeciles in the Bushist flock could possibly believe that Mrs. Rodham-Clinton is some raving leftist radical rather than an overly ambitious former Wal-Mart board member drunk on raw hubris and the opportunity to seize the brass ring where she can preside over the ongoing strip mining of the lives of the have-nots with the misfortune to have ended up on the bad end of globalization. Unfortunately this means any of those who do not belong to the rapacious cult of vampires of the global elite who the Clintons and the Bushes are servants of.

The ONLY reason why I absolutely know that the Saul Alinsky connection isn’t a plant by the Clintonistas seeking to burnish her so called liberal roots with the more left-wing elements of the party base is the shameless insertion of a standard smearing of Hillary along some lines from the dearly departed reich-winger Barbara Olson that would allow the Rovian propagandists to once again slyly milk the 9/11 fear factor. The fact that the reactionary bitch perished in a blaze of glory on the plane that hit the Pentagon on 9/11/01 (therefore making the piece immune from criticism lest the memory of Babs be tarnished by any rebuttal) is a poison pill that even Herr Goebbels himself would be proud of but nothing ever changes with the Republican noise machine and there are always plenty of ignoramuses who hungrily lap up their bullshit. I do find the death of Olson to be one of lifes bitter ironies in that she was ultimately a victim of the anger, the futility and the relentless hatred of America that the impoverishment and subjugation of entire populations by the fascist right-wing Social Darwinist, greedheaded agenda that she so championed as a GOP shill were so very instrumental in creating. Just my two cents but it would be a very good thing for world peace and social justice if many thousands of the Barbara Olsons of this world including Ann Coulter would meet with a similar demise…..poetic justice I guess or karma or just a good ole helping of what fucking comes around fucking goes around!

Ahhh….it’s good to be back, so much to do so little time.


For Democrats V is for Vichy

July 31, 2006


Q: What is the difference between a Republican and a DLC Democrat?

A: The DLC Democrat at least has the courtesy to use a dab of KY during a good ass-fucking. 


Is there to be any return to national sanity before the Rapture Bus that we are all trapped upon makes it’s final Evel Knievel ‘Snake River’ style jump off of the end of the cliff into the abyss? George W. Bush and his neocon death cult have the doors locked and the pedal to the metal and this is largely possible due to the appeasement and enabling of the reactionary Jacobins by the corrupt, malodorous and impotent so-called opposition party. I am hereby issuing a blanket denouncement of every fucking slimy, feckless, Vichy scoundrel with anything to do with the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC). They must be eradicated at all costs in order to regain control and reimplement progressive American values and there is no better place to start than with whiny little neocon tool Joe Lieberman who wears his sense of entitlement like a crown.

The removal of both the Republican party and their DLC enablers is absolutely crucial for the drive to take back America from the relentless, ruthless thugs now running the place like a crime syndicate. The apparent merger between the DLC and the GOP is like the Sopranos and the Corleones launching a joint venture. If done correctly this fall -starting with Lieberman-then 2008 will become an opportunity to launch a coordinated drive to take back American once and for all and hold the thieves and thugs accountable for their criminal actions.

Never under the DLC which has hijacked the Democratic party will things ever be set right, if one thing that they have proven to be capable of doing well it is wearing the mantle of LOSER and it will only continue as long as corporate cash continues to be the lifeblood for the D.C. elitist wing of the party. Yet another great example of the cave in to right-wing Republican pressure to
recently pull an ad featuring flag draped coffins because they were charged by the GOP goon squad with politicizing the war. Feckless losers they shall always be under the leadership of the DLC and Rahn Emanuel’s DCCC. How did the venerable and virtuous Republican slime machine respond? They immediately ran an ad exploiting 9/11, a bread and butter tactic that has been used by Karl Rove’s minions while there were still bodies being pulled from the rubble of the twin towers and the stench of rotting human flesh hung in the air. The target of the ad, Ohio Representative Sherrod Brown who is running for Senate was accused of being soft on terrorism and would weaken America’s security. This tactic is particularly galling because the DLC stuck a shiv into the back of Iraq war veteran Paul Hackett who would have had immunity against such dastardly Rovian swift boat style attacks by taking down his run for the same seat by throwing their weight behind Brown.

Republican Mike Dewine was forced to pull the ad not because of it’s slander and fear mongering but because the image of the burning WTC in the background had been doctored. Why does the DLC continue to play the game as if there are any rules when their opponents don’t? That is the million dollar question. The piss poor losers of the DLC are dead men walking, and don’t even know it yet.

Joe Lieberman IS the DLC…..and that is the main reason why Joe must GO.

The DLC has been circling the wagons in defense of the highly visible Lieberman, a man who despite hitting the trifecta through his alliances with the Bush administration, AIPAC and the corporate pigs clustered around the feeding trough is facing the fight of his life against Ned Lamont, the first true test as to the effectiveness of the netroots insurgency. The two pronged effort to paint the netroots as extremists who would drag the Democratic party to the left (that it would a monumental task to drag it far enough left to even get back to Reaganism is left out, god forbid that we have context) is bogus but a work in progress, we will see how effective that it is next Wednesday. A good op ed in the Houston Chronicle last week summed it up nicely:

Lieberman’s message is whiny with a selfish threat of bolting the Democrats to run as an independent in November if he loses the primary. The Connecticut incumbent looks more and more like he’s ready to retire. Lamont is exactly what the Democrats need to revitalize their party — a young entrepreneur with ideas who is itching to take on Washington and the Republicans.

Connecticut Democrats have a real chance to restore the Democratic Party to its progressive and populist roots on Aug. 8. Bouncing Lieberman from the Democratic ticket will send shock waves across the Democratic Party and the nation.

Connecticut voters are in a position to do what Senate Democratic Whip Durbin has failed to do — insist that the opposition party start acting like one.

That message will not only be felt in Connecticut and Washington but also serve as a wake-up call for certain 2008 presidential candidates — especially a pro-war Democratic senator from New York named Hillary Clinton.

Also the July 24 edition of the New Yorker blamed Lieberman’s unpopularity not only on his constant licking of Bush’s boots and support of the war but even took it back to his attacks on Bill Clinton over Monicagate, this is great regarding a speech on the Senate floor delivered by the whiny little fucker:

“It was an exceedingly pompous performance, in which the Senator expressed his “deep disappointment and personal anger” at President Clinton for his sad, furtive affair with a White House intern and deplored the “impact on our democracy and its moral foundations.”

In the same article this great passage is attributed to one of the Senator’s constituents:

In the Congress, in the press, and on the networks, the righteous grandstanding creeps, crazy to blame, deplore and punish, were everywhere out moralizing to beat the band: all of them in a calculated frenzy with what Hawthorne (who, in the 1860’s, lived not many miles from my door) identified in the incipient country of long ago as “the persecuting spirit”; all of them eager to enact the astringent rituals of purification that would excise the erection from the executive branch, thereby making things cozy and safe for Senator Lieberman’s ten-year-old daughter to watch TV with her embarrassed daddy again.

And this guy is supposed to be a Democrat? The bastard has ALWAYS been a duplicitous double dealing charlatan. Hell, I wouldn’t doubt if he were a mole that purposely assisted in sabotaging Al Gore’s 2000 presidential campaign.

And the DLC honchos were all a mile high in Denver where they gathered to preach the gospel of a pro-corporate, pro-globalist Democrat party and to pay homage to the great Joe. Former First Lady and Queen in waiting Hillary Rodham she of Walmart legal big-gun and more recently New York Senatorial fame actually and astonishingly addressed the economic disparity issue, more likely out of necessity to steal the issue from the progressive netroots and potential primary opponent John Edwards than for any principled reason:

“They’re not taking care of America. They’re bankrupting our country and failing to address the problems”

Said Senator Rodham Clinton, wagging a finger in the face of the Bush administration and the crony capitalists. There is one problem though, the DLC are a large part of the problem and will only provide window dressing rather than to get to the true root of the problem that is a global system of corporatism and a domestic economy that is solely driven by financial speculation. We are over-indebted, disproportionately over-taxed, grossly unsophisticated, underemployed, our manufacturing base has been decimated by two and a half decades of corporate plundering, our jobs are being shipped offshore by the thousands, the housing bubble is ready to burst thereby ending the refinancing that allows millions of Americans to rob Peter to pay Paul, our infrastructure is crumbling due to the lack of reinvestment by the greedy, global warming is a reality and energy costs are eating us alive and we are involved in a series of costly and ruinous foreign wars that will drive the country into bankruptcy.

Add to that a very angry and militant portion of the population that has been ensnared by the gospel of hate and hellfire preached by GOP co-opted charlatans disguised as ministers and who are ready to rumble and you have a tinderbox waiting to have a match put to it. The party power brokers and beltway elitists have waited too long to address this, choosing to instead fuck around with the phony ‘Culture of Corruption’ public relations campaign that went up in smoke about the same time that Representative William Jefferson was found with $90,000 stashed in his freezer. The sudden focus of the DLC on economic disparity is nothing more than a desperate effort to remain entrenched as the status quo.

The New York Times this weekend threw in their two cents by endorsing Ned Lamont over the wandering Jew I am sure that the keening from state run media will be intense with more threats and smears of ‘treason’ being leveled against the NYT and the inconvenient fact that Joe’s favorite team just took out a house full of civilians, many of them children couldn’t have come at a wore time for the neocon advocate of the implementation of the PNAC plan in the Middle East. It was his unwavering support for the Bush-Cheney-Rummy’s Iraq quagmire that got him into this mess to begin with and despite his sunny side up ‘things are getting better’ party-line parrotting of the Bushist propaganda machine the bombs continue to go off and the morgues continue to overflow. Lieberman’s wars are about to claim his scrawny ass as well.

These are desperate times for the DLC with Lieberman apparently on the ropes so look for an escalation in rhetoric this week. The little weasel himself even said in addressing another issue that much to the chagrin of Republican propagandist Frank Luntz the public hasn’t forgotten:

“It’s time for politicians to let Terri Schiavo rest in peace.”

Strange words from a man who joined the flock of vultures like Tom DeLay, Bill Frist, Randall Terry, Mark Fuhrman and every other sleazy, amoral reprobate who kicked the poor woman around like a political football and incited hordes of rubber fetus waving religious zealots to descend on the Florida hospice with no regard for the suffering of the others who were being kept there. Little Joe must have gotten nervous when Michael Schiavo showed up to join the campaign against him.

Paybacks are a motherfucker aren’t they? Joe may be about to find out first hand.

Do you want to see people devoted to the concept of democracy? Look south to Mexico where thousands are taking to the streets to protest a rigged election. Where was John Kerry on that cold November 2004 Wednesday morning when evidence was emerging on Ohio voting irregularities and potential electoral fraud? Did he hold out for a recount….no he listened to his weasel DLC consultants and threw in the towel.

Democracy is for peasants, we have American Idol.

July Motherfuckers

July 27, 2006

“A man without ethics is a wild beast loosed upon this world”

Albert Camus 

The long anticipated (at least by some) ferocious coordinated pushback against the ‘netroots’ by both DLC and GOP establishment forces began in earnest over the last couple of weeks. The blogosphere was specifically targeted by party line pundits from the drug addled champion of ‘values’ Rush Limbaugh to the DLC’s own shill Ed Schultz who loosed their condemnation. In a rare display of bipartisanship it was imperitive to impugn the credibility of one of the few remaining bastions of free speech that dares to sing in an off tone in relation to the rest of the madhouse choir. The mainstream media is our enduring national shame for it is a media overly obsessed with child killers like Andrea Yates, the mysterious Suri Cruise and in circling the wagons for talking point defenses of the right of Israel to lay waste to its neighbors using American-made bombs than engaging in serious investigative journalism or any sort of honest introspection over what has caused things to have gone so horribly wrong with this country in the first place. The citizens are in a funk , policy is set by sociopaths, crooks and amoral thugs, war is now spreading throughout the world and we as a nation have strayed so far off the course of acceptable moral behavior that the point of no return may be soon appearing on the horizon.

After a much needed although too very brief vacation, The Station is once again transmitting and we couldn’t have returned at a better time; especially now that the blogosphere itself is under siege and its very legitimacy is being called into question by charlatans and pimps. I personally have been attacked by right and left-wingers alike who are unified in both their ignorance as well as their savagery, their mutual hatred of any independent voice or thought is possibly the only thing that they have in common though they would be loathe to ever admit it. Of all the vitriolic denunciations, spam and hateful diatribes that stuffed my inbox the one that I particularly got a kick out of was from some pathetic right-wing loser’s website that was incredibly enough called I ♥ Ann Coulter. With a title like that there is no need for further explanation. I would be willing to bet that the guy’s ‘Godless’ cover shot of the harlot of hate has been adorned with a ‘pearl necklace’ on more than one occasion….hope that he spent the extra dough for the special commemorative laminated edition.

Additionally, my frequent usage of the term fascism to describe the rulers of our de facto one party government was called into question as to its legitimacy in describing modern domestic politics so please allow me the opportunity to present the very definition of ‘fascism’ taken directly from an authority on the English language – The Miriam Webster Dictionary:

Main Entry: fas·cism
Pronunciation: ‘fa-“shi-z&m also ‘fa-“si-
Function: noun
Etymology: Italian fascismo, from fascio bundle, fasces, group, from Latin fascis bundle & fasces fasces
Often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

I say that if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then chances are that it truly is a fucking duck. What was omitted from this definition though was the union between the government and big business which gets it’s own definition in the dictionary under Corporatism:

Main Entry: cor·po·rat·ism
Pronunciation: ‘kor-p(&-)r&-“ti-z&m
Function: noun
: the organization of a society into industrial and professional corporations serving as organs of political representation and exercising control over persons and activities within their jurisdiction

Now depending on which reference that you use both of these are often combined under the blanket term Fascism which when you take into consideration each and every aspect of the system as it is in the era of George W. Bush’s America we are already there. The administration and it’s legal army is moving even as you read this to subvert the recent ruling of the high court in Hamdan v.Rumsfeld that for at least a fleeting moment slapped down the right of the U.S. executive branch to act as king and to imprision without trial and torture at will. The Bushists are also now moving to rewrite the rules to allow for the legitimizing of illegal wiretapping and surveillance of American citizens which will be approved usual by the rubberstamp Congress and if the language isn’t exactly to the liking of the Cheney master plan then Bush will just use another one of those signing statements that his goons are so fond of.

Once again, if it walks like a duck……..

The MSM and even most liberal bloggers are loathe to utter the dreaded ‘F word’ as a descriptive term but those who choose not to see that the lasting trend has been a slow and then post-9/11 more rapidly accelerating tract towards fascism then they are either plain dumb or in denial and more than likely a bit of both. I will however add that while it is fascism it is a softer version of it – at least for now but this could rapidly change if the neocons and their bellicose Zionist allies are able to successfully escalate the chaos in the Middle East into full blown regional and optimally civilizational war. If Dick Cheney and the neocons get their wish an early Christmas present will be a domestic terrorist attack that will allow the implementation of every Draconian, authoritarian aspect of the latest version of the USA PATRIOT Act. Then there will be a grand opening of the KBR Detention Camp franchise and time for the black vans to commence their pickup routes but that time the least of our worries will be attacks on the free speech zone of the blogosphere or quibbling over our definitions of fascism.

Besides, that’s not the point of this posting. Because we are back and we are badder than ever.

Our policy here is that we will NEVER endorse political candidates! This is not only our policy out of principle but also because of laws that could be invoked were any sort of preferential treatment might be misconstrued as free advertising. Our view is that we are far more concerned with the issues, the corruption of the entire fucking system and the sickening fact that relatively speaking most of the candidates are pretty much interchangeable when it really comes down to it. In order to survive to emerge from the filtering process to even be allowed to run for public office with a party sanction you have already been compromised. The DLC is known for conducting screenings so that only the most pro-corporate agenda potential candidates are able to emerge. We prefer to call a spade a spade and don’t engage in the practice of turd polishing or practicing porcine cosmetology. If we happen to attack some politicians or public figures more vehemently and viciously than others it is not because we find them to be shining examples of virtue, they just happen to be bigger whores with more vile clients than the others.

Besides, as far as endorsements are concerned there are plenty of blogs out there with no such qualms that engage in becoming involved in the actual political business. Many of them are the so-called ‘A List Blogs’ that like to believe that they carry a large degree of clout. Personally, I would prefer to keep a lower profile and not have to compromise my own sense of values or risk becoming contaminated by the taint of getting too close to the actual workers in the great Washington D.C. sausage factory. It is far better to fly low, not worry about self censorship or compromise and leave the politicking to those who truly have a taste for it. There are plenty of writers/activists who are far more enamored with attention, influence, some small degree of mainstream media acceptance and the possibility of occasionally being invited to lavish parties thrown by the ambitious where they can act like the pretentious bores that they are while trolling for pussy, munching on crudites and sucking down free booze that the world sure as hell doesn’t need another one.
Our sole purpose in life is to attack the system rigging bastards where they live and to expose the hypocrites and charlatans that have sold out American values, values that are based upon having a strong middle class and progressive social programs such as those championed by men like Franklin D. Roosevelt – now THERE was a Democrat! Without the desolation and desperation created by the job destroyers on Wall Street and their lackeys in the White House, Congress and the Pentagon there would be no bloodthirsty, Social Darwinist, fascist (there’s that fucking F-word again) menace laying waste to our country both within and outside of our borders. Now that the duplicitous pig-fuckers in the DLC have entered into an alliance with the Rovians and that other country that wags the dog while engaging in dispicable acts of violence against civilians as they wage war against their overflowing enemies list it’s time to throw down.
Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post’s latest column entitled ‘Liberals and Israel’ virtually screams that left leaning bloggers are not only cowardly by not engaging in debate about the overkill in Lebanon (Markos M. of Da Kos is specifically singled out for staying out of it) but also telegraphs the strategy of the soon to be unleashed barrage of accusations of anti-Semitism that will be used by both the Rovians and the Clintonites to smear progressives and The New Republic, that piece of shit neocon-lite rag is also making noises in launching personal attacks on netroots bloggers.
Of course here at the Station we are all too happy to call a spade a spade, know the difference between a Jewish person and the Israeli government, hate the very concept of ‘political correctness’ and are officially on record as saying that the politicians on both sides of the aisle of the whorehouse in Washington are not only in bed with Israeli lobby doing the nasty thing for the lifeblood of campaign support (financial and otherwise) but also ensuring that they get protection from the hordes of activists. The 400+ members of Congress who officially went on record to pledge their loyalty to a foreign government over their own are not only the most vile of traitors but their actions are enabling war crimes that further isolate this country from the rest of the world. Where is the outrage over the shipments of bombs that are being sent to Israel on the sly via the backdoor to drop on the poor women and children and others who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? Where is the MSM coverage of this attrocity? Where is the DLC outrage? Who gives a rat’s ass about collateral damage!
We Do! And We Are Goddamned Proud Of It Too!


I will address this in my next posting but first a word on the DLC.
The Democratic Leadership Council is a bunch of feckless, despotism enabling, Israeli Lobby worshipping, corporate lackeys who are perfectly content to go down in flames over social wedge issues as long as the status quo can be maintained and the debate over fairness to the American worker doesn’t surface. We here at The Station are strictly Joe Six Pack type of guys and are fucking pissed that we are now having to drink cheap swill due to the fact that it costs more to gas up the car to drive to our shitty fucking jobs every day, to keep being gouged by the power pirates who have taken over the public utilities, to keep paying more to the racketeers of the insurance industry whose economic terrorism comes with the full blessing of their bought politicians and especially pissed at ignorant peckerwood morons and the lemming members of the Christo Fascist zombie brigade who continue to dissemble while ‘New Rome’ burns. We are among the millions who struggle to keep food on the table to feed our families and raise our children who are being turned into the future debt slaves that will be necessary to feed the financial industry. The children have bleak futures due to the looting and corruption of the special interests, they lack the skills to compete for increasingly scarce ‘good jobs’ due to the shitty education that is provided by a public school system beseiged by influential theocrats and privatizers.
Now the DLC and their acolytes puff up their chests and for the first fucking time in over five fucking years of hell goes into attack mode against the blogosphere. Where was this coordination and fire in your bellies while you let Bush and his rubberstamp fascist GOP Congress run fucking roughshod? Where were Hillary’s temple eunuchs while we were all getting whipped like cringing dogs by the bullies who run the circus who are the Chivas sipping, Lexus driving, Wall Street Journal reading, lobster bisque sucking elitists who call the shots in the ‘Class War’ that is the elephant in the living room in America in our fear drenched, Jesus juicing, new Gilded Age of the post 9/11 world where:


The DLC is far worse than the existing tyrannical one-party rulership of the GOP and their smirking idiot king at 1600 Pennsylvania. They are worse because they represent the falsehood that there is such a thing as a true opposition party in this country. As a Marxist acquaintance once told me (not that I am a Marxist by any means, I believe in American capitalism although it needs to be strongly regulated to keep the greedballs from looting, raping and pillaging) that the parties as they exist today are nothing other than warring factions of the same corrupt capitalist system and he is absolutely correct. When you judge them by their deeds rather than their words and it becomes very apparent that this is so. When after all was the last time that the Democratic party actually stood for protecting labor which was the true left prior to the period when the think tanks were a dominant force and were able to successfully parlay the alleged statements of an unnamed Democrat in a Robert Novak column that anti-war Nixon opponent George McGovern stood for “Acid, Amnesty and Abortion”.

The DLC was born out of the Reagan years when the elitists latched onto the concept that it was easier to go along to get along and joined the anti-labor gang along with other so-called ‘Reagan Democrats’, other than a brief interlude of Republican Lite with the Ross Perot assisted serendipity of the Clinton administration it has been one long ongoing purgatory of being tarred as pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, anti-family and un-patriotic ever since then for the jackass party. By aligning themselves with the corporations and the wealthy on economic and trade issues they sold their souls to the company store along with millions of Americans who have been crushed by the war on labor and the plague of outsourcing.

They being the establishment DLC are a pox upon America and represent an impediment to the vital systemic reforms and ideological changes that are necessary for this nation to once again be a place where each and every citizen has an opportunity to realize their dreams. It is also imperative that our disastrous foreign policy misadventures be changed immediately so as to remove the animosity towards America that breeds terrorism and turns the lesser fortunate members of the world into nothing more than cheap slave labor with which to keep profits up for the treasonous looters of Wall Street and the ultra-rich elites who have stolen democracy from the people like the Grinch himself descended upon ‘Whoville’ to load up his sled with pilfered goods and abscond under the cover of darkness only these cheapjack fucks won’t be returning when they suddenly grow a heart.

In real life there are no fairy tale endings.
This isn’t a game for the squeamish.
As Clint Eastwood (A great American director whose recent movies are excellent and enduring pieces although he first had to pay his dues by playing Dirty Harry and similar cardboard cut out tough guy archetype roles for years) said in the classic ‘The Outlaw Josey Wales’:

“Now remember, things look bad and it looks like you’re not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. ‘Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That’s just the way it is.”

Josey Wales was a serious motherfucker and he won AND lived!

The Clintons are serious motherfuckers as are their partners The Bushes!

AIPAC and the Israeli Lobby are serious motherfuckers!

Dick Cheney, David Addington, Rummy and the neocons are serious motherfuckers!

The corporatists are serious motherfuckers!

The religious right are serious motherfuckers!

Karl Rove is a serious motherfucker!

And I am a serious motherfucker too!

The Question Is: ARE YOU?