Charlie Sheen Killed Natalee Holloway

March 8, 2011
“The preparations for Hate Week were in full swing, and the staffs of all the Ministries were working overtime. Processions, meetings, military parades, lectures, waxworks, displays, film shows, telescreen programmes all had to be organized; stands had to be erected, effigies built, slogans coined, songs written, rumours circulated, photographs faked..”.

 -George Orwell

But of course he didn’t, although that is about the only fucking thing that the parasites in the corporate media haven’t accused him of, at least not yet anyway. Americans love nothing better than wallow in the sleaze of the lurid sort of celebrity scandals that are a fixation to a doomed people as they slowly rot from the inside out. Nothing sells in America like scandal and celebrity scandal is even better. Celebrity, you see is the coin of the realm on this planetary blight of a lemming colony. Despite global political uprisings, gas prices on the way towards $5 a gallon, food prices similarly skyrocketing thanks to the greed crazed speculators on Wall Street and in the commodities trading pits, wars without end, the ongoing eradication of our civil liberties, a political system that has miserably and completely failed, a shameful poverty rate, a mockery of a health care system and a burgeoning police state the really important thing is the two-minute hate over Charlie Sheen, fallen star. The vultures in the pocket media haven’t had this much fun since they picked the diseased flesh from Mel Gibson’s bones, fucked the bleached corpse of Michael Jackson, bathed in the toxic offal of the circus maximus of the O.J. Simpson industry or salivated over the semen stain on Monica Lewinsky’s blue dress. 

The troubled Sheen, whose recent personal problems landed him in the hospital and led to the debacle where he was subsequently entered into rehab (hey, Sheen is a party monster but isn’t that his business?) which placed his megahit sitcom Two and a Half Men in limbo officially became public enemy number one when he appeared on the Alex Jones Show on February 24th. The interview, during which the actor babbled insanely in a nonsensical manner about absurdities (it was like Michelle Bachmann on raw tequila and crack cocaine) alternately blasting his one of his fuck bunny “goddesses”, the entire system, the show, the paparazzi vultures who feed off the carcasses of fallen stars and peppering the interview with movie quotes, notably Colonel Kurtz from his father’s Apocalypse Now. The interview was of course picked up nationally and affixed to Sheen’s head like a crown of thorns, a scourging of biblical proportions would ensue as he was driven to the cross by the lazy scum corporate carrion mockingbirds, taking advantage of the prurient nature of Boobus Americanus for more fodder for their daily mental masturbation. The interview was painful to listen to but Sheen had his money shots, he launched one out of the park when he referred to the TV honchos who judged him for his lifestyle but”… lay down with their ugly wives in front of their ugly children and just look at their loser lives”, not that must have hurt. The wide ranging rant had Sheen jabbering self-references to doing “strafing runs in his underwear”, being a “Vatican assassin” and calling Thomas Jefferson a “pussy” and nicely calling out the magnet for the terminally fucked that is Alcoholics Anonymous but the final straw was when he referred to producer Chuck Lorre who is Jewish by his Hebrew name “Chaim Levine”. Now it was war.

Despite Lorre’s own references to “Chaim Levine” on one of his stupid little vanity cards the firestorm of ugly denouncements rained down like the air strike on Colonel Kurtz’s compound at the end of Apocalypse Now. Unsurprisingly the overly shrill and always self-serving Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League was all too quick to throw his yarmulke into the ring. Guys like Foxman and his ilk are truly putrid in that their constant knee-jerk accusations of anti-Semitism only serve to minimize REAL anti-Semitism, so useful has that particular little nasty pejorative been in stigmatizing those who run afoul of the Israel Lobby octopus that it actually began to use some of its effectiveness as of late. Perhaps it was the ongoing vilification of poor old Jimmy Carter who dared to compare the ongoing Israeli oppression of the Palestinians to South Afrincan Apartheid, the overkill of the savage pack bludgeoning of 89 year old Helen Thomas for practicing her right to free speech or more recently the attacks on former Pink Floyd leader Roger Waters whose recent tour to perform The Wall was attacked for purportedly anti-Semitic imagery but the term has been overused to the point of rendering it a mockery. And there is nothing that the bullies of Israel’s U.S. fifth column and their on call Nazis hate more than someone standing up and pushing back, I am sure that Waters who recently gave a great interview to Al Jazeera and has now announced plans to promote a musicians against Israel boycott will be next in line to be marched up the hill at Golgotha.The line will be long too as the haters try to regroup after Hillary Clinton’s surprising admission that Al Jazeera was beating that shit out of the lying, propaganda machine of the U.S. corporate media. Capitalizing on Hillary’s endorsement and the news that thinking Americans are tired of celebrity bullshit, lies and war mongering demagogy Al Jazeera has posted a link to implore American cable providers to add their network. Click Here. This is going to get that three-chinned Irish terrorist worshipping toad Peter King all hot and bothered as he gins up his anti-Muslim tribunals, I will be addressing this filthy sack of fascist horseshit in my upcoming piece, the very appropriately titled “King Turd”.

But I digress…

The 9/11 Truth Movement has for a good time been a high-value target for the Israel Lobby smear merchants and perhaps at least some of the relentlessly nasty animosity towards Sheen stems from the matter of his being associated with it. The role of the American Neoconservatives and Israel in what occurred on that game changing day when the reset button was hit on any sort of definition of American civil liberties and freedom by traditional means has always been a serious mystery. Not to go whole hog and accuse elements of the state of Israel in participating in the American Reichstag Fire but there are legitimate questions and no better way to leave them unanswered is a torrent of abuse and anti-Semitic diatribes, of course percolated through the sewer of the American corporate media system. I strongly suspect that a good deal of the cannonade of ugly vitriol is being hurled at Mr. Sheen for his unabashed views on the false flag terror attacks that were pulled off with devastating precision by forces unknown and have since served as blanket justification for planetary warfare, an increasingly iron-fisted domestic fascist police state serving the financial oligarchs, the corporatists and the blood barters at the Pentagon who are hellbent at enslaving a once free people. Sheen is a good buddy with big time radio personality Alex Jones who has had such rats nests as the ADL, the Southern Poverty Law Center (always looking for demons just like the National Security State) and left-gate keepers and neocon spear carriers to boot. The very idea of the audaciousness of a public figure questioning what really happened puts a serious burr up the asses of those who control the establishment both here in Der Heimat and abroad with our ‘friends’ in The Kingdom and in the occupied territories. Sure as hell can’t give the black sheep in the flock any ideas now can we? They may start asking some very serious questions, like just what the fuck was up with those Israeli art students?

Again I digress…..

So the scarlet letter of anti-Semitism had to be carved into Sheen’s head as well as the indignity of having to be fed into the tabloid money machine, Hell, look at what O.J. did for all of the bottom-feeding, ambitious shits who couldn’t get a real job….like the insipid harpy Greta Van Susteren to pick a prime example of the sort of travelers who cashed in on the masses of the fucked, cheated and electronically lobotomized as they chased their dreams hitched behind a white Ford Bronco. Charlie Sheen ran across this type of a dirty pack of rat-fucking pigs and dared to fight back, not only against the blood-sucking leeches of the cult of celebrity, the cheese pimps like TMZ, Entertainment Weekly and every other magnet for losers without lives but against the power of the Lobby, a thing that would have once been unthinkable in the not so long ago halcyon days before the one-two punch of the Mearshimer/Walt expose and their own over the top ridiculousness as they descended upon Carter like a plague of locusts and had a collective orgasm when that reprobate pig Alan Dershowitz successfully scalped a good man like Norman Finkelstein and paraded about with the once tenured professor’s bloody scalp on a stick. The truly shameful thing about the Sheen takedown that just really pisses me off is the anti-Semitic slander, if only because I have seen that movie too many times before. It only pisses off those pit vipers more too now that they have been somewhat neutered,  depleted, mocked by people with any decency or common sense as scoundrels and swine abusing the 6 million dead Jews of the Holocaust for their own shameless benefits and a shadow of it’s former self the Lobby still has some clout. Just ask Julian Assange, despite an increasingly ugly and difficult U.S. travesty of international kidnapping that will possibly end in a CIA hit the Wikileaks frontman has recently been hit with the Jew Hater label as well. Shit, the entire anti-Semitic defamatory circus is as ridiculous as it has been dastardly, perhaps one of their victims will just do the right thing and sue the motherfuckers for slander, libel, defamation of character and every other rotten violation of basic decency that they have long represented. Fuck them all, there would be nothing like a carpet bombing of libel and slander lawsuits against the agents of The Lobby, let’s hope that Sheen finds a place to squeeze them in when he starts suing motherfuckers. 

Hell, I am not even a fan of Charlie Sheen, I loved Platoon, Wall Street and that underrated flick No Man’s Land where Sheen was running a chop shop for stolen Porsches but I quite honestly hate regular TV. Not only do I hate TV (other than pro football which is my one serious jones) but I hold the stupid and mockingly moronic sitcoms like Two and a Half Men in special contempt, just above that heinous, high-profit margin product reality television. Word has now come that CBS (Corporate BullShit) has officially fired Sheen from the Chaim Levine money machine, early buzz is that they are looking for a former brat-packer with a better image and that Rob Lowe may be the man, been awhile since that ugly sex video scandal and Robert Downey Jr. is even money to end up in rehab on any given week, but he probably wouldn’t insult the arrogant, vindictive Hollywood Jew with ugly wives and borderline retarded kid bastards like Chuck Lorre, especially after this mess. Who gives a fuck anyway? CBS has already committed far too many mortal sins to have any credibility, there was the feeding of the great Dan Rather into the wood-chipper over the blatant Karl Rove setup over George W. Bush’s military records, the failure to land the NFC NFL broadcasting rights by getting outbid by that foreign pigfucker Rupert Murdoch that then allowed FOX to become legitimate and the foisting off of that silly, kewpie doll bitch Katie Couric as if she were some sort of legitimate news figure deserving of sitting in the anchor seat previously occupied by titans of journalism like Rather, Walter Cronkite and Edward R. Murrow have put a bigger dent in the CBS eye than Sheen ever could hope to do. As the great American social critic George Carlin remarked: “When you’re born you get a ticket to the freak show, when you’re born in America you get a front row seat.”

So Charlie Sheen should just say fuck you to all of the judgmental TV addicted celebrity sucklers, the hard-core professional haters and the rest of the idiot nation by just upping the ante and screwing on the full-blown freakitude. Think Dennis Rodman dude, just take out that freak flag and let the fucker fly. Go and snort dunes of coke off of the tits of legions of hookers and porn starlets, engage in orgies of gross depravity guaran-fucking-teed to offend the snotty, phony moralists. Shit, they have a serious problem with how you spend YOUR money because your behavior is obscene, yet they revel in their dumbness, anger and wear their willful ignorance upon their holier than thou chests as though they were gold-plated medals of honor. Yet they are NOT offended in the least by the stench of the decaying flesh of the war dead, of the deformed, disfigured and sad children whose mothers were either raped and tortured to death or had Uncle Sam’s (or Israeli for that matter) munitions dropped on them by our “blessed heroes” fiddling with their drone guidance joysticks from thousands of miles away as if they were their flaccid penises. There is nothing quite as American in 2011 as the bravery of being out of range now is there?  

Then there is a certain carcinogenic idea of the reverence of anti-intellectualism that has eaten through this society over the last three decades or so that is so poisonous, so dangerous and so destabilizing that there are no longer enough souls to feed into the machine. So much fuel does it need while it devours perpetually, like some giant sucking black hole of monstrous stupidity and we are all on the Rapture bus with the pedal to the medal as it careens driverless towards the event horizon. And as a horrified witness to the coming of one of humanity’s darkest historical periods and who fully understands the ramifications of this all-consuming cannibalistic ignorance I must say that I sure as fuck sucks to be trapped on that bus. 

Just my two cents

The God Damn Media Owes Reverend Wright an Apology

April 29, 2008

After his Friday interview with PBS journalist Bill Moyers and after the specially edited for the dual purposes of fearmongering and race baiting for political gain sound bytes were heard in their proper context the fake devil that is the Reverend Jeremiah Wright not only right but he is deserving of an apology by every lazy corporate media hack who have once again chosen that a regular paycheck earned by picking the low hanging fruit and not upsetting the plantation masters is far more desirable than such quaint antiquities as journalistic integrity. When looking at the ‘questionable’ sermons in their true context I must agree and also must say that I have heard similar sentiments espoused by some of those on the right although in slightly less bombastic terms (they dearly cling to their blood soaked rag and whimper stars and stripes forever), it’s called BLOWBACK (see Chalmers Johnson’s book of same title) and this country has a closet full of murderous skeletons when it comes to those of darker skin color.

Personally Mr. Obama hurt himself with his dispicable throwing of the Reverend under the bus today rather than to take a principled stand against American fascism, I expected better of Obama but as many have tried to convince me he really is just an empty suit. It was a cowardly and disreputable act to just tow the fascist line and condemn Wright rather than to address the sins of the empire. You see what happened to Ron Paul when he brought it up too, there is nothing in Murka that is more dangerous than the truth but it is as kryptonite to the John Wayne Ubermensch that is the ultimate superhero for the television addled dopes and woefully ignorant suckers in this land of sorrowful decline where fantasy long ago replaced reality. I would strongly recommend all progressives, patriots and otherwise concerned Americans to circulate Reverend Wright’s sermons in their proper context and to compare them to dangerous anti-American Zionist tools like the lunatic Pastor John Hagee whose religious doctrine could have been written by the Likud Party.

Let’s see what the dreaded anti-American black devil said in unedited transcripts (from the Bill Moyers program) of those sermons that have been pimped so hard by the Establishment media to take down Barack Obama through the very McCarthyist tactic of guild by association:

From the “God Damn America” sermon:

Where governments lie, God does not lie. Where governments change, God does not change. And I’m through now. But let me leave you with one more thing. Governments fail. The government in this text comprised of Caesar, Cornelius, Pontius Pilate – the Roman government failed. The British government used to rule from East to West. The British government had a Union Jack. She colonized Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria, Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Hong Kong. Her navies ruled the seven seas all the way down to the tip of Argentina in the Falklands, but the British government failed. The Russian government failed. The Japanese government failed. The German government failed. And the United States of America government, when it came to treating her citizens of Indian descent fairly, she failed. She put them on reservations. When it came to treating her citizens of Japanese descent fairly, she failed. She put them in internment prison camps. When it came to treating citizens of African descent fairly, America failed. She put them in chains. The government put them on slave quarters, put them on auction blocks, put them in cotton fields, put them in inferior schools, put them in substandard housing, put them in scientific experiments, put them in the lowest paying jobs, put them outside the equal protection of the law, kept them out of their racist bastions of higher education and locked them into position of hopelessness and helplessness. The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law, and then wants us to sing God bless America? No, no, no. Not God bless America; God damn America! That’s in the Bible, for killing innocent people. God damn America for treating her citizen as less than human. God damn America as long as she keeps trying to act like she is God and she is supreme!

From the ‘Blame America for 9/11’ Sermon

The people of faith have moved from the hatred of armed enemies, these soldiers who captured the king, those soldiers who slaughtered his son and put his eyes out, the soldiers who sacked the city, burned the towns, burned the temples, burned the towers, and moved from the hatred for armed enemies to the hatred of unarmed innocents, the babies, the babies . “Blessed are they who dash your baby’s brains against a rock.” And that my beloved is a dangerous place to be. Yet, that is where the people of faith are in 551 BC and that is where far too many people of faith are in 2001 AD. We have moved from the hatred of armed enemies to the hatred of unarmed innocents. We want revenge. We want paybacks and we don’t care who gets hurt in the process.

I heard Ambassador Peck on an interview yesterday. Did anybody else see him or hear him? He was on Fox news. This is a white man and he was upsetting the Fox news commentators to no end. He pointed out. You see him John? A white man he pointed out -an Ambassador! He pointed out that what Malcolm X said when he got silenced by Elijah Mohammad was in fact true. America’s chickens are coming home to roost! We took this country by terror away from the Sioux, the Apache, the Arawak, the Comanche, the Arapaho, the Navajo. Terrorism! We took Africans from their country to build our way of ease and kept them enslaved and living in fear. Terrorism! We bombed Grenada and killed innocent civilians, babies, non-military personnel. We bombed the black civilian community of Panama with stealth bombers and killed unarmed teenagers and toddlers, pregnant mothers and hard-working fathers. We bombed Gadafi’s home and killed his child. “Blessed are they who bash your children’s head against a rock!” We bombed Iraq. We killed unarmed civilians trying to make a living. We bombed a plant in Sudan to payback for the attack on our embassy. Killed hundreds of hard-working people; mothers and fathers who left home to go that day, not knowing that they would never get back home. We bombed Hiroshima! We bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye! Kids playing in the playground, mothers picking up children after school, civilians – not soldiers – people just trying to make it day by day. We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and Black South Africans, and now we are indignant? Because the stuff we have done overseas has now been brought back into our own front yards! America’s chickens are coming home to roost! Violence begets violence. Hatred begets hatred and terrorism begets terrorism. A White Ambassador said that y’all not a Black Militant. Not a Reverend who preaches about racism. An Ambassador whose eyes are wide open, and who’s trying to get us to wake up and move away from this dangerous precipice upon which we are now poised–

This is called blowback and our continued willful ignorance of the consequences of a misguided foreign policy based solely on imperialism and the installation of brutal dictators that are U.S. puppets and who torture and repress their own people under despotic regimes blessed by Washington and Wall Street will only continue to produce more hate and retaliation until such misguided policies are halted. The cowardly smear campaign being conducted by the pocket media and political operatives of both the Clintons and the fascist Republican party is an affront to American ideals, an assault on freedom of speech and association, an attack on the black churches and those who are actively complicit in this electronic assassination have blood on their hands for their role in failing to honestly examine our failed policies.

We can just blame the inevitable next terrorist attack (given our monstrous destruction and murder in the Middle East which is creating terrorists by the hour) on Reverend Wright can’t we? That would be the easiest thing to do and once again provide cover for the lemmings snuggled warmly inside their cocoons of denial.

Flag Pin Fascists

March 4, 2008
Quoting from the scriptures
With patriotic tears
We got the same old men
With the same old fears
Standing at attention
Wrapped in stars and stripes
They hear the phantom drummers
And the nonexistent pipes

-Don Henley, If Dirt Were Dollars

You have to give it to the Republicans, at least they are always consistent when it comes to sliming away with scurrilous charges questioning the patriotism of any who dare to question their extremist power grab. The latest season of the flag pin lapel frenzy is on again, the caterwauling of the conservatives (I use this term very loosely here because true conservatives abhor the fascists who have hijacked their good name) is being jacked up in combination with the ever present Muslim bashing, fear mongering and soon to be rolled out most kick ass clubs in the bag – Al Qaeda, 9/11 and the fantasy collaboration of Democrats with those insidious enemies of all that we love and hold dear here in ‘The Homeland’.

The flag pin thing really rubs me raw for some reason as though putting some ridiculous little metal symbol (likely made in China anyway) on your clothing somehow makes you more American than others, it’s as superficial and dishonest as all of those idiotic yellow ribbon magnets that used to adorn the backs of gas sucking SUV’s before the actual costs of Republican wars of aggression made them too expensive for the average American to drive so now they sit in the garages of over-mortgaged, over-priced McMansions.

The reich wing screeching is now reaching an ear splitting pitch over the failure of Barack Obama to display his ‘patriotism’ by wearing that crappy little pin that belongs more appropriately in a historical context in some European countries where symbols were of the utmost of importance – post Weimar Germany comes immediately to mind as does Communist Russia or for a more international flavor Maoist China. Despite their standard propaganda the modern day Republican Party actually cribs a good deal of their tactics from various authoritarian and totalitarian regimes.

Coming in the aftermath of the manufactured outrage over Michelle Obama’s statement that was somehow twisted into her not being proud to be an American (personally speaking I am ashamed to be one right now for obvious reasons but I will leave that for another time) and the Clinton dirt diggers leaking of that oh so Islamic picture of Mr. Obama to the Drudge Report (now a bipartisan dumping ground for fascist filth) the keening of the chickenhawks over his lack of that shitty little pin is offering up a glimpse at exactly the divisive, scorched Earth campaign that the cult of the dung encrusted elephant is going to be running once again as November nears. The porcine propagandist, grand master Karl Rove himself was out pimping the red meat fake patriotism on FOX last week:

Rove: “Look, with all due respect, he is a very left-wing Democrat. He came out of a very radical background in organizing. His record in the Senate is the most liberal, according to the ‘National Journal.’ He has been a conventional far-left Democrat. And we ought to recognize that. As a result, he has these associations and these people he has been comfortable being with who are not in mainstream America. Look, after 9/11, when he said true patriotism did not consist of wearing a lapel pin – – an American flag lapel pin on your lapel, but instead speaking out on the issues, he was basically, with the back of his hand, being very dismissive to millions of Americans who thought it was a patriotic act to put a flag pin on their lapel.”

Colmes: “Does he lack patriotism because he does not wear a lapel pan? Is he basically saying, patriotism isn’t about a pin? That is his point of view.”

Rove: “Alan, I didn’t say that. What he said was that people — he was implicating that people who did wear a flag on the lapel were not true patriots. My point is not — in America, you get to decide whether you want to wear a flag lapel pin or not. What he did though was say, it was true patriotism to speak out on the issue, not to wear a flag lapel pen. He was the one questioning the patriotism of people with flags on their lapels.”

Colmes: “I didn’t get that from what he said. What I got –“

Rove: “Read the statement carefully. He said, true patriotism — quote, true patriotism consisted of speaking out on the issues, not wearing a flag lapel pin.”

Colmes: “He wasn’t questioning people who wore it. He was questioning the war.”

Rove: “No, he was questioning the patriotism of those who did put a flag on their lapel. Admit it. I’m not questioning his patriotism. But he certainly questioned the patriotism of millions of people who felt the simple gesture of putting the flag on their lapel was a patriotic act, and it was.”

Mr. Rove, the man largely responsible for the ongoing exploitation of the 9/11 victims for political gain and the body count from the illegal wars that he acted to sell for the sake of the ‘permanent Republican majority’ (it sounds so much like the Thousand Year Reich that it is eerie but then again Rove has copied Goebbels at every opportunity) continues to rise exponentially is like a bad case of genital Herpes, he just won’t go away. Well if the Democrats had anything even remotely resembling a spine Rove needs to be rebutted with two little inconvenient truths that will never rear their heads even outside the FOX ministry of propaganda studios and they are:

1: Sticking feathers up one’s ass no more makes one a chicken than wearing a flag lapel pin makes one a patriot. (In Rove’s case a gerbil is likely a more desirable object but only speculation on my part because all of those White House logs detailing the visits of one Jeff Gannon have disappeared down the memory hole:


2: The great misconception that the flag pin somehow is representative of 9/11 is total horseshit, actually the Republicans who defended arch criminal Richard M. Nixon during the Watergate hearings wore them too. Republicans love to have fun with little thingies like that as is evident from all of those thoroughly tasteless purple band aids that adorned lapels to mock John Kerry during the 2004 Republican National Convention.

It is of little surprise that such criticism comes from chickenhawks and armchair patriots who never had the guts to serve, with the exception of John McCain (a self-admitted “baby killer” and “war criminal”) none of those who are braying the loudest about Obama’s lack of that silly assed little flag lapel pin ever even bothered to put on a uniform in service to their country. As a military veteran myself I find this sort of rhetoric deeply offensive, almost approaching the level of revulsion and contempt that I have for those whose real idea of supporting the troops is sitting on their asses in front of the television and pumping their fists like they were cheering for a goddamned football game while the body bags continue to come home containing the remnants of what used to be our finest young men and women who were blown to kingdom come for the freedom of dittoheads to remain snake mean and willfully ignorant.

They are the ones who are shouting the loudest for others to die in foreign lands, they are the ones waving the flag the most vigorously while undermining all that it is supposed to stand for. They are the armchair patriots, and they are being used by fifth columnists who really do hate us for our freedoms. The insistence of the most vile of all, the Republican party, a group that has come to symbolize the darkest of all American traits to ‘wave the bloody flag’ and tar all others as disloyal and treasonous is a low point in our nation’s history.

Of course being a Democrat he is by that very association deemed `unpatriotic’ and a `coward’ in using the dastardly labeling of Rove and the rest of the unscrupulous and yellow thugs who control the government, the media, the courts and by extension are the operators of the message machine that spits out the hateful swill that motivates the most reactionary and ignorant segments of the populace who represent their base. This anti-American political party could never carry the torch were it not for their deception and demagoguery in playing to the most base and vile instincts of the perennially angry. Like any good purveyor of tyranny enabling double speak and race baiting, they have a little something for everybody.

Festering resentment towards women? Welcome to the party.

Hate Arabs, Mexicans and Blacks? Step right in.
Do you fear those that want to kill us because they hate us for our freedoms? Worry not.

Think that the liberals are destroying the country? We do too.
Interested in killing em all and letting God sort em out later? Yesssss.

Are you on God’s side? Hallelujah, so are we.
Do you think Muslims are terrorists and agents of evil? That’s why WE are going to kill them.

Do you want to defeat the homosexual agenda? We are on your side and God is too.

The Constitution? It’s just a goddamned piece of paper, we have our flag pins!

The Republicans have made hay out of their twisted exploitation of the phony patriotism tactic and they only continue to piss on the graves of every American serviceman who ever gave his life for this country with their exaltation of fascism swaddled in the stars and stripes. Give me reality, not some whacko fantasy about who is more patriotic than the rest. To use the words of George Bernard Shaw “Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to other countries because you were born in it”. I am conducting a trivia contest as to which 1930’s nation was the one where patriotism and the worship of the almighty state were exalted above all else.

A nice little patriotic swastika adorned lapel pin is the prize to the lucky winner.

The Hagee-Farrakhan Paradox

March 1, 2008

In yet another of those great contradictions that plague this rancid and rotting empire Barack Obama has been brutalized over favorable statements made about his historic candidacy by the infamous Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan who has been made into that most unholy of all monsters – an Anti-Semite (also known as one who makes comments critical of Israeli aggression). During Tuesday’s latest fucking disgrace of a Democratic party ‘debate’ beltway elitist hack Tim Russert went straight for Obama’s throat over Farrakhan that was straight out of the neocon attack manual and part of an obvious clandestine Clinton operation to mount a dirty smear campaign of whispers and allegations linking the insurgent candidate not only to radical Islam but also to those who have been deemed by the elitists and agents of The Lobby as Jew haters. Leave it to the always outstanding Glenn Greenwald to bring out the obvious hypocrisy that Manchurian McCain faces no similar criticism for his effusive praise and loving acceptance of the support of a man whose ideology if taken to it’s logical conclusion would seem to make him a real Jew hater far dangerous than Farrakhan. Radical cleric John Hagee of the Rapture death cult who openly advocates an event that would incinerate more Jews than even Hitler would have been capable of had he stayed in business until a ripe old retirement age.

Greenwald’s pieces are always spot on when it comes to getting at the real meat of the issues and Thursday’s “Some hateful, radical ministers — white evangelicals — are acceptable” was a masterpiece in calling out this sleazy attempt to judge Obama under different rules than those deemed to be acceptable to the neocons are. I will excerpt a few bits of this here but recommend checking out the entire thing:

One of this week’s hysterical press scandals was that Minister Louis Farrakhan praised Barack Obama’s candidacy even though Obama had previously denounced numerous Farrakhan remarks and the Obama campaign did nothing to seek out the Farrakhan praise. Nonetheless, Tim Russert demanded that Obama jump through multiple hoops to prove that he has no connection to — and, in fact, “rejects” — the ideas espoused by Farrakhan deemed to be radical and hateful.

Yesterday, though, the equally fringe, radical and hateful (at least) Rev. John Hagee — a white evangelical who is the pastor of a sprawling “mega-church” in Texas — enthusiastically endorsed John McCain. Did McCain have to jump through the same hoops which Russert and others set up for Obama and “denounce” Hagee’s extremism and “reject” his support? No; quite the opposite. McCain said he was “very honored” to receive this endorsement and, when asked about some of Hagee’s more twisted views, responded: “all I can tell you is that I am very proud to have Pastor John Hagee’s support.”

McCain’s sainted supporter, Joe Lieberman, last year spoke to Hagee’s group and lavished him with such obsequious praise that Lieberman actually compared Hagee, favorably, to Moses. Why is Louis Farrakhan deemed by our political establishment to be so radioactive as to not be fit for good company — black candidates are required to repudiate his support even when they haven’t sought it and denounce his views even when they’ve never advocated anything close to those views — but John Hagee is a perfectly acceptable figure whom mainstream GOP politicians are free to court without any consequences or media objections?

Here is just a small sampling of the belief system of this welcomed McCain supporter:

* All Muslims are programmed to kill and we can thus never negotiate with any of them. From an NPR interview Hagee gave to Terry Gross in 2006:


Hagee believes that “the president’s support for Israel fulfills a biblical injunction to protect the Jewish state,” which “will play a pivotal role in the second coming.” These views are not unrelated to Hagee’s support for McCain. Quite the contrary; Hagee cited McCain’s so-called “pro-Israel views,” his belligerence towards Iran, and his social conservatism as reasons for the endorsement. And in critical contrast to Obama and Farrakhan, McCain actually seems to share some of Hagee’s more twisted views, as evidenced by McCain’s joyful singing about dropping bombs on Iran.

The GOP has long been given a pass on courting the most warped and twisted religious figures around. George Bush spoke regularly with Pat Robertson — never once forced to “denounce” or “reject” him. In 2006, Rev. Hagee had a private meeting with uber-White House neocon (and convicted criminal) Elliot Abrams, who just happens to run Middle East policy in the Bush administration, and afterwards, Hagee gushed that he and Abrams (like he and Lieberman) shared similar views towards the Middle East: “we felt we were on the right track.”

Watching the media’s treatment of Farrakhan and Hagee, is it possible to imagine a more transparent, and grotesque, double standard? In the framework of the Russert-led establishment press, white evangelical Christians are, by definition, entitled to great respect no matter how radical, extreme and hateful their professed views are. These are, after all, religious Christians — People of Faith — and, as such, it is wrong, even bigoted, to suggest that they should be repudiated. There is nothing ever radical, hateful or dangerous about the views of white evangelical Christians like Hagee.

When it comes to flaming bags of pus preaching hatred towards Muslims (and Catholics) – which the McCain campaign is going to carpet bombing fearful Americans with as though he were dumping napalm on women and children back in Nam – John Hagee has no equal. His radical Christian Zionist militant group Christians United For Israel although only two years old has proven to be reliable boots on the ground shock troops for extremist right wing Israelis and their dual loyalist agents that are deeply embedded in the American media, military and government. Hagee who is also the author of books like Jerusalem Countdown that builds on the cultist Left Behind series of pulp fiction Armageddon books read by millions (and could have been written by Israeli intelligence itself so vitriolic are they to Muslims, liberals and the United Nations) caught the eye of the nuke Iran war freaks who have always preyed on rube bible thumpers and is now being used as a shill for the PNAC agenda of world dominance. His audacious pep rallies for a holy war to end all wars are orgies of the same sort of iconography and demagoguery that Leni Riefenstahl immortalized on film in Triumph Of The Will and the glazed eyes and thousand yard stares (see video here) of the hateful lemming CUFI followers and those of the German people are so similar that they send a chill up my spine. McCain’s object of everlasting man love Joe Lieberman is a Hagee favorite and has even gone so far as to compare the hatemongering minister to the fucking Moses himself. It is no small coincidence that CUFI came into existence at precisely the same time that the drive for nuking Iran was gathering momentum.

McCain of course being the straight shooter that he has thrown in with the same agents of intolerance that he once denounced before he found Jesus after that Karl Rove induced mugging in South Carolina back in 2000. McCain is a pathological war freak and wants to exact his brutal revenge on any proxy target of the Viet Cong so throwing in with the agents of extremist Israeli ideology like Lieberman and a flaming lunatic who wants to influence U.S. foreign policy to bring about the beloved Rapture and therefore the immolation of all Jews who don’t convert to Christianity makes perfect sense. The real issue though is why none of this gets any play in the mainstream media while Obama is practically crucified on national television just because Louis Farrakhan has mentioned him in a favorable manner. In another recent piece Greenwald gets at this strange concept of a media that constantly obscures any semblance of any sort of negative commentary on the role of Israel in world politics which is an absurdity that goes largely unnoticed here in our flag swaddled, god kissed lemming colony:

On virtually every issue concerning Israel, views that are held by substantial minorities or even majorities of Israelis themselves are deemed prohibited in the U.S., ones that inevitably subject the advocate to accusations of animus towards Israel or even anti-Semitism. There are very few issues in mainstream American political discourse with a narrower range of mandated orthodoxies than those which relate to Israel.

The pressure is being placed on Saint Barack now to seek atonement and he is already being forced to pander and suck up to the small but influential Jewish voting bloc that has for all intents and purposes no real reason to throw in with Obama given the win-win situation that a Clinton vs. McCain choice in November would represent to ensuring that U.S. foreign policy is largely dictated by the neocon fanatics like the aforementioned Elliot Abrams. Now Abrams is a real piece of work and his influence as a big gun operating out of Dick Cheney’s shop is the son in law of the shrillest of the Middle Eastern conflagration pimps Norman Podhoretz who just had his manifesto with the subtle title of World War IV published much to the delight of adherents to the neoconservative philosophy. Abrams actually wrote his own little strident manifesto that arguably should have disqualified him from holding any serious government position that had anything to do with setting American policy in regards to the Middle East even if his status as a pardoned Iran-Contra felon didn’t. Abrams’ book that is entitled Faith or Fear: How Jews Can Survive in a Christian America exhibits that the man has an ideology that borders on zealotry when it comes to Israel and even goes so far as to make an argument for advocating that Jews enforce the practice of eugenics by not participating in any sort of intermarriage that could produce children who are not pure – sounds very much like the ideas of a guy named Hitler was once shilling on racial purity. Check out this link to a New York Observer story written by Phillip Weiss on Abrams.

Now what is really problematic and a question that is even more taboo than the Farrakhan vs Hagee paradox is the presence of a guy like Abrams in Dick Cheney’s office which has been acting as a defacto shadow government for the past seven years. While many of the other very dangerous neocons like Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz and Doug Feith have been forced out in disgrace over their Iraq debacle Abrams is still figuring prominently and provides a valuable link to the dark bowels of the Reagan administraton which is a long story and I am not even going to attempt to get into it here because it takes us in a completely different direction and can’t be addressed without looking into REX84, Continuity of Government (COG) and Ollie North’s gun and drug running so I will leave that for a different time. All the trains run through Abrams’ office and Seymour Hersh’s New Yorker article The Redirection speaks of this in some detail:

The Bush Administration’s reliance on clandestine operations that have not been reported to Congress and its dealings with intermediaries with questionable agendas have recalled, for some in Washington, an earlier chapter in history. Two decades ago, the Reagan Administration attempted to fund the Nicaraguan contras illegally, with the help of secret arms sales to Iran. Saudi money was involved in what became known as the Iran-Contra scandal, and a few of the players back then—notably Prince Bandar and Elliott Abrams—are involved in today’s dealings.

Iran-Contra was the subject of an informal “lessons learned” discussion two years ago among veterans of the scandal. Abrams led the discussion. One conclusion was that even though the program was eventually exposed, it had been possible to execute it without telling Congress. As to what the experience taught them, in terms of future covert operations, the participants found: “One, you can’t trust our friends. Two, the C.I.A. has got to be totally out of it. Three, you can’t trust the uniformed military, and four, it’s got to be run out of the Vice-President’s office”—a reference to Cheney’s role, the former senior intelligence official said.

So while I began this posting to be a look at the Hagee-Farrakhan paradox it really leads into so much more and the media’s pouncing on one while ignoring the other speaks of something that is much larger than just simple bullying of corporate news organizations by well organized agents of the Israel Lobby and their Christian Zioinist winged monkeys and it runs deep within our most powerful institutions. It is just impossible to ignore the influence that neocons like Abrams and many others exert and the access to the most important national security secrets that such zealots of not only questionable loyalty but morality enjoy with an astonishing lack of oversight. It is only when placing the different standards that Barack Obama and John McCain are held to by the pocket media kingmakers in a much larger context that it all begins to make sense.

It all tacks towards a one sided foreign policy of skullduggery, heavily abetted by moles like the ones referred to in this great series on Sibel Edmonds that ran in the London Times on selling U.S. nuclear secrets to Pakistan via Turkey and Israel. The moles and other inside operatives are bribed, blackmailed and then utilized to set up false fronts to infiltrate and gather intel that can then be sold on the black market. This is the story that NO media outlet in the U.S. will touch with a fifty foot pole and it’s easy to see why, this is volcanic stuff that could set up tectonic shifts in U.S. foreign policy. Edmonds has been under gag order on this after coming across it while acting as an FBI translator after 9/11 and has been trying desperately to get the story out despite every legal roadblock being thrown up in her path by the establishment. At first that it appeared that her story was about funding for the attacks but now it has apparently uncovered a gigantic network of neocons and it wouldn’t be too much of a reach to think that some of those sold secrets may have included codes, NORAD procedures or even the legendary PROMIS software that all could have facilitated the attacks. This is TREASON at the highest levels of the government and nobody wants to touch it including the Vichy Democrats who are likely also involved, this thing is rotten throughout.

Check these out if you haven’t already: For Sale: The West’s Deadly Nuclear Secrets , FBI Denies File Exposing Nuclear Secrets Theft and Tip Off Thwarted Nuclear Spy Ring Probe. This last one is particularly notable because of the outing of Valerie Plame’s nuclear counterespionage front Brewster Jennings years before the Karl Rove-Scooter Libby-Bob Novak operation that it became so famous for which could potentially be a main reason for the vehement propaganda to discredit Joe Wilson and Plame, the breadcrumbs lead back to this secret network that is and has been operating inside the government dating back to before the Bush-Cheney junta seized power illegitimately by rigging Florida in 2000 and throwing the election into a stacked Supreme Court. The silence of the American media on any of this is deafening and to my knowledge the only real mention that it has received was in a Philip Giraldi column published a couple of weeks ago in the Dallas Morning News.

Edmonds has already hinted that there is more to come and considering the government’s collusion with the media on the ongoing stonewalling and silence over the AIPAC espionage trial against Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman that could blow the lid off something so huge that it is beyond comprehension when it comes to illegal surveillance, bartering of state secrets and systemic corrpution of a level never before seen in this country.

Everything is connected and if and when any serious digging ever occurs we are all going to find that it is a snakepit without a bottom.

John McCain: War Hero or War Criminal?

February 25, 2008
“I am a war criminal; I bombed innocent women and children”

-John McCain

So in what should be no surprise to anybody it turns out that John McCain is really no different than say Rudy Giuliani outside of military service of course but I’ll get to that in awhile. He is a charlatan, a philanderer, a hypocrite, a panderer and a man whose judgment and hair trigger temper should not allow him to occupy the oval office, that is if anything resembling a change is really to occur. McCain has always portrayed himself as this great incorruptible figure who would stand up against the special interests, reign in the torture state and work in something resembling bipartisanship that would somehow defuse the festering hatred that has transcended the ‘my team vs. your team’, win at all costs corrosiveness that has created factions in America that could one day equal the kind of generational hatred that is passed down in Europe and far less exceptional places that God’s other chosen land. He was a maverick, he was different and even Mr. Republican himself the great Rush Hudson Limbaugh III who is the personification of every single element of the GOP hates his guts but then the story broke.

The damned liberal New York Times in typical style as the propaganda arm of the great commie liberal conspiracy that has been doing it’s damned best to over throw this great and mighty country had the audacity to launch a dastardly smear campaign against McCain with a story of a potential affair with a telecommunications lobbyist that was really so much more than the lurid sort of lemming food sex scandal that the American idiots regularly wallow in. It really isn’t about sex at all but about corruption, about the great John McCain wallowing in the slop with lobbyists, lying to cover it up, bringing pressure on the Times to withhold the story until after Super Tuesday and then there is that ugly little thing about playing games with the campaign finance laws. So despite the frenzied attempts by the neocons to change the subject to the damned liberal New York times over Manchurian Mac’s alleged sexual dalliances the far bigger bombshell in the story is that the ‘straight talk express’ is nothing more than another corrupt business as normal whore house shuttle. There undoubtedly will be more on this story of corruption, lies and the public relations spin that has allowed for the canonization of yet another of the scoundrels who have so thoroughly contributed to the moral rot of the empire, you can count on that.

What the Times story does to a larger extent is to catapult the propaganda and allow for a look at McCain’s serial dishonesty, his fervor for war and his veracity as a ‘war hero’. Put quite simply, any man who comes out in favor of preserving the Bush-Cheney junta’s dictatorial right to use water boarding, a torture method so foul that it was used by the masters of the Spanish Inquisition while trying to parlay his own past as one who was tortured into political power while playing up his victim status as a POW who was also reportedly tortured is amoral, cynical and exploitative. A portrait of a career charlatan is only slowly emerging although the signs have always been there back to his involvement with the Keating Five scandal and running up to his hijacking of the Iraq war and occupation as his hallmark issue stating that despite the obvious facts that ‘stuff was getting better’ when the carnage raged and the bodies stank in the streets, rotting and being eaten by packs of starving dogs outside of the Green Zone. There was that ridiculous stroll through that market with Lindsay ‘five rugs for five bucks’ Graham with nearly half the fucking army in tow that was exposed as so much stagecraft during that now famous 60 Minutes segment last spring and McCain’s political aspirations appeared to be on life support. But that was before the Surge and the Vichy Democrat’s surrender on efforts to stop the war that they lied about in order to be given control over Congress in November 2006. McCain was suddenly off the ropes and back in business again.

And like Flintstone with “Gazoo” every time that McCain found himself in trouble on Iraq he just invoked “General Petraeus” and was out of any jam and his symbiotic relationship with Joe Lieberman which went over well with the same high rolling Jews that fund the campaigns of those of both parties who are acceptable to the neocons as well as his shilling for the American Enterprise Institute put Insane McCain back in the game again. He used the wizardry of a master in getting out in front with the game plan to incinerate everything that moves within 1000 miles of Israel which of course makes the Raptureheads pee in their undergarments in anticipation of their teleportation while the world immolates. But the “Surge” isn’t working, it has all been one gigantic bait and switch in which taxpayer money is buying time by paying off Sunni insurgents not to fight Americans. That dirty little deal along with the ethnic cleansing have more to do with the reduction of violence along with the hermetically sealed media than any real political success. It’s all to buy time so that dirty little fuck up in Mesopotamia doesn’t play havoc with the election or any of the two chosen neocons who would be warmonger in chief, McCain and Hillary Rodham Clinton. And if McCain is so brazenly lying about his holier than thou bullshit about being different and above corruption you really have to wonder how much else of his tailor made for mass consumption by the moronic, television addicted lemmings is also more of the same bullshit. Could he also be lying about Vietnam?

Let’s talk about Nam, that nasty little quagmire in the American subconscious always waiting to be sprung like a bouncing betty whenever it is politically opportunistic, we are still fighting that fucking war and will continue to fight that fucking war until we as a nation are ready to collectively acknowledge the accumulated weight of all of our military interventionist sins and to seek atonement. That John McCain can continue to trade on his Vietnam record as he runs his campaign on the promise of more war for the rest of all of our lives even if it bankrupts us and rapes the futures of those who have yet to even be fucking born. Now I have a lot of problems with this great narrative that McCain has constructed for himself about being this great war hero, first let me say that there is absolutely nothing fucking heroic in dropping bombs on civilians and McCain himself has come out and admitted this when questioned during interviews, he correctly called himself “a war criminal” during another 60 Minutes interview back in 1997.

The Democrats and the more flaccid spined liberals out there with their pet issues snap to attention when it comes time to bestow their platitudes on the great and almighty war hero John McCain who will happily continue to send young men and women to their deaths if and when he snags the keys to the war machine. I have always found this sort of deferential treatment to be not only pathetic but self-defeating as well, the quisling Dems to use a sports analogy are all too happy to spot their opponent a two touchdown lead before they even take to the field for the opening kickoff. This is an area where I am flummoxed especially after the treatment that was given to John Kerry (a foofy haired elitist doofus who actually was something of a war hero) when he was savagely swiftboated by a Karl Rove operation back in 2004. Of course Kerry also came out against the war in his now legendary winter soldier hearings that peeled back the flags from the faces of the armchair patriots and the deniers which was and to this day is still a big taboo in a country that bathes in the blood of the innocent that are murdered by the war machine that has made death out top national export. It is far easier to decry Kerry for statements such as:

“They told the stories at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, tape wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the country side of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war, and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country.”

Glorifying a man like McCain for whistling Dixie and then bombing the fuck out of people who he didn’t even have the guts to look at when they were sucking in jellied fire with their dying breath while vilifying Kerry is so typically Amerikan. McCain saluted the flag, did time in the Hanoi Hilton where according to who you believe received favorable treatment and then he made anti American propaganda videos of the same sort have carved a scarlet letter of “treason” onto the forehead of Jane Fonda for the last three and a half fucking decades not to mention every person who speaks out against our great wars of conquest rather than to just be a God kissed patriotic American who is content to watch television, go shopping and be a productive little cog in the murderous machine of industrialized murder that is our grand stinking capitalist empire of rot and death.

John McCain is no war hero, he is a war criminal that is plain and simple and in addition to being a war criminal he is also by definition a terrorist for committing terrorist acts against unarmed civilians and no amount of hand wringing fake moralizing is ever going to overturn that ugly and rancid little fact. War IS terrorism and no man who praises war as a way of life as does McCain is nothing other than a terrorist himself. Consider the irony of that particular statement for a minute and the now institutionalized phony war on terror that has brought the war, eternal war home to America as our way of life. None other than that flaming leftist Patrick J. Buchanan acknowledges that war is terror in relation to the bombings of Japan that would bring about an end to World War II and spawn the post war era of as Gore Vidal calls it “perpetual war for perpetual peace”. Buchanan despite the blanket discrediting he receives both by the pathetic mess that passed for the left these days and the neocon right is actually spot on about many things in these horrible days of a rotting empire and he asks the question: “But if terrorism is the massacre of innocents to break the will of rulers, were not Hiroshima and Nagasaki terrorism on a colossal scale?”

The dropping of Fat Man and Little Boy and whether it was ultimately necessary against a broken enemy or was merely an opening gambit in the Cold War will be debated until the end of our days but the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki will always be interpreted by most as necessary steps to end a long, cruel and far too bloody war and to spare even more American casualties. I can even see the validity of this argument although I am not a convert but these were only two events, albeit massive in the systematic destruction and the breaking of the will of the Land of the Rising Sun. Regarding the bombing of Japan an excellent resource would be Errol Morris’s excellent documentary the Fog of War during which he interviews at length former Secretary of Defense and Viet Nam war architect Robert McNamara who was Rumsfeld before Rumsfield in his arrogance. The film while not depicting the slaughter on the ground offered a glimpse into the methodology of industrialized mass murder. General Curtis LeMay, McNamara’s superior and the commander of the Twenty-First Bomber Command that devastated the Japanese Home Islands in the late days of the war plays a prominent part. In the film McNamara explains his role in the incendiary attack by chillingly reducing it to the banality of number crunching as to the potential casualty tally. LeMay, who was savagely lampooned in Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove as General Jack D. Ripper who kicks off nuclear Armageddon is featured in actual film clips that are among the most interesting parts of the movie.

In a precursor to modern corporate number crunching the bombing run efficiency was maximized to the point where stripped B-29s were sent in flying so low that they literally reeked of burning flesh, a good and short although militaristic account on LeMay and the bombing has been written by Victor Davis Hanson and entitled The Right Man, this piece is featured in the World War II compilation called No End Save Victory, a pretty good book of essays that you could likely pick up cheap online. The ruthless efficiency of the incendiary bombings even had LeMay himself to comment that “I suppose if I had lost the war, I would have been tried as a war criminal”.

On the nights of March 9 & 10 in 1945 Tokyo was subjected to an incredible incendiary bombardment that destroyed sixteen square miles of the city, boiling asphalt and cooking flesh. Although the true number will never be known it is estimated that nearly 100,000 were killed, most incinerated and most civilians including women and children and the helpless elderly. The fire consumed the city structures that were mainly built out of wood and the heat according to Nicholas Von Hoffman as referenced in Pat Buchanan’s Where The Right Went Wrong “boiled the water in lakes and ponds, cooking those who fled to safety there like human lobsters” But this is always the way that it is in war isn’t it? General LeMay was correct, the victors are never the war criminals and never the terrorists, the infamy as well as the true costs of aggression are not ultimately paid by the warmongers but suffered by the poor bastards who just happen to live under the rule of rogue governments or those that otherwise fall into disfavor with the most powerful of nations. The truth is that America has a long history of employing and glorifying war criminals, Lyndon B. Johnson, McNamara, Henry Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and both George Bushes were the pros but John McCain is a rising star who with his star-crossed past and maniacal zeal to wage war could yet challenge every one of them when it comes to racking up the body count, and he already has kills on his personal ledger.

Considering how McCain has been right up there with putting his seal of approval on George W. Bush’s torture state despite the alleged hell that he endured while a POW not only makes the story itself suspect but any man who has undergone that sort of torture and who comes out in defense of torture is a goddamned hypocrite and is unfit for any sort of high political office let alone that of Commander in Chief.

John McCain’s free pass as a strait shooting war hero needs to be revoked for it is now apparent that he is neither.

The Establishment Strikes Back

January 9, 2008

Like a bad case of genital herpes the Clintons never really completely go away and with the regularity of the rising of the sun the punditry got it all wrong again. The ballots are all in from the New Hampshire primary and the DLC once again has their queen in waiting, the insurgents have been chastened and the myth that this coming election is about change has been put to rest with the ugly truth that it is really about corporatization, globalization, militarism and the building of an impenetrable firewall around the status quo. Oh, and those skeptics who may have questioned my labeling of Barack Obama as a ringer had best give that very simple and ugly possibility some sincere thought. He went down quicker than an altar boy and just like the traditional change agent Democratic party tomato can in the Granite State. Lost in all of the Barack vs. Hillary steel cage death match hyperbole was the largely ignored campaign of John Edwards who may not have Bill or Oprah but he does have a message focused on the unchecked rise of rapacious corporations and looter capitalism gone cancerous and dared to openly speak of the detritus of the undeclared yet ever present class war that has laid waste to the land of plenty.

As for the bloggers who exalted in Obama’s surprise win in Iowa I reference the classic quote of that great philosopher Winston Wolf who warned against irrational and premature exuberance “let’s not all start sucking each other’s dicks just yet” which should immediately be transcribed onto a post it note and should adorn all of their monitors for the foreseeable future. In their haste to coronate the warm and fuzzy Obama and stick the proverbial fork into Hillary’s pasty white ass they momentarily forgot who really runs the show in America and they have all lined up behind Mrs. Rodham-Clinton, and of course there is the matter of Israel and her signature of blood with the Lieberman-Kyl amendment. Coupled with John McCain’s Republican win and his magic Bobbsey twin sweater that according to some of the sort of rumors that populate the darkest corners of cyberspace is likely woven with the hair of blood red heifers and sacrificed goats the neocons scored a double win but more on Manchurian Mac in a little while.

Queen Hillary’s reestablishment of her aura of inevitability was largely helped by her much overblown show of emotion with the most shameless act of fake crying since the unctuous John Boehner last took to the House floor to bray his great choking sobs about supporting the troops so Wall Street flim-flam men could have the freedom to continue their looting spree with like pigs in a rutting frenzy or some other happy horseshit. The mini Gulf of Tonkin ‘provocation’ by Iranian patrol boats also helped to trigger the fear instinct that is always just below the surface in this tragic post 9/11 land of cowardice, torture and wretched dumbness and the assuredness that Rodham-Clinton would dive head first into a scrum for the nuclear launch code “football” before the corks on the Dom Pérignon were popped for the grand inauguration ball for the restoration of the Clinton dynasty was undoubtedly a factor in the minds of voters. The shameless invocation of al Qaeda by the candidate didn’t hurt her either, in fact the with all of the past few days of fear mongering, slander, crocodile tears and blaming the media for her woes you would have to ask yourself whether Rodham-Clinton was running for office as a member of the wrong party. William Kristol’s new co-worker Maureen Dowd of the damned liberal New York Times has a great piece on the resilient future queen and her astoundingly cynical display of ‘emotions’ that went over so well with the great masses of television addicted asses who are easily duped into buying such swill as genuine that is entitled Can Hillary Cry Her Way Back to the White House?

Now of course as far as that party thing goes anybody with any sense who has spent any amount of time doing their homework knows that other than an absolute aberration like the Bushreich there is really not much actual difference between the two parties that have come to be the Coke and Pepsi of the American empire. For proof that that particular idea has existed for quite some time you can find it in the massive and highly important historical tome for those seeking an understanding of how things really work Tragedy And Hope written by Mr. Clinton’s mentor Professor Carroll Quigley:

The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extreme shifts in policy.

Big Bubba himself was out running the slime machine with his sniping about “fairy tales” and other cheap shots usually left to the hired help and vampires like James Carville, consider it an act of atonement for having made his spouse suffer through the indignity of a media circus after he was exposed for having his stogie smoked by that fat little thong wearing trollop Monica Lewinsky who lured the big lug in bearing gifts of pizza for tingly altoid juiced blow jobs back in less dangerous times. Some might say that it was below the dignity of a former president to act in such a manner but that is assuming that the big overly horny doofus had any dignity to begin with. Arguably had President William Jefferson Clinton had a little more personal control over his allegedly crooked cock and his ravenous animal craving for pussy or at the very least been a bit more discreet in his sexual dalliances like some of his predecessors had the good sense to do then the perfect storm conditions that led to the stealing of the 2000 election in Florida and the subsequent neocon coup d’etat and implementation of the fascist police state might never have occurred.

The hysteria and hostility towards Bill Clinton largely was responsible for Al Gore’s selection of Judas Lieberman as a running mate instead of Florida’s Bob Graham who would have had the necessary local connections to head off Jeb Bush’s vote stealing bandits at the pass. Now after two rigged elections we have an economy in shambles, no habeas corpus, a torture mad segment of the population brainwashed by the FOX TV Nazi Jack Bauer along with what Gore Vidal called “perpetual war for perpetual peace”, a constant state of dumbness, fear and loathing, a financial system that is a rapidly collapsing house of cards and millions of people who are coming to a slow rolling boil and who thanks to Jane Harman and Lieberman will soon be labelled as domestic terrorists. A hell of a price to pay for some sleazy afternoon sex and the strongest argument in favor of the merits of masturbation that one could possibly conceive of.

As for Senator McCain we have seen this movie before and were I one millionaire named Willard Romney I would right now be on the phone to Karl Rove offering up a seven figure retainer and first class tickets to Charleston where he can work roll out his sleazy dark gris-gris about Negro children born out of wedlock, drug addictions and insanity to keep the possibility of a McCain-Lieberman ticket trapped in the wet dreams of the war pigs at the American Enterprise Institute. If there is one saving grace in the detestable McCain’s win it is that we can all stop hearing about Elmer Gantry Huckabee and his Evangelical army for a little awhile it was beginning to wear a bit thin just like the ascendant Obama and his motivating of the slacker generation to get off of their lazy apathetic asses and vote for a change storyline.

The biggest winner last night in New Hampshire was the establishment itself for once again the two front runners had been restored to their proper places, the ringer did his job and the true agents of change John Edwards, Dennis Kucinich and the questioners of the existing order Ron Paul and Mike Gravel will now be slowly erased from the collective memory by the pocket media kingmakers. After the next set of primaries later this month in the heart of peckerwood nation, South Carolina and the Republicans will descend upon the diseased penis of America that is the state of Florida where the American Il Duce Rudolpho Giuliani has been barnstorming and preaching the gospel of 9/11 and skipping while treating the early states with the same significance that he gave to the Iraq Study Group. Then it will be on to Super Tuesday where two days after that grand American bacchanal The Super Bowl where the entire nation is transfixed by a typically lousy football game wedged in between multi-million dollar advertisements the still hung over denizens of the world’s biggest lemming farm will eagerly look to the big political enchilada of 24 state primaries that could potentially crown the new world champion of the empire of greed and blood and the inheritor of the keys to the war machine and the money spigots that fuel the spoils system that our national politics have become.

Ahhh fuck it, is it time for the new season of American Idol yet?

Eugenics American Style

October 10, 2007

One step closer to the end of the world. The one-two combo of corporate greed and organized religion apparently proved to be too much for reason, sanity and compassion.

-Trent Reznor

I have seen the future and it is Idiocracy, a movie that is more outright horrifying than Soylent Green, Blade Runner, Brazil or any other dystopian vision because it is already happening. I’ll get to that in a little while because something has been troubling me for awhile and I need to get it off my chest because it relates to the movie or could at least serve as a prequel. If ever there were to occur an American version of the Renaissance rest assured that it will not be centered in South Carolina, the capitol of peckerwood nation. The recent painfully embarrassing performance of Miss Teen South Carolina Caitlin Upton whose rambling, clueless and nonsensical answer to a question of why did she think that approximately 1/5 of young Americans were unable to find the USA on a map is a searing indictment of the mass stupidity that permeates this country today in the era of American Idol, Survivor and other simple-minded gravy for the brain that passes for entertainment post 9/11.

Such incredible ignorance is a primary reason (along with rampant corruption and electoral fraud) that George W. Bush is the two-term reigning king of Idiot Nation. So thoroughly indicative was her example of damning this brain dead colony of shambling zombies whose gray matter has been rendered into so much mental mush as a result of the constant assault by charlatan politicians, too much religion, tabloid trash culture, too many video games and an overdose of television torpor that establishment boob Matt Lauer of the Today show had to feature her in a nationally televised do over in a desperate attempt to shore up confidence in the moronic progeny of Ronald Reagan’s shitheel generation that we really can’t be that stupid can we? While being soundly defeated by fellow former Confederate states Mississippi and Alabama for the dubious honor of being the fattest state in the nation the embarrassing performance that was a smash hit on You Tube of Miss Teen South Carolina should ensure that the Palmetto State will remain among the largest bastions of ignorant, knuckledragging, regressive, red state fascist raptureheads in the Republican empire of the reconstituted Confederacy born out of Richard M. Nixon’s Southern Strategy.

Of course the south couldn’t have become the incubator of the ‘perfect’ American for the Republican thousand year reich without a good amount of that old time religion updated to mesh perfectly with the authoritarian types and their war on civilizations. That long haired liberal swine Jesus Christ had to be taught the error ways because a peacenik commie who preached against the evils of wealth was incompatible with his new role as pitchman for corporate dominance and global empire. Thanks to the influence of John Nelson Darby and assorted other lunatics with their premillennial dispensationalism that was juiced by the apocalyptic ravings of Hal Lindsay and later the highly influential Timothy LaHaye of the multi-million selling pulp trash Left Behind series Jesus V.2 now preached the gospel of ‘fuck the poor’, only walks on water when it is on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier and flies through the skies with the help of an F-14 that he uses to drop napalm pods on brown-skinned Muslims to the delight of the zombies in the Rapture death cult.

Very little is as simplistic as an abandonment of reason and total surrender to religion as an escape from the cruelty of looter capitalism and the complexities of a technological society with no use for the dumb. It has always worked that way since the earliest civilizations with their worship of the sun god vs. the darkness devil and the promise of an afterlife to those legions of slaves who would taste nothing other than the whip of repression as they erected grand temples so that some rotten son of a bitch of an early version of today’s greedy and vainglorious psychopathic leaders could have his face carved onto on a statue or sphinx. Everything was a result of the favor or the anger of God or the even more simplistic and all encompassing master plan of the almighty. I have to simultaneously experience a sadness and a need to sardonically chuckle every time that some red state simpleton praises God for surviving the natural disaster that just wiped out everything that the rube had and this sort of childlike sort of primitive thinking is exactly what the cynical party bosses, CEO’s and war criminals want because a submissive drone with no actual concept of reality makes a good foot soldier.

The astonishing level of regressive thinking in the United States over the past quarter century or so has saddled the country with an oversexed, mean-spirited, grossly ignorant and maladaptive blight of tens of millions who bear a large share of the responsibility for the erosion of American prestige, morality and economic might that have us teetering on the precipice of something really ugly that could come any day with a government full of war crazed ideologues, a financial system that has been rigged and manipulated by the avarice of the Gordon Gekko/Ayn Rand cult to the point where the entire fucking world economy is on the brink of collapse which is only further facilitated by the 24/7 running of the printing presses at the Federal Reserve and an indolent mass of television lobotomized consumers growing restive now all the credit cards have been maxed out and the rapidly devalued McMansion is no longer a piggybank. We are all fucked thanks to the morons responsible for gross abominations like the Creation Museum or the Holyland Experience and the wart on the ass of humanity that is the Bush administration.

But I digress.

About a month or so back I caught Mike Judge’s brilliantly scathing Idiocracy on DVD, it was deemed unsuitable for any sort of widespread theatrical release by Fox Studios which deliberately buried it and has largely been ignored by a corporatist media obviously uncomfortable with the movie. The should be afraid because Idiocracy just fucking mocks the dumbing-down of American society that is largely the result of the deterioration of mass media, the rise of southern fried religion and the relentless war on the human condition by the rapacious plague of corporatization and a form of looter capitalism that has become cancerous. I have never seen a movie that is so in your face and that obviously made the Fox honchos very uncomfortable because they are largely a culprit in the ongoing process that has stupified what was once a well informed country with real values. The movie is a bit juvenile and overly loaded with scatological references but that is the point it is trying to make and those who don’t get it bring to mind the famous poker saying that if you don’t recognize the rube at the table it’s you.

The plot features Army dullard Joe Bowers, a man of completely average intelligence and a prostitute named Rita who are the subjects of a secret military hibernation experiment of limited duration. Well things go awry and the officer in charge is ensnared by a sex scandal bringing shame and a base closure and a much longer nap for Joe and Rita who don’t wake up until they are freed from their test chambers during the great garbage avalanche of 2505. They are awakened to find a world that is totally FUBAR, the infrastructure is crumbling and looks as though it were designed by idiots (or privatized out to greedy contractors skimming their cut at the expense of quality), the commercialization of society is complete with corporate logos everywhere and characters named after fast food and commercial products “Dr. Lexus”, “Frito” and “Beef Supreme” among them who speak in crude tongues, hurl insults and pejoratives and berate Joe for “talking like a fag”. It’s as though red state social engineering has created a Karl Rove style Republican dream of a reverse master race of abject morons with hair trigger tempers and a birthright of simplicity – George W. Bush’s anti-intellectualism on steroids. The entire population has become twentieth generation trailer trash who in a gross parody of Social Darwinism have outbred those with any intelligence or discretion. The opening few minutes that show how this happened are as classic as they are painfully true with the educated put off reproduction for their careers while the rednecks bred like rabbits.

Centuries of consumerism and too much television have dumbed down the populace to the point of borderline retardation and the greatest advances in technology are huge multi-screened televisions, huge devices that allow for multiple reality trash programs to be presented simultaneously while the viewer is ensconced on a huge plush chair sucking down goo from a tub while reveling in the delights of shows the likes of Ass, Ow! My Balls and the Masturbation Channel. Those three examples are the descendents of current era moronic programming like Cavemen, Jackass, The Biggest Loser and the explosion of potty humor as entertainment provided by movies featuring such Earthly delights as diarrhea daquiris, cacophonies of farts and belches, flying wads of semen used as hair gel and horny teenager boners buried in mom’s homemade apple pie that have made the society dumb and dumber as well as ruder and coarser. Corporations like Starbucks now offer handjobs as an enticement to buy a latte and Fuddruckers has become Buttfuckers – the corporate satire is as hilarious as it is mostly absent from the media and society today and the part of the movie that takes place at St. God’s Memorial Hospital with the health care system being reduced to a combination fast food joint/casino is down and out classic.

The society that Joe finds himself in is mean, greedy and stupid and the police are drooling overly agressive thugs. After a series of mishaps and an IQ test he is summoned to the White House by President Camacho because he is now the most intelligent man on the planet and up to the task of solving the food crisis that plagues America. The crops are dying because instead of using water (that stuff in the toilet) they are irrigated by mega selling sports drink Brawndo: The Thirst Mutilator. Joe suggests using H2O and is met with incredulity by the mantra of “It’s got electrolytes.” After causing massive social unrest and unemployment with replacing Brawndo which happens to be the nation’s biggest employer with his idea Joe is taken to an arena for a gladiatorial style event that is a wild combination between Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome and the local monster truck extravaganza that is televised on FOX which to no surprise is much the same as it is today other than the appearance of the anchors. Joe eventually triumphs and saves the day when the crops grow again and becomes a truly honored hero of Uh-merica. His best advice is to turn off the TV and read something once in awhile and everyone lives happily ever after albeit still bearing the millstone of stupidity passed down by their ancestors.

It’s good advice and should be heeded by a nation gone to seed who don’t bother to pick up a book because the remote for the mind vacuum is much easier to heft and actually reading is just too much of a strain. An astonishing amount of the population don’t even read one book a year let alone a newspaper. Another great suggestion would be to stop choosing politicians based on absurdities like the price of haircuts, their taste in foods (jelly beans, pork rinds), what type of pet they have, their stinking hypocrisy masked by their piety, their promise to open a can of whup ass on ‘terrorists’ and whether or not they are the type of guy that you kin have a beer with. With George W. Bush we have finally seen the rise of the ‘I am a dumbass and he talks just like me’ candidate and anybody who is that fucking dumb just can’t wrap their limited mental capacity around such a thing as a rigged election or two. The scariest thing is that it could get even worse with Fred Thompson, the pope of peckerwood nation being looked upon as a Reaganesque figure by many of the same dopes responsible for Bush Jr. and the threats by the degenerate, sociopathic freaks on the extreme ‘Christian right’ making noises about a third party – can you say Judge Roy Moore? Fred Thompson as a legitimate candidate is a prerequisite to the vulgar smack down champ in the White House in Idiocracy.

If anybody thinks that it is inconceivable that the country would one day be populated by retards if allowed to continue on its current course then they aren’t paying attention. Just pay a visit to your local Wal Mart, megachurch or shopping mall and do some people watching because the prototypes are everywhere. And let’s face it, when the two most internationally known Americans are George W. Bush and Michael Jackson you know we have serious fucking problems and these are further compounded by the big news story of the day is about Britney Spears getting her California drivers license which only further illustrates that we are on the fast track to the land of Idiocracy.

by Ed Encho

Bong Hits 4 Paris

July 2, 2007

In yet another triumphal week in the long-running quest to dumb down and fatten up America for the slaughter the pocket media mockingbirds were on the top of their game. The consolidated cartel of money-sucking moguls never fail to offer up irrefutable proof that their collective fingerprints are all over the dagger that has been implanted to the hilt in America’s back and facilitate the rise of domestic fascism. Virtually ignored was the full frontal attack of the fascist bloc of activist justices on an increasingly dangerous Supreme Court, the crown jewel of a politicized judicial system that has slowly metastasized and is rotting from within.

In a massive news week chock full of highly important stories like the Washington Post’s massive Pulitzer Prize worthy four-part series on the nefarious machinations of one treasonous pig named Richard B. Cheney entitled “Angler”, a flurry of subpoenas unleashed against a criminal administration, imploding hedge funds, a full frontal attack on Brown vs. Board of Education that essentially overturns the landmark civil rights ruling and the coming return to the segregation of public schools, a Pakistani humanitarian crisis that has left a million people homeless and potentially viable recruits for a resurgent Taliban, another incident of ‘collateral damage’ in Afghanistan with the killing of innocent civilians by NATO bombs, more of the same reigning in of free speech (the non-corporate type) in the bong hits 4 Jesus case, opening the money spigots on corporate ‘free’ speech, more pro-corporate favoritism in bestowed upon the looters and leeches by the state’s involvement in the economy through the sanctioning of price fixing, another cowardly Vichy Democrat cave-in on the restoration of the Fairness Doctrine and the national release of SiCKO and the predatory vultures in the medical industrial complex’s massive counterattack through their compliant little whores in the press.

These were all stories that affect millions that would be considered newsworthy in a time prior to the creeping tabloidism of Rupert Murdoch, media consolidation and the blatant cheerleading for war and advocacy of the oligarchs that have reduced the Constitution to nothing more than “a goddamned piece of paper” to use the words of Dick Cheney’s sock puppet George W. Bush. The corporate media has again succeeded in acting as a palace guard for executive power run amok and instead of acting in the best interests of a democratic society per their first amendment responsibility the greedy moguls have once more served to wash away important events that truly affect lives in a flood of more of the standard lurid tabloid slime and lowball, dirty yellow journalism.

Any substantive news on the deteriorating situation in Iraq is given little mention these days as well and when it is the gatekeepers ensure that it very quickly disappears down the memory hole because after all, there is always more celebrity, always a demented sex offender or a missing child that is of such utmost importance to Americans that the bummer of the carnage of a costly debacle of a war of choice can be shoved back behind the curtain where it belongs. That is unless of course the war is repackaged in order to be invoked as a crusade, a jihad, a holy war or a clash of civilizations interspersed with coded biblical terms and images of mushroom clouds and predictions of suicide bombers stalking the aisles of your local Walmart when they follow us home were coitus interruptus to occur at the behest of the cut and run traitors that are far left Democrats and godless secular liberals seeking to deny the faithful the prophesied glory of the Rapture. While playing games with the truth in Iraq the neocon propaganda chop shops and their Likudnik war monger allies are ginning up the case for the imminent attack on Iran. Of course this is going to happen and unfortunately for the winged monkeys of the Zionist brownshirt brigade that is the extreme ‘Christian’ right there will be no Rapture although it’s even money that we all will be incinerated together when the nukes start dropping from the skies.

And when it happens the pathetic losers and American lemmings will be prostrated in front of their beloved big screen televisions to cheer on the further exploits of the freed goddess Paris while the split screens festooned with ‘patriotic’ digital images mark the rocket’s red glare as they begin hitting their targets in Tehran. But back to the latest fucking disgrace of the week for the corporatist media. Michael Moore was bumped for Paris Hilton Thursday on that reptilian world champion of divorces and staunch defender of pederast Michael Jackson known as the Larry King Live show. Moore was also banned from that gross temple of iniquity of capitalism gone horribly awry that is the New York Stock Exchange.

Two amateurish ‘terrorist’ plots uncovered in the U.K. jacked up the fear factor and sent the country to the brink of lockdown. With the declaration of a heightened state of crisis along with the dispatching of heimat security to march through America’s airports in their Darth Vader suits you would think that an airliner had smashed into a landmark building instead of two clowns in a burning car running into an airport in Glasgow. Homeland Security poobah, Israeli-American dual-citizen and Boo Radley lookalike Michael Chertoff took to the Sunday morning bloviation circuit to foment fear in step one of the annual two-pronged attack that will culminate in a gross orgy of bone sucking red meat nationalism on Wednesday for the 4th of July.

The hysterical hyping of the latest terrorist plot by those who want to kill us for our freedoms (HA HA!) was especially fortuitous to the secret government operating out of Dick Cheney’s office because it swallowed whatever smidgen of coverage that that serious transgression against the constitution was allotted. And of course in staying with the official narrative the explosive cars are linked to…drumroll please AL QAEDA the great bogeyman that through design has become a menace to the survival of the civilized world unseen since SPECTRE. James Bond saved the world from SPECTRE but who is going to save the world from al CIAda and the neocons who have infiltrated and overthrown the legitimate government of the United States?

It sure as fuck ain’t gonna be Jesus.
And in breaking news George W. Bush has just commuted the sentence of convicted criminal and man of a multitude of rumored dubious shady Israeli connections I. Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby – former lawyer for the recipient of a controversial pardon by Bill Clinton and global crook Marc Rich. This is just un-fucking believable and I need a bit of time to comment on this latest blatant flouting of the very principles of the rule of law by this gangster administration. This’ll give Corn Fed Fred and the rest of the neocon cronies a good chuckle at the desecrated American system over their Fourth of July barbecues. There will be much huffing and puffing and mock indignation from the Pelosi-Hoyer-Reid Congress but it shall be short lived least those AIPAC donors be offended at any prolonged scorn directed at one of their favorite sons.

Rejoice Rejoice for Paris Hilton is free and now so is Scooter Libby. Jesus Fucking Christ, I think that I am going to be sick!

If It Bleeds, It Leads

April 17, 2007
We got the bubble-headed-bleach-blonde who
Comes on at five
She can tell you bout the plane crash with a gleam
In her eye
Its interesting when people die-
Give us dirty laundry

-Don Henley – Dirty Laundry

Welcome to Blacksburg, Virginia – the place where flocks of mockingbirds turned buzzards and seeking to feast on fresh carrion swarm. The aftermath of the causes of the worst school shooting in the nation’s history that claimed the lives of thirty three innocent people will be pontificated upon, spun and desecrated with the coming 24/7 saturation coverage on cable television news networks. Some media sources are already dishonestly playing up the massacre as the worst mass murder in United States history which is as intellectually dishonest as it is revisionist, a country build upon the killing fields that were a product of the genocidal doctrine of Manifest Destiny does not have clean hands and there are many a state sanctioned slaughter of innocents in our closet. Gore Vidal is spot on correct in his reference to The United States of Amnesia although I might add willful ignorance and a deep seated callous indifference as well.

There will be much weeping and gnashing of the teeth in the guise of examination into exactly why this happened in the coming news cycles that will gobble up days, weeks and months.

The grand story of the shooter and what exactly drove him to wreak bloody havoc on that horrible April Monday morning, nearly eight years to the week after the murderous spree of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold at Columbine Hight School has yet to be told. From early reports it was the standard stereotypical loner; a Korean born English student who wrote plays containing “macabre violence” and denounced others as “deceitful charlatans”. As if that has any fucking thing to do with the price of rice in China. Among more notable literary figures with a penchant for the bizarre Stephen King has become a multi-millionaire writing stories containing “macabre violence” and I regularly rail against the abundance of “deceitful charlatans” that pollute this sick and terminally fucked up society and neither of us are mass murderers. Movie scripts like Saw and Hostel spawn smash megaplex hits by offering graphic depictions of sadism and violence and they gross millions so the writings of Cho Seung-Hui are yet another canard, a red herring used to justify the violent acts that are inevitable in a society that regularly worships at the temple of bloodshed and cruelty. You can always count on the public relations flacks masquerading as journalists for more wildly over-hyped horseshit and manufactured storylines to mesmerize the pathetic and bewildered herds of sheeple that have overrun television nation.

Careers are made off of stories like this and the fact that an ambitious ‘journalist’ could grab a ride on the riverboat, a seat on the gravy train and experience an O.J. Simpson moment is forefront in many minds of the death sucking vultures of the mainstream media whores. They are chasing ambulances as though they were white broncos. They descended on the ruins of the Gulf Coast not that long ago scavenging like feral rats in dumpsters amidst the debris of a ruined city rife with the stench of rotting food and bloating corpses, of misery and of the raw musk of ambition that fuels careers in the disgraceful fucking excuse for a media that this country has been stricken with. They rooted through the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina and then they were gone and while great swaths of New Orleans still lie ruined they moved on to the next big thing – John Mark Karr, Bennifer, Suri Cruise, Baby Brangelina, Mel Gibson, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Anna Nicole Smith or the child murdering pederast of the week. It is always the same – only the names change but mass murders in schools can be career makers. Of course the usual suspects were already picking out their Hokie memorabilia to shamelessly display while the bodies were still being autopsied – Paula Zahn, Geraldo and a pack of other lesser known predators seeking to pick whatever meat remains on the bones of dignity in America’s latest and greatest grand ratings spectacle. Fuck them all, they are vermin who only serve to perpetuate the culture of tabloidism, violence, death and celebrity.

“Seeing him descend bright-eyed and sweaty on wretched New Orleans, as he did in Hurricane Katrina’s aftermath, was like watching a vulture on crystal meth. The word that came to mind was not ‘reporting,’ but ‘feeding.”

-Critic Tim Rutten on Geraldo Rivera

This latest horror of a society gone to seed is good death- mass murder, dread, fear, ratings – not bad death, the bummer of the war dead and the hundreds of thousands of non-Christian, brown skinned victims of a gross savagery undertaken in the name of freedom, freedom to watch cable television and the good death. The type that can be exploited, that pleases the sponsors and the political apparatchik seeking to point the fingers at monsters rather than themselves. I am dead certain that Karl Rove was so ecstatic to see the slaughter at Virginia Tech knock war, deleted emails, Gonzo and the rot of empire out of the headlines that he made some popcorn and pulled up a seat in front of his plasma flatscreen to enjoy the show. Millions of American ghouls joined them in front of their own glowing living room false idols. This is big time shit, never mind that far worse slaughters happen in Iraq every fucking day – 55 more of those whose lives are like mere insects or rodents in terms of their relative value compared to ordinary Americans were added to the tab of the war pigs yesterday.

But I digress…Never mind the actual victims they will still be dead come the next news cycle and there are grieving families to interview and shaken survivors to prod for the little bloody exclusive details of their moments when certain death passed them over and took their classmate, their lovers, their friends.

There are also precious political points to be scored.

There will be those who use this to further implement the creeping police state, surveillance companies will base their entire marketing campaigns on this tragedy. Right wing lackeys seeking to pander to their base will decry that every person in America is not required by law to wear a sidearm and the pathetic timorous candy asses of the Democrat wing of the war party will rail and demagogue against firearms in their run up to Hillary’s coronation in 2008. Their efforts to spin the killing spree in Blacksburg for the sake of scoring cheap political points is as shameless exploitation of the dead and the dishonoring of the bereaved loved ones as is George W. Bush’s latest photo-op at the Virginia Tech campus for today’s memorial where instead of the typical soldiers and snowflake babies he used the mourning students and families as stage props.

The neoliberal fake left (fittingly referred to as such after their treacherous sellout of labor by the parasitical DLC whose taste for corporate cash, war, globalization and special interest groups is an abysmal disgrace) is no better, quick on the draw to blame it all on the NRA and the availability of guns seeking to take a stand against the wrong highly influential lobby that is killing America. Knee jerk, politically expedient attacks on restricting gun ownership by party hacks at the same time that an unaccountable private army named Blackwater grows stronger by the day is a grave and dangerous threat to liberty. Thousands of trained killers for hire who are unchecked by any law and given carte blanche by the scofflaws of the militant Republican junta are a clear and present danger within our borders and a menace as unseen before in our history. If there was ever a time to strongly support a well-armed militia this is it.

Guns don’t kill people, people kill people and a society that exalts violence whether it be the latest Hollywood blockbuster, Jack Bauer breaking fingers, the blasphemous apocalyptic filth that permeates mega-church congregations or the latest in high tech, mega pixel slaughterhouses offered up by the video game industry should not be surprised when the carrion birds come home to roost.

Through The Glass Darkly

September 22, 2005


“I am gross and perverted, I am obsessed and deranged, I have existed for years but very little has changed, I am the tool of the government and industry too for I was destined to rule and regulate you…I’m the slime oozing out of your tv set”

-Frank Zappa from ‘I Am The Slime’

“In a very real and terrifying sense, our Government is the CIA and the Pentagon, with Congress reduced to a debating society. Of course, you can’t spot this trend to fascism by casually looking around. You can’t look for such familiar signs as the swastika, because they won’t be there. We won’t build Dachaus and Auschwitzes; the clever manipulation of the mass media is creating a concentration camp of the mind that promises to be far more effective in keeping the populace in line.”

-Earling Carrothers ‘Jim’ Garrison

“We deal in illusions, man. None of it is true. But you people sit there day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creeds. We’re all you know. You’re beginning to believe the illusions we’re spinning here. You’re beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you. You dress like the tube. You eat like the tube. You even think like the tube. In God’s name, you people are the real thing, WE are the illusion.”

-Howard Beale

As with all other things, television can be used for either good or evil depending on the intentions of those who control it. Karl Marx once said that religion was the opium of the people, he was only partially right, had he possessed the alleged ability of Nostradamus to glimpse into the future he would see that religion as powerful as it may be as an ‘opiate’ could be blown away by an innovation of technology that was still nearly a century away, a medium with the potential to become the ultimate societal drug, one far more powerful than any other: television aka, the electronic crack pipe

…..oooooh daddy, give me a hit of that e-crack!

Television has in the course of the last fifty years become such a potent force of the infinite possibilities of mass mind control and public manipulation that there is no way that the government could possibly ignore it as a tool to either suppress ideas and dissent or to manufacture consent and compliance as well as to destroy the will and the intellect of the people. It has been used by both corporate and government forces, by the former to sell an illusion that generates consumerism and by the latter to domesticate or otherwise distract, it is used by institutionalized religion to spread a militant fundamentalist version of Christianity. The television explosion has been accompanied by directly proportional explosions of mental health problems, violence, debt and most importantly of all, ignorance.

The CIA has always been obsessed with mental manipulation and used LSD in crude, early experiments with mind control but eventually found it to be unreliable. Acid you see would always eventually wear off, leaving the subject wrecked, confused and at times rendered mentally ill as a result of being ‘dosed’. LSD is indeed a very potent drug, it effects each individual differently and consequently each individual would not necessarily have a consistent reaction each time that the drug was administered. I experimented with this drug on occasion in my younger days and can personally attest to the unpredictability of the effects that ranged from euphoric king of the world confidence and insight to manic laughter and enhanced sensual perceptive capabilities to a horrible paranoid depressiveness where every demon from your past would surface to rip a hole in your mind at the very time that your consciousness was in its most vulnerable state, often leaving me mentally wrecked for days at a time and suffering debilitating flashes of guilt and insecurity…and this was only at very small dosages, nothing like that of which that the government regularly dosed subjects with during experiments, most often unwittingly so that a test subject could be observed while the subjects unraveled and at times went insane.

There is a whole history of this that the public is not necessarily aware of, the project was known as MK ULTRA, one of those that was actually leaked or otherwise declassified among other acronyms and those interested can find accounts of this particular testing online at several locations and this one is a good jumping off point as any.

But I digress…

The acid is the ticket to either a great or a really bad trip at the time that it is effective and in the bloodstream but it does eventually work its way out of your system whereas the constant stimulation of the brain by television has no limit. There is no recovery from the effects of the endless assault of advertising and public relations experts, only reinforcement. Television has provided a medium for mass marketing for big business ever since its inception, these people have been imbedding ideas in our minds from the earliest days of the development of our cognitive abilities, if you think that this is paranoia just ponder the marketing strategy of a corporation like McDonalds which directs a large amount of it’s advertising towards children to take advantage of the ‘nag factor’ where the children pester their parents into visiting the local Mickey D’s for the family friendly atmosphere, enclosed play area and movie tie ins. When I was a kid there were the characters Mayor McCheese, Big Mac, The Hamburgler and the Grimmace among others that were ubiquitous on Saturday mornings, the only time for kids to get a full load of cartoons prior to cable television. McDonalds is but one example of how television is used to create an image in the minds of the youngest and most impressionable in society in order to create lifetime customers. This is a marketing model that was immediately seized on by the public relations industry and the government, both of which were fully aware of its power and potential to mold minds.

It is certain that elements within the government immediately realized the mind controlling potential of television just as big business realized that the new medium could be harnessed for advertising and commercial purposes so did the power brokers realize that it could be similarly utilized to manufacture consent, a term coined by Noam Chomsky, a great social critic who is sadly confined to the fringes of the alternative media in this country.

The coming of the 1980’s, Ronald Reagan (product as president) and emerging technologies that would be able to prolong the mental assault 24/7 the American public slowly began to accept televised illusions as real life, revisionist historical entertainment as fact, the glorification of wealth over all else as attainable and realistic and the myth of Rambo as a realistic personification of American foreign policy. I do not have enough time or space to look at this topic here so as to do it justice. The 1980’s saw the spread of corporate nationalist propaganda delivered over hundreds of channels, each appealing to a particular segmentation of a populace too mired in the pathetic quality of the daily grind of their boring and irrelevant lives. Now whenever they needed a fix, the ability to click the little button on the black remote and to be transported into a different world, a world of escape from the drudgery, a world where they could collectively bond with role models test marketed to appeal to their particular fancies, to be politically socialized by talking heads spewing radical ideologies, unencumbered by the Fairness Doctrine which was repealed under Reagan and which would forever change their way of thinking as well as to demonize what had been the real America prior to January 20 1981. They were given everything and anything in order to keep them tuned in so that the propagandists could keep the stimulation applied, the indoctrination process could continue uninterrupted, the herd could be brought to order and shepherded in directions that were desirable to their masters.

Television in itself is a relatively new invention, having only gained mass exposure in the past half century or so but if you want to approximate a time when the demarcation line between fantasy and reality in American life began to become defined it would definitely be in the early 1980’s with the explosion in the satellite and cable television industries. This is the time that it became possible to pump 100+ channels of violence, filth, political opinion, anyone can get rich quick scheme infomercials, lurid sexual innuendo and whatever other flotsam and jetsam of the human spirit that could be mined for profit into millions of homes throughout the country. The rise of both the radical religious right as well as the rise of the political reactionary right can both be traced to the rise in the availability of cable television and how those movements were able to use the technology to brainwash the masses.

Thus began the dumbing down:

Children became more violent and dysfunctional.

Freak shows like Morton Downey and Jerry Springer drew mass audiences while pandering to deviates who would see their sorry lives displayed for public amusement.

Today more people vote on cheese talent shows like American Idol than in most elections.

Television also creates insecurity and mental illness, viewers of too much television are often unable to make the differentiation between fantasy and reality, look at the rise in school shootings and generally deviant violent behavior. They live vicariously through the imagery designed to sell them caricatures of a lifestyle that they in turn believe that must be lived up to in order to be ‘normal’. The barrage of imagery as well as its calculated usage to influence the psyche by those whose craft is manipulation has a devastating effect on Americans. The inability to detach oneself from television worlds breeds violence, insecurity, greed and other such undesirable behavior. This is especially true for children who are very impressionable, there are highly paid marketing firms who specialize in trying to get the products and or ideas of those who pay them seared into the minds of kids from the earliest age possible in order to create lifetime customers. Is this evil? If not outright evil it is certainly devoid of any sort of decent ethical principle but then again isn’t this exactly the sort of deviant behavior that unchecked capitalism is intended to produce?

Will there be a time when television fantasy, physical reality and dreams become indistinguishable to some? Is that time already here? The psychological dependence on television to create identity and loyalty should be a national shame. Generations that have been born into the cable television era have become more violent, more superficial, more unquestioning and most importantly, far dumber than those who were their predecessors.

The rise to power of the evil regime of Hitler was borne on the wings of massive public rallies, fantastic gatherings steeped in the power of nationalism, symbolism, fire, resentment and demagogic ravings of destiny. The most famous of the state sponsored bacchanalia being the 1934 Nuremberg rally, meticulously choreographed and captured on film by Leni Riefenstahl, Triumph of the Will would become the benchmark for all German propaganda. The national madness of the German people can be seen in these rallies and films, the unraveling and descent of a sophisticated society into primal and pure evil was facilitated by them.

With television there is no need for mass rallies, the demagoguery and imagery can be delivered directly into your very own living room.

ooh daddy….give me a hit of that e-crack…ain’t never comin’ back!