The Killa From Wasilla

September 4, 2008

The Cradle of American Democracy?

Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.

-H. L. Mencken

The flag-swaddled, star-bellied Sneetches were in full-throated roar as Fraulein Fetus strode atop the stage in the Excel Center. She dragged out all of the oldies, the attacks on the damned liberal media (which the retrograde morons on the far right still believe exists), the elite (of course same elite does not the moneychangers of the financial cartels, big oil and the trust fund babies that the Republican party serves) and the great librul conspiracy. Ladies and gentlemen – they have successfully cloned a more appealing version Phyllis Schlafly and she’s about to grab one of her many shootin’ irons and go clean out them varmints.

You have to give it to the Democrats, in 2008 when the entire bogus conservative legacy has been exposed and discredited as the treacherous anti-American fascist looting society that it has always been, a movement fueled by hatred, resentment and just pure stupidity their willy-nilly fecklessness, piss poor strategy, failure to impeach and hold accountable the war criminals has committed the ultimate fuck up: they have allowed this coming election to once again be about ABORTION! This is unconscionable, and if the revival of the only recently demoralized and moribund supplicants of the Fetus Wars leads to the GOP mobilizing their Karl Rove megachurch money-laundering temples of avarice as bund halls from which they will emerge en masse like swarming armies of fire ants to goose step to the polls on Tuesday November 2nd then the only change will be that the most extreme elements of the fascist right will once again be firmly in control of the Republican party. With a great big assist to Nancy Fucking Pelosi and that dickless little pussy Casper Milquetoast Reid.

When you have a vicious and rabid animal cornered there is a conventional wisdom that such animal is at its most dangerous and that it likely to come out of the corner like a ball of hell and go right at the throat. Conventional wisdom also dictates that such animal needs to be put down before it does come out of its corner smelling blood, knowing it has nothing to lose and dives for the jugular. Sadly, the Democrats have given new meaning to ‘politics for dummies’ and in their zeal to crush the antiwar movement base with their heinous bait and switch of only changing the venue of the wars to Afghanistan (a country mind you that chewed up both the Brits during the heady days of empire as well as the dreaded Soviet machine), by triangulating and caving into Lord Bush’s domestic spying in granting telecom immunity and actually further enhancing illegal surveillance and by launching that great preemptive strike of taking impeachment off of the table before the 2006 mid-term elections. There is more and I could go on at length but why bother, you know the score.

It was only last week that Barack Obama’s triumphal speech on a beautiful Denver night in Invesco Field at Mile High that history was about to change, not that I am a believer in the wonder working power of the new Jesus – who ironically rode a donkey and despite the best efforts of the ultra-fascist right that has manifested itself in the vile form of a neo-Nazi Republican party did not fly an F-14 – it was still a hell of a good speech, rousing indeed. In any sane society the soaring rhetoric of that speech along with the magnificently choreographed finale to the Democratic National Convention should have sealed the deal and punched the jackass party’s ticket back to the White House. Here on the world’s biggest lemming farm in the land once known as America which was transformed by 9/11 and the rise of the police state into The Homeland we most certainly do NOT live in a sane society – in fact we put more distance between ourselves and any thing even resembling a modicum of reason and rationality with each passing day. The Democratic party lust evaporated faster than the passion of two Alaskan teeny boppers doing the nasty when a hockey mom just happens to get home early and catch them in the act. As the great prophet Winston Wolf once so eloquently put it: “Well, let’s not start sucking each other’s dicks quite yet.”

The triumphal high of Thursday was rudely dampened by that big dung encrusted pachyderm pissing on the embers of what had been a hell of a Bullshit-a-palooza fest by unpredictably announcing the current Governor of Alaska (arguably the third most corrupt state in the nation) Sarah Palin as the running mate of the straightest shooting bullshit artist that the media has EVER sold to the masses of asses. The perfect shot of gravy for the brain to the television addicted twits who still blissfully go about their business in their insular little dream worlds while the rest of the country crumbles around them. In all fairness to the war criminal (who nearly blew up the USS Forrestal because of his maverick style fucking around – but that is a story for another time) he actually wanted that calculating little Zionist rat Joe Lieberman, the Senator from Tel Aviv but was overruled by Rove and that filthy cabal of scheming traitors – The Council for National Policy (CNP) and the menace of the fanatical crusaders of the Religious Right was elated and ready for action, it was like Terri Schiavo never happened and Pastor Ted wasn’t outed as a crank head with a taste for having the occasional cock rammed up his asshole. The weaponized version of Jesus Christ was on the rebound and the latest flaming bag of dogshit just went up in flames on the DNC doorstep, a place where it had been parked by the same old pranksters who much to their glee have found a perpetually gullible mark for their amusement.

Since Wendy Kroy wasn’t available and Katherine Harris had long ago been relegated to one of the padded cells where the real fringe whackos are packed off too once they become an embarrassment the Republicans found the perfect replacement in ‘Sarah Barracuda’, a former beauty queen whose life story (airbrushed to cover all of the dirty little details that indicate a far darker and manipulative personality) was destined to be the smash hit of the new fall roster of television drama queens and a smash hit with the meat beating monsters of the dittohead angry army of maladjusted and pathetically fucked-up white males whose obedience to their pied piper of white populist propaganda approaches a dog-like loyalty. The Dominionists and the Christian fascists see in Palin a Trojan horse of sorts who can be counted on to keep the faith-based initiative graft floodgates open while at the same time using code words like “reform” to further undermine any and all social progress of the last century. This is a very dangerous woman and a very dangerous time to be playing games like this. The woman is already on record as saying that the Iraq war is a “task that is from God” – and statements like that are either of the worst sort of cynicism or more horrifyingly play into the entire Timothy LaHaye/John Hagee version of turning Iraq into nothing more than an appetizer for the main course of a conflagration set off by an attack on Iran: Armageddon baby, Armageddon!

But what is the most remarkable thing of all about Sarah Barracuda is that she plays into that great little storyline that has been slowly and lovingly been simmering like the cooking of a fine moose testicle stew and fed by a credulous and complicit media of the alienated Hillary Rodham-Clinton voter – the PUMA and their great uprising. Now that Palin stands against every women’s privacy and rights issue that Mrs. Clinton was a champion of doesn’t draw even the slightest bit of suspicion among the fat and happy public relations flacks and millionaire celebrity ‘journalists’, all that Palin represents is a magnet who will draw them to the Republican party come November to vote against their self-interests, chuck a lifetime of activism into the crapper and cast their votes for the man who has sworn a blood oath on a stack of bibles to pack the Supreme Court with clones of Antonin Scalia who will once and for all repeal the Roe v. Wade and deliver the Holy Grail to the most influential political movement since Adolf Hitler was able to dupe enough haters and goons to parlay his minor beer hall celebrity status as a demagogue into a murder machine unrivaled in the industrial age. When all of history is written on this sordid but rapid decline of the American empire it will show that nothing and I emphasize NOTHING has provided more fuel to the iron-fisted rule of Republican fascism than the anti-abortion movement that grew out of opposition to Roe v. Wade. Of course the Powell Memorandum that set up the entire faux liberal media conspiracy lie as well as provided the impetus for the founding of the think tanks was instrumental as well but the real glue that has held the extreme right-wingers together is the organized assault on Roe v. Wade.

But I digress….

That the very absurdity of the thought that hard-core feminists who supported Hillary Rodham-Clinton’s doomed bid for the presidency would chamber the round that would deliver the kill shot to women’s reproductive rights is never addressed is a mockery. In fact the very concept is as absurd as the former mayor of Wasilla Alaska would be a heartbeat away from gaining possession of the nuclear launch codes with the oldest man to ever mount a serious run for occupancy of the Oval Office even money to kick the bucket on any given day.

To me this stinks to high heaven, like an NBA playoff game manipulated to keep it close and bring in the advertising dough by ensuring that all series run the maximum seven games. This is the same sort of point shaving, along with a gaggle of pocket pundits and propagandists trumpeting misleading (and I am being charitable) poll numbers that is expressly designed to manage perception that this should be a close election. It is right out of the Rove/CIA subversion of democracy playbook and a very damning advance bit of circumstantial evidence that those voting machines are going to be once again utilized to steal a national election just as they were in 2000 and 2004. Just keep the game close enough so that one call or two (or precinct) can alter the results. Again, we have another one of those failures of the so-called ‘opposition’ party who never held serious hearings into the mass election fraud that gave us the Bushreich, but failure is something that these disgusting quisling Democrats have made into an art form – their appeasement and rank cowardice makes the Vichy French look like the conquering armies of Alexander the fucking Great!

So while the myriad of controversies that are now springing up as Sarah Barracuda is being vetted by non-affiliates of the CNP/RNC like ‘is it really HER baby?’, hers and her Northern Exposure style hubby Todd’s past associations with a secessionist movement (not that I think any state seceding from this fascist shithole is a bad idea), her abuse of power to use the office of Alaska state Governor to exact petty vendettas against her former state trooper brother in law and her sitting in the pews of a church while the message of anti-Jewish terror was “God’s judgment of unbelief” was delivered. Is it just me or is there a double standard because wasn’t Mr. Obama vilified for the sermons of Reverend Jeremiah Wright? Then there is her seventeen year old daughter is pregnant and unless the NRA darling is able to scramble up a shotgun wedding will be just another bastard child, another bit of the same old hypocrisy from the values volk.

But she is a hottie isn’t she? I keep seeing the acronym MILF (Mothers I’d Like to Fuck) popping up on message boards when Sarah Barracuda’s attributes are brought up. Sad, we live in a country where the important is trivialized, truth is ostracized, corruption rules, fear is everywhere and pure primal sexual instincts drive the thought of millions. It is as though we are devolving back into the cave dwelling beasts that once settled their political disputes by smashing each other’s skulls in with mastodon bones. It’s a sorry spectacle that makes one of conscience who possesses even a shred of dignity to be deeply ashamed of this country so decadent and dumbed down have we as a society become.


Just shake those titties for Jesus baby!

Lourdes on the South Platte

August 27, 2008
Denver Police teargas demonstrators at DNC

“Fuck The New Deal” blurted out a large-boned, hog-jowled, bull dyke from Greeley who was wearing a Hillary 2008 T Shirt – that crippled cocksucker fucked around on Eleanor so just fuck him all to hell. She was in a pack of about thirty or so blue sign waving Hillary dead enders, the ones that the fucking disgrace of a national media was hyping as critical to sway the election, continuing to pimp the sucker bait trash that has so effectively been peddled by celebrity ‘journalists’ and their country clubbing, corporate boardroom masters who know the real score of the big con.


The teargas projectiles were causing quite a ruckus in a free speech zone, some of the die hard Hillary dead enders had made the mistake of mixing it up with a twenty something bunch of Obamacons who were offended when they called their savior “a nigger” in one of their well choreographed chants. Anti-abortion activists prayed and waved signs and rubber fetuses as though to exorcise that fake devil liberalism, some Rapturheads parked a truck outside of Michelle Obama’s hotel with a sign that “Abortion is an Obama nation.” The pathological haters on the right have been growingly increasingly desperate and are actually now out huntin’ libruls like that deranged, unemployed fuckhead James Adkisson who opened fire in a Tennessee church – several books by the likes of Bill O’Reilly were later found at his house, there was another loser who just gunned down the chairman of the Arkansas Democratic party. The propaganda is working beautifully, soon we may have organized lynch mobs boppin’ to the beat of that big bopper Rush himself as they take to the streets to rape, murder and pillage in the name of American fascism. They are the strongest possible arguments for abortion that exist outside of the White House.

The crowds were restive, the city was pregnant with fear and loathing, waiting for something very ugly to be birthed. The Blackhawks were on full alert. While the mini-Gitmo style converted warehouse – replete with Nazi concentration camp style concertina wire, cages for holding cells and an army of Kevlar coated pigs drooling for the chance to kick some ass had been exposed by the few independent journalists who were actually doing their jobs, forcing the removal of the Stalag 17 wire and the installation of an air-conditioner, a kinder and gentler gulag. An alleged assassination plot by three meth-headed, white supremacist, rocky mountain peckerwood punks had been exposed and ruled out as not being credible by local authorities. Alternative radio host Alex Jones and his entourage confronted and shamed neocon Michelle Malkin, calling her out for her support of concentration camps, death to dissidents and trashing free speech as the cunt hissed like a coiled cobra, defending vicious thug marines who reveled in the videotaped murder of puppies. Cindy Sheehan’s hotel room was bugged, I suppose it would have been an insult if it had not been, being on the shit list in Der Heimat is a matter of pride, much like being on Richard Nixon’s enemies list. The new American police state was resplendent as the true face of Amerika was shown to one and all, men in black wielding truncheons, tasers and tear gas canisters enforced a brutal order and it was only day two – a Code Pink protester was brutalized by a Denver cop, order was restored. The terrorist myths are never far beneath the surface, a local McCain campaign outlet received an envelope containing white powder, the reich wing pundits screamed it was anthrax, the tests proved negative. It was only samples of Metamucil.

Hillary herself spoke on Tuesday night, speaking of unity but the damage had already been done, the feminazis would willingly go down in a blaze of glory, supporting the Republican McCain, his dick smoking right-hand man Lindsey Graham and that filthy little Zionist operative Joseph Lieberman who will surely pack the Supreme Court with ideological clones to Tony Scalia and little Scalito who will once and for all turn back the clock on whatever social progress remains after the Bush-Cheney junta is smoked out of power. While the rejected queen preached coming together was there a little smirk that I noticed and then went away faster than the infamous Janet Jackson pierced nipple? I don’t have TIVO but with the shank already implanted to the hilt in Barrack’s back and the domain name for Hillary2012 already secured Mrs. Clinton can slime away from the house of shit before it collapses upon itself.

On Thursday, in a new chapter in Denver sports stadium history the anointed one will mount the stage in Invesco Field, another example of the hostile corporate takeover of America is this disgusting proclivity to sell naming rights to taxpayer funded sports facilities. Mile High Stadium, the storied venue that hosted the world champion John Elway Broncos, Lyle Alzado vs. Muhammad Ali, Bruce Springsteen, U2’s Zoo TV and the Pope had nothing on this. It will be as though the spirit of Leni Riefenstahl will again been conjured up by the yuppie idolmakers huddled around a Ouija board at after hours pizza and beer parties for another chance after being rudely finger-fucked in the ass by Republicans for so long, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned you know. Especially one who idolized Adolf Hitler a vicious bastard who as a dysfunctional rumored queer had more in common with the modern day sodomite cabal luminaries who have congregated around fascist Republicanism as though they were horseflies circling a bucket of fresh shit.

Being raised in Denver I had many memories of the old Mile High Stadium, a rusted out dump that leaked piss from the pipes into the already watered down Coors beer that was being sold by the vendors and that shook like a fucking earthquake during each and every John Elway led drive, courtesy of the stomping feet of tens of thousands. I remember fondly the great Broncos comeback over the Warren Moon led Houston Oilers in the NFL playoffs, the rise of the 1976-77 Orange Crush Broncos who finally shook free of fifteen years of jokes and mediocrity to beat the hated John Madden led Oakland Raiders in the AFC Championship game only to be trounced by the far more talented and flashy Dallas Cowboys.

I remember less fondly the Denver Bears baseball teams who used to pass out free tickets in Coke and Pepsi cartons only to have 60,000 (half of them piss drunk and mean) Mexicans who roamed the upper decks beating up honkies, or the day when high on grain alcohol jungle juice and blotter acid I passed out well before Ted Nugent took the stage in 1979 or when my old friend who I only knew as ‘Buzz’ fell down at least fifty rows after getting drunk on Mad Dog 20-20 and then pissed himself as a disgusted pack of Cub Scouts walked around him. In an interesting footnote “Buzz” was one of the most irresponsible rebels without clue that I have ever known (and in my nearly fifty years on Planet Shit I have known many) and one of the first, during our junior year in high school he undertook the fool’s quest of trying to see how many consecutive red traffic lights that he could run in his 74 Charger. He would gleefully chortle every time he made one more and the streak officially ended at something like 79 or 80 but memory fails me now. Pushing his luck, perhaps an omen to a young man of my age of the same sort of reckless, brain-dead fanaticism that has had the entire fucking country engaged in running red lights for so long that whenever our number comes up once and for all – and it will be very soon – there is going to be one hell of a ticket that needs to be paid.

The Democratic party is now on something like red light 77 and nothing that the great Obama can do is going to prevent it. The failure to actually challenge the real problems of the warfare state and the system of looter capitalism itself have charted a course for a November defeat against a babbling jackass of an elitist war freak, a man who made propaganda commercials for the communists while receiving favorable treatment in that Vietnamese concentration camp that he invokes whenever any real questions happen to be asked of him, an accomplice in the Keating Five financial corruption scandal, an adulterer who dumped his dutiful wife why stayed married to him during his stay at the Hanoi Hilton to marry into a beer queen’s fortune and now is so fucking fat and happy that he doesn’t even know how many houses he has, a serial flip-flopper with alleged mob ties and a self admitted “war criminal” – all while a Republican party that should be eradicated from the face of the planet like slicing off a festering boil on my ass will continue to survive against all odds despite a colossal history of failure, fascism and demagoguery of the most vile sort. Of course the system is off limits, the high rollers and their big con can continue to go on, any doubters or naysayers only need to look at the selection of Mr. MBNA Joe Biden for the most powerful office in the western world. The Senator from the ‘Usury State’ is a longtime benefactor of the credit card industry that has Americans in debt slavery with no chance at getting the key to the shackles with an incoming Obama administration (if it defeats history and the odds) because Biden was a key backer of that nasty little piece of work that stripped away bankruptcy protection for average Americans. Think how many fewer foreclosures would be happening right now if people were able to jettison their unsecured debt in order to concentrate on keeping the roofs over their heads despite how overpriced said roof is.

No, the Democrats are just flip sides of the same corrupt coin. As my Marxist buddy recently commented so accurately:

“No matter which of those parties win, the ruling class of owners of the big corporations and banks and big business and owners of the factories, mines, mills, banks, corporations, industries, big real estate companies, big financial and speculative capitalist companies, win. The dollar tanks, and we lose by inflation, but they win by speculative investment. The dollar goes up, and we lose by having to pay increased prices of goods from other countries, but they win again by the returns of their dividends held by them in their stockholdings in the big companies go up. Inflation goes up, and we lose by the high prices, but they win because that gives them an opportunity to speculate. Inflation goes down and deflation happens and we lose by lost jobs and layoffs and bankruptcies throwing workers out of work, but they win by investing and speculating in the new bankruptcy-based economy. It’s a rigged deck so long as the capitalist system remains intact. To them, politics is simply another investment. They invest in both sides — both parties — to keep their options open. That’s how the capitalist system operates.”

While Pelosi’s prostitutes, that crab-cake quaffing, glad-handing AIPAC stooge Steny Hoyer and that pathetic neutered little runt Harry Reid have so thoroughly reneged on every promise of 2006, shafting the antiwar base, enabling the Bushreich criminals to alter the laws to lock in their gains and pave the way for their clean getaway and line up to lick the jackboots of the Israel Lobby one only need to remember that the biggest wars in this country’s history were presided over by Democrats. That is the ugly little truth that gets lost in the bizarro universe of the post-9/11 Heimat.

The crowds in their glazed-eye fanaticism and fealty to the new Jesus (just a ringer and a new face for the empire) conjured up memories of the same sort of true believers who turned out en-masse for the 2004 New York City coronation of American Fascism that was the GOP convention of George W. Bush, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Zell Miller where the shrill denunciations of liberal and traditional American values were only drowned out by the constant invocations of 9/11. “Change” is 2008’s “9/11” But fanaticism is fanaticism and it is dangerous whether it is ‘liberal’, ‘conservative’ or the bizarro brand of both that exists in America today, a strange genetically spliced brand of incestuous bestial fuckery – think of it as being the middle person in a three-way buttfuck sandwiched between a horny snorting jackass and a fetidly stank and dirty unwashed elephant. Blind faith is exactly that.

I remember an old buddy named Rob, a hippie idealist druggie who bought just enough into the sixties to have felt anally raped when it all fell apart and who turned in his later years to smoking crack and listening to Rush Limbaugh used to put it like this in all of his bitter cynicism, “Life, Work and Shit are all Four Letter Words” – today in the ongoing circus maximus, that provides the comfort food for the sewer of the post-9/11 American mind I could elaborate on the old stoner sage’s words of wisdom by adding yet another four letter word to the list: HOPE. Rob in the early 90’s, a fellow victim of Reaganomics was sucked in by the siren song of the grand poopah of white populist propaganda who were looking for scapegoats as well as the blessing of their instinctive hatreds as though they were allowed to frolic naked in a mass rutting festival in the waters of Lourdes but for some reason this crowd that had descended upon the Mile High City like locusts were to me some sort of perverted, through-the-looking glass mirror image of their more easily duped brethren the dittoheads.

I don’t know exactly how to describe my feelings other than some sort of a visceral and primal urge to simultaneously defecate, vomit and masturbate – it was fucking surreal, bizarre and loathsome to the most basic and prehistoric levels of human nature.

‘Real Change’, just like ‘Compassionate Conservatism’ you see is just another of those famous two-word phrases that mean the same thing as BULL SHIT..

The War’s Over Rambo: We Lost

July 11, 2008

Rarely a column (especially one in an establishment shitrag like the Washington Post) is able to completely sum up a decades running American tragedy that has led to 2008’s march of the lemmings into the abyss like Harold Meyerson’s Why Were We In Vietnam? This piece in and of itself should be an essential part of the arsenal when it comes to the inevitable re-fighting of the Vietnam war that is going to go live soon as a key part of the upcoming presidential campaign. The Vietnam war, always just below the surface of the American subconscious (although a good amount of the population hadn’t even been fucking born when the choppers lifted of that embassy roof for the last time) like a trailside booby trap just waiting to be tripped anew by a ruthless post-Nixon political party of perverts, jackals, thieves, looters and thugs and their billion dollar propaganda machine. This piece is stunning in pointing out that ugly elephant in the middle of the room that is the pursuit of Vietnam as the latest destination in the off-shoring exodus, it seems like the availability of ever cheaper labor, the crack cocaine to Wall Street parasites and traitors is very alluring in the former Indochina.

From Meyerson and at length because I can’t do it justice otherwise:

Why Were We In Vietnam?

Doing business in China is beginning to cost real money. Not that Chinese workers are buying second homes or anything like that: Their average wage is still a little short of a dollar an hour. But so many Chinese have now left their villages for the factories that the once bottomless pool of new young workers is beginning to run dry, and the wages of assembly-line employees are rising 10 percent a year.

Worse yet, new labor laws are making it harder for employers to cheat their workers out of their wages and benefits. Many American businesses that do their manufacturing in China had warned against those laws; the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai had flatly opposed them. But the good old days of Maoist labor discipline, when the government could send tens of millions of skilled workers down to the farms to be toughened up and periodically tortured, are gone. Mao’s heirs, though not above a touch of torture here and there just to keep the system humming along, are concerned, as he was not, with achieving social harmony, even if that means compelling employers to sign, and honor, contracts with their employees.

Confronted with such appalling squishiness, what’s a good, cost-cutting American business to do? Many are fleeing south of the border — not our border (Mexico costs way too much) but China’s.

They’re bound for Vietnam.

According to a report by Keith Bradsher in the New York Times last month, such multinational companies as Canon (the printer and copier maker) and Hanesbrands (the North Carolina-based underwear empire) are expanding or building factories in Hanoi, where they churn out products for Wal-Mart and other American retailers. Foreign direct investment in Vietnam increased 136 percent between 2006 and 2007, while it increased just 14 percent in China.

The reason for the move south is straightforward: Vietnamese factory workers make about a quarter of what their Chinese counterparts earn.

But why Vietnam and not, say, Thailand, where labor is similarly cheap?

Vietnam’s edge, it seems, is political. “Communism means more stability,” Laurence Shu, the chief financial officer of Shanghai-based Texhong, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of cotton fabrics, told Bradsher. This view, Bradsher reports, is common among Asian executives and some American executives, too, though they have the presence of mind never to say so on the record. After all, Vietnam, like China, outlaws independent unions. Absent free speech and free elections, no radical shifts in the government’s economic policies are likely to be sprung upon unsuspecting American businesses.

Now, far be it from me to begrudge the Vietnamese their moment in the sun before global capital finds them too costly and moves on to Bangladesh and Somalia. But didn’t we fight a war to keep Vietnam from going communist? Something like 58,000 American deaths, right? And now American business actually prefers investing in communist Vietnam over, say, the more or less democratic Philippines? In all likelihood, it would prefer investing in communist Vietnam to investing in a more chaotic, less disciplined democratic Vietnam, if such existed.

Let’s imagine, just as an exercise, that we’re trying to explain this to those 58,000 Americans and their loved ones. We could argue that by investing in communist countries, we’re pushing them toward democracy. But everything we know about China suggests that, in reality, such investments merely make authoritarian regimes stronger. We could argue that what we’re really doing is bringing communist nations into the world capitalist system. Then again, the effect of bringing into the global labor pool hundreds of millions of low-wage workers — people whose wages are held in check by both capital mobility and communist repression — is to hold down wages in democratic nations with advanced economies and with no national strategy to preserve and expand good jobs at home (i.e., in the United States).

Or we could argue that our onetime opposition to communism was noble and all that but that, unburdened by the illusions of the past, American business, backed by the American government, has realized that the problem with communism wasn’t that it was undemocratic but that it was anti-capitalist. And that once communism was integrated into a world capitalist system, its antipathy toward democracy not only wouldn’t be a bad thing but would actually be good. That is clearly the political logic that underpins our involvement with China. It’s a little dicier to say this about our growing involvement with Vietnam, since all those Americans whose names are on that wall on the Mall probably didn’t realize how compatible with global American enterprise Vietnamese communism would turn out to be or how the cause of democracy would turn out to have been of no real importance at all.

I guess a note from the American establishment to those men and women with their names on the Wall would be in order. Something like: Say, guys — sorry ’bout that!

Maybe the Vietnamese can now start manufacturing those crappy little flag pins that have so cheapened the concept of patriotism, they are nothing but merkins (a pubic wig, originally worn by prostitutes after shaving their genitalia to eliminate lice or disguise the marks of syphilis) anyway, displayed upon increasingly empty vessels who shamble about in a fog of fear and jingoism even as they are herded towards the network of fences that end at the shoot where the pneumatic air hammer stuns them in preparation of the slaughter. The ‘gooks’ can even take away the American flag business from China now that it is no longer a cost effective destination for labor arbitrage.

With ‘free trade’ that the flip-flopping charlatan John Sidney McCain III has just spent the better part of a week sliming his way through Latin America promoting as a shill for the rapacious, anti-American strain of virulent looter capitalism (how could you ever expect anything less from an elitist who owns EIGHT houses) that has cut a swath of economic destruction through Der Homeland it would seem that the issue of using Vietnam as the latest destination for exported American jobs while cloaking himself in the immunity of some sort of phony war hero is more than a tad hypocritical.

When and if those ludicrous public relations gimmicks used by McCain actually allow anyone other than another adoring sycophantic war freak to ask questions the ‘maverick’ should be called out on this but it of course he won’t be, it is just too dangerous to the entire bogus Vietnam storyline that has been constructed around the self-admitted war criminal. For all of his paeans to the moneychangers to even acknowledge that America has now sought out Nam as the latest and greatest Mecca for labor arbitrage would be as if he himself were to walk up to that black granite wall, whip out his dick and piss all over those names that are carved into it.

Not only are we prepared to export jobs en-masse to Vietnam but the ongoing cynical invocation of that goddamned fucking war has been used as a cudgel to brutally beat into submission those who were suckered into accepting all of that hogwash about the American Dream at face value only to see their pockets picked and their bank accounts sucked dry by those who cashed in on the four decade tragedy of fighting and re-fighting it, like some acid and viscera drenched version of the movie Groundhog Day. Manchurian McCain and the fascist Republican party will escalate the fighting in Vietnam in the next few months, count on it! The carpet bombing runs are already being planned, the napalm pods polished with loving care, the effigies of Hanoi Jane to be burned slowly stitched together.

The Republican Tet Offensive is coming and coming soon and their pimping of the ongoing revisionist history of the war that the hippies and liberals didn’t let us win, the horseshit of spitting on the troops and the media blame game are all going to spring this bouncing betty one more time for their war criminal candidate and free trader McCain, a man whose only ‘qualification’ for the job is his phony Vietnam narrative.

And once again the Democrats will be true to form, they will capitulate, dissemble, plant big wet, sloppy kisses on McCain’s mangy ass, triangulate, cower and likely even in some cases even contemplate fleeing to Canada to avoid the war rather than fight in what to them has been a lost cause ever since they allowed themselves to be labeled as the party of “acid, amnesty and abortion” and allowed George McGovern to be defined as some sort of anti-American pinko even though history has proven that he was right..

As no less an authority on Nam than Captain Willard once: “Saigon…shit, I’m still only in Saigon”

Planet Shit Dispatch: Hillary Hustle Edition

June 1, 2008

Denver, CO – At the main entrance to Denver International Airport there is a towering statue of a blue fiberglass bronco with blazing eyes. Mustang is the closest thing to a horse from Hell that I have personally ever seen and the fucker is eerily disturbing on a very basic level. It pops up visibly from miles away as you drive into that massive airport that is closer to the fucking Kansas state line than the Mile High City like some primitive warning to ward off warring tribes, very primal. The story behind the damned thing apparently is more than somewhat macabre as it fell upon the sculptor one Luis Jiminez, killing him prior to being finished which to the more superstitious amongst us is in and of itself enough to send chills up the spine and make the roots of hair follicles tingle. The brutal irony of this monstrosity guarding DIA with the coming war for the future of the Democratic party at the Denver convention this August is absolutely delicious. That Denver International Airport is an ill-planned abortion that somehow despite its marketing as essential for the future the planners never even considered the concept of $4 a gallon gasoline (which is one day going to evoke nostalgia about the good old days) and the effects on a local population that is spread out from Colorado Springs to damned near Fort Collins but the geniuses responsible for societal planning and engineering normally can’t be troubled with such silly pessimistic projections when there is money to be made. Former Denver Mayor and Bill Clinton cabinet member Federico Peña was sure to take care of his buddies on that one. But in giving credit where it is due it’s a damned good place if you are facing a layover, a fuck of a lot better than a lot of other airports.

The ironic thing about Mustang the metallic blue steed from Hades is that it tragically was responsible for the death of it’s creator (albeit accidentally) and the blazing shitstorm of an avenging army of Hillary Rodham-Clinton’s crusaders threaten to similarly topple the giant blue iconic jackass of the Democratic party. Crushing it to death like some deranged and blinded by rage feminist Frankenstein that has after being instrumental in transforming the party from a labor based bastion of middle class fairness into some sort of a hijacked craft turned into a missile of death along which they and the myriad of other bitchy, self-centered special interest groups that have been used to make political hay by a merciless Republican juggernaut. The GOP has largely run every election of the past three decades against Hanoi Jane, the party millstone of Roe v. Wade (the unconditional support of which in my opinion and this is going to get me fucking eviscerated here – needs to be rethought as it is a strategic disaster), socially deviant ‘America hating’ liberals who want to murder babies and sacrifice God on the altar of sexual perversion as exemplified by the great monolithic conspiracy of the damned evil homosexual agenda. The city of Denver is going to be the place where Gog throws down with Magog in a few months and the forces of the drooling Succubus Clinton are hellbent on waging a scorched Earth campaign that will likely leave “Mustang” in the rear view mirrors of their rental cars after the convention as a flaming pillar of salt.

That the entitled pasty white uber bitch Clinton won’t do the honorable thing and just step aside for the good of the country only means that the brutal cyber thuggery by the bastard alliance of the Hillemming-Dittohead factions of the establishment’s Praetorian Guard will continue to wreak havoc. They will allow lazy public relations shills and party hacks with vested interests in protecting the status quo to hog airtime in an thoroughly corrupt pocket media that is all to eager to continue to shovel shit to the electorate rather than focus on the REAL issues of true importance and further alienate anyone with any sort of intellectual ability from this garish and insulting process designed to perpetuate the biggest lie of all – that we live in an actual functional democracy instead of a rotting, blood soaked poverty ridden police state courtesy of arch criminals like the Clintons and the Bushes and the corporatists, the militarists and the energy and financial cartels which they serve. The sham democracy is just a pig that no amount of perfume is going to cover the stench of and each additional day of dicking around so that the Queen can ascend to her rightful place – and FUCK all you haters who would deny the post menopausal Tracy Flick what she is owed. This thing is an ongoing fucking horror and is only going to result in handing the keys to Bush’s throne room and the launch codes of the nuclear football to the maniacal John McCain and his filthy little Zionist dead ender butt buddy Joe Lieberman the Senator of Tel Aviv who will all too gladly reap the rewards of an October surprise massive bombing of Tehran.

The latest travesty in the ongoing Democratic carnival of perversion is the preposterous front group now bringing pressure down on the DNC rules committee to allow Clinton to sashay into the Sunshine State ala the Bush 2000 shock troops and mug democracy in the heat and humidity of the bug and speculator infested diseased penis of America. They are continuing to foment divisiveness and bleat that poor little rich bitch Hillary has unfairly been discriminated against by the woman hating bully boys in America, this comes as the ultimate in black comedy (no pun intended) with the Clinton forces and their pick up drivin’ Rush Limbaugh lovin’ temps are doing everything but screaming ‘Dirty Militant Niggers’ at Barack Obama and his wife Michelle. It’s all the 60’s dynamic again, that is all that politics in time warp America has become. Get ready for another round of battles in the Vietnam war because baby burning war criminal McCain is already getting ready to roll out Operation Arc Light II once the Clinton piranhas have feasted on Obama for a few more months.

It’s the exact real life example of Rick Perlstein’s new book Nixonland where he examines how the dark master, Tricky Dick himself set into motion a perpetual hatred and resentment machine that has defined politics in America for the past 40 years. This same apparatus is being seized on by Clinton herself who should really be above such things given her tendency to wail and play the victim card. Nixon also perfected the demonizing of the so-called ‘elites’ which to the white niggers and other assorted morons in peckerwood nation are simply those who have some of that fancy book lernin’ and the real elitists, the high falutin’ frauds who are married to beer distributor heiresses, former U.S. presidents and rub elbows with the Superclass of Davos, the Bilderberg Group and the Council on Foreign Relations just keep riling up the rubes. The latest ridiculous sideshow about Obama quitting his church is another log on the fires of the racial and religious bonfires that are being stoked by the Dixiecrat Clintons.

I digress here but all of this religious horseshit is really getting to the point of no return. I do applaud Obama for quitting his church but only in the way that ALL of the bitches and bastards should also quit THEIR churches which are dens of iniquity for idiots and apostates. The more that modern man invokes God the more that we will de-evolve as a society to the point where we are nothing more than more corpulent, easily entertained and more easily controlled simple beasts as our cave dwelling ancestors. Let’s hear it for a constitutional amendment making it illegal for anyone other than an ATHEIST to run for public office so that we can start basing our discourse on rationality and Enlightenment ideas rather than the same simplistic swill that had our predecessors bashing in each other’s skulls, cutting off each others heads and burning people at the stake for. Religion is low minded drivel, superstitious nonsense and has been used as a tool of control for as long as man has walked on two feet, my two cents as an agnostic and a big…

A – fucking – Men!

Anyway, all of this elitist, misogynist caterwauling by the Clintons is nothing but the most cynical of all pandering to the most offended and victimized, I dare anyone to tell me how this is any different than Bush and Karl Rove’s standard demagoguery. I truly find it to be sardonically hilarious as well as bitingly ironic that the highest pitched keening emanating from the Clinton campaign has been that happy horseshit about misogyny and the terrible chauvinist pigs who are pillorying the champion of women’s rights, the same Hillary Rodham-Clinton who green lighted those reactionary fascist swine John Roberts and Sammy Alito to the SCOTUS. I also can’t stop laughing (or is it crying, sometimes I just don’t fucking know anymore) about their acceptance of support from the minions of Mr. Feminazi himself Rush Limbaugh to wage war against the hated brown skinned devil Obama. How in good conscious could ANYBODY or any GROUP who has been so consistently vilified for fun and profit by the fetid pied piper of faux white male populist propaganda fucking seriously even think about accepting assistance from he or his jagoff angry army? Come November when Operation Chaos has been successfully completed and the Republicans are able to do what was once thought of as not only inconceivable but impossible in staving off a landslide loss I would seriously like to hear some of the ladies who are buying into this bullshit explain with a straight face exactly what the FUCK they were thinking about.

Ladies, just ask yourselves a question: how many more American and Iraqi civilian lives have to be put on the tab in order to continue to play this game? Why not jut punt, do the right thing for the country and wait until a more suitable female candidate who isn’t a scheming, corrupt, warmongering corporate whore can make a legitimate run for the presidency minus the baggage of Mrs. Clinton? Things really CAN change if the politics of the 60’s are rejected and by default the only candidate with a legitimate chance of pulling it off and building that bridge to the future is Barack Obama, no matter how flawed that he is. Look, it’s not as if there isn’t misogyny in this society, there should be no illusions about that but Hillary is hustling American women and feminists with an amoral intent and fully understanding that she is taking advantage of a legitimate desire to see a woman president in this sordid shithole of lies and revisionist history written to obscure all the discrimination, fear, murder and ugliness of the past. It’s tantamount to mental rape and it should be recognized for the pandering that it is and unequivocally rejected while there is still time to avoid the oncoming train wreck. She has been playing women like a maestro with a Stradavarius, every tactic that she is using is straight out of the exploiting victim hood playbook used by Nixon, Rove, Atwater and every other dirty political thug who cares not jack shit about anything other than power.

Misogyny is pervasive in American culture and it extends far beyond flippant invocations of the pejoratives “cunt” and “bitch” and the accompanying knee jerk reactions to them. Let’s face it, it is as ingrained in our national DNA (“To The Moon Alice!”)as are the same primitive characteristics as homophobia, racism and jingoism and there are ways to address these things without rubbing raw the open sores of discontent of other groups who have suffered similar indignities. If there is a true way to attack misogyny it lies in taking on a culture that trades in the objectification of women to sell products, to reduce females to nothing more than a pair of tits and a vagina to be used by the beer sodden creeps who are target marketed by corporations during sporting events and whose often lackluster and pathetic lives only embitter them against women because of this false image that they have been indoctrinated with. It only breeds animosity, sexism and more of the type of scapegoating for monetary and political gain that Rush Limbaugh, Hillary Rodham-Clinton and their ilk parlay into money, influence and power.

Late breaking news, Mrs. Rodham-Clinton has just won the Puerto Rico primary so the spanking of the donkey continues, the spinners and professional bull shitters like James Carville, Terry McAuliffe and the rest of the Clintonite scum only pile more incendiary material onto the war wagon that is rolling every more quickly towards the Mile High City and gaining momentum.

By Ed Encho

The Hillary Hustle

June 1, 2008
Do The Hustle

Denver, CO – At the main entrance to Denver International Airport there is a towering statue of a blue fiberglass bronco with blazing eyes. Mustang is the closest thing to a horse from Hell that I have personally ever seen and the fucker is eerily disturbing on a very basic level. It pops up visibly from miles away as you drive into that massive airport that is closer to the fucking Kansas state line than the Mile High City like some primitive warning to ward off warring tribes, very primal. The story behind the damned thing apparently is more than somewhat macabre as it fell upon the sculptor one Luis Jiminez, killing him prior to being finished which to the more superstitious amongst us is in and of itself enough to send chills up the spine and make the roots of hair follicles tingle. The brutal irony of this monstrosity guarding DIA with the coming war for the future of the Democratic party at the Denver convention this August is absolutely delicious. That Denver International Airport is an ill-planned abortion that somehow despite its marketing as essential for the future the planners never even considered the concept of $4 a gallon gasoline (which is one day going to evoke nostalgia about the good old days) and the effects on a local population that is spread out from Colorado Springs to damned near Fort Collins but the geniuses responsible for societal planning and engineering normally can’t be troubled with such silly pessimistic projections when there is money to be made. Former Denver Mayor and Bill Clinton cabinet member Federico Peña was sure to take care of his buddies on that one. But in giving credit where it is due it’s a damned good place if you are facing a layover, a fuck of a lot better than a lot of other airports.

The ironic thing about Mustang the metallic blue steed from Hades is that it tragically was responsible for the death of it’s creator (albeit accidentally) and the blazing shitstorm of an avenging army of Hillary Rodham-Clinton’s crusaders threaten to similarly topple the giant blue iconic jackass of the Democratic party. Crushing it to death like some deranged and blinded by rage feminist Frankenstein that has after being instrumental in transforming the party from a labor based bastion of middle class fairness into some sort of a hijacked craft turned into a missile of death along which they and the myriad of other bitchy, self-centered special interest groups that have been used to make political hay by a merciless Republican juggernaut. The GOP has largely run every election of the past three decades against Hanoi Jane, the party millstone of Roe v. Wade (the unconditional support of which in my opinion and this is going to get me fucking eviscerated here – needs to be rethought as it is a strategic disaster), socially deviant ‘America hating’ liberals who want to murder babies and sacrifice God on the altar of sexual perversion as exemplified by the great monolithic conspiracy of the damned evil homosexual agenda. The city of Denver is going to be the place where Gog throws down with Magog in a few months and the forces of the drooling Succubus Clinton are hellbent on waging a scorched Earth campaign that will likely leave “Mustang” in the rear view mirrors of their rental cars after the convention as a flaming pillar of salt.

That the entitled pasty white uber bitch Clinton won’t do the honorable thing and just step aside for the good of the country only means that the brutal cyber thuggery by the bastard alliance of the Hillemming-Dittohead factions of the establishment’s Praetorian Guard will continue to wreak havoc. They will allow lazy public relations shills and party hacks with vested interests in protecting the status quo to hog airtime in an thoroughly corrupt pocket media that is all to eager to continue to shovel shit to the electorate rather than focus on the REAL issues of true importance and further alienate anyone with any sort of intellectual ability from this garish and insulting process designed to perpetuate the biggest lie of all – that we live in an actual functional democracy instead of a rotting, blood soaked poverty ridden police state courtesy of arch criminals like the Clintons and the Bushes and the corporatists, the militarists and the energy and financial cartels which they serve. The sham democracy is just a pig that no amount of perfume is going to cover the stench of and each additional day of dicking around so that the Queen can ascend to her rightful place – and FUCK all you haters who would deny the post menopausal Tracy Flick what she is owed. This thing is an ongoing fucking horror and is only going to result in handing the keys to Bush’s throne room and the launch codes of the nuclear football to the maniacal John McCain and his filthy little Zionist dead ender butt buddy Joe Lieberman the Senator of Tel Aviv who will all too gladly reap the rewards of an October surprise massive bombing of Tehran.

The latest travesty in the ongoing Democratic carnival of perversion is the preposterous front group now bringing pressure down on the DNC rules committee to allow Clinton to sashay into the Sunshine State ala the Bush 2000 shock troops and mug democracy in the heat and humidity of the bug and speculator infested diseased penis of America. They are continuing to foment divisiveness and bleat that poor little rich bitch Hillary has unfairly been discriminated against by the woman hating bully boys in America, this comes as the ultimate in black comedy (no pun intended) with the Clinton forces and their pick up drivin’ Rush Limbaugh lovin’ temps are doing everything but screaming ‘Dirty Militant Niggers’ at Barack Obama and his wife Michelle. It’s all the 60’s dynamic again, that is all that politics in time warp America has become. Get ready for another round of battles in the Vietnam war because baby burning war criminal McCain is already getting ready to roll out Operation Arc Light II once the Clinton piranhas have feasted on Obama for a few more months.

It’s the exact real life example of Rick Perlstein’s new book Nixonland where he examines how the dark master, Tricky Dick himself set into motion a perpetual hatred and resentment machine that has defined politics in America for the past 40 years. This same apparatus is being seized on by Clinton herself who should really be above such things given her tendency to wail and play the victim card. Nixon also perfected the demonizing of the so-called ‘elites’ which to the white niggers and other assorted morons in peckerwood nation are simply those who have some of that fancy book lernin’ and the real elitists, the high falutin’ frauds who are married to beer distributor heiresses, former U.S. presidents and rub elbows with the Superclass of Davos, the Bilderberg Group and the Council on Foreign Relations just keep riling up the rubes. The latest ridiculous sideshow about Obama quitting his church is another log on the fires of the racial and religious bonfires that are being stoked by the Dixiecrat Clintons.

I digress here but all of this religious horseshit is really getting to the point of no return. I do applaud Obama for quitting his church but only in the way that ALL of the bitches and bastards should also quit THEIR churches which are dens of iniquity for idiots and apostates. The more that modern man invokes God the more that we will de-evolve as a society to the point where we are nothing more than more corpulent, easily entertained and more easily controlled simple beasts as our cave dwelling ancestors. Let’s hear it for a constitutional amendment making it illegal for anyone other than an ATHEIST to run for public office so that we can start basing our discourse on rationality and Enlightenment ideas rather than the same simplistic swill that had our predecessors bashing in each other’s skulls, cutting off each others heads and burning people at the stake for. Religion is low minded drivel, superstitious nonsense and has been used as a tool of control for as long as man has walked on two feet, my two cents as an agnostic and a big…

A – fucking – Men!

Anyway, all of this elitist, misogynist caterwauling by the Clintons is nothing but the most cynical of all pandering to the most offended and victimized, I dare anyone to tell me how this is any different than Bush and Karl Rove’s standard demagoguery. I truly find it to be sardonically hilarious as well as bitingly ironic that the highest pitched keening emanating from the Clinton campaign has been that happy horseshit about misogyny and the terrible chauvinist pigs who are pillorying the champion of women’s rights, the same Hillary Rodham-Clinton who green lighted those reactionary fascist swine John Roberts and Sammy Alito to the SCOTUS. I also can’t stop laughing (or is it crying, sometimes I just don’t fucking know anymore) about their acceptance of support from the minions of Mr. Feminazi himself Rush Limbaugh to wage war against the hated brown skinned devil Obama. How in good conscious could ANYBODY or any GROUP who has been so consistently vilified for fun and profit by the fetid pied piper of faux white male populist propaganda fucking seriously even think about accepting assistance from he or his jagoff angry army? Come November when Operation Chaos has been successfully completed and the Republicans are able to do what was once thought of as not only inconceivable but impossible in staving off a landslide loss I would seriously like to hear some of the ladies who are buying into this bullshit explain with a straight face exactly what the FUCK they were thinking about.

Ladies, just ask yourselves a question: how many more American and Iraqi civilian lives have to be put on the tab in order to continue to play this game? Why not jut punt, do the right thing for the country and wait until a more suitable female candidate who isn’t a scheming, corrupt, warmongering corporate whore can make a legitimate run for the presidency minus the baggage of Mrs. Clinton? Things really CAN change if the politics of the 60’s are rejected and by default the only candidate with a legitimate chance of pulling it off and building that bridge to the future is Barack Obama, no matter how flawed that he is. Look, it’s not as if there isn’t misogyny in this society, there should be no illusions about that but Hillary is hustling American women and feminists with an amoral intent and fully understanding that she is taking advantage of a legitimate desire to see a woman president in this sordid shithole of lies and revisionist history written to obscure all the discrimination, fear, murder and ugliness of the past. It’s tantamount to mental rape and it should be recognized for the pandering that it is and unequivocally rejected while there is still time to avoid the oncoming train wreck. She has been playing women like a maestro with a Stradavarius, every tactic that she is using is straight out of the exploiting victim hood playbook used by Nixon, Rove, Atwater and every other dirty political thug who cares not jack shit about anything other than power.

Misogyny is pervasive in American culture and it extends far beyond flippant invocations of the pejoratives “cunt” and “bitch” and the accompanying knee jerk reactions to them. Let’s face it, it is as ingrained in our national DNA (“To The Moon Alice!”)as are the same primitive characteristics as homophobia, racism and jingoism and there are ways to address these things without rubbing raw the open sores of discontent of other groups who have suffered similar indignities. If there is a true way to attack misogyny it lies in taking on a culture that trades in the objectification of women to sell products, to reduce females to nothing more than a pair of tits and a vagina to be used by the beer sodden creeps who are target marketed by corporations during sporting events and whose often lackluster and pathetic lives only embitter them against women because of this false image that they have been indoctrinated with. It only breeds animosity, sexism and more of the type of scapegoating for monetary and political gain that Rush Limbaugh, Hillary Rodham-Clinton and their ilk parlay into money, influence and power.

Late breaking news, Mrs. Rodham-Clinton has just won the Puerto Rico primary so the spanking of the donkey continues, the spinners and professional bull shitters like James Carville, Terry McAuliffe and the rest of the Clintonite scum only pile more incendiary material onto the war wagon that is rolling every more quickly towards the Mile High City and gaining momentum.

Playing The Nazi Card

May 16, 2008

“See in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda.”

– George W. Bush

“How fortunate for leaders that men do not think.”

– Adolph Hitler

In an incredible escalation of rhetoric for even the desperate neocon fascist Bushreich the invocation of the shameless accusation that Barack Obama and Democrats are akin to Nazi appeasers in front of the drooling assembly of Likudnik war freaks gathered together in The Knesset to festively celebrate the 60th anniversary of Zionist oppression was a thing of ugliness and awe. The Bush-Cheney-Neocon Axis of Evil have now taken Jew baiting to the apex of audacity and in signature fashion for this bund of criminals who have used 9/11 as an opportunity for their evil little coup d’etat to hijack America in order to implement a domestic police state and wage the war of civilizations against those evil Muslims. Yet another of those timely Osama bin Laden tapes just happened to follow in the wake of Bush’s sulfuric vapor trail and he even had his old gray beard back this time.

Now that the dreaded Nazi card is out and flying around I find it entirely appropriate to set the record straight over many misconceptions that may be held about the version of revisionist history that the administration and their army of seasoned propagandists are out there selling and that which is more accurate. I have to give a good deal of credit to bloggers this time as well as to certain progressive radio hosts who had in the past been reluctant to drag the Nazi skeletons out of the Bush family closet. Even the overly cautious Buzzflash who for the second in their second amazing headline of the week (the first was a piece on the lie of Flight 93 and the shoot down order that exposed the great Todd Beamer “Let’s Roll” myth as the malodorous bucket of festering pigshit that it always has been) linked to a Huffington Post piece by the great Larisa Alexandrova entitled All The President’s Nazis (Real and Imagined) in the form as an open letter to Le Enfant Terrible which was absolutely scathing in a well deserved and long overdue calling out on the filthy fucking double dealing Hitler worshipping swine Bush family. This is particular part is dead on and a shot directly across the bow of Bush’s Bismark armada:

Dear Mr. Bush,

Your speech on the Knesset floor today was not only a disgrace; it was nothing short of treachery. Worse still, your exploitation of the Holocaust in a country carved out of the wounds of that very crime, in order to strike a low blow at American citizens whose politics differs from your own is unforgivable and unpardonable.

Then seguing into…

Your family did not stop with supporting fascists and Nazis abroad, did they Mr. Bush? Surely you must know of your grandfather’s role in the treasonous plot of 1933 to overthrow democracy in America? Let me remind you Grandpa Bush — that is to say, your grandfather — wanted fascism imported into the United States, or as you now call this type of transformation, “exporting democracy.” Prescott went so far as to subsidize a coup attempt in order to achieve his dream of a fascist America (see BBC report below):

Document uncovers details of a planned coup in the USA in 1933 by right-wing American businessmen. The coup was aimed at toppling President Franklin D Roosevelt with the help of half-a-million war veterans. The plotters, who were alleged to involve some of the most famous families in America, (owners of Heinz, Birds Eye, Goodtea, Maxwell Hse & George Bush’s Grandfather, Prescott) believed that their country should adopt the policies of Hitler and Mussolini to beat the great depression. Mike Thomson investigates why so little is known about this biggest ever peacetime threat to America.

In other words, not only was your grandfather a self-professed fascist, he was a Nazi sympathizer and a war profiteer who should have stood trial at the Hague instead of buying his way into the US Senate. He was also a traitor, twice over.

And in beautifully closing the piece Larisa went for the throat…

Yes, you are an anti-Semite

Would you say no, you are not an anti-Semite? Consider your own words when you thought no one was keeping score:

“You know what I’m gonna tell those Jews when I get to Israel, don’t you Herman?” a then Governor George W. Bush allegedly asked a reporter for the Austin American-Statesman.

When the journalist, Ken Herman, replied that he did not know, Bush reportedly delivered the punch line: “I’m telling ’em they’re all going to hell.”

Only an anti-Semite would think this type of humor is acceptable. Did you tell the Jews of Israel they were going to hell? No, instead, you told them that American Democrats are Nazi sympathizers and in an act of sheer indecency, the right wing Likud party orchestrated the greatest applause you ever got. For shame!

What this blind adoration finally proves to me is that the right-wing regime that has overtaken Israel cares nothing for its people, its heritage, and the tragic history that they now honor by applauding a man whose family-fortune was built on the bodies of their loved ones. Like their Republican (and Lieberman) counterparts in the United States, Likud does not represent its people, rather, it represents its owners. Likud has traded Israel, its Jews, their heritage and history for the same golden calf purchased and sold by the far-right wing in the United States.

I am ashamed of you Mr. Bush. I am ashamed of those who applauded your political porn played out against the hallowed backdrop of the Holocaust. I am ashamed of those reporters with you, who between them could not muster the moral courage to call you out on your ugly rhetoric and ask you about your own family Nazi ties. You are, sir, the most abhorrent human being of my lifetime. I dare say, in the lifetime of this nation.

Now THAT was an impressive fucking blast and long overdue. Bush has really outdid himself this time but we have all known for years just what sort of a fucked up subhuman walking, talking poster boy for abortion but this is truly fucking outrageous even by Bush’s standards. The man is a stinking, gut sucking vulture with the morals of a dirt-hugging Texas rattlesnake and a soul so dark and fetid that Hell wouldn’t take him because even Satan has some standards unlike the scumbags who run the Republican party.

But I digress…

Anyhow, let’s start with the Nazi thing itself because Emperor Bush of all people should be intimately familiar with this because it was his granddaddy, Prescott Bush who personally profited from his work and association with the Union Banking Corporation which was a conduit for businesses that financed the rise of the murderous regime of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers Party. So egregious was their assistance and complicity in building the murderous war machine of the Third Reich that UBC was shut down and had their assets seized by the government under the Trading With the Enemies Act . No wonder that the Bush family and the extremist right-wing fascists who control the Republican one-party government has so much hatred towards President Franklin D. Roosevelt. A government that the Bushes have been major players in and have had at least one member in control or in a position to influence the Oval Office and U.S. policy for nineteen (at least officially) of the last twenty seven years of the period of the decline of the American Empire of stupidity, sin and shit.

This is fascinating stuff that unfortunately due to the nature of our pathetic national media is little known and normally would earn one the stigma of being affixed with the dreaded ‘tin foil hat’ but it is all out there for those seeking to know the truth about the true history of this most despicable and treacherous of American families that are the Bushes. Grandpa Bush and his company served as agents for Fritz Thyssen the German industrialist known as “Hitler’s Angel” who was indispensable in providing the financial backing and carried clout that would create what was then the strongest military machine in the world as well as the most bellicose. While the Bush-Nazi links received no attention domestically in our neutered, corporatist media here is an article from the London Guardian “How Bush’s grandfather helped Hitler’s rise to power” and here is a link to another excellent piece by investigative journalist John Buchanan that is entitled Bush Nazi Link Confirmed that was published in the New Hampshire Gazette. The Nazi skeleton is but one of a great number in the Bush family closets and potentially the most damning of all, especially in the face of the strident language used by the current Bush regime in seeking to marginalize dissenters and tar them as ideological sympathizers with those who were appeasers and facilitators of the most vile despotic regime of the last century. Incidentally there is a lot more regarding dealings with the Nazis by both the Bush family and their cronies as well as American corporations and the intelligence community that granted amnesty to former war criminals to use them as assets in Eastern Europe as well as Central and South America. But that is a bigger can of worms than I intend to open in this post so it will have to wait for another time.

And now that the Nazi card has been played in a most ostentatious manner by the Bushists maybe it is finally time to begin to bring up that which is most obvious in that it is the current leadership of this country that has far more in common with the Nazis than most would be able to accept. See if any of this sounds familiar: The nation’s leader seized extraordinary powers after a ‘terrorist’ attack; a leader who holds a cult-like sway over a large percentage of the population and was not elected by a majority when he came to power; leader belonged to a secret society (Thule / Skull and Bones); a special act was passed enabling the leader to subvert the constitution during a prolonged state of emergency; a vaguely defined enemy; surveillance and searches without warrants; the use of religion as justification (Gott Mit Uns) and the propagation of a belief that God had chosen the leader and the people for a special purpose; control of the press; ever present propaganda; the use of the term “Homeland” (Heimat) to describe the country; us versus them (“with us or against us”) mentality; the persecution of homosexuals and other minorities deemed inferior; organized crackdowns on liberals and intellectuals; the changing of the definitions of science and history to suit the agenda of the regime; the consolidation of power through corporate alliances; construction of detention facilities for vague ‘new programs’; centralized security apparatus; labeling of critics and dissenters as traitors and using ethnic divisiveness to identify enemies of the state.

All that is missing now are the organized pogroms but with the shrill voices of Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Michelle Malkin, Michael Savage and the rest of their ilk those could be coming very, very soon. Especially if the polls continue to show a loss of Republican iron-fisted, authoritarian rule once and for all along with the renunciation of the quisling accomodationist DLC because the one thing that the Bush administration and their neocon allies absolutely cannot risk under any circumstances is that all of their hard work in constructing a more subtle sequel to Prescott Bush’s buddy Hitler’s 1000 year reich will have been for naught and more than a few of those pigfuckers may just end up doing the air dance at some future version of the Nuremburg Trials.

The ultimate horror would be another terrorist attack in the run up to the elections which would allow for Bush and Cheney to implement every provision of the NSPD 51 that would effectively end America as we know it for the rest of our already shot and increasingly miserable lives. Alarmist? I hardly think so given the loathsome actions of this administration and the Republican establishment whose actions have been, well…Naziesque since September 11, 2001. As the wise man George Santayana once said: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” and has there ever been a country whose lack of knowledge of the past and the millions who wear their willful ignorance as if it were a badge of honor quite like America in 2006? Here is a very brief history lesson.

Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933, his Nazi party was a minority in the legislative body not possessing the two thirds vote that it would take to activate the ‘enabling act’ which would allow for the leader to pass laws in a time of war or national emergency without the approval of parliament. Hitler wanted to assume total control in order to declare war on the terrorists and the enemies within who were seeking to destroy the German way of life.On February 27, 1933 the building in which the German parliament met was set ablaze under s mysterious circumstances and a man who was a known Communist was found naked and cowering behind the building, taken into custody and eventually executed after a trumped up trial in which the Nazi demagogues railed against the ‘terrorist’ threat. The party and their leader then used rhetoric, fear and propaganda in order to convince the majority of the populace that they were the only ones capable of shielding them from harm; there was only one catch, they had to forfeit their rights and place their trust the party in order to be safe. This event is commonly known as the Reichstag Fire.

Immediately thereafter, Hitler, Goebbels,Goering and the rest of the extreme right-wing Nazi party used fear mongering to declare a state of emergency which led to the activation of the enabling act that gave Hitler dictatorial powers by allowing the leader to reign unequivocally without the vital check of the oversight of the legislature in the Reichstag…including the powers to conduct secret surveillance against Germans under the guise of protecting them from the ‘terrorists’ Once the normal democratic processes had been subverted opponents were quickly silenced (either out of fear, execution or having their tickets stamped to the one of the many concentration camps springing up throughout the land) and the legislature and courts were rendered irrelevant to the whims of the leader and the Kool Aid drinking sycophants who were held enthralled by the cult of personality while the remainder of the population was terrorized into compliance and capitulation by the leader’s unchecked powers and his willingness to use police state tactics to eradicate all opposition.And the rest as they say is history.

And I will close with an extended passage from Milton Mayer’s They Thought They Were Free which should send a chill up the spines of sane Americans:

“What no one seemed to notice,” said a colleague of mine, a philologist, “was the ever widening gap, after1933,between the government and the people. Just think how very wide this gap was to begin with, here in Germany. And it became always wider. You know it doesn’t make people close to their government to be told that this is a people’s government, a true democracy, or to be enrolled in civilian defense, or even to vote. All this has little, really nothing to do with knowing one is governing.

What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if he people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security. And their sense of identification with Hitler, their trust in him, made it easier to widen this gap and reassured those who would otherwise have worried about it.”

This separation of government from people, this widening of the gap, took place so gradually and so insensibly, each step disguised (perhaps not even intentionally) as a temporary emergency measure or associated with true patriotic allegiance or with real social purposes. And all the crises and reforms (real reforms, too) so occupied the people that they did not see the slow motion underneath, of the whole process of government growing remoter and remoter.”

You will understand me when I say that my Middle High German was my life. It was all I cared about. I was a scholar, a specialist. Then, suddenly, I was plunged into all the new activity, as the universe was drawn into the new situation; meetings, conferences, interviews, ceremonies, and, above all, papers to be filled out, reports, bibliographies, lists, questionnaires. And on top of that were the demands in the community, the things in which one had to, was “expected to” participate that had not been there or had not been important before. It was all rigmarole, of course, but it consumed all one’s energies, coming on top of the work one really wanted to do. You can see how easy it was, then, not to think about fundamental things. One had no time.”

“Those,” I said, “are the words of my friend the baker. “One had no time to think. There was so much going on.” “Your friend the baker was right,” said my colleague. “The dictatorship, and the whole process of its coming into being, was above all diverting. It provided an excuse not to think for people who did not want to think anyway. I do not speak of your “little men”, your baker and so on; I speak of my colleagues and myself, learned men, mind you. Most of us did not want to think about fundamental things and never had. There was no need to. Nazism gave us some dreadful, fundamental things to think about – we were decent people – and kept us so busy with continuous changes and “crises” and so fascinated, yes, fascinated, by the machinations of the “national enemies”, without and within, that we had no time to think about these dreadful things that were growing, little by little, all around us. Unconsciously, I suppose, we were grateful. Who wants to think?”

To live in this process is absolutely not to be able to notice it – please try to believe me – unless one has a much greater degree of political awareness, acuity, than most of us had ever had occasion to develop. Each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, “regretted,” that, unless one were detached from the whole process from the beginning, unless one understood what the whole thing was in principle, what all these “little measures” that no “patriotic German” could resent must some day lead to, one no more saw it developing from day to day than a farmer in his field sees the corn growing. One day it is over his head.

The neo Nazi, Bush administration, their backs to the wall chose to play the Nazi card and now that it is out it is fair game and Americans should take the time to diligently research just how much that those scoundrels and black hearted bastards truly have in common with Hitler’s goons. Quite a fucking bit and it’s time to stop fucking around with Godwin’s Law and start calling a fucking spade a fucking spade for once in our goddamned lives.

By Ed Encho

Planet Shit Dispatch: Peckerwood Nation Edition

May 14, 2008
Clinton Scores West Virginia Landslide!

The bitter and recalcitrant Hillary Rodham-Clinton’s whopping 43 percent win in the West Virginia primary despite the category 5 spin doesn’t mean jack fucking shit. Consider that the mountaineer state’s demographics, the sort of folks that Clinton aide Mickey Kantor so eloquently refers to as “white niggers” are a fucking master race compared to the denizens of peckerwood nation down south of the Mason-Dixon Line. These hard-workin’ (when they are able to find jobs that haven’t been offshored) white voters are as easily duped with allegations of secret Muslim conspiracies, anti-Americanism by a ‘darky’ who refuses to wear a flag pin or hold his hand over his heart during the ridiculous fucking Stalinist pledge of allegiance and actually gives a rat’s ass about economic conditions in such capitalist desecrated shit holes like West Virginia rather than engage in laying stink bait about guns, gays and God. This is Clinton Country and could be the capital of the New Dixiecrats that Hillary is running hard to be the queen of. The ultimate statement on the sort of demographic that the Clintons curried such favor with is exemplified by famous figures such as Lynndie England and the rest of the Class of Abu Ghraib Prison who no doubt were heroic figures to many of the backwoods, barefoot hicks who prowl the Appalachians huntin’ for varmint to eat.

The Clinton spinners, surrogates, Hillemmings and morons on loan from Rush Limbaugh will roar into Kentucky to score another massive ‘win’ with a similar demographic and then keep moving the goalposts all the closer to that crucial Rules and Bylaws Committee meeting on at the end of May. In perhaps one of the most nauseous displays of pandering and disingenuousness that I have ever personally seen (and in these fucked times that speaks volumes) Clinton hack Terry McAuliffe took to the Sunday morning bloviation circuit with his magnum opus of flim-flamming and ass kissing taking place on Tim Russert’s ‘Press The Meat’. McAuliffe spun, contradicted, dissembled, shamelessly kept invoking Russert’s beloved dad ‘Big Russ’ and in an amusing moment had the tables turned on him when his own words were turned on him while trying to make a case to steal all of the Florida and Michigan delegates. Russert (redeeming himself in a very small way for devoting a full 20 minutes of a recent Obama interview to ridiculous questions on the Reverend Wright ‘controversy’) sprung a passage from McAuliffe’s own book on him.

MR. RUSSERT: A change. Also, Hillary Clinton, back in October, said, “You know, it’s clear, this election they’re having [in Michigan] is not going to count for anything.” Now, it’s counting for a lot.

I turn to the bible, “What a Party,” Terry McAuliffe.

MR. McAULIFFE: Good man, good man.

MR. RUSSERT: Your book.

MR. McAULIFFE: Yes, sir.

MR. RUSSERT: And back in 2003, this was a discussion…


MR. RUSSERT: …you had with Carl Levin, the senator from Michigan.

MR. McAULIFFE: Yeah. Yeah.

MR. RUSSERT: “I got a call on February 1, 2003, from Carl [Levin]” … senator from Michigan, “[who] told me they were going to hold the Michigan primary before New Hampshire, which would have led to complete chaos. … `If you do that, I will take away 50 percent of your delegates,’ I told them. They thought I was bluffing. But it was my responsibility as chairman to take action for the good of the party, and taking away half their delegates was well within my authority. … `You won’t deny us seats at the convention,’ [Levin] said. `Carl, take it to the bank.'” They’ll “`not get a credential. The closest'” thing you’ll “`get to Boston,'” the convention city, “`will be watching it on television. I will not let you break this entire nominating process for one state. The rules are the rules.'”


MR. RUSSERT: Chairman McAuliffe.

MR. McAULIFFE: You bet.

MR. RUSSERT: So now, Chairman Dean is saying the rules are the rules.


MR. RUSSERT: Michigan broke them, they’re not going to be seated. Maybe they’ll get half. Would you accept that?

MR. McAULIFFE: Well, first of all, that’s now out in paperback, I want you to know. But second, I would say the rule is 50 percent. That’s the point I’d like to make. I had the right, the party, to take away 50 percent. The party took away 100 percent of the delegates. The rule is 50 percent. Had they only taken away 50 percent like the Republican Party did, Tim, you and I would not be having this conversation today.

MR. RUSSERT: So you would accept that as a compromise, half the Michigan and half the Florida delegates?

MR. McAULIFFE: We certainly might, you bet. But in fairness, the Rules and Bylaws Committee will meet on, on the 31st to make that decision. The issue is 50 percent. They took away 100 percent. He can’t deny that a million-75 people showed up in Florida and 600,000 showed up in Michigan. They voted, they were certified by the county and the state. These people voted. We have to win these two states in, in the general election. It’s important, Michigan and Florida.

MR. RUSSERT: But you’d take half.

MR. McAULIFFE: Well, I’ll–we’ll let the Rules and Bylaws, it’s up to them to make that decision. But the rule is 50 percent. Had they done 50 percent, Tim, you and I wouldn’t have this conversation today. They took away 100 percent.

It was the best thing I’ve seen on that silly assed beltway elitist’s show since Senator Jim Webb smacked down that little dicksmoker and John McCain butt-buddy Lindsay Graham last year. So the endless primary season goes on, and on and on and on. The joint neocon effort to paint Mr. Obama as a Muslim has crossed over into the New York Times with neocon icon (he wrote the bible on how to stage a coup d’etat) Edward Luttwak’s piece “President Apostate?” that is spreading like kudzu weed throughout the right-wing blogosphere and will be used to further the whisper campaign against Obama and strike terror into the hearts of the idiot white trash in places like West Virginia, Kentucky (the incest capital of the western world) and other enclaves of ignorance and racism that should have been stomped out long ago. Gas is at 4 bucks a gallon, food prices are spiking and the masses of asses insist on fighting vicious wars of attrition over bullshit cultural and racial wedge issues while the country is looted and sold off to foreigners for pennies on the dollar. Then again the white picket fence world of idyllic nostalgia that never really existed outside of 1950’s propaganda television shows touting the nuclear family and nonexistent virtues is still the world that most of the indolent bitter white folk like to imagine as they cling to their guns and religious malarkey. Whitey is losing and losing precisely because of the ignoramuses who remain enshrouded in their warm and cozy impenetrable cocoons of denial.
A few years back I had a perfect example of why this once great country is now circling the drain delivered directly to my front door. If you love Chinese food you have to truly appreciate the difference between the great discovery of that rare really great ‘takee-outee’ emporium of great Chinese food and the slop that passes for it.The Chinese owners of the restaurant who had owned it for years through which the consistency was absolutely impeccable for a non standardized chain eatery and who were able to deliver the freshest, hottest, most tasty and authentic heaping portions of egg foo yung, pork fried rice, moo goo gai pan, szechuan beef and lo mein while making enough of a profit to remain in business suddenly sold out without warning. Well much to my dismay the product that was delivered by the new white boy ownership was about as edible as something dug out of a fucking dumpster.

The rise in gas prices to the 3 dollar a gallon level likely drove them to do it and they had to be laughing all of the way to the bank. In addition to being great cooks they were shrewd business people and understood that profit margins running primarily a delivery based restaurant were going to be dropping like Newton’s Law Of Gravity before too much long. Enter some white chumps with money looking to buy up a successful business and the goodwill that came with it. Of course the quality immediately went straight to hell, the portions shrunk and the prices went up.

You see, with ‘whitey’ and his great free market capitalist ideals the emphasis is never on quality, only profits. The restaurant was be out of business by the end of the year, ironically it is the year of the Dog according to the Chinese calendar. It is was the only white meat that ‘whitey’ would have been able to make a profit on by that time with soaring gas prices and a declining customer base. The Chinese were smart, once again they beat whitey at his own game. They sold for peak profit at the exact time that their operating costs made it impossible to continue to produce their product in the same manner that had guaranteed their success, and capitalist whitey was left holding a flaming bag of dogshit once again and of course the bag was manufactured in China.

I never personally envisioned that the 21st Century would be one of regression because we are getting far closer to the Flintstones than to the Jetsons in Der Heimat.

I guess that if I had one tip and one tip only to offer the defenders of Pleasantville USA it is this:

Learn how to speak fucking Chinese!
By Ed Encho

Hillary Trolls for White Trash in West Virginia

May 14, 2008
Clinton Scores West Virginia Landslide!

The bitter and recalcitrant Hillary Rodham-Clinton’s whopping 43 percent win in the West Virginia primary despite the category 5 spin doesn’t mean jack fucking shit. Consider that the mountaineer state’s demographics, the sort of folks that Clinton aide Mickey Kantor so eloquently refers to as “white niggers” are a fucking master race compared to the denizens of peckerwood nation down south of the Mason-Dixon Line. These hard-workin’ (when they are able to find jobs that haven’t been offshored) white voters are as easily duped with allegations of secret Muslim conspiracies, anti-Americanism by a ‘darky’ who refuses to wear a flag pin or hold his hand over his heart during the ridiculous fucking Stalinist pledge of allegiance and actually gives a rat’s ass about economic conditions in such capitalist desecrated shit holes like West Virginia rather than engage in laying stink bait about guns, gays and God. This is Clinton Country and could be the capital of the New Dixiecrats that Hillary is running hard to be the queen of. The ultimate statement on the sort of demographic that the Clintons curried such favor with is exemplified by famous figures such as Lynndie England and the rest of the Class of Abu Ghraib Prison who no doubt were heroic figures to many of the backwoods, barefoot hicks who prowl the Appalachians huntin’ for varmint to eat.

The Clinton spinners, surrogates, Hillemmings and morons on loan from Rush Limbaugh will roar into Kentucky to score another massive ‘win’ with a similar demographic and then keep moving the goalposts all the closer to that crucial Rules and Bylaws Committee meeting on at the end of May. In perhaps one of the most nauseous displays of pandering and disingenuousness that I have ever personally seen (and in these fucked times that speaks volumes) Clinton hack Terry McAuliffe took to the Sunday morning bloviation circuit with his magnum opus of flim-flamming and ass kissing taking place on Tim Russert’s ‘Press The Meat’. McAuliffe spun, contradicted, dissembled, shamelessly kept invoking Russert’s beloved dad ‘Big Russ’ and in an amusing moment had the tables turned on him when his own words were turned on him while trying to make a case to steal all of the Florida and Michigan delegates. Russert (redeeming himself in a very small way for devoting a full 20 minutes of a recent Obama interview to ridiculous questions on the Reverend Wright ‘controversy’) sprung a passage from McAuliffe’s own book on him.

MR. RUSSERT: A change. Also, Hillary Clinton, back in October, said, “You know, it’s clear, this election they’re having [in Michigan] is not going to count for anything.” Now, it’s counting for a lot.

I turn to the bible, “What a Party,” Terry McAuliffe.

MR. McAULIFFE: Good man, good man.

MR. RUSSERT: Your book.

MR. McAULIFFE: Yes, sir.

MR. RUSSERT: And back in 2003, this was a discussion…


MR. RUSSERT: …you had with Carl Levin, the senator from Michigan.

MR. McAULIFFE: Yeah. Yeah.

MR. RUSSERT: “I got a call on February 1, 2003, from Carl [Levin]” … senator from Michigan, “[who] told me they were going to hold the Michigan primary before New Hampshire, which would have led to complete chaos. … `If you do that, I will take away 50 percent of your delegates,’ I told them. They thought I was bluffing. But it was my responsibility as chairman to take action for the good of the party, and taking away half their delegates was well within my authority. … `You won’t deny us seats at the convention,’ [Levin] said. `Carl, take it to the bank.'” They’ll “`not get a credential. The closest'” thing you’ll “`get to Boston,'” the convention city, “`will be watching it on television. I will not let you break this entire nominating process for one state. The rules are the rules.'”


MR. RUSSERT: Chairman McAuliffe.

MR. McAULIFFE: You bet.

MR. RUSSERT: So now, Chairman Dean is saying the rules are the rules.


MR. RUSSERT: Michigan broke them, they’re not going to be seated. Maybe they’ll get half. Would you accept that?

MR. McAULIFFE: Well, first of all, that’s now out in paperback, I want you to know. But second, I would say the rule is 50 percent. That’s the point I’d like to make. I had the right, the party, to take away 50 percent. The party took away 100 percent of the delegates. The rule is 50 percent. Had they only taken away 50 percent like the Republican Party did, Tim, you and I would not be having this conversation today.

MR. RUSSERT: So you would accept that as a compromise, half the Michigan and half the Florida delegates?

MR. McAULIFFE: We certainly might, you bet. But in fairness, the Rules and Bylaws Committee will meet on, on the 31st to make that decision. The issue is 50 percent. They took away 100 percent. He can’t deny that a million-75 people showed up in Florida and 600,000 showed up in Michigan. They voted, they were certified by the county and the state. These people voted. We have to win these two states in, in the general election. It’s important, Michigan and Florida.

MR. RUSSERT: But you’d take half.

MR. McAULIFFE: Well, I’ll–we’ll let the Rules and Bylaws, it’s up to them to make that decision. But the rule is 50 percent. Had they done 50 percent, Tim, you and I wouldn’t have this conversation today. They took away 100 percent.

It was the best thing I’ve seen on that silly assed beltway elitist’s show since Senator Jim Webb smacked down that little dicksmoker and John McCain butt-buddy Lindsay Graham last year. So the endless primary season goes on, and on and on and on. The joint neocon effort to paint Mr. Obama as a Muslim has crossed over into the New York Times with neocon icon (he wrote the bible on how to stage a coup d’etat) Edward Luttwak’s piece “President Apostate?” that is spreading like kudzu weed throughout the right-wing blogosphere and will be used to further the whisper campaign against Obama and strike terror into the hearts of the idiot white trash in places like West Virginia, Kentucky (the incest capital of the western world) and other enclaves of ignorance and racism that should have been stomped out long ago. Gas is at 4 bucks a gallon, food prices are spiking and the masses of asses insist on fighting vicious wars of attrition over bullshit cultural and racial wedge issues while the country is looted and sold off to foreigners for pennies on the dollar. Then again the white picket fence world of idyllic nostalgia that never really existed outside of 1950’s propaganda television shows touting the nuclear family and nonexistent virtues is still the world that most of the indolent bitter white folk like to imagine as they cling to their guns and religious malarkey. Whitey is losing and losing precisely because of the ignoramuses who remain enshrouded in their warm and cozy impenetrable cocoons of denial.

A few years back I had a perfect example of why this once great country is now circling the drain delivered directly to my front door. If you love Chinese food you have to truly appreciate the difference between the great discovery of that rare really great ‘takee-outee’ emporium of great Chinese food and the slop that passes for it.The Chinese owners of the restaurant who had owned it for years through which the consistency was absolutely impeccable for a non standardized chain eatery and who were able to deliver the freshest, hottest, most tasty and authentic heaping portions of egg foo yung, pork fried rice, moo goo gai pan, szechuan beef and lo mein while making enough of a profit to remain in business suddenly sold out without warning. Well much to my dismay the product that was delivered by the new white boy ownership was about as edible as something dug out of a fucking dumpster.

The rise in gas prices to the 3 dollar a gallon level likely drove them to do it and they had to be laughing all of the way to the bank. In addition to being great cooks they were shrewd business people and understood that profit margins running primarily a delivery based restaurant were going to be dropping like Newton’s Law Of Gravity before too much long. Enter some white chumps with money looking to buy up a successful business and the goodwill that came with it. Of course the quality immediately went straight to hell, the portions shrunk and the prices went up.

You see, with ‘whitey’ and his great free market capitalist ideals the emphasis is never on quality, only profits. The restaurant was be out of business by the end of the year, ironically it is the year of the Dog according to the Chinese calendar. It is was the only white meat that ‘whitey’ would have been able to make a profit on by that time with soaring gas prices and a declining customer base. The Chinese were smart, once again they beat whitey at his own game. They sold for peak profit at the exact time that their operating costs made it impossible to continue to produce their product in the same manner that had guaranteed their success, and capitalist whitey was left holding a flaming bag of dogshit once again and of course the bag was manufactured in China.

I never personally envisioned that the 21st Century would be one of regression because we are getting far closer to the Flintstones than to the Jetsons in Der Heimat.

I guess that if I had one tip and one tip only to offer the defenders of Pleasantville USA it is this:

Learn how to speak fucking Chinese!

Coming Together: A Mini Manifesto

May 11, 2008

Now that even the corporatist beltway elite lackey media has slowly come to recognize the inevitability of the political version of the unbeatable New England Patriots losing the big one it’s time to put the intramural pissing matches aside and to start reorganizing for a shot at the true target. The Hillary Rodham-Clinton campaign now faces fourth and thirty-two, has the ball at it’s own twenty yard line, is down by eight and there are sixteen seconds left in the Super Bowl. It’s not exactly officially in the books yet but the fat lady is humming and the opposing team has just administered the traditional Gatorade baptism to their head coach on the sidelines.

Outside of a certain demographic Rodham-Clinton’s numbers were always juiced by the knuckle dragging hordes of extremist propaganda pimp Russian Limbaugh and his “Operation Chaos” and that the Hillemmings would accept this as help to crown their queen was a complete moral sellout based on selfishness and some bizarre sense of entitlement. It was the finger on the scale that has allowed the corporatist warmonger Clinton to continue this futile quest for the Holy Grail that long ago should have been over. Now it’s time to drive the final stake through the heart, chop off Medusa’s head, stuff her mouth with garlic and send her seething and entitled ass to the Senate to replace that pathetic little eunuch Harry ‘Casper Milquetoast’ Reid as Majority Leader with an attitude and one big hell of an axe to grind.

We should spare no fury and give no quarter in pursuing the ultimate task at hand that is the complete and total eradication of the extreme fascist right as a functional political entity in America. If the creeping fascism cannot be halted or at least slowed significantly then nothing else is really going to matter. It’s that simple. This is a historic time and the ever more rapid collapse of the extreme right-wing model of friendly fascism built meticulously and at great expense since WW II and implemented by intelligence agencies plundering abroad and enslaving at home in the interests of the American elite and big business. The model of American extreme capitalism (I do not use the term ‘free market’ because what exists is not free in any sense of the word, it is only crony capitalism and socialism for the rich) is as predicted by so many who were simply decried as commies and persecuted by the state falling apart, it has now become cannibalistic and is unsustainable. The relentless ideology behind the drive for perpetual economic growth, a zero sum game with few winners and many suckers toiling to build temples for Pharaoh is a flawed premise at the very basic levels. The things that perpetually grow are cancers and viruses and at this stage it is obvious to all but the hucksters and those in denial that American capitalism has gone cancerous and has metastasized to financial markets throughout the world.

The financial sector has been gamed to the point of collapse by the economic chicanery of the same sort of scoundrels who George Washington once referred to as a “squadron of corrupt paper dealers” and Frankin D. Roosevelt called out the same unscrupulous bandits as “economic royalists”. We stand on the verge of a complete systemic collapse, a grand implosion of historic proportions and a devastating wave of misery and poverty that is only gaining strength as it roars towards landfall, it will be the tsunami of the chickens coming home to roost and my friends it is coming very soon. To quote one who I personally find to be detestable on every level and who bears a large share of the responsibility for the hellstorm of woe that is currently battering the homeland, the late and lamentable Milton Friedman:

“Only a crisis — actual or perceived — produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around. That, I believe, is our basic function: to develop alternatives to existing policies, to keep them alive and available until the politically impossible becomes politically inevitable.”

Well, we have our crisis right now and with the ideas of the extreme fascist right being exposed as the grand fraud that they have always been we also have an opportunity to produce real change. It is going to take work though and it is going to take no small degree of some swallowing of pride in the pursuit of the larger goal of total reform. As the man Bob Dylan once sang “Stop all this weeping, swallow your pride, you will not die, it’s not poison”. It is crucial that this opportunity be seized upon at this moment, it is not rhetoric to say that we now stand at the crossroads and which route we choose will either lead to our salvation or will force not only those currently alive but those as yet unborn to suffer terrible consequences. This is the time that we all have been waiting for, time to participate in something that truly matters on as large a scale as could possibly be imagined.

The religious wrong hasn’t been the same since Jerry Falwell went to his glorious reward and has now been roasting on a spit in the bowels of Hades for a year now. The newest figurehead, Pastor John Hagee is to put it quite simply, a dangerous fucking lunatic whose bastard alliance with hard core Zionist war freaks pretty much has allowed him to be given a free pass as John McCain’s spiritual leader while Reverend Wright was unfairly vilified and used as a bludgeon on Barack Obama. The free ride needs to end and Hagee and his minions need to be exposed as the terrifying danger that they truly are, how any overstuffed sack of shit tent preacher who suddenly hit it big can run such a pro-Israel con job when the biblical prophecy that he shills for when taken to it’s ultimate end will kill more Jews than Hitler needs to be exposed as the vile Anti-Semite that he is. His tirades against Catholics should also be brought out into the open in order to expose the latest version of Father Coughlin.

Mr. Obama has energized young voters to go forth with a positive vision and with this as a given a right-wing machine is going to be sent out like a rolling ball of butcher knives, the negativity, slander, fear mongering and intimidation this fall is going to be like nothing ever seen before. As veterans of this sort of thing it is going to be up to us who blog, work as activists and are battle hardened to counter whatever the bastards in the establishment throw out. In a rare concept for those on the left it is imperative that we be the aggressors this time because at times you have to pick a fight in order to win it. We need to seize the initiative once and for all because the truth is on our side. The electorate is being squeezed by the war pimps, the globalists and the Wall Street looters and we cannot allow the demagogues of the fascist right to continue to win using their standard tactics of fear, smear and divide and conquer. With current trends as they are gas prices will be above $5.00 a gallon come November, the economy will be on the brink of another depression as prime mortgage and credit card defaults continue to soar despite the best efforts of the Plunge Protection Team and The Fed to run their own big con General Petraeus style propaganda surge and food prices will be at record highs. As the late great Saul Alinsky once said now is the time to “rub raw the sores of discontent” and to take advantage of growing unrest to mount a challenge against the entire fascist system of the corporate police state.

1: Be prepared to re-fight the Vietnam War – It is a certainty that the McCain campaign is going to do everything to make this a fight against Hanoi Jane and to rip off the scabs of Nam in order to do so. DO NOT cede any ground to McCain and the right on this one, he is first and foremost a WAR CRIMINAL and a self admitted one at that. Real heroes don’t drop bombs and incendiary devices on civilians from the relative safety of the air. As futile and illegal as wars like Vietnam and Iraq are (which is another topic altogether) any one who wants to claim to be a war hero should have to look at the consequences of his kills and absolutely nobody who kills civilians should ever be allowed to hide behind the war hero shield as some sort of immunity talisman for his murderous actions. The right savagely and mercilessly swift boated John Kerry for his military service in 2004 and Mr. McCain should be treated equally, by affording him any respect for his cowardly actions during Vietnam is ceding the battle before the first shots have been fired.

2: Wage guerilla warfare against the pocket media – Infiltrating staged media events and then engaging in organized protest, challenging political figures with facts during their appearances, calling into talk shows and speaking the truth are all going to be necessary in order to get a message out that is not filtered through the corporate media. While I am not agreeing with the so-called 9/11 Truth Movement and do not wish to address those issues in this post they have been a successful nemesis to the neocons. Their tactics and their fervor in their activism should be an example to all who wish to bring about change.

3: Be Vigilant – Always be watchful, those who seek to maintain their places within the existing failed system will use any form of chicanery and trickery to do so.

4: Be ahead of the game, think and anticipate – Study the enemy’s tactics and you stay if not one step ahead be ready to counter them when the time comes.

5: Focus on Economic issues – Hit economics hard because this is the one area where people are severely hurting right now. The Democratic party sold out to the corporatist DLC long ago and in doing so ceded this most valuable tool that transcends ordinary paradigms in order to secure their own place at the feeding trough. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to always turn the topic back to economics and blame the corporations, the energy cartels, big pharma, agribusiness and Wall Street for every bit of misery that the ordinary working American is currently experiencing. Populism is NOT a dirty word and it needs to be used as a tactic in this war against the establishment.

6: Make strategic alliances: The only way that the oligarchy run amok can be reigned in is by working together with those who have different ideologies but are also antiwar, pro American and want to see above else the restoration of civil liberties and a massive rollback of the police state. Progressives and liberals may think that libertarians and Ron Paul folks are all out there prospecting for fool’s gold in Galt’s Gulch but they are fighting against the same authoritarian octopus. Philosophical differences need to be set aside in order to unify under a common goal and then attack from different directions. There are a large amount of principled conservatives who are aghast at what the neocons, the theocons and the globalists have done to the Republican party and there could be nothing better than to see it recaptured by pragmatists, non-interventionists and anti-big government forces. Big government is a menace to all, we can see that now with the unchecked power of the Bush regime and to quote conservative icon Barry Goldwater: “A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away”. I think that we ALL can truly appreciate that now after the wanton abuses of power of the Bush-Cheney junta and now the great beast needs to be reigned in and a traditional system of checks and balances restored.

7: Prevent election theft: Always remember that the corporations still control the machines. Be watchful and aware of voter suppression, racial discrimination, caging lists, goons stationed at precincts to challenge voters and report any suspicious activity to both local officials as well as get the information to a blog or organization that will make it public.

8: Be a counterforce to war machine propaganda: Prepare to flood local newspapers with editorials, letters, hit the message boards, blogswarm and engage the enemy at every opportunity.

9: Do not let race be used as a political tool: With Barack Hussein Obama being both black and having a Muslim sounding middle name look forward to the vilest type of racist slurs and terrorist insinuations yet. Denounce these tactics and hold those accountable for them through public shaming.

10: Denude the false idols: The Clintons are self-serving corporatist hacks, John Wayne was a draft dodging armchair patriot whose real name was Marion and who stayed in Hollywood and made movies while his peers were taking fire in World War II and Ronald Reagan was a dude ranch cowboy and B movie actor who sole out his fellow Hollywood associates during the McCarthy years and was recruited by the organized fascist right (with the Powell Memorandum as a game plan) to play the ultimate role of his life and then have the think tanks rewrite history to turn him into an American icon, a new father figure and the personification of all that was American. They were of course lies and Reagan needs to be remembered for his unspoken declaration of total war against the middle class.

11: Reclaim Our History: What Americans to believe to be our history is intentionally devoid of any honest examination of the sins of empire, we must dispose of the official state version that has been used to indoctrinate and suppress (largely through omission) the real truths of a country that is not as exceptionalist and well intentioned as we have all been led to believe: Howard Zinn has a great new educational tool out right now that is as easy to read as it is for novices to interpret. A People’s History of American Empire is in graphic novel format, is cheap and easy to read. I would strongly recommend it to everybody especially to teach others who ordinarily do not have the time or patience for normal reading.

Our history has been scrubbed and sanitized by the economic royalists and the fascists to eliminate any mention of true heroes of the working class and of a real democratic society. The vast majority of those compliant little consumers that have for too long been churned out by a starved for funds and battered into submission school public school system that has been turned into a nationwide network of drone factories (one of the only things that we mass produce in America anymore) have never heard of those who sacrificed for those things that came to be taken to granted to the point where they are now being taken away.Where is there any mention given of Eugene Debs or of Joe Hill or of Saul Alinsky or of Mother Jones? What about General Smedley D . Butler who called out the blood barters with his tract War Is A Racket and his exposure of the Business Plot where wealthy traitors schemed about a coup against FDR? What is taught about Huey Long? I mean other than the widely accepted narrative of a power mad, corrupt tyrant instead of the man who scared the living shit out of the elitist establishment with his “Share Our Wealth” program that made the New Deal look like Reaganomics. Long stood up to entrenched interests and the moral rottenness of looter capitalism, he built roads, bridges, hospitals and schools as well as provided free textbooks and he even dared to take on the almighty Rockefellers and Standard Oil. Long railed against institutionalized corruption with his “every man a king” type of populism and he was making dangerous noises about running for president. The ending of the Huey Long story is all too predictable and familiar: he was of course assassinated.

And what of Hellen Keller? The little girl who overcame blindness and deafness and whose struggles with her handicaps are taught to American children as an example of how to overcome adversity as they are indoctrinated to the lies of a society that demands sacrifice and backbreaking work from the lesser classes as unquestioning slaves to the whims of the modern pharaohs on Wall Street. She has been sanitized, turned into a Horatio Alger version of the little engine that could while her later life as a social activist goes ignored. Hellen Keller would grow up to be a champion of women’s suffrage, she would join the Industrial Workers of the World and to help to found the American Civil Liberties Union. She was a socialist who dared to speak out against the power base and their exploitation and for that sin her life has been through revisionist history turned into a perverse fairy tale and yet another myth to bolster the system that would make slaves of us all. The little engine that could was very quickly uncoupled from the rest of the train once the narrative switched tracks from one of inspirational value to one of social justice.

And there are others, there are many others who risked all to end child labor, to fight for equality and the forty-hour work week and unemployment protection and workers rights, workplace safety and a right to basic human decency but they go largely unheard of. It’s time to revise history to be honest, inclusive and not only what the oligarchy chooses to dictate and indoctrinate to the population. This is of the ultimate importance for a people whose history is stolen from them have no future.

12: Debunk and discredit the charlatans: Major mouthpieces like Limbaugh can no longer be allowed to portray themselves as paragons of virtue and family values. Chickenhawks like William Kristol cannot be allowed to be given credibility as war cheerleaders, cynical politicians cannot be allowed to invoke and trash the good name of Jesus Christ while throwing open the temple doors to the moneychangers and lazy, celebrity obsessed scandal mongers cannot be allowed to masquerade as serious journalists.

13: Language: Turn the tables and make the word “conservative” into as dirty a pejorative that the think tankers and their opinion managers have turned “liberal” into. With the country in ruins it is imperative that the blame be placed exactly where it belongs – with the hard right conservatives and especially the Republicans. Time to dip the elephant in shit and trot it out to lead the parade of clowns who have gotten us into this giant mess in the first place.

14 : Don’t lose sight of the Big Picture: It is imperative to focus on the big picture this time, there will be gay marriage amendments, abortion amendments and other culture war stink bait on ballots across the country and to get mired in debates on this garbage is a waste of time. Let’s face it, this is fighting the last war and there is no way that war will ever be won with narrow minded one issue voters and the get out the vote machine that has been built to exploit gullible wedge issue voters who dutifully goosestep from their bund meetings down to the local polling place to vote against their own economic self interests. These people can never be convinced to give an inch on the loser issues of abortion rights and gay rights so a better strategy would be to avoid those topics altogether, deprive them of their energy and to attempt to turn the focus to economics. Everybody is hurting now and it’s only going to be worse come election season. Well meaning but simple-minded folks are justifiably bitter but the bitterness needs to be focused where it should be and that is against the globalists, the corporatists and the warmongers. These people can’t get beyond the most general and emotional of concepts so stick with how they are being raped every time they gas up or visit the grocery store.

15: Reject the politics of fear: American fascism uses fear as fuel, watch for an escalation in neocon rhetoric, bogus terror threats, Osama bin Laden videos, heightened states of alert and those waving the bloody flag with cries for more war.

16: Reclaim Patriotism: For too long the right has been allowed to define what is patriotic and then wrap themselves in the flag while waging war against everything that America is supposed to stand for. Slapping a little metal flag pin on one’s chest is not patriotic and displaying a magnetic yellow ribbon sticker does not mean that one supports the troops. There has been a total failure in standing up to the flag pin fascists and this needs to be stopped and those wearing the flag pins need to have their patriotism challenged by not standing up for the Constitution instead. Time to take back the flag!

Granted, it is one hell of a big rock to roll and the hill is a steep one but there is a desire for real and lasting change in the air right now and it needs to be seized upon, this is the opening of the window of opportunity. With the financial system in crisis, the big boys being bailed out while the rest of the country is basically being told to go to hell and the average family feeling the pain in a very real way that makes them suddenly open to some suggestions on how to do things differently as well as who to blame for their being shafted now is a time like no other to move swiftly and together. We need to cast off the yoke of the existing sham system, reject the phony paradigms, stop fighting each other and form up to transverse the beach and to storm the castle.

I will close now with a quote from Victor Hugo “Nothing else in the world… not all the armies… is so powerful as an idea whose time has come.”

Time has come, now how do we respond?

By Ed Encho

The March Of The Hillemmings

May 8, 2008

Onward to West Virginia! After duping fewer of the “white niggers” in the Hoosier state into believing that she is some sort of brawling, beer drinking, elbow wrestling, blue collar ‘one of them’ the bitter and recalcitrant monster that is Hillary Rodham-Clinton moves the goalposts one more time. The non-elitist who just happens to be worth somewhere in the neighborhood of at least $ 109 million dug around in the sofa cushions in order to lend her never ending crusade another $ 6 million and change in order to remain solvent while the operatives work their chicanery and try to strong arm, sweet talk, cajole and bribe those superdelegates into getting with the fucking program and throwing in the Clinton restoration – when will those fuckers get it that Tracy Flick 2008 is entitled to the presidency goddammit?

The encouraging thing about the narrow Clinton ‘win’ in Indiana is that there seems to be a limit to the stupidity of at least enough of the people to have not bitten on the race baiting, the demagoguery and that idiotic fucking suspension of the gas tax over the summer as some sort of band aid on the sucking chest wound of the average American’s budget courtesy of the economic disaster brought on by a quarter century of deregulation, fucked up trade policies, the enshrinement of greed as the highest possible virtue (the giveaway on this was that television show where people actually competed for the honor of licking Donald Trump’s balls) and a flood of easy credit that unregulated Wall Street ivory tower ‘banking’ houses (casinos is a more appropriate word) then packaged into toxic debt instruments and sold to suckers worldwide. As the old saying goes ‘if something appears to be too good to be true then it is too good to be true’ or something along those lines and it was only a matter of time until the music stopped and now millions of saps who bought into the big con have suddenly discovered that they have no chairs.

American idiots can only blame themselves for being dumb enough to be swindled into ignoring reality and their own economic self interests in order to vote for the most dumb and superficial reasons while keeping their heads in the sand and the home equity credit lines open to buy all of the trinkets and baubles necessary for them to still go to bed at night miserable, unfulfilled and deeper in debt. I find it ironic that the degenerate pigman Rush Limbaugh is throwing out a rotator cuff patting himself on the back for inducing his army of angry idiots to crossover and vote for Clinton in the obviously Animal House inspired “Operation Chaos” that have given the bitter old bitties who see Hillary as their own personal version of Taarna the avenger enough backup to keep Obama on the ropes until the dirt diggers can find a big enough chunk of kryptonite to vanquish him once and for all. Limbaugh, the human (and I use that term very loosely) version of the giant gas filled pig balloon that Pink Floyd used as a prop during shows and who is a similar icon for the fascist Republican party is largely responsible for today’s economic misery that will only continue unabated under the neocon dream of McClinton. After all, it was his modern day Father Coughlin propaganda that harnessed the anger and misery of the economic diaspora that began to emerge during the 80s when Reagan’s war on the middle class was kicking into high gear with the farm crisis and the closing of the mills. The heartland and the rust belt were the first to be thrust upon the alter of greed for sacrifice to the gods of Milton Friedman style voodoo economics and the down on his luck loser Limbaugh was discovered and recruited to propagandize the hurt, scorned and angry to scapegoat minorities and liberals for their deteriorating lives.

Limbaugh’s act worked to perfection to the extent there the lazy, mainstream media public relations flacks who pass themselves as legitimate journalists in this sorry era of the fucked and dumb actually feel comfortable in citing him as some sort of legitimate public figure to be respected and quoted. Well, John Wayne Gacy once had a similar aura of respectability and we all know how that ended up so perhaps there is at least some hope that the drug addled, thrice divorced, multi-millionaire grand poobah of white populist propaganda will soon come crashing down as well. His insertion of himself into the perennially clueless and hapless Democratic party primary season of no end may be the petard upon which his mammoth carcass is finally hoisted. People start to look for different victims when gas is approaching four dollars a gallon, their overpriced homes are in pre-foreclosure, speculators driving up food prices make it harder to put food on the family and jobs are being sent by the thousands to whatever third world shithole has the cheapest slave labor gulag system. The fingers of blame are very slowly starting to be pointed upwards as indolent Americans begin to realize that the ultra rich four flushing asshole class that Limbaugh works for are the ones to blame for their misery and not the brown menace.

The failure of what was perceived to be the bread and butter of the massively overhyped by both the multi-millionaire Clintons and the Republican looter establishment Reverend Wright race card is by all indications from Indiana going up like a flaming bag of dogshit on the castle doorstep. When race baiting and fear mongering no longer work then the establishment is in big time trouble. It’s hard to blame the black man for everything during those long cold winters when the furniture is being burned for heat and the family pets begin to look like a cheap way to eat for a few days. Now I am not naïve enough to think that the American sheeple will ever be able to muster up enough gumption for a full fledged peasant revolt but their not being duped by the standard horseshit that politicians shovel out in order to distract and keep from talking about the real issues is at the very least a flicker of light in the darkness. That Clinton didn’t win Indiana by at least 30 points given the massive ignorant hick demographic and the temporary loan of battalions of Limbaugh’s angry army of dittohead drones proves that things just might be different this time and that would indeed strike deeply at the very heart of the oligarchy. Even that philandering little fascist dwarf Newt Gingrich is freaking out that the GOP mojo is no longer working.

So onward march the Hillemmings, a proxy army to defend the status quo who have much in common with their newfound brethren on loan from Lord Limbaugh, towards West Virginia, towards the edge of the abyss and with any luck ultimately off of the edge of the cliff.

By Ed Encho