The Death Defying Plunge to the Depths of Dumbness

August 3, 2009

It’s another Monday morning in dumbass America, one of the top stories is that the remains of Captain Scott Speicher, the Navy pilot shot down during Daddy Bush’s Gulf War soiree has now been found. Now it seems that I recall, among all of the other lies being used to build the case for the attack on Iraq that would kick off the PNAC’s global domination tour the ‘fact’ that Capt. Speicher was being held in one of Saddam’s torture prisons was another one of the justifications. It turns out that Speicher’s body was buried by Bedouins in the desert after they saw the plane go down. So, the neocon propaganda was just that – bullshit, right up there with the infamous soldiers of Saddam ripping Kuwaiti babies out of their incubators and throwing them on the floor, perfect for the thumb-sucking saps in the USA that sold Gulf War I like it was the fucking Juicemaster or something. It was just as easy as lining up the rubes and whipping them into a frenzy over apocalyptic conjecture of smoking mushroom clouds and all of that other horseshit.

Today American troops are still bogged down in Gulf War II, Afghanistan and in too many other contries to count, a giant sucking black hole for money and a boon for defense stocks. Don’t ever count on any sort of meaningful reform for the national health care system as long as the pigs who run the system are engaged in the lucrative and bloody art of war profiteering. General Smedley D. Butler put it best, “War is a Racket”. Now if war is a racket then the selling of it is an art form to a public suckled at the teat of the goddess of war since their first breaths. Now throw in all of the ‘schooling’ which is really an indoctrination of American exceptionalism, a totally bogus version of history meant only to brainwash and then turn the babbling automatons loose in a militarized police state protected by a bought and paid for media and volla….WAR! So the Scott Speicher as a captive of the New Hitler’s torturers has been debunked but the ongoing corporate crusade against progressive society is ripping into overdrive.

The thing that really grabs my gonads are all of the ridiculous spin pieces about Barack Obama’s falling poll numbers on health care reform. Like all good propaganda these polls (not that I think polls are reliable to begin with, you can make a poll say anything just like a good accountant can produce miracles) are truth mixed in with outright falsehoods and given ZERO context. Of course the savior’s approval ratings are down, he has yet to live up to any of the hype, the wars go on and the only ones getting bailed out of the economic catastrophe are the banksters. Of course the imbeciles, the racist haters and the dead enders will always be against national health care because they are beyond saving. Pathetic wretches who believe anything that emanates from the foul pie hole of the porcine propagandist Rush Limbaugh and that moon-faced little Nazi vermin Glenn Beck. If the glimmer twins (and their goat barn preachers) say that Obama is a secret Muslim, a terrorist symp and a certified COMMIE then that is exactly what he is and there is nothing on earth that can override the FOX/EIB programming. It’s as embedded in their thick skulls as their thumbs are up their puckering assholes.

The real reason that national health care is losing popularity faster than say a typical season for the Detroit Lions is that liberals and progressives are recognizing it for what it is – another of the big con games in which corporate power uses the corrupted state as an enforcer. Get ready for forced mandatory coverage and the scum of the insurance industry writing the legislation. Now Americans are going to face the threat of punishment unless they buy insurance from the same swine who have really been killing Grannie by denying her care. The rest of the stupid scare tactics – get ready for an multi-billion dollar August onslaught since Max Baucus and the other pigs in the pocket of the industry were able to extend the game – with lies, pandering to the lowest common denominator and more racist filth to destroy any chance at the public option. It’s already a done deal and all over by the actual wetwork. I have already seen the most farcical type of fraud in that Obama’s plan would deprive the elderly (heard of fucking Medicare?) of necessary operations to fund abortions courtesy of Tony Perkins’ and the [Manson] Family Research Center and some stuff out there on the perimeter that the ‘racist’ Obama is using the health care reform drive in order to push slavery reparations.

The ‘Birthers’ will feed on the lies as they always do, the problem more than the violent idiots of the Republican base is the media that gives this crap credibility by even bothering to give it any publicity at all. In a country where the typical lemming has been conditioned to define ‘news’ as that boiled down bullshit that is seen on CNN in thirty second clips delivered by big haired, big titted bimbos who stare into teleprompters and mindlessly repeat the daily talking points any mention of the numbskulls and the neo Confederate knuckle draggers in the headlines is taken as legit. The corporate campaign to incite the morons, scare the shit out of the old folks and sow just enough confusion with the average American dumbass to drive a stake through any sort of health care reform is going to be shock and awe….and Harry Reid and his fellow traitors will be kicking back on another of their taxpayer funded vacations while the dirty work is done.

Oh, and the job just gets tougher for anyone who challenges the system, new is that MSNBC has now reigned in the sharp dressed man Keith Olbermann for his tirades against the idiot Bill O’Reilly (who in any decent society would be incarcerated in a padded dungeon), FOX you see was starting to interfere with the real business of defense contractor GE which employs K.O. and he was muzzled. I have been pretty up front in my criticism of Olbermann as of late and taken no small amount of flak for being that way and now it appears that my perception was correct and that he has changed. Look for GE to also now find more ways to apply pressure to Rachel Maddow (a good journalist with a bad gig) and that centrist pig Ed Schultz as the real agenda is out of the bag. Face it folks, this fascism, a more refined version so as to not upset the sheeple as they blindly shamble off to slaughter but fascism nonetheless. And look out for that coming forced Swine Flu vaccination, resistance will not only be futile but criminal as well.

And it’s just another day in the land of birthers, buffoons and bizarreness…have a happy Monday and be proud that you live in the land of the largest gulag system of for profit prisons in history.

Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe


Even Their Dog Was Ugly

February 7, 2009
Panem et circenses XLIII

When fascism comes to America it will goosestep out to the fifty yard line in full dress regalia for the coin flip at the Super Bowl.

-Ed Encho

I strongly suspected that it was going to be trouble when they were cheering the flyover, an awesome display of a sky full of screaming state of the art weaponry (wasted tax dollars that could have been spent on schools, infrastructure or health care) that was brought large into the mecca of an American living room on a 64 inch high definition television with digitally enhanced sound that rattled the taco bar bowls and sent a chill up my spine, but I had no idea of the epic intensity of the three and a half hours of earthly hell that was to come.

Then when that ass-kissing little chickenshit General David Petraeus goose-stepped out to the giant red, white and blue NFL logo painted onto the midfield grass at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa for the ceremonial coin toss and they marveled at his greatness, patriotism and valor any doubt of a relaxing evening went right down the shitter. General Betray-us by the way is already barking at the President’s policies to withdraw from Iraq, according to this story by Gareth Porter, the great front man for the even greater bait and switch public relations campaign known as The Surge. Gen P, according to Porter, left the Oval Office meeting with Obama “visibly unhappy” and is said to be… get this, plotting to resist orders:

A network of senior military officers is also reported to be preparing to support Petraeus and Odierno by mobilising public opinion against Obama’s decision.

What we seem to have here is a real life version to General James Mattoon Scott, a reference to the Burt Lancaster character in the classic 1962 movie Seven Days in May who led a cabal of renegade brass in an abortive coup against a president who was perceived to be weak on that great phantom menace and predecessor of current national dread terrorism that was the scourge of communism. Petraeus crony General Ray Odierno who is also bucking the president was said in a New York Times story to have a different plan than Obama’s in Iraq withdrawal. I would seriously consider this a firing offense and if B.O. had any balls he would bust both of those intransigent assholes down to buck private and send them both off to the nearest stockade. I seem to recall such disagreement being referred to as treason when the royal ass of King George W. Bush was still parked upon the throne.

But I digress…..

I had allowed myself to be coerced by the spouse into attending a Super Bowl party over the weekend at a home of a good friend of hers who also happened to be a (gasp) Republican and a true one at that. Hoping that the big game would at least be able to hypnotize the vipers for a few hours was futile, the pit was teeming with animosity from practically the minute we walked through the door. I had been under savage pressure for months to meet the extended family and finally caved figuring the attention would be on the Super Bowl and not the painfully obvious ideological differences. Myself, I have no qualms in saying that I would rather eat with a pig than with a Republican because the pig after all can’t help being what it is so I just avoid them as if they were lepers. It’s quite obvious that they feel the same way because I was about as out of place as Gaylord Focker in Meet the Parents.

The game might have been the ‘official’ reason for the gathering but the thing that really jazzed up the hosts and their troglodyte friends were the commercials, not that this is an uncommon phenomenon in Dumbmerica, there is a reason that NBC charged $3 million for 30 seconds of ad time this year. The added joy that a large amount of said commercials were of an animated variety for ridiculous infantile dross that passes for entertainment was even more enjoyable to the gathering assembled in a large circle around the monster TV with their chips, beer and drool buckets. At first it went reasonably well but as the alcohol kicked in the banter about Governor Palin started intruding during the rather dull first half (but they shut right the fuck up during the commercials like the good little murkans that they were) and the racist Obama jokes were making the rounds during the second quarter. Things began to deteriorate after that and when the dipshit lord of the manor was fiddling around with his high tech entertainment command center (he had more gadgets on that thing than fucking NORAD) trying to record the amazing halftime epic 3D preview of Monsters vs. Aliens (since it never occured to numbnuts to pick up an extra set of those silly glasses for his better half) and crashed the entire system, with only minutes left in the second quarter. Fortunately for everybody there for the game he was able to get the entertainment industrial complex wall of electronics back up and running just as James Harrison was 20 yards or so from the goal line on what would be the longest play in the history of the big game. Score a touchdown for the Steelers and another triumph for the forces of stupidity. Jesus Fucking Christ!!!!

The animosity in the room was palpable as Bruce Springsteen (you know, that goddamned New York librul who campaigned for the darkie) delivered a spirited but lame halftime show (lame because other than Born to Run the setlist sucked but as even the Rolling Stones learned a few years back noone is going to float a turd in punchbowl at the NFL’s showcase by being allowed to sing anything even remotely controversial. They were the typical American Republican family, clueless, overfed, boring, mean-spirited but nice in eerie way that must have horrified many Jews in 1930’s Germany as they witnessed what were once thought to be normal people into malignant, blood thirsty automatons with an internal override ready to be triggered by any piss reeking miscreant demagogue with a big enough soapbox. Even their dog was ugly, a wretchedly whiny little rat terrier that was named after a fucking athletic shoe – it was like I had been teleported into Idiocracy: The Reality Show.

The youngest brother was the real piece of work though. You know the type, a smack talking, penciled necked, dough-faced geek in his mid-twenties endlessly fuddling with his Blackberry like a jacked up on caffeine version of Steve Buscemi and spewing the anti-Obama talking points as though they were being texted to him from Rush fucking Limbaugh himself. He was a one-man show, a legend in his own mind and he took particular delight in targeting Mrs. Encho who had once come out and admitted to being a GASP – librul. Now that ‘Sonny’ had no idea that directly behind the spouse sat one of the most vitriolic leftist bloggers on the internet was especially amusing in that I could have in a matter of minutes verbally stripped him naked and sent him wandering off into the desert of shame riding a donkey and wearing a giant Glenn Beck head like Mad Max in Beyond Thunderdome. But though inwardly seething as I was, I just let her continue to catch the flak, after all, she was the one who dragged me into this menagerie of mentally challenged masturbating monkeys in the first place.

His mother sat beside this progeny of Reagan’s generation of shit, sipping wine in a rocking chair and chiding sonny to not talk politics during the Super Bowl, little did she know that in true Bizarro world Republican fashion that her little boy through his very existence was the strongest argument in favor of abortion that I had personally seen. She should long ago have been cited by the EPA for dumping toxic waste and here’s the kicker, the craven little punk has aspirations to one day be a member of the CIA. Ladies and gentlemen, we have our newest death squad commander, it made me want to bolt from my chair like a jack in the box from hell, physically drag the pigfucker outside and go to work on him with a tire iron like Jack Bauer would do.
Were I not an agnostic I would be thanking God for giving me the strength to restrain myself.

As for the Super Bowl itself, it was what it always is, an over-hyped football game wedged in between millions of dollars of advertising directed at chumps, I found the obligatory E-Trade spot to be especially revealing of the innate nature of modern American stupidity, the vampire scum on Wall Street is still trolling for suckers to keep their Ponzi scheme going for just that little bit longer. When taken as a whole the commercials were the same vile potful of swill of smutty juvenille sexual jokes, random acts of violence only in a funny sort of way, enticements to buy more shit that you don’t need, high dollar attempts by Hollywood studios to hype the miserable failures that typically get dumped out right about now before the summer blockbuster season and the inevitable plugs for even more dumbed down sitcoms and new series (a strange new focus on the police state has all too often been materializing so as to subliminally enforce the concept of servility and snitching) which the host network enjoys the biggest viewing audience of the year to peddle their garbage.

From watching the commercials alone it is apparent that high fructose corn syrup is good for you, that T.V. does not rot your mind and anyone who dares to suggest otherwise has just been tagged as a paranoid lunatic courtesy of Alec Baldwin’s great turn in the Hulu spot that comes right out and equates such a heresy with a belief in an alien takeover (who the fuck would even want us?), there are still jobs to be had (the CareerBuilder ad was actually quite amusing to a corporate slave like myself) and there is money to be made in the stock market (according to E-Trade)….welcome to chumpland!! Time to go back to sleep now.
Other than the company and the mind melting barrage of commercials the game actually turned out to be quite a thriller in the fourth quarter with the Steelers cutting through the tissue paper thin Cardinal defense as though it were the Republican minority marching on Harry Reid’s Senate to pull off a 27-23 victory in which Arizona managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Fortunately it was over and I was able to go home and away from those people and may I never darken their doorstep again. I always prefer my own digs where the distractions are at a minimum and despite my paltry 25 inch RCA I can actually relax, enjoy the game and make the best use of the multi-million dollars of commercial time to do the really important things, like go take a leak and grab another beer.

Fuck Newt and Other Ruminations

August 8, 2006
If you notice a foul and fetid stench in the air it is that of Newton McPherson Gingrich running off at the mouth again. First it was taking to the airwaves to pontificate on the coming of World War III and dispensing tips on how exactly the Bush administration and the neocon fascists could use Middle East unrest as a cudgel with which to bludgeon liberals and Democrats with for the coming elections.

Gingrich recently has been spouting off that the bloggers constitute an “insurgency”. Hey this isn’t entirely incorrect and in fact is rather complimentary coming from someone other than this little Machiavellian fruitbag with a worse hairpiece than fellow sexual degenerate Marv Albert. When an ideologue and FOX regular like Newton introduces language like that it is intention is to paint a Rovian picture of any dissenters as the same sort of ‘terrorists’ who are currently burning out the body count scoreboard in Baghdad. Here is the link to the post courtesy of the Progressive Daily Beacon.

As for Gingrich is an enduring wonder why this high priest in the cult of douchbaggery has any credibility whatsoever. After all isn’t this pompous piece of shit the same ‘man’ who once dumped his wife while she was in the hospital recovering from cancer surgery? And wasn’t he actually engaged in a sexual affair with an intern of his own when he brought the wrath of the entire wicked theocratic right down upon Bill Clinton for his dalliances with chunky little Monica Lewinsky? I can easily imagine him getting a chubby while reading ‘The Starr Report’ and feeling envy that he couldn’t lick the cigar.

Newton certainly got his panties in a bunch after Clinton allegedly snubbed him on Air Force One on the way back from poor Yitzhak Rabin’s funeral. So Newton threw a hissy fit and teamed up with grumpy old Bob Dole to shut down the government, and when that didn’t work he jumped onto the moral outrage wagon despite engaging in his own covert sexual operations with a woman young enough to be his daughter. I wonder, did he fantasize about sloppy seconds with Monica when he was fucking her? So, Newton couldn’t close the impeachment deal and was eventually replaced in a purge that cleared the path for the totalitarianism of Tom DeLay.

He went and wrote books on revisionist history, some horseshit about the South winning the Civil War. Good politics for a yankee charlatan from Pennsylvania who had so successfully fooled the rubes and peckerwoods in Georgia that he was one of them. Then Newt became a FOX regular and plotted his return while throwing in with the neocons and their doomsday fascist fever dreams and very recently joining forces with Hillary Rodham Clinton last year in a bizarre dance that brings to mind the mating dance of poisonous spiders.

Now he is tarring Americans who dare to use their First Amendment rights to protest against the decidedly anti-American wet dreams of global hegemony and empire and a more refined version of the Third Reich’s master plan for a thousand year reign.

Little Lord Fauntleroy wants to be a player again despite that fact that he has little more credibility than the average used car salesman.

All Over But the Spinning Now:


Today is the big day. The vastly over-hyped Connecticut primary where the so called future of the Democratic party is up for grabs. That slimy little GOP mole Joe Lieberman is on the ropes. The Daily Kos led bloggers have been screaming like banshees for blood and the entire corporate DLC establishment and their elitist bought media mounting a furious defense of Holy Joe. The results of this first referendum on the party elite’s support of the war, unchecked Israeli aggression and across the board capitulation and boot licking of George W. Bush will soon be coming in….and then what?

Would anybody truly be surprised if ‘The Wandering Jew’ pulls off a miraculous comeback? Does anybody really think that AIPAC is going to let their favorite son be hung out to dry by Gingrich’s ‘insurgents’? Maybe, we will see if it is close enough for more election chicanery.

If not expect Lieberman to run as an independent as promised instead of being the honorable statesman that he should be expected to be. A win by the nice, family friendly and well packaged product Ned Lamont today will likely only unleash a concerted offensive for the coming steel cage death match. Rove and the GOP are certainly interested parties in the outcome and the Swift Boat brigade is on high alert..

That much is evident by Lieberman’s claims that his campaign website was hacked. This should evoke memories from any informed blogger of Karl Rove’s alleged bugging of his own office back in his Texas days prior to latching onto GWB as a meal ticket.

Joe ain’t going down quietly and there is nothing like a threat against the existing order of the protectors of the oligarchy to ensure that all hands will be on deck if and when the time comes to beat down the peasants.

FOX has been running the following as polls in Connecticut begin to close:


Hopefully they have finally learned that the cynics and amoral swine who are in power will continue to feed FEAR to the masses as long as there is a vacuum that is unfilled by those who are fearlessly willing to invoke the great words of a true democrat who is reviled by the Jacobins and neocon fascists who now control all three branches of our government and the state controlled media:

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

-President Franklin D. Roosevelt

July Motherfuckers

July 27, 2006

“A man without ethics is a wild beast loosed upon this world”

Albert Camus 

The long anticipated (at least by some) ferocious coordinated pushback against the ‘netroots’ by both DLC and GOP establishment forces began in earnest over the last couple of weeks. The blogosphere was specifically targeted by party line pundits from the drug addled champion of ‘values’ Rush Limbaugh to the DLC’s own shill Ed Schultz who loosed their condemnation. In a rare display of bipartisanship it was imperitive to impugn the credibility of one of the few remaining bastions of free speech that dares to sing in an off tone in relation to the rest of the madhouse choir. The mainstream media is our enduring national shame for it is a media overly obsessed with child killers like Andrea Yates, the mysterious Suri Cruise and in circling the wagons for talking point defenses of the right of Israel to lay waste to its neighbors using American-made bombs than engaging in serious investigative journalism or any sort of honest introspection over what has caused things to have gone so horribly wrong with this country in the first place. The citizens are in a funk , policy is set by sociopaths, crooks and amoral thugs, war is now spreading throughout the world and we as a nation have strayed so far off the course of acceptable moral behavior that the point of no return may be soon appearing on the horizon.

After a much needed although too very brief vacation, The Station is once again transmitting and we couldn’t have returned at a better time; especially now that the blogosphere itself is under siege and its very legitimacy is being called into question by charlatans and pimps. I personally have been attacked by right and left-wingers alike who are unified in both their ignorance as well as their savagery, their mutual hatred of any independent voice or thought is possibly the only thing that they have in common though they would be loathe to ever admit it. Of all the vitriolic denunciations, spam and hateful diatribes that stuffed my inbox the one that I particularly got a kick out of was from some pathetic right-wing loser’s website that was incredibly enough called I ♥ Ann Coulter. With a title like that there is no need for further explanation. I would be willing to bet that the guy’s ‘Godless’ cover shot of the harlot of hate has been adorned with a ‘pearl necklace’ on more than one occasion….hope that he spent the extra dough for the special commemorative laminated edition.

Additionally, my frequent usage of the term fascism to describe the rulers of our de facto one party government was called into question as to its legitimacy in describing modern domestic politics so please allow me the opportunity to present the very definition of ‘fascism’ taken directly from an authority on the English language – The Miriam Webster Dictionary:

Main Entry: fas·cism
Pronunciation: ‘fa-“shi-z&m also ‘fa-“si-
Function: noun
Etymology: Italian fascismo, from fascio bundle, fasces, group, from Latin fascis bundle & fasces fasces
Often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

I say that if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then chances are that it truly is a fucking duck. What was omitted from this definition though was the union between the government and big business which gets it’s own definition in the dictionary under Corporatism:

Main Entry: cor·po·rat·ism
Pronunciation: ‘kor-p(&-)r&-“ti-z&m
Function: noun
: the organization of a society into industrial and professional corporations serving as organs of political representation and exercising control over persons and activities within their jurisdiction

Now depending on which reference that you use both of these are often combined under the blanket term Fascism which when you take into consideration each and every aspect of the system as it is in the era of George W. Bush’s America we are already there. The administration and it’s legal army is moving even as you read this to subvert the recent ruling of the high court in Hamdan v.Rumsfeld that for at least a fleeting moment slapped down the right of the U.S. executive branch to act as king and to imprision without trial and torture at will. The Bushists are also now moving to rewrite the rules to allow for the legitimizing of illegal wiretapping and surveillance of American citizens which will be approved usual by the rubberstamp Congress and if the language isn’t exactly to the liking of the Cheney master plan then Bush will just use another one of those signing statements that his goons are so fond of.

Once again, if it walks like a duck……..

The MSM and even most liberal bloggers are loathe to utter the dreaded ‘F word’ as a descriptive term but those who choose not to see that the lasting trend has been a slow and then post-9/11 more rapidly accelerating tract towards fascism then they are either plain dumb or in denial and more than likely a bit of both. I will however add that while it is fascism it is a softer version of it – at least for now but this could rapidly change if the neocons and their bellicose Zionist allies are able to successfully escalate the chaos in the Middle East into full blown regional and optimally civilizational war. If Dick Cheney and the neocons get their wish an early Christmas present will be a domestic terrorist attack that will allow the implementation of every Draconian, authoritarian aspect of the latest version of the USA PATRIOT Act. Then there will be a grand opening of the KBR Detention Camp franchise and time for the black vans to commence their pickup routes but that time the least of our worries will be attacks on the free speech zone of the blogosphere or quibbling over our definitions of fascism.

Besides, that’s not the point of this posting. Because we are back and we are badder than ever.

Our policy here is that we will NEVER endorse political candidates! This is not only our policy out of principle but also because of laws that could be invoked were any sort of preferential treatment might be misconstrued as free advertising. Our view is that we are far more concerned with the issues, the corruption of the entire fucking system and the sickening fact that relatively speaking most of the candidates are pretty much interchangeable when it really comes down to it. In order to survive to emerge from the filtering process to even be allowed to run for public office with a party sanction you have already been compromised. The DLC is known for conducting screenings so that only the most pro-corporate agenda potential candidates are able to emerge. We prefer to call a spade a spade and don’t engage in the practice of turd polishing or practicing porcine cosmetology. If we happen to attack some politicians or public figures more vehemently and viciously than others it is not because we find them to be shining examples of virtue, they just happen to be bigger whores with more vile clients than the others.

Besides, as far as endorsements are concerned there are plenty of blogs out there with no such qualms that engage in becoming involved in the actual political business. Many of them are the so-called ‘A List Blogs’ that like to believe that they carry a large degree of clout. Personally, I would prefer to keep a lower profile and not have to compromise my own sense of values or risk becoming contaminated by the taint of getting too close to the actual workers in the great Washington D.C. sausage factory. It is far better to fly low, not worry about self censorship or compromise and leave the politicking to those who truly have a taste for it. There are plenty of writers/activists who are far more enamored with attention, influence, some small degree of mainstream media acceptance and the possibility of occasionally being invited to lavish parties thrown by the ambitious where they can act like the pretentious bores that they are while trolling for pussy, munching on crudites and sucking down free booze that the world sure as hell doesn’t need another one.
Our sole purpose in life is to attack the system rigging bastards where they live and to expose the hypocrites and charlatans that have sold out American values, values that are based upon having a strong middle class and progressive social programs such as those championed by men like Franklin D. Roosevelt – now THERE was a Democrat! Without the desolation and desperation created by the job destroyers on Wall Street and their lackeys in the White House, Congress and the Pentagon there would be no bloodthirsty, Social Darwinist, fascist (there’s that fucking F-word again) menace laying waste to our country both within and outside of our borders. Now that the duplicitous pig-fuckers in the DLC have entered into an alliance with the Rovians and that other country that wags the dog while engaging in dispicable acts of violence against civilians as they wage war against their overflowing enemies list it’s time to throw down.
Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post’s latest column entitled ‘Liberals and Israel’ virtually screams that left leaning bloggers are not only cowardly by not engaging in debate about the overkill in Lebanon (Markos M. of Da Kos is specifically singled out for staying out of it) but also telegraphs the strategy of the soon to be unleashed barrage of accusations of anti-Semitism that will be used by both the Rovians and the Clintonites to smear progressives and The New Republic, that piece of shit neocon-lite rag is also making noises in launching personal attacks on netroots bloggers.
Of course here at the Station we are all too happy to call a spade a spade, know the difference between a Jewish person and the Israeli government, hate the very concept of ‘political correctness’ and are officially on record as saying that the politicians on both sides of the aisle of the whorehouse in Washington are not only in bed with Israeli lobby doing the nasty thing for the lifeblood of campaign support (financial and otherwise) but also ensuring that they get protection from the hordes of activists. The 400+ members of Congress who officially went on record to pledge their loyalty to a foreign government over their own are not only the most vile of traitors but their actions are enabling war crimes that further isolate this country from the rest of the world. Where is the outrage over the shipments of bombs that are being sent to Israel on the sly via the backdoor to drop on the poor women and children and others who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? Where is the MSM coverage of this attrocity? Where is the DLC outrage? Who gives a rat’s ass about collateral damage!
We Do! And We Are Goddamned Proud Of It Too!


I will address this in my next posting but first a word on the DLC.
The Democratic Leadership Council is a bunch of feckless, despotism enabling, Israeli Lobby worshipping, corporate lackeys who are perfectly content to go down in flames over social wedge issues as long as the status quo can be maintained and the debate over fairness to the American worker doesn’t surface. We here at The Station are strictly Joe Six Pack type of guys and are fucking pissed that we are now having to drink cheap swill due to the fact that it costs more to gas up the car to drive to our shitty fucking jobs every day, to keep being gouged by the power pirates who have taken over the public utilities, to keep paying more to the racketeers of the insurance industry whose economic terrorism comes with the full blessing of their bought politicians and especially pissed at ignorant peckerwood morons and the lemming members of the Christo Fascist zombie brigade who continue to dissemble while ‘New Rome’ burns. We are among the millions who struggle to keep food on the table to feed our families and raise our children who are being turned into the future debt slaves that will be necessary to feed the financial industry. The children have bleak futures due to the looting and corruption of the special interests, they lack the skills to compete for increasingly scarce ‘good jobs’ due to the shitty education that is provided by a public school system beseiged by influential theocrats and privatizers.
Now the DLC and their acolytes puff up their chests and for the first fucking time in over five fucking years of hell goes into attack mode against the blogosphere. Where was this coordination and fire in your bellies while you let Bush and his rubberstamp fascist GOP Congress run fucking roughshod? Where were Hillary’s temple eunuchs while we were all getting whipped like cringing dogs by the bullies who run the circus who are the Chivas sipping, Lexus driving, Wall Street Journal reading, lobster bisque sucking elitists who call the shots in the ‘Class War’ that is the elephant in the living room in America in our fear drenched, Jesus juicing, new Gilded Age of the post 9/11 world where:


The DLC is far worse than the existing tyrannical one-party rulership of the GOP and their smirking idiot king at 1600 Pennsylvania. They are worse because they represent the falsehood that there is such a thing as a true opposition party in this country. As a Marxist acquaintance once told me (not that I am a Marxist by any means, I believe in American capitalism although it needs to be strongly regulated to keep the greedballs from looting, raping and pillaging) that the parties as they exist today are nothing other than warring factions of the same corrupt capitalist system and he is absolutely correct. When you judge them by their deeds rather than their words and it becomes very apparent that this is so. When after all was the last time that the Democratic party actually stood for protecting labor which was the true left prior to the period when the think tanks were a dominant force and were able to successfully parlay the alleged statements of an unnamed Democrat in a Robert Novak column that anti-war Nixon opponent George McGovern stood for “Acid, Amnesty and Abortion”.

The DLC was born out of the Reagan years when the elitists latched onto the concept that it was easier to go along to get along and joined the anti-labor gang along with other so-called ‘Reagan Democrats’, other than a brief interlude of Republican Lite with the Ross Perot assisted serendipity of the Clinton administration it has been one long ongoing purgatory of being tarred as pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, anti-family and un-patriotic ever since then for the jackass party. By aligning themselves with the corporations and the wealthy on economic and trade issues they sold their souls to the company store along with millions of Americans who have been crushed by the war on labor and the plague of outsourcing.

They being the establishment DLC are a pox upon America and represent an impediment to the vital systemic reforms and ideological changes that are necessary for this nation to once again be a place where each and every citizen has an opportunity to realize their dreams. It is also imperative that our disastrous foreign policy misadventures be changed immediately so as to remove the animosity towards America that breeds terrorism and turns the lesser fortunate members of the world into nothing more than cheap slave labor with which to keep profits up for the treasonous looters of Wall Street and the ultra-rich elites who have stolen democracy from the people like the Grinch himself descended upon ‘Whoville’ to load up his sled with pilfered goods and abscond under the cover of darkness only these cheapjack fucks won’t be returning when they suddenly grow a heart.

In real life there are no fairy tale endings.
This isn’t a game for the squeamish.
As Clint Eastwood (A great American director whose recent movies are excellent and enduring pieces although he first had to pay his dues by playing Dirty Harry and similar cardboard cut out tough guy archetype roles for years) said in the classic ‘The Outlaw Josey Wales’:

“Now remember, things look bad and it looks like you’re not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. ‘Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That’s just the way it is.”

Josey Wales was a serious motherfucker and he won AND lived!

The Clintons are serious motherfuckers as are their partners The Bushes!

AIPAC and the Israeli Lobby are serious motherfuckers!

Dick Cheney, David Addington, Rummy and the neocons are serious motherfuckers!

The corporatists are serious motherfuckers!

The religious right are serious motherfuckers!

Karl Rove is a serious motherfucker!

And I am a serious motherfucker too!

The Question Is: ARE YOU?

Bush in New Orleans: A Shameless Sham

September 16, 2005
The King’s triumphal resurgence in front of a national television audience on Thursday night had all of the typical hallmarks of a Karl Rove bullshit epic: the extensive attention to detail in the staging, lighting and angles that allowed Bush to be shown at the podium with the perfectly illuminated Jackson Square in the background as well as the absence of any extemporaneous activity or pesky reporters or audience members that could provide a distraction from the great and mighty leader. This was yet another meticulously crafted public relations achievement by a White House propaganda machine stocked with those highly influenced by the work of Leni Riefenstahl and given the fact that they had to truck in their own lights and generators to pull off the big con of putting the bloom back on the rose, polishing the turd or otherwise putting lipstick on the pig that any documentary footage could be transformed into a modern masterpiece that would totally blow away Triumph of The Will. Dan Froomkin’s most recent Whitehouse Briefing blog has an excellent bit on just how bogus that it all was but you will need to register in order to view it.

It’s a good thing that the reopening of the French Quarter and its legendary drinking establishments are the first and foremost priority in the plans for the rejuvenation of the Crescent City because you would have to be pretty fucking snockered to place any credibility at all in Thursday night’s shameless horseshit disbursement ceremony. In the speech itself there was the obligatory linking to terrorism and 9/11 although it was much more subtle than the fear mongering of the past. More predictably and perhaps more alarmingly there was a super sized helping of the usual red meat that is thrown to the radical ‘christian’ crusaders that comprise the majority of Bush’s base and the holy warriors can expect even more as Rove orders the government to spend like drunken sailors which is certain to alienate the fence sitting fiscal conservatives who are growing more nervous by the day at the profligate in chief maxes the national credit cards for present gain. The speech if anything was well put together, Rove’s screenwriters did a great job as is typical, especially the historical references which are rare for an administration determined to keep the public as ignorant of the past as humanly possible. I have absolutely no doubt that a good percentage of simple minded Americans have are thoroughly convinced that their divinely annoited emperor actually penned it himself with talent on loan from God, a real miracle from a man whose literary skills were most recently displayed while scribbling slips seeking permission to go potty, and he didn’t even use a crayon.

After playing the God and Terror cards, Bush’s dissertation also contained stunning promises of massive government largesse and the ensuing piling on of even more debt to an already unseemly deficit that is groaning under the burden of frivolous tax cuts (Bush later absolutely ruled out tax increases to finance the grand rebuilding plans put forth), an extremely costly foreign war (that for the time being much to Rove’s delight has been forgotten the mainstream media and consequently by the general public who are focused on New Orleans) and the government sanctioned graft machine that has become so overtly prevalent during the past four and a half years of Rove’s agenda and the unscrupulous reign of Tom DeLay. The massive expansion of federal government this time is sanctioned by traditionally anti-big gov’t ideological think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation and underwritten by radical special interest groups who only hate government spending of goliath proportions when they don’t control the politicians who control the purse stings.

When examining the transcript of the speech keep in mind the following excerpt from a recent Wall Street Journal story:

“Congressional Republicans, backed by the White House, say they are using relief measures for the hurricane-ravaged Gulf coast to achieve a broad range of conservative economic and social policies, both in the storm zone and beyond.

“Some new measures are already taking shape. In the past week, the Bush administration has suspended some union-friendly rules that require federal contractors pay prevailing wages, moved to ease tariffs on Canadian lumber, and allowed more foreign sugar imports to calm rising sugar prices. Just yesterday, it waived some affirmative-action rules for employers with federal contracts in the Gulf region.

“Now, Republicans are working on legislation that would limit victims’ right to sue, offer vouchers for displaced school children, lift some environment restrictions on new refineries and create tax-advantaged enterprise zones to maximize private-sector participation in recovery and reconstruction.”

Surprise, surprise, the radical right is seeking to use the reconstruction efforts to further their own agenda, no wonder why their Republican prostitutes in congress are so disinterested in pursuing an independent inquiry over Katrina.

Bush’s earlier contrition and weasel word ‘apology’ is nothing but more of the same spin, if you need any convincing of this you only need reference the September 14th New York Times story by Elisabeth Bumiller and Richard W. Stevenson that states:

“Republicans said Karl Rove, the White House deputy chief of staff and Mr. Bush’s chief political adviser, was in charge of the reconstruction effort, which reaches across many agencies of government and includes the direct involvement of Alphonso R. Jackson, secretary of housing and urban development.”

Karl Rove? Isn’t it just wonderful to be living in a country where yet another political hack albeit the king of all fixers is placed in charge of the reconstruction of a major American city that has been destroyed. ‘Brownie’ ended up as chum tossed overboard to attract the sharks and Michael Chertoff is poised to walk the plank for his gross ineptitude and clueless mismanagement if it comes down to it, despite rumors to the contrary there is no honor among thieves especially when a human sacrifice is required to protect the asses of those further up the food chain. The Bushies are desperately in need of a miracle right now but if Karl Rove has any credentials for the serious type of work that is needed to rebuild New Orleans then I should be nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for this blog.

Not that the immersion of the public in the whirling typhoon of administration spin on Thursday is the final product, advance teams led by longtime Bush lackey Karen Hughes had already been laying the groundwork and broke through the line following the lead block of damage control queen Condi Rice, a woman so close to Dubya that he apparently even seeks her approval to take a leak as the earlier link demonstrates.

According to a September 9th Washington Post story by Dana Milbank:

Hughes picked up the theme. “We have to offer a positive vision of hope,” she began. As if preparing troops for combat, she described her plans for improving world opinion of the United States: a “rapid-response unit,” a plan to “forward-deploy regional SWAT teams” and create “a dual-headed DAS for public diplomacy.”

And if the involvement of longtime Texas crony and top operative Hughes isn’t bad enough, Rove himself told the audience at a North Carolina fundraiser that the full story of the disaster would be told : translated this means that the White House propanda operatives are now working overtime to not only take the blame game to the next level but to obfuscate and distort the truth to the extent that in short order ‘television lobotomized’ Americans will not be pointing the finger at godless liberal tree huggers in general and most likely traditional bogeyman Bill Clinton in specific for destroying the functional ability of FEMA and the storm itself will be renamed Hurricane Hillary.

Strangely enough the devastation wrought by Katrina as well as the indifferent initial response of the Bush administration, the GOP Congress and the Federal Government offered Americans a real life look at the true face of this country, the ugliness that is hidden behind the fantasy façade of consumerism and mass marketing, of television and advertising glamour. This drawing back of the curtain revealed the ugly little uber capitalist trolls pulling the levers of power and briefly exposing the true ugliness of the festering wound on the nation’s soul that was opened by the ‘Reagan Revolution’ and has worsened by over 20 years of the neglect of the poor and the shrinking middle class whose terrible plight has been held away as far from the public eye as technologically possible so as to allow the illicit transfer of wealth to the richest of all.

Excuse me but where is the honor or dignity in using yet another national tragedy to further a radical and corrupt political agenda? Then again, these are the same rat bastards who were using the agonizing deaths and suffering of the victims of 9/11 to advance their agenda before the first bodies were pulled from the rubble at Ground Zero and the smell of rotting flesh was freshly hanging in the Manhattan air. Ghouls exploit death and exploit it both callously and without regard to the long term moral implications that their pathological buzzard-like traits to elicit profit from the wreckage of the lives of the innocent represent. The stench of decomposing bodies was still heavy in the dank and fetid Louisiana air on Thursday, mingling with the malodorous bullshit scent of the same ole, same ole from Rove and his crew of crackerjack production experts in propping up the most pathetic excuse for a leader in American history yet again for the ever present cameras all while a large portion of the city was still underwater and the unrecovered dead lacking both the dignity and compassion that a truly humble god fearing man would marshall all forces within his power to provide.

This is the accountability moment America, do you seize this rare and maybe final opportunity to stop this insane dismantling of the social contract, of progressive government, of civil liberties, of our American legacy itself…or do you rub your eyes, change the channel and immerse yourselves in a comfortable world of familiar fantasy once again?

You decide….if two plus two equals four than everything else is a given but the moment that you allow yourselves to be duped into believing that two plus two equals five then you have already sold your soul to the company store.